0 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON THURSDAY,..' MARCH ' I I. SANATORIUM SUES VAUDEVILLE STAR F BIG DAMAGES Will Creasy, vaudeville actor and Rotarian, waa stopped as he was leaving for San Francisco "Wednes day evening to fill an Orpheum en gagement, and served with papers notifying- him that a 125,000 damage suit had been filed - against him in the circuit court. The actor had said . the Pierce sanatorium at Hillsdale was "no better than many poor houses," according to the complaint of the managers, supported, by affi davits of four Inmates, of the Insti tution.. In a speech before - a Rotary club meeting at Benson" hotel Tuesday, and later at a Young Men's Christian As sociation meeting-, Cressey described - a visit he had made to 'the sanatorium, when, assisted by Mrs. Cressey and Miss Alice Lloyd, he entertained the pat lent The suit developed from what he said in these two talks. The Pierce sanatorium is being used by the government as a place tor the rehabilitation of soldiers, sailors and marines. The complaint is signed by Dr. B. A. Fierce and Mrs. Martha B. Pierce. They declare Cressey '"ma liciously falsified." . The actor is charged with saying the sanatorium is "dirty and cheerless." and that one of the boys told . him "there was not even a checkerboard." Cre. sey, according to the complaint, quoted one of the men as saying, "There isn't anything to do here but sit around and wait to die and, watch other boys die before you do." ' - Four inmates filed affidavits Wednes day stating- that they are perfectly sat isf led 'with their surroundings, and de nying that at any time had any of the men made such Statements as Cressey attributed to them. The four are Ous tave W. Pfunder, John E. Barr, Louis H.Au Clair and Olin B. Clark. A letter written by F. A. Hobson, an other patient of s the institution, says : "So far as is known. Mr. .Cressey and his party saw only three rooms the entrance hall, music room and diet kitchen all of which ' are In" the main building- On what evidence was based the statement that . the hospital : is dirtvT ..-'"-J ' i . , " : - "In the music room visited by the Creasy party there are numerous books, magazines, a piano, phonograph and a checkerboard. Perhaps if the Doys naa played checkers or the phonograph dur-ina- the entertainment those articles would hivo been noticed. - " w "Am tor the statement that , there is nothing to do but wait to di and watch others die, at least half of the men here are now doing some sort of craft work tinder the direction of the federal board of vocational training. For those who da not care for that way of occupying their time there are sev ers.! checker and chess boards, card ta bles, two nhonosTSDhs. books or ail kinds and magazines of au varieties. Sorrow. Is Measure Of Christ's Glory, Declares Dr. Eeid rt- anmiwi 3. Held, superintendent of evangelism for the Baptist churches of Oregon, spoke this noon at tne t-assion week service conducted in we ranugw ih.ni,. kt Portland Federation of Churches.- His subject was "Gethse- mane and Glory. - "Gethsemane Is ; the crowning sorrow of The Man of Sorrows, " ' said the speaker, "yet as the trough of the wave Traira it hAieht. aovo the depths of the Savior's grief indicate the exceed-j Ing height of glory that arterwaras was o 7 Jfe I lv 1 4 aster $4-98 $5.98 New ; Strap Slippers Hundreds of Pairs of Black kid, French heel; - Brown Satin, French heel; Black Suede, French heel; Black Suede, Baby Louis keel; Blark Satin, - French . heel; Black .Satin, Baby Louts heeL While they las I all sixes. ' : ? " i J $4.98; 98 Military and Lowl $ a 98 llCCl VAlUIUd M D 1 $3.98 Values to $9.00 In Black and Brown Kid or Calf akin, with mili-; tary or low heels,. with strong sewed soles. All Sizes .. i ' M .Jr -T $4.98 $2-98 Eyelet Ties $.9g values to ?.ou . r $2.98 In Btack or Brown Calf or Kid, military or French' beels, with flexible sewed soles; 2 H to 8. ALL SIZES - $2.98 White Pumps $1 .98 " l i"' JL Values to $6.00 White Relgaskln Fabric and Sack' with French, Cabas er nnutary heels, flexible soles. Special for Easter, per pair $2-98 AX: $2.98 a I SI. 98 $2.98 White Shoes I $2.98 Values to $7JS0 Maw and staple lasts with Cuban, French, Military, r Low Heels; turn ' McKav and Goodvear welt loles; White Reigns km Fabric, Puck and Canvas; Better than Kid. Blaster Special $2.98 v.. . Ft. 1 i I $2.98 "Mary Jane" - Pumps 98c Misses' and Chi! dren's Patent Leather or Uun metal Mary Jane Slippers, ankle strap. Infants' Rises, no heel. 2 to 4H98f Children's s i s e a. eprlns heel. I to I. Children's sixes, snrinar heel. V4 to H ".,...72 4R Ladies sixes Jfc to ... iSlSI 98c B1 TQ Mary Jane Pumps White Caavaa Ankle Straps, tlici 1 to i ho heel 79c - Low ' Leather Sewed Rol. 8Ue 4 to S1.29 SIset 8H to ll..l.......Si;79 sues it to s......:..ii:o8 Sises tHteg.., .ll!f8 s.W REMEMBER i . Our i Location Bet, Wash. and on 4th .lc -. , J and Alder Maa2,rder .'oPy F"ed Subject to Return . Tostpaid Open Saturday Evenings his. The cup that he drank, whose mingled Ingredients were treachery, mockery, desertion, rejection and the horrors of the cross, tells us something of the weight of jthe world's sin which be took willingly oa himself. The bit terness of death was gone long 'before be came to the cross." ' Dr. Stuart McQuire sang " Tis Mid night and on Olive Brow." At .the meeting Friday noon from 13:15 to 12:65 Bishop William O. Shep ard of the Methodist church will deliver "A Good Friday Message. The public is welcome. All seats are free, v ' A new window ventilator with which the amount of air admitted to a room can he regulated also is screened to pre vent the entrance of smoke or dust. Highway Commission Is Asked t o Create New Eoad District X M. Graham of Forest Grove, rep resenting the good road Interests Irf the Gaston-Dllley district. Wednesday form ally submitted to the state highway commission application for, the forma tion of a new road district with f8tJ, 000 assessed valuation. This initiative action comes aa a result ot the passage of senate bill 854. The new law. which was passed pri marily to aid in building the Roosevelt highway, provides that a road Improve ment district can be created on the same basis ' as a drainage or Irrigation dis trict, but with the approval of the state highway : commission, which must also approve the proposed boundaries before definite action can be taken. The commission ; deferred action on the application until a consistent form ef procedure has been evolved in accord with the law. A temporary policy was adopted, allowing advertisement of the project in newspapers In j the country affected, and also at the county seat, A date will be set tot hearing both aides of the question. Bankruptcy Claimed John Apostolldes, 971 Tale street, tiled a petition In bankruptcy in the federal court Tuesday. " He has no assets, ac- r; V : To the - Members of the Portland Service League THE Portland Community Chest is an assured success provided j the Generals and other Officers in your organization carry! on the work as outlined by the Board of Directors. . '... t -1 4 - f.;J" ' ' : ; ;V"';---:; ; X '. ,; f :1 I'"-' ' :'ft- .; ; ; ' It is imperative that every member of the Portland Service i League be present and participate in the "Kickoff" meeting to be i held Friday night, the 25th, at 8:15 at The, Auditorium. , Final I instructions, receipt blanks and other data will be given to you I at that time.' The precinct numbers will designate your posi- tion in the audience -together with the Colonels and Lieutenant i Colonels who are assisting in carrying on the work of the Com-1 munity Chest. Please Do Not Fail to Be Present : ' i -. ..' "i : ' ." I v ; I, Community Chest Campaign i General Chairman, . - : , . . Executive Secretary ! Portland Service League cording to the petition, while his liabili ties total 14275. Of this amount $1600 is due his partner in a store on a court Judgment, and the balance to local candy ana cigar aeaiers ror merchandise. VECTOR -EASTER Las Baaaaaz The Palma) ........ , Kane Ceroae Calvary, , , , . .Hertrt Witbsfspoen SUW &UUf (Quit an Homo).. . . . Mtas. LouiM HoBMr-Mias traoiae Uoater Crucifix. .... MeConiack-Warraaiath Havana. . . . . . .Herbert Withenpooa FattiTal Te Dmnk ..... Trinity Choir Oh, for the Wiags of a Dnre. ...... ............... Oeraldlae. Famff UESSIAB . Pastoral Symphoiiy. Victor Uixad Chora And the Glory ef the Lord. . ..... Yictor Mixed Chora Be Shall Paed Hla Floe. . . . . . . . . . - . .LooisaHoaMr Oh, ThoQ That Teilaat Good Tid ins to Sioo.. .. .Louiae Homer Open the Gates ef the Tempi ............... .SITU niuvw $1.79 J.O0 IS 5 1.78 l.$S ! 1.78 1.78 1.78 H0VENDEN PIANO COI.IPAIJY 146 PARK ST Bet. Alder and Morrison piANoe rtAYKn rtAHO viemokAS Money's Vorlli or Money Bad: 11 i on X 11 V I IV I III 1 dS f I E II 1 I f M mm 2ftfi Hnrncnn St Bet- fourth and Fifth St., -SOD lilOmSOn Next to Lion Clothing Store Don't Be Misled. Beware of Imitation Samplo Shops end Sale Imitators. Look for the Big Sign with Hand Pointing to 286 Morrison St, Factory Sample Shop Iff pedals 4a PRE-WAR ARates$lnp agar w r Special Weekly and Meatbij iLatas New Perkins Hotel PORTIiAirD, OREOOK " ? 1 CsVnei V ..." : ' Band is a Bond That Protects You' .BLLIONS upon millions of cuar- anteed La Azoras go out each year to every corner of this yast country.' Every La Azora carries with it the, same fw unchanging standards of excellence which have built up the celebrated La Azora reputation V i - Over $50,000 Stock to Choose From at Lowest Prices in the County Smnple Dresses, Sample Suits, Sample Skirts, Waists and Coats At Prices Like This Hundreds of Dresses To $25.00 - Mostly Samples at Only mi: Hundreds of Women's and Misses9 Suits All Spring Models, Navy Blue, Tan and Gray; Value to $40.00. Extra Special Hundreds of Capes. Coats and Dolmans Beautifully trim'ed; Vals. to $45, mostly samples Cabinet (Foil) 2 for 25 ( C7ri The La Azora band is the La Azora bond 1 It represents biir guarantee that La Azora smokers are getting a mild, broadleaf wrapped cigar, expertly blended of ' choice tobacco carrying a rich flavor that is iragrante smooth and satisfyinge How you wiU enjoy them! . , Guarantee Buy two La Azora I cigars of your favorite shape. If ycu do not find them the best car? you . for the price, mail the bands of the Washington, oc . the foils of the Imperial and Cabinets to the Con-, aolidated Cigar Corporation, Department L, 81st Street & East End Ave., New York Oty, within 30 days. ; We will promptly refund you purchase price. ' Distributors Allen & Lewis Portland, Oregon I ( I I I T U 1 I I J I ( : 0 ) S3.95 ani $6.95 JERSEY JACKETS In all new shades.! The $10.00 (JJJ OEk kind (the heavy jersey) for only tDOay3 oHrdr:d! SPORT SKIRTS In plaited, in plaids-ahd hundreds to choose from ; values to $ 1 6.00; mostly samples, at only . ONE HUNDRED Novelty Coats, Sample Suits, Sample Dresses And 1 J most beautiful TricotinesV Bolivia , and Heavy Canton Crepe Capes, values to $125.00. Over One Thousand Silk Waists and Blouses 2.05 Of mrn f T- a TJT50r?,, A TP refined and comfortabla aurround ir iUU A KLL1A 1 H insa with Metropolitan Service and unexceuea uisin TOC WILL KNJOT your Evenlnft Xlnnr or AItr-Tbatra Supper at The Arcadian Grill Multnomah Hotel On ot the largest and most attrac tive reatauranta In tba Weat. Kite. AtEJtE MACPIS la Clal. ral Iaea Taaadar. Tharaday aad Friday araalara. 111. CBET OWKNS aad kl famooi Or. Btra DaBClDgtilt to aad t U0. la ' iii.lg it .ijj ; CON SrOLIDATED CI0AICQRP.tilia32GH