The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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(Br TJnlerl 8rrie
Copyright, 1931. br trnivcnal Service and -
tta 8ur Company.. , i,
New Tork," March 2 4. An amaz
ing glory 'of life aboard' the "Mod
esty the palatial yacht of James A.
Stillman, wlthMrs. Florence H. Lee da
jcupying the sumptuous boudoir, was
told for the first time Wednesday.
Direct - from the Hps of one who
worked on the yacht and knew the
intimate doings of those who spent their
days and nights In the $350,000 floating
'palace comes toe tale of astounding; inci
dents. ' - '
It tells how Mrs. Percy Rockefeller,
sister of Stillman, and other Important
figures In society and finance visited the
yacht, creating' the necessity for "keep
ing the Leeds girl out of sight.
It tells how a millionaire friend of
Stillman. John A. Prentice, quit the
Modesty one night recently and "bunked"
aboard another yacht In Miami harbor,
presumably because frentice naa come
to his own conclusions' about the rela
tlons of Stillman and the former chorus
girl. . .
The Btory tells or another woman
whom "Mrs. Leeds" .- considered a for
midable rival for. the. affections of Still
man and how on one . occasion "Mrs.
Leeds" searched the . vessel from stem
to stern in an effort to see if the rival
i . - . . i . . i ... .
The story is presented just as it came
from the lips ,of : Frank Murphy,
who until a few days ago was chief
steward on the Modesty. Murphy art
rived in New York Wednesday on the
tMty of Montgomery of, the Savannah
To All questions he has returned the
same answer:
"I like Mr. Stillman. , He is a fine
man. My sympathies, however, are with
Mrs. . Stillman in her present dlfflcul
ties, and I intend to do anything I can
to help her 'clear her name. I shall not
volunteer any statement,1' but if I am
subpoenaed In any court, I shall be
forced to tell the truth as I know it.
"And if I tell my story, I do not see
how any court In the land can avoid
granting Mrs. Stillman an absolute de
cree.'" - - , - ', ' :
Fttting'in startlingiy with Information
that has come to Mrs. Stillman's attor
neys from Miami, Murnhy asserted that
detectives within the past three weeks
gained crucial information for Mrs. Still
man in the Florida resort city, i
These detectives, disguised as fisher
men and attired in oilcloth and dunga
rees, rowed to the Modesty, where they
secured information of the greatest value
to Mrs. Stulman in her "affirmative de
fense" counter-charge against the presi
dent or the National City bank.
The detectives approached Captain Ed
ward Wawderlt. First ' Mate Charles
Knutson. Launchman . Andrews. Chief
Lngineer. Lee Matthews and the eight
members of the crew of the Modesty and
asked tnem now they'd like a trip to
New York. "Jim' Stillman, receiving
reports or tnese various activities, aald
coolly: v. . .
"I wonder why they are watching
Nevertheless, the master of the boat
issued instant-orders for. a strict watch
te be posted on the yacht' and ordered
"shades down on all portholea.'V -;
Mrs. Leeds received the news differ
ently. She grew intensely excited. Two
weeks ago last Saturday Stillman re
ceived a telegram from New York and
left hurriedly. His friend. Prentice, re
turned with him.
A day or two later 1 "Mrs. Leeds."
worried and upset, said:
"I am awaiting word to leave at any
On Monday,' March 1. ahe did leave
for Havana.. --,
She was accompanied only by Bertha
Potter, her companion. Her little
Sl-months-old son, "Jay Ward Leeds"
(called by her "Jesse," and by Stillman
Jay Jr." was left behind. The former
"Flo" Lawler and Miss Potter sailed for
Havana. ' She said, while superintending
the cartage of a small steamer trunk:
"I don't know ' where 111 end up or
where I am going."
Frank Murphy Went to work for Still
man in March, 1120. He was employed
first in the Stillman town house, at 270
Park avenue, and then went aboard the
Modesty as soon as the vessel was com
missioned. This ; was in the middle of
August, 1920.
Murphy said: i
"The Modesty was built by the Morris
Heights Shipbuilding company. , It was
one i of i the most magnificent motor
yachts ever built 125 feet long, IS foot
beam. With its wonderful Interior fit
tings, supervised; by Mrs. Leeds and a
firm of New York decorators. It cost;
Mr. Stillman, I have been told. 1350,000.
"The Modesty j (we. call It the Im
modesty now), was to be a present for
Mrs. Stillman, I was told. As a matter
of fact. I have never seen Mrs. Stillman
aboard. In fact I never saw Mrs. Stillman.-'-1':"--.1
-f- v
"Mrs. Leeds picked the Modesty's
decorations. The same firm decorated
the beautiful little villa, she purchased
fori 150,000 In Miami. - -
"I saw Mrs. Leeds first the day the
Modesty was commissioned August i 15
last, as I recall.! She came to the ship
yard wHh Mr. Stillman in an automo
bile. They were the only guests wnen
the yacht, took the ways. Mrs. Leeds
christened the vessel with a bottle of
Cider no champagne was handy.
"She was a beautiful little woman.
very peppy, and with the most wonder
ful hair yellow golden, I'd call It. This
hair was the most striking thing about
her. : ; . v : ; C ' - V' - N I ' ; ; : -" - '6 " .: : .
"I have served on many a yacht, but
never on one so wonderfully fitted but
as 'the Modesty. It has ten - staterooms
for guests besides crew quarters. 1 The
dining ; salon,, forward, was a dream.
There was a beautiful piano and a
phonograph. , Mr. Stillman has a won
derful bedroom, a double room with
two beds and done in pearl (putty, the
decorators call it), with black stripes.
In Mr, Stillman's Js a boudoir with the
same ylor effects. - ; . .: ",,
"The "draperies match ; also the - rich
shades. The boudoir contains two dress
ing closets , and a lovely, mirror. Both
bedroom and boudoir furniture, X am
told, are Louis XIV style.? The dressing
tables are covered with cretonne, ine
carpet In Mrs. Leeds' room is blue.
"I call it MrS. Leeds room because
she was the only steady occupant of
the boudoir.
"After the Modesty was put Into com
mission we anchored off the New York
Yacht club. Early in September there
was a small, formal and not very lively
dinner party. Mr. Stillman and Mr
Prentice were there also Mrs. Percy
Rockefeller. Mr. Stillman's sister.
"Also, early in the fall, and a couple
of days after this little dinner party
Mrs. Leeds came aboard for the first
time slncathe Modesty was commis
sioned. She came in the morning, alone.
Right then our suspicions were con
firmed. You know it's a rale on a yacht
that 'When a woman comes aboard alone
mum's the word . J
That first day we took a 'sail up
the Sound and returned in the night.
Mrs. Leeds stayed on board all night.
using her beautiful little boudoir. Mr.
Stillman seemed very attentive to her.
but somehow X gained an impression,
that was later strengthened, that she
was not so fond of him as he was of her.
"This was the lady's first visit. There
were many others always the story was
the same. Mr. Stillman would entertain
respectably one evening and then devote
himself to Mrs. Leds the next.
"Then. one; evening Mr. Stillman
brought another woman aboard. She
wa about as tall as Mrs. Leeds, but
her slimness gave her an appearance of
being taller. She had dark reddish hair.
not yellow reddish like Mrs. Leeds. '
The following ' mornlne we saw
little gray car come shooting down : to
the lanaing of the New Tork
'!:''.''. r ' . . . .','--:. '
i " i ) - , "'.'' " t
.Giving Your Feet ,
I a Wide-Awake Look I
Here is an oxford shaped to brighten t
. and give life to the natural : lines of your
feet, It is good style. The foot settles com- f
' fortably into this shape. You will like to '
- look at these oxfords and to wear them.- .
4' .. v , i , . ' . ' !.. , . t ' , '
j. ; YouH like it in Russia calf. , - Shown .
l tn all leathers. "Very oormlstr at this
' ! toye prfce. $10X)0 . ; fc
i W." bot sHp
I jzigS j . and 125 Broadway . ;
- : TRAOE rtAPH . : ' - ' ' ' 0mi
: " RCO.US. Wl&lj 07
V - sw. cm g."lsWn n ' 1 " - 1
-and j
O N L Y !
Regularly Priced $15 and $1650
These are the very newest of my spring;
suits for boys. Last year you paid $22.50
and $25 for identical quality. This year
they're- moderately: priced at $15 "and
$10.50 and now comes opportunity for
two days to buy at only $13.85 ! Fathers
and mothers of boys of 7 to 18 years will
find splendid worth in these new suits
"Extra Wear in the Extra Pair
Ate"f; w
1. &SsXT
mum v
club. It was Mrs. Leeds' car and she
was driving. "r"w f "-'-;vVL- ''
'- "She came out to , the Modesty and
called for ma She seemed greatly ex
eited. i ; She said to me, "Steward, a
woman has been aboard. Who la sheT
Somehow I got the impression she was
raving Mr. Stillman followed and "had
the goods. - , -
"X didn't see Mrs. Leeds for a good
while after that.
"W arrived in Miami on February
7. 192L Because we drew so much
water we had to anchor in the cause
way. -The day after we cast anchor
Mrs. Leeds came out. She; looked rav
ishing ia a - knitted sport dress and
tennis shoes. - She remained : for lunch
and dinner. Thereafter she came every
day" for ' those two meals, and she re
mained over night two or three times
a week and sometimes of tener. '
Mr. . Stillman always slept en the
yacht, though I have been told he had
an apartment ; also at the Flamingo
hotel. Mrs. Leeds villa was right op
posite the Flamingo."
Kew York. March 24. tU. P.) One of
the three affidavits in the first open
hearing of the Stillman divorce scandal
at i White Plains- yesterday k contained
copies of five letters Mrs. Flfi" Potter
Stillman is alleged to have, received
from Fred Beauvais, French-Canadian
guide, whom James A. Stillman charges
ia the faher of Mrs. Stillman's 3-year-
old son, Guy, It was learned authori
tatively today.", - ,
These, letters. It1 was said, referred to
"our child" and the Joys of parenthood."
; Together with another ? letter. which
Mra Stillman U alleged to have written
to her multi-millionaire husband In 1918,
In '.which she is said to have "admitted
her error In a fit of hysteria they are
understood to form the main foundation
for Stillman's suit to obtain a divorce
and establish the alleged Illegitimacy of
Guy Stillman.
The full text of these letters : is ex
pected to be made public Monday, when
Justice Morchauser Is scheduled to an
nounce bis decision on Mrs. Stillman's
application for increase of alimony to
110.000 a month and counsel te: -s t
175,000. '". ; , : .
It is also possible, that Mrs. Stillman's
amended answer to her husband's suit,
filed in White Plains late yesterday, in
which she is -understood to have made
counter charges against Stillman and
"Mrs. Florence Leeds will be given full
publicity.! ' - '
; Mrs. Leeds.who left M laml, Fla..
with her Infant son. Jay Leeds." lat
week at the same time that Stillman's
yacht Modesty disappeared from Its an
chorage off that town, was reported to
day to. have been seen in Palm Beach.
At the latter place it was rumored that
she expects to return st once to Miami. -
- - - .. I
. , i . SIXSBlBSSZSaBSSBSttSKtSBnSiBIS i r - - m i f
i f ..." v ' :".'!' : ' ' "-' j ' ' '....:.., i ' . t .... t . " . , , - 4 ' v k i '...- "
. 'yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuTiuuuuuuuu
The Store of Individual Sjjops
1 WO
Broadway at Morrison
Days More! of the
ater Liebes' Anniversary Sales
Regrouped and ready for the thrifty
Easter Buyers the Smart Apparel
mostly wanted just at this time
Exceptional Price Goijcessions
Children's Spring Coats
- In Ages 1 to 10 Years I
$70, $850, $10, $1250, $15, $1650
Second Floor.
Leading Clothier
" JMorrison Street at Fourth
& v. VI
' . "-uLamsfiTT" . - ' ' ' j
Select them in this Anniver
sary Sale at the new low
Spring Styles
rrn Stone Marten Scarf
4Oy.OU Extra Special -
dQET 1 Fisher Choker
Extra Special
Brown -and Grey Furs
Natural Baun Marten Sable Animal
Choker .$70.00
Natural Fisher Animal Scarf ... ..$75.00
Kolinsky Squirrel Choker Scarf. . . . . .$57.L3
Beaver Scarf . . . ...... . . . . ..$47.50
Sable Animal Choker. . . . . . . . ....... $85.00
Nutria Choker Scarf ................ $37.50
Mole and Monkey Choker .$67.50
Moleskin Choker i . . . . $37.50
Natural Siberian Squirrel- Choker
Scarf ....,$52.50
Offering of New
For Women and Misses
$49 ;
Values made possible by this greater value giving event. In
fact, suits that you would pay a great deal more for at any
other time. Tailleurs, semitailleurs and novelty designs
of smart originality. The fabrics are Tricotines,' Twills,
Velours and Tweeds, including some verv handsome com-
Sizes from 14 to 44.
New! Handsome -
Wool Sweaters
. Specially Q XT A
Priced.. ipO.OU -
New shipment of beautifully styled and made
- sweaters in .the popular loose knit worsted
yams. Novel sport colors. Tuxedo styles.
Slip-On Sweaters .
for the Miss
;;: . $3.45 . ;
For the school or college girl, for the sport
'girl, for the town girl at a low price for all.
Unusual in Style and Valqe
New Dresses
r For Women and1 Misses
$29.50 $39,50 $49.50
Adorable taffeta models, shimmering satins and discreet
tricotine and twill models for street wear in 'a host of pleas-
ing styles. Unique trimmings and collar effects. Greatly
underpriced for Anniversary week. ?
Extra Special Offering
Smart Jersey Suits
In the Anniversary Sale ,3
$18.50 $22.50
Two splendid groups in tuxedo styles, with patch pockets
and stitched belts. The colors are navy, brown, tan and
heathers. Just the right little suits for spring street and
sport wear and made more attractive by the low prices.
-i , ' : ! :...,L-'''- " .' :, .. : 1- i. . ' ' L I.
-:- ;'V '.'iv::,'r''.:Vi" t-.i-.'v"' ;' "" - ' :' " ' '" " ' - : J S' "' -' -''
;- : - s "J ' ' ' !..:: 1 -"","'1 .-".' ' ' ., ' : ? .-.--..-
. ' - : . . --'.'.-'!' :
- ,-- " ; . -..-, r C'; .:; S-, a '-- vr : - -' i - - ' ' ' ' - .- -
: . Emphatic,, Anniversary
Corset Values
y Sport Skirts "
$12.75 : $16.50 $19.50
These smart novel skirts will surely appeal at
the low sale prices owing to their superb qual
ities and styling.
Very Unusual
Values at
. - $4.45 ,
Just four dozen new corsets,
just unpacked and placed in
this sale for Friday and Sat
urday. A selection of choice
models regularly marked to
i High Grade
Corsets at xz
Another offering of elegant, high
grade corsets to sell at half price. All
new models in the most luxurious
fabrics and styles. Our regular price
is $18.50. Extra special tomorrow
and Saturday.
Sequin Frocks $59
A group of charming evening gowns for Easter'
and Post Lenten 'social activities. Elaborately
beaded on black and. white with colored and
self girdles. Regular values to $125.
Brassieres Very Special 59 c