The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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After a spectacular feminine, foot
race through the crowded business
district. Mr. Fannie Ortel was ar
rested Wednesday afternoon by Miss
Coraen "Walker, house detective of
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Mrs. Ortel la
wanted In many large cities from
Chicago to Seattle and In the South
west for shoplifting:, say the police.
Mrs. Ortel was taken to the police
station by the woman detective, assisted
by a policeman from headquarters. She
is said to hare confessed- to certain
shoplif ting- activities after sufficient
evidence had been produced against her
connecting her with theft from the Meier
A Frank Co. and Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
department stores.' i . s ; - --'
A complaint charging her . with the
theft of two ,ailk dresses valued at $57
was filed against Mrs. Ortel in munici
pal court i '
Suspicion Was first directed against
Mrs. Ortel Wednesday afternoon when,
she entered the basement department ef
Lipman. Wolfe & Co. store with a silk
dress which she was returning for
cash. She gave the manager of the
department, Sam Well, a note alleged to
be from her sister.. The note read:
"Dear Sir: Am returning this dress
by my sister as my daughter tied very
suddenly under an operation and I have
no use for it. Please give my sister
a refund for It, as I paid $22.60 for
the dress. Mrs. William Smith, Castle,
Or." ; ; y
The woman was heavily veiled and
dressed in mourning, but she was partly
recognised as a well known shoplifter
whose picture Well had seen from cir
culars sent out by the Burns detective
agency. Asking her to be seated a
minute. Weil called Miss Walker, the
house detective. Mrs. Ortel became sus
picious and dashed out of the store.
She was closely pursued by the woman
detective, who chased her . around the
block. ' , . f
Mra Ortel ran up Washington street
with Miss Walker at her heels. Once
when the fleeing woman became stalled
by the crowd she waa overtaken by
Miss Walker. In the scuffle that fol
lowed Miss Walker tore the coat from
the fugitive, but Mrs. Ortel carried her
45 years lightly and continued her flight.
She ran up Broadway and was over
taken again near Alder street.
-. The woman detective, though breath
less and weak from her run, was able
to hold Mra Ortel until a policeman
arrived. She was taken to headquar
ters, where she refused to talk of her
Shortly afterwards she attempted to
lose a key In a lavatory at the police
station. This was recovered and proved
to be a key to a room in the Imperial
hotel, where the woman had registered
Sunday. In her room silk clothing from
Portland department stores and from
big department stores all over , the
Northwest was discovered. It was val
ued at more than $500. Confronted by
this evidence, Mra Ortel Is said to have
confessed to ber Crimea i' ""
A record book of her thefts covering
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Mrs. Fannie Ortel
cities all over the United States was
found In her belongings. ; Although she
refused to divulge any further Informa
tion concerning herself of her identity
other than that she formerly lived in
PonUac. ' Mich.. Burns - authorities are
confident that she is a noted shoplifter
who Is wanted 1$ many cities. j -xirowir
I Iff BFOKA3E i - i I
Advices from Spokane tell of - the
woman's activities trtete, where police!
accuse her of victimizing several large
jstores. Her system was to steal goods.
returning later in aeep mounng ana sod
bing out a story about her daughter, for
whom she, "purchased" the goods, having
died. She then requested and obtained
return of money) to the value of the
stolen articles, police say. Store employes
overlooked purchase slips on the theory
that they had been tost, it is presumed.
Mining Talks and
Trips About Town
Convention Events
Tentative entertainment plans for the
International mining convention to be
held In, The Auditorium, April 5 to April
9 Inclusive, have been announced by
the Portland Chamber of Commerce and
the Oregon bureau of mines, and include
addresses of welcome by Governor Ben
W. Olcott and Mayor George L, Baa$r,
and talks on mining by leading mining
and metallurgical experts from all over
the United Statea
Edwin Ludlow, who succeeds Herbert
Hoover as president of the mining as
sociation, will give one of the principal
talks. Features of the week will be au-
tomobile trips about .Portland, boat trips
on the river to Port of Portland centers.
a barbecue at Bonneville, and a "jinks"
smoker. Three daily sessions will mark
the business phase of the convention,
which will occupy the main portion of
The Auditorium, i An ; extensive mining
display has been : arranged to occupy
considerable space In the basement of
The Auditorium, t , V j . i
' i
- Applying electric currents to the base
of the brain a Berlin - physician , has
found a way to give sleep- to the sleep
less. :-' "-vr 'v.'",
Steals Motorcycle
To Get Job as Cop
On Traffic Squad
The eiderdown slungshot to Percy C
Hon.- - 5 -
- When be waa arrested Wednesday sus
pected of the theft of a motorcycle, after
admitting to police officers that he had
telen the vehicle, he explained that he
had committed the -. theft so that he
would be equipped to get a Job as traf
fic patrolman.
The motorcycle waa stolen from C.
Set-ran of Milwaukie. Servan. officers
say, has already collected Insurance on
. K.f - Ttut mntAnevcIs cams into the
possession of the police when officer
stopped Joe campoen on nwuwn
kjm iMav nfcht mnJl auestloned him
about the 'vehicle. Campbell explained
that the machine belonged to uon. -
Patrolmen Drennan and Rex found
Hon at his home at 418 Fourth street
and secured his confession. .
Investigation developed that Hon had
actually applied to Oregon City authori
ties for a place on that city's speed cop
iorce. ' i .
He Is In Jail charged with larceny.
Disagreement With
Men Halts, Sailing
Of Fishing Fleet
San Francisco. March J4- Failure to
reach an agreement over a
between fishermen and the Alaska, Pack
ers association today caused a cancella
tion of sailing orders for the big fleet
of the company and the laying off ef 250
men. v ,,; t . ? ' -
VK.f If ( miltt nnanihle the fleet Of
2( vessels will remain in Oakland harbor
this year and not rnaae tne usuai irip .
r4 a wbs ttim utata.ment of IS. K.
Tichener, general manager of the com
pany. - - " "
The men insist on the payment f t
cents a fish for the season's catch, while
the company is offering but 7 cents. . A
cut of $50 on the $200 paid for time
consumed o the rouna mp is mv
ulated by the company, fishermen Claim.
t. thin nn third of the nackers in
Alaska will operate this year," said
Frank M. Warren this morning. I will
net operate any of ray plants unless I
can break even, or. In other words, split
60-50 wltn tne iisnermen.-
"Thu waara scale of fishermen In 1S18
was over . 100 per cent over that of
117, oonttnuea warren. in nw "'
mWwVit iitmnM. and In 1S20 an In
crease of 20 per cent. We have offered
the 1918 scale, and fishermen want an
advance , over 1920. There will be no
striker as the cannerytnen will not oper
ate," , ,-.; - V... ; . : - -:..., ..j'-;
IPacific Livestock
Plans Bigger Show
ti nfrwra nf the Pacific Interna-
iinnai t .iwxtor-ir aTnoattlon have been de
veloping plans for the big show next
November and. according , to Fred S.
Stlmsoh, president, of the association,
practically completed - plans have been
drawn up ready for presentation to the
board of directors at their meetingSat
urday. A plan of the coming show will
h tn tract a lat-fira concession bnlldlne.
which will provide floor space for addi
tional display features. The state ap
propriation of $100,000 wm . oe appuea
to making further aoamons to ins ouua-
Fashion Prepares for Easter -.
Values Are Most Extraordinary
. Typical of Eastertime and the new"
mode is he uit of Navy Tricotine
with its short jacket, its dashing col-'
bred sash and fringe ends. Its roll
collar, bell sleeves, handsomely em
broidered effects give it a world of dis
tinction. -v- , . ; " :
We ar$ especially featuring " these
$67.50 suits for Easter. In these you'll
find splendid tailoring, which insures
you the slim, graceful lines, that en
gaging simplicity of youth. ,
Taffeta, the most Springlike of fabrics,
is seen here in numerous dainty modes.
There-is Canton Crepe, too, beautifully
embroidered or in smart two-tone ef
fects.' Eyelet embroidery over color is
another clever idea of the Spring mode,
and a long waistline and sash makes
the charm. r-'
These dresses are especially purchased
and just arrived for this, our great
Easter dress sale. We ask you to see
these frocks, compare them with oth
ers, a,to; style, quality, workmanship
and finish. When you do this, you'll
agree it is indeed a remarkable sale.'
$39.50 X two f $49.50
Ordinarily Sell to $65 J OTOUpS I Ordinarily Sell to $75
Ings, so that all of the stock that Is oil
display will be under cover. In addition
It is estimated that at least $75,000 addi
tional will be required to put up the
contemplated concession building.
Expansion of Farm
Education Planned
Spokane. Wash.. March 24. Progres
siveness and expansion in the education
of the farmer was the 'keynote of ac
tivities that marked the opening of the
second annual convention of the Wash
ington state farm bureau here, , A new
organisation, the Washington Farm: Bu
reau Federation, was formed. The num
ber of delegates from each j county was
Increased from one to two, I with provi
sion made for counties desiring . larger
representation on a membership basia
Every county to the state : was. repre
sented. 17. 6. Marshal is Daddy
' United States. Marshal George V. Al-
Materials Workmanship
Price and Satisfaction
THERE, briefly and pointedly are the reasons
for Jacobson supremacy in Men's Tailored
Suits. , ? ' . j
There's not another tailor shop in Portland with
an assortment of Spring suit materials such as
we are showing. Nor will you find better
workmanship, and certainly no such prices las
$50 $60 $70 f
324-26 Morrison St.- Portland Hotel Block. :
zander Is numbered in the list ef proud
fathera. A bouncing t pound boy was
bcrn to Mra Alexander jonday in a
ocal hospital. Mother and child are
doing nicely, says the marshal.
-W Forfeit $40 Bonds I
La Grande. March 14. The city Is $40
to the good because D. K. Ford, Burt
Brown and James Parker, charged, with
being drunk, failed to appear in police
court after having been release 1 oa
bonda '
St.' Helens is to have a new $25,000
freight depot.
f f.
Men's and Young
Men's Suits
; Readyto put on
- Smart in Style
Moderate in Price
Gorbett Bldg. Fifth and Morrison
- ' , -- - - , L L '
1 ! 1A right-about-iace in the Shoe Business" llllSlllll
I ....... .-'T "' ! 11 "- - n-i Tir . " i.i m u m wjiiii Ml , ; n
Nowliere : else cal3lYOlll
shoe : 'styles for Easter -
V TEARLY 'ioo authoritative custom-lasts foir men and women U
IN Brogues, Oxfotds, Strap - Pumps, Welted Pumps, Smart
Novelties -Genuine Calfskin, Genuine Kidsldn, Genuine Sjiell
Cordovan, Genuine Ooze Leather, and fine Satin.
Three Prices Only
The New
In genuine Brown lodskaa
with Grey Ooarjpenel and
strep insert. Turn sola,
Fall Louis beeL Note
ipcaally tae true,
fitting arch. ' - '
The New
FuBrsinti nuins Cslfilin
of the ssvart "Bossy Geowo"
shade. Light weight with
flexible medium sole. Fufl
kid quarnar lining. . Heal
Among your fpeads tad acquaintances, the cotnplaiht is often r
heard that "there doesn't seem to be much choke in the stores.
Naturally! A store can only serve you according to its abilities. :
How much longer the average store will take to achieve its
right-about-face depends on how soon it can set right its policy,
iu merchandise, its prices.
Regal opens' to you turw this smart and varied line of shoes
for Easrrr as the resuk of the Regal foresight and program of
go-ahead. 4 .
In the genuine leathers, you see the Regal command of resources.
In the price-range---r7.5o, 8.50, 9.50 you see the effect
of purchasing power; factories full-steam ahead; and the. saving
due to selling direct from the Regal factory to the Regal wearer
through the 57 factrnrned Regal Stores.
At a time of confusion, of temporizing; of plans for this, talk
about that, promises for the future here is a live, vital, policy
achieved and in full actum.
You will find in it support for .your own conviction that put
ting shoe values and prices on bedrock needs simply the ability ;
ana willingriess to save. - .
The New.
A Brogue oxford in Dade
Eroiim genuine Ciifskin-
most wing tip
.mode, full perforatsd and
pinked. Sole of walking
weight. Kel X inch high
and flanged.
The New
la Dark Brown
Russia Cslftkin, with
tough, flexible walking
sole and 1 inch fiance beeL
1 sstner narf srsy. uuartar
fufl Usther lined. Noteths
new rope stitduag.
The New
Msde oa the "Newport
last bv full -grain enuins
dark CsUyda. MedW
weight with full kid euattar
luung. nest it
' ; Made by Ajterieafs Most Progrcssire Shoe-Makers
Sold Economically fhfough Thar Own Shoe Starts
347 Washington Street . '
7?2 Market Street 927 Kay Street ; 1315 Broadway
1118 Second Avenue . ' , . 940 Pacific Avenue
The New
la genuine Brown Shell
Cotdorsn -iert in upper
ef genuine CalnJda: sole
eMeodonally tough, but'
flexible. Leather heeL I
inch high, and double
abigged. ' ;
J r
At Tenth St.
The Grey
Tile Corner'