The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1C21.
' . By A. 12. Johnson
' : Cnitcd N'e Staff Correspondent
London, Mar eh 24. Great Britain
and Italy do not approve and. will
not permit any further extension of
.the occupied zones in Germany be-
' fore the first of May and it is be
lieved that by that time the situa
tion will have changed materially. V
. ' The final allocations of Upper Slleslan
territory in conformity with the results of
the plebiscite certainly will provide for
-Germany's retenti6n of the industrial,
'coal and other mining districts.
f These declarations were made without
IE. I 1 - A M.i
;clal interviewed by the United News. ;
r Great Britain and Italy. have reached
rthelr limit, he said, in the concessions
'they are willing to make to satisfy the
'craving of France for what he called
f "military displays. The official hoped
4; that the recent extension of the occupied
: sons would be sufficient to meet the in-
'. fment. -;
? Downing street, according to this in
formant, does not anticipate any further
developments before May 1. The Italian
Selections and Rene Viviant'a pilgrimage
.to me united states are expected to al
tier thft situation aa tn firmn n v' nnip.
Nations before tha next conference of tha
,-reparawons commission -is neia. -
(Russia and Turkey 1
Sign Peace Treaty
(Bjr Cnitcd JJwb - T
'A Helsingfors, March 24. The newspaper
Pravda announces that Turkey and Rus
;eia have signed a peace treaty acknowl
edging the old Turkish frontiers without
regard for thm treaty of Sevres. Russia
receives custody of Batum. it is stated,
;hut Turkey retains thoroughfare through
.-the town. Russia acknowledges Con
stantinople as the Turkish capital.
iStrawberry Wine
I Sans 'Kick' Allowed
(By tJniTenal Serrice) -
Washington, March 2-1. The bureau
lof Internal revenue has issued a permit
to the Strawberry Growers Selling as
sociation of Louisiana to manufacture
-wine out of strawberries for non-bever-'
age purposes, provided no sugar was
- added to Increase the alcoholic content
f the product.
Drops 24,400 Feet
In Parachute Jump
Chanute Field. Rantoul. IIL. March 24.
U. P.) Lieutenant Arthur. O. Ham
ilton today held the world's record for
"parachute jumping. He dropped 24,400
feet from an airplane. It took 1 hour
and 26 minutes to make the - ascent.
Hamilton landed eight miles northeast
of Chanute field. The previous record
, was 22,000 feet, made in Texas last
, February.. : :,
Eugene Youth Speaker
' ? Centralia, Wash.. March 24. A con
vention of Christian churches of the
.Fourth district, held in Centralia this
' -week, closed "Wednesday night. Rev.
- Ted Goodwin, 20-year-old preacher from
.Eugene, Or., was a speaker.
Harding and Wife
Attend Theatre and
Nearly Stop Show'
Bj CaiTcnaJ Snricc) ' .
Washington, March 24. President .and
Mrs. Harding occupied the presidential
box at the National theatre last night,
witnessing- George . M. Cohan's musical
comedy," "Mary.! With them as guests
were Senator Cummins of Iowa. Senator
Hale of Maine and . Senator Frclinghuy
sen of New Jersey. ' i
The audience broke into applause
when the president entered the theatre
and thereafter divided its attention be
tween the .presidential party and the
performance. ; -
Hashes Granted New Trial -Federal
Judge Wolverton granted Wal
ter Hughes a new trial, set for April 15,
in his damage action against the E. JC
Wood Lumber company for injuries re
ceived, while .loading a steamer in Port
land for the company. Hughes was re
cently awarded $750 by a jury, but
asked for a retrial. He is bringing suit
for $5100.
Germans Forbidden : ;
Entrance to India
(By United News) " I
London, March 24. All Germans are
forbidden to enter India during the next
five years, E. S. Montague, secretary for
India, announced In the bouse of com
mons Wednesday. . .
Girl .Born to Mrs. Kroder
- - A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter J. Kroder on Tuesday at the Portland
Women's hospital. Mrs. Kroder became
known to the public during Senator R
N. Stanfield's campaign- two years ago.
when she was secretary to Stanfield's
manager. j .'' - "" i
How Can You Now Afford to Let Your Car
j . Go Tire Hungry? ,
We have taken 280 Tires, assorted sizes,' from our sales'
stock and placed on a bargain table. These are new regular
6000-mile rib tread Tires. If we gave them to you it would
not change their superior quality. l. V ?
At the prices quoted below these Tires will be sold as they
are and marked "N. A." :-
: i ' j 1 - - I Bargain
; Size I Kind I Quart- I List Table
! - )V-- tity ' - Price
3Qx3 i Rib 34 23.50 $11.16
32x3 I Rib 25 $27.45 $12.75
31x4 I Rib 40 $32.80 $14.20
32x4 j Rib 19 $37.40 ""$16.18
34x4 Rib j 80 $40.10 $17.34
34x41 Rib 24 $53.25 $21.30
33x5 1 Rib 24 $61.65 $26.6p
1 35x5 I Rib 34v $65.35 $28.21
f I Tubes at $1.50 Each v
We have also placed 300 Tubes, various sizes up to
37x5, values as great as $10.00, to be sold at $1.50
j While Your Size Is Here
Perfection Tire Co.
Tenth and Stark Streets f
f V:"V 1 tE typical seen sketched : i
i Nv!? " l from life among the .
f V 4ls7i&', X I thousands !. of Portland'
' -- V 1 jlMnffi V TtrS?r !TV cWUr who know
l $rffi$&&? ?vV Trtr&J.- y I hnt the delicious good ',
A An Olbiee'3:
) ; I - Eiiwy
by the children who are less
v fortunate and whose mouths
water when they - see "play
mate" feasting on the joys of
? -
Baked fresh daily
in all varieties
and for sale at
all dealers for. , . . ,
In Our Tip Top Inn Bakery
Th Most Delicious Easter Cakes and :
Pastries Are Being Prepared!
If your preference is for specially decorated
.Easter Cakes or Pastries., we advise the early
placing of your order, . : - ;
Also Hot Cross Buns, 30c Dozen
Cighth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
" Merchandise of Heiit Only-
Easter Cards and
that express all the joyousness of the
spring season.
Stationery Department, Street Floor.
A Fine and Timely Sale
Wash Suits for Boys
At Two Very Exceptional Prices
$1.95 and $2.95
of 1 200 New Spring
Here, we believe, is the greatest showing of boys Wash Suits in the city, inasmuch as every
new style, every new combination in tub suits for little fellows of from 2 54 to 10 years is in
cluded in fact, never before have we had a stock containing such a remarkable variety of Wash
Suits at such attractively low prices. ; .
Models - . ! Fabrics ,
Middy Sailor Twist Oliver Twist Reps . Percale Woven Madras
Junior Norfolk Billy Boy ' Galatea Devonshire Cloth
Plain and solid colors, also stripes and oth,er color combinations.
New Spring Tom Sawyer Other Fine Wash Suits
Wash Suits, $3.95 and $4.95 at $3.50 to $16.50
Sizes 3 to 10 years. i Sizes 2i to 10 years.
. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
A New Shipment of All-Wool
Plaids, Checks and Stripes .
At a New and Very Low Price
.$4.00 Yard
A magnificent assortment-of styles and colorings from which
you may select sufficient yardage to make the smartest kind of
pleated skirts, capes and suits.v 56 inches wide all new and up-to-date
of a superior quality and strictly all-wool.
Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
An Extraordinary Sale!
Beautiful Pure-Silk Sweaters
for Easter Wearing $25.G0
We have but a limited num
ber of these handsome Sweat
ers to sell at this remarkably
low price, but at least twenty
five women will be. made
happy by the possession of
one. .. " -This
is a truly remarkable
offering, for Pure Silk Sweat
ers no finer and not nearly so
effective in style and quality,
sold for twice yes. Indeed,
for more than double this sum
last year.
They are fashioned ' with
pockets, turn-back cuffs' and
narrow sashes, some trimmed
with fancy knit collars, others
with embroidered - designs.
There are blocked and striped
effects in colors, and Roman
stripes, and plain shades, alt in
Tuxedo style. i
. The combination colors are.
navy and gray, navy and
white, sand and brown, black
and white, ocean blue and
buttercup, ocean .blue and
Roman stripe.- The plain col
ors are plum, sand, nut, burnt
orange, brown,:
blue and black. .
delftfc ocean
! Easter Candies
for your own.uu and for gifts t
Rue de la Paix Chocolates, in
-Easter boxes 2.00 pound.
Necia Chocolates, packed in
Easter boxes $1.00 pound.
Easter Eggs and Easter Nov
elty Candies at reasonable
Street Floor, ,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Have You.
Seen the New
White Frost
It is now on display on our
Sixth Floor and is attracting a
'great deal of attention.
And no wonderl fdr the White
Frost Just glistens with its white
enamel, its bright nickel trim
mings, its cleanliness and fresh
ness. Those who have seen the
White Frost do not ever try to
compare it with the 'old type of
... tee box.
The White Frost is an entirely
new note in kitchen comfort,
cleanliness and beauty. ;
We wish that you would come
in and inspect this new kitchen
utility. For we know that you
will count the time that it takes
to do so as well spent.
Sixth Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe dc Co. :
' Fourth Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
New Easter Blouses of
Crepe de Chine and Georgette
Even their prices are delightful, being so much less
than Blouses of this quality have sold for heretofore.
$8.50 to $15.00
And they're rso youthfully-made the materials so fine, and
the colors so charming, that it's .no wonder they express spring
time .gladness. (".'..
Thereare beautiful novelty models and plain effects,
some trimmed with real filet or Irish lace and eyelet
embroidery charming creations handsomely worked in
French knots in the most bewitching colors, and some
with dainty collars and cuffs of net and Valenciennes lace
- with a little vestee6f the same net and lace. Dainty Blouses
with fine tucking, and Blouses trimmed with handsome,
heavy satin-finished lace;, a truly wonderful ensemble of
Easter Blouses in the popular hip and waist-length' styles.
They are shown in the most favored shades tomato,
porcelain, rattan, gray, zinc, neptune, bisque, navy, flesh
and white.
Third Floor, Lipman Wolfe & Co. . V .
Easter and Spring Fashions
for Tiny Girls
In Our Little Folks Isle We Are Showing the Latest
in Diminutive Coats and Hats
t.reW:'c,. - rB,ettywei 1 d,olmant
detachable - c o 1 1 a r something lined with silk, made Just like
distinctively new in little toik mother's, with cunning cape-
-They are belted and .ilk-lined. e flS"V"ff "d J
Of broadcloth and polo cloth, in silk-faced, effecting a yoke.
shades of tan and Copenhagen. Jade, tan and Copenhagen are
Priced at 19.60 and 132.60. the colors, and pretty they are,
This model waa featured in ' too. Price 916.00.
the style show. , Her hat in poke effect is of
The hat is of straw In regula- , - straw, trimmed with graceful
tion little girl style, with ribbon streamers of RroHRxaln ribbon
streamers. S5.00. that fly with the breeze. 15.00.
Little Folks' Isle, Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Creams and Lotions
With the aid of such creams as
these you can enjoy outdoors to
the utmost and still preserve the
most delicate complexion.
Melba Massage Cream. 50c
Melba Skin Lotion . . . . . . . . .35c
Melba Greaseless Cream. ....50c
Creme Angelus Cleans-;-;'?'
int. ... . . .50v $1.00, $1.75
Creme Angelus Skin
food ....... ..$1.00, $2.00'
Daggett & Ramsdell Cream.. 44c
Luxuria Cream . . . . .75c
Sanitot Cold Cream . ... .'. .32c
Sanitol Face Cream. . .32c
Pond's Cold Cream,. . .30c, 60c ;
Pond's Vanishing Cream 23c, 45c
Creme Elcaya . , . . . . v . . ,59c
Elcaya Cold Cream. ....... 55c
Perin's Cold Cre am . P . . : . . .60c
Frostilla - . . ... . . .. : .25e
Oriental Cream .... , . .$1.35
. Special ! ' Benzoin and '
Almond Lotion, 19c
.Excellent for chapped hands
and roughness of the skin. No
telephone or C O. D. orders at
this special price. ;
Street Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe dc Co. - -
W. B. "Stylish-
Slender' ' Corsets
'Designed for You
$5.00 to $7.50
- Freedom, Comfort, Ease '
in Every Position for '
the woman of slender or ;
average figure.
. The ' new W. B, Stylish .
Slender Corset marks an
, achievement in the art of cor
set making! It guarantees the
woman of slender or average
figure absolute comfort at
the diaphragm total freedom
from "digging in" at the front,
unrestricted breathing, perfect ' V
"give' to every action, and,
of course, an exquisitely styl
ish appearance; :
It cannot dig at the Waist "
' because the steels are short
ened. It cannot bind because
the front is of elastic. It can-
not hurt over the hips because
there are no bones to hurt.
. Fourth Floor
. . . Lipman, Wolfe dc Co. ,
on Some Items
Concentrated Vanilla
Imitation Vanilla ...
Concentrated Lemon
Imitation . Lemon . ; .
........ 2Sc
' . I
Concentrated Almond , . . . . .36c
Imitation - Almond.
Concentrated Orange:
Concentrated Rose . .
.. .. ... .36c
. . . .46c
oz. Concentrated Peppermint ......36c
Lux, 2 for. . .25c
Rinso, 3 for. .25c
Carbon a .... .55c
Ivory Soap
Flakes . .. .10c
. Specials ' I-:,
3 X Ammonia. . 28c
Loofah, 3 -for . . 25c
N. R. Gv Tablets 23c
Velvet Polish; . ..39c
Putnam's Dry Cleaner 45c
Cv C C. Spot Remover 35c
C C C Washing Com. 50e
i lb. 20 Mule Borax... 18c
Sani Flush ......... .20c
A Two-Dav Sale in Drug Square
(Friday and
Quantities Limited
To "Put Down" Eggs
It costs less than 2c x
dozen to preserve 60
dozen eggs with 1 gal
lon glass jug at It. 00,
Vt gaL 75 c, 1 qt50c,
t pint 35c.
A high .grade of True
Blue Bluing
16 oz., specially priced
at ............14c
Hat Dyes '
Putnam . ..25c
Colorite .25c
Fabric Dyes
Butterfly. .10c
Sunset ...15c
Rit ......10c
Aladdin . ..10c
Twink ... ,10c
Dorothy . .15c
Colorite . .25c
Tintex 10c25c
Putnam . ..10c
Diamond . ..ISc
Er Dyes
? and
Solid Colon
i 5c
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.