THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL. PORTLAND, - OREGON THURSDAY. MARCH i: ,1. RUSS PROBLEM IS BROUGHT DIRECTLY II UIISTRATIO - , Bjr Da rid Lawirnre tCoprHiht, 192, by Th J on mil) Washington, March 2 4. The Harding: administration will consider seriously the making of a trade agreement with the Russian people, provided certain conditions are ful filled which will lead to the indus trial recuperation of that country. 1 1 he communication from Lenin ap pealing to President Harding to follow the course of Great Britain and resume trade with Russia , has opened up V dis cussion here in a significant way. Broadly speaking, the Harding admin istration is as anxious to discourage the growth of Bolshevism In the world as was the Wilson administration. So if it were a question of giving .moral recognition to the triumph of Russian Bolshevism the matter wouldn't be given the slightest consideration by President Harding and his advisers. THREE POLICIES POSSIBLE But the situation has changed. Three policies have been always possible with respect to Russia, and while one of them has 'failed the others remain as possible sequels of the present state of . affairs. These policies and the effects as discussed by members of the Hard ing administration are as follows: First External invasion. This . has been tried both by the . allied powers and the counter revolutionary elements, which had the support of the allies. The effect has been to strengthen the Bol-shevlstSjj-ather than weaken them, for it has given Lenin a banner around which to rally the Russians. He has success fully persuaded them ' that : it . was a matter of national defense against for eign invasion and has convincingly ap pealed to the patriotism of the masses, thus delaying demands for Internal re forms. 1 BEYOLtTTIOIC MEAIfS CHAOS Second Revolution from the inside. The American government, n common with the , British government, is un willing to contribute anything to a situation that may upset things inside Russia without bringing internal peace r external trade. 'Furthermore,, more revolution means chaos, " anarchy and complete disintegration, more hardships for the Russian people, hunger, starva tion and a more complex reconstruction problem In the end than at present Third Evolution with the assistance of the United States and the allied powers. This means resumption of trade, as Great Britain has already done and the gradual wearing down by moral factors of the policies of the Bol shevists that have been obnoxious to the outsifle world. ' J Lenin has come a long way toward the desired goal. ; little by little he has abandoned the tenets of Bolshevism and permitted the return, of the capitalistic theory. First he gave in to the demand of the masses for the private ownership f land, leaving behind the idea of com munism,- then: he "surrendered the no tion about equal wages and permitted the payment of different- wages the cornerstone of capitalism. Now he is willing to allow foreigners to come in and work' Russian industries, although he is reluctant about permitting Rus sians to do the same because he say naively that the government can con trol foreigners, but cannot always safe guard Itself against the machinations of an oligarchy of Industrial captain. PREMIER SEES CHAKGE ' : Prime Minister Lloyd George has par alleled the foregoing line of reasoning as expressed by members of the cabinet here... The British prime minister, in his latest speech to parliament, insists that Lenin has changed his views and that sovietisra is being abandoned as an im possibility. He points out that the Brit ish trade agreement is by no means complete political recognition. He calls It a de facto recognition. The viewpoint of Lloyd George that the Xolsevik gov ernment has at last maintained a sem blance of order and discipline over the vast territory controlled by the Soviets la pointed to here in Washington ar a good argument for encouraging evolution rather than revolution. There is no tell ing, say cabinet members here, what the world will face if a start is not made with the Russian government by the re sumption of trade. . ; TWO .FACTIOUS TO MERGE The theory seems to be that the Bolshe viks are ready to do business with the rest of the world on the capitalistic the ory and that . the recent speeches of Lenin are intended to convey that im pression unequivocally. Indeed, the gov ernment here has been given to under stand that a coalition between the Bol sheviks and the ! Mensheviks-is also in the air and likely to be brought About as a final proof of . the earnestness of the Russians to get pack into the family of nations. . -? f , Everybody here realizes that a trade agreement is but the forerunner of rec ognition. The reply of the American government to the appeal of Lenin, there fore, wijl be an effort to pave the way for recognition eventually and to assist evolution rather than revolution. If the conditions which the United States gov ernment has on more than one occasion outlined are accepted, there is no doubt that a trade agreement with Russia sim ilar to that made between England and Russia will be consummated. LEAGUE QCESTIOJf REOPENED ' The Harding administration has again been spared the necessity of opening an important and ticklish question of for eign policy. Prance has begun the League of Nations discussion. Russia has taken the initiative in one of the most perplexing problems of the. entire world situation, j If it is once settled the chances for permanent peace in Eu rope and return to normalcy abroad will be immeasurably improved. , POESCHL HAS BEE IT CAPITALIZING HIS E MISHAP ISCAR Autos Collide in 'Speeding to Fire Gotdendale, Wash., March 24. uick work on the part of both chauffeurs pre vented a possible loss of life in a col lision between two automobiles racing to a fire.- Carl ; Jackson, owner of the burning building, and Tony Yankee, owner of an adjoining building, were drivers. ; Both machines were filled with volunteer fire fighters, who were thrown in all directions when the crash occurred at a street intersection. -o one was seriously injured. "Poeschl has been capitalizing this accident for 11 years, declared Deputy District Attorney Pierce in opening his pleas to the jury, this morning, in which he asked for con viction of Joseph Poeschl on the charge of first degree murder foi the killing: of Charles Schnabel In the courthouse February 4. Pierce ; claimed Poeschl was wholly capable of telling the difference be tween right and wrong. "We all have one idea." he declared, If we-, have one business from which we make our living, and Poeschl"; has made his living off this accident on the Southern Pacific trestle all these years since it happened." f Pierce recited how the4 defendant had gone to labor unions and other organi sations and Told his story so well that his hearers had been moved to" give him assistance so that he could continue his fight for damages and live respectably in the meantime. This was not the pro gram of an insane person, even if he did seem actuated by the one idea of getting the money and punishing who ever stood In his way. ' John Collier, defense attorney, replied in his closing - plea that hes would not attempt to tell the Jury whether or not Poeschl was insane. "You have . seen the man on the stand for ' hours and are in a position to form your "own de eision," he said. ? ! : The state this morning concluded its evidence in rebuttal, i Attorney .W. P. : La' Roche and ' Dep uty City Attorney - Y W. Stadter were among the concluding witnesses, ; La Roche, who was associated with Schna bel when "he had dealings with Poeschl as a client, declared, that in his opinion Poeschl was sane at that time and that Schnabel had given- .him exceptional consideration because : of his physical handicap. Stadter also testified to the sanity of 'Poeschl. Both La Roche and Stadter are named in Poeschl's "see1 nario" as due for "crucifixion," Bunnies Not Dying; Simply Wiggling Their Tiny Noses The telephone bell was ringing on and on. Ross M. Churchill, humane officer, sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes.. But that didn't stop the ringing. Churchill got out of bed and groped about for his slippers. It was 1 o'clock this morning. "Police headquarters calling ' the hu mane officer. Easter rabbits in the win-i dow of Jt- millinery store at Sixth and Alder streets are suffocating. : Hurry In front of the millinery store Church-! ill found a uniformed policeman watch ing with sa d face the "suffocating bun nies." ' "Look at that, moaned the bluecoat. "Just look at their death agony." Churchill gave ' one disgusted look at the patrolman and turned back to his automobile. The i rabbits were wiggling their noses. I "They always do that," grunted the sleepy humane officer. . . -i Serpentine Parade To Boost Ball Game Of Dental Students Northern Pacific ; Dental college stu dents, . 450 strong, led by the college band, are going to stage a "serpentine.' parade ' tonight- through1, the downtown districts of Portland." in an endeavor to arouse interest in the two games of base ball which are scheduled to b played Friday 'and Saturday on Multnomah field, with the Oregon Aggies as oppon ents. - Special permission from the police chief had to be obtained for the parade. The college lads announce that special costumes have been prepared by the pa raders and Portlanders are promised thrills of the first magnitude. Moy Back Hin Gets $2000 Below City's First Bid for Site The city council Wednesday author ized the issuance of a warrant for f 32, 000 for the payment 'to Moy Back Hin of the amoVtnt . awarded by the court in the city's condemnation proceedings for a tract of land in the Alberta district de sired for a public playground. The city originally offered $35,000 but the owner placed a much higher price on it. refus ing to sell for less. The city had pre viously used the land under lease. It re moved its playground equipment and started condemnation suit, with the re sult that the court's award is $3000 less than was offered by, the city. Year and Fine of : $1000 Is Sentence To Chinese Slayer La Grande. March 24. Chin Mon BUI was sentenced to one year In the state penitentiary and: fined $1000 by Judge J. W.: Knowles. : A verdict of guilty of manslaughter was returned against him last Saturday by a Jury, Chin having been charged with first degree murder for the killing of Jeu Sheu last De cember. Mrs. Charlie Jones, white wife of a Portland Chinese, a codefendant. was acauitted. . Nine members of the Jury petitioned Judge Knowles to give Chin Bill the minimum sentence. , ,: s- New Homeseekers' Sates Announced By Union Pacific The Union Pacific system announces the putting in effect of new home seekers' rates from Kansas City. Omaha, Council I Bluffs, Leavenworth and St. Joseph to points westward served by the IT. P. system, which are; good for 21 days from the date of sale. The tickets will be placed sale on the first and third Tuesdays In each month from April to October, Inclusive. " The .: special rates to . prospective settlers is put into effect with the Idea of assisting In the settlement of the Northwestern states served by the Union Pacific system and will embrace Ore gon. Eastern Washington, Idaho, Mon tana and Utah. The rate will be effective In Oregon as far west as Sherman and will include the Bend and other branches. These homeseekers rates have not been in ef fect for several years, having been abandoned - during the war. - New Officers of Ex-Service Men's Board-Take Office - H. C. Wortman, as chairman : Charles JF. Berg, vice chairman, and Jane Doyle of the local chapter of the Red Cross, Dr. R. C. Tenney and T. Henry Boyd, commander of. the Portland post of the American Legion, assumed office Wednesday as , new members of the soldiers and sailors' commission of the state of Oregon. They were appointed by Governor Olcott to replace F. W Mulkey, E. C. Summons. John H. Ste venson and H. D. Kilham. whose terms have expired. The purpose of the com mission is to administer the state funds allowed for the relief of needy ex service men. giant mm COMPANY PLANNED (Con tanned from Page Om) Rhodes. W.' R. Rust, Chester Thorne. C. H. Raleigh, H. Alward. alt of Ta coma ; W. H. Paulhamua of Puyallup. H. C. Henry, capitalist; J, W. Spangler. president Seattle National bank; R- B. Truax, vice president Seattle National bank t Reginald H. Parsons, president Northwestern Kruit Exchange ; W. L. Rhodes, .president of Rhodes Brothers; 1L F. Ostrander, capitalist; Gordon C Corbaley. all of Seattle. -) ' Figures to show the rapid growth f the industry were presented at the Ta coma meeting yesterday, at which the preliminary committee work was out lined with the Oregon representatives participating. . - . Sight years ago It was stated the canning industry required only 3,000.000 cans, while ; last year 0,000.003 can ? were necessary to handle the pt-prare'l product. One cannery that draws from a territory of 4000 acres last year turned out products with a total valuw of $6,000,000, At the same time thern are 300.000 acres in the two states that are available for berry growing, orchards and vegetable production. .These conferences, which culminated in the Tacoma meeting yesterday, fal lowed ' the investigations made by Will L.; Pinch of New York, who has been in the" , Northwest since the beginning of the year surveying- and .analysing fruit" growing, canning and marketing conditions in the two states. - I ... I L Salary Resolution Coming TTp The city council has set 2 o'clock Frl day afternoon as the time for consider lng a resolution presented by Commis sioner Pier providing civil service ' em ployes salary .for time loBt by illness or accident. At present special appllca tion has to be made in each individual case, i J to o From March 23d to 31st The Biggest Used Car Values Ever Offered; in the Northwest 1912 Cadillac 1 .... $ 150 1919 Oldsmobile Six Touring . . . $1050 .. Cood running order. First-class condition. ' Marmon34, 7-Passen&er. . .!. . . .$1625 1918 Buick Roadster. . ... . . . .$ 975 Repainted, first class .condition. 1 . - . First-class Condition. f 1918 Oldsmobile Eight, 7-Pass. .$1150 1919 Oldsmobile Coupe .$1350 . 1'irst class condition. Ideal for stage run. - First-class condition. 1920 Oldsmobile Eight, 7-Pass. $1825 1918 Chevrolet Delivery . . . . . ..$ 295 ,rt,R""i,k,e new- - i . Fair condition. . - , 1918 Oldsmobile Eight, 7-Pass. $ 600 1917 Reo Speed Wagon. . . . . . . . .$375 irJ 5,nditio": " J' Fair condition. 1919 Oldsmobile Eight, j Panhard 1-Ton Truck $ 475 racemaker : . . .$1450 Good condition. V trtorwlasscoitiom ! Republic 1-Ton Truck. ,...$675 lyO Maxwell , .$ 750 Good condition. ? . iTmilr Has extra tire- f 1920 Oldsmobile Six. : . .$1250 1 SI 19 Chevrolet .....$ 595 x First-class condition. -TcTmZ' , 1 1919 Maxwell . . ... ......$ 550 lyiy Dodge Roadster .....$ 950 Good condition. Rex top. iirst-ciass conditionj 1920 Oldsmobile Roadster. ..... $1 150 Dodge louring . . . : ..... j . . . .$ 575 First-class condition. Good condition j Republic -Ton Truck $600 Hudson "54" Roadster. ..,.,...$ 250 Good shape. Good running order. 1918 Chalmers "Hot Spot" $675 otudebaker Touring ........,.$ 75 1 Good condition. 101GQ00,dr for ! 1919 Oakland Six Touring .....$ 850 lyiB maxwell louring. ........$ 395 Run 3300 miles extra tire. ioiT0TuiCOnditi . I 1919 Dodge Delivery. ..... $ 850 iy 17 Maxwell-Touring I $ 225 Good condition. 1QlTndQ-n I 18 Ford Touring. .. .$450 . Ulds &IX ...-.,...;$ 675 ' Electric lights and starter. 19160 1 e ci 19V8 Elgin Toeing. . ... ,.....$ 750 110UW$ O .-..-.....$ 450 . First-class condition. iQiQCijditioni.., o. 1 ExcelsiorMotorcycle..,. ...$ 50 il2LSlX TUring- 950 Motorcycle. . . . . .$: 50 I Both good running order. - ALL CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED! BY US THE OlilDBMOIBIIILE COo . ' ' I OF OREGON Broadway at Couch Broadway 2270 as; i c I i i I i I I I i I ( I I ! i w I i i i r i i I Cannery ced Monejr McMlnnvtlle. Or, March 24. Stock-" holders and patrons of the Rupert can nery at this place greatly regret the fi nancial reverse -which seems to havfi overtaken the company. Some hope is held out that if this company cannot re coup that local parties with capital will undertake to operate the plant the com ing; season yssxs0 New Red, Amber and Combination Necklaces ! 75c, $1 and $1.50 Merit Only Hair Ornaments in Shell and Rhinestone Effect; Combs, 39c to 59c Barrettes, 29c . I Tlerchandise of O 6 o' 98c Biiys Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose of Fine Quality for Easter Wear A Sale! The Three Wanted Weaves Plain, drdp-stitch and lace Perfect-Fitting Made with seam ud the back i Black and Colors Including the fashionable gray alvanlan JVy fV?r-" a sav,n wiU make you s the wisdom of buyinjf at once. At this wear ngtour , JufLHnthew-tUe, S AeU u" fZr, E.aster P""" yu are "hard" oK stockings. These wear to your satisfaction. We are glad to be able to give you such splendid savings. Saturday at 98c. . price you will see the are the kinds that will And These Saving Prices on Women's Fiber-Silk and Mercerized: Stockings for Dress and General Wear at 59c pair Black and white Fiber Silk Hose of good weight. Shaped; to fit, with seam up the ' back. -,- ... . at 3 pairs for $1 at 39c pair . Mercerized Hose in black white and cordovan, medium weight. Sizes 8 14 to 10. . ; Outsize in black, fine .mercerized, slightly irregular. Sizes 9 to 104, All the Above Have Double Toe and Heel and Carter-proof Top Two Hosiery Specials "Buster Brown". For Children j 35c pair ; 25c i pair Best for boys; who are ter- : rors for hard wear and that means every boy. Heavy.' ribbed, in black, sizes 7 to tl. at this . lower-than-elsewhere price. i ; ECONOMY BASEMENT, Lipmtn, Wolfe & Fast dye black stockings of fine - cotton, fine and heavy ribbed with double toe and heel, full length' and elastic Splendid for wear. Co. i .;. i For Friday Only Women's Union Suits 79c Fine Cotton Vests, 3 for $1.00 -Regular and extra sizes in these pink and white vests with reg ular. and oodice top, and i narrow shoulder straps or crocheta yoke. . This price on fine ribbed vests will show you how muc lower good underwear is in the Economy Basement. ECONOMY BASEMENT, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Beautiful white union suits that sell every day .'for, very much more In regular stock. Low neck, sleeveless, band top with narrow shoulder straps. First quality.. In sizes 36 to 44. 5 5 Fashionable Variety in New Easter Hats Featured in Three Matchless Specials at $4.95 THESE PRICES $3.95 $Z95 -do not begin to express the. charm and quality of these lovely spring creations. - Hats for Street. Wear Hats for Dress Occasions They are the types being shown in the smartest New York shops. ; ' They have that exquisite something called style.! . i .- There are lovely models full of youthful dash for the miss. ; . j There are ultra-smart ryits for the young women. - There are hats that combine charm and style for the matron. They cannot be duplicated elsewhere at anywhere near these prices. ECONOMY BASEMENT. Lipman'. Wolf. Sc Co. j 0 A Two-Day Sale of Women 's Fine Pumps and Oxfords for Friday and Saturday Only i 1 Six Complete Lines and Several Styles in Broken Sizes At $2.95 Pr. Made to Sell for Two and : Three Times This . Two-Day Price Here is very unusual and very timely now $ for wo'fhen and shoes for Easter. ' k " .' : girjs in. their teens who are about to purchase low Patent kid. eyelet oxfords Louis heels. dne-eyelet ties and five with enamel and - leather .Patent kid pumps with leather and cov ered Louis heels.. Brown and black kid pumps and black kid oxfords with 'Louis heels (broken 'sizes.) $2.95 is a Price That Should Sell Most of These Fine Pumps and Oxfords in a Day Reductions Shoes for on Lace Girls Sizes Sizes Sizes 6 to 8, special. ...... .$2.85 8J4 to 11, special. .... $3.45 lt!4 to 2. special. ...A?. 85 Reductions on Lace Shoes for Boys Sizes -13 Vi to 2 . - Special , . $3.45 Sizes 2Vi to 6 .Special $3.95 ECONOMY BASEMENT, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. r 1 This Store, Uses No Comparative Prices They Are Misleading and Often Untrue 3