The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1S21.
lCuntluud Tram Vf
tim at his eminence's bedside for mt
: eral days. ,
' The public was informed of the change
in the condition of the most distinguished
lerg-yman of the Catholic church in the
: United States late on Tuesday.
. The first evidence of the failure cf
; Cardinal Gibbons' strength was noted
; late lat year, while he was at Havre
le Grace. At that time be was seized
' -w ith a momentary fnlntnea and seemed
about to fail while delivering a sermon.
i On December 31, Bishop Corrigan Is
Fsuei a statement to all pastors asking
them to request their people to pray for
the cardinal's recovery or his happy
(death. The cardinal was anointed for
. tae second time, the first time havi.
ljcn two weeks earlier. It was thought
toy those most intimately ; associated
with him that he would never be able
to leave the Shriver home.
In this Illness, however, he manifested
the name tenaciousness and resolution
hich he had shown all his life, and he
surprised his friends not only by recov
ering sufficient strength to make the
trip by motor to his residence in Baltl
more, on January -3, but once there, grew
stronger. The cardinal subsequently
made frequent short motor trips In the
i city and iLs environs and moved about
' his residence in a wheelchair. He never
recovered sufficient ; strength,' however,
to take again Into his own hands the
administration of his duties as the exe
' cutive head of the archdiocese of Balti
more and his many other duties In con
nection with the church. J j -
Cardinal Gibbons was the' second
American to be elevated to the cardi
ialate and with his death the question
has been revived as to whether the ee
; of the Unman Catholic church - In th
United States will be transferred frcm
Baltimore or whether the seat of the
hierarchy win remain 'in this city be
cause of its close proximity to the na
, tion's capital.. .
One of the most widely-known prelates
of the -Roman Catholic church, James
Cardinal Gibbons, was born in Balti
more, Md., of Irish parents on July 17.
1834. He spent his, early boyhood In
Ireland, but returned -to America at the
age of 14 and became an errand boy for
a grocer in New Orleans.
He took up his studies for the priest
hood when a mere youth, being ordained
In Balty-nore at the age of 27. His re
ligious education was received: in the
historic St. Charles-college In Mary
.land, the seminary of St. Sulplce and St.
Mary's university at Baltimore.-
About the close of the Civil war he
was appointed private secretary i to
Archbishop Spalding, and a little later
t ,
Recent photograph of the bead of the Catholic church In the; United
State who died In Baltimore today. Cardinal Gibbons had been the
most influential prelate In America for the past half century and bad
been the friend and counsellor of many men high in public life. :
became chancellor of the diocese. In
1866 he became : assistant chancellor to
the second Plenary council at Baltimore.
Under a decree by Pope Plus IX he
was transferred some two years later
to . North Carolina, where he became
titular bishop. .It has been said that
he made the I acquaintance of every
member of the church in that state.
In addition to hundreds of followers of
other faiths, visiting virtually every
district in the diocese. Among oilier
activities he Is credited ith having
built six churches, established an or.
ganization of Sisters of Mercy- and
founded for them & school fer negroes
and whites during his stay, there. , t
i In ,1872 he was assigned to Rich
mond, w here he continued . the build
ing activities that had marked his stay
in Carolina. . . . , , :
Archbishop Bayley of the Baltimore
diocese began to take a lively interest
in the progressive efforts of the young
bishop and1 named him as one of his
counsellors. When ; the archbishop died
Bishop Gibbons was chosen to succeed
Uim. He was 43 years old when be suc
ceeded to this title, the highest at that
time in the Cathollo church Iti tha
country. : . " ;-..
In 1883 Archbishop Gibbons led a dele
gation of Catholic prelates to Home and
was chosen by Pope Leo XIII to preside
ever the third plenary council held the
following year. His work in this office
of trust and other activities won him
appointment as a cardinal in 1586.
The ceremony attending his investi
ture with the insignia of his high new
office took place in his home city of
Baltimore and was a - very - impressive
affair. The next year he went to Rome
and received the apostolic blessing and
election to the College of Cardinals.
Another high light of his brilliant ca
reer came in 1888 when he celebrated
the centenary .of the establishment of
the Catholic heJrarchy in this country.
Following the celebration he convened
the first national congress of. Catholic
It was Cardinal Gibbons who laid the
cornerstone of the famous Catholic uni
versity in Washington, and he was made
the chancellor of the institution.; One
of his greatest : distinctions was tha
honor of being the first American
Roman Catholic prelate to participate
In the election of a pope. He voted for
Pius X.
Cardinal Gibbons' funeral will be held
at Baltimore next Thursday morning at
10 o'clock, according to a message re
ceived this afternoon - by; Archbishop
Alexander Christie. r-.j
During his life Cardinal Gibbons paid
but one visit to the Pacific coast, and
at that time' he honored Portland by
stopping here and preaching in the old
cathedral at Third and .Stark streets.
The visit was in October, 1887.
On that occasion he conferred the pall
ium on Archbishop William H." Gross.
Archbishop Reardoh of San Francisco
accompanied the prelate on this visit.
Solemn requiem mass will be said in
a memorial service for Cardinal Gibbons
at St. Marys cathedral. Fifteenth and
Daviss treets, according to an announce
ment made at the office of Archbishop
Alexander Christie this morning. The
service will not be held on Good Friday
or Holy Saturday. -;
Sunday morning the archbishop will
announce the time and place of the me
morial service, which will probably be
the early part of next week. Archbishop
Christie was not ready to announce how
the diocese would be officially repre
sented at the cardinal's funeral. The
archbishop may find it possible to at
tend the service personally. If not, he
will send a personal representative, it
wasannounced.h. ,.--.-.'. V.?
Cardinal Gibbons had a very retentive
memory, according to Rev. Arthur Del or -nier.
Archbishop Christie's secretary. On
recent isit of the archbishop to Balti
more, Cardinal Gibbons recalled the
names of the men he met here and at
the post at Vancouver, Wash., which he
also visited. He asked many questions
about the West, and expressed a keen
Interest in its development. s -
Cardinal's Brother 111
New Orleans,' March 24. (I. N. S.)
John T. Gibbons, brother of Cardinal
Gibbons, is ill here, recovering from an
operation andit is not believed he will
be able to attend the funeral of his dis
tinguished brother, who died today. P.
E. Burke, a nephew, probably will attend.
i erg:
The perfect control of power
power in excess of all you
dare use for speed makes for
comfort and security and ease.
QariesC. Pagan Company, Inc.
Portland, Ore! . Walla Walla, Wash.
Salem, Or., March 24. -Losses ag
gregating between 875,000 and $100,
000 were caused by a fire early this
morning which putted the store
building occupied by Kafoury Broth
ers' mercantile store on State street,
between - High and Liberty streeta.
The stock of Kafoury Brothers was
principally women's wearing apparel and
piece goods and was only partly covered
by insurance, the late stock not having
been Insured.
The building, which Is owned by the
Hughes estate, is valued at $15,000. which
was fully covered. ;
The fire was first discovered about C
o'clock, and Is supposed to have started
in a warehouse at the rear of the store
building or in the rear of the basement.
Its origin has not been determined.
Roomers occupying the second story of
the building were not aware of the fire
until it had gained . considerable head
way and were compelled to make hasty
exits, many of them leaving the building
in their night clothes, losing their other
belongings in the flames.
Prompt response on the part of the
fire department saved adjoining buildings.
Recommendation to
Oust Socialist Made
v (Bj United New)
Albany,. Y March 24-By a vote of
nine to four the assembly judiciary com
mittee Wednesday night voted to recom
mend to the assembly that Henry Jager,
Socialist, representing- the Fourteenth
district. Kings county, be unseated on
the ground that Jager was elected and
at the time he took his seat, he was a
resident of the state of .New Jersey -
Poll Tax Helps Cut
General Taxation,
. Director Reports
Olympla, Wash., March 24. (U. P.)
Taxes for - the support of the state's
general fund need not be increased and
may be' reduced, according to L. D.
McCardle, who w'Jl become director of
the department of efficiency April 1.
McCardle has completed an : analysis
of the appropriations of the legislature
and points out that the only extra tax
burden imposed was .669 mills tor high
er educational institutions. He bases his
hope of a tax reduction oh an estimated
income of , $3,000,000 from the poll . tax
about to be collected.-
R a delicious salad .or des
sert for the Easter dinner:
'Red Rock"
e . .
Tn, good in
' hundred ways!
at your grocer's or market
every morning, fresh from
j A 71
) I v.
iJj . .. ,
Our enthusiasm over
the Spring styles of Po
Htz clothes surpasses that
of other seasons.
There's a reason you
will agree when you see
the comfortably correct
Easter Sunday, the 27th
Washington Street at Sixth
ohe or m War rr
Pure-Silk Hose
Lace Clocked
-Lovely, lustrous pure silk hose
wun reautimi drawn lace clock-
inj-J-black only. : Ex- AK.
traordinary at ...... tOTefrO .
Kayser and
Vanity Fair Vests
Fine, lustrous, closely woven
Kavser S I 1 k and Vanity Fair
Silk vests. Excep
tional .
Your Easter Blouse Let
It Be One of These .
Lovely New Mignonette
Blouses at
Such newest colorings as
Porcelain Honeydew Bisque
Silver Coral Navy
A special express: shipment
brought these to us just in time,
to be offered at this extraordinary
pricel " V
Of fine, lustrous Mignonette in
smart overblouse style their ela
borate embroidery designs make
them distinctively modish and de
sirable. e
Specially Featured
Lovely Costume Blouses
i Spring Favors
Jersey Sports J acke'ts
So we are displaying them at
$9.85, $10.50 and $14.75
Undeniably smart these trim Jersey sports jackets" in
their tuxedo style smartly belted are. shown iii a diver
sity of shades : . ,
.Navy, Brown, Tan, f Black.Turquoise. Golf Red and Green
And Pencil Stripes :? l'lame and White, Green and Gold,
; ' Navy and "Gold " " ,
Welcome Arrivals
Black and White Stripe Skirts
at $14.75, 317.50 and, $19.50
Dashingly smart these black and white striped skirts
are finely tailored and form a smart street costume when
worn with sports jackets. ' .
Your Easter Wrap May Be Smart-
Yet Not Expensive
- We Feature These Prices
$29.50 $39.50
Wrinc srU n vnlnminniilv cn-arfnl. are shown ' in infinite variety
Fashioned from. Tricotihes, Velours, Poiret Twills and Serges fanciful em
broideries are used to emphasize their modishness. -
Coats. are .decidedly "wrappy" and many of them sponsor the cape effect.
A Splendid Showing of Novelty Wraps
Specially Priced at $59.50
m Jim
Any Child's Hat in Our Entire Stock
to $5.00
to $5.00
' ' ' I "
This Is a Wonderful Sale!
Values Regularly to $5.00
Saucy pokes, graceful rolled brims, and dfoops-most of them
of china milan others of rough braids wide bandings and
streamers of grosgrain ribbons navy, brown, black, tan, white
and variegated colors. - ,;
Sizes for 3, 5, 7, 9 and Up to 12 Years!
An Easter Novelty Given
With Each of These Hats!