20 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH Zl, K PILLAGING AND MURDER RAMPANT IN HAMBURG AREA London, March 24. (I. N.:S.) The Oommunlsta at Ilamburgr hare been ejected from all the Industrial ' property they seized yesterday except tlio Blolim & Voss shipyards, where they are besieged by police, said a Central News dispatch from Berlin this afternoon. By Frank E. Mason International New Berries 8Uff Correspondent Berlin. March 24. (I. N. S.) Martial law has been proclaimed at Hamburg as a result of the com munist rising and Senator Hense has been appointed dictator, said a dis patch from that' city today. Nearly a score of persons . were re ported to have been killed in clashes while the communists were occupying shipyards and attacking: government buildings at Hamburg. . ' Four men were Killed and 12 wounded when workmen attempted to disarm the police at the Vulcan shipyards. A mob, using stones, beer bottles and pieces of metal as missiles, attacked the police in the center of Hamburg. Dur ing the disorder shots. were fired from a nearby building, wounding some of the policemen. POLICE OPEJf FIBE : ' The policemen then opened fire, kill ing and wounding ov,er 15 persona " Five persons were wounded in a riot : In the Hoisted Platx. Riots were re ported from other parts of Hamburg as well. - Many persons were killed and wound ed when Communists, armed with rifles and revolvers and hand grenades, gave battle to the police at Eisleben. The mob was victorious. The police took refuge in a barricaded building, while . the mob began pillaging grocery and meat shops and banks. The ringleaders of the mob sent an ultimatum to the . police demanding their surrender and the surrender of all their arms. The mob leaders threatened to burn the city if the ultimatum was - not accepted. TBAF5 IS HELD tP A passenger train from Halle was held up and seized by. the Communists at Eisleben. The Communist disorders were re ported spreading, t The? strike movement was growing and behind and all over hung the black menace of a political re volt. ' Plundering, sabotage, death by violence and dynamite outrages were re ported from numerous towns in middle ''-Germany.. Alarmist dispatches were printed In the Berlin newspapers. It was declared that the Communist, uprising was be gun on direct orders from Moscow. - Communist chieftains have ordered a general strike throughout Central Ger many to tie up industry and the rail- i ways. .. : The government Is worried over the outlook and measures' are being taken to combat the menace. : BTSAMITE AT 8AXO!fT Five dynamite outrages were reported ' from Saxony, a Communist stronghold. The city hall at Rodewisch was blown up and half of It was destroyed. ' A bomb was exploded in the city hall -...at Auerbach. . . The courthouse at Leipzig, where the - trial of German war criminals is sched uled to open the first of May, was dam- . aged by an explosion of dynamite. . Two bombs were thrown against the superior court building at Dresden. V The sound of battle rang through the streets of Eisleben for hours. Part of the railway lines were torn up. Miners who had refused to obey the stride or der were driven from the pits by force. : Trains were derailed near Dieskau and Ammendorf and more than half a dozen persons were Injured. Heavy guards of security police are patrolling Berlin. This city was still quiet this morning. . The Communists have called a mass meeting. for Thurs day to take action to support of Bol shevist :- sympathisers . In middle Ger many. An attempt will be. made to bring about a general strike, it is said. It is : reported that a dispatch from Moscow, asking when a Red revolution In Cen tral Europe could be started on a big scale, has been intercepted. Leaders of the Social Democrats and the trade unions have warned their fol- ' lowers against joining in any general strike. ' SAYS HAPGOOD (Continued from Page One). backward transportation system in 1914, and that has not been allowed to buy locomotives outside, and that has been Invaded from all sides and block aded by all the world would scarcely be in condition to ; transport its natural products either to seaports or the parts of Russia that need them. When that ' fact is called the inability of commun ism to produce, it is not an attempt to analyze a situation. It Is merely the continued attack on a political system. The editorial in today's Hearst papers on this aspect of the subject is unan swerable. TBADE XOT FORBIDDEX Mr. Hoover repeats that trade be- tween this country and Russia is not forbidden. All we do is to put locomo- . tlves and railroad supplies on our black v list, to send Mr. Martens out of the Easter Dinner SPECIAL! - One 60c brick of Mt. Hood Ice Cream. Your- choice of four fla vors: ' French Salad, Neapolitan." Mt Hood Special and Princess. And 60c worth of Assorted Cream Wafers.- Fresh dally, in . eight flavors. 4 .i The 2 for 61c Coupons for, this special will be issued here and redeemable on Sunday at any of our three stores. Saturday Only Stout-Lyons He Sale THIRD AITD MOIIRISOIT STS. HOOVER WRONG country, to refuse letters addressed to Russia, to call our Red Cross out of Russia, t refuse relief to Russian chil dren, to forbid our federal reserve banks to do business with banks in Europe on soviet credit, to interpose constant pass port difficulties. If a person wants to attempt business with Russia with no mail facilities, no banking facilities no chance to travel, no chance to meet soviet representatives here and no per mission to send what Russia most wants, be is perfectly free to do so. PROPAGANDA IS SCORED In addition to these few obstacles our principal contribution is the use of: our immense governmental propaganda war machinery to prove that the soviet is tottering, that any government that may take its place will be sweet, that Amer icans In Russia are not treated with that gentle toleration that marks our treat' ment of communists here. . If any other governments move we announce the mo tive Is greed, whereas we are above greed, that Is to say, above commerce. If our public gets a little impatient over that talk we drop It and say?"- f We were - mistaken : when we said England was moved by greed in doing business with the devil. It was only a political consideration. ; No real ' busi ness in it." . BATES OX CALENDAR j ; Here Is a calendar: ! March 16 Trade agreement concluded with Ores! Ttritnin. - .March 16 Treaty between Russia and Turkey signed in Moscow. ' March 18 Trade treaty concluded be tween Russia and Germany. March IS Peace concluded between between Russia, Poland and the Ukraine. March 19 Italian minister of foreign affairs announces in the chamber of dep uties in Rome that a trade agreement will shortly be signed between Russia avuu xia.iy . , March 19 Japanese minister of for elgn affairs announces that the develop ing situation will oblige Japan to change her attitude toward the Soviets. . ; LE5TIN WI3TS AGAINST TROTZKT ' Meantime, by 569 to 60, Lenin wins against Trotzky and the extremists; his final concession to the farmers, just as he had previously won, bis concessions to the trades unions, and still earlier his concessions to bourgeosie specialists and to foreign capital.- . ; i Meantime also the cooperative associa tions are restored to freedom, in connec tion with the new freedom of the peas ants. A move of extraordinary signifi cance. i , t .. . i All this hailed with cries of rage in the conservative and monarchists press of every country, and with joy by the lib eral press of every country. And mean time the same weary propaganda mill in the United States of America does busi ness at the old stand. SOVIET GOLD BEHIND REVOLT, SAYS DISPATCH TO LONDOX London, March 24. (I. N. S.) Fifty persons are reported to have been killed In Communist disorders In Hamburg. Germany, according to a Central News dispatch from Berlin today. The. entire police force of 2000 members, which has been mobilized in the Helligengeistf eld dockyard district, was engaged in battle and were defeated by the Communists. "The Communist revolt. It was i de clared, was financed with soviet gold." continued the Central News dispatch. It is spreading throughout middle Ger many, strong police reinforcements have proved powerless. Numerous casualties have occurred." i i FRIDAY TO ; BE SOLEMNIZED : i ... . r - ". - , ,:. ' ) .' .-J-:.-.. (Continued from Pace One) ... service will be held in some of I the Episcopal churches of the city. The service will be held from noon until 3 o'clock at Trinity, St.' Davids and St. Andrews churches and from 11 a. m. until 3 p. m. at ; St. Marks Episcopal church. . i MEDITATIONS PLAlfXED ! Meditations on the last hours Jesus spent on earth will be given by the rec tors, with alternating . prayers and hymns. . A preparatory service i for Easter communion will be held tonight by the Rev. Thomas Jenkins at St. Da vids Episcopal church. The Rev. John G. Hatton will close his holy week serv ices at St. Marks Episcopal church Fri day with a 'sermon at 8 p. m. The Rev. T. F. Bowen will preach from the text, "Jesus On the Cross," at 8 p. m. Friday at St Michaels and All Angels Episcopal church. : ' . " . t .. Holy communion' will be observed Fri day at 7:45 p. m. at St. James English Lutheran church by the Rev. W, E. Brlnkman. The Rev. A. Krause iwill conduct a service at St. Pauls Lutheran church at 10 :30 , a. m. Good Friday and holy communion at 1 :30 p. m. Tonight and; Friday night from 7:30 to 8:45 Dr. W. B. Hinson Is conducting special services in the East Side Baptist church, speaking from the general sub ject, "What Jesus Did Today." Dr. SL J. Reid, superintendent of evangelism for the Baptist churches of Oregon, : will preach tonight and Friday night at the evangelistic services at Glencoe Baptist Church..' : ' j ' !'.' WAT OF THE CROSS I At St- Patricks . Catholic church morning services will be conduced Fri day by the Rev. Ambrose Meyer and way-of-the-cross service at 3 p. m. A mission will be held tonight and Friday night at 7:45. ! Mass of the pre-sanctifled and venera tion of the cross will be sung at 8 :30 a. m. Friday at the Church of the Made leine (Catholic). Tonight; the -prayer service at t the First Christian t church will be led by Mrs. A. E. Meserve, president of the women's society, Friday the women's missionary society ' of the Disciple churches of the city have arranged for simultaneous prayer meetings In vari ous parts of the city. ! Religious services will be held tonight and Friday night .at the Church of Christ and at the MontaviUa Christian church. The Rev. Joseph Boyd will pre side at the Church of Christ services, and will be assisted by visiting local pastors. The Be v. OthoH. Williams, Seattle evangelist, will do the preaching at the MontaviUa church, talking to night on - "Platform Christianity" and Friday night on "A Spiritual Man." VISIOTS COMMTJNIOJT j A union communion service of i the Congregational churches of the city will be held Friday night at the First Con gregational church, . with local pastors participating. " The Swedish Evangelical Mission will hold a service, tonight at Elim chapel. Skldmore street and Michigan avenue, and Friday night at The Tabernacle. Seventeenth - and Glisan streets. The Rev. C J. Ledin will speak at both services. His topic tonight is "The Bruised Body" and Friday night "The Mystery of the Cross. Tonight and Friday night at 7:45 the Rev, Jacob Stacker will bold special services at the Clay street Evangelical church for the purpose of commemo rating: the passion of Jesus. Tonight holy communion will be cele brated at Our Savior's Lutheran church in the Norwegian language, the service being intended for the older members of the church. Friday night the Rev. GOOD A. Chrlstensen will repeat the service In the - English language, the meeting being intended especially for the young people. A special service at 8 p. m. Good Fri day Is announced by the Rev. C H. Bernhard, pastor of Qrace Lutheran church. -w. GOSPEL SCTGEB BUST Fred Canada y, the gospel singer, is conducting the services this: week at Centenary-Wilbur Methodist church. He speaks and sings each night. , The Rev. W. N. Byars will speak to night at Lincoln Methodist church on "The Lord's Supper,", and Friday night on theAsubject. "It Is Finished." Revival : services are also being con ducted each night this week at the Woodstock Methodist ' church by i the Rev. L. C. Poor. Pre-Easter services are being held each night this week" at Calvary Pres byterian church by s the Rev. L. i B. Quick, pastor. A special service will be conducted Friday night at : Piedmont Presbyterian church by the Rev. J, Francis Morgan, Music will be fur nished by the male quartet, s , The Rev. W. W. Long . will conduct A Good Friday service at 730 p. m. He will talk on "The Last words or Jesus. Appropriate music will be given by the choir. The ; Rev. Ira C. Hawley of Second United Brethren church la assisting the Rev. E. O. Shenhard In a series of passion - week meetings at the Third United Brethren church. He will preach tonight and Friday night. XjfeJ Statistics marriages. Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES John Gigstiul. 24. 86 N. 17th It-, and Hazel Portor, 20. 168 N. 18th t- Pietro Carlo, 28, 748 Corbet stret, and Flrtrrnc Arabrrwe. 18. 748 Corbet. ' WEDDING W. O SMITH CO. AND VISIl'lNCi CABD ENGRAVERS 811 Mortsn bid. BIRTHS GAHDKIXI To Mr. and Mrs. C. tiardelli. 4 27 K. 7th, Marcb 14. a daughter. NISHINO To Mr. and Mrs. K. Nihino, 84 H KilHnsswnrtJi March 13. a dauzhter. PTKATT To Mr. and Mrs. J. Pyeatt, 813 Bidwell. March 15, a son. LOTSP1KCH To Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Lotojaech. nnn rmni,irla March '21. a dauchter. LICHTENWAL1 To Mr. and Mrs. Lichten- wald. 860 E. 18th, March 18, a daughter. SYLVESTER To Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Syl rmr 13fl V. 27th. March 18. a son.' GELMAN To Mr. and Mrs. C. Ueiman, 828 Front, March 10, a daughter. , . s . BIRCH To Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Birch. 5223 87th aw., March 19, a sotu - : COMLNI To Mr. and Mm. J. Comini. 148 E. 8d. March 17, a son. ANDROS To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Andrew. RterenKin. Wash.. March 20. a son. SEIP To Mr. and Mrs. A. Seip, 808 Garfield ae., March 1 9. a daughter. PATTERSON To Mr. and Mr. E. E. Patter son. 565 Dekom, March 15, a son. HUKE -To Mr. and Mrs. Charles O, Hake, 1781 Borthwick. March 15, a son. HAMILTON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hamilton, March 21, a daughter. GEILER To Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Gefler, 5705 7 2d. March 18, a son. MOJIRO To Mr. and Mrs. O. Mojlro, 92 ; N, 5th. March 14, a son. NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Nelson,; 1662 Omaha- March 16. a danehter. GEFKE To Mr. and Mrs. N. Gcfre. 9402 59th. March 18, a son. NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nelson, 1572 E. Ererett, March 21, a daughter. LACEY Xo Mr. and Mrs. R.Lacey. Ill K 68th. March 20. a son. SPIVEX To Mr. and Mrs. J. N. SpiTey. E. 47th and Henderson, March 16, a son. WAY To Mr. and Mrs. M. Way, 427 Second, March ZU, a son. . DEATHS SUMICH Emil II. Sumich. 409 Fsirbanks, March 22. 5 years: broncho pnunoni. PEl'DEN Ethel M. Proden. 118 ; W. Emer son, March 21,41 years: empyema. McCLARNEY Rebeca McClarsey. 540 E. 22d, March 21, 24 years; miliary taberculoaia. , 8CHALIN Body Schaton. New Western hotel, March 21, 31 years; dilation or heart. HEMSTHKT Mae A. Hematret. Emanuel hos pital. March 10, 56 years; pelrio abscess. APA Josephino Apa, 420 E. 45th. March 21, 72 vears: broncho pneumonia. BRADLKY Frank L. Bradley, 191 H Cnloo are.. March 21. 88 years; hemorrhage. SWEET- Warren H. Sweet, Good Samaritan hos ' pital, March 21, 56 years; raptured bladder. STOPPEB Robert Stopper, 13 Shaver. March 21. 65 rears: diabetes mellitus. LTJDLAM Joseph P. Ludlam, 653 E, Broadway, March 21, 09 years; apoplexy. - AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT WIUSON S AUCXIUN HOCSfc, 1US-173 SECOND STREET. i SALE AT lO A. M NEW TODAY 50 mmm FENCES For Front Yard, Uivlsion or Back Yard. Use on Wood or Iron Posts, iron and Wire Work, Ladders, etc. NORTHWEST FENCE & IRON WORKS 6S-J4 TJnlon Aye Cor. Eat Oak SU Portlaad, Or. Phone East 707S PEPIMADg'. Sectional Houses aad Garages MADE TO EKBUHE larestlgate Free Catalogs Bedlniade Bldg. Co Portland, Or. E. 11th and Market Phone K. 6114 West Side Office, 803 Lewis Building; Fourth and Oak Phone tidwy. 4335 NEW RUGS Rewoven from old earpeta save one half cost of ordinary earpeta Oar fluff ; rugs are velvety, durable and artistic. ; Guaranteed te wear.-. r FLUFF RUGS NORTHWEST RUG CO. The oldest and best equipped factory. Fluff and rag rugs woven all sixes: ear pets refitted; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned. . SI. 00 We call for aad deliver.. 1S8 . Eighth Phone Cast Wit saaaaaaaammamuilUJIJMIgsaWavaavjiiiiiiaLas 1.1 lunpifiuss PIONEER CARPET CLEANERS mFlaat Carpet Cleaners it City We do sUl kinds o carpet cleaning;. ' refitting, sewing;, laying;, resizing, binding; and dyeing. In our strictly modem equipped plant. I PKOMPT, HKHABLJi SEBTICB IsTlSF ACTION eUABANTSU 5 S4-UOUK 8EBTICJS ' tTlS Bars Hteam Cleaaed.. .Sl.GO Piaat aad Of f Ice, 197i E. Llaeola HU w. ! wsn ana ussiva FLUFF RUGS Made From All Kin da of Old Carpeta One SxlO Fluff Rug ......... S1 B.OO One 8a a Fluff Rug ......... S 4.00 OREGON FLUFF RUO CO. 19S4 E. Stark U Tsbor 7314 .V.'"-Byi-r- -"w-i JIW sm SO 20 Saved in Your Building - by Our Unit System FanchrMcLcan Co. 0--fO LEWIS BLD. RoaowaV aaaa END US YOUR OLD CARPETS, OLD Rugs ane bVaoiaa Ciothtne -Ws BjUae . Rrstb, Hn-Woven FLUFF RUGS Rag Rues wevtn. ail tlzes. Hail Sand (or booklet. Stat trims renovated, in ads . Feather eanovated, carawt cleanlna, ramtlna, ate; taunt, floes squippkd carpet claanine. iwttttina works la) Oxseoii. separata plants, r Sx13 rwaa rtaamad cleaned SI .80. WESTERN FLUFF RUtt OO. SaVSO Unlee At, H. East SS1S WE CALL AN D DELIVER. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE OF BALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Wajhington. D. C. . , March 10. 1921. Notice ia hereby siren that subject to, the conditions and limitations or the acta of June u V01S SO ... 01Q mnA 1 un. A 104rt iAt stst., 758). and the instructions of the Secre tary of the Interior of September 15, 191T, and June 22, 1920. the timber on tha following lands wiu be sold April a7 .1821. at lO a. : at public anction at tha United States land of fice at Portland. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised ralue at shown by tins notiee. sale to be subject to the approval of tha Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with aa additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per eent thereof, beine commissions allowed must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. - Bids will be received from citizens of the United States. : associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualiried purchaser, the timber on any lecal subdivision will be offered separately before be ine included in an offer of a iaraer unit. T. 2 S., H. 5 E., Sec. 13.' 6E 14 SE hi , red fir 160 M.. not to be sold for less than $1.25 per M. T. 8 S R 6 W See. 9. NWt NEW. red fir 380 M., SWH .Ml, red fir 885 M.. SEH NW, red fir 1280 M., SW NVV , red fir 1180 M.. none of which timber shall be sold tor jess than J1.75 per M. T. 5 8.. R. T W.. Sec. 83, NE?4 SW , red fir 825 M., white fir 120 M., none of the red fir to be sold for lest than (2 per M., and none of the white fir to be sow ror less, than 50 cents per M. (Signed) . CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner. Oenersl Ind CWfice. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County. Department f Probate. " In the Matter of the Application of) C. J. Smith, Guardian of the) Estate of Zeila Lucille Gillette,) ? an incompetent person ) For Leave to Sell Real Estate. ) Notice is herebv riven that in curmance of an order of the Honorable George Tazwell, judge of me circuit court ot Multnomah county. Oregon, probate department, made on the 21st day of aurcn. eVZi. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described. I will, from and after the 21st day of April. 1921. proceed to sell at private sale for cah, the following described real property: An undivided one-thirtieth interest in and to Jots 2 and 3 m block 9. Couch a addition to the city of Portland, Or., and also a like inter est in ana to tite south one-half ot lot 3 in block IS of the city of Portland, Or. ! Intending purchasers will call or communi cate with ma at No. -707 Broadwav bide.. Port land, ur. C. 4. SMITH. Dated the 23d day of March. 1921. Guardian of the Estate ot Zella Lucille Gillette, an Incompetent Person. Firrt publication March 23. 1921. La-t publication April 20, 1921. NOTICE CtV THIjaTEE'H RA1.K In the District Court of the United SUtes for me in tnfT or wreeon. In the Matter of the Estate of ) incK tucaeon. .Bankrupt. 1 Notice is hereby civeu that the nersonal oroo- erty belonging to the above named bankrupt will oe soia unaer tne airecoon ot w. K. ttoyle, trus tee, at private Sled bid- for m to be openea at tne omce ot Uonorable A. M. Cannon rc.eree in bankrayicv. nut lltle a Trust build ing, Portland, Or., Thursday, March 81, 1921, at 10 a. m. The trustee reseTTea the right to reject any ana all bids. A general description of the nronertv tt be sold is as follows: A stock of merchandise con- Mt'm- rrf hoax, work glove, work shirts, har ness and harness Tenair narta. anl VatSr . nAitea it i ua stain street, cottage Grove, Or. . nam yroiKrur mav oe insnectea at tne above premises on anv business dav nrior to the sale between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. ra.. ana an exact copy oi inventory, showing what i" we, xnv oe viewea on uaese premises oe tween these hours and copy of inventory can also seen at otiice ol tne undersigned. W. H. BOTLK. Tru-rtee. 1012 Gasco bidg.. Portland.. Or. NOTICE To Whom It Mav Cnr-.m - is hereby given that Mary E. Cummins has irit my oea ana Doera and that I will not be responsiDie ior any Dills contracted by her. M. T. CUMMINS. NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have withdrawn "um WIU1 Ule it . V. jttmy (Jo. , 718 Dekum bldg.. and will not "be responsible for any bills or debts contracted by said partner liip firm. Albert Kirg. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN I will not h. responsible for snv ti-h: nr hill n,n h. Nelly Moeller, 589 Mississippi are., after March it. x. wm. .aaoeiier. 1 WIIL NOT be responsible tor any debU con tracted by my wife. J. La, Jones. MEETING NOTICES 102 JOHX SHANNON L. O. L.. No. 009, meets every Thursday. 8t p. m.. No. 20S hi Third st Vbnung brothers welcome. MTMAvH .JAMP NO. SK?.hH!f stv IIdar night. 11 2. Dance for mem bers, their families and friends. Visiting neighbors .. i-ur aumission show your receipt at door. J- O. WILSON. Clerk. W KB FOOT CAMP No S, , i? ,w Friday night tn W. O. W. Tenule. 12S 11th at. MtmbenTre quested to be present. Via noon welcome H. L. BARBCll. aerk. ALBERT I'IKEi LOtXij! N(S. 12. A. P. AND A. M. Spe cial communication Friday eve ning; March 25, at 6:30 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. O. W. COOK. See. - sKIXWOOD lJJIKiK NO. 151. A. F. AND A. M. Stated meeting tomorrow (Friday) eve ning, at 8 o'clock. . Work in M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. It. BUTLER. See. PTlOTT i V'K" T MiAif "-' ar aV V A- a. -v AWiVT i.w V. . A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this Friday afternoon. 4:aU o cluck, I'yUiian uIoU. Vtur in E. A. d'-ree. vi iring hrethren welcome. By order W. M. H. J. HOUOHTON. Sec'y. lUkVV itlUlU. i.UiA,b .SO. Ill, A. h A A. M.- Special com munication Thursday evering, March 24, at :30. "Work in the M. M. degree.- Visiting brethren welcome. Cl. E. MILLER. rWrtj.rv . EAST tiA'i'E LODUK No. Ii6. A. - F. and A. M. East Eightieth and Glisan streets Special com munication Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Work in F. C. degree. Visitor welcome. By order of W. M. C. P. NET.HON, Secretary. MT. HOOD LOIXiE NO. 157. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Friday) evening, 7 o clock, - Work in M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. ' V. W. ENKE. Sec'y CANTON Portland No. 1. Patriarchs Militant. L O. O. F. visit Star lodge tonight. Meet at temple. Second and Alder, T:S0 p. m. Fatigue uniform with aide arms. Order commandant. H. B. PATTERSON. Clerk. JKEGON CO MAN DEK Y No. 1 drill corps, will meet this IThursdavl evening M 7:80. Full attendance requesteiL " J. A. BARBOUR, Captafn. KMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty, button, pin, charms, Jaeger Bios., 131-133 6Ui sU NEW TODAY A MEETING NOTICES 102 COLUMBIA LODGE NO. Hi. A. F. AND A. M. Special eons- muaicatioB this ( Thursday) To ning at 7 o'clock. - Labor in the M. M. dec ret, which degree will Ym conferred upon two members of the police department by the poHee degree team. There will also be an examination upon the M. M. decree. Visiting I brethren always welcome. : By order W. M . !. . FORTLAN D UntNa. 1, The Mae , cabeea, formerly meeting in K. P. hall, lltli' sod Alder, will give a card party and dance in its new hall. Selling-Hirsch building. 386 H Washington at. Thursday eveninc. Msreh 24. 1921: Cards prompt ly at n:0, dancing at 10. Union musks. Ad mission 25e.' Handmme prizes. Come for ft good time. P. C. ANDERSON. Chairman Com. EIS NO. 142 Reg- meeting i this (Thursday) 8 o clock. Elks Temple. brothers welcome. U. R. SPAULDINfX i j Secretary.', vW.l.iuWV U "" tSPC, March 24. 7:30 sharp. AU .S7r? naet grands are requested to be present for election of delegates WwS to crand Indue. , Work in tha Third degree ; all candidates be present; eats, smokes; come out and enibr a social and fra ternal evening with us. Visitors always welcome, Tbeila hall, opposite car barns, Killingsworth ava. ; H. W. WRIGHT, H. i. WtLIJAM IB. STITCH ELL, R. 8. fcUNNYSIDE chapter No. 42. R. A. M.. E. 39th and Hawthorne. Called convocation Friday evening, March 25, 7:30 o'clock. R. A. de gree. - Visitors welcome. Order E. H. P. . -:v W. 3. BRECKEL, :t 1 ' i ' Secretary. PHALANX LODGE NO. 14. K. OF P. Meets everv Friday at 8 D. ra In Orient hell. 426 H E. Alder, cor. E. 6th. Visiters ! always welcome. F. U. BEATON. I K. of K. B. CARDS OF THANKS WE wish to thank our manv friends for thi sympathy and kindness extended to us during our bereavement at the loss of our husband and father. . (Signed) Mrs. Theresa Stopper and lauuiy. ? - i FUNERAL NOTICES 104 LACKAT March 24. Darid Laukat of 67 Morris St.. aged 64 years, beloved huxband of Emilie Laukat and father of Frank Laukat of Portland and Paul Laukat of i Sacramento. Cal. Funeral " will be held . at the chaoel -of A. R. Zelier Co., 592 Williams ave.. Saturday. March 26, at 2 p. m. Interment in Rose City ceme tery. ; COYNE The funeral services of the late Pat- rick Ben Coyne will be held Friday, March 2. at :3 a. m.. at Holy Uosary church. East i nira ana viacxamaa sis. - interment, Mt. cal vary cemetery. The remains will be at the resi dence. 222 E. First st. N Thursday. March 24 after 3 p. m. Arrangements ;in care of, Miller at rraeey. March 24, Catherine V. Trimmer,' aged V years ll months, wife or J. W. Trimmer." Fu neral will be held Saturday. March 2A at 'J p. m. at McEntee A Eilers' parlors. 1 6th and cverett. CTienos mntea. interment. Rose City cemetery. SMITH In Lhi-i city, March ; 2W, llll. Mary Smith, aged. 75 years. ;. Friends invited to at tend the" funeral services at Kolmans chapel. Third at Salmon sts., at 1 p. ra.. tomorrow (Fri day), March 25, 1921. Interment Rose City eemet-ry. r McCLAMEY The funeral service of the late Rebecca McClamey will be held Friday, March 23, st a p. ra., t z.ion church;- Williams avenue Remains will be forwarded nnder the direction of Miller A Tracey to Pass Christian, Miss., for in- liKKlJ -At the residence of 40 Ella st-, March 23. Gail lone Reed, age' 25 years, beloved daughter ot it li. Keed and sister of Lynn M. Reed. Funeral services will I be held at the Chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment st Mc- t leary. wash. r - SEAFAT1 The funeral service of the late Nazareno Seafati, aged 32 years, will be held at st. iriiup iNen church, Friday at 2 p. m. Friends invited. Remains at I', L. Lerch funeral rHTior'i, K. 1 1 tn at Clay st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 10S ; East Side Funeral Directors FORMERLY F. 8. DONNING. INC. "The Family Sets the Price" 414 E. Alder rt, , i Phone Kr-t 52 EDW. HOIUMAN & SON iWALTER J HOLMAN1 Funeral Directors THIRD-AMI a.Al Mfl.V TSTREET8 A. D. Ken worthy & Co. 5802-5804 92D ST. 8. E.. LKNTS Ant. 618-21. Home Pnone D-61 Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AT HAWTHORNE PHONE EAST 781. Dunning ;& McEntee Morrison s. at 12th. Broadway 430. Ant. 545-58. CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Directors All the ConvenleneM rf tt- Woodlswn SSa. 24-250 KUlinesworrh . R. T. BYRNES eI'ta SfSSSSSi vt vvmiams ave. i Wood la 59n FSNLEY'S MORTUARY SlU.-vlUUMfcltr AT FIFTH. I ' MAIN ft MB V TRACEY. independent funeral di 1 '' rn m ,w as SZU. S40 IMA Wsshiiigton at Ella. ftf.i oaot Vs2 MENTEE A EILEgS, funeral parlora with all DOWNING A M'NEMAR a K i;u- Moderate In tW. I, ..71 7"" H!":m- ir.it si - vuscncu a-nons LelBfsf C.t 2 Williams are! Phone East 1088. QHfPUPe UNDERTAKING CO. Main 4i2 CKCWTO A-2321. Corner Third snd Clsy. Breeze&Snook WVxXi MONUMENTS 106 OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS OTJbUJTY MSMCkSIALS E. THIRD A PINE STS. PMOffE E.T43 ttBLAESING GRAMITF t 2e7-3ffO ST. AT M X rvi gnu JPortiana Marble-Works 266 4th St. Op. C3ty Hall. Neo Bros. FLORISTS 107 32&MoamsoN , X4-ftMnDOlnaJ SlDflf S . ADOaOWAY Pa OK LAttCEgT QETAIl fL0RlST w POQTLAHO And Floral Deatsns. . 25 Large i Hothouses. No Branca Stores. - 25 Tears on Morrison st between 4th and 5th. TaL Main 7709. WE specialise in wedding, reception, tea and table decorations, nersonal attention. Flnral tributes promptly attended to. i abwetland s Flower Shop m ornson n . oerween 3d and 4th. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Progressive florist' Flowers for an rkeeAvm.. . . , Mate 7215. T.' C. LTJKE. Mar. I 6th and 1U. MARTIN A FORBES CO Horista. 354 Wash ington. Main 260. A-1260. . Flowers for ail oeeasions trtistically arranged, f- - S i. - FLORAL SHOP Z45 Alder. Marahan 5022. s N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 6116. 831 Morrison St. LOST AND FOUND 108 LOST Friday night, suitcase marked "A. M. W." containing lady s wearing sppareL Be- ward. " Phone Tabor 782. LOST 1 black and white Collie Kh'herd pup. biacg tau wita wmie up, nsmed.Rex. Main a.4. Reward. LOST njld Eversharp pencil, with name. Dor othy Franklin engraved thereon. Phone Tabor 49. Reward. - LOST Boston bull terrier with harness; white chest and front; male. Liberal reward. Wood lawn 1470. STRAYED, unday, Boaton Terrier (brindle) , .license 2661, Reward. Auto. screw 621-81. WILL party holding brindle dog, with license ao. J.Z7Z, sundiy call labor 67691 fi TP-- r p. o V C ular .. r evening. , Visiting 103 ; (25 REWARD ...... for iseoveiy and inf ormauon leading to eonvie tton of party stealing Indian bicycle No. 17407 from Llewellyn school March 1 K. Painted red. short erosabar -under seat, gilded gold, seat post removed; Chalfsnt clamp use; wheel practically sew. 3. H. BRYANT, " . 1082 Chamber Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 8064. Sellwood 589. ii'HE following articles were found on the cara - of the PortUnd Railway. Light A Power Co., March 22, 1921: 8 umbrellas, 2 lunch boxes, 8 purses, 1 pin, 1 suitcssc.,2 hsndbsgi, 1 pr. and 8 egi. cloves, 4 books. 1 bunch keys, 1 key, 2 strings : of beads, 1 comb. & pkgs.. 1 fur, 2 baskets.-! sgl rubber. axaphone in ease, bucket.' Owners may obtain same upon proper identifica tion at First and Alder street station. LOST On the first floor of Meier A Frank s, a small black parse containing one $20 and two- S3 bills, also some silver, car ticket to Oswego and small red i handled pen knife. Re ward. Return -4o Journal office. LA Ox who took green silk umbrella Irom Meier - A Frank's optical i department Wednesday morning, kindly leave at lost and found desk in mra Tr. Vn questions S'ked. LOST From Portland and New berg stace. 1 biack handbag, March 22 Finder . notify Portland Sewberg Bus j Line, 4ili and Alder. Phone Main 3314. I ' LOii'l' Lady 'a tihriue pin. diamond pin set in , platinum, between 9th st. and Broadway car line, Tuesday afternoon; Suitable reward. Call Kat 1512 ' ..... :. ,;, STRAVED Toy Boston bull, with white hesd; answers to Tige; child's pet. Ant, 642-71 J reward. ' ' r" - h - LOST '1 oy blacs an tan dog, strayed from 1060 Westover rosd Saturday. Phone Main B016. Rewsrd 110. PLAIN gold wrist watch, Valtbam make, lnt on Williams ave. car. ., Call Wdln. 6013. Reward, ' LOT ln March 1H, j maple, leal, gold brooch. Hell. 800. Reward.! BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 J - ATIATTON - TP TOU WANT TO FT.T. WE'LL MAKE YOU A PH-flT Our methods instill fidence from the start. You know yon are fly ing with the most skilled In-tructoTB and the beat equipment from tne aslest field that moaty can buy. Our average rtudent will qualify for the International Pilot s License alter 7 hours in the sir. The coat bawd on tha time it takes to unsllfv with aalet i. it. u. alKUACs, INC 217 Mam st. Vaucouver. Wash. ; AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL " ADCOX ATTTfl srnnni. ; The largest and be?t equipiwd auto and gas engine school in the West is located st Union are. ana vvaaco street. Portland. Or. Prospect ive students and visitors ran inspect school daily st 11 a. m.. except Saturdays. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN The stste psys yon $25 per month while uoiiuim scnooi. enrou now bet ore educa tional fund ia exhausted. . SPECIAL 125 Arm rtrrnave YOUR OPPORTUNITY AlffO and Tr- TOR. ignition and battery work, vulcanning and retreading, driving. Up-to-date practical shop "ijerieiiec jjji a ana dVEMu classes. Ore gon ex-service men. the atate pays your entire tuiuon lee. catalogue and Information upon requet. HEMPHILL'Si AUTO AND TRACTOli SCHOOLS, 707 Hawthorne ave., Portland...- Op erating the largert chain of practical Auto ana lrsctor scnoois in uie ! world. TTD3 Dudrey School of Aeronautics will train you for any of the big pay posi tions ! in aviation. Enroll now and get your application in for this season's work in the cleanest and best paying profession of the dav. DUDREY AIRCRAFT CORPORATION School of Aeronautics. 105-7 N. 11th sty Portland, Or. i AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL Yon want nothing but the best. Hers It is. Standardised with schools in 60' other itiea best laboratories, best shop equipment and in structors.' Actual shop practice given on real repair Jobs. Results absolutely guaranteed. The time ior , yon to go to ecnoot ia while busii is quiei. j-repare now ror Dig Business openings ia icw juuuuia. inquire vregon institute of. Technology. 6th and Main. Clip this ad and wrifi " w wf tnr"ii 4 page erhtm. West's Largest Buslnesa Collesw. Assures . EVERY ORADUATK A POSITION All. bnsineea courses, including comnto mater training. Enron any time day school, night school. Write for free catalogue. 4 th st.. near atornson pnone Main ; nu. , YOU CAN EARN1 X6UB WAY THB6U(ia ALISKY BLDG.. 8D AND MORRISON. ENROLL in a budness school where students se cure individual instruction la the major sub jects and personal attention in all subjects, book keeping, atenographic, calculator, private secre tarial courses offered. Write or cail for inter view. New term now opening. - Day snd eve ning tensions. Oregon institute of Technology, mi rtrn sr., wain siuv, locui z. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach yon the trsde in S weeks: receive soma uav whila learning;: positdona secured; ex-service men re ceive stsre aia. write , or cau lor catalogue. o Durnnoa as. 1HB CALLAN Multigrapblng Scnooi IS placing its students in resnonaibie noeitianm as fat mm they qualify. It will pay yon to join the classes now tormina. sua Artisans bldg., Broadway auu vii,i 1 . . CALLAN Multigraphing . school is placing its students ss isst as they qualify. Opening for o giris in class. Register now. 405 Artisans' bldg.. Bdwy. and Oak, j OPENING in class for S young ladies to learn luuiuanjiuing ; gooa salary ior tnose wno quai Ify 4 OR Artisan bldg. Broadway and Oak. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY- sarou : tree, t rans iv. Welles. . former ml state supt.. Mgr., N-W. Bank bldg. Anto. 612-13. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade; wages while warning, positions xruarameeo. un. 22 nun' experience. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison. LEARN TELEGRAPHY: Railway Telegraph in. stituie. ess tuusii txenanna nid. . Kiii eiaases. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL 8P.HOOI. Miss Regina Buckel'a nrivate aehool: Indirlrfn.l imnruciwa. a a a urana sve. : jsast Z7. WANTED -Girls team mnltlarai-ihina printing. 22 Msin at HELP WANTED MALE 201 HIGH POWER salesman to put over A-l stock; big publicity to help; plant to be enlarged"; product now pop ular here. Call 7 p. m. snd 8 a. in. See Mr. Lowe. Imperial hotel. WANTED An elderly man who desires light farm work to work nart tima for vim and part time for himself, oh s good farm ; house. garden, etc., iurnisnea ; good opportunity; would not object to msn snd wife if no children. Ad dress Earl R. Smith, Surer, Or. FIRST-CLASS automobile and ; truck painter; person with ' some lettering 1 experience de sired ; - work is permanent all year around for right man; no bouse painter need spply. : See Cbaai W. Wentworth. 2d and Taylor at., care Went worth A Irwin. Inc. ; - -. REPAIRMEN, mechanics, get free sample of ahiminnm solder and list of ortainal auarr making formulas ; send self addressed, stamped envelope lor reply vf Anchor xtepair Shop, bos ft. liwaco, wasti. SALESMEN WANTED Patented nousehold ne cessity ; commission on future business. Cali fornia also epen to right party. 41a Chamber of Commerce bldg. - , .... PRESSMAN -t , ExDertence on 8-color rotary work. Stats experience ; in detail, where previoosly employed, giving make ot preoes. etc. o-bz. journal. FIRST-CLASS teacher of Gregg shorthand and kindred subjects. Avoir J. P. Wilson, Mult nomah hoteL 3'A lfcu An elderiy man to attendf urnace aud other light work; good home for right party; references required, 4 1 4 Market. - - ' ' '! ; -- - . : SAUSAGEMAKER . Must he first-dass. Apply I'aoifio Bay City market. 4th and Yamhill sts. I - - EXPERIENCED salesmen: largest money re- turns; greatest merit. Phone Brosdwsy 5814 for interview. - - .1 - : - - .; - JANITOR Colored man and wife for apt. bouse; , must be competent, Main 1032. bKNCUMAN wanted. Freeland Furnituxs Co., 970 Macadam st. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 LOST . AND FOUND Jaw TV r 1 Mv H TvvAT LADY SOLICITORS, GOOD COMMISSION. APPLY 6S11 72D ST. S. E. MT. SCOTT CAR. - , i . ' . HELP W A NTEI FEMALE 204 BY A YOUNG married woman ia small country place, mature woman aa companion and to assist with housework and care of children tn exchange fox good heme and small wages. D-110, Journal. " MRS. L. V. SCOTT, lormetly with the federal employment service, j fnrnishea eompeUnt of fice women aW women for all other tines of ero- ployment. . 32 Henry bids. Broadway 4537. WANTK1J experienced operator 40 h ticks tot mattress sa. United .Manf. Co., 25th and , Hot lsday. - - - ... l ANY UIKL in need of s friend, apply tn the Salvation Army : Itesene Home, Mayfair and Alevsnrler t. lhone Muln 34 SO. 1-M car. PUIS I'-CLASS teacher of Gregg ahorthsnd and kindred subjeotst. Apply 1.- P. Wilson. Mult nomah hotel. SHORT U0PR. sirl st once: experience not nec - essary. 257 Broadway..' WANT middle aged lady for housework. IT- dress A. Westerlund, Bonneville, Or. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 WANTED A limited uiuutwr mat lu Uj draw to Qtiahfy aa apprcutices in laige en graving concern. Earn while ymi leant. Iturenu of Engraving. 45 4lh at. Office 005. Mr. Greer. trectwiv tRSrt ' WANTED Married couple (o take care of flats; good childrrn cot oblected to: must Kvein basement of flata. Inquire by letter st 40 North Ifrst ; situations wantedmale 251 CALL T A Ml (It 64 C W. PllSfKIlOY EXCAVATING AND 174 E. 47TH ST. PORTLAND, On. rtiOWEVG. GRADING VVANTfcl By experieiiced hsnlwaro man. 2H years in hardware. Would aocvpt job as salen msn or work for hardware. . plumbing or hot air furnace. Address 22 78th sU i l'lions Ta bor 4-176. ' - ' ..v-,.,. . ..! ; CH At t i dbit wants : iMMiuun; undurowntls thoroughlr driving and mechanical upkeep, Privste car preferred. Uood local, referenoea. If-37, Journal. ' MARRIED ex-aervice man wants employment in city; experienced as truck- driver and shop msn; will-take other claaae of work. Z-528, Jcurnsi. -. - ... - '" . .. Ol-O law n.4 fixed, new iawna put in, garden work wv yjiecialty; aJ-o cement snd can enter work. i. W. r'lnwn. 243 E. XHth at. K. Tabor 347f. lk.Mt..i luuiHlaUuiin, huUaea ralil, baaeulciiu enlarged, eemeut work of all kinda; rcawnsble. Mar-hall .1(2. i i . It'U lurni-h paint and tint. -I win put it uii for, reasonwble day's unite: Auto. R22-70. PAPKRINt anil aui-oiuiniiisi and 4iunie m i U ing floor waxing, lieiiip.il nln Tshnr- R23H. ROOFS Ttexhinirled a vpecialty. Phone Esxt 1201. PLAdTLUl.NG, ciiuuuey sucl ceuiunt work. tud i 58. lull E. 4th st. Tabor 2 CAKl'K.Si Kit and contractor, jobbing any thing . in tne nniiqing nne. iMmne Ksst xoott. PAINTLNO and tinting1 in all their branch's. Kear-rmhle. Woodlswn 8826.'' Vsil Bros. EXCAVATI.Vt; AND ;KAilIU J. A. LYONS. EAST 843. UA1.UUEATU, the painter,, - We hang paiier ngrn siae up. lowest rate. wood lawn I4S4 PAINTINU, Kalsonuning, carpentering. 6703 vmoastori sve. S. K. Auto. 617-46. CEMENT work ; all kinds. First . class only. Sellwood WANTED Carpenter work by competent me- cnanic. i-none woooiawn 2oo2, SMALL carpenter jab wanted : firxt class work A. orover, 603 eth, Msrfhsll 88S. CEMENT work of all kluds. Call WoodUwn 1 HUB 'r.CMHIX; by day or contract- Auto. 828-44 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 V AN TED -Voting lady without home withes position ss housekeeper or companion to old people. t,su in person or wnie ill's M. M. Koeneke. 424 Est Richmond at.. St. John,, Or. LACE. SCRIM AND MARCH IISETTK CCH- IA1SB. DRAPERIES, DONE UP LIKE NEW. WILL CALL. EAST SRI 8. RELIABLE young lady deire housekeeping in city or country; prefer place where there sre cnimren. K-zo, JoiimaL THOROUUHLY exp. . lady wants pastry, saisds or pantry work. WdU 120. Ask for Mrs. reraqiorq. ... . - . EAl'ERIENCED girl wishes housework by day. ,,ranam. . WANTED Position aa saleslady or housekeeper nr r, fieTJtoie piaee. - rnone r-ia- innti. WILL care for children evenings and afternoons wmie mother is away. Broadway 2740. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housework. Address. a. wewrranq, rJonneville, jr. WOMAN withes cleaning, washing and Ironing ny day or nour. Phone Sellwood ; 1702. LACE CCRTAIN8 HAND" LAt;NDERKl. TT - tll. BArBBIESME. SOC UP. EAST 61 DRESSMAKING 256 LADIES Let - tne Richmond I ash Ion shop do your spring sewing and you wiu be delighted. We make suits, coats, dresses, blouses and under garments. Also refitting snd alterations. Ws give prompt attention snd onr prices srs rea sonable. Tabor 8012. 1120 Division st DlEiNO, cleaning, pretsing, dressmaking, re- modeling, reuntng, alterations, pleating, reu- snnaoie piiees. The Cabinet Cleaners A Iyer, 424 Morrl-on. near' 11th. Msin I82R. SEWING SHOP 120 Sixteenth st-. between Wash, and Alder. Open S a. tn. to 8 p. m. Alterations-, relining, mending, fiOe ah hnnr. llEMSmCHINti, 8 CM., V'Jn'0NA'S SHOP 210 FLEIDNER BI.DU., Washington at 10th st . DRK.SSMAK1.NU AND ALTERATIONS, Rl MODELINU. . PHONE BDWX. 664. 471 AT.DKR STREET. DRESSMAKINU done by day or at b'snn; will also trim jonr bets. " Madame Dierickx. Auto. 822-08. 568 4th ft DRESSMAKINU, ALTERATIONS 16 N. 23d st. Mar. 8874. EXPERIENCED seamstrese wishes dressmaking and piam sewing. Kut 1T3. Mrs, i 'raig. DRESSMAKINU and tailoring by ' the day. ta'lonng especially. Wood lawn 2172. PLAIN SEWING WANTED. MARSHALL 3954. NURSES 257 THREE practical nurses. 1 nurse for matron. East 7211. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 SEE THIS BOOM Room, all modern conveniences, ressonabla. B51 Washington St. Bdwy. 258S, apartment C FOR RENT Nice clean furninlied front room. ll per montn. Apply it tu east pine sc. near Grand ave. i FURNISHED housekeeping rooms from 610 to 120 a month. Light, best, water and bath Included. 405 W. Psrk at. lMvfl-l Efviw tiiMSHIiU or un- furnished bousekeerjinaT or sleeping rooms. MA car to Altuna. TWO aleeping rooms, nicely furnished, 82 and 82.60 per week. Apply at 448 Belmont St. or phone-Esst 174a. GARLAND liotal, 4 Trinity, bv'K ltoiu ami 20th. on Washington, Modern outside rooms. free phone and hath. 84 week up, i ONE nice clean I rout room, sui table tut 1 ui I men or working couple. Modern eonveuiancea. 124 E. IRth t. Phone Eet 4 5114. , THE ZORNS HOTEL Fifth snd Morrison.' Nice clean H. K. ootns. Centrally locaied. - I FOR RENT 2 single rooms and kitchenette, 1 suite of 2 rooms, running water, close-in. nice neighborhood. 20O 14 th st. tXlll RENT 2 room apt, close in, hot snd eoa water, large rooms, reasonable rates, heat 404 Tsylor. Main 8411. XiB BENT 2 H. K. rooms, close in, iighu. neat and Igas, batli. nice neighborhood. 402 Taylor. Phone Main 87. FOR RENT 2 rooms, nicely furnished,- electric light, furnace beat, use of bath and nhona. Reasonable rent 661 Wash. 826 Splendid front raom and alcove, private t bath, suitable for Z or 8 men. Near ahio- yard. 564 1st. Hawthorne Apt a. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, i hot snd cold wster: also rooms with nrivats bath. 2604 -5th rt. NICELY furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms, awe aiau st. - aiain earn. . Kara carfare. - NEW. famished rooms, walking distance from . town, furnace heat, free phone and bath. (3 per week. 608 Wh at. Main 88ft9. SMALL sleeping . room, reasonable;, ay walk. sit nroaqway. aiarnau tzsz. FOB RENT 1 suite of 3 rooms, dose in. downstairs. 84 titth st. - ' - - - i sleeuing close ia, reasonable rates.- 83 N. 17tb at 1'uU RENT One large room, hot and cold water, close tn; warm ana clean. 848 Mill at FURNISHED ' housekeeping room with- kitchen ette, good neat szi w. Park st Mar. 1426. MoDERN sleeping ruouM lor rent; Newhall ho tel, 4Q2 K. Washington at East 4". y- FURN1SHED hou-ekceptng rooms tor rent light and water -famished. 142 First st FOR RENT, targe .front sleeping room, close in. namniiDn rates. oj.i i am sx. j FOR RENT Comf. IL K, rooms, wslkiog dint. beat and usual conveniences. 93 Mont- gomery. " ' ' ' - ' ' ' FURNISHED sleeping room for rent, near lei- ferson nigh. CaU Wdln. 626. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 30O EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant front room in moJem house. Well furmlied, convenient ami clean. Would be nice for 2 rooming together and shar ing expenses. Separate beds if desired, or wouhit , rent to one alone, . Havs other single rooms to rent in same. Plain one on 3d flour. Very rea sonable All rooms with .or without very light housekeeping. SOa 12th -t. Mar H2H. 'IHK New Amerkian Hotel it M 3.1 !. cor. Flanders is now under Amercan msnsgement. It has been thoroughly cleaned snd refurni ,lird with new furniture. We sre in s position to render the bent of service tn (lie mwt exacting person st nee-war m-ice. -M f (JrMlarfl, ni?r. NiceJy Furnislaedl Room In modern home; rsle rcsoiialile. wulkina dinunce to buMncNi district. 333 lOlh. Msm a sat Modern 2 Room Apt. snd separate sleeping room Verv comfortaht. Leeds a i a r I inenla, 2 1 0 Market st. M arohall X,M 7 . IS FCTtXlSTTET) rooms lor -i iri7ia, no lol i dren. 74 Rorthwtrk sti 1. M. PHtenerr, Res. phone Wdln. Oil!'.'; office pliona am. 4til4 11 Ai. 1.1, HUT1-.I. For lovely, airy, cheerful room, hot soil cold wster, stesin heat, piano; 8c! and .Montgomery. Kean-rtshle. Main 7IMI4 S l.M HESTER ilO'iiJ, A -workingman'S hotel; nice clean rwciis at reanonshle rate. Transient ,,A0e pur day ami lip. 13 ' N. M. H'1y. i.' JIH COAST HOTEL, 232 Burn-Ale. Plume IS.lwy. "U72. I'pder new management. Hot and cold water. Steam heat Slid frr bstlls, Kate S fin suit nti. I-jiOTEL FABIAN Ror ma by flay or week. S4 -r week snd tin. 4K1IH W-ll t. het. Mill and 1 nth t-t. Sri.r.NIllll rooms for gentli-men, walkina -ii- tance O. 1L A N. slioini; fine beds, modertr conveniences, 4 98 Commercial, cor. of 1'sge. Fine harbor view, i CUMBERUAND APTS. 1 simile furnished nxnn 301 W. Psrk sU Msin IOKH. SOUTH FRONT, clean furnished room, with bay window, ess plate; 2 boli k from Jiont' gomery A YVsrd.'- U31 Savier st., $10. Mar ahsll anon, TllUEli rouiu, clean, ;,t-aiit Iroot 'i i'tl'V" I'ulti and atitimmtir hot water for bath free. Uint ah In ror 2 or a adults, Ka 5235. 125; 1U23 Macailam.v TWO ctiuii'ietely funiuiiea liuitneke own room. Water, light, phone, m-imrale eiitranee, clean. Employed couple preferred. 394 Montgomery st , eerrier psrk. FURNISHED rr,om f 1 , not houekeeptng, close . in,-near carline, Eat S152. EM I'll ESS HOTEL Centrally located modern, ateam heated, hot and cold wster. Plioue in- esc b room. 808 Vs B'ark. ror. flth. ' FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 OK RENT 2 nn-eiy mnu.i.ml inotiern ruoma, with showsr hsth, all hums privileges, con veniences i use of phone; gentleman only. Rose City fsrk. Tsbor 7580, LARUE, lltflit, well vrnfilaled rounis in s nuid ern home, W. 8 , It) minutes to center of town; lots of hot water. $12 per month up. 497 HarriHon, near 14th. NICE sleeolnn momv nrivala f..r,llu nilll 1 o.i, J 8. Wet side. Mar-thall 2024. " ONE frout bedroom ior rent, with heat, ballu telephone furnished, $15 per month; 8 blocks from 2 carliuea. 1005 E. Saliuun at Tabor SOMEONE to share nice borne, 4 blocks from csr; prefer man and wife or mother and tun; would consider only reliable parties. Tsbor 237 between10 a. m. snd 2 p. tn. , F0RNI8HEf room in privsie home. w.-U fur w, nislied, light, warm rooiry walking d statue. East 4007. 881 Haasaio at. LARGE front room; walking distance; running wster, iporch ; suitable for gentlemen or couple employed,;- R70 Hoyt at, Hrnailwsy 11155, FURNISHED routm, one or ten girls, employwl; laundry privilegea, breakfast privileges. iao E, Salmon st 81t at, , FURNISHED room In private home neat snd a clean room, suitable for I or 2, close In, use oi pisno. nstn snd pnone. Call Msfhsll 211 . FOR RENT 2 nice clean rooms, furnm-a heat, light and gas: good bathroom; good basement for washing. Woodlawn 448. - A WELL furniaiied sleeping room, close in, wet side; best, bath, pliune. Main 4013. 434 Mill st. VERT fine modern furnished room, gentlemen only; private family; no ather roomura 444 8d st. FC1LN lili ED room iu uioder.u iiomt,-, Mti every convenience, for gentleman or lady em ployed, references exchsneen phone K. M 1 8. NU El.V KUUNIsHMi FRONT ROOM NKAIt-i KENTON, MOIERATELV PRICED- WOOD-1-AWN 1085. Afcl, titvii. well heau-d outiiliie rM,m rent; well furnished; walking distance, N. 0th st. Broadwav 4285. 46 r't'lLMSHED sleeping rooms; walking diHlance; n-asonshle raUn. Mm. A. C. IXwning, 024 B Morrison, 1 l.'RNl.SHEl) sleeping riKtius; all ouuaie ruoma. Mrs. Mary Soott, 10 K. lith si. NICE, clean aleeping room-, cloe in, niiMlern ' conveniencev 474 Yamhill, corner 14tli. 3.oQ WEEK, attractive room, with heat tn workingrosn, 4 blka. off Waah. St. 81 N. ivtn. Sl.t.El'lAI, ti m lur g niit-mati. m-ar aaut aud Broadway brldire. phone Eat 6748. 1 SLEEPING room, near carline, rate reason, able, 210 Morrla. Woodlawn 2824. SLEEPING rt.oius, neat and clean; walking dts- isnee; a ws. r.aat flilis. NEAT ROOM, CONVENIENT TO BAlil; RE A- no.Ani.r nimi, jnoo. ROOM for sent, Esst Hide. I'hone Sellwood 172, -aii si uii rwirun Bl. ROOM AND BOARD 302 you make uji your tuiud to aettle down to room and board, coma see me. set mv pricasl they are right; 8 squares per day; juat at home. Call East 878. BOOM and board, 18 per week. Near carline. Goud district Wdln.-bS. 1778 lenver an. Near Nlcolal lioor works and storkyanlt. llOOMS with ot without, board. Hot water, eleu- trie ligbta, 1 block to carline. 80 inimit,. from town. Wdln. 8727. FOR RENT Room, for geuUetiirn wlio deaire good home with board. All mnr,iil.n.u Walking dtstsnce. 738 Johnson, Main 87bn. ROOM and board for employed im ipTe. 8 T I people a ltdey. Roas st Esst 2R60; 2 block brldxe. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 LADY with good boms desires to csre fur one or two children; pises where fsther osn board, or will tsks bosrders. Main 26HR. 1 HOUSEKEEPING room. Also room with board. Reasonabia rates. 16 E. btb at, N. SEE THIS Board snd room for working couple, front room, nice bungalow, home privileges, Csil Tsbor-8lll. SEE THIS I OOOT ROOM AND BOARD, WITH HOMR PRIVILEGES FOR GENTLEMEN. PHONE AUTOMATIC 832-18. j HAVE double room for employed or married couple, slso 1 single room for working girl, 2 meals; home privileges; walking distance. Lat 8862. WANTED To board 2 little girls private home; pleasant surroundings, near 2 good schools, 15 minutes' ride from town. Woodlawn 87(18. PLENTY OF MfO:" AND B y.Hf7:,tT7rTPrr, WITH IXITS OF I-OVK 18 BABIES'" SUA" I'., AGES 2 TO 8 YEARS 1 67 N. 22D ST. M. Sill. Nit i,i.V lurni.lieii to m aiui board, in, me pi ti- If ges, excellent mals; walking distance; prices ia. onaWe. phone Est Bl5 ' reawns liAl',-1 -LA .NO cottaae boartu ciiiMirru i .J . week or month; teasonsble. Sell. 10S; 4740 8 2d at H K. RooM and txuol with ail how priru-Ke-,; Urge room suitable for two. Rates very reasonable, Clo'e tn cn carline. 580 Ml-yjsalptd. ONE sleeping room; clua m. near oarllrw; with or wiJiout board. Home cooking. 64 5 Borthwick. ROOM and table braird. One block to canine. 830 per month. ' Mr. Painter, 1 66 K, 16th. BOOM and board; walking distance. Mrs. L. A, Smith. 15 E. th. WANTED Lady boarder, room and board $20 a month. Ella Finney, R. 2, ;ervaia. Or. Wmi' auu room very id unun, ia N. lotu t phone Hroadway 440H. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 1 S-RM. suite, 1 2 -no. suite, 1 sins.s h. k. no., ex. well furnished, clean, close in. heat mnA light furnished. Come look st them. 1-28 14th st. Sd door from Washington at FOB RENT H. K. Siartraenl, 2 rma.. 1 Urns, ana siwnen; im-itvie ngnts, neat, and water.- Beaaonable rates, desirable neighborhood. Me- shall 82SH. 827 Broadwav. - FOR RENT Two room, kitchen . and bedroom. lights, water! rates for 1" mrwn SIR. for . $18; close in, nice peighborhotxl. Mar. 853S. 849 12th. (Continued sat Following Faiit;