THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1821., THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, OREGON MOHAIR SEASON TO OPEN WITH PART OF OLD CLIP UNSOLD FRR PR RK START . ' ON THE UPGRADE . TBCKSDAT DAI 111 PRODUCE- B Iter. Erg:. Cneese. Portland ...ii e tic 87 e ; Cfcleago 4ttte tie tt c j wan Francisco . .....8S lie titic - ew York '.. 49 Vie SHe ' 2 e . feeattle c. SOe 37 e - Los Angeles ...40 e 2te - ... - Twenty cents la being freely offered for current receipt eggs by broken at this time, an advance of 2c a dosen over what they were offering a few daye ago. The bids have been made by, legitimate e to race interests. C" Those that bar dmii nmt persistent on the besr sid of the eta; market up to thi time have no turned ta be trail because they have arvnmulated some egg. : While BO cards were reported oat ot the day by fcwal houses, the higher price was being offered to tho that ' wired or railed. One bouae was reported to be paytnr 21e dosen fur current receipt daring the dar, bat Uita nrire was not general, therefor . is not quoted in the regular report. Portland ha been the lowest egg market of standing in the United - States recently, thanks to the bear interests who are now boosting the price because of the fact that they bare plenty ot egga oa hand. Those desiring apeecial Information regard ing any market should write the Market Editor. Oregon Journal, enclueiiig stamp tor reply. , BUTTED. BIT U ATI OX IS 8TEA3T W hile there m an undertone of unsteadiness reported for cubes in some quarters, the market for butter in general ia ateady "with "-no change in price ahowa or in prospect for the immediate . futnr. . CHEESE HOLDS A TROSO TOSE Tillamook continues to show strength for cheese with no material increase in supplies re ported. There ia a disposition to shade values on the. product of some of the other Pacific Nortliwest aeclioha. SPRIXti LAMBS HARDEK TO MOVE Unusually limited can la showing for rprinc lamb, in the country killed meat trade. Sales of slock with pelts on are slow at 1 5 to 1 Mo pound, while without pelts offerings are mov ing slowly at 20 to 28c VEAL MARKET IS IX BAD SHAPE Country killed calves show a very slow mar ket along Front street, although in a eery limited way extreme top quality is moving as high as 1 8c Bulk of the good atuf f moving at 17 & 17 He Hog remain scarce. . .-. EASTER TRADE HOLDS CniCKEXS Owing to the somewhat better demand, due to the Baxter trade, the market for rhickem is holding shout steady along the street. Indi cations point to a lower range with increasing supplies within the near future. HOP DEALERS BOOHTIXU PRICE With hop dealers controlling very large per cent of the present holdings in the state they are boosting value and are talking of free offers at 25e a pound. The general de mand appears somewhat improved. BRIEF XOTeN OF PBOBTCE TRADE Heed lettuce firmer and higher at $4.25 crate. --. . . Aiparsgua is lower around 20c for the best. Potato market is steady with buying at 0e to (1 in country. No fresh salmon in local market. Louisiana, strawberries selling fair at IS. 50 crate. . .. WHOLESALE PRICES 1JS PORTLAND The are price retailer pay wholesaler, ex cept as otherwise noted: . - ; - Dairy, Product BCTTEB - Selling" price, box lota: Cream ery, extra, parchment wrapped, 4 5e per lb. Jobbing prices: Cube, extra, i 8940o per lb. ; dairy, buying price, 1 8c per lb. BUTTEKFAT Portland deUvery baai. No. 1 grade. 42e; No. 2, 40c; country station,, 87 8c per lb. CHEESE Helling price: Tillamook, fresh Oregon fancy triplets, 88 & 87e per lb.; Toting Amcriras, 37 & 88c; Oregon-Washington trip lets, 35c lb. Prices to Jobbers, f. o. b. Tilla mook: Triplets 83c; Young America. ' 84c. Sellm price: Block Swiss, 8H(40c; limburber. 86 e 88o lb.; cream bricks, 86 S 3 He per lb. EGG 3 Buying price: Current receipts, 20c doaens candled, : selling - price. 24c per dosen; select, 2 5 2 8c per dosen.- LIVE POCrLTRT-Sellin; pro: Heavy hens, 82c per lb.: light hens, 27 & 28e per, lb.;, old rooster, 16c per lb.; turkeys, 40e per lb.; drsaed, 4085e per lb.; ducks. 35 40c lb. i Fresh Vegetable and Fruit FRESH FRUIT Oranges. 88.00 5.80 box; bananas, 10c per lb.; lemons, 88.25 94,75 per ease; grapefruit, Florida. $7.0098.25; Cali fornia.' $3.25 & 8.50. Louisiana strawberries, 35.50 per 24-pint crate. APPLK3 60e$S.00. . DRIED FHVIT Dates, $3.63 0 6.85; fard $3 50r3.?3 per box: tigs. $2.00 .50: prune. 70a to 80a. 60-lb. boa:, 7 He lb. ONIONS Selling price to retailer: Local. 75o$1.23: garlic. 15c; green onion. 30 0 40c dosen bunches. . POTATOES Selling rrice to retailer: Ore gon fancy, $1.25; sweets. Arkansas, $3,239 8.50 hamper. VEGETABLES Artichokes, Jfo." 1 per doc. $1.25 1.75; spr-us. 22 22 He per lb.; beets, new, per. rwt.. $1.50; cabbage, beet local. 2e lb.; Winningstadt, . pony crate, lb, 3 K & 3 H e : carrots, per cwt, $1.26; carrot, hunched, per-dosen. 600 55c; cauliflower, local. $1,00 9 1.50; celery. Sn Diego, select, 4 Us, 5s. per crate. .$5.26: celery, fancy Urge, bunched, per dosen. 00c $1.00; garlic per lb.; 20c; green onions, per dos,. 60c; green, peppers, large, per lb.. 43c: horseradish root, per lb.. 16c: lettuce, per crate, $4.25. dozen, $1.25; parsley, per dosen, 60c; per &., 2c: pea, green, lb.. 13 9 17 He; peppers, long, dried, lb., 40c; radishes per doc. 50c: rhubarb, hothouse. 28-lb. box. per lb.. 20e; rhubarb, California field, per. . w; rutaoagas. per id., 1 i c; apinacn. vsUa Walla, per box, $1.25 91.33; tomatoes, 28-lb. lug. per box, $4.25 9 4.75; turnip, per cwt.. $2.00. . , - I -.--." Me and Prwrlalon ' -COUNTRY MEATS Selling price: Country hogs. 16 16 fee lb. tor top blockers, about 123 to ISO lb. ; heavy stuff lower; veal. top. 80 to 110 Hm., 17? 18c- hevy stuff lees. SMOKED MEATS -llama, 30(8 S7c per lb.; breakfs!.t bacon. 26 9 53c. LAUD Kettle rendered, IS He lb.; tierce be.-u. compound, 12c. PACKLN'O HOUSE MEATS Steer-beer, 16c; cow beef, 13 H 9 14 He; hogs, 18c; lambs. 17 918c per lb, . -,.,' Flh and Shallfteh FRESH FISH Chinook. 28 930c lb.; hali but, fresh, 15920c; sturgeon, 24o; black cod. II 9 12e; kippered salmon. $2.25 2.50 10-lb. basket; kippered cod. $2.85 ; raaor dams, ( ) ; crab,,- S2.5098.28 dosen; Una cod. 67o lb. ; (ITSTERS Eastern.- Dee eallnn. ? xx nn-i Oirmpia. $5. SO. :- . : QrocerH RCG A R Refinery basis: Cube. $11.00; frnit. and berry.- $9.23; D yellow, $8.23; beet Easter Dinner SPECIAL! One 60c brick of Alt. Hood Ice .Cream. Your choice of four fla vors : French Salad. Neapolitan, ML Hood Special and Princess. And 60c worth of Assorted Cream Wafers. Fresh daily. In eight, flavors. ... . . -'The '2 'for 61c Coupons for this special will be Issued here and redeemable on Sunday at any of our three stores. Saturday Only Stout-Lyons 1 e Sale THIRD AND MORRISON STS, Ummmii..,,i.nwii ... i i i , 0 mXiucet BASK.ET RETAIL, PRJCXX. By Hyman H. Coaea - Home-grown rhubarb is now In rather plentiful supply and ia being freely of fered in the retail markets. Rhubarb pie ia next in order and prices are down to the nortnaL On the public market and in the retail shops home-grown stock ia being offered at 10c to 12 Vic a bundle. The quality la much better than that Imported from California. Local spinach id now quite plentiful and sales are being made generally at 10c a pound. ? !. ';. : Razor clams are in somewhat better supply, with the price down to 40o a doien for the large aixe. New beets are being offered at fie a bunch, and there la n increasing supply of various greens, s , ., Egrs have begun to climb Jn the whole sale market, but public market prices are still at the tow point. . Spring lamb is available in the leading markets at a price that ia below any re cent year.. , . ! The following prices ruled generally In retail a hope for good quality. Soma Tatue ar frac tionally higher,- inferior ataif fractionally lower: Butter Freeh creamery. R 2a. j - Kegs Fresh extras, 26 928a per dnssn. , Poultry Chicken,' dressed. 40 50c. f Fish Salmon, S5c per lb.; halibut, 28 9 80c per lb.; Columbia river smelt, 4 to $ pound for 2Se; sturgeon, 80982c per lb. ; perch, 15o per pound. i . - i FlourBest local j patent. $2.o0 2.63 per sack. 40 lbs. . ' . Potatoes Burbanke, $1.25 91.66 per aack. Onions 1 H 9 2c per lb. Maximum price on the Portland pnbllc mar ket: Cabbage, 2c per lb.; cauliflower. 20e head; carrots, 2c lb.; celery hearts, 15c; onions, 2c lb. ; parsnips, 1 Ha lb. ; dry beana, 7e lb. ; bulk honey, quart 90c, pint 47c; ducks. 60c lb.; geese, 45c lb. ; cottage ebeeae, 20c lb.; hens, 8$ 9 85c lb.; fryers, 8 tie lb. ; eggs, 26c down; but ter, Bc 10.; milk, lie quart. . Selling Pressure Sends Wheat Off In Initial Deals Chicago, March 24. (L N. 8.) Grains registered fair gains for the day, due mainly to a disposition on the part of aborts to cover before the holidays. March wheat acted congested and ad vanced sharply on export buying. Pro visions ruled lower for the day. March wheat gained 2c May ad vanced hc. May and July corn c to 4c higher. September c up. May oats gained c to H& July and Sep tember oata c higher, r Cbfeago, March i 24. (L it. 8.) Wheat started witn celling oi a general cnaracter wniia bnvina waa acsttered and not easily traced. kfarcb opened -He lower and Jfay H e to 1 Ha off. I Corn started unchanged to He lower with general sailing on msrket order and limited buying.' -. :. j . i Chicago range by United WHEAT Pre Open. 150 140 64 66 H 40 H 41 2025 116T ! 1207 1132 1150 High. 138 H 143 COltN 64 H BT V Low. Close. 140 153 138H 142 63 H 64 H 66 H 66 H 40 H 40 H 41 41 2025 ;T 2040 . 115T 1160 112 1185 1117 ' 1125 1150 1150 136 137 112 . 113 .... 65 "' March May . , Hay July . . Hay . . July . . Mar . . May . July .. i May ., July ., May . . July . . f OATS ! 40 H f 42 PORK 2050 ; LARD 1170 1210 . R1B3 1132 iliso I RYE 1 137 H 114 BARLET 18T IIS May 65 Cash Barley 62 976. Uteti Wheat iso. l red. $1.58 H ; hard. $1. ; No. 2 56; No. . i i - .' ' ; red, $1.61 H 9 1.5$;, No. 2 iag. $1.43. ! ' : 8 spring. DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST San Franetsoo market I t San Francisco, March 24. tU. P.) Batter Extras. 88e; prisne firsts, 87 He. Kffxs Extra. 81c: extra firata. 80c: firsts. 27 He: dirtiee. 27c; tint extra pallet. 28 He; undeiiizea pullets, 27c Cheese Calif oruia . flaU fancy, 25 c; firsts. 2X He. ; .. . -, i - - --v-s - Ssltl asHiet Seattle. March 24. tU. P.) Egg rresh rsDch. 28 9 30c; puileta, 24 925c i . , Butter 44 945c. : .. , v I Lo Angela Market Los Angeles. March 24. (L Jf. S.) Bu ter. 40c !;--.. - ' ! Eggs Extras, 20c; ease count, 27c; : pul lets, 250. I Poultry Hen. 85 88c; broiler. 40 948c; fryer. 55c : : POTATOES ALOHO THE COAST aatUa Marfcat Seattle. March- 24. U. P.) Potatoes Takima Cams. $27.00 9 30.00t locals, $14.00 918.00. j. , i San Francisco Market San Francisco. March 24. U. P.) PoU toea: River White. $1.752.00; sweets, $5.50 96.00. . l Onion Australian Brown, 50c per bag. Los Anoeles Market Xjo Angeles. March 24. (I. N. S.) PoUtoe Srorktnn Burbenka, poor. $1.7892.00; best, $2.25 9 2 40; Idaho russets, mostly $2.23 92-85. -Sew Tort Metal Market ! New York. March 24. fL N. S.) Copper, quiet; spot and Mrch. 11 9 12 H ; . April. 11 9 12; May.: 12 91$. Lead Dull; spot. Marsh and April, offered. 4H. ' - . - ! ' Spelter Dull; spot, March and April. . of fered. 4.85. -I. Kew Tork Potato Market t New Tork, March 24. (L N. 8.) Potatoes tin bulk, barrel or bag) Market firm: nearby white. $3.0098.23: Bermuda. $8.00 9 14.00; Southerns. 82.00 9 4.00. granulated, $9.1$i extra C, $8.03; Golden C, $9.75. ; - i - . HON ET Par case, $7.75 98.00. BICB Japan . tyle. No. 1, 4 e: I Blue Bose. 6 He per Ox: New Orleana head. 8c. COFFEE Roasted, 19 981c. in sacks of drums. -' i ... SALT Coarse, half ground. 100. 818.50 per ton; 50s, $17.8$: table dairy. 60s, $27.25; bales. $3.30 94.00; fancy, table and dairy, $34 flOr lump rock, $26.50 per ton. ' BEANS . . Sale by . jobbers: . SmaQ white, 4a lb. : large white. 4 tic: pink, 7 He per lb.; limas, 8c: bayou, 10 He; , reds. 8c; Oregon beans, buying prices normal.' , CANNED MILK Carnatioitr $6.00; Borden. $6.01; Aator, $5.90; Cagla, $11.66; Libby, $3.90; Motlnt Vernon. $3.90 per case. i - ROIA CRACKERS In bulk. 17e per lb. NCTS Walnnb., 28 9 82c lb.; almonds. 29 9 80c; filberts 21e in sack lota; peanut, 10 9 14c; pecan. 23c; BraxDa, 80c. 1 "- Raw. Paint, lie". . :- - HOPE rSisal, dark. 14c; whiU. 16c per lb.; standard Manila 80 H C UNSEED OIL! Baw. bbls.. 90c L; kettle boiled, .bbls., 81.01; raw, caaee. $1.14; boiled, casea, $1.16 per gallon. - COAL OIL Pearl or water Whit, ta drums or iron bsrrrls. 17 He faL; ease. SOc per tsL OASOLIHE--Iroa barrels, 80c; eases, 42 He per aallon. ?.. - i WHITE LEAD Toa lota, 12 e; 500 lbs... 13c per lb; i . TURPENTINE Tank. 99c; cases, $1.14; 10 ease ioit, lc lea. ,t J, ... m- Hep. Wool end Hid ' i HOPS Nominal. 1920 crop, 20 25c HIDES Calfskin. 8 910c; kips. 6 9 6c; green hides., 8 9 4c; salted, 6e per lb. i : MOHAIR Long. 8Be; short, 1 5c . -' TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. 8e; No. 2. 4c. - , -. i OASCABA BABE New. 8e per lb. j ' ' WOOL Willamette -rmlley. coarse, 10c; n um. 20c; fine,. 20c per lb.; Eastern Oregon Idaho, 15 9 20e per lb; i Stock. Boada, Cwt tea. raJa. Et. $16 - 917 Boara i Trad tteneta ' i's -y-:- ?"'. : f v ' Vv- ''.'i.' C''' Overbeick&CookeCo. DIRECT PPJVATE WRES TO ALL EXCHANGES 31 there Cklear 3eard of Trad CerraoaaBU $ Logan Bryaa, Caieagw as FLEECE SHEARING WILL BEGIN SOON The mohair shearing season will open in the Willamette valley within - a few days or aa soon aa the weather will ad mit of operations. There is also an in clination to start wool shearing In this territory although many aheep men will hold off operations for awhile. There is bo Ufa at ail in the market for mo hair at tbe moment. Prices are considered around 20 9 25c a oound. but these rururea arc on a nominal basis, ia fact have no sale to sub- tantiata them. Bather liberal atippliea of the 1920 shearing remain ia the local mohair territory and this, added to the 1921 output, ia not Bering the ef fect of stimulating prices or demand Wool market situation eoatinnes very disap pointing not only in the West bat in the East. While some business continues to pees ia tbe Atlantic territory, practically all of i it is at unsatisfactory valnea. Mill are buying, but only for immediate requirements, or for the order for good now on hand. Cooperative Wheat Growers Sign "Up Oregon Producers The Dalles,' March 24. Wheat ranchers of Wasco county met at Dufnr Wednesday and placed a total of 60,000 bushel of wheat under contract for sale by the newly organised Oregon Grain Growers' Cooperative aaaociatioa. .Eighteen growers signed these contract, which baotutely bind the ranchers to market their grain through the association's sales or ganizations. ; Other worker for the associa tion ar in the field, and the 60.000 bushels now aigned up is considered to be only a be ginning. j Rancher in seven counties are now aigned up under these contract and the Oregon total ia 1.827,000 bushels. The amounts contracted ar divided aa follows: -Sherman county, 725, OO0 bushels; Morrow. 718,000 bushels; Oil Iatm, 230,000 bushels; Baker, 72.000 buaheia; Wasco, 60.000 bushels: Umatilla, 10.000 bush els, and Wallowa. 8000 buaheia. . . . Mora than 100 wheat ranchers of Wasco county attended this meeting at Dufur. ool a Buyer Of N. Y. Cotton New Tork, March 24. (L N. 8.) Liver pool was a lrg buyer again at the opening of the cotton market today and chiefly respon sible for an advance of 17 points in first prices here. The demand for the later months was supplied partially by broker who act for Japa nese interests and by room traders who had long cotton for sale. Private cable reported further improvements at Manchester. - At the end of the first 20 minute cotton was only about 5 points over last night s close. Offering became heavy lata an the day and price broke to a new low ground. Tbe close was steady at a net decline of 20 9 83 points. - Spot cotton waa quiet today, 20 points lower at 12, sa. AO sales. Month Open. Hieh. Low. Ckwe. Jan. 1400 1400 186S 1365 May 1279 1283 1238 1242 July 1335 1326 1283 1284 Oct. 1370 1878 1380 1330 Dee. 1885 '1886 1857 1357 Liverpool Cotton Firm Liverpool. March 24. (L N. 8.1 Spot cot ton was improved in demand today with price firm. Sale for tbe qaw were 6000 bale. American middling fair, 11.60; good middling. 9.50; full middling. 8.80. middling. 8.05; low mddlng, 7.15; good ordinary, 6.0O; ordinary, 6.13- Future opened steady. f . ,i ---. V .i I .5 . 5ew Tork Batter and Egg New Tork. March 24. (L N. 8.) Butte Market firm.. Creamery, extra (salted and u re setted) , 46 9 49 He; creamery, firsts ( salted and u malted) , 42 947c; creamery, hijher than el trait (salted and nnaalted)4 46 H 9 50 He: state uairy, wos,. 29wic; imiisooa creamery, firsts. 2 927Hcf . Cheese -Msrket steady. State, whole milk. peeiai. 25 9 29c; whole milk, fancy, 24 9 27c; wnoie milk, lower grades, 18 9 25 He; Wiscon sin. - whole milk, fancy Toung Americas. 27 9 27 He; stste, skims, specials. 17 9 19 He: skims, choice, 18 916c; skims, fair to good,, 10 912e: skims, lower grades. 8 9 9c Eggs Msrket firmer. Nearby whit, fancy. i esse; nearoy Drown, fancy, iibkc; extra. vc; ursia, aa y w 20 me. Minneapolis-Wianlpear Wheal Minneapolis Cash wheat: No. 1 Northern. $1.57 H 9 1.62 H: No. 2. $1.52 9 1.69 H -. No. 1 dark northern, 1.01.67; No. 2, 1.38 H 9 1.64 ; No. 8, 9 1.42 9 1.61 H: No. 1 red snrinc. $1.62 H 9 1.62 H : No . 2 $1.45 H 9 1.52 H ; No. 8. $1.37 H 1.45 ; No. 1 dark hard Montana. $ 1.67 H 9 1.69 H ; No. I hard Montana. $1.62 H 1.64 H ; No. 1 durum, S1.42 9 1.02; NO. 2, (1.44 9 L48. . Winnipeg Cash wheat: No. 1 northern $1.89 H; No. 2. $1.86: No. S, $1.82 H No. 4. $1.73; No. 5, $1.65; No. 6. $1.60 feed. $1.40: oats. No. 2 whit. 47 He: No. 9 42 He Barley, No. 4, 72 c Bye. No. 2 CW. 11.9V. i Chicago Daify Produce Chicago, March 24. (L N. S Butter Receipts, 3985 tuba. Creamery, extras, 44 He; extra first. 37 9 43c; firsts, 87 9 43c; packing Stock. 18 9 20c. . . Eggs Receipt. 26,642 case. ; Current re ceipts, 22 923c; ordinary firsts, 209 21c; extra. sc; cnecKs, iseive; aimes, zuc. 9 23 He; young Americas, 24 H 25c; Long- norns, soevzaae; Drnca, 1VH9ZOHC Live Poultry Turkeys, 40c; chickens, 8Se; springs, 34c; roosters, 2 2c; geese. 16 918c; duck. 36c per lb. . . s -. j Naval Stores Market New Tork. March 24. (I. N. 8.) Tnrpen- nne tjavaaaan, 47; no sales New Xorfc, 66967. ' Bosin Savannah. $.50; New Tork, 5.50. . 3Tew Tork Poultry Market ' New Tork. March 24. (1. N. S.) Live r-onitry staraet iirm. vntcaea. aaassoe; turkeys. 40950c; ducks. 40 9 55c; fowls, 419 43c; rooster. 25c; geese. 17 9 22c; broilers, 60c 31.10. : f 3Cew Tork Sagar and Coffee New Tork, March 2 4 . ( U. P. 1 Sugar Steady. Raw, $6.27; refined, ateady; granu lated. $8.00 9 8.25. Coffee Spot Rio No. 7, 696e; No. 4 Sntos. 8 8 He . . , Chicago Potato Market Chicago. March 24. L N. 8. ) Potatoes- Receipts, 40 cars. Minnesota and Dakota Early Ohio, sacks, 81.26 Northern White, sack anu ouut. fLVvei.!!, i t. Saa Frafeeiseo Poultry Market Saa Francisco. - March 24. (U. P. ) Poul try: Broilers, 65968c; large ben. 89 9 42c; best ducks. 30 9 85c. c Standard ok Stocks Ckarinr Bid. Asked. Angle .................. Born Scrysmer ........ Buckeye Cbeeaebrough .......... do preferred ........ Continental -. . . . . ....... Crescent ............... Cumberland ............ . 17 H . .. 860 11. 390 ' 83 200 198 117 t 81 ' 145 i 98 45 99 99 176 ' 85 27 150 i- 98 274 . 15 S3 4I 202 i SOS : 103 , 227 ; '. 72 - 805 ' 70 ' 600 415 ' 830 , 873 108 60 108 100 f 300 81 ...185 ...100 ... 112 . .. 2 ... 135 r ... 94 ... 43 ... 93 ... 93 ...170 . .. - 83 ... 26 ... 14J ... 94s; ...271 V ... MH ... SO ... 460 ... 198 ... 885 ... 102 ... 222 ... 08.. ... 802 .;. 69 ... 688 .. . 405 . . 825 ... 872 . .iC .103 ... ... 40 ... .V. 106 ... 97 290 Eureka ................ Galena, c. ............. do old pfd. ........ . do ' new pfd .......... Illinois Pipe ........... Indiana Pipe ........... National Transit . ....... N. Y. Tranxit .......... Northern Pipe ......... Ohio Oil .... International Petroleum Pehn, Max. ............ Prairie Oil ,i . . Prairie Pipe ............ Solar Refs. ............ Southern Pipe - ......... South Pen. Oil ......... 8- W. Pen Oil -...4..... EL 4. California". . . B. O. Indiana .......... . O. Kansaa S. O. Kentucky 8. O.T'ew Tork ....... S. O. Ohio . 8. O. Ohio, pfd. ....... Swaa Finch ...... I'nion Tank , . . . : do pfd. ; j . . . . . i Vacuum Washington . . . .- . . , ; .'. S. O. Nebraska ... i . . Imperial ............. a 32 ,i 440'- 460 ., .87 - on BRAZIL IS TAKING NORTHWEST FLOUR WHEAT BIDS OMIWAL Tharsday wheat bids oa the Portland exchange were aaehaaged Tharsday aad were made for oaly two Tavrietie. NORTHWEST GRAIN RSCErPTS (Reportedly Portland MerchanfaV Exchange). Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oata, Hay. Portland. Thar. 62 4 7 8 Tear ago ...... 45 Season ta date. 18016 Tear ago... . . .7262 Tacoma, Wed. . .. 18 Tear -o 10 Raason to data. .8840 Year ago .. .6178 Seattle. Wed... 6 Year ago ...... 19 Season to. date. .4009 Tear ace 5351 Astoria, to date. 819 Tear . ago . . . .1074 ... 10 211 656 169 3258 2 4 47 782 74 2486 2 ... : 1 2 194 813 282 657 3 64 5 434 2020 413 1684 110 788 163 744 . 1 1 . . . 887 1168 627 1122 26 63 i 12 63 I - The flour situation today Is very er ratic in the local trade hut general prices are unchanged. . Occasional . shading of values en both patent and bakers' la re ported but card prices are : unchanged generally. . - ",, One of the queer twist of the situation 1 that Portland continues to sell and ship floor to Braail and other South American countries, ia competition with Argentina milleia. The trad i not expected to ba very extensive and there haa for many years been a fair volume of business passing between the Atlantic coast and Braail. Thi business waa than unavailable to the Pa eific coast because f the long Journey "around the horn." but since the completion of the Pan am canal, Portland and other Northwest miller have participated in the trade. Braail want a fair volum of soft wheat flour and whether this amine can be increased depends upon how the &outli American like the taste, of our product. Tbe Argentine floor i somewhat harder. " MiUstuffa are showing a quiet ton but price ar held unchanged although secret . cutting 1 reported. . FLtrtTR Selling price, mill door: Patent, $9.00; Montana spring wheat. $8.75; Willamette vallay brand. $6.90; fecal straight. $6.90; bakers' ,. hard wheat. $8.25: baker bmestem. 37.75; graham, 67.20; wholewheat. $7.40. Price for city deliveries, 15c extra; suburban. 20e extra, HAT Buying price, nominal. Willamette timothy, fancy. $20.00 9 27.00 per ton; casters Oregon timothy, $20.00 9 28.00 per ton; ckrrer, 610.00 915.00; sUsw. 314.00: alfalfa. $19.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Ceksntta. 5 9 6c; domestic, 60 ia can lota; lea jeoaat njgner. - Mll.LSTTJFFS Mill run at mill, sacked, ton lots. $30.00; carloads, $29.00. : OAT8 Per ton. buying price: Feed, $$8.00 9 86.00. BARLET Buying price: Feed, $81,00 9 82.00: milling. 333.00. SEED Buying price, nominal; no demand. Bed clover, recteaaed. t ) per lb.; ahuke, i ; if 1 FEEDBTtTFFS F. O. B. mill:- Boiled bar ley. $41.00 9 43.00; whole barley, 638. uo; al falfa meal, $30.00; ctwoanut meal. $30.00; cracked corn. .$42.00; whole corn. $39.00 ton; Scratch feed, 835.00; Buy Dean meal. 363.00 per ton; whole oats, 840.09; rolled osta, $43.00. Msrchant Exchange bids: WHEAT March. April. May. Hard white ........ 189 139 139 Soft white . 136 136 186 There will be no session at Portland or San Franekeo Friday or: Saturday while Chicago will ba closed Friday. Washington Sheep Men to Fight for Lower Wool Bate Goldendale. Wash.. March 24 The Stat Wool Grower' association axnecta to soon per fect an organisation tor a fight to obtain a lower Iretgbt rata on wool to Boston. - Member of the Washington State Wool Grow ers sinoriatioir in Klickitat county have been notified that the wage acale of 12 He per bead fixed for aheep shearing this year will stand, and have been advised that outside shearers will b furnished where local men cannot be obtained to clip flocks t the wag Scale fixed. Yakima she omen are exoerie nans' no diffi culty in getting shearers for the work at 12 He per head. Tbe wage scale fixed by the Klickitat Wool Growers' association for shearing is from 10c ta 16c per bead. Last year a turn a 26c per head, exclusive of board furnished, waa paid by Klickitat wool grower. The state asso ciation announce it haa secured a 2 3 per cent reduction in freight ratea on aheep transported by ru to and from summer pastured. Klickitat sheepmen re also asked to stand pat on one of 860 per month for inexperi enced men hired herder and cunptender. It is said that $50 per month is a maxiaim waaa for new men in Utah and other western state. The association quote price of 37c lor wool tare and 2 vc lor fleece twine. The United State forestry department ha extended time for the payment -'of gr axing fee 4n national forest reserve to September 1, with out interest. State land and lands owned by timber companies can also be obtained this year for gracing purposes on deferred payments. Apple by Parcel Post. Yakima. March 24. Yakima apple shipper have been using farce post for distribution of the surplus crop. It l estimated that from eight to ten carload have been shipped in this way since the first of the month. It cost 56 cent to mail and insure a box of applet to any Pae6 in the state. The insurance ia 3 cent package. While the greaser amount of the ahip- ment have been in apple box, J. 8. Dunham has substituted bushel basket for a portion of the shipment he haa sent out and finds ft very aUsfactoryT - The eontainar ia a little cheaper and the cost of postage a tittle leas, and the purchaser seem "pleased to get. a serviceable basket along with his Bushel of apples. Mr. Inn ham haa lent out about 20OO basket, the first ever Used in the Yakima valley for apple (tnpment. - Saa Francisco Barley Market San Francisco, March 24. TJ .P.) Barley: Spot feed, per cental, 1.3091.33; ahippmg, $1.4591-65. , HlnneapolI.Dnlnth Flax Duluth, March 24. (L N. 8.) Flaxr My, $1.74 H; July, $1.79; track and arrive. $1.72. Minneapolia, March 24. (L N. 8.) Flax: May. $1.75; July. $1.79; track and arrive, $1.78 91-76. ATrae Crop Likely Wolf Creek. Mich.. March 24. Fruit buds were well advanced, but with recent - cooler weather seem to have shrunk uo Main. Pros pect for erope of all kind ar above the aver age at tnia aeaaoa. f Eugene "Egg IS Cent Eugene, March 24. For the first time ta n unknown period of years, the chipping price . , , i -. 1 . . , - . . 01 egg id 1111 eiiy ua gone uowu wj x a cent a dosen, while la some of the "tores egg can be purchaacd at 20 cents a dozen. At the aame time butterfat haa reached a record bot tom price, the creameries offering 89 cent a pound, while a good grade of creamery butter can be bought in some store t 43 cent a pound.: Sarlag Seeding JRetafded . McMinnville, March 24. The frequent rain ar retarding work in this section. Seeding of spring oats is late, nd many farmer believe that April 1 ia tbe latest date that oats can b sown aad a good crop guaranteed. Itoad. work is also retarded, and orcbardiata arc using the time between showefk to do their pruning- and spraying.'.. A arora Hops Hold Aurora. Or., March 24. Fred Gereen. John Nordhansen and Charlea Kraxberger have eold tnetr kk 01 nop to atoeii airoa. or Portland. The hop have been delivered this week. Price aid to approach 20 cents. - - 1 - - Dried Frait and Beans : New Tork, March 24. (L N. 8.) Mark.t, quiet. Marrow, choice, 68.0O; pea. choiee. $4.75: red kidney, choice. 39.50. . Dried fruita Market, steady. Apricot, choice to ex-fancy, 23 986c: apples, evaporated, prim to fancy, 6 9 lSe; prunes, 80s to 60a. 7 9 17 H e; 60s to 160.. 6 98 e; peach, choice to ex-fancy. 18 9 21c; seeded raisins, choice to fancy. 2(9 23c. (- New Tork Wool and Hides New Tork. March 24. I. N. 8.) Wool: Steady. Domestic fleece, XX Ohio, 24 945c; pulled scoured bai. 18 9 75c; Texas acoured basis. 40 9 62c: domestic ter., 559 92a" Hidee Market dull. Native steers. . 12c; hrandwt . 1 9 - . . , : , . SMALL PREMIUMS : IN HOG DIVISION THUH8DAT LITE8TOCK TRADE .-, Hog. Steers. Lambs. .818.66 8 8-36 $ $-23 . 11.66 16.66 18.85 . 16.86 ..... . 18.18 . 18.25 ' 8.66 1.S6 . 18.49 8.75 Portland ... Chicago .... Omaha .... Dearer .... Kansas City Seattle 18.66 8.75 96 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK KFN . Hoc Cattle Calves Sheep Car Thursday ...... 1617 60 . . 66 17 Week ago ..... 1225 8 1 80 11 2 wek ago ... 171 JJ4 I 176' 4 4 weeks ago .. . . 46 8 .. 444 8 Tear azo 448 18 . . 8 .7 2 years aao ... 725 98 7 . 94 12 8 year ago . . . . 476 234 1 85 14 4 year ago . , -. 360 109 2 19T . T While there were 17 loads of livestock reported In the North Portland alleys Thursday, at least 10 of these went di rect to killers, therefore, did not enter the market. Hogs were steady to stronger. cattle were in a like position, while nothing too bad could . be said of, the sheep situation.; I ; In the hog alley there were 161 T head re ported in Thursday but all but 858 head went directly to kilter. TO Dig run cc lu loaas can from South Dakota. .. While the entire nog market waa steady to tron. limited aaiee of drive ta atnff were made at $12.60, a premium of 25e while for feeder pig a small amount of trade waa hcwn at $12.25 or 25 to 60o above former figure. , General hog market sang: Prime light ....., ,81 00 9 13-25 Smooth heavy 11.25 9 1L7 5 ........ Kougn Heavy 7.eo9io.9sa 11.00 9 12-00 11.00 W 12.00 i 6.00 9 10J5 Fat pur ........ Feeder jags ...... 8U.'r........ Cattle - For cattle there' ia a good demand ia dgbt t North Portland. Only a small run was shown overnight for the Thursday trad anl sales were aade at ateady to strong valuca taut at n un changed range. General eattla market ran-: ' Choice steers ......... . . . .9 S OO (W 7.23 9 -8.00 aseaiusa gona xwia Fair to good ataer .......... Common to fair steer ........ Choice cowa-hdfer ......... Medium to coed eows-heifert. . . Fair to medium cows-bail era. . . Common eows-heif era .......a e.0 9 7.2 5.60 9 6.50 9 6.00 9 6.60 9 6.60 7.00 6.60 6 00 5.50 v 4.60 6.50 6.00 6.00 18.50 4.60 9 Canners 2.2 Choice feeder ...... Fair to good feeder. Bull . ....... Choice d4ry calves Prime tight dairy calve..... Medium light dairy calv...... r he- Very Slow: 12.50 8.50 011.50 .' TImm wa : nnlv a "handful or ra of new ar- rivals in the aheep snd lamb alleva at Norm Portland Thursday. Trend of the market con tinues to reflect about aa poor a condition as has been seen her for many a year. Spring lambs especially are hard to more and printed price range i on a nominal basis. (1m.. 1 -he m and 1. mh fantt! aorine lamb . . . I1W.UU VV XM.VV East of mountain lamb 8.60 9 A.0 9 6.00 9 4.00 ! 6.509 6.00 9 3.00 9 1.50 9 9.25 7.O0 T.00 5.00 T.00 6 60 6.00 5.50 Wilamette valey lambs Heavy lamb ....... . . ai Cull lamb Light yearlings heavy yearling W ethers Ewe , , r - . 4 Wd-wdy Afternoon Safe - cows - 9 S.O0 9 6.60 9 8.60 9 12.50 9 11.50 9 Price. 1-No. Ave. tb. $ 2.75 I 16.... 835 8.00 I 1.... 660 Price. $ .76 6.60 6.00 1 CALVES j $12.00 I 1.,.. 110 S12.60 13.00 ( 1.... 130 1S-60 HOGS $12.85 1.,. 870 260 $10.60 7.00 11.85 12.23 12.25 10.83 12.23 12.25 10.25 10.25 12.25 12.23 12.26 12.26 12.25 12.50 12.25 12.60 12.45 12.26 12.25 -12.00 12.00 12.00 8.U0 1V.2B 12.35 12.25 12.26 145 4.J.. 165 8. 4.. 206 1.,.. 800 S.i... 100 8.i.. 240 2.1.. 230 2.... 170 4.... 173 12... 134 4.I.. 402 I.I.. 250 1.... 110 8.00 12.25 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 10.25 10.26 12.60 12.50 a.a.. 1. ., 2. j... 5.1... 9.1,.. 30.... T... 6 - , . . 4.... 146 280 263 248 188 104 164 206 217 499 10.25 9.2 12.26 12.26 12.00 12.60 18.04J 12.001 1 . . . . 6.00 LAMBS .so i EwES 4.00 J MIXEU 4-00 I . BUCKS 210 S S.00 1 Thursday Morning Sale 8TEEBS No. 2.. 18. . 24.. 12., 1. . 36. . 8.. 1.. 2, . 7 . . 80. . 20.. Ave. the. Price NO. : 23. . 4. . Ars. lb. ..1066 4 ..1240 .. 950 Price .. 9T5 $ 7.00 ..1280 8.50 8.00 7.26 7 00 . .1045 b.00 FOGS 182 260 280 125 240 860 122 201 42 812.50 12.25 .12.25 12.25 - 12.25 A 0.60 12.23 12.23 24,i, .. 209 . . 212 . . 870 . . 183 . . 170 . . 370 . . 130 $12.25 12. . 1.. 2.,, 6. . 2., 29-i. 12.25 10.25 12.25 12.25 10.25 12-60 ' LAMB& $11.00 1 6. , 43 $ 8.00 AMEBICAN LIVESTOCK PKICES filcaae Ha S1 1.10 Chicago, March 24. -(L Nj S. ) -Hog -Receipts, 20.000; slow and mostly 15920c up. Bulk, $9.25910-75; tops, i $11.10; heavy weight, $9.25 9 9.85; medium weight, $9,60 9 10.75; lightweight. $10.60911-00; light lights, f 10.609 11.00; heavy packing sows, smooth, 8.1599.00; packing low, I rough, $7.90 9 8.65; pigs, $9.76 911.00. Cattle Receipt. 8000; dull and steady. Beef steers, choice and prime, $9.90 910.60; medium and sood $8.60 9 8.00; lierht weight, good and choice, t9.36 910.2S; common and medium, $7.60 9 9.25 f butcher cattle, heifers, ' $6.60 9 9.50; cows. $5.50 9 8.25; bulls, $4.25 9 7.25; eanner and cutters, cows and heifer. $2.75 9 6.00; canner steers, $3.5695.00; veal eaifee, light and handyweight, $60 910.75; feeder steers, $7.75 9 9.35; stacker steers. $6,26 9 8.60; stacker cows and heifers, $4.60 9 6.60. Sheep Beceipta. 19,000; weak and 26e off. Lambs. 84 lbs. down. $9.00910.65; temba, 85 lb, up, $8.00 910.25; ! iambs, culls arts) common, $7.009 8.76; yearling wethers, $7.60 9 9.50; ewes, $4.75 6 60; ewe, cull and common, $2.00 94.50; feeder lambs, 7.25 9 6.25. .j.;,- - ! ' - Owaaha Moss I10JI South Oman. March 24. tl. N. S.) Cat tle Beceipta, 6700; beef steers 15 925c lower, she stock week ta 26e lower, bufbt steady to weak, veals weak to 60o lower, stacker and feeder wek. Hog Recefpt, T000; 25 9 50c higher. Bnlk, $9.85910.25; topso. $10.35. -' Sheep Receipt, 8000: lamb opening steady. 310.1O paid: Sheep 15 9 26 hi her, ISO lb. we $6.00, . Denver Moss 610.2 . Denver. March 24 (TJ. ! P.) Cattle Tta- eeipta. 1400. 28e lower. Steer. $7.00 9 8-60: eow nd heifers. $5.00 9 6.76; atocker and feeders. $6.60 98.60: calves. 810.00 912.60. Hog Reoctpt. 1600, 25e higher; tops, $10.23; bulk. $9.1099.83. i Sheep Keoeipta, 13,200, ateady. Lambs, $7.50 9 0 50: ewes, $4.75 9 5.50. ' i Kanaa City Hoe 610.4O Kan City. March 24. (L N. 8.) Cattle - ItecelpU, 6000; inactive. Steers, $8.00 99.76; eow and heifer, f 9.25 & 9.50; stock- I en and feeder. $7.00 98.25; ealvea. $7,00 9 j 8.50. Hogs Receipt. 66O0. sctive. Bulk. $9.60 91O.10; tops, 310.40; light, $9.50910.40; beavi, $9.0099.75; medium, 89.60910.35. Sheep Beceipta. 4500, dun. Ewea, $3,80 9 6.10, - j . -: . 'Seattle Nag $12 Seattle,' March 24. L N. S.) Hog B eeipts. 62: weak. Prim light, $11,609 12.0O much he vie-. 87S098.6A: mioth awarie. 310.00 911.50; pis. 89.00 911.50. - t.i.Ue KocmnXM. SS; steady. Prime steers, 88.25 9 8.75: common to good, 86.00 9 6.00 mediuaa te choiee, 66.26 97.75: best cows and heifers, $7.00 97.50; common to good, $4,00 9 5.00; medium to choice. $5.6096.06; prime light ealvea, $11.00912-50; heavy calve. $t).0 9 7.60 : tmlla, $4.6096.50. . Sheep ReeeipU, 168; steady." TaarSags, 86.75 97.25: wethers. 35.60 9 6.25; ewe, 82.0O94.23t prim lamb. 68.78 9 9.60; enll Iambi. $5.00 9 6.00; prgne heavy Umba, $7.00 98.00. Arftatlne Grata Shipments - Argentina Wheat shipments this week. 1,490.009 bushels; corn, 739.00O bushels; oata. No. Ave. lb. 1 1 06O 12 700 1.... 180 1.... 160 19.... 208 1.... 630 8.... 176 1 . . . . 240 1 . . . . 800 1-... 430 2.... 145 23.... 175 1.... 840 1.....400 3..,.' 176 14....! 15 12.... 176 28.... 230 5. ... 214 10.... 134 . 6.... 161 9.... 166 68,... 147 7 200 12.... 102 8 73 - 2.... ISO 2.... 193 1.... 400 11..., ST 7. . . . 125 9.... 126 SOUTHER N WOULD GET PLACE W. O. Hudson, president of the dock commission of New Orleans, haa filed a wire , to the dock com mission of Portland s relative v to the operation of vessels . and port terminal facilities. Hudson de sires the cooperation! of the Port of Portland In 1 securing " the appoint ment of Rene F. Clerc to the ship ping board from the Southern dis trict. .- y ; ' The wire from Hudson fellow and the dock commission referred the mat ter . to Engineer Hegardt. The text of the message from New Orleans follows: "We have wired President Harding aa follows: The efficient and econom ical operation of ships largely depend on proper port facilities and operation, and we deem it just as essential to have aa a member -on the "shipping board one who is as familiar with port operations aa one familiar with steamship opera tion, 'i ; ". r. "If member of the shipping board is to be selected from New Orleans, we take the liberty of Indorsing Rene F. Clerc, former president of the New Or leana board of : trade and at present secretary and a member of the commis sion. Mr. Clerc has not only had ex perience ia matters of commerce, but ia experienced in port conditions ana operations, having in his capacity as a commissioner of this port made a study of port matters not only in this port, but in every port of the United States of any consequence and some of the porta of 'Canada..';.' ).- ;;;.j-'-;:".- "It would be greatly appreciated if you - would wire a similar Indorsement of Mr. Clerc v - i -BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF - THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS. "W. O. Hudson, President.' Relative to action on moving pictures and films In the advertlaing program of Oregon and Portland, the matter was referred to Frank Ira White and W. t. ' B. Dodson of the Chamber of Commerce.' ' . A number of communications from the engineer were taken up and passed. Most of them were on application for permits, i ' , WEST KADER WILL SAILi ON ItOTJTK TO THE PAR EAST Substituting in the Oriental trade from Portland the steamship West Kader will mii Aw tha wHt in -the Mace of the steamship West Nomentum. The crew of the West Nomentum will oe trans ferred to the West Kader. Captain Jacob Kittleson. Chief Officer I Oettlng, Chief Trnn.ine t v. mnA First Assistant Nelson will shift their belongings 09 the arriyal of the west jn omentum. The steamship Oranl will be subati tued for the Westward Ho. The latter and the West Nomentum will be tied up for repairs.. . i . Positions of Vessels -Re porta from North Head, give posi tions of vessels at 8 p. m. on March 23 : sa Admiral Evans. Seattle for San Francisco, 320 mile from Seaktle. - SS. President, San Francisco for Se attle, S32 miles from Seattle. : : S3. Willamette. San Francisco for St Helens. 10 miles south of Columbia river. Featr Felt I or Vessel San Francisco, March 24. ( I. N. &) The British motorthip Tagua, which left Raro tonga December 21, la looked for with anxiety. The Tagua has a cargo of copra consigned to Atkins KrolL ALL. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Captain K. P. T. Wood, master of the steamship Wawalona, haa been trans ferred to the steamsh'n Abercos. suc ceeding Captain H. B. Throckmortan. The steamer Willamette of we MeCor mlck line arrived in Portland this morn ing. She brought passengers and freight from San Francisco. '"", "M , The Standard Oil liner F.l Segundo ia discharging ruei on at vyiiiunuxo. airlval arch 84 SaUna, American steamer, from Port Ban Luis; oil. . - . .. EI Segundo, Amenean staamrr. imn dm Francisco; oil. ' , 4 k Willamette. American, steamer, from Ban Francisco; passengers. (At St. Helena). lowaa, American steamer, from ew zork; general. ! (At St, Helens). Oanarture March 84 Wapama, Amrien stesmer, for San Diego, via San Praaciaco; passenger snd lumber. ,.,. ,- Dapartur NUrch aa . . Edna, American steamer, for San Francisco, via Graf Harbor; lumber. To Arrive at Portlaee ' Bteatw ; , ' 'IP"-- ! - Kindvrdrk Seattle ........In port fcoaeCay V........ Orient .Mar. 28 Abcrtxisj $ Otismt lt port alkS :::::t::::::to :u": IS Wet Havea ........ N- T. -8. P. .... . Mar. 24 Wallincford .... .... Seattle. . ....... fear. j4 Steel Basset faa Pjaa. Mar. 24 Brash ............. orto-8- r- " ' i! katrins Lnckenbach.. . Saa Ilia, W-t NomenUa .. . . . Chin ... .Mar. SO TrVra ..,.3oton- P..... Apr. 6 Jaiia Lnckenbach ... 8a Irn. ... ...Ape. 15 T Ps art Frwan Pwrtiaa! Data W Jur ....... .?rie5-....... jj? aie-fcg ; . . , ....... JSan Fran. .Mar. 31 Steel Mrinr k?00 '- 2 Jeptha W. C. 8. A... .Mar. 28 alal BaagM New Tork ...,McSS VU k Pen Teases. Berth . Str. Kgeria ....... .Coast antpyard. Bch. O. IS. BiBiocs. , . Peninml Lbr. Co, ay-h.'lrM Bt. Heton Bch. K. V. gr.... Terminal No. S. Btr. Wt Kader l-olphina 6u. Bin Grand...,.. Portlaad Elear USM Str Wert Kates..... Astoria. Multnomai. . ..... . . .St. Uslena. AT tNEIGHBOUl.TO POBTS Aatoria, March 24 Sailed at 5:30 a. sou Edna, for Saa Francisco. ' Saa Francisco, March 28. Arrived it I p. M. Str.- Alaska, from Portland. ... Sailed at 4 n. m. Str. Jeotha. for Portland. Sailed at 4 p. ,m Str. Steelmaker, for Iwntnn and Avon- moutn, from foruana. Astoria, March 23. Arrived at 8:15 and left up at 6:80 p. aw Str. Balina. from Port Baa Lai. Arrived at 8:25 and left up at 6:16 n. m. Str. El Beaundo. from Saa Fran- eiaoa. Sailed at 10 last night Str. Carlo, for San Pedro via Aberdeen. Bailed at 6. m.- Lightship Belief, for station. Arrived at 10 and left up t 11 p. m. Btr. vvuisraette, f roan Baa Franeiaco. Arrived at 10 :S0 and HERRIN & RHODES, Inc (EftaWUked 1896) BROKERS . KEXBE&8 CHICAGO BOABO OP r T&ADS. ., CorretpoBveati. E. F. HUTTON V CO. Member New Tork Stock Exehaage. Prfrrat Leased Wires Direct to AU ecarity aad Commodity Markets. U1ERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOrfi HT A5D SOLD MAIK t$9 and Mi. : 891-8 BAIL WAT EXCH. BLTG. SECTON ON SHIPPINGBOARU News of th'e Rort left up t midnight Str. Iowa, fro New Xork aad way perm.;, . Hilo, March 2 1. Sailed Japan ss atr. Beiyo Maru,. for Portland, from Orient. Victoria. March 23 Sailed 6 D, as. Bwedkdt Motorahip Pacific, for Portland, from Stock holm. -f ' . " . .- t Ban Pedro. March 24. Arrived 8tr. Slskl. you. from Portland. , Aberdeen. March 21. arrived lit I. sa. - Btr. Carioa, from Columbia river, for Ban Pedro. - cvereit. Aiarca aa. arnvo u. sreepon Sulphcr 6, from Galveston. Point Bavea. March 28. Paaaad at 4 D. m. U. Lansing, from Portland, for Port Baa Coos Bay. March 28. Arrived at T a m. Str. Curacao, from ' Baa Pranciaoo. for Port land. . s rived l Admiral Rodman, from Ocean Kalla, at 8:86 a. a.; Juneau, from Tacoma, at 8:16 a. m. Sailed: - Queen, for San Piego, at noon. Ar rived March 28 : U. 8. 8. Kenhw, from Paget Sound naval atation. at 6 P. m. : U. S. 8. Mo- Kenxia, from Paget Sound naval atation, at 6 p. m. ; V. 8. S. liogan, from Puget Sound naval ataUon, at 4 p. sa.; Stansbury, from Puget Bound naval staDon. at 4 p. m. nauea aaarcn i Kainiar, far San Francface, at 6:10 p. m. ; Henry X. Scott, for Point Walla, at 3 ;30 p. m. v-u a.--k e a.n. limUl w . , weatbound. at 1 a. m. Melbourne. March 2 L Billed: VUtorla. (of North Pacific port. . -' v .j Arica, Maron 2. Bailea: M. a. Santa Via via. for Tacoma. , - Antefocaata. March 22. Arrived: M. S. Santa Alicia, from BeatUe. - Chriatobai, March 22. Arrived; Tippecanoe, from Baltimore. Manchester, March 22." Arrival; Nil, from Portland. - . - Balboa, March 22. Sailed : Wenatche. for Seattle. Honohilo. March 23. Arrived: Mekurs, from Sydney. San.. Diego. March 28. Arrived: Admiral Dewey, from 8ttle, at 6. p. m and sailed for San Prsndaco at 10 p. m. . San Pedro, March 23. Arrived: Davenport, from Seattle, at 4 p. au Bailed: Cap Henry, for Portland, at 5 p. m.- Philadalphia, i March 23. Arrived: Lehigh, from Portland. Aberdeen, March 28. Arrived r Coha, from San Franeiaoo, at 9 a. aa. ; Carioa, from Ban t'raneiaco, at 9 a. m. Port Townsend. March 24. Passed in: Sub chaser No. 57, for Puget Sound naval station, at 9 a. m. ; Waimarino, for Everett and Seattle, at 7:20. a m. - Kverett. March 22. Sailed: lowaa, for Portland, at 9 p. m. Arrived March 23 : Free port Sulphur No. 5, from Galveston, at 7 a. m. Tacoma, March 22. L N. 8.) Arrived: Cordova, from Southwestern Alaska, It I a. m. Arrived March 23: Korrigaa ,111. from Santa Boaalia; Prina Albert, from Britiah Columbia porta, at 3 p. m.; F. 8. Loop, from Saa Fran ciaco. at 4:80 d. m. San Franeiaoo, March 24. (L N. 8.) Ar rived. 23d Algonquin, Shanghai. 6:55 p. m. ; aiasaa, roruanu, ,aua n. m. ; Lyman Btewart. Point Walla, 8 p. m. ; Marama. Bydney, 10 p. m. ; Berti II. Hanlon. Beedsport, 7 P. nx. ; Mae Hyman. Point Arena, 7 p. m.. In tow Ber ti M. Hanlon; Harold Dollar, New York, 10:4 6 r. m. Bailed. 23d M. S. Chll. Copenhan, 2:05 p. nvt Mitaouia, Honolulu, 12:25 p. m. ; Carmel, Gray Hrhor, 3:23 p. m. Brunswick, Fort Bragg, 8:25 n. m.; Jeptha, Portland 4:20 p. m. ; Humboldt, Los Angelas, 4:25 p. m. ; Aiaaaa. Honolulu. s:o p. aa.: Wilmington, Ta coma. 6 :80 rx m. : Horace X. . Baxter. EaaU Harbor, 6:83 p. m. ; Steel Maker, London, 6:20 p. m.: Washing-ton. Eureka.- 10 D. m. : Toba Maru, Yokohama. 10:80 n. a. Arrived today Coquell, Monterey, 5:25 a, nvt tug Be witch. TRANSPORTATION SAN FRANCISCO S PCaTLARD STEAMSHIP CCMPAJIY Wr San Praaelaao " From Portland Ainaworth Dock - Rose City ......Mar.tS Alaska ...... .......i.Mar.CI Re City .............Apr. 6 Alaska... ...Apr. 18 and every five days thereafter ; PUSMCE FARES FMM POIITUIND Prornnada Deck ....,.......$28.80 Outaid Saloon Deck ........ $2$ 40 - Inaide Baloon Deck ,.$24.00 Third Claaa (male only), r. . .$1800 The Jar do not include 8 par cent war tax, which must be added. All fare include berth and meals white ati City TTokat Offiea. U WWaflrctei PhoneVlain $530 , ' Freicht Office. Ainaworth Dock Phone Broadway 268 ; ' aW'WJP'any'FyveVjwaaBJiiilia mi iu i iwk INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE. CO. AMERICA)! LIKE N. Y-lymoUr---rinrl' ;-" Finland .......... Mar. Ml Apr. t$Jaa Lapland ..........Apr. iiMay .1 IJane 11 Krooalaad ........Apr. 9May 14Jaae 18 Eeelaad .Apr. l$!May SlUaae SI Nrw York 4iambarg ' ; Mlaaekahda ......Har.llMay ltJaaetl Manchuria ........ Apr. 14May tJaly 1 Aioagoiia Apr. toiJaae StJulfll RED STAR UNE : .. .. i . - ; Y PJy mouth Cherbourg ; Antwerp .. . t ., Finland ..........Iar.6!Apr.S3Jan 4 Lapland ..........Apr. SIMay ; 7Jaae 11 Krooalaad ........Apr. fMay 14Jaae IS Eeelaad ...........Apr. l$)Kay ti;Jaae tl rr NMWMta end tleket apprr te tocai aoent or Oompany Otfloa, O. r. SARBSNT, Mans gee, 10 aaooitd Ava, BeetUs, Waah. ; Pttona htala 11S. WI.LL.IAMS LINE DIRECT SAILING for. PORTLAND ' Baltimore S. S. WILLS0LO, Loadinff. . .March 22 5. S. W1LLFARO, Loadinf . .. April 11 5. S. WILLPOLO. Loading. ..- May 1 S. S. WI1XH1LO. Loading.. . . May 21 ' . FOB SPACE AND RESERVATIONS APPLY TO - ; A. C CALLAN. Affent - Broadway 1431 m'J. TlVT Pnonea Broadway 1434 $14 Oregon Building.- PORTLAND, OR. I Broadway : (Jill j t . i! V (Reffotar Mrrlc hetwetn PortUnd. Maine. Philadelphia. Tioeton ana Los, Anreles, San fttneisco. Portland. Orearrm. Baattle and Tacoma via the 1 Panama canaL)( North Atlantla and Western 8. 8. Ca's 8800-ton fUt we-fejear-i'T. EA8TB0TJHD - .'?. r- From " 1 V -Portland "Si S. Bruh ...... .Apr 4 f4.f. Talsa ...... ..Apr. 18 8. 8- West IleU..May 5 For Further Information Apply to " " ' ... - THE ADM IB AXi ,I.E Faelfle Coast Agent 111 Third Street Fkons Mala t:Sl trwin Soph! Chritenen. 19 a. m. fail 4 dar Ldrmaa Stewart, Port ' Baa Luis.- 1U -' MAKINE ALMAKAC VVsathw at ftlver Mouth Nnth, Itad. March" 24. CondlUotM t he mouth of tha river at soon: Sea amooth; wind oath. 4 mil; weather, Haut rain and fog. " ; ' Tie at Actorla Friday High Water ' t Low Water 1:87 a. a. 9.1 feet 8:20 am. 0.8 t 3:10 a. ta. 6.0 fet 8:26 p. m. 1.0 tout DAILY RIVKB READINGS 8 a. m.. Pacific Tim. S3 -3 a?3 a ft J r: - stations 7 ?ES ai . ; - : : I'matUla 23 I 8.1 0T2 07l 4 Eugen'..... 10 6.8 M.I 0.27 Albany ... .f. .... 20 6.0 -0.2 0.49 Salem ........... 20 7.6 0 0.53 Orecon City . . . , . . 13' 7.8 -0.4 0.8 Portland .. 15 11.0 HIVEB POKKCASTH The ' WlllametU river at . Portland will fall slightly Friday and probably Saturday. . SeatUe Wheat II td Baattl. March 24. (I. N. S.) Hid quota tion on the Beatxla grain exchange today: Wheat Hard whit. 31-85; aoft white. 81.85; white club, $1.$4; hard red winter, $1.81; aoft red winter, $1.81; northern sprine. 81.81: etern red Walla, 8131: Big Bend blueetem. $1.44. TRANSPORTATION ASTORIA AND WAY FONTS STEAMER GEORGIAN A rravea Portland Men., Wad., FrL. SAM. Leaves Aatoria Tuaa.. Thur.. Sat.. S A. M. Night -Boat Daily eaeept Snnday. S P. M. roOT 4LDIM IT. . Main 1tt, aal-ta Fare 63 Teh Way THE HARKIN6 TrtAN8OrtTATIOM OO. TO EUROPE Fortalghtly by "O" Steamers New York Cherbourg-Southampton Harnburg ORBITA TripU Serew MAY 21 at OROPESA Twin Screw JUNE 4th ORDUNA Triple Screw JUNE 1 8 th 1st, td and Id class pattengert ITorway Sammer Cralses from Eds' .land on the Hteamer Aran. . for Parties 'ars Apply THE ROYaAJL MAIL STEM PACKET CO. Rainier Bldr- 288 Marlon HU filet. Sd and Id Aves.) Heatlle Or Aay Steamship Ticket Agent tf OAkiroRNia aanvioa, 8. 8. CURACAO Ball 9 P. M. March 26 and April 7, for Coos Bay, Eureka and San Francii-co. Connecting with s learners to Los Angele. Han Diego, Mexico and Central American port. Kegular aai lines from Seattle to southeast ern and southweetern Alaska. PaSSSNOKR SKRVIOK TO TMt ORIINT rnoM PUOtT SOUND S.S. kVCNATOHKK SAILS Apr. S TRANS-PAOino rnsiaHT ssrviok to all Oriental Porta. U.S. Mhli-ping Herd A-l Steel American Vaasela BAILLNU IBuM Portland: a.j. aaaatooa hor. 7 a. a. MvVUIT May S a. a, ooaxit jun a Per further Inferrnatlon Apply te PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. 101 THIRD ST. FHONK MAIN 8281 WHITE STAR LT.E N. OlvmrtS Apr. SIMay 4Jene 1 Olympic , Apr.lolMay 14lJuo 4 .,. Now York Uverpool ri","? Apr. ClApr. lOiMay tl M.VJI.IJ r' iMay 14Jene 11 "'tie .-. Apr. 81 ' PhitaaJelphla Liverpool Harerford ........Apr. IJ June lJoly II New York Boston Gibraltar - m ;- Naples Cenoa - creuc May 1$ ' WHITE. STAR-D0MINI0.V . Portland. Me. Halifax Uwerp . From PortlaaC I Ilaiiut t an ad a .......Apr. SIApr. 8 Uaverford .Apr. 83 Montreal Quebec Liverpool Caaede May 7Jaae 4 Joiy is Vedle .Mar 14 Megaatie May lJane 18'Jniy 1$ 3? New York March 29 April 18 May 8 May 28 Philadelphia March 31 April 20 May 10 May 30 ilifrr)Mi -sit zi?n ir ir ir n s. tin u li ft la- I" - : . . ' From From From : ' Portland, Maine Boston Phila, a. ft. Artfrs ........Mar. $6 Apr. 1 Apr. I a.B.lklgh Apr. 13 Apr. 16 &. hV West Toga ...Aprils May 1 May t wu.wvv