r r J J t - - r TOWN TOPICS COMTSG EVENTS 1 Brotherhood of American Yeonaen. state eeaj- cIst. Koipm. April. lalernatiajial Minis Crimiaaa. Portland. .April 'to S. A, O. W. W. fraud lode, Portland. April 1. Foresters of iavsrlf . era ad court, fottlaod. War 22 and 23. Bcyal and Select Masters, grand council. Ea ten. April It. Modern Woodmen of Acserka. aUta camp. Bend. Ma7 10. i Refcekaa tate assembly, Albany, May IT. Military Order of the Loyal lesion. Portland, May 10. . Knisbtn of Cohunboa. aUta eoancfl, Portland. Mar ... . , ' ' "- - " . National Association, af B&Udia Owners and Manacerm, Jane. Rose Festival, Jane 8. and 10. Bute Medical uuditioa, Jane. A. W. and A. M.. (rand lode.. Je 14. Older tuUrn btar. (rand chapter. Juno is. Indian War Veterans of Mono Pacilw Coast. Jane 30. - - Nrtbwert conference of cradoata nurses, J una 22 to 24. Bute Latter Carrier aseoctaooa. Euaaoa. Jane S!S " -- - fcC nights Templar, arand ' coauaandexy. Grande. October It. WF.ATHKB 1'OHF.CAST Portland and Vicinity , Friday occasional rain; southerly wind. .- , . Oregon and Washington Friday oecaaional rain; moderate southerly wind., j ' " WEATHER CONDITIONS "i a t..w nr nMunri .viands from tba ltt- Ifrior of Alaaka eoutheaatwaxd to the middle vj iu.i.i.M i.ii.. .whti .nr.re of hfch pressure a. a shown otf the eoeats of New England and ( alifumta. Precipitation baa occurred on the tiottii faeifie aloj. and from Minnesota and - txjuth Dakota to Teaamtt and Virginia. The k.u-ral tendency has been toward warmer weather, but on tba extreme north Pacific roast and in parts of the Kocky mountain and l'i.lni rcsiuna there haa been a aiisbt fall in tcmiierature.' The temperature is above normal exi:eit in the Southwest, the greeteet exceJ. being In Manitoba. Kelatire humidity at Portland Noon Tester- day, 8 per cent; 3 p. m. yesterday, 89 per cent; i a. m. today, 83 per cent. . Precipitation since January 1 Total. 19.33 inrhea; normal. 10.27 inches; eace, S.Oo laches. KUAWAKU I. WU-AJi. AgO OBSERVATIONS TEMP, t ! . 5 i STATIONS --3 s " ' -3 Jjl Baker.Or. ............... 48 84" .02 Harserrille. B. C. 40 20 O Hoiae. Idaho 64 38 .12 Hoston, Mass. ............. 42 Buffalo, .N. T. SO . 8 O lalgary. Alberta ........... SO SO O Chicago, III. .............. 42 42 .06 ltenver, Cok.' ............ 64 34 0 lies Moines, Iowa , 48 44 .04 Kureks, Cal. ............. 64 48 .50 l-.Yesno, CaL ............. 4 44 O tiaJreston. Texaa ......... . 7S 70 O Harre. Mont. ............. 62 8 O Helen:, Mont. RO 36 .01 Honolulu. T. H. .......... . 78 O Huron. J. 1 40 84 .06 Juneau. Alaaka ........... 88 02 Kansas City, Mo. 62 50 .04 Ijw Angeles. Cal. ......... 68 64 0 Marshiield. Or. ........... 66 48 .14 Medford. Or. ............ 62 34 .06 Memphis. Tenn. .......... 6H 66 .48 New Orleans. I. ......... 84 66 O New York. N. X. 4 8 38 0 Nome. Alaska ........... . 18 .... 0 North Head. Wash. ........ 46 44 .58 North Platte. Neb. ......... 66 32 0 Oklahoma City. Okla. ...... 64 62 O Phoenix, Aria. 78 46 .0 Pittsburg. Pa. ............ 60 48 0 PocateUo, Idaho 62 18 0 Portland. Or. 60 48 .29 Prince Kupert. B. C ...... 44 S 0 Hnseburg. Or. 62 42 .12 Koswell. .V. M. ............ 78 42 0 Kauramento. Cat .80 46 0 rtt. Ixjuis, Mo. 64 44 .76 St Paul. Minn. .......... . 42 34 .06 Salt Lake City, Utah... 64 43 0 Wan fnego. Cal. 60 62 0 Han Francisco. Cal. ........ 64 .50 0 XeatUe. Wash. 62 44 .10 Sheridan. W'jo. ........... 58 34 0 Sitka. Alaska ... i ....... . 34 . . . . .08 Spokane. Wash. ........... 52 38 .12 Tatoosh Island. Wash. , 50 42 9 Tonopah, Ne. ............ 66 40 0 Valdea. Alaska . 32 .... .44 Vsnroueer. B. C. .......... 64 42 0 Walla Walla. Wash. 58 46 .14 Washington. D. C ......... 53 42 .02 Wtlliston, N. D. 62 30 0 Yakima. Wash ... 54 34 0 "'Afternoon report of preceding day. W allace Ball Cioi to V. 8-The $3000 bail forfeited several days ago by , Yam Wallace, negro tlrug peddler, haa passed ' irrto at place where "Wallace will never it cain: be able to touch lt - Wednesday afternoon Federal Judge Bean ordered C lerk'G H. Marsh to deposit the money in the bank to the credit of Uio govern ment. After an order of court of this nature ia given It la rare for the original holder of this money to get It i back. Wallace's bondsmen were C. M, Henosky nd Arthur Moles worth. A bench war rant requiring $10,000 bail has been la rued for Wallace, who Is wanted oit a charee of havlne- about $4000 worth of narcotics concealed In a house in the Mount Scott district. Illnea Loaea Damage Salt A verdict iri favor of the Knapptort Mill & Lumber l ompany and against WalkeT D. Hines, lormer director general of the railroads, was returned Wednesday afternoon in Federal Judge Wolverton's court. ; Hines, broueht " suit acainst, the company ; to recover $4000, damage done to the S. I & S. drawbridge on Young s. bay ' at Astoria on May 2, .1919, when the hull of an ocean-going .steamer struck the draw. The bridge 'was .closed several davs-for repairs. . The railroad asked the damages to cover the cost of repairs and the loss in passenger and freight : money. , " , - ?r ' . hhejiherd's Aato Baa Lrnea -Portland-St. Helens division Leave -Portland 7 :3a a. m. (Monday only). 10 a. m.. 1:30 n. m. 4 d. m. : arrive at tit. Helena 9 a. m.. 11:30 a. m- S p. m.. 6:30 p. m. Leava St. Helens t :30 a. rru, 10 a. m Monday only). 1:30 p. in.. 3 p. ra, 6:30 d. m. : arrive Portland 9 a. m.. 11:30 a. m. (Monday only). 3 p. m., T P. m. Saturday and Sunday.' leave St. Helens C p. m. ; leave Portland 11 :15 p. in. Buses leave St Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. Phono Marshall 438L Adv. To Be Tried for Having Whiskey- Martin Fall and John Kngda.1, transients, were held "to answer to the federal ' grand jury on Wednesday afternoon by United States Commissioner Fraser on a charge of unlawfully possessing In toxicating liquor. In addition, Kngdal will lose his automobile. The men were arrested Monday night on the Interstate bridge by three - members of the police . liquor squad, after 4 u DOtties oi oonaeo whiskey were found In their machines. The men claimed at the hearing that they Intended using the liquor them spIvps on a Pleasure trip they were taking about the country In their car, . i - , iq'a v. : i lacn man was reieasm vu e&v un . Shennerd'a Alto Bis ttaes Portland Multnomah Falla devlsion Leave Port land 9:30 a. rru. 100 a. nx. 4 p. m arrive Multnomah 11:15 a. m., 12:15 p. rru. 5:45 p. m. Leave Multnomah 8 a. rru. 12 :50 p. m.. S :50 p. m. arrive Port- .: land 9:30 a. m.. 2:45 p. m, I P- m. Sat urdav and Sunday leave Multnomah S n. m. leave Portland 11 :15 a. in. Buses leave SC Charles hotel. Front and Mor rison streets.: Phone Marshall 4381. Ad. " Deb Meetlna Tonight r- The Trade Union Educational league will hold a ial Debs amnesty meeting" tonight 'in ' Columbia, hall. Second " and Oak irsia. The sneakers will be WV R. . Snow of Chicago and F. K. Coulter of s Portland. Reed, Presents Comedy Tonlgnt "Hobson's Choice," a three-act comedy. . will be presented at the Little Theatre by the Reed College Drama club this evening. A second performance will be given Saturday Instead of Friday, aa was announced. : The cast of the play, chosen and coached by Professor Ed mund C. Bechtold at Reed college, has In rehearsal given promise of one of the best amateur theatrical productions ever seen in Portland. This evening's performance Is to -contribute toward the expenses of the Drama club, and Sat urday's receipts s will go to the Little Theatre. . . BeaU y Board (Aids Campaign Meth od of financing Portland's "build-a-home" campaign and exposition will be outlined at a business meeting of the Portland Realty? board at the Portland hotel at noon Friday. ; Members or the board already thave subscribed .7&oo toward an advertising fund- and con tractor and building material dealers have promised' liberal contributions. Plans for boosting the 1925 fair will be discussed, taxation problems Will come un for an alrlne. and other Dusmess matters vexing the mlnda of the realtors will be Ironed out. . '"r Old Llaaer Caae Come I'P A year V. Mastrandrea was arrested ana charged with violating the proniDiuon law .but litter wu released wnen ne paid the Internal revenue department a tax of 848 for manufacturing wine. Wednesday federal agents started house-cleaning and discovered that Mas trandrea had never been prosecutea in the court, so they arrested him a second time and took him before United States Commissioner- Fraser. who released; mm n tson huil rwrndlnsr a bearing. xn April, 1920, the agents found 300 gal Ions of wine in Mastrandrea's posses sion. A i '. . -'t - o. a. r. Students Special Train. Ore gon Electric By. For the accommoda tion of ntudents tne vregon .oieciriu Railway will run a special train directly to Corva 11 is Sunday, March 27. leaving Portland North Bank station :ao p. m., Jefferson Street station 4 :50 p. m., arriv ing Corvallis 7 :40 p. m. Adv. - Shepherd's An to. Bns Mnea Portland- Astoria and Seaside division Leave Portland 10 a. rru. 1:30 p. m.: arrive Astoria 3 :30 p. rru. 7 p. m. Ieave As toria to a rru. 1 :30 n. m. : arrive Port land 3 :30 p. rru, 7 p. m. Buses leave ou Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. Tele phone Marshall 438L Adv. , Astoria Stage Commencing April 1. 1921. in order to accommodate passen mm wishinir to arrive in Astoria early In the evening, the Astoria stage will leave the St. Charles hotel. Front and Morrison, at 1 P. m.. i instead oi :ov, arrlvlnsr in Astoria at 6 p. m., making direct connection for Seaside. Adv. O. A. C. Stndents Special Train Ore- a-on Electric Bl. For the accommoda tion of students the Oregon Electric Railway will run a special train directly to Corvallis Sunday. March 27, leaving Portland North. Bank station 4:35 p. rru, Jefferson Street station 4 :50 p. m., arriv Ing Corvallis 7:40 p. m. Adv. ; -.;.. Sbenherd's Ante Bns ltnei PortUnd Hood River devlsion Leave Portland :30 a. m.. 2 :45 p. m. ; arrive Hood River 12 :30 p. nu, 6 :00 p. m. ; leave Hood River 9 :30 a. rru, 2 :30 p. m. ; arrive Portland 12 :30 p. 6 :43 p. m. Buses leave St. Charles hotel,: Front and Morrison at. Phone Marshall 4381. Adv. - Prowlers Steal $18 While Mrs. C. M. Malone. 48 East Simpson street, was visit ing her mother, Wednesday afternoon, prowlers entered her home and stole, $12. Mrs. Malone told the police she .was only away from home lSynlnutes. The back door was unlocked. , Seont Tonng Camp to Bano.net The annual banquet of Scout Young camp of the United Spanish War Veterans will be held Saturday night at the Benson hotel. The banquet marks the fifteenth year of the local organization. Fined for i Dumping . Saw d out The Tahenitch Lumber company. Douglas county, pleaded guilty to the charge lode-ed by the state game commission that sawdust; from its mills was being dumped Into Tahenitch lake. This is in violation of the state game lawn. The company- was not represented ai trial., ana a line or ov "o w w" Imposed. The company served notice of appealV t i'z' f :. f.' :; The Preset--Bamfeer to call Is Cast 8088 when you need the Salvation Army truck; to com for castoff clothing, mag- asines. newspapers, etc Address w Union ave. MaJ. John jsree, oasinc -fleer. AdV. . , i ' ' ' See Brs. Hartley. HetendasI MinkaU for painless extraction . w teeth and better artificial teeUu inning and other dental operations also with out pain by our nerve-blocking method. 807 Journal building. Adv. Banal Anembly Mrs, Gloria Baked of Seattle will speak, at the weeaiy meeting "of the Bahai assembly in room E16 Bush as Lane building tonight at S o'clock. 'r -v .': ' i: :y : Fortlaid'Xewoerg Bns Leave Fourth and Alder daily. 1:30, 9 :30, 11 a. rru and 1. 2:30. 4:15. 5:30. -M P. m.: Saturday and Sunday, U p. in. pnons saam Adv. t- ;.: i i Heads Win" at Andltovrinna Special showlnar of "Heads Win." an unusuat picture of real Americanism, also com edy, Thursday. March 24, 8 p. m. aoi. Steamer Amerlea. tor St. Helena and way landings, dally at 2 JO p. nu. root of Alder street. Sundays. SC Helens only. at 11:30 a. m. Main 8323. Adv. . . Saiem.MUl Citv stavrn Line Connects O. E. No. 6 for MlU City; connects X E, Ko. -9 (to Stayton only). Jos. uam man. : Salem phone 44. Adv. Pertlaad-Saleni Stag Cadillacs, 12 passenger, leave Journal building - a. m, 1 P- n., 4 p. m. dally. Dare. s-is. Adv. ' : Bealah Bobbins Gowns Tailored frocks designed to suit your figure, Re modeling. Morgan bldg. Mam oo. Adv. : : ; t i. 7:-:'- 1 : - Spatk's 'Market, operated by Paul R. Spath, former owner Bay City Market, in old location. Phone Main . bo. Portland-TUlamook Cadillac stage line leaves Hoyt hotel dally at 9 :sw a., in. Phone Broadway 1960. Adv. ; ; , ' ; i IClsbet Saaatorlnm, nervous and chronic cases. Phone office, Broadway 618. Ad. 8. A H. Green Stamps for Cart Hol man Fuel -r-B Maln 353. 560-21. Adv. Fresh Cooked Crab.s 25 cents each. Royal Fish Co., 205 Tamhill St. Adv. Private' Owner wishes to sell 1920 Franklin car. East ISO. Adv. . Dr. W. W. ChrlaUe has returned. Adv. Halt Centralizing Of Government, Is ;Lowdenfs Warning Berkeley, Cat, March 24. (L N. S.) Th rapid movement toward centraliza tion at Washington must be checked or the value of the federal principle will be dissipated forever," was the warning i ef former Governor- Frank Ov-Lowden , cf Illinois before an audience of more than 10.000 persons at the Charter day exercises Wednesday in tne urees .t h University of California. Lowden appealed to the country to .t..,. i th nrinciDles of representa tive ejovernmentMn every poiitical unit ar the only guaranty of self-government in this f country and . guard property rights. MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED trntniitiiimiiitiiifitniriinitimittiritiiir(Mii;ifiiiiiii giiililillliaiiiiilliiiiiiiiuililiiihiiiillillliiiiiiiiiliilill H Wa Are Agents for ' tne- ' HH Butbarick Patterns and the S3 Delineator All New Styles I Ar Now 5howin(. The Store That Undersells S) WWW V- w-VWl - Because It Sells for Cash PARCELS POST TAd PREPAID ON $S PUr.CII w IHIt1ltni!HI(l!ll"!l"l1"l"""""""""" llilliiiiililliiiiiiiil(uiiiiiiiiilaHll.i.i.....iu . The "Delta" Feature of the ; Butterick Patterns 1 Proving of Great AsUt I ance to .Home Sewers. Easter Program at Multnomali Hotel A public Easter muslcale will be fea tured Sunday evening at 8 o'clock in the lobby of the Multnomah, hotel. - These concerts given by Eric V. Hauser are growing in favor and last Sunday 600 persons attended. Alice Price Moore, contralto, and Miss Mildred Nichols, violinist, will contribute the major part of the Easter program. Mrs. M. A. Van Houten will accompany Mrs. Moore at the piano and Mrs. Morris B. Stone will accompany Miss Nichols. . The Multno mah Grill orchestra will complete the program, v ; Hot Lake Arrivals . . Hot Lake. March 24. Arrivals at Hot Lake sanatorium Monday were : T. J&. Spencer, Portland ; Mrs. Ferd Jensen, La Grande; Peter Cosztyo, Unity; Fay G a viol a and D. Slamoll, Ontario, Or. ; Mrs. L. McAlister, North Powder; Mrs. Janet Frees, La Grande. r Easter Economy : UPSTAIRS' .1 O? ':. t " 1. AT THE H ySV?T . ROCHESTER . -"just one gg clothing . 5n g way today x J B UPSTAIRS" gjg TTfOR men and yflJiN M I IH young men, I . To lessen the danger of forest Tires non-inflammable and ' non-smouldering wad for shotgun shells haa been invented. N i co 11 Means B e at . Without Extravagance ! MADE to ORDER ; Fancy Blues and Grays i Beautifully . decorated with col i ored silk predominate in our 1 Spring Woolens . Then there are the newest shades ! of Browns and Tans Contrast , i and Two-Tone effects Tweeds and Worsteds. .a' - ' ! . ? Quietly Rich and Beautiful. ! Prices: $45, $55, $65 and Upwards I JBBBEMS' SONS Oscar M. Smith, Manager ' j 108 Third St.; Near Washington - TWUST VOUB VK TOW . Scientific Optical Service s3 W OOOOT1AM , aw Ees Examined faiaaea Fitted' toat par lieoiar ease ill receiee the indiridnat atten tion of one of our experts. Satisfaetioa aa tared Moderate cbartea. t6S Morrlsoa. Main S3 6 7. Portland. Oregon. ' i Custom made - Overstuffed Davenports $97.50 , Better Furniture can not be built. Words can not describe the remarkable values we are offering.. Tbey must ba seen to fully realize the ridiculously large sariQC that can be made. Chairs to Match In Dentin, : S67.50. . ' JF. Jf allon Deeoretree Workshops V B68-et-1Va Milwaukta SU Display Room , 420 Morsan Bldf. Travel Tickets Reservations Hotels ' Railroads Steamship Lines - Motor Trips Tours and Roads -j-aifclf vwii,l laacrr .J- DOKSET B. SMITH. Kanacer r JOURNAIi BUSINESS OFFICE Main 7173 Marshall. 1947 An Astonishing Value in - HANDSOME NEW SPRING SUITS Chic Youthful Models and Conservative Styles That Will Meet With Your Instant Favor as a Special Prc-Easter Offering We Quote This - Astonishingly ' 1 Xow Price . S36.G0 Smart Suits," perfectly tailored, of fine quality tricotine the most favored fabric and shown in a correct selection of spring models box, ripple, belted and straight-line effects in navy blue and all sizes 16 to 44 they come in the fine Peau de Cygnc lin ing. Suits ; of. splendid style, satisfactory service, and especially undergriced at $36.00. i . ' WOMEN'S PETTICOATS OF FLOW- AO ERED SATEEN-SIZES 34, 36 and 38, ATyOt OR men young men, the newest spring models are here in wide variety at lowest upstairs 'prices ii :?- ' r:y-"' 1 V.:;r- When the spring dress-up feeling makes you want new clothes, don't forget to visit this big new upstairs store, where upstairs rent, cash selling and inexpensive fixtures make possible the biggest values in ton. The "Oxford" model illustrated here with is a particularly popular style for a young man. It is a. two-button, single--; breasted -coat with three patch pockets and semi-peaked lapels. Sells at $30-$35 Charming Styles and Unexcelled Values in EASTER HOSIERY -as ... i .'!. E Our Suggestion Is Immediate Selection. You VY III ae 'W eit Sepuiu uy u r w, .i .Our Popular Hosiery Section ALL SILK LACE AND FRENCH CLOCKED HOSE At $4.00, $4.50 and ' $5.00 Pair a- ... y - The finest of high-grade All-Silk Lace and French Clocked Hosiery in the fashionable I net, satin stripe and auover lace , patterns ; aiso tne new . rrencn ciotKcu cuccis iun .- fashioned and all sizes tin' black, white, navy, cordovan, silver,' gold, mouse, etc. Three f HI exceptional values at the above prices. ' ' ; . I tamiimniiminiiiniininiiiiiiiiiiii I n III 11 III III Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllitlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttfllllllllllllllllllllllltl1lllttllllf if l I tt (( ifiiiiiiiMiniMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniii ilillf It f f It II 1. . Second Floor. English Bullduisr 148 FIFTH STREET, NEAR MORRISON Entrance Opposite Meier & Frank's Ever think - of this? - ' sssnsaTSaTSsaTsaTsaTsanaaaaaaaaaaan asnnnnsssssssSanSStaTaTsaTsaTsnan II ' BIlalnalalllM Someone Gets Every Cent You Spend Why don't YOU get the earnings of this money? Invest in Cumulative Preferreii Sto'ck of this Company. By doing this you can' make every dollar you save go to work earning dividends for you. Can be bought for cash or $10 down and $10 per share per month. M , :- Every share fully ' paid anil non-assessable. Ask any employe or inquire at any office of r I J- ' r.'i ' : ' If Portland Gas & Coke Company A Business which of Necessity is Pennnnent SSI N "Most men expect ; to 'have some thing' some jay and most of them are disappointed. ' You can t just 'expect' you' ve got to pedal V The sure way to have money or . ; ! property later on is to begin sav ing NOW and keep at it: C ; Oldest in the Northwest x 1 JS in Swings Dept. t - ' -, Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8 WASHINGTON AT THIRD r Fill this out NOW; mail it TODAY - PORTLAND GAS & COKE COMPANY Investment Dept., Gasco Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. L Send me (l) 8-page illustrated booklet. "The, Story of an Opportunity at Home," (2) Information About Your Preferred Stock. 3) Details of Easy Payment Plan, (4) How to Judge an Investment ; ' . . i - ' Name . ............-......---.. Address "...;.. . .' ... SiB 20 Tire Cost?- Fi (Turing; on a bssis of 200,000 cars In Washington and an average tire upkeep of J100 per car, Washington motorists spend $20,000,000 annual ly for rubber tires. It is conceded that 20 In a low estimate of the decreased wear of rubber tires over a resilient, bituminous pavement, as compared to wear over rigid pavement. At this rate if aU tires were used solely on hardsurfaced roads a net saving; of four million dollars a year for Washington mo tor iota would result through use of the resilient type of pavement known as -. ,; -j VARRENITE BITULITHIC ( PHONOGRAPH 1 I RECORD SALE 1 will buy n brand new rec ord la aur fresh air record do partmeat on Friday and Satur day. : y T t vr. . ' Cbooso from a cotloctioa of 1000 recorda. These records are going LESS THAN COST. "Our Musical noor," tho 7tb JMatxhaaWrfJrW OV mm 1 V .