The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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Prepare for Easter! This Great Store Is In Full Readiness to Supply Your Every Nee
New Veils and Veilings
To every stylish costume a Veil adds a fascinat
ing charm, and behind its delicate meshes the spark
ling witchery of a smile reflects the mystical Orient.
Newest creations ready in Veiling Dept. 1st Floor.
Easter Neckwear
Everyone can- have the distinctive appearance
which fresh-looking neckwear gives to'the costume.
Here is a wonderful collection of new. and dainty
Collars, Sets and Vestees at moderate prices. 1st FL
Tmorrison. aider, west park, and tenth STREETS-!
Portland's Premier Fashion Exhibit
Invites Your Inspection of the Fayored Modes
TheGarmentStorelsFilledWithBeautifulNew Apparel
The style leadership of this store was never so strikingly illustrated as in this masterful presen
tation of Women's Apparel, surpassing in scope and completeness anything heretofore assembled in
Portland. It will be well worth your -while to view this display, embracing as it does the foremost
creations of world renowned designers and makers of apparel for women who appreciate style.
Women's New
Spring Suits
The great majority of women prefer' to pay a moderate" price for their Suits
and buy an , extra one during. thcyear. With this fact in mind, we have given
special attention to selecting garments that wiji meet with their approval both
in style and value. At the above -pricees we are showing an excellent range of
models developed in Pin-Stripe Serge, Tricotine, Checked- Velour and Mixtures,
Sport styles with patcfi pockets, novelty belted and straightline effects, embroid
ered and braided. Also dressy styles with tassled sashes and fancy sleeves.
These are extra values at prices ranging $32.50. $39.75. $49.75, $59.50
New Silk Petticciats
. Silk Jersey and Taffeta Petticoats in all the wanted shades, including desirable
navy blue an4 gray. Dainty styles .with fucked, plaited, corded and ruffled
flounces. Plain colors and changeable. At $3.95, $4.75 $5.00 to $14.50
Easter Blouse
The woman who buys her Easter
Blouse here has the satisfaction of
choosing from the largest and most
complete stock to be found in the
city. Moreover, the styles have been
selected with care, giving assurance
of correct styles. Come to the
Blouse Section - and let us show you
the many delightful models, on dis.
play. Tailored and' novelty, styles
'with long and short sleeves. Every
desirable color .included in the lot.
Georgette Blouses $5.50 to $20
Crepe de Chine $5.75-$23.75
Minuette priced $3.98-$12.50
"... ' "Garment Salons ,
.. t Second Floor' -
Easter In the Junior Shop
" - A notable showing of " high-class Wearables for Girls and Misses,
featuring the new season's smartest modes. ,, You will want to see
these charming styles the last word in the realm of -Junior Fashions.
Girls' and Misses'
Coats :
Delightful styles in Coats and Capes
for the young miss of 8 to 16 years.
Velour, - Cypress, Polo, f Polret Twill,
Serge; Bolivia and other materials.. Plain
colors, j checks and plaids. Belted and
loose models with tailored cape, shawl '
or scarf collars. Large selection of beau
tiful styles. Priced $10.00 to $98.50
Girls' and Misses'
--Taffeta Dresses in many dainty styles
for street and party wear. Others of
Georgette Crepe, ' Tricotine and Serge.
Blouse, straightline and novelty models,
trimmed with ruffles, .ribbons, . flowers,
plaitings, etc. Some hate fancy pockets
and collars of pretty laces. . Sizes -7 to
17 years. Priced $12.95 to $55.00
Girls' Middy Blouses $2.50 to $5.00
Save On Your Easter Gloves
for French Kid Gloves formerly
priced at 14.50. 2-clasp style
with fancy embroidered backs.
Black, white, tan and gray. Sizes
6 to 7. These are of a famous
make and are first quality from
our own regular stock. On sale
at Center. Circle, First !0 AO
Floor. SneciaL the iairD.4U10
$350 Gloves $1.98 . .
2-Clasp Imported Kid Gloves with
Paris Point backs. Black, -white, tan
and mode. Sizes 6 to 7. For. M QO
merly $ 3.50 Special, a pair DJ-70
Long Silk Gloves $250
Women's Silk Gloves in the 16-bot-ton
length. White only. Sires 5 V
to Double Tipped. PA
Standard quality. Special, pair WA.OU
$22.50-$30 Easter Hats
This is our Annual Pre-Easter Sale of Pattern Hats that women have come to
look forward-to with great anticipation, knowing they will get values not to
be equalled elsewhere. We have assembled for this great Two-Day event a
collection pf beautiful Hats that women would be glad to pay full price for,
but we bought them for this sale and are going to give our customers real
bargains. Exquisite creations from Cupid, Goldior, Mary Frances and many
other celebrated artists as well as reproductions from our own workrooms.
Flower-trimmed Hats, Sailors, Turbans, Mitze Sailors, Ribbon C- O (If
Hats. Splendid 122.50 to 30.00 Hats specially priced now at wlOUU
Millinery' Salons, Second Floor
Women's Silk
THE carefully- gowned- woman will
give particular care, to her Hos
iery how that this is a great sea
son for low" shoes.5 Our stock offers
Silk Hose of dependable makes in plain,
fancy clox and embroidered effects at
moderate prices. Dept., Main Floor.
Sample Handkerchiefs
At y3 to ,y2 off .: .
Mala Floor The biggest thing in Handkerchiefs we have been able to offer
since the holidays! No matter how well supplied you may; be, you cannot
afford to overlook this opportunity to buy .and save from a third to a h&lf.
Plain colored Sport Handkerchiefs with- French hera and cor- .
ner Spanish embroidered pure Linen Handkerchiefs in whHe
" Fancy colored border Handkerchiefs Hand embroidered and
- Linen Handkerchiefs Shown in beautiful, designs. See them.
"NOTE As these are samples, some may be a trifle mussed, but not enough
to hurt them in the least. Shop early injthe day if you would get the best.
Sale Prices Range 5c to 75c
1 . Regular 12Vic to $1.50 Values
Easter S
of Low Shoes
$11.00 White Kid Ties
.Very smartest dressy Women's Theo
Ties with Baby French heel and hand
turned soles, n Narrow plain toe.
Widths AAA to C. and full grr Qr '
range sizes. grade. NowD VO
$110 Tan Calf Pumps
-Tan or black calf walking pumps
with Cuban heel and welt soles. Medi
um pointed toe. Widths AAA A to B.
Regular fit. 50 Pumps, on (M7 QK
special sale now at, the pair & I JO
11.00 White Kid Street Pumps with covered military heels and Qf?
welt soles. Widths AA to C Good sizes. -Specially priced, the pair D I
$11.00 Ankle-Strap Slippers $8.95
ne of the season's favorite numbers. Ankle strao Sliooers. brown or black
kid with inset of suede, hand-turned soles and .covered full Louis IQ QfT
heels.. Widths A A to C' and full assortment' of sizes. ft l Slippers atDO.J
Charming Easter Hats
On Sale in the Basement
V f C .
When you see how sweet these Hats are
and how well they are made, you will wonder
how-' they could be produced to sell for so
little money. Candidly speaking, there isn't
a Hat in the lot worth less than 7.50, and
some are worth considerably more. Sashed
Turbans, Satin Sailors, Banded .Sailors,. Colo
nials, Rolls, etc. All the newest Of? fi(
Spring colors. ; Priced special atDOUU
Girls' Hats
In a large collection of charming styles for
Easter wear. - Headquarters for Millinery,
Flowers, Wreaths, Braids, etc. Select now.
Easter Showing pf Infants'
and Children's Apparel
White knitted . Sweaters
in several different styles.
Plain or with colored trim
ming. Coat and slipon
styles. Moderately priced.
Our new Spring stock is now 'at Its best. Fresh
shipments recently arrived are now on display. Come
and see the season's dainty wearables for little tots.
Children's Coats-
Of silk and wool materials in a large selection of
beautiful styles. Plain colors, checks, etc. Ages 2 to
6 years. Priced special from $5.00 up to $21.50
Children's Straw and Fabric Hats in dozens of dainty
styles at prices ranging from $1.75 up to $7.50
The 'prettiest and most
becoming styles we have
ever shown. Ages 2 to 6
Priced $1.50 to $4.95
Perky Prim Frocks in
dainty styles, priced $3.95
For the Baby
Infants' Bonnets of dain
ty sheer organdies. On
sale at 65c up to $3.75
Philippine and Madeira
Pillow Slips in pretty de
signs at $1.98 to $3.50
Presenting the New Season's Smartest Fashions In
-; ml W
-2iii.:;lill'l RlS
BUDDING TIME that brings to mind pleasant thoughts of the glori
ous Spring days also brings the desire to men to change to wear
ables that are in accord with the new season. The man who gives
care to the selection of his clothes in other words, the critical
dresserwill find here Sprlntf Suits that will meet every reasonable
demand for appearance and serviceability.- Our Spring lines now on
display afford a wide range of choosing, both in conservative and ultra
fashionable cuts. ' Several world-famous makes, including the cele
brated "L System'.' Clothes, i Spring Suits priced $25.00 to $75.00
Men's Easter Neckwear
In Great Variety
The smart, snappy patterns, fresh from the maker? Beautiful
Silks in heavy and light weights. Wide and narrow styles with slip
easy collar bands. Also knit Silk Ties in the latest colorings Included.
Here for quality Neckwear priced special at $1.00 up to $5.00
Meii's Shirts
Mala FloorsArrow, Bates Street, Savoy and many other well-known
makes. Very best of materials and you'li like the classy new patterns.
Shirts with soft cuffs at prices ranging $2.50. $3.00 d $4.00
Men's Shirts with stiff cuffs, extra values priced at only $3.00
Men's Silk and Fibex Shirts priced special $4.00 up to $8.50
Easter Hosiery
We are principal Portland agents for Men's Interwoven and Phoe
nix. Hose. Full assortment of the different weights and all sizes.
Look to your Easter needs. Priced at 75c up to $1.25 a pair.
Silk and Silk Mixed Pajamas special at $2.50. $3.25 to $12.50
Men's Spring Hats
$5 to $11
Frank Schoble Hi-Lo, Borsalino and other famous makes. Soft
Felts, Derbies and Straws. We have the style best suited to your
individuality. - Come. In and try it on.. Our hat expert .will tell you
.ii mau Miich'in knrtur ahrtnt nuilitv and style, flent.. First Floor.
Boys; Z-Fant bmts
At $10.85
Main Floor Boys' Suits with 2 pairs of pants wonderful
values at the above price. Fancy . Mixtures, Tweeds -and
Homespuns in smart styles. - Pants full cut and
lined throughout All sizes 7 to 1 7. Priced
Boys' Corduroy Suits in dark brown. ' Latest QQ QpT
Norfolk models with patch pockets. Special zlOOUU
Boys' Suits of the better grades at $16.88 to $27.50
Fourth Floor
Experienced telephone clerks at
your service 8 a. m. to 5:45 p-. m.
Friday Specials
Preferred Stock Peaches A
priced special at, a can only
Sliced Pineapple, : 3 cns OK
for $1.00 per can only OOC
Wilson's canned Apricots, Q K n
3 cans for $1.00 per ; can OtJ I
Paris brand Corn special itOAp
$2.35 dozen, per can only"
Minne-Paul canned Peas onfTA
special sale at 3 cans for tJUC
Star Bacon
54c lb.
Delicious for your Easter breakfast
Corn-feil sugar-cured Bacon none
better to be had. Strips weigh from 4
to 6 pounds. Sold in full or half strips
only. Phone your order if; you can
not come in persons -Armour's Star
Bacon, on sale .? Friday, Spe- fTA
cially priced at, the pound only tJrtC
Model Grocery
. . Fourth Floor.
Sale Extraordinary !
Bleached Sheetings
-A very special purchase and sale of 800 "mill run" pieces, of bleached
Sheetings, offering the greatest values in years! One of America's largest
mills an old, . reliable brand noted for its soft, snow-while appearance and
good wearing quality. -
Sheet Lengths
Bleached Sheeting in lengths of 2
yards, This come iH yards wide.
Only 350 pieces in this lot g- - Q
Friday, while they last, at JL JLO
Sheet Lengths
Bleached Sheeting in lengths of 2yi
yards. Full 2 yards (wide. About 450
pieces in this lot Splendid Q" Off
quality. Friday, per length LuO
No Telephone Orders Accepted
None Sold to Dealers
Special Sale
Wool Auto Robes
Full size Wool Robes with fringed
border. Attractive new plaid patterns
In good serviceable colors. Some of
these are of a famous make and all
are wonderful values. ?? Qf?
very special now at only OUt7tJ
Also Special Lot
Wool Auto Robes
At $495
These are extraordinary values. .