; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1C21. 1C THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL. PORTLAND. OREGON 50 ' Synopsis the Annual Statement of the VULVA N ' TIRE INSURANCE COMPANY - nt Oakland in th stale of California on the thirty-first day at December, 1920, made to the -Insuraace Commissioner of the bt te at Oregon puouut to law; . Amount of eapttal stoek paid ttp.l INCOME , Net prwminms " received during th. year ................ .$ - Interest dividend : and rents re ceived during tha year ...,..$ Income from other sources re cred d urine the year ..... 500.000.00 897,778.28 69.838.55 1T.6SS.22 Total ineome . . . . . ... .-. $1,084,800.08 DISBDR8KMENTB Wet lossee paid during the year including sdjustment expenses. $ V Dividends paid on capital stock during tha year . Commissions and salaries paid dur ing the year ............ Taxes, licensee and fees paid dur- Inc the year . . . . . . ... ..... . Amount of all other expenditures. 826,244.52 29.927.81 802,496.02 41.83.00 60.22S.4S . Total expenditures . . . . . .$ 960,776.78 ASSETS -:. Value of real - estate owned (mark pi value) ..........$ 44.787.87 Tame of stocks and bonds owned (market raluei ........... . 878,979.00 Loans on mortgage and eoi- lateral, ota. , . . 872.685.22 Cash in banks and on hand .... 186,923.49 -Premiums in . course, of eolleA lion written since September s 80, 1920 154.282.83 Interest and rents due end eo- .-. crued 11.469.26 ' Total admitted assets ...... $1,649,127.17 LIABILITIES ;roas claims for lossee unpaid. . $ 289.514.28 Amount of unearned premiums on aU outstanding risks ....... . 541,848.88 Due tor commission and broker- age 24,146.84 All other liabilities . 36.969.78 : Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of . ....$ 891.979.78 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE TEAR - Net premiums received during tha year ..$ 44,787.42 Tosses paid during the year .... 9,451.19 Leases incurred during the year. 11,375.85 VULCAN MRE ; INSURANCE CO. OK OAKLAND, CALIF. i. F. CARI.8TON. Sec. ARNOLD HODGKINSON, 8e. Statutory resident attorney for service. A. D. , Trunkey, Portland. . - v ' Rynnpsin of the Annnal statement of tjio . NATIONAL. IJBERTY INSURANCE CO. of America, In the state of New York, on tha 31st day of December, '1920, made to the in surance commissioner of . tha state of Oregon, pursuant to law: .... 'CAPITAL. ! Amount of capital paid up $ 1,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during tha year ...........$ 6.861,223.57 Interest, dividends and renta re ceived during the year...... 465,641.56 Income f rum other sources re ceived during the year. ..... 299.297.94 - Total Income $ 7.629,163.07 DISBDRHEMENTg "Net loswa paid during the year. including adjustment expenses.$ 2,951,662.03 Dividends Paid on capital stock during the year ......... . 225.000.00 Communions and salaries paid during the year .. . 2,121,019.58 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing tho year . . 325.609.26 Amount of all other expenditures. , 884.719.31 Total expenditures ......... $ 6.508.010.18 ASSETS -Value of storks and bonds owned (market value) $ 7.109,580.00 Jjoana on mortgagee and collat eral, etc ................ 1,383,600.00 Cash in banks and on hand..,. 915.428.43 Premiums in course of collection written since Sept 30, 1021). 1.647.7L9.99 interest and rents due and ac crued .. .. 1,014.701.02 Total admitted twtn. . . . . .$12,071,029.44 LIABILITIES . Cross claims for losses unpaid.. . $ 684.388.58 Amount of unearned nremiums on sll outstanding risks 6,428,685.44 Due lor commission and broker age and taxes 255,000.00 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock ........... T.565,072.02 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premium received during the rear . ......$ 53.838.04 Losses paid during the year... 16.695.95 losses incurred during the year. 35,963.85 .NATIONAL. LIBERTY INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA i- . CEO B. EDWARDS, President. 1 ' O. H. KEHR and LOUIS PF1NGSTAG. Secretaries. Statutory resident attorney for service: A. H. BIHRKLL, Portland, Oregon. ' PORTLAND AGENTS: A. M. BtRRELL-GILL CO. CLEMENS. WHITE A COLEMAN. ' WASHINGTON UNDERWRITERS: JOHN H. BUROARO CO. Sectional Houses and Garages MADE TO EXDTJBE Investigate Fre Catalof Redlmad Bldg-. Co Portland, Or. K. 11th and Market Phone iL 5114 West Side Office, 803 Lew-is Building Fourth and Oak Phone Bdwyv 4335 PIONEER CARPET CLEANERS Flneit Carpet Cleaaerg lu City : We do all kinds ol carpet cleaning, refitting;, sewing;, laying;, reaising. binding; and dyeing, in our strictly modern equipped plant PROMPT, KEL1ABLK SERVICB SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14-UOUB SERVICE xlt Bags Steam Cleaned.. .Sl.SO Plant and Office, 1S28 E. Lincoln Sb a. soi. mim van ans Oeiliar 2 0 Saved in Your Building by Our Unit System Faocher-McLcan Co. 830S-S-10 LEWIS BLOO. -BROAOWAV aSU ' END US YOUR OLD CARPETS OLD Kwos and Woolen Clothing We rreveciiDM, riawa-wvovew FLUFF RUGS Rssj nuas wovsn, Sens foe SookM. Mst made avse. Faatnar renovated. aleanlns,' reflttinf, eta. Largest, squinpao tarnss cisanino. reintino Ore eon. Separate plants. Sat a (teamed cleaned $1.60. WESTERN FLUFF RUB CO. S4-SO Union Ave. N. E ss as ts WE CALL AND DSLIVEN. fcalearooaag West Park sad Tastkia ; ; At 10 A. M. Tomorrow l FLUFF RUGS Made From AU Kinds of Old Carpets One Si10 Fluff Rug ......... S1S.0O One 3x Fluff RUa .......,$ 4.00 . OREGON FLUFF RUO CO. ' 19S4 E. Stark SL Tabor 7314 NEW TODAY ..1MH - , , rano vsisa. caraa finest 50 flynoari of tfaa Annual Statement of the win vsr . s-r- ivut:Dl7T f'rt . T Tn Of A -eland. Dominion of New Zealand, on the 8 lit day of December, 1920. made to tha In surance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to lav: c CAPITA t ... Amount of statutory deposit . capital ........ . 4U0.0UU.VO IN COMB Net premiums rrceired during the year $1,695,184.05 Interest, dividends and reota re- ' ceired during tha year ....... 92,032.28 Income from other sourcae re ceived during the year....... 88.BT9.ci 7 V: Total ineome .V. . ; ....... .$1,875,692.54 DISBURSEMENTS i J . , Net 1oaaa paid during tfaa year, inclnding adjustment expense. $ 632,244.08 Commissions and salaries paia during the year. .......... Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur 515,437.48 58.359.05 254.078.82 ing too year. ...... . .. . . . . . . mount of all other eipendi- turi Total expenditures . $1,481,014.83 sat i a - - Value of real ; estate owned market value) I .$ 260,000.00 Value of stocks and bonds, owned t market Taiue) - ........... 1,880.768.72 07,066.66 Cash in banks and on band .... Premiums in course of collection written . since September 80. 1920 ....... i , .. 260.016.20 16,976.32 18.664.46 Interest and reota due and ac crued ........ i Recoverable for reinsurance on lussfw paid Total admitted swets. ... i . . .$2,483,492.85 LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid .... $ 295.245.88 Amount of unearned premiums on ail outstanding risks... 1,161,742.84 Ante for commissions and broker age 15.000.00 53.279.05 All i other liabilities.......... Total liabUities,: xelusiTe of ' csoftal itork . 11 .527.267.67 BU8INKSS IN OBEOON FOR THE TEAR et premiums received during the year ........ i I 46.171. 20 tosses paid during the year,... 25,543.52 Ixmm incurred during the year.. '26.220.71 Mama of com nan v SW ZK1LA.M) LNSUU- ANt'E CO., Limited. i Name of U. 8. manager, Walter M. npeyer. Name of U. 8. manager, II. K. Kempthorne. Statutory resident attorney for service, Walter Fortmann. ; Fields Ac Honeymsn. resident agents. : Teon building, Portland. Or. : Siemens. W inte A Coleman, resident asrents. 8even building, Portlsnd, Or. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW A real bungalow home. Five large rooms. Every modern feature. Built from original plana, of select ma terials. Beautiful, harmonious, ar- tiutic Price $6000 One-third cash. . : Full details Maclnnes Harvey WellsCb. $03 Gaseo Bldg-. Main 454 MEETING NOTICES 102 PORTLAND tent No. 1. The Mac cabees, formerly meeting in K. P. hall. 1.1th and Alder, will give a card party and dance in its new nan. BeUing-Hirach building, 886 H Wsshington st.. Thnrsday evening. March 24 1 ft 9 1 Pnl, nmmn. ly at o:SO. dancing at 10. Union music. ; Ad mix ion 2oc. Handsome prizes. Come for a anod nine. r. jisutKMON. Chairman Com. cation tomorrow (Thursday) eve : ning at 7 o'clock. Labor in the m. . oegree. wmcn acgreo will : h. AnnA.ul . . 1 . Of In e nollCA Hruietm.,t K , U . i.' team, Tberg will also be an examination upon ... ui. OA. uetim. ui ung oretnren always FRED Ij. OT.SOJi. Sec WAVEKLI LODGE U II A TT AND A. M. Special commoni cation will be held at Waverlv hall, E. 26th and Clinton, ata., at .o j. m., i oursoay, aiarcn Work in M. M. degree. Portland '' degree team will confer the de- Visiting brethren welcome. ' Bv order oi .w, M. H. E. MILLER. SeC'y. UAWXHOKNli LODGK NO. 111. A.i V. Ik A. M. Special cent- mnnieation Tnuradcy evening, March 24. at 6:30. Work in the M. M. degree. . Visiting , oretcren welcome. C. R. MiLLER. Secretary. KhiNTUN LOLKiK NO. 145. A. J . a A. ex. special commu nication Thursday. March 24. Work , in M. M. degree, com mence ug at 7 p. m. Refresh ments.' Visitors welcome. By or-' der of W. M. R. B. HKADLKY, See. WASHINGTON LODGE No. 46, A. a. and A. M. anecisl com munication tomorrow (Thursday) eve., 5 o'clock. East Eighth and Buraside. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. sLSnTSIUE LODGE No. 163. A. F. and A. M. -Stated communi cation, Thursday. March 24. at 7:30 D. m.. temple 84th and lisw thome. Visiting brothers welcome. By order W. M.. , i C. P. JENSEN, Secy. VICTORY CHAPTER NO. 180. O, E. S. Stated communication Thursday evening. March 24, at 8 o'clock. , Social. Visitors welcome. Archer Place halL Mt. Scott car. By order of W. M. EVA WILSON, Sec'y. WILLAMETTE. Thursday eve. a,vti;vv - March 24, T:au snarp. a" Sj present for election of delegates se ' to grand lodge. Work in the ra. nasi, aranua are kuhchcu w w Third deeTM - aU candidates be present : eats. smokes; come out and enjoy a social and fra ternal evening witn us. visitors always welcome. Theils hall, opposite car harns, Killingsworth ave. tt. w. nniuni, . WILLIAM K. STUCHELU K. 8, . j. OKlK.M'v LODVxli will lve (fXmZPGA an entertainment this (Wednesday) evecing at 8 n'.Wt V. KtK aia AMv O.tr to. which all members, their families and fnend are invited. ARTHUR E. PEASE. N. O S. A. STARR. SecTetsrv. - SEMARITAN LODGE NO. 2, L O. V O. W meets everv Wednesday ave. VSrV ning at o'clock. Odd Fellows' tern pie. 226 Alder St. Third degree team will drill tonight. Important business to be disposed of at this meeting. Visiting brothers always wel come. K i GEOKtiE H. YOUNG. N. . 1 JESSE T. JONES. Rec Sec urprl ii xkt t t i.v va at a o'clock. i a 4. W-lHama Viaitine ttrrjk. rtjnjr x en welcome. SXQpOS : CHAS. A. ROGERS. N. O. WtOfT-roOW f; B. TRACEY. See. REGULAR meeting of alanine Lodge No. 21, K. of p.. at Baker Hall. 1163H Albina Avenue, every Wednes . day evening at 8 o'clock. All Pythiaaa (Jortually invited. B. T. SHERMsN. C C. CM. JAMES. K. of R. snd S. ONEONTA TRIBE No. 2. Improved Order Red- : men. Regular council tomorrow I Thursday) evening, at 8 o'clock, at W. O. W. hall. East JSith and rst Alder streets. atemoers attend. ... L. B. 8MITH, C. of R. PORTLAND lodge No. 209, the Fraternal Broth- erhood. Regular meeting sverv Thursday eve ning. 8 o'clock, Alifky bldg.. Third and Mor rison; refreshments this Thuridsy. Phone East 8583. LAURA FILLHOUR. Treaa. ANNIVERSARY dance Wed.. March 23. 1921 at Woodmen hall, 12H 11th St., given by Portland camp So.s107, W.-Ot W. prise waits. tinion mnsie. EMBLEM JEWELRY a spectslty. buttons, pins. cnarma. jsegrr nrc.. ini-ins "nr- t - SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Notice hereby given that Mary E. Cummins baa leu my bed and board and that I will not be responsiDie tor any i billi contracted by her. i H. T. CUMMINS. TO wHOM IT MAY CONCERN I will not be responsible for say debts or bill mn bv 5,5U.&0fUerU68' Mississippi ave.. after March 17, 1921. Wm. Moaller. NEW TODAY 101 NOTirE OF BALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER, GENERAL LAND OFFICE. -"- W'aslungtoB, I. C. . . March 10, 1921. Notieo is hereby glvea that anbjeet to tha conditions and limitations of the sets of Juno 9. ISIS (9 Stat.. 218). and June 4. J920 (41 stat 758), and tha instructions of tho Secre tary of the Interior of September 15. 1917, and Jane 22, 1920, the timber on the followmg lands will be sold April 27, 1921. at 10 a. m.. at public auction at tha United States land of fice at Portland. Or., to tha highest bidder at not leas than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of tha Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-f xfUi of I per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at tima of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issne for the timber which must be removed within 10 yeara. MHia wiu no rsceivw iron citizens of the United States, aaaoeiaaone of n,.h nftizms and eornorations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, ter itnn. nv iktrv4 thereof only. Upon SDolicstion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before be ing included in any oiler of a larger gin. i. S., K. a r... ee. i, sn o. an u ha nM for Ism than SI. 23 Der M. T. 8 S., U 6 W.. Bee. . NWH NBW. red fir 380 M. 8W-4 NEH. red fir 885 M.. SBl NWH, red fir 1280 M., SWU JiW, rea nr 1130 M., none or wmcn naioer snau oe sora for less thsn $1.75 per M.. T. 5 H., R. 7 Sec. 33. NE(4 iWs, red fir SZ M.. wnn fir 120 M., none of the red fir to be sold for lea than $2 per and none of the white fir to be sold for less than 50 eenta per M. (Signed) CIAT TALUIAJi, Commissioner. CJewrsl land Office. MlTH'V ttlT (il ARIllAN H HALK In the Circuit Court of the fttat of Oregon for Multnomah County. Departmeot of Probate. i . In the Matter of the Application of) C J. Smith, unardisn of tne E-tata of Zella lAicilla OUlette.) n naAmnafAnt rnHtVW. I For lse to Sell Real Kxtafe. ) Notice is hereh riven that in panmance or an order of the Honorable Ceorgn Tazwell. judce of tha circuit eourt of Multnomab county, tnegon. probate department, made on the 2 1st day of March, for tee sale oi me reai bum hereinafter described, I will, from and after the 2tt dav of ADi-il 1921. proceed to sell at private sale for cayh. the following described real property: An undivided one-thirtieth intern in and to lots 2 and 8 in block 0. Couch's addition to the city of Portland, Or., and also a tike inter est in ana to we snutn one-nsir oi to, o m oioca 15 of the city of Portland. Or. Intending Dnrchaseni will call or eommoni- cate with me at No. 707 Broadway bldg., Port land, Or. .'.i -.)..; t , ! ! : - - ' V. J. KMITM. Dated the 23d day of March. 1921. GuardUa of the Estate of Zella Lncille Gillette,! aa Incompetent Person. , Pint publication March 23. 1921. Tet nnblWtkm April 20. 1921. SEALED BIDS will be received up to 2 o'clock Thursday, the 24th of March, for stock gro ceries and fixtures located Yakima. Wash. Stock invoices $17,000. fixtures $3800. Certified check 10 per cent accompany bids, l&iguts reservea to rejeci au oiua. , U. W. iMfBAn, Trustee. 641 Pittork block. I WILL NOT ba responble for any debts coa- tracted by my wife, j. JU. Jones. CARDS OF THANKS WE wish to express our sincere thanks to tliosa who so kindly assisted ns during the illness snd death of our beloved wife and mother. Pearl Wanker. (Signed) J. H. Wanker and family DEATH NOTICES 103 KOI. DA At the residence. 1580 Olin St., March 22, Anna B. Bokia, aged 63 years, deceased in survived by one son, Bernard, of Kalama. Wath.: fiva dannhters. Klizabeth and Mary LBolda. Mrs. Joseph May. Mrs. it. -A. Kreeman rZ 1 , f u, TLMmrm'm inwitiit BUU oaKI vvuma v. ' J - Beaverton, and an adopted daughter, Mamie Volker. Funeral will be held from the resi dential funeral parlors of Dunning & McEntee, Morrison st. at 12th. Thursday. Marcn 2-t, at 10:10 a. m.. thence to Holy Cross church. Howdoin and. Stanford streets, where services will be held st 11 a. m. Friends invited to attend. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. RPIUiAN In this citv. at her residence. 40 E, 53d st.. March 22. 1921. Pauline Spill- ! tA, aged 73 years 1 month 1 day. Deceased survived by one son, Julius Spillman; four ifaughters, Mrs. Martha Kalesse. litusdaie, ur. ; Hannah L.. Matilda H. SoUlmsn and Freda V. Notx of this city. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewea Undertaking Co., cor. 3d and Clay. Funeral notice later. LL COYNE Near : Lyle. Wash., March 21,.- Pat rick Ben Coyne, aged 40 years, beloved hus band of Josephine Coyne snd fatner oi uiaays Coyne, brother of W. K. of Portland and J. J. of California, and Mrs. M. W. Waters of Alberta, Canada, and Mrs. J. Jfagon of Canada. Funeral notice later. Arrangements in care of Miller Tracey. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 DI'RY Tha funeral service for the late Fran cis Dury will be held Thursday, Marcn z, at 1 o'clock n. m. at Finley's Mortuary. Montgoin- ery st FMfth. Friends invited. : HKOKMSKR -At North Plains. Ov.. -Marco 1H 1 1 Thervloee J. Rmemmr. seed 74 vears. Funeral cortege will leave Holman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 1 p. m. tomorrow (Thurs day). March 24. 1921. thence' to Mount Scott cemetery where services will be held. Friends invited to attend. ' I LH1CH In this city. March 21, 1921, John U. Ulrich. aged 04 years, beloved father of O. J. and G. & Ulrich of Portland . Or. : E. D. Ul rica of Los Angeles, Cal ; brother of J. C. Ul rich of Chicago,, I1L, and C. A. Ulrich of Sagi naw. Mich. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at the Portland Crematorium, Fourteenth and Bybee streets, at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow (Thursday), Msrch 24. 1921. Remaina at Hol man's ehsnel, Third snd Salmon streets. SMITH In this city. Msrch 20, 1921, Mary Smith, aged 73 years. Friends Invited to at tend tne funeral .services at ttoiman s cnapel. Third at Salmon streets. , at I P. m. Friday, Msrch 25. 1921. Interment Roie City cemetery. SCHALIN In this city, Msrch 22, Budy Schalin, aged 27 years, late of 553 E. 19th st. 8.. beloved husband of Mrs. - Alma Schalin, brother of Mrs. Rose PowelL Funeral services will be conducted Thursday. Msrch 24. at 11 a. tn.. from Pearson'a undertaking parlors. Rus sell- st. at union ave. t riends invited. 1 de ceased was a member of the International Broth erhood of Boilermakers. - SUMICH At residence. 409 Fairbanks st. iiH 91 Pmil Utimioh bm1 A nj mr.n of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Humich. Funeral will held from residence Thursday, March 24, at 12:43d. m.. thence to St. Patricks churcn, where services will take place at 1 p. m. Frinds invited. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. McKntee & Eilers, directors. SEAFATI The funeral service of the late Nasareno beafati. aged 82 yean, will be held at St. Philio Neri church. Friday at 2 v. m. riends invited. Kemaina at P. L. LercO lor nersl psrlors, K. nth st llsy St. McCLAMEY-r Funeral service of the late-Rebecca McClamey will be held Friday, April 1, at 3 p. m., at the Zion church, Williams ave. Remains will be forwarded to Pass Chris tian, Miss., for interment. Remains at the residential parlor of Miller & Tracey. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 103 u East Side : Funeral Directors FORMERLY F. S. DUNNING'. INC. "The Family Seta tit Pries" 414 E. Alder rt. . .. . - pbone East 52. EDW. HOLMAN &:SON (WALTER J. HOLMAN) ? Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS " A. D. Kenworthy & Co. S8OZ-08O4 :ZD ST. - K-, 1.K.NT8 Aot. 618-21. Home Phone D-Sl Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AT HAWTHORNS PHONE EAST 781. Dunning & McEntee Morrison st. at 12th. ftmadwsy 4-30. Aat. 645-58. , CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Directors ' i ATI the Conveniences of ft Home Woorfliwn 8306. 248-250 Kniingsworth ai gill Williams ave: ' Woodlswn 220. FINLEY'S MORTUARY siu i uumck r at nna MADf MILLER Ac TRACEY. independent funeral di- rectors. rnces as torn as szo. $40. 380 Washington at Ella. main 2C1, A-7883, MENTEE EILERS. funeral parlors with a& uis privacy oi a noma, xeta kLu Atcrett ata. rnpow proaaway axaa, noma A-Z 1 3 S. DOWNING A M'NEMAR A homeUke clace. - avumiM u viKa . arvugtoa OiatncL - rao SK A O 7aIH.m C . 592 Williams a-a. rv.e a. WAAL. A VU. phone East 1 a 088. Ci-o.ne CNDKRTAKING CO. Main 4152 tfUVVrfbO A-2321. Comer Third and Clay. r f.T.B,1047 Belmont st. DiCCZCIUCUUUi rah. 1258. B-234 MONUMENTS 106 OTTQ SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QCIAUTT MEMOKIALS g.THlBO JLWNE ST5. PHOffE E.T43 SPECIAL NOTICES - 106 , gUESiriG GRAMITE Co ' eU267-3RO ST. AT MAOISOH Fortsand Marble Worlks 266 4th St. On. City HaTL Hea Bros, FLORISTS 107 I ?frFfttPj7 'o?lf rvifM. 'JJ MORRISON MA0.2;7 LACSEST CETAIL Fl0aiSTiP0ClTLAH0 And Floral Dsslgna, , 25 Large Hothouses. No Branch , Storea. 23 Yeara oa Morrisoa st between 4th . and 5th. Tel Main 7709. , v WE 'specialise in wedding, reception, tea and table deeorationa. nersocal attention. Floral tributes promptly attended to. abwetland s Flower Soop Morriaoo Kt . betwet gd and 4tn. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Piegressive Florist" Flowers for All Occasions. Main 72 IS. T. C. LUKE. Mgr. 6th and Alder. MARTIN sV FORBES CO., florists, 834 Wash ington. Msia 269. A-1269. Flowers far sU occasions artistically arranged. - PeOple'S a45 AllrV FLORAL SHOP MsrshsTl 6922. flUnMKoall'e N. W. Bank Bldg. Main Vffliappeil S 6116. 831 Morrison St. LOST AND FOUND 108 91 RFUARIl for recovery and information leading to convic tion of party stealing Indian bicycle No. 17407 from Llewellyn scftool starcn in. rmutum m. short crossbar tinder seat, gilded gold, seat post removed; Chalfant clamp use; wheel practically '' J. H. BRYANT, 1082 Chamber Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 804. Sellwood 589. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. Marrh 21 : 10 umbrellas. 2 lunch boxea. 2 purses. 1 key, rosary beads, knile, 1 pr. ana . l sgu loves. 3 books, music roll, egg crate. 3 packages. suitbox and bank check. : Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at virst ana Aider street station. . - ' LOST On the first floor of Meier & Frank's, a small black parse containing one -U ana two 85 bills, also some silver, ear ticket to Oswego and small , red handled pen knife. . Be rt!. Keturn to journal muce. LOST Tuesday between 12 and 1:80 p. m. in ahnmrin district, bnshy tail to black fox scarf. Finder please re tarn to i. C. Moms, 273 Morrison street. J" - - - ' IXlST Toy black ana tan oog, strayed from 1060 Westover road Saturday, rnone maul 5016. Reward 310. PLAIN gold wrist watch, Waltham make, lost on Williams ave. . car. ; tu wain. ouaa. Reward. - 1 " : LOST Friday night, suitcase marked "A. M. W." containing lady's wearing apparel. ' Re ward. Phone Tijr 782. LUST At Auditorium, Saturday evening, seal- akin belt. Finder please phone . Mrs. A. L Btone, Alexsndris court- LOST White Spitz, female, collar No. 450; name "Bedda." i Bdwy, sz isvereu. Reward. - 1 ' LOST By deliveryman, package containing fur scarfs. Liberal reward for return to i:i a aw st. Phone Main 29. LOST Saturday evening, lady'a black handbag containing - money, - nng, sey, etc. tiewara. Phone Main 275. - LOST, ttrayed or stolen. English bull pup. answers to name Toughy ; bnndle mark. Lib eral reward. Csll Bdwy. 1402 or Bdwy. 1279. LOST 1 blsck and white Collie 8h-oherd pup. black tail with wmte up. namea Atex. auin 864. Reward. I ' LOST Gold Eversharp pencil, with name, Dor othy Franklin engraved thereon. Phone Tabor 4896. Reward. LOST Boston bull terrier with harness; white chest and front: male. Liberal reward. Wood- lawn 1470. STRAYED. Sunday, Boston Terrier (brindle). screw tail: license eoi. . uewara. Auto. 621-81. LOST A mink fur neck piece, near Hawthorne, on 30th, or LaurelhuiMt park. Please return to 613 I Add ave. Reward. LOST Small note book, Saturday. Finder please phone 319-11. ; - LOST at library, 2 rings. Return to Wonder Millinery, AKier st. Kewara. GRAY SUCIRKKL fur. Finder please call Wain. 4012. Reward. LOST Baby's bonnet, Meier A Frank's store, Saturday; finder please call Tabor 4Bo. W Ti.L party holding brindle dog. with license No. 1272. kindly call Tabor 6769? BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 Students Applying: for enrollment last fall and winter that we wera unable to take may come and start at once, for during the last two weeks so many of our pupils have gone - to work: without waiting to finish their course (which they can do as soon aa they have time) that wa can now start those enrolling at once immeaiateiy. , By our method of personal instruction (which is the result of onr years of instructing hers in Portland) you will learn the welding of all metals more rapidly than by any other means. Tha demand for welders from our school is such that, so far this year, we have not been able to keep up with it. It is recognized that our students excel. State aid for Oregon ex-Soldiers. Apply day or evening. 811 E. Grant St. THE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING. SPECIAL 825 AUTO COURSES YOUR OPPORTUNITY AUTO and TRAC TOR, ignition and battery work. vulcanina sad retreading, driving. Up-to-date ' practical snop experience. DAY and evjsmnu classes. Dra gon ex-service men, the state pays your entire tuition lee. Catalogue and information upon request, HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS, 707 Hawthorne ave., Portland. Op erating the largest chain of practical Auto ana Tractor Schools in the world, : - - , THE Dudrey School of Aeronautics win train you for any of the big pay posi tions in aviation. Enroll now and get your application in for this season's work in the cleanest and - best paying profession of the day. DUDREY AIRCRAFT CORPORATION School of Aeronautics. 105-7 N. 11th st. Portland. Or. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL Ton want nothing but the best. Here it ia Standardised with schools ia 60 other cities; best laboratories, best shop eauiDment and in structors. Actual shop practice given on real repair jobs. Results absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school is while boainess is quiet. Prepare now for big business openings in tew montna, - inquire uregon Institute of Technology, 6tb and Main.. Clip this ad and m nd it In Tor resntifnl 4S page 'atstocTie. West's Largest Business College. Assures EVERY GRADUATE A POSITION All business eonrssa, including comptometer training. Enroll any time day school, aigbt school. Wnta lor tree catalogue, ata st Morrisoa phono Main 600. YOU CAN EAKN XOUB WAY THB0CGH" ALISKY BLDG., 8D AND MORRISON. ENROLL in a business school wtaere students se cure individual instruction in tha xdajor sub jects and personal attention in all subjects, book keeping, stenographic, calculator, private secre tarial courses offered.- Writs or call for inter view. Kew trim now opening. Day and eve ning sessiona. Oregon institute of Technology, 191 6th t Mam 8 7QW. tvocal Z- HOLER BARBF.R COLLEGE win teach you the trade in 8 weeks: receive some pay while learning : positions secured; ex-service men ceive state aid. - Write or call for 7 catalogue. 234 Burnswe st. - THE CALLAX MUlograpMng Bcnool placing its students in responsible positions aa fast aa they qualify, -t It will pay you to join the classes bow tormina. ,v Axosasa. ciog-. u roadway and' Oak. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY Enroll free, crank JS.. Welles, former asst. state rapt-. Mgr.. i-w. Bang Piag. Auto, aiz-ia MEN. WOMEN, leant barber trade; wagea while learning; positions guaranteed, atgr. zz years' experience. Oregon nsraer vo liege. 233 Maaiaoa. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Telegraph in. atitute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Night el: EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL, SCHOOL Miss Regina Bucket's private school; individual Instrnction. 122 H Ursnd eve. East 427. WANTED Giru to Mara mulU rauhmg "t MONUMENTS printing. 22 Main at. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 - AVIATION- IT YOU WANT TO FLT " WE'LL MAK-E YOU A PILOT Our methods instill fide dc trom tha start. Ton - know you are (ly ing with the most skilled instructors and the best equipment from the safest ; field that money can bay. Our - average student win Qualify for tho International Pilot'a License after 7 hours In the air. The cost based on the time it takes . to aualifr with safety. 1'. U. U. AXKiaE8. U 217 Maw st - Vancouver, Wash. ' AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL ' ADCOX ATJTO SCHOOL The largest and best equipped auto and gas engine school la the West is located at Union ave. and Wasco street. Portland. Or. Prospect ive students and visitors can inspect school daily U 11 a m., except Saturdays. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN The state pays you 323 per month while attending school. Enroll now before educa tional fund exhausted. HELP WANTED MALE 201 WANTED TWO ME ; CHANICS IN WOOD WORKING DEPART MENT, TO ASSEMBLE TRUCK BODIES;, PRE FER : MEN EXPERI ENCED IN TlifIS LINE. STEADY WORK. UNI VERSAL ;BODY COR PORATION, 90(0 SANDY BLVD. 'r HIGH POWER salesman to put over A 1 stock; big publicity to help; plant to he enlarged; product now pop ular here. Call 7 p. m. and 8 a. m. See Mr. Lowe, Imperial hotel. WANTED Man with office or sales exnerienca to join in development of necessary adjunct to Dig Dusiness concerns. fjonmanv is incomorated and patents secured. Want; experienced man to manage office and sales 'force or to inin selling ena. must invest 53000 ' to (6000, which will insore nmition with eood aalarv. Csll Room B, Henry bldg.. between 10 and 1 O CIOCK. i ' WANTED An elderly man !who desires Hght farm work to work part time for wagea and part time lor Himself, on a aood farm: house garden, etc, furnished : good opportunity: would not object to man and wife if no children. Ad dress Larl K. Smith, Surer,. Or. Pioneer Eiaiployinent Co. - - ULPKST OFFICE IN OREGOJI Headquarters for farm. milL hotel and ante garage help. Phone or wire rush orders, Broad way 2278. 14 N. 2d St. WANTED Japanese or Chinaman for general nouaewora, family of four: must, ba ex perienced cook witn references: none other need appiy. A-none Ksat S390 or caU 493 Hasealo st, cor. East Tenth. ! OLD established publishing house has opening for 2 good live men. Men experienced in news paper and interview work preferred. Pbone Sew ard hotel, room 308, after 4 p. m-. Wednesday a no 1 miraoay tor appointment. REPAIRMEN, mechanics, get free sample of aluminum solder snd list of original money making formulas: send self addressed, stamped envelope tor reply 10 Ancnor uepair onop, nog o, nwaco, wasn. SALESMEN WANTED Patented noutehold ne eessity; commission on future business. Cali fornia also open to riaht Darts. 41s Chamber 01 commerce bMg. LUiliir-ltiJIAL gardener or farmer wanted to work farm, free rent: eauioment for sal. verv cheap; terms. For particulars address 393 Fairbanks st. or eaU Aut. 526-64. . PRESSMAN Experience on ' 3 -color rotary work. State expenenca in detail, where previously employed. giving muse ot presses, etc. -Bz, Journal. WANTED First-clau metal polishers for Call fornia Plating Works. 214 i 2d st Phone M'n 721 X. 1 FIRST-CLASS teacher of Cregg shorthand snd kindred subjects. Apply J. 1 . Wilaon. Mult noman notei. TO SELL standard automobile, excellent loca- uoa ana line aismsy room, s 401 stark St.. corner lotn. V AN 1E1 Abiebouied man or night work! Steady work for right man. Aut. 218-97. PLATEN press feeder wanted. -.wealth bide. 11 N. 6th st, ; 218 Common BENCH MAN wanted. Free land Furniture Co. 970 Macadam st. ' MAN to work on ranch; good wagea to right man. K-Z39, Jonrnal. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 BY A YOUNG married woman tn small country place, mature woman aa companion and to assist with Housework and care of children ia exchange for good home and small wagea. D-110, Journal. MBS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly with Uia federal employment service, furnishes competent of fice women; also womsa lor all otner linea of em ployment. 329 Henry bldg, Broadway 4537. CALLAN Multigraphing school is placing its students as fast as they qualify. Opening for 5 girls in class. Kegister now, 405 Artuana' bldg.. Bdwy. ana Has. OPENING in class for 3 young ladies to learn multigraphing; good salary for those who qual ify. 4U Artisan Drag, uroaaway and Oak. WANTED experienced operator to sew ticks for mattresses. United Manf. Co.,! 25th and Hoi laday. 1 ANY 4iRL in need or a rrMOO. apply to Salvation Army Rescue Homa. Mavf air and Alexsnder sts. fbons Msin- 8450 D-M esr FIRST-CLASS teacher of Gregg shorthand and kindred subjectst. Apply J. P. Wilson. Mult- noman notet LADY SOLICITORS, GOOD COMMISSION APPLY 6511 72D ST. 8. E. MT, SCOTT CAR. MIDDLE-AGED woman for general housework, small family, good wsges. Tabor 5177.- COLORED, girl for general housework; must be experienced cook witn references. K. 23BO HELP WANTED- MALE AND FEMALE 205 WANTED- A limited number- mat lis. to - draw to Qualify as apprentices 111 large en graving concern. Earn while you learn. Burenu of Engraving, 45 4th st. Office 605. Mr. Greer Broadway l3fl. WANTED Married couple . to : take cars of - flat? - eood children not obiected to: most Hvein basement of flats. - Inquire by letter at 49 North First. , SITUATIONS WANTED- MALE 251 MAN and - wile with boy 14 years want wors on farm, man to do chores, wife to cook foi men. Phone Aut. 574-26 or write 195 Bun,- side st. ' " CHAUFFEUR ' wants ; poaiUcm ; understands thoroughly driving and mechanical -upkeep. Private car preferred. , Good local refereacea. H-897. Jonrnal. - ; ' MAKJU1ED ex-servioe man wants employment in city; experienced as truck driver and shop man; win tase otner ennsts 01 wors. ii-bj, Journal. - ' : . - " ' OLD lawns tixed, new lawna put in; garden work my specialty ; also cement and carpen ter work. O. W. Flowers, 242 E. KKth St. 8. Ct-Jir.-Vi touiidations, bouses rained, basementa enlarged, cement work of ail kinas; reasonaoie. Marriall 1HN2. YOU fumiah paint and tint. - I will put it 011 for reasonable day s wage. Auto. 522-79. PAPERING and kaiMmiimng audi m-ltle finish ing floor waxmg.- RediK a rau Tibnr 52 S KUOFS Reehingled a speeisrty. Phone 'East 1201. PLASTERING, chimney ana earnest work. 109 E. 46th st. Tsbor 2658. CARPENTER and contractor, jobbing anything in the bmlding line. Phone r.at BB56. PAINTING sud Ununi in all their branchea Ueasonable. Woodlswn 8326. Vail Bros. EXCAVATING AND GRADING 1. A. LYONS. EAST 843. GALBREATH, the painter, right side up. lowest rate. We hang paper Woodlawn 1484 PAINTING. Kalsomining, carpentering. 6703 Woodstock ave. 8. E. Auto. 617-46. CEMENT work; all kinds. Sellwood 919. First , class only. WANTED Carpenter work by competent me chanic. Phone Woodlawn 2t52. SMALL carpenter jobs wanted ; first class work A. Grover. 552 6th. Manns!! 88. CARPENTER 1 EXPERT Do It Now. Aut. 641-65. CEMENT work of ail kinds. 1655. CaU W oodlawn V. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 2S1 HA.MtlJ By experienced hanisre man, 28 yeara in hardware. Would accept )ot as sales man or work for hardware, plumbing or- hot air furnace. Address 22 78th st- Phone Ta bor 4176. 1.1'MBlSli by day or contract. Ailtix 6-'3-44 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 WANTE1 Voung lady without home wishes position aa housekeeper or companion to old people. 'Call in person or write Masa M. M. Koeneke. 424 Esit Hichmond st.. St. John-t, Or. LACE, SCRIM , AND MARQUISETTE CUR TAINS. DRAPERIES. DONE 4JP LIKE NEW. WILL CALK EAST 8518. AtELIABLK young lady dexires housekeeping in city or country: prefer place w tiers there are children. K-256, JoornaL WILL care for children evenings and afternoons while mother is away. Broadway 274Q. WOMAN wants, house cleaning. Reliable refer ences. Phone Broadway 4046, UIltUI.K-AGKl lady wishes housework. Address, A. We-terltind. Bonneville, Or. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED 11 YRS. EXPERIENCE. 80e UP. EAST 6196 W OMAN wants day work, Thursday. Bdwy. 472H. room T. DRESSMAKING 256 LADIES Let the Kichmond fashion shop do your spring sewing and you will be delighted ' We make suits, coats, dresses, blouses and under garments. Abm refitting and alterations Ws give prompt attention and our prices are rea sonable. Tsbor 6012. 1120 Division st. ABA; YOU PLANNING AHEAD FOR SPRING i , i v Gowns remodeled Into latest styles. Abo gowns to order. , i McLERAN - StuHio 161 N. 23d st. Mar. ha II 3374. DYEING, cleaning, pressing, drassmakiag. re modeling, relining. atterauons, pleating, raa. eoaable prices. The Cabinet Clessers 4k Dyera, 424 sfirrtsnn. near 11th Main laze. SEWING SHOP 120 Sixteenth St., between nun, and Alder. Open 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Alterations, relining, mending, 50e an hour. AiEMSTlTCJlt.NG. 8 CTS., WtNONAS SHOP 210 FLEIDNER Bl.lXi., Washington at 10th st DR.K8SMAhi.St; AND AL'l ELATION S, ItE- MODELING. PHONE BDWY. 2564. 471 ALDKK STREET. DRKSSMAKl.Ntt and tailoring by tlie Woodlswn 2172. day, tsiloring espeeislly. PLAIN SEWING WANTED. MARSHALL 8954. HEMSTITCHING at 8c yard. We do dressmaking uj Ausky mag., cor. aa and Morrison. NURSES 257 THREE practical nurses. 1 nurse for matron. East 7211. - WANTED Practical nursing by day or wee Hncca very reasonable. I'lione Main 74 84. TliAlNED for home nunJng, in eaot, long prac- tice; city ref. Mar. 4400. Apt 22. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 HOTEL QLENWOOD Cor. 6th and Burnaide. Steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths; 75c up. $4.50 per week. Nicely Furnished Room In modern home; rs tea reasonable, walking distance to business district. 385 10th. Main 2K28. 2 room furnished apartments: nice location. 534 H Williams. East 6379. HOTEL ROYAL- Morrison and &. 3d. Modern outside sleeping rooms, . also housekeeping. c1e in, $1 day and up transients; $3 50 to S3.no to permanent guests. Modern 2 Room Apt. ' and separate sleeping room. Very comfortable. Leeds apartments, gio Market St. Marshall o97. " RECTOR HOTEL " Broadway and Ankeny st. Modern transient rooms. Bates to permanent guests. Private bsth. - - - - FOR RENT, large, comfortable, furnished front downstairs room, with conveniences: close 'n. Marshall 245. 168 13th at Morrison. SuiUble for 2; $5 per week. 3 FURNISHED rooms tor 2 persons, no chil dren. 674 Borthwick st- J. M. Pittenger. Res. phone Wdln. . 6162; office phone Wdln. 4064. - ' ' HAZEL HOTEL For lovely, airy, cheerful room, hot and cold water, steam heat, piano; 3d and Montgomery. Ressonshle. Msin 7094. ' - - SPLENDID rooms fox gentlemen, wslking dis tance O. K- A N. shops; fine beds, modern conveniences. 4 98 commercial, cor. of face. Fine hsrbor view. , CUMBERLAND APTS. ; 1 singl. furnished room. Msin 1Q86. 301 W. Park at. THREE room, clean, pleasant front apt., light and automatic hot water for bsth free. Suit able for 2 or 3 adults, $25. 1623 Macadam. Est 5285. :" TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms. Water, light, phone; separate entrance, clean. Employed ' couple - preferred. 354 - Montgomery St., corner park. , ; - FURNISHED room $18, not-housekeeping, close in. near carline. East 3152. EMPRESS HOTEL Centrally located, modern, steam heated, hot and cold water. Phone in each room. 808 Vs Stark,' cor. 6th. SEE THIS ROOM Room, all modern conveniences, reasonable. 551 Washington st. Bdwy. 2535, apartment C. FOR RENT Nice clean furnished front room. $11 per month. Apply at 411 East Pine St.. near Grand ave. - FURNISHED housekeeping rooms from $10 to $20 a month. Light, beat, wster and bsth included. 405 W. Park st. Hotel Baxter LSLS or sleeping rooms. MA ear to Albina. HOUSEKEEPING apta., 1 and 2 rooms, tunny and clean, close in ; rent by week or no., reasonable rates. 170 12th st.. pear Yamhill. FOR RENT, furnished noufcekeeping and sleep- ing rooms; clean and warm; 6 mins. walk: no children. 655 Washington. - ; UOTEL FABIAN Rooms Tiy day : or week, $4 per week and up. 489 H Washington st,, between 14th and 15th. Broadway 6699. TWO front housekeeping room", WS and up, Denver rooming bouse. 1 208 Wash, at. Phone Main 6287. j - TWO sleeping rooms, nicely furnished. $2 snd $2.50 per week. Apply at 448 Belmont St., or phone East 1743. ' " - GAKi.AND hotel, Trinity. beU lWui aud 20th, on Washington. Modern outside rooms, free tthone and hath, 34 week up. ONE nice, clean front room, suitable iur 1 or 2 men or working couple. Modern conveuiebcea. 124 E 1 8th t Phone Eat 4!H4. - THE ZORNS HOTE. ' Fifth and Morrisoa. , Nice clean H. K. rooms. Centrally 1 located. . . FOR RENT 2 single rooms and kitchenette. 1 suite of 2 rooms, running water, close in, nice neighborhood. ' 200 14th st. FOR KENT 2 room apt., close in. bot and cold water, large rooms, reasonable rates, heat. 494 Tsvlor. Main 3411. FOR RENT 2 H. K. rooms, close in. lights, - heat and gas, bsth, nice neighborhood. 492 Tsvlor. Phone Main 637. - FOR RENT downtairs. -1 suite of 8 84 10th st. rooms, ; close in. NICELY furnisned, 5 single sleeping rooms, close tt. reasonable rates. 88 N. 17th st. Full REN T On. larg. room, hot ' snd cold water, close in; warm and clean. 848 Mill at. SLEEPING room, nice and clean. $14 a month, 4 27 Montgomery. Mar. 2340 - - FURNISHED housekeeping room with kitchen ette. good heat. 321 W, Park st. Mar. 1426. AlOoEuN sioeping Monu for rent: Nsmhall ho tel. 42 H Washington et- Esst 84 9Q. I'L'HNlaliLD hou'ekeepUig rooms for rent, light snd water furntfhed. 142 H First St. FOR RENT, large front sleeping room, close in, reasonable rstes. 803 12th st . FOR RENT Comf. H. K. rooms, wslking disc, heat and usual conveniences. 833 Mont- gotnery. t - ' : - ; ' . FURNISHED sleeping room for rent, near Jef ferson higb. Call Wdln. 626. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FCKNlbHED- room in : modern home, with -j every convenience, for gentleman or lady em ployed, references evchangea.'' Pbone E. 8413. PLEASANT aleeping room for .1 young man; breakfast. If desired. Marahsll. 2515. 4284k Mill. - - " ' " "' ' ; NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM NEAR KENTON. MODERATELY PRICED. WOOD- LAWN 1035. . " NICE, clean sleeping rooms, cloe in, modern conveniences. 4 74 Ystnhill. corner 14tb. $3.50 WEEK, attractive room, with heat to worHngmsn. 4 blkv off Wash, St 81 N. 14th. HLEEPiNG room for gentk-msn, near eat end Broadwsy bridge. - Phone Esut 6748. 1 (SLEEPING room, near carline, rates reason able. 219 Morris. Woodlswn 2824. BLEEPING rooms,- neat and clean ; walking dis tance; $3.50 a wk. Kant 8318. ROOM for sent. Esat Side. Phone Sellwood 172, or call at 541 Beacon at FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FOR RENT ;i nicuy iuKiusud uuMlero roum with shower bath. aU home privileges, con veniences; us of phone: gentleman only. Rosa City Psrk. Tsbor 7589.. LARGE, light, well ventilated rooms in a niod- ero home. W. S . 10 minutes to center of town; Iota of bot wster. $13 per month, up 497 Hsrrison, near 14th. URN1S11KD room tn pnvat. t-oue, neat and clean room, suitable for .1 or 2. close In. use of plsno, bsth and phone. Csll Marshall 211. ONE front bedroom for rent, with- heat, bsth telephone furnished, sio per month: a blocks from 2 carlinea, . 1005 E. Salmon st Tsbor 9316. FURNISHED room tn privsie horn., well fur nished, light, warm room: walking distance. East 4 0 7.: 881 Haass lo st. r LAK;E front room; walkiug . distance ; running water, porch; suitable for gentlemen or couple employed. 570 Hoyt St., Rroadwsy 195.Y FliRNl.SHED roouu, one or two girls, employed; laundry privileges, breakfast privileges. 980 K. Halmnn, at 8 1st nt. FOR KEN T 2 nice clean rooms, furnace beat, light and gas: good bathroom ; good basement for washing. .Woodlawn 4846. ; A WELL furnished sleeping room, close In, wt side: neat. batn. phone Mam 4013. 434 Mill gt. ' VERY fine modern furnished rwm, gentlemen only; private family; no jtber roomers 444 3d St. ROOM AND BOARD 302 HOTEL !. Rooms for rent with r a .imut biisrd H tl 80 BElXJliE you make up your mind Ui nettle down to room - and board, come i w me; tit I my prices; they are right; 8 squares lr ii ;. mat st home. Call K.sxt 8678. ROOM and board, $8 per week. Near carline. Good ditriot. Wdln. 85. 1773 Ihniei s Near Nicolai Door works and slockysrili.. ROOMS with or witliout board. Hot. water, elec tric lights. 1 block to carline. : 8(1 minutes from town. Wdln. 8727. - I FOR REN T Rooms for gentlemen, who desire good borne with board. All conveniences. Wslking distance. 738 Johnson. Main 8796. ROOM .and board for employed peopier 873 Ross st. East 2560; 2 blocks Bdwy. bridge. WANTED 2 men to room and board. Kth L 8. Kat 1681. 849 E, ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 LADY with good home desires to care for one or two children; place where father can board. or will take boarders, i -Main 2695.; ' . SEE THIS ROOM Nice front room; real home-cooked meals; very reasonable. Pbone East 5965; OHH.V ! - ' - i 1 HOUSEKEEPING room. Also mom with board. .Reasonable rates. 16 E. lh st. N. . SEE THIS Board and room for working eouple, front momk nice bungalow, home privileges. Call Tsbor 860 1 . . i ' - SEE THIHI GOOD ROOM AND BOARD, WITH HOME PRIVILEGES. FOR GENTLEMEN. PHONE AUTOMATIC 882 18. ! - HAVE, double room for employed or married couple, also 1 single room for working girl, 3 meals; home privileges; walking distance. Eat 8362. WANTED To board-2 little girls private home; pleasant surroundings, near 2 good schools, 13 minutes' ride from town. Woodlawn 8708. liAl'l'Y LAND cottaa. boarua cinklrt-n by day, week or month; reasonable. SelL 1665s 4740 82d st. 8 E. BOOM and board, private family. ! Excellent borne cooking. All modern conveniences, $9 a week. 472 N. 28rd st. Phone Msin 8275. ROOM and board, suitable for busineas man, girl or gentleman or msrried couple; $9 a week; 2 meals a day. Tsbor 1035. WANTED Lsdy bosrder, room and board $20 a month. Ella Finney, R. S, Gervsis, Or, llOAlllI Mini hi very t .a -onaote, lao N. loin t Phone Broadway 4403. c HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 LARGE, airy, light h. k. rm. with rl lights, h. and e. water, and heat, just right for rept. emn lady or erap. married couple, no children, $22 mo. Also cheaper h. k. rm. for 1 deairshle person,- $14.50 mo. Easy walking dint. Del Monte, 187 Stout St.. near 20th snd Wsah. FOR RENT, nice, ' neatly tumisued room, hot and cold-water, electric liithta, furnace best, reasonable rates; telephone service. Hotel N orris, 638 Vs Alder st- Phone Bdwy. 2804. Housekeep ing rooms. . FL'RNISHED; suites, ensmeiea sinks, hot water, gas ranges,1 second floor, clean, 8. W. corner', 1st and Morrison. Entrance on 1st st- All rooms have running water. 3 CLEAN 11. K. modrrn roomi on carline, lawn and trees. 10 minutes from Washington st-; adults; price '$26 per month. , For particulars phone Wdln. '471 8. ' ' " 2 CLEAN, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms I - close in. 884 Park .t - SEE THESE-1 Nicely "furnished H. double. Auto 211-27. E. rooms, single or FOR RENT r2 uice clean H. la. ruvnu, 1 ul nars heat, electric light. gs, ne ul bsth, phone Walking distance. 124 E. 15th. Phone V.n t 4504. hENDRICKS ' APT8. Housekeeping rooms, single. $3.50 per week, including gsa, hght and beat Double rooms $6 and up. 510 Flsnders st. Bdwy. 1485. 2 W ELL furnished housekeeping rooms, includ ing heat, gas, light and phone, very reason able rates. Private front eotrsniM. 70S Everett st ! -' ' FLlt.VLSllKD ouUide housekeeping rooms, pri vats family: nice, airy room and kitchen oa ground floor, walking distance; also single house keeping rooms. 46 Union ave. N. I LARGE boueping room, heated, slectrio ' lights, furnished. See Paul Shore, manager Nobby Cleaning A Dyeing works, after 6 p. m. Respectable people only need apply. ' 1 3 KM. -suit., 1 2-rm. suite, 1 siugi. h. k. rm., ex. well furnished, clean, cloe in, best and light furnished. Come look at thsm. 128 14 th st. 3d door' from Washington st 1 FOR RENT li. K. apartment, 2 ran., 1 large and kitchen! includes lights, heat and water. Reasonable rates, desirable neighborhood. Mar shall -8258. -827 Broadway. FOR RENT Two rooms, kltc-ben and bedroom, lights, water; rates for 1 person $15. for 2 $18; clone in. nice neighborhood. Mar. 8535. 849 12th. ' - bl.Mil.K hou-eseepilig tuiu, aJ.uO, Iju - single, with folding bed. $3. 480 Vk Belmont, corner ftth ' FOR RENT One sing Is' h, k. room, close In, clean, in good neighborhood. 264 12th. Main 2905. " . ' - FOR RENT- Two seiwrst h. k. rooms, desir able neighborhood, close in, heat and light, bsth, both front rooms, very light 808 14th. CLEAN downstairs housekeeping rooms, water, lights, pbone and bath. block to 8t Johns car; large yard, homelike. Col. 677. FOUR- ruumi, furniitbed, hot and cold water. Phone Mar. 1730; $10 a month. 274 Baker at feet ' ' ' FOR RENT 2 large front rooms, downstairs, private bath, close in, light and beat Main 8899. ' NEAT, clean housekeeping rooms, single or double, light and gas, sleeping room for 1 or 2, $8.60, to $4 4 bhws. frim Waali. 87 N. 17th t. SINGLE housekeeping room for rent 262 12th nt. or phone Main 4 236. Call at HOUSEKEEPING' apartments, close in, lights and bath, free phone, good clean rooms. 828 Main, corner Broadway. Phone Main 7609. 8 i-AltGE b. k. rooms with confeni.nces, walking distance; working people preierr-td 469 E Oak. - 7 . - FOR RENT 2 furnished hou-eeping room with kitchenette; no children. 6526 60th at s. v.: - - . ' FULTON -1605 Virginia, very desirable 2 ror.ms and kitchenette, privst. entrance; laundry tray and bath, garden. 817. sdnlts. Mar-hall 309. NICK clean outeida housekeeping .rooms with kitchenette, rent cheap, in heart of elty. 195 18th et, corner Taylor. Msr.hsll 720. Foii KENT Fuminhsd h. k. apta., 2 rm. apU., from -320 to 27. 4 90 Clay at DESIRABLE H- K. rooms, completely f urn-shed, elexttricity ; close in. ft4 N. 9th st ' SINGLE and 2-room honsekeeping gpta. : The Bellinghsm. 421 H E. Morrison. TWO tartu Ut-d,. t rwuiu i. m, wsBtina tsw- sat li'di-Tr are. LARGE single houseaeepuig room for rant, first floor. 181 12th st - ... Hot.HEk.Ei-l.NG loom, tor reut, VVaumm distance. 692 Vi-4th at. FLRNInHKD rooms, for light t-ou-xtkreving. 1171 Minnesota ave. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 30S UNFURNISHED Itonsekecping' rooms in prirut family. Sell. 2610. , 3 LAUlitE anodHrn famished outside rooms with fireplace; prefer adults; rent $25. Bdwy. 1290. , . ' '. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 308 KXC'EPTKiNAI.LY pleasant front rum in uiixJuia Ooll., Well luriilahetl, etmvttliirttt and rlrin. Would be nice for 2 rooming tigetlier snd hr Ing cxpensns. Hwrate beda if dnlrrd, or wnuM rent to one alone. Have other tingle room to rent ia same. Plain one on 8d floor. Very rea sonable. All rooms with or witliout very lit: lit lipiwkeeying. 802 lath rt. Mar. a 28 APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Hot 'MEKKKPING HtM)M8 apta. snd - 2 sleeping monm. nesr Albiua ship) snis snd O-VV (iiriii-licd hk. 9M Knott St., K AN. OL A. carl. . a ROOMS, strictly mixlem, furnilui si'U., fat rent: tlie Grandetta gpts., 68 Grsnd . avt., near Kst Stsrk nt- Phone Kant 20W. " r KING A1.11EUT APTX. 3 strictly moiiem; elrvstnr, tile bathi. 11th SWii .Montgoinery, Main 8.M. 1-1 li N ..-! 1 1-1 2 n 10 111 alii.; slcaiu iirat, xl an-i lovely for summer. 448 Clay, nesr l-'lh st. AdultA. TWO cumpietely fumi.hJ ruoniA tor light II. K. Free phone, light and Ul, $211; 1 for t-. Tsbor 2I'4 1. ' 2 RMlM sut., fltr.Ui c, electric Hshu, van Ul, ir lovely tilixltiin home, 1441 E. Murrixon. Tshor 8K.10 ' NICE. - eiaii (urnialied liousekesoing atrtuiriit and lreiiing ruoni. The Morri.un apt,, 583 Morrimn. Rroadwsy 207. " - MORTON 'XpATtTMETTTa S room furmnhed sirtinriit. 697 Washing ton nt. Mnln 1IIN2. FURNISHED 2 room a(artment. $23 per lni'nih. JtJ4 Hun !t .1. - I.b,...-.. .. ., ,t.. , lil.'l r '-in ii.'Hin -ft-. siatUhli 1 ' H'i v 4 4 1. iit dine, NEWLY rwnovslit. 2 loom f urm-hi-J spis. f all Sunday - r evening slur 1 11. 111., 173Vt N, I 21 I Johnson 'l KMslIKU Apbv stul 1 hleeping rKin, rlaa in, mtidem convenience, resMinsble rstes, clean snd wsrai. 109 N. 1 Nth ' TWO nlepitig rm-iii , I s fiom riNHii i.ikmI car crvW. Reasonable rent. Will bosid If neren--nrr r t lif, Wi-mllimil 4l2:t t'HKKKrl L, liulit. cluan fni. liu-keeiing room, clrwe to downtown district, resitonsblo. 40H Mailt nt. I Wt mr in li-(i li-u enetvms riiiu-,. M(n M-, near 83d t. THREE rlcan, fiirulKhed miun keeping . rmmin, firxt floor; s mi It, uao k. Morrison nt. -KOOM apt. rhesp rent. Willi sleeping pin;li and garage; Tshor 4 an. APARTMENTS . UNFURNISHED 308 THE MORDAUNT, 18th snd Krsratt. lr. 4 room modern unfurnished sut.. steam heat, b W flnnr-4, H7 rll: I'lilhlren, rf. A lit. H27 HI. FOR RENT 4 unlunii. lied riMJlus. iiumro Janitor H'estfsll aiils., 410 ft.h. TWO or 8 unfurnished nutxlile nwnim; Ituhl, water: with private family. 275 2 1 t st N. blUKKY1 apu.. J riMiin FLATS FURNISHED 309 vIVE nxiiu list, liath. puniry, rii tli.a cluu-l, very nice furniture tor ale; giMid rugs, dishen, bedding, - err p tiling rt-aiir fur II. K. Light, ci.n- rt-nient lstn 't. Slum Sinn GIKL Kill'l.o l-.M. ill HIIAKK FLAT. WALK ING DISTANCE. PROTESTANT. Itl.i Lit KNf'KB "KSIHAIOK MAIN 818 5-KooM upper fist, furninhed, gas for rixikinu, light, water and une of teirplione, $29, BJ E 7tth st. H Tshor 91 2H 'llliO-.r' ro.ua mmlt-rn list, private ImUi. t.ou,,lo npl"Vd No children. Sell. 24 12. Ft l It r,m f8 4 Mdth' uiohrii tUL, imi-!iy f iirtil-liuii. '-t. M'mtvillit rr S'-'J lnnt1t 4 ItoOM furnished flat, Kenton di-trici, JJ per mnnth A. H Hell, Mulkey hljit. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 WALKING dikUnce, 3 ooun, sepsrsts halh, flat ; furniture can be bought if wsnted; take 10th t. car nonth 628 4th. tt ROOM flat. uuturnU-hed. til) 7 Hood. Msmhsll 4813 t MoliKUN 5 ruom upper (1st. newly t.intil snd papered, $25. No children. 1279'-, f'nrlvelt t HOUSES UNFURNISHED 31 1 IttVlNllTON dutiles boux. R. 19nrS., 8 laigs light nxims, newly deoorsted; turners, ftr-t pise, etc; lease, $00; key 711 Thompson, Kat 8015. ALL ll!vOAIW AY ."' II . Nf IRTHW ESTEIt.N KLEi'THUi t'OMPANY - WASHINGTON AT TENTH SfUKKT ELK. Tit AN St-Kit A 8TORAOE CO. 15 Days Htorsgs Free. Furniture moved lr lens. Bdwy. 24 4 5. 4 ROOM Iioum snd halh. rinse in. 8. 1'i.rl li"nT. nesr shipping plsnt; garden aiiace, $20. 237 Onrry t. Owner. 4IIH I'rmlir lerrisl . PIANO snd furniture moving. .-Lpenrnced in.n; Iocs I and long-dutsnce hauling; sutus. horses. Miers-Borkenfeld. Msin 584. IrOit l t.A8K ll r7iu Iiou - in IIJWllK.rtie trirt, $75 month: isst 3 inonlhs in sdrsiicn. Frne-t Well 'o. 0fl '.iM-h hllf. MoliKKN Inii-e, lame lot and fruit, nl. John, carline N-ia. jreimel. WE move furniture ot 8-a-O room botis. lor 810. For further Informstion. Main 6290. rt't It room li.-u-e. gixl liHution. Sol lu.sj.-in. A'tn't" cn'v Inoiltre HHII Kerliv 8 IKK, MS. Urge bath, $20 per month; siec-trio light HK4 Ivy st NEW H rn'-rn hon e, In Irvingion, Msin Hftfro HOUSES FURNISHED . 3 1 2 1 WIU, rent Biy 8 room hmUst foT 60 ren la per day to man and wife withouot ohiulren ; light ami wood found; In return for owner's board. Res, Box 84, Kenton station, Portland, Oregon. FOR RENT 5 room furuuvhed house, near Umnn. 840 Cook sve. . STORES AND HALLS 314 WAREHOUSES SPACE with aideti-ek, Cloe in, to letse. H. N. BURPEE, Wllcog Bldg. - FOR desirable spar. Ul fireproof wars bouse. Phone Bdwyi 8715. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 31 S OKMt'E room in Ijifayett. buil'lmg, Wshitig- ton snd 6ih sts'. all room 1-4. DESK room, with telephone and at.nogtsphie service. Phone Bdwy. 8716. A WANTED TO RENT I. ...- ROOMS 350 MCKLY furni-hed sleeping rooms, steam heat; bot and cold wster; alio rooms with priests bath; reasonable terms; very convenient, handy to town. 269 6th st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 YOUNG Christian widow wauls position in wm!- uwer s h.ime win re there sre- children, or in an elderly couple's home. Csll of wriie 5713 Mith sve . K. HOUSES 361 . RENTAL lit-It r. A U , List your houses, fists or apart ants . with U! amrk results and good tensnts. , PACKING, MOVING. BTORAOH. LOANS HKCL'RITY bTORAGE A THANMKKH CO. 53 Fourth st, npp. MulUiomab linteL Phone Broadway 8716 RELIABLE busineas man wsnts to rant modsrs unimiimih d &r 6 nn liouse, with garase. tn good remdentlal district: hse one child; will give eirellent care to projerty. Csll Mrs. R. A Wsrd. Cornelius hotel, WANTEDr 7 or ruom lumihed Iioum, prif-' erably in I.siirelhir it '-trurni, for 4 or 6 months. Will lisy rea-onsble rent snd gunrn to. ecellent csr. of frisx-rly snd fumiiliirge. T. l r- -(,.- HMiT RELIABLE trty wsnts to rent furnished or unfurnished bungs low nr cottage on or before April 8. Pbone Msr 6080 week dsys. Write 5 K. Hhever ' , , IK ' you frefer rellahle stliUts snd ' ' - lower r-m, caP Msr. HH44 WANTKD to riit. 5 or r room lni-e abiut. May 1, unfumi bed, adults, Ttclmtwi con sider bny. Tah-.r 4 4H7. .. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 TO IO-.- 2 .in-iil ollkje ,.ti,tt. in i relin.nl, h good location for cleaner or mail tin. inesa of any kinil; rent very reasonable. 8ee VV. W. K'tml ten. Ant. 614-40. - liKhT business buiiiliiiK in i-tits at Imrsin or eschange. 6940 9-M t. H. K. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 407 INVLNiOl.rt. AiiLNIK'N Two 5 rwm rvrn.-iit , well liirtil-hel. two tore, comer lit, fliH3 feit, rented f.r $100 per montli; cu t- raiced tu 8I4K and not prof iteer; cot 8 1 ,; price $0500. gmxl terms. Iht rl hsriistn. ( u I l.lll.Miilill S I U.. Pl J 'l 4111 fU 10 LIGHT bousekeplng rooms, inrome $'J0. RoaA $20. Bdwy. 4339.