MONDAY. MARCH 21. 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON 17 p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 There rw mj reason wtijr joo should 1 buy Jrfcu r c r at THE CSED UK WAREHOUSE But th main reason is lb: Vmt eaa bay better car here and buy it cheaper. . FoUowmg u a partial Ittt of Mi can: . 1921 F. B. Chevrolet roadster; extras. 1921 Script Booth, touring. 1920 Big Six gtodebaker. touring. 1920 I 'handier Dispatch, sport, 102O Hupmobile. tounng. 192 Wintce Mix, Uoriag. 1920 Mnon Kll, tenting. ; 1920 Stephen g,licnt Mil. touring. I "-' Okfemobil, Little Si, touring. ": 1920 f itettMet," Umrinc 192 Maxwell, roadster. 1919 Studebaker. e-cyl-. lounng- 1919 bis Sis Studcbeker, ? pad. 1 119 Special gig Slwiebakcr. chummy. 1919 Buiek tin, lunnt . J 919 O Stand tin. touring. . ( 191 (Vtmlrt, teimnt : 1918 Kinz tight. 7 pas. 1915 Fere, sedan. 191 f'hevrotft. sedan. 1918 Mitchell light . touring. 191? Chevrolet, tminog. '1917 Ford, tearing. 1917 Maxwell, touring. " 191T 4o 8, inuring 1917 OaJttand ft. touring. Packard Twin Sis, 7 pa. .". Wnt Sis. T pes. kim, ft pa, W Sis. 7 pass. . Chalmers Six, 7 pea. Steams Knight Six. 7 rasas. l ord, rosd&ter, ,. ,.i ..... $133 cash. Fsy Tennv on Any ff tbe above THE 18ED CAR H ARLHOCii; Grsnat Ak.. at Taylor st. Open Evening and Sundays. 1 8 LIBERTY ; -a bargain. !2.JBaby Grand Cbevrtkt, sedae. 918 Buick touring; like new. i19 Buick touring. ' i 91 Colo 8. chummy, 9 1 9 fiumu. '" 919 Maxwell tearing. 918 Oidawtobile 4. touring. 919 Daniels 8; good stage car. 19 Overland delivery. Many Other Eay Term, tlarr Terms. JAKES CSED CAR EXCHANGE. 2$ N. UlA. Broadway 31' 14. Today's Best Buys Just compare our prices and remember that every car w tail is high grade and guaranteed D the road. 1920 Buick. only $1200. tea than a year M a nl fine-shape. 1920 Paige, only 81 90; owner leaving for Alaska and muat sell quick. . 1918 Mitrbeil ft. only 8575; ear In fine aider. Compare this price. - Also Fords, tourmg and roadster;-Chevrolet. Telle. HndnoiH ami many other good ears. Pricee equally tow and every car is rigbt me ehjiiralry and ol hr mrTw. tipen - Sunday At ternnpna and E.eBiBg rOKTLASD ALTO 8ALKS. S2 Bumntdv. rnr Park. Bdvr. 3658. BUCK 'Keren pautnger. lat 9!9 model: an nnuauaily guod car, like ner iu urr mmt; nechanwat ' ccnditicri perfect; llw Ikh-o t u cacti. and a Bukk guarantea ana witb the car. ' ttur cart are TiH.HT hefcre olfcrcd lor ult. ty trro it dcired. i'. M- I Hir.l.lFS. Huick u leg man, Brosdir 13U. teu:ugi .call Krradvay 313. 1920 HTI OICRAkCR Bill SIX Thi car baa been prirately owned and is just s good as any new roe mechanically and m looks: it haa just been painted, eemutctely erer- bautad: haa good cord tirex. 1921 license. bumper, apollight. Will dcmcaatraie anywhere. I'bcae Brnadaty 4898 or ae car at lorHani srsie, OtU antl Talor i'J 19 -JO Ml"l K. 7 parf . in bet mechanical abapa:. j brand sew tires; , car looks and rona like new. He th car and ba ctnrirMtl it i a snap at l0). Tern. . rr will take Ik.dse in trade. U. V. Montgnmery. ' Sunday. Aut. 324-38; or Monday, Aut- &- 41. 13.000 carried in stock. Our spriaga ol( fntb a written guarantee. We giro yuu scrrkf 34 N. 15TH ST. OAK.LAND SIX lV19te passenger, with nearly 9200' worth of extra equipment; everything in dcelleM condition: at a very attractive price; 3973. AJt for I. M. Smith, Broadway 1130. , . :. - '- " - ; . : i" ;- J '' ' .nukmam-v rutciia A X It I.KS Better can for teas money thau Portland baa tim In' yean; wood Ford from 31 7R and up; good "hrolet (com 9300 and. np: lata Buicx lor 9T2S uu: lato Uitcheil 8. ."i74: late Vlie 8, 8i0; niiiy other at Utrn prKrea; every car i-TTemi ti out guaraiiun-. ir juu ocx l tNlUl 13 IF IS AIX. HlttHT. HtRTI4l A T 4Fa )HJ Bride. I'omir Park. FUKII Bt li. beautiful body. toq and wind shield, brie steering wheel! wiud de flectors t ........ : 33SS CXIVERHAb CAR EXCHAKOK for. Oraod Ave, ft Yamhill tjt. F-a't 471. IXltx.K toannt car:' new iqxirlat butli I'aCtiiote lop. 4 plate ela.ta windows. 5 good tires, newly painted, 11 - mechanical condition; will bear flow inspection. tail 340 Beiaont, 8foaay, Fast S7J. XBI ritlftS liKOPr Not But Price Are Always Lewer ' .at ITXIVERSAC CAR KXCHAXnE 'or. firami Ave. at Yamhill St. Ft 471. 'THE FENDER MAN J. E. OUBHAU, who take tba kiuU aut while roadway 8214. 80 N. 11th 'at-.'wear Barn, Kit Look for the K - t SKD FORLIS KXCl.USrVELY! It Is Your Guarantee of Satisfaction! UNIVEHSAI. CAR EXCUAXUK I'or. Craad Ave. St Tsmhill St. at 471 KPEl'UU late 1919 Buk-k; 5 gxxi tires, spotlight, wind deflector: ftrt ciaas shape: some bargain.' Et 68. 343 I'nion ave. X.. near Broadway. Open ruaniy a"i evemnjru. FUKO tnar ag car. good paint, good Urea, new top, l2f Mark and in A-l condition. Aik for lo. 34S I'nion ave. X.. near Bdwy. East S. Open rianday and evening. ' FOltO TOl'RIXti, 1920, aurter. fine condiUoa, aaanf ecra. tXIVKRSAt, CAR EXCHANOB foe. Crand Are, at Taaihill St. Eat 471 tlA r. a la.e uiuuci itui.u aouttutf ui iertect shape. 5 conl tires; family tiaa left; want a amall ear. Ford coupe preferred, aa part pay . I . A i .iuv - iliu-t tell at once, New Uro. uev battery. ipotlirht, fKl narchauicat comlition. Terta. Vt C-VIJWB TI'l. gk . Ftl StOAS Haa startrr; fine condition . ......353 l-.IVIv4(MALr t IU KA(.ttAUSi Cor. irand Ave. at Yaminll St. East 471 FtlKll tuiirins. 'goed rubber, rock .kkiuik wheel. kerosea carburetor; back of front seat rat dowa for aed: rust tba car for camping; 3283. 1 mirman M. 1KI TTJL'KISij. 1920 a onl.rfut bu : at ... .;.,.8S9$ tMVKK.SAL, KKi jiaklfK for. ;rar.d Ave. at TimMl) . ' Fst 471 j ATK 1919 liberty" louring. " Ben' pamt, " new tires, and. on. box. seme car. Ak for ttcha- ber. 84 I'nioH are. s.. near Bdsty. tipen pnnoaT B1 rrtnmiB. fJat B FlitO l OITE ' 190!. jw-.t like . . . i . . . .8883 I XIVKRSA1- CAR ecuax:e Cor, t.rand Ave, at Yamlijll St. ' -t 471 lajb itr ttrtiiitii tiay; iir sum;;fc ,nl:f. du if taken at " iiac.'. a!i jjifug tjfticti lirv. flKKllvrsT 5tl 15. ' ' ' T(S 'PUT Steel tseta-iu your old f; wheel; cvankibaft turning. H. p. H!a. k. macbilU tun IU., . - R,.. n . ' J817 HITIiSOS in Tina i-oudition; exTrai;a Fat-B-un; for hire Bmadway 4131 or Siiwua4 3381. oy Msrshatl 6788. ' (H7TO VHM'AlS'i. ail paats lot u car. POISTLA.XU AIITO WRE KINO -iV xs OBTLA.NI AIITO WBECKINO CO.. 29f Vrigw ii.. wear miirws BAgy TSwj. A I if fa fe' ie-Mriam aMl wpainal JnUa,7 3 Vjla at reasoaahie pneea. 33 Ralmon St.. vttvus ritb and Kroedwa. I' u 1 1 ir. ft Aim. t, .. !.... tw-ririe Hunts ami fr.t: rt- agort la-a . 191 8 MAXWELL, 'private party. barsaiu. Prsdwy 3401. Mr. Xsi. or Marshall 87rt. FIMlU.H rviamiU. tpm car. ala. Uotiinswa- aimith o , utli at Msdvoa.- t'QR SALE -Ilendcron four if taken at once cheap; od evm.titwm. 4aH 889 Fwtet td. 13J0 I'HEVROLKT touring. ,iUie new. WUl cia- miin terms iivncr. rt 1 78 I AAA. a.1,.4. wiue a . o u, i , . - Oao. $1U0. Alain JS3- ' AUTOMOBHXS FOR SALE 800 LOOK ocr Uii lift of can a&J eotuura . linees with priTa.te aJertiioU car. Lotak. OT rar retafauon VKANSOM'H l'CD CAR EXCUAKGll 1918 Ford touring.; extra 8 1917; Ford touring. t ritra ...... SIS, 1917 Ford readt.r, liocnac, etr. . . 30 1918 Ford tonnna, hrenae. etc . . 3 SO 1918 Ford rrJ-t r. lireiMe, etc. .. 84t 19l!0 Kt.rti tonnns liceii etc 82a 19i Ford roadster, like new . . . . Hatt 1919 Ford coupe.. lUiUr. etc. . ., 1919 Font sedan. iarur. etc. ... 7iW Fcrd bui. 83MO, S3 '.'5. 35 .... 4l'3 Ford 1 too trocan 373 ... -'S 1919 f 1TTotrt (uriaa .......... 31Z .1914 firant ft, tuurmg. ieiKa ... 4i 9t tlrant 8. toonng. brensg f 91 7 tiakUnd 8, touring, iiceura . . ' J ' 11 Frankrm . . .' 1 " 1913 tlialaier . .;. ...I.. 17S 19lt Aixfoa . . , . . . .. ....... . - x4 - 1 l 3 riuu . . ........... . 25 1915 fins 3-.5 1915 VrWo . 27 1915 Owriand 1 1914. Oredaml 873 f W bate Iota of other-? t ck trrm. YltASSOX'K I SUl CAR KXt iiAltuib, Oiws tu-iuusa aad Suna4ta. I'nioa av. and eimunt it.. mUirs. ' 3PECIAL SALE OF FINE yLAUTT SUUHTLT tSED CASS 182 HijfUon tounrig, fine condition tad r painted, at 81 80fl. ' New tiLm . ruo 40 railea. - ' 1919 KlQU, 8 pasaengcr. good condition. 1919 Hadion apeedsier; re(austd. ltll Hudxa apeediter. tine condition, li. . 8. Littto Stuti roadster, new Urea. National Sextette, naariy eew. Haanea. & pa&woger. dute wbcela. cord Uraa. Miatea) 8. f pafnengrr, line condition. Se tiuaa car at 871 Morrison st. at 14ta." Heat aide; caab or tens. ' Bt irK TaruiitJ. 1920 . ... Mr. P nick Buyer: Here tbe car yen bae been lotting for. ACT NOW. Bun only 4ttU anilea; 5 fine tire, all non-akid: tpriag biuapar. auctiuht, I'.li! 1m.iv. all for 3, 1430; acma terasA. Call 107 13tb U BrcadWfy 43J. Sawyer. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 JC BIKN8IUK Tin? Siiou apecialf Ibi week: Ferd right controls and lens, 400 per cent more light; regular price 3, ! S3- 2x4 and 34x4 tire eovera.I 81.88. 8eesn4 band tire 83 up. Vulcanizing section aad retreading. All worm: --nrv L 4llt K. Borwide. Kat 4 5 1 COMll.fcTKl.x' fanifcoed room, aitcben pruU eees. I fhaver fit. On car line. Modem liou. i TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 KEBI II.T TSKD TKITKS OF ViBIHlS MAKES AM SIZES AT PBICES THAI' WII.I, Pl.xCASS TOIT. UK IJST HERE A FEW FOR VOt;U APPKOVAU Ml NY OTfiEBS '-. TO SELECT FKOii' . 7 Obito -2 ton 31304 Sirrliiig 2H-3 ton ISOO Jurcbo 2V ton 200 A Q American. 1 ! ton ........ .31009 aiaxweU. 1 ton j .... , 8880 ' - ! . : tVe will accept your ruad automobila or lighter truck us part payment Mitchell, Lewjs & Stayer Co, BROADWAY AT EVERFTT. PHQNE: OUOAbU'AT 4H75. LOOK HEBE. TKLCK BCIEB3 We co xare you itier! hand red dol lars on anv of the folic wing trucks;. 3 ta ton Republic, excellent condition. 2 ton Kemihbn. overhauled. : 1 ton Republic, orerhauled. 2 ton O. bf. C. J.920 model. 144 too ti. U. C-. overhauled. I Vi ton (rarara-Bern.tein tpncnrsatic). . 3 !. tort Federal, orerhauled. 1 too ftenby, brand new (pneumatica) . 4 : ton Packard, oirrbaulti "4 ton Kis.-l uucfe. f ota of other at about half price. Can bandla term on aoy of them. THE CSED CAR WAREHOC8E. Orand ave- and K. Taylor st. Open Sonlaya and Evenings. : TECCK OWNERS If your track is equipped with a Continental er Buda motor. Falter transmission, Torbenses) sxla or Jarox steering gear you can secure re pair isrt without delav from ui- We also have tocf of rued Reo truck parts. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., INC.. ; Republic Tnn-k Inatributors. Park jntf Everett 81s. 1820 SAAlltSOV tractBrrhas been demoaitratea. h.nri.. k..l.. .. . ; . ti . " rw, win ira st a sacas ficti. 18S Oraad sic. KaJ. il fl:: 1 iiwn FORU ' truck with eab and " 9-ft " bed. aawtt painted and in good running condition. - A bargain far cash or term, cr rxebange for almost m4litn ..a .. .. 1 ' 1 . , - rr' w n ' -. - - WAXTEU Wora Iu. aum trucks, cither by hour or eoutrsct.1 Can ptrt np bend. Address. vir . it - ... r . ... . . 1H TO?ff track attachment.' newi ban" be aC- tacnei to any car; a bargain Ct TLER MFtJ CO.. 353 R. Tenth I HAVE a 2-ton White track ami a Win ton 6 aato to trade in on a home. What nave you? t VUi. wuttu uri.o trues, at a apodal price Zor nil X - L 1 lnnt Tann.nal ... - . V. - .4 ""J - v ' .s,ii w. a w b . rw r. ItSllllaww aiuuw 9 1 1 W sv- Miny, ?tf f ihu. liMrq LiniDa r . Ha D 1 .. W T eat easier, T.VJI. Wat i W y ind 171 I'J fc. ONE 3 -ton UMU ; loggiiig trallar cheap. - Ca3 Ft lit SAfR by oiier. new' (l tractor at great reduction in price. - Address Joan 8ua- ple. foot of E. TarohilL ' WANTED Hauling lor a 1-ton truck. aU or frt tiww. Wdrn. '2031. - MOTORCYCLES ANp BICYCLES 803 Maroia oir all VAiaEs- WK SE1X, FOR LESS: GET OCR PRICES. lb'njAN" MOTORCYCLE at BICY:LE CO. maiv i3. 4 si st MQTORt'YrEF-S AND PARTS. ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO,. jt 48 tirsnd Ave AB CKTTORCTCLE" Venerator TornfiTecTieap"; eorktider trade for good storage battery. Woodfawn 43.1 eveaing. ASSORTMENT nscd bieycte. Ireasonabie -prices. IlijS Hawihorne. Heir 35th. John's Tin Shop. FOR tSAI.E A good bicycle. Ant- 81 S-SST AUTO REPAIR .SHOPS $304 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled . V . , . ....... $20 Rear axle overhauled ...... i .......... $ 8 Valves ground, carbon removed. ....... '. . ,$ 3 MagReto recharged ...... ....,.....$ 5 . hand lap piistoBS, scrape bearings, etc.. watch insures a perfect running motor, (ieajoiae I'erd parts only used. A TI stork guarantee!, 4 I'l'ARAN'TKK ALTO REPAIR CO.. 30 Front St.. Corner Jrf fervor. ITTTUVlnv i t, ..iv.ti.a . " ' v.. . va v . r. n o W ana averbaol yoor car. any make, and aave yt money. , All work done on a flat ron tiact bast and 'abialntely guaranteed. Work nnder the suiwrvauovt mf competent and reliable ' t our price. t.hey are reasonable and will so.r7Me you. We specialise oa generator ri r an r-i -- jIAiA i.. 1 irrirtyuii -a .r -T. l' gay i ,er. Usssw-f. Ult'lr TRAlih SCHOOL. TOT Hawthorne ave. xl phowe East JH(. - r-v w - . . ' " ,Ntn t. lO J Uh-l l BLJl". L" L ' inl . T i . H . .... , i-mii sywjp n?n aatx ataiavovi, now repairing Stuta and all higb daaa cars; Ultbu . tu II . I r aetrice tnd alt work guaranteed. FRED F. 4;kpp:rt. 1 Provi. FREE .ly; adjusuaenta Utt'att brakes THE BRAKE SHOP ' -- 327 Sth St. - " Man EXPKRT ex-aervice tutu will r-r.'r iif tar at yoor borne or at our t-hnp. a9 KilliBgwbrth; very lsmHf. i Wdin. 3468 "" " "" . AUTOS FOR, HIRE 806 AC.T,.H. ,r,)a UlRE WITH OR WITHOCT Aly,l-RA L-. St'WLIVAX. FASHION. JA- rt-ivr., ?ii. ntn at Tamhiit. A- 230. ALTHMF BK.VM'J IT. CARS" TOR HIRE WITHOCT DRIVERS." A KMT O ABA UK. THIRD AXQ TA1IXI U. MAIN 1887. AL r!1 f Via ai'iTaTji i, ot Tawdf AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS REX TED WrTHOC DRIFEH" New 1920 M'idel Car Beesoneble Rate FEARISki A KOBNETT CITY UAUAtiE Hi 13th aiVet. Waab and Alder. Bdwy. 340 SEW ACTOS WITHOUT DR1YEES EOWNSDALE UARAUK BROAOWAY 2858 15TH ASf WASH. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 CA&H FOR t AHH I want at cac and will pay th bigheat rab in yoor hand price- that can be obtained in tba city for th following ears, roust be late ntodeH: I hevroleta. Biuck four. OidamobUea atx. oru wrtk and without Mi( atartcte; lite utu road sters. Bring your ears to my place, and get money sud not taik. I wUl not aak yon. u leave them foe !. 18tb sad Alder ate. Ml BPHY 1F.T AR CO. ' Cash for Cars I want soma lata model car, but aroat be eheao for spot raah. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 24 X. llta. Broadway 3214. Oppoana Wem- rrd nrewery. E PAT t cash for luted Ford. ( Uodjcj, oucii. iiopmooiKi or vnfTr,'rr , "THE CSED'CaB WABEHOC8E, Cjrand Avenue at Taylor St. Iff YOU-" want a sell your car. we will buy U ' or salt it for yoa. I "bore Auto. 214-10. .THE liSEJi CAR WAREHOUSE. Orand Avenue at Taylor St. TiUUt W snn im Clackamas river fur laLe model automobile, prefer OKI mobile or Buacav. Addre- lm. A. Koothww-b, 4-'Q Mormos. W ANT Lata model Chevrolet if yon can ua ner new player piano. Phone ScHwool 727. WAKTEU The beat Foot 8180 each will buy. Pnve out. 823 Alberta at. Hi. f AX ass several good Fords;, must be cheap. 107 13th st. HAVE cash for Ford or Chetiutet; must be bar gain. Automatic 230-59 FOR SALE MtSCELLAJS"EQUS 900 CLAvlS Famous raxor ektms delivered fresh from the ocean ta your door; o ponnd box at these de licious clams delivered to your door (or $ 1. Sea son isow open. - .': . . Address, Bog 979. Iloquiam. Wash. OEM IXE NEW HOME SEWlMi MACHINES Sold fur Eeae No Agents Employed EEWIN'U MACHIXE ElIPtlRICM Mam 9431. iif a n., near ii;nr. V AjLX L T tree, fuuert. peaviie. peara; prune trees I Italians), finest eer grown. Ucoso berries, carrants, mxanberry plaats. trawberries. blackcaps. WoorLitock Nursery. 6803 Woodstock v. lend of WoodMorb earlinet. Seliwood 2332. SNAP Fino Colombia Orafonola and 1 OO records, fust like new. fort 8225. Price 3135. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 35Q AWer street. Strawberry RIants Inspected Etterburg. noted for flaior. rhone 1 -laoor i i inenion st. POTATOES, good quality, from disinfected seeif. grovrav on gravel soil, ariiet of SiL Pride of Multnomah. For eating or planting. L. F. Wag- pr. w i vaoington t LICENSE!" independent emtrician. sua 3 room for $12, 3 reoat $20. At! new ma terwl useil ami guars oietd to pasa irupactioa. Woodlawn 3T9I; i r ( LAWNS1DWER ; sharceaing' by an antomatie sharpener; laanmcwcr for sale. We call for m deliver. Phfine EaH 54 24. . LET YOCR brau. guide your p-xletbook; 2U0O odd 'h and dott to; teirc-t from. ' '. B. ScuUy Co.. 171 Front street, between Mqrriaua ikI Yamhill, t'hciie Main 4213. HOT WATER T4NK3 30 gat. $7. 40-gaL 39; tested and guaraued; rtate and furnace cniis; gas beaters installed; expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 23 Adams st. K. 8il. LADIES,' let the Vogue sell your stightty used or misfit garment. hodome Buwos. party? dresses, furs, oboes, coats, at redured phce. 403 Alisky blda . 3d and Morrison, ilaia 3132. Ftltt S4LE-3 fire dour with bangers sal tracks complete, aborit 8 feet high and 4 H feet wide- Alder Street Metal Works. 1 Tit. lie Brnadwae' 23 "Ort " K4I.F. Sew bug 'body, incubator. - 4 nera ibairs and lot. of X t annKiin ta ToJumes of b'elsoa" perpetual' looLa lesr. Eat 240.-.. 348 370 K. Morrison. T LEAh'T roof-, ebt Very asgravating. indevl. W hs . not permanent ami conirortabl? toofl ' W'J rcrjair eeiuvenaie ' rrlmill nl mhh.,.Kniui .11 kind of hfakv rofif Phim. du ; UTII.fTOR t;rde Tractor, better than horset MilXAUt'H lanie. Burrogli-i adding machine. -9 Sn ?OC,rt' ios Leghorn hens. Auto. NOTICE ! For garden plowing cgll E 72. At; A ICS S1IUO r-TUDdl Te.-t toueil agate ir i"n?,.lurnru: J?'.11 u r rt. cheap. Room ClRCLrT EXI-HAXOE. 415 Fliedner bkig.. ltiiu ' nd Washington, npstairs; ladiea' spriLg riita L'NIOX APPARE1. Exrbane sella 'lightly uwl idir S100"- VaiB ave. N., cor. Ivy. Sgti, W K.K - T " UiauL. KXtHA.MiK w A.Hiogr-ih for lirst Its 1.,-" ; 8 asaenme to B lb. sack. 84.83; cme splitu, ) Uw. for 31. Tteaver ;rocery. 2S7 Yamhill ft. a.ADl(H.I BC1.BS 30 raised. l; is differ- mZ n "De,ea- T. A, Drew. 1023 X. E, 3d st. LEW ns .wab your TTig ! with tba Hamilton- rr.oli rtretrie cartel w-lvs wftixmi .... fe fMm Ih. tlM. 1- a. ' " " " - pwwuwn IZdS. L washed on your floor with Hamilton. Bcaeb electric eariwt washer; also vacuum rlesning done. East 4 04 5. . ?,?eo,rec tiC' cair Main 2579. ' For scicn tific watch repairing, see Miller, next door to Msjeitie theatre. Dentistry TWZi Without Pain. Ijte't Nerve Blocking Method. COMPUTING SCALES, caitt legiMc.-s. coffee mills, meat chopper and general store fix- Hireg, at -o atsra si-, oerween l l ana :a. LEATHERLIFU sane ' iossers' shoe sad erj man's harness beudes exerg xuaa a auta . Lou. Leatberlife Co.. 3 HI Oak st. ' Pf 4T) WB M(Tl L"t- rden. general cleaa- v " vA me. excavating done. An tomatic 320 82. Ea.t 4313. FOR ClINfOHD GKAPE PI.AN1S I sr Caaterbary Bells, call, or address U. Nickels. 192 W Hindoo ... " Phon Wiln 1 S It. TRY I S tor'.rvice. lutniiure muting truck i baggage. : l'ortiaod Auto Delivery Co.. 212 w amitiw iff rnone dihiivii 49. f ililt'U' I'UlMt 1 1)11 I DL't Smart styles; rra.Mnabie .price.? 1132 K. ' iv ai - itaaiaut rue. er rraxoaoie. ma.t sell at once. Call Eaet 53!3 on week dar before ft p. m. MLSCATEL RAISINS S.rh hAtM - aa- nwn,tn..ti ti .... m. eery. 27 YmhtU , SEND yonr laundry to tbe emowriaa Wet-Wash. Clothe washed tnowj whine in separate com- panmtnt. t nooe t-at 433 CHOICE SELECTED PHCNES- Best keeper. 2&-lb. box postpaid $2.80. Kingwood Orchard-". Sutem. Or. ' FERTILIZER city. Autnmatie 320-62 of Kat 431 93UO TAKKS gentleman '5 diamaad nna. 93-100 karat. 1'booa Tybor 823'. o call 533 i'Utock block. - ' ' D. at W. plumbing work done day or night; lowest price; we guarantee all work and tat teriahv Broadway 1K04. Tabor 22. A t-LalT euuipped clrcxrical Siuiter-Kist, pt,-p-corn and peanut roaster, nearly aew. K, W. Ore. Freewater. f . ' - ? . i fTB SALe-Rurroqgti b.xktteiJiig niaime; narsam. i-ii. journal WHETTER'S iscttve stove fnr weod or cual. rlendy bker; -', 320 K. tb st. N. BEXt it wnnat-e lor raie; in firjt rlaw "i-vridi- ehtion. 5;.t K. 7th N. i . FOR SALE 1 double e ot heavy team harneaa rcr e- rvira itoover, Nimwi. i ir ErRBAXK Iputata $1 Ba-y "sack,: :. 20$ Btaa- pens fTe. viniares pve. car LADIES Easier" apparel and bats at great re dwetww from dressmaker. Faat 8015. AtA I M'lTl IXi. wheels, tor sale caeetJt itiMm iDDrXG" "riiarbiueWahl "nine-bank, perfect cn di'ton. cheap. Rnom 1. Seirri-Hirch bkig. CEjSPOOLS and sewer connectioit" and eement work. Miller. Main 1819. ' FIXE adding machine. $17.30. See it at 429 m.Tt n . awirira. tn SB4S iStara. FOR SALE Registers, ithowcaaeaj wall ' caaes! u u.AM.lMi aaotd it. t- "3-ca.iij. : aits lROX"led, eprins. "wasting machine. -Ies. chgrw, ran, milk pan?, rabbits. Anto. ft'.'SH. BlKffiiAw A ci,iiiti,i. i'2S. tail Sun dae S:4 f;rmi rs Mmit ;tsl K H irvt-.m DRY SAWED ttOr BLOLES CVTHBEKT RASPBERRY pUnta clieao. Weod- I "vi.ii i I Id f'.ir tent ; ss !- kuy. dress Lui Uisfit Cliitkiiis, al 4 aL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Special Bargains JEW 1XH CUED FARM MACHiVEBT ANU iMPEEAlENTS' 1 75 lb. rebnilt cream separator. 1 100O lb. slightly nie4 separator 1 bbarplesa separator, oyerhauied . 1 Skm'h 18 in. ball bearing lawn ranwer. . complete ' with , graa catcher". . J i ...... i , . 2 Mirfe aaddlea. good, wcice. eacb t 1 2d hand tub washing machine 1 rMnttca root cnttcr. NEW... 1 Mingle tnb rider mill ...... . 1 Xo. 2 Columbia ram........ 2-hore lrti Age cunivstur . . t I 14-in. high foot lift attlsj plow 1 1 2 iu. ursine ....... OO 09 09 45 00 00 o oo oo till , 90 t 00 CO 00 till oo 00 1 2-ated hark ............ 1 1 2 a in. 1 borne wagon with box l-r-Top buxsy ...... .-. 1 Set awsle buggy bameaa..... 1 Srt single express . harness. , . 1 Planet Jr. garden seeder. . - . r P. E. Esbenshade 380-388 E. Morrison street. Pun la tid. Or. Wrecking Vancouver Barracks Buildings Buildings for Sale . 350 Tttreon china closets and tank, gaiv. range boilers. 8U sod 108r gaL; steel storaga tanks. 120, 280. 370, -584 gaL; teel prsasur tanks, tested 110 lbs.; Kewanee hot viur beatjug boiler, o. 27; Ideal hot water besting boilers. No. 0-08-30; American &ad ' a tor Co. hot water beatiug builers; twa F. B. borers, aMxl6; one saH tram American neaung bciler; lO.UUft . feet steam pipe, valve and, iittinga; F. B. lip urioala and tanks. ; FORREST A L, UACQUAOB Ca, j . 19th and Raservc st.. , Vancouver, Waab, Phono B?7. P. Ol Box t4. " Buy, Sell " AND EXCHAGB cash ragutera. sbowcaaea. f ouataiiu. acaiai. I o I fixture. 1 BOXER. ' alar 243H. 113 Second t XEBAR CEESTS Direct from factory to jutic horns. Tease) and Port Ortord cedar; solid copper trimmuifta. latest de&isns. Write fur caUltsue. j. w. iii;ia9 4 sox 1915-18-1S E. ;! ISA.V TABOR $08. STOVES STOVES c At wholesale prices. See us and cave money on gas water beaten, gas ranse. wood range, ttcf Abe special prices on furnace, stove and plumb ing repairing; cxyscetebne welding. -East Side Stove Enhance. Cnt 6580. 7 I J rand ave. X. WR S4VE YOU MONET : House wiring, lighting fix turea, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Electric Store. 224 H Third sL. caar Salman. Mjin 5035. ' BlXfi-lt EjLECIUiC teEWiXU MACHINES We take your rnachiii in exchasgc, balance cash or easy payment-. Phone for umontra tion. Machine rsutcd. Expert re pairing fny make. 'i i ' MORRISON ST. SINGER STORK 382 MnrW.n M. - Marshall 721. WAX OaFICE E(Jl IPMENT HOCSE JIOVLS ; . TO LARtiER t)L ARTERo ' Everything redut-eil. desks, file, chairs, adding machines, typewriters, err. See n .before you buy for your office. Wax Office Equipment House, 24 .'ii N. Sth. IViwy. 2739. " t I.IUXl SALE " 2 mandolins. $5, $7; 1 iron bed, $1.59; sin gle braa, X7.S0. 2 back saw, 50c, 7 5c; ladies shoes. 2-"c and op; uy glasaea. 25 doa, lots "of books cheap. 3(510 66th S- E. Aut. ja-?. Sewipg Machines We bare the largest steek of used Sewing Machine in the city. ' Com pare prices. W rent and " repaix. 172 m, near Ysmb'll- - ; , hTOPt IJKiE 1 LISTEN I AD kirtd of second hand lumber for sale in A-l itir; also good dry wreckage -wood.' - On job -at J.a7' Hottaday aye. Phone evening Eat fr 4 I St-ABWtHJD, Comwood and coal; coal 317 25 per ton, old growth dry, $10.60 per cord: second growth, dry, $ 1 0 per cord ; treed, cfd growth. 89.50 per cord; green slab, $7 per cord. Phm Woprflawn 40X4. ' ESectric Motors Romthf. f'M. rented ; and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 41$ Burn- wrl. rorner Hiib BmJv lsy ot 5874- SAFES -Fire and burglar proof cafe, pew Snd econd hand, at right price, bought, sold and exchanged. Ka?y terras if de-ired. ' " NOKRM SiFE 4t LOCK CO.' 105 Secret t;- Ms in 2943. SINGER,: White, New Home, in fact, al most, every me atiii style, $1$ to 835., AU latest, new Singer c.b or time- llenlais. $3 per' mtwrtti. " Singer WwVwrbat. 4 th. Main 8S33. t lH-tiiiliA 1-i.ASiLU WAiJJSDAUD Cannot buckle, warp, swell, shrink or burs. Wo batttns; lortIaiHl made. DOORS, WINDOWS, FINISH LUMBER Ohafeldt, Bdwy. 1901. 419 Henry bldg. HOIJ.T HOLLY One tbotuand from 2 to 7 feet. $4 and less; raspberry and blackcap plants. $8: strawberries. Magoon, Gold Dollars. Oregon.' $5. Eaat 42d and Going st. Woodlawn 1578. ATOMOUH.ES, A10TOUCCi.tS. LAUNCHES cr boat are separate cWilications. A large tivting will be fotUKi under these Uifierent plata- fVations. ' ' - ITALIA X imiaet, good quality, 55-B)s. 13 lbs; $1.23 m JOHml 3 1i5; postjiaid 1st, 2d smes. Try.n and you ebaU be plca&ed. 11. M. Wahbonil, Newbcrg. or. 500 osrpT aisso Yon murt bring lbrt ad. 7 120 Stb St. L'HiROPRACTlU bench tor sale reasonable. $33 Prrtock bfk. Bdwy. 3 1 8. " ! ' . - CEDAR fenc(p09ia for sale. 'Sellwpod 257; evening-. S-H 1872. IF YOCR furnace smoke or doesn't heat well call Leonard. Auto. 328-51.' ' TAILK-MADE auits left on hand at half price. Modern Tailors. N. 6th st. os n,TkniTkjri lots plowed. rL.V Him Ph. Mar. 331$ daytime. OR SALE- f'ash register, safe, adding machia, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Asb. ' L'NI'ALLED FOR tailor-made uiU. $12.50 np, nr.. Ln, ih. .iln. .un t t : Jt ViN,HE'ER rilw tor fe i-am 30 30 cail- NEARLY NEW. 14 incli Oiirer chilled plow, 312: eMt l2. Main 145. I llAltift retiaired and tabic topi' rtrlmshed. rVart-enV Stiecialty Sh"P- Broadway 718. LARGE fiber trunk, dunble tray, fancy Hnins. Hrw cMMtition. 820 MsrshatI 4 780. ' MAJESTIC" sang, almost 'aew. 8825 Powell ValVy read. HOT water tank. 40 gal., like new. N. - C- fTang. Gsmen rjorne, llam 8378. lUMlK t'uil i-ti-t-. tt time wood burner. 6S5 Ssvier rt. " " w OXK tis .unc Jili. j,ie tep; tuiut men at a. .'oa y. lUrkp: t. . CORDWOOD. Nft. i OLIT nROWTTT. CHEAP CALL EAST 8220. , fAIT'X'si' cleaners rented. per day. delivered. Bdwy. 2S72 dsy. Tabor 578ft evenings. FOR HEXT Electric vat-uum cleaners, 24. hour -day 85r, delivered. Woodlawn 1259. VAt CI"M -iiatOfT fnt rent. K. a "flair defile ted ' -n .. 1. . - - l v I: .a FUu SAuE. tifct erowtli. dry rorj awnt Tt'tt: uirwi, sit ronv sr. .Msr.han 3040. FRCNKS Best rrade. 6-70s, 50-lb. box, post- a.". qinswrtfiq orrMrg. gaiem. 4r. FYK SALEFaiv-v home-canned fruit, will ue ' hver. Tibr 26S1. ffl U;T PLOWED. phone V Uv. 1911? 1-1 l- V1ITI SI CLEiLXEiiS sold, rented, repsired. es- cnanged, nought. Hay Bentley. Main 4907. lLAfh.BKRKY rtent. ail kinds, 1 5o each. r"vWT yw'f r. ptr. 'OS SALE 1st growth cordwood 89. 5 per eL. 2 cda. lg. dHivered. " Woodlawn 83 IX ' SWITCHES from your combines.' ' "S. ' F. Pierce. a nminwnns. wooqiawrt I jnn. SA5MI IiUJ-E. E. butfet; for esh. 340. Mar- muu evenings eerr J RADIANT In to etchUi for : refriaertoi:,50 1 JIST iinirhtij heanMfnl blue and rose parlor ra ant "iiw. vii-'n r.. -:tn rmrttn. DO GAMOEN Pfsiwlxi; A IT. 642 41. COPPER roil wclirr neater $15. Will "idjilr say Kino ii pmmuiiig. r.s-t FOR SALE A d ihl ami coal eoaibina- -n rany-. I Dim M. T.. S3 s"nAitf nr fc(a-Miiai - fcsA,-re"; "iHiiar"sooT - irrt jaw-ket. 1. Phone Kaj 7667. UA1I1 fru.t ,4-1. fec4 iidi, 40c ducn. FC-U S.U.rr. uisap. erjaa. "AU SCi-uS. " FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Sewing Machine Emporium i New and 2d band machines sold for less: no agent employed. Com plete liaa of parts for all makes. blacliiuea repaired and rented 190 Third NEAR TATI-OR ST. WfiY nut aut yur baemeuM and atiaca int livroar ananmesta. Call at 40 Vaacoasar ave. See Landigav new gas hot water leystem. Heats any stse building cheaper than wood or coal, better than any other system : no labor, dirt, fume, no ba-am ?nt. boiler er fines reuUTred. Do danger of fire ; ju.t right fee greenhouse. ' gar azm. bote's, i restaurant, bungalows. Phqua Eat iS.- , . 3CiTi Rti.S. Oi ifune. pictarea. mi;caejf. . " odd and end. Aiaac offer. Leaving.. . 44 Salmon at. ' i- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 Low Prices on Phonogrf plis We are now offering a number" of, very fins rastnimenta in Dots new and used phonographs at iuvtfcug price. This' is your opiortunity to take sdvaataga of the pne leddcUoB that will smiy last a short time. ..... i 1 SEVENTH FLOOR Lipman, Wolfe :& Co. DOWNSTAIRS STORE OFFERINGS 8100O Steinway at Sons, upright ....3395 8 825 Yoea at Bona, upright -. 235 8 550 Uelntyra aV Coodseil, upright 213 8 750 Pianists player piano .......... 383 $ )jo Thompson player piano . .. ...... 593 825 cash. 87.50. 98. 810 to $18 monthly. 8CHWAX PIANO Co.. 101 'eatb St. Security Surragw Co.. Closing Oat 2 small uprights. 883 and 873 cash. ' 2 parlor organs. $23 end $33 cash. - 890W SteibWay nprtght iiUno', r820 cash. ' 8250 Pianola player (oruy), $45 casa. $475 Hsllet At Oavis op. pUna. $193 cash. Piano s bored 75c monthly or sold for cash bnly. Cor. 1 Ota and Stark sts. " VISIT OCR NEW VALCPHONE PARLORS For Values in Phonograph 8150 Vietrola for only , ,..$100 150 Columbia foe only .............. ' 7 5 123 Path for only . s . 95 60 Cremona for only .............. 84 00 Stradivara for only . Our beat value is tpe x VALCPHONE 5 Ton should near it before Jorr buy.' not after. l"ERRY MCS1G C0-. 401 Phoenix Bldg., Cor. 5th and Oak. PIANOS NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS -.; - AT - I J INVITING PRICES AND CONVENIENT TERMS WE.tfELJ FOR LfcSf Lipman, Wolfe Co. i ; SEVEXTU FLOOR EXCEPTIONAL VAI L I S i IN LSD -PHONOGRAPHS '. Tsed Pathe, II nse4 recordalV .'.i. .... .8100.00 Used Ktor, tt tted records; ......... OT.uo New Columbia. 6 new records ......... bO. 1 9 ivew luswou, o new recorus. ...... . iv Used Victor. 8 ned records.'...,.:;;:. 80.00 New Columbia, 8 new records........ $7.60 Csed Columbia. 8 used records....... 15.00 Used Victor, 6 used records. ...... 13.00 Terms 85 to 310 down. 83 to 86 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., - 101 Tenth L cor. Stars. ' . ; Spot Cash Paid For PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS I Newman's Record Exchange MAIN 4495. ACTO. 827-48, 128 FIRST. YOU'LL- BE SURPRISED at the low prices en our ased ptanoe during March sale of used piano and phonographs. A big stock of eld relish le. standard makes to select from. - Every instrument guaranteed in rood - condition and sold oa terrtn to suit. It wril py jou to com early. Reel French Piano Mfg. Co., 12th and Washington. Broadway 750. 'j I'SED pianos of standard make; cacb as Knabe. ' Shoniager, Ivers Pond. Kimball and oth ers, sroaranteed first claaa condition, from $175 np. terms. ' - - . SOCLE BROS.; 168. 10th. Near Mocrisonj PHONOflRAPHS; FHONOURAPHS. rilONO GRAPHS Cabinet style Grafonolas. lutest models, now reduced as low as $85. Some ahghtly nsed one 372. 5 and1 up. Easy pay ment. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 12th and Washington. Broadway 75Q. i CSED Victor, Brunswick, Columbia and at her standard make phonographs,1 good condition, from $15 tip. Terms. : - ROLIJi BROS.'. 1) 10th St., near Morrison. " TRADB.XOL'K PIANO $235 new Vietrola and racord (or good nsed piano. r Get onr wropositioii. I " tlB&BUMi;U;ta alUBiO t t 125 4th at. "Main 886 : KIMBALL PIANO Looks like ner. for rnick sale only 333 5; $25 cash and $10 par montfe Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 12th and Wh-ing-ton.' ' Broadway 750 - T! "- ' tO&K A. SOX. SI 7 j. A auou' tuticd iitetruoi.-iat ami a guod 'practice piano. Term given. SEtFERHXG I.CCAS atTSI4. CO., 133 4 ill WEBER PIANO, old style but in good condi tion. A sacrifice at 8125. ; Term if desired. Beed French Piano Mfg. Co., 12th and Washr ington. Broadway 750. "i ' ' " flANO TLSIiiG ASTy BEPAIBTNO " , Baaaonsble, Guaranteed Work by Expesta, 1 SEIBERLLNU-LLCAS MCSIO CO. 1Z5-27 4tb st. Call Main 8588. ElXGSIlt lit -eabinel grand,, niaiicgaiiy' c--e. Like 'new. A snap. Ternts igiven. SEIBt'R l.ISG LCt AS SirsUf CO. 2j 4t at. BeuLr w-st Isisvet -ffiyy u.-c 1'HOX JGKAl'H BEPAIRlxq Any Make Guaranteed Work SEJBKUUSC-LLCA4 ML'810 CO. 12 m .- ' rMsin fsts. St'HIKMEK ptano, bungalow 1 t le, ptain r.i-e. Hig snap. $2b5. Terms given SKIBVBUNG Ii'CAS MLS1G CO-. 123 4tb st BeUar yalu for k-ov ' 1 J5TKIXW1T PfANO Almost: aew. drst-clsss cvmuuBB, at a Big rrJuti iwii, i ru mi1 tms. Beed French Pianu Mfg. Co., 12th and l$sb' initlt' iiin.t.M. . . Sw -. ,,. w See this wonderful tiano. $28$. Term ail-h-8KIBKRI.IXG LCCA8 MISIG CO.. 123 4ib -t-: ' Beftr-r values t-vr Ip-. i' . , MART lf " Miperiatire trumpet. " cMiiplete " Viflh case. $94.50; term. G. K. Johnson Inaaw Co.. 149 ftth it VIOLIN., guitar and maadolia string, a com-ph-te line of ssBarl xiiisirtl merchandise. " O V. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 fttb st. MAIA'4)M M1VE piano, art mabogany case; a " wocderfnt btneain at $315; terms. li- F. Jolmfn P'awo frj.. 149 6th -. HIGHEST" prices pCd tor "panes, phonograph. " records, ' musical iiistmmetits, EscfaaBg and rrpair". 2H Market st. Phone Main 012. FOR - ALE t ecihan plana fMayet.wiUi ' 88 'records; cheap. 1120 E.! llarmon. Auto matic 228-61. - - - , r . WK HAVE every nute ot a ttied pnooograpb in onr stock from f 13 gnd np; Urnu. G. F. Johmon Piano t'o.. 149 6th tt. LARGE ie Reitibis suk "ttao ' clvt-a 'recuvC; plays besntifnllyt priced at $. G. F. Jubn. swi piano 4'o.. I40 vtth ''t. A. B. CHASE piano, mahogany" Utml styw case; a real bargain for $690;" terms, G. P. Johnson Piano 4'o., 14$ 6tb st. GENt'INE" Victor Vietrola, large mitt, with recent-. $175 value, for only $115. sot LK BROS.. 168 10tn near Morroori. STORY A'ClAUk piaAO, absoiuteiy iw. latent style maDogany case, at ia. aew una pae. G. P. Johnon Piano I n.. 1411 Stb st. $15 SENDS new piano fcu your home, then $10, 312 or more asoaihiy. Set wan Piano Co., I w i rn i ! ay putt ' lOOtt LSEU player role, ifc" each.' Icrmerlr sold np us $3.09. . Haruld & G Ubert, b FfNt. violin oiftlit. fio.iB. tKjw. case ooly $1U. G. P. Jpbiwow Pis no Co.. '149 6th st. MART IX ';" melody sexapUanes, comefa. trom- rxwee f.. f . Jotrtant pno t o., 140 ffi'.h. s. DANDY ptajie far sale clear-; fearing town; m ..II . EftA . f . . I a H9t C R E5J OX A " iJioixj -t pli . like new. $ 5 "records, cheap. 33 E. 42 11. ""piano" wasted 1 Pe ewb for med p'sne j $frhaT1 1339. WANTF-D-Good uaed piana ur caah.' Maia PIANO WANTED Pay ( a.b Main 8588. GENCINE " Iter ' V Pood" plana. ory $175. Konle Bnw. - 1 1Hh. vi-ar Momwi. v HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 NEW KuikI waur beaUr in-talled, 828.30. Old storm taken in. East 6560. " ' COCCH. 89; corner lavatory. 88; 6xS fluff rna. -near. 612. Tabor 9335. ' i-- :" ' ' L-A l.i . K gtfnuun. temther chaor. S3A ; tirt -ass e -piir4,-n; iy.-nM cot $123 pew. Tshor 6706. IV Oil k" lifiratJU er. (IIS; six wikcr lotk ut Lrvaa4J 4295. from & to J. ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 COAL and recd range 1 3 0O np L'k stovea ....... . .:......$ lO.OO np ;Oaa stoee ....... . . ill . i. . , 31.'0 np ties water beater . . . . .,. . . , . 8 ..0 no Floor coverings, yard ... ...... 8 .$3 till Kitchen oneeo ,...,.......'. 8 8.80 up Kitchen cabinet .. $12 04 up Inning Boons extension tables... 8 7.04 np Dinhig reeaa chairs ....... ...3 1.50 np Living room rockers ... I, ....-. 8 4.K up Library table ..,.,. 3 6-trO up Sirirmon bed .. , . . . ..4. . . . . . 312. p 4'ottca felt inattresees. 3 S.t0 up Steel pring ................. 3 5.VO np Coil spraise ..,...; .4. . 3 up Urrwerv ? .V . i . . .... $ 9.B np PORTLAND Fl'BNITCRE EXCHANGE ' sos-2iir kYttt it. r : FkHNiri'RE "txiweer- -prk-eHi; took stcvej 38: ca range. $10; heater. 80; refrigerator. 84; cerpboard. $6; sanitary exxtch. 97; rockers S3 np; dining chair. 32.50; dining table. 85: bed davenport, 335; drraser, $12; bed spring and snsrtr"M. 85; seveval rug cheap. . Eat 6957. TT3 Cran-l t "" ' ' ' ' . Dining Rqoni Set Table and 6 d-Mrs U-r ouly $35, at U85 lf-n"rl:t vf nf Kif;no;W'Trth.- AtflltlX SALE huuebuid gout tor Ktoraice cbaresl at cur warehouse, corner 2d and Pitta sti. March1 28. P2'l. 'C . Pfek tranfer a. tr . . ' - . , T - FEW nvain pieces. mcluaicg mirror w stand., will sell cheap": fine fur office or )- nrarv. 4A" h t. S. E. OL It K MEAL teel range. 359 Ivy st, or pnone r.- li. -..- bLIGUTLY naed high grade carpet. 9x10; will sell cheap. 32 r.. Havt. LALNDRY TRAYS at f actory. See me before miring rbiewneve. inn t:. 1st st $2l BCFFET for 39. 500 E. Broadway. FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 JEWEEttS' flat am! red roll and shears with tand. power hacksaw. Hartford f ulnar machine, 2 Leymap pvenaoro blowers; all at a nargain. Koom I. Bethnsj-Htvsca hldg. i OR SALH Cheap, get tnt. hin preure 4-ia. rotary yum 9. fully eo,tumd. 117 Smith ave., St." 'John. -portfaiTd'. ----- - - '- ; FOR SALE or trade. 10 bor-twey Stover en gin with magneto Tabor 9389. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 FOR SALE 3-rucm houseboat, partly turritebed. foot Carolina tt Fulton eat. after 6 p. m. week day, all dv Rninhr.' J. Braea. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS ' 90S BEBL'II.T typewriter, all make, rent Li. re fwinn:. mpplio-. " Ihilril'Utors ?ORONA por table. CXli4TRASD acting marbmes. M.ain -.-. r. -. rs-e f o. iip rjtxtn t. Ai l. rnaae. kuarsnteed -uw year, Best ire-con-' tructed typewntexs on coat. New price list. Wholesale Typewriter Co., 321 Washington St., Porttaml. Or. - ' " :"!. '-'.-. Ail. Jlb4 tit tiieariter rented, repaired J and soid on mcnthlv navuient Blan. : Oregon Typewriter' t'o.. 94 6th t. 'Main frr.ft. k.'ti. eAi.t Oliver lyferttfr, - m guud- coiirii- ut-o, call 86 3lile t , rmton addittoa. ALTERATIONS LADIES tailoring,' perfect fitting work guar anteed. L Renben, 408 Bush A lane bldg. ARMY 0009 al- ft.- ARMY GOOOaV lor sale, wtiolesaie " ani retaL' ; prices reduced- H. H arena tein. kl 2d t.. or 24 1t at Min 75T8. ART WECPLEWpWK ORDERS taken in embroidery, laces' and paint : ing. Reasonable ; rates. - W'asbincton. Mrs. J.: Eppenstein. j ATTORNEra 10OO CARL M. MACK, attorney at law, has opened bis new office in tbe Stock Exchange bldg.. Third and Yamhill sts, : . W. EAS riiAX, lawyer and DoLary puhuo. 934 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' - BATHS Turkish Bathst .ffl H Open For Men AH Day and ATI Night. talk HOOK eiagKWS DAVIS HOLMAN, INC.. 109 2d st. blank book mannfactnrers. A 3183. Main 18.1. i BUILDIWO AHP WfPflWIWO GENERAL building and repair work. Plan fnt ; nibbed for any rias of work, phone 821-29. CABPEHTEBf AKP BUILPPjL vn-IJtRI.E fONSTRUCTfON CO. Contractors Builders ' Honses buitt, plana .fwrnished; store front Iteration, counters, shelving: wrnerat repair ing. Door ami window i screens made to order. First clan workmen onjy , . ' - 1 68 West Park. Mam $2t. CARPET AWO RU8 CtKAWmO RCGS and' carpet .cleaned. t'leaoe fr sale. Kleent Rug .1eanera. 4Mwy. 120O. CAT AND DOG HOSrMT- KOSE CITY VETERINARY IIOSriTAL, Inc.. K. 7th and Grant. Both phones, pay and eight service. Three 'eeterinarian. ; CMIRQPBACTOP9 CHIROFRAtrriiV" steam . baths and mssas. 10tb floor Broadway bldg. Marshall 3 1 8 1 . DR. McMAHON (UcUis) bi system People taking adjustments while smihng; l tin yegr. CLEAWIHQ AWD PTCWg REGAL Cleaner, Tailor and listttrs Cleaa ing and Oyeinc tlecialty. Out of town in aU orders given prempl; atteWtoa. ' 127 Si.litb L, Portiand. Or. ' ' ' " COAL AWO WOOB North Portland pue! Co Office Thooe Woodlgwn 89si. ' Wdlo. 8?f. 18-inco kitchen wood. !1 fir, '$7 big load.' '. 1 8-inca drj tje end. Colonial furnace wood. KE-VrONrVlEDMONTr PENINSCT.A. ALBINA VU4J1 lor tate, lew oay owi. hmsvmi imcm : on good, sound " fir.' iniidc . block and slab mixed; 111 in. ; big load. $S.5o, or double $9-50; 4 ft green slab; $8 Kr cord; $ ft. dry stab $9 cord. Siiecial price on 6 had lot. , 8CMNEH WOOD YARD- OLJ GROWTH No. 1 wirdtrood 39 per cord. 2 cords or more $8.5 it cijrd- Dry card wood cut 18-i. lensth $. per losd. Country slab cut 16 pr 12 iu 6 "o per kwd. Oyertook, Albina and Piedmont di-trict.. "Office phone Ant. 331 47: after 5 p. b. nil Wdin. 1709. DUIf 'CORDWOOD Jlock Springy, Ctah. Motitan CoaL STANDARD BBB'K TILE CO.. 83 Fifth t. between Rurk and Oak. Fhone Hnadwsy in. REDl'CTION tn price i effective Feb. 14: Sawed wood, per toad of cbrd. No. 1 old growth dry, $10.25: So. 1 second growth dry, 89.50; freen country lb ti.5t. Ints, add &0o. Uwthoroe Fnef Co. East !. BOXWOOD IVlivewf immediately by Fufton Wood Co., 1281"Maradamr rTn "Slam 4 178. ' HEAVY tinibcrs front eliiyyard- cot to stove - lenstba. Fo dry wood. ierrvery. on west side, 7.5 per toad. TeL Tabor 7813. Eleretb mm, i i'rt aa a tc-aiti t hi i-v-Ti :ri u t-RV U'luill r ' CORDWOtD, SLAB AND 4'OAL. '. Large and Small luantitiea. YarrI 1 1 th and Everett Sts. Ant 522 83 GOD." sound plock and alabwood, 5, 50 ftr . single load. 8 foe double toad ; 4 It dry slabwoud, $8.5w ten cord. S. W. Turner, Main -. ' - . 1 AND 2 in. dimensieo lumber. ". Morpfey Titn bef Co.. Nsi.b Portland. fWar Bwtlt t'ackuig plant- wsyiivr wvws G(MD IS sad 12 la. country Ub. $5.5Q. $7 30 1 sad Heavy block. Ub. $8. ' DRY, cord. load, half load. Bargains. Dibvetea anywnere. gen. I isn D1.I,J 7fIU SPECIAL IX JJlLVa. k3.iLy 2-LOAfI LOTS OREGON- Fl EL CO. i smiuuas 410 Prices Down A, bekITaxIL Woodlswn 2575. - GKCI N WOOD, -spedar prices oa 16 in block ami slab and It- aiap. fieamont eael up. Wdin. 35SO. - - ..'""'- ' ' C4H.NTKY SLABUOoD ' Crrro or dry 4-foo eg sawed. Star Wood fk t ol 1. ai3r wf-.! DRY CORDHOOD. Ssetsd, $9.25 lod.-$!2 covl AeUvered." Keiie "el s'o., E. tWlW. A-l 11R WOtT. aist grewtb fir. cord $8. Call n . . i l i;.ku m .n a 4 FVKlt ' b-f.AB, 16 iwh block and sibwotat Wntsrrr Fnrt i-o., At, a2A-4 yUK K-AND SI-AB 'mixed in 1 in. lacgtlil yor iutca oeiivery can npnr lint. BLOCav gjid ibMKHi Ul 'i , Urd lot. ' special prir Nat'irm! Filet IV. E. 2Q41. FQB bet price on eordwrvxj, siibwatd and coal f calf Heerdt Fni Co., F.aiC 2456. J r FOR SALE First growth cord wood. 9 SO per corn, aenvgrei. pnone vsooolawa 6412. bt v tn.-, tiinrv i-- t us ea uu$ UmX. I'Uuii WouiLava 3387. 92S U ILL II or trade for furniture. 1 chicken - brooder, 1 turner roller. 1 gas rang. 1 steel range. 1 electric washing machine, kereaea burner and tank outfit, squaring anear. Albina Furniture Co.. Phone Eat 6727. AIJlDil' ii a a atai 4 m Aaron WUliani re- tread mould, cheap. or wiu trade lor aoy Uring ' wwfnL CaU Bcway'Tire'-Sbep, 418 Sandr blvd. ' ' ' - ' ABOl T 8000 worth at msil garag arid re pair shon took) ' for trad for Ford in A-l snape. or st nave your -(. Jonrnai. r ; w .'w.m... ' .I,,- , .. .. . i. -- -. , St ACHKS. near ilsntia Rock. Will Usde for sow - wnn . varae . troia fi.uw to fissv. Wootlls'wn 8933. ' , 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 at? f ITS. A . aCXPa I'll It SECOND - HAND '"!. ' KIITK OR OVERfOATS 1 MEYER. THE TAILOR PATS MOKE FOR t UlTUIMl AND iiUOES - We call day or evening anywhere la- the city. Call Mar. I22f. or 253 M.ilino t.. bear 3d at. WANTED Pccple of I'ottland to know that I pajr tlif ' bighcit cash price lof second-hand hou-hold good. ' Xo stnoutit too large or toe tml. . rvtayt attention. - "i i N. M. SEATl'B i Phone Es-t 2203. ' 143 RnwelLat- Htli K 4 1-a.AXtNij llilE ' Do pof throw tilings sway. I pey good price fcr second-hand furniture 'and household gooda. A fco ' tools, clotiuaa and all kinds of yank. Call Main 7$4: ' - -- ' , ; - -- WANTED Second band turning rathe, 6-vn. sing or larger, phone Tabor 9797 Sunday or 236-13 week day. Micbaelsoa Bros., 3433 rtter road. BEST CASrt ' PRK'ES ' FOtt ALL kLD. fSP JCNK SCPPLIE8, TOOLS AND OTHEK MISCELLANEOL'S ARTH'LES. BEFORS at-LLlXli CALL AlAtX 8f33. WAji rElJ -4ietietsl botiaeholtt iwcf ing, 7 crating. Please phone after ftp. m. E amitura E. HuLai- berg. Ka-t tltlt. 1 do stuturtng. WAXTED Aider, ma pie and ash loga and cord wond. See or address Freelaael Fnraitnre Co., 970 Macadam t.. I'crtiand. Or. WANT to figure on ' your aiove fixtoree and furniture repair work. 8. H- Peek, cabinet shop, 672 Hood t. -: '; HE BL'X fnrn4;ure. ctothing and ionjt. . f a highest price. Call Marshall 8887. V .. cli t is car.t r PKil-. a!-o Imtch kalomine brash. East 8 f 2 7 P. W. R. SAFE tKikre; give lowest casa price, aise inside and where. - Y'-527. Journal. W.iXTKl 4 dresser with large mirror, also 9x12 mg. good shape. Tel. E. 6S8L WANTED FURNITURE 952 Owl Furniture Co, MOfuiisoN V want your ed furniture, stoves, e and pianos r w pay fb highest eah price. 7 I fee and 16 Fir-t t. Call Main 462 j-U-M. Re SEATERyv! Bays the best as well a cheaper grade of eeond band fimitnre. 298 Grand ave. Aut. 232-53. Used Household Goods Tools arid lank. East Side Secondhand Store, 271 Rossell. - Et 657. - - 5 ISt'Y n-ed lurnuure. stove, etc. Ke 03 2d. Main 7303. liabl. Furniture to . 203-1 COAL AND WOOr) The Peoples Fuel Co WOOD AND 4'OAL Dry cord wood, 18 in., $9 per load ; freen, second growtb, 21i cord tots, $9 per cord; green first growth. 2 5b cord lots, 810 per cord. Office at 261 Fremont St. Ant. 927-61. SAWED WOOI Per full iotd No. 1 old 'growth, dry, ' $1 1.50. - Harrington Fuel Co., F--t 5203. - ' " uiuall-r vv vuu Partly dry. 87.00 a load. ALBERTA FCF.L CO. Wwdlawn 2ft7.t. BEST dry o:d growth cordwood. You cannot tet It. 89.50 per cord. Aut. 16 67. COWCBETE WOWft CONCRETE fOXSTRltTlOX BiillXlE -"rail. H. H. IHcke. 9S Pacific t. 51H2HTf DR,B.E.WRI0HT - I 3d floor. Raleigh bldg.. cor. 6U ' and Washington stav. ' Afain 2119. ' ' - A-2119. i Dr. E. C. Rossman t: 1 "."'-: PL-ATB SPECIALIST ' Kerlscea old teeth . with better .ones. Main 7974. Journal Building. Dentistry ilAZ!t Without Pain. latjit Nerve Blocking Method. DHUQLE88 HVSICIAW ' DR. JOS. SMITH, drug less physician, treata all diseases, men, women and children. 2 14-IS Fliedner bldg. COUCATIOwM. DAMCIM6) Summers Dancing r Academy Private lessons.' day and evening: all Jbe latest steps tanaht by professional teachers. Club dance every 'Tacday. - A public dance every Saturday. Stage dancing and chore strp Uugbt. Mancheslr baU. 85 V 5tb, ncaf Stat. Bdwy. 3590. ' : ' t, r ' ' ;: Downey's - 7; . ; : J : :t - 'a Dance Studio ; 7 SR6H Washington street, ever Haxelwood. Former instructors Cetiniurt ball. Jir) 5a. V. I'xtterson Itowney. Inst. , TltfXGLER R-IIaTJCIXG ACADEMY - r .w a rJS W X.V a r.lVH Lit 'U a at U I ITl 9 tt 144.4 .M $ . I ri ,ltj sj iB.-yr- - CotJlHon ball. 14th oil Wa-h. ; Broadway ban., Broadway and" Main. f!s "i prflate leasoris by expert profeonsl tn-sJruebirs, -in td brsuchrs ballroora. daisies!, ballet, etc. fb"; or rU lot appotnUnenu. Brada$ 8kU. 5ia-$. -' ' ' " - 7 :. THE DASCl! STCDIO. 309 Itekum bWl- W'6 ingtoa at Third. Frivste hour pr ball boar trssobs; day. eveflina. 9:30 a. r. te 9 p, m. Course lesson specially priced. Claa Monday. F'ttrtay. TO p. ra. " Hi Ira land. ' MISS DOROTHY BASMUSSEN Bl?room . sa ' aesthetic dancing. 610 fciiera bldg-. V sahibg ton, between tb ami Sfh stj- Main 1I2H. JACKSON DANCING ACADEMY Ballroom, stase dsnring; any vtyle. 'Open daily. Wdln. 1201. 795 Mia. Ave. En HA FAY MATTOOS. baUroom. bHet and aestbetk: dancing. 5.07 Eiler bM., Yaaahing lon st. bet 4th and Stb. Msin i;r,50. W08IC fCHOOLS AHO TEtCHCWg AMERH AN - ' CONSERVATORY OF MCSIO -' I f Professor W. K. Beatfy. dmctoC ! ' A school devoted to every department ta music; special course. 410 Eairr bldg, I'beo Mm 4120 - . 1 ' . ; T. E. LAWSON 21 year experience; piano on-t at your home. 31. Ant. 643-13. L. C'ARROI.L DAY, ta-her of voice aa4 piano, 14 ltb et. Broadway 253. . ELECTRICAL WORK C 4". rshortyl Tt'KNEU, licensed electrician, t Let fjhrarty do Yoor electneat 'work, wire your new er old horse. Antomatie 521-62. t - . . : wgstTIL3tR 'T" "' -IJ-BOSB FEBTILUi"B CO. '-. - - We aelert the best gcadas of rotted eoey sad horse manure, for tawws, rose sad garden. !e Bvered to eny pert of the city. Aujo. 320-62. FLUFF BOOS AMD RAO 9U0S J PORTLAND ruo co; T i Fluff Bugs. Made Frews OM Carpets. Rag Bugs, s Specislty. Carpet ITesoin;, Sixmg. BefitUng. ; - r We Call and jIiier. 1672-1874 K. 17TH BT. 'SEI-LWOOn 3623. HAT CLE A HEB8 AWO PVEW8 HATS rlraoed. b irked, dyad reasufiabie and at jafsctory. R-Tat Hat Works. 223 First st. . tUORT HflME ladOiiij, rsretuf: g'Jd work. "131 Hmr el St. - - - LAWKMOWER SMARPErllNO LAW NMOWKB SUA BPENINIJ by " our at matic sharpener; lavnaoowera for sale. We esli lor and deliver. Pbone 'East 5424. ' ' AvItLtslErvY - ' ' $ to $23 frXd-l'SIVB. lrinrad,' nntrimme-t, . ' tailored and made-tsy-erdey hat. Lee - Mil Mpery. 803 Cniow avw. 35. . .. 8JUW3EIE8 y I LilVVEU CO I S T fiet r erder in now for spring delivery of nnsBtttlti Ilr(r f :e, garden bench, ksu tain, ate; buy dtrrct fium factory and save money. " T STAXDAR1T ART STONE CO. : : .. 160 'Uaes'daai roeft. ' Oe 809 K, II Hi "' Cafl Mteabart 11. OREQORY HEIGHTS M RSERT Perennials, norrfi box ;lants gnd shrulbcry. Order geran:ums and pansy plants Bow bad bUla fcL. Mosa City car. Xaoer $299. SWAPS WANTED FLH NITU TT LEX JILLS V AXit.ii W, want yrne wed HOCSEHOLD GOODS and will pv TOP MARKET PRICES We hsv been conducting this bnMneaa in Porusnd for 26 year and. there lore, have tbe Sara a of dis poaing of jour good iaa mediatsty. tkltk mean. MORE MONEY TO TOD i li yon nave anything in tb HAItUWAEf ' OR FLRXiTLHB lin to 4 wt -4 , '.' ; ,- . XCliC - Ca1 Us First Main 5P72 ! - $rid a eonrityu buyer will call ft oaoe LEVIN HARDWARE at FCRXITrRE CO, 21-3 5 Front at.. oriian.l. Or Main m7i. Orner Siltrcn bi'Of CASH Fl'H 1KI H RXitti.c: Main 873 j CMTED FCHNITI RK STOKK t - ' 178 FIRST STIiKKT WANTED--4JSED CLOTHING 953 HOW ABOLT VOLR OLD (U)TlltS! " J W will buy sll you hve. Suits, overcoat and ether article. For the bet prlcaa sad service, either bring your elm he or call ' - -OOLDBAL'M. THE TAILOR, 167 1st t ' Main 7S1 PERSONALS 97. ' GLASrLS at a aavirg. 1 solicit your patrons; oa , tha bam of capable a-rfioe. . Thouandv of satisfied twt trons. Ch. W. .mxiiiutn. optometrit. 209 MorriioH Main 2124 BtVToCk rltoXOGKAl-H-At JtfAf rs" : Kemember we seil yow any mixlcl of Vitrnl. Edison. Columbia or Brunswick up tn 1.'5 en payment of 63 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine 4 o., $50 Alder rct. 31 GET aHi leet turd ni' at Dr. Eaton s lit CHIROPODIST and ARCH M'Ei IALIST wha doesn't hurt yon; 8 yra. here. Exam Irre. l.!te Thestre bldg., 1 lih ami Ws-li. Blwv. v-.' 4 I dtlivrol Lutulalloo ylir.Ei. AU ci Lawyer Tot .eoton ,B;a. 64 ou Mil u Broadway 4!B lUfcT t.titihGE Rl KLXMLIX. lii i.iersa "V tictaa, be your optician, lla i expert ia tit ting eye glae and hi charge are very run- HE I TEH oilX l ISTRY I'UK LESS : 22 KARAT crown 63 to 67; 22-krat boric work 83 to 88 a tooth; all woak gnarsntwd Dr. Harry Kcmlr, 204 Aitfky bUlg Main 6aT6. SLI'EKFLl Ol S HAIR, miie, wru renijifi lt 10 needle m-tliol Trial free. Josi tiniej. 514 A bide. Main 686H. ELE."TR1CA. atu.pLes retail st holeal trjk! We do wuing, Cvoper, Liac, Co.. 24 4 VlaOi. street. ' ' -- - ' MAhSAtiE, hsiln. iT. Elina - boren.-en, ' 30 4 Panama b'dg. Msin 506. Drut phy.i-in. lAlit'ELIXG. 16c; vaa Lair dreeing. $. 1' 1 apoointmenr, Orn eveninc. Main 60KH. J. LE ROY SMITH, attorney, mcrcd to 4')I- I 0mm Wt." Msnhall' 2427. CHntoPRAi'l'It; hemfc fcr sale, rtuuoablc. "iJJ Pittock block. IWy. 51$. NUI$CRIt8 LOGANBERRY ,nd Cuthbert raspberry piaaia . reawmsA'e pm-f Tslior 6IU4 OPTOMETRIST EYES scienufuaiiy tested with rnse- -jj. - - wM.wrtii., a'V." nni av a mini: sapsfscuow inarsnteed. A. E. HCHWlTZ. 4lptrmerit. 223 1st St. AIITtIO. TINTINO, PAPCRHAMOIMa Say, Folks , 1 FT XIS IMI Vfll.n PAINTING TIXTIXG TAPER HANGING Our work is dependable and will plrasa yon. Thp j-ncra are right ACTOMATIC 613 71. Painting, Tinting Inter) -r U'uik a Specially. steaxonable Prices. Main 3709 Wall Paper, Paints, Etc. 22S-U30 HfCit sTl'F.ET. MAIN 782J. UHL BROS., INC. PA1XT1XG and kommlng any tn t.f ton price reasonable; 'quiik terrk-e and otk ynarnteed; no dir. Tliewe Sell 2915 GET Vol K paintltig. keloninip nd rk ne before tin- sririf ruh: 25 years' ex- perience. Tshor 266 i. SHILLITTO. psinting, Paperfisnging. tinting. - ?k.? Et 8rdw. Lit 7297. lict. Last 4914. . v - I- H. LIFTOX. paioiing. Nrrin. tinting. fs$ iirnst. n-rinit mi tnod!wn 2121 i- i rais-.ramuig. (3 rniwo up 1 ,i mate 1 Sjiragu. Marshall 42(i, PATEWT ATTOBHY6 GOLDBERG. 620 Vorr-s;yr bldg PLOWIW1 PLQWINQ tt&r&rV1 ""fi tL- IK-k'iro hig.. tli.a . ' , Cbronlo ,nd acuta) diieaea. b;Lt. fleet robydr therapeutic. a.uV DM. DE MLBALT.Titl llxino 3iU Frmr a-wotiate ,f Tip. On-ta. hT. , f-"W BIWO AWO 9T B 8 riTTIW p ' SPECIAL low Prices oa sllkiiHs f piiimbrng atifif '''irr o" r-'iir Instaliaii -lit. Plumbing johhinx vi iricsY MSanriil A W. A. MYERS. 175 E. 62 1 t N Aut- 211 97. y l ti if b i it f i frrnj k 4 at w ii ills , f a PKK'ES. STARK DAVIS Co.. 1 S 4'h st. TUB M UTCLTSIR (7OTT'i79rrir" rWIHTHfO, IMQWAVIHO, 1 191 irM! 0 Orirslrao- K. .W Bil.TM A t o . in - a aaaw.aa& snd Oak. Main 165. 5116 THR IBVt IN-HODHiiX COM PANT. 887 Waihinxton Brosiway 44. A-12? LAXSI LY 1'RIXTIXG I O. Ul'sLITY. SERV I' IL 1 ' 252 Ws-h sc Main 471. RAOtATOf VCpaiOlwO Alio H'U.tT't Ml- : 1- V GEO. WET I.E. UAWTIIORs'i! BET. 8TH AND 9TH. EAST 16. REAL 89TATE iHUHUCt SEE CS for real etat and in nraiM' trn"t aV Holman. 323 Fiiiag bldz. Marshall Z'fv. noor FEP8itwa WE REPAIR snd paint roclr.- clean guit'-'v. . paint fire ejcape. wst'tpro'if lumti, rwasonablei work guaranteed R-mf hnirij, Inc., wifrs. Wrbf-xit paint. 226 Kri of Tn is bldg M sie 57 1 " B. il ! e T L w 0 L MIT.TSOMAII SHEET lll.TiL WORKS Roofing, rutiering, nritins. J"rm an general repairing. Phone IMwy. 92. 2'.'Ab-. 8HOE RCPAIRIMO Model Shoe Repair Shcp fre-wr prices on shoe repairing. ilea's r,t tan half soles, fLUW. I(dis' I 23 rubber 112 POPRTH ST. MAD 5222. STOVE WEPAIWIWO Why Buy a Nevy Stove? W repair all kinds of stoves, ga range a.i-i f arna'-f. Fsst 693 1. - TWAi6EB ANO 8T0RAQE wilo mov m Tor IS iIl'ST 1 IMPORTANT AV HEJiE Yoli Move - Call Broedeay 1281 or Aut. 1189. O t track and rrc(u auva are at yiur srK-e. T Oregon Transfer Co, -Office and Stirst. 74 ilisn. 6KCCRJTY RTfiRAGF, A TRANSFER CX. ra' kmg Mstinz iore SKIS OX GfKllid IN STORES 63 Fonrih ft., otn Munimmah bote!. Phone Bsoadaas 3(14. ALWAYS Cl't TH" BEST 1o ijKHr.T.Tr lilXlDH SPECIALISP Slorsce, psa,.ix, abippint" and moving: horse sod auto ln;; t, - caal raigs te all points. ti. O. PICK. TRANSFER eV STORAGE CO 28 and Pine st. Itrosdwsy 5ft A H11!, Storage and Transfer Clay S, Morse, Inc. 12TII AXP'ILISAN. PROA DW IT 81 7Q. - OKKtrtiN CITY aii-1 Wu-.-iniiie ir i .rr. i ... Leave Portlaod daily beisten I'. 1 2 p. Plire Mvm S7-l. TRY L'S for wrrvii-e; furniture moving, tr ' and bsse. I'orrlaad Auto Drl. Co, ii. FTendT". Bdwv. 173 VACUUM CtttktRI attachments $1. n oo-iiwn 53.