12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 21, ' IZZl. MT JEFFERSON'S BEAUT ES HAM HARDY CLIMBERS , The 'approach of the out-of-door eaaon In the Oregon .country . ln splreti an expression pf personal ex perience. The grandeur of the Mount Jefferson country drew my wife, our twodaughtera and myself last summer for the second time as the best place to take our annual vacation. ' . ' , On July 4 we left Albany " on , the Hoover branch train and arrived at the little mountain town of Detroit, 54 miles away, at 6:30 p. m. Here we obtained a pack train of five horses and a guide to carry our provisions and , bedding; to .Pamelia lake. 21 miles east. We-traveled four and one half miles east that evening1 to Idanha and spent the night at the Hammond lumber camp. The next morning we took: the trail and hiked If miles to the foot of Mount Jefferson. Our pack train overtook us at "Woodpecker cabin, the range sta tion. BAKGEB9 THOCGHTFliL The rangers at this place are thought ful of-the needs of tourists and keep a supply of postal cards and stamped en velopes on hand. .They also cooperate and have the first returning' tourist take the mail to the nearest postoffice. : The rangers keep the trails free from fallen timber, which -makes traveling a pleasure for the -tourist. Famelia lake adjoins this station. The lake is closed to fishermen for two years, but we caught beautiful trout in the creeks above and below the lake. July 18 we started our climb of Mount Jefferson and after eight hours reached the summit, fron which we had a won derful view. To the south we viewed with the naked eye Mount Shasta. 400 miles away. We also saw plainly Three Fin gered Jack, Washington, the Three Sis ters. Broken Top, Theilaen Pitt, the Paulina mountains. Blue mountains, many lakes and the. wheat fields of Central Oregon. i The view of the north was cut off by the pinnacle of Jefferson, which we were unable to climb owing to the deep snow. We returned to camp at 8:15 p. m. We spent 12 hours making this 11 mile hike. PARK SCESEBY ADMIRED As the maps did not show the lakes to the south of Jefferson which we had een from the summit, we determined to go on a trip of exploration. "We went by way of Hunt's cave and reached the high plateau by noon of the first day. We found a prreat natural park equaling If not exceeding in beauty and scenery anything , we had previously seen. This park lies between the summit of Mount Jefferson on the north. Hunt's cave on the south, the main range of the Cascades on the east and Pamelia creek canyon on the west. It has, an area of about six -square miles and aji elevation of about 7000 feet, -the highest part being the glaciers on Mount Jer ferson. A leading characteristic of the regioji is the many green valleys extending to the glaciers. The valleys are carpeted with deep green grass and produce a large variety of beautiful flowers." Among the flowers we found, the .names of which were familiar, were masses of .blue lupin and pleabaues, white everlastings ; red, white, pink, ver milion and carmine Indian paintbrush; white and pink thistle, buttercups, daisies, red columbine, white anemones, yellow and pink monkey flower; gold banded Mariposa lilies, white heather, royal purple and white heather, pink By Douglas Hewitt IN PICTURESQUE MT. JEFFERSON REGION n mwm I t . . 1 n . . Aw. ., u iJ""- I : , - ...t'x'-,,..-. " it -WTT'f , ..... , , JM,rtWWW. y. -i ' ...., ...--,.fMrn-,,f.- nii(r4 f . .. , e??5sw:;' -'k-c f.,wiit 1 1 " : Wr'' h "''- '"-'v' iJtSt Si j ' h $ WA.(i i-. .... -... "- - - - - J -- ii mi until i.i f j ahmnii- inn mi , -f t J &J;T,'frC''.'"ry''- J I rir,i. : -..w.r ....r, i-j.. j. ssMrfvrhA xo3o.''l ' a " " ' '""' ''-----Jfc'Jfa AsQ,'AmJ,',.s, x-fcj t vK-aww Atiii'Sci- j-Cj.ir.A-i jSAJU.'jiia'VXwLiJ t...i.7rr ,'', I" i - - ,- i yrrrtTr' " """""" Scenes near Mount Jefferson In tho heart of the Cascades, that liolds much for. the out of door enthusi ast on his midsummer journeys into tho open. - birch leaved spirea and " the rare and beautiful chalice cup. BEHRIES PLESTIFCL ' Mosses, blueberries . and huckleberries were also abundant. , The valleys are separated by small gray granite ridges, upon which grow hemlock and fir. On the south side of the park we found 17 lakes, varying in size from an acre to 10 acres. If fish were planted in these lakes the park would soon be one of the popular - summer ; camps In the 'west. Among the wonders are two "streams which originate on this high table land and jump off lata Pamelia creek canyon. 2000 feet below, : forming falls unsur passed in beauty, : ; The Devil's Backbone, four great rug ged masses of rock on the southeast, is an Interesting wonder. It is -a ragged mountain and enormous jagged volcanic mass, rising precipitoasly 8000 feetj-If it stood alone it would be a wonderful mountain, but being bo near Mount Jef ferson it is robbed of its grandeur. This entire region bears abundant evi dence that Jefferson in its active days was- one of the great lava mountains of the continent. The evidence would point to Mt. Jefferson being much .higher at that time than It now ia. CliOUD EFFECT CHARMS While In the park we had a vivid demonstration of the effect of a high mountain on clouds. A small cumulus cloud was sailing by the top of Jeffer son when the mountain seemed to reach out an Invisible hand and catching 'the trailing garments drew it back and then caressed it like a mother fondles a child. Soon the cloud began to grow until It covered the entire top of ' the mountain, and then, as if by magic, other clouds almost - simultaneously appeared in the surrounding blue. . Then it seemed that the mighty mountain issued a - call to the clouds of the. sky, vchich appeared almost miraculously. Sotfn the entire surrounding country near the mountain was overcast. A sharp flash of lightning and then a loud peal of thunder that leaped and reechoed from peak to peak. It was but a few moments until the rain started falling. ; All this came from i a little cumulus cloud scarcely bigger, than a man's hand,' that was floating alone In the sky 40 minutes before. : After a hard tiay's work: exploring the peak we camped at an elevation of 7500 feet. The night was chilly, for, ice formed on water near by. IEGESD RECALLED Grizzly Flats are situated three miles from this place. ' According to Indian legends the great battle between the Indians from the east of the mountains and the Indians of the west was fought on these flats. - The contest was for .the possession of the fine hunting -grounds of the Jefferson country. The battle Is said to have lasted five days. The'in- LATT f 'CSL or-' 2 si FATIMA- CIGARETTES ; I.ICCITT & Mtih Tobacco Co, vaders from the east were driven back. so the western.- Indians 'dedicated the battle ground to their war god, and as a token of appreciation - for the victory burned it off every year. ' Today nothing grow on these flats save huckleberries and acre after acre of flowers. One can also pick up arrow points at various places 'on the flats, which are doubtless relics of that great battle. The old In dian encampment can be Identified along one of. the two large creeks which have their origin in' the flats. Owing to the openness , of this country the. berries ripen much earlier here than in the park. We spent i nearly five weeks in the mountains. - making the camp at the beautiful Pamelia lake our base of sup ply. We hiked about 200 miles during that time to points of interest, v Aims of Community Chest Drive to Be Explained at Meet A mass meeting designed to make plain the entire aims and purposes of the community chest and of the partici pation in the : drive by the Portland Service league, will be held Tuesday eve ning at " 8 o'clock at The Auditorium. Full explanation concerning this coordi nated plan for financing Portland's-phil anthropic organizations and institutions for the coming year will be given by Mayor Baker, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, B. P. Irvine, J. EL Gratke, Rev. W. T. Mc Klveen and Father George Thompson. An organ concert, solo and community sing will vary the program. v The active work of securing the 8850,- 000 necessary- to carry on Portland's work among the dependent, . sick and needy was begun this morning. . .The first formal pledge of a substan tial donation came from A. H. Johnston, proprietor f a chain of three Coffee Cup restaurants.! He notified Chairman K. N. Strong of the Merchants and Industrial committee that he would give the entire gross receipts for one day from all three of his eating places and requested that the campaign committee designate the day. Johnston said he felt- sure he would be able to turn in at least J1000 to the fund. At the Chamber of Commerce mem' bers forum Judge ., John H. . Stevenson represented the chest. Ralph C. McAfee spoke for the drive at the- meeting of the Musicians' club at the Bens6n hotel. At the Rotary club luncheon a the Ben son hotel, Tuesday, Br F.' Irvine Will be the speaker. The Kiwanis club will turn over Its entire program for its Tuesday meeting at the Benson hotel to the com munity chest work. The speakers will be District Attorney Evans and Mrs. Louise Palmer Webber, 'while the Rosar ian quartet will sing. ' Reductions in War , Issues in February Makes N6w Record In February outstanding war issues' of the United States were reduced by $55, 416.713, the largest reduction in any month in the current fiscal year which began July 1. Total reductions in war Is sues has crossed the 83,000,000,000 mark. Of the $55,416,713 obligations -retired in February 853.213,400 were Victory bonds. The treasury is concentrating its. pur chases of securities on Victory notes be cause of the early maturity of this issue. BANKERS ARE EARLY - BUYERS OF MOTOR STOCKS PURCHASE MOTOR SHARES AT START New". York, March 21. tLi N- S.) The stock market closed heavy today. The marirAt- howM n. heivr tone in the late dealings, nearly all the leading issues closing at new low level for -the day. United " States steel ten i poini io 0014, Baldwin, reacted 2 points to 87 and Cru ;ia int a nntntn to 88 i. Mexican Pe troleum declined 3 points to 144 and Pan American Drone z pomia 10 wm. stixiohairor held- nuite steady around 694. General Asphalt fell ver.S points to 60. 1 ; Government bonds, : unchangeo ; .rail way and other bonds, steady. ; Total -stales of stocks today were 765.- 000 shares; bonds. $7,620,000. New' York. March '21. (X N. S.) a fr Ainnla.vlne' a steady t tone at the opening today, the stock market was subjected to pressure ana many issues yielded from fractions to 2 points. , Steel common tint row to 81 and then yielded to 81. Crumble declined 2 point to 89. Mexican Petroleum sold jotl 2 pointa to 145 tt. Atlantic Gulf, after ; adTaneina i to 84 H. dropped to 32. - iieneni Aspnait oaa a wiae oiiun muu'i from 62 to 62. . The stock then dropped to Chandler Motors, semna rx-aiT., mom mi irmc tlonally to 7TV4. Studebaker. after telling up an v. . . AmnnMl to 69. - . Pierca-Arrow rose orer 1 point u 32 H. ,: - . - The nils wen aiignuy lower, r v. o. nnooci fell 1 point. ,; : , . The feature of the trading in the first honr was the persistent buying of the motor stocks and 'affiliated issues by strong i banking inter SM,iakr nawd un from 68 to 70 H . a new high for the year. Pieree-Arrow also sold at a new nun ior v jtsr, .whsikwi. to 83 aeJly-opnngiieia euTanceu , -m - w 48 and there was Tigoroos buying of Chan dler Motors, which ranged from ,77 H to 79. , The teel Industrials showed 1 slight declines. Mexican Petroleum, after falling 2 pointa to 145. rallied to -above 1 4 7. There was little in the railroad group ; worth noting. Nortnere Pacific and Reading both yielded about one point en small transactions. ' . "Furnished by Orerbeck A Cooke Co., of Trade building: Board STOCKS High Iow , . Woman Sitting at . Window Is Nearly Beaten to Death Cambridge,' Mass., March ; 21.- (I. N. S.) Miss K. .I Morse, 20, a' technology student, was beaten almost into uncon sciousness in her .apartment today by an unidentified man who stood on a box outside her window. . The man, beat the girl with a, brick, pulled her hair and slapped her -face, but made no attempt to enter the' room or to rob her. - The police; do not know, whether the attacker was a robber, an avenging suitor or a maniac. - v Canada May Pay Up - Eastern, financial authorities predict that the Canadian government will not attempt to refund the $25,000,000 matur ity on April 1. but will pay off the obli gation, partly out of current balances al ready in this country and partly by the shipment of gold from Ottawa. . It is be lieved that the amount of gold that will be forwarded will be in the neighborhood of S 10,000,000. 'Advance - Iiiua ........ Agricultural Chem. . . . . Ajax Knbber ......... Alaska Gold .......... Alaska Juneau ....... Allis-Cbalmen ........ Am. Beet Sugar ....... Am. Bosch Am.. Can fo. . . Am. Car Jk Fdy. . . . . Am. Cotton Oil ....... Am. Drag Syndicate ... Allied Chemical Am. Hide tc Leather Am. Int'l Corp. ... . Am. IJnceed ......... . . Am. loco. ............. Am. Safety Basoh Am. Ship 4k Com. ....... Am. ' Smelter . . . . Am. Steel Fdry - Am. Sugar .... .....I.. Am. Sumatra .......... Am. Tel A Tel.......... Am; Tobacco ......... Am. Wool Am. Zinc ....... .'. Anaconda Atchison .. At.. Gulf tc VT. I . . . r. . . Baldwin Locomotire ..... do preferred ......... Beth. Motors ........... Beth. Steel 8 B. K. T. . . Butte Superior Caddo Oil . . California Packing ...... California.' Petroleum ... Canadian Pacific ....... Central Leather , . Gerro De Pa-tco ......... ('handler Motor . ........ Chicago AN. W Chicago Gt N. , Chile "Copper .......... Chino . . . ............ C. M. St. P C. A O. Colo. F. A.I. ........ Colo. Southern . ........ Col. Gas A Mec. ....... Columbia Graph. ....... Consolidated Gas ....... Cons. Cigars ........... ContL Can ............ ConU. Candy .......... Corn Prod. ............ do pf d. ............. Cosden Oil ............ C. K. I. A P. .' . Crucible ........... Cuba Cane ............ Cuban Ann. Sugar . . . . . UeL A Hudson , Dome Mines ........... 1. A K. G. ......... ... Kndicott Johnson ....... Krie . . Famous Players ......... Fed. Ming. A Smelt. Kiak . Tire Gaston Wrns. ........... Gen. Cigars ........... Gen. - Electric ...-.. Gen. Motor. .... .-. . . . . . Goodyear . .......... Gen. Asphalt ........ . . Goodrich . ........... Granby . . Great Nor Ore ......... Great Nor. pfd Greene Cananea ........ Hupp Motor ........... Houston Oil .......... Illinois Central ........ Inspiration ........... . Int. Agr. Corp, com Interboro . ........... Interstate Callahan . . . . . Int.. Harr. t ........... . Int. Harr. pfd ......... Int. Mer. Marine ....... Int. Nickel ........... Int. Paper . . . . . ..... . Inrincible Oil ......... Island" Oil ........... . K. C Southern ........ Kelly-Springfield ....... Kennecott ............ Keystone Tire ......... Lack. Steel I-iee Tire . . ........... Lehigh Valley ......... Maxwell Motor ....... Mexican Petroleum .... . Miami Middle States Oil . ...... Midrale Steel ......... M. K. A T . . . . Montana Power ........ Missouri Pacific ......... Montgomery Ward . . . . . M. St. P. A S. 8. M.... M. A St. I..... National Enamel ..... . National Lad .......... Nerada Con. . . . . .... .'. New Harea : ..... . ... .. Norfolk A ' W. . . . . .... .. Northern Pacific ."4 . . . . . Nora Scotia Steel ....... N. Y. Air Brake . . N. Y." Antral. . . . Okla. Prod., ref ........ . Ontario Silrer. . ...... . ... Ontario A W. ......... . Otis Steel ............ Pacific Oil, . ........... Pan.' Ann. Pet... ...... Penna. ... . ... ..,,.. Peo. Gas ........... I . . . Pere ' Marquette ....,.... Philadelphia ........... Pure Oil . .... . . ........ Pierce Arrow,.,......,.' Pierce Oil . ........... Pitts. Coal ....... . . . Pitts. A West Va....... Pressed Steel Car. . ... . . , . Pullman ......... , , . . . , Ray-Cons. . . vi Reading : , , , ....... . . . . Remington .4 . . . . . .-. , . . . Replogle Steel.;.......,. Republic L & S........ Kep. Motors. Royal Hutch Oil . , . , . Ry. Steel Spg , ; , . . . Saxbn Motors . . . . . ...... Sears Roebuck . ...... Shatturk, Ariz. . ... . . . . . . Shell T. A T. Sinclair . .............. Sloss Shef. . . . . ... . , . . .. Southern Pae. .......... Southern Ry. .......... . St I A S. V. ......... Stromberg Carb. ...... .. Studebaker ... ...... .. . . Swift A Co. ... . . . . . . . . Tenn. Clop. A Chem. ..... Texas Oil , Texas Pac. . . . ... . . . . . -. . Texa.s pac C. AO. ...... Third Are . . .. Tob. Products . . ... . ... jTrsn. CcBt. Oil v. 1 nion (m uei. ....... .. . rnion Par. .. . . . .. . . . .... United Alloy .... ....... United I'rua .......... . L'uUd I'twd Prod, 83 H 1U 57 M so . 122 X "ii'li 4 .10 Si 45 61 87 I', 0 - 40 80 4 80 T 100 : 118 68 0 i 88 H 81 84 H 88 H "s' 14 H 12 14 4 2 113H 41 25 79 66 H ioM 20 s 244 5 I 38 i ' 50 7 4g- 61 IH 74 29 H. 25 81 - 24 28 15 1 64 12 6J 15 1 137 13 64 88 19 J 74 69 3 ..,. . 6 5 7 15 68 18 4 22 43 18 16 68 25 60 6 147 17 IS i 30 2 .4... 18 17 76 i i 10 " . . . -4 . 721 10 1 16 7 78 70 33 71 35 43 17 84 33 . 33 10 25 103 ' 12 68 SI . ... 67 20 3 ' 78 23 42 74 21 21 86 70 43 21 26 20 48 8 117 94" S3 S3 1 86 42 56 29 122. 6 42 43 51 86 8 8 39 29 93 79 99 115 66 8 37 79 32 86 13 12 14 4l" 112 40 24 78 63 ' 20 23 68 32 59 6 47" 61 ' 1 73 11 29 24 88 23 28 13 1 61 12 68 14 1 135" 13 e6' 87 19 '73 68 82 6 5 87 14 56 18 4 22 40 18 15 52 24 49 5 144 17 12 28 2 'ii" 17 4 68 8 :7i 9 15 96 76 69 82 70 34 41 17 88 32 31 10 84 104 11 66 30 65 29 61 '5 77 42 73 20 21 84 68 41 20 25 18 47 8 116 93" Cnited KruM ... J . ...1102 101 1161 I ni ted Retail Stores. .... . 50 49 49 TJ. 8. lnd. Alcohol...... 71 68 68 U.S. Rubber... 73 70 71 IT. S. SmelUng......... 30 30 36 U. A Steel ............. 81 80 80 I'tah Copper 49 48 48 J. Virginia Chemical ...... 82 81 82 . Vanadium Steel ........ . 30 28 29 ViTsndou . . . . . . . ..... - 6 Wabash ,....- 7 Wabash A Pfd. .-. . ....... 20 18 19 v do B" preferred ....... ..... ..... 12 Well Fargo ........ .... ..... 58 Western Pacific . . . ...... 28 26 . 2 Western Vnion ....... . 88 68 88 Westinghouse A. B. .......... . ..... 95 Weatinghouse K. A M. . 47 47 46 West Maryland 9 White Motor .......... , 42 40 41 -i Willys' 0erland , . . w ..... 7 7 7 Wool worth , . ..... ... .. . , . ., ..... 112 Worthlngton Pump ..... . 51 49 50 ' - Foreign Bond Market (Furnished by Orerbeck A Cooke Cow) British British British British British . . ... Itos-ian 5s 1021.... Russian 5s 1828.... Russian 6s 1818. ... . French 5s 1831 ...... French 4s 19 1 7 .,..... Italian 5s 1918. . 5s 1822... 5s 1927... 5s 1029.. Tky 4s. , .4 ref. 4s ... . Belgium ' rest. 6 , , Belgnra pre. 5a......... German W. I 5s, ..... . Berlin 4s .............. Hamburg 4 . i ... ...... Hamburg 4s ......... Leipsig 4 s ......... ieipsig os . Munich 4s , Munich 5s . Frankfort 4s Jap. 4s Jap. 1st 4s..... Jap. 2d 4s...... Paris 6s . . . .. . . ... 5 1B31. 1937 ...... . . TT. K. U. IK. TT. K. U. K. 8s 6s 5s ...... . . Bid. . 15 8 , 1 64 45 26 81 882 ' 70 368 298 i. 75 66 70 12 12 14 , 14 - 14 15 14 17 15 4 8'J 82 08 99 04 88 85 Ask. 16 11 17 65 47 27 82 384 382 380 . 810 285 68 , 72 ' 13 13 . 15 15 15 . 1 15 19 16 . 64 82 82 06 - 89 94 89 ' 86 Bid TT 50 S3 -1 1 86 41. 55 29 IVi 2 6 43 10 44 61 85 8 1 8 39 29 83 79 99 115 66 8 37 80 8371 86 87 ' 8 104 18 12 14,4 59 41 112 40 25 77 63 T 8 20 23 58 27 82 69 7 81 47 , 60 1 73 iei 28 25 88 23 29 85 15 1 ... 63 Jl 66 5 15 1 58 135 13 13 60 87 18 31 73 21 14 67 85 82 9 . 5 6 107 12 14 67 17 4 22 41 18 13 52 24 49 A 144 17 12 29 2 51 16 17 69 9 63 9" 15 96 33 76 69 3 4 16 13 82 70 85 42 17 33 82 31 10 59 25 86 164 . 11 6T 80 24 65 19 2 87 5 77 5 39 32 41 78 20 ; 20 84 a 101 7 41 20 25 20 47 8 19 116 81 92 22 SHORT TEB.M,,50TES . - Famished by CUrk, KeodalT A Co., ' Security. Mgtority. Bid. Am. Cot Oil 8s 9-2-24 88 Am. T. A T. 6s. . . . . 10-1-22 96 Am. T. A T. 6s..... "'2-1-24 95 Am. Thread 6s.. ...1 2-1-28 . 93 Am. Tob. 7s 11-1-21 99. Am. Tob. 7s 11-1-22 100,. Am. Tob. 7s. ... s, . .11-1-23 99 4 Anglo Am. Oil 7 s-, 4-1-25. r 99 Armour Conr. 7e. .. .7-15-30 96 Belgian Got. '7 . , 6-1-45 86 Belgian Got. 6s..... 1-1-21 90 DCUKU ViWT. Vm . , . . . " rm Betht. Steel 7s. .... .7-15-22 98 BethL Steel 7s. , . . ..7-15-23 96 Rritixh Got. 5s... 11-1-21 99 - British Got. 5 a. . .11-122 94 Canadian Got., 5 s, . S-l-2 1, u Canadian Got. 5 si-. 8-1-29' 93 Cudahjr Packing 7s. .7-15-23 97 Inter. R. T. Ts. .... 9-1-21 71 Japanese Got. 4s. .7-10-26 90 Kennecott Cop. 7s. . . .2-1-30 i 90 i s, Molina Plow, 7s 9-1-21 88 MoUne Plow 7...., 9-1-22 92 1 . Moline Plow 7s. . v. . 9-1-23 90 ' Moline Plow" 7s. . . ; . 8-1-2 88 Nor. Pae. -7s. ..... .5-15-22 86 Pacific Gas 7s...:.. 5-1-S5 98 Swift 6 ,,, .8-15-21 98 C. S- Rubber 7s. W. .12-1-23 96 FOKEIiiK EXCHANGE BATES Corrected daily by the foreign exchange ' de- nrtiaent of the United States National -tank. r Quotations below, except the pound sterling. are quoted en the basis of 100 unite foreign currency. . " ' . , - Opening nominal rates on bank transactions; . . Draft Cable . Par Checks. - Transfers. Value 3 3.91 t 3.92 4-866 6.96 6.87 v 19-03 Berlin Marks. 1.63 , 1.63 " 28.81 Onoa Lire.... 4.07 4.08 ' 19.30 Athens- Inc. " Asked. 90 97 -95 85 100 100 99 98 . fl ' 80 " 99 87 9ft 84 99 94 ' 98 71 91 . ,91 , ......., . .'. . 98 ! 99 99 97 London- Jibs, sterling . Drachmas . Copenhagen Kroner . . . Chrrstiania Kroner ' . , , Stockholm Kroner . . Hongkong -i Currency . . Japan Yen . . Shanghai , Taels . ... . .. 7 70 ..17.82 ..16.05 .23.25 .,49.50 . 48.50 . 66.50 7.80 17.40" 1.15 . 28.35 49.75 49.00 66.00 19.30. ls.70 26.70 26.70 Foreign Exchange Market ;' . Nw York.. March 21. (IT. P. Foreien ex change opened firm today. Sterling was, at 63.91: francs, .0696; lire, ..0404; marks, oS; Canadian dollars. .8735 Si kronen. .1735. Foreign exchange closed -steady.. Sterling was 33.91; francs .0697; lire .0892: marks. .0162; Canadian dollars, ' .8788; kronen .1783 . . we Buy and sen -Liberty Victory onno ITT) All issue. Any amount. Freeman, Cmith CAMP ' ... ' HOW IP rLOCMI . fWiM Afro arraJsS Stock: Topics MMHSST Central : Leather reported- to be stead ily accumulated by interests which are In a position to, have knowledge of the financial position of the company the extent of its readjustment ajijd the pros- The common stock of the Pittsburg Coal looks cheap and attractive at cur rent prices in spite of the fact that coal prices are going- 'down and profits are diminishing, declares a prominent house. i ........... ... i : The . railroad situation reported In brokerage circles to be holding back pub lic participation in the stock market to some extent, any improvement in that respect would -stimulate . trading it is said. . ' - Sentiment among the rank and file of trading element suggests that there is a tendency to buy Industrials representing liquidation. Federal reserve .board's weekly state-, ment shows' banks ratio advanced from 60.9 to 61. New Tork Federal Reserve bank" 6 ratio advanced from 41.8 to 45.8. Banks Pass Crisis And Improvement Is Seen in Statistics The worst of the strain upon the coun try's banking system has .passed and the statistical banking position continues to show steady Improvement week by week, according to a financial review- just' is sued by the Mechanics & Metals National bank of New York- "It may eeem strange," says the re view, "in view tof this marked statisti cal . improvement, that-rates for money have been almost unchanged from their levels last fall. The reason is that .the banks have been more cautious in grant ing new. credits. The drastic collapse In prieea has made. many producers reluc tant to sell. But in instances in which producers have been willing to sell, even at present quotations, the stagnation of buying has made it impossible for them to move their stocks - with customary rapidity. It is the manifest duty of the banks to carry along all borrowers of undoubted solvency, whose assets are not Deficient, but merely slow." , t "New Tork Bead (Furnished by (Werbeck C 4s. 5s . , . r. L. 4s. . . . 4s. , 4s. . 4; : Ard. TK s ' fi s z !S . H 7 82 '4 2 2 "s 7tH 8H 81 73 i f 7Hi bl'.i PACIFIC COANT BANK STATES! KT Portland Bcnkl Mondsy . . . ,$ 4.N53.U08.83 $ 7.100,07.40 TRComo Barks Clearings Mondsy 878,02. On Balances Monday 44D.248.0O Spokane Banks Clearings Mondsy .3 2,130,828.00 Balances Monday .. 1,072.848.00, feettte Banks Clearings Mondsy 8 6.K02.OR1 00 Balances Monday . a, 340,735. 00 8rn Wranclsee Bonks Clearings . Monday -.'V200,O00.0O Los Angeles Banks Clearings Monday 14,859,7 55.00 Atchison Cent. 4n. Halt. Ohio iold 4s Until. Steel Kef. 5s Cent. Pacific Itt 4 s C. . & Q Col. 4s. St Paul Uenl. 4 V thlt-sgo w. Ueul. I.. 4c .V. Vni. New Tork Hy. Northern Pec. Heading lienl. I'niou Par. lit r s sui a Union Pae. 1st Hf. Southern Pae. Conr, do 4s ...... Punna 1st 4 Us Penna .1st 4 Via . . . ('lies, & Olns Conr. Ore, Shore Line 4s. . ss. Ae fis. , Market ooks compa Itid. 76 S 80 72 07 S 74 i SI S 10 70 80 80 i ii 4 S 7114 fL 7 8i 7H i, 78 i 82 81 Liberty Bond Kales 4 Resorted by Orerbeck ft Cooks Liberty. Ilberty. Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Victory, Victory, SV&s ........ 1st 4 2d 4s 1st 4 Vis 2d 4tts 8d 4 Vis 4th Vis. 4 s . . . 8 Vs ... . . llieh. eose 8740 SB1 024 8720 07 S2 0780 Co.) D040 872 ooia 8704 T0 9710 Close. t04l 870( XKNO 8730 8H0O IHIlrt 87 fJ tT80 073U Mosey and Kxchang i New Tork. March 21. (I. N 8.) '..Cklt money on the floor of the New York stock change today ruled at Vs per cent; high, 6 V per cent: low, 0 per cent. Time money ws steady. Rates were Vi W 7 per cent. , The market for prime mercantile ir w study. Sterling enhsnge wss steady, with busi ness in bsnkers' bills at 83.914 for demand. 'BO)fl DEPARTMFST "A. A.VA." The Highest CredU Rating - Given - This gigantic company has assets of more than one hundred million dollars. Its net earnings last year were over 110,000,000. It is v CONTROLLED BY THE STANDARD OIL OF NEW JERSEY Humble Oil & Refilling Co. 2 Yr. 7 " Price 99 1-7559 Gold Notes Yield 0 Broadway and Oak Reducing Tire Costs Assumingr that v avararo annual tiro expense for Oregon autoists is $100 per car, 'Oreg-oniana spend $12,500,000 tor tires each - year based upon 125,000 cars. Figuring there is 20 per cent less wear over resilient, ' bituminous pavement (a low estimate) than Over a rigid pavement, there would be a saving of $2,500,000 annually- in tires alone In favor of the resilient, bituminous type of -pavement, providing - all roads used were paved. Resiliency is typified in v VARRENITE BITULITHIC 1881 CJtSSjfltBtS) CBlfSBt CffiClC 1921 'Let Us Systematize and Simplify Your Printing ; - and flccountlns - F.vV.Baltes & Company DsiistAiM rirstandOsK r rimers MiB ut-ws "T CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS KNOW , that the deposit box holdine municipal bonds of the t agricultural communities of the Northwest,, is "tje box ' that produces." "... , . YIELDING!. A dapendabU interest return. .A dependable principal return. DEPENDABLE INVESTMENTS for your deposit box which net from 6 to Zc, exempt from ail federal income taxes, are available on our long list of Oregon, Idaho and Washington municipal bonds. PORTLAND Details Gladly jSupplied Upon Request KEELER BROTHERS DENVER . Investment Securities. ' Phone Broadway 5800 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING G Sound Securitie of ' the -'Northwest' ' . Tleld. Portland Ga & Coke Co. 7 Firs't Lien and General Mortgage Gold Bonds.... Jan. 1, 1940 7.50 Portland Flouring Mill Co. 8 First Mortgage Gold Bonds . Feb. 1 , 1 936 8.00 Pacific Power & Light Co. 8 fi"t Lien -and O, General . Mortgage Gold Bonds Aug. 1, 1930 8.00 These three corporations . produce absolute necessities. Their development will go hand in hand with the development of the Pacific Northwest. John Moody, the eminent statis tician, has rated their securities highly. Let u help you' analyse their state ments. Call at our office today. -as. i.-. BLYTIleVlTTErt th CO. , - f. " ; ' Yeon BIdg., PORTLAND SEATTLE - SAX FRANCISCO - ICS AKCLUS- NEW YZZlt