THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, OREGON. 16 FRIDAY, . MARCH 18, 1921. gfesusv Cpocliali (Entry Jnto Jerusalem WHL pe ffittingly on eunctay Commemorated TO BE OBSERVED IN CITY'S CHURCHES Jesus Christ's epochal entry into Jerusalem, over a roadway carpeted with palm branches and lined with a hosanna-slnging throng of worship ers, will be fittingly commemorated Sunday In the churches of Portland. Palm Sunday" music will be a feature of the service in almost every church where a celebration is held. Palm Sunday is the annual occasion for confirming children in a few denom inations where this ceremony "Is: re tained, while others give : their children final instruction ; on Palm Sunday ; pre poratory' to the Easter day confirmation service, v-.; ' r The six days- between i Palm Sunday and Kaster day are the most sacred days In the Christian calendar. Many devout Christians who do not practice fasting or ; penance during the Other weeks of Lent, feel it a sacred duty to pay homage of Christ's Suffering during the days of holy week. The Bible story of the first holy week is one full of nadness. It was during that week Jesus suffered death on the cross in order that the human race may enjoy salvation and everlasting life. Sad as the story of Christ's sufferings is, it Is swallowed up in the victory of the resurrection on Easter day, upon which hangs the principles of the Christian faith. 1 . Holy week, as it is termed by the oldest usage, or Passion week, as it is railed by some , ministers, will see a large number of special services this year In Portland's ' churches. Early morning, mass and services of prayer will be held in some churches ; two series of noon meetings will be held in down town theatres, and a large number of evening meetings are' announced , by many communions, with churches lo cated in all parts of the city. Celebra tion of the holiest week in the Christian year will be general this season in Port land. v - . . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EAST 13TH AND PINK The Triumphal Entry la the Sermon Topic at 1 1 :00 o' Clock by the PASTOR WALTER HENRY NUGENT, D, D. :4S SUNDAV SCHOOL , 7:48 EVEKINS SERVICE SERMON "The Tragedy of a Useless Life," MUSIC The Mimic win be appropriate for Palm Sun day. Mr. Belcher will sine at both servicee. lrge Chorus vill sins at both services. Ton will enjoy the music and the messages, and will find a cordial welcome. Where Is the King dom of Heaven? IS IT WITHIN YOU? ' WHAT WAS MEANT IN OUR LORD'S PRAYER BY THY KINGDOM COME THY WILL BC DONE ON EARTH, etc.? ARE EARTH'S PRESENT GOVERN MENTS CHRI8TS KIN0.DOM? Many puixline Scriptural question brought out "and anawered in thia fncouraeiur lecture py ; Norman M. Lewton Speaker tor the International Bible Students' Association. Sunday, 7:30 P. M. W. O. W. TEMPLE llth St. Bet. Washington sad .Alder YOU A HE WELCOME SEATS FBEE-SO COLLECTION SPECIAL ADDRESS BY - ! HAMPTON WATSON C0TMLI ' Oregon's Foremost Champion of Religious Liberty Who na for the past forty years bee a la the forefront of aa incessant battle against repeated encroachments oa civil and religions freedom in this co an try. .. He Speaks With Authority SUBJECT "Natural, CiVil and Religious Liberty versus' -Religio-Civil Blue Laws" SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 20 WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT HALL Cor. loth and Taylor SPECIAL , CONOHEOATIOKAL - SIJSO- DIRECTED BY Prof. I. C. Colcord LADIES' QUAItTET SOLOISTS PUBLIC INVITED This service In held 1b the abseaee of EVANGELIST DICKSOX who la la - the East for two weeks. PALM SUNDAY CENTRA Mass Meeting Conferences Sire Called in SSehalf i grayer Circle All Interested in' the formation of prayer circles in Portland and the pro curing of an expert Bible teacher lor permanent work throughout the city and vicinity, have been invited by: workers lit the Moody Bible institute to meet in a neries of conferences next Tuesday and Wednesday. The meetings Tuenday at 3 and 8 p. in. will be held hi 43unnyslde Congrega tional church, and t!ie Wednesday serv ices at the same hours will .-be fn the White Temple (First IJaptist chufch). Dr. W, P. White, Northwest regional director of the Moody i BiiAe Institute, will be present at all services. During the last week Miss Edith Brando, sec retary pro tern, has' mailed letters to prominent church people in tle city in viting: them to ' the conferences and re questing them to extend an additional invitation to anyone "whom you believe is or should be interested.": : . - :;.;.; ... f :, . : ' ; Endeavor ers Hope To Raise Money for Delegates'; Journey Christian Endeavorers of Portland hope to raise enough funds at their mu sical in The Auditorium' April: 4 "to send 10 delegates to the international convention in New York .city rixt July to extend to the trustees of the United Society of Christian Endeavor an in vitation to hold; the 1923 j world's con vention in ; Portend. Various civic or ganizations of the f city have pledged their support to the young people In this undertaking, r ' - r ' - V Roland ; Davis, ; president. Is directing the musical. He is being assisted in the publicity work by Walter Dimra and Miss Margaret Nots. The artists who have donated their talent to the young folks Include; Mrs. Alice Price Moore, contralto; Mrs. May Louise Wilson, reader ; Miss Goldie Pe terson, soprano Miss Alice Genevieve Smith, . harpist Charles South, violinist; William Robinson Boone. organist; Otto T. Wedemeyer, barttone-,nd Web ber's Juvenile orchestra. WESTMINSTER E. H. PENCE, D. D.t Pastor 10:30 "THE FRUIT OP THE 8 Pi R IT" Children' Bfrmonctte-: "JESUS and JERUSA LEM BOYS AND GIRLS." 7:90--"THE MAN OF WHOM JESUS . WAS SURE." '. ' PALM SUNDAY MUSIC: AnthemThe Palms. --, -, . . .. V. ,-"B. FAUSE Contralto Solo "THE CROSS". "i . .H. WARE - By Mrs. F. Boagles) 12:10 BIBLE SCHOOL MEN'S CLUB 6:30 V. P. SOCIETY. SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH EAST 20TH AND SALMON WALTER BENWELL HINSON. D.D. ' MINISTER i 11:00 A..M. 7:30 P. Mo tion" 1 -"Hi. Laat Week" -"The Great Ques- 8ervicea Every Night Thia Next Week at 7:30 (East Morriaoo or Hawthorne Are. Cars) FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Corner . Tenia and Weldler Streets Take Broadway Car. ; ALPIX H. BOWES, Pastor Phone East 7898 i SPECIAL SINOINQ, LED BY. . Prof. R. A. Shank AT 11:00 A.' M. AND 7:30 P. M. ' RECEPTION OF MEMBERS IN THE MORNINO SERVICE Revival M essage at Night Apostolic Faith Mission COH. FB05T A5D BCK5SIDE , Meeting's held at 10 :30, :S0 and 7:30 every Sunday, 7 :4i every night in the week. All nations meeting Sat urday night.:;'?''. . . ALWVELCOME-SO COLLECTION THE GOSPEL SPREAD BY r AIBPLANE First SPIRITUALIST CHURCH , EAST TTH AND HA88ALO STREETS. SERVICES EVERY St'NDAT AT 3 AND 8 P. M. C. W, SHAW, Pastor Solos by Mrs. Snyder and " , Mr. Davis Sunday. March 27, Anrurerwary Sunday ' AU-Day Serricce Special Program. Remember Our Dinner and Dance Tonight. "THE UST CONTINENT AT ATLANTIS AND: LEMURIA" By Elaine Scribener THEOSOPHICAL HALL sw cextbai,'builih-g ssa- j,r" 5mportant ew As in years pant, TTie Journal will publish Kantcr programa on the Sat urday before Eastter day. Churrbcs desiring to avail themselves of this courtesy must have their notices in tbo hajads of the church editor by next Wednesday - night, Afarch , 23. Notices will be numbered In the or der received and low numbers will be given preference over high ones, In case space limitations forbid pub lication of all. ; Pastors' sermon top ics will be received Thursday as us ual. - . , . i ! - ' BAPTIST - ' Rev. George R. Vamey, a member of the faculty of the Oregon Agricultural college, will be the preacher Sunday morning at the First Baptist church..' In the evening the Whitney boys chorus of 200 voices will render a special .pro gram of music. . t Earb. night ut week from 7:30 to 8:45 o'clock there will be special aerriceA in the East Side Baptist church, with a talk by Dr. V; B. Hinaun on "What Jesu Did Today," which will be a study of Christ'a laat week before hi death. ; lr. llinson wul occupy hi pulpit Sunday. . ' Sunday moraine at the Third Baptist church the choir will render the anthem "Jerusalem." and Her. K. E. Close will preach. - At night the tator will cive the third sermon ot the aeries on 'The Gardens of fJod." Excellent reaulti hare been obtained from the special meeting at Arieta Baptist chnrcb, an nounce Her. Owen. T. lay, pastor. The cam paign will continue erery night next week, with Evangelist Bruce - Erana as tha preacher. ' He also . win talk Sunday morning. Sunday night the pastor will preach- and administer the ordinance of baptism. A male quartet will sing at both services Sunday. Or. S. J. Iteid, superintendent of evangelism for the Baptist churches in Oregon, will begin a special series of meetings Sunday night at (ilencoe Baptixt church. The services will con tinue each night next week except Saturday. The DIRECTORY " Palm Sunday . Uniform Sunday Scliool Lesson "Jesus on the Cross. Matt. 27:33-80. Golden Text "God commendeth His love to ward us. in that, while we were yet sinners. Christ died for us." Bom. 5:8. Young People's Topics Baptist Union Missionary meeting. ' Christian Endeavor "Christian i Progress ia Alaska." Isa. 8:2-7. Home missionary meet ing.) - ... - i '. j.. ;..:' Kpworth Lesgue Stewardship Sundsy. "Js- cob s Promissory Note." Gen. 28:18-22. 80:43, 33:14. ,,-:---.,:: ': - Baptist First White Temple. 1 3th and Taylor. 11. preaoing by Rev. George R. Barney: 7:45. musical program by Whitney Boys' chorus. East Side K. 20th and Salmon. Rev. W. B. Hinson. 11. "His Last Week"; j7:30. "Tha Great Question." , t Third Vsncnnver and Knott. Aev K. K. Close. 11. "Christ the King": 7:30. "The King's Gsrden:' . t-, . ' s.1t tHtt sn and 64th st. S. K. Rev. Owen T. Day. 1 1 , preahing by Evangelist Bruce Kvans; 7:30, "What I Miglit Have Been, ioi lowed by baptismal service. Calvary E. Rth and Grant. Rev. J. B. Thomas. It, "Watching Jesus Win a Soul"; 7 ;30, illustrated sermon. ; CI.KIHIIU.K. 4!ith ana Main. Rev. W B. Stewart. 11. "The. Significance of Small Things": 7:30. sermon by Lhr. S. J. Reid. Sellwood Bethany list. W. N. Ferris. 11. 7:30... , ., ... .i - Grace E. 76th and Ash. Bev.,W. H. Tol Uver. 11, 7:30. s Swedish 15th and Hovt. Ttev. T. G. Sjolan- der. Preaching by Rev. B. Bjorkquist. 10:30, 7:30. , ' . ' at. Johns -Chics so and Leonard. 11. 7:30. Highland E. 6th and Alberta iBer. , Walter L. Riley 11, 7:30. .. 1'niversity Park Irew stwl FVku. 11, 7:30. Mt. Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett. Rev. J.,W. Anderson. 11, 8. . . : i Elim Swedish E. 6th and Alberta. ; Rev. August Olson. 2:30. . : . Ienta Ssth st. and 60th ave. Rev. E. A. Smith. 11, "God'g Call to a Youth"; 7:80. Second t German ) Kodney and Morns. Kev. F. Hoflmann. 11. 7:30. Oathcllo ;-r'-''r ? " Pro-Cathedral 15 th and Da via. , 7:13. 8:30. 9.45. 11. . ' , St. Peters Lenta Kev. J. P. O'Flyna. 8. 10:80, 7:30. - - St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman. ; Bar. J. GL Hughes. 6. 8:30, 10:30. 7:30. St. Frsncis E. 12th and Pine. , Rev. L E. McNamee. 6. 8. 9:15. 11. 7:45. Immaculate Heart ot Mary Williams and Stanton. Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. S. 9, 11, 7:30. Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas. ; Ker. E. S. Olson. . 7. 8. 9. 11, 7 :30. St, Rose E. 53d and Alameda. Bey. J. O'FarrtU. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 8th and Alberta. Bar. 3. Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou. Bar. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 1L Ascension E. 76th and Yamhill. Franelseaa Fathers. 8. 10.30. 7:30. Blessed Sscrament Maryland and Blandena. Rev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:80. Holy Cross T74 Bowdoin. Rev. CL Ray mond. 8, 10:80, 7 :80. ; St. Ignatius 8220 43d st : S. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:80. 8. 10:80. 7. " i St. . Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor. Bar. Warren A. Waitt. . 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Redeemer -Portland blvd. and Van couver ave. Rev. William J. Devine. 6. S. 10:30. 7:30. - St. Philip Neri (Piulist Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory. Rev. M. L. Ferry. 70, 9, 10:30. 7:30. . St. Clements S. Smith ave. and Newton. Servito Fathers. 6. 8. 10:80, 7:30. -Sacred Heart E. llth and Center. BT. I. Gregory. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St. Agatha E. 15th and Xehalem. Rev. J. Commisky, 8. 10:30, 7:80. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail, mg. Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Joseph (German) 15th and- Conch. Rev. Frouin Eppes. 8, 10:80, 7:30. St. Michael (Italian) th and MIIL Ba. U. Balestra. 8:30, 10:30. 7:80. , St. Claires Capitol HUL Father Aloyafos, O F. M. 7:15. 9:15. s St. Charles E. 83d and Alberta. Bar. M. Wallace. S. 10:30. -All Saints E. 89th and Glisac Rev. Father William Cronin. 8, 10:30. St. Patrick 19th and Savier. Rer. Charles M. Smith. Masses. 8. 0:15, 10:30, 7:45. St. Birgitta's chapel Linnton-Glen Harbor. (Attended from St. Patrick's). 9:30. Our Lady- of Sorrows E. 52d and Wood stock. Rev. G. C. FaUn. 8, 10:45, 4:80. St Anthony's Chapel 7022 45th ave. Ber. G. C. Fsllu". 9 a. m. Holy Family Chapel E. 37 th and Bex. Kev. G. C. Fallu. 9:45, 7:43. 5 3 '; .- Ohrtaun ' ; i.r-. - ! ;i" ! First Psrk stt Columbia! Rev. Hsrold H Griffis. 11. "What Must I Do to Become a Christian ?' 7:45. "Martin Luther , the Hero of Protestatntiam." .. , , . Has Sid E. 12th and Taylor. 11. 8.' i Church of Christ Rodney and Knott Rev. Joseph Boyd. 11. "The Christian Life"; 7:30. "God's Gift of Himself." , i s i ' Mont vims E .tiio nd Olisan1 R Car roll C, Roberts. 11, "The Prayer That Works"; 7 :30. "The Four Biggest Fools in MonU villa." Kern Park Re. F. It Ghormley. St Johns Central and Oswego. Be v. Her bert Jones. 11, 7 :80. ' : . laoernacle 2Mb and' Alberts. . Bar. B. Tibbs Maxey. 11. 7:30. FIRST METHODIST TWELFTH AND TAYLOR ' DR. JOSHUA STANSFIELD - PASTOR 10:SO A. M. uThe Offense of the Cross" ' Special Palm Sunday Music 7:46 P. M. "Sin, Hell and Judgmene A Conlinusnce of ' lA5t Sunday Sermon PALM -SUNDAY TO GtKJD . FRIDAY Special : meeting each night at. 7:4 3. Mai Preachers. Oft. EOWARO LAIHP MILLS, and on Friday night BISHOP W. O. 8HEPARO. - .. MS). of Portland's .(Churches and oung pastor will preach Sunday morning. Preuarationa are under way at Lents Baptist charrh for a. special service at It a. ia. Kaater Sunday by the Bible school. The program is under the direction of Mrs. W. S.- Thompson. At night the song and story, "Lore Trhimphsnt." will be given by the choir. - This Sunday mem bers of two boys' classes, -the King's Messen gers and the Willing Workers, are expected to attend a special service for young people. Sun day night the service will be evangelistic. The churca expects to have Evangelist Brae Evans for a series of special meetinge after Easter. Rev. E. Bjorkduist, acting pastor of the First Swedish Baptist church, will occupy bis pulpit Sunday.. , - .. . ijl . ' CATHOLIC - At St. Patricks Catholic church the solemn observances of Holy week will be blended with those of a mission on Palm Sunday and continuing daily "until Easter day. Morning exercises, will be conducted at the regular . hours and way-of-t he-cross services each after-, noon at I o'clock from Monday to Friday inclusive, with mission and Holy week services every evening at 7:45. Ail sermons will be by tha local superior of the Servite order, , Father Ambrose Meyer. Features of the wr-k will be the congregational singing eaeh evening, the liturgical chant by the male - quartet on . Wednesday,- Thurs day and Friday nights: the lenten music by the boys vested choir oa. the same evenings and vespers by the combined adult and boys' vested choir r Esster night. A Holy week mission will be conducted at the Church of the Madeleine during the coming week by the Iauuxt missionary. Father James P. Towey. C. 8. P. of San Francisco. The mission will open Palm Sunday with snssnes at 7 :SO, 9 and 11a- m.. and close with a solemn high mass and general parish communion at 6 a. m. Kaster Sunday. On Palm Sunday , tha palms will be blessed and distributed before the late ms as. Masses will be held on the first three days of the week at 6:30, 7, 7:15 and 8:30 a. en. Holy Thursday, high mass will be sung, with first communion, procession to the repository and sermon at 8 :30 a. m. Mass of the presanctified and veneration of the cross will be sung at 8 :80 a. m on Oood Friday. Holy Saturday morning at 7 :S0 the new fire, lschal candle and baptismal font will be blessed, followed an hour later by high mass and com munion. Services also will be held each night next week except Satnrday at 7:45 o'clock. OF CHURCH ChrittlaO Sclanoa Treason subject: "Matter. Fir 19Ui and Everett- 11. 9. : Second K. 6th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. ' Fourth Vancouver and . Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth 62d and 42d ave. S. E. 11, Sixth Masonic temple, S6S Yamhill. 11, 8. Seventh -Smith ave. and New York. 11. All churches Wednesday, 8 p. m. - v Congregational First Park and Madison Dr. W. T. Me El Teen, 11, "The Royalty ot Jesus"; 7:43, ques tion and answer service. - SnnuifKie K H24 sm Tsylor Rev. J. J. Staub. 11. "In Sight of the Cross"; 7 :45. "Tho Guest Chamber of the King." . Atkinson Memorial IS. 29th and Everett Rev. E. E. Flint 11. "Spiritual Science, or the Cure of Doubt"; 7:30. "The New Palm San day." Highland E. Atb and Preseott Rev Edward Constant. 11. "Democracy Greeting Its Lead er"; 7:30. "The School of Calvary." . Waveriy Heights K. 82d and Woodward. Bev. Olirer P. Avery, 11, 7:30. Laurelwood 46tb ave. and 65th at S. K. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. . It,- special music ; 7 :30, stereopticon lecture. "Turkey and the Great Wax." a Pilgrim Missouri and . Snaver. : Professor Harold S. Tuttle of Forest Grove, supply. 11. University Park Haven and Lombard. Bv. f) H. Johnston. 10:30," 7:30. Finnish Mason and Albina. - Rev. A. A. Harju. and 8 p. m. St Johns 3. Ivanhoe and Richmond. Preach ing by Rev. George H. Hull, at 11 and 7:30. Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Bev Ole Torgessen. - 11, 7:30. ' First German Ebenezer E. 7th and Stanton. Rev. George Zocher. 10, confirmation service; 7:30, "The Entrance of Christ Into Jerusalem." Second German E. Stii and aswiiaoce stev. Henry Hagelgana. 11. 7;30. - Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Bar. J. H, Uopp. 11, 7:30. : -:; ; r Dunkarw Chareh of the Brethren Borthwiek and Brei ratrd. Rev. George C CarL - 11. 7. Pro-Cathediai of St Stephens 13th and Clay. Bt Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop; Very Kev. T, T. Hicks, dean. 7:4d, 11. 7:44. Trinity 19th and Everett, Bev. A. A. Mor rison, rector. 8, 11, 8. ' ' St Davids K. 12th and Belmont1 Rev Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, communion and tbo blessing- of . the Palms; 9:30, 11, "Eternal Life," by Chaplain Howard; 7:80, administra tion of aerainent of contirmation by - Bishop W. T. Sumner, , St Macss r21t and Marshaa Bee. J. G. Hatton, rector. , 7:30. 11, preaching by- Bishop W. T. Sumner; 7:45. St Philip 242 KosseU. 10. 1L ' ; St Andrews Hereford st. Portsmouth. : Bev. John D. Rice. S, 11 7 :30. Grace Mexnonal East - 17th and Wsidlsr. Bev. O. W. Taylor. 11. S. St Michael and All ' Angels E. 43d . and Broadway. Kev. F. T. Bowen, vicar. ' H. 11. "There Is a Green Hill Far Away"; 6:30. Church ot Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st it B. . Bev. John B. McCormick. 8,- com nranion; 10, school; 11, sermon; 7:30. prayer. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital. Bev. F. .K. Howard. 7 .and 9:80 St Pauls Woodmere. lor. 4. Bev. Oswald W. Tay- An Saints 25th and 8a vis r. Bev. Frederte K Howard. 10 and 11. St Johns Memorial 15th and Harney, Sell wood. Kev, John B. McCormick. 10. achool; 11, euchariat and sermon; 6. vespers. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft. ' Bev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 10 and 11. v Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham. Bev. John Dawson, rectos. -7:30. 9:46. 11. 7:30. .- Mission at St Johns Bickner's hall. Rev. John t. Rice, vicar. 2, school; 3, preaching. St Peters Chapel 1960 E. Stark. 10. St James Cbspel E. 7 2d st and S7th are. 10. Chapel of the Transfiguration E. BOth and Division. 8 p. an. . Kyangeiicaj First E. 6th and Market Bev. Eara Maurer. 11. 7:30. Clay Street 10th and Clay. - Rev. Jacob Blocker. 10:45. "Jesus the King"; 7:80, "The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit" - Swedian lauernacie A. 17th and GUsan. Bev. J. C. Ledlin. 11. "Jesus a High Priest After the Order of Melcuisedee" ; 7:30, "Christ, the Mediator of the Mew Covenant" Lenta F. B. Culver. 11, 7:80 St Pauls E. 8th and Failing. Bar. J. Her gert 9:30. 11. 0:30, 7:30. West Portland Multnomah station. Bev.'F. M. Fisher. 12. 7:30. . Free ' Methodist Fint E. 9th and Mill. Bev. W. J. Johnston. 11. 7:30. : Central E. 55th and Flanders, Rev. S. G. Boper. 11, 7:30. Alberta E. 30th and Wygant Bar. S. L. Buma. 11, 7:46. . , Johns E. Richmond and' Hudson. Be. E. D. Blackman. 11, 7:30. ' Lenta Rev. O. N. Blair. 11, 7:80. : First E. 35th and Main. ' Bar. Homer L. Cox.--11. 7:45. ... , Second E. 92d and 61st ave. 11. 7:30. West t edmos i Sorthwica aadr Jersey. Bev. Carey Jessup. 11, 8. '.-!' . Jewish ' Congregation Beth Israel ' (Reformed) 12th and Main. 'Ksbbi Jonah B. Wise. Office 716 Chamber -of Commerce bldg. . Sat bath services Friday at 8 p. m. and Saturday at 10:30 a. m. SchooL Sunday, at 10 a. m. Assembly. 11. . Congregation Ahava! Bholom Park and day sta. Kabbi K. Abraham son. ; Friday. 8-p. m.; Saturday, S.30 . m. . Congregation Novah ' Zedek Talmud Torab -6th aad Hall Bev. Abraham L . Rosencraota. Friday. 8 p. m. . Saturday.- 9 a. m. Sunday. 10 a. so. steiigious .school..: Lattar Day Saints ' : Church of Jesus Christ of Latter" Day Saints E. . 25th and Madison. Herbert ' C Ivemon. mission president 10, 6:30. , Raorganiaed . Church IC 76th and Irving. Elder C t. Jonaa. 11.' 7:45. , - ' Lutheran , :-:-"-:'?', i " St Jame Wi Park- end Jefferson Bev. William K. Brinkman. 11, 7 :45, canUla, "The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross." r bt pan! K. 12th and -Clinton. Itav. A. Krause. 100. , (German). "The Life of a Christiana Life In and For Chriat," and con firmation service; 7:30 (English), "The Mean; ing of the Day ot Confirmation," and confirma tion service. ' Trinity iMis-onn Synod T Kodney and Ivy Rev. J. A. Bimbach. 10:15 ( English ), con firmation service; 7 :30 - (German). Lenten nerv ice. " "' ':- ''- . Church for Deaf Rodney and Ivy RT. J. A. C. Beyer. 2:80. Onr Savtonr E. 10th and Grant Re. M A. Christensen. 11 ( Engluh) "The Mind Thst Wss in Chrut Jesus"; 6:30, Luther league. Miss Gertrude Christensen. lesder. atetbiebem Norwegian 14th an'd Davis Bev. U, J. Thorpe. - la, .....,,. CHRISTIAN "Whole-Family day" will be observed Sunday in the Disciple churchea of Port land as part of the go-to-churctt cam paign now being conducted. An effort is being made to secure the attendance of family groups at the morning service of all churches. In celebration of Palm 8unday at the First Christian- church- a program of music will be rendered by the quartet with a ocial mes sage by the pastor. Her. K. H. Uriffia. At night tha- pastor will begin a series of evening discourses on "Heroes of the Christian Faith." This week ha wilt speak on Martin Lather. (It Friday afternoon the Women's Missionary soci ety will hold cottage prayer meetings iu several parts ot the city, and on Thursday evening the church prayer service will be led by Mrs. A. K. Meaerve, president of the women's society. The Bible school is planning a special decision hour for Kaster morning, together with an offering for China relief. - . Religious services will be conducted each night next week ax the Church of Christ. Rev. Joseph Boyd, pastor, will be assisted in the meetings by Reverends Herbert Jones, it T. Maxey, :rroU Roberts, J. F. fihonnley and 11. 1L tiriffi. These services will he followed by a week of meetings conducted by the pastor. Next week : angelit Otho H. Williams of Seattle will conduct the special meetings each night at the Monta villa Christian church. ' , COKGRKOATIOXAI. Appropriate music, floral decorations and sermons will marie the observance of 'Palm Sunday at the : First Congrega tional Church. In the morning Dr. W. T. MKlveen will discuss "The Royalty of Jesus" and at night will answer the fol lowing questions : First, "Is tle plan to make a moving picture of Jehus Christ irreverent" Second. "Is. the rpy system of our factories un-Americanf " Thin), "Are the- reparation demands on ;ermany justf" Fourth. "Why did Pittsburg employers denounce tha Y. -W. O. A. social creed?" Next week there will be an illustrated lecture every night. I r. Charles A. Poyne of Wisconsin uni versity will lecture the firt four nights, as fol lows; Monday. "America, Uod's Country"; Tues day, "Beautiful Hawaii": Wednesday, "Ancient Home and the Martyrs"; Thursday, "Palestine and tha Man of Galilee." On Friday night a nnion communion service of all Congregational churches in the city will be held. Easter Sunday from II to 10 I. n. the Bible SERVICES IN Bethel EvsngeUaal Norwegian ' (Free) Wy gant and Rodney Bev. A. A. Borrevik. ' 11. 7:48. - Grace; (English) E. 24th aivl Broadway Rev. C. H. Bernard. 11. "The Source of Strength for Consecration": 7:30. "Christ's Last Word on the Way and His First on tha Cross." . . . . - Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris. Rev. L. P. KjoUer. 10.' 11, 7:30. St J ohna Pemnsuin and Kilpatrlck Bev. L. Ludwig. 10:45. 7:80. Swedish Angus tana Stanton and Rodney Bev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:45. Immanue! 1 9th and Irvine; Bev. A. V. An derson. 11. 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Bev. S. CX B. Knutaen. 11. 7:30. Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Bev. H. H. Koppelmana. 9:15, 10:15. 7:45. Immanuel (Missouri Synod) E. 15th and Leo Rev. H. C E be ling. 9 :S0. 10 :S0, Ger man. .(-;- Church of the Redeemer (English) E. 15th north and Wyeant School 10, service 11. Finnish 179 Fargo. Kev. A. Salnunea. 10; Sunday school, 7. St Marks (Wisconsin Svnod) Msllnrv and Skidmore. Bev. P. Hinderer. . 10:30. 2:30. Methodist Episcopal Centenary-Wilbur E. 9th and Pine Bev. Frank L. Wemett 11. 7:30, addresa by Dr. A. A. Parker of Bombay, India. Centrsi Vsncou r r aud fcargo Bev. A. U. Maclean. 11, preaching by Dr. A. A. Parker of Bombay. India. Clinton-Kelly K. 40th and Powell Rev E S.. Mace. 11, "The King and the Kingdom ot Jesus Christ"; 7 :30, preaching by Rev. T. E. Elliott . . Ep worth 26th and Savier Bev. Frank L. Moore. 11, "A Vision of What We Are, Cora pared With What We May Be." First iiin and Taylor. Rev. Joshua Stana field. 10:30. "The Offense of the Cross." 7:45. "Sin. Hell and Judgment" First Norwegian Danmu I nib and Hoyt Bev. C A. Peterson. - 11, 7:45. Germs n Ilodney and Stanton. - - Bev. T. A. Schumann. --- 10:45, 8. Hoyt St 15th. and; Hoyt Rev. E. . Hertaler. 11. 70. - Laurelwood - at. 63d and Foatar. Bev. E. E. Finley. 11, 7:30. Lenta 86th and 8th ave. Bev. F. B. Sibley. 11. 7:43. Lincoln E. 62d and Lincoln. Re. W. N. Byars. 11. Christ's Triumph"; 7:30, "Chriat't rassion. " .- 1 ' , . ." Monta villa- E. 80th and Pine. Bev. F. A. Ginn. 11, 7:30. Mt Tabor E. 61st and-Stark. Bev. D. L. Fields. ,11. 8. Patton Alberta and Michigan. Bev. Georgt H. Bennett - II, 7:30. Rose City Psrk K. 5Sth and Alameda. Rev. C. W. Huett 11. "An Uncrowned King"; 7:30, stereopticon lecture on Hawaii. : Seliwood K. 16th anl laeoma. Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11, "The Triumphant March of Jesus"; ' 7:30, "A Sorrowing Savior." Sunnyside E. Sam sua siubia. Rev. T. H. Gallagher. 11, "A Day of Triumph"; 7:45, "The People or the Corporations." St Johns V. Lea via and Syracuse. Rtr. W. . Kkuter. 11. 7:30. . Swedish Beech and . Borthwiek. Be. 8 Moody. 11, 7:30.- Cniversity Park Fiske and Lombard. Bev. H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7:30. Vancouver Ave. Norweglan-Banisn Skidmore and Vancouver. . Bev. Gustavo Storaker. 11, 7:30. . . . Westmoreland: Milwaukie and Midway. Rev. E. S. Mace. 10. 11, 7:30, preaching by Dr. W. VV. Youngson. ' Woodstock 44th and Woodstock 8. E. Rev. L. C. Poor. 11. "Why Join the Church?'; 7:30,. 'Rejecting Jesus." - J- - - Wood law u iu. 10 th, near Durham ave. Rev. J. H. Irvine. 11, communion; 7:30, "The Crucifixion Modernized." African Zion 117 Williami ave. Bev. L A. Moore. 11. 7:80. District superintendent. Bev. William Wallace Youngson, 91 E. 6 2d st N. Tabor 2790. M. K. South First Union and Multnomah. Bev. J. B. Harris., 11. 7:30. Raiarene First E. 1 0th and Weidler. Rev. A. M. Bowes. 11, "The Laat Supper"; 7:30, evangel istic service. - Seliwood E. 9th and Spokane. Bev. Henry Bell. 11. 7:30. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th at Bev. a U. Fowler. 11, 7:80. - - Highland Psrk E. 14th aad Jarrett Bar. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 7:30. Scandinavian 948 Garueld. Bev. J. B. Mittby. 11. 7:30. .Presbyterian First 12th and Alder. Dr. Hsrold deonard Bowman. 10:30, "The Victorious Motif of Palm and Pomp"; 7 :30, sacred concert, "Olivet to Calvary." Westminster East 17th and Schuyler. Bev. Edward H. Pence. 10:30, "The Fruit of the Spirit"; 7:30. "The Man of Whom Jesus Was Sure." : - Central E. 18th and Pine. Rev. Walter Henry Nugent "11, "The Triumphal Entry"; 7:4ft. "The-Tragedy of a Useless Life." ' Calvary 1 1 tu and . Clay. - Re. L. Bo wring Quick. 11, "It Is Finished"; 7:30. "Temples of the Holy Spirit" Mt 'issor K. A5th and Belmont Bev. Ward MacHenry. 11, "Scenes of Triumph"; 7:30. Vernon ltfth and- Wygant Kev, 4. C Mergler. 11. 7:30. Piedmont-Cleveland and Jarrett Rev J. Francis Morgsn. - 11, "The First . Palm Sun day" ; 7 :30, "The Real King." Fourth First and Giiww Rev. Monroe Everett. 11. "The Transfiguration of Jesus"; 7:80. "The Heart Cry of a Savior. Kenilworth osth and utdtone. ' Rev. L. K. Grimes, 11, "God's Battalion"; 7:30, musical program. - ' Hops 7th and Everett Bev. H. K. Giles. 11, 7:45. - , . - ose City Bev. Donald. W. M.. McCIuer. ll.7:45. . , : Forpes Granam and Gantenbein. Bev. Ward Willis Long. 11. "Observations of Jesus on Palm Sunday"; 7:30. "A Parable From Passion Week." ",.."--'-- - Trinity Virginia and - Nebraska. Rev.. John D. McLennan. 11. 7 i0. . - AnabeV--Bev.' F. II- MixselL 11. T:80. Millard Avenue 55th ave. and 73d st Rev. Henry White. 11. "The-Joys of Jtemembranee" ; 7 :SO, "Priendahips and Fellowsblpe Desirable end Undesirable." " Marsha U Street 17th aad Marshall. Ba. A. J. HanBa. 11. . Mizpah E. 181h and Division Rev. D A. Thompson. . 41, "The Triumphal Entry"; 7:30, "Stones Rolled Away." Unity K. 71st and Sandy. Bev. S- W. Sea man. 11, 7:80. Arbor Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Bev. Alex, ander K. Krana. 11, 7:30. Holt Chinese 183 First ; Bar. Gee Sing Hoy. 7 p. m., achool; 8, preaching. Reformed Evangel less Firs 12th and Clay. - Kev. G. Hefner. 10-43. :3 - Second E. 83d and Columbia' bird. Re. H. Heusser. 11. Third Lenta. Bev. A. F. Lienksemper. 11. people's Societies school of Bunnysida Congregational church will render a special cantata. "The Kaster King." This Sunday Dr. J. J. staub srlll preach Palm Sunday aettnous. Wednesday evening the Inter denominational Bible class will study Uu seventh chapter of iJaniel and Thursday night the fun damentals class will meet, instead of Tuesday. Oa Tuesday afternoon and evening the Moody Bible institute will bo held in the church. "Tim 1'altns" will be sung Sunday morning at Atkinson Memorial Congregational church. At night the tbree-reel picture. "The- Holy City," wi.l be shown ami the- male quartet will smg "The Holy .City." " Robert of Sicily" will b read for the Kaster message it carriesw - Palm Sunday service will be conducted at Highland Congregational church. In the morn ing Kev, Kdward Constant will preach on '.'De mocracy Orweting Its leader," and at night he w.U give the hut address in the aeries on three gntat books, treating' Jowett's "School of Cal vary."' ; i Special aerricet will be held at the First Ger man Congregational church on Sundky. . At 10 o'clock a class of IS young people will be con firmed and at night Kev. George Zacher will presch-a sermon on the entrance of Christ Into Jerusalem. Special services will be held every night next week at 1 :S0. Those who will be confirmed - are: Florence Zccber, F.ora Yost, lena Kanzler, Rosie Schwarta. Marie Hohnstein, Peter Weigandt. Kdward Weigaadt, Herman P. Sinner, Carl It neck, George K. Schlitt, George Ycager, Henry H. Hiuwh. John Schaefer, WU llita Swint, Raymond Miller and Joseph Kana- ler: ,' . ... . : .. . J. O. Leake will sing "The Palms" on Sunday rooming at Lanrelwood Congregational rhurctu At night a strretopticon lecture will be given on "Tuikey and the Great War." J( . rfpISt'OPAL Palm Sunday at St. Davids Kpiscopal church will begin with the holy com munion and the blessing of the palms at 7 :30. At 9 :30 the school will begin with the Palm Surtday procession and then rehearse its Kaster service and music. At 11 o'clock the litany will be sung in procession about the church, followed by Merbecke'it eucharist. Chaplain Howard will preach the sermon. At night the bishop. of the diocese will visit the par ish to administer the sacrament of con firmation and to examine, the condition of the parish! Preparatory service for (Concluded on Page Five, Column Three) PORTLAND Reformed Presbyterian First Minnesota end Ainsworth. Bev. F. D. Frazer. 11, 7:30. Sevsnth Day AdventieU . Note Regular services ot this denomination are held oa Saturday. - - Central . llth and Everett L. K, Dick eon, pastor, 10. 11:15. Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery. E. J. Hibbard. minister. 10, 11. Montavula E. 80th and Everett J. A. Gsr hart. 10. It. Lents 94th st and J8th ave. ' W. D. Hunt ington. 10, it St Johns Central ave. and Charleston. A. R Folkenberg. 10, 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory. Elder John Isaac 10. 11. Salvation Army Corps Sa 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Henry B Coaens. 11. 8:15. 8. Corps No. 4 1284 lt F"ign Jessie MUlsr and CapUin Mrs. L. Upton. 11, 1:30, 3, 6, 8. Spiritualist Ftrrt Spiritualist E. 7th and Hassam. 8. 8. First Spiritual Science 85 H 5th st Bey. Max Hoffman. 8, 8. Scientific Cnrintsn ' BnlrUuallst AUsky balL Bev. H. M. 8ingleton. 8, 6, 8. Spiritualist Churcte of Eternal Light 1840 1vision. Re. May A. Price. 8. Imlenendent Bible Spiritualistic 441 E.12tlu Rev. Ida M. Sehori. 8. "How to Get Inspira- Svradenborglae) : New Christian Assembly room Pnrtlsnd hotel. Bev. William li. Reece. 11. "True Prayer:. In ner communion With the Inner. Lord. Unitarian . . . " 1 unn-cn or unr r'tner -urosriws s lamnm. I Rev. William G. Eliot Jr. 10:80. "The Right ILUe -; :ao "George Herbert and Ilia Day." United Brethren Confer nee superintendent Rsv. G. E. Mc Donald Fint E. ISfh and Morrisnn. Rev. Bvron J. Clark. 11, "The Triumphal x Entry"; 7 :30. uoa ana ma uwn. Srcoud J? at and Sumn-r. i Re. Ira Hawley. 11. ''We Will Open the Seventh Seal" ; 1 :ow, uniy oiory in vnnsu 'third t'lUi st and AZi ave. 8. E. Re. E. O. Shepherd. 11, "God Accepts All Through Faith"; 7:30, "Day of Pathetic Triumph." roiirtli-t '1 remonr - Per. I .ili I ik-h ). H, "Loyalty to Chriat"; 7:30. rSancUfication.' . United Evanoalteai First E. 10th and Poplar. Bev. J. A. Goods. 11. 7:80.. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev 11. H. Farnham. 11. 7:30. St Johns Kev. C P. Gates. 11, 7:80. , UnKad Presbytarian Fint E. 87th and Hawthorne. Be. H. F. Given. 11. 7:80. i Church of .the Strangers Grand and Wasoo. Bev. S. Earl Du Bo is. 10:30, 7:80. ; Kenton 120 VV. Lombard. Rev. Carl Scott Dunn. .11. 7:80. . i Multnomah Multnomah ststtion. Bev. David Steele Sharpe. 10, 11. 6:45, 7:30. Missions ' ChrUtlan snd Mi"ioTry Alliance E. fttb and Clay. Rev. John E. Fee. Preaching by Bev. F. H. - Rossiter of Olympia, Wash., at 11 and 7 :SO, and mission talk by Miss S. Botham of Africa at 2:80. Peniel Missioo 109 Second. : 3. : daily. 8. - Portland CommonsFront and Bumside. Be. Myra B. Smith, supt 8. S. Pentecostal First and Washington. Bar. Will C. Trotter. 11. 8, 7:80; daily 7:30. Pentecostal E. 7 th and Couch. Bev. O. C. Mirers. 2:30. 7:80. Apostolic kaitn Front end Bumside. Bev. Florence .Crawford and B. B. Crawford. Sunday, 10:80, 2:30, 7:30. Daily, 7 :46. Saturday, 7 :4 5. all nations' meeting. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal) 246 V First 2, 3. 7 :0. Pentecostal 147 H First George B. Far row. 8, 8. Christian Assembly E. 20tb and Ankeoy. Pastor A. W. Smith. 11. 2:45. 7:45. iVolunteeis of America 234 Burmide. Eve nings except Mondsy, 8; Sundsy, 3. 6. Gospel Mission 9 Vs Union ave. S. 8:18, 7:45. Gospel Hall E. 28th and SUrk. 10 SO, 7:30. . Bible Standard Mission 2nd and Morriaoo, Bev. .Fred Hornshuh. 10:80. 2:30. 8. - f ' -.. Miscellaneous : Y. M. C. A. Sixth and Taylor. 3. Church of God 863 Failing. Rev. Harry Neal. 11. "As a Man Thinketh"; 7:43, "Dis couragement." - Realisation League 14" 19th. Re. H Ed ward Mills. 11, "Prosperity, and How -to Pros per." ' Divine Science 16 K Clay. Be. T. M. Minard. . 11, "CbrUtianity." . Church ot Divine irpui 413 Central bldg. Nettie Tsylor Kloh. 11, 8. Tbeoscptucal Society 801 Central bldg. 8. Universal Measianie 318 Abington bldg. international Bible Students ' association W. O. W. temple, a L 7 :80. First Church of Psychic Science llth end Alder. W. W. Aber. Ian. : The Psychical Research Center Port Is nd ho tel. 7:45, lecture by Mrs. C. Cornelius. ChrisUdelphiao 621 E. Washington. 11. SUNNYSIDE METHODIST CHURCH SS BAST YAMHILL r 11:00 A. L "A PAY OF TKmMPHn .' r. SUNDAY, CVENINa.'tfRVICK ' . 7:48 WHICH SHALL ItULIT - "THE PCOPLK ae tha COrtSSATtONI?'' . (DK. Q ALL ASHEN, Sneaker) It's Tima U Ipeek! K'i Time te Protest.' How Shall We Pray? It Prayer Ever Answered? AT New Christian Church Assembly Roam, Peruana Hotel, 11 e'Cleca WILLIAM R. REECE, Minister ' Religious JOSooks to J3e irged in rive QlkrougKout Jation . ReliaTlous Book week, which la being observed this week throughout tho na tion, alma to bring: tho matter of ecri oua books before, tho people. By plan ning the week two weeks before Kaster, it was. hoped by religious leaders that the thought of church-going people would be turned to , the more worth while things- in print, ' during the medi tation period of Lnt. , - The movement is one of many efforts being made to attract, the public's atten tion to the fact that the world of lit erature abounds in something beside current fiction. The ldra of the week Is not to direct public attention to the strictly religious book only, but also to tho well written, virile book setting forth the underlying principle! of rltflit living something which will construct worthy ideals and make a better tomor row for th children of today. Miss Anna M. Mulheron, librarian, lias written to all the ministers of the city, urging them to bring this matter to the attention of their congregations. The library has arranged a special exhibit of religious books for this week al the Central library and all branches. . . -.. , . Seattle Evangelist v Will Give Sermons The Rev. Otho" H. Williams, Seattle evangelist, wilt preach each night next week at the second week's series of spe cial meetings In the Montavilla Christian church, being directed by the Rev. Car roll C. Roberts, minister. During the past week city pastors preachexL Sylvia A. Gilfilen of Bellingham will render special music Three choruses, directed by the pastor, will also sing. They ar the Montavilla Whitney Boys chorus. Girls' Sunshine chorus and adult chorus. Following are the subjects of the evangelist:- Sunday, " morning, "The Prayer That Works" ; Sunday night. "The Four Higgest Fools In Montavilla"; Monday, "On the Fence and How to Get Off." and special concert by Whitney chorus ; Tuesday. "Did v Jesus Make a Mistake When He Established His Church?" ; Wednesday, C hriatian. Baptism" ; Thursday. "Platform Christianity"; Friday, "A . Spiritual Man" ;' Saturday, "Family Peculiarities." CENTENARY -WILBUR METHODIST - CAST NINTH AND PlSjt "THE FBIEN'DLT CWCBCH" Frank Llswellyn Wemott, Ph. D. PASTOR Pr-Easter. services will be con ducted each evening, beginning, to morrow night. The Pastor will be assisted by MR. FfiED CA5ADAY, gospel soloist. bortor A. A. Parker, a strong Christian leader, will occupy the pul pit tomorrow night, speaking on life service. ThU Church Invites You CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'ELETElfTH AKD CLAT 8T8. REV. L. BOWflING QUICK JIIIKISTEB C lltM A. V. "It Is Finished" ' Preceded by the' Five-Minute Junior Sermon "The Wordless Bible" 7tto p. nr. "Temples of the Holy ' Spine Beginning the Second Series of Re vival Addresses next week each eve ning (except Saturday) at 7 :45. Devotional Service Preparatory to Easter First Presbyter iaini ChuarGh Twelfth and Alder Streets HAROLD LEONARD BOWMAN, Pastor Follow the Master through the event of this acred week ' Palm Sunday, March 20 10:30 .A. M. "The Victorious Motif of Palms and Pomp" 7:30 P. M. Maunder' CanUta, "Olivet to Calvary" Specail Musical Service by Chorus of Mixed Voices Monday- The Triumph of a Stainless Character". : Tuesday "The Triumph'of a Godly Mind" Wednesday "The Victory of Patience!' Thursday "The Victory of Love" FnWayi---"The Success of Sacrifice" . Weeknight Services at 7:45 of Clock CHURCHES PLAN , MEETINGS FOR j PRE EASTER WEEK Two series of noon day pre-Easter' meetings will bo held during the com ing week. Tho Brotherhood. of St. Andrew of the Episcopal church will hold meetings Monday to Friday from 13:05 to 12:25 p. m. in the Ileilig theatre, and, tho Portland. .Federation of Churches will hold services Tuesday to Friday from 12:15 to 12:56 p. m. In the Pantages theatre. Bishop Walter T. Sumner will be tho speaker each day at the Episcopal meet ings, while prominent clergymen will peak at the federation series. The federation meftlnirs hiva kMn: nlinnnl by the department of evangelism, of tha federation and are " designed to be an . aid in the evangelistic campaigns now being conducted in the churches of the city In preparation for Easter. Bishop Sumner has announced the following subjects : - Monday. What Re ligion Offers "to Those in Professions" ; Tuesday, "What Religion Offers to Those In Business"; Wednesday, "What Religion Offers to Those In Industry" : Thursday, "What Religion Offers to the Family": Friday, "What Religion Offers to All Men." At the federation meetings Dr. W, T. McEIveen of the First Congregational church will be the speaker Tuesday noon : Dr. Harold Lonard Bowman of the First Presbyterian church,' Wednes day noon ; Dr. 8. J. Reld, Baptist state Evangelist. Thursday noon, and Bishop William O. Shepard of the Methodist church, ,Frlday noon. li Salvation Army Meeting . The Salvation Army meeting Sunday night In Corps No. 4 hall, 128Va First street, will be conducted by Major So phia Harris, matron of the White Shield home. SAMPLE A QUESTION SERVICE AT THE FIRST CONGICGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND MADISON STt. roadway and 4 Oars to Block ef Church. , Look for the r3ectrio Sign SllNDAY EVENINO, MARCH 10. , Dr. McElveon Answers' These Questional " 1. IS THE PLAN TO-MAKE A MOVIE PI0TURE OF JESUS CHRIST IRREV ERENT? C. IS THE SPY SYSTEM IN A MCTOAY UN AMERICAN? S. ARE THE REPARATION DEMANDS ON OERMANV JUST? 4. WHY DID THE- PITTtiURO EM. , PLOVERS' ASSOCIATION DENOUNCE THE V. W. C. A. SOCIAL CREED? 11:00 A. M. Appropriate Talm Sunday Masks and Decorations. DR. McELVEEN PREACHES ON "The Royalty of Jesus" DR. 0HAS. A. PAYNE of Wisconsin Tnl vrsit si" suprrblr Hliitrstd Iscturos: Montlsv, March SI, "AMERICA, OOD'S CatUNTRV." Tttrsdsr. Msrth 22. "THETRANEFORMAr. TiON OP HAWAII." WedrwMlsv. Usrrh 2S. "ROME AND THE CHRISTIAN MARTYRS." Thurds, slsrrh 24. "PALESTINE AND THE MAN OP GALILEE." Frkisy. Mirrh 29, "UNION COMMUNION SERVICE." All thne lectnrse bfin at R p. aa., and are held in the rhurrb auditorium. ADMISSION FREE - Y. M. C. A. SCNDAT AFTER7TOOIC MEETIKO JfOH MEJi , tit P. M SUBJECT "THE GREATEST QUESTIGH J" SFEAKEB. Monroe G. Everett Every man In Portland Is vitally In terested lrt the greatest question. ' AH M Cordlallr Iarlted G