THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 13, 121. AUTOMOBILES -WANTED 8S0 Cash, for Cars I want mu lata Battel ' ear, but avt be chop or spot rub. Jke's TJaad Car Exchange, ' N. 11th. Broadway $214. Oprxautc- Wuv hard brewery. WILL EXCHANGE beautiful new high grd overstuffed" davenport ohair and rocker for Pont taurine cu. These good are not sec ondhand. We .make these. Mjehsolsoa Brum 6433 Foster rwL Uosu Tabor 47W7, factory 8v-15. Oi.lMiHobil.fc; , Oakland or F 1 Chevrolet, ha 18.' O model, by private party for all Mb. -Will pay $100 snore than any dealer, aivt bar original paint end p expert In spection. Phone, oaU or writ 1802 K. Madi n. Tabor 804 3. . ' . Cash for, Cars . : , - I wilt pay cash for sou Unfit lata model that r rood condition. Com with roar ear if 70a want tommy 1 8th and Alder. . MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO WAN'ltl hmowt hand Ford (ut cult; Biat he a bargain. B-350. Journal. - WiNltU G-wd Ford, bium. be a bar.ain. Call wr wm John Hlkyer. 193 W. 17th it BRING yuuf eat to 62$ Aider, gat spot cash for it FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 00 t'-K'i TEH xKKTlSTKY FOR LESS 22 RABAT clown $6 to $7; 22-karat bridge work ID t II tooth; all work guaranteed. lr. Harry Hemler, 204 Alisky bldg. Main 6S76 LET YOUR brain guide your pocxetboolr,. 2000 odd aaab and doom to elect from. D. B. Scully Co., 171 Front ilwt, between Morrion and Tamh'll. Phone Mln 4213. MOT TANKS SO-gat, $7, 40-aal. $; tested and guaranteed I atov aad furnace coils; beaters installed; expert plumbing repairing, art Sloe Welding Shop. 203 Adam at. Cast 8616. WANTED- To contract wiUi owner ut large truck, to banl wrecked building - from Van couver to St. Helen. Addmra N-820, Journal. or ell t and Alberta, I OB9 flth it. evenings. oEi.L or trade, lot t( liouae wiring, kuob-. Uep sockets. Ia box, fixture, etc. Ad dra N-921, Journal or call 8 lb and Alberta, .No, 1004 otn, evenings. LADIES, let toe u n your iigntly tued or misfit garment, handsome gown, party dresses, fur, shoe, coats, at raduead Bttcee, u Ausay mag., M ana Morvtou. ataia FOR SALE Hhubarb piaul, atrawberry, raspD. berry and blackberry plants, perennial flowers and flowering shrub, cheap overstocked. Cell Tsbor 1580. FOIL HALE 3 tire duor wliU hangera and Waeke complete, about 8 feet hlgb aad 4 H feet wide. Airier Street Metal work. I'hone Bioadway239. , NOTiCi. ' . Strictly fre-h mfertU ret for packing la water gUna. Kat 404. . - t.SUUAkuV, 4 15 ilieduer biiiu, up lalri. 10th and Waahington; ramrasga aa!e rl ldtei' Flothltig. Marrh 14. Froei'wiT 220. Notice Pjowng lots mil excaratint done. Aut. 820-03 Lt. T u waab your rug wKJ tn U uli too Beach . elect rlo carpet waMt without xemoe rn from the floor. Weodiwn 12S0. 1'l.VK n.tix reeifcter, cheek protector and adding machine, cheap for cash. Fletcher at JameA dtk . t. . i . . "in iu rirw wim. v ; i - 1 sttia waAnea on your Iioor wun tlamutoa Beach (lectrie carpet washer J alas vacuum eleaning done. Eat 4045. lull correct time, call Alain .15711. For acien tiflc watch repairing, see Miller, next door te M)estic theire. Fertilizer. Delivered Cow gnd home mannre. Auto. 820-03. edoo I AklCS . a 83-ltK karat gentleman s diamond ring, worth $M00 Call 533 Pittock KouA or nhotw tabor fi239. - FOR SALB ior gyoinaaium. 2 punching bag platforms; also other eqnipmenl; sacrifice. Call BBS B. 2d st, bet. Lincoln and Urant. CAN ART bird with breeding raget boy's wagon', -oil stove and fancy bouse plants. 1110 East Arnold st. Wll.l. fxuhana new I'liononipU ur tirst das kodak.- Hjatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder st. galvanized chimney top, wind vane, cheap r thoroughbred White Leghorn hens. Tabor 2095. PL1M Ima Cobbler, none better for baking and eooking; end al pavement. Base Lin road. t per sack. Route A. box 84A. STA.1AK1 fimteii cooker. Priood tor qukk - sain. $7.50; perfect condition. Phone Aut. 81-Nf. a'W'O things I do, antj do well jewelry repair ing, watch repairuig. : Miller, next door to MifJq theatre. Xp YOU apprwiat accuiuttf time, have your Watch repaired by Miller, next door to Majestic . theatre. Ht.UtS, an uuxed, blooming size, $1; 12 different labeled, 75e. 'X. A. XHwwa, ii2 N. K. 23d st, CllK'l.hi Exchange, 415 fliedner bldg., upstairs, 10th and Wanh. Monday sale, March 14. suim, dreases. coat. $1 to $10. Bdwy. 220. plowing . i'KM T1L1ZEK delivered ia any part of the city. . BAHKEL spray puinpi, while they last $15 , jut a few left. 045 Wlilianw are. ACUCil U-kA.Mlli cold, rented, repaired t ehned. honaht Ry Beptler. Mam 4007. I.OT.S AND GARDKNH. PHONK A I fro n- . BLTIBA.VK pntatoe $1 per sack. 2o3 Bla- AlANURK, -good for garden. Wood yard Stables, cor. M. Bth ami Hxwthome. Et 3227. 4aIU)U ilALll-, tuiu ieit. on Uaui (. vraHk " Modern Tailor, eg N. th t. BKAC't It'l l, eieotion iiiu. dre, sport coavt, wlst, hatn. spring style. Mar. 8215. 1XK SAL Kr' j'rinee Albert. lrS medium i-f, ehmp. 8ilWcftxi 222a. VV I I. I'l.KTK multizrDh. wii.K m,.t,.r t ..v.- overlianled-. Cash or terms. 1-782, Journal. VArM'tr' r-i,.'.,.,. ... I , '. v-p RHwv -rMuertrf,.' V.'h,1 rf?adaj'' ""'w , " run nr-Ji i wretne vacuum ctraort, 24-huur dsy 83c. delivered. Woodlawn 1259. .VacIjI'M cieaiiers for rent, noa a oiji dettvr.d eywhere. Woodlawn 8485. - lillEsa SUITS tot rent; we also buy draas suitt. nareil s siitii -lotlilng. 51 Sd t Volt HAU; lt growth cordwood $9.50 pr-t cd., 2 eda. $18, dpllvered. Woodlawn 6312. FOR SALE-r-Wood mw i and in use every day. Owner, P. A. Smith. 284 Argyle U 551 DA HON cheM cutler aud gla caaot flTprttof. Sell reasonable. Mar. 2 656. liARY reed aulAey and new 1mx lor Ford road ster, cheap. Wfwxllawn 1087. liOlt WAl.h .Mioiii iiouo it. isiiu aim xti. H T.Nnr 847. THRKK ark fireie cooker, slightly used! 07T Kerby st. Woodlawn 2752. MII.I.INEKY for sale and Iiate maje to ordef very cheep Bdwy. - 1AQ5. R29 Everett st. AttA'i'H-i 'U ilNii whrela' tor ale cuvap. ' Room AluliSii niaeiuiw, Wahl nine-bank, pertect con ditiow. cheap. Roem j 1. Selling-Hirsoh bldg. - V. S. Cremm aevarator, new, never uaei. No. 15. cheap. Phiwie Sell. 141 or 628 E. 21st St. i'OU SAJ.K cheap, Bfii iil.ter a 'ranee, with - oven. Psoy swing, bassinet. Et 8110. I ;ONE' genuine white fox f ur. wurtU '$ 1 00, " will , sarniice eow. rasx iou.. i WA I'CH repairing u a gjotl advertisement iniwirj Miner, next floor to MalestJo theatre. LIKE SKW' Set meclianiual ci rawing instru- ' tn-rtJ. - Phr..ii Woo!lwn 5716. A $00 EAR rlwn for leas than half price. 183 W. park st. iOK HXLiki A iiulli chickuu coop and wire fencing. Sl( Omaha t. Wondlawn 1980. CKMK.N T LACNimy THAI'S, guaxaateed. fuc ' tory fwiee. 814 B, W3-hirigUm st. FOR SALK-r-f U0 kocheu uaoinei, poreeiain tnp.henrsin, ' $i8. 4836 78d at. S. K HE.VVf turned oak rocker. Morrut chair, buf fet, library table.- rteaumwhle. . Tahor 4830. FOU SALE MiiniKHil blacabfrrv ti 92 per 100; rear old plant 10c. 18l 4 Division. FoU MALE Muroattk potaioe 1. twr kack. 1814 DiTkihwi. i WOMAN 'H black coat suit, six 30; tUo atraW hat. Sacrtfidv. , East 324. iOR SAIJC New all wool one-pieor drewi, black who wnite pin etrrpe, 12..TiO. 575 Madison. iOO NATIONAL CASH REGISTER lo3 NEWMAN. 12H Firt. near Alder. FINK tone violin; also Katman developing inw. prsas cm. cneep. VVCliB. 1,4(1, V ELllN G i'ON MarteT Mmwbcrry pianU. 3c r iiw., rriiwocQ 121 FOR SAIJi Wood .saw compietav Phone AutT .126-48. S53 21st N. 1'RESEKVfcS, JZij aad grape juice. 1885 E. Yamhill .t. , i , ....... OAK rocking chair, SimWl leuir mm; perfect Hf Df fr-sV Warranted unadulterated. . Price a Vi " Jl k Armn nusrt 7Qc. East 1416. ill' BEAUTIFUL diamoud ring for $120 cash. it umFn t yniTf. r-nrne r.ast ozoj. EXPERT fiiet yokes and luncheon aeta. Price reasonable. Mar. 2315. LOGANBERRY and Cuthbert raspberry plan: at reersoTHible prices. Tabor lit 14. iO-t,AU.O.' aluraa- tank lor aaie. Y-543, Journ!. . r - "irJ.OVV Newtown appia. eatiug and cooking. 386 Monro-. t -Kwt llil. FotSALE Fancy early eed potatre. Mar. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Wrecking Vancouver Barracks Buildings Buildings for Sale . 3S0 Titreou china closet and tanks, . : gale, range boiler. 68 and 100 gi.; steel ttaraga Uaka, 120, 200, S70. A64 gL; iitecl preaaura UBka. tested : 110 lbs.; Kewanee hot water beating ' boiler; Xo. It7 ; Ideal hot water heating boiler. Ma. 0-0S-80 ; American liadi ator Oo. hot water heating botlera; two F. B. boiler. 48x14 and 64x10: on 830-8 ataam American heating boiler; 10,009 feet (team and hot water radi ation pipe, ralTM and (lUingx; V. U. Lip umiats and uaka. T0B.&ESVAL, aXACQCADE aV CO.. Hth and Keaerre at. Vaasourer, Wash. Phone 527. I. O. Boa 34. ' - Books: For Sale ;- Krtryelo. BriUntca,1 bandy ed., 20 vol. I 03 Kncrcle. Britannica, Cambridge, 31 oi 200 . New International encyclopedia, 21 ToL fi Americas encyclopedia. 10 oL ...... OS liarvani dawics, tU f Jls . 00 Alex. Hamiiien Bustnea Course. 24 rola ........i...... 80 Book of Knowledge, do., 20 rote... ,40 Boys' and UirU" Library. 22 rois. .... 25 . KidpaUi Unirenal literature, 23 rola. 30 . Muhlbacb. eoniptete. lea., 20 tote 23 j History of India, - toiti .......... 20 The Children' Hour. H ealf, 10 toU. 20 O. Henry, complete, 12 rola. ........ 19 Kirkmsa Hcieoew of Railways, 6 to Is. 10 Beconda, in first rlaaa condition. - Mead f.'s Your Book Want , ' Phono Main 0137. A. W. Schmale Bookstore 290 liurrtscn at. Portland. Oregon. OHWON OROWN ACCLlitATtU SEEWJ gi the best reaults. Wa specialiso hi them. Why wait ia crowded store when our up-to-data aeed room is only a abort drive out on good road. Heed in an standaXd measures are put tip in adrauce, enabling B to give rapid serr ice. Consult our practical, experienced expert about your pUns, it's a part of our sen ice. beeds guaranteed true to name ' Auto take Irlifaa st. to Craig ; road, tlien north to Barr road. Call Tabor 1 283 for cataiogusv Gill A5row. se Co. KKMOVAL BAIJH Oli'lCE KUKNlTLiKsl We more to our Bew location, 4-20 N. 6th, about march 20,- and to save expense of mo Ting offer eur entire line of new and used desks, chain, files, tables, typewriters, etc., at great re ductions. We hare a Burrouglis adding ma chine, flat model, S key, bank, good as new. for $110, iJaiton 10'bauk diy-tnc S179. WAX Oll lCE EUUIPMENT HOUSE 81 No. 5th . Broadway 2 2789. Sewing Machine Emporium "fcrv and 2d hand maebiaea eold for less; no ageata employed. Com plete line of parts for aE make. aiachines repaired and rented. 190 Third NELAB , TJrXOR 8 . UKMCIMS KKW UOMI . a&TWlNU MACU1KBS Sold for Less. Ma Axents Bmoloved. 8 E WIN (J UAClilNK EMPOHTTJJe. Mala $481. 1BO Sd St.. nr. Taylor. STOVES-STOVES At wholesale prices. See us and save money en gas water heaters, gas range, wood ranges, eta. Alio special price on furnace, stove and plumbing repairing; oxy-acetelyne welding. East Side Store Exchange. East 6S6O. 7 rand in N. stA V hi lOtl AlMkl Rouse wiring. Hghtlni tlx tnve. electrieai repairing, anp- plies. - Third Street Casetne f lore. 234 H Third street, aeat ' Haimon. Mam 6055. Sl.NtlEK ULECTKIO 5ETUt MACUiNKd We take your machtne m exchange, balance j eaah er ear? payments. Phone for demooatra I tion. llachines rested. ' lux pert repairing, any imnntDn. iririarD aivi 883 klovrison at MarahaU T21. 1'UK "SALi. One Baynton hot air lurnace, X bath room outfit, complete gas water heaters, ginks, toilets, cerartiit wash trays, all kinds of lumber, brick, door and windows. The above in A-l condition. On job at 401 Halladay are.. o- phone Est 712::. " KTening ll Kut 6641 Oil 11 drop bead Domestic laactoinea, 30; J drop head New Home, like new,; X drop head Whit Rotary, $30; 8 drop head Stencil. $15; 1 White Rotary cabinet. $56. Sewing machines, rented, and repaired. hw at. gteen. 1A3 rnd are. Kit 2Bo. 4KXTUA quality seed potatoes trom disinfected stock; equal to certified seed; -Bnrbank's im rrored Burbanks and Gold Coma, $1.50 per 100. Provide yortr own sacks and your own delivery. Kart 7211. 1 HAVE a ,$115 new Clark Jewell gas range. moved and hare no cos here, no use for -it. Will trade for babj chicks or young hen. Mt. Scott car. 10305 45th gve. S. E. Route 3. Box B57, Portland. A GOOD maKogany, medium sized upright, only $150, which is leas than half its real value; also a veTy nice Katey, Slo5. See these in re sale department, second floor EJlers Mtuic bldg., 287 Washington st. HOLLT HOLLX One thousand from 2 to 7 feet, $4 and leas; raspberry and blackcap plants, $8; strawberries. Magtwn. (lold Oregon,. $3. East 42d and Ooing ni. Wdln. 1578. A LADY'S blue suit, man's blue serge and misses' serge drees, size 20 years; a blue satin tnosaaiine portiere, gas bedroom heater and pair of Red Cress shoes, 5 Vs B. - Call Monday, East f 501. A GOOD mahogany, medium siaed upright, only $15(1, whft-h is less than half its real value; also a very nice Estey, $163. See these in re- sale deparUnent. second floor Eilers Music bid.. 287 Washington st. HOOSIEK style kitchen cabinet, , meU bread drawer and top. suear jar, white enamel in terior; $22.50. 1134 E- 12th at. N. Auto- vnettc 32W-75. loll BAIJU Dining mora table, solid oak, and 6 chairs, 2 kitchen chain and breakfast table, sanitary couch, bedstead, 2 rocking chairs. Mar-hell 1842. rOTAlOBa for sale, $1 a sacc; first class; good sixs but dirty because of being dug in wet weather. U A Read. Gladstone, Or., River road Phone F-21, Oregon Uity. 75 PICTl'RES. "60 ceiiU to $10. 25 to 50 per cent value. Today, Monday, 270 East 85th street Two blocks east 8 2d and Mar ket. Tabor 4S0. UCKNu&U inoependeot asertncian, ir.s A room for $12. 0 rooms $20. All arm ma terial axed and guaranteed to pas lat .etlca. Wurxilawn 8781, r . :: Strawberry Plants Tnsoected Etterfcurg. noted for flavor." Phone Tabor 1287. 1168 Division St. AtTUMOlilLtS, JJU1U11CICLK3, LAUN CUklit or boatj ar separate elaasifioaUoha. A large ! IVtmg wiU he found ander these diiierwnc elaasl ' fieations. LA W'NMOWER sharpening by in automatio sharpener; lawnmowers for sale. We call for and deliver. Phone Kat 5.424. . . . . , Fl KNlTURK, Monarch liole range, dicaten, ! chiffonier. White sewing: machine; small gas range, dining table. Wdln. 1183. GARBAGE burner, cont'd tor hot water, good a new; som- stove pipe to go with it. Call ttoodlawn gnti.t ; - vn.L. exciw-iint. . new piuihugrapu -tor type writer. Hyatt' Talking : Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. :.; .'--, i OK SALE I 'lione simwberry plar.H, 0 vari eties; also choice onion seed. : Fbobe Tabor 2087: . 1 1'Oit SALE--1 gj AadianV Fire, almost new; . ' oak tea wagon ; 1 wood heater, all cheap. 628 K. Morrison.. Fast 4149. ' kt.t.u guilder and clover cutter. 7-ioot criM cut saw, one 2-bole gas plate; cheap. : WoouV twn 4237. ! . THEATRICAL u-utik. .Taylor make, just Eke new; will sell cheap. 488 14 Washington at. Room 11 THREE iiule gaa range, iolding rubber bathtub, good a new, for sale. Phone Aut. 643-44. FOR SAiE Loganberry tips. Adores 07 AU htrta at., Portland. Or. SW ITCHES Iroia your combings. 3. F. Ilerce. a ruinnrworta. Wdln. 4389. t.IKl, 8 bicycle, also boy bicycle, A-l condi- j tion. 352 Chapman, gnnday or forenoons, TRADE 150 iw phubegrapU iur 1 h. p. A. ! C single phase motor. 62-883. Sell. 1367. j 11A11A.T tire hoaur. Cauary singer and cage, j : Min 7882. - - ( FOR BALE 125 Sack Burbank potato. Ta bor 3718. ; BLACEBEIUIY irianu, all varieties, lie each. , - 88th ami E. Stark. HOME caniied fruit for sale, 50e quart- j 2-514. : Journal. . . .b-LNCH plow, steel beam, used once, $3; wheel cmwrer, 3. woortiawn 32B5. C-NE auigie barret, 1J -gauge ahotgun. almost n.-r. 88. Antomstic 819-82. 1 BABY . carriage in good condition, bargain. PmImkI.1. So - . ENULISH ivy in pons, $1.15 a ooe-o or 10 for 100. 8Q6 17th, near laurel. Mam 1006. FOR SAli tia radiant fire, $35. Automatio $13-60. : t j RAIN 481 FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS 900 ,i Is the only word ia the English lahgua; that parti T deneribaa thai saoat startling KdllCUOB in HAKUWAKK, and as nsoal LdCVLN always seta the pace. . This toot hums a it and a for holding a true temper, man who's tued tmm. it the )og. jut a&k the Royal Chinook Cross-cut r - Saws' Th larger hi das sell regular u to $16.00 reaaoaabl eaeb. I lie smaller ones la the moat around $12 00 aaeh. YV offer aad quota thee) prices for tuu week only ; Our price, each......... ..a..tt0 These blades are pew and carry the same guarantee) a tnosw at th regular ppee. Donble-Bitted A.xea. handlI. reeiUar to $3.25 each, our price. ....... J ..... $1.76 tiand Mads Wood tiuitta comolete. rwruiar $1.80. our price. ..... . (.... 1.45 Eledgaa, regular 80e par pound, nAw.... .10 Croas-cnt saw handles,, high-grade with -wa guara. cor tailing or eucxungj a pair i.jsa MR. WOODCUTTBB. yoii are Jnfely making a roal ganng on dependauia mercbAndise if you permit us to fapire with you on Sour everyday neeu. . Cultivating Tools Mr. "Planet Junior" himself ia About IS dif ferent styles of hand cultivators lor putting a little life in that Spring Uarddn of yours. Single or double wheel cultivators tor straddling the row, for plowing, weeding, raking, dUcing, to giro you real joy in your truck Igarden work. The prices of them machines are adapted to suit the need cf all sized pocket pooka. AnyUiing lit the line of GARDEN TOOLS. rake, shcvel. apades, forks, hofc, mattocks. and as for price: EVERT STAR OV TOUR IK)LLAR TW INKLES HEliE Carpenter. Tools A Straiten 2 4 -inch Level, rial 'buy at , . . , , Carpenter bench vise, the handiest . . . .$1.75 kind of an outfit for home work, or cab net fin- fching1. regular $13.75. now priced at 7.45 Dependable merchandise in a steal, guar- anteed claw hammer. ....... J, .... t 1.35 it ffimes Ut annares. hiseU. planes, or anything in the carpenter line, we can give you an nnnest aeai, a real iigure, ana at the same price give you a buy. I 18" IT'S. AN'TTHINO IN HARIATARB OR FCRNITURB, WE HAVE IT Builder's Hardware Buildins season will now be full kwini Here is a place established for 30 rears that can rill your moat detailed needs, to you. and talk price One-piece knob, brushed brans mortice seta, with large bevel nlate .$1.15 Ornate finish Mortise Locks, in the old cop- per. regular l.r, now Front door set. Just the thing for 1.00 contract blinding, per set........... ButU, Zhttthi, pair......... We imeciaHzA in fiQins vmr 3.80 .31 complete bill ipeclf ications you the con- of hardware, and if you hare your or oetaued naraivare. we can oiler tractor's fvrice. Pipe Repair Work; ; A handy set of pine stock and di4 f sizes, 4 to 1 inch, erery die guaranteefl. . ... $9.25 Genuine STII.LSON wrenches, noti th imi- uon, .JU-incn ............ .1. ..... . l.4d 14 inch . ,L ...... 1.95 Anything in the line of pipe cutlers. ladles, torches, or similar tools in ihis tine. Starret's Tfansit Level Costs wholesale, today, $37.50; its used but good as nee; our price. .. I. ..... $1 7.50 AN HONEST DEAL AND SERVICE 13 IJiYlN S GCARANTtB , Levin' Hardware: Firaitore .Co. : 221-23-23 Front st. Corr ' Salmon . MILLER' Exquisite i. I . and r.uiDiotf HIGH IN QUAL1TT, NOT IN PRICE. OTER 400 OF TUB WORLD S FINEST VARIfrriES. CATALOGCK FREE. N.. Miller Dahlia Speetallst, Box 4125. Portland, Of. 50iSiightly Used50 Sewing Machines ' Will be said at grrstly rednoed price fo make room for the 'New WhiW Phonograph. All leading make. Will take Liberty Bonds at face value on all new machine and - phonographs. S. S.Sigel& Son 382 WASHINGTON STREET BEAUTIFUL daiuly. lacy white gold mountings; they will make your diamond much brighter and look larger aa well. Miller, next door to Majestic theatre. FOR SALE 12 gauge double brr;l shot gun. in good shape, $10," terr cotta chimney cov ered with galvahir.ed irrrn, with Heel brackets all reidy for ii". $7. Ant 212-01. COAL and wood range with roil and 10 feet lipe foe crmncctiou, 4 lengths, atoTepipe; like new; $18. One 8-burnet gas plate and 0 feet steel tnMni?, tfed 3 m"vth, 5J Ee't 213Q. 1 PAIR gray l"w heeifoT kid ehuea, elotli twlw. 'size OA, at $3.00, and 1 pair black French kid high-heeled shoes, brawn tops, biz 6 4 AA, at 4. lj.i ..f...,.yiinwn sr ! FOR SALK A. A R. gas range, four-burner, oven, lighter; good condition. Price $25. fair 1183 Hoieate. i ' SLIGllTLY worn brown jacket, blue auit and drees, 36-40. hat, shoe 4feE. 875 2d sU, earner MorieomTy, rrvm 16. after 10 m. FUR SAiJ-; A good kitouen range tor wood or coal, hot water coils: reasonable, j Wood lawn 6012 . f- MAUSliALL strawberry plants for sale; $4 - per 10OO on place. John Holuo, one in tie south ubj, i ri i of Clarkema. It ionAL' Lit! cider tire. 1 ibafreii catniclLv with complete equipment; bargain, 1147 E. HsrriTi. n"r Hath i. , - . FOR 8ALK Two silk dreaseaJ blue aerga suit and sport coat; reasonable. Sue SS or 40 r.ast t W fox turn, never worn, . black and silver cross. 201 Harrison, Apt. 21. Call Sunday and evenines. Main 4706. - - FOR SALE Bras ahowoa&e, suitable for street display. An-ley pte. Co., 252 Wash, -t- FOR SALE Losauberry tipsM $30 J, lginr, Hnoer. Or. LOOKl v-inch ulmon netting, clo out $1 ib. inira Monaxy. lii-LK ulvertone suit, cut $7$. cheap; or will trade. What have your Main 1886. ; . ek 1'iKcEd Community niver, 60-year guxan- : t-e; reasQiuible. Mam 189$. ' . VERY good lawn mower, bail bearing. 10 inched stiletto mace, . oao K. ! Harrison. OR SALE Work bench, fruit jar, duihe wringer. 355 Hawalo. East 8335. FOR SAl E Reliable gw heater; reasonable. mone vsoontavm iti7. p TWO horsecheatnut ' trees, about 10 ft, tail. At 770 Macadam st 100 LBS. Italian prunes. $4.60. Beaver Gro ; eery, 287 Ytmhill gt. T ' OAs Mllf. f tr KSl k,.. It 1 ..X . GOOD cordwood. $0 a cord. Main 7691. aWias It ' - i - I i !( Your Photograph Size In Folder FREE There - is a . big, interesting an nouncement on Page 6 of Section 6 in today's Sunday Journal, which . will tell you how you can get a great big photograph of yourself or any member of your family free. Better turn to it right now, so you'll be sure to read it. ' FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS 900 u. s. . ABUT GOODS FOR SALE New Chocolate colonial march- (57 Q)R ing shoes ............... 4J'J s7or T "nto?t1.u ....... . . $2.50 -u,?h t:"" $350 Aa'from. ."?. $ H 00 Up Kew U. 8.' or Goodyear hip 25 Gray commercial blxnkeU, Rl 04x84 inch iur Canteens and mem kits, fSlTh each ! toT -r.. ...... $1.50 Up. O. T. wool pants for $3.75 Shelter tent for .......$-.50 up Besides these special iLems we have in stock a large assortment of breeches, tent.' ' hats. - reclaimed shirts, socks, mackinaws, dishes, etc. '- " i ' '' H. ii ore ostein Army Store 204 First St., 252 Second St. Main 7573. Plumbing Supplies Get our prK-es on bath mbs. toilets, sinks, baains, boikrs and cement trays before you buy. Mesher Pluamhing Supply Co. Wbolfcle and Retail, , 248 Third St. Main 6277. LET MINISTER AND WIFE SAVE TOU 50 PER CENT CASH 1 was a merchant for years and know what you can save by mail order. Let wife and I do your shopping'. We go to the government store and all bargain sales. We will buy for you just as we would for ourselves. I am sure you csn save 25 to 50 per cent on everything we boy for you. Merchants try us for your goods in all lines. Rev. Leroy Whitten, 182 N. 14th st. MAHOijANY Columbia graloaola; good as new, $100, including $15 worth"ot records; Jun ior ball bearing washing machine.: $8; sanitary spring cot, $3; one cow stanchion, new, $3; Singer sewing machine, good condition. $15; 120-egg incubator, "Ideal.". $10. I'hone Main 382. WE CLEAN AND REPAIR T SEWING MACHINES Here or at residence, work guaranteed satis fattory. E. A. CLISBEE, i Mam 0i65, I4D Taylor Bt EDISON ARTISTS COMING Don't fall to hear Collin and Hgrlon, Edi son phonneraph artists, at the Monlctpal Audi torium, Tuesday eveninj, March 15. Com plimentary, ticaet may be obtained at Hyatt Talking Machine i'o., 350 AMer ef. LADIES. AT'i'k.v'l lii.M My msgie paint eleaner, with a little rubbing, will remove any grease or dirt; far superior to soap and does not injure the most delicate colon. Phone Marshall 3727. BUT YOUR liiO.NvK.itAt'k A1! lit Ail' S. ' " Remember we sell you any model of Vict rola, Edison. Columbia or Brunswick up to $123 on payments of $3 per month. Hyatt Talking aiacmiM Co.,1 330 Alder street. GAS range $10, large solid oak library table $6, dining table and chain $15, white en amel' bed. coil spring, sanitary couch, dresser, fine rugs, 2 iarge-rockers, other furniture, axes, garden tool, all eheap. Tabor 6815. LADIES' misiit and slightly used garment, Hudson seal ooata with squirrel and mink collars, and cuffs, hat and khoea. Boom 403 Alisky bldg. Entrance on 3d near Morrison. Mam 8132. . EASTMAN KODAK, special, and carrying case, 2x3i, with F. 4.5 lens; aleo have .38 H. V. W inebester carbine, never used. Wait small Graflex, might pay difference. Tabor 0337. evenings. 1819 INDIAN MOTORCTCLE T. Fine 1918 Indian, 8 speed, complete elec tric equipment. Cost about $4uo. Price $810. Eay termi Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 AWer t. - - - BRUNSWICK Fine $150 Brunswick and 100 fine records, ucd les ttien a tn not.- ?.t fzi-. trice s au soi r,. nutn st.. near lwviston. FiNr. fti inauitim tirf-uiu.i w.iu noil worru of splendid records. Price $100, $20 down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder tt '- - . Flii&f i LAhS i.ui-oH cylinder horn machuie ad 100 record!, $16.50; $7.50 down, $3 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Aidr tTet. EDISON cylinder hornless .machine and 200 indestructible record 75. aj( dowu, !- a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 AWer t. ' KliVUEN CABINET table, like new" ha 2 latge bins and drawers, $5; wicker baby buggy, $t. Will deliver. 1 50 E. 82d st. N. M-V. Ileiwt ear. FOlt correct time, call Main oi0. For scien tiflc watch repairing, see Miller, next door to Majestic theatre. WILL SELL mv acholanihiu in Ithnlt-U'stk Mlln . , . .1 1 mt. . AaM- . n ; money. Call 601 Y.-M. t'. A. i ! EXPERT 1'LtNO TUNER ' Player piano repairing work guaranteed. F. A Samnelaon. Wdln, 3440. - ' ' UAIIN, Muscatel. 25 lb. boxes, for $6.60, 100 lbs. for $25. Beaver Grocery. 287 Yam hill st. - , LADY'S new brown iox fur for sale. Haa never been used. ; Reasonable, 6237 , Foster road, at Lanreiwood station. NEW" ELECTRIC family sewing machine, never been used; sell cheap for cash. Can be seea at 612 Henry bldg. Phone Bdwy. 60t3. TAN ail-woui craveiKrttc, suitable tor man of woman, aixe 40, $10. East 637. 292 Tilhimonjt. ' ! BROWN baby Oriol. $7.50; adjustabie pin eur tain stretcher, $2. Sell. 8389. . 687 Eaet 9th st. - " NATIONAL eaih rwsiter, in . good condition. . "?? - at 40 N- ttb t- Broadway i . FOR SALE Lady' diamond ring, costing $65, - for 3.V. 10O E. B3d st. north. MV car. l.lVl'll I I ....t l.. t'lRlk. .i-i.i . inch. $30. At 129 JS. Water at. 1 J 10x14 FOR SALrU-MlSCELLANEOUS 900 Leading Wreckers of Pacific Coast Wrecking k IS DON'T MISS LOOKING OTER THIS NEW STOCK OF GOVERNMENT MATERIAL. If you are in need of: Flooring. $25 to $40. Rustic, $25 to $40. Shiplap, $15 per ii. . " Siding $25 per M. fbingles. $2.50 per M. -in. Rough or Dressed, $13 to $28. Cedar Posts, 40o each. Sx4, 2x6, 2x8. etc.. $15 per M. Finish, $50 to $60 per. M. Windows, $2.60 gnd up. Cut up Sash, 75o lad up. Doors, $1 and up. Heady-made Garages. $5.0 each. Soil Pipe and Fitting, eneap. Batn Tubs, $28 and $80. Toilets, $12 to $28. ' Wash Basins, $4 to $10. -1 .sundry Trays, $0 to $. Hot Water Boilers, $7 to $14. Red Brick. $15 per M. Fireproof plaster board c per ft. Doors and Window Frames of all . descriptions. House Paint $3.00 a gaL Mouldings, all kinds. Roofing Paper, 1-ply, $1.50 a roll. Roofing Paper, 2-ply. $2.00 a roll. Roofing Paper, 3-ply, $2.50 a roll. Building Paper. $1.50 a roll of 500 square feet. See us before you buy Building Material. SPECIAL OFFEU: 4x12 to 12x12 a, SJS 'per M. Dolai Wrecking & Gonstracdon Co, E. 8th and Belmont and Morrison Sts. Phone East 0110. CLAMS Famous razor clams delivered fresh from the ocean to your door: A pound box of these de licious clams delivered to your door for $1. Sea son now open. Address. Box 879. Hoqniam, Wash. WALNUT trees, filbert, peaches, pears; prune trees (Italians), finest ever grown. Gcoae berries, currants, loganbeYry plant, strawberries, blackcaps. Woodstock Nursery, 5803 . Woodstock ave. lend of Woodstock carline). Sell wood 2332. FERTILIZER Old cow manure delivered east or "west aide, full measure. Tsbor 2704. WE HAVE just a few new barrel sprayers left, equipped with Urge - pump, , hoe, rod and nozzle. . Price $20 while they last. W guar antee them. 845 Williams ave. RUBBER bonding, rubberizing for all Jtinds of leaky, roofs. Rubber bonded rubberend and rubberized sheet iron roof - and gutters our specialty. . phone Mam 8820 SPRAYERS We have a large assortment and are selling at old prices. A sprayer for every need. See ouv line before yon buy.; 849 Williams ave. Italian " prunes, is lb. i.$5. to 1 iU $3.85; Petite, ii lbs. $1. 50 ib. $2.60, postpaid 1st and 2d aoaea, H, M. Wash bond. ewberg, or. GREUORT HEIGHTS NURSERY for praying and landscape gardening. Special this week, rhubarb root and aiparagua root. 8 for 25c. Phone Tabor 8299. CAROLINE iEStOuf roses, 2 year old, will . bloom this summer; also several varieties -of Ihrubs at bargain prices. W. T. O'Brien, 1809 E. 8th st (Sell wood) . Dentistry WithotU Patti. ri OR. A. W. tlEli.'sJi aai a w.htn.tM. ut ere-t Nerve Blocking Method. PROGRESSIVE ever bearing strawberry plant, $1.50 per 100. 73S Golumbut blvd.. near 57th. Wdln. 6590. WO ru TING SCALES, can tegMtera. coflcw mul, meat choppers and' general .tore fix tWTe st 86 ftarfc t.( between 1st end 2d. FOR CONCORD GRAPH PLAN1S ct Canterbury Bella, eall er address ki. Nickels, i : w - mmit"i st. ftione Wdln. 1843 500 t KOprttLSO Ton must bring thin ad. 120 Sth t. NOTICE For garden plowing call East 72. KITCHEN HEATER or garbage burner with coil; double iron bed, coil spring and mas- rres, ii e. Morrison, corner (18th. AX.iihilt i A, Alameda, piedmont buutewives,' call tlie Midway upholsterer for repair work. Shop jitn arto Aiwru. wnin. Dire. GOOD, sprayer for commercial work; hew; will - sell leas than cost; also will guarantee it to w in penecx snape. ma William ave. .' KHUBARB roots 5e; Hiuiaiaya blackberries, 6c; -- Goid Dollar Oregon strxwuefrr?, $4 per 1000. ounr. n. a. nni ronnna. TRY US for service, furniture moving truck and oaggage. i'oruand Ahto Delivery Co., 242 Flanders vt Phone Broadway 178Q. . - , AGATES 2000 pound tinest rough agate tor gent purposes. Sell aU or part cheap. Room l, rseutng-tiiTTcn bmg. KJ.TC11EN cupboard tor le tit trad tor ssoail . . . i . ... ic r or urevsr. iiisjr I iy I . ; j m aais CONlRAC'iOR wanted for cellar excavation, uil- Kinili -.s I 1,- Vl I , PH Tin I. ARMSTRONG stock and die, pipe-fitting, gas GENUINE leather tutted couch, electric perco- istor, two nana crocnereq snawi. ..t B586. BABY ivory wicker carriage, A-l condition, $30. .;aii xvr ."s. lis.s sr. Pi (ffeWINO L,UTS FLOWED. Phone ftt-eHJ Tt xlvvl Msjn 4307. John Corn. CUTHBERT ra-pberry planta cheap. Wdln. 800. . P O boK 116. Portland. 6NE leather l)m.fold and ""T f-itnrd itk drrrr ana one piano oox. atarsnau 1 1 B T Wanted garden "plowing. 4l dislM t mimmM i acux COS4. VlNE adding machine,' $17.50. See it at 420 Cbamoer oi commerce, 4th end Stark. "t . tiii trail nm er-dit 245 SarTi- GARDEN'S plowed and excavatihg done. Phone .- Aut. 624-43. Wlt a-ALAr t.aau regttKr. sale, atauuia warrtna. 4 1 ss t near Ah t.vcALl.EO FOR la .lor 'Ttlf. rh T'lcr. 28a H Bnrwside at. " ' DRY xtAVVEU WCwJD BLOCKS MAIN 267$ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 SALE Of .S. - ."S.T?AVY- TENTS " $00 ARMT TENTS 10x16 pyramid U. D. wall. 14-ea, duck $27.15 100 NATT TEXTS New 0x wall Unt made 12 ox. canvas with hardwood sticks, . $19.25. 100 TENT FLY Ft Aasd. size. 14 ox. durk, O. D., front , i $6.00 to SlS.OO 8000 ARMT COTS . ' . Caavaa, folding, $2.73. ' ' - 100 ARMT TAUPAI'LISS 18x80. made of heavy eanva. . v $24,75. "-'' - . SPECIAL PRICE TO CONTRACTORS FRCIT GROWERS AND DEALERS. Mail Order Bale. Army. SnwpMs Sales 'Co. 33 North Third fit. Phone Broadway 1748. SOME REAL BARGAINS ON NEW AND USED FARM IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY 1 Sharpless cream Sep., good order. $45.00 1 U. H. separator, 750 lbs., rebuilt. 75.00 1 1000-lb. cream separator ...... 78.00 1 Banner root cutter I new) ...... 30.00 1 Single tub rider mill . .s...... 10.00 1 New Columbia ram ........... 35.00 . 1 2-hone Iron Aze cultivator ..... 65.00 1 14-inch high foot-Uft sulky plow 85.00 1 12-inch prairie breaker .t ..... . 23.00 1 2-seated hack 100. 00 1 2 4 one-horse wagon with box.. 75.00 , 1 top buggy 25.00 . 1 set single harness ibuggy) ....... 20.00 1 set single harness texjiress) .... 23.00 1 Planet Jr. garden seeder 10.00 1 Acme garden seeder 10.0O 1 130-gallon, power sprayer 75.00 1P. E. Esbenshade . S60-366 East Morrison St, " Portland, Oregon. ' Plumbing Supplies BATHROOM OTJTFITS COMPLETg) AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES ' V ' BATH TUBS ' . LOW-DOWN TOILETS . CORNER OR FLAT BACK. BASINS (complete) PIPE AND' FITTINGS Get eur n rices before son let vonr eon- tract. W also have some' slightly demaged - goods. . L. Howard 230 3d Sc. ANY OFFER better than $65 secures dainty . Victrola ith all modern improvements, and $28 worth of records; purchaser can pay $50 in Liberty bonds. We have also a very fine $150 oak Tictrola, with repestograph and $42 worth of Red Seal and other fine record, total Value $197, and are offering ail at a sacrifice of $70 if paid for sil eaah. These instruments left en sale by people who need money quickly. Call aa aoun as possible tomorrow. Ak for Mr. Kipper, third floor EilorS Music bldg., 287 Washington at. . "Moody's for Music" " Pacific Record Exch. Now located In Ctritral Market, 4th at Tambill. Exchange those old records and roll for- new. Records and roll 25c-tor"S5c. A VEhY fine kstey organ, cost when new $175; this is specixl model for chapel or church, and will close out for $45. A W. Kimball orcan In excellent condition, chapel model, only $36. See these and other good used organs; second floor Filers Music bldg. Entrance and elevators, 2M7 Washington st. TREBLA. the se atrawberry, good canner.. and outyield all other. Choice, inspected plant, any quantity. PoMpaid. $1.25 per 100;- $7.50 per 100O, Marshal h, $6.50. Check or mone order. Other varieties at lowest price Send tor descriptive list. Ward K. Richardson, 2399 Front, Salem, Or. FRUIT TREES The best and cheatiest way to buy them is at nurseries. We are growers, not jobbera, of nurs ery stork Take Woodlawn car, get off at Dckum, in until 3 p. m. Sundays. Columbia rvomerlr-i. mm union are. W,. city. POSTAGE stamp lor : collector. We' carry a fine line of stamp of aU nations, complete sets, packets, albums, hinges, etc SUmpand collection bought. - Open evenings, Saturdays and Sunday all day. Columbia Slump Co.. 94 Korm totn st, ynorto Hroeaway 20l, A FINE TONED EDISON diamond disc phono graph, mahogany cabinet, filled with 40 superb records; Victor attachment included; all will go for $115; actually lent than one half of its real value. Oregon Eilers Music House, 287 Wash ington st i ..I Jalil.0 Will take $75 in plumbing flfvt pv. ment on $ 1 50 new phonograph, balance payable monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder street. .NTiiAct or Team Work1 Excavating, gravel, also have good price on wood, hay and grain. CRESTON FEED ec FCEL CO.. Phone 619-84. ADOKlinSiSLSU uiaciiiue. Used only a short time, equipped with electric moturi original cost $900. Will sell for $200. term if d ider. Reed-Freneh Piano Co., 12 th and v a-unng-ton, HUwy. 7 a. LAMP SHADES - Artitie wire frame tor lamp abadea. Many pleasing design to select from. William xC Indley, 227 H. Ptark, between 1st and 2nd. MOST foLLs ay diamonds are high, but on would hardly think so if they would (top long enough to compare my price with regular price. Miller's Clearing House for Diamond, next door to Majestic theatre. A GOOD mahogany, medium sized upright, only $150, which ia less than half its real value; also a very nice Estey, $165. See these in re sale department, second ileof EUera Musis bldg., 287 Washington St.. , . '. . . - . SNAP Fine Columbia Grafonola and 100 record, jilst like new. Cto $225. Price $135, Hyatt Talking Machlnw O., 830 AMef at. ' " . . SAVE YUUst VvUfE By phoning Snowfkk . Wet Wash! clothe washed snowy white in separate compartments; service with a piinch. Phone East 6463. ;. i o. in .i A ' n M,o hub 5e Com in aad -hear line Ust of retired BeW Columoia ivcurd. 69o, . Hyatt ' Tauaiug : Ma chine C.. 85 Alilvr st. STORAGE BATTERIES a bargain prices, suiU able for truck, boat or farm lighting'; large Bull tractor, $350. or trade. 404 H E. Mor riaon st. East 1705,. . ...... . USED secondhand lumber, all aize; incubators; iron pipe. 1 mile east on Base Line road. Box 1080. Take li on ta villa cat to end. ' lsiix xw-uk.h .iti ..uv-.u . .1 i ii.uu.iK unlivery uu pavement; also moving, local or long distance. Columbia 1191. FOR SAL! -Ati kiiivU oi shruboery; lat of the wSeasoa. M. Kane, gardener. ,850 Vanoou- OLIVER tpwritr, juat like Aw. ouly . $4T . r . ; , ... . i , . IK-I1II1T .1... It'lV AlUPr HI, LLECiRlU desk lamp, $1,50; o.d ' i'vory lluo lamp, .email shade. $8; rugs, many other inings. eoe naimon m. A. B. DOUBLE oven, ga rane, aimoa ucw7 cheap. 289 B. Bth st. - GENUINE India leopard akin coat, beautifully marked, size 36. Pbone Main 8567. CABINET VICT ROLA AND bo SELECTIONS CotniSO; only $85. 126 First. ner Alder. For" SALE Nearty new combination coal and wood heter, cheap for cah. East 4684.- OAS radiant lire beater and amail trunk. 47 K. th N. East 4842. - - , - AUTO. Remiugton shotgun, coat $70 Sell for $4Q. 128 Firt, near Aldef." ' NEW T010 C11ECKWHIIER. ONLY $25; COST -tS. 128 1TR3T, near ALDER. DANDY bato tub tor aait i Alder. -Bdu. 2843. FOR SALE 20 -new l ie nreervem at a bar-. gain, Pbone Tabor -4026. VVANlfcO Mll H I.OATS l.-t 6263. 229 rj. 1th et. KEVKKAL suits mnA rirvsj. Id: ana .hi- ' dition. Phcne Woncjlswn 8457.;. ONE 4-hole Globe if ranga. Used 2 month. ScO cheap. -Kt 1Q81. ' : -CEDAR tencepocks tor eaie Sehwood 257; eve- ning, thiU. 1672. "- I'liUNES Best grade. 60-70s, 50-lh. box. post paid. $6.50. hong wood Orchard. Salcaa, pr. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 ' RECORD 'EXCHANGE . Bring in the record you an tired ef and we will take them as part payment on tlie NEW COLUMBIA RECORDS. . We have them all. VEK.M U WENGKR. . The Talking Machine Man, 1421$ 3d street (upstairs) bear Aldef. Buy, Sell 'an 11 AXCBANU mk reguter. tbawaa, feuBUtn, eaatea, t r tuutrea, - L BtOXEtt. - Maf. $488. 118 weet.nrf st. 1 : ANABEL NURSERY, Fruit trees, most aU varieties, special price walnut and prunes, 2 to $ yean; grape vines, 1, 2, aad 3 years eld; Luc re U dewberry, King raapberriea, blackcap, currant, goose bsrriea, aU kind strawberriee; roses and shrubbery. Take Mount Scott car. ' " 's O. Brenneke, Mgr.. 891 9 $lt . K. Aut. 629-13 CEDAR: CHESTS Direct from . factory to your heme, Teai aad Port Orford eedari iid eepper tr'aw laieai oesign. v nt. tor cataieersa. J. W. HIOOINS 4k ktUN 1912-16-18. B. GLIM AN, TAROIk 608. Sewing Machines W hv. the krgeet atdch f tu wing Mtcnuiee ua tae eity, pare price. W'e rent ana i i ta, nswr vniu. . - b LAS WOOD, tioruwuud and cual; coal 4l723 . per ton, old growth dry, $10.50 per cordJ second growth, dry, $10 per cord; ftieea, old growth, $9.50 per cord; green slab. $7 per cord. i,i wmmiiBWm luni - III U Mf Ysmhill. Electric Motors Beusbt. fold, rented and repaired. Walk FJeetrle Work. 41S Bars, etde, eevner 10th. Broadway 6674. CHERRY TREES Ye., we- UU have Royal Anne, Ring. Lambert, beside all kind of nursery stock; also seeds, roses, perennials, dahlias. Call Tsbor 2883 for catalogue. Gill iiro-, Meed Vn. SAFES Fir. and burglar ptoo. sal, new tni second haed, at right price, . bought, aoM aa j exchanged. Easy terms lf desired. NOItHIS LOCK CO. ' ' 103 Second 8. Main 264. fcLMUKB, White. Aew Home, ia fact, al most ever make and xyle, $1 te $85. All latest, new Slngar eaah or time. Rentals. -$S per month. Singer Store.' Unoa bldg.. 198 4th Mala 6833 PAINTING, Kabonunuig. eanenlering, 6703 Woodstock ave. B. F.. Anto. 617 46, IF YOUR furnace smoke in duuot boat weli call l-eonanl. Auto. 326-51. - ' 1 v ILi, pay moli lor a gutxi ui pisi.u ut plsver If nrire i viuht 1.-746. Journal . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 90 1 KOH.LER' V CO. upright grand -piano, oak, beautiful tone, aa good ss new, plain case . . . ............. 175 Owl Furniture Co. Sell for Lee - . 166-168 - First st. 7 feet south of Morrison. TRADE your eU pixao for brand ne phonograph,' Csll Piano De . peitroenL. Msrxhall 6000. Lipman, Wolfe & Co SEVENTH FLOOR. ' ... EDISON ARTIST RECITAL , Collins and Harlan, popular Edison artists, will give a recital at the public auditorium, Tues day evening, March 1 5. Jorapllnentary ticket may be secured at Hyatt -Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. BRAND new $150 iiiahoiiany cabinet phmio graph and-$10 . worth of double records, only tued 3 months;- 1020 model machine, play all records." equipped with, all late adjustments. Will sacrifice for only $0. East 7100. 698 K. Salmon.- TRADE YOUR PIANO . - -. 225 new Vict rola and record for good ttsed piano. Get our proposition. fiEIBERLING - LUCAS MURI0 CO, 1 25 4th st- Msl 8586 A Vc.kiY tia. Estcy organ, cost when new $175; tiiia is .special model for chapel or church, and will close out for $4$. Also Kimball organ in excellent condition, chapel model, only $80. . See these and other good need organs, second floor Filers Muiie bldg. Entrance and elevator) 287 WThtngton at. WE HAVE several of the beuer grade al phonograph, which have been alighUy nsrd, at greatly reduced price. Among theae are Vic tor, Pathe, Brunswick, Columbia and other standard make. See iu-for bargain. -- , i SO CLE BROS., - 166 10th St.. near Morrison, NEW ami used phono raphe, nearly all style. Save money by calling here. We buy right and turn them quick. Piana A Phonograph Ex change Co.. Room 550, upstairs. 270 54 Wash- Ingtoti st. Ant. 511-20, ' ' , W'E W ILL pay ch lor your used piano or pho nograph or will exchange and pay cash differ ence. Foley at Van Dike. , 109 Bth cL. just below Washington. DAVENPORT eV TREACY player. Fine enn- dition, $385. Piano and Phonograph -Exchange, Room 580, upstairs, 79) Wash ington st. Phrme Ant, 511-20. PIANO TUNINf-. AND REPAIHINO -Beaaonable, Guaranteed Work by Experta . BEinKRLlNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 128-27 4th st. ' Call Main 6566. 'SUiTlLLER piano and iiench. Like new. Ymir htrue to i seve about half. Terms. Piano & Plumograph Exchange, Room 550, . upstairs. . 270 Vt Wahnton t. I'lmne Ant. 511-80. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING '"" All snakes separed, work guaranteed. T MeDOUG ALL MUSIC C. 129 10th st. Phone Brnsdwa 2821. Xiluu WO.NULUFL i. Cuickarlug, aimt Ca new, beautiful mahogany rase. Will sell wsy below half price, - with bench; on eay terma Brokerkge Co , 811 worr-ter blrtg. HA US piano. Hue condition, ia.'i Terms, Piano cY Phonograph Euhaiig, Room 550, upstairs. 270 Vk Washington lu I'hone Aut, 511-20. . .... SCUIRMEB bungalow piano, best of condition; a feal bargain: $289; terms given. SEIIiER-LING-LUCA8 MU'BIO CO.. 125 4th St, Better value for less. ' : A REAL buy at $75, l'honvgraph. play all records; table style, 'same : as you wonld pay from $200 upward at th stores. 4837 60th 8r, S. E. LINDSTREM, spietnltd buy, $250. term. Piano A Phonograph Exchange; Room 550, Upstair. 270 Mi Washington st. Phone Aut. rii-gp. . - ' '. PLUMBING ' "Will take $75 in plumbing a first payment on $130 new pbonogrvph, balanca payable month ly. Hytt Ta'klng Mehine Co , 850 AWr st, SHALL Victor, like new,' $23. Many good buy in Standard Cabinet machine. Piano Y Phonograph Exchange, . Ronm 530; npstair. 270 H.. Washington st. Itione Ait. 81 1-20. 1000 USED player rein, 5 each, former!)' oki up to $3.00. Harold at Gilbert. 34 Tamhill t. kibuu guitar, j; viuiiu, $10; baiiio, $10; uk. $3; mandolin, $. f Instructor, 409 TmhiT st. ' KCU1RMER PIANO. $160; te -this bargain; Una given. 8EIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 -4th t. Better value for tm. COME in and hear fine list of. retired nvw t'. lumbia record. 5 fie. Hyatt Talking Machine Ce.. 350 AMef street. - - - - CABLNET Mahogany Brunswick and 80 Selrc- ; most $180, only $100. First, near AMer. BEST pyer piano tuning, rebuild. V. Kremar, 264 Market at. Work guxranteed. Main 6018. FOR SALE -Cheap, by private party, old Suadivanua Cmoona ' violra. X-8S7, Jour naL $460 Beaatiiai pUyer in no, sa.-.huany. tad- ' Snl make. Including 75 roll, 234 Market st. SOME OLD VioiJNa, iiue tin, lor aie. 25 Market street. Moaie Store. xiARGALN-s-Staiidard mak piano, tin toned; movin. ' C-670. Jtnmil. ' A BJAU'iTFUL toned high grade piano at a eecriftce; eTt-nfngs sslv. i ls ttpo Atit. No. 1. VHH.1N, bigh grade in trauwat, gives away at . $22, ptione E!tt .346. : $600 HCliAl'r EH piano, 2iiO, on term,-. Ma- hoe! m. i i" Worcester biae. 80OU w." W. klAlt BALL uiano, titar cm. ouiv ezziv. iwais - in worevswet oile. $1U xtKANO NEW piumugnpU aud 650 call - fee gwed n-ed piano. - Min 4424 AN "A" clariiiet, Boehm atyie. wouied. Call Mar. 2293 or 211 Shefman eC CAIlLNEl" Cfii-llibi nj lid wlectlob. "only 9. 126 Flr-t. tr AHer. V ILL pay cash for a. piano or player. AoL D 1 l-ill !vl(,L buy used piano tor cult if price i riiflit- W, - 1.' A V i ' 1. K9 ft.f.iM .... SAXAi'MONB E Ballet, and CM 45. Mai- MUSICAL INSTRU''sTS ft PIONOGEAPH " BARGAINS ' Eeal SlaugMer Including 24 Selections ONTSALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY TOrK CHOICE OF YTOTROLA8," BfU'NS WICKS, (iRAFONOLAR. EDISON DIAMOMY DISC, CREMOS. VITA-NOI.AS. PATHEH. ETC. Every Machine Fully -r-,- Guaranteed . . Newman's Recorfl , Exchaage : B 23 FIRST Bet. Alder and Wash. . March SAf.B FSED PIANOS AND PHONOUKAPHS 8301) Rice te Son, now. . ; , , . $239 $650 Kirbball, now ,...$88,1 $500 Thiery. nee... , . . .$.'H7 $800 Kranich Bach, now;, ,.$287 $830 A. B. Chaar. now ,$2.t $700 Mndeman, now ........ $:i0 $850 Fi-eher, new , ....$886 $5 Schubert, now ........ . $SSO $800 Ilardman, now. ......... $885 $750 Plavrr piano, now $37 t PRACTICK PIANOS Wrber, okl tyle, ilendid comlllinn, for . $125 Arion. old stle, good shsiw....$ 93; Many other good bargain, term U uir, HEED-FBENCH PIANO Mm. CO, 12th and Washington. . B way 730. $$.00 DOWN and $1 per week will buy any one of the followina; $70 lluuoia horneaa . cabinet phono graph, only $4 5. $100 Plsyerphone, golden oak fin t'hi only $30. $100 Columbia Grafonolt, null button record filing device, hk new. Only $7$. Small ' home phntingraplt. Jtint the thing for camping. tlnly $10. Edison cylinder phonograph, with Cygnet horn and 75 dandy record. Only $12. Vern L. Wenger The Talking Machine M 142V Second St. tL'pUirs). FINE PIANOS, $125 LP. TERMS $550 Harrington, mahogany .,..,..$225 . 880 Geo, SUck, large ue ...... 250 500 MfCamon upright, Ixr. ..... 125 , 550 Cable as Nelson, walnut 0"'O 800 Rush A lane, just new ..... fino 6'0 Jaeob Dnll, mkhogany. plain.. 275 "873 Wellington, esnt tell from new 325 A safe place tn buy a fine piano leas Uian all others la city on" lerms. BROKERAGH CO. .Ill Wnrwstrr Mdg. STEIN WAT PIANO, JiiKt aa good Is new, with sostrnuto pedal: case in nice rendition: tone hk new. at only $8 so if all rash, or $4 no pay ment. 20 month; here i a great saving if a Steinway is wanted. Oregon Eilers Miirfic Howe, 287 V4 W sshiugton st WONDERFUL bargain In itgiidy uwl pums! Utndard rasAe. such as nabe, Hhortiner. Iver A Pond, imball and other. lt will pay you to see a. Yjwj lermv HOI.LK BP.09 . 106 loih St. near Morrison VVEBER parlor grmrl, iayer tuaio. electric or fooHpower. MffaaUful mahogany In first rPnas er.t.dition throughout. Sptrially pric at $I25(. Will accept piano as part payment. Reed-Frenra llano Mfg. Co., 12th and Washington. Broad. JTJ J U 'J.. FINE PIANOS $123 LP Chk'kering. Bush aV. lAne, t;eo. stuck. Jseoh Doll, Cable A Nebon, Wrllington, McCamnn and other, on term. A safe place to buy a fine piano; lee than all others in city. Brokerage Co.. 811 Worcester Mds. 1 ' EDISON Ali'flMTS tOltl.MJ - Don't fail to hear Collin and lUrlan, Edi son phonograph artist, at the Municipal Audi torium Ttiasday evening, Mrrh 15. Oftupu mentary ticket may he obtained at Hyatt Talk ing .siacmne l o., Hftn Alder street, WEGMAN Player, 8M note, iiialmgany cane: a epeoial bargain at $375. The piano Is worth the price without the player. Don t fstl to see this. Terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., HT-1VH Kllin Mt. A FILL LI.nE ut u,ni phiHiograiilu irmu $18 up. We have tlie machine-yen want. Call at our store and look them oref i g. F. Johnson piano Co.. 14T-140 ninth Ht, SIK1NWAY UMilgUl, ly alightly . nvl, Im a lik ww, wonderful ne and actkwi, jtrvd for a quick sale at $783 cash. lined-French Piano Mfg. Co.,. 1 2th and Waehington. liriwd- wv 750. STEINWAY piano, large rirs, nio.l-m c; a good aa nw. Itnguiar $12$0 fUl. priced to aeU quick at $675. - G. F. JOHNSON PIANO - CO., 14T-I4K Mlttll Mt. -. NEW WU:KER PiiONOGllApilS "" Sew the rieweet thing in phonngnphs, Wickr cabinet to match your furniture ; beautiful rno.) l from $16(1; sfiecisl terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder street Bltl'NMWIC'K - Fine 1150 Brunswick and 100 fine rer-orrfs, used less than a month. Cost $2S0. prh-e $105. Call 461 H E. Both st, ner liivl-inn SINGER PIANO, plain manovany case, .';.; bst value In town; term given. SEDUOIt-LING-LUCAS Ml'SiU CO., 125 4th St. Better valti for le-a. PHO.MXlRAPfl REPAIKIXG Any Maka Guaranteed Work. RElBERLlNG-LL'CAk) MUSIC CO. IUR 4th st. r Main 8Sh. HIGH arade ned nlaver smdol g52f,' ft.r sl.a f tim only; very attractive. Be tbrm. llur, endon Pteno Co., 146. Park ., beU Morruwa end Aider. EAlEuSuN puiiio, luJ'cuj, nnsi.rn ou cane; priced row at $iift, fi-rms. ' G. F. JOIINBON PIANO CO., 47-1 4 H) MIXVI, Mt. KlilHAU, PIANO. ok ease, a nondiriul.y u.neL be-t value to be had for $300; term given. 8EIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4tb V Better Valne for less, SNAP Fin Cumbl Grafonola nd 1O0 rsrords. Jtlst like hew. Cost $225. price $13$. lit TalVltig Mschlwo Co.. 8BO Abler street PEERLESS piano, oak is., exceiuoi barl gain for $3(5. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., ' 147-149 S'vth St. t,iimi.grapli Ih good cuikIiuoii, feoniL.jA model, lar.- selection ef best record. Tabo J nun. PHONOGRAPHS in ejchanice for pianos, llor endnn Piano- Co., 146 Park at., bet. Morrison and Alder. . k'ihKf clsis Edison "oliuder hofn niaiinne iJ 100 rcronK $16.5(1. $7.50 down, $3 ir month. Hy-t Talking Mchin 1. SM Al'lcr, HIGHEST price paid lot jhuos, plionuttraiiiL, reeorrhi, mncicar instnimetit. fleyetr and Ui' change, 254 Mrket st. Phone Main 8012, KIN'.SRI RY I'lANo. H5;" dig ii..; Urn 8EIBERl.IN;-U CAS MUSIC CO., 125 4U St Better value fnr tes. HIGH GRADE violin in leather ewe to ex cm age for Haviiand etina, - tags or wbatf H-460, JmirrxL VOSE V hUNi t'lANu. Sniaii si.e. term fiven. SElBKRLING-Lt'CAS MUSIO CO.. 123 4th t. Better vhiJof les. , $15 SENDS new piano to your- no me, tlwn $13, $12 or more monthly.: Scbwau Piano Cev iui lenin at niara. ilC'ltlR VKlltUl-A, (,riiUiai. iicw, i,i - arwt 50 worth, of rvcrds, ll for $100. CaJ Fast 7838 or 416 Holt.. Iur . FIRst-CLAKS ; ii.o. Iiw, Ms t- S..U tii. f.x, rnwit reaonriiy, y-fte.'v. 4oirri. WILnECOMB luiHs l;in .iIm.iijs.toi.1) w.Ji t.. - orris, for se. fall Mmvlsy.- Ant- !! WII.IkAUIi t'Mtuo, walnut eu, cheap iur cua. Tror t. PIANO V AM l-.O i , Pv rm'h for nsed Htnii . Mafhslt IS'1 .. BUUNHWU'K puontirpli. like i..-w. kl&n um, for 10. Twin'. Iticne Ant. SI1-2Q LATKHT Ubatory model Edison. tst $ J ' ... T-w 20. It-clwdn r-foert". THr WANTED -Good uu piano lor cash. 4424. - PIANO WANTED Pay Cart Main 8586. WILL writ ice 6150 Brunswick, Uke mw. $1 take it Room 560 Wash. bllg. Ant. I I . ktitLASi'Etl piano, luaittKtatiy cami. kaust , qn'ckv Photie Aw. 511-20, GRAFONOLA 8 for rent. $3 a month. 1 .. Transfer. 234 Brodwy. Hroedwar li.i. E.VIUA tine Viciru. U itui'iija tr uJ ,. See Fotev A Via Dyke. I0O ftth .t. . CONN aaxaiihon. $05 cavil. Kax. 4.w WILL cxclianK nm ltiimurt.k tor tint clad, I kodak. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Ide - ' .