THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON, NEW COLD STORAGE LAW IF ENACTED WILL AFFECT PRICES STOCKS DIP LOW BUT RECOVER LATER SATURDAY, MARCH 12,-1821. SATURDAY CHANG E IN BUTTER FAILS SATURDAY DAIRY PKOBTJCTS ' , Batter. Egr. Cheese. Portland !., . ... ... , . . 4e Me 87e Cbleafo ............... 4ie 8$e 27 Vie Hew York SOe 43e tie taa Frm.nelo.. ....... 40e tie SStte lot AI(UI..., 44 llo boattle .......,..-'48o 84e S7e This la the first Saturday for some weeks psst that no change has been shown In the price ef butter In the Port land market. In fact Saturday . has come to be the point where everyone In the trade has been led to expect a price change, f ? .. Market ha shown a dragging disposition of lata ewins to tit uncertain and tmuc San Francisco trad a. Thar bar been only limited arrtvsl of cubes, with an even Im demand, bales of extra aro generally around 40e a pound out iruie ean o aota at uul - Trada bar ia awaiting a further nriee non. snrnt la Una South. A further drop in California wilt hare a weakening effect titer that wiU re ewlt in a lower price ranee. Indie tin the extreme weakness in the batter eitnatton la the fact that dairy stuff, commonly called store butter, is sot finding bids a bow 18o a poena generally in u Portland trad. - Those desiring special information regarding any market, should writs) the Market Editor, vresoat eeuraaj, enclosing stamp tor reply. . EGG , PEICES BULlXtt; EBJU.TIC En market prion aro ruling emtie locally with mesa ef the btda for current reeeipta at .country points 29o a doaen. although some erf the buyerc' were not of ferine above 28 to 28 He to the street. Thia in dice tea that they are not keen altar (applies, , CHICKEK rniCES ARK HIGHER Higher prices are twins named for hear hena alone the etreet with sales up to - 80c a pound . for lire birds. Light stock remains around Mo a pound generally. Other Iowa la small supply. v. BICE PRICES REDUCED AGAIN Further - reduction la rice market price is shown with Jap style Sown to 4 He. fancy bead So and Bine Rase (tit a pound. Market f heavily overstocked with practically, all v netiea, Low grade stuff cheaper. COtXTRT KILLED HEATH HOLD Steady to firm prioac rentlnae for food Qual ity country killed meats, although there ia a less call for heavy weiatit hogs and off trade calves. Top eaires resnsta around 18 & 10s, with nee ioise I or tops. v. i 1 1 1 e i ' . OJUOX 8ELLIXG AT LOW PRICE Be nominal to the demand for onion at thia time that' at lea of No. 1 stock are - reported at country points down to SOo a sack, while alone Front street some No. 1 stock: la beinc told downs to 75 c. although most of the deal en are asking Sl.00fel.25. . BRIEF 3TOTES OP PRODUCE TRADE Wrapping paper down lHe a pound. , Potato boring continues around $1 for text stuff in country. . - -sj,sj Wool surut lea actire in east;, little dams here. i , ,x - Cauliflower market ta demoralized. . Market 1 congested with .Junky apple; aorna down, to 60o box. ;-: . I ; -. .-( . -i'-i WHOLESALE PRICES EST PORTLA3TD These aro prfees retailer pay wholesaler, ex cept aa otberwiaa noted: - '. i ' - Dairy rVoduct ' - - "''. .'. ; i BUTTEIl Selling price, box lota f Cream err, extra, ' parchment wrapped. 48e - per 4b. Jobbing price: Cubes, extra, 40o per pound; dairy, buying price, aoo per lb. . BDTTBFAT Portland delivery basis Net I trade. 4 So; Ma 2, 43c; country stationa. 40 & 4 le per lb. -.-. . r ! . CHEUTSK Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Oregon fancy trip lets. 36S7e per lb.: Tonng Ameicaa. a7 088o; Oregon-Washington . trip let, i be lb. Prices to jobber. U o. b. TU1 uook. Triple tn. S3c; Young A mrricaa, vs Sellinr price: Block 8ts, 88 940e; limburs. e8Ae lb.! cream brick. Solatia per lb. t EXJS Buytng price: Cnrrent receiCT. 8 0200 per doaen; candled. Bailing price. 29 0 SOo per doaen; select, 32e per dozen. MVS POCIJTRY .telling price; Heavy hen. SOo per pound; light hens. 88o per pound; old rooster, I4e per ib. ; turkeys. 40e per lb.; dressed. 40 0 Boo per H.: xiuc, 85 0 40a lb. t Freeh Vvtat and Fruit FRESH FRUIT Omngea. S2.7S 0 8.25 box: baaaaaa. 10c par lb. ; lemon. $3.25 04.50 per eaaa; grapefruit. Florida. (7.00 0 8.60; Arisen, 45.00 011.00: California. $8,60 0 4.00. APPLES Oe0$8.OO.f UMlJi.t KKUIT8 Cm tea. 85.dS0e.88; farde. SS.BO03 75 per box: fig. . 82.000 $3.50; pruaaa, 70s to 80a, 50-lb. box. Te lb. ON IOMH Moiling Brie to retailers: 1-oeai. T5c0$1.25; garlic, 15c; green onions. 8O04Oe doaen bunches. PoTATOKfr Hellfng price to retailers. Ore gon fancy. $1.25; sweet,. Tens., $3.78 baatpsr. VrUiKTABLk-H Artlclwksa, No, 1, per do.. BASKET OrTAiL. ooirr. -jr.. 'While te price of eggs has dropped sllghUy the last few; days, the market master ot the TamhIU str.eet market ad vanced the maximum price 8c a dozen to 37c a doses. This catches the bit; ma jority; of the people , who patronize the market, because the bulk of the business is done on Saturday. . v , ; : i When the market for egg-s "as ad vancing at wholesale" the market master failed to pay heed, and has discovered the advance, now that the market has dropped. Private dealers were selling: at the maximum prices previously named and were making- good profits. ' " Now these are increased, .- .i i Sugar at $3.20 per sack is being offered it one store, while another downtown store advertises the best Cane product at ,8.75 per sack. These are below the pres ent wholesale price. . Specials on best brands of canned mDk are named down to llo a can. while the best grade of loc-' flour is advertised down to f 2.49 per -49 pound sack. Twelve cans of standard tomatoes of the 2 size are being offered by cash-and-carry places and by one delivery house at tL a price that is below the average previous to the war.- . , - The following price ruled generally 4fr retail abopa for good quality. Doom value are frac tionally aigher. Inferior stuff fractionally lower. . Butter Freeh creamery, 65c. Lgz Fresh laid, extra, 3385e pee doaen. Poultry Chicken, d rawed, 39 0 40c lb. Fish Salmon. 85e per lb. : halibut. 25a)S0e per lb.; Columbia river smelt, 4 to 8 pound for 25c; sturgeon. S5c lb. ; perch, 15o lb. Floor Beat local patenV 82.70 0 2.8S per eacx. in. .;-;- i PoUtowi Burbanka, (1.25 1.50 per ek. Onion -1 M 0 2s per lb. ' Maximum price en the Portland nubile mar ket: Cabbage. 3c lb.: cauliflower, SOo head: ear rota, 2c lb.; celery hearts, loc; ouiona. 2e lb. . parsnip, 2e lb.; equash, 2e lb.; turnip. 3o lb.; poUtoea. Ins lb.; dry beans, ts lb.; prnnea, 1012He lb.J comb honey, ) lb.; bulk honey,, quart, 90c ( pint, 47c; ducks, SOo lb.; geese. 45c lb.r cottage cheese. 20c lb.: hena. 33 fryer. See lb.; egg. 85c doaen; 0 85 lb. butter. 57e Hi. milk, 18o quart. .Heniierie We will pay a premium price for fancy, cleanjjarge Henneries ergs white or brown. Checks by return mail. .Write lor price ana tags. - Thdl Savinair Co., Inc. - H Treat Street, Portland, Oregoa Top Veal . . J . ... 18c-18 i2e Top Hogs. . . . 4 . . . .14c-15c Fat Hens . . . .I : . ... . . . .30c ossh at( 'roiwpt nKMrrraieccg GEO. E. NICHOLS OS FrrOUT aVTRggT Quota ions Ohanoe With MarteU . , KSTABUSlUuD IN 11. ' VEAL, HOGS and POULTRY WUJ bring top prices when shipped to us. . .Ask your neighbors about us. -: . . ' .1 . ... . i WRITE POB, QUOTATIONS AlfD TAOS BOLLAM & CO. It FIRST ST; I POBTLArTD, OR. Ship us bi writ 'for prices on Egg, Veal, Hogs, Potatoes, etc Let us quote you prices for croceries- Call or send us a list of what you want. We can' save you money. 0E1EN YAH SCHOONHOYEN 193-193 2wl. Cor. Taylor. Portland HIDES, PELTS, WOOL i Cataeara Bark. Xetals. Bshhers Write for prices and snipping tags, L. SHa4NK & COy IS Preat Street, Portland. Oregoa W9 WANT .TOUR " : Veal, Hogs, Poultry - EQQa, DRISS8D MKATS, HIDES, OS SOAR A - BARK. MOHAIR. WOOL. TO WRITB U FOR PRIOC "i Gullickson & Miller Kstabflanad 1811. 0 Frorrt tt, HrUanU Ok $2.00; heeta. new. per cwt. $1.50; esbbage, beat local, per lb., 2c; Winningxtadt, pony crate, lb., 3c; carrots, per ewL, $1.25; carrots, bunched, per doaen., SO055e; cauliilower, local, flat. 10. 12. crate. 32.25: celery. Ban Dieao. select. 4 14. 6a, per crate, $5.50; celery, fancy. jarg. puncneu. per uoa., Ii.uffi.ii9; garuo. f . ..... - , .... n io, i uu.., vw. skui pepper., larsre, per lb., 4ftc; horeradib root, per Ib.tl16e: lettuoa, per crate. 88.00 04.00, doaen S1.Z52 parsley, per anxea. ooe; per lb., zc: peat. green, per lb., 17 020c: Pepper, long dried, lb.. 4 oc; raaeiiea per doxen; ouc; ruuDarb, not liouse. 23-lb.- box,, per lb.; 24c; rhubarb. Cali fornia field, per box. $3.50 ; rutabagas, per lb , a lt ' ll im. k. I.' - 11. 17.11 t SOc0$1.25: tors a toe. 28-Ib. lug. per lug. S4.2504.5Ot turnip, per cwt, $2.0002.23. Meata and FrovUiorn COTJrTTRT MEATS Selling price: Cnntry hogs. It 015 Ho per lb. for top blockers, about 12a to I au ins. : heavy stun lower; veal, top, 80 to 110 lb.. 18 H 010c; heavy stuff lean. SMOKED MEATS Hams, 30 0 3 So vex Jk.; biakfaet bacon, 20040c. - . LARD Kettle rendered. 21 He lb.; tieree basis, compound. IS Ma . ' ' . ' Fhm and Shafrflsh FltESH FISH Chinook. 28 0300 lb.; naB bwt, freah, 15 018c; aturgeoa, 24c; black cod, 110 lie; kippered aalmon, $1.50 per 10-lb. basket: kipnered cod. $2.85: raaor clams ( ) ; craba. $2.75 03.75 doaen; hng cod. 8 0 7o Eh.; Columbia smelt. $1.25 01.50 box. . OTSTE&S Saatera, pet gallon, $5.00; wrympi. $ ,-. .SUGAR- Befinery baaia: Cube. 810.75; fruit and berry. $0.00; 1 yellow, $8.40; beet granulated. $8 90; extra C $7.80; Golden ti $8.75. ' HO.VBT - Pe east. $7.7508.00; bulk. 18o par lb. i - - - ' BICE Japan style. No. 1. 4 c: Blue BenuVHe per sound; New Orleans head. 8a. aOTSmii Uoaated. 1B031, la aacka or uruma. . - SALT Coarse, half around. lOOa. f 15.50 per ton; 60. $17.65; tabl dairy, 60s. $27.25; be Ma, aa.OU ay uu ; lancy, tenia ana dairy. $34. so; lump rock. per von. , BEANS Sales by Jobbers: Small white, 5c lb.; fargo white, 5Hc; pink, 7 He per lb.; ihnaa, 8 He; bayou, ll'Hc; reds. 7 tie: Oregon beans, buytng price normal. - CANNED MILK Carnation. $8.00; Borden, $6.00; Axtor, $5.80; Eagle. $11.50; Libby. $5.00; Mount Vernon, $5.00 per case. SODA CRACKEBB In bulk. 17c per lb. -" NUTS Walnut. 28a per lb.; almonds, 27c; fUberta, 82a in sack lota; peanut. 14 H 0 15c; pecan. 25c; Braxila, 36a. Pop. Palnta, Oils ROPS Sisal, dark, 14c; white, loo per Dx: atandard Manila, 20 Ho. LINSEED OIL Haw. bbla., OSe gal.: kettle boiled, bbla.. $1.01; raw. caaea, $1.14; boiled, ease. $1.16 per gallon, COAL OIL Pearl or water white, in drams or iron barrels. 17 He gallon; eases, 80o per gallon. GASOLINE Iron barrel, 30c; cases, 42 Vie par gallon. - i - ' WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 12 fee; 500 Iba., 13e per lb. TURPENTINE Tanks. ' 89c; ease. $1.14; 10 ease lots, lo lee. Hop. Woof snd Hides HOPS Nominal, 1020 crop, 15a Ib. HIDES Calfskin, 8 010c; kips. 5 0 6c; green hides. 3 04c; salted, 6a per lb. MOHAIR Long, 25c; abort, 16ft. TALLOW AND GREASE No. I tallow. Be; o. 2, 4c. CASCABA BARK New, 8e per Ib. WOOL Willamett valley, coarse. 10e; me dium, 20e; fine. 20e per ib.; Easters Oregoa Idaho. 15 020a yjer Ib. GASOLIXE COST MORE BUT ADEQUATE : SUPPLT ASSURED Ttkima. March : 1 2. Fruit growers of the Takima valley are assured by dealers that they will -get plenty of gasoline for spraying opera tion thia year. Last year there was a shortage and grower had to go on ration during most of the (praying season. The total consumption of gas for th. arirayinff operations in tb. or chards ia. about) 250,000 rallorui. according to estimate , made by grower and dealer. It takes an averagei of thre gallona to the acre to spray the orchards fire times during the- season and many use the sprsy six times. - There are 75,000 acres of orchard, m Yakima and Benton counties. The cost thia year will be 82 He a gallon as againat 27 o last year.' an increase of 6He a gallon or a total of $12,500 to the growers. ' AFFECT EGGS BY NEWSTORAGELAW By Hymaa H. Cohen. Affecting the egg market here and elsewhere to some- extent Is the new so called cold storage laws that have been passed both by the Oregon legislature and by the federal congress. 1- s r J i The law now provides among other thing, that caaea containing egge- that are placed in stores, should stamp the date of the entrance ef the Mock Int. the ice house, with Gothic letters of not leas than H-inch in height and th words "Cold storage" in Gothic letters of not leas thn l inch in height.' The- cold storage warehouse mea are held re sponsible for the proper marking of th oasea contained in their places of businesa and for that reason they bar notified th trade that eases : unmarked will be marked properly by them at a cost et le per package to coer the expenses. ... ..... If this lew is enforced it mean a FmaOer demand for eold storage eggs tor eora time be oaiiae J of th prejudice of th public against cold storage, although many have used it without knowing it, and found nothing to complain of. Thia therefore means that undee ordinary con ditions the price of cold storage egg win be much below the fresh stock during the regular selling season. It likewise means that storage operators are not likely to pay as much for their require menu. . I Walla Wajla Fruit' : : Will Be Protected ; Walla Walla, Wash., March 12. Walla WaDa valley fruit gruwora nave begun prepara tion to protect their 1821 crop from frost. The appearance of pink buda. on all of the peace trees throughout this aectiun and in actual blos soming of those in. sheltered spots fiaa resulted in ia laauanee ot a warning by LMstnct uortieui turnt J. B. Wiley ta all arowers against the frosts which may come any rim. within the next SO days. Smudge pot ere now being put ia order ia Most of the large orchard. -r Tree now budding are siring every indica tion of a splendid crop for 1921. All efforts will be made by the grower to prevent their injury by killing frost, which aecordinsr to weather bureau record, is apt to injure the fruit as late as April 19. - The soring sorsring In the Walla Walla vat- ley ia now being atarted and farmers are experi encing little difficulty in getting labor, according to tne reports. j. . t . j . : Loganberry Outlook Considered Good Aurora. Or.. March 12. W. L. Rentier, the loganberry grower, was here this week from his noma oa tne I'acuie highway, it, milee south of Aurora. He haa about 65 acres it. loganberries and is looking for aa excellent yield this year. He stated there is not much new loganberry acre age thia season in his immediate vicinity. - la the state of Washington, however, there ia a large tnereaa in acreage - not only loa-ans. but also in. red and black raspberries and gooseberries ana otner traits. DAIRY PRODUCE OP THE COAST San Francises MrskM :- Ban Francico. March 1 2. ( 0. P. ) But ter Kxtras, 40c; prune firsts, 40e. Eggs Extras, 85c; extra faints, SSHc; first. extra pullet, si He. ? Cheese California flata, 'fancy. 23 He. ' i La Anaeiee Market Tx Angele. March 12. (L N. 8.) Batter, 44c. ' Eggs Extras, 83c; ess count, 31c; pullets. Poultry Hens, 85c; broilers, 65c; fryers. Swtti Market Seattle. Wash.. March 12. (L N. 8.) Eggs eelect rancn, S4. . - ;., Butter 1 1 City .creamery extras. 47048c.. Cheese Oregon waueta, , 34 0 37c; . Toung amencaa, new,, aorj. , POTATOES 'ALOXCr ! THE COAST - See Francisco Market San Francisco. March 12. IV. P.) Pota toes River Whites, $1.750 2.25; Salinas. $2.85 0 8.VO; sweet. 87.O0 07. BO. . . Onions Australian brown, 75 0 90c. Lot Anoeie Market Los Angeles, March 12. (L Jf. S.) Pota toes Mtoccton Kurbanxa, quality poor, $1,73 9 1.85; best. $2.0002.25; Idaho russets, mostly, $2.15 02.25; rural. $1.6601.76. -; Seattle Market Seattle. March 12 (L N. S.) Potatoes Yakima uesam, $30 - ton; local white. 320025 ton. . - j Prize BsU I Sold Win lock. Wash., March 12. N. C. Rears this week sold Panamawes of Midfields. registered yearling pure bred Jersey bull calf, to Steffen Thomson of Enumdaw, woo will use him as foundation stock for his tine nerd of animal. Th airof Panamawea. St. i Uawn of Midfields. won two grand champion awards at state fairs last year, and second place at the Pacific Inter national show in Portland, and Panamawes him self holds two first awards and two seconds in addition to some lesser ribbons. . ' Better Oatpat Gains ' Winlock, Wssh., March 12. The production at the local creamery for the month of January, the short month in the year; was 22,000 pounds. a gain of a sue over the same monta last year. and indication are that this year will eclipse all pretkras yean since the creamery was atarted. A new chum -ha been installed and baa a ca pacity of between 100O and 1200 founds. ' ' Jfew Tofk Batter and Erg$ New Tort. March 12. (L N. S.) Butter market easier. Creamery extras (salted and unsalted), 4Ke) 60e; creamery firsts . (salted and unsalted). 42 049c; higher than extras (salted and unsalted). 47 0 51c; state dairy tubs. 28 046 He: imitation creamery firsts. 26 023c - Cheese Market steady to firm. Whole milk specials, 36 0 29c; whole milk fan?. 25 0 27c; whole milk lower grade, 18 024 He. Wisconsin Whole milk, fancy Young Americas, 27 0 20c; state ekims, specials. 17 H 018 He; choice. 13 016c; fair to sood. 10 012c; lower grades. 6 0 9c. ... Esg Market unsettled. ' Nearby white, fancy 4Sc; brown, fancy, 38040c; extra, 35 086c; tints, 31 H 0 34c. .:, , , . .- -.-, , Chicago Dairy Prodeee ' Chicago, March It. (I. N. 8. ) Butter Reeeipta, 7815 tub; creamery, extra, 45c; first. 88 0 48c: packing stock, 18 0 20c. . EF Receipts. 17.288 cases: miscellaneous, 29080c; ordinary firsts, 28029c; firsts, 30 H ele: extra.: 32 He; check. 27 He; dirties, ,C.hT"TliriM' Ww, 27 27 He; " daMea. 27H 0 28c; Youn America. . $2602Hc; Lcnghoras. 27H027Hc; brick.' 2 a c . lev poultry Turkey. 40c; chickens, S2o; r.ri S2c; roosters. 22c; geese, 16018o; docks. 36c. ' , Tork Poultry Market New Tork." "March 12. (L N. S.) T.i-r PaltryMarket irregular. Chickens,' 28 0 60c: f,0-U-JA?,3?.lc: ,tQr. 5 0 45c; roosters. -Oc: ducks. 40050c; geese. 18020c ISSUE SO. II rancy Block Hogs. rancjr Veal SATURDAY, MARCH IS, 1981 HOGS FIRW Heavy Hops .lieide VKAL IN GOOD DEMAND ....liei ... 1819 Heavy Veal .1201 r Heavy Hens 29 30c. Light Hens. ... .26 02 7 Roosters . 14r, Ceeae, Dseks and Tarkey Market Try Us for tjWlek Bxetsrn,;" :' .n,PSna.' SHERIDAN-BECKLEY CO., INC. "VRDrcB rHOE Mala 7SJS-Refereace8l HlberaU Saylngt. Banl-2ll WASHlirGXOJr ST. - Fralt Ootlook Pavorahle Freewater, Or., March 12 Alfalfa ranchers and fruit grower ' of the valley are- busy with spring work, rruit men are spraying and prun ing. . There is every indication of a bumper CrOP. 1 5 Wheat growers era optimistic. They say fall own grain is in fin. condition. Wages, it is predicted, will be somewhat knrer man last year. . .. . j . t . . ,. :. t - Dried Fruit aad Beans ' New Tork. March 12. (I. N. 8.1 Beans- Market unsettled. Blarrow choice, 418.25; pea choice. $4.75 0 4.85; red kidney choice, SJHrftV Iried Fruits Market demoralized, irregular. Klea. evaporated, prime to fancy, 6H 0'l3e; prunes, sua to sua, txeiitte; do eoa U loos; H09c; peacbea, choice to extra fancy. 18021Hc; seeded raisins, eboic to fancy. 24 0 25c. , ; ?Tew York Wool aad Hides New Tork. March 12. (L N. S.) Wool Market steady. Domestie : fleece XX Ohio. 24 045c: domeetio pulled,! scoured basis, 18 0 75c; domestie Texas, scoured basis, 40 0 82c; domestie Ter. staple, scoured, 65 0 92c . Hides Market quiet. Native steers, 12c; branded steers, 10 He. ' - . 2few York Ssgar twt Coffee ' New Tork, March 12.- (U. P.) Sugar 775 08O' 6'08: IfiMd duDi awanulated, San Fraaelseo Poultry Market San Francisco March 12. (XJ. P. Poul try Broilers. 60068c; large hens. 85037c; best ducks, 30033c. t - , Saa Fraaelseo Barley Market Ssn Franewco. March 12. (U. P. Bar-Lung0i.60:-eenUV 1Wl;40; 'hil- MiBseapolit.Daluth Flax' : .."tii. March 12. (L N. 8.) Flax May. $1.80; July, $1.84; track and arrive, $1.76. Minneapolia, March 12. (L N. S. Flax fi.1&,?-,,Uyi Ifew York.Loadoa Silver . New Tork, March 12.- (I. N. SO Coramer eial' bar silver was quoted:!! Domestic, unchanged today at 99 He; foreign i was 2 Ho higher at e 7 c London. March 12. (L N 8. i Bar silver raa IHd higher today it 82 H d- -T Deschutes Isand Patented Salem, March 12. Patent to 259184 acres of land In Deschutes county, re claimed under the Tumahy irrigation project, has been received by the state from the - department of the interior, Washington. Settlers who have re claimed these lends will be able to se cure loans from tha iruai x.... bank. .u - , ... . .. , ALFALFA HAY IS ACTIVE AT PRIGEiTO N E FOR SVINE 8ATURDAY WHEAT TRADE JL Bid. Less. Herd white ..$1.45 Se Soft white 1.4S Se White ,elsb 1.4S ' Se Hard winter ......... ......... 1A4 Se Northern spring ............... Ui Se Red Walla ;......,...,....... US , 4e NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS ? (Reported by Portland Merchants Exchange) . -ars- 2 Pcrtlnd.-St. . . 27 Year ago ... - 20 Total this week. 229 Year ago ... 120 ... Season to date.. 12.508 203 Year ago ... 6,659 169 Taeoma, Friday. 36 Year ago .... Season to date. . Year ago Seattle, Friday. .- Year ago . . . . SeeefB ta date. Year ago .... Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. e 47 83 S.728 6.961 -4 13 8,984 188 5,188 230 4 7 IS 112 617 S203 S " SO 788 72 2273 - . 4 5 SOO 621 1 -. . . i ' 6 11 95 1 ' 77 418 1920 411 1518 1 S 1, ... 103 736 156 718 826 1136 618 1109 - Numerous changes are shown for feed stuffs and hay In the local trade for the closing day Of the week, but most of them appear to be more in the . nature of adjustments than any special change in the market situation. Alfalfa hey Is showing a rather food call tt the moment, with most of the purchases of No. 1 stock at S19 a ton. Portland. There is little call for - timothy, either from the- Wil lamette) valley or Eaatera Oregon, and practically no grain hay are being offered. Clover would sen at low prices, probably 310 to $15 a ton for avenge,- slock, but most of the offerings have been 'damaged, and rather than pay mere money, the trad, at willing to take the better quality of alfalfa. Straw ia seerce aad higher. MiUstufs are showing no change for the clos ing day ef the week aad local trade ia flour ie slow, although there ia atill a fair call from abroad. - Wheat market was dull and almost lifeless lor the day. - - -- -, - - . i .FLOUR toning price, mHl door: Patent, f0. 80; Montana spring witeaU $9 9; Willamette valley brands. $8.56; local straight, $8.80; bakers local, $0O; granam, SS.OO; whole wheat S8.20. price for city deliveries, 16 extra: suburban, 20s extra, HAY Baying price, nominal. Willamette timothy, fancy, $20.00 0 28.00 per ten; clover. $10.00 015.00; straw, $14.00; alfalfa. $19.00 per ton. ' GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Cateutta. lOe; domestie, . 11c. ia ear lota; lea amount higher. ,.-.4 MHX8TUFFS Mill run at rain, sacked, ton Iota $30: carload, $29. OATS Per ton, buying price: Feed. 115.00 086.00. ' - . J : I BARLEY Buying price: reed. $31,000 82.00; milling. $33.00. 8EED Buying price, nominal; no demand. Bed clover, recleaoed. t ) per lb.; aUike, ( ) ; vetch, ). , FEEDS TUFFS P. O. B. rauTs: - Rolled bar ley. $41043; whole barley. $38.00; alfalfa meal. $80.00; eocoanut meal. $30.00;, cracked corn. $42.00; whole corn. 39.l0 ton? scratch feed, $65.00; soy bean meal. S65.00 per ton. wLoie eats. $40.00; rolled oaU. $48.00. Merc bants exchange bids: WHEAT March. Hard white . ... . Soft white . . . . , White club . . . , Hard winter Northern spring Red Walla . . . . , , . . Mi) 142 .. .. . 142 134 . 134 233 FEED OATS No 8 White 8500 No, 2 gray 3350 BAKLKY . . 8250 . . 8100 . CORN No. 3 local (bulk) . ,.-S No. 3 locaal (bulls) .. .... Brewing Feed. ... . j. April. 146 142 142 184 134 133 3500 3350 S2S0 3100 No bids- Selling Pressure Strikes Wheat ini The Opening Trade Chicago, March 12. L. N. S.) Wheat prices collapsed in the last few minutes of trading, carrying other grains down and closed sharply .lower arid at the bot tom. : A weakening factor was the break in March wheat at Minneapolis and sell ing of the wheat futures by a prominent house with Southwest connections. j Provisions eased off at the last; March wheat closed 34c lower and May 23.e down. May corn lost 0-8 to and July unchanged to Mc lower. May oats was 2cf lower and July" ,c down. Y Chioago. March 12. (L N. S ) Wheat ran into heavy celling immediately after a slow,! un certain start today. Commission houses led th. selling. March started unchanged to He lower and May He higher to He lower. ' j Cora opened virtually unchanged for May! and He to He lower for July. Trad waa extreme ly light. , t Trade in oat waa also light and featureless. The market started steady to Ho lower, i , Provisions started steady to a shade higher. . Chicago range ef prices furnished by United Pre: .... . , j WHEAT 'Open March . May . May . . July .. Miy . . July . . May .. May . . July 'Open. High. IjOW. -r Close. . .162 H 163H 150 rl9 .153 5 153 H 150 H ' 104 . corn ; k - - i . 69 H 70 69 69 H . 71 72H : ; 71H-- 71 OATS I i 43 H 43 V 42 H . 42 H , . 44 H 45 44 H 44 H , PORK r ' - . j 2143 2165' 2145 2115 UKD ! 1183 1200 - 1180 1 15 ; N01 ALLY S T RONG ..1230 1237 R1B8 1172 1205 hard. 1225 X225 May ... .1157 July ......1192 Cash wheat: No. So, 8 hard. 1.61. . ' eye May ......140 142 July 121 1224 BARLEY auteVy - . aw , Cash barley 61078. " 1157 1192 1162 1200 1.64 0 1.64 H; 139 H 139H A 118 : . 118 B "... . 63' B Eastern Cash Grata ! ' Minneapolis Cash wheat No. 1 northern, $1.64 01.59 H : No. 2. $1.5 14 01.58 H; No. 8. $1.434 01.59 Ki No. 1 dark northern, $1.59 0 l.4 H ; No. 2. $1.54 0 L61 4 ; No. 3, $1.42 H 01-554; No. 2 red spring, $1.46 0 1.51 4 ; No. 8. $1.40 4 0 1.50 4 ; No. 1 dark hard Montana, $1.66 4 0 1.68 ; No. 2 hard. $1.61 0 1.64 ; No. 1 duruml xi it K. ah 1 at at Vn 9 ai ao a, 1 u . 3.- 81.850 1.42 HV" - " ? I' v imupeg im wneaa 10, 1 nortnern, $1.90 H ; No. 2, $1.87 H ; No. 3, $1.88 : Nov. A 01 fTU . Z K $1 dOff . M. e a- . -x, eya. 7W A- s. , P A.vry 7 , a-eo. T3r 4A.OS Z feed. $1.42 : track, 61.90 w Oata No. 2 Btra4-k, A. A, a TaT. A X 1 1 . T. . a.? - aa rf-e ""e- w. X, 7IV. - JsaI5uT----,w Uk a. la W.. 83 He; No. 4. 72 He i Deferred Options Of Cotton Lower New Tork. March 12. ft N. R.l Th cotton market evened S points higher on March sad 8 to 10 point lower on other months today. Much of the business was switching. After th start a leading spot concern became a moderate buyer, but the demand- was an polled easily by offering by Japan, and New Orleans interest. - At the end of the first 20 minutes the market was quieter and about 15 points net lower. In tb. lata forenoon tb cotton market mll quiet and steady today and without a feature. 1 no cios. wsa steady with a decline of 8 to 8ATURDAY HOG MARKET Portland. ........strong . , - ' SllS Chicago. ........ .higher to lower ' .'' 1 1.46 Omaha.,..', ...... lOe higher 16.46 Dearer... ....... steady it&i Kansas Clty,;...;steady ." . ; 1$J$ ? PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN i . , . "Hogs. Cattle. Calv. bheep. Car. Saturday ...... J 206 ..... ... ... 10 Week age: .... ' ' . None 2 weeks ago. . ,1867 . . 11 4 wek-ao,.. -2174.. .. Year ago 474 . 52 .. 2 ears ago. , . 40 ? 82 . .. 3 yeaai ago. . Jj, J32 . 8 . . . 4 years, sao. . . 410 60 . 2 26S 1 8 2 ,4 6 Packers fetured i-iost of the arrivals of the. week-end at Aiofib Portland, the run consisting exclusively of bogs. - Gen eral trend of the -markets were about unchanged. a . . j -,C:r i.; ' 1 1 In the hog alleys only ftp hea'd "ont of th total run of 1206 bead for th day appeared for ale at North Portland. The remaining bunch went direct ' to killer, having been purchased in South Dakota. -.- . -- While the market for hog waa at ite best, nominal, there waa an ' indication of general strength. FeVrn market were higher to lower for the day, indicating a wavering disposition. ' General hog market rang: Prim light ....... ..$11. OO0 11.S0 Smooth heavy .............. 10.50011.00 Rough bsavy .............. 6.660 .66 Staggy stuff .,...., ...... i 6.00 0 9.60 Fat pist 10.00 011.00 Feeder pig ............... 10410 11.00 ' Subject to dockage. . .- j--..-:.. : N Oattl Arrive " ' There was "no cattle market at North Portland Saturday because no arrivals were shown. Gen eral trend of th market appeared steady. General eattl market rang: Choice ateer .......... ..f 7.750 8.50 Medium to good steer ....... 7.00 0 7.2S a air 10 meojum steers Common to fair steers 1 ..... , Choice cows and heifers Medium to good cow and heifers Fair ts medium cows and heifers Common cows gad heifers , . . . . Canaera ................... Bulls ................. .... Choice feeders ............. Fair to good feeder Choice dairy calves. ........ . Prime light- dairy calves ...... Medium light dairy calves ..... Heavy dairy calves he Situation Nominal With no arrivals for the week-end there was a nominal tone in the sheep and lamb trade at North Portland Saturday. General trend and price were unchanged, ... General sheep and lamb market: East of mauntain lamba, ...... .$8.60 00.23 6.25 0 7.00 6.25 0 6.23 . 6.26 0 7.00 6.75 0 6.25 6.25 0 6 7 ,. 4.25 0 6.23 3.00 0 4.-23 3 50 0 5.00 6.60 0 6.00 6.00 0-6.50 12.60 018.60 11.50 012.60 9 50011.50 6.00 0 T.S0 Willamette valley lambs Heavy lamba Feeder lssnbs ............... Cull lamb . . . Light yearlings . . Heavy yearlings . Wethets . . . . . . Ewes . Friday Afternoon Salts. COWS. . Price 1 No. S 4.60 I 1. CALVES. 8.00 I i BULLS 4.00 I I. HOGS 1..,, 380 8.50 I 4. 1. . . . 180 11.50 j 1. S.... 22d 11.00 I 1. 8.00 0 8.60 6.50 0 8.00 6.00 07.50 4.00 0 6.00 7.OO0 7.AO 6. 50 0 7.O0 5.50 06.50 1.60 0 5.00 No. Ave. lbs. 1 620 1 . . 80 1....1C30 Ave. lbs. ..1180 Price 6.00 .1240 4.50 . 880 . 370 . 300 8 00 0.50 8.00 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Obloaoo Hoot $11.40 - Chicago. March 12. (L N. S.) Hoes Receipts. 7000; active and 10c to 15c lower some grades lOe to 15c higher. Bulk. $10.00 011.23; top, 11.40; heavyweight. 10.00 0 10.60; medium weight, $10.85 0 11.20; Hgbt weicht. $11.00 011.40; light lilhte, $11,150 11.40;. heavy packing sows, smooth, $8,900 9 KO: packing sows, rough. $8.65 0 8.90; pigs, $10.00 011.00.' - :-.-' Sw - , Cattto Receipts, 1000. - Sheep Receipt. 8000. ' -.n-Jo-z Oawha Hoes $10.40 - - South Omaha, March 12. (L N. S.) Hog Receipts, 8000; active, steady to 10c higher. Bulk, $9.50 010.25; top. $10.40. Cattle Receipts, 800. Compared with week ago: Beef steers aad she stock, 25o higher; top steers, $10.10; canners and cutters, steady to strong; bulls, steady to atrong on light botch ers; light veals, 50c lower; stockers and feeders, 25c to 50c higher. Sheer Receipts, 200. ' Compared with ; week ago: Lambs. 60c to 75c higher; yearlings and wethers. 25c to 50c higher; ewes, mostly 50c higher; feeding, steady. . '" Denver Host 810.2S Denver, March 12. (U. P.) Cattle Re ceipts. 1600: steady. Steers. . $7.00 0 9.25 i cows and heifers. $5.50 0 7.50 ; stocker and feeders, fo.75a8.40; calves, Sio.uo 0 J Z.u. Hoga Receipts, 500; steady. Bulk, $9,600 10.25. Sheep Receipts. 8600; rteady. Lambs. $8.00 00.75; ewe. $5.00 0 5.60. . Kansas City Hoes $10.90 Kansas" City. March 12. (L N. 8.) Cattle Receipts. 100; dull. Steers, $8.00 010.00; cows and heifers, $5.50 0 8.50; stockers and feeders, $6.00 0 8.00: calves, $7.60010.50. Hogs Receipts, 1000; steady. Bnlk. $9.75 010.25; top, $10.90; heavies. $9.85010.80; light, $10-20 010.90; medium. $10-00 010.75. Sheep -None. . -; ,i RECOVERY MAD AFTER BIG SLIDE New York, March 12. (L N. S. The stock- market closed steady today, The market 'Showed a steady tone in all the later dealings, most of the active issues: recovering sharply, from the early low revels. : - ' f-: - - :y ' ' Mexican Petroleum rose ever 4. points to, 145- and .Pan-American petroleum moved up oyer 2 points to 68 H. Crucible Steel recovered from s 84 ft to ; S6 and United State Steel rose from .77 to TS ..-. : '-y. . - -. - ; v j' -t -. Baldwin rallied , from 82. to 84 and General Asphalt gained nearly, 2 points to 6iH- Reading recovered from 67 to and t Southern Pacific advanced 2 pOintS.tO.72 f '.Z:i'tV'.ie!JA;!. T"ZtMy: The motors continued steady, .Stude-baker-moving iip - from" 674 to 6S4, while Chandler Tosefrom;?lV to 72. . Government bonds, unchanged S,; rail way and otherl1onds,' steddy.' - ' . TotaP sales of stocks for today were 64S.30O shares bonds, S5,66,t00. T ; Total sales of stocks' for the week were 4,050.600 shares ; bonds,' $52,302,000, New York, March 12. 1L N. S.) Son stocks were stablished at prices below the ex treme low record yesterday ia the first few min utee of trading today, but after then Inescs the market ateadied itself and before.tb end of the firs 1 5 minutes some sharp rallies occurred. Baldwin, after dropping 1 point to 88, rallied to 84 H. ' ' - ' - Mexican Petroleum sold down to 141 H. Seara-Uosbuek yielded 1 H to 72 H and then rallied to 73. and General Asphalt, after yield ing 1 4 to 48 H. moved up to 48 H. U. 8, Steel yielded H to 77 H. the lowest price touched so far thia year, from which it tallied to 78 H. Royal Dutch continued in de mand aad made a sais ef 1 Point to .62 H . American Beet Sugar was Under pressure, lali ins 1 H to 39. Atlantic Gulf deelinsdr to 40 H and thed advanced to 41H. - ..- Furnished by Over beck V Cook. Ce., Board of Trade building: - Rou. ity bt L. A S. F. . Ktromberg Cxrb Studebaker . . , . Hwift A ' Ca Tenn. Cop. A Chem. Tesa OU ............ Texas - Tac. i. ......... J. VrMte dA Tob. Produota ......... Tran. t'ontL Oil,,....,. UnioB Cni. Del,,. ,..... :?" Pae. "t. Alloy ........j. United . Irug, United Feed prod...,.t. United Fruit United Bd ot N. J. ... United Retell Sterca... U. S. lnd. -Alcebol ....... v., 8, Rubber- .5., ,.., J. S. ftmeitins ......... V.- S. Steel Utah Copper . . ;V. . . Virginia Chess. Vanadium Steel . Vtvandoa .-. ...s ... . vahb X;.:,;.. Weils Fkrto ... Western Pec-- ,..v..'. Western Union . , , ... War tortious a. a 11, ... AVe-t Md. .. ; ... White Motor Willys-OveAsnd ...,.,.. WUsoa- Packing i , Wisconsin Central Woolworth -WortblBsn 'Pump-;',, . , . vv.'-es X' R . . . . , . COOPERATIVE BMII! 19HI 10 20 H 19H 29 H 2H 59 H 674 "7H "V 39 H 88 20 18 H 2S 21H 61 H SO ..TH OH '' 115 H 114 94 ' '24 20 19 101 100 ) 81H 49H 63 H 63 06 4 4 '784 '77 H 47H- 46H 82. 31 H SI- 19 H . - t- V 1 , .. . . . . v .-. .,46 H 45 H . 9H 1 OH y,i .45H 46 H 8 Hi 8H TTS 20 80 ' 68 ts 100 7 89 194 224 61 TH 18 115 82 H 94 so 161 10 61 H 664 6H 29 H 7H 47H 82 S0H 6H ; 7H 60H 24 86 4H 9 3SH TH 89 28 1104 45H 8T(M'Kd New York Curb Furnished trr Ovwrbeefc: of Trad, buikiing: Open. January 1282 Maren. ....1113 May . 1152 July .......... 1198 September ."123 December ..... . 1276 A Cook. High. 1282 1115 1155 1203 1255 1275 IOW. 1270 1098 1138 1185 1284 ; 1263 Board Close. 1270 1100 1150 1194 1250 1270 KewYerk Potato Market New -York. March 12 ft. V a 1 -r-.- .Unu . "'i -T"..,r- tM,g) Market firm; ti?f7 te 2.2a 0 8.75; Rsrmudaa, $7.0oV INDUSTRIALS ' - Bid. Asked. Aetna Exploe 9 H 10 U. S. Steamship 9-16 - H Wright Martin 4 . Peerless .... 25 27 Retail Candy 7 H 8 Tob. Export .............. 7 n Goldwyn S tt OILS : Barnett ... v I . . . 2 ' Boa Wye. . 1 ( VMdes . . 5 '4 . ft 4 Federal Oil IN 1 H Glenoek . - 1 H . 2 Metro Pete. 3 5 Merrrtt . 1 1 H 1 1 4 Mid. W. nh 135 137 Mid. W. Oil. c ......... 1H 1H Northwest 23 30 Okmulgee 1 H 1 Sapulpa . . 4H 44 Sequoyah ................. H - 4 Island Oil ' 4H 44 Marland . k 2H 2H Simmt . , 7 7H Prod. At Refg. 4 H 4 4 ZeaUa . e a- 7 S Omar. . .. . ....' 2 H 2 H Boone . . . 1 : 1 MINES Caledonia . . . 10 12 Canada Copper , ...7-18 H Magma Copper 18 ' 1 0 H Motherlode Old 60 63 . Motherlode New ........... 4H r 5 Nipissing . , . ; 7 H 7 Tono Extn, 1 ' '" 1 H Con. Copper .............. 1 ' 2 SHORT TERM JfOTES Quotations furnished, by Clerk. Kendall Co.. lnc .. . . Maturity. 9-2-24 Security. Am. Cot, OH 6s Am. T. A T. 6s. ... .10-1-22 Am. T..A T. 6s..... 2-1-24 Am. Thread 6s. .... .12-1-28 Am. Tob. 7s . . , . It-1-2 1 Am. Tob. 7s .. . ... . . 1 1-1-22 Am. Tob. 7s ....... .11-1-23 Anglo Am. Oil 7 Hs. . 4-1-25 Armour t'onv. 7s ...,7-16-80-Belgiaa Gov. J Hs. . . 6-1-43 Belgian Gov. 6s..... 1-1-21 Belgian Gov. 6s..... 1-1-25 Beth. Steel 7s .. .. . .T-15-22 Beth. Steel 7 . . ... .7-15-23 British Gov. 8 Hs' .. .11-121 British Got. Hs ...11-1-22 Osnadiaa Gov. 6H .. 8-1-21 Canadian Gov. 6 Ha .. 8-1-29 Cudahy Packing- 7 a..?-18-2 3 Inter. R. T. 7a.. i .-" 9-1-21 Japanese' Gov. 4 H a,. .7-10-25 Kennecott Cop. 7s... 2-1-80 Molin. Plow 78. .... . . 9-1-21 Molin. Plow 7s...... 9-1-22 MoHne Plow 7s. ..... -9-1-28 Molin. Flow 7a.'. .... 9-1-24 Nor. Pao. Eqp. 7a. ..6-15-22 Pacific Gaa 7. . . ... 6-1-25 - Swift 8a ...... ... . .8-15-21 U. 8. Rubber 7s ... ..12-1-23 Bid.' . 89 H ! '' 96 H . 93 83 H 100 H 1 90 H 99 H 96 96 ' 88 9H 99 94 H oa 94 92 97 69 H ' H2H 91 98 92 88 " H 90 98 T4 97 Ask. 91 97 5 H 95 H lOOH 99H IOO H 90 H 96 H 90 H 90 97H 99 H 94 H 99 H . 94 H 99 H 98 98 H 69 H 82 93 98 T 90 H 97 H Agr, Oheva. ........ Aiax Rubber ....... Alaska Gold ........ Alaska Juneau ....... AlliavChalmer Am. Beet Sugar . . . . Am. Roach ..... f . am. . van ta ......... Am. Car A Fdy . Am. Cotton Oil Am. llrug Synd. ...... Allied - Chem. ........ Anu. Hide A. Leather... Am. lee Am. Intl. Corp. ....... Am. Linseed. , . ....... Am. . Looo. ..... . . . . . Am. Saf. Baser ...... Am. Ship A Comm.... Am. Smelter ...... .t. Am. Steel Fdy. ....... a in. ougar .,....,.., Am. Sumatra . . . ... . . Agn. Tel. A Tel. ....... Am.-Tobacco .......... Am. Tobacco "B". Am. W'ool Am. Zinc ............. Anaconda ........ , Aaso. Oil ............. Atehison .............. Ati. Gulf A Vf. I..., ... Baldwin Loco ........... Baltc A Ohio Beth. Motors Beth. Steel B. . . B.r R. T. ., , .....,.. . . Butte C. A Z...,. .... Butte A Sup ........... Csddo Oil Calif. ITfck"1' ........ Calif. Pit. ............. Canadian Pao. , . - ...... , Cen. Leather .......... Cerro le Pasco ........ Chandler Motor . Chicago A N. W........ Chicago lit W. ....... Chile Copper Chind ... ............ t. M. St. P. , ... .-f Coeo Cola -'...t:. C A O. ... ..... Colo. F. A L ,., Colo. Southern . . t'ol. Ga A Klec ...... Columbia Graph. ...... Consolidated Ga , - .... Cons. Cigars .......... Continental Can ....... Continental Candy ..... Corn Products ........ Cosdea Oil ........... C. It. I. A P. . Crucible i: . v. ..... IS,,. '.njt .......... I Cuban Aran. Sugar ...... DeL et Hudson . Dora. Mines .......... D. A R. G. .......... Endioott Johnson ...... Erie ... ......... Famous Players ....... Fed. Ming. A Smelt..... Fisk Tire .. .......... . Gaston Wav ......... Gen. Cigar Gen. Elec. ........... Gen. Motor . . . . . . . . Ctn. Mot. 6 9i ....... . Goodyear ............ Gen. Asphalt . ...... . . Goodrich ............ (.ranby . . ' . i ....... oreat - .-.or, vie ....,.-, Great Nor., pfd ......... Greene Canaries ........ Gulf S. Steel......... - Hupp Motor Houston OU ............ 111. Cent. ..,..,., . Inspiration ............ Intel uo re ,...., ... . . ... Interstate Callahan ...... Int. Harv. -.... let. Merc Marine....... Int. Nickel ............ Int. Paper ............ Invincible OU ... . . ... Inland Oil ............ K.' C. Southern. ....... . Kelly-Spgfld. Kennecott Keystone Tire ......... lAck Steel ........... Lehigh. Valley ......... I, A N . . . . , i. Maxwell Motor .... . . . . Mex. Pet, ........... Miami ............... Middle State Oil ...... Mid vale Steel . ......... M. K. A T..... ....... Mont. - Power . Mo. Pacifi. ....... ..... Mont-Ward ........... M. A St. L. . . . . ...'. National Enamel ...... National Lead Nevada Con. ....... . . . New Haven ........... Norfolk AW.. . , . . . , . . Northern Pacific ....... r. or Deous o irwt ....... N. Y. Air Brake ......... N. Y, Central ......... Okie. Prod. tef. ........ Ontario Silver ....... Ontario A W. ......... Otis Steel ............ Pacific Oil - . . . . 4 .- . . . . Pac. Ga A Elee, ....... Pan A am. Pet. ....... ... Penna, ............... People's Gas ...... ' Pere Marquette ........ Philadelphia Co. ........ Pure Ofl ............. Pierce Arrow , ......... Pierce -Oil Pitts. Coal ............ Pitt. A West Va......,l Preased Steel Car, .... '. Pullman - ...... . ... . Ray Con ................ Keading . .............. Tteploel Steel ; ....... . Republic I. A S........ Rep. Motors .......... Royal Dutch Oil ...... . Ry. Steel 8p$ . gi . . . ? . . gaxon Motors .......... Sears Roebuck ..;,. Hbattnck, Aris. ........ Shell T. A T. . . . .. ...... Sinclair .............. Skass Shef . ; . . ,,... Sou. Pacific .......... TJew York Bank Statement New Tork, March 12. (L N 8.) Bank statement: - Average Loans, decrees. $39,566,000; de mand deposits, increase, $416,000; time de posits, increase, $216,000; reserves, decrease, $2,888,850. Actual Leans, ' decrease, ' $62,845,000; dot mand deposit, decrease, $28,025,000; .time de posits, decrease, -$2,047,000; reserves. Increase. $30,YOO,280. v ...... - : . ' f- m ' ' r-' 1 -.- -. .. .- ', Chicago Potato Market - Chicago, March 12. (I. N. A) Potatoes . Receipts. 64 cars. Northern Whites . (tackli 8LAQ1.40; hulk. 81.&0L45. - High 49 28H 1 40 H 27 H 122 H H 42 8H 49 43 ; 82 6H i" 7 37 29 H 90 80 H 102 li ; 113H 64 85 7H 42H 84 H 31 24 55 J1H "ii" 1 112 244 73 64 H 7 H - H 20 H 24 H XOH 66 H 82 H 68 ." 80 44 67 H 1H 70 H 24-' 864 21 26 98 H 15H 1 'ii 65 ' 'iiW 2-H 129 H 12 51 80, t i . . 80 71 H IS ,1 .80 -. 4 5H 93- 'ii' 52 17 H 8 22 H 87H 16 1 51 49 98 145 ii 10 H ' 71 9 17H 94 H 77 H 75 67 H 16 29 H 68 86 88 H 16 H 81 25 H 10 67 83 108 H 11 H 69 63 63 H 86 ( '74 - 6 41 H 21 41 72 Low t B-.i 48 28 , . w . 80 25 121 -6H 40 SH 48 ,40 H 81H 6 6 36 29 89 77 101 112 110 62 "84 77 40 H 82 H 80 H 2 54 11 'io' 11 34 H 110 24 70H 63 .7 H 19 2 H ' 20 65 81 -i 67 8 78 48 67 H el 22 84 H 20 25H 98 15 1H ii 62 e 18 It 128 12H 48 S6H 30 70 11 69 H 29 98 13 61 16 8 21 35 16 11 49 49 97 141 ii'" 16 '' 70 9 16 63 76 e t : 74 66 ... . '16 '.29 H 6AH ! 86 88 16 'ii 24H 10 86 82 102 H 11 67 62H 62H 65 T3 6 41 20 41 70 48 27H , IS 81 40. 53 26 121 19- 6 41 8 H 46 41 . 82 8H T 87 29 90 0 114 H 114 US 64 8 85 97 79 40 84 : 81 55 11 4 11 13 inli. I ma. sytsT 111 86 24 71 64 i 7 . 9 ?Usi ' 20 66 27 S3 68 8 79 48 H 67 H 1 70 26 24 8 21 26 . 98 15 1H 58 11 65 6 18 2 9 : 129 12 68 13H 50 36 18 80 71 19 29 12 62 85 80 4 '-.4 93 13 13 62 17 3 22 87 ' 19 18 49 49 98 4 148 16. 11 SO 2 S2H 16 16H 10 65 71 9H 16 94 . 77 32 75 67 8 4 76 12 28 46 68 86 88 16 32 -1 ai 25 10 57 25 88 108 II H 68 26 68 16 63 86 74 -8 41 2 41 72 FOKF.IOX EXCHA5CE BATES , -Correeted dally by th foreign exchange de partment of the United State National beak. . Ouotatwns - below, except th poeud sterling, re quoted oa the basis of 100 units foreign cur reucy. . . Optnlac nominal rate en bank transactions! unit London Cheeks. Lb, sterling. $ 8.90 Paris Franc. . .7.08 Oerlin Marka. 1.80 Genoa Lire. . . 8.68- Athens Drachmas . . 7.60 . Copenhagen Kronen.... 17.30 ... Cbristiania Kronen . .. . T8.38 ' Stockholm. k Kronen .... 1.80 Hongkong- 1 Currency ... .... Japan Yen .. 48.50 Shanghai ' .. Taela ..... .... Ceble Par . Transfeis. . Vb'. $ 8.91 $ 4.866 .7.09 ... 19.80 1.00 v - 28.81 ' 8.68 - 19.80: 7.70 10.30 17.85 -V 26.70 - 16.40 ' . 26.T0 22.63 ' 26.T0 4V.60 ', l'.'.4. V .... ....; PACIFIC COAST BANK 8TATE5IEXT FtrUand Banks : Clearings ' This week. Monday .... . .6A.085.4B9.57 Tuesday ...... S.8&O, 586. 78 W'ednesday .... 4. 148,034. 88 Thursday . .w 4.511,759.27 Friday ,,.,., 6,004,910.97 Saturday ..... 8,306,470.54 -Tcarago. 87. 203.004. IS 6.856.178.62 6.092.424.67 6,464,748.58 ,Hh,15t f4 8.95 5,4 70.03 Week i. . . . $29.388.16A90 $37,810,062.81 CI ea rinaa Balancea Clearings Balances -Clesring Balance Clearings Cletnngt Opekane BUnkt Saturday , , . , . , . . ,8 Saturday . ........ ' tattle" Banks ' Saturday ..,.....,$ Saturday ......... Taoeme Banks -'' -1 Saturday . .$ Saturday . San Francisco tsanht Saturday . . . . ; . . . . $19,500,000.00 Let Angels Bank Saturday . ....... ,$14,449,804.00 1.856,094.00 622411.00 i - 8,806,583.00 1.080.546.00 629.598.00 101,062-00 Forelga Exchange Market New Tork, Msrch 12. (U. P., Foreign ex change opened today with demand sterling $8.90; franca, .0708; Urea, .0808; wvarks, .0159. Foreign exchange' closed today with demand sterling- $8.90; frsnces, .07.08; lire, .0808; marks, .0159; Canadian dollars, .8745. Further Depression Shown in Buying On Pacific Coast "New York. March 8. The Credit Clear ing -house1 weekly report ' of merchandis ing activities, by wholesalers and manu facturers shows declining -purchases; lower- Indebtedness and better payments for : thai week, awidinar March 1. In the Pacific coast section purchases f are less active than the previous week and the same week last year, but better than the corresponding week of 1919. ' Indebtedness is a little heavier than the. week before, but not so large as In the corresponding weeks of the past two years.----.. . . Payments are less -active, but better than the corresponding weeks of the past two years.. Vancouver, Wash., March 12. A cooperative bank may be established In Vancouver in a short time, ac cording to local labor leaders. R. "W. Wattersf, organizer for the Fi nancial Federation of Producers, has been spending the last few day In conference with the union men In regard to establishment of the bank here. The plan la said to have the general Indorsement of all the local unions, as well as the State Federa tion of Labor. The plan of the etate' institution, ac cording to Wattert, is the organisation, of 100 branch banks throughout the state. The state Institution is capitalized, at IIS.000,000. Officers already . have been established In many cities, he said. According to the "plans explained by Walters, existing banks will be pur chased and new ones created only when It is impossible to secure control ot an already established institution. Stock Mait United Alloy Steel In year 1920 earned $5.88 a share on stock, against $4.16 in 191ft Worthlngton Pump A Machinery year 1920 earned . $7.85 a share on common stock, against $17.28 in 1919. 111 Standard Oil of California ratifies in. crease tn authorised capital from $100,. 000,000 to $116,000,000 and reduction In par varue from $100 to $75. New York Central end New Haven't wage cuts average 22', per cent; Ft. Paul and Northwestern and AtchUon and Rock Island to follow lead ot New York Central. Blgrgcat BurilncM ICvcr Done The business of the National Surety, company in 1920 was .the largest ever done by a single company in the history of surety, according to its snnusl report. During the year the company wrote grows premiums of $17,099,197, a record amount, against $12,170,429 the year le- iore. liusnrs in inn -year f k rr jr i ' i $3,932,824, as compared with '2.120,716 lit the previous year. An increase irf embexslement and robbery throughout the country Is evidenced by the Increase In the company's annuel lots ratio, which advanced to $5.8 per cent lutt year from 28.9 per cent In 1919. Liberty Bead Sales (Reported by Overbeck A Cook Co.) - High. Iw. (low. Liberty, 8s ......... 9010 9000 9000 Liberty. 1st 4. ............... . N70 Liberty, 2d 4s......... . RS46 Liberty, 1st 4Ha...... 8604 8686 801)0 Liberty, 2d 4Hs....... 8664 M042 8664 Liberty. 8d 4s....... 0082 9020 0080 Liberty. 4th 4 s. ....... HHH0 5A 8H76 Vlctaay,. 4 t ......... 9720 9704 9720 Victory. 8s...,. 9726 .0716 9720 Naval Stores Market ; New York. March 12. (L N. 8.) Tunes. tine Savannah, 64 H. no tales; New York, 61. Rosin- Savannah. 11.00; New Tork. 6.25. lit Pertonai Banking. At the Hibernia yon can b personally acquainted with all the officers. They are easily accessible to any customer. m ME (Of Portland) r - J -i ' A Progressive Commercial Bank The advantages gained, by having your account with any . bank arc in proportion to the cooperation and convenience that it offers. It is a silent partner in your undertakings, with a wealth of cumulative knowledge gained through year3 in banking experience, readj -vitH sound advice on business problems of every nature. . We give the same careful attention to small accounts as we accord our largest accounts. Bank Your Pay Check With U State Bank of Portland FIFTH AT STARK STREET Foreign Exchange at Lowest Rates Stocks, Beads, Cetten. Grata, Etc $16 SIS Beaxd at Trade Bandlag OverbecIi&CooIieCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES ; TO e4LL EXCHANGES Members Ckleage Beard ef Trade Cerrespoadeats ef Legaa A Uryas, CJUcara . -' "; "Be?" York"-'; Travelers' CheclK .'"':'.-....'-.. t WE would direct the attention of Travelers and Tourists to our facilities for equipping them with our Travelers' checks which arc payable at all our branches, and correspondents throughout the world. We can provide these checks payable ss Canadian. New York.or London, England, exchange. In denom inations of 120. j5o and i oo. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COLir.lEP.C: Pcrtland Cranch Fourth and Zlzxlz Zl: