14 THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND," OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH 8. PORTLANDISSEEN AS CITY OF HOMES BY VOtviAH EDITOR "1 am particularly impressed with Portland as a home city," says Mrs. Delia Thompson Lutes, editor of "Today's Housewife, which recently amalgamated with "American Moth erhood" and "Table Talk" pf which the was also editor. ' Mrs. Lutes is visiting Mrs. Sarah Evans. . : "The homes look so substantial and the people the kind who are making homes. America is in need of this very thing to keep us balanced and make the pendulum .swing true. . ' - T "I think home life is the one thine that is groins to keep America safe and sane, simple, natural and true, she added. "This is the thine I am doinr in In my magazine work. We are trying to help America to appreciate. the value of homes and home life, and in making the people believe that home-making is a profession in itself, well worth study ing for and preparing for. ; 'To help bring this about, we are building a home in Cooperstown, where out editorial offices are, .which is to be a standardized American home. I shall live there, with my family near me, and the home shall be open to constant Inspection by the public. , It will be fur nished with nationally advertised furni ture, together with some of my collec tions, and will be equipped with all the most modern devices. We will give demonstrations of food and equipment and will test all the recipes." "The trend is toward more simple foods. Women cannot get help now adays and are striving to learn to feed their families better and simpler food, "We have to teach them to do house work quickly and easily so that we can have time to do other things in connec tion with civic and public life. We are teaching them the value and use of mod ern equipment. The old adage about a woman's work being never done will not be true when women learn to use the new electrical devices. Electricity , is going to modernize the home. Women are" only beginning to see the value of it, and through some hook' or crook we must make the men see it." Mi's. Lutes. Portland visit is purely for the purpose of rest and recreation, she says. She will spend ' some time in Seattle and San Francisco while in the West. She was for 13 years editor j of "American Motherhood" and for six j years editor of "Table Talk." She has written several books, including "Just Away," "My Boy in Khaki," "Child, Home and School," "Bible Stories From the Old Testament," and "Story of Life for Children," besides several books for mothers' cluba ... Canada's Imports From U. S. in 1920 ; Fourth Above 1919 Canada bought from the United States In 1920 1182,028,128 more than: in 1919. The imports from the United States In 1920 were (321,625,825, as compared witn t-jq tea? ea? In 1Q19 an inrTMuut of 25 pr cent. Of Canada's total' Imports, amounting to $1,336,921,000. about 70 per cent were from the United States. The total .trade between the wo coun tries in 1920 was $1.607 .651.094,1 aa com pared with $1.231.656,516' in 19X9. an in crease of 22 per cent. ; i The premium on American funds had the effect of strongly stimulating ex ports to the United States. For the year the total figures were $585,965,269, as compared with $492,058,819 fori 1919. Impeachment of 2 Oklahoma Officials ' Urged by Committee Oklahoma City, Okla., March 8. (I. N. S.) Impeachment of State Treas urer A. N. Leecraft and removal of Highway Comminsioner Henry- Wood were recommended to the house of rep resentatives late Monday by.a special probe committee. Specific charges of : impeachment were also filed against Lieutenant. Governor M. E. Trapp. The state treasurer is charged with . caTlng . on banks' holding state money to contribute to a Democratic fund. Lieu tenant Governor Trapp is charged with wilful (neglect of duty, corruption in of fice and irregular transactions : In county bonds. 1 ! Laborite Wins Over Government's Man In British Election (By United News.) London, March 8. The government lost out In the third bye-election test in a week in the defeat Of ISir J. P. Hinch. the Coalition-Liberal candidate for commons, by W. Gillis, Laborite, by a vote of S50 to 7123 at Penistone. The polling, took place Saturday. YT. II. Tringle, the Independent Liberal can didate, also topped the government's man , polling 7984. j Inauguration Film Comes by Airplane ; l '- " ' - ; " Bearing a motion picture film depict ing the presidential Inauguration cere monies at Washington. IX C. -on Friday, an- airplane is due in Portland some time today from Cheyenne, Wyo. The picture will go On exhibition ;here. The film version of the inauguration was made Friday and was carried to Chi cago by airplane and to Cheyenne by train. As soon y as the flying machine delivers the print to the local exchange it will hop off for Seattle. to deliver an other print. l ' MARCH SALE Ug ED P IANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS STEINWA Y UPRIGHT, only slight ly used, looks like - new. i Priced for a quick sal at :. .$735 Mahy Other Good Bargains Terms to . Suit Reed French Piano Mfg.Co. Phone Broadway 750 -12th and Washington Streets VISITOR IMPRESSED WITH PORTLAND AS HOME CITY if Vt':f: 4 . Y vvv.vic4t- X-MA Mrs. Dell Thompson Lutes LEI GIRL Chicago, March S.(U. P.) Mrs. Jake Hamoo was en route to Ard- more, i Okla., today determined to avenge the slaying: of her husband. Accompanied j by V her 11 -year -old daughter, Olive Bell, she left to at tend the trial of Clara Smith Hamon and do all in her power to obtain conviction of the woman. "She wrecked my home, boasted of he conquest and killed my husband," said Mrs. Hamon." "I have no sympathy for her. She should be banged. "1 will show she had affairs with other men and that her boasts of "making Jake were the vilest lies. I knew the hardship that made him. She knew the luxury of his life with hira when he was 'made.' ; !.." ! ; "I don't propose this murderer, this destroyer, this boaster, this poser, shall go free. j - r . - Head of National Farm Bureau to Be In Oregon March 25 J. R. Howard, president of the Na tional Farm Bureau federation, will be in Oregon March 25 and 26. according to an announcement made Saturday eve ning at a meeting of the Multnomah county farm bureau., held at Greeham. Howard will. 'speak at Gresham March 25. $466,000 Voted by . Detroit for Needy -Detroit, Mich.. March 8. I. N. S- The city, council Monday . appropriated $466,000 to the department of public wel fare to assist the poor and jobless. OkintrdUbles are unsignzuj "n . w -wT m m heals mem This simple, inexpensive ointment is a comfort that no sufferer from skin trouble can well afford to he without. It usually stops irritation at once, and has a cooling, soothing ef fect upon the skin while healing it. Resinel Ointment ! sold in two slses by all druggists. It ! is easy to apply and so nearly flesh Colored it. can be used en exposed aurfacea without at tracting undue attention. Send for a sample. Dept. j 2-8, RESINOL, Baltimore.- Md. ( f " " - - THE SAVOY SEND IN YOUR MAIL PRICED SUGAR ! 5 lbs..; .41 1 io lbs.;. .8 Sack -....$8.20 . CREAMERY BUTTER 1 lb.....44 r Roll . .88 SYRUPS s No. 10 C R. Melomar .i..,l.l,l8 No. 5 C R. Melomar No. 10 C R. .Butter Scotch ..JBl.ST1 No. 6 C. R. Butter Scotch ..1.06 No. C. R. Butter Scotch ..T.57 No. 10 C. R. Cane and Maple S1.97 No. S C. R. Cans and Maple Sl.OS No. 2V4 C. R. Cane and Maple... 59 No. 2 Sugar Peas ..... No. 2i Tomatoes ....... No. 2 Corn, 2 for .. .ioe ....io ? Del Monte Vegetable1 No. 2 tin Crosby Corn, 2 for,... 35 No. 2 tin Supar Peas. Z tor..,.. 35 No. 2H Solid P"k Tomatoes, 2 for 35 No. 2 Solii P'k Pumpkin, 2 tor 35 No.. 24 tin Sauer Kraut, 2 for..,. 35 fro- 26 tin. Beets, 2 for...........55 Shrimps. 2 for.....;. ......49 Minced Clams. 2 for.. ....... .....33 Hi Otter Tuna, 2 for. ...... ...... 4) la Flat Salmon Steaks... ........ 38 No., Is Tall Salmon, 2 for. .25 . Al HA. P1SKAPPLE No. 2 tin Sliced. ., .25 No. 24 tin Peaches ...... 20 No. 24 tin Pears . ........,..J0 No. 2 tin Apricots .....i....w.j0 HANG SAYS MRS HAH TrDl PEDESTRIAN IS SERIOUSLY HURT WHEN CARS CRASH Mrs. Rose Jenkins, Fairview apart ments, was dangerously injured when two automobiles came together ! at Sixth and Yamhill streets at 7:30 p. m.' Monday. 1 . t Mrs. Jenkins and E. TL Wilson, who is joint owner withoher of the Central Market bakery, were crossing Yamhill at Sixth when a small car driven by C. W. Maher, 312 Sixth street, moving north on Sixth street, crashed into a heavier car driven by J. R- Washburn, 839 Nelson street, going west on Yam hill street. Mrs. Jenkins and Wilson were dragged between the cars for some distance. Witnesses disagreed as to which ear had the right or way. C. A- Beugeugh, who lives at the T. M. C. A., told police traffic officers that the Maher car struck the couple before bitting the Washburn car. Other wit nesses testified that the Maher car was proceeding at a high rate of Speed. A bottle was found In the Maher car. Mrs. Maher, Mrs. F. Edwards of 81 East Seventy-eighth street and J. Maher of Otney were occupants. Mrs, Jenkins wa taken to St. Vin cents hospital. : She suffered a frac tured skull, a fractured arm and a frac tured nose. Her condition is considered extremely serious. Wilson was cut about the head, v . y : . Maher was held without bail,- pending an investigation. -a - FREEMAN'S 200 First St. OUALITY S yi lbs. Sqjir, pure cane . . . Crisco, 3-Ib. can (1 to cus tomer) ... - . . 2 eanS Pineapple, Libby's, 2js, at 2 cans Peaches, Libby's, 2,j4s 3 cans Peaches, in syrup, 2js, at ............... 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c cans Pears, Bartlett, 2j4s.. cans Corn, Minnesota..... cans Peas, Early June.,... cans Tomatoes. R. R. Solid 50H 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c Pack . . . 4 cans Salmon, medium red. . 6 lbs. Rice, fancy head . . . . . . 2 pkffs. Raisins, seeded or seedless AT STORE 17-qt. GranHe Dishpan. . ... .98c 12-qt. Granite Pails ........ 98c fl.25 Broom 89c. Wednesday 50 c SPECIALS for WEDNESDAY Our Famous Wild Rose Butter, pound . . . . ... .... . . .50c Prime Ribs of Beef, boned and ; rolled, pound . . . ... . . . . 25c Pork Roast, pound. . . ... 20-23c Beef Pot Roast, lb. . . . . 10-1 2Jc Pork Neck Bones, pound . . . 9c Beef Boil, pound. ......... 10c CASCADE MARKET, 3D AND YAMHILL ECONOMY MARKET, 4TH AND YAMHILL GROCERY ORDERS SHIP US YOUR EGGS PROMPT RETURNS FOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY M. J. B. COFFEE J I 1 lb., ...42 3 lbs. $1.213 5 lbs $.UU SNOWDRIFT 2 lbs....40 8 lbs.. . . 4 lbs....72 $1.43 Lima Beans, 3 pounds for. ...... .25 Red Kidney Beans, 2 pounds for 25 Pink Beans, 3 pounds for..... ...25 Split Peas, 3 pounds for.. ........ 5 Black Eyed Peas, pound... ..10 Soaps and Washing Powders 21 bars White Wonder .......... .98 18 bars Crystal White ..; Sl.OO 20 bars V. H. Bleaching Soap jtl.OO 3 bars Fairy Soap 25 5 bars Goblin Soap .............25 1 package Mt Hood W. P. .25 1 bottle Ammonia ............... IO 1 botUe Bluing ..IO CEREALS No. 10 sack Rolled Oats 504 No. 10 sack Pancake Flour ...... US t No. 10 sack-Farina r.t8 No. 10 sack Coarse Graham .....50 No. 10 sack Fine Graham SO No. 10 sack Rye Meal .....6 No. 10 sack Rye Flour ......65 No. 10 sack Yellow Corn Meal... 35 ' Del Monte Fruits - No. tins Peaches, Royal Anne , Cherries, 2 for..... . -95 No. 2H D. M. Pears, 3 for. . . . -9X.1.2 No. 24 Sliced Pineapple, 3 for. ..97 No. 2 tin Loganberries, 3 for 91.lO CounciTMay Heed Popular Demand for Concerts in Parks If the city can squeeze out of its gen eral fund the sum of S3500, hand concerts can be provided for one week night or afternoon and Sunday afternoons for Portland during the coming summer sea son, according to park Superintendent C. ofTvetJfeet X JS3 SkmkUaimntpmfy. May pisweul a bad cold or seriuus ewwUoa, Aa exeaUant enmter-irritaat for kaekaehe, and other pun tha (oUow waather fPL. tw, SM. .tin STORES 249 Yamhill Bet. 2d aad id and Thursday Specials 8 lbs. Beans, Cal., small white 50c 6Sc jrade Teas, all flavors, lb.50c 5 pkgs. Post Toasties. ... . . .50c Wesson or Mazola, qt. . . '. . . .50c 2 lbs. Freeman's Spec'l Coffee 50c 6 pkgs. Jello (6.to customer) 50c 1 sack Rolled Oats, ios., . . .50c '6 cans Dutch Cleanser ..... .50c 2 pkg's. Cream of Wheat .... 50c 4 pkgs. Quaker Oats.. 50c 3 lbs. Cocoa, bulk. ........ .50c 2 cans Shrimps. Extra Fancy.. 50c 11 bars Soap, White Wonder.. 50c 8 cans Pork and Beans, D. M. 50c 6 lbs. Prunes, fancy Oregon . .50c 2 bottles Catsup, Lily of Valley, pints 50c NO. 1 ONLY 8-qt. Gran. Preserving Kettle 98c Jim's Toasters ,' 19c Doz. Oranges and dr-Lemons 50c 224 YAMHILL ST. 226 On the Sooth Sid of the Street Between First and Second ' MAZOLA OIL fQts. ..48 -Gat. ..S9 Gallon... $1.74 GUNPOWDER TEA 2 lbs. for . . t.G7 Bear Flour 92.49 Barrel 99.95 Sack. Bulk Coffee Try them. You will be convinced of their merit at lotoer prices: Blend A... ..38 Blend B.....33 Blend C....-28 Blend D.....23 HATCHES 8 boxes for.. ..30 POWDERED 8UOAK; nds...,.33 i pound.;... 53 LIGHT BHOWN SUGAR 5 pounds..... 52 10 pounds .99 No. 2 tins of I Sliced Pineapple : Peaches Apricots'.... Green Gage Plums........... ALL FOR 98c PRUNES 25-lb. box Fancy Prunes .... ..92.78 25-lb. box Choice Prunes ......82.23 25-lb. box Orchard Run Pr'nes $1.74 Oranges, 2 dosen.. ............ .....35 Lemons, 2 dosen' .......... ..... . .25 1 , BUT TODAY DEL MOTTTE JELLIES, JAMA A5D PRESERVES, 14-os. Jar 37 P.. Keyser. He has been receiving num erous - inquiries regarding ' the prospect for , summer band concerts and the de mand has become of such volume that it ia probable the city, council vWill be asked to reconsider its action In cutting off the appropriation. Keyser, on hla recent visit to Spokane, found that city has appropriated $3500 for band music during the summer, and he believes Portland, should provide at least an equal amount for concerts here for the enjoyment of citizens generally. 98 Mm i mm? It's Dependability , That Counts IN an individual, or an institution. - We have a reputation for giving careful, ice urate, prompt, service, and we . are jealous of maintain ing it. Day or night you will - find depend able registered pharma cists to - fill your pre scriptions with "De pendable ' Drugs."' No service too small for our attention. : ' WE NEVER CLOSE Coo " AND Air D Si Scuin Bum. i I urn - ur rr 11 c. nM'ri MHUn'vrt-rn fitir-n JitaI Statistics -marriages.Birtbs. Dzaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Albert L HcBmn. 21. 1009 ut Sixth at. north, and Norma Kolpin, 19, 102? East lentn atxeet norm. Arthur L. McCuteheon. leeal, 881 Fifth at.. ana nuaie nauie. legal, iua Bortbwick at. Jamea W. Huitt. 20, 6023 Sixtr-fourth at. 8, K.. and Pearl Alpine, 16, 4835 Sixty-fifth at 8. E. Matthrw Welwr. lecal. Alberta. Canada, and Carolina Matadoff. lml. 4 7 Biedway at 8amnel J. Bobaker, k-eal. 1171 Bex av.. ami Rosa Drippa, legal, Portland. Kdward P. Napoleon. 26, 640 Fourth at. ;W. O. rITH A CO.. SI 1 Morgma BMa Lucky Wedding Rings BEINGQLP'S . JEWELERS, 147 8D 8T. BIRTHS felRBLE To Mr. and Mra. G. F. W. Sirble 171 W. Farraant. Feb. 14. a daughter. NEIjSON To Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nelson, 314 Pierre, Feb. 2, a danghter. ' MECUM To Mr. and Mr. P. E. Mecnm. 1736 fana. aiaren a, a ann. BOBBER To Mr. and Mra. Tj. D. Sorber. 1020 8. Central, March 4. a ann. , DUES To Mr. and Mra. O. G. Duea. 7411 54tb ae.. March 3, a daughter. CLAPP T Mr. and Mra. O. O. CUpp. 7015 42d, March 4. a aon. -WINTON To Mr; and Mra. H. B. Winton. 306 N. iTanhoe. Feb. 24. a aon. . BTAS To . Mr. and Mra. J. P.- Byan, 606 Hawthorne. Mareh 2. a aon. McEIAV A FN To Mr. and Mra. E." A. McElwain, 1268 Hawthorne, lfarrh 2, a daughter. CROYVLEY To Mr. and Mra. O. C. Crowley. 682 K. 81st. Feb. 28. a daughter. POTTER To Mr. and Mm. C. A. Potter, 1127 E. Frankin. March 3. a son. KONE8TL3 To Mr. and Mrs. E. Koneatis, 125 Orabam, March 8, a danghter. OSHANIC To Mr- and Mra. P. R. Oahaaic. BeaTerton, Or., F.eb. 28, a daughter. SILVA To Mr. and Mrs. E. L. 8Ura, New- bent. Or.. Feb. 27. a aon. BISHOP To Mr. and Mrs. H. 3. Bishop, 1023 E. 24th. Feb. 25. a aon. ROGERS To Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Rogers, 240 Fargo, March 1, a daughter. SCHIKBER To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A Scbieber, 89 E. 28th. March 2. a daughter. , FOWLER To Mr. and Mra. C. A. Fowler. 892 K- Yamhill. March 5. a daughter. SHAJU To Mr. and Mra. T. Sharp, 241 H First March 6. a danghter. BOfvOUGH To Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Botough, Ticard. Or.. Feb. 23. a daushter. ABNER To Mr. and 'Mrs. W. L. Aboer, Gar den Home, Feb. 25, a aon. SCOTT To Mr. and Mrs. K. Soott 604 E. 60th. -Fes. 24. a daughter. DEATHS CAMrBEIJ, Nancy Campbell. Multnomah boa liital, March 5, 0 years; chronic nephritis. MAT James M. May. 157 Sheldon, March 6, 58 years; cerebral embolism. ROSEN FELD Michael Rosenfeld. 246 Arthur. March a. S4 years: heart disease. , WIIjSON Geo. W. Wilson. L O. O. F. home. March a. 71 years: arteno ar lemma. PROUDFOOT Henry C. Proudfoot 1165 E. Yamhill. March 8. 77 years: senility. HINCE Wm. Hi nee. 1727 Woolaey, March 6. 23 years : epileptic conruluons. , IUM'K Mrs. Annie Hock. Multnomah hospital. Mareh 5. 64 years: encephalitis. YOfTNG Jong Young, Good ttaraaritan hospital, March 6, 70 years; carcinoma of stomach. WHITING Annie L. Whiting, S99 K. 27th. March a, 78 yer: aeainty. 8AVAGE Elrira Savage, Adrian Apta.. March 6, 60 years; lobar pneumonia. EAMITO8HI Eitaro Kamiyosbi. 333 San Ra - fael, March 7; 2 months; lobar pneumonia. LANCKB Adolph Lancke, Portland Surgical hospital. March 6, 69 years; carcinoma, ATKINSON Donald H. Atkinson, 175 17th, March 5. 3 years; generalised tuberculosis. PETERSON Dayid Peterson, E. 9th and Aider, March S, 38 yra.; struck in Jaw by hand spike. ROSS Elizabeth Rosa. 441 V4 Belmont March 7, 31 years; tubercular peritonitis. HUNTER Margaret M. Hooter, Multnomah SEND US TOUR OLD CARPETS. OLD 1 Rugs anal Woolen Clothing Ve Make -Reversible, HanaVaVevavi - FLUFF RUGS Raw Rum we van, ail slzea. Mall tend for booklet. Mat trasses renovated, made ' ever. Faathers ranevated, carpel eteanlng refitting, eta. Largest, finest equipped carpet eleanlna, reftttlng srerke la Ore gen. Ssparata plants. SalS , ma steamed ,clsaned 61 .50. - aVESTERM FLUFF RUO CO. 84-80 Union Ava, N. East 8616 - WE CALL AND DELIVER. , Fluff; Rugs mad from worn oat carpets at 50 aavtn gra Woven to order ruaranteed. x 12 raca steam cleginacl (or SL06 W clean, refit and lay catrpota. PHONR EAST 888 Barthwcat &mg Co, 188 East 8tk SL FLUFF RUGS Made From AH Kinds of Old Carpets . On 8x10 Fluff Rug 81B.OO Oflw 8s Fluff Rufl 1 4.00 Oregon Fluff Rug Co. 1884 E. 8tarfe St. Tabor T814 AUCrtON SALES. TOMORROW AT WILSON S AUCTION ilOLSit. 168-171 SECOND STREET.' SALE AT 10 A. M. m a 1 w m 1 m mt i j HOWB MAIW T2II SO r y . y ssd Aapeamet, Hoosea atlMl Oarages in 4-f t Sections - Eafy fo Krect and Ship Anywher. HEDLMADB B17IXDINO CO. Portlssd. Or. Frss Cstavlofat E. 11th and Market. Phone EL 6114 or 803 Lewis Blda;.. 4th and O&lc. ' West Side, Phone Bdwy. 433S. V Sal. e AT 797 HAWTHORNE AYE. Turkish leather chair, solid mahog any library table, Hughes electric range. Colonial solid mahogany bed-, room Buite, mahogany bed, mat tress and springs. 20 in Your Building , by Our Unit System Fancher-McLean Co. ' 08-8-10 LKWIS BLDtt. ROADWAY 8883 PIONEER CARPET CLEANERS Flaest Carpet Cleaners la City We do all kinds of carpet cleaning, refitting, sewing, laying, - resizing, binding- and dyeing, in our strictly modern equipped plant. PROMPT, RELIABLE SERTICB SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 84-HOCR SERVICE xll Bags Hteam Cleaned... 91.50 Plant aad Office, 167a K. Lincoln St. Pkone E. 8818. Wa 041 and OaUra SPECIAL NOTICES 101 WE will accept bios up to lu o'clock a. m. farch l0 on stock general merchandise and fixtures located Lexington, Or. Invoice stock 19300. fixtures $3850. Certified check 10 to accompany bids. Right reserved to reject any and all bida The Adust meat Bureau. 641 Pit took block. - MEETING NOTICES 102 .Friends Strangers Members Tonight ia the big dance for the public given by the Live Ire council. Anchor council No. 746, Security Benefit as sociation. W, O..W. hall. 128 11th aad Washington sta. Come, we will show you the time or your ule; fun for alL We have the btggeat crowd haratiM aHnw .... V. time, all for 85c . Yeonnten Hard-Tims Dance Ivanhoe Homeotead No. 5038 : will give a hard-time dance, W. O. W. hall. 10 th and Taylor, Wednesday, March 9, 8 :80 P- m. (rood prizes for matt comical lady and gentleman, 35c admission. East 7617. -PEAK!, OWEN 8. Correspondent. PORTLAND LODGE 291, Loy". al Order of Moose, meets every Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock at the new Moose tem ple, 4th and Taylor st. (In. Kiation every -first and third Wednesdays of the month.) All Moose are requested to attend. Visiting Moose welcome. By or der of the dictator. J. F KENNEDY. WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 18. R- A. M. Regular convocation Wednesday evening. East Eighth and Ru reside streets, t 7 :30 o'clock. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P. ROT yUACKENBLSU. Secy. MCT.TNOMAH CHAPTER NO. 104. O. E. 8. Su'ted com munication tonight ( Tuesday) , 8 o'clock, Kenton Bank bldg. Visitora welcotne. By order W M. ESTHER M. CACDT, Bee. COSMOPOI.ITAII LUDOal NO. 169, Kaighu of Fythiaa. meets every Wednesday evening. 3d floor,. Pythian bldg.. Na. 888 Zambia st. Vuitors always welcome. lEtttO. KE8TEB, 4" Kant QQth gtjeet. s. & ana BV- CAMP meets every Wed nesday evening ia W. O w. Temple, 128 11th st All members requested to attend. Visitors welcoma K. ft 8CHADE, C C HERMAN SCllADE, Clerk. RJ-jJ.IJLAR meeting of Villa lodge aJ1 .ll2.4- JV.- .- ' WedneV r in.i. .. Marco w.b o'clock. 'wn-si. The 1st degree will be n0"!?,00, .' ctaas- All TisiUnr brother! owiuiauy ionwa to attend. MX TAROR 1!DGK NO, 4$. ' JL DKation ) Wednesday evening, March 9. 6 o c ock. M. M. degree. Stated communication 7:80 o'clock, K. A. aptrrm. Pvri. a. t s Tamhill atreet. VWUng brethren welcome. L. R. JOHVSdV li' w. :-; TINELOlXiK NO. 141. Al' . AXD -A- M- Special com munication Wednesday. Msr-h 9 7 m- E. A degree. Visiting li7 w'icom'- Archer I'liue Se?5t ?ix; Bt order of W. M. tt. a. iohsskxp, Bee'y. X IJthJ1 So a-oreate of America, aaeeta every Tnea ay night at roreaterg' hall. 126 th C InitUtion first aseetirTg card party and dance fourth meet- iilred aoraataia lav. -in Ki.e xneir regnlar monthly smoker Tbarsday March 10. at their hUL fiieH r"hlnf at. A ' good time. Cotne and brine . ' ' P. BAKER. R. 'KT ALBERT APIKli LODOK tt6. 16 J. A. F. AND A. M Special com munication Wednesday, Mareh 8 afternoon at 8 o'clock and evening! r. C degree. Visiting brethren welcome. O. W. COOK. Kac'y AWTjfj6RNl loih;k N6. llf. A f AND A M. Special com m,an'S0n (Tnesday) evening at 7:80 , Work in the E. A. de gree. Visiting brethren welcome. ktatAvAwfl t f6. 1481. ROYAL ana loarth Wed nesdars at 8 p. -m Paciie Statea Kir hall formerly K. P.).' Alder at Eleventh. Hemben reqoeatad to attend. Visitors welcome . C. R. HOTCHKias ft MVRTLE Chapter Social club will l ' f?T" a benefit dancing and card SEy? ' Jw P" t Pythian temple. West Park "f, f - ttW. cTin, . (TueZ A" LaateTD Sum and friend . 8 Jivited. Strondenmeyer'a orchestra. MT. tSCOTTLoOOK SO. 1S8; L O. O. -V., meets this Tues day evening in its hall, 82d at. and 68th ave.; 8d degree; lunch. Visiting brethren weiebtna. W. OOOOIN8, -Sec. EMBLEM JEWELRY a apMnuty, ouuuns, pua. jaeger jsroav laa-iss ata at, NEW TODAY : I ' f CAMP 44 LODGE HAXJ.. first and third Wedneiidsy e cings, for rent. ' For particulars address E. K. Heed. 817 Artisana bldg. : - - CARDS OF THANKS - WE DESIRE to thank our f Hernia for their kindness and floral tribute during the illness and death of our husband and father, (Signed) Mrs. Henry C. Proudfeot, Dr. Cart. A Proud- hut, Mtpo a. nowiiwi, nrs. jLrxnur lsiwb. WE WANT to thauk our many friends for their kindness in our lata bereavement and also for the beautiful floral offerings. ( signed) Kaymona. w alter ana r.xnei Kasmuasen. I WISH to thank our friends for the lovely flow. era and their many acta of kindness at tha death of my beloved husband. George Gardner. (Signed) Fern V. ttardner. - DEATH NOTICES 103 LAW At the residence. 65 10th st, March -7, 1921. Charles S. Law. aged 65 year. Re mains at Halman's ehapeL Third and Salmon street. Woqce or funeral later. GARDNER In this city, March 2. Arthur Gardner, aged 63 years. The remain are at Finlay'a mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of fnneral hereafter. MORET At the residence. 6tt6 E. 82th street, March 8. 1931. Mwin L. Morey. beloved husband of Abbie 8. Moray. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 B1CK At biKikaiie. Wah.. March &. 1921, Mrs. Rose Bice, aged o T yean, beloved mother of Mrs. A. P. Leonard of Spokane. Wash., sis ter of Mra. Annie Carter 01 ttaymond. t L, Mrs. Elisabeth Brady and Mis Oraoe O'Donnell of this city. Deceased was a member of Circle No. 744. Neighbors of Wooderat. and Oolden Rule Hive No.. 17. Order of Maecabeea. -Funeral cortege will leave the raxideace of Charlea B. HinfJihlihl. .4Jta Kaat TeHliravMlUl alrast. north, tomorrow i Wednesday , March 9. 1921. ! st 8:30 a. m., thence to tha Madeliena church. Twenty-third and Siskiyou streets, where re auiem mass will be offered at 9 a. m. : friends invited; interment Mount Calvary cemetery; funeral arrangwmfinta la care of Dunning at Ho- Kntee. SPENCER March 7, at the family residence, at Bonita. ur., Bena Josephine Bpeneer, aged sa years, beloved mother of Mrs. Sarah Galbreath of Bonita, Or., Mra. Ten Scbmeer of Portland, Mrs, ctnma Nuea ana Wlutam spencer ot- nan Franciaoo, CaL, Mrs. Josephine Dunn of Oregon City, Or., and Leroy P. Bpencer of Littleton, Col.- The funeral service will be held Wednesday, March 9, at 2 .30 o'clock p. m., at Einley's mor tuary, Montgomery at-Ffth. y'rienda invited. Concludmc service, Riverview cemetery. BACM At the residence. 674 Everett 5T. March 7. 1921. Solomon " Baum. aged 48 years, beloved husband of Carrie Baum, father of Ann and Charlea I.. Baum. aoa of Mrs. N. Baum and brother of Emma Baum. Friends in vited to attend the funeral services at tha above residence at-10:30 a. m. tomorrow (Wednes day). March 9. 1921. Interment, Bath Israel cemetery. - fiesae omit I lowers. LOVE At. the residence. 2-20 Buffalo street, March 6, 1921, Jamee H. Love, aged 46 years; beloved husband of Marian Leva. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Hol man'a chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 1 p. rn. Thursday,' March 10,. 1921. Interment. HHisboro. Or. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 10S East Side Funeral Directors . rOBMIBLT r. 8. DUN NINO. INCa "The Familr Sate tha Priea 41' B. Alder 8t Phone Cast 68 EDW. H0O1AN & SON WALTER J. HOLMAN) Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 6803-6804 92D IT. 8. E., LENTS Ant. 618-21. Home Phone D-6L Lerch. Undertaker BAST MJCTESTa AT HAWTHORNS PBONC EA8T 76 . Dunning & McEntee Morrison at. at 18th. Broadway 4 80. Ant. 348-68. CHAMBERS CO. funeral Directora AS the Conveniences of a Bona Woodlswo 3306 248-230 Killingsworth Ave. RT RVDMPQ residence es I e D l TOI tabUshmeaL 801 Williams ava Woodlawn 830. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTOOMEHT AT FIFTH MAIN 8. MILLER as TRACEX. independent funeral d rectors Prices as low aa 320, 640, 366. Washington at Klla. Mala 8691. A-T8HS U ENTEB EILK-KS. funeral parlor wita all tha privacy of a home, 16th and Everett eta rsoiwa Hroaaway zina. Horn a-ziaa. DOW M.N U A M'NEMAR Domelike D Moderate us prices. Irvlngtoa district, t East 64 A. R. Zelier Co.o. .-?5K 6IUa..,A4 CNDKKTaaUNU Ot. ataia 416a A-2B21 Corner Third and CU C.AAWAiS(?-.Me1Le1047 Belmont st. Tab 12KN B-2646 MONUMENTS 106 I OBLAESING fiRANITF Cn I " r-3BO ST. ATMON OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QGALITT MEMORIALS E. THIRD 8.81NE STS PHONE E.T43 Portland Marble Works 288 4fh st. Ov, City Hall.- New Bros. FLORISTS 107 32&MOIQISON MAa753 :aOTMTir0tlCiTO MORkISON MAtt.257 I LARGEST QETAIL FLORIST ia P0RT1AN0 And klorai 11 -lea La.ge Uothoasaa, Ne itisocb 8 to res. 86 Tsars on Morrison a, between 4th snd 6th. T. Mslr 7708 bmith's Flower Shop - "Portland' Prepress! Floriat" ' tTowers for all oocaslnns. tarn 7216 T C. LUKJC. Mgr. 6th and A1AW. GEO. BETZ&SON "i-.jf FRESH VLOWKRS FOB FUNERAU and all occasions. 687 Williams ave. Jost aa Woodlawn 1618. Joseph Beta. Manager. laARTIN t rOHBM CO.. florists, 864 Vfaab- tngtusv Main 268, A-1268. riower fog ail occasions srtirticslly arrangea. Peopled 46 am" L6uAL8iioP Msrshatr 8S2S Chappeirs U LOST AND FOUND 108 TUE following srtw-lcs wer found on Uie cars of . Uie Portland Railway, Eight A Power Co. : March 5 S umbrellas, 6 lunch boxes, foun tain pen. bunch keys, 8 suitcases 8 handbags, 4 pre. gloves, 1 single glove 2 books, 6 packsgea. 2 flashlights, letter, 2 boxes. 2 scarfs. 1 pr. rub bers,' coat. Owners may obtain same nnon proper identifi cation at Firxt and Alder street station THE fblkiwing articles were lound on Uie rm of Portland Railway, Light A Power Co., Men. 6: 6 umbrellas. Thermos bottle, 8 puraee. 1 VI n. 1 suitcase. hl handbag. 2 single gloves. 8 pack ages, watch 1 fob. bunch keys, 2 keys, letter, tea spoon, scarf, overs lis. Owners may obtain same upon proper identifi cation at-Firxt and Aider street station LOST Will the lady who picked up the pucket book ta front of Wink hardware, 14th and Washington at., about 8 o'clock, kindly return same, to - M. R. Bartrar. 806 Davie st,T The lady in question wore- brown coat with white buttons on back snd is known -to writer. FOUND One gray horse, weigut 1800 lbs., picked up at Columbia university on Willam ette bird.. Impounded 655 Willamette bird., old Mock ranch. Will . be sold for charges held against it on Saturday. March 12, at 10 a. an. Oreerni Htimsne society. LOST -Lady a pure on Hawthorne ear to Rob erta Bros.; containing 66, key. Turner's re eeipta. Mrs, i. A. Tburaa. . Reward. - Auto matic 211-H. LOST 10l0 Liberty bond. Payment has been - stopped. ' Reward will be paid or return. Phone Ol -ZZ LOST Gold cuff button, initialed '11. X. it." Return iu want ad counter Journal and rs- ceive rewar'i. LOST Hunday evening, ladies' bar pin, 3 large brilliant agates, iz smalt one. Phone Mar 8988 for further information. Reward. LOUT -Waltham wriet watch with chain. ., No. works 22184031. Ihitiale O. B. CoL 226. Reward. LO8T- Yellow and white ka, hick boy'a smsL a reward. Kast 422. LOST hpua pup, at Linon aepot. Reward "o7 $16 for return to 4X8 Msrshsll at Loal ul4 earruia. Rewaru. Main lU02. ' in LUST lied liakelits basils, Udiii n)J, liax thorne ave., Belmont, E. 11th or K. 28 th -Valued aa gift Pbone Kst 6411 before 8 a. m., after 6 p. m. Reward. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 2f1 THE ADCOX AUTO BCHOOL AT UNION AVE AND WASCO 8T. . Accept prospective students on a four week rea trial - (not one cent in advance). Tbts affords you an opportunity to test our system of teaching, your ability to absorb and aitif what we teach and an excellent opportunity to compere our equipment and methods to those of other' schoola If at the end of the tins anonth you are thoroughly convinced that we have the beat equipped school, the most met Dom ical course and graduate more than three to one students who make good over any competi tive school in the West, then, and-then cr ly. will w expect you to pay your tuitiil fee. Io cannot possibly make a niUtek if you acetyl the above offei. It's the only wiy to make a wise choice certain. We have junt publuned a large catalog costing us tl per eopy. tost fully explains our "Four Week' free Trial Offer, which we will mail absolutely free to any ao dreaa. Just drop us a cant or call at the schuoa, Ask for book No. 4. . ORBUOK EX-8ERTICB MEN Tha state, pays you $23 per month while at tending school, which pay over half of your, tuition tea ATTATTON rr TOO WANT TO PTT W LL MAKJa VOO A PILOT tur merrjexjs rnaru 1 fjdenee fro as the star, Ion know yoa are tiy. asc with the moet akUied ..aaetraetors- aad tha bast equipment from tna eetest lis) that new sy can buy. Our aver, eg student will quakfy for tha lDtereauoaal Pilot's License after 1 hours la the air. Tha cost ia baaed oa r time tt take to-quality '- . . witn safety. f. . O. AIBX1NE8. iSia. tlT Main St. Vaaaourat. Wata, BIO MONET 8ATINO OFFER i 80 popular that we have decided to externa oar offer another week. Don't psa up this hi opportunity. To the first 10 men enrolling this week in our practical autn and tractor course, driving and repairing, ignition and starting snd lighting systems, battery building and vulcanizing and retreading, we are making an eiceptionsl offer. Thia big money saving offer ia gnod only to the first 10 wideawake men; be a live one: don't let the other fellow beat you to it; now ii the time to get in line for the busy season ent PTrar for a big ravin- position. DAK ASlT JSVKNtNtJ CLASSES. HEMPHILL'S AtTTO AND TRACTOB 1 , . BCHOOL8. 707 Hawthorne are., croner 20th. -Operating the largest chain of Auto and Tractot Schoola ia the world. - THE FUTtTRF. IS WHAT TO0 MAKE TT Are you aatl-'lei with the put 1 Hava you made sa much money in the psst as you would like In mske in the future t If not. let the Dud rest Schyol of Aeroiunt p.t brlp ymi to qtialif for a hieeee anH k.1. ter paying position I Aviation ia the newest and meet promising profession of tha day. It should be considered by every euterpgiaing person. Call or wnte lor our new eataiov Jtx-scrvice receive state aid in Oregon. DCDRfil AIRCRAFT CORPOHATION, 103-107 N. 11th st, Port Is nd. Or. West' Largest Businee OaUaae. Assure UVJCRX URADUA'flC A POSITIOS All business courses, including eomptametst training. Enroll any time day school, aigra SchooL Write for free catalogue. th St., aaa Morrisonphone stain 9. AUTOMOTIVE, ttCHOoL, . Ton want- awtbing but the best. Here ft la Standardised 1th schools to 60 oilier eitlest best laboratories, best shop equipment and In structors. ' A tail shop practice given oa real repair Joist Seaulta absolutely guaranteed. Tb tune for you to go to school is while buai ne ', Is a aieC Prepare Dow for big buaineae opening! Ia few months, inquire Oregon Institute ni Technology. Msia street at 811th. Clip this s and send it In for beeutifnl 4 p rata inane. ' IOU CAN KAUN YOLU WAX TUliOLGU ALIBKT BLTW,. D AND MORR1BON. WHY PAY MO HE 1 FOR $50 WE WILL lilVK TOTJ AM L'N LIMITKD PRACTICAL KHOP COl'ItNK IN ALTOMOBI1JJ REl'AliUNG AND OAJI E. OI.NfcEKI.NU HAWTHORSE AITTO SCHOOU 445 JIAWTnoltNK AVB MUl-Eit MAxtliEat VUlJUim wut taaca r,a the trade in 8 weeks; receive some pay whue learning; positions secured; es-eervlos soea re eeive stata aid. Writ of call fog eataiogaa, S3 4 Barnide st THE C ALLAN WIJLTK.KAi'il HI llOOL K placing iu stndenla as fast as tbey qualify. It would pay you to enroll nnw with clsxees nuvi forming- 405 Artisans bldg., liroaciwajf al IHI st. MEN. UOklk-N, ;arn Dart.nr trade; asgs oliUe learning ? poattiona gnaranteed. Mgr., 'ii year ernerwn-a Oregon Karoer CoUece, 23S ktsdisnw. LEARN TELEOUAFUI Railway iaiegrapo is. atituts. a etauway aucnaag bug. niam ttOCKl MOUNTAIN Issl'HKHS idi.'.tl SainiO free. Frank K.. Welles, former aj-t.f-at state enpt.. Mgr.. N-W Bank bklg Mstn 121. EAST 811)8 COMMrit.IAJL. hCUOOL Miss Regina Bockel's privaU school; Individaal tnstmcttnn I22H Grand ave Ksst 4 JT. HELP WANTED MALE 201 WANTElt A line acreage salesman alio has a car and who is able to get results for sn A t realty firm. Thia is a good opportunity for tha. right man. . JOHN BROWN eV CO., 822 Railway Kschange Bldg. MsrshsTI St, PERMANENT, lucrative position ofea to si tractive young lady, experience in meeting pnbliCj ermrtesy and a pleasing perHonahty e- senuat. f or appointment prions neiemn n an'i m ... 1 n ... , 4 f . V . . 1. . V . . ' Dry Cleaning Co.. K. 616. A MAN for dairy and fruit rtm h ; must b a gfKKl, llCTDfmi, willius WUIirr, w11.1t m mi habit. For psrticiilsrs spply to B. i. Clark, at i'iim, 1 a, ' t 1 . " . i it 1 . -i.,.' 1 I 11 r . T. yf "111 imnn u... ,jix hi.. I . man, 1. gear cleaner, at Booty's Auto Painling Co., 2Sd and Waehington sts. WAMl.Il A party to clear 2 vres of land at fiarden Home. Sea E. D. Schanon, 281 Haw thorne. WA.NTE1 io lure caxpeuur,. ti 'U, Unig Juu, r-irn, iintimti. WANTED A man for cleaning window a4 csrpetn. 05 th. - MATTREH8 iaakers wanted. Portland Furniture Mfg. :o.' . two firwt cUwi autiinoliiie painters wauled. AtHly Covey Motor Car Co., 4th floor. SALESMEN WANTED 202 1,1 VE wire ialy or man in real estate uffu:e to handle -bu-iness opportunities. 80S-6 Com-V monweslth bing. AOKN'l 8 Inrestiicste this urs. Nothing ei-e like it on the msrket. Iliutierf making 150 per cent. 43? Worcester bl'lg. HELP - WANTED FEMALE 204 Man. T7. v. ticoi r, tviumnr wiUi ti. itjti.i employment service, furnubes eomiMitent 3 fice women; also women fur all other lines of em ployment. 82 Henry Mlg. Hros'lwsy 4.H7. GIRL to help with housework two weeks; 7 - week; norashlug eicept baby's clothes. Cull Main 4S21. ex. 18, Tomiinaon, between 10 a. m. and p. WsTtl A mnldi atfetl wotuan Tor LhUm'. keeping; man aud wife, woman Invalid; ia the country. A good home for right party. Adders- Bog 802, Pre-ott, Or. WHH. OUR, PANAMA RLDU., 0H HewtiU'hing he yard, wbiie you wait. and Akier st., entrsiwe on 9d st. WIxX young lady buim on v ai.mi.guin at. smwered T-80V, Journal, ph-aae write sgsin. as flie addrem snd phoeie number were loMr hOElCITOliS fug a needed, inutiey as ring liuu hold neoassity. Sells itself. 418 Chamber of Com. bkig. ANY teiKE m awed ot a traaa, ailly te toe Salvatioa Army Reaene Roma, Mavfair and Alexander eta Pt.ons Msin 8460 It-M ear. attracuve oiler, salary snii couiiuufi " for experienced canvassers. See Mr. t'umun, Sewsrd hotel, 1 in 4 n. m. kiii .INERY maker, steady position lor cuni petcnt milUner 42H Wshing'n st. WANTED Housekeeper st owe, no ulii'cun to one child. Inner coort, 4W7 W. Park. A TRIM Mr; it, one fiiat-claes maker. Euvt King A Co. WANTfcD pnnting. Oiris t lesm niuiLit'SiH.n.i n.i 220 Msin st. LOST AND FOUND (Continued on Following Pev