THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1921. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY . 457 WAMEU TO KEST SMALL PLACES ; Have Mvertl people wanting to rent icrtue, tit smau farm. Close to Portland preferred. Some people will buy ths lilacs after leasing for year or more. We mat lot of sale this way. WUI hoy eqnfpment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, OEKU.NGEB BLDO. I .TtM farm dfalar on Pacific Coast. Wanted to Rent Farm 10 to 10 um, fot 8 to 6 years, with privi lege of baying : must have S scree 1b cultivation and within 6 miles of Oregon City certino. Ad ores (all particulars to V. W. Thompson. West jinn, or. WANTED To KENT W bar Urge number of rwrtie wanting both small and largo place to , rent, Prop ns a lino if your place is far) rent " - v. l. eddy. RITTER. U)E & CO. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade BMi. tVU SALE OR Kt.NTwuu acre. 30 under cultivation, J. 500,000 feet cedar on 40: school near; 2 orchard and small trail of all kind. $9500. Terms to suit desirable pur cbawr. No Merits, Apply C. 1000 Main at.. V, ncmiver. Wash ' WANT prune orchard; hai 160 acre good Da kota land -at) pat payment. Giro particular. N-W4I. Joarnil. ' . IF you have a farm to rent, lease to transfer. personal property to sell, send description to Wilbur V. Juno. Henry bkig. - - UNit) it) JtK.M A small farm on share . or cash rent. Would boy on terms it cheap. Addre-i 227 G bb st. Portland. STORES, ETC. 500 PACIFIC AGENCY, -INC. 5 11 4520 ; Swetland ;. Bldg. CORNER 6TH AND WAHINGTOIt STfJ. j , BUSINESS OPPOBTdfTnES CONFECnONEBT. swell place; plenty of room, balcony - and basement; ' down town location; cent 1175. Price $4000. ANOTHER ONE Washington street lo cation; fountain cost (1050; fine back bar, 6 tables. Fries lor fixtures and stock. tzioo. SOFT DRINKS. CONFECTIONER and CaKDRCOM. Very good comer location, rartnefa disagree, so whole or half interest may be bought very reasonably. CAFETERIA SNAP for the man who acta (luickty. i :;:::-. " RESTAURANT' doing business of from $60 to $80 a day; rent $50; lease runs two year; 11 tables, IS stools, long counter and fine back bar. fries-(2200. on term, or $2000 cash. SHOE CHINE STAND, with 8 chairs; rent 10. .Frio foe this week is $350. - CIGAR STAND In office building; rent 1 $60. includes light -snd beat: brand new . fixtures; doing ruos bosinesa. Price $2409 -for stock and alL j GROCERY doing from $100 to $180 day: rent $40. Will lump at $4000 or will invoice. , ... ' --, . - GARAGES AND FIUWO STATIONS, one for $8500. one for $5600 and one for $1-350.. , --.v::. ... v .. BAKERT doing "a tiles business; rent only $3$, includes S liTing rooms. Price for this week. $860. t DANDY LITTLE LUNCH COTJrTTEB, . doing $25 to $40 a day; two persona handle the work; rent 332..&0. Price $87$. CONFECTIONERT One of the best In the city for the price: rent is $25; lease 3 years. Receipts $50 ' to $60 a day. . Frice $7000. RESTAURANT, eeroer location ; rent only " $20; doing $30 to $35 a day. Plica $800. .-. one half cash. heL easy terms. TWO CHAIR BARBER SHOP on 8d at. Well established trade. Owner retiring " from bmrness. will sell for $450. Wn.L SELL TOTf AN INTEREST TN A WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS for $1500. Ton draw $35 a week, for sal ary and- share in the profits. This will stand the closest investigation. - PACIFIC! AGENCY, INC. 5114-520 .Swetland Bldg. CORNER 5TH AND WASHINGTON STS. S UK iiALE Complete printing plant; must be sold at once. Can be used for newspaper or lob office exclusive. Whitlock press, O. A P. jobbers, motors, paper1 cutter, wire stitcher and abundance of excellent type, stones and furni ture, riant invoices about 36000. Now idle in city of 20.000, one of best print .towns in state. Can be started at one or moved. Good business In town where' located. Had. to take over and have ether printing interests. Large enough for dily newrpaper and job shop aside from lino rie. C-an arrange some terms. Wire rt writa K. V. Hnrrl. Seaside, Or. . . t A BAUUA1N , . Owner wtehing to leave city will sell con fectionery and lia-ht grocery cheap for cash or can give some terms; lot 62x100 on car line; 2 store rooms, living rooms, hot and cold Water, bath, toilet, stationary wash trays. 8 ft. od fountain, showcases, all good fixtares, some fur niture, clean fresh stock, dandy location for bakery: will sell ail for price of building and lot Call Monday. Main 83. - - MKKOHAN DISK STOKE . Full line of groceries, some haidwara, and auto accessories,. 4 acre of goad land, with 1 room bungalow furnnhed. also 5 room bunga low' can be rented; good barn, chicken houses, filling etation on main road 1 8 miles from Port land. $500. . Terms. O. W. Millenhip, Alder Hotel. Mstn 5275. LAKtiU manufacturing corporation wants capable men to open branch office and manage sales men; $800 to $2000 necessary: handle your 'own money. Exclusive rights: patented article, money-making possibilities unlimited. 'Will pay expenses to Baltimore! if you qualify. Address Mr. Clemmer salamanager. 603 N. Xataw st,. ttsircnore, stit. RESTAURANT r Just the place for man and wife, or. fox two . women. Reut $45. $330 cash gives you. pos ' session. Auto district. f0 CHAMBElt OF COMMERCB Main B4S Open Sunday bl'AKT busineas for yourself at St. Johns where business is, euro to eome. I'll rent yon 85x40 foot building and office bee ides for $25 a month. Call telephone at T. il. C. A. and ask .for Drum rnrmn. or leave your phone call. ' CONFECTIONERY Present owner will permit yon to' examine bis books, bank- balance, etc : One of the best buys in the city. J. O. ORAT CO., im iwimn nine. PARTNER WANTED . I D1 sell my baif interest in Dough-boys' express at a very reasonable price. I, have to leave very soon. Phone East 1676. Address 1 14 Tnion ave. . . N FOOL, HALL, well located, cheap rent, with lease; large bar with fine back bar; good stock of caruiies and tobacco, 7 pool tables in good rendition. Tin ruriged right to eelL l)Kt ; stock, a bargain for a young man that wants to start en a email capital. Good location, near three schools, in Washington. Journal TWO FLAT building and barber busineas for . confectionery, light groceries including store building any email town. 932 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, country town. good place fox alt sound smith and borseshoer. Chance . for auto work; Can try it, H-465 Jonrnal : SOU SAL. Orucery store, doing good buea t neaa. ir. voice about $3000; must be all cash. write nor ion, Lostme. Or. 40 ALitta on ieae, .New texioo. ituuv lauaule Well; wonderful possibilities; can't develop; will trader Call Wakiefield. Broadway 85. Printing for Less Kyder Printtng Co. Msfn BllSrt. lt So? 1'L KNITVHK H H. K. rooms, doe in. clears $80 and two rooms for self. Soma terms. 425 K. Bnmiiide, - ONLY exclusive confectionery and ice cream parlor at Multnomah. Call at log cabin on the highway. Mrs. Schovmld. Main 8098. A BAiaJAIN at $bt0 if taken at ence. Gro cery and confectionery. Average $25 per day. nil st m rnerTg ave. -isse Pelrwoort car. WANTED An associaU with small . capital; good busineas. automobile device. Call Auto mstic 215-12: - : TKL'CikLVG business- 2 trucks ajid trying- .lh- nwe; t;aiw ca-m. j-f ae. Journal. tiOOl barber cuair, very cheap, or trade. ai7 E. 75th rt.. N.. near Hslsey. FOR sale cheap, garage and repair shop, Dudy location.' ' 838 Lombard. - - - - ' e loKK for rent, futures for sale. Can give viiw. imjuira 1V4 rirst sc. FOU SALE Money making business toswladr7 bull SALE -Confeciionery store; partus wish ing to leave the city. 466 Croon ave. K. 1'iiUXO tuilio, bet location in Si. Johns "TZi sale cheap. 204 N. Jersey, Portlands Or. .jAA. suji-v, ciie.p rvni, lirii rooms' wul I invoice. 318 Piatt bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 500 Business Snap HERE IS A LITE OVE FOR SOME BODY. Dandy little candy shop; doing excellent bnataeae; good location. . fully eouipped. 0r leaving tho eoansry. PRICK ONLY (; some term Don't paaa this up. but call or write to Mr. 'Horn with THOMPSON, SWAN LEE, Third and Mam Sts., Vancouver. Wash, . I ' BKLCK, THE I'.ASlickitY it AN. ILto SOME NEW WORTH-WHILE LISTINGS: $3675 GROCERY AND HOME. When yen "see the home you 11 say the groceries, stock snd fixtures are almost a gift; on Caroline, paved street, not far out; ask about other larger investments. $5200 DRUG STORE, new fountain, estab lished trade, fine locstion. Now is the time to order your season's sup ply of B reek's high grade loganberry fuk. Io tan berry plants furnished On 1000 lots) . 884 K. 42d st. N. Tabor 2678 (except Sunday. )s Snap! Auto transfer business clearing from' $2 50 to $300 a month, good office and fixtares heart of city : responsible party can have some terms; investigate. S-880. Journal. . WE properly organize you, prepare bond issues. negotiate . loans, write proirpectruea, f Ornish stack salesmen or list of satisfied investors; booklet and information free. National Or ganisation Co.. 123 Madison St.. Chicago. UitOCKRY . SlUltE C220U With modern living rooms. Will invoice or lump. Good location and doing a good busi ness. Mostly cash acl aarry. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. 2-CHA1K barber shop and bath, with small stock of eigsre and tobacco, doing business; nicely furnahed living rooms in rear; a real buy for someone who wants a good start. See Owner, 1904 E Sue at. Phone Automatic 219-91. V.- L & A 1 1 Ctliltl ouv, andy with tools can make good money. Present owner clearing $300 a mo. JiO. GRAY CO.. Tin liesnm gwg. IF VoU have '0OO to invest we have a-good location in a good busy town for cash and carry grocery - and army retail store ; splendid opportunity for good man with the money, i O 119. Journal. GARAGE . ' Chance to make some good money. Subur ban location. , Well equipped. Plenty of work. $1500 will handle, t J. O. GRAY CO., (in ifftum nirrg. FOR SALE DRUG STORE Dandy east side location, busy street, good business. Come and'inveatigate. For particulars call SeUwnod 626; oa Sunday Sell. 8714. Wall berg V. French. MAN capable of handling tew men to buy half interest paying business; salary and 60-50; 'ou required. Lean afternoons 2 to 4. van ft rcuaseti. UrfALKA.N'V Best West side buav loratir.n- Nim restsnrsnt. fully equipped. Pays good income. -Only $1200. Can 512 Artran bid $450 GROCERY STORE $450 Good stock and no fixture to buy aa they are rented with bldg. Must be sold on account of sick news. Peters. 1 5 N. 5th st. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires to exchange $2000 stock in successful out of town corpora tion for interest with services -in established bus iness. R-94, Journal. THEATRES bought and sold. Ail kinds and sizes. Anywhere in the Northwest. A. A. rTheusnnsn. 457 Phoenix bldg.. Bntte. Mont. GOOD, live, up-to-date business 1 opening for good man with $5000 cash, cloceat invastigar Hon invited. V-562. Journal. PARTNER wanted to travel and assist lady in established business; $500 required. Phone Tsbor 303O or sduress 382 K. eth st. ri FOR SALEV Second-hand store, nice stock, good location: price $1473; will consider equity in home to $800. D-161. Jonrnal or Ant. 621-31. FOOL HALL, restaurant and confectionery, do ing good busineas. Call at 248 Stark st. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 SEE THIS ONE 41 room apartment house, 11 apartments, all with private baths, well furnished throughout. Fine location. Rent $175. Three years lease. Net $215 a month. - Price $5500. Cash $2500. SEE MR8.-HAUG. V Mi Henry BMg. Bdwy. B487. APARTMENT house at Keecn, eay terms. Mrs. E. Hnshner. fine tmsiness; Aut. 614-10. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 44 H. K. ROOMS, netting $250,' easy terms. 16 H. K rooms, netting $190. $1300 hand lea. 18 -H- K. rooms, netting $150. $2000 handles. 10 room home, netting $75. $800 handlea. 28 H. K. rooms, netting $190, $2000 handlea 11 IL K. rooms, netting $150, $800 handlea 11 a. tk. rooms, netting aiuu. iou runoiea. - WEST SIDE REALTY CO. 164 West Park St. FOR sale or trade, large income wast side board ing house, some furnitore, 14 rooms, steam heated, hardwood floors, fireplace, large recep tion ball, rooms filed with good, steady men boarders. Good location, walking distance; too nfuch to handle. Will ' consider good 6 or 7 room rtorwe in rairt trade. O-730. Jotimal. NORTH 6TH ST. TRANSlENl Honsee are hard to buy at any price; but we have one of 10 rooms; dandy furniture. Well arranged house. Worth mora but will seQ for only $1350 and $400 cash, Also 29 rooms of good fumitnre. A good one tor $4250. on term. Peters, 15 NT. 6th st. 40 ROOM HOTEL " Steam beat. Hot and cold water. Brick bids. Well, furnished. ' Always full and a waiting list. Long lease at the' old time rent, $75. Big income, and only $8500. PETEIta. 15 N. 5th St 60 ROOM centrally located, strictly modern with long lease at cheap rent : net income $600 per month; extra good furniture. This is pnoca ngni; gooa terms. . ATLAS REALTY CO. 805-6 Corp mon wealth Bldg. SEE THIS ONE . 12 , rooms, some housekeeping, right down town; well furnished, good home; net profit, $125; $1850 win handle. SEE MRS. HATJG, 512 Henry Bldg. Broadway 54 87. LOVELY HOME 9 rooms, good location. Rent $50. Net $60 a month. Two nice rooms for self. $1500 and ooo win handle it. SEE MRS. HATJG, ' B1 5 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5487. A GOOD BUI . 84 room hotel, .brick building, steam 'heated. Fine location, reasonable rent, good income. $8500. Terms. SEE MRS. HA CO. Big Henry BMg. Bdwy. 5487. BUY FROM OWNER 10-room house, i all housekeeping. - well fur nished, lovely home and income; nets $85 a month. 2 rooms for self. Price) $1300. - Main 6372. All day Snnday. 27 ROOMS., suburban, clean, housekeeping, rent - very low. lease, good income. This can be handled for $900. . A lot of rabbits and fine rabbit hutches, also few chickens. M rs. - At nsngh. with John Ferguson, Oerlmger bldg. ii i r i' . i i . . Z u-,-, uinv vuyers who ftvvg lo s-auou to put in a good apartment bouse. Will assume some but rent, location and price must be right. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerhnger KlfliF. . .... $10UO CAN BE MADE By buying this place and cleaning ft Up. 85 rooms H. K-, fair rent, leas 1 year. Only $3200, half cash. Grab it. J. EI'GENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. READ MY BULLETIN BOARDS THEN SEE ME. FOR OTHERS. PHONE ME YOUR LISTINGS. X WRITE INSURANCE. MAIN 2590. ' J. EUGENE HEDGES. 801 W. PARK. IF YOU HATE a good buy we want it. If yon - weuit, sltmjvu 17 UW Usa-V3 IL 305-6 .COMMONWEALTH BLDG. FIVE-ROOM FLAT 8 team best free, beautifully furnished; in apple pis order. Only $850. Can rent out one room, j For particular persons. - . V EUGENE HEDGES. gOl W. PARK. 125 DOWN ltt ROOMS 250 Whole price only $845. Bight down town, where rooms are always fuB. " Very fair furni ture. -Just the place to buy and. fix up and sell seain. Peters. 15 S. 6th st as KOO.US at 3SS a room. This is a snap. Cheap rent, gocd furniture.: electrio lights, fine income. 8 05-6 COMf ON WEALTH BLDG. 10 KOOMs. RENT $20. FOU $745. And easy terms.! - One floor. All H. K. A good income. . Close in west side. Peters, 15 N. 6 th st. 40 ROOMS, $5000, some terms; rent' 8175. with lease. Brick building, electrio lights, stove beet, west side. in. good location. 805-6 Commonwealth bldg. . NEARLY 60 rooms, steam beat, hot and cold water, phones, elevator, downstairs lobby, eor- ucr hik. .u uubi mum. vsraauaieu airs. Aioangn. liertmger bldg. SJoOU llUllil.. DO HUUU9 SvUOO 4 yeta tease, $20b month clear over $400; j i't . vuicw f j pari. u rent. - CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 HENRY BIJWJ. IF YOU wish to buy or sea your sKiUd, rooming nouse r Business or any sma, also aereage, call Barney Jofanarm 1 TO 10th st- Matn 16U. 16 HOUSEKEEPINil rooeaa, XSOO; nets 75 month; close in. Last Side. Tabor 3100. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and rooming houses FOR SALE 502 PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 5 II 4520 Swetland i Bldg. , CORNER WASHINGTON AND 5TH STS. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES , HOTEL of 75 rooms; brick building; best . ' north end location; firs year lease; income ever $1600 a month; $10,000 cash and . balance max be arranged.. r.- r HOTEL oa Washington street; 80 rooms, . . modern, long lease; rent $150 a month. Place is netting over $300. Price $7000. . May arrange for some terms. . APARTMENT HOUSE. 40 rooms, well furnfshed; ft year lease with good rental. L Thia -is a modern home private batha, -etc; net income $323. Price $6500. ROOMING HOUSE of 20. rooms, close in on west aide: rent $80; lease; place .' netting $175. $2500 will handle. APARTMENT HOUSE of 44 rooms: 2- i : rm., 3-rm. and 4-rm. apartments. Rent $100; stove heat and water in all apart ments. Insured for $3000. Price $4200. : with terms.. :.''...- I" APARTMENT HOUSE of 160 rooms; : f S-rm.-4-rm, and 6-rm. apartments, ail modern; 6 story brick bldg. Nets ever $1200 a month; $30,000, cash will handla .' this. . APARTMENT HOUSE An elegant lit tle apartment house. 21 ants. White Temple : r district. Emaculately clean. A real homey - place. If yon are looking for a real home - with a good- income don't fail to call and get details of thia .place. $6000 cash will handle. No shoppers. r , . I ' ROOMING HOUSE, housekeeping. 7 : rooms; Nob Hill district. Good repair,. , : neat and clean, light and airy, nice yard. -. Price $625. BOATHOUPE of 5 rooms at Kenton: furnished. $950, unfurnished $600; free wood and garden, - PACIFIC AGENCY,5 INC. 514520 Swetland Bldg. CORNER STH AND WASHINGTON STS. HOMEINCOME INVESTMENT! - 15-ROOV APT. HOUSE, has better furniture than the average, even includes the piano. Total price $2000; $1500 cash, balance easy terms. Income ever and above ail expenses $100 per gaonth clear. . CLEAR OVER $129 1 ........ , .. :i A - 12-roora home and income over $125 every month, extra fine buy; only $1180 easb down, balance by the month. Total price $1850. j". $500 CASH r i Income and a' fine home combined. This 1 6 -room light bonsekeeraing can be bought for $1800; $500cash. balance by the month; rent very cheap.. Better harry. 44 BOOMS -1 4 4 -room apartment house, very - close In, clears over $2800 each year. That is pretty big interest on the price of $4200,sswith only 21 0O cash down payment. This is close in. only five minutes' walk from Meier ex Frank's. 42 BOOMS ' ' 4 2 -room apartment house, close in on East Side. This house clears over $2600 each year. New price only $4400; $2700 cash down, balance like xenL ; A BIG SNAP I 8-reom good furnitore, . good garage that bringa In $8 per enonth. House nets 363 above all expenses. Total price $1600; $1000 cash,. sA good bay. ' . ,: : , , B. a OEDER, MANAGES, BIHR-CAREY, ' " i ' 211 KATLWAY EXCHANGE BLDG., THIRD AND STARS. STS. MAIN 7487. $16.000 HOTEL $16,000 Center . of business district, modern brick bldg, nice lobby, elevator, several private batha, furniture and carpets are good. This hotel is good for about $900 per month over all expenses: has a long lease. This will bear investiga tion. 70 ROOM HOTEL TO . Fine corner brick bldg., large lobby, levator. This cannot be beat for a transient location, 5 year lease. - This will net yon $1000 per month.; Can do busineas with $12,000. -: APT. HOUSE ! ' 26 apt,, 8 and 4 rooms each, mod ern brick building; elegant . location west side; very nicely furnished; long ' lease; now making over $700 per mo. over all expenses. $12,009 handles. FOTt A WOMAN ALONG Beantifnl Mttle ' brick. 6 minntea from the business district en the But 4 side. Cheap rent, long lease, beat furnished with rent; now clearing $500 " per mo. $6500 can do busmass. , 40 ROOMS 40 Several private baths good lease,, tine location, well furnished, good for i $475 per mo. after all expenses are paid. Price. $7500. 22 ROOMS 22 Nice little down town brick, city heat, not and cold water, strictly ' - transient bouse. Price $5500. About half cash, baL $100 per mo. . - : j 19 APT., MODERN 5 . Here is the best $5000 buy In Port land ; no furnace to fire; lease; well ; : furnished; nets you $350 per mo. F. RIERDON, i . RTTTER, LOWE A CO.. ' 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCB $1200 NET PROFIT 70 room hotel, one of the best located transient hotels in the city, well furnished, hot and cold water in all rooms. $16,000. $j000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. ' 512 Henry BMg. Bdwy. S4T. ' FOR SAIJC Lease on hotel in good mill town. Box 851. Toledo. Or. BUSINESS OfTORTUNlTIES WANTED 550 .- - A GOOD BUY Twelve housekeeping rooms and three garages. Fine location. Always full. Moderate . rent. Nets ever SI 00. Price $1800. Terms. , E- 663. Jonrnal. " - - NINE housekeeping rooms, - rent $54). month; Electrio lights, furnsce heat - Very good furniture and ruga. Will make you a lovely home. Good income. $800 will handle. E 660. - Jrromsl. - A .BARGAIN for cash, eight rooms for house keeping. Bent $26.50, west side .location. Nice home and good income. $825 cash. ES- 662. Jonrnal. - 4 : ' WANTED Moving pictore theatre from $2000 to $10,000; must be an good location; full par ticulars first . letter and no agents. F-6J5, Journal. WOULD like to hear from partiea having smaA candy stand or confectionery for sale with 2 or 3 housekeeping rooms in connection. ; Have smsr! sum to invest. XJ-844.. Journal. s WANTED To correspond with stockholders of Tarveless Engine corporation. Y-525. Jonrnal. WANT '1XJ RENT store with living rooms. 750 Ktre ritv. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 $vw, $iioo. $iou. sztfoo ani titr , MO DELAY QUICK ACTION Meaey tmaiedistrly ready for loans tm tassv PortJaad piuwerty. F. H. Deshrin. 61 Chamber ef Omroer-e. LONG ESTABLISHED. BUILDING loans on city nan snaamaa property, money advanced as work prrnrsasi i. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg Matn 8407. MONEY TO LOAN 3300. 300. 1700. 61000. $1600, $2000, en city improved property at t per cent. J. L. WeTh Co.. ftQ3 Gasee bMg. WE BOY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman at Co., 210 Cham ber of Oommeree bldg. Main S026. 1 HAVE $100U to liO0, per cent, tor auo3 dweliing property, eity. 932 Chamber of OOOSWlvPTCfBa, $300, ,$400. $500. $750. $1000, AND UP Lew rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 788 Chamber of Commerce. Mstn 6446. 6EB OREGON INV. 4k MORTGAGE CO. 833 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th gad Stark. MONEY to loan, tlOO to S500O. JL. H. Beu, tl Mntk-ey blfle. Msfn 4379. MONEY to loan, good aecuritv. - No agent, Marshall 767. Call eveninea. i I HAVE $3000 to loan on improved city prop erty. Phone 210-31 mornings or evenings. 7 PER CENT mortgage money. jKUe expense only. Ward. 407 Sr-alrting bldg. AMOUNTS of $5000 to (10,000 immeditaely , available. Xred 8- Wiihams, 606 Panama bid. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 ' CITY LOANS - f BO COMMISSION Oa improved property or lor UBrovasneat hebet and easiest rsethed of paying a loan is our. monthly payment plan. - $82.26 per month for 86 months, a $21.24 per month for SO montia. o 613.17 per mosuh for 9 aaaathe gesja a lean of glOuO and. interest. . Leans eg ether amounts tn sam i-inrillan. Repayment Prrvilawea. XQUTTABLB eAVUsiGS LOAN ASJ'X 242 Stark St.. Portiand. Or. 4$ou. 400. soo. gaww. To. siooo AND up. Lowest rates. Quick action. Pay $109 eg more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Ce, 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1870. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? ; LOANS MADB ON AUTOMOBILES FTJBNITITRE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING Or VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY La-kT V TOUR POSSESSION. .ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLB ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUB PAY MESTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB O. FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILB CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAZ THEM UP ADVANCE YOU MOEfa MONEY, IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CA.1 IsEPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTk) AO aUlT YOUR COXYJuNlANCS ' LEGAL RATES - NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. f LICENSED) w -806-80T PTnCtTM BLDG.. SDsjavj WASH. P0KTLATD REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N . ' Phone Broadway 910 894 Stark St." Near 10th. Leans on diamonda. watches, Tictrolaa, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THB PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THB BOKROWIfi CARRIE MYKRS-HERMAN. ... Msnager. . SALARY LOANS WK LOAN MONEY OHAlTEI en snort notine to salaried or wcrkwgmea oa their own notes. . Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments, Each transaction strictly osuioeildat. NO MORTGAGE NO INDOBSEB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY -We also loan en household goods, pianos, eta, CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BUILDING MONEY lO LOA On goods placed in storage with ns. . We can save yea money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 8715. - Security Storage e Transfet ua.. gs tn St., corner of raa WILL make loans on catUe, dairy herds, etc., to farmers in vicinity of Portland. 5. F. E. Bow man at i o. , 210 Chsm. Com, bldg. - MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry, strictly confidential service. Zell Bros. Co.. bonded brokers', 283 Washington st, near 4th. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 SEALED bids will be received until 2 o'clock p. m. on Monday, March 21. 1921, at the office of H. M. Easterly, 717 Corbett bldg., Port land. Or., for 326.800 par value of bonds of Sylvan water district in denomination to suit the Durchaser. dated the first day of January 1921, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent ner annum, navable January 1 and July 1. both principal an din te rest being payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Oregon in new x ork city. These bonds will mature $2680 par value January 1, 1923, and a like amount annually thereafter on the first day of January, to and including " January 1,' 1932.' These bonds are issued under Chapter 3461, Oregon Laws, lii. Esoh bid must be accompanied by a certified check on some .responsible hank in the city of Portland, Or., for an amount equal to at least 6 per cent of the face value of the amount of bonds bid for. payable to the order of Raymond B. White, treasurer of Sylvan water district, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in case the bidder shsll fail or neglect to take and pay for aaid bonds should the same be swarded to han. The commission reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. Bids should be markedJlBids for Sylvan Water District Bonds" and ad dressed to C x. Duhrkoop, secretary. C. B. DUHRKOOP, Secretary. MONEY TO LOAN On snrprns stocks of merchandise placed fu stor es, with ns. Phone Broadway $716. Security Storage as Transfer Gov. 63 4th st-. eomet of Pine. CA&U paid for mortirages and sellers' contracts en real estate in Washington er Oregon, it, E. Noble. 816 Lumbermen bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 WANTED, $1500, &.' brand new, charming, eie gant little 4 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace7built-in buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitch en, porcelain laundry trays, full cement base ment, lot 100x100. Woodstock car to 66th ave. Walk o anon mock east to anus, Marshall 746. 83000 WANTED 8 ' Want $3000 for 5 years on highly improved suburban home within 1 mile of HiUsboro. The BRMoarty is sell me for S6500 and is a real bar gain. - Good moral risk. Nelson, with John Ferguson. Ocrlinger hide. Main 852. LOANS WAMi.U $300 at 8. $400 at 8, (650 at 8. $800 at 8, $900 at 8 ft . all city prop erty; also $1200 at 1 on small home and 3 acres; a good loan. Fred W. German Co.., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. W ANT loan of $1200 at 7 on nice suburban place of S acres, cleared, with small house, modern conveniences; owner's value (3500. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANT loan of o00 on first mortgage of (boo, 3 years 7 i, on SO acres timber, value $4000. 1061 E.'27th st. N. Wnndtawn 4274. SEE OREGON INV. Sc MORTGAGE Ok. ii.3 Chamber of Commerce. $1600 ANO ssoo, good security; psy S per cent. 8-870. Jonrnsl. WANTED $300 on good security for 2 years. C-674.-Journal. ABOUT $20O0 loan- wantsd on bungalow in Piedmont Park add. Bdwr. 6178. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 HAVE a team of biocky built, heavy bone hoiaea, 4 and 6 years old, well broke to work; price $323; weight about 2800. Also a span of odd horse.. 42 ic. ;iay st. 3300 LB. TEAM, o and 7 years old, sound and true to work, well mated, with good breeching hameas. for $475. Feed Bam. 881 Water at.. side. 18O0 LB. CHUNKY built bay mare, 7 years old, sound except Utile sore in front foot; true to work and fat. for $150. 881 Water at,, west side. , ; ' - ' 25 HEAD of horses from wOU to IjUU lbs.; - also a few daady poniea cheap; all kinds waerms and buewie. 3f2 Front. - ' (b5 BUYS a nice bay 5-year-old mare, weight - abrut 1150 lbs., well broke to-work. 425 R Clay at. ' 1 ; $235 TEAM. 2800 lbs... harness and good farm wagon; also 1300 lb. mare cheap. Atlas Woodyard. 327 Front. --'' i ONE good -yer-oid Shetland pony, dark brown, gentle for children; saddle and bridle, for sale at 419 IS. Hawtnornea cor. otn. ItiiV LB. xxoitaa., ux. single harness and light old wagon cheap. Woodyard cor, 60th and Hawthorne. FOR SAL& learn and harness. tZ2u ; 6 yra. old and good workers ; 1 H miles east of Ore gon City on the Abemathy road. rl. Hartley. Ho BUYS laoo lb. young man. 1st and ready to work: make good ranch horse. 881 Water St., west side. - - - ' - SOOO-POUND team, hameas and 3 "A -in. farm wagon. $283. - Woodyard. corner 60th and x-iswirmme. - TEAM of mares, 6 end 1 years old. 2400 lbs., . harness and farm wagon. $200 for ill - 1394 Hawthorne ave. corner SOth. , - " 10 HEAD of hones, 4 to 7 years old, 1200 to -1800 ' lb.,v and some well mate lied teams. Tnouire st 664 Northmp st. ' SEVERAL of my transfer horses for sals cheap, . all young, good-horses; must sell tn make room for more trucks. 1029 E. Yamhill. $9W BUYS black percberon mare weighing about 140O Iba., true and gentle to work. . 381 Water st. west side. TEAM of mares, weighing 2oOO lba.; harness and wagon; $155. 6410 54th St. .Woodstock ear. " A GOOD young team, weight 3000 lb., best workers, with good harness; pries $285. C at 630 E. 24th ft, g. FOR SALE, by owner, 3 team horses. 140Pto 1700 pounds. 6406 52d S. E.. 4, blocks from car. Sell. 1079. FOR SALE 10 bead of Horses and several wagons. Albina Fuel Crx, Broadway ' 8000. 453 Goldnnith St. - . - ONE horse, light Studebaker wagon, like new, $25. Main 545Q. FOR SALE cheap, all kinds of farm, wagons. L. Thompson. 727 Powell at, ' 3 W FARM wagon, in good order. . cheap harness. 387 Water st. HORSES for rent, double and aingia. 646 Front t. Phone Main 2208. DEAD nones and cattle taken praanpuy. . Call day or night Arrt 627-64. ; BARGAIN 1 set of double harness; also 1 plow. 1967 E. Stark st, cor.: 78th. TWO 8KT3 of heavy harness for sale. R. Clay st 425 HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 PUBLIC ala. Thursday. March 10, 1921. on the Wm. Wanker ranch. S mile 8. W. of Oswego, the following described persons! property will be sold at public auction: 8 good milk cow. 2 are fresh with carves; 1 Hoisteia bull from heavy . producing milk strain. 7 ahoata, about 100 lbs. each; 1 good Berkshire brood sow.; 1 Dee ring binder, tt-ft cut; 1 Superior 10-disc grain drill; 1 disc harrow; 1 drag barrow; siding attachment for harrow; 1 14-ia. SvlSBlua wmlkinv nlnw. 1 1 9 im-h OliTMr chilled plow; 1 3 -in. Old liictory wagon; 1 84 in, wagon; 1 Iron-wheel wagon: 1000-lb. plat form scales; 1 Osborna bay rake; 1 4 H -loot Mccormick mower; 1 riding cultivator; 1 disc, and riding cultivator, combined ; 1 Melotto cream separator; Old Trusty incubator, 210 eanaclty: SI brooder. BOO eanacifv; 1 fcare.1 churn. 10 -gallon; 1 garden seeder; all imple ments and tools In first-claas condition ; also some hay and grain, shovels, forks, double-trees and other small tools too numerous to mention. Sale rain or shine. Terms of sale cash. Sale tarts at 10 o'clock sharp. Free lunch at noon. Bring your drinking cupa. Fred Metzger. owner. Fred peals, auctioneer. - Crown Stables, Inc. Horses snd mnles. Any kind of horses that can be found from the cheapest to th. best, from Shetland pony to ton horse. We are not Jn busineas to run feed bills on eoasfcrKr. If their prices are not right we don't let them ahip to us. We aim to have our prices 26 per cent cheaper than any place in town. We carry more horses than all the barns in town to pick -from. We guarantee them aa represented. Give ns th. ojwe over. 283 Front street Horses hired by the day. week or month. Phil Suetter, Pres. ' FOR s A l.r, i earn ut low ouut, neai y made horses, weight 2600 lbs; team of mares, well built, 2800 lbs.; just had their colta weaned from them; both teama absolutely sound aud true workers; have just brought them in from the ranch;- $250 each team. Also team of horses we have been working here in the city, weight 2600, $125 for both; one 1400 lb. brown mare, $125; one 1300 lb. roan gelding, $110; we will give written guarantee with them. Come and see them working on wagons, plow ing, excavating, etc.; also have some good heavy harness, 851 Russell st Fuel & General Teaming Co., near Union ave. Crown Stables, Inc. " Horses, Horses, ; Horses Right prices and quality is what public wants. Crown Stables, Inc., is where they can be found. Nuf sed. Phil Suetter, Pres. . " 85 Front St. UlvOrtliHV, uui Creston Feed ac Fuel Co.'s home, harness and wagons; are replacing them with trucks; one pair bay geldings, age 5 and 6. 3600; one pair 5 and 6. weight 3000;. pair 8 and 9, 8200; pair iron graya, age 4 and 5, weight 2500; also one team of 4 -year-old marea with foal; one 7-year-old black mare with foal; 1450 lbs. 50th and Powell Valley road, lit Scott car. 10 minutes. Phone 619-84. U. S. STABLES ' We have 20 bead of hones and mares left out of" our last shipment, weight from 1800 to 1800 lbs.. 5 to 7 years old. All sound and guar anteed as represented. We will sell these hones at a very low price. Look these over before you buy. G. D. Williamson ic Glass, 865 i Union ave. H. , cor. Htenhens tX For Sale 3 span of mares and geldings from S to 6 years old. weight from 1500 to 1700 Iba.. low- down biocky built solid colors; - all guaranteed as represented, i sound snd good workers; free trial allowed ; .neavy breeching harness and farm wagons, also a few cheaper horses. 210 E. 8th st WILL sell the following article, juot from the farm : One bay mare, sound and good, about 130O lba.. work any place; single harness, plow 1 double , shovel cultivator, 1 new 5 -shove! cultivator, new lz-mcn plow, new 2-sectlon steel harrow. 1212 Mill sts.. W. 8. car. LOGGERS and wood haulers, take notice: team weight 360O lbs., 6 and 7 years old; will guarantee them sound and true workers and gentle, and they will pull 2 V4 cords of wood in any place; come and see these horse pull a load. Call at 896 Powell Valley road, cor. 29th, Wocd'tock car. i i Keystone Feed Stables 20 head of horses and mares weighing, 1200 to 1800 Iba., several sets of harness, two Stt wagons; one good saddle mare weighing about HOP lbs., cor. Montgomery and Water rt TEAM of young Belgian marea. chunky built, big bone, well broke to work, weighing about 28041 His., with nearly new breeching harness, for $310. Ask for Perkins. : KEYSTONE FEED STABLE Oor. Montermrery ! snd Water st FOU SALE at a bargain, 10 head ef horses, weighing 1850 to 1650 lbs.,' 5 to 9 years old: this stock must be sold by March 10. If you are in need of a team, call and inspect this stock before buying. Helser Transfer Stables. E. 9th and Flanders. 'A horses ieit oul of our carload shipped from Eastern Washington. 'Feb. 25. I have one well matched tram of blacks, weight 8300 lbs., 4 years old. sound, well broke to work; price $450. See them at 425 E Otay st Will give a few davs free trial with every horse. HARRY ZUSMAN. Mam 1571 or Mar. 2619. Livery, feed and sales stables. Horses snd vehicles for hire a specialty, by day or night; saddle norses tor ture. 264 Baker st Porttsnd. Or. 15 TONS mixed baled hay, 2 bead of horses, wsson and harness. 1 tern Fbrd truck. 3 cows. Durham and. Jersey; 2 farm wagons; altogether or separate. Barn for rent, room for 20 head of stock. nlo Kerby. Phone East 855. FOR SALE $235 buya complete farm outfit consisting of team 7-year-olda (sound), 3 -in. wagon and good harness; must sell owing to other tmsiness. yt it roster road. Lents (lit Scott car). JUST OFF the farm, bay mares. 6 and 7 years old, about 280O, well broke for ranch work; set of heavy breeching harness. Must be sold, cheap lor cash. 821 K. 10th and Market Ak for Mrs. I.rmbecker's fm. SPAN of low down big bone mares, 7 and 8 - years old, weighing about 2600 lbs., sound, true and very gentle to work; price $250. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE Cor. Montgomery and Water sts. GOOD 2800 lb, team work horses, sound and true, with nameta; must aell; have no use for them. Take Woodstock car to E. 88th St and Gladstone ave., walk two blocks north to 1087 Francis ave. Bills a bay team of geldings, 4 and 8 years old, weight about 2800 lba.; the 4-year-old .one is a little thin fleshed: gentle, fat; these horses are across the street from Zigler Store. 425 E. Clay at : Ask for Joe Fielding. 1 SPAN horses, 8200 lbs., harness and wagon, both ; fresh horses from the country. Must be sold for feed bill. All kinds of harness and wagons, also cheap horse and buggy. 456 Front st WANTED -To buy for cash good younx louml. a well broke farm team and wagon; must bear closest investigation and good Talus. - . 8-874. Journal. WANTED To exchange Chalmers Six. value glOOO. new paint good tires, new top, 5 pass., electric lights and starter, for farm implements, livestock or horses and wagon. C-600. Journal. ONE TEAM, mare and horse, weight 1400; serviceable, bound, and harness. Price $200; sTso one well mated teams, weight 1200. for (165. 410 Hawthorne ave. Ask for Strong. BIG TEAM. 3400 lbs., harness, wagon at a bargain. Will let yon try them. Main and Harrison st. Milwaukee. Henry Smith, Oregon Kjn.y car. VM t;X looo lb. horse, sound ana a guotLL. worxer m ail names; iu need or lowest priced good horses in Portland ; harnesses and wairons. 480 'Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE 10 head Horses, weight 1200 to 1500 pounds, 5 to 8 years old; just off farm; must sell quickly." Olson's Bam, 6th and Water arrets, Oregon City.. . . $65 TAKES gentle gray mare, buggy, harness. light hack; mare works single or doable. Plan arTi all or separate. This Is no junk. 1918 Ft Stark and 75th er. TEAM, nn broke. 4-year-old percberon mares, weight 260O lbs., sound and fat; prioa $200. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE j Cor. Montgomery and Water sts. ' ' Keystone Stables ZtZJ01 tor rent ; 181 Water rt. font Mont Mar. 8316. LIVESTOCK 701 HAVE diamonds for good sound farm team and wagon. U-614, Journal. LARGE frsh Holstein dairy cows, family Jersey . $45. 753 East Ash FOR SALE Fresh Guernsey cow. I Olden tmrr 1 m'Tes est of Lent. BeTlro-e sts. TWO FRESH, 4 and 5 gal. cows -with heiier calves, 1214 Greely. St. Johns car, j . 1. MILK GOATS, fresh soon, sale . or trade for 9418 63(1 ave., Lenta. Anfo. 6122. JERSEY, cow, $40; beat buy in city. Phone Wdln. "2492. - - LARGE Durham calf, $5. tt E. both st N. Tsbor 7469. ' - 1 1 - . ! FOR SALE 8 flight Brahma ciucaens, 10 months old. 6303 Powell VaTlew reed S. & 100 WHITE Leghorn hens, X year old. Ia ' bor 8443. - R. L R. hatching eggs, $1.50 setting. Mrs. J. H. Jesse. Bell station, Greebam line. FOR SALE or uade, horouia service buck. - East 1242. t FRESH milch cows for saia. 63 Pcwell Val- ley road, comer 82d -st " i I'll.iKS WAViK'. !.. V,Ak 21U. ' RABBITS for sale. 790 Clinton st CALVES wanted. Marshall 2178. ' WANTED Beet, seal and bogs,. Tabor 7832. 701 AUCTION BALE Near Corbett high school. 4 blocks down the hill from Knight' store. March 8, 11 a. m. Livestock. 12 head cattle, 4 Jersey cows, all freshen in August and September; S Holatein Jsrsey cows, all freshen in August and, Septem ber; these rows are all milking; 1 Durham bull. 2 years old; two 2 V, -year-old' heifers, freshen about September 1; 20 laying bens; machinery, one 14-inch plow, two 12-inch plows, one iron harrow, one single cultivator, one bay fork and carriage, one eewing machine, on. washing ma chine, one potato planter, one cabbage planter, one riding cultivator, one spring tooth harrow, one roller, one hay rack, one potato rack and many other articles and tools too numerous to mention. E. 8. Hsll. owner. CoL W. 8. Wood sc eon., auctioneers. barred rock eggs for sale Four choice mating, headed by . first and second prize cocks, second cockerel of 1920 and first prize cockerel of 1819 Portland shows. stock for sale. J. c Murray. 1085 E. 14th st N. Phone Wdln. ,6378. , FOR SALE Fresh goats and coming fresh. from 829 up; also milk and kids, and for service two pure Sarmon and one Nubian' ef the best in the Weatt. at Portland Goat Dairy. 82d and Fremont eta. Address H. l. Box 460. FOR BALE Jr reU niuutt guai, 1'uggeubbtg grade of the very beat milch t. train. No mail orders. Come sen- them. 793 Kerrilwarth ave. Walk half block north from the car line. Wood stock car. MODEL Cypres. 240-egg incubator; good condi tion, only run 3 times. $18: also a fine Barred Rock rooster. Oregon City car to Rialey sta.. first house south - on east aide Of track. Phone Oak Grove 164R. FOR BALK Cheap oa zerma, by owner, up-to-date well paying poultry plant. Will tak house and lot as part payment See it at 6921 69th ave.. cor. 60th st S. E. FOUR good HoUtein cows, 3 Jersey cowa ami 1 Durham. AH fresh or will freshen aooa. See Mr. Bruce. Union Stockyards, North PorV land. ", ONE large cow tor sale, gives galioua good, rich milk; fresh about 2 weeks; an excep tional cow. 1890 Wayland st below Columbia Park. St. Johns car. FRKSU Jersey-Holstein, 48 lbs. test 6-2; 1 Hoi stein, 2 Shorthorn Durhama, 43 to 55 lb cows to freshen soon; sli young, gentle, in good oraer. vzs Belmont, riunnysde car. 14 FliESli cows, a to gat. 1 ' tloUwrn. 1 ' Durham, 1 Jersey. Sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia bird,, go 1 block north. ' LIVESTOCK Fresh cow for sale, 5 gal. per day. Jersey. Inquire Anabel Feed Barn, or 6310 89th ave. 8. K. S. "'. W. L. HATCHING egg. O. A. C hens, Tancred "Royal" cockerels. $2.60 per 15; $10;per 100. Writa for circular, or call stall 848. Ysmhill market. MILCH goats for sale, 20 head, nearly all fresh: priced to sell. E. H. Eurfluch. Clacks. mas. Or., K. 1. Phone Sunnyside (.Clackamas vo. t e. FOR SALE - One fresh miicli goat, one 8- month-old doe, one year-old buck : make ma an otter. ti. r. MUlsr. 1986 K. Stark THREE Jersey-Hoistein cows, 2 fresh, 1 to ' freshen in few days. ' 204S iHodge st- St Johns car. Columbia 900. .1 PHONOGRAPH and 27 double records and sew ing machine to trade for milk goat 12 LJ ssaxi st. THREE Jersey-llofeUHU cum, 2 tresh, 1 freshen in few days. 2048 Hodge st St Johns car. fVimmbla 900. ONE fresh Jersey lieuer, $60. 1 Hois tern beifer, $60. Wdln. 3722. Our, Killings worth ave. snd B2d st ' GOOD Uttle milk cow. 845. (15 cash. (10 mo. T. A. Lewis, 6607 73d ave. S. E. Errol itts. car. FOR SALE (85 Swiss Jersey cow, giving 8 qts. milk a day; also some W. L. laying hens. 81 each. Ermuire at 608 Clatsop. Bell car. . FOR SALE My herd of sniik goata. 6 does, 1 track ; 8 fresh : no reasonable offer refused; Henry Acney, Cresweii, or. FOU SALE 2 large, young, fresh Holstein cows, heavy milkers. IV Hi k Btark at. cor. 78th st. s Ltt u.l.i. fcri'... i...- Hi.u. .1 few settings of Black Minorca eggs, f roan ." . V. I V. . . yrifcp urn,. rnwi. o i Ar ... WANT 100-egg incubator, brooder and stove. one or both, no fancy pneea. J-164, Jour- nai. - 250-EGG Buff ducks, Embden ganders, Rouen drake. : Douglas . Farm, mi. S. Troutdale. FOR .SALE Good top buggy and good hand made namesa. will trade lor cnicaens. 3829 41 st S. E. Ant 213-68. 30 WHITE Leghorn cuUets. all lavina. (1.23 each. 6424 8ath, Court st S. il. bet Ptn sna fifttfi. 11 AN CON A hens, 1 rooster. Shepherd strain, $20 for the lot. 1336 Ev 27th at N. Aut 825-28. . . QUICK sale. 125 a. C. White Leshora ehickens. from trapneated stock, $20 John Panck. oiirnriwi, . r. , I . LARGE White Mammoth Pakin duck eggs, $2 per setting. Tsbor 7469. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 o.C. UEDS Birds for sale: eaas $3 per id. 6403 90th at 8.E.. Lenta. Or. T. H, Will banks. ' . SILVER SPANGLE HAMBURG and Brown Leghorn eggs for hatching. $1.50 for 15. Phone Col. 1208. SIX trained decoy Mallard and English call ducks, very vaiuabia. will tell in trios. Wrlfn. 4890. S. C. RED esga from excellent breeding stock, $2, S3. (5 per setting. J. T. Emert Hilladsle. ww. nooanm stm., a. Mr. eiecxnc. Dj' YOU want some registered and pedigreed Flemish, Heir Zealand and Himalayan cheap, call at 758 E. Ankeny. -- - . 1L L RED baby baby chicks, 23 cu. ; also duck eggs and r potatoes reasonable. 4004 79th sr. M. K. FOR sale at a bargain, 1 water-heated 220-egg Criterion inenbator. Call Tabor 5015 after n and all day Snnday. m - BUFF Orpington setting eggs. $1.60. from 2 year-old hens and prize stock cockerel. 1110 r.- mm, tv. Pliant alg-BZ. It L RED. B. Rock. W. Leghorn laying pul lets and fat bens. 1918 East Stark and 7bth rt. 24 WHITE Leghorn bens, mostly pullets. $1.40. J. Foearty, Guisneaa road off Gilbert Lenta, irnirrn nmrw on ieT- WH1TE leghorn eggs, settings $1.25.- (6.60 r iu. vve deliver m Portland. Hans TlaTn isen. Horrte 6, Boa 101. Oregon City. 47th ave. S. K., oorner 48th st Phone It L RED eggs for hatching, Meade strain, $1.50 for 15. 1128 Macadam. Marshall 2178. .. J '-'. THREE Toulouse geese, $10. Woodiawn 4.47. 1277 E. 22d st N. A-l PEDIGREED New Zealand buck. A bar- galn rr taken soon. Phone East 2494. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Dbtnd Red roosters; fine, your choice $3. 961 Hawthorne, cor. 32d. AN CON A hatching eggs from heavy laying scrairrr ei.ow per setting. . xaooT 043. HATCHING EGGS, thoroughbred R. L Beds. 31.00 per setting. F. N. Lange. Seappooss, Or. HATCHING eggs from Paterson White Wyen- qotTes. wo in, n:si. una r.. zotn w. WHITE LEGHORN esgi settings $1.50, Toa Bsrmn strain. 306 Sacramento st 1000 TANCRED White Leghors baby chidu, $15 per lOO- 78 Front st Main 62. D. U. L. setting eggs, 220-300 eggs (1.60. woooiawn zm. FOB SALE Four White " Leghorn roosters. tjaii at o49 osa st. o. re. Aut 6ZO-27. BROODER 1000-chick sise. Standard, use coal or ess. Tsbor 4915. FOB SALE FuUblooded Whit Leghorn eoek- ereis. $z caen. 7 bath et W. FOR SALE 2 thoroughbred B. . yteockere. (4 each, 837 SUnton st ONE Rhode Island Bed setting hen and rooster or sale. K. Kiley, t spitol Hill. Main 7770. FOR SALE Silver Spangled Hamburg setting eggs. (2 for 13. 6529 63d eve 8. E. it. L RED cockerels. Dig dark and reef Marshall 217 8. FOR SALE White Leghorn setting eggs, Mrs, I. Sielieky, 1707 E. 26th. Bfll 606 VVILL SELL, of trade 1 11. L Bad cocksrsi fi used neater, rnone S17-Z8 RHODE ISLAND Bed and While Leghorn bsby e hie kens, slso breeding eeekeieks. Tabor 6134. It. L It. cuicaeas lor saie, 1 yar oul , io a cockerel the asm. saw. Call 6426th. Wll SALE 3 R. h R. and rooster aud 2 rsbbit. 868 Morris ave. Seliwood Garden. WHITE LEGHORN eggs for hatching. Tancred strain. Phone Oak Grove 137-W. FOR SALE cheap, full Wooded st L coefcerei, . Can Tabcv 231. FOR SALE 4 Mallard ducks; egg astung, 15 ' for (1.60. 886 Sacramento st. ONE- young Black Minorca, router to ex . change for 2 yonng hens. Bell. 2342. LIGHT White - Lechoru heiie, 1 year old. all lavlTig. Wdln. 4SHO. alAl'LARll decoy duck sag. $2.6w s setting. Wdi n. ' 489Q. 1 ' INCUBATORS for sale.. Ferula . eggs. Tabor 8622. Part-rose Hatchery. Portland. SURE cure tor egg-eating hens. . Patent Product Co.. 710 Uwin ave. N. I HAVE, 5 pairs of black tailed Japanese ban- f-m: also it tinir eec. Aut 88-elQ. J H RO I'GH BR ED K. I. Red rooster for aai. $S. 4548 43d st 8. E. . - (ENGLISH) White Leghorn eggs, for batching, (1.00 per setting. Peterson's. Auto. 629-14. B. L HF.U setting sggs. $1.23 pel 15.. Phone Colombia 124. livestock: POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 Baby Chicks at ' Capitol Hill Poultry Farm FOR BALE Tay old ebieka and ywung cockerel. Tancred strain. 4 1st and Washington. B. . Phone 828-1, Vancouver. Waahw. BOBLN SON'S TRAPS ESTED S. U. WHITE LEGHORNS Are makinsr mane for hundreds of my cus tomers. The fact that all February, March and April ehicka were sold without any advertising peak for the quality of my stock. THE RE PORT OF ONE CUSTOMER: "I raised 480 pullets from 1000 chicks purchased from yon and from November 1, 1919. to November 1, iDzu, toey -paid me a net profit oi sieii. (Signed) H, M. Tsyson. R. 1. box 878, Oswego, Or." Can furnish May and June chicks and hatching eggs, Robinson Poultry farm, R. 1. box 19, Portland. Or. Phone Tsbor 7269. WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS Chl-xs from special mated pena of high egg record breeders. We breed only f rem old stock and do swt force our breeders for. eggs, therefore we can guarantee good strong, sturdy chicks. Stock la limited, so order early. SCHN ELLER S POULTRY FARM., , ' 1540 . 18th at, N. Portland. Or. Phone Woodiawn 1188. PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY D.I... Hatches Monday and Thursday. Ha. UC&Ujr ganixed trapnaatted Whits Leghorn, 1 Thi i , it L Beds, a. stocks crux now reaoy. wiiiA Order now for ssrlv. Is vers. IA84 E. 12th N. Woodiawn 1483. WHITE LEGHORN DAT-OLD CHICKS"" From trapneated and pedigreed stock having egg record in excess of 250 for five or mors successive generations. Book your order now for spring deliver. QUALITY POULTRY FARM. - Bsse Una oad. 4 Miles East of Portland. MaU Address. Greshsm, Or. Tabor 7821 O. A. C. BARRED ROCK CHICKS Won at Sherwood second sad third peas sum. mercial class; best female, alt breeds competing, live count guaranteed, at $80 per 100; sggs $10 pet 100. . -THE IDLE HOUR -POULTRY FARM. ' - - McCoy, Oregon. ' 20,000 Master Chicks - Free ranea White Leehorna. essy to raise, hatched by experts. In modem incubators; hatches Maren a ana 13 and en. Master incubator to.. Portland. Or. Woodiawn 4344. V A IPJV Le auras, ilea, stocks, Aneonsa, a-AJ a Minorcaa, Buttercups, Wyandottea, fff-flfV Orpingtons. Best selected stock. Ws t V. Price reasonabla. Order early. Correspoadsncs invited, , U. N. Nsedham, Baiem, Oregon. BOOSTERS WANTED Wanted, 600 people to buy a setting of eggs from my heavy laying strain of S. C It. L Reds; 8 grand pens to select from. A few good breed ing cockerels yet for sale. W. V. Ioomis. 1923 Multnomah st Phone Tabor 8197. ME ARE not a hatchery, we hatch from our own selected trapneated breeding pens only. A few baby chicken to come off March 14 and gome early in April for sale. v GEORGES POULTRY, FARM Route 1, HiHsdale, Or. Main 7669. . TANCREDS . v Purebred 8. C. White Leghorns, 'hatching r. baby ehicka or 1. 2 or 3 weeks old. slso pullets listened March 80, April 19 and on. 18 E. Wfnchell st. city. Wdln. 4919. 'i BABY chick and hatching eggs. O. A. C. Barred Rock, the kind that lay, hatch off on the 12th, 18th. 25th; eggs 80 per cent fertility; chick hatched in Master incubators. HOFFMAN POULTRY FARM 101 5- Himmon st Woodiawn 1253. HATCHING FtGGS $5 per hundred. By taking a urge contract we are now able to offer hatching eggs, 8. C. Whits Leghorn, direct from the famous Royal Wing farms at the lowest price ever .known. Call st 834 Fargo st - 1 MY stuck is raised in colony bouses en free range. Why buy common stock when you can buy better stock for the same money f Tsn ered strain. White Leghorn- baby chicks, $20 per 100 delivered in Portland. Tom Morgan. Beaverton. or. S. C REDS First pen headed by Portland prise winner, 2d pen headed by a son of Chi cago Coliseum prise winner; mated to high class females, including fourth prise pullets at Port land ; eggs tor hatching. Phone Tabor on. J. V. Kenworthy, 1111 B.- Taylor St. Portlsnd, $16 PER 100. Tancred, S. C. White Leghorn due as; lOOO ready for deuvery Mar. to. Order now for future deliveriee. Trout at I-ub-ker Poultry Farm, Route No. 2, box 176, Ore- eon City. Or. - - OREGON branch National Breeders' and Fan dels' Asm' will bold its regular business meet ing Tuesday March 8, 8 p.. m.. Boom E, Central Public Library. Mary L. Btevena. Secy. SINGIjU COMB Rhode Inland White hatching eggs front prize winning stock. Wonderful heavy laying rrain. $5 for 15.; Tsbor 8iif2. SETTING eggs Iruia' extra tin tuorotiglibied - dark Rhode . Island Red bans, trapueaud stock Tsbor 5927. - - " 100 O. A C. Leglkorn hens, for sale, all lay ing good. Will sell 10 snd up or all at (1.10 each.- Dick Water or Kirk Hoover. Sherwood. Or. WHITE LEGHORN hens and pullets. Write or phone for prices. Mt. Scott Poultry Yards, Auto. 631-54. 6348 84th st, J. K. FANCY Ancona egg, Sheppard strain, $8 pet 100, $1.60 per setting. Mrs. John Lennox, Lents, Or., Rsmapo station. ; FOR SALE Hatching eggs from Tancred 280 egg strain S. C. White Leghorns, $1.60 for setting of 1 5 eggs. Mrs. Ms ry Scott Oakland. Or. WHITE ROCK flock reduction special; select nena, ivi egg Dreo, at a. rroisssor siax weW, Tanrent, Or. V FOU SALE Setting esga, from R. 1. Red, thoroughbred stock, 2 pens, $1.60 and $8. I "hone Tsbor 617. IL I. It EGGS for hatching, $1.10- for 15. 7023 59th ave S. E. Mt Scott car to Tre- mont 16 TANCRED White Leghorn bens and 1 rooster, all 1 year old. $20 cash. Foot of nn et, Willamette Heights. HATCHING EGGS. Sheppard strain, Ancona, Partridge, Wyandotte, Black Minorca; also few -fine cockerels. H. weoo. weaverton. or. TANCRED I White Leghorn chicks, $20 per 100. Tabor 3822. Parfcross hatchery. Fort land, or. :l LfoU SALE Pure-bred S. C White Leghorn ehicka. Phone 6 F 21. Oregon City. George Bnseh, Route 1.. HATCHING eggs from- trapnest Hollywood strain White Leghorns mated to 277-egg cockerala. 4808 79th st S. E. ONE Bronae turkey torn and one pr. Emden geese for sale. E. C Bichardsoo. Beaverton, Or.,! R. F. D. No. 1. EXTRA fancy Barred Rock egg for hatching and 1 cockerel for sale.' Charles Lei ner, $29 E. Defcum sve. Woodiawn 2435. 19 W. L. laying bene at 76 cents apiece. Arthur Schmidt Metxger, fire. ONE R. L R cockers! for sai. at $2.60. 6035 4Ui ave. S. E. 8 WEEKS' old Leghorn chicks, 35c, 1062 wsnay oivi. t su Hiinaiy BUFF Leghorns, laying pallets and cockerel. 1 .01 eacn. nroaa. asos. BLUE A ndaluaiaa. cockeraia. Phone Sell. 872. 847 E. 87th. - - . . PEN of 80 fine White Rock pullet and rooster, a good start 810Q takes them. Main 9328. FOR SALE 240-egg inenbator. good condition. Automatic 641-28. ; RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for sale, son '10 cup winner in pen. wain mi). TRADE one bet air incubator, 250-egg aiae, good condition : reasonabla. E-860, Jonrnal. THOMPSON ringleU cock, direct, with aix 622-41. 10225 60th are. M. E. S. C R. moot BED egg for setting. 1803 Bl- $1.25 PER setting Barred Bock eggs, O. A. C. tram. B0O4 S5th st B. E. Aot 615-80. FLEMISH and pedigreed - N. Z. bucks, does. Reasonable prices. East 6790. TO E. 18th N. O. A. C. White Leghorn. Barred Rock egga for hatching; guaranteed fertile. Tabor 4 941. WHITE LEGHORN egg. for setting. . Phone . Woodiawn 4388. - ( - " f HATCHING eggs, thoroughbred White Leghorn, (1.25 a setting, phone Tabor 7864. BROODER WANTED - 2SO or - 600 ilw. Www Ant 614-29. ' THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rot - hatching egg and bsby chicks, Tabor 6559. ANCONA setting eggs. imperii strain. 714 8. Crawford st. Col. 879. - - BUY the children real Easter rabbits. (1 end nt. HimsVavan wnet.f. Cetl Auto, 625-13. 160-EGG St Helen incubator, in good eon-. - dition. Tabor 612. ' FOR HALE Chicken house and lOO ft wire cheap if taken st once. 1065 B. 2-',th st. N. K, L R. nMtaters, iutciimg eggs, .55 Graham ave.. near Union. - i FOR SALE 12 young White Leghorn hens. fv-Hwood 1219. C48K ero for ale. Alt. H1H-Mu. BROOl'EKS for aale. Woodiawn 319. HIGH-GRADE cocserel, :t. lar. 8i. WANT' a setung hen. 624 Jefterson st SKTT1NG hen. $1.50. Wdin, 4HK0. . ONE doaca laying hens, reaaonabia. Front POULTRY AND RABBITS 7C2 Maguire's Baby Chicks Electric hatched from rigorous Hocsnize'l stock. Our stock always aiubng the leador in egg laying contests. One oi our hens st l'v sllttp layed 68 eggs in 2 mo'nftn; another 57 1 1 t Hatcned tight and easy to raise. While L c borns, $20 per 100; Brown-Ieglwtm. $25 v T 100; R. L Beds and O. A C. Barred Rocks, f al per 100. KIV.S rfn WATfitiwri J- R. MAOI'IRK, 787 Oreson st. Bast ISo. EGGS Hot hatching from my new quality strain " - Rose Comb R. I. Red, first prise at poultry ' show 1920; eggs from this mating $3 per 15. Pen 2 tins bred direct Tuttle strain.. $3.50 per 15. Pen 8. 2 year old bene mated with fine young cockerel, (2.50 per 15. Mrs. A Brack. B. 2. bex 12. Milwankie. Or. Look! Barred Rock sale $25 cockerel. $10. $15 cockerels $5, bet pullets $8.50, eggs $1" per , 100. H. W. Krupka. 1203 Clinton. Tabur 8814. POULTUVMEN Send eight 2 -cent tatni special three months' trial subscription of the best and oldest poultry journal in the west The articles snd sdvertiarmsnt are of special interel ' to the poultry breeders of the Northwest North- foil it nr Journal, Kslem. t)r. AH1TE LEGHORN bsby clucks from heavy lav! ing Hogsnised stock. -Saf. arrival of fu'.l count live, strong chicks gusrsnteed. Price l"t and interesting literature on spplicstiou. Th. ' l-ioneer tistcnery, 442 riixth St., I'etslnms. ( si. Vtll'I't L't. IMtin ilUV ' L-l 1,11 . IL L... .,.... - - . - ..... , . .. , . , ' ,a ... . . . : , and Barred Reck baby chick snd breeding ... , Cock ere Is ; orders also taken for pullets; ,.,,, trapocsted and pedigreed, R. E, Butier, Jen- ... nines ixHige, or. BABY CHICKS And eggs, from 8. C R. I. Red, the dark red. - good type; kind that lay is kind (list pays. CHARLES P. BABt'Ot E Boote 1, Box 76, Beaverton, Or. : Brooder Incubators No Cold oil-burning brooder: Master Incubator, shipping boxes, ate. Master Incubator Co.. siigr , 4I Jessnp. Portland, Or. Wdln. 434. . 50O Vllllr. 1.1-.1. tlOlt.s .-Mtfes-uid rn. ItulU' - Millar's tram eel cd stock: selling farm reason for selling them; (30 per lOO deliverfxl if In or near Portland. Albert Bottemiller, liidgrf icid. Wash. Will I t, and While Augora rabuiu tut Mie,' Full pedigreed White Fenian cat at Mud. ' Female canaries for sale. Will py rash for good' medium sized in- m."Z cnbstor. 197 K. 66th N. Tabor or.l?, , . Pane McConnei strain, one pen;tlie olher - Speight; very large. Mrs. F. A, Neibauer, I Jrshm, Or. FOR SALE Black Oningu,n curkerul-w V,.UMi"' exchange for Buckeye incubat,r. Ortilngt. n and Rhode I-Und Bed era for hstrblng. T. A; "', i.ewts. oax orove, or. 1'bone o-vv. IPoll 8ALB a.1 young Flemish doen, ready to breed, and 2 New Zealand with litters, good ' stock. Also a good rabbit pen, reasonable price. su l-'ws Atlantic. lot nt. .lonns car. XRA1 'NESTED 8. C. White leghorn rliivk, -0 ' r" r 100; egga (10 per loo; Sfiecial msting. : ach; eggs, (3 per 15. Twin Springs Poul arm. R, Hoy Putoani, Clacksnias. Or. uer 80a each try Farm THOROUGH SUED I'attruliiit W ad..i 1 erel setting hen and tea for natriumr. 1024 ' Holgate st. Call after tiumlay any time tw- tween 8 nd 4 n til. ReTI. 1112 THOROUGHBRED aingto comb 11. I. 1!. for sale. $20 per hundred. Alio It. I. It. , eggs for hatching, $0 per hundred or $1.50 eet... I'Tif. iirnir Bii. TANCUEl) W. L-. April eiii.j... Iji.i,.-U"1 i w Hoganixed heavy laying stock, 18c ir ord. r'.l at once. None better. W, Huldiuae, It 3, HuX :. 606. Auto. 64 3-24. 2 .7x9 PORTABLE chicken houe, cosi each, for $10 each. White W undone an! Tancred W. L. batching eggs. G. I Wool, Silver Springs station. Ilione Oak Grove 26 H. , FOR 8AL1 Thoroughbred O. A. '. lUrrrl l'iy- -' t mouth Hk hatching eggs. $1.75 er 15. i:. " 1. Tsylor, on Estacada line. One block north of " Bellrose ftion. '" ANELoS 8. C. Reds, .Mil young mi al l'ori. lanrV show: four grand pen nutted for egg j,. trade; eggs for hatching and cockerels for sale. , . Sell wood 8425. 760 Milwsnkte ve. BARRED ROCK eeirs, incubator lots sperislijj cock birds (5; Buff Minorca mf. Golden ' '. Aeahright bantams; fertility guaranteed. Kum Poultry Yards, 803 E. Lombarci. Woodiawn, 5658. j- DECOY duck egg for hatching, ! $3 per 12r Pekin duck egg. $2 per 12. Mrs. A. Brces, ' Ardenwald. R. 2, hot 12, Milwsukie, Or. " 2 CHOICE White Leghorn cockerel from ped. -' i greed Tsnered stock; also on fine R. I. Red; - reasonable Tsbor 3 969. 3 50 Manruerite sve. FOR sale cheap 1000-chick Buckeye brooder. Oregon City car, Aalulal sta. Ak for Hew. .,,, itt. ptace. FOR sale cheap, 0 does and 2 backs, p.liTecl " " iinuwi uiaots. low are. a. x.. r- Woodstock car. ' 1. GENUINE Ksllerstrass Whit Orpmglons, $2 a setting. Crystal Poultry Yard, 4219 48th are. 8. E. Woodstock ear. J BLUE AN DA LI 'HI A.N hatching egga for sale from prise winning stock, r-'.r also cockerels. Aait 614-29. 6003 fl-'d sve. H. K. i INDIAN RUNNER du k, heavy ' laying strain, ' " $1.60 setting and Toulon s geese. For baby ' ', ' ducks order now. Msr. 103 8. KiHiH fur lialchiliK hee Parks; it 1. R. for ""' sise and color, $2.50 to (5 fur 15. 6619 46th ave. H. E. Sellwootl 167Q.ji ' r, htiliS lor haU.hiris. ti Pars liiat k Jliuun..., $2.50 to $5 for 15. 6610 46th are. S. E," Sell wood 1670. j ' -'' 11 A MX CHICKS AMI l.L.S i.ul.-r ium iianni " or Tanore.1 fipecfal I dehorn iriaUngs; none ' better. R. Woolery. (44 WoTith 2Slh su.Jlslem. "J BABY chicks, Tom Baron Whits Leg! mm tirns, trapneated every day, $3 doxan, $20 100 also settings. $1,50, Msr. 1038. ' FOR SALE 7 2 yesr-old tuornaghhred Black Rock laying bens snd 1 rooster, $13. Call -150 E. Webster. , .r TWO Buckeye ininibaUrrs, 05-egg, $10; 12. I- ' egg, $15. 6516 06th st S. E.1 Mount Srott ' car. . . FIFTY Whit Le-plioru Tancred xxilieU. Butier a ' 1. stock, 1 year old in May; $1.24. . i'hon Oak , prove l sgi. it ONE doaea While legDorn hens, pur.-wri, wiui cockerel ; prioe $15. 3014 11 t .1'hone 858. Vancouver, Wash. j TUOBOMliBaEU R. L lied c-kerek jiilioit strain. It. L Red eggs for batehuig at $1.00 a setting. 754 Borthwick st. - NEW ZEALA.D Rel buck snd Silver Cam pine rooster for sale. $2.50 each. Sellwood 8370. . ' 6305 42d t 8. E. JUHT a fW left priced to sell ;' Flemish, New Zealand and Miiayajriao. 4230 68la ave. n. E. Sellwood 2661. WHITE LEGHORN liatching eggt Irmn henS that ly, $1.25 per J5: $6 per 100. In- ' spection invited. S. B. Clark. 1 1 0O Henry sve ToM BARRON strain of While Leghorn ece. from large began i sed birds, large egga, $1.50 for 15. $8 for 100. Tsbor Or.QI. WHITE Wyandotte exg fur batching, loo each. Phone 62 1-6. BABBITS F, G. and M. V., it It. A. B. and Himalayan. IZl n. ZOMi st. BARKED ROCK cocaerels. from celebrated Id" a-Hee flock. R K. Bgjawr. Jennlig. Ixirige. Or. , FOR HA Lr i'srt ridii Wyandotte cockeiei. 1744 Fwke St., Portland. Or. FlNE 1eniih and New Zealand rahbua oheaii. 867 E. 75th st N., near Hsly. 2 IXV.KS laying bens, 2 R. I. Red cockerels,-) 1702 Dana St. Tl. Col. 681. WHITE LEGHORN and Buff Iuorti laying hens, $1.25.' 1406 Delswsre sve. f- PORTABLE chicken bouse with 40 ft of wire, $10. Wdln. 1 1 56. LIGHT Brahma setting -eicgs; fio. buds; auo "double harness. 063 Wiliismi ave. WANTED Setting bens; wui trade layers. Phone Tabor 8614. 16 WHITE LEGHORN bens, 2 rooster. 6011 41st ave. Phone Tabor 4388. BABBITS for sale ut Uade. What have yuuf Woodiawn 102 8. O. A. C White Leghorn snd Plyutuulii, 15 eggs (1.00. Woodlswn 187. It L RED hatching eggs, (1.25 for 16. 14 !2 Newcastle st. i'OU SALE Two White Leguorn cockerms, $3 each. r"hone Marshall SCRATCH $3.10 O O C3 Pk CHICK FfcLi Mash $3. Wd. 4344, IT lUlL.lJ', lvinper, ITJ'-MUsH GIANT rabbiu for sale at a sacri fice. Broadway 894. 659 Pettygrove. ONE 36-iac-h oil brooder fur sale cheap. - 473a. 77th et 8. E. BUFF LEGHORN bens for sale cheap. Ms 4 529. THOROUGHBRED White Wyandotte cocker (3.00 each. 664 lAnn ave. Hellwood 11S. Rill IDE ISLAND Ilfc.ll setUug esgs. $1.25 per 15; also rooster for breeding. 2M Kuretit THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn rooster. $2.50. W, 8. Hyde, 1089 Frncis sve. Thoroughbred r. l b. ttins, $ a setting. 1122 K. Mtn St.- 'ispor gun. FOR SALE Whit Umtrcs mruunt ea and cockerels. 806 Montana. Wood.awn 217". bKTi'lNG hens, thoroughbred reds; lusul stovs; rwHMs only 2 50. 6H2 E. 7 5th it. N 44 'l'UOiliUGHURED Carneaux pigsous, $o. A. I Vsn Osdei, (Viasge t-rove. tr. liliL ttiCh. oucsereis lor saiv; piix ui- nlng ato:k. 194 tvwik ave. Lfvtiv erfs, I1..U a' St. rig ; lU,le Ulud tx. erel, $2. SO. &r.i efitn st. w. r.. 1C L sti-i ANl V. l.l-.i.iiilit.N utillAii VMCrH. $1, WOODLAWN 4788. HIMALAYA rabbds. $1 each. llxr fiKLLLN'f hen wauled. Tsbor i'.i. 50 W. I., pollets, lsying. for $ '' Aut. 2 2 1 -. 7 SETTLNG he us wanted. Call Tsoor 5 v 5"