THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY; MORNING, MARCH 6, 1921. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Your Home Is Here! I SCO Photographs of Homes for Sale Largest Home Sellers On the Pacific Coast i ' . i. i Art 1. ... . f jir r.'ri j imr our 01 '-re t , , . . ".- - tale has firt been personally iw-pected and ap praised before brine of (crl for your, consider ation. The best values end tlie widest election in the rtty are htre fr your coiunlfnitioii. IK tSSAtlV, help jou make jour down 2.1 salesmen with auto at your service. ' Open all day end evening .SmlJ. Open ftj evening until 9. A HCW K'tsK CITY SPECIALS $4990 BKAITIFt f. TUX'4 7-rnom ROSB I'iY in Sandy bird., double con structed; turn of substantial coxnfort v .' and umtMul appeal; every convenience; "n " . v '1 Ifniw. " $4250 A SEMI-COLONIAL- ROSE CITY that's JUM. B initUfll as I'mnrvi , try artistic hcali outride - and in; ' I EASIEST TKBMS. E. 3ih t. 309O THK BUST VALUE Km THE MO! ' FY IN ALL ROSE CITY: a radiant 5- i . , room bungalow with every nixtera xn " ' tmttiin; kOULI WANT IT SO! E. ! : 7th St. . '' 12700 DAINTY MTTTX 4 rrnj, RORK CITY: K. 75th; OWNER MUST SELL. AT oS E. SUNNYSIDF. HAWTHORNE . $4Q0 HKKK'S VKNl INK ''TA1XE IN A HAWTHORNE HUME; the moat ar Mwtic Sfroon bungalow in the entire :, district: hardwood floor, bdiltimi, fur- miY, fireplace, sleeping porch, Pved street al) paid; ITS WORTH TOUR . WHILE TO INVESTIGATE THIS HUAUTIFIL BUNt;AIAW- E. 34th. $3800 tl-roora very substantial, clean, modern Sunnyside home; 32d nr. 1. Nk J car. el- to school: THE HOMK rOK PEOPLE OF MODEST MKAK8. $3676--5 room modern HAWTHORNE BTJN GAIOW with builuna. E. Grant at. Term". "225 HKHK'.' A BARGAIN fn a 4 -room HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW COT TA;E; white enamel plumbing, elec- Innty. aw; bauj a -i j if)WS, per month lor BALANCE. '.. Ka rnon t . 3700 HKATTIFTL S room mndern A j BKRTA bangalw with builUna: txir nc. jraraae; LIERIOB VALLE. E. 13 th at. AIJ'.ET.TA , 37S ONLY 1 blork - to car. -mon mi- rninealow, hardwood floors, buUtin eo; iwnienrr. luroace. K. 21st at. LOOK. AT THIS. 100x100 ALBERTA '., 13500 r.00,duirn; 7-roora obtntiaI AL- BtKTA home; lOOxXOO.' witli Inut. K. ttth t- -V PFNINSCLA $3700 OWNER NKKIWi THK MOXETf 5- roora ery artistic Prainanla btmialow in Burraee t-; aolid paneled dinrn mntn. un room, white Pntch kitchen. kkwiiK porch; A GENCINS5 BAB- HEKE'tj' PEAR LTTTLB PLACK j;800 RkXuTIKTL KENTON BUNGALOW. NEW; builtina. firepUee. breakfast ikk. firnIee. tapertry paper; A KKLIGHTFCLLY ct,Denient liMie SSOO IHtWS WEST SIDE tSOO S500 don, 1 block to FulUm ear. B- room wet side eottase. while enamel piumbiut cjectrfcitr. aaa: Mara dam at. WOOU3TOCK $2100 TEEMS; good 5 room WOODSTOCK eottaca rlne to school in 60th are. 50t 1.10 SNAP 33990 3500 down. 7 -mom gnbatantial eom- forsatole WOODSTOCK HOME. 45th "i OOxtOO 3300 DOWN - ' S250O33O0 down, cloee to car. mod era 4 r"orn bnnlow. E. 40th at a WOODLAWN 3200 IK)WN 122003200 down, 5-room, WOODLAWN BUNGALOW eottae. white enamel phimbins. gas, fireplace, carats; oaS3 $2Vit down. ' O.-W. R. N SHOP . 31360 3500 down, in Rom t Page. conmiient to O.-W. R. 4c I, ahope. 4 " room comfortable eottace: white enamel phuabing; electricitT. gas; $300 down. 8EIXWOOD HAH OLD - AYE.. 4-room Dnaaoal bimralow. modern. 3210O.:' extra large kitchen, 60x120; paed t-. paid. -MT. SC:TT ONE-HALF-ACRE HOME $2900 $500 down. " acre with frtrit, garage. good 4-room cottage, modern, VACANT. Cooper rt. . $100 E-48Y TERMS; Mt Scott eottag. B. 67th at. $17003500 down: wery artistic ML Scott cot tage, 4 rooms; 64th are. . : . PIEIMONT JEFFERSOX -$1690 Coownient to JEFFERS)! HIGH. Peninrala park and library: 5-room modern eottagw: Michigan, are. -WOOUSTOCK . - $1030 3500 down; . 100x105; comfortable WOODSTOCK COTTAGE. 45th. are. CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND- $225( CooTenient walking diatance. good arvb tantial modem 6-rocan home. E. Stark. These are but a tew of the hundred of good bora we hare listed with us for' aale. It's im possible o adTtrtie them all. We're openreT ery Sunday until S for your con ten. nee. These are tlie Heal borne-seeking days. See Frank L.' McQuIre i ; TO BCY YOCR HOME Abington Bld.- Main SO8- Third at. betweea Waahington and Stark. Look for the big new electric sign. The. Sign of Scientific Kerriee. - - EASTMORELAVr f ROOM HEStDENCB ' - $8500 We offer yon an exceptionally fine buy in a 7 rm. donhle constructed residence in this beautiful district of distinctive homes, large Hring mom. fitepiace. hardwood floors throughout first floor, large dining room with handsome buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 3 bedrooms, maid's room, fine bath, full cement basement, $1200 hot water heating plant. 75x100 east front Int. beantif ul trees and expenaise shrubbery, large garage, pared eta. and sewer. 3 blka. ear. close school; We don't know - of a better home in the city for so little money. Some terms. Inspection by , appointment only.. Ask for Mr. Mack. I jet us show yon. GEO. T. MOORE CO,. 1007 Yeon Blag. I.ARCEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST 1257 homns sold in 19201 181. in February. SI to date tills month! Is your home for aalet IT'S SOLD IF LISTED WITH CSI - We in spect, appraise and photograph your house within 23 hours after lifting. 2S salesmen to work oa it sale. WK SPEND THOUSANDS OF IX) L I.ARS ADYERTISLN(. and are tat touch with the majority of lire bnyersl No charge except the standard commission of 5 St in the event of a satisfactory sale. Call or write FRANK L. McQUIRE; - To Sell Your Home r Abington bldg. Main 108S. 3d st.. bet. Wash, and Stark. - 5 ROOM BCNGALOW " :' 1 Block Hawthorne Car. This beautiful bungalow, 4 years old, netet before offered for sale: 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, large, beautiful buffet, Dutch kitchen, floored attic, cement basement, fine furnace; 5)xlO"J east front lot: beautiful natural tree and shrubbery: garage; pared streets and sewer Paid; 1 block car. close Franklin high, iu one of Portland s prettiest home districts.: Full price' 000. terms. Ask for Mr. . Mack. "i ; Let us show you. GEO: T. MOOBE CO., 1007 Yeott bWg. WW.SKR ollr lr usle lull i sU)l sua tae Trent 7 . rue-m hoa-e, all built-in ccnTenit:cea, liardwood fiooes, gcud furnace, fireplace. 2 toi lets, stationaij tubs, Jut eumpletiiig redeccrat ing througlmot. enameled in id irory upstairs Siol fre&u, new paper; downstairs enameled ia French gray and vrry ; latr-t design of gray grass cloth paver. This makes as bright and irheerful a home as there ii ia Portland. - Lot 60xl0O; street imptored; owner tiring in hotrse and can be inspected any time. Let's get tc gwnier and dsl dirvcf TaHrr 2f.(i. 34OO0 lU'Wt CASH 333 MONTHLY 3 large light rooms, furnace, fireplace, many built-in, fuil cement baaement. large floored attic; 58X10O lot. streets pased and included ia tlie price, X H blocks to car. . Thia bouse is well- built, well planned and is an exceptional value at. this pritr. . .. ; JohnsonDodson Co. - 0S3 N. W. Bank bWg. Main 37ST. KKiXiW V ALL k. X"sX' owrte wires us to seil at once, 5 a., S room bungalow, barn and chh-kaBT "house, rtear station, on Oregon IHty line. .2 " minutes out; rent 37000 5 years ago. Priced for quick sale, $4500. Mar. 3352. 403 Couch bid, v v J. B. KOCK. aooo ro(i CASH 330UW ..-.' 5 reoms. 63d and Glisah. SOxlOO fL-Mkemer lot, easy terms. Mar. 3352 Sun. Tabor 3 090. . . J. 11. ROCK, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 LAtTtELHl-RST COLONIAL Not a better built home in city: T large -room, ana room, breakfast room, hardwood floors, Oieen furnace; 7t'0 corner lot; double "garage. Price $12,400, which is leas titan house cost to build. Any terms in reason. Ne mortgage oa this property. For appointment to inspect, aak for Mr. Mack. , it us show you'. " CEO. T. MOOi: CO., 1007 Teen Mdg. ! .". RlKiJI Bf.'NOAUW :! i BCILT BY fARI'ENTKU FOR HOME Hardwood floors, large brine room wiih fire plaoe, fmisiwd m isorjr, handy i:utcli kitchen, large a.ttie with aleening porch, eement basement furnace, home 1 year old. beet aute-riai; owner muse sell; S'iOOO. some terms. tee. Uii. won derful bargain: 1 block car. 3 to aclftai ; eaet front. . Mt Joknatoa, . Marshall 1022. Tabor 4 7 eanm1. 5-KiMiM bungalow. wncr. - 47 E. 4i.h U N. By ACREAGE 405 . Just Opening Up a - New Addition- ..'(. -. . . ... . ' IVnrn the foluirbia rier on the Oregon side, close to tlie. Columbia riser. In trsens of 3,cm and unv on terms of 310 down and $3" per month; tmy a 5-acre tract, i I'nce rarictng from $25 an ! acre np. tlrwyj so!, free from rock or grasel, beaut if a I laying land; just enough, slope for drainage. : cVnne tracts hare a. -beautrful new of the Columbia: also some with a stream. Fine tranaporjiUon, riser, . railroad, truck sad stage. I ': . ; ' I ' , - : ' ' " Charles Delffel' 318 Railway Kxchange BUlg. 2 Acres CJeared ' 1 Base Line Toad, sbont 3 miles, east of Sfonta riila: ail clearwl; frttit trees and berries; no buildings, but for aale at $1500. Good terms can be arranged. i5 Acres Improved. 1 East of Montarilla, all cultirated: small house and barn, sgood well: fine place for chickens and berries; $3MQ cash, balance monthly. Price INSURANCE LOANS SoouLnaul a cswairyg JsACztlFICK ACREAGE HOME Almost 3 acres,, all ia cuitiTatioo. terel A-l soil; 4 room house, 2 rooms plastered; medium aixed barn, other buildings, good well, pump 8 apple trees, also blackberries loganberries and raspberries; close to school, 3 blocks from station on the Oregon Electric 7 miles out. Price $2000, $400 cash, balance $10 per month with interest at " 732 CHAM OF COM. FOK SALE Fire-acre ranch one mm from Oregon City. On hard surface road. About 150 fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, etc.; well fenced ; fe-rooia plastered bungalow with fireplace, bath, hot and cold water, kitchen range attached ; greenhouse, woodshed, two wells, chicken house, barn 32x32; chickens, liorse and buggy; farm took-: 40 rods to good school; good neighborhood. i Home trims. A good buy for 3500O. S. B Babeock, Ii. F. IK No. 3, box lO, Oregon City, Or. " 25 CA.Sll 15 MONlrlLY i Buys 5 acres of splendid soil about 4 acres level, and in cultivation, 2 room box house, H mile to school, 1 44 miles to electric line, on good gravel road. Total price $1100. 732 CHAM. OF CM. EXCELLi:NT LAND AT $3 FKJit ACRE On Columbia river, between Portland and Astoria; 720O acres of logged off land; just put on the market in small tracts; deep, rich Soil. slightly i , rolling; good transportation, schools, church, store, postofMce, warehouse and docks. Select now while yon can get Choice' tracts, j Easy terms. - - -: JohrisoniDodson Co. 1 033 ?f. W. Bank Bldg. Mitin 37S7. FOR SALE BY OWNER 10 acres, all level and all in cultivation; 4 miles from Vancouver. Wash., 8 4 miles on Pacific highway on paved road, then mile east. Hasel Dell store, on macadamized road; A-l soil, finest water, good 5-room Ira me house, bam. other outbuildings; mile to school; chicken house.; 22x01. 200 laying hens, Tancred strain; horse, ' wagon, etc. ; 1 acre bearing or chard, assorted fruit; berries and grapes. Ideal home. Price $3000. Owner. .E. H. McMuUen, Ronte 5. Box 64-A, 'Tsncoaver Wash. TWO FULL ACRES S0O A timbered tract close to Ruby station en the Tnmtdale electric Also close to the paved Base Lihe road. Pay down $50 and move onto the land. The remainder can run on contract with monthly payments to suit. Fortunes have been founded on just 'such a beginning and Jthis may be your opportunity. - - i S PHONO A CO.. ' , 60Q Chamber of CommsTc BJdrf. WASHINGTON COUNTY. TRACT'S 15 acres, air level, cultivated, 10 acres in fall crop, -6 room house, barn, some hay, team, wagon, harness, ail farming tools; 2 miies from Hillsboro, on main rock roadr all fine soil; $5000, half caahr a bargain; al many other tracts done in Look us up. Man? fine Hills bora residence properties. very reasonable. BIGGS TAGGART - Washington Hotel. Hill'boro. 18 ACRES TROCT STREAM $1000 ' Located up Seappoose creek. 1 mile from sta tion. 5 acres rich creek bottom land, 3 acres cleared, very little wast land., faces good road; tore, P. O. and work in logging camp handy. Price $1400; terms $350 cash, balance to suit. LCEDDEMANN COMPANY, x. " ' 013 Chamber of Commerce. - , BERRY LAND $13 ptr acre,. 4 M miles north of Cathlamet, Wash. ; ranning water, macadam road close; few scattering stumja. tine sou. close to school; highway through the place. 20 acres; $300. $50 down, $5l every 0 months, 0 per cent. 228 Chamber of Commerce bidg., KKACH REST BROS. ONLY $1250 boys a beautiful half-acre tract oa a bard surfaced road, half mile from city limits and 10 minutes' walk from Oregon electric railroad; city water and gas piped by the place; 33 apple trees in full bearing and good con dition. Address K. F. D. 2. Box 242, Hillsdale. Or, Main 8380. ; , ; - 0 ACRES 25 CASH. $12 MONTHLY Located 30 miles from Portland, 1 mile from station, unimproved land but easy clearing, lies good, fine sod, good spring, growing community. Price $1190. terms as above. LI EI DEM ANN COMPANY. . 013 Chamber of Commerce. -i -" TWO arret deep soiL cultivated; berries, fruit; macadam road: near car; gas, water: side walk to . station ; double constructed 5-roonf bungalow; barn, poultry house, all first-class. Bargain. $3300, terms. J. C. f OR BIN CO , 305-o-T Lewis bids. . 52ND ST. ACRE 3150U . 1 acre fronting on 52nd at. between Mt, Scott and Woodstcek car line. HENDERSON-BAN KCS CO. s -42 TTtnry BMg. Bdwy. 4754 FOL K acres, rich black soil; 3 H acres logan berries; large barn; gas. water, lights; good road: mile Beaverton. - $2750. terms J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7, Lewie btdg. 1UK SALE j owner. 1. Ii. 3 or 4 and cne half acres, on 02d at., at a bargain. All under cultivation ; either .witli or witliout build irir. Sell 1242. FOR SALE-r-The bet located screage south of Milwaukie and the best termv Soil good ana ready for garden. See 1. B. .Hicks out here. Osrfield rd. and Courtney rd. Oregon Citv car. FOR SA1-E B OWNER 10 or 20, acres, A-l soil. 12 mite Porttsn4. 1 mile electric station. $125. 1-3 down. ,Ad drewi nr call 12 Wcmdnmrd'-ave." i BUY THIS 2 acres of owner, at bedrock price, $3250. half cash, modern bancs! w. gas, bath, toilet, etc; 0 , blocks south ot Hnber station. J A. Davis, on place. - - 1$ ACRES best land, part cleared, balance rasy; creek; level; near Tigmxd; ideaLomall farm or fruit. $2800, terms. , . '. '.;?- JC. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-T fjewis bldg. NEAT 5 acre- piaoe and 7 H acre place adjoin ing: all in cultivation and improved, both for $5000. terms. R. M. Gatewood. ' 165 54 4th SIX beautiful - acres, suitable for platting. 3 Places I rem tlawtcorns caxune;, $12,000. Phorte Tabor 4133. 10 ACRES 41 cleared, near Columbia highway. 17. miles i east of ; Portland; $2250 terms. Trr ol CHOICE VIEW, corcer home&ite, 150xlS. at ,- Oswego lake. 12 He iare. Price only $500, your ternm : Owner. E-033. Journal. CHICKENS BERRIES 2 acres lor $3t0 in Tualatin valley; part fine garden eoO. OnTy $3 down. Owner. I-IO0O. Journal. 12 ACRES, ail level, 4 cultivated. cWe in eat aids, near paved street, no graveL $2400. . LHALKER. 4100 E. 01st sL SVI'IOI ! rwuta, a v gmms , RK50N 7 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREA 405 POULTRY; AND m be RRY - RANCH . 10 acres, 24 miles west halem, Oregon, Vt mile from small town, with good payroll ; 3 H acres under cuitirxi-on, sit can be cultivated, balance in timber. . Fine creek, 2 acres young prune tress, 20OO raspberries, 70 loganberries, strawberries, 4 acres hay land. Good graveled road by place; mile to ttcaoen; 1 moan new rustic bouse, bant 0x3O. 3 chicken houses wit it wins runways. At Falls City, Oregon. Price $2300, $1750 u-h, balance Z years 0 per- cent, ' - ,.- ; '-; .;. . 5 acres. 1 block from city limits. On Cine macadamized read.. All under eultiration. Lots of bearing f rest. City water, r A;l other city eonreriiencc can be had. - .lfcon-ies on tlie place, nearly new. Barn 14x1 H, chicken house loil 8. Mt- Hoott ear. 20 m nntea out by ma elune. . Price $420U, $1750 cash, balance $150 semiannually tt per cent. Jurist Fergusoat, terlmger bwig.- i Real Acreage Bargain 10 acres. 2 miles ea--t Hiflsboro, 1 mil fnmt Red FTtectnc sta'ion ami paired highway, 1 mile Vs school. Best btairk loam soil. AR can be cultivated. Good well. In a, dwtrict of good nowiea ami well settled community with ail rural eowemenee. Price 1SO0. $50 rash, balarme in semi-annual payments O per cent interest, r Inepected by Brook. ; . All in Bearing Fruit Nearly 2 acres, 3 blocks east of city limits. Mt. fWitf car line. . strawberry plants, soma loganberries and ra.'pberTiec. apples, pears, prunes, . peaches, cherries, etc: 4 room-house, gas and city water. Price $2650. on eeiy terms. Ths av only 20 minute out from cen ter of city by auto. Ov.-r 5O0 small places near Portland. , ' In McMinnvilSe, Or. 4H aerei, 1 s miles from station. Biil to grade K-liool. 1 mi lea to higa school All under cultivation. BlaiHt loam soil: 2 cherry tree. 4 room luic with ' attic, . barn, chicken liouse and outbuildings. Creek through place. Included with place: 1 now. 1 heifer. 50 chick ens. Price $2iSO, $2000 cash, s , - 5 acres. 10 miles south Portland by anto, 4 mile from Oregon Electric station. I acre under cuiurauon. All can be cuitirated. bsi uks in wood. Good well, young bearing fruit trees. 5 room ceiled house, largo barn, chicken house, wood bouse. Price 31SOO. $M) cash baUnce $15 per month. per cent. . Inspected by Itrooks.. . 4- . i 314 Acres of Berries 10 a?rs on pared read, 2S mites south of 1 mile O station and high scnool; . acre loganbemea, 1 Vfc acres straw hemes. All land can be caltiraled: 5 room cottage, other buiMines. Price $450O, $2500 cash. In spected by Brooks .- Filling Station Site 2 acres, on pared highway, S2d street. With store boiiding and bring rooms. Gas. city water and THumbing-.. . Ixits. of bearing fruit. Large chicken - house barn and other build ings. ( lose to. city ear line. ui sell l acre with imororement.. or both. Street improve ments all paidv Offered at real sacrifice. John Ferguson, Oerimger bidg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensile classi fied lists. - ' If 248 AEDER ST. MULTNOMAH , $2700 A bargain. This attractive 3 : room modern cottage. lota. ' garage, berries and fine garden ' sfiace; $000 down, balance easy : terms. ; v $3000 Lovely 3-rocgn cottage on Cap ital highway; lot 741x150. Fire place and Dutch kitchen. Berries and fruit and large garden spot. Only 3 minutes' walk to depot Terms to suit. $3150 This attractive and well built bungalow is only a 5-minute walk to depot; living .and dining room combined, Iwteb, kitebcen with All built-ins, bedroom, sleep ing perch and bath. Two good lots. Reasonable terms. For further information call Main 3343, Sundays; week days call Broadway 2054. i, ;",,-,-.;-'-! Reveriman In v. Co. !l 210 Lewis Bldg. BARGAIN " About S acres in . cult., mora not liard to clear. . This is A-l au, tiae ben y lard. or w.Tl xoake a dandy chicken ranch. . ood little 4 room house, all newly papered. Wood house, beo house, barn, family orchard, some straw- berries, loganberries and raspberries. Fin well of water Hore. buggy, wagon, plow, harrow. 2 cult., small tools. This place is 3 miles of Ore gon .City, close to good school, sidewalk to town located in well settled community. For raked land around this place you will have te pay $250 per acre. Here ia a place all ready to move int" and call it your home for $2750. Only $1450. down, the bal. 3 rs- at 6 per cent. e will say. teat this the cheapest place in this com munity. E. P. Elhott & Sort 7th and Main sf.. Oremn t rty. tr. Good 854 Acres Located right on tlie Red Electric carline. between Tualatin and Sher wood. It is a fine piece of land, all in cultivation, lies perfectly, neat small house, outrmildings. Price $240t). $500 down, balance, easy. i Hargrove Realty Co." 122 S. tith st. Bdwy. 4381. FINE FOB CHICKENS. BFRRIES. FRUIT $50 down. $20 monthly, burs a tract of 5 4 acres, '! miles from the city limits, splendid creek, some bottom land: total price $1250. We have 30 or 40 tracts in the same district, some smaller, some larger, some cleared and level, some uncleared and rough. Prices to suit say purse. 732 CHAM. OP COM. CLOSE TO PORTLAND - 10 acres garden land, half in cultivation : running water, house, fenced, station on place; part beaverdam. beautiful grove, east of MJ1 waukie; $0000; half cash, balancef e per cent. t h acre or more, Craig road, at station ; 3-nxan house. wateT, gas. Only $1700; $250 down. : 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " 8EACHREST BROS. BY OWNER 22 acres, sandy loam soil, all irrigated and in high state of cultivation; 1 mile north ef Canby highway and railroad; modern building, with all city conveniences ; has an income of $tS00O per year.. Price $16,000; naif cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. Call or, write H. L. Yandergriff, Canby, Or. 5 ACRES, nice level land; 22.) large I nut. trees, all - kinds; dandy smaU house, outbuildings, poultry fencing; $500 per acre; $1400 equity ca&h- or a clear small home, balance $200 per year, 6 ner cenL See owner at Beem station, wjiite bouse 7 miles : from t Vsncouver, near Sift on. Wash. FOR SALE, 15 acres, aue rrum Columbia highwmyt en good gravel road, all cleared, plenty fruit, large strawberry patch, good build ings, also fe acres, on highway; .ail cleared and level; a firvt class building site, and many other tracts, both large and saalL Inquire P. O., T-rr-ntrlale: E. Ii rhamberrain. Springdale. LOOK AT THIS and yon wiB buy it. 20 acres good level hind. 10 a. in cult. Old nous and weU. Exactly 9 miles out of Vsncouver, on good auto road, mostl paved. - A' great big bar- ai 18U. J. R. WOLFF, 419 Henry bldg. 3 ACRES 3 aca-es dear, ail good land, bud strawberry plants, 20. fruit trees, 3 room bouse, barn, ehlcken house, city water in the house, gas eaa be had; 10O yards from the rock mad, close to station and highway. Price $250O, $600 ea'h. Gerritt Meyer. Beaverton. Route 4. 6 ROOM bungalow, all plumbing in except bath tub; one acre; all kinds fruit, berries, chicken house, garage; half block from highway, 2 blocks to station, close in. $4000. $1000 cash, easy terms on balance. i . INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 6429. $2000 WILL buy the earth of 465 acres in Clarke Co., Wash. Better you get busy oa this or you may get left. : 3. R. WOLFF. 419 Henry tildg. FIVE acres for sale, easy terms; part' cleared. no buildings, at WHchhaxel on 4th at. line, 3 blocks from highway. Main 7770. lUK SALE 0 i acres, two Howes, barn, wind mill, berries. Price $11,500. 1 t allies east or ljenrji. at neiirose, A. 4. "Hdennerg. 5 ACRES, hail cleared, beautiful view. Bull Ron water, gas Hewitt boulevard. East 462. VERV choice acres at your own .terms, Ixum owner. Antrmatie 622-55. 'it ACRES back Council Crest, 2-room, creek, 2 blocks car. Tabor 1904). REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 40S West Side Acreage . Only a few blocks from Council Crest car. faring on the Dosch road, which is highly improved. Yon can select a tract to suit persohal taste. Some in colriva tion, other parts in natural state. Every tract has an unobstructed view of the 1 whole valley and Coast mountains. There is no rongh or real steep land in this whole tract, and price are as low as $1800 an acre. Irive up and see it to day or any time during the week. Go wu Portland Heights to Patton road, thence on Patton road to Green Hills grocery store, then turn to left, oa IktHch road, about 4 blocks. My signs sre oa the property. You may call me day or evening, office or residence. j. i. McCarthy, Abicgtss Eidg. Splendid 10 Acres 6 Miles Out r Pared and rooked road to this place. In splendid exvntmunity. near stores, schools and churches and just 0 miles city limits of Portland. Nature did a good Job in moulding this tract. There is not a flaw to find. All in cultiratiiHi ' and tlie very choicest of rich, mellow " loam. 4 room plastered bungalow, nice barn and chicken house, orchard and ; ls K rries. Price 40OO. Hargrove ( Realty Co. 122 N. lu St. . Bdwy. 4381. SOMEONE GETS A BARGAIN ' Nearly 5 acres at city limits of Sheridan, $750. This is shout . Haif Price. Owner most e!L -. $730. Terms. Neilan & Parkhill , "21 Lumherraens bldg. Fifth snd Stark. Sta. - - 1ST 1-2 ACRES ; 20 in c-nrHvation. 7 rocrrr ri"-terd ltooic. stone foundation, frame barn 30x00. 2 garages, all fenced with wire fern-iris. yoing oroliarti. spring water piped to building?. JH0 cords of wood on placrf, rJd growth, can tell for $K per cord on ground, fronts en hard surfaced Pa'-ifk: highway. 3 miles from Oregon City. Price $11. OOO. $2O0O-down. Psy the balance with the wood. Mr. Woodman, buy this place, work lor ynarserf. earn this fine farm besides big wages. The only snap to be found close t town. See WM. M. SMITH, aitb A. C. HOWLAND. 20 Main sr.. Oregon City. Or. NEAR i KK Splendid 5 acre tract, all in cultivation. acre of strawberries; good 4 room house with fireplace, woodshed, - barn and chicken house; an ideal chicken and berry farm, well located on main graveled road, rural route. 1 H miles to electric line. Price $1350; $1000 cash, reason able terms oa the balance. . Moma-v-psao) Lev .ak.' a 732 CHAM. OP COM. 10 MH-ES FROM PORTLAND 9 H acres. 2 acres pasture, balance in cul tivation: good 5-room plastered house, electric lights. Ui:l concrete basement; 3 blocks from electric station, on hard surface road, t mile from main highway, H mile from school; some fruit; fine chicken houses; living stream runs through place. 33OO0 will handle this, balance easy terms. Other places too numerous to men tion, i W. R. BT7NCE. Phone Eat 5363. 87 H ACRES; 40 in cultivation. 2,000,000 fL of tfaa ber. S room ! rr house, bath, water and lights, barn 3tx52 with sheds and outbuild ings, all tools and seme stock and crop. $12,000. Will take fcou-e in Portland up to $500O. Muat be near hich school. A. J. BOCK HOLD, with A. C. HOWLAND. 020 JIain st,, Oregon City. Or. 5 and 10 Acre Tracts : On Pacific Highway H mile south of Kslams. Wash. ; lies well, good soil and fine home sites; plenty of work at mills; $80 to $100 per acre, easy terms. A.W.ESTES t05 Chamber of CommtMr. 32 ACRES IS in cnltivatioa. new boiiding. fruit, all level, wood ti.r fauiily use, living spring, jeet outride, city limts .of Oregon Cty. fine team and all iien-onal property goes. On hard road. Price $7000. Good terms. . See WM. M. SMITH, with A. C. HOWLAND. 620 Main eL, Oregon 'it y. Or. G4JOD REARING OK4.HARD 1'uil aAUb At reasonabis price. Terms if desired. ATI kinds of fruit, each ss apples, prunes, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, -Quinces and walnuta. About 2 acres in the tract,- just outside the city limits, northeast corner of 42d and Simpson sts. Owner win be working at the orchard up to 5 P. m. Not Sundays. Or call up Tabor 6UR6 after 6 p. m. Ak for M. Bredemeicr. 40 ACRES, 12 ml from Portland. 35 acres in cult., 5 acres pasture.' .300 cords standing timber, oak and fir, 1 acre bearing fruit trees variety! good 6 room bouse, eiectric tights snd phone ; good barn and other outbuildings ; team horses, harness, wagon and farming imp.; cow, 2 hogs 'and chickens; part of this ground is bea verdant land; . mile from electric sta tion, on bard surface - road. 35000 down, bal ance to suit - W. R. Bnnce. phone East 5363. Six Acres . room new house. 4 in cult; rati on, lots of fruit. mile to Oregon City. $3250. A. J. ROCK HOLD, with A. C; HOWLAXD, 620 Main rt.. Oregon City. rr. HXiGED-OFF LAND " Located down Columbia, Oregon side, only 30 miles from Portland, railroad through property, good soil, plenty water, school, store snd work handy; sold in tracts lO-acres up; terms to snit purchaser. Iet ns locate yon. LCEDDEMANN COMPANY, " 013 Chamber of 4 t.m merre 20 ACRES, ail cultivated, mostly in crop, fam ily orchard, berries, fine soiL Good 6 room house, good barn, chicken house. Wagon, plow, harrow, disc, seme hay, oats and barley. On good level macadam, road, 2 b miles from good town, in Yamhill Co. Price $3500. $1500 down, your own time on bal. at 8 9 i H. MUX DEN HALL. 150 First st. Tourist boteL ACRES About 3 in cultivation, ranning water. 3 miles from streetcar. $1000.: A. J. BOCKHOLD. with. A. C. HOWLAND. 620 Main et. Oregon City. Or. 30 ACRES, half in cultivation, balance timber; large spring, water piped to bouse; 4 miles from Oregon City. 19 miles from city; 80 rods to school, on mail and cream route, fine place for chickens; $3000, one-third cash, balance terms. Telephone owner, Woodlasm 3282. 10 ACRES. $1S00 WEST SIDE. 12 MILKS OCT 6 acres cleared, . 3 acres bearing orchard, fenced; some black land, no rock or gravel; maia road; easy terms. .......... 3. C. CORBLV CO.. 305-6-T Lewis bldg. TWO attres. corner ot 4-la and Simpson et., near Kennedy schpoL City water, gravel street telephone. Alberta car. plant in raspberry and loganberry. Income from berries will pay lor place in three years. Priee $26123. -Terms. Oat side cf crhr J'mit. Wondhim 3722. - AT OONCORD STATION NEAR OAK GROVE 3S acres, all or part; bard street, near high way; 15 acres under plow;. 8-room plastered bouse, gas. electricity; no rock or gravel; $575 per acre up. J. C. CORBTN CO.. 30.1-6-7 Lewis bldg. . . Look at This - 2 acres, irrigated. Yakima valley, close t towa with high school : give it away for $2O0 cash, flarele Ccle. 4 26 Lumbermen hkHc 5 ACRES, good sod, 3 room house. About one acre cleared. x mile from. Carson, Wash., mile from SU Martini -Hot Springs. Good location for summer home. Box 24, Carson, Wash. -.. ."-''... 1 UREK acre- iUi 4 room iMiuee. cty waer - snd gas, good orchard and near 82d tX. PRICE $3350. TERMS. f h, ; , D. J. O'CONNOR. Cor. "92d at, and WmVnock ave. Ante. 626-73. 17 hi ACRES oa good road, close to town and station; good soil, 8 acres, in cultivation ; 5-room bouse, barn ; fenced ; ' k36 mi. from Portland: $2300; $1300 down, balance at 6 per cent - T-27. Journal.' , 4.77 ACRES Oa Rarr roao. . mu. from cit limits, under cultivatioB, no improvements, city water -asi gse In front of place. - S30OO. $1000 cash, balance terms to suit. No agents. East 325.- GEO. T. PARRY can locate yoa oa any sixe of acreage or farm between Portland and Oregon City Phone 19. Milwankie. 8 ACRES, ail improved, with good building, or ' will trade for a 3 room house. Owner, Viood lavrn 6o35. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE- 405 : 63 'ACRES TAKE IN HOUSE All fine land.' 45 ia coltL More not hard to clear. Fine hnng water. Some timber. Plate oa main rock mad. 5 room how with hot and iil water and bath. Large barn, good heg bcuse, granary, hen be use. wood house. All kiiuis of fruit. Team. 3 cows and beit.r. Bev cial hect. ' - Mower, rake, binder, disc, cult.. I w, harrow, wagon, hamew. all etltcr, tocas I art of the erep ail m. Place 1 wile to car line and station, 3 miles of Oregon City on good oad. We will tak i a good modrm house and lt hat well located as first ivraent m to . Sort. Hrni e must be at Vat rooms. Want ckre U carline md m;i-t be worth tlw money, no in'tated vafnea aecrptcd. Price of tlie dace is $ 1 s.utNS. Yon need no earn as fiiwt psyaaent ' your hos-e is to the -value of owner's equity. This is well located, fine view from tlie place. A nice htmelike place. E- P. Elliult it Son. 7U and Miy ts.; Oregon City. Ore. DEKUM '& JORDAN CLOSE4N ACREAGE 18 acres, or portions thereof, only T miles east of tlie city : hard surf see rosda oa both sides of tract; city water, electric car line and station at corner of tract. 8-nne native trees and shrub bery left standing purposely.. Very de sirable locations for suburban - homes. Price $650 per .acre. Easy terms. CLOSE IX ACREAGE DEKUM & JORDAN 323-4 Cliambrr of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Stark Sia. Main 2233. i s ACREAGE BARGAINS No., b- Ho acres.' stork, implements, fruit, berriea, timber, pasture. Jood buy. Terms. No. 11 -20 acres, all cultivated, bcuse. barn, chicken house, on rock road; adjoins Besvertoa. No. 14 20 acres, 3 miles north Beaverton. 0 mora house, garage, big barn and shed. 1 7 acres clear. 3 Tasture. $7001. Terms. No. 39. 84 arres adjoining Reedrille. T room Home, good family orchard, lu acres pasture, balance cultivation; M rods from ived high way and rock road to hooae. $21,000, half cash, balance to suit. Dosen-t vf other bareams. WHte for H-4. E. E. Swenson, Realtor, Bven n. Oregnn. 7 ACRES, only $ 100O cash, balance easy terms ; acre strawberries. 1 acre lo- gauberries. 220 (5 ear -old bearing prune trees, family orchard assorted, balance of ground iu bish state of cultivation ; 4 -room house, concrete basement: bara snd chicken house: good well, brick curbing, fine weter; stl fenced. 4 barbed wires; potato digger, 3 cultivators, harrow, plows, ' harness . and lots of email tools; telephone. R. F- l. ; 4 mile school, mile carline, - miles city limits Vancouver; all goes for $4S30, only $1000 cah, balance . easy terms. . Atkinson Porter : 70S Main St. Vancouver, Wash. 2 .ACRES" NICE HOME!'--..; Well located, all fine soil, all in culL but about 3 acres that is ia timber. Living water. 7 room houe. 2 barns. All outho'iws. all kinds of fruit. Place is 3 miles ef Oregon City, good rock road to town, in ffect on 1 rocs? roads. This is a home-like place. Can't beat? r. Fine view from tlie place and A-I sou. Pr2ce-i$7500. 4 cahi baL at 0 per cent E. P. EHiott A Son. Ttn and Main T.. l ireeon f ity, tre. . 0 ACRES; S13C0 DOWN All fine land, 13 acres in ' cnlt. baL nice grove of timber. Kjiring water. rood 0 room bouse. Good truck barn, bog house, store house, vi cod boose, milk koo&e, hen bouse and scratch ing pen; 2 good wells. I'lace t mile to school and carline; 4 i miles of Oregon City. ood roads to- town. Fine location. Priee $5500; $1300 down, baL at 6 per cent. E. P. Elliott A- wn. 7th and Msln Oreeon f lty. t)re. FRUIT, CHICKEN AND ! GARDEN HOME On banks of I-ewis river, near Woodland. Wash.; fenced with hog-tight woven wire; 8 acres cleared, balance pasture i easily cleared), fine soil; all kinds of fruit; dandy 6-voom house gcod barn, garage and Outbuildings : on county road, near school and. jehurcb; buildings alone worth the money asked; the location ideal; fazao. $16(10 cash, balance to suit. A. W. ESTES 005 Chamber (of Commerce. A REGULAR BARGAIN Over 13-acres mile trora Hillsboro, Ore., mile to electric station : best of loam soil, all can be cultivated, 7 acres under cultivation, bal er ce in stumps, pasture ; good econty road ; lots of frcit,! H aere berries; good 6 room house with Portland gas, snd some ptarabing; chickaa noose and bam; close- te city water. Aa excep tionally fine piece of fend; close to high school. Price $4200; small rafh payment. Inspected by Jonn t-ergn-ovy .e-ttcer hide. Mxtn SB2K. For Sale 2 acres, bouse, barn and garage, in town; $1400. 10 acres, . 3 mQea out, on highway; a bar gain, JJjO. 8 1-3 acres. 2 xanes" our, for $2000. . : c. aTkeopple, 9th and Vain Sta., Oregon City . 15 Acre Chicken Ranch 4-room boose, good bara; all under good woven wire fence; 8 acres under cultivation: dose to Oregon City, on carline: $2500, $673 ea&u, balance to smu 8. O. DILLMAJf. g14 7th st. Oregon City. Or., nr. 8. P. Depot " NINE MiLES FROM P4H?Tll..I fl acres- ft acres min. 2 aera. fine necharil. some small fruit; good 6-room bouse furnished, garage, barn, outbuildings. 2 cows. 115 chick ens, 60 rabbits; $3700. A- E. Ritherdc-a. A kid i-iori. nam 7J IF Y4i; waut 7 acres bet land ia the state. well improved, electric light, good rued, close to carline, 10 mile from Portland, ordy $5500. $2500 cash, see W. K., 37 Cuamber of Coia- mcrr-e Piqg. . MONEY S WHAT I WANT 5 acres, bouse, barn, garage, 2 ' miles from Battle Ground, Wash., right in Cherry Grove, $1350. Address. 8. L. Dollar. Battle Ground. vn. BEAUTIFUL 2-ACRE CORNER On paving, faces east on 82d, 23 minute drive center of town; good soil; $1600. 4 acres, same locality, narn street, (2iuu, i per cent down. j. is. itmm.i 4-Q.. aija--7 Levrts bldg. YOUR chance. 5 acres lor htlO. inaule b mile circle, near sta. and rock road, only $oO down, wnte ths cwner this week. T-24S Jtornal. FOR SALE $2750 28 1 seres,' 4 mile from electric Tine, back Vancouver Vt ash. 1 artlv clear. Easv terms. fjt't 7 huh. to ACRES, ' some cultivated. baL timber, 1 room bmise, family orchard ; 9 mih from Portland: $650. C. W. MUter-liiv. Alder HoteL s4n 5275. A SNAP at $4500. 20 -acres ia Happy vaUey, , ail iu cultivation, some buildings, bard surface. Ant 329-12. TEN acre, guud unimproved land for saie tr exchange for good fresh cows or what iiave you? 4522. Journal lOR -SA1.K, imtiroved aud uiiim . proved. Call st log jCabin on highway. Mrs. D. M. SchovaVL Main 8059. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 IDEAL suliurDa home. 10 acres, highly im proved, 1000 feet-on pavement, two blocks to electric station. 5 acres bearing orchard, double garage, barn and outbuildings, fully stocked and equipped : 7 room modern home, electric lights, gas, $13,0O. half cash. Jones, with INTERSTATE LAND CO., M!n 5429 248 Sfark Ht 3to ACRES PALATINE HILL In cultivation. 40 bearing fruit trees, 3 -room bouse, chicken bouse, sear Pacific highway; weU located for vineyard and (mall fruits; $2800. terms.- Bee ;..''. , -i TAGGART BROS.; 1102 Spalding Bldg ONE acre, higldy improved, large 5 room - bungalow ; -upstairs not finisfaed. full basement, gas. electricity; city water, neax school and car; $3250, $10O0 cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. " " Main 5429. ' 24 tars"g. HOME PLACE ' At Garden Home, dose to car; 6 room resi dence (not new) comfortable; gas. water, elec tricity, . with 2 beautiful aires; fine fruit fa plenty; very homelike. 4;ilmaBi Main &4S.O. tnday. NEW K(.(iAU)VV. 185i. full acre, facing car line. 30 minutes froar Jefferson st; 3 rooms, ? bathroom, basement painted,' tinted, wired. Save year rent, get my terror see this. D-126. Journal. HERE'S a snap. $1000; almost acre with new cot tare. 16x20, oa rock road, water and light close to Oswego lake. Terms like rent Call 600 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. 4i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 ONLT $4001) On the west side, IT min. ride from the -business center, dose to the station and earaae. with good car ser vice and 10c carfare. 1 Ifc acres, very" well improved, all in garden. . with fruit of ail varieties ia bearing and coming into full bearing, ea a good road. You drive to it ' ever the paved boulevard, close to a city . school. With this bind you get a large, well built bouse of 8 rooms. This boose, baa all of the city conveniences. Including city water. The location is one or the - best oa the west side and the price is . Just about the value of the land. The house without the land eeuld not be re-. , placed today for the price. There ia a barn. : chicken house and garage on the ' place. Half cash will handle it . ' . -M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. " - ; Only $20 per lot fn Caphol Hill, where . lots have sold from $500 snd $0O0 each. ; We sre dosing out all of the unsold iota -st $200 per iot.r Many of these lots lie alongside of $500 and $600. lots: everv lot a (nil hxt. and the reason for this great aacnfie in riee is breaase we are deter mined to selNatl unsold lots in the Quick est possible time. - Close t the station and carrine, clone to a city school; all of the city conveniences in the streets, includ ing city water. At no time in 13 years could these lots be purchased for a less price than twice' wliat we are offering to sell tor now. On th. -west - aide, 13 min. . ride from the business center" with 10c carfare stid good car service'. You drive over the paved boulevards to this property. The price wo ask is all caab and for the price it is as near getting valuable prop erty for nothing as yon will ever find. , At. J. CLOUESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. - - Only $600 for a large suburban home-" rife, what is popularly known as half-acre tracts, in the best close-in suburb on the Oregon City eartine, right at Courtney . station.' You have your choice ,ef paved street frontage or river fronts ire of some of these surbnrbsa homeaitea. We will sell - you one git in garden for $600, with a payment down of $150 cash, the balance on easy monthly payments. RIVER VILLA 'ACRES ia the came o these suburban homeaite. You will know it by the hig r signs oa the property. The ear servieo is the best on the Pacific - coast for sub- -urban homes. It is a delightful place to live and yoa ran bale1 plenty of land for garden, chickens and cow af you wish. It . is only 20 min, - ride to these hnmesites from 1st and Alder sta. ' We will here: ' again remind that there sre just so many, not to exeeed 50, of these subur ban honiexites to sell, and when they are sold the time will never again come when you can buy fur $600. and we make tins bold statement of which you can verify, that not a piece of land the sixe of which we are offering here can be bought today or fog years past for a less price than twice $600. This raeana on either side of it or across the street ' You are living close to the river when you make a homo of this splendid suburban tract. Mj J. CLOHESSY; ABINGTON BLDG. . - - - i - Only $3600 for this, and please con sider well what is being offered for $3600. A prartically new 5 room bungalow, mod ern and up-to-date, with a full basement on concrete wails, fireplace, bath, toilet electric lights and everything built-in and with' this new bungalow goes 4 sere of ' land ia berries and larger fruit in full bearing; large chicken bouse and garage. ' It is located right at the station and you ' drive to it over- paved streets almost the entire distance. $1500 raah is all you need. -i M. J. CLOHESSX. ABINGTON BLDG. - 4 , : .. -- 1 . . Only .$4500. and this is on the wart side, close in, 17 bub. ride from the busi ness center, right at the station, with good '. car service. You drive to it over paved boulevards; 4 of an acre of land, which ties as pretty as any homesite could be found, with -view of mountains and valley. Nicely improved ' with - shrubbery, flowers and mQ variety of fruit coming into full bearing. Now with this 4 acre of land you get alsoi a modern, practically new u room plastered house, nicely arranged, with ' fireplace, basement, hot water beating plant . Vhis house has all of the city conveniences such as city water, gaa and city school 5 blocks away. The owner is leaving the state and i this place is offered at a great bar gain. Yoa cannot build the house today - for $4600. neither could you buy the land in Ha present state of improvements. If vacant, for $2000. All right the owner . wants to sell and offers all of it for $4500,, arith a cash payment down of $3000. the balance ss long as you want 14. J. CLOHESSY; ABINGTON BLDG. ORMAN III V bAiuXM. 1H acre borne, 4 rooms and bath Variety bearing fruit snd berries, 60 ft i diickea bouse. Well fenced, Choice sod, abundance of water. Four blocks to car. Choice neighborhood. Furaisbed completely. $420O. $2000 cash. .1 . ... , Pretty ! five room, plastered bungalow. Beam ceiling, 4kuilt-m. atone firxpiace. Two choice lavs. Garage and fruit Improved streets. Near car. Only $3009. Strictly modern five, room bungalow. Basement built-ins, large garage. Choic acre, lovely grov. some fruit Right at station. Price $4730, terms. Neat four room, plastered bouse. Fireplace, 1 catch kitchen ii built-ins. Two met lots, improved rtreet Three blocks to car. $l&0O, terras. WeU Improved five . acre home. Plenty fruit and berries. Largs spring. Ten minutes" walk to I station. , Best ef soiL: $4 200, easy terms. , Choice acre tract near Courtney sta. Improved street Only $850., terms. One acre in full bearing fruit. Block to station. Only $1250, terms. Well improved 2 2-8 acre tract. Block to station. Price $2750, ten as. Four acre tract half in cultivation. Block to station, improved street ' $2500. -. ; Phone 113-W. C. E. APPLE. OAK GR1TE. Oft. 5-ROOM CEILED HOUSE $250 DOWN $25 FEB MONTH Hoose Is built on' a good rock foundation. 10 large fruit trees (13 yearn old), all kinds of bemes; .house t connected with, gas; garage (cost $200). chicken bouse (cost $350). 60 purebred W nito-Leghorns that ean be bought for $1.50 each, good roads, 2 blocks to Mount Hoodcariine, blocks to dty cars. This won't last long, so act quick. Total priee $1950, ... J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20a. fa At'ftE, i iu liuux, ciij atr. gas itud tdephone, woodshtd. garage, modern poul try house for 200 birds, feed bouse, breeding house, young fruit trees, bemee and asparagus bed, buildings new last summer, walking dis tance to three carline, oa road to be im proved this summer, 'i blocks from bard surface road $1600 cash or $1800 parr cosh, balance at per cent Sea owner at 1020 Board of T psae pto k. uiihiuv Uou IT ivlTU iH.I'fHlG 2 acres, 1 1 miles from center of Portland. 4 mile from red electric station, west of Beawerton; all under cultivation; 19 fruit trees; 5 room bungalow, with white enamel plumbing ; good large chicken bouse, woodshed, macadamised road in front of -place. mile to school, h mile to paved highway. Price $3250. half cash. In spected by Malone, with John Ferguson, Gcr-rinr-r bldg. ': ACRE!, modorrs room banitw ; tire place. Initch kitchen, gas, electricity: a good well, pressure system: all kinds of fruit sod berries, to acre grgTws. mall barn, ben hou,e, room for couple hniAlrei chkkens. Sea owner for price and terms. Take Oregon City car to Meldrom station, cm lUx-k . weft naif south. HARRY MOODENBAVGH $27ou For sale. hi acre tract, email store building and barn, situated st station of Jen ning Lodge, on Oregon City car line; postoffiee and fixtures in building ; splendid location for general merchandise or grocery store. Terms reasonable. See owner at poutsf flee before 2 p. m . every dy except HntKlay, TWO acres, cotner of 4to and Simpaun near Kennedy sehocL City water, gravel street telephone. Alberta car, plant ht ra j berry and loganberry lucerne from berries will pay for place fn tfiree years. Price $2625. Terra., Oute Sloe w cur nmit-. wyj,u.-n i - A SUBURBAN - home,, poultry . ranch, near city, car. gas, electric lights, water; might divide: dandy for old people; good for children. Some thing good. Investigate if interested- R-V0, Journsl. ""' LOCATED in i air view. room bouse, bara and woodahtd, i acre 4-f ground, lota of fruit and garden enace, 33 tain, ride to Portland oa pavement Phone Auto. 613-31. . $20 rer month. " , WELL unproved -5 acre boms. Near Oregon City carline. price $450O. Will consider $2500 in trade. Give full particulars. A-4 2 7. Journal. '" ' , 0 ACRES Well improved farm, xoiles south of G rex ham on ljarnascus road. For par ticulars address or call on the owner. A. L. HEACOCK. Route 3. Boring. Oregon. 1 HAVE several ttouxee at 4'apiloi Hiil. 3 to 6 rooms: $1000 to $3000: some under coa- strofticn; terms. Marsliall 17 ARE you looking for a suburban home 1 Mine is for sale. Look it over,- W. 8. Fullerton, owner, v.sruen iioue, ver ARE you looking for a dome with sane acreage.' around Milwaukxtf See G20. X. Parry. Phone 13. Milwaukia, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 MODERN SUBURBAN HOME CLOSE IN 22 acres. 8 mils, west from Portland. 4 mile to electric atatioa and school. $Ot feet from Capital highway, good macadamised road by place; 16 seres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 40 assisrted fruit trees. Attractive California bungalcw, with large living room 14x34- feet breakfast room, sleeping pore:i; garage with eminent floor. I arce chicken house Beat of white enamel plumbing. Or will sell the buildings, -orchard and 12 acres ef the land. Oliered at a real bargain. - . Stock and Equipment : K acres. t"m0e from etectrie station. 31 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated, bsaince grubbed sad in pasture. 4'ood. yrrarot Rearing orchard. i.oml 4 - room attractive cot tage, small barn, chicken bouse fur Over 2f0 chickens, gas ia house, city water available; 13 miles from courthouse, low commutation fare. Included with place, 1 cow. I tiog, chickens. 1 stand of bees, foed nutter, etc. Price 330OO; $1450 ca.h. Inspected by Marsters. - : ' 1 !U acres.' 1 1 miles west Po-vland. all under cultivation, macadamised road, near highway; . acre straabemes, 6 rows Irganberrfes. nikk raspberries. : Also apples, t berries ami prunes; all bearing. Good 3-rtsca house, barn, garage. euicaen . house. - Inclmlcd with ptaee. 1 onw, 1 hcg. 23 chickens, gas stove snd feed. Port land gaa in house, ether city convenience can be had. Price $3100; $1100 cash. Inspected by Malooe. , . . Nearly 2 acres. 2 blocks from station, west of lies Tenon 1 sere under cultivation, ail can be cultivated; black loam soil. Few young fruit trees; 4-room -house, barn, garage, chicken house, woodshed: i Portland gas. Price- $2500; $500 cash, balance easy, monthly payments. lieu-s has fireplace tid buiit-hu. 1 acre, in miles acuth of PortlarfoV" mile from Electric atatiowyail under culuvation; 18 young bearing fruit frees. Good 5-room bun galow, with Dutch kitchen; $500 barn, chicken bouse, , garage. Included with 'place is $H0O worth of oak fa rn it ore. gad brass bed. irrk-e $2250; $1000 cash. - - ... i . r . , - - - m - - . ' IS aeres, 1 1 . miles west Portland. 1 mile to Red Electric -station, all under cultivation: good . wire fences, small bearing orchard; good mom house, barn, garage, chicken bouse; Portland gaa Included with place, Jersey row. 12 chickens. Price $3000; $800 cash.- Prop erty inspected by Maioae. Over an acre on graveled mad. H mile from city limits, t'aintol Hill, ijnts of hearing fmtt trees, A-Toota bungalow, garage, chicken hoi-ve, ignall barn. Price $2000; $1 H0 caah. . In spected by Malone. City Water, Gas and Lights . -. acre, - 4 blacks out of city limits. 8 blacks from car: gnnd e-roota plastered bungalow. m! ern; 3 chieken houses. Price 32HOO: $1000 cash. Inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson. Over BOO sriiall places near Portland. Get our extensive classified ll-ta. ' 248'ALDER ST. - - 311100 ' ST. MARY'S STATION Two attractive acres and a new 3-rooin house, with gas, dty water; 8 miles from Port la ml. 2 minutes" drive.. & electric llm, 2 highways: public, high and St Marys boarding school; located' oa good stsooe road. Cash $500, bal ance, 310 per month. . 33300 Beaverton district. 2' acres, 3-rdrtn bungalow, all on one floor, almost new ; big living room, sereened-m front porch 10t24. gas, water in the house snd barn, chicken liouse. woodshed, splendid family orchard, full bearing; 10 different varieties of berries and many kinds of flower bushes and shrubbery. This home is built back about 150 feet from a good rosd and Is very eursctive; "10 minutes' wslk to station. Cash $IO. balance terms, i M. E. DE JOICECO. ; 221 -Henry Bldg. Broadway1 1631 :! :. - ., A HOME t-u- - With an Income 4 acres fin. loam soil; no gravel, 2 acres in Cuthbert raniiberTies, commercial cherry orchard ( Rings, Lamberts, Royal Amies) ; some small fruit trees and strawberries ; good plastered house, hving room; dtning-ki'chen. witb built-in buffet, small pantry, hot and cold water, bath room, white enamel plumbing, 8 bedrooms, large screened in porch; good iarge barn, deep drilled well, plenty of water, pump and sntnne: located in a nice district near Beltrose station, 2 miles east of Lenta Junction. Price $5500, Iauuirc w. H. Landsay. owner, - Close In Acreage 10 acres near Sandy road, all In eultivatloa except small grove- good lend and very sightly, good barn, small house-. $600, terms, j 5 acroa west of Fairviewj 1 block from car, 1 acre ia cultivation, balance grove of native trees; bargain at $1950 I I 3 acres right at electric station, cast of city, 1 acre in cultivation, balance beautiful park, rustic - bungalow with iarge party hail; $2800, easy terms. . ."- -j. 10 acres. Cms ham district, good land, on good road, -to in. clover, $1000. S. P, Oibnrn, 010 McKay bldg., 3d , and Stark. ! 1 1-5 ACHES PAYING POCL-PltY RANCH $4750. $1750 Cash, i Gilbert Road at 10 2d St.' City limits sign at corner, -Splendid house. 7. rooms, bath, toilet, gas, (electric lights near) ; basement, warehouse, 3 poultry houses, bam. concrete garage; garden, berries, fruit trews; selected roses snd shrubbery; close to city school,' This is a sightly location; ideal for a home and a money maker with pnul try; 6 miles from eonrthmue. Balance small payments monthly, quarterly or semi-annually and 6 per cent. Owner, Broadway 6173, 624 Henry bldg., or Res. Broedwsy 4QS.O. room 42H. MULTNOMAH BARGAIN A beautiful 5-room. with bath, lights and everything, beautiful kitchen. -acre of ground, chicken bouse and garage, 6 minuloa to atatioa. $5500 tune. A nice little 4-room bungafpw,' 1 block to station. $2200, time. One acre and a 9-room bouse with all eon- fen., basement, fruit $5000, terms. Have iota Irom $30O up. Call: on !ed Burke, Multnomah. Main 1903. " FOR SALE BY OWNER ONE ACRE Cultivated, ready for planting; modern house, an large rooms, fireplace, bath, electric lights, best plumbing and light fixtures, automatic pres sure water system, large garage aad pump bouse: all buildings practically . new ; young fwnily or chard, beautiful lawn; just off Powell Valley road, near Buckley are. - This is a real home, at . a bargain. Price $50OO; some terms if desired. -Phone 661-11, aak tor 6421. T. A. r leisennauer. owner. FOR VlLICK SALE, FRUIT. GAUDEN,C " t.HlCn.fc.'N KASLui.S X rm. house, barn, fruit 1 to acres; $1200. '6 rm. bouse, arnefruit 3 acres; $ 1 00. 7 rm. house, bara, fruit, 6 acres; $2500. Atrto road. achooL Owner. Main 679. Res. E. 7688. FARMS 407 1 All getting along ill . wile and I r all alone, and now my doctor has ordered me to quit work on account of heart trooble,- eo I am going to sell rnv home place, consisting of six acrso -f fine land. hit black soiL all practK-S-r leared ; all fenced: nice new ft-roora bongalovr with Dutch kitchen, built-in fixtures, pitied spring water ia; frost-proof stors rooms: ps rt of liouse lath end pia.-trred ; plenfy of other good buikitogv; bearing crchsnl of good asroctminl, 50 trae-t; half mile ts Itigh school, on R. F. Ii., telephone in, paid np for year, share of itk; about 15 or 20 sacks of potatoes, ell tlie ' wood in wood'hxd; kit. of fencing, woven wire, poxts; and lumber for more buildings; insurance taid up or house fur two years ahead. Pric $00. term mar be ar ranged. Wrile'P. O. P-M 841, Kelso, Wash. SOME GOOD BUYS 132 acres . t . . . . '. ... ... ... . , ..,..$ 1 6.500 04 seres ... ......... 12.500 8o41 acres,, will err ha rig e ............ 45, 0110 4 acres," fruit ranch - . . ......... . 1 5,Oi 10 aorea, berry soil . . t ............ 1 ,iin '. 40 acres, personal prqpevty S.OOO We have other gica buys in small and large farms and farm arid city property to exchange. We are sa old established firm in this busi ness. We are sl-o members of the Portland Realty Board. When you comer- to rnir town, consult us before closittg a deal.: W. K, WHITE CO., rsevrrierr. or EXTRA tacrn siwi aiAid -bO ai. dairy - raaicii 1 - mil. from vaUey town, oa good auto rnsd; all in cult; "30 acres in fall grain; good 6 room bouse, barn and silo, all 'kind otuiilriinrs; orchard, spripg water piped into bldgs"f"Vith the place goes 4 good horees, 7 cows, 7 head young stock, 9 sboats, 1 brood sow, chickens snd seed and f or ; complete set of machine rv and tools ; aa ideal place ta live overlooking the valley aad town; aw-kness reason for selling; immediate TJOsseesion. Bar-gain at $13,000. to cassi. baL 6 years, 6 per cent , . - c J. B. VTOIJT, 419 Henry bldg. FOR SALE fly owner, 20 acres, live, acres cleared; two acres in wheat. n fruit, gooil spring of water. 4-rcr.nt howie; piac all under fence, 1 to miles from A;plelon. W'aaa. Mra. James m-stub. f.yie. vvavw. RRST few acre on Umatiiia river, mostly nver - bottom land, ' Fenced, leveled, in grain; 2 miles frost R. R. town. ; Address Box 498. Hermisfon, Or. -'.'- -' - " - 10O ACRES for sale or trade, in Central Ore gon; take a ligiit car or what have you; 100 aerea in cultivation, all fenced and lota of rjntsvle rrre. -S31. Jonrnsl. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTTir. FARMS Remember H. A. Heat;." Sells forLess If you are in the market for anything fr 1 acre up, 1 have some dandy listivigs. I v . save you the reruiar 5 fe commusion. 5 Acre Modern Horns All level and in eulivation. fine orchard an I berries, ever 100 prime trees, dandy ti ro. plastered boitse, cement basement good br-i and rliicken house:- mils to carline, closa t tows; $3730. $1600 down, balance long t'.ii.e. 10 Acres J AH level and in cult., 6-room house, bsrn-, good orchard; walkutg distsnra to mill; $39ui. t cah. ' 16 Fine Sightly Acres ru rorkc rotd aatj Cftritn, 5-tvrrrm hou4, hart., 2 ekrreft tt rubber ri. 3 mort orchard, rtty wtrr !-., io; Mm irraSoniai jirupcrtjr iiitludel l : 20 Acres. $800 Down ' 5-room house, good barn, orchard and berrir. creek and siiring water. 8 mrr m cuit., timner enough tpay for the-place; $2300, $S00 caii, bal. i yra. - - r ' 8 Acre Snap 7 In cuttieatlon, rreek. well sik! spring, 2 acres, aswirtetl orchard. 5-foora house, good 2 4il barn; t mile to town and luah schiK't, fin. . road to door ; 1 cow , 1 horse, 7 5 hen. 5 pigs US mnntlis rld. wagon. bugKv hame.. t-lows. cultivator and ail tools and r;; $43sT. 20OU l sail. 972 Acres 90 tillable. 5 miles to towa and etectrie line. 20 ill culuvation. 80 more easily olrared, enoiix'i fine timber oa balance to pay for ptac; spruu water, 8-room house, en fine rock road an 1 river; $0O0t is the price. $2000 down. 70 Acres , Nearly level land,- 5 miles from Oregon Citj $60 ier acre. H. A. HKATEM, "Cut-Rste Krai ' KeUfe.'' -Bank of Oregnn I'itjr Bldg., . OREfJON I'lTY. OK. HAIUV llANt ll- low acrra l.u,m lan4. -n ' amooth, free soil, K0 acres m four cultivate-! fields, balance very 01" n timber paatnre. practi cally all good soil, 2 holism, 8 barns, strawslinl, 120 foot jwsiitry house, cellar, amokelmuse. work shop, etc., 2 picket fenced gardeua, ai-ples, pears, prunes, eherries, quinces, logajibemea, railer r.ea. blackberries, goowberriet snd strawberrie", rtiabarb, etc ; watar piper to house, barns snd in gardens; beautiful small river along one side of farm Lin view of the house, level graveled road ! Cottage . Grove, railroad across one comer of place, to mile jo U. R. staUon. H mile to lanps sawmill many men, 1 to witle to lue"! scnool, telettonc, mall delivered: river bank l.J .(t slo lugliest water ever known: 21 acres fail sown grain, 20 acre meadow. Price $11 -IIOO; 1-Vrliml farm' loan $430O. balance rash. If iniKrhaaer desires will lie included for$2000 the 8-year-ild 1 golden tilow bull. Washington 1-a France, a very fine individual. 6 milking Jiney cows. 1 heifer freh in spring. 6 yearling heiter. 1 calf (several of foregoing registered!, 3 lir.n. 2 aiioats, 9 goau, 3 chirk ens, 4 stands bee". 1 to sets harness, Mitchell wagon, bay rack, 2 l.luas, $ section'- drag harrow. Case disc, lm mower, slroosr new; liar .rake, cuiuvauir, hliovl plow, garden tools., double harpoon, -earrittrs anrf rone, corn sliclicr. rout cutter, hand grtndiuij mill. 10O rods fencing. 200 feet galvanised pttic. cream separator, fanning mill, drill. 80 gallon i-l't cocker, goat (hearer, saddle, scores of miu I siticlct, about 10 tons Hsy ami 23 bu-hela wheat. Present owner raises big crop, of wheat, t.-. corn, clover, all kinds of roots, kale, elo., and only family attain impel him to sell. Addres I turner , Galloway, 611 Main st. Cottage (.rove, Oreenn. ' ; 83 Acres ' for $3700 This is out soil 111 and sast M ,Ore gnn City and 25 milis fmra I'ortland It is en comity road, It. F. D., erearo route, teb-nhone, etc. You can drive to lliis place any day in t'i year with a car without chains. It is a bargain. Owitrra old and alone. 83 acres. -'O cl. area, balanc. Mlur. and MMI.OOO feet nice .timber, living stream and fu-h and swimming pool, 5 room house, barn SOxiifl, outbuildings, family orchanl wilmits, grapes and berries. Price $370a $1700 down, balance 6 per rt, and , tliev will not take away a govid cow. lieifcr calf, acme chickens and 14 sl.-ei. Hargfove Realty Co. 122 N. 0th t llday. 488Ii. 87 Acre Farm. Stocked and Equipped " NEAR HILLS BO RO. 25 miles from Portland, Muat be sold this week, $0ooo Cash. 1 Bsl. easy terms. 1 his your clianee. Neilan & Parkhill " 219 Lumbermen's Iihlg.. . - llfth and Stir Street MUST SELL STOCKED AND EUUIPPED This farm consists of 197 a., of whir a. sr. uixi-r plow, fully stocked, with 4 Jr IIS f e!rs(t horses, ittr bead or rattle. Including H niixn cows; good 7 room house, barn and granarjr; also new 100 ton silo, family orchard, berriei for home use; good road, only 1 mile to town; equipment of farm machinery complete for a pljca of tins sixe. Place fenced Into 6 fields, bavina running water Iu esch. If yovr want a rri farm, investigate this at once. Price oruy $16,000, Ml cash. F. L. KDDT, RITTER. LOWK CO., 201-8 3-7 Boarrl of Tmric M.1g Talk About Cheap Land! Just Look at This, ' Mr. Rancher' 40 seres rich shot and loam soil, good 4-rocim bouse, barn, fine orchard of eherries, pears sol apples, fine creek through the place and yv water; and only 1 to miles from R. B, stauso, town and stores, and only $3H0O. ' I have many other firms at $30 te $130 an J. B. TfOT.BROOK. 214-13 PANAMA BLfw'. - Farms for sai.e 20 acres 2to miles lieed tills; araaQ Bouse, etc. $24 30. 80 acres. 24 cultivated, Bcavertoa district. $200 per acre. 41 ares, wetl Improved: 16 aero, bsurina prunes; stock snd tools go with place, at 87 acres, ail cultivated, ftne buildings, 22 milew put on Columbia highway. A bargain. 45 acres on Base Line weii improved, 'tea streams; reasonable COB A. vJafcKEXNA at CO. 82 Fourth t. ' Msin 4? - OH YOt; i A KM I 10 acre. S.0 in cultivation, abundance nf outrange and water, family orchard. li jni - from Crawfoni; It-room hcav, large barn. , chlrketj houses, etc. ' All implemenui and stot.-k , $0000, with terms, or will take Portland hams. See F. f Mar-ii. with V Frank L. McGuire 203 Abington Biilg Auto 312-07. Tlvrrl St. between WyMrtrtn rrul 8a-V. -Sacrifice to Settle Esfste A 40O0-ACHE STOCK FARM This place as complete lri every detsQ f'.r A suick farm bniltlngv. bay land, gnucr la mi. alfalfa land, orchard, water, all undwr fance, in fact it is too big a place to pruperly j yettise. If infervHeiT, 'csll Fast 24 3 LEBANON. THE STP.AWBERRT CITT is th. piace for you. Writs and tell us what you wgnt. We have berry fsrms, grain fsrm. dairy farms and stock farms; larva and suuul al rock bofitum prices and easy terms GTP.SON A ALVPg LEBANON -THE LAND MEN" OREGON FOR SALE by owner. 20 acres, 2 to imies e-'. of Newberg, Or. -1 acres bearing psuaea. S acre cherries and walnuts, baianc. in gm n. limber and builrlings, new dryer, bungalow, run ning water, outbuildings, fine team. cow. ct--ens. Ul farming implements, fursitara, etc J. Pitcher. Newberg. 4 ir. A liAiii;Al' 40 ere farm. 4 miles frora a good town, 1 miles from paved Pacific highway, JiO gninn:- out from Yamouvrr. Write tiday for di;ri; tion, piT-e and how'fto sew place. Owner, A. Botrevniller, RWre'leld. Wsh. WHY buy from the real uu aaeot if you a.i buy direct from the owner and aav. th. com mission, lO aerwa for sai., ciose in. !.-:-gau this place; it is a good boy; oa term F-4Q, Jeqrnal. 80 AC UKS, iMVUse. barn, orchard; SO acres c -tivated; spring, creek; close to raved h i- -way, oa good road. Price $7 500; $1000 en m. $2500 trarby, rest terau. Address K. L. Do. a.-. Battle Ground. Wsh. . v ,.t. 1 liiieiuiirf ti.l w.a a re, b... imwoved. 16 ares enltirsted. 6 acres ebardi near ..IwtrM: station, high .nl aij'. locarimi. Price low, tcrni- easy. Inuir. J. Vi Hevd, 120 12fh -. Pw's-kI. 1X1 ITY iu bo acre in Facilie eo.jnLy, v 8 mile of Minlow on nver; 20 acres b "and bslanee tniher. Will sell cheap of t M, V. HOBBS, 472 Maia st, PotuimU.