THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, -MARCH 61921. r A At ; HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE .205 "Vv ANTED By ou of th largest engraving ; bouse in th world, men and mg who hk "' to draw, to (rain la spar tun at bom for commercial designer snd cartoonist.' Call be ,. twoen the .hours of 12 and 5 p. m., 45 Fourth ! at- Office 8Q5. Mr. Greer. Broadway 183ft. 1 . AN'l'EJ--4joach ft Muuotrpist averi;, ..Ts r ' hor 2420. : - - SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 FOUR expert carpenters on bungalow cons true Oon would- lika to get in touch with prospec ts v bone bailor, as w can save yo the 40 per cent that alll contractors make, such aa $400 to $800 on 4 and ft room tiwiwi; ped and pep, with ' best workmanship guaranteed.. Yon furnish the material we furnish the labor, phone after 6 p. aL week days, Jake Kauffman, Sellwood 2620. - - -- . -- . VERNON CONTRACTING CO. -New buildings. Job and day work. Wooden and iron fire secapes. Enclosing stairways and rlevavr shaft as per firs ordinance. Phone vYootuawa J7i. He. 1040 JS. 18tg$t a. BOOKKEEPER, cost accountant and office man- - ager with executive ability and unexcelled ref erence, familiar with lumber, merchandising and manufacturing. Phone Broadway 2, Bona 806, or P-44, Journal POSITION wanted by energetic reliable elderly men, .with food real estate finm. soliciting for city and country property for sale and buyer for asm. M 47, Journal. MARRIED Want steady ranch work; handle big team,-truck or tractor; in reply atete con ditions and salary. W. Wamovh, 375 Cable at., Portland, or. W AS TED W ora by expene a slide builder: v atho portable camp buildings and all kind of mechanical, and general repair. O. O. Price, rnara ZZ7 Hotel Kroanway, i-ortiana. GARDENER, experienced, want work. Land ece , greenhouse or private place. - L-999. journal GET your painting, kelhoniining and sign done U - 1 1, m.U . OK I 1 .I.1U IT.-VT f : lu.l.r .11 kifui, mnt - .ul -am. crete work by day or contract; firat-elaa worrtmsnsnro guaranteed. Tanor 1321 VtOUU) like to pUot boy, 14, with good people without children; do light work for board and Tr j-iin. journal. EXPERIENCED xpung man of 17 yeara wants ,ium- mm uuvi cictft w eeauwww aiMiw. 11 -473. Journal. - - PUBLIC accountant would, like one more small set of bok to keep. Charge reasonable. tc-pi'ft. .fonmai. I WILL DO your carpenter work cheaper than you ran cut u yoursaii. nr. eampDau, Mar shall unit. TWO lueo with drag saw want contract cutting cord wood. WnU 650 E. 6Uth or phone Tenor 2 0o. ........... . COOK All. around man. meat and flour work, best reference, city or country hotel or res- T-aurxnt. ti. v., ass jenerwn. hub si.';. EKICK. tiki, cement work. plaAterina, repairing. rrmndeliBg, 41st at, and Sandy bird. Auto ai i-7-. - CAIifKNTEU . and contractei iobhinc. any- thing m toe building lute. I'tinoe uat Baas. PA1.NT1NU. tinting. 1 irt-ciaa; woodwork cleaned, . I'hone Wondlawn 84 71. ti,MI.NT work, all kinds, fmt-lass only. Sail wood 91 . CAltl'LNlKU and builder, jobbing and interior work, bmlt-ln Ant,- 520-81 l'LASTERLN'O, chimney and cement work. - 10 K. 4rlthnf. Tabor 2R58. L-Vl'EKIK.M'KD t'riuuiiK ot ail kind: landscap ing. Main l2. Kee. Main nil AIAiiKILD man wanta . general farm work. T-524. Jonmal. i..Vi'KUli,LKD grocery clerk or otlier store work. Wrrshi xhsll 25fl. WANT truck driving with own truck or without; experienced. Mar-hall 2ftftg ' 1 WANT work in the garden; will great, trim. prune or plant. T-S2tf. Journal. j Iuki.M.S TINTED (3-ti; outskle painting; now is the time. Broadway 8523. CARPENTER work by the hour or job; first rlaw work. Kenwood- Oiw. "WANTED Wood or logging couUacu N-833, JoumaL COOl, elfkient carpenter want work aj 75c per brrnr.- Ij-fl, JoumaL PAINTING, kal-wmining. $3 room up. G. eiprae-ue. Sfamnaii JAPANFXE boy wanta situation, housework and! any knd Job. tieorge M., 541 Delay St.. city. i'AlNTlNG. tinting for reawmable day's wage; work gjisrsnteed. Ant. S22-7P. i?HIN(,I.EHM Wlien you want reahingling done f-arr TintFinwri v "w. KOOFS For shingling or roof repair- service rail Woodlawn B5tH. ; UOV '- wants .work . sfter ftchonl and Saturdays, drug ate re experience. E. 4489. WANT work f.-r' 2-ton truck. Tabor 73SS. . C.RAl'lNq AND EXCAVATING MAIN 6744 JICUIN concrete by Uwg yard. W'oodlawn 540. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 YtM'Ml woman with 8 year child wishes posi tion housekeeper, bivinexs man, modern home; no objetion 1 or 2 children. Good cook, neat hmikeeper. T-20. JoumaL- CAi'ABLE woman wants housekeeping, or man aging rooming house or apartment bouse in this city.- Ref. C. S. employer preferred. U-4A4. Journal. ' iii IliKJl. girl, spprentu-e at sewing, want good home where she can a-wst witti sewing, lor r iv -m , rtoani and some vragefi. 13O0 K. Stark t. Llt.iir work, da y', bour or week; or companion. . By elderly lady. Journal. - ' ; , houee keeper X-839, WOMAN wants work by br. Tuesdays snd Thurs days. CaH for Mrs. Siacel at Wdin. 8357. forenoon. - MllDLK seed lady will r-ar for children after noona and evenings while mother is absent. Beit reference. .Tshor 1530. LACE. SCRIM AND MAhWClSETTK Ct'R- TAINS. DRAPERIES. DONE CP LIK NEW. WI1J. CALL. EAST 8518 - lltML girl wanted to assist with housework for room and board and email wages. Ladd's addition.- East 6787. WORK by hour or day or week; steady work wiU be considered. Cell me Auto. 832-23. M, Powers. LADY to collect acdbui its; investment required; drawing accounts snd H the profit in the biimnea. Write E-5p. Journal. A NO. i' bookkeeper, 4 years' ezpesience, refer- e rices; can operate a typewriter; city pre ferred. Woodlswn 38S3. - BLGINNJ.R wLnTies pwitejo aa stenographer. Call Wnedlawn 2. - COMPETENT woman will work by hour helping family during ii-knew. East 64 8 W ANTED Uundle aning sfter B p. m: - Call SeLL. S5IS6 LACK CURTAINS- HANI) LAUNDERED. 11 VK3 EXPERIENCE. 3ft- UP. EAST 6198. 1UH Uimi-i 1 can do well, bookkeeping and ' stenography; let me do yoars. Sellwood 1418. - t t -N ' . wouisu wants work in pantry or bakery. ToUNG woman would Lie positiuu of trust and very willing; all day or half. , J-800, JonrnaL WANTED Small Sellwood 1692. children to care for. Ask for Mrs. Justice. Call - A .AllY will lake care, ot children, afternoons or evning. rn Irvine-ton. Woodlswn 1084. l-Xl'Ll-lk-NCKD 'woman wsuu work cleaniug, etc. Main 6237. apt. 8. -WOMAN i.n. day work. Automatic 626-38. DRESSMAKING ' 256 LADIES , - Let " the Richmond fashion ahop do your -Tiring tewing tnd you will be delighted. . Wt mske nuts, coats, dresses, blouses and under gsrments. Also refitting and alters no na Wa give prompt attention and our pricee are res sonsble. Tabor 8012. - 1120 Division st - L l r.lM. cjcanuig, prvHsing, dressmaking, ra odeling, " relining. alterations, pleating , rea sonable prices. - The Cabinet Ctatnert k Dyer, 414 .Morrison, near -11th. Msin 182S. 1 i.liA i lo.Vw, retittiA sn a uuskuia of ladies - garments; reesonahle orieea; wore guaranteed i Kent-u. I-Hi'e Tailor, soft Bnih A Lane rld LADIES ! We mk handmade button holes in your made-at-home rsrmcntt at low prjcea Ro.n 512 Abington bldg. DKES.Slvrt, : suits, - coats, by the day; vut of town by the week. : Sewing guaranteed Mr P-c. 5BU K. Morri-en st. atst 1663. SCalMER dresses $4 up. alterations, make overs ' a specialty; guarantee, sirs, Peter,' Wdln. 41. . hKWI.Nb by day; children 'a clothes CaU ewood 356. Mrs. Burrows. bEWING, dnesmaklue. also French pleating for drsperies: will ro out Sellwood 2666. HEMhTlt CIIINU st c yard. We do dressmaking. 2i! Alisky Wde.. cor. 3d and Morrison. DiiErt.-iES, suiL and coats, ssiiacuon guaran- eed. Phone W'oodlawu 2665. Fil-ST class dreTmsking and sewing at your home, very reasonable. Phone Tabor $899 " lliE&3MAKING by the day; satisfaction guar ' anteed, Tabor 1324. ANTEX Sewing by day or borne. Call after 4, K. McMannamay. lies Misrissippi are. I'l.A IN 8EWINO wanted. MarshaU 3954. NURSES 257 C-AUEJb'lile sud j perienced practical aurxe de . aire position, children preferred; best physi - nanV references; would leave city if necessary. P-35. JoornsL -t PKA.TlCAL nurse wants confinement r-Mt city references. Wdin. 2870. HVO practical nurses and one graduate nurse - desire work. I'hone East 721L . 257 C. 8. MATKKMTY liome. 784 Hawtherrte Terme. Pbone 234-65. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 - ; Modern Rooms $3.00tWeek Up . " Transients SOc and Up ' Steam heat and hot and cold water, newly fominhed snd Amertceniied. THE NEW AMERICAN-. 88 yorth Third. A VERT dean and, deeirable, nicely furniahed roonfor 1 or t gentlemen in attractive home, walking distance, X block from -Sonnyiide car. East 221. : CLEAN, beautifully furniahed roam in private apartment, connecting bath, first class apart ment hone, close in. ge&Uemea preferred. Ref erences, Main 6Blfl. f " , , ST. PACL HOTEL , ' Clean, comfortable, modern rooms; transient $1' up; rates to permanent guests. jay e i n a I . - aijtii o i t. WARM, eoay "roocs f tor couple employed or 2 gentlemen, with breakfsat and evening dinner if desired. Also single room.. -414 Market, cor. 11th at. - 130 4TH ST. MAIN 3577. FURNISHED housekeeping room, n ienoaa, - 748 Vs Thurman, near 23d. TWO NICE FCRXIHllED BOOMS, STEAM HEAT, GAS, LIGHT. HOT WATER, GOOD BATH, PRIVATE HOME. WDLS. 4543. 997 COMMERCIAL. ' PLEASANT light third floor room for lady em ployed; V. a. preleried; electric ugrtt and gas, adjoining bath; down town; not a rooming house. 113 a raontn. lv-Ar, journal. BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite, counting of living room and sleeping room, wsiaing dis tance; good heat 1 Broadway1 1085. Lovely pome Ty employed people. GARLAND HOTEL t 28 Trinity place, . ewrnefkWaahington, between 19th and 20th; steam heft, hot and cold we- ter In every room, s.i.o'r weelc snq up. CLEAN, hanosumely. furniahed front room for 1 or 2 genQemen, rent $25 a month. 251 K Clay, onpoite Anditwrinm. Mar. 2503. CLEAN, osy 2 zonm housekeeping suite, nesr U. 1 . ysrasr o,uit nouse, couple or Decnew Alo gingle H. K. rooms. 152H RqeeH at. HOTEL DAYTON Amer. memt, newly rencrated, moden; $5 snd $6 week. Transient $1. 18H 1st, cor. Taylor. FURNISHED room wiUi H. K. privilege ; waik : ing distance: rent . $15. - 407 is East Couch at or East 8101 FUKMUED 2 room apt., 2 aduita. Wdin. 453 1157 Williams av. SOME good Bleeping rooms, also housekeeping. ttKK TVm1i1.ab -V tA -kl .n ColFOltlABLU roouu. sleeping and houekeep- CI WV, Si 5o week up; clean; baths free. Hotel Cadillae. 8d t. near Jefferson. NICELY furnished, clean sleeping rooms tor rent, with bath. 773 H Ssvier st. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 NICELY lumished room in first Im apartment, with private family, . ITivate bath, phone. rteam heat. Ctosw in. "Gentleman only. Call 8'tndny. Main 4RS5. CLEAN,' desirable ' rooms, good loeAtion. 817 , , . n m . ,i 9 . HQL I aasrsu&u. - x-uoue oivwiwtj oo&. NICE, clean, sfesm hAted room, 5 blocks from center ot town. : Maranau 1137. Hotel Medford 'Cor. 8th and Glfean. Steam heat, hot and eold water. 75e snd up. $4..t0 per week. PLEASANT suuny room for gentleman, in mod ' em home: furnace heat, ht.t water,' 2 meal. $9er week; 1 block to M. v. car. Aut 231 6S. 15 E. 2th st. THREE completely furnUhed rooms tor -house keeping In choice locality near Hawthorne or Bunnyude school, .- 8 block from ear. phone. electric light nd gas. Automatic 21157. ALL-MODEBN well furnished lance front room large closet, bath, suitable for 1 or 2 ; loveiy Dome, , nice surroundings; 12 minutes to city. AlltomStlC 0Z9-1U: ' , LAUUE. light, wull ventilated rooms in a mod- era home, W. 8., 10 m inn tea to center of town; lota of hot w-iter, $12 per month up. 4P7 Hr "on. neir Hth. V3UNNY outside furuied room "for oung lady employed, west side, 15 mm. walk t business center; private tanuy; sits per montn. Phone Bdwy. 8071. COM FORT ABLY furniahed room with sleeping porch, man or woman employed, home privi lege?; reference; oreasTaKt. Mam ni39. CLEAN. well.'furniHhed sleeping room, right down- town, to "Quiet gentleman. 293 Stark, room 800. - - . , - ONE room fumbhed lor light housekeeping corner room next to street, very reasonable. Mr. Charles Darling, 44 E. Oak cor. th. NICELY furniahed sleeping room in modern pri vate home, suitable for 2 gentlemen, west aide. Mar. PLEASANT room furnished for . sleeping or . housekeeping for one gentleman $4 per week, ne hath. 451 10th st. South; corner Jsehon. A COMFORTABLY furniahed room, modern eun- Ivenienoes, reasonable. 268 N. 19th st. PTflwt 1560. , - SUNNY newly tumished front room, private tars ay; very reasonable; walking distance. Kast 4 142. --bit Tillamook t. WANTED -Will aeep children by mouth; best of care, or wdl take by day or hour. . Phone Fast Toss. COMFORTABLY furnished room, all conveni- ences, best residential district; man or woman employed ; references. Mam t139. LARGE front room in new bouse in Laurelhuntt to gentleman or married couple, - (25 per montn. Kreartasta n c em reft. 'labor 6320. FOR RENT Nice room in private home, with home privileges, for married couple. Tabor B24. CuMFORTABLlS ' famished room, furnace heat. 10 mm. walk bumes center. Mar, 2818. NEAT, comfortable room, : reasonable. Bdwy, 1060. 280 N. J 9tn st FUKMShXI) aleeping room withlbath, (10 per . SQA e Anlranv n . V 1. 1 NICELY furnished room with board., 801 E. Main. cor. 15th. Phone East 8493. FUT.NIHED rooms, lsrge bedroom aud kitchen ette. lower floor. - 831 tjlackam.u near lHt. LARGE, well furnished "sleeping room, suitable t . . 1 f.w- 1 ?A7 f 1 1 11-1 I "U, ttllllTTIUl, .1 1 1 1 ' .1. . . . U.l MT 1 a. CLEAN,, quiet room, good neighborhood, v 3 32 I!m st.. 2 Mocks n roan way pnage. NICK Iront room and Kitchen, running water. het. adult only.- 494 Taylor st, FRONT sleeping room for rent, in modern home, wit run wsurmg Tjistence. at 443 11 tn. NICELY furniahed aleeping rooms, steam beat. hot snd cold water: 2to Ota st.. ROOM AND BOARD 302 ROOM and board, running water in room, wst loae. prosowtv aiee GOOD home and care tor child 3 yeax or' over. reasonable. 03 1 2 ia sve. . is. t scott ear. ROOM and board, t a week. ,. 15 1st st. Main 5400 ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 PLEASANT front room, witn or wttnout board. for, two; also tingle room; modern, pleasant surroundings. Come and see. Mam 2233. 2s5 14 th comer Jefferson. ROOM and good home cooking $32 per month; - two occupying aame room; one block from Bunnode ear. Pbone Kast 23ZZ. YOUNG man tor roommate, room and btatrd; - must be neat and agreeable. Please eail at once. 158 N. 16th. Broadwsy 4403. . ROOM and boards fer worktng girl Home privi leges. To ahaxe. with another girl References, ZJl v Halsey st. WOMAN with 3 children to support will room and board 2 people yery reascnable; bare gr. 45S B. 87th. Tshor 900. LADY owning comfortable ham with all eon . venienoos. would 1'ke businesa girl to , room a no oosm. . labor tubs LARGE room, with board, suitable for 2 'young men; use 01 piano; home privileges; near 2 canines; resionabie.- woodlawn 8115 ljl LJ ,11 1 . 1 . , i'!"--. muu in pnvvue fiume, revOfiaDivi. Iteal home for young men. 330 HaJsey. Call Wa, XKAn . i HAPPY LAND eottaee boaroa children be dav week or month; reaaonabia. . Sell.. 1665; 4749 2d st H. K. ROOM and board, suitable for young 'lady em- ployed; ine of piano; home privileges, $30 per BlODTQ. wain. 0113.' to board, mother's care. 494 Mag nolia are Phone Wdin. 4725. WANTED Children to board: good home and mothers care. Aut. 831-22. BOARD and room for children; prices, reaaos - able. - Auto. 812-S. - - - - ROOM, board, siagle beds, modern Con;encea, trivste home.- Main 9325. Cloe in. kKOTHER 8 car given children by day or hour. 75?n Ererett st .AntoTnttie 58-02. WD-i'. board child about 4. er old for $25 a m th. -. Call Sl 1 1 7. 602 f edn sv BLOCK, improvements, good district, good security, owner, juarsnau 7tJ7. Oall evenings. VANT children to boani; goud home and aioth '. erw ears. Phon 327-62. r' k. NURSES FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - FURNISHED 304 2 ROOM furnished fa. k. apC. 838: beat and hunt 82 -N. 23d . Dear Wasbingtoo. Phone Main 3686. . ONE housekeeping room, well tunuebed. hot and cold water, furnace heat ; also 1 sleeping room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, clone in. , 87 Trinity place. BmadWay 57T9. MCk, large room aud ktchenette, also aingle Tooms.. hot water always for bath and laun dry; adults only; reasonable rent; wee quiet plee. el55 Flanders., . .. : ONE ruum and kitchenette, weU furnished; also 2 -mora atrnxtinent and one single room: all cUt and comfortable, for rent reaaonabia. done In. 560 Couch st . . ' KKK THESE I 9 fnratshad HL K. rooms: modem: dose in. on a -cariine; light. -ga. J4 Clinton- Mo chil dren. Sellwood 614. felNGLE and double .furnished houaekeepin g rooms: gas rangea, running water in rooms, heat. 1 63 1 t S. W. comer Morrrvm. OOMFOUTABLE 2 -room basement apart e, - suitable for bachelor. $07 Clay , st-, near l.'th. Mar. 8602. : ' - U. K. OR furnished rooms, on ear use. suitable for working girls; rata reasonable. . 848 6th St. Msrhall Z8rl. ATTRACTIVE front rooms, furnished for H. K, ugnt, natn, pnoae- iree; private pore n. oxw CVo-by st. Ft 7014. Walking distance. FOR RENT I Jg lit honaekeeping. aleeping room. or room and board; reasonable rates privilege. Msin 1112. ' TWO furnished IL K. room. 1 block from car, 15 minute from business district, $4 week. 815 Grand ve. N. cor. Failing. ' - ' ONE or two - housekeeping rooms furnished; walking distance; adults. 253 Hancock St. Amnrastic a Jti'.'l FU RN LS 11 ED H. K.' room fur rent, $10 month. 795 First St. IvENT -Furnished housekeeping rooms, nice) ra ideTtce: pisno, furnace. East Z533, TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 367 l. 20Ui; walking distance: adults only. TWO dean 11. K. rooms, walking distance; every thing fnmisned; 3. 228 lrratiee st. TWO light H. K. rooms; wood and water fur- nwhed; 518 a month. 631 Thurman t- TWO room H. K. Apt.. $25 and $30; walk ing distance. Main awwq. ' TWO room B. K. apartmaat for rent, 604 . I lay. -' - TWO sunny furnished housekeeping room $4 per week. tteimont. cor. tn. APAK1MENT with kitchenette, very close jo reaonhle. Call 164 W. Park at. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' - UNFURNISHED 305 TJNF U RNIS HEU rooms.' suitable for housekeep ing ; 2 and 3. room suite. 383 Daria. Broad way 3403. i FURNISHED housekeevjuig rooms. 11 E. 7th st. or eel! E. 1940. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY '306 FOUR . attractive well furnished rooms, lower floor, large porch and yard, garage if desired, beautiful Tiew, moderate rent. Before) 10 , or alter d. aiarsnsii 2iuo. T TWO large nicely furnished Tt. K. rooms, pleas ant location. line new. wain. 2ti 7 EAST 7TH N. ExceptionaUy nice room. large closet, new bed, for one or two persons. in pleasant, modem home; every convenience ree. .rshle. En 8135. SUITE -huu.keepma rooms, electric herhts. bath- phone and heat, no objection to child. Also nice basement mora for bachelor. 827 Clacka- ms t. Ket 80r,l. . FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. Private family. Furnace heat. First floor. 1192 Everard st. (or 87th are. S. ) Phone Sell. ZT68. NICELY furnished housekeeping room with kitchenette, private home, walkiac distance. 461 Rod nee it,. , 2 11. K. rooms upstairs, electric lights, fuel, nse . of bath, wash trays and pbone; 84X 20 mTonte from ho( rlll ) iet Wfln. 1 673. 2 OUTSIDE light hoosekeeplng room. 773 PettTgroee Kt vvter, -light and phone free. 2 DESIKAHI.E .CONNECTING ROOMS; USE JK MTCHJSk: WAliKIMj UUiTSA!. RFKKH TE. PHONE MAIN 3018. TWO H. ET. rooms, modem, except water; suit- abl for 1 or 2. Last 8331. 293 M Weld ler t. 2 SEPARATE fumheel h. k. rooms. $11 and $13 per mo.; 3d floor; walking distance, 632 riarKiera. v. iti.iijii (vuiu, ii.i wHumKyiuii, !' i for 8 working girl. Very reasonable to right parties. Sellwood 203. TWO irout rooms, furnished with kitchenette; clean; frev gas, light, bath, phone; reasonable rent: adults. 182 K. 23d cor. Yamhill. S. M. car. TWO turtied houseseeping rooms,,, private fam- uy: no children. Free gas, Ugnt, water. 938 lv. laylor st. NICELY furnished housekeeping room in private modem bom; everything furnished. MrhH 3VJ3. ' TWO 1 1 K rooms: rood loeslitv : , wmlkine di. t ice; rent $25. including light, heat, phone ana "gas. r-a x iaiv - TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for quiet , people. 310 E. 7th st. near Clay. No ehildj n. FXJR SALE 12 h. k. roonu. good locaUuy. wet side, py ovnpr, '312 ommma st. 2 FURNISHE1 housekeeping rooms, $1$ per montn. ll Fn-eII t- FURNLSHED housekeeping rooms, no objections to children. 828 H N. 17th st. N. and S. car. FOR RENT One or 3 rooms, furnished or un fumifhed.. 6710 92d st T Vv O furni-lied H. 1 rooms every exmvenienoe; wslRing mstancet r-J. ejsK st. 8 ROOMS and bath, furnished complete. Take S. or 16th csr. 633 Thnrmen st. THREE rooms for housekeeping; basement apart ment. .-262 Pare st.t $20 a month. 3 FURNISHED, housekeeping room, block WELL fumi nbed, comfortable, bedroom with APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 35 ROOMS, industrial center; suitable apart ments; family boarding house; newly painted, papered. Low rent lease. Owner, H-4 72, Journal. - APT. roR RENT Rose Friend Apt.. 6 room apt., . famished complete; adult only; A-l reference. Tel. Marshall 1677. FOR RENT 3 room furnished apt.; running water; 820 per month. Phone Main 9529. 889 Sirth st. KING ALBERT APTS. 3 rooms, strictly mod em. Main 359. TWO room well furnished apt,, clean and light; adults. 562 Gtisan. e " FURNISHED modern two-room apt. 390 Rua seli East 4847. , - 1 . APARTMENT, with garage. Will care for your etuuiren wnne you work. Tabor 42. LOVELY 2 room apt., firepiae, suilabi for 2 or 3 tr.rH. Tsbor 8850. TWO and 3 room fumisl led apt,; 1135 At bina ave.- - - APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 HIGH. CLAiS3 APARTMENT , 6 rooms, unfurnished, hardwood floors, fire- place. snower batn. sleeping porch. Bdwy. 435 8 UNFURNISHED, apt., 2 rooms aad kitchenette. ployed preferred. Sellwoodd 377T, TO RENT 2 room apt., nice clean place, B modern cooveniencca. - 724 . 15th. Phon Ea-t 4504. ' 2 AM 3 room furni4ieil, nnfumwhed apart- ment: modem; central. 38 8 12th et. TWO roi'iti, unfumiNlied. 15. W. Jeeeip. . FLATS FURNISHED 309 LRVINGTON On c rime, 3 large room, com pletely furnished, large yard, porch, rosea, fireplace, player piano, downstairs, front looms, 360. Includes heat, lights, water, phone; no chiidrm. Suitable for man and wife; quiet, employed people preferred. East 4384 . after 2 p. m. i NICELY fun bed 2. i or 4 room flat; pre ferably people employed daytimea. 1043 Gaa tenbein cor. Alberta neaj r Jeffemoa 'high. H. Oall before 9 a. m. or after 5 p. m. - 3 BOOM modem flat, newly and comfortably fur nished, private bath, outside rooms; must be seen to be appreciated ; couple employed ; ne chil -dren; reference regnired. Sellwood 2412. 7 ROOM flat, modern, oiose in, v u seen xL Will rest fumeshed or sell furniture cheap to party renting place, $24 moat, 839 Milr waukie st, cor. B escort. MUSIC teacher will share flat with gtri em ployed; lessons,, use of piano aad home prrri legee; reaoonable; walking distance; reference. Phone Main 8018. 8 ROOM famished flat, $30. 70$ Vancouver v. Wdin. 1953. - - 5 ROOM furnished flat, $35; no ema.ll drra. 2 to 6 Sunday. 729 H Will ia 1 1 aveb, fist 4. lOLK rout, very convenient, bath, pbone. heat, on cariine: adults only; $35. 490 Dekui a av. FOR RENT FTATS--4JNFURN1SHED 8-ROOM unfumiahed tipper flat, electricity, sep arate entrance, lo. till lif cortiett st. tt-ROOM. 687 Hood,, eiet, gas,. Mar ail 431 S. ' " - 4 ROOM flat for rent, $18; water included- 568 M a met, wear c napman; CLEAN, . airy .4 large rooms, hall,' bath and pantry. 978 Ornnmereuu, ner cssldmore. 818.005 BOOM upper. Oat; walk g diaUnee. 723 K. Stark. East 8310. LOv Eit flat for're&t, 827 15th si N. . Take ireuurxon ear.- -- - - - - - - , ' HOUSES---XWFURN1SHED 311 , .. .MB r T8 v- tsr o-mat70! ajtt . j RENTAL BUREAU y -. n Bel bio, ns to date Hat of - desirable eacsnt booae. apartment and flats with definit infur mstioei .pertaining to each. - - - Newoomers to Portland win find this buraan f great value in helping them get properly and uicy toes tad. , , . ... .., , , .... Kccra noon ' . r : . FOR RENT - ; Beautiful 8 room abaofntely modem bouse., hardwood , floors, large sleeping porch, etc ; fine ' large comer lot; . fine garage; rj r well located. See -, - .- -..i.- - . ., '- . H. A. Dryer ,610 LEWIS BLDG. - FOR RENT $20. honse and lot, on 84th st. and 48U ave. S. XL ; Call BeUwood 8465 after 4 :80 p. m. . ' FOB RENT 6 room house and 6 acres gust out side city. Mt hcott. Bant $20. Call East 1808. -' ' CALL BROADWAY 880 irORTT- ESTEHN ELECTRIO 30MTA1TT, WABHINGT AT TBNTH STREET. WE move furniture of 3-4-5 room house for 310. For further Information. Msm 8290. ELK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. " Furniture Moved for. Lees 15 Days' Storage Broadway 2445. - HOUSE for rent, kitchen range, gaa plate at tachment for sals, 495 William ana East 6104. - . ' - - FOB, RENT 6 room house, with garage. 16 and E. Stark sts. Phone Msin 4923. FOR RENT 2 room shack. 85.50 per month. loan Marguerite St. pi. WEST SIDE cottage. 5 rooms, 628 Quimby at, reasonable rent, walking distance. OLD style 6 rooms. $12; must buy furniture. wo. e3 mar a stone sx. lotn sr. car. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 WELL LOCATED on 19th and E. Salmon street. 7 room modem house, well furnished. Full basement. Furnace and fir placet We have found this a very comfortable home but have been transferred to San Ftucm e and the owner ha asked me to rent it to respo i hie partiea. Phone Eat 4758. - WELL furnished 4 room. 2 bedrooms, piano; will rent from March 8 to. May 15 for $55; no children. Have to gee place to appreciate. Will sell. Take Alberta or Broadway car. 972 E. 29th N. 6-KOOil, well furnished, eotlage,-' no garage; . $40 to adults, $45 to people 'with children (limit 2 children) . Would lease for 7 months wnn enericev to renew foe 1 year. Tsbor 2147 FOR KENT Bungalow on 335. E. - 47th, off Hawthorne, furnished with niano and even . thing modern, garage and furnace, $65. Lease tor i year. Alnlts only. For Rent- Modem 7 room 8S5 per month. Wdin. 548. hoeM. fomied. rURNISHED bona for rent, March 17; no ehfl- oren; reierenoe reQuired. : Bell wood 2710. i...-, ....... . . . i i. e l luas oi o room no e complete. - io e to rent. - Its 8 izth at., near Belmont. Walking distance. $550 cashi for 4uick .sale. Possession at once. FL'ftN i l 6 room modern hou with piano and lurnace, good neignborbaod. 1 block from ear, to ree ponaibla people, $50. Will 1 ae. Ceil U. II. FOR RENT Nicely furnished clean 4 room cot- ' tare, lota of' berries and rose, 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. H09 E. Main,' near 8Tfh st. 8 ROOM house, partly furnished. $17.50 per 9 ROOM e gantly furnished house, 6 bedrooms. mi ine. nvn er, BK8 12th st. FOR RENT 5-room house, furnished. Bee owner. 113s Belmont. HOUSES-FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 1 . ... FTJRNIl UKB of T mora house for (slsi" bona lor rent. . ii m. lata at. FOR HALE I -Furniture of 1 rooms .aoomuli-te. Everything of the very best Will lell all or part ox ic 1 room nouse for rent. 88' 2 2d st. Anrr. riasi-Mi.' W1CL rent to one buying furniture 7 room modern house; 5 rooms furnished. 536 Mar- et st. rrKMTiDK in mni i in .v.; i and clean.,' CaH Monday 231 5th St., opposite 6 ROOM bouse for rent, furniture for sale. oo. zit -rtaii sr. WILL sacrifice furniture in modern 10 bouse, west side. Bdwy. 8764. 6TJ7 -D style ti root, $12; must buy $130 worth for tore, price $90. 493 Blackstone St. STORES AND HALLS 31- FOR &KNTI 'Mt. hiiiMin, K0.1AA - tween 4th and 6th st. on Hoyt, West Side twr TTnlon firmt. on Msin 4013. FOR RENT Desirable hall, centrally located lodge or studio. Main 7328. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room and phone. 626 Chamber Com merce oiog. Broadway 1583. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 WANTED Furnished room aln, in fn, ing man. phone privileges. I get my woqk over pnone. Btate pnee. T-26 JonrnaL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 NINE housekeeping rooms, cely furnished. . iumt , ? umu ict. ejroua uitauiue. rnce $1000. Terms. See Mrs. Nicholson with E. M. Roberts, real estate and coDeetio, 829 Fllfd ner hMg., lOthSnil Whtnrtwt. Bdwy 1534. WANTED By a refined mid die-aged lady, 2 - nouses eping room in a good modern hcune; ea n furnish rugs, dihe and bed cover ga; not over 3 week. E-822. Journ si. APARTMENTS ' 357 WAN TED N ice furnished 4 -room apt., flat or house, with bath. State prices, West side. v-pzp, journal. 2 FTJRNLHHED modem apts. 1 to 2 rooms and w o in,. e. , su net ec. - HOUSES 361 - AT SEASIDE :.',-' ' . Furnished 5 or 6 room house for-July aud August. Phono Bdwy. 6538. . WANTED RENT HOUSES SEND IN TOUR LISTINGS "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN" SMITH WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. WANTED r-Te rent for about 3 mo. at Seaside or Rock sway, small furnished cottage. Give foil detail in letter as to furniture, conveniences, rent, location, etc, Q-76, Journal. - COUPLE wants ta lease bungalow 4 or 5 ro oma , near Hawthorns, Woodstock or Sellwood ear; no childrenr references. Sellwood 2562. WANTED A bouse to rent. . Phono Wood lawn 3992. " , SMAIJ. Onfurni shed modern ho e, will le 8 year or two. Phone Col. 827. - - - 6- OB 7 -ROOM house, modem, unfurnished, east . side: no children. Columbia 521. RESPONSIBLE , party wanta large bouse, west ; ide. Refemice. B-881, Jourpal.- ' -i , WANTED to rent March 15, two' to five room ho e or flat, furnished or unfurnished. . W ww.e toe one year, fjs.ll Msm 431 WANTED About AprU 1, ho near D.-M. eartine, three or .four bedrooms. No d ran. M-49, JoumsL WANTED To rent aippeg &lb , 5 rm. house. R-93, JoumaL i i FAMILY requires ho e in Albina by April 1. Mm t be chewn. Auto. 812-44. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 BEAUTIFUL view of ocean. Newport property, " 8 -room- houae and lot. a splendid investment, seaside also. Owner. Tabor 7396. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 BIG BARGAIN House Open Sunday, ' -1463- Union ave. . Large corner ho e, easily arranged for feats, comer suitable for adding store. $3 SOO, small cash payment. Broadway 6173. 624 .Henry bids- . - BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 FOR BALK or lea. 4-fit budding on Fourth St., near Mi t 1 Aut. 215-57 or 227 g. BOth st., mornings. STORE building on Alberta at, Bargain, lell . B87 mmcrrmi st Wdin 1R92 APARTMENTS .AND FLAT ' PROPERTY ' 40? - CLOE IN MODERJI . APARTMENT HOUSE- ; la order to oea an estate we ana . of fering a weU eons trusted 2-story and base ent apartment house on a 50x106 lot 'with all imenta m and paid for $12,500. : - JohnsonDodson Co.- 633 W.-'W. Bank Bid. Main 8787 . - UERGENCY . SALE i . N. W. corner of Corbett and Bannft 8 torn below and rooms above. Brings In $108 per month. We are authoi ed to sell at once and that mean to- aecrifice. - - See as for bar in invastment properties. . t ' . STRONG. CO., ,' 668 Chamher of Commerce hMg. . WHY NOT IN V T Mi A Tic Small noartmevot maav t da. iMi Xntm ee? money. Mutt sell. .. Some t. term oat balance. Would take segue trade. Sew -owses r, save broerer's ctnmfaedon. P-42, JonrnaL - : BIG ' BARGAIN ' House Open Sunday. 1463 Union ave. $3500. favorable terms, eastf-v imiml fur flat. Broadwsy 5173. 624 Henry bldg. IRVIN'UTON'S BEST , 88 ehofee homesites. Owner. East 8228. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - LOTS 403 . .... j!anieda Park One of the very few choice view tots left on The Alameda; in a district built 1 UP with distinctive home. . Ladd Estate Co. ' - 246 Stark fit,- , LAURELHUR8T LOTS SOME BIG BARGAINS " COME OUT TODAY OFFICE ON THE GROUND EAST 89TH AND GLI3AN Closing them out; some a low as 8600; some beauties for $950. All improvement paid. Easy term. Your opportunity to secure a choice lot at about 1-8 real value. . COME OCT TODAT or phone Tabor 3433. evening E. T738. Mont villa car to 39th and Dels bun ty. Paul c. Mur phy. 270 V SUrk. . ; WESTlfOB LANT LOT - PNiTl 1 KA.1AA V..l . , . , . " w. . ii iiu num. JUST, one block from the Sellwood car, and faces east. All Improvements in and paid in full. . Price v w v. j.&u tm en-em inn new low EIELT efc GTJSTAF SON, 905 I eon bldx. . LOTS KENTON Car NEAR INTERSTATE AVE. 8375 310 CASH $10 MONTHLY" JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. CORNER lot, 63x100, on 81st and Pacifie sts. 2 bl . from Laurelhurst and Rose City Park earlines. Cement sidewalk, paved streets and all improvements paid. Win sacrifice for $1350. Cash or terms. Kaufman Hat Store, oS 3d st. near Stark. Main 7026. l-OT BARGAINS BUILD A HOME 1500. ror. Kfh an U , . . lAAnn s st imp. pd.. cost $3400. iuau, l lreihunt choice lot. Imp. pd. 8 550. Rose City.. 53d and Broadway. f.?22" Itamu City, 73d and Sandy rd. 81100. eor. 29th and Franklin. 81250. cor. 30th and Clinton at. 3 350 each. 4 R, 0. lots. CHAS. RLNGLER t CO.. 225 Henry Mdl. REVETiTrvrrvi? ueiwiwi . s . uiuuio u;i9 tuoain them out at very low prices on easy term. Paving ell n and paid. Beautir ul home on about H of the lots in this tract. These lots are close in. 15 minute to Second and Mornsoo. .... J , . e- . C. T. HEDRIC B " : 860 MOwantne st Sellwnnrl S004. $50 Down, S 11 2.50 Month Price 81200. takes close- la east side lot on Yamhill near 23d. 2 blka. S S. and lit Tabor car. short dist Wash, high and grade school and walking distance west side; Jays fin and all imps. ,i mijv, .m. ovoer, an am v a 1 $875 LOT; Irvintton district; streets, sewers, etc:, are paid; easy terms; a snap. Near Irvington or Broadway ear. - . JoiftnsonDodson Co. 633 N-W. BANK BI.DG. MAIN 878T, BEST THIMi IRAITKn douti ivri Big home tea on Port nd'a new 160 foot blvd. City water to each- f y-ei half acre. LO paymenta. R. W, CART. 1219 N W. TtanV kM. Main 1643. Residence Main 137T. Jlti ttt JjOT . a 66x100 fin corner 85th street south of Holgate. high and sightly, $500; .ft) down. $10 per month. 6 per cent; eiosc to 8. P. (hop. 228 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Sell- PITCH A TENT ii 1W1N Why rt?ntTf 60x100. Oment wIk and IT lk4 if-re t wv. iA . a a-. . . ftw. w ijui-oui, un iou 8unda.y catU noon. 3 blocks north Kennedy - u wm. iuciLs -r. j- "- w. OAKY, 1219 N. w. Bank bldg. Matn 1848 HAVE large comer lot, 67. 87x100. southeast front, on Benediction Heights, for a late car; prefer Dodge or Buick 5 passenger; wiU pay cash difference. Call in evening after 4 o'clock, or Sundays, or write 708 Wert 25 -. van wiver. wasn. box 25, E. Hamey, " vu AWAAVV J, . - W. CDC East 15th and SUdmom, splendid vie, ns restrictions, all improvement paid; fin. bosi or re-idenos aite. Owner. 40O Prereott at Wdm. 2068. $1 DOWN $1 WEEK 50x100. Cement walks. Alberto ear. See me Sunday morning on lots. 8 bfecks north "Ken nedy schooL K. W. CART. 1219 rT. W. Bank bldg. Main 1648 MAKE AN OFFER on church building sod lot at 7th and Liberty at., Woodlswn, Bids received at 807 Vancouver avva, till April 1. Right ia reserved to reject any or all bids. a. n t i vr v v V w. j in v-i ii & 17 1 J WESTMORELAND lot, 60xlOO. all improve ments in, D9 encumbrances; on 21st st; for $750 cash or terms; Sellwood eartine. Owner. Woodstock station. Box 26, or 5035 84th ave. 8 E. , - FOR SALE 4 lots. 40x100 feet each, ail ad- joiniBg; east front, macadam street cement vralks, street lights, between two electric car lines, good location; $325 each for cash. By owner. S629 7th st S K .. Hawthorne er. GREAT bargain, want to leave city; two 50x100 foot lots, small house, water in; 10 bearing fruit trees, all kind berries and rosea. - Price $1500. by owner. 2050 Holladay ave. VI il'U 1 1 i,l,-i t TT-v r-r. Laurelhurst lot while they last at ex trem aly tow prices. See J. A. McCarty, 270 -8 rk st main i iro, w, erungs, ratKir 0UD7. LOT, all ready to build on, good view, in Ber- getey aan. . Mock from paved at, and aswer, in Eastm oreland. A bantam for ' ao u e. only $45n. R. 71 OO. 688 r,. Bsrnion. CHOICE 66x100 corner tot Piedmont' district, for sale or trade, for small bahcalow t Mult nomah or Ryan station . and - pay difference. Owner 1y '443 Krnerer t YOUR LAST CHAN CK Li rare nrst lots at these pricee. ' See J. A. McCarty. 270 Stark at . Main 1700; event ngs. Tabor 6057. xXIR SALE 1 lot 50x100 in Vancouver, 6 bearing fruit trees, close to Orchard ear line. Sell. 1343. ' LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS . See J. A. McCarty, 270 Stark. a Main 1700; evening, Tabor 5057. A SNAP 100x105, corner lot. N. , P en Bdwy. FOR. SAX i Choice residence lot on Bryee ave., near car line. Alameda Park. Will sell at a Pig joes. - CU owner, Taoor 4443. A BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE 100x100, near car; terms. ,4219 48th ave. S. E., near 41 t t - - -'- -- - TWO choice lot on ,68th st S. , 1 blocks to ear; sidewalk paid; raennahl term to suit Auto is tie 819-82. - LOOK Albert lot 40x100, with alley, -aide-walk in; only $650. easy terms. Call $18-84, Call Monday. ' . - - FOR SALE Lot 75x100, East 14th and . Washington eta.; $3509. one-third the value. 98 14tb ert. LOTS 5 and 6, block 103. V of a bock, cor. . E. 10th and Mill, for sale or lease for term of years." Apply to owner. 2121 E.' Stark at. ATTRACTIVE CLOSE LN - 100X100. S. -W. - COR. 12TH AND HAL - OWNER, 1543 K. HOYT. LAUKE IliL' T Fine comer. 66x1 UU. uv and 35th. Prioa $1250. Sire ets and sewers via. Tabor - , REAL ESTATE-FOR SALE LOTS 403 UO. 'Ten st Broadway 1X0. t IHCOUFASlBLE ' ' ' WESTOTEE TERRACES . . Ij , - v r : ... i t , . - , ' , It It' a "ho ,eite" m 'the midst of dit itlno Hv and beautiful homes with 75 feet or more frontage you want, and not int "a lot," th let us show you WESTOVER TERRACES, "Portr land Bet. View Homesites" 'and aoned for home exclusively. For plat or other inf on na tion, you may phone, call on or writ . HAROTJ JTJNGCK; Recretary." INTEBNATIOVAL REALTY ASSOCIATES tip Tenth Lr Pit ck block. n Broadway 110. 8875 .'."' 1XTS ' - IRVINGTOlf ; DISTRICT ' ' . , STREETS , PAID SPEOIAIe SALE SEE US AT ONCB JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 878T. BARGAIN LOTS, SECOND MORTGAGE . ' .AKKA NG UE1XT E. 24th St. between Klickitat and Siskiyou, 81000; IXvuion. t.. between 23d' and 24th, $1000. J. -C, COKBIS CO., 805-8-7 Lewi bldg. SEE ME SUNDAY MORNING 60x100. Cement walks, graded streets, 'paid. 81 down, $1 weekly. 3 block north Kennedy schooL . B. W. CART. 1219 N. Vf. Bank bide Residence, Main 1377. -100x200 SNAP ' -$700 takes this half block on E. 60th. 1 block to ear and pavement, 3 block to school; st. graded and ' graveled, walks and sewers in. Hurry if you want a bargain. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK ETCH. VERY desirable corner lot. close In. Van uvar. Wash., will- take 1920 automobile .in good eondiuon in part payment; easy terms on bal ance. P. J. Kirwin,' Vancouver. Wash. TWO very good lota. 25x100. on Marguerite ave.. Alberta district; very reason hi for cash. or win give terms. Tabor 592T QUICK ACTION Lou; sewer, walk pa ; clear; $298. Terms today. This week only. W-S ear to 1100 Gladstone ave. v LAUREIJiL'RST L6f ' BAR! SaInA See J. A. McCarty. 270 Stalk. Main 1700; evenings, Tabor 15057. ; $350 1 BU i. ROSE CITY PARS CAR Nice SOrlOO lot, assta. paid. Tabor 6559. LOT On 44th st. at 39th ave. $500. No nen . Main 802. 4 LOTS ' on E. 78th Gregory eights. Price su. noor 4U4 TWO lota for sale or trade for Ford car: 50x100 earn. 429 r. Charleston t. St Johns. THREE nice building kits very cheap in Tre mont Park. East 5689. ' Lo t iur sale. i ad uo ri 'Hsaonsi hie. Call ranor .-. TWO lota, corner 30th and Emerson t, very cheap: must selt Tabor 8743. iE N. K. -comer 48th and Stanton, R. 0. P.; mase otter xo owner. M-47 1. Jonmal. TOR . SALE Choice comer lot near park. ii.erreinnc - rnong 1 tpnr Tl n 1 TWO lota, cultivated: Rset st-. 1 bloek from Colnmhia blvd; $400 each. W'oodiawn 1763. plowing wszrg-n HOUSE lot improvements, good district good seeTirity. Owner. Msrshsll 767. Call evenings. ROSE CITY. 100x100 comer. 64th and TUla mook sts; price $1050. Tabor 6441. N. W. COR. of leut and Fremont eta. 60s 1 0O II lien paid. Price t-iaoo Ta. 6694. ALAMEDA Park. N. E. corner 27th and Bryce. improvements rntiq : 1 z !. Tshor U441. BEAUTIFUL Walnut Park lot Phone Wdin. voi. . ,. - YOU MAKE no mis ks building horns ia Wal nut Pirk'Phon Woodlawa 951. - HOUSES 404 A BERT A buuits w. & name. iiaiJi- fironi.-. beVmed ceilings, large living rooms, dining room with . nice' buffet: white enamel Dutch kitchen, cement trays; 60x100 lot, nicely located on 24 st.,' near Albert. This is above average. . .price 3o."so. 8650 cash. , . - .-.9-- PEARCE CO.. Broadway 4835.' -. 201 Oregon bldg. Rea-'SeBwood 1115. - . - . , ion oi;ht to See tvti4 , r 1 acre, neat 3 -room house, 2 chicken ho as, man -work - on. CJtV watal toilet. - SO hena 1000 strawberries, lot of other, be cries, fruit trees. nice lawn, plowing done, everything In iwxi snaps; lauuu, including furniture end Im plements, or $2800 without; some terms if nec essary. Deal with owner at place, 9423 -46th ve d, , - . , - - - -' WOULD you pay $2500 for a ft-room 2-story plastered ,doua, fail cement basement comer lot good garage, tall street improvement in and paid:. 8 blocks from Mise s4n see. eai line? Only 8750 cash, then see Geo. F. Crow, with SliH r A L . 793 Vk Miss dPfrf Ave. Of flee. Wood Is wn 1201. Re.. WoodUwn 2785 ROOM bungalow. 2 larae rooms and tall. 7nv- isnea in. tuie, ruu plumbtng. areplace, book, eases, buffet 2 large porches, back porch screened in; large garage; 33800, 31000 cash. If yon want a good home at a bargain saw th is. 1034 E. 28th at N near Albert. Phou worn, tut A GOOD BUY ROSE CITY PARK Furniahed 5 room and bath, modem b in. low, almost new and perfectly satisfactory; must sell at once lor $520; $100 down: largo attic, cement basement built ins, Imtoh kitchen, thor- murn inspection o tited. 700 E. 56 st N Tabor 4494. - ROME r.ITY t'iUK . Look at 632 61st N. Monday and Tueaday tor pes oars D you ever aaw; 7 -room modem bungalow with 2 sleeping porches, clear. Im provements in end paid; 84750; term. Preston, -etv rl n - nf eiki.. PHONE MATX 2708. BE TIE It READ '1U WANT TO OWN YOCK HOMEf ave lot in city on which we, will put you up a z or room noose on ry payments. Come and see ua about It TMTTH-WAGONFTt CO.. STOTTC TASfif! 0.. vus i."i. j uiu neie surplus to sell; 100x100 tot with all kin of fruit attractive bungalow, Dutch kitchen, 2 airy bedroom, large sunny living room; $3600.- Owner, Woodlawn UI'DUI V . V. i .- 1 k. .... i 8l4o6 R6sg CITY b-fRicT $i46o Don't pay rent buy this 4 -room bungalow; IH take $300 down, $20 a month; you can't lose; nioe tot with fruit tree, rotes snd laws. See Royal. 72a st and Sandy blvd. IWMJil-S 1 Bight in BeUwood, furnished including piano, 1 block to car; pnot $8000; 81000 cash gives " " "mSo9 CHAMBER OF OOMMERCB Main 8485. OpeirStindav. ALL kinds of shrubbery for sale Jessie Perkins rosea, 8 ft high. 50c; 5 ft, $1; ae bushes, 8 ft. high, 81. ' 6-room b igalow for sale by owner, 95 5 Van couver ave. Ppon Woodlawn 8040. 955 Vancouver-' ave. - "' - - $1200 5 ROOM HOUSE $1200 T 60x100 lot bio off bard surface, bath, toilet, gas: this is a. good buy, - $200 cash; mon ly payments. . 8MTTH-WAGONEK CO., STOTK EX. 8 ROOAf 6tER. MotSE J On . highway. 200. foot frontege, and facing river,. on Orefnu City carta. $4500, terra. A.,J. BOCKHOLD. with A. C. H0WLAND, ajt main sr.. ejtegmi e.,ity, ejr. $450t 8-rotsn modern, large lot, sleeping porch, near , Peninsula park and City Auto park; $1900 cash, balance $60 per month at 7 per cent; bonds accepted at small discount Owner, WporflswTt 8348. ROSE CITY DISTRICT Beautiful 6 room modem bungalow, all on mm floor, all fur shed.' ewmplete ready to step rujht into; aU goea . for S55V0; $10OO down, balance to suit East 6038. t -' FOR SA I By owner, $2650; 3 large lots, ' orchard, berries 4-room house, S blocks from Hawthorne ear; iunu tur for sal it, desired. laoor au9. .ILAn l iii.JK.VE Beautiful 7 room, modern, garage and fur nace. - Don't lot tide get away. 326 Artisans Hde. Brfwv 88T. ARTISTIC 4-room bungalow, Woods tock, $2750. . ' Built-in, Dutoh kitchen, bath, fireplace, base ment garage, hen bouse, . 14 : acre Yruit shrnb- oery. -isoor S43v VERY 00 for ble 4-spom house, water, electric lights, gas;-lOUxlOO lot; aU kinds of fruit; chicken house and run for 500 chickens. Ns agents. Tabor 6927, J LOOK! $1995; SNAif 4 rooms. 2 beds. - bath,, living room snd kitcben. baser int 50x100 lot. - V4 block to car. Pmi't weit. 326 Arti-an btdr Bdwy. 387. FOR SALE By owner, leaving city, 7 : room modern bungalow, (rarage. . one - block ; from Imngton club. r it 4W91. 7 -ROOM aaodera, well furnished bopse. hot water heated ; large lot: near 2 schools and ear tinea. 855 Graham ave., near Union. Term. -' lit , BAttivAJN thi e wees m e ro-ui modem , house, Irvington district; horrj. R-88, Jour nal. $2500 5 ROOM bungalow Onry one hirx oodroom. By owner. T Woodlswn 3955. FIVE -' room bungalow, strnrtly modem, just built 430 .Wyeant at. Terms, By own. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A. Q. Teepe Co. , , " inv "TtrrTV'Tta sTTPVTtnsji ' 36SO iKOSB CIT1' PARK IJ1STRICT , , rooms and. garage, An . exceptionally . ' attractive Tiungaknv , wiiJi living room , extending" . ".the out width " of house. Splendid furnace. Newly decorated and painted Itt ua show you. $4600 ROSE CITT PARK 6 rooms and : garage, . Ideally located near car. ' Paring and sewer paid. Very liberal --' terms. An attractive 8-roora bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet Ivntrh kttenen. cement basement, eta (3250 ROSE CITY PARK-rifty. new bun galow, uceptinrtally well built and .f in - led. - Hardwood floors, fireplace, v built-in buffet Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, til. floor iaC bath, shower, pedes ta! ata ad. race seed tub. Surely you will not miss this ' opportunity to inspect this splendid home. $3750 ROSE CITT PARK Nifty bungsjow near Bandy blvd. facing east 80-foot living room, reach doorse between bring . room and dining room. Modern to the last deto. iL' Gan ice. ' - :. , $6230 ROSE CITY PARK 7 rooma living fl :. and dining rooma, autcnea. one bed- -- - room cm 1 it. hoot, ua o peansmu en second. You will - go . far to find A bettor en tructed house than this. r It was btrilt ' by . th present 'owner .for his own home, and if you sp v preciate good workmanship and fin. , - material, you will want this for your home, - $6300 RO8K -CITT PARK -Here, folk a. is - aa ex eepuooai tningatow located on in e comer of 49th and -Tillamook. No. . 454 East 49th st north. This wa built by on of Portland's best builders; "for class and distinction it is hard . V to duplicate. Exceptionally Urge liv . - ing room, extending the entire width - of house. We want the privilege of ah owing you this splefidid bungalow. ROSE CITY PARK AND LAURELHURST BUYERS. ATTENTION 1 ; , If you want to buy In Rose City - , I, Park or Laurelhurst 7u owe it to yourself to first inspect our listings. - - - We have specialised in the sale of property in this district for a number of years, - We know the history of . nearly every bouse tn the district ; Those who want to sell na turally list their property with us. Our reputation for fair dee rig is furthar gua rantea to you. BANCH OFFICB 40TH AND SANDY OPE.V SUNDAY $2750 LAURELHURST DISTRICT 4 roovn bungalow located Jight at the entrance ' of Laurelhunet Very attractive little ' borne, and the value is bar. Very , - reasnnabie term. $3730 LA UREIJH X'RS T Tim, fottv is a - wonderfully sttractiv bungalow located right at tlia park. You would expect to pay more money. Hardwood floor In- living and dining' room and bed room., fireplaces' furnace", expensive tapentry paper; any reaaorihle pay ment. !.et us show you. - $6300 LAURELHURST New attractive bmv galaiw with exceptionally large living , room. There is positively nothing like it in Laurelhurst for the money. Lo cated near Sandy bird. Garage. Very liberal term. $2950 6 rooms. Real value he ; $800 cash will handle. This i a comparatively new boms and -- exceptionally wall eoa- f.eneted. . . . j- $3975-A wonderfully attractive bungalow- 8 large rooen-v. ,and garage: a real home V in every way; . one block from car. - ' Yon wot I never expect a horns like tlii for so UUin mo 7, Let us show you ' ' $5250 WESTMORELAND eSplendid Broom bungalow. - ideally located; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Iratvch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement ba ment. gaa furnace, expensive tapestry paper; a home you would be proud to own. $3150 HAWTHORNE- -Attractive 6 - room bungalow located on a corner lot 60x 80: all street and ewer assessment paid. Ton can look the town over ' and not find -a better- bargain; truly m rnnA hnv. IF YOU WISH TO SEE ANT OF ' THIS PROPERTY SUNDAY". PHONE OUH MAIN OFFICE. Main 9092 fiPlW AI.l. DAY SUNDAY. lit YOU WANT TO BUY A REAL HOME. BEK AeT'O-e Teepe Cp. ' - 270 SUrt St. Near 4th. Main ,8092. ' vt ,nch offics. 40th and Sandy. . Open Sunday, tt ns write -youf. lira and automobile itmnes. ONXT $8250 Tin Ankeny t near 28th st; her 1 a very tubst it 1 6-room plastered house 'with full comTete basemt ; lot ia 60x110 ft. oement sidewalk and curbs, ev exything ..In - nd paid for; th ia house cannot-be built for the price asked for the .house anrPtfiti: it is the beat bargain 1 offered E. Ankeny xt. by s long wa; the owner is forced toSstul to get cash thi ia your opportunity. M . J; Clohaaay. Ahing- , ton bldg. . ,,.y.'.. ..i J--, Only 8S000--Th tot w s eml-4rasines lot in E. 28th, the bua ipees street on esst aide; it U only 1 block from the Sandy boulevard: there ia a good plsterd 5-room ' ' house on ths lotv basement and all other city con venieuee ; Niiia- property i priced t at $1500 less thsn its value; $1000 cash '- will handle it; the location is on of the - best on -the east side; if you want a home, with prospect for big profit, this is "the in vestment you are locking for. M. J. Clo- - hessy, Abington bldg. V. Only $4350 In Montgomery st. does the business center, on the west aide. to dose tn the Park Mocks, only B-mtn. wata to Broadway and Morrison sts. : her is a 9-room bouse, every room plastered, a full cement basement with a new furnace, and very subtnlially built: th is will providos Dome, to live in, as well as. rooms to rent and receive monthly income; tracts-' im proved, .cement sidewalk and curb, every thing in and paid for; $2000 cash will handi it . J, Clobessy, Abington bldg, Only $4S00-T-On th west side. 1 block from the Lincoln-leigh school, 3 block from th City Auditorium, in 6th t," the prin dpsl buainees street, 9 block from Morri ks st; a house of 6 rooms with full plumbing, paved street and cement aide walks, everything paid for; now with this property the lot alone is worth more than tie price asked; and th house is suitable . for a family ot several; this is buying a close- west tide bom for a 'cheap s pries - a you nty ever hop to hear of again ; cash WilL. handle it M. J. Ctoheasy. . Abington bldg. - - ' v ' $380051000 liawthome . Co.onlal Bunaralow . Vtea fivee-rrvim' enl on is 1 bunaslow - with hard wood floo snd All the built-in features; lan; Uvin room with ' fireplace, fine built-in buffe in. - good-sued dining room; wotnlerful Duteb kitchen; full concrete base-meni wnn trays; aiuc. Hail ! 1 in eU ivorv and beautiful tapertry pa per; paved construction. Too will like thi a. Call ns at once. . - "i R, SOMERVnJ.E,- ' " Brosdwi iy 0888,. 408 IT. B. Nat Bank bldg. . IDEAL COUNTRY HOME ' ' W'tTH AM INCOME - 22 um lorated at of Milwaukie, oa sightly - u br A . . - . ,a- aI t . r. UJCMUW. w .-. , . - -- r and pples. 2 . of cherrries ; . a large T-ronm bungalow, nag floors, urepiare, ' ouuie sireiun rmreh. m d'a. room . and billiard . room, barn. two new large chicken bouses; return from fruit alone should produce 310,000 per year; eywild ran from S0OO to 10.000 chifktms-, has Bull Run water piped to all bondings; gas. electric, light sewer connections. Will consider modem ho in part payment or trade lor income prop erty a4 assume. - 403 Couch bldg. ., J b. rw:K. a X 7 f. &.fwim mtdarn bunoaliw: only 1 bio from Mi. ave. ear; convenient to grade and bieh scliool; street imr. all in and paid. Th dmlme ermtructl Inimta lowi and ban fin bed fir loo-.. rut:h kitchen with breakfast nook, full bs'emcnt wvli new piilps lurnace; rinislied in eneesel end newfy tiited throughout Can , , - - artwcige verm. ' erpen onnaAy. -". J. A. W If KM AN CO.. KEAiyrORS- . . "Short t Was Home" 264" RtsrV St... Msin SS emi 1094. S$3200 Buys attractive bungalow style Inline, B rremi and b Paved street- flrepUce, hfit1t.irML tanndev t in v. 2 bed rooms: 46x . 100 tot with- alley; garage ;. newly painted and deoorated tbrougboat Convenient to WUL are. and Mis. v. car Jitr Jef- ' . ' fenon high. Can strange term. Jtiick pomesfrion. Open Strods y. J. A. WICKS IAN CO., REALTORS ' ' : -"Slwrtest .Way Home'' - 264 Star UK Main RS) 1f94. NEW NEW NEW $4300 near Hawthorne av. ears; 6 rocms . and bsth. I hitch kitchen with breakfast nook; ) full cement basement, wash tmy; fire place, buffet, hardwood floors: finished In enamel and tapestry rasper; $50O cash will handle; vacant; move -right to.- .Open ' 'Sunday. - -- - - . ' ' f - J. A. WICKMAjr CO.", REALTORS -" , . ''Shortest Way Home" 14 Star St Main 88 and 1094 CLASSY 6 room bungalow r old lory; tejetry paper; hardwood floors: - all the up-to-date features; close in on corner lot; m t realise so tna cash, balance $40 , and interest. Would consider some trade, . Call Sunday 617 "E.- 1 1 th St. N, Phone Kat 554 8. MUST be sold this weea, subotatiliai modem bungalow in Alberto district 6 large ioomi; paved street. half block to esr. close to schools, stores, library. good neighborhood. Term: $2800. discount - for cash. . 1034 Jim 13 ti. Owner. . .. ., - - . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $6500 LA UREI.ntTlST BEAUTY A 8 room strictly modora btinrilow: ftimnce. heantiful "fireptsce. every imscmsbl built-in feature, cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook, hard-' wood floors, full cement banement wfch trsv. floored attic; all .thus bed in ivory and white enamel;-" tspestry - -paper:- 6fTt 0r Vt with gsrage. It s a real besntv. folks. Investigate, i'ne is Tight; terms to suit purcliaaer. $7500 LAURELHURST A 7 -room house an corner l(,t 18x00" ft.? full cement basement wsh trays, furnace, fire place, all bnilt-in eenvwnience. sleeping porch, cabinet kitchen, etc.; oak floors; city i proew menu paid. Terms. . r -' $0500 DUTCH COLONIAL rnvtVd'ri t V I) i ; Vi : 1 1 n- a e. -.---... - , . . ivvnu-i, . Vlrw,ea lhMMhnnt M,m.n, K. nun -.U . . wtjndrrf ul jTibinet kitchen, breakfast nook, G co ruruaoe . nrepiace, rrncn Qoom, etc.. Ivory finish; beautiiul tupestry paper; very lsrg bring room: plate alaaa windows. fiOi 1 Oil lot. ma rt wsy and gang. Terms to suit ' COTXNIAL tfEItrflTS 8 rooms, of hollow rfle coiistrucMon. hMtrti. ful view lot 68x100 . ft. full 8 ft cement be e ment furnace and waalitrsy center entrance hall, large living room and dining room, inlaid oak floors. Dutch kiu-hen and den on tlia first floor; 4 large airy bedrooms and tiled balb on secubd. Thi hous could not be built to.hiy tof $11,000. Pries for quick Sale, $8750. term. Sunday Tabor 4920. WTLTiAKETTK HEIGHTS BTTNGALOT 971 Raleitli st. a beautiful bun low of T ror s with 2 larga glassed in aleeping porches, oak floors throughout bring room. 10x30 ft, dandy - dining room, built-in kiu-hen, Jurnare, fireplace, every built-in convenience, ivory fin ish. Its a real beauty. Vacant I'm is $9000, term to suit; lot 80x100 ft Garaga and fin view. HTJMMETJ, A RUMMELL "' ' 274 Stark t Sunday; Tabor 3706; Auto. 222-60; Tabor 4930- $4500 MOUNT TABOR BARGAIN - 6 Large Room. Ton dont get a chance like this every day. Large 1 sury 6-room resuleme in apple pie order. doiPlils constructad Uirongri dut hardwood floors, fireplace, bullet Irutcb kitchen, 3 eitra larg light bed rooms, large closets, full cement basement laundry tray; delightfully located among homes of vdt-titlctlon, west sln(e Mount Tabor, 1 H blocks car, paved sueet and ; sewer in and paid, lnspew-tlon by appoints ment only. Terms. Real valu her. Ask' for Mr, Mack. , Iet u show yon. CEO. T. OoRB CO.. 1007 Yson bldg. iiEW 1 NEW NEW HOMB BTJTER3. ATTENTION Why not have just the plan of horn you have been wial ling for? Com in, let us see your plans or look over our, W oaiyi bin Id you attractive home from $4500 un"tn Ala meda, Rose City Park and aim fadditk as, either on a lot of yours or one of our own. - W can build you this bo i for $45005 room and aUin. . hardwood floor. fireplace), buffet, .Dutch, kitchen, full oeptc ut battmetit, wash tray. UieJ. bath room , with reoea tub; finished in enamel and tapestry paper, i Open Sorlay.- " - '....'. WI( ' K M A- BtTH JYTNQ- CO., "Short t Way Home." 264 Stark Utreet Main 63 ml 1014 MODERN TWO FAMILY FEAT CLOSE LS QH EAST SIDE - Each flat eorurfsts ' of five room, 1 with T1 modern conveni?ncea, aa built Ins, etc - The building is well constructed and is in very good eondil n; full cement 'baemont, excellent fur nace and the best, of pluirtlsni. ' la fact it is complete' In every reeipect There is -also a gtaod one ret garage, hs a very dnsintbl loca tion; rente at $S5 per month snd lias always -waiting list of ten ante Price $7MK. term f 28O0 cssh, be noe at 6 per cent TUi prnte erty will be shown by stpoin Uncut only, Worth your while to investigate. - . '. A..X NDGIL-X. Savon Land Co. 635 N. W Bank hMg. flOTJT PORTLAND WORKM f $25"0 " 1X)WN $25 TTH MONTH $1975 total price for 6 -mom eefled nonse. cm -Fulton .earBne; 8 bedrooms, ama, eleetncity. city water, luuiivti lu or td. plenty of room for garden and chickens. No. -1689 Boons' Ferry road. '''. J. L. IIARTMATf COMTAWT - S C u cabsr of C-otnmerc Bide Main 208. iiMMr-v-MODl'jiN. 6-room bungalow, new pi pee ' lean turnsoe; location, Missouri ave; $1500 will handle, balanc e 6 par cent $5000 Modem bungaiow, large living room. furnace, fireplace; $16u0 eah , balanc -' 7 per. cent $5500 7-room buncalnw. east fro, reneU'lctod - dtstnet; hardwood floor, garage, ale tracU ve terms. $5500 large apaalou bora of T room ta Overlook; good caragw; forni tor can b ptirehsed ift dent red. OGDEN V CRAVELt . 107 Shaver St Wo.l'swn SOS. Rose City Park . $3730 $1000 CASH Very attractive '. five-mora bungalow, below the hill and only a block from Sandy blvd. This has very attractive floor plan and all the built-in featun ; buffet, all hanlwood floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fumane, run orate basement House is now nndi-r cone Lruo tion. Let us show yon this today. It SOMERVUXE, 409 TT S. Nat Rank Hide. Ttdevy. 838. 0 1 '" - . ' v; New Hawthorne -5' Roostj Bungalow ' $4O0O $00 DOWN Tfardwood floors, all the buUt-ln feature, buffet, fireplace, dandy Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; beautiful Uprntry taper; con crete basement; paved tree; every iu paid. K. 8lMF.-RVII,LK. 409 ti. S. Bank Bids'.- Broadwsy $838. FOR SALE by owner aM builder, atrutiT modem home at 69 E. 83th st, near paved highway and cariine; large living mn, with fireplaosr len with booircases and writing dnk ; dining .room., with buffet: Hate glass windows, mirror door; beet of hardwood floors and fu ture; '.Dutch kitrhen, breakfast room, laundry and bath on first floor, - 3 airy bedrooms on 2d floor, full cement basement with fruit room, porches ire concrete and cobblestones, kit 75x 10; garage, fine varieties of fruit and berries, shrubbery and flower. Look thi up. Price 84tf0 TstH.r 64 h2. ItOhE CITY FAUK $5500 Let u show you thi 6 room bnngalow . . r with Dutch kitchen and breakfast mark, hardwood floor, fireplace, new pip-leas- funutce. full cement - basement, vra.,htry, garage. Street imp. pai'l WiUi that goes new gaa range, draperees, linoleum, window screen., to. Terr. - Open Ht'nilay. J. A. WICKMAM 00, REALTORS "Short t Way Home." 264 Star Street Min RS snd 104 SrRCRBAN $8500 . 100x125 Ixt Vary attractive, well built, 5-mom bnnga 1 .low, fire;Hac. Dutch kitchen. 2 fin bed rooms, good bath, ba-yneiit large attic: -100x125 lot; 10 bearing fruit trees and - small fruits; chicken hous, gsraiee; near E. 2d st- $1000 hanuisa, Ak for Mr. ." Mack, -."'- Lei ns how yon. CEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 You b f, Al-KEUTA XiOifK $3500 Bay bung rw bom of 6 roovn end bath down, with large finished plastered room ia attic, rurxrti.-n ball, paneled dniinf room. double consLrunteT - thniughout; near rrale school and block to car. E y term. Opi-n i nday. - - J. A. W ICKMAN CO., REALTORS - "Sborteeet Way Hovue." 264 Stark Street Mam 53 an4 1004 . A REAI BCTN1AL0W , , ' . Hot Water iia., Knar Alameda drive, face east; fire nor i r. all large roonu and oa one floor. Best oak floors. Complete in every dtttaU, Garag. See this Monday; $6500, i term.: STRONG A CO.," 808 Chtnbr of imerne BMf, ym new bungaii,w lnJie t 4 rooei'S and bath; also bre fast nook, two bee : rixm. full cement buetnent, was l . trays; 50100 lot, with fruit i y terms. Open Sunday. J, A. t WICK MAN CO., REALTORS , "Sliorteat Way Home." 264 Stark Street Msin 53 snd 104 ONLY $50 CASH DOWN $2500 Boy 8 room home right on th Wa. i ave. cariine, cIismj in and otr muia ' . school, m hSiil baseinent 5 bedrooms; imp, in nd paid. Open Sunday. J. WICKMAN CO.. REALTOU3 "Shorustt Wsy Hum." 24 rltierw ptre"t Min K3 snd 1"H Z ..CAN YOU HEAT Kilrti ' $3300; $500 down. 4 room, modem, w'Lh Recter gas besting plsnt. sll imtirovernetit m snd Mfd 2 Artf- r.n Will!- Wst. 8 7. 475U; lUW'lilliil.Mi A new 8 roc e modem bum tow. Tar i. t Z A r a a beds. Bdwy. 3