The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 01, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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    TUESDAY, MARCH .1, 1E21.
By posing as a user of narcotic
drugs and a man deathly afraid of
a police officer. Federal Revenue
Agent J. J. Biggins is said to have
uncovered the "big men" In the nar
cotlo ring which has held Astoria
police officials at bay.' Biggins and
his partner, W. R. Wood, returned
to Portland Monday after arresting
three men as ' drug : peddlers ' and
. placing several others in Jail for fre
- Quenting a place where-, narcotics
were sold. The prisoners :" will re
main. .in Astoria, until they ; have a
preliminary hearing before the
United States commissioner.
" Henry Koer, Chinese cook, who Is al
leged 'to havt been one of the chief
peddlers , in Astoria, was arrested " by
Wood as he handed a package of drugs
to Biggin's. The- transaction was 'ar
oused with marked money. Immedi
ately after arresting Koey the officers
nunted out Jack Chong. who is known
an Murphy, and 'Biggins bought a nack-
age from him on the street Wood
again . rushed in and made the arrest.
He found 40 "bindles of narcotics in
Cheng's pockets. ' :
; Freddie Undqulst, a white man, was
uic re aiiegea peaaier wno was ar
rested on the street. A raid Was made
on ' an opium - smokincr room fen Bond
street.' between Seventh and- Eighth
street, srggins said they were forced
to break down the doors with sledge
hammer., When they got Inside the of
ficers said every1 Chinaman was armed
with; n .automatic revolver. ; The offi
cers disarmed the men and placed them
under arrest, but In their hurry , to re
turn to Portland, they did not. bring
along) tm namoi of tne gunmen. - In
the opium room they found six smoking
Outfits. ' . m- . ".' '. ' .'
Biggins said he was known among
the drug addicts of Astoria as "Boom
er Hyp With .the Bull Ilorrora." The
last two words in his name were sup
posed to, Bignify m his horror: of a police
officer. ; . v . . -
Stanfield, With His
Secretary and His
Manager, Goes East
United States Senator-elect H. N. Stan
field, accompanied by his private secre
tary; K. J. Adams, and his ex-officio
political manager, Ferdinand H, Reed,
has; started for Washington- to take his
oath of office. March 4, - - . : : -
It was the mtention of Senator Stan
field to start from Portland, but he was
delayed at Welser, his business ; head
quarters, by a lawsuit and, as a result,
left from there. Adams and Reed left
Torttand In time to join their chief at
Gets Baker's Job
FORMER U. : S. Senator
John ! W. Weeks of
Massachusetts will be the
new secretary of s war, President-elect
Harding told news
paper men with whom he was
in conference Monday after
noon on his way north after
his ;v a c a t i o n in Florida;
Weeks s graduated' from -the
naval academy arid served as
a midshipman from 1881 to
1883. . - '
J ( x 9
f y . 'I 1
, ' - '
' ' t -
By CftiUd Hen)' -
Somerset, Ky., March ' 1. Presi-
I dent-elect Harding lata Monday an
nounced .the appointment s of f John
W. Weeks as. secretary of war. r
' Harding indicated A. W. Mellon as
secretary of ; the treasury. :r
The appointment' Weeks was ani
nounced I by i tlie. president-elect : while
eo route -to Marion 'from 'Florida.
"His chances are not bad.? Harding
said, smilingiylf when asked if Mellon' s
appointment could - be "regarded ma- - a
certainty. - The president-elect a Id ' he
was In a very happy frame of mind over
the. expressions of approval which have
come from the country regarding , bis
cabinet selections. -He completed his in
augural address today and ' will have
advance copies printed in Marion to
morrow. ' '
The appointment of Weeks was an
nounced verbally, by Harding while he
was . talking - to the newspaper corre
spondents In his private car Superb
today. He waa discussing war depart
ment ; matters, r . ( r'
"Senator, you haven't told us who Is
going to be your secretary of war," one
of the correspondents suggested.. "It
has not .been announced, but I can say
without shocking you that It will - be,
John W. Weeks." Harding replied.
. Robber Takes Trousers
Vancouver, Wash., : March 1. -The
home of O. M. E3y.,lll Kast Thirty
third street, was entered Monday after
noon and a pair of trousers and woman's
wrist watch . were 'stolen. Silver and
other valuables' were not touched. "
Eive Plead Guilty '
At Medford; JFour !
, Eeceive Sentences
- Med ford, March 1.- Five defendants
who pleaded- guilty In - circuit court at
Jacksonville Monday were sentenced by
Judge F. M. Calkins as follows: Fay B.
Slade, 23, for larceny from Kndera' store
at Ashland, S years ; - Arnold B- Carol,
2S, for larceny of automobile from Med
ford Auto company, t years; Earl Friel,
17 or II, check forgery at Ashland, sen
tence withheld to learn his exact, age ;
Wllllamv Morin, 82, check forgery at
Ashland.' 2 . years : George ' Boibins, , 23.
check forgery at Medford, 2, yeara .
W. F, Dewltt Ashland Jitney driver,
pleaded not guilty to manslaughter in
accidentally killing Mrs, Nona Jennings
when she was struck by his automobile
last Christmas eve.-' , His trial - was set
for near the close of the present docket.
A - new trial for Lark Evans on a
charge of assault upon and robbery of
W. O. .White. Grants Pass jitney driver,
was begun Monday, with Judge Kuyken
dall of Klamath Falls on the bench-in
place of Judge Calkins, before whom
Evans, was tried and convicted and by
whom he was sentenced following the
first trial. A new trial was ordered by
the supreme court. - ' '
Silver Cup Given
Marshall as Token
From U. S. Senate
. : :
Washington, March 1- (U. P.) The
senate Monday bade Vice President Mar
shall farewell and godspeed. -,
Senators gave him a big silver cu?
or vase, J three feet high, suitably eni
Out In Indiana," said Marshall
accepting It "they will think it is a
memorial of the eighteenth amendment,"-
Weiser, from which place they will make
the Journey ; together. : ' .
Prior to his departure Reed had Stan-
field's name put under his own on the
door of room 401 Oregonian building, and
gave directions 'to have all of Stanf leld's
mail coming to the Portland postoffice to
be seht to this address. ' .
From the appearance of things, and
judging from t political gossip, Reed's
Office is to' be the point ' of contact
through which j those seeking, to get la
touch with Senator Stanf feld' from the
Portland end of the line will be expected
to operates. Reed will stay in Washing
ton until after . the inauguration cere
monies' of March 4. . -
' - ' '..:v.-. :..;;. : ,uv;,.-,y;.
f . . .. - ' : .1 J ....
For SL Patrick's Daq
just sung a typical pair of
Irish ballads for the Vi&rolav
You will enjoy hearing this
famous tenor in "The Next
Werrenrath, baritone, contributesa record
for March wColIeen o' My Heart',--r.
The first Victor record by the Italian tenor,'
Beniamino Gigli, has just been created. Hear
him sing Mefistofele "DailCampiDai
Patri,,rJ2j. I
Delightful popular song records
for March include "Louisiana" and "Beau
? tiful Annabellc Lee" Sjc'Rose of My
Heart and "When I Looked Into YBur
Wonderful Eyes" -tfjc, and "Down by the
O-hi-o" and "Marimba,,-c. . ;
' . .' 1 ' " ,
.... y ' " . - . ; 1 - -i- . 1? ..
- ; There i$ di&rota for every Purse "
T - i Convenient terms gladly arranged
Sherman J JlmrSiGoi
Sixth and Morrison Streets'
Opposite Postoffice ,' !
' : "!.,,' ri'.'m;',.!! . ,;.:!..;:", pi ;i:j.ii'ii.;';.i.!Mi;i i , ... 1 . n . ' m .., 1 . ui;i;ii'HHl'.,l'ri;iM'ililil;;i-u;;":!;'!it.i'-.N-!li,i'ii'!JI-:' ' " '...-.. "I'- "T T-ii -.; j n !.... j i . 1 1 1. 1 ;i ij.i ; . , . i; M , . . ; ; ; j ;; , ;. : j .,, , ,,.;..,J,.., : ,,',,,..,, ;T, ;im .... ... " ," 1
muauai;,-,,;,-; ,;i , ; . , I ;;. j.;;'!-1;'' v-.ii;' I iM'.!:;.;.-.!;".'. .i .'i-: ... ...i .ii);n'i I, i - ; 1 1 : t i ; i. i r - 1 in i.-i'i i ,-iii ;! ;' ; 'ii;;i.,,.,:'i;!.i.i;i.iit:i:.'M..;.h!iiiiiiljiiJ1;:i . r::;' . ! ; y :, i . i-.m . .
A Safe nd Satisfactory Blade to Do Your Spring Shopping
. f, "Qll ' I STASiEN 1 'I . . Th. Steward Stor, of th. Norths
A great exposition and sale of New
Spring Silks, offering to the women of
Portland an unusual opportunity to see
and buy the. choicest of silken fabrics.
Reduced prices on many special lines of
Fancy Silks
Black Silks
' Crepes
White Silks
port Silks
. See -beautiful displays
in windows and the Silk
Department, Main Floor.
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Dainty Tub Fabrics
, For Spring Frocks
Never such pretty patterns and colorings, and the prices are so
much lower than last, season -that every woman can afford , to have
several frocks. .Our showing embraces all the newest weaves for. the
coming season plain and embroidered : Voiles, .Organdies, Flaxons,
Crepes, Silk Mixtures, Devonshire Cloth; Ginghams, etc. Now -is
a good time to choose while the assortments are at their very best.
Aisle of Cottons, Main Floor V
Here's Another One
A Glove Sale that offers im
portant savings right i when
most women are anxious to
supply their. Easter needs.
Kid Gloves
i $1.69
2-clasp Trench Kid Gloves
in black-and white. Sizes SH
to7V. Grades for- g- k
merly at $2.75 for DAU7
nter . Circle, Main Floor
Chamoisette Gloves 39c
Center Circle, Main Floor Several hundred pairs of these ' good
Gloves in white with self or' black? stitching.: Popular 2-button QQ A
style. 'Formerly priced at 69c. Special for Wednesday, pair OaC
Women's Spring
Of Individuality and Rare Charm
Garments that portray the very newest
ideas brought out for the coming season.
Each model possesses that indefinable some
thing about them which place's them high In
'the realms of Fashion..' With Easter only a
few weeks away,, why not choose your new
wearables now and get full wear out of them?
. Featuring
Smart Suits
At $35
-and yp(y remarkable values they are, too,
at the price. Among them is good selection of
Tricotine Suits
Checked Velour Suits
Tweed Suits .
in- grays, tan, navy, and various colored
checks. Slightly fitted models with flare'
coats, semi-box styles and tailored effects.
Some have narrow belts and tuxedo collars.
If you are looking for a suit at a moderate
price you annofdo better than: CQC flft
choose of these. Exceptional at tDOtleVl
Other New Spring Suits
; Priced $47.50 Up to $175.00
: - !
Best Butter
Fourth Floor Not deliveries except
with other -purchases made in the Gro
cery department. ; Glenwood J" 1 K
Creamery Butter, 2-lb. sq. OJLeXU
Women's j
Bath Robes
Second Floor These are from our reg
ular stock lines selling heretofore at
7.50 to t4.50. Made up in splendid
materials. 'Attractive styles with long
sleeves, roll or square collars. Indian
and floral' patterns iif light and dark
colors. Sizes to 46. $5.00 $8.98
Women's Kimonos of Japanese
Crepe. Dainty styles with embroid
ered butterfly, bird and flower designs.
Large full sleeves, tie sashes; also coat
styles with short sleeves.- Several good
colors. Special at $3.98 and $4,93
Challis Kimonos in pretty plaids,
stripes and checks. Also Wash Silk
rimnnnt in the breakfast coat styles.
Wednesday special $6.98 to $9.98 J
Curtain Stretchers $1.98
; Third Floor
A timely sale for Spring house
cleaning days are close at hand.
These stretchers - are well made,
with' Stationary pins -placed close
wmwsiulil together. Regular QQ
'i 2.75 .values. Special Dee70
y: .
Ask mother to come with you to Olds, Wortman &
King's to see the extraordinary bargains offered!
High-Grade Suits
Mln Floor Suits from our regular - stock Celling
formerly at 18.00 up to 27. 50 Blue Serges and
novelty mixtures. ; Latest' Norfolk models some with
two pairs of pants. Not all sizes in each ?- A OF
style but all sizes 7 to 18 in the sale. WlViOJ
Corduroy Suits $8.95
One of thre largest imiteU, of; Floor Coverings in
America sold us his surplii'j stock at a price concession
i which enables us to give our customers some extraop.
dinary bargains. - Come early for these bargains
$1.50 Linoleums
$1.10 Sq. Yd.
Third Floor Printed Linoleums in an excellent assort
. ment of patterns and colors. For bathroom Q"J " A
, .. anl kitchen. Regular 1.50 grade. Sq. yard 511U
$2.50 Inlaid Linoleums $1.45
Inlaid Linoleum in one of the best
standard makes. Good selection, of
patterns, r Regular 2.50 4fT
grade. Square yard special OAo'xtJ
Best grade Inlaid Linoleum-in choice
patterns and' colors. Very desirable
for office or store. Regular Q- Qf?
3.50 grade. Square yard DJLVO
Toilet Paper
16 for $1 i
Basement Not more than '16 rolls to
a customer and no telephone, C. O. D.f
mail orders accepted. Good quality
Crepe Paper put up 6 ounces to the
roll." On sale Wednesday, g- i AA
priced special j 6 roIlsLfor DXUU
"Notion Day"
Bargain Circle
Main Floor j
SPOOL SILK in i black,, white an4
colors, 50 yards to the spool, fT
Priced for Wednesday, special at' tlv
5c Toilet i Pins on sale Wed-i A
nesday, priced special ! at only;
Kidl Curlers, the regular 20c -
kind, special Wednesday only lOv
2Sc Hairpin Cabinets, bronze -
or black, Wednesday special at -LOls
Magic Hair Curlers, the 35c 07
kind,-, priced special Wednesday
Boned Belting in 2, 2 and " Mg
3-inch. Black. Special yard at J-ftv
1 oc Leading Lady Hair Nets.- with
elastic 5 Light, medium and dark
brown, blonde and black. Special
Odds and ends in Needles, pkg. 5c
And Supplies
. ' . Main Floor
New Spring Ginghams
Special 15c Yard
Making It'advantajreous for mothers
to. buy Ginghams for the children's
summer dresses and for her own needs
at-a very, low-price. ; In the sale there
is a wonderful showing ofy " -
.- Plaids
in 'all . the latest color combinations.
The fabric Itself is of splendid quality.
Ginghams are unsurpassed for tub
frocks no other material giving such
good service. Wednesday Base
ment special price, the yard at AOC
Hand Towels
$1 Doz.
Bueinent Hemmed Towels, size 13 54
x27 inches. Handy for general use..
Limit 2 dozen to a customer and no
phone or C O. D. orders ?1 AA
Large Sheets
Basement Not more than six , sheets
to a customer and no telephone orders
accepted. Size 72x90 Inches and good
firm quality. Torn, and hemmed Qft
ready for use., Basement Sale wUli
Boudoir Caps 49c
Basement Fresh shipment just received the prettiest styles we have yet shown.
Large assortment made up in various materials, trimmed with laces, A Q
ribbons, embroideries, etc . See these! Priced special Wednesday at lC
Wednesday 12 Towels
$15 Table Lampsv$9.98
Several Styles
Third iFloor Mahogany finish Table Lamps in pleasing-designs.
26 inches high, equipped with two
Mazda lights, chain socket and extension ZQ QQ
cord (shade extra). Regular 15.00 Lamps DUJp
Lamp Shades $7.48
! $1250 Values
; Silk Shades for table lamps. 18-inch size. Rose,
12.50 shades.
gold, blue. These are lined and trimmed CfT JO
special w -jl.t
with silk fringe.
$15 . Lamp Shades
At $9-98
Third Floor Large table lamp size Fancy
Shades, trimmed' with silk tassels, fringe
and lace. Various colors. Special $9.98
All Lamp Shades
- Practically our 'entire stock of Electric
Floor and Table Lamps are now reduced
in price. , Come in and look them over.
Covered Kettles at 98c
White Enameled,
Basement This is the sanitary age. What is nicer than
White Enameled Kitchen Utensils easy to clean and: very
durable. Covered kettle like -illustration,-3-qt. QO
size. Slightly imperfect. ?No. phone orders. Special IOl
Fit''Qiialiry Kettles Sell at $220
. See Bargain Tables
; 25c, 48c, 98c, $1.48, $li8