The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 01, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, ' MARCH 1, ml.
'Valparaiso, Ind., March 1. (U.
P.) Suit was filed in superior court
here today petitioning: Judge H. L.
Crura packer to issue a mandate or-
' dering an Immediate inquest over
the bodies of the 40 persons lcilled
in the wreck at Porter, Ind.,v near
here Sunday night. Documents filed
in tthe case charged that Crooner
, Seipel failed to hold the inquest as
Drovlded bv'law. The suit xca
' by ' Robert f Moore an attorney of
Michigan City.'Ind., acting for Dr. C.
W. K. Briggs of Chicago.
. A ' hearing ' will be held Wednesday
mcrning. . "
, The purpose of the suit, Moore said,
.was to prevent false claims and false
Identities being made, of the bodies.
Coroner Seipel today made public the
names of seven others identified in the
wreck. They follow; r r
'Frank Wayne, Milwaukee.
i Mr T.illtar frrn rhIavA
Mrs. Augusta Langin, Cleveland.
Miss Dorothy Langin, presumably her
Mrs. Theodore Hoekln. Chicago.
Eva Campbell, Jackson, Mich. ; ,
Mrs. Catherine Arney, Chicago! Wife
or a man previously announced bh
auuea.. ,
Porter, Ind., March I. N. S.) Re
covery of additional bodies of victims of
the 'rail disaster hera Sunilav wnn .
pected today as Wrecking crews pre
pared to lift the heavy engine of the
New York Central train from the pit its
spinning wheels dug as it toppled from
the track. The death list this morning
stood at 43, but it is believed, that sev
' era! bodies are buried beneath the en
gine. .. !
. Various .investigators of the-disaster,
which occurred when a New York Cen-
tral " train: plowed ? through a Michigan
Central train at a ; "diamond" " crossing
here,, also; got tinder way in earnest to-
-' day. S -' .
Governor Warrert T. McCray" ordered
the Indiana public service commission
to proceed at one's with a thorough probe.
His orders followed alleged- attempts of
the Michigan Central railroad company
to interfere with efforts to fix respon
sibility for the tragedy. .
... W. J?. Long, the engineer1 of the Mich
igan Central train, who ,. is blamed in
statements issued by the towerman at
the crossing here, for having run by
: block sianals set against him. was re
ported today to be fn Kalamazoo, Mich.
He declared that his train had the right
of way and that' no signals had .been
set against him.
Officials of the New York Central. de
clare; however: that the mechanical- con-.
'ition. of the block signal system refutes
Longs statements. .,
Thirty-eight of th dead In the wreck
had been identified .this morning.
Missing Fireman of
Wrecked Destroyer
Has Portland Sister
Albert Jesse Hansen, fireman. United
States navy, who is among the missing
Of the crew of the destroyer Woolsey, is
a brotner or Mrs.
I i mi...
V U Mevers of
1031 EastTenty
ninth street north.
The Woolsey was
lost off the coast
of Panama Sunday
afternoon after 1 a
collision with .the
steamer Steel In
ventor. ?:
Hansen was born
in Astoria in 18a2.
Ho reenlisted after
serving one enlist
ment on the hospi
tal ship Mrcy
during the war.
British Notables
AtteM Farewell
Banquet to Davis
; 1 , j : '(By t'nitfd News)
London! March 1. The Pilgrim so
ciety of ;Great Britain Monday night
gave a tremendous testimonial to the
popularity of Ambassador John W. Da
vis in a farewell banquet at the Victoria
hotel which was attended by the Prince
of Wales.-Earl. Curzon, foreign minister,
Lord Reading and other notables.
Lord: s-Desborough presided over the
speaking which followed the dinner.
Debs Allowed Mail,
But Not Visitors
- Washington, fltarch 1. L N. -Restrictions
on the receipt and sending of
mail, placed oh Eugene V. Debs, So
cialist leader, in the Atlanta peniten
tiary, were removed today by Denver
Dickerson,; superintendent of federal
prisons. i Restrictions on visitors to
Debs will be kept in force until, Debs
offers an apology for his statement at
tacking President Wilson. Dickerson
said, x
Prosecutor Urges
Speedy Trial for
, Young Bond Thief
-Chicago. Marcn 1. (X N. S.) State's
Attorney Robert E. Crowe was prepar
ing today to make a vigorous fight
against efforts of the Juvenile court
authorities to obtain custody of William
Dalton, the 16-year-o!d lad who startled
the nation by his theft of $772,000 Worth
of Liberty bonds from the Northern
Trust company, where he was em
ployed. Crowe wUl s demand an early
trial in the criminal court for Dalton.
Juvenile court authorities were plan
ning to have Dalton declared a delin
quent and 'made a ward of ' the court.
A petition to this tifect has been filed
by Arthur-T. Hodges, probation officer.
March .4 has been set as the date for a
hearing on the petitions - - .
George Guenthar, attorney appointed
to defend 'Dalton, declared today that
hfc was prepared to make a vigorous
fight against conviction on the grounds
that Dalton is . -mentally deficient
Gutnther declared Dalton has the mind
of a boy of 12.
Two-indictments voted against Dalton
yesterday. ' one- charging embezzlement
and the other larceny by bailee, were
to 'be returned before Chief Justice- Mc
Dor.ald in the criminal court today. '.
Clerk Who Handled .
Messages Executed
: : By Sinn Fein Squad
Cork, March 1. U. P.) Dragged
from the railway station there by Sinn
Feiners, a dispatch clerk was taken to
a turmel'and executed this morning.
The armed band operated j boldly In
the face of increased vigilance by the
military and eacaped without placard
ing the body as usual.
- It was 'assumed they objected to the
clerk's part in the forwarding of offi
cial message a
Soldiers f tonight - dynamited a house
in Blarney- street in reprisal for the
shooting : in Patrick street . last night.
They alleged mom of the shots were
fired from the house. ,
Franchises Sought .
. Before Veto Known
Salem. March L Anticipating early
creration of the - Jitney line franchise
bill, vetoed by Governor Olcott Saturj
day, more than a dosen applications for
franchises were received by the public
service- : commission. Several requests
were also received by the! commission
asking that It urge the governor to r
consider his veto, of the measure. .
Brownsville Paving
Program Is Voted
Brownsville, Or., March 1 By a five
to one majority citizens of Brownsville
Monday at a special election authorized
issuance of $15,000 . in paving bonds. No
other obstacles to this season's street im
provement program here- are apparent
Nationalists and
Communists Riot;
Eight; Are Killed
London. March i. I. fN. . S.) Eight
persons were killed In a violent outbreak
of fighting between Italian Nationalists
andCommunlata at-Florence, according
to a Central News dispatch from Flor
ence today. . ' i - : - "
Order has been stored, but tne .viojenc
pas spread t mo Bunuuiiii ,
and many farm houses were burned.
Mrs. Baldwin Begins
Fight to Find Man
Who Betrayed Girl
- Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, head of trfe
v omen's protective bureau at police
headquarters, today was endeavoring to
learn who had sent to Portland 14-year-old
Jennie Laflemme, now. being cared
for in a refuge home. Mrs. Baldwin
served ? formal demend on Dr. G. Lee
Iiynson, who is looking after the child's
health, that 'he reveal this information.
but he refused on the ground that Buch
divulgence "would be a breach . of con
fidence reposed in' physicians.
"I intend to find out who is ' respon
sible for that girl's condition if it. -requires
a grand Jury investigation," Mrs.
Baldwin-declared this morning. "In my
opinion, it looks as if a physician who
refuses such information In cases of
-this sort is compounding a felony."
Dr. Hynson has consulted this attor
ney -to determine whether he'-is within
his legal rights n withholding the . in
formation. ' '
G. C. Freed and , F. C. Crosslin- are
under, arrest at Salem on charges of
contributing t to the girl's delinquency.
State-wide search for the child was
started: by. her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Laflemme, who - live near
Brooks. She had disappeared and was
firally traced to Portland, where ' she
was being cared lor. at a private resi
dence on the east side. When Mrs.
Baldwin found her late Monday she' was
transferred to a receiving home for un-
fortunate girls. Although not yet 15
, years old. she- Is soon - to 'become a
; mother.'
Dr. Hynson explained this afternoon
that the girl was referred to .him by a
friend, who told hint she was a married
woman. and was 17' years old. He de
nied knowing at the time he took the
case that any statutory charge was in
volved, and said be handled , the situa
tion as he would any other maternity
cane.-. ' - i "
"I did not : know and , do not now
know who brought the girl to Port
land." the " doctor continued. "I f jel
sure ' that it would be unethical ' for me
to divulge the name of the friend who
inferred her to me."
that desire and inten
tion you have had soiong
to try out the possibili
ties of -getting highest
class meals and service at
the "Imperial'' popular
low prices;- why not do it
now TODAY?
What you. want
when you want
it two restau- (
rants at these
prices: . , .,
50c to -75c
f. . 60c
" Table d'Hote
: $1
V v J Benefit Body to Meet
Vancouver, Wash.. March f l. - The
Women's , Benefit association Sot Macca
bees will meet at T :30 o'clock Wednes
day afternoon at the K, P. hall. A
luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock
in . honor of Marie L. Goran, visiting
state commander of Washington.
is 4hc Tkoxxxe
a free booMet
should ! send xos
Condensed Milk.
and I
. it's
Phone :.-
. asse J
Refinished In our own shops,' it actually look
new. ' Tires oracticallv new. new wrist nin
umiiig gears, waives ground ana Bearings all t
runs like a watch. A model 83 with Continental motor,
one or tne Dest uveriands made.
After seeing the ordin: ry
re! Car" te rMt oar
i . . " wsere every ear sas bees : i -.
. asd . .
famMnWotfa c6 tw
Merchandise of crrierit Onlif
March Easter Month Is Here
We Are Ready Are You?
- , .
An Important Pre-Easter Sale
of Lovely Untrimmed Hats
In Black
and Popular
Each Hat
in the
Newest Sha-be
Each tiat
an Unusually
Fine Value
(The twelve models are illustrated) ' " ' i'
A wonderful purchase of 1200 handsome
utitrimmed hats makes this wonderful sale possible5
1200 Untrimmed Straw Hats fine quality of piping and porcupine stem
weaves in black and colors. HERE'S SOME GOOD ADVICE: There is no
need of your worrying about making your own hat, when it can be accom
plished so easily by purchasing one of. these and simply adding a touch of flow
ers, wreath, ribbon or fancy feather which may be obtained from our immense
ck of trimmings. ; I . ; ' "
Third Floor," Lipman, Wolfe & Co. i
Spring Styles Beckon
andGirls' Hats seerrr to have been never so lovely
as these for 192 lw Such interest has been displayed
in our Pre-Easter Showing r during this "Madge
Evans" week -that many will only need this, re
minder to make their selections promptly. : j . :
-Fine qualities, modestly priced, front $3.00 uo. -
, Fo
-They have juat
arrived (rom
New York and
they are for sale
by us exclusive
ly in Portland.
We hope moth
ers will make
their selections
from the present
unusually w i d e -assortment.
urth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe &. Co.
We Are Presenting to Our Patrons the
" l Very Newest ...
, Fancy Lace Silk Stockings
Manufactured by the' Foremost Makers of Silk
! :Hosiery at an Attractively New Low Price
$5.00 Pair
rEvery woman will be enamored of them they, are
beautifully full-fashknHr exquisitely patterned in the
-fancy lace designs decreed by the foremost arbiters of
fashion for spring, have double sole, toe. and heel," and
garter proof tops, and come in the , popular shades :pf
black, white and cordovan.
Fine Heavy Silk Stockings
At $3.25 Pair
Fine gauge, heavy silk, full-fashioned hose, made with" double
silk sole, toe and high-spliced heel, and silk garter-proof top. In
this lot is found' the sew silver shade,, also Jblack and
cordova.i. X" ' ' -. . . ,
. Heavy Ingrain Silk Stockings
$3.50 Pair
The New Silk Hose black with pink top have made .their
appearance and have found favor with wearers of smart fash
ionable attiret ' They are full-fashioned, with double - sole, toe
and heel and wide garteriproof top. An extra splendid quality
silk, .assuring serviceability. Sizes SJA to 10. 4
Heavy Ingrain Silk Stockings
j i $3.00 Pair . '
Full-fashioned with double lisle sole, toe and hee! and -double
silk top. A very popular well-wearing, hose. In black!
cordovan. - .
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co,
The supremacy of Crepe de Chine remains undisputed in feminine
favor for dainty undergarments. With this in mind we are offering-
Beautiful Crepe de Chine Chemises
At the Extra Special Price of
$1.95 s
It is a pleasure to offer to our customers this
lot of beautifully made garments which come
in five different styles an assemblage truly
worthy the keen appreciation of women who
prefer crepe de chine for dainty underthings.
Aside from the various styles and the dainty
trimmings of lace and ribbon, the beautiful
silky softness of. the material make them
irresistible and a joy to slip into.
Some are in tailored style with hemstitched
tops and tiny ribbon drawstrings, and others
are elaborately finished with yokes of lace in
filet patterns and' daintily edged with marrow
lace. They are j made with pointed j strap
effects or built-up shoulders, and finished with'
designs of shirring. For this special sale at
only $1.95 each.
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wotfe A Co.
Actual Reproductions
v i m in-a
In a Fine Sale
at $2.25 and $5 Pair .
1 2-Button Real Real Washable 1
French Suede Glovies French Kid Gloves
$5.00 Pair , $2.25 Pair
The prices are several dollars less !
than they were a few months ago
The 12-Button Gloves are in the ' The short Gloves are the "Bonnet
seasons most fashionable shades of Freres" make in ivory and lily
mode and white. A most 'excep- white, champagne ind the fashion-
tional value! ' ble silver platinum.
-! , Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
1 "' . : 1