THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES LOWEST WHEAT MARKET IN THE WORLD TURMOIL IN . GERMAN 'CONFERENCE AFFECTS TRADE TUESDAY. MARCH 1, 1S21. BUTTER TRADE IS INCLINED TO WAIT . I ' - IS .( - TUE8DAT DAIRT PRODUCE Butter. JEggs. Cheese. rortUad ...Me tie . 3e CUeago .......,....33e Sie 8e flaa Francisco ;...,47V4e $8e. tlVie ew York .........Me 28ae rM-attle .. ......... ,.C6c lie ..... lot Aorrles ...... ,4S iSe ..... Taoiflo Northwest butter trade Is still rather (startled aa a result of the llc drop In the price of butter at San Fran Cisco within the period of a few days. No price changes were shown here dur ing the Tuesday morning: trade.; locally the nxarket appears to be marking" time. Then i na senou -weakness in the situatioa. although the trend of the trade can not by any manner ha considered steady. Thar la a saaoral dJiitin to await - results 1 from othar roarketa before taking bold, tha trade bera being inclined to purchase only for daily require ments. . Regarding tb trend of the San Francisco market.- tta bureau of marketa reviews the situa Uon p to last i'riday aa folio we: "The upward trend of the butter market3 at Saa Francisco, ' which started three week ego. ram to a halt- Thursday when 92 score reached 04 He. Tricea increased 8 He from Friday to Friday and the continued advance checked trad , ing to aorne extent. A slightly top-heavy con dition waa evident Thursday and the lack of confidence in the market retarded - buaineas. The weak undertone was more pronounced Friday, whan price dropped H c, the first decline, since Mbruary 7,' Demand froca the Bouth fell .off during .(lie week, and inquiries from the North became less frequent. juite a' little New Zea land batter was sold at 60c and displaced the demand for trie higher priced fresh California arrivals. There waa'also ausoe demand for stor age and under grades. . Receipts for the weak show a gain and dealers' stocks increased. The market 'closed weak .with indie tyms of low.- pricea." Those dealrtng special information regarding feay market should write the Market Editor, ea t dosing stamp for reply. XGO MARKET IS HOLD I27G WELl With most of the egg buying around 27 J 27 H c a down for current receipts, although aa low as 26c is' reported, the situatioa here is considered fully steady. The clique baa been exposed and it can ao longer purchase below the market, .n witU the aid of other . iVrt . land papers, '.:.... . - COCTfTHY MEATS SELLING GOOD Terr 'air demand is showing in the market for country killed calms, with the bulk of .the sales of tops around 19c a pound. 'or fancy lightweight hogs tha market is steady to firmer. POTATO MARKET IS &TILL DULL IuU tone continue fug potatoes, although the movement is still fair. 'Seed requirements ap pear to be considerable because of the low prices. Home sections are reported as cleaning up. , Ouioas stagnant. - t APPLE SITUATION IB 'SLOWER Blower trade is shown for apples along the street. In spots the market ia slightly weaker and in instances sales are reported 10c to 2oe a bez below the figures of a week ago. , ' OSWEGO BROCCOLI IS SELECTED Unusual interest ia shown in offerings of Os - wego broccoli in the local trade. While the H-jseburg stock is considered real good, the Os " wego offerings are so far superior that the price premium is still being maintained. BRIEF NOTE8F PRODUCE TRADE Orange market is firmer arid costa are higher. Carload mixed vegetables in from Calif ocnia. Local hothouse cucumber are quoted firm at ,S to $4 a dosen. -,"','' - -Poultry situation ia unchanged, both ia price gad tone. ; - . Mexican tomatoes of quality selling at 94.00 : tto $4.50 repacked. . WHOLESALE PRICES IX PORTLAND . These are fprleea retailtrs pay wholesalers, ex cept aa otherwise noted: Dairy Products BUTTER -J-Belling price, box lots: Cresm ery, '.extra, '- parchment wrapped.-" 6e per lb. Jobbing prieefl: Cubes, extras, 61fe5-c per lb.; dairy, buying price, 2"c per lb. ' . , ' BUTTERPaT Portland delivery basis No. I grade. 43c; hio 2, 60c; country stations. . 49 0c per lb. CHtESK Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Ore on fanerii triplets, S6e per lb.; Young Amer icas. 87c Prices to jobbers,-f. o. b. Till mook. Triplets, 83c; Young Americas, 84c Belling priced Block Swiss, 8H40e; limburger, 388e lb. cream brick. 36 1 38c .per lb. 1 ..... . it .. ....... I 'nr.vnr mr.iniR. 26 m 27 Ho Aoxen: candled, selling price. 2m. 0j pvr doaAi; select. Bl&SZc per damn. L1VK roijLTKT Selling price: Heavy hens. saw sue la.i ugnt nana, otoit per ui. , vi roc-lew, 146 per lb.; turkey. 4Uo per lb.; dressed. 4055o Pr lb.; ducks, 85fe40e lb. arts Vegetables and Fruit FRESH FJtUIT Oranges. 88.00 5.25 box; h.n.n.. ID. n. r rh ; lemons. 83.80 f 4.50 per ease. -grapefruit, Florida. 87.23 tt.OO; Arizona, 85 00 8 OOU Califtmiia, 88.00 4.00. -AIV4I.KS--8125S.OO. . liiOJuli li'Ul ITS - Dates, 85.03fl.85; fsrdf. 83.5 8 3.75 per box; figs. 8.00 IS 50. f - ONIONS-Selling price to reUilen: Lecai, 81.25; garUt. I5,c; green onions. 40c per doses . buiiehee. f POTATOES Selling price to retailere. Ore gou fancy, t L00 1.25; sweeU. lenn., 83.60 i hamper. : VfcXilSTABU;' Tnrnip. BsvSO per sack; carroU. Sl.ftO; beeta, 82.00; lettuce, 83 50 3.75 per cr&te; egg plant. SSe; broccoli 32 00 (eS.00; beH peppers, 40e lb.; celery, 1 25 gJ 1.60 dfen:, Hubbard squash. 2l2Vs6 lb.; rbu barti, hothouse, 20e lb.; Mexico tomatoes. 34.50 9 V.W AH.fT ' Meart and Preelalons COINTHI MEATS Selling pneer wuntry i bogs, 16e J per lb. for top blockers, about 125 to 16 lbs.:- heavy stuff lower; veal, top, S4 to 110 lbs.. 19c: heavy stuff -lees. 8MOKK1J MEATS Hams, 300830 per lb.; breakfaxt btfeon, 28 49c. UAB1) - Kettle rendered,, 21 He lb.; tierce baaia, compound. IS He a suri aJMi Shellflsii FRRSH "18H Steelhead. 2ti27e per lb.; Chinook. 26 2 So lb.; haUbut. frh. 17 20; sturgeon, ) t bUck eod, ll12e; kip pered selmcm., J.LS0 per 10 lb. basket; kippered eod, 12.85; ratnr clams, ( ) erabe, 83.76 9 3.75 dneen;- tang cod, 6&7a lb.: Columbia smelt. 81 50 box. OTSTEHS Eastern, per gallon, 85.00; Otympia, 85.50. . a '5 OreceHat SUGAR 8 Refinery badia: Cube. S10.50; fruit and berry, 88.75; 1 yellow. $8.15; bet rrsrvntated,P 88.88; extra C. 87.55; Uoklea C, 8HOKEt! Permease. $7.T5 8.00; bulk. 18o per lb. - I - RICK Japan style No. 1, 5H ?c; Blue Rose. TH f c per lb.; New Orleans bead. 10c. COi'r tS Boasted. 19 31c. in sacks or drum. li SAL.T Coarse, half ground, 100s. $17.25 per ton: 50-. $17.85; table dairy. 50s. 827.25; bates, $3 i0 4.00; fancy, table and dairy, $34 50 hi mp rock, $28.50, per ton. ' BEANS' - Sales by jobbers; Small white. .5 He lb. targe white, 6 He; pink. 7 He per lb.; limas, 814 c; bayou, HHe: reds, 7 Vie; Oregon beans." bnying prices nominal; CANNFJl MII-K Carnation, $$.00; Borden, $8,007 Aator, $5.80; Kagle, $11.60; Libby. $5.0 alount Vernon, $5.90 per case. - SODA CRACKERS In bulk. 17c per lb. , - NUTS -Walnut, SSo per lb.; almonds. 27c: filberts, 32c in sack lota; peanuts, 14 H 49) 1 5c; . pecans, 25e; Brsxils,. SSe. . 1 Rope. Paints. Otis . ROPK-r dark, 14c; white, 18o per lb.; standard Manila, 20 He. s ' UN8KKIJ OIL Ksw. bbls., 99e gal: ket tle boiled, bbh., $1.01; raw, caaea, $1.14; boiled, eases. $1.18 per gallon. COAL OIL Pearl or water white, in drums or iroa barrels. 17 He gallon; caees, 80o per . gallon. s " GASOLINE -. Iroa barrels, 29c; - eases, 41 He tt gallon. " . ' W HITK LEAD Toa lots. 12 X c: 600 lbs., 13c per Jb. TURPENTINE Tanks. 09c; cases. $1.14; - 10 case lots, lc less. ; - i -Nop. Wool end Hides 1 HOPS-n-Nominat 1920 crop, 17 22e. ! r HIDKS Calfskin. 10 0 12c; Iruia, 8 9e; green hides, .5 8o per lb. MOHAIR Ixing, 25c; short, 15c. TALLOW AND GREASE So. I UUow. Be; JJo. 2, 4c. - CASTARA BARK New. 8c lb. ' WOOli Willamette valley, coarse. 10e; me- dlum. 20c; fine. 20c per lb.; Eastern Oregon Idaho. 15 20c per lb. - v m t- Sew Tork Metal Market New Tork, March I. L N. 8.); Copper ini'i b(h ana jaarca, oizcrea. April, of fered, 12 ,- Led Dull ; spot, if arch and April, offered. .4.02. i -. ... ...... ..... ,. . bpelter - Dull ; spot and March, offered. 4.83. n lMAIVICET BASKET RJTA1L PRXLS. . Br M;nu H. Cones Extra fancy celery li now coming to Portland from the Mexican border line and the trade considers this the best stock that has reached retailers for many months. As there are rather fair supplies now available, prices are unusu ally favorable to, the - consumer. The San Diego stock is. i somewhat . better than that beingr offered from Los An geles and while it . cost a trifle more per crate, the price to the consumer is practically the same. ; ; j Spinach is now being- offered In quite1 liberal supply from California, "Walla Walla and from local places. All the Stock is at present of very rood quality and prices are slightly lower. Fgg are now going into storage and consumers.: will miss something if they neglect to put away a few Jars for their winter's use. y : -f-v It looks like the . very low priced orange period is about over. There Is still time to get v box at the' low figures. The following nrlrea, ruled generally la retail shops for goodrsJuality. Some values are frac tionally higher, Inferior staff fractionally lower: Butter Freah creamery, e25c : - Egg Fresh laid, extra, 85 87 He per doe. Poultry Chickens, dressed, 88 40c lb. Fiah Salmon. 85c per lb. ; halibut, SOe per lb. ; Columbia rirer smelt, 4 lbs. for 25c. - Flour Best local patent, $2.70 2.85 per sack. 49 4bs. ':-. Potatoes Barbanks. $1.23 L50 per sack. Onions 1 H 2c per lb. Maximum prices on the Portland public mar ket: Cabbage, 2c lb.; cauliflower, 20e bead; carrots, 2o lb.; celery, 1 3c head; eelery hearts, 15c; onions, 2c lb.; parsnips, 2c lb.; sqoash, 2o lb. ; turnip. Sc lb. ; potatoen, 1 He per lb. ; dry beans. 7e lb. ; prunes. .10 6 12 He lb.; comb honey, 40c lb. ; bulk honey, auart, Oe; pint, 47c; ducks, SOe lb.; geeM 4 6e lb. ; cottage cheese, 20e lb.; bens, 83 35c lb.; fryers, Stic lb.; eggs, 85c dozen; butter, 60c lb.; milk, 18c quart. , . ' . - .. i .: Wheat Is Mixed In Chicago Pit; Tone Is Erratic Chicago,- Mar. i N. S.) Grains closed strong and higher. 'A rally took place shortly before the close-and early sellers were -forced to cover. Reports that the winter wheat crop is in need of moisture ruled a strengthening factor in the deferred- wheat .delivery while March wheat displayed lees strength, due to slow export business and estimates that 193,000,000 bushels wheat remain on the farms. i ;- Provisions ruled firm, v Closing prices : for March wheat were unchanged to 4c higher. May advaned l4c. May corn gained to TV and Jul Ho up. May oats were e Up and July U to c advance, --r - ' ; v .v." s f - .; -.' Chicago, March f, 1. I. N. 1 S.) Wheat started today H e ? lower for March and un changed to M c higher for May, with e very light trade. Belling waa by local profeaainaals and eommissioiKjiouses bought. . Corn trade was low. mated and featureless. The market opened unchanged to He higher for May anrl unchanged for Jely. : , - BijngJerby a easb house featured the opening in oata . The market was up e to He. - . Provisioas started higher, reflectirig aa ad vance in bogs.. ' , Chicago range by I'nited Press March May Ma . 16H 156 H . 7 71 H 4t 46 2160 , 1227 i ' 1273 . ' 1175 1210 141 H 1 rlt H Vl5 ' 155 H 68 H . 70 44 H 45 H 2160 1684 158 69H 714 45 H 46 H 2182 1250 i' 1285 1190 J230 t414 125 H 158 i CORN 69 H 71 OATS 45 H 4H PORK 2182 LARD 1250 1285 RIBS 1190 12S0 -KYE July ., Uur . . July .. May" . , VI a v 1227 ' 1275 1175 120Q 140 H 1244 July .; May , July . Mav - 141 125 H July 123 H t'ash Rarlev S (m 85 Cash. Wheat No. 1 red, $1.78 H ; $1.76 H : K 2 hard, $1.71; No. $1.60; No. S bard, 81.68H. ' N o. 2 red. ,3 spring. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chleag CHoga $10.85 Chicago, March 1. (L N .8.) Hogg Re ceipts,' 27,000; 25e to S5c higher. Bulk. 89.70 10.70; top, 10.85; heavyweight, $9.70 s 10:10; medium weight, $9.90 1 10.79: light weight. $10.50 010.85; light lights, $10.80 fc 10.85; heavy packing sows, smooth, $8.60 W 9.50; packing sows, rough, $8.25 6 8.80; pigs, $.S10.T5. . t attle Receipts. 10,000; steady and weak. Beef Steers Choice and prime, $10.25 i 11.00; medium and good. . $8.75 10.25; good and "choice, $9.65 10.75; common and me dium, $7.75 W 9.65. Butcher -Cattle Heifer. $6.A0jM0.e0; cow, $5.0038.25; bulls. $5.00 7.25. Canners and Cutters Cows and heif ers. $2.75 5.00; canner steers, $4.25 6.00; veal calves (right end handy weight!, $10.00 13.25; feeder steers, 7.2i 9.00; stacker steers, $9.00 8.25; stacker cows and heifers, $4.60 6.25. J ..." . T t Sheep Receipts. 17,000; steady. Lambs (84 Vox. down),, $9.10011.25; lamba (85 lbs. up), $9.00 11. 00 ;j lambs (culls' and common), $7.2508.75;4 yesrlftig wethers, 87.2509.75; ewes, 33.5007.23; "ewes (culls and common), 32.5004.50;; feeder lambs, $7.2508.75. Kansas Oity Hoes $10.00 . Kanaaa City, March 1. (L-N. S. Catfte; Receipt. 7000; active. Steers, $8.75010.00; cowi and heifers, $5.75 8-60 ; stackers and feeders. $6.0009.00; eafvea, $7.50012.00. Hogs Receipts. 13,000; Slow. Balk. $9.10 00.85; top. $10.00; heavies. $9.O09.5O; lights $9.60 0 9.95; mediums. $9.60 019.00. Sheep Receipts, 7000; steady. Lambs, $10.00010.75; ewes, $6.0006.25. , Denver Host $8.8 Denver. ,March 1. (U. P.) Cattle: Re ceipts. 500; higher. . Steers, $9.00 010.00; cows and heifers, $4.75 0 6.50; stockers and feeders, $5.5007.50: calve. $ 10.00 0 12.50. Hog Receipt. 2400; 10 0150 higher. Top, $9.53; bulk. $8.809.45. . Sheep Receipts, 8700;? 2 5e higher. Lambs, $8.7509.73: ewes, $4.7505.75. Omaha Hoes S9.7S : South Omaha, March 1. (L N. S.) -Hogs - Receipts, 15,000; few early sales Joe higher, mostly sctive and 15c to 25c higher. Bulk, $9.0009.60; top. $9 75. . Cattle Receipts, 5800. Beef ateera, steady to strong. Top, $10.00; botcher stock, eteady to 81.25 : higher; veals,' stockers and feeders, steady to strong. ' . Sheep Receipts. 12,500. Killing grade, strong to 25c higher; top lanjbs, $10.50; few feeder here.'.. I . . . .. DAIRY PRODUCE OF. THE COAST an Feeneiaee as ark " San Francisco. March 1. (U. P.) Butter Extras,. 47 Ho i Eggs Extras, 88 He: extra firsts, 37 He: firsts, 84 He: extra pullets, 83c; undersixed pullets. 32 He. - Che sss California ' flats fancy, 2$ Ho. Los Anodes Market ' Los Angeles. March 1. It. S. 8. Butter 48c. . i - Eggs Extras, ! 82c; case count, SOe; pul lets. 30c . ' , SeaAUe Market J Seattle, March 1. (U. P. ) Eggs Freeh ranch. 84 0 Bike: pullets, "(9 0 80c Butter -55 0 56c. LlTerpooI Cottoa Steady - - Liverpool. March 1. (L N. S.) Spot cot ton wsa in better demand todar. Pricea: ware steady. Sales 9000 bales, including SOOfLalea late yesterday, amn. mids., lv.zg; good-Btids., 7.92; fuU mids. f.32; middling 6,57; low mida, 6.42; good ordinary. 4.17; ordinary, 3.17. Futures opened irregular. "Sew Terk Wool aad Hides New York, March 1. (L N. M. ) Wool Market steady. -. Dorneatie fleeee, XX Ohio, 24 045: domestic, . pulled scoured baaia, 18075c; domestic, Texas scoured basis, 40 0 80c; terri torv staple, sroured. 56 0 90c Hides Market easy. Ji alive gtaert, 12c; prendea steen. iohc. , . Ckleage Potato Market Chlcaen. March l. (L N. S Pacat Receipt 60 cars; Northern White, sack, 31.20 0 mix, fUiisiiu. aiinmeot.a Eerly Ohioa. $1.30. - ' Saa Fraaciaco sarley Market ' Saa Francibce. March 1. (U, P.) Barley spot feed, per oenul. $1.20 01.40; ahippuig. $1.50 01.60. -i . WHEAT PRICE IS .TOO LOW LOCALLY WHEAT IS USCHASGEO While strength was shown In Chicago values at the closing, uie price of wheat bid on the Portland Merchants Ex change was unchanged Tuesday. . v Chicago reported two . cargoes of Pa4 cfio coast wheat sold to Germany. ; r -. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS '' ' (Reported by Portland Merchant Excbange.1 Wbeet.Barlcy.Fkmr.Oata. Hay Portland, - Tue - - 4 1 , . ... ,v, . 4 - 1 . jl t Year ago 84 10 2 3 Season to date... 12043 196 573 396 1777 ! Year ago 6440 169 3040 409 1400 Taeoma. llon..,.fc .34 ... 5 ... t 7 - Tear ago ,.... 54 ... f 82 - 2 .... Season to dato... 3514 4T 702 101 718 Year ago ..... 6498 72 2121 150 690 Seattle.. Moa. 44 2 .... ... j.a Year ago ..... 12 '. : . . 4 2 .. . i Season to date... S846 184 274 815 1125 Year ago ..... 4821 230 ,574 691 1084 Astoria, f to date. ,818 2 i 66 , .24 57 -Year ago 937 . S .... , S ,50 r Wheat market price In this country has been put to an extremely low basis ; in fact, quality considered. It Is the low est market in the world, despite all talk to the contrary. - , s ; i ; ?; The work of the . international elique in de most successful, inasmuch aa the price has been most successful, inasmuch as the price bas ben forced down to bedrock snd even below the Argentine values, quality considered. ' Buenos Aires reported cash wheat selling there e. L f. Europe at about $2 'per 'bushel, while gulf wheat of better quality is quoted down, around $2.01. The fact develop that the Argentine quotation of $2 i not an established one and little etock waa' offered at that.. Considering thia the Portland and other Pa cific . Northwest wheat quotation has been de pressed entirely too far, as values here are cor respondingly lower than the Earn. i With tax day here and : nolonger any worry over the payment, aome activity may be expected in the market. A featnre -which' tends to hold back export wheat buying here is that not a single ship is available for loading here. The three ships in - the harbor are ail loaded and considerable gnio - is . on. the. docks awaiting transportation. - - " FLOUR Sellwig price mjn' door: Patent, $9.80; Montana spring wheat, $9.69; Willamette valley brands, $8.65; local straight, $8.30; bakers' local, $9.00; , graham, -. $8.00; whole wheat, $8.20. Price for cii delJTeriea. IBe extra; suburban. 20o extra. - . i HAY - Buying price, aomtnal. Willamette timothy, fancy. $25.00 027.00 per ton; clover. $19.00; straw. $13.00014.00; alfalfa. $20.00 0 21.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta. 10c; domestic, 11c. in car lots; less amounts higher. : ' . . MILLS TV FFS Mill run at mlB. sacked, too lots. $33.00; carloads, $32.00. OATS Per ton, buying price: Feed. $33.00 0 $85.00. BARLEY Buying price: Feed. I $31,00 0 $32.00; muling. $33.00. , SEED Bnying " price, nominal ;. no demand. Red clover, recleaaed, (' ) per lb.; alsike, t ); vetch, ( . - - , , FEEDSTUFFS F. O. B. mills: Rolled bar ley. $41.0; whole barley. $38.00; alfalfa meal, $30.00; e'ocopnut meal.' $30.00; cracked corn, $43.00; whole corn, $39 00 ton; scratch .feed, $56.00; soy been meal, $55.00 per ton. Merchants exchange bids: WHEAT March April Hard white 190 Soft white ., 148 White club 148 Hard winter 185 Northern spring ............. 185 Red Walla ...i. . . . ...i .133 FEED. OATS ISO 149 i 150 136 137 ) 133 ; '3450 3300 i 8250 i 3100 8150 8150 No. -.2 white i.. ....... .i.S.400 Jo; 2 gray .... : ...3300 , BARLEY Brewing .8250 Feed 3100 CORN Net 3 eastern (bulk) ......... 3150 No. 3 local (bulk) 3150 Broomliall Report . jU Of Grain Crops Austria Late reports mention some : frost damage, . v Hungary The conditions of the '-winter grains is good, but acreage to wheat showa a decrease from 19 to 15 per cent, A full acreage of other crops, is expected. Australia The qualities . of the wheat are mostly fooeW but it is true many samples ef the wheat shpwr the effects of stormy harvest, and there bas been occasional mention of smut. India Further light, partial rain have fallen in tha center and should be beneficial. More moisture would be welcome. Italy The condition of the wheat is favor able, but the acreage is short. - Spain and North Africa AgricuWriral coridi tiens of wheat generally be regarded as satis factory. United Kingdom Arrivals of wheat are still very light and atocks ate still decreasing. The I'nited Kingdom again-taken the larger share of the ahipmenta to Europe. Continental buying has been rather slow and present crop prospects and supplies are regarded as favorable. Germany Dry, cold weather is being experi enced. Winter crops of gram generally aatis factory. Plowing, progressing actively. STROJfGTOXE IX COTTOX - FOLLOWED BT A REACTION NeW York.. March 1. (I. N. 8. ) Strong cables from Liverpool prompted S heavy cover ing movement on the cotton market at the atart this morning and prices moved up SO to 33 points. Later there was a reaction of about 30 points under southern selling. Local senti ment appeared, to be more reactionary on the theory that the short interest was buying and that a further recovery might be expected unles checked by offerings from the South. Wall street and local bnying orders caused an Upturn, of about 30 points in the late afternoon. The - clone was very steady at a net advance of 82 to 47 points. Spot cotton was steady today, 40 points high er at no sales. v. OWf-n. January .,.....-127 1 March .1 1 4 3 High. 1282 1150 Low. 1250 1100 Close. 1277 1133 1153 1174 1192 1217 1228 1233 1258 1265 1273 April ,..,..... June .......... .1200 1200 1132 juiy ......,. August ........ September , . . . , October ....... November ...... December ..... 1330 1240 i 1175 .1280 1283 , 1220 Ii285 1290 iiio; POTATOES ALOSTG TILE ' COAST 5 Seattle Market'' .. - ' Seattle. March 1. U. P. Potatoes- Yakima Clems. $33: locals, I17P22. , San Francisco Market ' Ban Francisco. Msrch 1 -(U. P.) River white, $1.7502.23; Salinas, $2.8503.00; sweets. $6.75 0 7.00. ; Onions Australian brown, " 7 5 0 90c. - - - - Los Angola Market - ' ' Loa Angeles. March 1. (I. N. S. ) Potato Stockton Burbanks, poor, $1.75 0 2 00; best, $2.2602.85; Idaho Russets, mostly $1,600 2 00; local White Rose, 80 090c per his, $2.00 0 3.26 sack; new stock, 17 0 20c lb. Chicago Dairy Produce Chicago, March 1. (I. N, 8.) .Bntter Re ceipts, e.304 tubs; creamery, extras, 63c; firsts, 44 d 51 He: packing stock, 18c. Eggs Receipts,. 22778 eaws; current ' re ceipt. 32 He; firsts. SSHe; checks, 29030c; dime. 30 0 31c. ' - Cheese Twins, new, . 27 M 02Re: t daisies, 28 0 28 He; Young America. 26 0 26 He; Long aoraa. 27 0 27 He: brick. 21 He. Live pnultrr Turkey. 40c; chickens. -31e; springs. 32c; -roasters. 82c; geese. 24e; ducks, 36c . ; . ;.. . . i ; j- ,.-,-.W.--.L ''- '' ci----" - . . Mlnneapolis-Duluth Flax ' Duluth. .Minn., March 1. (L N. 8.) Flax: May. 183: July, 187; track and arrive, 178. Minneapolis. March 1. Max: May, 183; July. 185 H : track and arrive, 179 H 0 18H. Xew fork Potato Market ; New York, March 1. -I. !. B. ) -Potatoes (in bulk, barrel or hag) Market weak. Nearby white. $1.5003.00; Bermudas, $6.00 0 9.50. Butter Will Drop 4 Cents ; a Pound WedneMay'Morn Batter aad batterfat prices will drop 4e a poaad la the Portlaad market effective Wednesday moraine-. This means an extreme selling price ef SSe for print batter. Butter, fat valaes will be down to 4e a pound for So. "I . Portland delirery. HOGS ARE STRONG IN M0ST1LEYS -TUESDAY LIVESTOCK PRICES Hog. ...$ .... lJi. .,. .75 .... i .... 109 Steer. Lambs. 8.0$ . $ 8.0$ Portland . .... Chicago ...... Omaha ....... Beaver Kaasat City ,. 11.80 1$.O0 1$.$ !.$$ . 1$JS 1$.6$ S t.7 10.7 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BtTX Hon. Cattle. Calve. Sheoa. Cars. Taesday .. . ... . ,; 88 ' . . . : ... ' . , .., . , -li Week ago ..... Noa a " ., 2 week aso .... ... : 841. S 4 weeks ago. . . 100 . ... ... -218 1 - Year ago ...... 1 Nona . 2 years ago. . . . 885 28 ..... . B 3 years ago. ...1073 63 ...... '.11 4 years ago. . . . 187 66 ; , . . 10 4 There was " only one load of new ar rivals in the North Portland alleys for Tuesday and ; that was a small load. Pricea in general showed practically no changes. One small load of bogs came forward for the Tuesday anarket and this was received with much favor by the trade. All through the country there was a liberal degree of- strength in the bog alleys Tuesday, but there was scarcely enough stuff available at North Portland to give prices $ thorough test ? Lata in the day 12 loads of hogs came from the East direct to packers. s-- The somemfaat mixed condition of the- trade here is indicated by tbe fact that on Monday hogs that sold down to $11.85 were considered as good, if not better, stock than what brought the extreme of $11.50 011.65, It is therefore considered that the general top" of the market is continued at $11.35 and an' extreme of $11. SO is still quoted in a nominal way. General hog market aange:. . Prime light ..$11.00 011.65 Smooth heavy .............. 10.50011.00 Rough heavy 6.500 9.50 Fat pigs 10.00011.00 Feeder pigs 10.00 11.00 Cattle Demand Steady Market for cattle appears to have a shewing of steadiness generally at North Portland, al though no new carload arrivals were shown for Tuesday. The position of the dairy calf market continues-to reflect improvement and sentiment has forced additional price advances ia that line for the limited offerings. oenerai cattle marxet range: -Choice steers ...............$ Medium to good steers........ Fair-to good ateera ......... Common to fair steers ........ Choice cow and heifers Medium to good cow and heifers 7.50 0 8.00 6.T5 0 7.50 6.00 0 .6.75 6.00 6.00 8.76 6.00 6.50 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.0 0 6.500 5.OO0 -4.OO0 Fair to medium cows and heifers Common cows and heifers ..... Canner .............. ....K Bulla ........ Choice feeders .............. 2.00 0 3.60 0 5.60 0 6.00 0 Fair to good feeders . . . Choice dairy calves ... Primf light' daire calves. Medium light dairy calves Heavy dairy calves .... 6.60 12.60 013.50 11.50012.50 . 8.50 01 1.50 6.00 0 7.50 Sheep Position Holds Lack of arrivals was likewise shown in the sheep and lamb alleys at North Portland Tues day. - (General opinion of the trade was for a steady market at reported values. . General sheep market range: East of mountain lamb. ,....$ 7.500 8.00 Willamette vaileyi lambs...... 6.50 0 7.00 Heavy lamba .. I ........... 6 60 W 7.00 Feeder lambs .. 1. ......... . 5.500 6.50 Light yearlings ,. 6.50 0 7.00 Heavy yearlings ; . .. ........ . 5.50 0 6.60 Wether ...... 6.000 6.00 Cull lambs . . . . 4.00 0 6.00 Ewes ... 1.60 0 6.00 Monday Afternoon Sales - No. Ave. lbs. Price. No. Ave. lbs. Price. 3.,.. 876 $ 6.25 - 6 . . . . 928 $ 6.75 2.... 993 5.65 4.... 807 6.23 8 885 6.25 1$... 785 6.85 12.... 924 6.35 26. ...1165 . 7.00 21,,.. 1090 6.25. 5. ...1012 6.25 11.... 8.75 30.... 975 8.75 23.... 898 6.25 25. ...1175 7.2$ 26. ..1.1051 6.65 5.... 9611 6.73 21. ...1206 6.25 , 29. ...1164 7.75 24.... 1280 7.50 24.... 1281 7.511 4. ...1317 ,7.50 2. ...1160 ".50 20.... 1011 7,50 9.... 11 55 ... 6.50 10. ...1168 6.50 6.,,. 875 5 60 - 5.... 668 5.50 8.... 898 5.90 8....1225 5 90 3. ...1093?- 5.23 8.... 92T 5.25 6....1000 7.00 20.... 989 6.H5 20 1228 7.50 30, ...1010 ' 7.35 14.... 975 7.00 24,f... 875 8.60 25 .... 1146 8.00 22. . ..1034 . 7 25 2 . . . . 1025 6.50 25.... 944 6.00. 19.... 850 7.00 8... .1048 5.75 3 COWS 6. j.. 968 $ 5.60 2.... 940 8.00 2.... 890 3.00 8.... 1078 . 5.20 . 6.... 97$ 5.25 17. ...1075 6.00 '14. . ..1038 . 6.00 17.... 1004 5.75 807 5.00 2.... 955 2.75 2.... 56 5.50 5.... 924 5.75 24.... 950 5.85 11.... 087 6.50 7. ...1001 8.80 2. . . .1890 5.75 9.... 855 5.50 2.... 990 3.50 2.... 1060 6.00 6.... 858- 6.00 3.... 768 6.25 3 1063 '6.50 5. ...1066 7.00 2. ...1080 6.50 22. ...1020 6.50 2.... 900 6.80 31.... 880 6.50 .3. ...1123 8.00 10.... 944 4.75 .3 . 996 5.50 2. ...1150 4.85 11.... 967 4.75 CALVES 1.... 140 $12.50 1.... 180 $13.50 2.... 1-40 13.50 2.... 205 9.50 6.... 215 10.00 6.... 126 12.50 4.... 235 11.00 1.,.. 880 11.00 6.... 18 12.50 1.... 400 6.50 1.... 178 13.50 4..,. 215 12.00 2.... 140 12.00 1.... 170 12.00 10.... 432 6.00 T2..... 160 8.00 BCTLsLS 1....1470 $ 4.60 1....1530 $ 6.50 1. -...1810 5.60 1....1150 4.00 1... 11420 5.00 1... .2170 5.00 tl....f660 4.00 1....1S50 5.00 1....1830 i. 5 50 1....1720 4.50 1....1570 4.75 1....2110' ; 6.00 1 . . . . 840 5.00 . MIXED V 6... .1148 $ 6.25 7.... 440 $ 6.00 . 2. ...-795- 3.50 - T, . . . 474 6.60 6.... 721 6..00 62.... 672 -6.23 HOGS 1.... 330 $ 9.85 20.... 204 $11.35 2.... 275 11.00 40..,. 281 -11.85 2.... 440 9.35 1.... 630 9.85 2.... 430 9.85 19.... 228 11 55 58.... 181 11.33 S.... 495 9.85 9..,. 282 10.OO 81.... 180 11.60 1 190 11.65 16 241 ' ll.OO 15 280 10.50 15..,. 174t 11.25 15.... 278 ' 10.75 3.... 240 11.85 15.. . . 243 11.00, 17.... 198 11.85 2. 220, 10.50 18. ... 225 11.00 .... 167 11.85 2.... 355 9.35 11.... 225 11.0O ,... 290 . 9.00 1.... 310 10.75 6?... 172 11.85 8.... 166 11.85 14. ... 801 10.50 2...V 215 11.25 1.... 870 8.50 7.... 877 10.50 4.... 260 10.75 9.... 228 11.25 283 11.00 1.... 240 11.85 LAMBS 24R.... 67 $ 6.75 248 .-i '. . '" TO $ 6.75 252.... 80 7.50 246.,.. 84 , 7,50 61.... 5 6.50 .217 74 8.00 Tuesday Morning Price. No. Av. Lb. No. Av. Lbs. 1....' 760 Price. COWS $ 5.50 1.... 830 $ 1.50 HOGS. 214 $11.00 I 2.... 290-$10.75 FOREioar exchange rates Corrected dally by the foreign exchange de partment of the I'nited States National bank. Quotations below, except the pound sterling, are quoted oo the basis of 100 units foreign currency. Opening nominal rates on bank transactions : Par Draft Cable London Checks. Transfers. Lb, sterling. $ 3.87 H $ S.88 Value. $ 4. 866 19.30 23.81 19.80 19.30 Pans rra nc. Berlin Marka (Jenoe Lire .' Athens - Drachmas -Corjenhaaen . 7.20H 7.21 H . 1.63 1.63 3.64 H 3.65 T.50 7.60 17.80 17.90 1T.O0 17.10 22.33 22.43 - 47.25 47.TS 48.60 48.76 62.00 82.30 Kroner .... 17.80 17.90 26.70 Qinatamia Kroner .... 1T.O0 17.10 26.70 Stockholm Kroner 22.33 22.43 - 26.7. Hongkong Currency Japan Yen' Shanghai. Tariff Is to Be Added to Sugar : Price of Nation Sugar refiners have notified whole sale grocers that the price of sugar will be subject to the proposed new tariff which passed Monday night, but has not been signed by the gov ernment. This means that if the tariff bill; becomes a law the public will pay the additional - price for sugar and other products. SMALL CHANGES IN EARLY TRADE New Tork. March. 1.L; N. S.) The stock market closed irregular today. IT; S. Steel held arqund 81.. General As phalt made another new low for the day in the last, few minutes, falling to 554, a net loss of, 9 points. Atlantic Ouhf from it early low of 38 recovered to .'. ' - ' Crucible after selling up to 95 fell to 93 and then recovered to 94. v' " Mexican Petroleum rose 2 points from the low to -166 and Royal Dutch moved up nearly 2 points to 59. f, Reading ral lied fromi72;to 72. Government bonds unchanged ; railway and -other bonds steady. V . .Total sales - of stocks for today were 662,000 shares; bonds $8,938,000. ; There was k good improvement to the market tone around, noon, when many stocks were ia de mand after. 'the; sharp rlsrlinne ia some issnea in the forenoon. ". . Amerieau Woolen was active and strong, mow ing up over 2 points to 63 H , following the pub lication - of tbe annual report. Pennsylvania R. R was 'in- supply and Norfolk A Western dropped 2 points to 97 H, while Northern Pa cific, after falling 2 points to 80 H . rallied to 81. General Asphalt was weak througheut the forenoon, falling nearly, 5 point to 69, fol lowed by a rally to 60 H. Reading showed a steady tone, moving up from 72 H to 72. U. S. Steel held around 8154. ' Furrushcd by Overbeck A Cooke Co., f Trade building: ' .Board STOCK . 1 High. Low, t Bid. .1 48 HI' 46HI 48H , 27 H 27 27 H . ..... ..... 1H 1H . 85 H 85 $5H . 49 48 48 . 64 64 54 H . 29 H 29 29 . 128 i23 . 112 . ..... ..... 21H e e"" a ' a" i . 44 43 44 . 8 . 45 44 44 . 47 - -46 46 . 86 H. 85 85 . 10 9 9 . 41 41 ; , 41 . 101 101 101 - . SO H SO 29 . 92 91 91 . 88 86 H 86 . 100 H 100 100 . 120H 119 119H 63 61 03 . 8 ,. 88 38 88 . 98 . 82 81H 81 . 42 88 42 .. 89 87 86 .34 S3 33 H 8 . 57 $6 56 . 11 11 11H .... 4 ........... 12 . 14 14 14 . 61 t 60 60 . 40 40 40 . 114 114 114H . 38 87 38 H . 27H 27 27 . 68 67 68 . 87 66 66 . . S ' - . . ; . . 8 . 11 11 11 . 21H 21 1 . . 27 H 27 57 . 59 69 159 : .. ..... ..... 28 .. ..... ..... 82 69 . 82 80 H 80 H . 70 69 H 70 . 29 28 H 28 . 27 26 28 . 5 91 94 . 24 23 23 . 83 82 32 .11. 1 . ..... .. ;. 60 ,, 43 13 . 13 : . 67 65 66 ". Y.W. 14 2 2 2 . ..... ... . . 62 . 180H 180 130 H . 18 13 13H . 64 55 65 .. 37 36 186 . ..... ..... 86 . 29 . 75 74 74 . ..... ..... 21 31 . IS IS lis . 69 V 67 67 . 39 88 89 ,. 18 17 17 .. 16 15 15 i 54 54 64 . 63 62 62 5 . 157 174 166 . 18 17 17 .. 13 13 13 . 30 29 30" . ..... ..... 2 . ..... ..... 18 . ..... . 17 . ..... ..... 61 v ...... 70 , i. . 10 . 19 19 19 . 09 97 97 . 82 79 79 . . .... . 86 . 84 84 84 . 71 70 70 . S 8 16 .14 IS 14 , . 82 81 81 47 .. 74 73 78 . 89 88 88 H . 88 87 87 . 18 17 17 . S3 83 82 . 33 88 88 .26 26 26 ,. 11 10 10 . . 58 57 58 . 28 28 28 , . .......... 90 . . 105 104 104 .. 3S 12 12 .. 7$ 72 72 ,.."....'' 27 . . 66 - 65 68 . - 48 , . 76 76 76 ,. 21 21 21 .. 21 21 21 . , . S3 $2 S3 .- 68 68- 68 . .. . ... . . 102 ., 8 7 7 .. 41 41 41 ,. 26 23 25 . 53 58 54 , i . 8 8 8 .. 21 20 20 , . 120 119 120 ., 29 29 29. , . 94 98 93 .. 24 " 23 23 . . 102 101 102 . . 54 H 63 34 , 68 67 68 . , 66 64 66 , . . J .. . ..... 82 . 81 80 81 . 49 48 48 . 83 82 82 .84 88 83 . 61 , -. . . ,,; 7 ..... ..... 61 . 29 28 - 27 i 86 s m m t t . Vw . 10 9 9 i . ....... . 89 f -I... 41 X .1... I.".-. . . 81 , 111 111 111- ,.... 9 Agr. Chem. Ajax Rubber . i i . . .. i - . aiftua uubi . , Alaska Juneau Allia-Cbalraers Agn. Beet Sugar Am. Bosch Am, Can- Co. ......... Am. Car ec Fdy .... Am. Car .A Fdy pfd..,. Am. Cot. Oil . ". Am. Drug Synd Allied Chem. . ''.'...., Am. Hide A leather. . . Am. Intl Corp,..,..... Am. . Linseed ....... . . Am. Loco, ........... Am. Ship eV Com. ...... Am. Smelter , ......... Am. Snuff ........... Am. Steel Fdy......... Am, Sugar ....... ; . Am. Sumatra' .... Ah. Tel. Tel, Am. .: Tobacco ........ Asa. : Wool ........... Am. Zinc ........... Anaconda :... Ased. OU ............ Atchison i . . . . . . . , ; . AO. Gulf & W. L. . . . . . Baldwin Loco. ........ Balto. A Ohio. ....... Beth. Motors ......... Beth. Steel B . ........ B. B. T............ Butte C. & Z Butte Sup..,.....;. Caddo Oil ........... Calif. Packing ........ Calif. Pet ........... Canadian Pacific ...... Cen. Leather ........ Cerro De Pasco ....... Chandler Motor ....... Chi. & N. W ...... Chicago Gt. W. . . . . . . . Chile Copper ......... Chino i. ...... ....... C. M. St. P. C. & O. Colo. F. ft' L ........ . Colo, Southern Colo. Gas A Electric . , . , Cons, Gas ............ Com Products ........ Cosden OU . ......... ft R. I A P. Crucible ............ Cuba Cane Cuban' American Sugar. . D. at R. G. Krtdicott Johnson Erie . Famous Players i . Fed. Ming, ft Smelt.... Fisk Tire ............ Gaston W'ma. ....... .-. Gen. Cigars .......... Gen. , Elec ..'.... Gan. Motor ;.....'.. Gen. Asphalt ......... Goodrich Granby .............. Great Nor. Ore. Great Nor. pfd. Greene Cananea Gulf S. Steel .. Hupp Motor . . Houston Oil ... Kelly-Springfield Kennecott ..... Keystone Tire . Lack. Steel Lehigh Valley . Maxwell Motor Mex. Pet, ...... Miami . . . . . . . . Middle States Oil Midvale Steel .. M. K. ft T. Mont. Power , . Mant. Ward . . . Nat. Enamel ... Nat. Iead Nevada Con. . . . . ... ' New Haven Norfolk ft W e V e. a j. Nor. Pao. .- ... . Nova Scotia Steel . . N. Y, Air Brake. . . N. Y. Central ..... Okie. Prod. ref. ... Ontario ft Western . Otis Steel ........ Pacific Oil '...,. . Pacific Gas ft Electri Pan Amn. Pet. ..... Pennsylvania , . Peoples Gas ...... Pere Marquette ... Philadelphia Co. ... Pure Oil 1 . . - , . . . Pierce-Arrow . . ... . j Pierce Oil ....... Pitt. ' Coal ..'.....' Pitta, ft West Va.. . Pressed Steel Car .. Pullman , . ....... Ray Cons. ....... Reading . ........ Replogle Steel . Republic L ft 8. Sloss Shef. South. Paeific . South. Railway . af a St. L. ft S. F, ...,.,. Btromberg Carb. ...... . Studebaker . . ,-. . . . . i Swift ft Co. . ......... Tenn. " Cop. ft Chem. . . . , Texas Oil ............ Texas Pacific C. ft 0, Tobacco Product ...... Tran. Cont'l Oil .-. I'nion Oil Del.. Union Pacific .......... Fnited Alloy. ......... I'nited Drug "v.-. . . . . United Food Prod. . . , .', Tnited Fruit .... ,.-.. I'nited " Retail Store..., ti. S. Ind. Alcohol...... IT. 8. Rubber ......... IT. S. Smelting ...... , IT. S. Steel ('tail Copper f V a. t hem. .". . Vanadium. Stael V lvandou ............ Wabash W 11a-Fargo - , Western Pacifie . . ...... Weslern' Union . ...... Weitinghouse E. AM... W est Md. .......... , White Motors ........ WUlys-Overlaed ..... . . Wilson Packing . . . . . , Wisconsin Central , . . . , . Woolworth . ....... W, ft u E.. .......... : Hew Vork-Loadoa Silver New York. March 1. (L N. S.) Domestic commercial bar silver unchanged at 99 H i for eign; He; lower at 65 e. London, March- 1, I. N. S.) Bar silver waa d lower today at 42 Hd. m " a .".w". leXl DOOK 01 crammed full cf information. for Ildll UlICCl the investor and 1&21 lEdlUon stock trader. -Copies FREE. ' No Obligation , McCall & Riley Co., Inc. 20 Broad St. r New York BANK BORRO ZINGS BEING LIQUIDATED liquidation of member banks borrowings from the Federal lie- serve bank of San Francisco Has proceeded steadily during the past four . weeks, according- to John Per- rin. federal reserrb agent of the Twelfth, Federal Reserve district. In his report of February 15, 'just re leased for publication. The report states in part: A reduction of $20,000,000. or 12.6 per cent, has occurred in this bank's holdings of bills discounted. ,. Coincidentally fed eral reserve notes in circulation declined in amount by $13,000,000 or 5.2 per cent. "Between December 23, 1920, when fed' era! reserve Botes In circulation' were at their peak off $272,648,000. and February It, 1921, their volume has diminished by 125,000,000. In tne same period of time this bank's holdings of bills discounted declined front $166,836,000 to $139,55000, a liquidation of $26,000,000. : : "January . bank clearings were ap proximately 11 per cent less than they were a year ago, wnicn, in view or, lower prices now prevailing, Indicates busineas activity equaf to, or greater than, that of last year at this season. January debits to individual account as reported by 113 banks in the 20 reporting cities of the district were $2,141,293,000 as com pared with $2,155,680,000 in January, 1920, or a decrease of .64 per cent for the year. Increases were reported by- Los Angeles, Salt Lake City and San Fran clsoo, , the former 'city showing an In crease of 11.4 per cent in January, 1921, as compared-with January, 1920. "Business failures in January were considerably larger - In total liabilities tbanln December. Building operations during; January, wbiia less in value than they were in January, 1920, or last month, are 5.6 per cent greater In num ber than in December, 1920. "January retail sales reported by 24 department stores in the district waa 14.3 per cent less than tbe value of the same stores' sales in January, 1920. the lower prices prevailing now as compared with a year ago indicate that the number of actual sales transactions is approximate ly the same as, or slightly greater, than the number in January, ' 1920. "Wholesale trade activity reported by 145 firms in eight different lines, ranged from 6.8 .per cent to 67 per cent less in value of net sales than it was In Jan uary, 1920, and from l.Z per cent more to 66.7 per cent less than in December, 1920. Reported - reductions In general wholesale prices are not sufficient to compensate for these declines in value ot sale, and it is probable that the physi cal volume of trade at wholesale is less than H was A year ago at this time and considerably beneath the volume in De cember, 1920." SHORT TERM WOTxfs Quotation furnished by Clark. Kendall ft Co. inc. Security. Vsturity. . 9-2-24 .10-1-22 .2-1-24 .12-1-28 ,11-1-21 " .11-1-21 B;d. 90 96 94 93 99 99 98 90 - 90 98 ' 96 '99 94 99 91 97 68 82 90 90 i 98 93 , 90 88 95 98 97 Ask. 92 97 93 96 100 100 93 91 90 . .98 "97 90 94 '99 92 . 98 7 6v , 82 92 .92 Am. Cot. OO 6s. . . Am. T. ft T. 6s. , Am. T. ft T.'Os.. . Am. Thread 6s,.'.. Agn. Too. 7s..... Am. Too. 7s. Belgian Gov. 7 a. r. Belgian Gov. 6s .... . 6-1-43 1-1-21 Belgian Gov. 6s.... Beth. Steel 7s..... Beth': gteel 7s.... British Got. 6s. . British Got. 5Hs.. Canadian1 Got. 6 He. Canadian Gov. 6 He. Cudahy Packing 7s. Inter. R. T. 7. . . ... Japanese Got. 4 a. Japanese Gov. 4 a. Kennecott Cop. 7s.. . 1-1-23 7-15-22 .7-15-28 -.11-1-21 .11-1-22 . 8-1-21 . 8-1-29 .7-15-28 . 8-1-21 7-10-25 .7-10-25 .. 2-1-80 . 9-1-21 ' Molina IMow 7s. Mohne Plow 7s. Molina. Plow 7s. Moline Plow 7s. f . . . .' 1 ' 9-1-24 Pacifie Gas 7s. 5-1-25 97 99 98 Swift 6s .., .8-15-21 U. 8. Rubber, .-.,...12-1-23 Liberty Bond Sales Reported by Overbeck ft Cooke Co.: 1 .'. : High. Ijow. tJberty. 8 ..;...... . 9116 9106 Clowe. 9104 8670 8630 8702 86HO 9000 870O 9750 9750 Liberty, 1st 4s. ...... . Liberty. 2d 4s........ Libartj, 1st 4s. .... , Liberty. 2d 4s Liberty,. 3d 4s...... liberty. 4U 4s...,. . 8660 8708 8884 , 9008 8606 9770 9772 S650 688 8656 8990 8670 9744 974S Victory. 4 a Victory, 3 a...... - Develop Mint lad sat ry . CatHlameC Wash., March 1 A large num ber of the people of Puget island have ibeeom very much interested la tbe growing of pepper mint aa aa industry. It is claimed the diked land is aspaeieDy adapted to its cultivation. Some of the large farmers of the island are (avoraoiy fannreseed with the project, and regard it aa a possible crop to develop tlteir large tracts of Un improved land, giving it a commercial value. . At a recent meeting held to discuss the feasibility ef the enterprise much enthusiasm waa shown. ftkt City of 10-year (Q Bonds at $01 to yield about 00 : Inoome Tax Ksempt Freeman. Smith Camp imagaj Bvit PaPTM ANO ttT AM 1 arao HERRIN & RHODES, Inc .(Established 1896) BROKERS 3f EMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF s - , TRADE, i - Correspoaoeati, ir."F. H0TTO5 A CO. Members New York meek Exeaaae-e. Private Leased Wires Direct to AH i Seeairity aad Commodity Markets. 4 liberty and Victory bonds '" ! BOUGHT AKD SOLD : i :' ;, - MA IX 28$ and 284. 20I-S RAILWAY EXCH. BLDG. Stocks, ' Beads, Cottea, Oral a. $19 tlf 1 Beard ef Trade Baildisr 0 verb eck& Cooke Co. DIRECT ' PRIVATE WIRES TO AUL CHANGES " U eBibers Chicago ' aseard ef Trade . . CerrstBoedcats ef Legaa at Brraa. . Ctacege li er mumi . seounn ploow Purchases Drop in Coast District for Week of Feb. -15 New York. March 1. -The Credit Clears ing house weekly report of merchandis ing activities by wholesalers and manu facturers for the week ending February 16, shows renewed activity in -purchases and lower indebtedness, although t there is a small decline In payments. In ' the Pacific ' coast section, pur chases show less activity than the previ ous week, as well as the corresponding weeks of the past two years. , Indebtedness is less than the week be fore, as well as the corresponding weeks of the paat two years. . . Payments are less active . than ' the same week last year but are better thaa tbe corresponding week of 1919. , ' 2Sw York Boad ifp (Fumiabed by Overbeck Atchison Gen 4s. . , . Bal. ft Ohio Gold 4s. Beth. Steel Bet. 5s. Cent. Pacific 1st 4s C. B. ft Q. Col. 4s. . 8t -Paul Gent 4H. Chicago N. W. Uenl. L. ft N. t'nt 4a". . New, Tork Ry. 5s... Northern Pc. p. L. Reading GenL 4s.. I'nion Pse. 1st 4s.. V. a. Steel 6s. ... . L'nion Pee, 1st Ret. Southern Pae. Cone. Southern Pae. Cone. Penna. Cone. 4 H s. . Penna. 1st 4 s. . . . . Chee ft Ohio Conv. Ore, Short Una 4s. . . . . . Foreign Exchange Market New Tork, March 1. (IT. P. 1 -Foreign ex. Change opened today with demand- sterling $3.87: franca, .0720; lire, .0364; marks, .0162; Canadian dollars, .8750. . Foreign exchange closed today with demand sterling $8.88; franca, .0719;Hre, .0364; marks, .0162; Canadian dollars, ,87 60 kronen, .1770. : -.. . . - Mokey and Exchaage New Tork, Much 1. (L N. S.) -Call money on the floor of the New Tork stock exchange Market ft Cooke Co.) V mA a.b . . .77 77 ..X 68 . 68 . J. ..... 82 88 . 72 72 ........ 97 98 ........ 88 68 4s...... 75 75 ........ 81 H 82 17 18 4s. ...... 75 76 31- 82 ....... ;n. 80 R0 ti. ...... 7 94, 95 Bs 75 75 6s,., ..... ' 93 93 4;..... 78 78 ........ 98 . 88 7 9 . . 80 . 6s. ...... 81 82 .-. 79 79 We offer subject to prior sale and change In price ; United States of Brazil 4 External Sterling Bonds Denominations: 1 00, .500, . 1 000 Interest payable In London or in the United States at the current rate of exchange. . ' ,:: :... .. 1 -: ' ; ' ' V These- bonds are direct: and general external obit" gations of the Republic of the United States of Brazil, whose full faith and credit are behind the loans. Brazil Is thev second largest country In the Western Hemisphere. Its area, 3,292,911 square miles, is only sliehtly less than the United Htatea. including Alaska, and almost that of Europe. Its population is estimated to be 30,000,000. -j . . Over one-third of Brazil's foreign trade is with the United States. Brazil, with a per capita external debt of $18.80, compares very favorable with Chile and Argentine, who have external per capita debts of $37.00' and $31.51, respectively. - According to the latest, available figures, those of 919, the national debt of Brail! was $15,000,000,000, the external debt $566,130,000, and the total debt $902,743,000. The Interest on the external debt amounts to 124,692,000. Annual national revenues for 1919 were 1b3,15,000. , With Exchange at $3.85 r 4.00 4.30 '4.86 Annual Income) 8.21- 8.53 . 0.17 . 10.32 7o (Par of exchange 1$ 4.8665) Being 4 Bonds, the coupons on 200 amount to 18 per annum. .With exchange at par ($4.86) this 8 amounts to $38.88, providing an annual -income of 10.37 on the $3.75.00 Invested. At the present exchange rate of $3.85 per 1 the annual interest is $30.30, or over 87e on the money Invested: When the bonds are repaid, assuming an exchange rate of . $4.86, the. 200 produces the principal sum of $972.00.- Deducting1 the $375.00 originally invested leave a profit In principal amount of $57.0v, or 159 on the investment in addition to the hi.b current Income re ceived. " . ; ..-' ... Price) $187.50 (flat) p 100 "(at par of exchange $486.66) Price) $937.50 (flat) per 500 (at par ef exchange $2433.33) Price $1875.00 (flat) per 1000 (at par of exchange $4866.66) Ralph Schneeloch Co. . MUKICmu. AND CORP0RATIDN FINANCE - LUMBCRMLN8 BUILOINQ . - " PowruiMa Csvceca . STATEMENT OF CONDITION r. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIdNAL ASSOCIATION SAN FRANCISCO -Including Its Branches in PORTIJNDSEATTIJE and TACOMA . At close of business Feb. 2 1, 192 1. k r 'ASSETS '' ' Loans and Discounts Bank Premises (San Francisco Other Real Estate. ..... .... ............. Customers Liability under Letters of Credit.. . Sundry Bonds and Stocks . , .... ........... United States Bonds to Secure Circulation ... . Other United States Securities. .......... . Redemption Fund with United States Treasurer Cash and Sight Exchange. . ................. UABIUT1ES Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits i Reserve for Taxes, and Interest............ Circulation . . v. - . . ...................... Letters of Credit ...... I Bills Payable and Rediscounts with Federal Reserve DlllS, ... Other Liabilities Deposits ............... . . a III llll ' , Third and Stark Streets WM. A. MACRAE, J. T. BURTCHAELL, CHAS. LEIGH, ("Manager A$st. Manager r- .Asst. Manager i - n&s OUR BOND DEPARTME NT is equipped to give the same reliable, effi cient and courteous service in investment mat ters, which characterizes the service .of every department of this bank. 'f ' - . , Our offerings include the highest type of gov ernmentmunicipal and corporation securities. te. ! a,.- a 1 SJ .i IV! , f ' r'Vw " todar ruled at T per cent: ttish. T rr cent: low. 7 per cent. Time money was steady. Kales were Tper eenU- The market for prime mercantile pener at steady. Call money in London today was H per cent. Sterling exchange waa steed., with buaineas -ia beakers' bills at 388 (or demand. Standard OU Stocks Closing Bid. Akd. 18 18 30 ' 40 2 . H4 190 , 210 - 103 105 lit- 115. ao 3 2 135, 145 98 - 101 4 4 4 6 92 96 92 . 9 163 170 83 8 5 27 28 168 ' 185 94 98 2HQ. 285 lf IS 88 8 4 no roo ,i : 201 895 403 104 107 220 230 7 7 2' 802 3"6 69 69 683 605 410 425 830 340 8K0 390 108 110 40 60 106 110 . 97 100 31 A 315 27 32 90 4's 97 83 Anglo Borne Scrysroer ............ Buckeye ................ Cheese bo rough . .......... - do pld. . ....... Continental . ............. Crescent . Cumberland . ............. Eureka ................ Galena, r, ............... Galena Old. pfd. ex-div) . . , Galena New, pfd.' (ex-div.),.. Illinois Pipe Indiana Pipe . National Transit (ex-div.) . . . . New York Transit ' , . Northern Pipe ............ OhaC OU iax-div.) . International Peta. Pennsjlavnia Max. ......... Prairie Oil ............... Prairie Pipe ., 4 ........ . . Solar Refg r-. . . Southern Pipe South Pena. Oil 8. W. Penn. Oil S. O. California .......... S. O. Indiana ............. S. Q. Kanaaa S. O. Kentucky . 8. O. New York S. O. Ohio (ex-div.) .... . .... do -pfd. ............... Swan ft Finch ............ L'nion Tank . ... do pfd. ... Vacuum . Washington 8. O. Nebraska ............ Imperial Oil PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT Portiana Bans m..WnM. rhi week. ear am. Monday .... $ 6.642.94 9.08 7.949.51 1.46 Tuesday ... 5. 6,069.368.10 A . i Clearinea, Tuesday. ..$ 1.923. 023.00 Balanoea. -Tuesday. ........... 662,242.00 Seattle ank aearings. Tuesday. ....-.....$ 4.1 5 1 .227 00 Balances, Tuesday 680,004.00 " Taooma Banks Clearings, Tuesday ,..$ 685.3S5 0O Balances. Tuesday 87,142 00 . San Franclsoa Banks Clearings. Tuesday $24,000,000.00 Los Angelas Banks Clearing. Tuesday :. $1496.805.00 Profit if Called at Par - $395.00 425.00 ,. 185.00 , 507.00 ............. . ... . .$ and branches) ...... . 67,168, 1,491. 209, 6,251, 565,13 865.45 367.83 279.40 - 5,139. 2,150. 4,699, 930.76 000.00 981.98 10 7, 24,840, 500.00 010.45 " 1112,058,501.00 8,500,000.00 8,618,096.10 583,777.68 2,071,997,50 6,354,759.76 15,008,823.08 1,757,410.88 . 69,163,636.00 1112,058,501.00 PORTLAND BRANCH .... ti 1 4 1 i CorMsUet J ti.;. 5l.,r!5 . 1