The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1921, Page 26, Image 26

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1 'uwtrr miuv rut'ii. vri;rppE.r
"14 aene. in HiUbnT. Or., 6 bloc to Kith
school and station. Ait under cultivation. Fin
proaroetive Und, weu uupim tor mbjwuk
Oood S room plastered bungalow, cement base
ment Portland u, .lectne light and city
water can o naa. wmi imw inui wwi -
brood ow, 40 chickena. complete Una of dairy
equipment nay ion, piow, nunw, dmc, mowci
wb. Jina Miviiu -Thi. nmmrt.f has I
fin private water systssn. - The Income from
th sale of milk la $160 per month. $5000
rash, balance (800 per year, 7 par cnW John
('mnoa, Grlmicr bVUr. Over 600 small
Isoea: near Portland. Get oor cxteoaiT classi
W list.
Qpod" HO A., Hillsbdro
District, $235
A good 10 acres u yon could find
anywher. all in cultivation and lie
perfectly. Small bouse, food cizsd bam,
etc. Good cow and 115 bona go for
$2350; $1350 caoh.
Hargrove Realty Co.
122 N. 6 th st Broadway 4381.
2 acre, located et-Newport, Or., 1 mfla from
town and high school. On mam road. Bear
ing orchard. 5 room bungalow, finished with
planter board. Klectno Uiftiu. nam, tinn.
eliicken houaa and green bouse B6i70. stocked
with plant. Nice level land. Soma timber
for woud. Included with place Jersey cow,
chickens. Ford delivery car, gas engine for
water system. Free $3250. $2250 cash, bai
snce a mortgage on th property. This t a
going business. Will consider a grocery store
in small tom'ot a piece of land of same value.
John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Over 500
small places near Portland. Uet oar extensile
classified lists. .
.Fruit, Oarden and
Chickens ' y-
7 acre Willamette. Oregon. 5 blocks from
car: tie fare to Oregon City; 80c fare to Port
land ; 5 acres cleared : house, barn, orchard and
berries. $1400; $500 cash. Easy terms on bai-
"'' A.W. ESTES
f)or Chamber of Commerce. Anto. 514-63.
1 acre, joining the limita of Forest Grove,
7 blocks from the Pacific university: on mscad
amized street. 100 feet from pavement Lota
of berries and bearing family orchard. Good
7 room house, with complete plumbing, electric
light and sua. White enamel Dutch kitchen,
citb built-uu. laundry trays. Small' barn,
large chicken house. This is a fine district on
sightly location. Price $3250 cash, or $3500
or, terms. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bide. Over
600 small places near Portland. Get our ex
tensive clarified lists.
Good A., $500 Down
Splendid piece of land, right on Red
Klectnc canine, near TusJaUo. ; all in
ciiltiration snd lies perfect!; nice, neat
2' room house, some good outbuilding.
Price $2400; $500 down.
'Hargrove Realty Co.
122 N. 0th St.
Broadway 4381.
A splendid 5-acre tract, all tillable, black
loam soil, no gravel, 1 acre under cxiltivation,
8 seres more easily cleared ; unfinished cottage,
14x2. Total price $1150.
TO SB) TO ER!ffl&Z3 ?
732 Chamber of Commerce.
10 AOKBS, on main macadamized road. 15
miles from center of Portland. 3 milea from
Gresham, hi mile to electric station and school;
2 hi acres under cultivation, ail can be culti
vated, balance in itump pasture. Fine creek
through place. Cooh new bam 40x60, with
enough lumber for house. Price $2675, $530
rash, balance $10 month, 7 per cent. A very
fine piece of land, well located. Inspected by
Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger .bids.
Over BOO email places near Portland.
20 Acres, ;40 Cash
Balance of $200 payable $10 per month.
Burned over land, very easily cleared, fine soil;
near school and county road, 7 miles from
Kalama, Wash., by section line, 10 mile by
county road. Guaranteed a represented. A
bargain for someone.
905 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Auto, 514-63
NEARLY 6 acres; ail under cultivation, 100
young, bearing fruit trees. Fin wire fences.
Good gravel road. Level land, fine soil, 8-room
house, barn, chicken house. 1 mile from sta
tion, on Oregon City car Una, mile to school.
This is on a comer, fin road on each aide.
Price $2000, $500 cash. Inspected by Mars-
tera. Over 500 email places near Portland.
Get onr extensive classified list. John Fergu
son, Gerlinger bldg.
A CHOICE tract of land on the paved Pacific
highway, overlooking, nice stream of water,
leas ttian 15 miles from center of Portland,
wilt be sold in tract of 0 to 36 acres at $150
per acre.
- Also 2p acre of level land. 10 acre cleared
earline, a tore and school. Only $1800 tor
this, pert cash.
J. K. WOT FF. 419 Henry Bldg.
Located 30 miles from Portland, H mile
from station and P. O , 4 acre cleared; good
it room house, assorted family orchard, good
spring, excellent soil. Price $1500. terms, half
rash, balance ressonshle.
? 913 Chamber of Commerce.
10 ACRES, located 10 miles from center of Port
land, 4 miles from city limits. Good soil.
Fine creek through the place. All can be culti
vated. Soma timber for wood, hi mile to
school. Macadamised road to place. $3 Oil cash,
balance easy payment tt per cent. Property
is clear. Broom, with John 'Ferguson, Ger
B'nger buldg. ,
12 ACRES of fine soil, 1 hi acre bearing or-
chard; 200 strawberries, 200 raspberries, some
Wan berries. Box house 14x24. 4 miles from
town. All can be cultivated. Price $1250.
$200 cash, balance $200 yesx 0 per cent. Near
Goble, down Columbia, river. John Ferguson.
ieriinger Ding, uw ovu small places i
Portland. Get our extensive classified Hat.
10 ACRKS, near Foeter road, close in. all
under cultivation. Jjving atream, one corner
U rings. 5 room house, barn and outbuildings;
fruit; $530(1 $15dO casii.
" Main 642. 4 Stark st.
6 ACRES, all in cultivation; good 5 room home,
.barn, outbuildings; fine black loam soil, fam
ily orchard; adjoins good town, in Yamhill Co.;
fin for berries or chickens: price 11300. $900
down, long time on bel. H. Mendenhal, 150
Ftrst st. Tourist hotel.
HAVE 13 acres 1 mile from Kataca da, on gravel
road, ever running branch, half cut timber
for 400 cords of wood: best of soil; can all be
cultivated; price $750, cash $350. Call or ad
Tre 25 E. 47th t.
1 Vfc ACRKS, 1 block went V south, of -Meidrum
' 'Station, Or. City car: with all kind of her
ing fruit nd berries: modern 5 room bungalow,
liutch kitchen, fireplace, gas, electric and "pres
Rtire wten s-stem. Hsrrv Moodenbanirh.
PARTY has small tract outtide city limiu
on electric line and hard surface road; will
build small house and sell on easy terms. See
150 Firrt St. Tourist Hotel.
$10 month. Alberta, car. No citv a
menu or gravel. Also sightly lot close to
Ronnexiy school cement walks. 50x105, $1 down.
e . i. , i.ani, lam in. w. Hank bldg.
FOR RLNT d acres oloe m, 1 acre straw
berries, all kind of fruit, new modern 4-room
house and bath, city water and gas. Inquire
third house on south fide of Barr road east of
Crs.' mad.
LL IUiKK can clean up on fiueat acreage tract
in city; mut sell, am leaving city; also few
good lot walking ditnce to new St. John:
wiwii fc wiruiny. .v- , a, journal.
l w v kti.. 7T7 inm ' ' : r
. - " w. . ..c tuuin cres just out
side city limit, with 25 different varietie of
full bearing fruit tree and 2 of each kind!
lour own pcim.i irom owner, t'none 022-05. "'
$000 WILL buy tiie earth of 4t5 acres rtr
Clmrke county. Wash. ; . better get busy on
this or you may eet left.
J. . woiJ-r, 4 1 Henry bldg.
16 ACRES near Tiit&rd, good road; 2 acres
cleared, balance aesy; plenty wood on back
creek; aplendid soil: small house. $2800, terms!
J. nKr.ii- w a-a. lwis Bldg.
ACRKS. half cleared, balance euy; good
soil; fine view; hard road; gaa. light; near
school, car; Oak Grove. $1500, terms.
J. U, tVKPl.l Ot'il-O-t LiCWls ft lag
FOR bALK or trade 200 acre stock ranch in
Lincoln Co., near A tee river; good soil; no
V. K. Purcell. 532 Ctoy tt
FOR bALE by owner. 1, 2. .8 or 4 and cne
haif acres, on B2d st. at a bargain. All
under cultivation ; either with or witliout buiki-inr-.
Sell. 1242.
H ACUK on Hawthorne car at 65th at; acre
witn inut rrees ana o-room noose, near ear;
easy (em-. 2932 2d St. 8. E.
FOR BALK or rent, one acre, south of Trmont,
ait. eriu car, aira. . ouison. a m?i t iay sr.
kOR SALE One acre. MeUger. $400. tiatf
, cash. . Fbooa SelL 634.
Splendid 12V4 -acre farm within walking dis
tance of Gladstone or Oregoa City on graveled
road, 10 H.-acres under plow, living spring In
pasture, every foot is excellent soil. Commercial
orcnara ot 3 acres, t ebernes. . apnle. Dears.
peaches, grape, extra good 8-room plaatered
boose, with bath, fireplace, water, all necessary
oucouuajngs, cut wood, phone, etc.. with placet
This is positively a money maker but owner
u wiaow ana cannot care for plac longer.
Price- $5500; $2500 down. Saw this at w.
Choice 8 hi sores, sandy clav loam, wonderfulls'
rich and productive, all in cultivation; 8 acres
strawoernec, coming first crop: family orchard
pretty 5 -room bungalow, basement, garage, water
system, pacn. neauouse. good cow, heifer, li, I.
It. hens, farm implement, etc. Near town and
nigu ecbooi. Kerry crop will brine over 31000
this spring, and also $1000 worth of plants
can oe ton, e uua beautiful soil; (5000,
10 acres on Molalla. 6 nnder enltivmMiwi
family fruit and berries, 6-room house, fruit
oeuar, granary, tmm, benhouseav fine cow. . 1
dojien chickens, farm implement, etc Splendid
garden soil Only $8000 for this Canby Uardan
20-scre farm home in rich farming district,
12 mile to Portland, all nlowed exeent 1 V.
acre; S acres in clover. Looated near two
cnu rones, ecnooi and store; phone, cream route.
f ew '-room oungaiow, with woodshed attached;
built-in effects in kitchen. Linoleum on dmirst
room and kitchen floor; 8 large poultry houses,
bam. garage and root cIlar; 14 Engliah walnut.
10 cherry, 24 apple, pear, 8 prune trees;
1 'A -acre strawberry natch. U um r.r-iM
also Insane, grapes, cur rants. 150 sacks potatoes,
over a 00 thoroughbred White Leghorn, pullets.
racuuswrs ana Droolers, Jersey cow fresh
soon, work horse, farm implement, tools. This
l a pretty farm home with fine lawn and 250
budded roses suiroundin- the house. Located
on main roud of Oswego and Stafford. Price
$7500, half -cash. Compare this with much
smaller places at the some price.
Gladstone, Or.
Oregon City Car Una,
Phone Oregon City 269 ,1.
85 acres in cultiva.rion. in mMM
cleared: some timber for wood. 8 acres ot
orchard: honse. h&m- .inM , r i - i
harrow, cultivator; 7 ton of hay; some oat.'
Pnc $5500. $1500 cash, balance long time on
"ioiisa.Ke. Dee me for Clackama county farms.
620 Main ftreet, Oregon City. Or.
Two attractive aetwi - .. i
- . -' o iwju utnuf,
with gas. city water; only 8 mfles from Port-
v.uu, minuses anve; z etectne lines, 2 high
ways, all within walking distance. Located on
a good (mi el road. Cash $500, balance $10
per month.
$3S00$3i500 '
Two acres. 5 room hnnntiw li r -.
almost new; big living room, screened in front
porch 10x24; g. water in the house, big hem.
chicken bouse, woodshed, nice family orchard,
full bearing; 10 different varieties of berries
and many kinds of flowers when in season. The
bouse lie back about 150 feet from a good
gravel rood and i very attractive. Only 10
minutes' walk to station. It will nav von
see us about this bargain.
m. E. DeJOICE CO.'
221 Henry KHs. Broadway 168.
Suburban Monies
Onl 19. .1 . .
Willamette; macadam road, beautiful river bank
home, 6 room house, nearly new barn, garage,
etc: 115 bearinaT fruit rM 9
4 ?iOft rtraahem 1 ' . , '. '
-..- "wwi ww, ciucaens,
implements, hand cider press, potatoes, hay,
?a.ftn.6tc" C11 1Lr"i Photographs. Price
5 ICTf. 1 A mtlsMB nw. laJsV.- m
w "a 4.w3 w wim U1KHWU, 1 KJ
. -s,vi cireuic simiion ; jitney
f? door; cood school: 6 room hotiw, el?c-
1 Ttc cxuc&exi DxnxEts, mil mnriff iruit '
owner sold 2 00 c be trie and iwars at door
erythiiitf goes t $5800; term
aw i u in ui l.- v
610-11 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark
A Wome and an Income
4 acres, fine soil, no rni-lr n- m-. i . e -..-
in tuuwn rasiDemes, commercial cherry or
chard (Bings, Lambert. Royal Anne) , some
mall fruit tree and strawberries; good plaatered
bouse, living room, dining room, kitchen with
rant-in ouiiet. small pantry, hot and cold water,
bathroom, white porcelain Kinmhinir - 8 herimnma
laree screened-in porch; good barn 30x26; deep
drilled well with unlimited supply of water, My
ers uiuup mill Duirar ranna. I ni ni arv iiv.
cated in a nice district near Bellrose station. 2
miles east of Lent Junction. Price $5500.
Ask for W. H. Lindsay, owner.
'11 acres, hi mile from electrio station, 15
miles west of Portland, 3 miles east of Hills
boro, 6 acre under cultivation; 11 can be cul
tivated. Black loam soil. Orchard of apples,
pears, quinces, prunes, loganberries, strawber
ries, raspberries and grapes. 5-room plasterboard
house, gaa, city water, electric lights. Plumbing
being installed. Chicken house, barn. The
place is well furnished, all furniture included,
also chickena and implement. Price $5250,
$3250 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg.
Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our
classified printed lists.
1 acre all improved with fruit, apples, eherrtaav
loganberries, raspberries, blackberries; 5-rootn
house, bath, ga heater;. coey place. Here is a
place you can kill the high eoat of living, by
raising your vegetables, fruit and chickens: is
near Ulisan st., H block to car; $5500: $1000
cash, balance $40 per month including interest.
With Coover & Holman.
74 acres, located 10 miles from center of
Portland, west. mile from station and school.
H mile of dirt road that wtQ be graveled. 209
bearing fruit trees, apples, prunes, pears, plum
and cherries, ail in good condition, a acres of
timber. 3 room honse. Good welL Only 35
minutes out- Good car service and' low commnta
tion fare. Price $3500, small payment down.
Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our
extensive classified list. Brook, with John
Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg.
3 acres. 2 miles east of city limit. On fine
macadamized road. All under cultivation. 16
bearing cherry trees. H acre strawberries. New
4 room bungalow. Complete white enamel plumb
ing. New garags and chicken house, 2 blocks
to station. 1 lc fare. Fine loam soil. Pries
$4000. $1500 cash. Personally inspected.
John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. Over 600 small
places near Portland. Get our extensive classi
fied lists.
1 acre, 1 block south Sandy blvd. All under
cultivation. 10 apple trees. City water, gas and
electric lights. block to school. Nice, sightly
location. Price $1750, $431 cash. Balance
$20 per month 6 per cent. Over 500 small
places near Portland. Get our extensive list.
John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldj.
hi ACRE, one block from station, Oo commuta
tion fare, 7 miles from center of city, hi mile
from city limits. All - under cultivation. Fine
soil. Creek on back of place. Good 5-room house,
gas. electric tights. Garace. chick en bouae 1 .t
of- bearing fruit. Price $2450 cash. John Fer-t
uauu. veiiiiier -diu. vver auu small places
near Portland.
FIVE acres, 13 miles out on electric line and
highway, mile from station: 3 acre
under cultivation, balance small brush, easy clear
ing ;3 rood new outbuildings, some fruit trees;
partly fenced: all rood, level land; gas can be
had. Price $2200. $1000 down, easy term.
J-1H0. Journal.
is ACRE, 2 block from station, To carfare.
In city limits, fine soil, low of berries, attrac
tive, 4-room cottage, small chicken house. City
water, gas. Price $1400, $365 cash. Inspected
by Nelson, with John Ferguson, OerHneer bldg.
Over 500 small places near Portland, Get our
extensive classified lists.
1 L'ST the place for the old folks. 2 hi acre
right in valley town, good house, barn and
outbuildings, well, fenced; $2500 takes it:
terms. Bargain.
EXCEPTION ABLY nice big home in Forest
Grove, 20 acres, paved street, big house,
barn, etc, fine land, $ 1 8.000, or exchange.
A. B. Caples. Forest Grove. Or.
New bungalow, garage, hen house, barn, ber
ries 4 sere, near gravel road, just outside city
' ' v ' "ys wuwu, T ou
SNAP Nearly 1 hi acre tine garden soil, culti
vated; fine family orchard, good 5-roora
nouse bath, basement, chicken boose, woodsheds. terms. Main 1996.
JUST LOOK st this. Mr. Homeseeker 5 acre!
nice rich at.iL close, to stares, bank and elec-
- waox SAAUAU
10kIiJU roola modern house, barn, fruit, on
MarThlll TS74 Ten
ARE you looking for a borne with some acreageT
X i?Ar?UALwv. OB halr cr cround. 31 A.
84th st. Xabog 2159. . . .
DO yon want any of these before they are
all cone for $200 per lot on the West
ide. 17 min. ride from 10th and Morri
son sis,, foil sized Jot in ; Capitol Hill,
such lots as we have sold or adjoining ones
for $500 and $600 per lot. Why are -we
selling thtm for $200 per tot when we
know they are cheap at $500 per lot?
The answer is ws are dosing oat fur cash
all nnsold Iota in Capitol Bill at this arrest
sacrifice for the purpose of selling them,
not sdrertiaing them. At no time in 13
years could any of these lots be purchased
for $200 per lot. Everybody know Cap
itol Hill and it location, every city con
venience such a' city school, city water,
ras and electricity in this tract, earline and
station on the tract. Boulbvards extending
from the Capitol highway running through
Capitol HilL Only 10c can-fare from the
North Bank station to Capitol Hill with
good service. This is one of the best and
closest ia suburban home locations with
every -convenience desired. $200 per lot
think of it, is what we are selling for.
They must be sold, the firsUcome the first
Only $600 for a large suburban home
site, what is known a acre tracts on
the Oregon City earline. clone in to the
business center of this city, 2 block from
the earline and station at Courtny, the
best and hirhest clfiss suburb on the Ore
gon City earline. This is the earline with
the best service en the Pacific coast fnr
suburbanites. These suburban hometdte
you can take your choice of thm, front
ing on the pared highway or river front
age or in the center rich garden tract.
Where will yon ever again o close in to
the business center in such a delightful
place to live so, close to the river with
a rood bathing beach get anything like
these large suburban bamesit for th
prices we are offering them to you for.
It is enough to say to you that thee large
suburban homesites we hare placed the
price on any of them for hi or less the
price that yon can buy anything on either
side or serous the street from them. The
reason we make the price so low is because .
they are for sals and we are determined
to sell and we are making K an inducement
for persons with a little money to have a
larre enough piece of such grctmd where
they can bare most of their living frsm
the soil as well a for room for chickens
and cow if necessary and at the sams time
beirur on 20 tnln. ride from Snd and Wash
ington st. Thi should be enough of a
temptation to start you running to this
office to buy one of these lar-rs suburban
homesites before they are all pone. When
they are all sold, never agiin, take it
from us, will any person buy such home
sites in this locality for twice the price
you can bny any of them and put it down
that this is no real estate man's hot sir
talk, it is straight from the shoulder and
we have a full realisation of the penalty
to bear if our advertisement is false in
respect to what w say. We have made
the price and term ao low and so easy
that almost any person can provide them
selves with a home large enough without
being cramped on a city lot. $150 in
cash down with easy monthly payment you
may become a possesaor of one of these
large suburban hAiesites. If you ever Intend
to buy for your own interest do it now,
s we are offering this property for the
purpose of only Belling It and they must
be sold right away, so don't delay if you
know what is to your advantage."
Only $4600 for this and'w- win ana
lyse thi proposition by dissecting every
feature of it It is on tJ'.e west eide, you
ro to it over the paved highways. Tt is
1 block from the station with 10e carfare
There is as pretty a lying of an acre
of land, very nicely improved, the sun
shines on. especially when it don't rain.
On this of an acre ia a 6 room modem
plastered, double constructed, very sub
stantial, fine appearing, practically new
house, with a full basement, cement floor,
hot water h rata'na: plant, every other con
venience in the house, including ritv wa
ter, gas, etc. a city school 5 blocks away.
Now if you were to build the house alone
such a bouse as this would cost $4500.
Perhaps mom. if the land was vacant
. lsent loct1n it would be cheap
at $2000. Alright, the owner want to
fell and her loss ia your gain. Take it
. J"1!4500. Wlth a cash payment down
of $3000 and the balance an long as you
want to pay it in.
HV?111!" fa r?'-84450 t0i WdS
like getting a $10,000 place for $4450
on the paved highway, 5 blocks from car
line and : station. 1 block from the big
echool. 30 min. ride from ne busine"
oemer of Portland. Here are 2 hi big
acres of land, every inch of it In nieh
tL This property front, on
the pared highway. On the land there
Mw house. 4 rooms downstairs of
which .are plastered and upstairs sufficient
for the same number of rooms, plenty of
ITir- Now ith the land, tfie bouse
llrSm ln T,a7 Kood young
eow. which should be worth $100 41
k. ' best .train, everything
roes with the .tand. house, cow and ehiak
r: 'or 4450- with a cash payment of
$24 50 Take all the time yoV want on
TX.iJUn- Thi P"" i the city of
7, 1 T?U now whit desirable
Place this is to live and what nice im
provement, there are on the main street.
, . Acre and Suburban Homes
Choice half acre. Silver Springs sta,
very desirable and convenient. $1009.
; Two acres, good soil, Oak Grove.
Two blocks from highway. Only $1000.
Two acres facing on earline. Meidrum,
All in cultivation, good soil. $2000.
Partly improved four acres. Meidrum.
Block to car, improved street. $2500.
Improved 2 2-3 acre. Meidrum. $2750.
Pretty fire-room bungalow, Evergreen.
Lights, pas. fireplace, improved street,
ery desirable. With furniture, $4000
, Without furfliture. only $3000, terms.
Modern few-room plastered boose
FrrepUce and builtins, two large lota.
Three block to car. $1800. terms.
5T wen improved 5 sere Homes.
Good buildings, plenty fruit and berries.
r.ear earline. Price $4200, $4700. $6000.
Phone 113-W.
lO lM 1 mil V7 1 ' ,
. . - . . ... . - ., uri k ( ' 1 1 ooa ma
cadamized road. All under cultivation. Black
loam sou. 2 V acres bearing orchard. 1 acre lo-
nn hemes. M .i . .. . i
- . - - " .wm. iwicrea nous. 2
chicken houses. 20x40 each. Garace, barn. 1
' . . "H graa cmckens. This is in
essn. Balance for 8 years per cent Build
ings on this place all new. Marsters, with John
Ferguson. Gerlinger Bldg. Over BOO small
piaces near x-oruand. Get onr extensive classi
fied lists.
ft acres 19 . .. . . - -.
. -v3, u. . uiwaiiu, x mile
from electric at v f vr;n-k. i.
- --. - ' uiiwjunj li . g u-
way. 4 acres under cultivation. 2 acres of frr
can oe cuiavatea. Bearing orchard.
Good 7 -room bouse, with plumbing, barn,
chicken house. Water system and gasoline en
gine. Plumbing. Dutch kitchen with builtinv
Price S4750. on .r. ...... ...m. v-i . i.
-- - - . -" t '11, w 1 1-1 1
John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Over 500 small
' ". ' A iuiiiww. ijcl our extensive
5-KOOiI strctly modern colonial type bungalow.
Oreson Citv 1in fnvlBn - l .
Knilt-lna. mnivinli .mt Ibmm . . , .
, " "- . - m uwih iwniu, paoaieu
dining room, white enameled kitchen and base-
utvub, gv ir-v i rum anakuon ana only 4 blocks
toPacifio highway. 25 fruit trees. .20 shads
trees, shrubbery and large lawn, 1 acre; $7,000;
$3000 down, balance $30 per month and in
terest Phone Oak Grove 180-J, or write 0-73.
NEARLY 2 acres, 1 mile from Huber station.
- u. iwuwio. unoer
cultivation. Good soil. 24 bearing fruit trees.
, , , - u.w,wr v 1111 nooic . ijaree
chicien house, well bouse, woodshed. Gas in
iiuuav. siiy water can oe bad. Good car
service. Price $2300, $1175 cash. Balance
$25 month. Or will vn .-
to same valne. M alone, with John Ferguson,
""." piuc vver 9uv small places near
Portland. Get onr extensive classified lists.
VileifW f-nm 11-fi.. A . w ,
- - - - ...... , v-swiu vuu.uow; J 17 UP
of young fmit trees, chicken house, barn, logan
berries, currants, raspberries, tioseberries,
S870A fnmi,l,.l .iqin 1 . . : .
- - ' w v v r . u.uu . lumuurv,
half cash. Over 600 small places neac, Portland.
. nwoMTv ciaseiiica iiia. j oliQ xergu-
w...,. . ..-1 1 ii-err ping., snq siner.
i"i Tt riiTi.vrHir.-u'' d a wen 1
highway, electric car. close to Portland, large
brooder, chicken house, buildings electrio lighted.
250 ha&l! emt v X R O AO. CA 1 - in
sell for $3750. Crockett Co.. 203 Washington
OlUaJ .
Come Oct and se Ned Bnrke. TT. I... .n
kind of property bated, all prices; 8. 4 and S
room bungalow with U . hi and acre tract.
Ned Burke. Multnomah. Main 1903.
15 ACREj. aii cleared and proaucing, nouse.
. - i u uvota go
Jhe.plmce' 1000 down. baL sea owner,
510 N. 21st st
120 ACRE.S unproved land for asia $5500;
Clarke Co. Bargains .
4 acres and 6 room bouse on Main st.
Vancouver. Wash. Best of soil. Running
water. $3500. Terms.
20 acre farm. Best anil. Running wa
ter Buildings worth $2000. On R. F. D.
and telephone- line. Close to graded school,
church and store. Price $4000. Good
1 0 acres good land Close to Vancou
ver. $1000. Cash $200, Monthly pay
ment on balance.
15 acre choice lsnd with some improve
ments. 1 hi mile from Vancouver. Price
$2250.- Discount for cash.
N. W. Merrafield
810 Washington St.. Vancouver, Wash,
1'bohe 323.
Your Last Opportunity In Central Alberta
and Saskatchewan are rich park lands open
prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with
trees, which afford excellent shelter for stock.
Here grain growing, dairying and livestock rais
ing are being carried on successfully. The
country is ideal for mixed farming. ' The
Canadian Pacific railway is offering a large area
of these fertile lands in Lioydminster nd Battle
ford districts. This fertile land will become
the home of thousands of properous farmers.
On similar land S eager Wheeler grows the
world's prize wheat Near Lloydsninater the
world's prize oat have been grown, and butter
of the highest quality is made. A man can
soon become independent on a farm in thi dis
trict These-lands can be bought now at an
average of shout $18 per acre. . Yon pay down
fi , no further payment of principal until
end of fourth year, -then 16 annual payments.
Interest is 6. M. E. THORNTON. Supt of
Colonization. Canadian Pacific Railway. 120
Ninth ave. K., Calcary. Alberta.
This farm contains 73 acres, of which 4 5 acres
is good level land, 11 acres now in clover, fenced
and cross fenced, new 4-room house, not quite
completed, good large barn and other buildings,
good brick walled spring from which water can
be had to the buildings: plenty of black and
Himalaya berries, about 100 fruit trees, apples,
pears, prunes etc. : about 600 good sized saw
timber, of which 50 per cent is cedar; paved
Columbia river highway goes by one side and
racked county, road on another side of the farm;
located 1 hi miles from a prosperous town; no
eqnal view farm in the state; price only $5000:
terms, $2000 cash, balance on time; well worth
your while to investigate.
Savon Land Co . 935 V. W. Bank Bldg.
40 acres, located 16 miles from center of
Portland. On fine macadamized highway. 31
acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated,
belanee - in timber. Two acres family orchard.
Two blocks to school, 2 miles from Oregon
City. Good 7 room plastered house. 2 large
chicken bouses, good barn, granary, smokehouse,
etc. Included with place 3 hordes, 2 cows, 8
hogs, 70 chickena, 500 bushels oats. 100 bush
els wheat. 40 sacks potatoes. Very complete
line of machinery, including intcrast in self
binder. This is only 40 minutes out from
Portland courthouse Price $12,000; $5000
cash. Might consider acre of land on Oresrcn
City earline, with cheap house, up to $3000.
John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 50O
small places near Portland. Get our exteniive
cla rifled lists.
Irrigated Alfalfa Land
80 acres all in alfalfa, under Uma
tilla ditch. 162 miles from Portland
on highway. hi mile from R.U. sta
tion. 4 room cedar ceiled house. Where
the big crops are raised. Three and four
cuttines per year. It is all in alfalfa
and OFFEBED AT $200 per acre. One
tliird cash. In -a growing district. Good
returns on a good investment
Otto & Harkson
413 Chamber of Commerce
30 acres. 19 miles from center of Portland,
1 1 miles from city limits. Ea-,t of Oregon
t:ity, on Itediands road. 94 mile to school.
Jtau and wire fences. Two good wells. 2 h
acres garden and fruit. Good 8 room double
constructed house. Bam, cjiickea house, ga-
rrge. Included with place 1 team, 3 cows
wagon, harrow, harness, plow, cultivator, cream
separator, seed and feed. Six seres in clover,
6 acres in wheat, balance of land being plowed
for oats. 18 acres under cultivation. All can
be cultivated, the rest of the land being in
good pasture and is very easy clea.nig. $iS00
eoeli, balance $650 year for 2 years and mort
gage. All 0. Brooks, with John Fergu
son. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places
near Portland. Get our extetuiv classified
80 ACRES, located 00 miles north of Portland.
on the main macadamized highway from Olvmrjia.
to Kaymond; 1 mile to school; 5 miles to small
town. : 30 acres has been plowed, but still has
some stumps. 1.000: soil Some standing tim
ber: 70 seres can be farmed: 8 room ceiled
house, in good condition. Barn, fruit house and
wood shed. 1 his place is in a rundown condi
tion and the fences should be rebuilt Price
$2000, small payment down and ea.y terms.
John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Over 500 small
places near Portland. Got our extensive classi
tlel lists.
Ta.Sk About Cheap Land ?
Just Look at This,
Mr. Rancher
n A - : 1. 1 . ..
xw acm ncn snot mem roil, pert in cul
tivation, nice new bungalow, 2 barns, fin
water. 250 prune, apple and cherry trees, SOtio
strawberry plants, mail route; and only $50
an acre.
200 acres. 4 miles from rail snd boat land
ing. in Klickitat county. 38 acre in enlt iva.
tion. 12 acre bearing apple orchard with 120
peach trees and fillers. 1 1 acres ir wheat 2 V
acres alfalfa. Good house and bain. Splendid
drilled well and windmill, good spring and creek
in pasture. Good tUB and implements go witii
place at 50 an acre if sold soon. Half cash
balance on time at 7 per cent Might consider
fomand residence up to $2000 a part pay-
rn ti ' . w.-ii. journal.
t'lmr ,.t.i 1. 1.
'26 acres, p acre in cultivation, nearly all
f m . Kll. mm. I,nil 11.. 1 k. 1 . 1. T . .
m i'-'iru, .nil plenty
of timber for fuel; about 75 bearing fruit
innra, rucKeti roiu wiuun quarter mile. 1 rt
story. 6 room house. Good creek and spring.
Within 100 feet of Carver railroad. $4500
$1000 down. .Personally inspected. Mr. Mir
stem. Over 500 small placen near Portland.
Get our extensive classified lints. John Fergu
on. Gerlinger Bldg
A GOOD buy for $13,000, 101-acre dairy ranch
near valley town, on good road; 60 acres
in cultivauoo, balance pasture: good set build
ings, spring water' piped into buildings, fine
family orchard. 3 horses, 6 cows, some young
stock, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ail feed. seed,
machinery and tools and crop go; immediate
pwsesKion. f-ersonauy inspected by me.
24 ACRES, fine country home. 15 miles out.
ucr i.iaisun; new n room, double construct
ed, plastered house; fine barn, other outbuild
ings: 17 Seen. li.H.r ,.1.-. ,
- V - .,,.. .uu ocfciai Keren
tograin and bay, some timber. Everything goes
iiuii, oouaenotu in good condition
including piano; quick possession. Write owner
for more details. Box 170, K. No. 5, Sher-
w'nm, ,r.
. ' - , i iv rv,. IV
127 acre near Seaside, on lower Columbia
I ' l A WC IiiidV U'i'.i.iL.r.ii
iisiiw.;, pareu; mouera nonse ana Dam, elect
lights; station at place; half in cultivation;
running water, finest soU. 2p head stock. This
is a beautiful home near the ocean ; is a good
producer and offered at a very attractive price.
R. P. FEEMSTKK. 415 Abington bldg.
86 ACRES, 3S miles from Ca-itle, Washing
ton, Good county, road. AU can b culti
vated, 5 acres under cultivation. Lots of pas
ture, small orchard, 2 . years old : 4 room house,
other buildinr. Price $1400. half cash. Free to high and grade school. Over 500 small
places near Portland. Get our extensive clasi-
flert lists. John Ferrnson, Gerlinger Bldg.
FARM FOR SALE i0 acras T? acre in
cultivation, 12 acres in grain now; 6 acres
creek bottom: all good loam soil, free from
rock; all can be cultivated; fenced, has orchard
and berries, house, barn and outbuildings; 16
miles west of Eugene, 3 miles from railroad
station. Price $1800. Perry Clarno. Hmira,
Or.. Box 66.
FOR SALE 320 acre ranch. 6 mile to R. R.
station, 2 milea to a to re. hi mile to school;
rood roads, plenty of water, 80 sheep. 25 mats,
chickens, turkeys and other stock; plenty of
farm tools, all for $11,000, $7000 cash, bai
7 per cent William Elaen. Oakland, Or.
160 ACRE dairy ranch. 125 acres cleared, hay
and grain, 85 acre wood. Enough' dry wood
to pay for ranch. Owner will take all but first
payment in wood. Cheese making outfit in
cluded. Fair improvement. J. W. Boyd. 129
12th rt.. Portland. -
10 ACRES irrigated land in California, cheap.
Write J. TJ. liooser. Woodstock station, Port
land. IN YAKIMA valley, 40 acres, all in alfalfa;
building, good team and tools with the place.
No scents. 294 11th st '
FOR SALE by owner, 40 acres on Columbia
blvd. near Sandy rd. ; free from all incum
brances. or information, call East 2636
fOR SAL 2 7 acres on Columbia river
highway, at Bpringdake. A. L. Davie, owner.
P. O. Iroutdale, it 1. Phone CorbeU 112.
No, 1 5 9 Acres. Forest Grove district
Good buildings and fences.
1 0 acres commercial orchard.
Best of soil.
hi mile off state highway.
Near sta. on Bed Electric.
Owner roust sell. Price
$0500. Term.
No. 2 86 Acre. Hills boro.
Fully stocked snd equipped.
74 acres in cultivation. ,
Good buildings, spring and well.
Family orchard.
Good roads.
' Price, including stock and equipment.
Only $18,000.
Most be sold to settle estate.
The time to buy is when
, Both the above are in the
"MUST SELL" class.
We Are at Your Service
Neilan & Parkhill
6th and Stark st, 219 Lumbermen bldg.
Fine Homie j
20 acres, ail in cultivation, orchard
and small fruit, rood buildhigs, water
system; good road, only 6 miles Van
couver. Price, including some' ma
chinery and tools and household goods,
$5500, only $2000 cash.
60 acres, 40 acres in cultivation,
20 acre rood pasture; L0 room house,
large fine porches, basement, 2 bath
rooms, 3 large bedrooms, billiard room,
kitchen, pantry, dimnr room, living,
library, laundry, electric light, water
pressure system; It barns, chicken
house, fenced and cross fenced, bank
bouse, woodshed; pre hard and small
fruit; all stock, machinery and tools.
Price $16,500, $10,000 cash, balance
Atkinson & Porter
705 Main st, Vancouver, Wash.
One of the finest small farms in the Willam
ette valley, 23 miles from Portland, 1 hi mile
off the Newberg highway. Here positively is one
of the finest paying properties in this valley, lo
cated above the frost line on south side of
Nehalem mountain. In full bearing. Income
last year about $6000 under unfavorable cir
cumstances. Consist of 10 acre iu walnuts
with prunes as fillers. 10 acres in cherries, 7
acres in berries, 1. acre rarden, 3 acres house
and family orchard and about 11 acres pasture
and small timber. Must be sold at one. $8000
cash will handle; balance on easy terms. Inquire
of owner. 806 Dekum bldg., Portland, Or.
Mood River Ranch
20 sores, half cleared. 9 acres, be
ing in loganberries, 2 houses, owner's
house with living room 20x42. vyth
hardwood floor, also barn, chicken
houses, etc, close to the famous
Billy Sunday ranch; sacrifice price
$6250, easy terra.
Mrs. Harry Price Palmer
East 7976.
V 440 E. 21st St N.
Splendid 20 Acres ',
Trade for House
20 acres, 4 miles Hillsboro, on roei;
road; all cleared; lies fine and beot of
land; 4 room house, barn 30x40, chicken
house 16x50, fruit and berries; 5 fine
cows,, 20O hens, horse, harness, waron,
1 5 tons . hay, implements, etc. Price
$0500. TaJie house clear of IncsUubrance
to $5500, balance straight loan.
Hargrove Realty Co.
122 North 6th st Broadway 4381.
85 acres, located 15 miles frm center of
Portland, on fine macadamized road. 1 mile
from electric station. 4 mils to school. Fine
soil, no gravel. 25 acres under cultivation,
all can be cultivated, the balance being in fir
timber. Good, attractive plastered bungalow
with cement basement Bearing family orchard.
Barn, 30x60, chicken house, smoke house, .hog
bouse. Included with place: 1 team. 1 cow,
acme chickens and ' geese, . 1 plow, 1 barrow, 1
wagon, 1 bugxy, set of harness, etc. Price
$7000 for everything. Very small payment
down and easy terms. Or will consider dear
home in Portland to $4000. Over 600 small
places near Portland. Get our extensive clAse
i'ied lists. John F"Hrupn. G"riinter BHu.
4 hi acres in cultivation, 3 acres berries, 50
bearing fruit trees, 5 room house, good bam.
near school; mail delivered to door. Price
$2500 half cash.
6 room bungalow, on good road, mil
from Oregon City. $500 cash, easy terms on
8 in cultivation, balance in pasture; f( room
nouse. Dam, siio. fine chicken house. $4450
$2200 cash, balance 6 per cent
7th St. near S. P. Depot, Oregon City. Or.
480 acres, along Columbia river, 50 feet
from station, also boat transportation; 65 acre
of bottom land. 40 acres dyked, balance not
subject to overflow. Fine creek, 6 room house,
rarage. bam. chicken house and other barlldinrs.
Incruded with place, 7 cows, 30 hogs, 50 goats.
rood team, harness, complete line of machinery.
Half mile to school. Wire fencing. Good stock
or dairy ranch with lota of out range. Prios
$42 per acre for everythina-. 85000 cash.
stirht consider smaller farm or city property
to $10,000. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg.
Over 6O0 small places near Portland. Get our
extensive classified lists.
Located on Umatilla government project, hi
mile from Columbia river hixhwav and R. It-
town, high school, 165 milea east of Portland;
every foot rood deeo soil, in alfalfa with eoncrwte
laterals in perfect condition, abundance of water
i or irrigation, rood well, gasoline pump, new
s-room nouse; cut 0 to 7 tons alfalfa a year.
Owner might take $4500 Portland house. Price
$200 an acre. Will sell 40 acres if preferred.
PANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
1 hi mile from Woodland, Wash., Clarke
county: fenced; 8 acre in cultivation; 7 acres
fine piling; balance pasture; 850 prune trees;
family orchard; creek and well: house cost over
100O. All for $2600: $1C00 cash.
905 Chamber, of Commerce. Auto. 514-63.
We have four 40 acre tracts, on a graveled
roed. 27 miles soutLeast of Portland; 5 milea
from rood town. 25 acres under cultivation,
all can be cultivated. House, barn, chicken
house. Buildings rood. 1 hi mile to school.
Price $50 per acre. Also two 40 acre tracts
of bottom land for $100 per acre; $250 cash,
balance 6 . John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg.
Over 500 small places near Portland. Get cur
erterwve classified lists.
22 ACRES, all in cultivation, 1 hi acres in
loganberries, enough ' slips to out out 5 acres
more; 4-room honse, barn, outbuildings, 2 large
chicken houses, 6 colony bouses, brooder; all
fenced, finest of black seal: 14 mile from elec
tric car line; 81 miles from Portland, on fine
roads ; exceptional terms will be given. C. W. Mil
lerKhip, Alder Hotel. Main 5275.
WE HAVE the best buy around Newberg in a
20-scre tract highly improved, new plas
tered bungalow, only 2 hi mile from town ;
rood to be paved this spring. Look this nr.
and double your money by fall. Geo. F. Crow,
f3 hi Mississippi sve. Woodlawn 1201 or
Res. Woodlawn 2785.
WHITE SALMON Irrigation district strawberries
yield $500 acre. Owner must sell 100 acre
ranch. Twerty acres cleared, ancle orchard.
strawberries, fair buildings. On highway, set
tled community, 4 miles to railroad. $11,000,
terms. lawrvore, al w a. SCO st.
6 ACRES, 1 hi miles from Boring, 5 seres cul
tivated, balance timber; 5-room bungalow, fur
nished: new barn, outbrdldina. 2 m &a
chickens, some potatoes and hay; $2500, term.
tj. tv. wuierenip. Aider Hotel. Main 0276.
. . ... uw9iii,, aiui ninei, anil OA w.
60 ACRES, house, barn, orchard; "30 acres cul-
UTB-bcu; mnns, crests; Cioe to paved xorn-J
way, on rood road. Price $7500; $1000 easbH
.4VW fc. .ur, IE., tmi rTl fTTTV Q. . AJS1AJSX.
u -..l ri .-. VX..
6 acres. 100 Tom Barron Whit. Ivhnma.
$1000: $600 down, balance in 4 years. Owner.
write Ci. A. M., P. O Box flT, Etaeada. Or.
Near 4 2d. No city assessment. .Will sell
5 to 20 acres at bargain. R. W. Cary. 1219
N. W. Bank bldg. Residence, slain 1377.
SO ACRE RANCH, rood buildings, near school
and town: rood water. 86000: tasav terms.
Oscar Bicdcrman, Blgut, Or.
Stocked and Equipped
Clarke County Farms
All Under Cultivation .
43 Acres
ATI but 1 acre cleared and in high
state of cultivation, 3 hi miles from
Vancouver, Wssh.. on paved road, 6
acre of bearing prune tree in fine
condition. 2 hi acres in loganberries,
extra fine building, good 7 room plaa
tered honse, barn 45x55, rarage, team,
3 good cows, 2 heifers, brood sow, 15
layinr bens, all kind of tool and
implements including cream separator,
orchard disc, potato digger, scraper,
drag, harrow, plows, cultivators, half
Interest in mower, rake, garden seeder
and corn planter; a splendid bny at
$15,000, half cash, balance long time
at low rat of interest
S3000 Under True Value
Fine land; 1 2 miles from Vancou
ver, Wash., on paved highway, 30
acre cleared, good 8 room house,
barn 60x80, large chicken bouse and
runs, 250 loganberry plants, running
water on place, 5 Vows, 2 heifers, 1
bull, team, wagon, harness, about 100
chickens, sow, dfee. spike harrow, 2
plows, drag saw, cream separator, milk
- cans, plenty of small tool and im
plements; priced at only $11,500;
$4000 in cash, balance, long time, 6
per cent; will take aorg trade, either
a home in city or suburban acreage.
'20 Acres$7S
20 acres of the very best soil in
Clarke county, all cleared and in cul
tivation, 8 miles from good town; at
tractive 7 room hard finished bun
galow with fireplace and light sys
tem, water system with water piped
to house, barn and outbuildings, barn
50x54, concrete potato bouse, black-
smith shop, woodshed, chicken and ..
hog- houses, rood bearing family or
chard. 1 acre young prunes, lots of
berries of all kinds, 7 rood Jersey
cowa, Holstein bull, team, harness,
wagon, buggy, cream - separator, milk
cans, mower, rake, cultirator, roller,
potato planter, sow with 9 pigs, 25
chickens, plows, harrows and all kinds
of small tools and implementa; this
place is located convenient to schools
and trading center and is well worth
the price; $3000 cash, balance long
time at 6 .
See Mr. Miller with
Elwell, Watts & Percival
8th and Wash sta., Vancouver, Wash.
Phone 236.
All the finest of soil, gray, sandy loam, all
in cult ; fine clover, potato and berry land; rood
6 room house with hot and cold water; bath,
good rarase and pump house with water piped
into it; 4 large hen houses; room for about
800 chickens: fine granary with full concrete
basement; waron shed; barn with water piped
to it; wood 'house, some fruit; fine water, team,
cow, chickens and tools. - This place ia about
I hi miles of Canby, Or., close to the paved
highway. This is a home; will rai'e anything
you plant; no better soil in the valley. Price
$6500, about hi cash, balance at 6 per cent
E. P. Elliott A Son, 7th and Main sta.. Oregon
ritv. Or.
Vancouver, Wash.
46 acres, situated on 2 ftne macad
am roads and between 2 of the best
prune orchards in the country, offered
at very attractive price of $6 00.
Mrs, Harry Price Palmer
440 E. 21st St N. -
125 acres, located 24 milea southeast of
Portland. On main macadarnixed road that
will be paved. 80 acres under ouitivstion; 23
acres can be cultivated. Spring and creek.
Some standing fir timber. 2 blocks to electrio
station, 2 miles from rood town. 8-room
house, milk house, smoke house and other
buildincs. Family orchard. Price $125 per
acre, which include all the crop and machinery.
$7500 cash. Might consider house in Port
land that is clear for part This is rich bot
tom land not subject to overflow. One hour
out from Portland. Inspected by Brooks. Over
500 small places near Portland. Uet our ex
tensive classified lists.
39 ACHES, located 22 milea turn center cf
Portland. East of G res ham on 2 main roaCM
as the Place is a corner. 33 acres under eultiva
tion. part in crop, all ean be cultivated, the
land not under cultivation beir.s 'n pasture
Nice level land, best of loam soil. House, barn
silo, chicken houe. eracary and machine shed
Small bearing orchard. Included with place 2
good cows, 1 team, 50 chickens and large, line
of rood machinery. Arso seed and feed. hi
mile to school. hi mile to electric station and
small town. 4 5 minutes out from PcrtJsnd.
Offered at a real bargain. No trades consid
ered on thi place. John Ferguson, Gerlinger
Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland.
. i i 1 1 , r ri i Ti'tT. ciasniTieu i iiv
20 ACRKS, located 2 miias east Hilllxro. hi
raue from Oreneo, on Oregon Electric.
mile to high and grade echooL H mile from
Portland-Hillsboro road. 12 acres under cultt
ration. Balance in creek pasture. Some creek
bottom land, that will grow celery and onion.
Spring and creek. Thi is near th Oreneo
nursery, where there is lots of work. Price
$3950; $700 cash. Balance 8200 year. 6
interest John Ferguson. Gerlinger Bldg. Over
ooos smaii places near Portland. Uet onr ex
tensive classified lits. '
400 acres, 16 acres in cultivation, family
orcnara. nouses, oara, stream tnrougn prop
erty; several springs, i.rae outrange; 3 miles
from town, high school, store and electric light.
letuu, part caan.
620 Main street, Oregon Cftv, Or.
97 acres, north of Salem. One mile from
Oregon Electno station. 40 milea south Port
land, on main macadamized road. All under
cultivation and fenced with woven wire. Good
orchard and lots of berries; 6 room house, new
bam, chicken bouse, fruit cellar; & mile to
school. Price $125 acre, half eah. Nice
Shade trees around buildings. Nelsra. with John
Ferguson, Gerlinger Bide. Over 500 small
places near Portland. Get our extensive class-
ii 1. 1 1 1 1.
Famous Tualatin Valley
83 acres. 88 acre in cultivation, 18 acres
in timber, balance open pasture. AU A-l sou.
Good buildings. Fruit spring brook, macadam
road, in school district 16 mile southwest of
Portland. At a barsain and easy term. F.
B. Mnrtison. 216 7th et. Oregon Citv
8 in cultivation, family orchard, balance pas
ture; 5-room house with fireplace, good barn,
room for 8 cows; 13 miles from Oregon City;
near electric car line; price only $2500; $1000
caan wui handle this.
8. O. Dltl-MAN.,
7th St Near S. P. Depot. Oregon City, Or.
10 acres, all ih cultivation, hi acre straw
berries, 4500 plants to set; 1 acre of bearing
orchard, 6-room house, barn and .outbuildings; 1
eow, hone, some chickens, all farm implements;
$5350, rood terms. C. W. Miller&bip, Alder Hotel
Main 5275.
44 0-ACRE stock, diry snd grain ranch, near
Silverton, Ore.; with fair buildings and well
watered with two running streams. 100 acres
under cultivation and good pasture and timber.
Will sell for $35 per sere if taken at once.
Some term. - Owner, 1421 V. W. Bank bldg.
60 ACRES good land, 20 in cult. 20 more
easily cleared. 4 room nonse. large barn, on
mail and school routes. 2 V miles to Ridgefield,
Wash. $4500. $1000 cash, bai. terma. as.
W. OdelL owner, 1000 E. 24th at. Van
couver, Wash.
40 acres. 15 cleared. 20 pasture; fruit, farm
implements; 1 mile of highway on gravel road,
river, rail and highway transportation, dose to
Portland; $2500. Crockett Co.. 203 Washing
ton bldg.
I HAVE a farm of 67 acres on hard surface
road, all tillable and almost- all cleared, with ft
acre in prune which produced $800 last year.
Will sell foe less than $109 per era if taken
soon.' Pbosat 822-66.
FOR SALE OR RENT Choice irrigated land on
Columbia highway and river, under new gov
ernment project. Heavy yields alfalfa and corn.
G.-C. Howard, owner, 1115 . W. Bank bldg.
Main P31.
40-ACRE farm for sale, in Nehalem valley. 1 hi
milea from Vernonia. Or.; 1 7 -room bouse. 1
fair eised bam. family orchard; 15 acres clear;
small creek. John Eden. Vernonia. Oreron.
SOUTHEAST Nebraska farm for sale. 160
acres. Owner. Box 22, Monroe, Or.
FARM FOR SALE. 286 acre, cheap, to actUa
an estate. Mam 867-
Exceptionally Good
Farm Buys ;
No. 228.
20 acres. AU th very finest of soil;
all level; all well fenced and cross-fenced;
16 sore in cultivation: 1 acre jiinber,
balance pasture and practically ready to
cultivate; large assorted bearing orchard,
berries, etc. Extra rood 7 room house,
good large barn, brarliouse, chicken house,
fine well and all outbuildings. The per
sonal property consist of a very fine
young team, fur which the owner will
allow $500 if the purchaser does not
want them; new wagon, new harness, 1
extra rood cow, 2 plows, 1 potato plow,
1 shovel plow, 1 cultivator, 1 steel har
row; 1 buggy, chickens, hay, oata, wheat,
vetch and all email tools. This place is
only - 6 miles from Vancouver v in good
community, near school. It will pay
you to investigate this. . Price $0500.
Good term.
No. 22o.
41 aero. All level, all fine soil; 83
acres in cultivation; sora timber, bal
ance pasture; 10 acres In bearing prune
orchard; 2 acre in apples, cherries,
- pears and walnuts: good house with
brick basement; 1 fine large barn and 1
smaller barn, new silo, granary, shop,
garace, fine well and stream. The per-,
sonal property coruista of 4 fine eon,
10 hogs, 50 chickens, good team horse,
harness, wagon, buggy and light harness,
plow, harrow, cultirator, power sprayer,
a lot of ensilage, hay, carrots and kale;
all necessary tooila. This place is only
5 mile from Vancouver on main rood
and la a positive bargain at $11,500.
Can make very X tractive term.
The R. S. Thompson Co.
410 Washington Street,
Vancouver, Wash,
$25,000 Her. is your opportunity to eecur
the- best orchard available ln the
state of Oregon at half, its actual
value; 178 acres in all, 106 acre
in 7 to 10-year-old commercial apples,
10 acre cleared, th balance in fir
and oak timber; from 8000 to 4000
cords of oak wood; very little waste
land, running creek the year round.
Fine building and about $4000 worth
of equipment. Tractor and all other
necessary equipment This makes the
orchard proper cost you but little
. over $200 an acre, with building
and all thrown ln aa a gift Think
this over. Big money could be made
subdividing thi property into small
tract. . This ia near Newberg and
the soil is fine. . Term ean be ar
ranged. J. A. Wickman Co.
964 Stark st.
Main 1094 and 583
On Paved Pacific
80 acres, 65 acres in cultivation,
1 3 acre pasture with running water.
Good house, fsir barn, chicken bouse,
granary, woodshed, water system,
fenced snd cross fenced, all tiled and
drained in good shape; fine orchard,
assorted and small fruit; all stock, ma
chinery and tool. 200 White Leghorn
chicken. Price $20,000, cash;
might consider sow trade.
Atkinson Porter
705 Main st. Vancouver, Wash.
"SO acres, 11 mile from city limit of Port
land. Two miles to rood town. One mile to
the Columbia river and highway. Beat of black
loam soiL 13 acres can be cultivated, 10
acres of best bottom land. Good road.
H mile to school 4 acre under cultivation.
Some fences. Place located between Portland
and Scappoose. Price $1800; $8O0 cash. Bal
ance for 0 year, at 6 . Property is dear.
Will consider clear bouse in Portland for same
value. Fin. creek across place. Mai one, with
John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 600
small plsces near Portland. Get our extensive
clsssified lists.
14 acre rich creek bottom land in -cultivation,
balance iartially cleared; fenced and fine
pasture; tillable whan cleared; house, bam and
outbuildings; fruit and berries; large creek;
well ln yard; aom stock and equipment; 8 mile
from Carroll. Wash. : good road, near Pacifio
highway. Thi is a dandy little ranch. $3700.
$2000 cash.
905 CHAMBER OF COM. AUTO. 514 68.
Snao for Ouick Sale
4 9 acres, 15 clear, IS slashed. 1'2 heavy
timber, farm orchard, 8 room bouse, good barn
and outbuildings, cross fenced, 5 miles from
Moiaua. hi mile from school. Excellent sou,
land he nice. Belinan team, 1500 lb. ach
goats, buggy. cultivator, plows, harrows.
new 3 inch wagon, harnesses, 2 goud cws, So
dozen hens. 100 sacks spuds. 100 cords wood
cut Extremely cheap at (4000. Must sell
wnnin next lew oays, Gordon Tayibr, Mo-
latis. fr.
67 ACRES 16 miles from center of Portland
88 acre nhdsr cultivation: all nan ha enltj.
rated: 7 acres besrinr cherries and s Doles. Main
rocked road in front of place; 2 hi milea from
electric station, hi mile to cbooU 7 room bouse.
urge Darn, rarage, croc en nouse. wood nouse.
Included with place: 6 cow. 2 horses. 150
chickens, complete line of machinery and har
ness. $2000 cash, terms on bai nee 6 per cent
Over 500 email places near Portland. Get our
extensive classified list. John Ferroson, Ger-
unger oiqg.
160 ACRES. 80 acre in cultivation, balance
' open pasture and timber; fenced and cross
fenced; creek, water system; rood 7 room house
barn and outbuildings; water piped to bouse and
buildings: two good family orchards; 11 milch
cows, 2 heifers to freshen in March, Shorthorn
bull, 2 food bones, 6 ghost snd 36 chickens;
2 ton of oata, 5 sacks barley, 173 sack of
pot toe, aom nay in barn; lull line of farm
macninery; zb.uoo, terms. , Personally In
spected, photo at office. C W. Miliarsbip,
jaiaer ooiei. Slam DZ7 0.
20 AChs Of FlNti. LeVel Lan'd.' pAVeU
8 acre fine timber. 4 room house and 3 room
bouse, large barn, poultry house, .windmill,
water system, bouse clean and .newly Minted
family orchard and berries; cow and chicken
and feed, all for $6500. Will tak. bouse and
lot up to $3000 or $3500. Phone Main 201L
315 Northwestern Bank bldg.
1109 ACRES
About 95 ln cultivation, baSanec timber and
pasture, all rood black loam soil, no rock, on
Pacific highway; 5-room boose with bath, rood
barn; near church, school, a tor. and railroad
station: mis land produced 9 bushel of clover
seed per sere; price only $125 per acre; $6000
caso win jiaixjie. 9
7th Bt Near S. P. Depot. Oreron City, Or.
80 acres. 80 acre in alfalfa, all fenced and
cross fenced. Stocked and equipped and paid
up water ngni on es acres; nice bungalow.
wiui para ana outnuiJdinr.
Good Terms
801 Ry. Exch; Main 7931, Tabor 5319
Farm on Paved Road
24 acre of land. 19 acre cultivated, lie en
paved road, 6 mile from city limits, 4-room
house, barn and other outbuildings: price $800
per acre; term $5000 cash, balance time, or
win take trade on city bom up to $2000 and
ouoo easn.
Grays Crossing. Automatic 617-45
60. seres, no stump: 8 room house, barn.
chick enhou; good well, and finest water; rigbt
at electric and steam station; two rock roads;
church, store at door; land slope slightly; nice
shade tree around house; 1 hour and 80 min
utes from Portland, in rood valley, town, only
auto. Will you see thtsf J hav other farms.
J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W, Park..
212 acres. 100 acres creek bottom land. ,bal
open pasture and timber, fenced and eroes
fenced: ierfe creek and springs: rural and milk
route, on a fine level road, some buildings, 7
milea from Sclo. For quick tale, $43 per acr.
C. W. Mll.l.hltol-111. -Alder
Hotel.'. Min 5275.
120 ACRE todk ranch, 2 a. cultivated, rest
easily broken : everything grows well; new.
deep toil. 4 room house, large barn, print;
water. 2 milea from Nashville, Of. No arenta.
$3800. Will tak mortrac as part payment
Addrea W. K. For. DeWrtt. Or. -
DAIRY ranch of 120 acres, on Yaquin bay;
will keen 20 or more cows. Trice S80OO:
pert cash, balance at per cent Five eow
nd other stock go with place, also some farm
Implement: two seta of buildings on Dlaeeu
G. W. Andrews. Box 183, Toledo. Oregon.
80 ACRES rich river bottom land, will produce
2 or 3 time more per acre than ordinary
land; best there is for dairy and fruit ranch;
99 milea south of Portland. 840 in 82S ear
acre. U-815, Jcsxrnal.
kinnie & Hyde Specials
888 c seres. 4 miles south of Cottage
Grove on Pacifio hirhway, hi mile from
traded school, on mail and cream route.
TO aores in cultivation, 75 timber, 24"
timber and pasture. 23 seres rough, 5
acre orchard; land is well drained: all
fenced, wire snd board; 2 story 10 room
ln d condition: 8 hsrn
40x50, aheep pen. ehirken. wood and mt
rhitui bouse and all machinery; ever
flowing spring; including! 18 head M
cattle, 8 homes. 85 sheep, 7 5 goata, 5
pies, turkeys and chickens. Price. $19.
000, with $900 loan, 10 years at 6 per
cent, or will take ia a store in a small
inn acMtt 1.... . . ...
. 1, una 1 viii'iiiR, nn
macadam road, close to good school, on
mail ami crvMam . . , u .
rlaatered bouse, barn 44x5(1, 27 ton
silo, new gsrage, aluo other outbuildings
and some fann machinery. 70 acres in
cultivation, 44 acres of Oils i river !ot
tom, 25 acres in pasture and timber, bai.
upland; fenced with woven wire and part
board and barb. Pri.s is $12,0(10 with
a federal loan of $5000, or will exchamr.
rue equuy lor smaller lana near Sulein.
Foret Grove, llillsboro, Corvallu or
! 88 M acres, near Coburg on macadam
road, close to hfgh school, mail and
eream route; good 0 room houm, ceilei
and newly papered snd painted inside: 2
screened porches,, electric HithUi, small
barn, garage henhouse, machine shed. 2 '
wells, team horse, garden seeder, 1 cow,
5 dozen hens, mower, disc, 2 hsrruwa,
spring and drag cultivator, corn planter,
plow, wagon and small tools. Of this.
88 hi acre of bottom land 85 acre cul
tivated, 8 acre in olover. about 8 hi
acre Umber of oak and fir. bai. garden.
Price is $12,000, $50O0 aash ana
terms, or will tak. in a residence, incom.
business property or a paying businow to
the extent of $8500. v
Acre Farm
Near Cottage Grove, northwest, rlcsas
to school, on gravel road and mail nvnle;
6 acres in 8-year-old prune, rood growth,
2 acre In anlen and small family
orchard, bai. of land has some atumin
and logs, is all hoard fenced, in good
condition; fl room bouse, lined snd
papered, rood condition; 10x4 0 henhouse
and good 60 foot drilled well, price
$3000. Thi i clear of incumbrance and
will trade in on small plac in Northern
Idaho or near Lewiatun.
7 One Acre Tract
Small 3 room house, hi acre in
berries, baL garden, 1 hi mi. from high
school and church, 1 Mks. from street
ear line, 6 cent fare to Kunn. ; has hen
honse, woodshed, rood well, price $1600
with $600 cash. bai. $25 per mo., in
terest 7 per cent annually.
I Eight Acre Tract
With rood 4 room house and cellar,
sandy loam soil, 2 aorea in fruit 001-aistlns-
of 12 ppl, 9 walnut 0 peach,
tel. cherries and pear and a few berries.
Thi place is 18 ml. snath of Cottar.
Grove and joins a It. R. station, with
rood school and church.
KinneyHydeealty Co.
I 693 Willamette 8t, Eurene, iT.
Tb home of th University of Oregon.
Newberg Bargains
I r farm. Improved, in Willamette
alley, to exchange for Eastern Oregon
wheat ranch.
I J Incom. Property -W. hav. good incom.
property in Newberg that can b. bought for
t . "Illl - ........ ... a r .
sere. m iuii peamir loKnneme and
prune. Income 1920 over $3000. Priced
-.1 . - . . . 1 c. , . . .
FARM -Near Newberg, fine rimd, splendid
buildings, modern house, bath, toilet, hot
and cold water, plenty of built-ins, pic
fireplace, lot of closet. 6 bedrooms; siln,
garage, chicken bona., granary, atsacbion
and stall room, fruit JTaniily us. per
son! property consist t,f general line of
farming implements, besides 1 draft team,
3 Cows, chickens, silo filler, soma house
hold roods: 64 acre In this farm. An
elegant country bom; $0000 will handle
d'.d farm to exchange for apartment in
Portland. Farm is clear, and would not
consider hesvily encumbered property; 200
acres. $BO0O worth of improvement.
Go to Oregon City at one and se. H 0
DiUmn about thi 109 acre on Par.tflc high
way, 95 in cultivation, all deep black loam, I in.
fori clover, hay, rrain and corn ; Is especially
adspfed to growing of loganberries; 6-ronm Imn
ca'ew with bath and city water: good barn;
thi place is only hi mile from railroad station,
schccl, church, store and postoffice; price only
$125 ji acre: part cash will handle.
He has been 26 year in Clackamas count v.
understand fnrminr and knows the county
thoroughly. He and his trained salesmen can
fix 1 yon out with an size farm or any class of
soil: you ma dure. , REMEMBER
7th St Near 6, P. Depot Oregon City, Or.
1 oial DimcrwiKs.
Maoe is located 27 mile, from Portland,
two mile from electric st Donald station; non
si "ts of 160 acres of the very best kind of
soil; about 40 acre in high state of mlt.tva
tion, two acre In loganberries, two house and
a barn: ha an outlet nn two side to a gravel
road: ha all bnn platted In amall tracts for
loranberries.. but on account of financial diffi
culties the owner cannot go heal with In.
plan and ts going to sacrifice for $90 per
acre;1 can he handled for about $5000 cash;
this is positively on of the bext buys ln the
Willamette vallev.
II Kl-fi Northwestern Bank RW.
22 acres. 8 4 mile west ftm Portland ;
mile to electric station and school; 600 ftset
from Capitol, highway. Good macadamized mad
by place. 18 aTss under cultivation, all run
be cultivated. 4 0 assortsd fruit trees. Attrac
tive California buna-slow, with la nr. living ri.otn
14x34 feet Break fast room, sickling porch.
Garage with eeraont floor. I-arge chicken hmw.
Best of whit enamel plumbing. Or win sell
the buildings, on-hard and 1 2, trrs of the land.
Offered at a. real bargain. John Ferguson, tier
linger Bldg. Over fioo small places near Port
lend. ' :et reir evrrsive clsssified IHt. i
6 acres la cultivation, more esy nut ln. 4
room I frsme bouse, barn and outhouses fruit
and i berries, good water, all tools, wagon, buggy,
b one, I all for $2600. $1500 down, balance t
8 rcTi cent. Fine berry land or will moke a
dandy! chicken ranch. 3 milew of Oregon City
E. P.I Elliott A Son, 7th and Maiu t. Ore
gon T-fitv or
20 fA'RES. located 1 14 mile, (com Oregon
City ; hi mile to school. On main macadam-
lxmA hiirnwsv. Wav.ii tsrtr. fln. T .11
under cultivation, dark loam soil, bond attrac
tive , 7 room bun tr low. Barn and other bnlld-
inasij the barn will aemm ItlniltiA B B-asaatasl mm. t
milk: oows. Good bearing family r.rchsrd. A
very: favorably located place. $2000 csh. bal
ance: $500 year, 6. Th pise is now in
croo. raat. Vr4,h nA , 1.1 ....
Gerlicger BHr. Over 500 small places near"
r ,,r, in.. .rer, our CT ' .ll'l.. r 1, Ml,( lt.
sere. 22 acre in hich. stato nf eulii ra
tion and tb very best of. oil and lays fine.
Gravel road throoeh th place. Four room
bowse, barn and outbnildincs: 1000 'iinwh.,r.
pianta set out last year. Home fruit snd other
berries for bom use. Price ts only $4500,
half j cash.
1 ' 81 B Northwestern Bsnlr Bldg.
133 ACRES, 75 acres cultivation. 43 in oats.
acre in wheat 1 2 acres plowed. 2 c re
fine orchard. ora small fruit 6-room house,
fine bam and silo, otlier outbuildings, let.
line of all farm machinery. X horaei, M
cows, 4 heifers coming fresh, lo ewe sneen
du (o imb, 45 chickens, 4 turkeys, spring snd
creek; all fenced and ero-s-fenced; 1H nines
from Portland. Price $22,000: reason. hi.
terms, : .
Alder Hotel Main 8271