4 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING .FEBRUARY 20. 1921. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 i RITTEIt. LOWE A CO. '8 COLCMy OF LOT BARUALNS Boy nr homesife now, yon can build later. Ixte axe coming in fast. At coat of bui.dirig de er, see, demand tar bomasilee increases and nat urally stifter prices follow.. The below listing an priced at bedrock; grasp thin opportunity to e-t ln before the ad vane, wbieh u aura to coma. Make your taapection today if possible; tueu at- iu. LAURELHURST ' $ R50 E. Hoyt fae. 43 ft. W. of K. 834. SI 300 Imperial, fae. eat 1M ft 8. o( Sandy, 50140. $ 1 300 K. Anseny, fee. S., 100 ft E. of E. 89tit. ; $2000 E. Burnide, fae. 8.. (0 ft E. n B. 83d. I $2X00 .N. W. ear. K. Glisan and Mirimar place. $3000 K. W. eor. i'loral tod L. Everett 6300 M. ft. IRVINOTO-. DISTRICT S 700 B lfith, fac W.. ISO ft N. of Failing; mafca offer. I TOO Wekller,- fao, N., 80 ft E. of K. 2!Hh. $ 90(1 lUnruk, Sac. N.. 50 ft. W. of E, 35th. glOUU IV. Win,:ISC. W., iUU i( oi Dun- ton. j aifttO E. 88th, : fao. W 100 ft S. of Han cock. $1200 K. Ui, fac K., 200 ft N. of Till, ni.xtk. $1250-troedway, fae. N., 200 ft W. of K. 83d. $1300 N. K. cor. E. 2Tth and Broadway. $1700 K. 28th. fac., W., between TUiamook and Thompson, arrom from fine row of colonial bouses, 50x195. $2000 N K. cor. iJ. 28 th and Thompson. r3xl5. $200i K. 27th. fae. K., 100 ft N. of Tilla mook, 100x100; will divide. $2800 M. K. cor. E. 28th. and Thompson, 75x193. $S300 K. 83d. fac. E.. between Tillamook ana Tnouipuon, about 3 acres; wul divide. IRVINGTON PROPER $1000 E. Bui, fac. W.. 50 ft S. of Braxee. $1000 K. 14tb, fac. W.. 150 ft N. of Stan ton. $1200 K. th, fae. E. 150 ft B. of Siskiyou. $1200 B. 20th, fac. K.. Bi ft. .V. of Klickitat $1200 K. 15th. fac. li . 160 ft N. of Stanton. $1200 K. lib. fac. W., abt 175 ft N. of Klickitat $1250 K." 13th, fac K. 100 ft 8. of Braxee. $1250 E 14th, facW.. 250 ft. N. of Thomp aon. $1250 E. 10th.. fac. W., 150 ft N. of Thomp son, $1250 K. 17th, fao. E , abt. 71 ft S. of Fra. mart $1400 E. 21st, fac. EV. 100 ft N. of Klick itat. ; -(1400 K. 21st. fac E.. 100 ft S. of Siskiyou. J145II K. 12th, fac. i;.. 10O ftS. of bUutOQ. glSOO x. K. oor. E. 8th and Braxee. $1500 K. troth, fac. E.. 100 ft N. of Stanton. $1700 d. Wi cor. E. 17th and Fremont $1700 K. 1Mb, fac. V 73 ft 8. of Stanton. $170 K. 1Mb. fac. V 8O0 ft N. of Knotl. $ 1 700 -K. 17th, fac. E., 100 ft S. of Htanton. $17io l.. 'JUt. fac E., 250 ft N. of Knott $1750 S. v. cor. E. 12th and Tillamook. $1H00 N. V cor. E. 20th and Klickitat $2000 K 24th, lac. E . 150 ft S. of Knott $2000 N. V. cor. E. 21t and Klickitat $2000 K. 17th, fac. V., 200 ft N. of Tbomp 4n. $2000 K. 22d, fae. E.. 10O ft N. of Rrazae. $2(1H0 K. 22 J. lire. K., 100 ft 8. of Knott $25o . E. cor. E. 0th nd Brnzn. 100x100. $2oo K. 10th, fac. W., 75 ft B. of liraxee. 75x100. $2500 UVidlrr. fac. N . HO ft K. of E. 211. tin 100, full bcarins fruit and abade trets. $3000 s. K. cor. E. 20th and Fremont, lOOx 100 t.t.'.OII -V l V IXtt. a 1 AO. 100.' $3500 M. B. cor. E. 18Ui and Thomron, 75x100. $4000 N. K. cor. E. 12th and Thomu&on, 123x100 $4000 TN. K. cor. E. 18th and Brazos. 10i 100. $5000 a. V. cor. E. 24U and Knott ; 100x100. $5800 R. K. cor. E. 10th and Kaott ata,, 100x100. $5500 N. K. cor. 11 14th and Hancock sta., 100x100. $ 600 Tha Aliuneda, fao. N., 60 ft W. of E. otith, ROSK CITY PARK 1!.STKICT $ 500 E. 62d. fac. E.. 50 it. N. of Siskivou. $ 600 K. 54tb, fc. V.. 150 ft fct. of Tilla mook. $ 500 N. W. eor. E. 56t.h and Tillamook. $ 650 K. 4(th. fac. W.. 2'0 ft, N. of ni-kiyou. $ ( K. 4!lth f..v V. '(l(l ft V r.f Hi!,,... O0 E. 6d, fac. W., 150 U. 8. of Klickitat S 50 x. W. eor. E. 5sth and Stajiloa iu., 60x105. $ 850 K. 37th. fac. E 150 ft S. of Stanton. (MM N. K. cor. E. 48th and HUnton. 1000 E. 4 1t, fac. E., 60 ft ti. of The Alameda. S1OO0 K. 40tb. fac. E . 200 ft N. of Han cock. 1050 K. 40th. fac. E.. J00 ft N. of Brazae. 67x100. $1050 E. 45th, fac. E., abt 69 ft S. of Wistaria. $1050 E. 30ih. fac. W., 100 ft N. of TUla ruook. $1500 N. VV. cor. E. 72d and Sandy at Fre mont. 55x100. J2000 B 4!t. tuc. E . 130 ft N. of The Alameda, 100x100. $2000 v.. 3f)tli. fae K., 100 ft S. of Tilla miMk lOOvinit- .;m i.;.t. HAWTHORNE IHSTKICT $ 800 E. 6Dth, fac E.. 33 ft N. of E. Sher- mn. ' I550 E. 5"ld. faa W.. 143 ft N. of E. . Sherman. $1000 ltiTinion. fac. S . 41 ft E. of E. 30th. $1350r.. 2Ut, lao. W'.. 150 ft' S. of ll thorna,. $1400 " V. cor. E. 6 1st and Hawthorne, fltt 2 3x100. $ 1 (iiiii . w.: m. B. 30th and Main. 40x101 $.000 K. Slirrnian. fac. S-, abt 70 ft W. of E. 2tith, 77x116. . AfMEDA rATtK 5 n,",n. fac. W., 100 ft N. of Rkidmore. ! Skidmore, .far. N . 50 ft E. of ;icnn. $ t50 Ininvltley, far. N, 1S ft W. of K. 2!th: all liana paid. $1000 8. E. cor. Glenn and Pkidmore illt! K ',,h- f"r- F - nrt ft N. jf Fremont $1600 Hamblat, fao. K , CO ft E.'of E. 24th. - E. 20th, fac. 11, 100 ft N. of Skid niore, 100x100. $2500 N. W. cor. E 100x100. IGth and Dunckley. . MT. TABOU IISTRIPT "OO E. Alder, fac. N., 100 ft W. ot E. 4 5th. $ 650 Thorburn axe., fc N"., 8. K. cor. Mat- tfewn, fac. up E. 70th; fine iew of CV800 K. 7Tt, fae, E., 119 ft N. of E. Yam hill. 50x135. - - KEN TO X DISTRICT $ 150 Maryland are-, fac VV., 233 ft 8. of Bryant $ 450 Baldwin, fac N 100 ft E. of lllncw aota. i $ 800 Morffxn, fao. S., 100 ft of Albina axe. AIJSERTA AND W(OIL.w 230 K 11th. fac. V.. loo it S. of Kil- incsworth. ! 5" Jr cor- K- 131,1 'DlX Killineaworth. I ' s cor. K. 12Ui and KUlineswortn. J00 Killinvworth, fo. N., 50 ft, K. of ! -"''--1 ftr- E - io ft- x- of Eioerty $ 4 00 KiUmpfWorth, fac. S., 200 ft E of E. 7th. , $ BC0 K 2?Ut, fac W.. 800 ft. S. of Aina- worth. a ano k. 15th. f- v onn t v i a,k . $ 650 K. 3Ut. fc. -B-est, 4 00 ft No, of Aial worth, 75xl0t. ? SH .S- E- eor- ol aTe. and Ashley t '0IJ E. 2 4Ui. fac. ea t, 150 ft. No. of Atna- orth, baaemetit already in. S 850 K. im, fac e,t. 100 ft No, of Praa- cott $ 550 K. 20th, fxc wast, 100 ft So. . "ytraut. 9 00 S. K romar E. 12U and KUlinfaworth, lOOxlOO. ' J PENIXSULA DISTRICT $ 830 S. V. comer Houghton and Xswmau. 100x100. .$ 400 Humboldt, fae. No., 100 ft east of Coocofd. 1f 830 Webster, fac So., 300 ft cast of i Honcord. $ 800 s. K. or. Greoley and Drkura. $ VOO -VVillametf bird., fao. K0.t 350 ft, wet of Concord. t 850 8. E. cor. IVraphell and Simraoa, 80 ,ov. cur. imoatil and Hereford. AJ.IU.NA $ $00 Alhina are.. fc. eaxt. 22 ft So. 01 lre-ott 27x100. , $1100t N. w. rcr. Missouri are, and Hum boldt 100x100. 1 ? $1250 S. W. eor Alberta and liiaaourt bo liena. 100x100. 1400 Kerby. fae. e-t, 100 ft So. of Hum boldt, 100x100. $2000 . E. eor. Albina and Knott ata., 100 $2000 M W. oor. TaDcourer and Skidmonr - 100x85. - For your convenience, you xoay call Sundays or Teuunsik Tabor 4139. . RITTEB, LOWE CO. , 201 3-3-7 Board of Trad bldf. WK TVRfTPJ AT.T- KTNI Or tNSt'HANCE REAL ESTATE-FOR SALE LOTS 403 LOTS I)T TMT. TABOR LOTS -SECOND UUBTGAfJE 1'IUTILEGE : I - ' . . ; a-trtA : f.-A !ik ax-;n iria ikta $583, $603, $o45. $703. $753. $785. $805; think of there price, consider the location, ra- atneted section of .alt Tabor. This price includes street improremeuU paid in iuu. Beautiful tiw rf ralley and mountain ; trees. . trer. trrt wonderful f laca to bu'ld rour horn. BUIM'ERS. you can neli readily if you build a home here. Arrange o go cut rifiut away and tae your choice of locationa. At the prices quoted e expect to acU every lot ln lew week. ; 1 A safe and sure inTewtnent for your money. Salesmen vatth autao to show yott. J. U HARTMAN CAJiiPASY. li Chamber of- Commerce bkla. Main 208. 110 lOUt at Broadway 110. BaACTirCT, WESTOVEH TEHRACES If It's a "homeoite" ah the mirlL of A itine4.ij and beautiful homes you want and not juat ''a lot" then let u ilow you WESTOVER TER RACES, "Portland'a Best View Homnitoa." For plat or other information you may phone, oaU on or write , INTERNATIONAL REALTT ASSOCIATES 110 10th at, Pilteck block. Broadway 110. $750 PA TED STREET SEWER PAID All'. TABOU Second mortgaee to builders, easy terms, re srriotMl section, eood homes all ar luud, clone to car, tree, a beautiful building site J. .. HAKTMAN COMl'ANV, b Chamber of t'ommerce bids'. Maui 208. LOT BARGAINS $300 Kenton district. $10 ca-ih, $10 monthly. $375 Kenton car. $10 cash, $10 monthly. $373 Near Columbia Park, $10 cash, $4 mo. $000 Near Peninsula Park, 410 monthly. $K73 Alameda Para, streets paid. $1000 Two fine park corners. $1000 Fine Alameda Tark corner. Joihinsoini-Dodson Co. 33 N. W. Bjrik Bdg. Main 37,7. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY EXCLUSIVE SELLLVG AGENTS PARKUOfiK ASSOCIATION Main 208. t BUILDERS, ATTENTION A few extra fine lota. IrrinatoB dittrict, build in restrictions. I'rice $873. JonnsojniDodsoin Co. 33 N. W. Bank bide. Main S7K7. $5 Cash$ 12.50 Month . $1200. Near cor. E. 23d and YamhUli; all wins, in and paid; easy walking dint weat side and near grade and high schools; sold for $11(00 in 112. With tsnt would soon ease price of lot in rent Owner. Main 031 tEAl.'TIF'LL horaite near Jefferson high and . .I....,,. ir, . 10x100, 911.', . 1 u can, $16 monthly; msny beautiful trees; also 50x100 KXAIi tin . .1 ,1.1, www, wvrv IUUUI4U7. JoIi-aSon-DodgOn ' Co, ' 633 N: W. Hank Bdg - Main 3787. BUBLVENS MT 6-SAf $2300 60x100 on Thai-man st, near 21st- Fine location for store, ahoit, factory or auto bust ness. The price of this lot has brfrn reduced from $5000 to $2500 for quick sale. RfTTER. LOWE & CO.. 2l- 5-7 Rvr nf T-"d hM - LOT near Iririgt)B dutrict. streets paid, $873; 1 block to Irviugton car; a big bargain, bee us at once. JohnsonDodIsonv Co, 633 N. W. Bank Bdg. Main 3787. $076 IKV1NGTON district streets paved, near Irvington car; building restrictions $2500. Jolhnson-Dodson Co. t3S N. W. Bnk bide. Main 8787. FOB. cJALE Two fine building lots 5UalO0 ft. snull house, water iu. IU fruit tree, sll hearing: logsnberriia and blackberrifw. Bv owner. 2130 Holluday ave. ; take MV car to 82d at, 3 blocks north. LaU 2l, bi'-ck li, Eai,tmi.reiai.d, biotas from rarhne; $75 unpaid (not due) on strevt improvement. Price $S00; aome lrnn E. A. I.INDGKKN, S-von Tfd Co.. S;tR N w. Bmii bide li; v I vi :ri i v ft srn u . i . . . , K. E. corner 24th and Kiiekiut; $1150; all paid; inside lots facing 24th $1000. all paid. I f coif nrv , , , one . . , . , --,m v v.. , oo. o-1 iwis ling. UOINF EAST, must acli 67Vxl72, bw-t soil, fenced, plenty of berries, fruit, flowers, biu block to etreetcar; $1150, part caah. T-810, FOR bALE I-ot at Ik L-tle, cheap. Fine loraticn within block of dsiot and hotel. Address It D. Pnllry HOP Tiine n, flivrnn fit v. (r. (.iGiON dutrict - lot, $s75; .ueets paid. Jolni!nisonDodson Co. r.33 N. W. Bank hide. Main 3787. NK K iioxioo Uii. oar K (iusau at car, hnl snrface and all improvements neid. Will sacri ice for $550. part terms. Wdln. 379'i. TrcrrMrgs ffnd evenings lOLIt OPPOKTUMTi Iaura!hurst lots while they la,n at extremely W prices. See J. A. McCarty, 2701 Stark at Mam 1700 or evmrings. Tabor 6037. SACRIFICE, 80x100 lot, o Kilpatrick atreet; fine view of mountains nd overlooking Columbia blvd. f'ash S373. Phone Sell. 26M0. 1U1USF. BUILJJEKiS. ATTENTION! 4 and 5 room bungalows m big demand in thia hwhry. He Hedriek, 860 iii'.waukie at ge'lvvwl "004. ABOUT HALF FORMER PRll kjj. ti .I,,,. .i 1. , - , ,, . .i . car. Why wait for prirea to advance? It W. . . . v . . i.nit Ping. Ai. Kaii iiL-lCfci lot, uui.e pricua. ee J. A. MoCarty, 270 H .Stark at Main 1700; eve nmifi. Tabor HO.-.7. lAlUiE, SIGHTLY LOTS. $1 DOWN. $1 week. Cements walks. Alberta ear. Close to school. Main 1H48. Residence. Main 1877. to' -UaIOO, pvra .t., all clear; $700 casii. Lot 30x100. graded at, sidewalks ;$i 00 terms. Hof-tmnd, 1 H74 H (;reely. WonlUsn 59B.V A SNAP 4JJ0xl05, corner lot, N. E. Phone Bdwy. bbxluo toot lot oorner Mbuoun ate. and xre ott; all improvements in, streets pared. 810 Miijmnrl ave. WANTED 7 5xloo or KMixlOo not too far from car, at a bargain price for cash. X-3311. Journal. FULL size lot. blrx-k from pavemeut, base ment, foundation to grade. Fruit 20x16 building. Chesn, Term. Ttbnr 4815. i.AUUEi.HlHa'1 I Alt' n-iiu.Ai.Ns See J. A. MoCarty, 27014 Stark. Main 1700; evfiinirs Tahnr 5057. LOOli at lot 25. biock 8S. Ijsurelhurst Make me an ofer. Tabor 1861. HOUSES 404 3i tffifS l PIT 1T1V1- mil' In cultivation, 40 bearing fruit trees, 3-ronto hou-e, small bam. near Pacific highway; well located fur vineyard and chicken ranch; $2800: easy terms. TAGGATtT TtPQS., IIP? SpeWne Mde Kit"h."F IT r-Tr Iitv- One of the good, desirable kind, in a fine lo modern; present incceue $220 per morisji; ?700 cash, balance terms. Other fiat proper Vo ,r.Sl9v.b,!' Coow Holman, Realtors. . . J S ' i Have 6-room ; house, not new. but conven ient and tight, large kitchen, bath, gas bife B'ctit. fruit trees,, lot 40x100, near carliiv and schools. Small payment down, balance due about 1eS00 on easy term 15K r.. .. xr A TITLE lnsurai.ee 1-oiicy is a guarantee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title insured. Beuer be sale then sorx T'tl A Trust company. T .fm v .Ti T ; . '. , t . . .. i' r- - '" urauce is a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against lc, yet it is cheaper than the 5 ROOMS, iteax J.fferson high, on paved atreet fireplace, garage, good location. " Wilbur K Tminn U.nn- KI.4. t . J . . -. " GiJtMi . Win ,icr.4U iiou.1 i,im 9'r"s' U1 Want part cash. Auu. ItixlOO 8 ROOM uiouern house. Irvington $10.500. Mam 8052. Ea-t 54 3S. ' 5-ROOM bungalow for rent - to naxues buiTtil furniture. Phone Tabor 4693. "yia ONE 10 room house furni-hed for BousekeeDins for aale. See 230 Clay at v REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Before You Boy Your Home, See Revenrnara Investment CosTspany WE HAVF1 ASSORTMENT Of HOMES. LATEST IN DESIGN. PRICES RANGE FROM $3500 TO $500J OPEN 81 SOAIS AND TO'ENINCS. CALL BDWY. 2954 $4800 Seven room house on E. 8h at near Broadway; large, light airy rooms, fine plumbing, full cement babement furnace, splendid location, handy to cars; easy terms. $5500 Irrington, 5 -room bungalow and eleepin. porch, hardwood . floors . throughout, fireplace, tape-try pa- ler, Dutch kiflisn, brrakfait nook, full esmarit basement, iurnace, 6O1IOU lot, garage. $8300 ROSE CITY PARK, beautiful fi room bungalow, hardwood floors, lovely tile fireplace, bookcases, massive buffet in dining floors, cove and beam ceilinr, Dutch kitchen, full cement batrment. fur nace, hnue ia finUlied in white enamel , throughout, tapotry paper, located on E. 43d at, near handy bird-; term. $5260 ROSE CITY PARK. 3 room bungalow hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, beamed ceiling, book cases, Imtc.h kitchen, with every buile-fn; full cement basement, furnace, large attic; 50x100 lot, garage, located lent than a block from Handy blvd., below the hill; good terms. $3750 ROSE CITY PARK, 5 room bungalow and aleepitig porch, hard wood floors, fireplace, bookca&en, buffet Dutch kitchen, .cement basement, 60x1 0t) lot, located 1 block from Sandy bird, on 70th st This ii a real bargain and a lovely home; half cash, balance to suit $3150 ROSE CITY PARK. 5 room bungalow, large living room, liuLch kitrlten; 2 god bedrooms, all in white enamel; good plumbir.g, 60x100 lot garage; located 4 4 blks. north of Sandy blvd. ti lendid be nun. Reveroian Investmeimt 210 Lewis bid.. Bdwy. 2 054. East Side Home 5 -room' Jiome, clost- in on f--t fir? with floored itttic an.l f;n room upstair: living and timing room, kitrheii, 2 bedrooms and bath between downMairs; full basempBt, reiaeni: 3-WxlOO lot; vre aVe offer in.. Uiu home for $-G0(. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 83 4th St. 5 Acres' .Improved For City Property 5 acre, in Mo?ita,villa diM.Hrt; all cul tivated; houae. barn, aond water. Vbrr ymj ran make a fHd .th-.nwi of berries and chickena. Will take axuail city bouia in Uade. Otto & liiarkson 413 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY'S BEST BUNGALOW Absolutely inili'rn in every detail, A perf ret gem in old ivory. Price cut to the last $1. This week at $5030 Tour Chance, Mr. and Mrs. Newcomer NeiSan & Parkhsli 219 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark ats. Irvington Bungalow On E. 31sA at., near Thompson: liv ng room !Rx31, sun rxiin. dining rtxim,' lar.e suniy kiLchen. one bed room aod batli fr-t fiiKjr; three bed rooms second floor; full oement. base ment, garage. Owner. Ea. 7976. 4-ROOM bungalow, nicely furnished; lot 75x100, good garage. A neai snap, $1900; $000 down, terms. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BARGAIN 5 -room furnished cottage, bungalow style, modern; whie .enamel f ini.-.b : lot 100x100, one lot in loganberries. Only $3700. $8U0 cash, easy terms. ROvE CITY REALTT CO. East fiHl. Kast S038. One off Our Swaps $1150, $330 down, balance good U-rms. 4 rooms. Inside toilet, gas, electricity: hot and cold water, good woodshed and storehouse; nice big trees, on ground lOUilOO; only 2 blocks to car, in the very best of neighborhoods and loca tion. The lots alone are worth the money. Don't let the other fellow beat you to it. Cable Realty Co. 6829 72d st. E. Ant HI 3 83. $800 CASH HAWTHORNE CAR Ray, don't miss seeing this lovely 5 -room bun galow; the price ia only $3800; it has hard wood floors, fireplace, -builtin buffet, white Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bathroom, con crete basement; the rooms are fiui.thed in old ivory and beautiful tapestry paper; yes, the street is paved and paid; don't forget tile price is ouly $3800. Call us at once. , COMTE A KOin.MAN. !08 Cbeher of Commerce Hide Mdn B550. Hawthorne Bungalow $580) for a fine 7-fom, oak floors, buffet, eto. ; eeiled and parceled dining room, very large living room with fireplace; lot 50x100, with garage; $00 cash, balance to suit. F. L. Blanclhard 4012 Swetlend Ride Marshall R2r. $5000 Kose City district 6 rooms, modern, bath, 2 toilets, 2 lavatories, buffet, fireplace, hardwood floors throughout main floor, furnace hest. full lot, paved street all liens paid; reasonable down payment balance like rent JoIhinonDodson Co. 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW KENTON DISTRICT-tr-UU FFA LO STREET 50x100 lot, house lias liTing room; dining room, kitchen nd pantry, bedroom, bath and toilet: the front room is so arranged that it can nicely be used for a bedroom: price $2250; S300 eah, balance terms. sMiTH-wsfifiyKw coj, tqck r,rmvr,K $100 CASH WILL HANDLE $20 PER MONTH AND 1NTEHEST 8 room house on paved street, full plumbing, small basement convenient to car and school, price only $2600 with street and sewer paid. JohnstonDodson Co. 33 N. XV Bnk Bdg. Main 8787. S-ROOM BUNtiAUiW House la plastered, has electricity, gas, water, sink, a nice chicken houses and runs, land ail in cultivation, has aome berries and fruit trees; price is 25O0. 200 cash and $2 paw month. PM1TH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK FX'HNGF KK.ST BUY ON WEST SIDE Two modem cottages 3 and rooms, mod ern plumbing, electric lights, lot 50x100; walk ing distance; $5500; terms. -opt pnoa no? s,M(nr bMc -liHM house wi;h eity water and gas, lot 0xlO0, garage and a few fruit trees. Priae $900, only $100 case, - . 1). J. O'CONNOR, -Cor. f?d st. s.rd Tyondstocs: ave. Anto 3-75 4 ROOM hoiire. 3 blocks from Ro&e 'ity csr at 651 E. ,74th st N. All assessments paid. Price $1400. Terms, $500 cash. $20 month bal. Owner at p).ice. , roll SALE 12 roomt. modern, 2 apartments. 2 blocks campus, good income property; price and liens. Address 3Y7 S. 9th u. Corvallis. Or. sh 7-KOOM, t;as and eKtjricity. full oetu re, base ment. ;ed street Price $3800. 953 nenenbern. lOOxlou CuRNER. 5 room uungakiw. Full basement, ail kinds, fruit; ia good condition; Ilia K. lth st. N., Alberta e,r. WHEN you get a Tiiie lusu rsnce Policy, you di not need aa abstract of title. One pre mium pars fur all time. Title A. Trust (oosuu. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ROSE CITY REALTY CO. i 28TH AND SANDY EAST 661. TABOR 6442. rose crrr BrN&ALOws BeagiHful modern bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, breakfast nook, fireplace, gas. Fox furnace with eoila, electric light, hardwood floor, half bloc off Sandy, improvements in axui paid; $0000, $1000 down, terms to suit ' Near modern 5-roora bungalow ia Rose City, tatewt built-ins; $4725, $650 down. Modern 7 -room house, 4 rooms downstairs, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath uptta irs. lot 50x1 OO. garage, improvements in and paid. 3 blocks to Rose City csr; $5500, $1500 down, eay term. 7 room hooe and bath, on 25th st. and Scndy, electrv; light, water, lot 60x100. A aoap at $3800, $1000 down, easy terms. A snap Hawthorne home; 5 -room cottage, all on one floor, finished in white ennujel, hardwood floor, gar.se. corner lot on 87th st. improve ments in and paid; $4000, $1500 down, ea.y terms. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN 5 -room modern bungalow and attic, Dutch kitchen, all late built-ius, fireplace, full eemeot basement ees. furnace, laundry trays, let 60x 10i. near 30th at, $4700. $1200 down, easy terms. 8-room modern house in Woodstock district $2O00, will exchange for good car as first pay ment This ia a bargain. West Side tiomrie 6-roora home, completely and nicely furnished, fireplace and cement base ment with furnace; this house and furniture is in first-claa condition; to see this home you will have to come to our office, or call up and we will call aud ahow you; price $0000, terms. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 4th St. Ef You Are Going to Build WE FURNISH FREE feKETCUES t iana and specifications by licensed architects and engineers. Guaranteed Estimates ALL CLASHES OF BUILDINGS Kee ns before neBotiafinn el e here AMERICAN - CONTRAC TORS ASSOCIATION Brr:sdway 4887 Sll Hwrt BMg . A Perfect Little Home For a little mntwv Only $2250 On corner lot too. tlnA i -.vw V KOU1, Get wise and My rent TO rOURSEI F Neilan ' Parkhill ! 210 Lumbermens bldg., 5U and Stark rtn. IN WOODLAWN REST BARGAIN BEST TERMS R Tntn V . I , , . . , , , -. . .... nuwjini resiaence, inr OUXIOO. Inti 1 . t f 1 1 , .. . 1 . . . . ... " ""seoient, oam, toilet. lav- story, chandelier; chicken house, cement walks, CUro. 3 blocks rm r at - , li i j 35UI); $250 cash, balance $20 month. ' -- ni'iunDa, u Ale a, ay Bldg. Dim inn israrit H's. $3400 SUNN YSIDE CAR W ir rt- aarrina J S U - v . , - . -v.. . ,,x u c$tj; m ueimont st. ; 3 room nd reception ha.ll down and 3 bed rooms and bath on the upper floor: fun cod rrt baaement; we sold tnei exact duplicate of th:s home 3 doors away for 3750; remember, the price is (3400 with $700 cath COMTE A KOKLMAN. ?0S Chrrhr of rommrre Hiflc Mtn ,,?.ft iMKe" riTT lIAHf l!'A,. j a vim ixtio, winn nara sort ace paid, bie cement basement with A-l furnace, larg-a i.ring room and dining room with oak f 1 rvi t-H caranta tnilof o-.J 1 . r- . - ifr-uriKJiBB arm oatn aoo-e; terirn, SI 500 fit.wn. balance eay. SIDNEY JATHItH .l A IhlneiAn xI4 1 - i M 1, i , hfonmoi; Uis.ail i&Ki t .V llTa t Tii .. -sw7 j". . x - a- ' "" 1 ' " 1 - t-.0 in muuu. ine oeM no me mat w ,i ,,,r'ri uiumr hit me money; lice corner lot, 75x100, on macadam atreet; twer ia and eTer.tiiiriaT nato f-f a . bath- electric lutbu, full cement basement. 2 M JjX ' 1 "M UI "tuiw .Trice iau; 500 cash, balance to auit you. 4427 4d at vv a vvur rinii "ui-t- uTt- - " ' " - -- -j a a Ml.i'Jtl i T J sj" fi - mom V1ln ara l-kiar riws,1un KnnWMu Wae-.a com plot, kitchen, basement, some brrries and fruit, oq bard surface atreet. ail liens paid; termd. JoIhnsosiDodson Co. 33 N, W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. CAN'T bUna For thls I'itiCE South Portland property, always rented: a eoon investment; one 4 room modern, furnished, ana one f room, partly furnished; income $35 a month: ground 65x50; terms $2800, $30u down and $25 a month and interest or $2500 cash, owner, 1134 49tb are.. 8. E., between $3500 !(.rnnin lVi V, .. 1 r . . m . "a a ui injuria f tAJ l -4 CW , I irFJ llaVCC, TTHl plumbing, some builtias, some wood and briquets; a a IUU loam. JohnsonDodson Co. R33N. W. Rank Rdg. Main 877. 5-itooM houae. piastered, has electric lights, iwater. gas, larce pantry, bath room, good cel lar. 8 lots, fruit trees and berries. 2 ' chicken hoiLsas, garage and barn for 3 cows. One half block from car. Price $2100. terms. D. J. O'CONNOR, for. 92d st and Woodstock ave Auto 626-75. BUY THE Lot WB GIVE TOU THE HOUSE - - - . wiotv iu, cau. oiue; a cuoice loca tion for future improvement ; an 8 room house On thA neisnaretv i. nr. .n4 i '1 1 1 TV. 1 price $4200, only $500 cash. w.si 1 1 m-vs AQON r.H CO. STOCK EXfTf. Overton St. Well-built 8-room house, maid's mm tie. full cement basement fnmm rir.iu. garage; the lot alone is worth $4000; will seli i.r e in....; T-rrn. nroaowsv 77!i M onda y. ROOM HOU8E. lot 60x100. raved e . sewer connected, ooreh. screens nn .11 win dows, full size basement Must sell in 30 days. .... u,. v-aji ouuuay-ltiescisy. Also 7 room house, 4 bedrooms, lot 75 1 ion Teem. Owner, 509 Maiden ave. Sellwood csr. $3 100 UP-TO-DATlS 4 -room bungsiow, fur- nished; large attic, cement la.vm.nt r..n i... garage; this is a snap", forced to sell quick See Schatffer, with J. P. . McK'euna, Belmont at 3SMh. Tsbor 64 93 oo0o iiose City Park; $1000 cash; 5-room xnodirn bungalow, practically new; will stand inspection and comparison' must sell at once so come any time; always someone here until sold. ... . n. " . r. aim it ji. lurtnr 44H4 BUNGALOW and furniture for sale, owner 4 rooms and bath, basement, electric lights, watar. gas, lot 32x150. chicken house and run young fruit trees, berry bushes. 0408 99th st S. E. Mt. Scott car. b -i.UU.il house in lamliil, u, clone ui, 3 bed rooms, lurge living room, dining room and kitchen: full cement basement, garage; $3900; resjKinsible party can buy on small down pay Hiei.t. Broedav 7 79 Monrisv ULilJJ NOW See as for designs and eet-raatn free; gf bnngalow book of 100 designs $1 , established 1 Jars; satisfaction assured L. R. BAII.KY CO, ?4 v tv Hsrk WH. A DREAM " Modem 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, bullt-in, abundance of fruit and shrubbery. Owner leaving city: $2250 cash will handle No trnt wanted. T-S94, Jonmal. iult SLK 5 room cotuwe, one block to M V car, $1300. Will take vacant lot up to $500, balance cash. 8 bearing fruit trees and email fruit. P. U Miller. 1997 H E. Gliaan st. Portland, Or. ( -Tit st. in ALftEritA : 7-ROOM AND 50x100 IX1T Has bath, toilet electricity,' gas. basement; the price Is very low: want xfiuO axtr-H WAGONER pp., 8TOCK ETCTTANGE COZY 4 room cottage on paved at., wiute euam eled throughout. good plumbing, garage, 2750. Must have $1100 cash, balance easy. Tabor 725. UtVING'lON BAUGALS, $7a50; ivory. inaltu any. art piper, French doors, center hail, near 24th aid Brazes. Neuhausen. Main 707S. Ph-rt Eat 394. iliZi. io.ui.4ica wis, uuie aodsmoney because wwu is (Riuirm. nut wi i rust pany. . $ 1450 $200 CASH .Mt Tabor 5 room bonse, 60x100 lot, close to 2 carlinc. Owner. 1481. R. Pine st ' S-lnMlW house. Isrge baaement good fiirnsre, burglar alarms, fruit tyeea, roeea. 762 E. Bitm-dde, neer P. 2 2d. I1QUU 4 room modem hou e. lot 78x100, $250 down. 7 Tr mowTTT cWOwd. 1 1 H 112" Q"den a tl5U ri'lt OjAiJw -rJ-igaut, isi-ge e-rooa lwuee. eiuae In wn-e E-t 33fiO. NEW houe, eHiixitte, bungaiin. styie, 3 rooms, bath: easy terms. Ftst 2SM1. 5-BOOM houseboat uof urniKi.d. or will ' trade tur soocr .niji Phone Wiila. 404. A LARGE Sterling Brand Dill Pickles FREE I I There is a bgr interesting an nouncement on Page 5 of Section 6 in today's Sunday Journal, which will tell you how you can get a great big can of Dill Pickles free. Better turn , to it right now, so you'll be sure to read it.' Ml ' 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 l u V 1 Vi I'l-r.s; ''.-' '- r.LiMj and two glased sleeping porches, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet Dutch kitchen. beautilul sun room Ibis uoti"e is mooem ir ...r,. . t. ,.. . ll nOvlllO 14730 $1750 C'eiashbalarice $50 per mo nth. Will seil ftoiue luroi.ure. ' : JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Biflk bl.ig. Main 377 HAWTHORNE 345U Say, don't miaa this; a handsome semi-bunga low of 6 rooms, beamed ceiling, Duteh kitchen full cement basement, wash trays, paved street and sewer liens all paid, for $3450; it beats anything we ve seen in Hawthorne lor montita, it looks like a $4 500 bungalow; if you can pay $1250 down, call us at once. COMTE & KOIII.MAN. 208 Ch-eno,!- of Commerce Riilg. Main 6550. 3300 WILE HANDLE 6-room bungalow for $1050: gas, electric lights, basement; house is n.t and clean; aux 100 lot: eood chicken house: a wonderful buy. Price ia $1650. $300 cash, bslance $35 peg month and interest JoEnnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W Bank Bldg. Main 377 4 ROOM BUNGALOW $400 DOWN Balance like rent: place is neat and clean; painted, in good shape: only two blocks, to car. A regular old-time snap at $2350. Phone Main 6624 from 11 till today and all day Monday. Only $380 Hawthorne District Will build 5-room bungalow, all builtina, hard wood floors, full cement basement. 30x100 lot haid surface street in and all rtaid, handy to 8 car lines. Can complete in six weeks. $700 cahh. balance Itke rcn' Tafor (.. Alberta Bungalow $3300 for a 4-room 'with sjuioe iu the attic for 2 rooms, oak floors, built-in Tied. DooKca-ses, window seat, buffet and dressing room, full con crete basement, range and Ruud heater; paved street; 2 blocks from car; terms. 401-2 K we' land Bldg. Phone Marshall 829. 6 ROOMS CLOSE LN Good home for someone; big basement, 3 bedrooms, good plumbing, fractional corner lot with hard surface paid: E. 24th st ; right on the car line; price $35O0; pay $ROO down, then balance easy. SIDNEY G. LATHROP. 516 Ab inston bldg. (sign 0 the horseshoe). Eve nin(r MschBll 4 8 51. X-2ar,( Sf.rxi DOWN, balance like rent 6 room buniralow. 3 bedrooms, good bath, full basement, 50x100, corner lot, on Glisan and 82d st JohnsonDodson Co. 63 3 N. W. Bank Bdg. Main 3787 BETTER READ THIS WANT TO OWN YOCR HOME? Have lota in city, on which we will put you up a 2 or 4 room house on easy payments. Come in and see us about it SMITH WAGONER CO . STOCK EXCHANGE e.63 E. 25TU ST. Fine big 7-room furnUhed house with full cement basement, full plumb ing. big living rpom, oak floors, good furniture; paved street lot 60x100; double garage. AH for $4600. worth $6000; $1000 cash, balance monthly. Owner, East 3225. $5000 BARGAIN A comfortable modern 7 room home, cloe in, on east side. Full concrete basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, lot 50x100; paved street; de sirable homes surrounding some cash balance easy. From owner. East 6130. Main 249. WEST SIDE HOME $600 On the heights is this good 7-room home, with rifely 2 lota, hard surface paid, furnace, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, one grand view: terms, say $1500 cavdi, balance easy. SIDNEY G. LATHHOP, 6J6 Abington bldg. isien of the horseshoe). $3500 $1000 CASH Artistic Brown Bunaalow. 5 rooms, typical, large cTen porch, all large sunny rooms, fireplace, furnace, launary trays. Dutch kitchen, built-ins, full lot, fruit, 2 blocks to car. Mar 3ft93. Woodstock Bargain A very attractive and convenient little home: fruit berrien. nut; small down payment, balance as rent. Se'wood 2279. KOSE CITY PARE. $4430 Strictly modern 5-room bungalow with gttie for sale by owner; garage, hardwood floors, fire rilsee, buffet and sll built-in. Tabor 1611.. J W. McFADDBS BLDG. CO , BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES 83 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 268 STARK ST MARSHALL 12. FOK SALE ti rooai bun,iow on paved street short block to car; clear of all incumbrances, $2750, $1750 caah. mtg. back for balance. P. L Miller. 1997 t K. Gii an st, Js WHY PAY KEN T t Wall build to suit you on my choice lots, near Ockley Green school. 20 per cent cash, balance eesT. Wd.n. 1402. liOME and income; 9 room, hot water heat. 2 lota; 30th, E. Salmon, upstairs rent $40; big snap; $4500, Mi cash. 612 Gasco, owner; no coinfflwim it OWNER Moe this on your vacant lot: 4 room box house, tent roof, T. aV G. floor, attic Dutch kitchen, electric lights, sink, toilet, . 1. an T - T 0 ,1 , . T.Ka. OOIQ MY owNLit. 3 room houe. 2 lot., large chick- en bouse, fruit berries, all go for $1700, half eash. Want to go to oosuit as I am fishing. 6109 5Hth ave R. E. - ONLY $2500 A real bargain, by owner; S rooms and sleep ing porch, all ready to move iq; paved atreet and cement waikv Call Main 7133. WEST SiuE, $450U, 7 rooms, gas. bath, elec tricity, 2 fireplaces, cement basement, full lot Owner. 47 10'h t. C021' 2-rooin eu, quiet piace, suitable for couple or bachelors; near U. P. shops. Also slnzle H. K. room. Reasonable. 132H R'issel st. FOR SALE Laud on E. 28th St.. near Brazee st 200 ft square with cottage. Apply 512 E 28th st. N. BY OWNER Comer lot 75x9'i. cottage S rooms on first floor. Corner East 42d and Taylor. Inquire 184 E. 42d st. $200 6-room mig.e bungalow, 1 large oed room ail built-in conveniencee; by owner. Woodlawu H955! ' , SIX room bungalow, full biueiaent4 Iurnace, built in cupboards, china closets; paved atreet; H Mock Alberta car. Owner. 1062 E. T3th at N. W VOL' want a home in Laud s addition, look at nie. Beautifully ettuaxeo. Garage. East 4726. WHEN you -puruluse your uoiue nave tU title in su red. Get a title xnaurance xoia:y. litis Jt Trust company 7 KOOM house, 1 bia. Alberta car. Puoue 815-94. 3 HOUS.ES 4. Z roouia; large lot. fruit ; 2"OH. terms wee airs, urcnaran, wego, or. biiAUTlk UL home In Liureiiiur.t, - 7 rooius. trctiy molern, on lerei int. Ant, z jj-i 1 A. 1. 0.V htue 0-rix.iu bung-low,, ail m micro, hardwood floor, r'r. Auto, 1 Fort iSAUr, By owner, ( room house, 3 iuu, $2200; i00 cash. 3624 04th st, at E. Tf: CAN OF : ! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 hitter, Lome & co.'s CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT A MCRRTMEAD HOME $7000 A Strirtjv modem T.mm Milil.nM t.M. homey living ncT dining rooms, cozy dan, Jiard- a k 1 - ' Ilre"ce. breaklaat room, conven - i-ncisuji, moaern imtcn aitcnen ouux-m leaiures, Daea: porch screened, a attractive bedrooms each with large dressing room, bath and double sleeping porch uiwtair.s. full concrete basement, furnace, garage, 50x100 ..nut!., .wi wrros. ROSK CITY RnxGATnw . . A atrietly modem bungalow of 5 rooms. :ieaIl.,1K?tl in 48th b' Sandy blvd. and ...1 ..in. uarownoa iioors. beautiful bnilt-in con venieneea. buffet bookcases, writing desk. etc. large liv.ng room, fpil length mirror, scoxy break fast nook, larse sttie. full good furnace, large garage .with concrete floor aim anveway. I in tad ed In old ivory througliout; Una bungalow cannot be built today for the t'I-aoo'lkd' "d " location ia the beat; price LAUHELHTJRST BCNGAIOW This Is an ideal 5-room bungalow near car ...u ciiooi, every nuirt In eonvenieneec, break fast nook, firenlsce. harHwwvi fina 1 , .... full concrete basement, pipeless furnace, ga- - . - n.M. wugjicLM 'iii.rwi. ana tioor. - " ROSE CITY A 7-ROOM RITNGATiW Large linng and dining rooms, library, fire- i.ice. n a run 00a iioors. bedrooms and bath down stairs. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs, every bnilt-in ronmnimi.. 1. ..,-1, , 1 1 finished in old ivory throughout, full concrete oueineni. iurnace. garage with concrete floor and driveway, located in E. 40th at bet. Sandy and the hill, easy walking distance to Fernwood BCllOOi. A LADRELHtTRST HOME $6500 In the heart of Ijurelhnrst near the nark a strictly modern 8 room residence, hardwood naors, iirepiace. Dunl in buffet, bookcases, etc. 4 large bei rooms and bath upstairs, full con crete basement good furnace, garaee with con crete driveway; good terms. IRVINGTON HOME Att.recttve and strictly nvseani Irvington home or 1 rooms, 1st floor haPiarge aunny living room with fireplace, den, music room, stained glass windows, large dining room, attractive sewing room, modern kitchen, with every built-in feature, toilet and lavatory, hardwood floors inrougnout, large porches; second floor has 4 corner bedrooms, 2 with fireplaces, roomy tiled bath with every built-in convenience, large sleep ing porch, 2 bedrooms, large central hallway and toilet on third floor; foil concrete basement American radiator hot water heating aystem. fruit closets, fuel bins, etc.; this home was built by the present owner and occupant, and is offered ,UI mr trie iirst time; generona terms. A BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARE $6500 67x100 corner fronting 100 ft on pavel street this is a very attractive bungalow of 5 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement splendid hot water heat ing plant garage, old ivory woodwork, tapestry n., tuu.Biiinn ui louiKion car. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 34200. Very attractive little bungalow only 8 blka. from Irvington car. lame, dnnhle alennine porch with closets, full concrete basement fur nace, inut ciosets, laundry trays, large screen porch, garage with concrete driveway. 50x100 Ufc. 1CTUU. A WEST SIDE HOME. $0500. Only 2 blks, from Shattnck school and 4 from jncoln high, strictly modem 7-roora house. large, aunny room. 4 bedrooms and bath up stairs, homey living and dining rooms, large. well arranged kitchen and pantry, full con crete oasement, gooa Iurnace. this home was constructed by present occupant and has never ouangeq nanus. AN IRVIVOTOV HOME PRICE $7600 Modern 8-room rcwidenee, larce living mora, with oak floors nrsi fireplace, large dining room with beautiful buffet, breakfast room, den with built-in bookeasea, all have hardwood floors. 3 large bedrooms with, pay window and window seats and glaaeec-in sleeping Porch on 2nd floor, maid s room and billiard room in attic, full concrete basement with . good furnace, laundry, fuel bins eta., large garage with concrete floor sua anveway, easy terms. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTEIt, LOWE A CO.. 301-3-3-7 Botrd of Trade Bids. Main 667 Evenings and Sundays. Wdln. 4 300. WE WPiTF, ALT, KINDS OF TNSC'HANCK Five Room Bungalow $4200 E Z TERMS Large living room with fireplace, hard wood floors, mirror door in closet; built ins; hot water heat; paved street, one block from Hawthorne car. A real bar gain. R. SOMERYHJ.E. TJ. S N BANK BDG. BDWY. 8838. MARSHALL 5863. CLOSE IN HOMEY PLACE 4 moms and bath, nice Dntch kitchen, two bedrooms, large screened porch and a peach of a lot 60x148, with all kinds of fruit and berries. On carline, rloee in: aewer and sidewalks in and paid. Trice only $2250. with $500 cash. Ha who hesitates loses this. Ralph H arris. Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce j. L. HARTMAN COMPANY EXCLUSIVE SELLING AGENTS MORNINGSIDE ASSOCIATION Main 208 $1500 FOR a fine plastered 3-roora on part.1 treet and sewer in, 2 blocks from car; $70O cash. $1780 for 6-roora furnished plastered, bath. toilet: lot 50x100; only 2 blocks from car; Xt00 ca,'b. balance monthly. F. L. BSanchard 401-2 Rwetland Bldg. Phone Mxrshall 829. NEW 8-room modern cottage, lot 41x135, f lt)0, nou casn; terms. New 4 -room cottage, gas. electricity, lot 41x 183; $1500. $250 caah: terms. Lot guxizs. fruit aback. aSiO eash. 8900: terms. 6128 52d tt ROSE CITY DISTRICT Coxy 4 room bungalow. 2 bedrooms. Dntch kitchen, full plumbing; a nice little borne, close to ear ana school. i'uv; liuuu aown, bal ance esey. Tabor 7174. TITLE Insurance is the modern way of lisridiing titles to resl estate. Quicker, costs less and no. abstract require!. Title Trait company. FIVE room, large at.ic. full c. nieut basement hot water heat all built-ins. improvements in and rM. . $4250. r. rm -. T-899, I'-um,-! ' WANTED A tt-nxim house, $30tO to $3500 ,cah; frll lot. clos to car. A-8 7 1 1 , Journal. 5-KOoM bungalow, by usutl, t00. Call 382' gVonui ave. eleuwoua car. REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE HOUSES 404 . : A. Q.' Teepe Co. ... . EAL B0Y8 EVERT ONE $3800 Hawthorne. Nifty S room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, I hitch kitchen, cement baaement. etc. Attractive terms. $4300 Hawthorns. Splendid 5 roem bunga low. Hardwood floors., tile bath, tile drain board, fun cement basement, ih treys, etc. You'll want this for you borne. . ,. ., . $4750 HAWTHORNE. rooms. Pi replace. furnace, garage, etc. You never would expect to buy home like thia for so little money. Nothing like it ia the district for the money. Close in. $3975 T room bungalow with hardwood floors In every room on first floor. Splendid furnace. Large lot You would ei pert to pay at least $5000. Term's Someone will get a big bargain, and it anight as well be job. - $4760 ROSE CITY', PARK. An exceptional buy. 5 large rooms with fireplace, Fox furnace, etc. Located near Alameda drive, 1 H blocks from Sandy. Full lot Garage. Owner . moving from Portland and must sell. Bee this. , $4850 ROSE CITY PARK, Nifty new bunga low. We want you to compare this with ethers easting $6000 or more. 6 rooms and breakfast nook. Hani wood floors, fireplace, buffet cement basement, wash trays, etc. Ideally lo-- eated. Very easy terms. $4950 ROSE CITT PARK. 5 room and garage. Large attic. , You will appre ciate thai value here. Located below the hill, 1 short block from Bandy. Hardwood floors. fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, cement basement fur . nace, eto. Reasonable terms, too. j $5700 ROBE CITY PARK. One of the most beautiful corners in all of thia district. An exceptional 7 room bungalow with hardwood floors, firefSace, furnace, garage. Owner moving from Portland and must sell, ' Truly a bargain. $6300 ROSE CITY i PARK. 5 rooms end Bleeping porch. ' Ixicated Just off Sandy, facing east Below hill. You cannet Imagine, a prettier home. It couldn't be better built Finished in rich old ivory and white throughout Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, garage. Alinoat gny kind of terms will handle. ATTENTION. ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS. We are the leaders in ales in this popular district We hsve bandied property there for years, most of the salesmen live in Rose City Park, know the history of nearly every -house in the district and those who want to anil naturally list their property with ua. We are now building our own building at 40th and Sandy, to lie used as a branch office. WE ARE NO l,ONOEU IXJCATED AT 50TH AND SANDY. CALL ONLY OUR DOWN TOWN OFFICE MAIN 8082. $3750 LAURELHTJRST. A splendid bunga low of 6 rooms with large attic. Two tdditiona! rooms could easily be fin ished. Hardwood floors even in bed rooms. Expensive paper. Thoroughly double-constructed. l-sre living room, extending entire width of bouae. Nicely located. Term. -j $0700 LAUREI.HUR8T. Positively ena of the biggest barseina, in Latunslhurst 6 rooms and den. It is absolutely im possible to over-describe the beauties of this splendid home. Hardwood floors throughout tile bath, pedestal stand, Everything the very acme of perfec tion. Garage. Ideal location. If oU see this aodj don't say it's a poaltive bargain, theti we'll gladly pay you far the time scent in inspecting it 1 IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUTLD. CRT IN TOUCH WITH THIS OFFICE. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. j A.- Q. TEEPE CO. ! 270 z;urAn 50fT EOVELY SIX ROOM BUNGALOW All on one floor. large living and dining rooms; two nice bedrooms, with at tractive bathroom; finest of builtin fea tures; fine level lot with garage facing on allev; call ua early Monday about this. Price $2990. $300 caah. balance very Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW 1 j $4250 buya 4 rooms and bath, including 1 bed room 1st floor: 2 bedrounn up: fire place, liiiwd. floors. Dutch kitchen, I basement with with trays and new piit less furnace; this home is less thau 2 - . ,.1,1 i... 1 no. 1 on w with fine garage, corner, also alley; fine buy; cau male terms 10 imw r J. A. Wickman Co. "Shortest We Home" J- ' ' 264 Stark St Main 1094 and 683 Rurirtay. call Ant 824-14. - HAWTHORNE Five Room Bungalow $4200 $1200 DOW.s, j Move right into Uiia new, attractive bungalow; hardwood floors, fireplace, art-j istic builUn bullet ideal Diro ai.cuenj pavement and everything paid; concrete basement . Ii. SOMERVH.LE, 17. S. N. BANK iRDG BDWY. 8838. MARSHALL 6868. BARGAIN Bk OWNEtt ..i . , . , . j ti k.111 miKI. nvwi.eHAtecl. phustered bungalow, whit enameled kitohen. wtn breaxiaat nooa. goou uvuig iw"", TI bedrooms, wlta gooa citsnvis. mm. -t.iuss. . . i . . . , hn. f cnV I n m end basement; hot water tank: ewwer and sidewalk in and paid; garage, henhouse and good gar den spot; everything nicely arranged; 100 feet north of Halsey at. which b mucadamixed. abort octanes- to pavemenr. oi r,. i ou v - ii a Mm, hi vi- m i:iliW HOME i i ORia K 4Bth at. 8.E.. 1 blk. eouth of Division; drive by. but don't disturb tenant phone ua for appointment to aee interior; exclu sive agents: 5 rooms and bath with attic; this will se 1 on light o don't delay, price only gai.'.o- st iinn. sll in and Pd ; $650 cash. baL $25 monthly wttn interest - J. A. Wuckman Co. 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 083. Snnday. call Ant, nzs-it A NICE HOME a mn mnl.ni house, double construction. lot 60x94 feet, paved etregt. all improvements in. on Montavilla car line. Price $4500, $1500 cash, balance easy payments, 1331 1-i.st GlLsrn st . at 57th ats. Go out and take a look. Owner in house. I j. H. ivf. r,.sTr.w'ooti a, co. in4tn nt 4-i;ooM BLXiiAfllW KENTON DISTRICT BUFFALO ST. I '! 50x100 lot; bouse has living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry, bedroom, bath and tnitet' Oi. front room ia so erraiiffttd that I it can nicely be used for a bedroom; price $2230, 5O0 cash, balance terms. SMITH WAGON KB CO, KTOCK EXCHANGE VV 1LLAMET i E BOULEVARD BUNGALOW Here is another chance to buy your home on one of Portland's popular buolevarda; don't over look it . Price $4759 COOVER A HOLMAN S?r Fsiltne Bids- Mar-ball ?r93 A TITLE. Insurance Policy is a giisrsn.ee by a re- tioufclble -comoany that you will not sutfer Io a on account ot the title to yonr reel e tate. When yon buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required.. Title It Trust company. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $370Or Terms. II R rooms cement basement, furnace, garage. fruit trees, garden spot, paved t, f'ne neighbor- Mr. ?(r.3 1 3-BlrOH BUNGALOW I , House is Elasterexi. has electricity, gas. water. Ink 2 nice chicken houses and mm: land all in cultivation ; has some berries, and fruit trees; price is $2500, 2"0 ca'b and $2' per month.- S. Rf y- ff Tf "T.M IV r S. t 11 l(oo aoillt OK 30 P. C. I.YVES TMK NT; Hentn fof $25 mo., or $30O per year, i j Furnished 6 I. coxy houseboat, twerlooki river. I ; CHAS. RINGTER so.. 223 Henry hldg. VeaL'tIful Lavrelhurst BUNGALOW ' 5 laree rooms, attic, strictly modem, block to ear. street improvements paid. $3950; terms. Buy direct. Have money. i journal. qirwrt. I...B iii.nl t -c".j, 'jxj..ij. ; HAVal already examined ttte title to your sperty and can issue you a Title Insurance WE ne- Pollcy wrrntrtit aeisy. nug g - ityt eompawy Aal ie iC itte City bungalow, modem in every -respect; paved st- ; block to ear. Marshall 8t)S. .Si. h r.M-in ni-xiern, iu.au-.liud hou c. $1700, 8H00 caah and $25 per snoot b. 8402 89th St. S. K. 3-ROOM bungaJrns. etsctric rafige,- lu Tio'in. Tabor 7333. i I i Slu AKltiEHN 5 room bungalow, corner bt, i iia-ii-svM -t-eet- t.ke r-w: 3!30. Ant 642-1-. DOUBLE HOUSE, 7 rau. each income prop e.ty, waiauig Uktonce; $5M)0. Eat $835. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 1 E!nier F. Bennett Co. 118-321 Board of Trade. Main UoS. i BUT A HOME FIRST" " i .. 'f fnf'e are paying $00 mo. rental for it - Pn"V"t wb.o they could buy a home i2 i. OWa 1oT money, hsve more mi n- . Jln .ron- more independence, and 1 liitieuiarden to keep down living costs; and aftr dxeds of Portland houie for sale on easy terms. ! 'N LADD'S ADDITION SS500 Beautiful 6 room house. Urge lot Kf 'V? ,lrt tncUy UiOdera, compleU In every detail. , - i .e.o ROOM8. MODERN 87800 With 100x200 ground. F.. 2d fnU eement basement. I hitch kitchen, all the buill ina; a beauuful home. $1000 caau. BK?T PART HAWTHORNE k .700Jf7,1S0 """n. wodem 7 r. hon e. hardwood floors, coucrete garage, furnace, (ir.- MILWAUKIE AVENUE $8300 $1000 esh; 5 rtmtns down and 4 V flat up. 80x75, lot. garage. blh and UiUet each floor; a home and income. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $6000 On E. 4 2d; strictly modern : hni extra large living mom with fireplace, break fast nook off cabinet kitchen. 3 beautiful bed rooma upa'.airs, full basement au4 luniace. $1300 caah. . BROOKLYN HEIGHTS HOME $3000 $1500 down; isjve.1 corner 53tl00. good view of eity and maun tains; 9 rooms," mod ern. Exceptional value. PAVED CORNER. 15. MAIN $3830 Hill down; good 7 r. house, mod em conveniences and baaeuient. Would iy ' big interest aa investment NEW MODERN BUNGALOW - $3750 $1000 down, $23 mo and interest Five rooms, on E. 47th n.wr Hulgate: 6Oxl0i, fireplace, attic, basement ; will be f lULshed War. 1. MODERN SUBSTANTIAL $8300 $l((O0 down; near illlain on 70th; 6 rooms, double construction, tirejilace. butf.-t Dutch kitchen, cement basement Unit, OuxlOU. paved. A bargain. , ... 5 IOOM BUNGAIX)W $3250 On Ruasett at.; fireplace, basement. traya, builtina, near carline. A fine little hums. 6 nOM8 AND 70x200 . $3150 $750 down; motleru house, fireplace, builtina, baaeuient, i nice bedrooms, garage, uear pevuig. "'-' ROOMS ON PAVF-D COIlNnt $3000 $50U cash: in good cutiiliUon. near achool. "best car service, close in ou CleteUud are. NEAR PRK.SCfTT ON ALBINA AVK. $21O0 5uu down; 0 nmn cotUge, lot 86x100. paved at, neajr achuol, wodent cou Vemeucea. GLENN AVENUE CORNER $1850 $050 cash; 2 lota and small cottage of 6 rooius, not modern but m good condition; fruit and garage. SMALL BUNGALOW $1300 $7uo rs.sh; 4 rooms ati l 2 lots, HOih t S. E., not fully completed but cheap al price asked. Dots alone wurtii the uium-y. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS $1100 Easy terms: nearly an acre, with small building easily, con lerttlile to house, wire chicken run, lis native Ucu, uu pavement ucar car. Elmer F. Bennett Co. 818-321 Board of Trade. Alain 74j2, Open Sunday 11 to 3 $700 $150 CASH, 8 r.n" house, ccllsr elec- tncHy, gas. lot 73x113; buy thia aud aae nlgU rent $1200. 4 room plajrfArerl house, cellar, elerv tnciiy and gas, lot 7i113; Uu is beat ajij eoy. $25O0 Thia ia a real home with bascm-nt, electricity, gaa, .fruit and giAvdcn spot, lot ,','ix 100. chase u Stinnside car aud school; aiuad payment will hsndie. $2180 5 room bungalow, full bssement, electricity, gss, paneled dining room, built ins, laundry traya, large attic, close . to car. school and church; will take late model car. We have listinea in all parts of the eity. esa II"' Belmont. . Aut '.!28-8n. iai ut.i.iii liar uiili EI.HTTIrn $5730 You would never expect to buy so well a constructed, o thorouphlv nnHrn and attractive a home in this l.igh tlart district for.. i IitUe luonei ; 5 rooms end bath, l.ige attic, fim',l in enamel and lane-try puix-r, with hdwd. floors teren in lh he rooms), fireplace,' Dutch kitchen w.ua breakfast nook, full reiurnt. bsseriient. washtrays, furnace; all thia and st. .Jmp. all paid on aurpruinaly rsiy terms. ' .J. A. -Wickman Co. eea . t "Shortest Way Home" 264 Stark St. M.m 1004 and 583. Sunder, call Ant, 824 14 ; ROSE CITY Five Room Bungalow $8230 KZ TEISJLS large living room with firepl.ee. bard wood floors, white enameled Dutch kitch. n and breakfast room; wonderful hUir..orn with built-in dresser; jut completed, move right. Into this brand new him. It. SOMKRVILLK, 17. H. N BANK BOG BDWY. 8838. MARSHALL 6otl. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW IN . AIMEDA PARK $6700 I1ADII k.l L r . ,. - - - - . ----- -" , -' ii , ...r I i xamius Including interest In perfect condition, each room attr. ,-.!.! . .,-,i i ... i M features; big living rotira; the dining room has beautiful, buffet; kitchen la very convenient; fireplace, furnitre: 1. a tNUHnBni . .. . .. with cement driveway; on paved a'treet. Joln!nson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank P.ldg Main 378T. SPLENDID KENTON BUNGALOW Of 5 rooms, pretty snd coWpIi-t.. dandy lot, 5Ox200. with sll kind, of fruit and heme. ; paved street. A dandy home. Price $11150, with $500 t--h. .Ralph Harris Co. Bltt Chamber of Commerce J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. EXULUblVE SELLING AGENTS BEAUMONT ASSOCIATION . 208 A POSITIVE BARGAIN 6 ROOM BUNGAI.OW $4400 Tlll I h I. a .1 . .wi .... m....... I . .. - - ' - - , trr-n ..r rr.iisic : " " , ' -" ..e.ui, j,.iT-ri Bitciien, bath and i bedro,.ni. fireo.aee. blililin boi-kc.ses 7 Vi "". i,u.i m msin rooms. lull kAw,.,knf diniar. , .. . -A , . . . in and paid; we know poe.ttvely there's tio better buy ir, the city; if you tan pay $1230 cash, see us today. '. " COMTE II KOIII.MAN, 208 Ch-roher nf Commerce Bid:; Main 6550, ALBERTA 440ft. 7SO Arrmr. n.l. 111- . minr.Kiw in o.m4 inr,rtiii..n - ... . , r - ,.v,..M, ii-. nvfrtg aou dining room; beam eeilings; gorel kitchen- witn aU bnlltins; 2- nice bedrooms with bath' big basement; good location on paved street. Jonnson-'Dodson Co. 63$ X W Bark I!Mf .atn t5lu : EliM,4 - OME CITY PARK LrTTI E CREAM BUNGALOW a roonia, fireplace. biiilUns. DutMi kitchen, hardwood floors, c. merit basement, fumaee Jairti dry traya; oversini. lot, paved at; cflfce to c.r. ... . J WVFR 41DLMAN. Realtor jzz-321-24 Failing lilds. Msrsh.il 3901 LmjVVN, ba w ieriu, tiw 3 r'.ai bun.' fy"""- attracUve plan. .11 built-ins, iory ftnis attic, furnace, oeir flr-ors, nraj.. t SVlV J1r.ownrr' home. Come Sunday p. m. 2ftv K. 8d-Hs-vtbortte. & ROOM modem buncaliw, AOs loo lot. near . 'eooo end oar; Oi ca h, balance $tloi, $20 per month at 6 per cent tut; a barssin o'.vv imn ave. ?s. r.. EVEUl purcilAeer of real ;-,.le rlumld hsre his titie Insured Better be sate than aorty. Ttue St Trtist c.impanv. OiCT "tiiie litii4iiif in-'U.-! .11 . ii.,iatl It x q iicser and cheajr nl y.i are -ab..iuuiy proieidwd again t wrrnr. Ti'le A Tfost "company. nivsi eii.r. it..itijAi,ivv I'liM to Hoimsn whonl, tuwi'-vn, i-lea-ant rw, easy terms ctacrifase price. Mar. 993. view