FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1821. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 i 'J REE mMAU ' AH kinds of shrubbery snd garden work don. r"n Wondlswn 517-V MARRIED man wants pusltKm janitor vr u-lv-I man, experienced with stea m boiler and all incctianirs'trmi P, a23, Journal, loLNG man with kwi sair expeeieiic whs ! wibe to continue making Portland his home, want position it furniture store. A-431 -Journal. Al TO mechanic, with a ft.' experience; cao i handle shop efficiently. Will go anywhere. Ji'wn Market st Hslero, ir. pspeting. painting ami tinting. reoiveed rates, 'iaoor na.. p.. j. ijrsnt, VoLAi. wan, 1 , would like work in garage or driving snscbine; TpfrwRwfli wdltt. i!lvJo Cl.&kN I sera, aw kinds, urat-class oulyl fcwru t -wnrvt ma - biilNoLKltH V:vt shingling patching - i iuk . 11 1' ,.. .St.. I'l.An I r,la,, cnirawx snd avutcot wurs. UK ir. it. i s nor grins fcULM Kli pruning of all kind. I-aml- f" scsoing Main tM2. Residence. Mlin 518 4,'ARPENTER and contractor, jobbing, any thing. In the building tine. Phong Raft SOng, . blUNGLKHa WLtn im want rcintnglnig or re- i pair work done, rail Woodlawrr- B20i GAl.ititkATll. th painter, WY hang pDet nyni ioc np, trrwesT rarc. n pin, iso PLL'MBLNG Ooua very reasonably by th job or by th hour.- Ant. A40-1T i.llADI.Mi h.1 mun(. Main 0744. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 tin M woajni will, (to house work ami care 1 for children by buiir or day. Will go to iyour Lome evening,; experienced cook. X-238, Joiimi). aw ' V( ll like lite care of apartment or rooming uooe fur own apartmente: mmttn W mu Jtii-U-dt; husband lias aood position; no chil- itiren. K-BB2, Joomsl 'ELfiERLY lady who want a tsrnnatieut liotun "1 to keep bouse for an aged idowr In Eastern tiregrm. tx-S'Jii, joumn wTTtTSI AM JuARulisfcf ft CUR- --'! tains, draperies, done up. li.e : nkw, wtt l cai.? east 851 8. LACK curtain hand laundered; aaUalacUoa iJac- I snteed. Main 840O . i GIRL, i!5. wants e&rscal iXMJUun. W,uodiawu 310 ltiil i KH l4l Larbtr i&tica jtAiuuu. X-lalt, jixirnai. KKI.IAhl.K lady iil 'arr i .r children by hour, Alrtlilil H yuung (Hi urouid Itae on wo wurK or pahtrrtngt Kfims errine. Aat. 214 41, DRESSMAKING 256 Cordially mrtU ton to iit it noma nl fnod workmaBhit Nw faahion for aprlng, drewiea, tuitt, coat, blrm-ea and tinder tarmenta. I'rtva raaaonabt. Tabor 801 J. 1120 Diilon at. aiUUlSil i cpaiailza jn allriuuu rnai cva- nine grrwTw: aiao tmml dreomaktng. for piompt attentir.n. pall Tabor 8012. V Itleb- mnnd TTirini Pnrtn 1T2" rh1h'n .! tl.Ni, tlaaning. airpaatfig, . drcaamakiBc. ra nooeuni, rcunina. tueriuoDv, pieaiing, r nnaSle. pricaa, Tb Cabinat Claaoara a Dyarat 4 24 .vfrrlon. near 1 1th Main 1828. (ariaenta: reaaonabla pricea; work maraoteed. 3 K-iibtn, ladtfa Tailnry 40l Wnh aV lna bld. S aNTKl--f'latn Kini and drmwmaliine: rea annable pricea. Call 6-'0 3auh after 6:80 I. m 1'1,AIN tnwiltl, . dreail,akiiitf; abo Kraucli riealt- for dniTerip. Wtll tn out. Sell, 'jotin. - lil,fTl K'JU.NU at 8o yard. W dn dressmaking. yonAljiky Mda;,, crtf. 3d and Morrison. NURSES 257 I'HAI'llCAIj nurie with aoina hfT-j.ital traniiiw deaire any kind qr'vasa. or position as matros. T'-'t 7211. , LUpiri will taka mairnity r- at Uxt Uunie, rea.nnabte, 1W Wdtn R32rt FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS - 300 American" management, i tiewty reno rated, m'xti'to: $ aad t week, trabawnt . li0 r1rt-, 'turner. Talrr. . 4J1.EAN rooijis, a team heat,! transient, 75c Up; rate W permanent fueeb Alexander . 131 ii jotn- at. i-niNt Kbh butei. S4 R. burniiUa, bested rooua with NUj, by day or week, ual away tm the hiali nnred pent. m'MlilAKK UOIXL. WaKhuurton tor. 17lii 'lean, mtidern room'. M. C'l pef week tip. Fl'li-NISIIKD hotwekerping rooms ery reason atrlw. -.yj.' .Sjieridan Hf. . ' . . , OiwtJ iueeiiiiw ro,m. oniy f-i pr week,-air 2 t . Mwvne Main 423A. - I li Y, J 51 week up: clean; batba free, tlnfef radfllae." Rd nt. nea Jefferon. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 . . tiotei: Medford Cor. 5tb and tJlkatv. Steam hrat. hot and pM oi'ft. 75e afd up. $4.i per week. rillli'llUTlUl I,! lih Mnni in Ih bt. tOWKoKTAHLK. light room, in the bext.JietMh birhrmd: all mo4iHm rnTenienre; home prir tlee; brefkfaiit if desired: man er Hoiniri, m ployed; refereneea etrhriTti?ed. ' M"ain i)7fl. KuK KkM t;te m. light, ptesMnl room. Kentleman only. 3C O. btark. tree Kptmne. pt 7Gri.: tNFL'hS'ISHKU basement robm t6 t man who will do aome Janitor work. 714 Urerton Kefereneea requireil. LOV KLi" furuiaheil rooms in modern home, weet Wr Clnw to bnitneia enft. tltl lr month p. 1ST Hamaon. near I4n 1 l'UN'lhlltl aleeping rot on loy rent. wb Al- htna are fhone aiH-S.V i '1 HttKK lurnbheii nmmi pn et ride; aeiatrate or hrrneheerdng Ai'tomaHf jfi-0 f.9 1 1 K.SliSil.l aieeiilng rixioia, 1 6UU Mornaon au riwn HroartwaT 1(7. HKMSHRIi room. I5 sad f:0. 160 N. 16lh at. Broadway 4784. f . . . . ROOM AND BOARD - 302 liOUM AND BOA Kl S tneal a day, f S and up; a toisatea walk to fn UMptarda, 207 Bhertrlftn tf- - ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 two small children mothers cara on my small fam, plenty fresh milk, butter and east; 2 miles south, of IotiiriUa 1'hoiie Tshrtr- 644(1. - - , IktHili abd board !or 2 reiined oung gentlemen in pr irate family; UrSe front room, separate beds, aaoderu convenience, home pauuegea; walk ing dwtanee. 710 K. Mnrnide. calW IXwMijk caiktreit bV "da,; week or monih; reasonable. Sell. 1662; 4740 cfdruoiii. bsrd, uee of fiisno; euit able for S Sift 8. ttrbadwsy. Slain 3!0l. CHII.DR EN giren eet of rare oy day of hour. KlMi.Vi and buanl lur wall, -weot aide. it mad, i wi S714 - . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' FURNISHED 304 V AI.Kl.NO diaiance, 'J tooma sod lrodm end kttehenw, pninpieteljr furnta lard ; otetn-, elec tricity, best, phone and laundry privileges: rea sonable.. 165 i 1 at - Uluek souUk of Wssb- ington. Mgr. 21. 1 VVU a. k. twins jwf kateomined,- sew furni ture, plenty heat, $22 per month. Inquire ISL'H Madiion at. Main 203 ftnndsys or week days between 7 and S a. m. or p. m. TWO furnished housekeeping rwuu, water in rooms, free telephone and tsUi, wslkmg dis tance ; suitsMe for 3 or 4 adults. loS S. ISth at. I'all afternotifia or een!nirs. - '1 VV large. tsHinekeepuig rooiua. bo ami ctiid water. Innnre heat, walking diatauicei adults. K. 12th eoiith. JM'r., clean houeekeemng ruum; single $3.&0j m ttite- I.U)). 5MH Hood f 'l liHl:.i 11. K. rima,, aingie and ' 2 rooua apt., at Ii84 N. 2 tat rt. cor.' Johnnon. t ivislit.i lHu.-eauuug KKiiii, walking di "n ii"V 'v li'''V'ii'af't' "y'6 rc?," HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED "V PRIVATE FAMILY 308 'iitlU-K (urtu hed tCroiiia near Washuie lon high school; lighO-Heat and tihflne fur- ri-'hsd; 35 per nmntii ; no cliildreu- (eferencsr. SO-X7. 7R Ka.f Taylor tln.K it .. runs aim osru-ii room nice ami clean, electric light, phoue, htat and hath. 337 riarnnuiaa eu. a blocks from Steel hre. K."SI1M. ' '1H It fcVH large laaekepiii rooma win eon settlences; walking diaance; working peoule preferred. 4f. K. sk. people a MdiJkBN bowxraeeping rooms, nicriy tur- . . - - ' " 'n. ir I - eenre e-yrhsn(rd. 7S y. etcrfrt Wd!n. !12. 'iilltKk houeke,iug rooms, sleeping porch) Itsmiltrm." Mar. 3fl4. " T o large frout 11. K. nwraa, gas. phone, bath. lancHiry priTHegea. K. 145. 7H K. Salmon V AiUVK VWtk 'lUUSho io 'AU, MAIN nWfltl. i.l large iwu eeiing xauin, fninii,l J. Ij r-er week, nft K. W1I1 t. ftt lo. T1A tuceiy furnished housekeepiaa room, 2aa FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 308 ONE room snd kitchenette,, well furnislied; aLvj 2 room apartment snd oca .single rooms .slM clean and eomfortable, for rent, reasonable, close tn. B I'twcli yt . .. ' VtH WUVK YirtfK I ltNITt?Hlt lUlt 1 r'AIf, MAIM H'-'ftO. APARTMENTS- FURNISHED ' 307 UlJtlil atmrtuirrit, nice slid a aim, hvt water aiwaw-. Flsndera. - , - 'iilKKK mom furnished apartment, t.otl. 702 E. 1lh at. H.. or JielSwood 63. 'Z NrlAT 2 room UAu-M-keeping spw, raaotwble; ftirtmee lieet ; forai'heiL 44 f'srk st. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 U.N(-y iarif 2-r-m tTlntent, unt uriii.iiAA; FLATS FURNISHED K 309 u iiUuM Hat tor rout, buy tafniiure. gd ss new; good di-toct; bsrgsin (or $Hi enh Tahor S!14: Ulltl. EJII'LOVKU to hr. flat, walking die ts nr-e, deeirable: refreng. Mln 801. FLATS UNFURNISHED 31 0 I'Ult ItriN'T New 2 inun house-. lO.oD.per month, inrltKling water. 54S 4th sre. S. K. I'OK HKNT 5 rxim molern lwer flat, $25. 127ft Cnrb'tt Kulton car. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 4 ItooU liua. relit I i. nl; nut modern, but i claa and. in good condition; gas and water in. 1HU 93d si. S.. 8 blocks of M. V. depot car; ' adults only. See owner at 583 Grand sre., city I'AL., Kl.OAlMAl &W KORTirVE3TEIt.N KLK'TRIC iflMPAXl M-AHHItOTOV AT TftTH arrwr!T HKNT, iea-v, parlor, drawing, dininz, kitchen. billiard, 4 bedrotm perfect uondiuim. 3SH Twelfth at. a ' iidliKKN t room boiu,e, splendid location. Ma r s 11 35'.l af t r i p. m. eva-kt iitANal't.ii dt 6101iAiK L'O. rtintnr need tr lew. Prosdwsy 24A5, HOUSES FURNISHED 312 S'lY'K furnljihed rom, garsge, all modern ex cept hath; lots, fruit trees, good garden spot. 1130.1 !14th st. B. K. Lents sutkin. Mt. fSi-ott car. U.Ui;ULY ladr wishes to reut jiart of her lione furnished to adults. 1'liotie Tabor 5401. K. Tavlor. Mt. Taber csr. 1'UU KKN T 1 orniihed houe, 2 ruoms. In auire 817 WUlsmette bird., corner KiHItigs worth. i.4.i.., i i-i lurui&heTi iioitse, gsidcii; hii eleration. 25a !ibb t. MAIN KM") We move v,ur furniture for HO. HOUSESFURNITURE FOR SALE 313 FOli BALK Knrnituie for 1 (1 rooms, reaon able. and bouse for rent if desired ; good placa for rooming or boarding house; good location, near shipyard.: dd as account of lea ring city. Phone Msrjbsll 741 Vv ILL reut J r.tviu bouee atieV garage f 2i) to pur chaer of furniture. Take IL A-. car to 38th, 3 block H. 1125 K. JttetiheTia t. 1 HtUJd iiuit-? air rent i.t i. niu are., turni ture for sale; pfiee reasonable. Phoue lumtt P727. i'L UN 1 1 1'hfcl tor ie. house lur reuL F.vtt 3fith St.- Tabor -344. STORES AND HALLS 314 I'UK desirable spa -e , la fireproof warehiuae, phone Bdwr. . 3715. Security Storage at Trans, Co.. ft 3 jtth rt. opp. Hotef MiiUoomsli. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 e"t.K HENT An unfurnihl upstairs office room which would be suitable for a email photo ,hop; larse window. fall 14 1st wt. Ur-SK rouui, with telephone ana sutnograpmc scrTjce. llday. 3715. Hei-urily 8torage 4b Tnn. fr.. 53 Krtti. nnti f'iitor.mb hoteL WANTED TO RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 I.- L W L. , V 1 1 1.1 .....(.. .1, -J 1 - mtxif m house or flat b(ors March 1 ; east aide. - T-WOL', Journsl. APARTMENTS 357 lit ei-.ii ny geiuicuiaii and lady. 3 or 4 room stisrtuietit. furnished, or bungalow in good loaatlon and clean; no children. Can give best eidernHk, . X-Uo I . Journal. FLATS 359 WlVi'KU Hy March 1. 4, 5 or room fur nished flat, clr in. Adults. T-".". journal. HOUSES 361 WAN'ftlJ T rent room house with gsr- ii miu kitbkp, .aarcu i . auuiA BisbB ice B-a4. Jmirrial, pric WANTKLt To rent i or room houase or ilat, unfurnished. West Side. c!oe In; penna- nent tenant; gnni referetf-e. Jotirnal WAS i'Mi -in ritt With iea--, or to buy lnuse, H-12 rooms. Bos 6711. plume Main ,H!V.f. OK ti iiOOAi luoaeru. uuiu.l.i.-hta; eat Firt preferred. lhone i,. n.,! WANTED 0 room hoUAe, cloae in, mouern; bo children. Columbia 621. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 H.iVK, a very desirabls groc ery store on -st aide; rest natures, sail Stock. 713 IXkuoi bldg A l.ltV desirable location for drug store or grocery, oa corner, west side. 718 liekutn bldir APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 40i tiiii iitAii ilL'li.'iti BONIk LET ME . ASSURE YOU four . modern ft-fonra hoiLies on eorner. like new. close In; all rested, never vacant. I'ric $8000; terms Wllgtls 11. Smith, 090 WiUiauu. ave. prurtie East I28. LOTS 403 110 10th St. Bdwy. 110. ' BEArTlrf L t WESTOVEH TERRACES If It's "bomesite" in the midst of distinctive and beautifnl homes )ou want and not just "a1 lot." then let us show yon WteTOVEK TER RACES, "UVirtland's Best View liomeaites." For plat or other uitoroiauoa you may phone, call on or write INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES 110- 10th st.. 1'ittock bit Bdwy. 110. 1AT near lrvuurton lUMtnct, streets, paid. $S7.: 1 block to Ixtington car; a tig bargain. See us at once, JohnsonDodson Co. f433 N W. Bank BU. Mail. 87R7. ldi K Ufrusii.Mi'K LaurelhuPtt lota while they lal at extremely low prices. See J. A. McCsrty. 270 H Stark at stsht 170O or freTttntr. Tsbor finaj. 3 liOl'a in l.n:veit' i'atk ou Mke St., ceuienl sidewalk and curb In. all paid for, all for $50U. half cash, bat a 10 per month, int. 6 per Jtnt. Riley tc Onstafnon. DOS Yeon bldg. LAtHKUHtHST jr KAUUAINS ' See J. A. McCsrty. 270 14 Stark. Main 1700. eeniie Tabor 5057. .mstn goud buihiuig h,U, 4ad uesi invv,n.ft, Richmond district; $.10 egeh, pins city liens. Terns to suit. Tsbor 51. JH H. McMgrtoH 11 ST kw, at thee pnota. See J, A MoCarty. a70 "4 tsurk stivct Main 170O. evening Tbor 5fnt. ' A fNAP KR CAalt . Two lots 50x100, improvements in and paid. only 50o asch. Call Wdln. 1402. 'o. iuis for him. ciifsn, lu Auyle i'sra. TX-Pul. Jonrnal. lAlf uir aa lu laoae City Paik, iliu. fi40O. aisiu AulUhhA PARK corner, TtB and alason a to., pared. titii. 1 1'hnpf Tsbor 441. I 111' IVi'-lMVu li r" 'Ti " ' 1 1 11 UtVLVtiTON S BEST 50, hoiee botnes tea Owner. East 3251. HOUSES 404 - SOMEfUlU titKiO 7-room hovtse, oOxlOO lot, $3500, 1800 cash W7oo.ilsKri 1402. - , 6-ltOOli bouse in good shsi, 100xl04t lot. wuv .iiu twines, unix. aouvu, mi&v Wdtn 1402, , ti kuOAl bungalow, fruit trees, berry biijiaj. cojcken house. blocks from School. A atdod bom" 7 W. Spi at Wdln 8- 3 fift.'ti; .T00?.91 ,0t. ruit: - in. iiTTi-mi, tnwfio. Or. 3 KlflMH. m. - 50x1 00 lui on!. i $50O cah. Wdln. 1402 BEAtslr'UU hums ui Lireutut., I ruunia. trctly inierw, orr level lot., Ant. 223-71 A COXY liUie tt-roesi buugsiuw, ail aaode'ro" nardveoflft floom eie. Aaro. 223-71. fc'Olt piAi,: Hy otttier. H iHd . $2200: $300 cash. 3624 tl4tn L S ' . !.. . ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 READ THESE! HC0 Photographs of 1 Homes l?0f Sale 1 , 1-argest HoTae-Sel.ers on - - the Pacific Coast! f- Ererji Home personally tnspected nd apprtsed livery Ittstrict in the city. IF NEt'ESSAHT. HEit iit,h iou make iota IKjVViN PATMKST. 25 Rglearaea at toor Rerrine. s Open All INy and Keening Monday. . , III.. l.r... Vvmnil t'ftlil O It4l tloOOtSOO down! 4 room neat AIJBERTA cottsee; whtrvr enamel filumnihg, eiec triciiv eas vittif : K. lUl etL $2225 EA8V TEIiil.l H-fs a bargsln Irt a 4 room HAWTHOHXK butigaln cot Ug; white enamel Jdumbina,. tluclrie- ilv tu- ' Malmoti t2S50 lONVKNlKXT TO KFFKROX high. feninimla Park, ete. ; one bM-k to ilta 1 .sissippi ear; 5 room neat, comfortable. $276 rtilALL PAYiiriNT lOWN room bungalow tyie; 4 rooms first floor, 1 bedroom and batb do a stairs, good basement. 11050 50u down! 4 room nest, comfort . able MT. SCOTT, cousge; large lot: 64th ave. NOTICK. LOOK- FOR THK BUS Kf.rtTRlC SION ON THIRD gTREKT. Between Washington and Stark Sis. SLE FRANK L. McOUIRE - ' To Buy Tour Home. ' Abinfton Ulrlg.. Third St. Main 1068. saBasw mm!SmmmmLmmmii2mmtm essasaawe tso rtiwji. i5 moJjthl' Rplernlid tsorner. 100x100, in Woodstock, wonderful garden sMl, large It-room shack, 20i24 with gable roof. In eery poor condi tion, 3 blks. from car, cement walks In and included in the prke, which is $1(1110. Here is a chance for a msn able to do his own repairs. : 732 Chsm. of font. SIR. NEWCOMER HERE' A BARGAIN X)U YOU 4400 . Yoh'vs) tot to show ns. W know tiiere H no bettet buripalow for the price In i'ortland: Music rouin. bring rovtA. dining room, bath. bedrooms a fid Dutch kitchen, fireplace, built -s bookcBses aM buffet, hardwood floors, eoncreve baae-oent. funisee, paved street. Owner has eus the price to 4440U. If you can pay (1290 aash dun t dels y. Mee us tnday. . (JUMf K ft KOHLAIAN. Main .",50. 20H f'hatnlwr cf Commerce bldit. $3700 $1000 down, new S mom bungalow, K. Main, eorner lot, pared, modern. 4000 U'MIU down; rooms, K. 3 7th; Taved, fumace. gsrsge. $4350 $1200 down; 6 rooms.vKast 3 7 to, cor ner. eared, hot water heat. $4800 Half cash. 6 rooms. East Taylor, 50x 1O0, paved, in msec, fireplace. Eliauer F. Bennett Co. 31-21 Board of Trad. Main 74 52. IKV1NOTON . I'ARrt bCNOALOW $4250 4 rooms and bath down, 2 rocms up; lidwil, fltxim, fireplace, furnace, Ihitch kitchen, H basement with wah trayt; 100s 100 lot, corner, with fine garage. Tetms. It u show you. i J. As WIckrnasi Co. 'SIiortat Way Home." 24 Rtark et. Main 104 snd n3. 2 WEST SfTiE COTTAfJES 225 One 4, room Cottse. esa. hath, hupaient. bedrooms' one 3 room cottage rented for $8; Kelly su, near rorter, ,l!e minutes ride down town: a stian st S22au for the two t-ottaires S'-'ilJ cash snd $35 a month: a home and some kicotne. Shown by appointment only. Eiinmer F. Bennett Co. 31 321 Board of Trade. Main 7452 34il KI NMSIUL iiM AMil You'll btlf this room hou- if ob ara lor:k tng for a jdace In rTunnystde; 8 rooms snd'recep tiim hall down and 3 bedrooms and" ba'h ut: full concrete basemeftl; street Bering awd pw-r liens all paid. This fidfhft is located on Kei mont street, close ia. Call for suuj to take yuu out. COMTB A KOHLMAK. Main 6550 fll fbamtw of ttimmerve hldg. New 5 Room Bungalow $S00 CASH- $3 800 Hawthorne district: hard wood . floors, bin It in buffet, fireplace, dandy jputch .kitchen; pared St.. all assessments paid. It. SOMKHVILLK, U. S. Nat Bank hldg. Broadway 33. Maball 5S, ONf.1T TEN nOIJiAnis A MONTH For $ 1 t 00 we can sell, you 4-room bungalow on K. SOtti, $700 caali, $10.60 month and H ier cent. : A little work Dow and then would make this Valuable. Why rent? : ESmer F. Bennett Co. 31-82t Board of Trade. Main 74.12. ' " Ai-RLkTA $4400 '$730 itsnrn, balance lik rent. 5 room bungalow, in good condition, nice living siad diti ins room, beam ceilinfs, good kitchen, with all bullt-ins, 2 nice bedroxurirs ;h bath, big basement, good location, on paved street. JohnsonDodson Co. 533 N. W. Bank Bide. Main 37fc7. OOOD 5 rocrn-bungalow and 2 lots. 54th ;. ft. E., $2750; good terms; also good 6 room modem botpw and large lot oo-E. 21st it, $3500? good terras. 'Robblhs Realty Co. 40 Hawthorne Ave. : FOR SALj '" " ' ' " Just look at rxiis, right is Irringtiwi. T room modem house, fireplace, built-in bookcase, buffet in dining room, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment. 3 bedrooms ui stairs, toilet, bath. If sold in 10 dsys $5000. $1000 down, rest like rent. No real estate agenta need answer this td. Call owner, 5 to 8 p. m., 8 to 12 a. tu Main 2907. IUVINiJTO.N HOME BEAUTIFUL 100x130 CORXKIl 1 block from Broadway. This is a well feulft colonial type home, 8 large tt.cuiK. large porches, all kind of high grade shrubs and Wees. ir you want a real horary bom at a feal bsrgain price, come and ' lor.k this piste cr g Ft 21 t N. Phrws Es- 3274 ON WOODSTCR CARLlNE ; 1 believe this is about the best bom that is being offered today for the mone? fine enme I lot, fStlOO, on macadam street; swwer in and TrvrrjUiiiig paid for; 6 fine sunny rooms grid DatH electric lignu, gas mil cement basement, gsrste; kits and lots of fruit. Price $3430; $500 cash, bslance to suit you. 44itT 4sd sL S. E. Sellwood 025, ' ; . WILLAMETTE SH H'LKVARiniL'NliAMlW i Here is another clisix-e. to buy tour hem on on of Portland's popular boulevards Don't overlook It.' Price $4750. ? COOVEK HOLMAff. 32 Fal'ma Bide. . Marshall 3f93. ; KlILD YOUR OWN t -wHl furnish a let or acreage knd sotds money for buUding if you have sum funds of your own for a stark s . "? W. K. TIOPR. 1 100 Northwestern Bsnk Bid, HAVE client who will pay ali can tor a modern 6 or 0 room Lous in good district. ttee us at once, - . ' ' ; ; JolhnsonDodson Co. (533 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. u4 ii. 5iii J4t. tiiirf big i-ruum tariui,tl Iiouie with full cement basement, full plumb ing, big tiring room, oaa: floors, good furniture; pared street, lot tsl Ow; double gsragc Ail for $4800. worth $0OOO; $1000 cash, bslance monthly. Owner. Kast JI22.V " " Vouk-t'LAt kl'lLUf.Sd " " One of the good, deaf rah le kind, tn a fine loca tion; modern; present income $220 pet moSfh: 1 000 cash. bsL terms. Othae Flat Pmnieu for sale by CoorSr A Uoluiau, Bealtors. 322 Fai:n bide. i W. MeFADIiKN i.IV. '." auiLvtna ur r i ts 1 1 in r. S 83 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION gl STARK ST MARSBALL 12. WHY PAY ltKNT! I W ill bn'id t Kiiit ttart ori mv rhhL t.' . . Ockley Oreea school. 0 per cent cssh, balance ca v.. Wdltt. 14Q3. - FOR KALli 7 ruout Isuuse, eleetfic littiiu, gas, all modern, right by .car line, 4 blocks to school, lot 40tlOH; price $3SQ0, terms. - Call SelL 80 or see 5204 Woodstock ave. ' asiisiit Hu City bunstow, modern in every respect; paved at.; H block to car. . Marshall SLA room bwnsaiow, full nasemeut. luniaco. built in cupboards, china closets: paved street; H MiickAH'eria car. Owner. HH3 K. 13th st. N. " HMHTIloUNE BIMlAUiW T"" 8 rooms, modem, fiuxleo Int. garaee: all lot' 3 22 lading Bldg- MarshaU 39!3. Mm Advertisers Please Notice - , . Wnt Ads for The Sonday " Journal Received AFTER 5 P.M. SATURDAY Will Be Run Under "Too Late To Classify" The rapid.y increasing number of advertisements carried in the big Sunday Journal each Sunday makes this change necessary,. Please get your Want Ad in before 5 P. M. Sat urday if you want it to run in the correct classifi cation. . If You Ha Anything to Buy, Sell or Exchange, Ine$t in a Journal Dim. . Lino Watnt Ad 2 line 1 time, 20c; 2 line 3 time, 50c; 2 line 7 times, $1. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ROSE CITT 71EALTT CO. 28TH AND SANDY. TABOR $443. EAST 661. ROSE CITY BUNGALOWS Beautiful modern bungalow, 5 room and bath, bfeakfs-t nook, fireplace, gas, Fux lurnace with eoiK electric l'ght, hardwood flo r. half hWirk tiff Sandy, improvement in and paid; $6000, $1000 duwu. terms to suit.. New modern 5 room bungalow in Koee City, latest builttns; $47-6, eg 05V down. Modern T room house, 4 rooms downstairs, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath upstairs, lot 50x100. garage, improvements in snd paid, 3 Blocks to Rose City car; $&&00, $1500 down, easy terms, 7 room bouse and bath, en 25th st 2nd Sandy, electric lights, water, lot 60x100. A snap at $3800, $1000 down, eat; terms. 4 romn bungalow and bath, electric fixtures, lot 40x125; 8250. $U0O down, balance $25 per month, including interest. Don't fall to see this Hawthorne bungalow, 5 rooms snd attic, chicken house, lot 65x236, $3300. $500 down. A snap Hawthorne home: 5 room cottage, all on one floor, finished in white enamel, hardwood floor, garage, comer lit, on 37th st., improve ments in and paid;. $4000. $1500 down, eaay tetnis. . HAWTHORNE RArtUAIN fi room modern bungalow and attic, Dutch kitchen, all hue builuna, fireplace, full cement basi-ment. gas. furnace, laundry trsys. lot 50x loo. uear 3ttth st., $4700. $1200 down, tfcy terms. 6 room modern house in Woodstock district $2000, will exchange for toed car ad first pay ment. This is a bargain. KOSE CITY REALTY Co! K"t 661. Tabor 6442 NEW HAWTHORN B BUNUAtAJW $3800 New-5 room bungalow of very attractive de tdgrt: every conceivable built-in; 2 well arranged bedroom, finest of plumbing. Pavement and sewer in and naid; etrllent district. Uood fire place; ivory woodwork, tapeatrjr paper. " IB ih rCarey 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUx:. THIRD AND STARK ST. MALN 7487. ' OPEN KVENINGS. 11 0 M E B I Y E 3 S , A T T K N IT O N Hawthorne Bungalow Home $3250 Ouly $650 cash, batance $23 and infc monthly. Beautiful bungalow on full lot with imp. all in and pd. 5 rooms and attic. Dutch kitchen, cement - base ment, eh-. Drive by, but don't dis turb tenant. Phone us to see interior. 2818 49th st- S. K.. 1 block south of Division st. See this at once. Thj wtll gell on sight, so hurry " J. A.-WIckmah Co. " "Shorttatt Way llotne." ' . 204 SUrit at. Main 1004 and B8S: ALBERTA HOME S.1H50 $450 DOWN This beautiful 0 room hou-e is I block from ear; 3 bedrooms. i of them upstairs. Fult plumbing; frnit trees; graded street; ieer; fine neighborhood. This is an eaoellent buy BihrCarey 211 TfAlLWAY EXCHANGE BLDCJ. THIRD AJD STARK STS. MAIN 7487. OPEN BVfiNLVGS, BE,t!TiriiL BUNOALOW IN ALAJJEDA PAUK $6700 $1000 down. bslaflce $50 per month, including interest. In perfect condi tion, each room attfacttfrle designed, fncluds ait tne new leatures. Beautiful vutfet, kitchen is very convenient, flrepiaee. furnace, big base ment, nice garage with emeht driveway, on pavea street. Johnon-Dodson Co. 633 N. W, Bank Bidg. Mi in 377. I'VV 1 1 11U 1, "v f l IT $fi300 $1000 down, balance m easy terras, 7 rooms, and fireplace in each apartment, fur nace heat, big basement, lot SOal 0O, on hard surface street; good lorstioa. A good buy. JoBinsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Ban Bldg. Main 3787. A .iUMkhA . fi rooms, break 1 1st nook and, kttio: cor. lot, 1 tilock to car. This home is under construction. Anyone buying can make any changes wanted f built fof an owner: financial troubles compel hisn to sell. Mar. 3352. Tabor 3090. J. B. ROCK CO.. 403 Copch Mdg WEK'i stiiit-i Cloee. In on Mixth street, near -Tsrwui;,. in 50x100; two cottages, 5 and 6 rooms, two garages, corner, newiy remcweten, new plumbing, btiilt-ins; about $2500 Cash, balance trma. lni mediate possession: live in one, rent the other; y?2j-.l"rPm pwprriy. Owtier, Aot. 520-8 li BHLLWOUD- 8 rocirrf: double constructed home, 1 hitch kitchen, larae tot. caraae. $2100. fin cash. balance $25 per month iucludiag interest; nv mortgage to at:-niae. HEN DKHSON-BAN K UH 'fO. 42n Use ft- hM. Bfoadwa 47S4, 3 ROOM Aiber.a bungalow only $3200, 1 block to car and school; haa nice large trooms, good plumbing, fuU b-enent, double constructed, fail floored attic. Term. JohnonDodsoh Co. 633 N. W. Bank BTd3. Main 37S7. illitHlfvLt N it. it. oHOfB $2900 Furniahad 5 room bungsjow, full cement basertieBt, eompleta plumbmt: paved street; $S00 cash, and piqnthiy payments. t twn-r cast a uroveLani park S rorrmA, oak floors. firenlaceJ '.SOtI on rt. lot. hear caf. htjfH School: price $4400 for a few days. Mar, 3352. Tabor 3090. 4. B. ROCK $3100 UP-TO-DATE, 4 -room bungalow, fur nished : largo attic. Cf-ment basement, full l-t garage; this is B snap, forced to sell quick. See Schaeffer. with I. P. HcSanna, Belmont at 8th. TsW 64!3 - BUNGAIAIW and " furniture for sale, owner, . n-".. it (wui, tnanuriu, seiecirtc ngnts, water, gas. lot 52x156, chicken house and run. vn n J . wtiij uiuuot viVQ' ypui st S. K. Mt. Scott car. .' xLiLi SUM --, See o far designs and eatinxatea free: geS rwncalBW bowk of l00 AeeigBs $1 seUbiLUisal 1 ytars; satisfaetwns asmtred. - I., ft. Bsll.KT CO . B"4 V W yttl, BM. A DREAM . 7 Modern 5 -room buneaiow. nard wood flmK bdilt-ins, abundance of fruit and shrubbery. Owner tearine , a j; $2250 cah wilt handle. Nef-asents wantetL T-84. Journal. tva.Si fettle, 4ju, 1 room,, gss. tmui, eJeo tiicKy. it, cstaasnt easeaaeat. full las. Owner. 4C7 10Oi at. - REAL ESTATE FOR SA1.F. 404 i ItOOM BCNUAUtw aKi OAlUuii $3975 An exceptronal bnnealow. with splendid n,rd wood floors, with u rooiui ou firrt floor, mod I.--V- 'n1 2 roonm ltairs. An MAWTfI0RNB ! Tlrmm 1.. l B.nM fi !Jd J10"1: 5 nir Ugfat rooms; hrd rlT 4 Jep.. buffet. lutch kitclien. ' - irnni, too. HAWTHORNE a i . . - . nuvms I1IJII, This miltuli 1. . . n-. l . i , . v JT , , " close in near car. f Tii iwet to buy a home Uk this mi r irepiace,- lunutt, gsraje tc. You'll see the Vshis here ROSE CITY PARK !! hi ttrmUTe bungalow to be hsd on unbe- r,.,. ' ; i-i. oureiy uoea neat the 119 II r ara ma as, ar I s - ll-t - ltOSE CITY PARK - C Rooms and Oarage $4 750. I till ftr,ti,,li. 1). w.l .... t . . , - ' ' "' hiii mmniow is lo cated near bandy., facing east; fireplace. Fox furnace, etc ; fudl lot; pann paid. Owner .c-.tus aurusiio ana must sell. Investigate. ROSE CITY PARK New Bungalow $4850. ' TAH 11 amiMni.l. . l. . i . . i. . . . . . bungalow with great big rooms; finished in old ivory and white. throin.tit.i u.iaj . . -. .. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cetnent bsst- ment. etc Vnn n.t., . . i home like thm for so little monev. Eay terms. NO .NK BUYS IN RuSKCITY PARK WTTIt- rnv.-si i.iarr.i u.m; hi k LISTINGS. UET IN TorCH WITH US, LAUREMll'KST V New Buiiiialow- ir.7."sn See this comiare it in construction with otliera frtttrinir ,,,. I. . . .... u,u,. UIWL I'lg uving room extending entire width of house. Hardwood "hi f - oearooms. expensive fS)er Fin- - , " ituij anu wnite tnruughout. A. Q. Teepe Co.- 270 Stark St . near 4th, Main R0!2 $20 DOWN BtTWEEN HTAN AND MULTNOMAH 4 li ACHKS On nU wLd,. . . t . . situated for a wonderful country plane: has gas tl4 ' ' 1 1 W ., . l . . . . . . - - wsrr in itaa reaiy to oe con- ... . r.-.j tut.-.i ui inja can rte cuitivatea. mil. In i k . , . , , . luiiiuu-B 1 1 ' ill town, i Kr-e ij w-ImioI, rigltt where land wlls fot $l00o to .- mr ar;, no reasonatiie oiler refused. " ' im-ii, i-i, m n f e pa.v rerms. J,-J. 1IARTMAN OMPANT 8 CJiamber of t.V-vnmercB bldi Main 208. KIU-INOSWORTH. NEAR 14TH .NEW BUMUAUW $3000 An exceedingly attractive snd well built, new a room bungalow n tat anisn- Kni..- i,.,f frt; Dutch kitchen, finest of plumbing, cement bawm-nt, laundry trays, fireplace. It takta tiivu to ii an uie i ills place. BalhrCarey t211 IUILWAY EXCJfANO BU. THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487 OPEN EVENINGS. If You Are Going to Build Wit' ri DVICU 1.- U f . vtr-Ta-'Ijt.vaa t " " mltj ontii v me.;? I'lans mtui epecif irat ifctia by lictfiastSd ..IvhltocU Guaranteed Estimates A U, CLASSES OP BUILDINGS aAMERlCAN -CONTRAC TORS ASSOCIATION Bmadwsr 47. 811 Henrv Mlow lv VLiltif Best bargain best teRmS I? of Jun; -anient bawment, bth. toilet, J" cmcaen nouse. cement waika, nlT 1 A5lJfck--5r' wre : fine neighborhood. FtttJ350,: ,250 '. oslsnee $20 month. SEE J. H. RICHARDS, 308 McKay Bldi h i Hit .; V BHH.5rT, .5 room lnanfiw, in tin a -a, iwwtuuiuei A. t'lIVCK M JI1W- inortie rr; f i replar, fumirn, ttplpmiid builfc-.Tl aminst room $in4 inrertcd bghtinu im. fVlt CITIlfUll' htawmBTtil BB4a 1 MJ A . . se uaa-a, sw t U Ustlfltlf J I i. lfWi pwnted; paved etr4; rrttt4d liitrirt. Too a, iixKi us i-rjuai in tn rity for f 4200. cay rnrrni J ll a t ana t , !1J "-. . P's 1 ein-T ntij TITTTar ,.ra, ?-tV PARK i -- fcilt-i, initeh ttierhM hardWOAfl fkmn . . . . r , Bwtuiiu furnace, laun dry trays; over-si ied lot, paved atreeu; close fit r"QKH 4 HOLSAX. BEALT6RS 8ZJ-B23-S24 FslTlhg Bldg. Msrshsll 8!3 jnVr (VIVIiai'iltl Ait . L. l " w a pnop of this handsome Bunsalrtw. There are 6 rooms and bath. 1 hitch 111 1 T . " rwira, iuii concrete baee. mrl4, vra-h trays. .This i a good buy. You'll asjr in vhM t . w-iiiis stOHLMAN. Main 6550 Chsmber cf l'nmsitr bldg. ' , 1 1,1 Lt.l.i, 1 ,v A nrtlrtfnrSa'.ls r. . T . . - - . . . - - , ivft.ui Home, cioee in, on east side. Full concrete basement, furnace. ; I V i; parea street; ue sirsnls hnnwt ; . . . ...ivuuuji,, Nmn cs.-k oaia nee esy. Irom owiief. Eat 61w. Main 24f, O-RSBUM BtrNGALflW, $3200 te rsitu ULSTRICT rireplaee. bockesses. huff .t ti-itni, m.iu. cement basement, 50x00 lot; paved streeto and sewer in and paid; garage HENDERSON-BANKCR CV., 4 26 Tfertfy bide. Brsdwa 4TS4 4 LAUCiE rooms and atue, $5PU; lot lOoxlls, Fruit, flowers, chtckenhouee. garage, electria lights, complete plumbing, half basement, srwef i" street, near c uiuas ana 75th. $1000 Tsbor 2934. rvto houses ou west sitle on carhne, good ar gains bringing good income, terms. ' Eastern Exchange " 227 WASHINGTON. FOR 8 A LE 1 acre, -r0ont houe, woodshed, chicken house. 8A fruit tree.. srta m.:l fnnt ; f fi$00; terms; accent 6 or 7-room mod' ern house, otie or two lota t $4500 part osv tnent. 'Main 5695. ' UUEsLs a -jsuouu, rm bkick catiiBe; fiinsi Sell wood district, naaed street And aewep naui. Price $3000: $1300 will handle. N0 dealers, lih. u.ii. .1 iiiba - , : . iii' o vvN EH, 3 ronns imuae. 2 lots, large chick en hansel, fratt. berries, all go for 1 7(o cash. Want la K la eoaet ss f is fiahma. ion 58th ave. S. E. llVlHU.tb 5 rooms, modern ffootl aarae .n. M.t ta car: $430t. terms. S agents: 1121' Altrkpt st. Hi iKJtl., 4 rouat box uotrw, full it. O tn. .... I-n. f ..n, f A. . - ( t . . . 1 . , . . t ' ' -- . .. .... Till I on mttarlhi S ' I HI Tsltttp vtia 1 REAL ESTATE -FQR SALE HOUSES 404 110 Tenth M. Broadway 110. ftEAVTIFTL WESTOVEU TERRACES Tt Ifg a dMInc-tlve and beantifu! rBoto" yoa want, not hist "a house," ' then let Us show you the tew Worries . Just being completed on WESTOVER " how. Vi e will build, or help yon build an artistic btwne to meet your d eat res. For boos numbers or other Informa tion, you may phone, call or ante INTERNATIONAL BKALTT ASSOCLTE 110 Teeth at., PiUock blk. Bdwy. 110. Small House, Acre $650 . :. J set suit yourself as to terms on this banrain. Think of t ax-re. all cleared. , with small house, in Jennmgs lx1ee, for $650. Can work in Oregon City or Port- land and put lew than rent money into this. - - Otto & Harkson 413 Chamber of Cb mmtree. ACREAGE 405 5 Acres Improved For City Property 3 acres, in Mnnta villa district; a'1 cul tivated; house; barn, good water. Where you can make a good thing of berries and t'li:t kens. Will Uk small city home in ttide. Otto & .Harkson 413 Chamhet of Commerce. STOCK AND KgUIPMENT Flte arm, H mile from electric stati"n, 8 H acres under cultivation, all can b cultivated, balance grubbed and in pasture: good, young. bearing Brchard; food 4 room attractive cottage, small barn, chicken bouse for over 300 chickens. f 1 1 iM4 linir-r, city water cab he had; 13 miles from onrthouse ; low commutation fare, inciua ed witfi place: 1 row, 1 hog, 50 chickens. 1 stand of bees, feed cutter. tc. Price 30u0, $1450 sash. Inspected by M raters. JOHN FERGUSON. Oertineer bldg. Over hOrt small places near Pprtland. , Get ctnr clsjwiflea printed lists. FINE FOR CHICKENS. BERRIES. FRUIT 7 .1 .14 " 1 1 n. n , I , I . 1... L. . , r. 2 47 acres, located 1 H miles from 1'ortlfnd cjty limits; splendid creek, some bottom land: total pric $650. Wi bare 30 or 40 tracts In the same district, seme smaller, some larger, some cleared arid level, some uncleared anu rough. Price to suit any purse. 732 Chamber of Onmmerce. n.Ni.v Mil 1111.1.4 lo ii in i Iji.n It Choice acreage, clone to Columbia river and highway at Columbia City, any- size tracts; good rich soil, no rock or gravel, easy clearing: good roads snd wster, thriving farming eotnrouuity; every Inducement to settler", low prices, easy telms. Csn accept Borne tfadei Johnson. Inter- ate 1 rH Co. 24 Stsrk t V Msin S42fl. vii a i ri i: a i ' i a i s K I N )SjB 5 acres under cultivation. 5 acres In s-mall bruh. balance second growth. This r'ace facs good gravel road, half mile from Base 1-iii. road; lays level, a fine jP'"' ' ground to ub- LlITIiie. vmy szoo per arrr, es-.v leiina, C. U PARRISIL With CfVER A HOI. MAN. 322 Fai'ling bM. 2 ACHES 1 Hi In grain. - bal. in orchard, apples, cher ries, grapes, raspberries, 2300 strawberry plants; good 2 room shack and good well of water. A good barn, room for 2 head of stock; short dis tance from 2 good towns. Clear of Ini-umbranca. $1350. A, E. Prithetdor,, Main Sz7 ft. 10 ACRES close in. near Foster road: 5-rom house, barn, outbuilding, tiring stream, ail under cultivation, Trtiit: IftSU": a i iiptu casti. INTERSTATE LAND CO.: 24. StsrV st. Main 5420 ltio ACRES in Ijnciiui Co., r., w.U-a lnim R; K. sUtion, 100 acres easy tt" clear. 3tt acres has been cultivated, $16 per acre. Owner. 03 2d t.. ehf. Glbbs WANT Ui sell or lease & acres, Willi 4-roorn house and orchard, 35 miuutes out on red car electric. A. W. Morgsli, 831 Cliambsr of 1 ommerce rting. MODKRN 6 room house, 1 sere, all in fruit and berries, Osk Grrrre. pear csr line, $6500, rfms. 228-71 or 4"9 East 34lh st F'Ok SALE"" A young filbert, orchard, 5 years oKt, i miles cut; will take Pgnt car, some can ana time on faisnre. r;ait 1'Ul It scrs, tin. miU, no tutsn. ius sell, lit-a r aiilwaufcie on Oregon City line; a snap for 1200; rthr places. Ilnr'nnl, sol. 8d. UEU. T. PARRY csn lot -ate you on any size acreage or firm between Portland and Oregon City. Phone V, Mtlwsnkie. , ISHIi I'OU 'iu ACRES, unimproved, near tUIes Creek; $S50, nearly 40 acres Uiris river front; good soft Terms. N-247, Journal. SUBURBAN HOMES,, 408 AN IDEAL HOME If) acres. Just outside of the city limits, fine 4 room house and lumber on the ground for parn, acres of orchard, all good land, for the small price of 8260O; $1100 cash, balance 3 years. 6 per cent. Here is a chanee for some one to make aohve tneney. C, L. LEAVENC00D LEBANON, ORE. i.i i i. i -i ii H ii i . i m save, atrci, dhk-s iresi city iimtis: on Hoe maredsmized road; all under cultivation! lota m oesnng fruit; city water; all other city con veniences Can be had: 2 houses on the dace. nearly new; barn 14x18, chicken houseJi 16x18; nit. scora car, w minutes out by machine. Price $4200. $17f0 cash, bslance $130 semi annually, 6 per cent. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. user ooo small iilacea near Portland. ItPt onr evten-tve classified llM. A GOOD LITTT.E HOMB 18 acres, Iocs led U Va miles net of Lebanon trr. ; gona t room fiottse. fair siisei narn, family diehard! f mile to school: stock snd poult merit, all fnt $4000, $2000 caeh, bilinc 5 years. 6 pet cent. This is a gocd home for C. t. TEAYENGOOD LEBANON, OIL you looking for a Home with at sue acreaae around Milwaukief .Sea Oeo. T. Parry. Phone is. ai-ivsnie, FARMS 407 20 ACHES OK FINE, LEVEL LAND, i'A LU BOAD ALL THE WAY FKOM PORTLAND it IN CULTIVATION S acres fino t'mher, 4 mora hon-ie and 3 room house, - large barn, poultry house, windmill." water syetpm. no use) clean and newly painted family orchard .and hemes; cow and chlckeus and feed, an for $6500. Will take hotne and lot BP to $3000 or $3500. Phone JkLiili 2011. STEWART sfc JOHNSON, 81 N. -r h west ern Bsnk btdg ' $9 PER ACRE- ' 640 acres unimproved land, sht 200 iern Of firootl i hottiitn land; good soil. 1.0fM),000 feet of mapl and alder timber, besides has con siderable yellow fir. being ali of sec. 11, tp. 6 n. . r. 1, e. of w. m.. in Cowli; county, Washington. Price only $0 per acre, ALBERT If V HA LA , ?l3 " Misii,-tfrp1 e. Wditi. 1 201 . 160 ACBES. rnfle from UiMimb and 10 miles irorat Ivehsaon. ail feDced and- cross f eneed : good 7 room bes-e and larae new ha rn and silo; nice family orchard! 35 acres cleared. loo acres slashed and easily cleared 3000 cords of wood can be taken from thta place. Price $12,000. $3500 cash, balance 5 years at 9. C T. LEAYENfJOtJU. Ibsnon. Or 4 ACKl-,cV.- CULCAiaiA HIiHVtAY 17 acre cultivation. 4 acres bottom land, bal ls easily cleared: fine 6 roam bm -e. spring water piped to v hou.-ie; -good barn and outbuilding; family orchard : fine, trout stream : some f urm- ture goe. 8400O; reasonable terms. A.; E. RitherrlotVr' Alder ttorel. Msin -tS275 40-Ai 'KE farm for site, in Nehalem SalJey, i Vi miles from Vernonis. Or. I 1 7-room bouse. 1 fair-sized barn, family'voref ard : 1 3 acres clear; ttnait ereea. jorm rxtens; vemonia, tjregovi. FOli MAUI 27 r acres oti Columbia river - highway, at Ssrrineilale. A. L lis vim isiur I . t ,a irontfiaie. ij. t -l Q"ne oroett 1 I g. FOR tiALE BY 0'NfcR lauprovsd farm, 14U acres ta Wlllametta Talley, Good roads. 23 milea from PortlamL O-666, Journal. ' lit -nw.vLii. coittu ii iltJxiro. 40 acres, a J enlUvated.- 20 cows, hordes, mariiiuerj. Stick rc-ed, H 2J. Jonrnsl. liW- AVat.a ssisuvsd mum4 - par mmtm iiivvi terms. Box 114, Amuuy, Wash. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARM 4 407 Attention, Mr. City. Man an acres, with the best loam soil, tut rock or gravel. 40 acres In high state i enltivatiso: SO acre nben seeded -dnwvi pasture, most- all ready fur tlie plow; 10 asres of timber, fenced and cross fencad. Urge trout stream through back side cf place; gnehing spritig piped to ali buildings; 14 acres Ih orchard, most , all Italian prunes, 8 rekrs old, h excel lent condftion; small fruiti and berries -of all kivitls : a-ood a ma bouse, lama f dairy barn, concrete dairy granary, large wiacvtme snea, large concrete cellar, rnick- - -en house and park, boa iinnset large hog Isture. & exceltent Jersey rows, team, 13 hog, chickens. Dodue autoeaoblla . snd trailer, manure apreauler. spray onr--f it. plows, harness, disc, drill, wafiohs, disc, raowpr, rake, scales, scalding rat. Iiotatoes, ailcs 20 bms fine hay, all small tor la heeesry to run an up-to-date farm, including household fBrhlture, kitchen range, hearer, rugs, bedroom outfit, ceuc.h, , chairs, blinds . dishes, milk cans, cooking ntrnsils, tburn, washing machine, boiler. tubs, fruit J arm, m tact everything com- . VJrU rt. finly 20 , minute drive f rovn tnrstste bridg on Paved hlshwav. Price $23,000. This farm must be seen to appreciate its altie. Will aontt from 8TOUO to $10,000 on city pruper'.j. Long time on balsuce if desired THOMPSON. SWAN A I.EE 3d and ilsm Bis., Vancouver, ash. SIX ACRES 4 4 acre tn cultivation. 3 acres berries. 80 k , .. f.i, . .... R .. ...1 uear scIhxjI; mail delivered to door. price $2500 hall cash. . 4 ' ACKK.N 6 room bungalow, on gtmd road, "4 ' mil from Oregon City. $500 casii, easy terms on balance. 4 ACRES 8 Ih cnltiration, balance In basturt; 8 rorM bonse, barn, silo, fine chicken hoaae, $4450, $2200 cash, balance 8 per cent. H O. IllLLMAN 7th St, bear S. P, lcpnt., Oregon C1y, Or. ' J At i. P.O. lucal -d 1 mil. Hi. IS Oregon Cily. ou a mam aaacaderatzed road; Vf mile to acinioi ; all under cultivation: woven wire fencing! dark ram soil; good attraetite t mom bungalow; right an the highway; barn that cost $25oO chicken limine and other buildinga; good beanng on-hard : place seeded to ets, vetch and wheat: vim. , , . .ttrtMi.. ni.M at the edge of a good eify; $200O rayh, balance $B00 lar tear at rl nf pent. HllMen. Willi Jonn Fefirtieon. ;erliuger bldg. Over 500 small placea nesr fM-ianrl Get one eyen-ive ria-Kiiieq n-i. vl AClikH il .lutll.V Lit Ell 19 acres In cultivation, bal. timber. arroa of strawbrrries, 4 acre of apples, acre of grilles, some i-msll fruit; good 0 room plaetrfed limne. gund bstl.r.nim and pantry t good barn and outbuildings; 1 team of good hop. 1 farm wagon and harness; 80 chick ens, incubator and brooders; right on the Tualatin titer. rnoe, clear of all incumbrances. 0O00i goud terms 4 miles on enori road to big PSJroll town. Ore gon City, 1 mile front iimli town. . A. K. Rithef-lon, "Miiin 52t5. Alder hotel. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BUT FOTt THH MtiNEY YOU llAtK HAD OFFER KD 04 acres, 2 miles east of Lebanon. Or.; par tially improved, no buildings but well fenced and slightly rolling; -with over 3000 rorda of wood. nd the land U first cla-s. Price $3500. $500 cash and the balance can -b paid aut of the WouU oslen. . CI. LF.AVENWOOD. Lebanon, or. ftiiJi.SiJID DIARY RANCH AI A BAC1UFICE 40 acre choice soil, 15 acre cleared. 20 acres psjsture, fruit, many farming Implemsuts, 1 mile of paved highway on gravel rojul, only $2300, tenna. Crucka.t Co., 203 WashingUnt h'dg. FOR RENT FARMS 401 ao ACKlirt ci.oaE IN S acres under cultivatHm, 5 acres in small brriih. balant-e sot'ond growth. This ptsc face good gravel road, half mile from Base Din ri a.l: lays level, a fine pieca of grottml to rale divide. Only $289 per are, eey terms. i" 1. f 1 1: 11 isir with COOVFn A H'll.MAN, 322. Fsillng hldg, For Lease, a Qood Farm A lit . 1 H iJ 4rUf Btiirl ua'ltliw. J w vg m, t ,..- (tig a 't s- win a aaia "t"1!' mtut f"r J-al; o jt-arn lHa.wi J jiju will UnrHiiea ns Realty Co. 400 Hswthortis ave. RENT or exchange Lne large nver bottom ranch, snitsbl for dairy or diversified fsrm- IrtS. K.sst 2riH. 747 E. Madison St, Plifllsnd. iilUKK tarms fur rant, oash or alisTe; elec-n. ststioR near Pcrtiand. 56. 60, t'i4 acres. nir, Eaefnoaa. BS4 F.'t Salivpwi st. IRRIGATED LANDS. 409 IRRIGATED LANDS W are searing sgaia Friday night with an rbet party for Ih Ochoro project, Coaa ia and teak on of to party Land aold ea easy terms Small payment down, lung tins oa 1 ha balanca. The district la especisiT adapted for mixed farming; alfalfa on of tha aaiia crop. cau. writ, or phon Main 44 18. Ochoeo Irncsted Land Co., N W, Bank I'M HOMESTEADS 410 FOR a hHnt,Leail or rehoiiu.iinient 111 the l A C. tend grant, sc. E. V. Helm. 816 Roar"! or Tr-if bitte TIMBER LANDS 411 NOTICE OF SALE or GOVERlE'J.lTfUr. BER General 1 tod Offha, Washington, D. C, Jan 10, 1921. NoUce ta hereby give a that, aubiect to tha eondition and limitation 01 in AcU of Jon V, lBia 118 Stat.. 2181. and June 4. 1920 141 Stat.. 758). and the Instruction of the Secretary f fh In'erior of September 15, 1017. and June iti; 19J0, Ih timber on the following lands will b. aold March 2, 1U21, at 10 o'clock s. ta., st pub he netina at th- United State land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lea than the appraised value ss shown by this antics, sale to be subject W the approval of th aVecrs tsry of tb Interior, Th pure us a pries, with a addibonsl sum of on filth of 1 fair spot thereof, being commission allowed, most b deposited at tint of sal, money to B returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will hums for th timber, which .must b removed withla . 10 rra Bids wtU b raeeivsd fresa citizen of th United B'ste. associations of such eitisen and corpora Hon arganixad under the laws of the United fits tea atr any Mats, t.r ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a 9uasfi.d puichaser. th timber on any legal subdivision Will b. offered be fore being included ia any effer nf A targsf antti T. 4 K. 3 W., flee. IT, KK 'A kHIi, tj $50 Id., cedar 50 11., rJEVi Mia, fir 850 U.. . a R rt if 1 1, L fx l aa. tk 4 kit., " mtmw taf 'f an . , xnniim u M. d"C( a A a f mt NB4. fit 8070 kL, cdr 825 If., beulicli TB AL, ".Vis NK4, fir 8880 M., cedar, 210 M hemlock 180 M., SE St . fir 2500 ML. cedar 25 !., heoilix k, 70 M.. tW , 5E4, fif 8640 Vl., eedsr 40 it.. SeniPk 1-6 I . NE4 NW44, fir 8720 ML, cedar 60 HI., bWV. JiW. fie 2680 al., jdar lift at., hemlock 205 ML, BE NW 14 , fir 2870 ML. ce dar 55 at., hemlock 20 ML, SW XVI . fif 750 ML. cellar 140 ML, hemlock 40 VI , NBH4 fcEi. fir 24UO U. , eedar 1L5 at., bemtoek 60 St., SWA b. fit 240 rode 85 .. hemlock 40 M , SE SK1&, fir 2600 VI., - dar 100 UL. hamtock fro M . SW lilt, fir X6Q M-. esdax 40 AL. KKm IWa, fir 2100 M.i cedar 05 M.t hemlock 113 kL. SW H IU, fif 2510 II , cedar 140 VL. hemic 100 M., S4 SW', fir 1810 it, cedar 31 M.. SWW S WW, fir 2680 M. , cedar 70 U MM of fir to b aold for lets than il UI) taf 11., iwet of cedar to be sold far lea fbaa 32, 00 per Al,, and nons of beaslovk to ba sold lor Was than !.:. pr st. t T. 8 S , ft E. See. 18, flE 4 WKH. fir 165 II . IWH N K tt . fir lis U peAar VU M.. none of th fir or edar to be sold for 1 than $100 per If . SB WW, fir 178 M . SW 4 SWA. fir 385 .. ttoaa of to fur ta b sola tor mm wan n il per at. f it eittinv Oomutlwdonev General (an-t Offleaa FOit ALli, AU or part, oi 20(j acre ut gsisl timber: wood, rfcj! road tie and as log propa sltion; 8 mUeafroni railmad atslion and gnod town; nesr to Portland. Will tire an exeliot opportunity on this def See Mr. Millef. With ' THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. 3d and Main s. ' VsneonvPT'. Wh WANTED For csen, 3,000.000 to 10,000,000 ft. of tiro tier suitable for asiil site, on or nsr railr.isd. Albert Rortlnn. R. a, Bornu. rr. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 13 ACRES of improve. 1 -waieHrr.ut nr Seat tle: reiidenc and frn. Pnre 1S000: x- cliang for .Oregon property. U. , A- , Gutter, Wilcox Ptdj. Phone Waio 8spn. OR SALE or trade for Dttsines or b-ia.n. as hiTiise on Union. William or M cii rc-ii are.. 5 room bona. 291 Holland st. 'Wdln, 523. WANT U. sell ut trade tor Seattle Lane, my 7-room ctrietly modern boat in . lrvuiston. East 2.V2. OU SALE or exelians fog small rai'-h. eorner lot r.OtlOO with 2 hoasea an. Avvlr 615 Woodward ave. A 1J1 in VvWmorciaiMi lur i-aJ til tiad lor tror-bh.:'-Ar. i32-1. WANTEDREAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY" 450 WAN l EIt To buy a boius ow, enmu s.iim, rr ,in'ii wn, 4oiir'is!. WANTED Mmsil house; Ud aulo and. 2 city kits. stain ZAna. VViMsl-ra j bUMwsHiWM, in Havvtliorn. WANTEt REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450.- :;' VE WILL SELL YOUD HOME Strangers" contartlr Seeking onr offiee i res II snd In person looking for houses to hnv. Why not list your place with ul If your price and Him are right we will gtve ynn.uulrV action; buyers are bre' ri-- fne ir :pllnne. tiB A. AfxKENNA A C,- eVvirfh st. Matn 4522. VVii-4. ouy ti-rtivtlu ill icti iimii.-iii large living room. bnaiat tnHik and three bedroiUi, girajrs; lriington, taurelliu'rst or IIini Cty' east front prWei-cd, flitit be ftrct rlste" con -true! ion and finish. . If ou Lave a rcai nsresin. vrr"e TN al, joumil. VL llAt E lSfiii.le n&llniH fo luonc on - A Mde, 3d St.. ashinetiin. S.IOilll uu. Aut. S22i57 or Slsrdisl! 1000. JilliNSON A BACH. sou Itrcaowsv I VI 1 J I Mitu house, near ritn..i ainl ", Hot over $2dOO; will give tart isimriii grwwl atanilard make -eji. auto. Glt-e lira i put and deruion; car will bjar imiaM-iiou. P. t). '- i, t am-onvt-r. Wash, TEXT wants 4 n r 5 ro.ii'i 111.1,-111. ..11 ' es-y terim, tn Mount Scott, s ood-tlork,. St. In?' Mn-I'c'li it tr-r . Mn. t fs.'S MA. VI' best moii-rit liome, p-ar nr attd schol, for $80i: ca-h. . lUathorps v. or Ml. Tsb-r di tr". pii .ti. T.;i, f sM Vl A . i aL ui li -ttp mi i,ti,i. iTTi Jduiitatlll.-t ut lit. S'-otti car: ti.'iO to $800 Ui pay . - -I I ft It t-,PTllHT tltllV VvA.N il'.l- J pit, in b ii:.t., ahtiilt i.iiill; 5oil d.iWn. a30 61 h tt. n. K ACREAGE WANTED -To trsd a corner hit vntu cement - sidewalk.- paid. St. John, walknnj dilanc t mill and faclore, f,,r unimproved aireare not over 28 NiUs fmtn- ill on good prad, Wood law i!002. 555 Ahf.worth. ; WANTED ft or Ih r.inh Ian I, ilw lo Portland, fit rash and ti-iti 2JI Wa-h-dnglon, room 811. Ant fi'J.I 7o 1 .' J lA-iiij-t j scia ui ai.1 i,u Vt,, mile. "'I- 1 117. i ACRE or lewi. m-r Evergree or Courtney -a-irn. Mem HOTS . . . I l.J.L. ' . . 1 M AM f-.D- Itariraiiii jn ai reaue uml fauna, I lsode n. 429 Lumberm-n. h'd FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 LA E ouiem I in ninth nuiinivTii i'hmiTi aitliin 2H nfilPa of l'nrtland on good Send ua details of your tilace, CUE A. McRENNA A CO 8 2 Fwnet'! t. Muln B ? 2 li-tVL pnyt-r for Oirm, iiniiri'ivtHt or' "istrtialiy imi"ovet ; pie kee us ar mire. I-Jo9.hsonDods6ti Co.' .. "V ...' W Mint !.' , Mult, 377 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. -ETC. 600 HKJIE Is a iihurrin fnrfrf hut on th ede or tnsii, rn In rllides 8 living rooma ami rent for en fire pla-e only o jier tnnnlh. Mill aell u k at Inenic and futures st $8.1iO. Call o, p, John Brown & Co. 823 It. F.i. Hid., 8331. Qilt Edged Business Best rh buslniioa In Origin today; catnly. Irinks. rani tl,u. 1 In. II 1, cigars, rtrft drinks, rated ij an Eastern Oiegon uii linar Portland! a bona fid bargain. I EASTERN EXCHANGE ... J. ' VJ1 H AVa-h nrirn " I S3 US INfiSaTCH AN"CKT 8 2000 Wll handle half (merest In about too tir nitt.ili iluiry liellinj S i. IMI.LMAN 7th St. peer S, V. lt-tit, l)riron Cily,. rr ' iiit. GARAGE AfA.N, her ia iuiirTTiai., m to date garage on, lining Very profitable busiiie, averaging $800 pif uionlu ' net and inorv : lung I Eastern Exchange ! . , . 2'JT 't M'ASI f(;Tiv . ' I'ivK CHAIR barber siiopi w ainu l.ava' olh.r boia, witJi less rhJr. fof sale. I-'.-Eastern Exchange : . ! ; 2lTi WASIHNCiT'iN, WANTED Manager lor larmeiV . ..,.i ru.a atofe; must furnMi $3000 bnii'lh; n.i tihn for right man; send p;ilcalfems with re.rn melidstions before Jlanh 1. Ilockitisitii Co operative aseociatioit, Francis' Kopra, M-crctary. p. r,i-i ,-rairie. vvan. Ut Uj-ialte H LKM Eastern Exclharifrc 227 '4 WASHINfTfty, GKIM I.lir d ling (lio dail ; future., includ ing Ford delivery. $I0.1'I; invoice slu. k al.o'it $$000; good locltii, n; rent Jv.j I'l-e Srnllh-l-etpr, with iiitersut Laml Co, U 18 Stark tt Mrin 82 0. IKS, oiel. niaiset, w.ii eel) at invoi, p, ion or both tug.lher tin of the holiest ...r-' nerv on Ui east ship. 718 Dcktim bldg. Aui.'' 86f-4lv, i'Oil SALk by owner, new and iicl liiri.ilure" business, establlil.ed Ji yr; Miendid liga tion, alssa stuck, i junk, 0-71, m 'niriimi. RL i'A I. RAN '1 si. pwanitt. Or.; IkIhip-; good loctirin; price $1000, For further m formation writ J. V. H tf,"i2 Comiuen ia at , A 44 ev. a -v r.y-ig , a FT, LLET!IC .-lliipers. elightlv ne.d. L..II1 4'J ; U $30. Ud hydr.ilhp cliairv cheap I.KB KEMP h A It It Kits SUPPLIES f-hntts ftrosday 2631 f.7l V --li H' si l" paint simp lor sal hy owner, very i cheap i good snd clean, puncrei floor Cheap rent, t'T ti of work, Aut, 81)1 (id or Wdltl. ntio.i. Printing for Less r1vpr Prtenina r tii asua lay a . FIN E restaiirsiit." -doinf a good" hn.inriui. 7T.7 rally lotaiPd; munt b sold f once.' $750. rswrrn r.viisiijre, 1 v sfitfigtoit et MY STO K and hnonr-w tr $150 t-aait, I Vnu-f el. 11-455 Jo.ien.1 I-1 ik aALW--a chair barber shop 36 N. 2d sou HtlA .in pisi.L i inns of worST i 'ewi proti.. lis 1 1, m tt.og APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 T" i iNE a 4'iiiiiv:f ! An extra gol 38 room ap' within walking distance; srricily m'alcrn: reht $210; gr p; clesrin $500; price $8000; tan hoiiMv lor $1500. HENDERSON BANK US CO., 4 ?6 If-t.rv 1 1 M - Mv 17". ' HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES ! ' FOR SALE 502 18 ROOMS : Housekeeping, fine Lxalion, good money maker; only $800 cah to handle (. ! ' - 18 ROOM : Finest has net I I lo-ifjon fn fTii Pity fir r-.oniing li'iii-e; , inm, of $2.'.0; price $2500; tent $,', j J and a lease. I 8'f ROOM RESIDENTIAL HOTLL "I "i'r.y iiitno, wiw.t I'lli; rial Oi'l in- com $i"iMo and bter; the Hast of furniture' nd furnishings; sjuaU csh pammirt, balania4 lMrtn 2S ROOMS , ' Fine location! has pood liicomi?, rrg.-oatk rent; $1000 cash baudie. Bihr-Carcy TIHIID AND STARK STS. MAIN 743T. i WE BUY AND SELL: HOTLLS, Al'AHTUENTs jV uuutJUtE- nenry s. Oura ,n?8 tn FOR MAI.K ft liirni.-l.l H. K. wiiji p..t.,t,,l- hand fntnttrrn atairs nr evtuui .,., t. partmentA, $0. 6020 t'imirr ma.1. . T,i Motliit Scuti :r til. Shrwart statkm. Rent 1$ RtJOMH. ait, a a hon-ppeitiiK. ten, furJ lil-h their swn best, rale rut sol $100 net income per uinipli 1 his I- fm buy. l-s Uuib $IOO hatidle. Mr- Al hrtH. -with John Fertinn vierllnter t,if:r. . nAi.L 5 Hum Ii7.l li. K. wo ,1 , ..i.T ham turplfiir. store or --could b rim le in'o partrnents, $M50. flOJO FoIpt m.i. Ta vionr- we,. it enr trarr i,fi,,n. Z 1UM1. i.e. ilia MiX -L - - fine f parrot ee tl.-ie 110 roonn C2tt4 'Washinf ton SL, lloorn 311 b liilOAl kmiee, e.l tu'iii-nt'd. lori.a. hen led, fireplace, within es y walking dStstK-e of lm-i-aess center.- $ pt-inig roonii No iU new! iiply. Mamlsil 2'tl. - . . IF iOt,ili fi, buy - ' h " "' hoit- er lni in "f uia. sii ciep. eeSI H'nv M-ws. 170 loth -f Mfo I mi. M AM Ll - Itooirt.n iiouev.. Ill to 2i r."IV, sfalM " I'm v.ariaivi. i"l tCsarttnusa a.iiawin fasti alia fitusgoo. Alain obOU. Gailsnd, 201 oil. . L-- ,;L- V.- - S .' ' : -ar "