13 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON MYSTERY OF LOW! WHEAT QUOTATION IS UNSOLVED EGG BIDS ADVANC E IN LOCAL TRADE WEDNESDAY J1AIRY PRODUCE Top Batter Ess Portland 43c 5e hlraa-o 4S4c Sic Nan Francisco 62c $214e 7iw Tors. 4Hc Se SeaUle 6Se 3Sc Los Aurtlri 54c Sic There in an extreme shortage of eggs In the Ircal market and bids are. nomi nally hipher, although the big operators are purchasing only to fill orders. In the Front street trade there was a further advance in the bids for ees. An extreme scarc ity of offering and an inability of the taade to fill orders causal moiit of the wholesalers to seek stock at. a riha of about 2o a dozen over previmia quotation. While the ailranee in eggs is believed to be a tmtorary affair, the market will likely be influenced by weather eomtitinns fur some time to come. Coast market especially hare shown remarkable strength recently and Port land is today the low point of the Pacific North wiwt. whUe fur months past it ha been above Jng-t Bound. It is not sdviwble for the country to with hold it esgs from trie market because of the lateness of the season. CZ&MAR.ICET BASK.ET . RETAIL, PRJCXJ. . " , Br Hyman It v Cones While the season for salmon catching will end March 1 along the Columbia, the Willamette will be open for fishing until March 15. In the meantime con sumers are, receiving more liberal stocks of fresh salmon, although prices remain CLAIM DALLES MEN QUOTING TOO LOW Those desiring special information regarding any market should write .the Market Editor. Oregon Journal, enclosing stamp for reply. BTJTTKU F1UCF.S HOLD STRONG Market for but'er continues to reflect strength here, but no f urthcr price changes were an nounced for the day? The output of fresh stock is at the moment below ei-tual requirements, so far a extras are concerned. CHEESE SCARCITY IS SERIOUS Very serious scarcity of cheese supplies con tinues in the local territory. Anything in the way of cheene is easily saleable today within a fraction ol extreme prices available for tlie Tilla mook, which is scarcely in siuht at the znomenu COUNTRY MEATS ARE UXCJIA5GED No change was made in the price of country killed meats along the street for the day, al though somewhat increased offerings are shown. Top calves are selling around 19c, with best lightweight hogs at 13 He. FISH SUPPLIES REMAIN' LIBERAL Ttather liberal supplies of smelt are being of fered at 2 i box, or 4c a pound. Chinook salmon it selling at 2Se with head on. or 3e. with head off. while steelheads are at 2 8 27c. Halibut remains unchanged at 3 8 (9 23c. POULTRY MARKET HOLDS STEADY Market for poultry is holding about steady here. Ke-eipts of late hare been Tery moderate and a ciiuck cleanup of offerings is shown at the prices quoted by The Journal. BRIEF NOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Very low priced o-anges remain. Apple consignments increasing; prices un ch nged. Cooking oil prices generally wesfcer. Sugar market stronger in the Kast 1'otato prices weaker for anything except best Quality. WHOLESALE PRICES ITT PORTLAKD Soft white . . ' . .... : " ," 7 Man winter KiiMjKs tL iresn craos ana nsuuui i i u good supply ; all at former prices. Consumers are eating more prunes than ever before. While the better class stock is generally selling around 10c a pound at retail, dome of the downtown places are offering smaller sizes below this. The best, however, is the cheapest art the higher price. Kffgs are temporarily higher, and the latest advance in butter la now effective generally in tho retail trade. Likewise the higher price for sugar. The following prieVa ruled generally in retail shops for good quality. Home values are frac tionally higher, inferior stuff fractionally lower. Butter Fresh creamery. 60c. Kggs Fresh laid, extra, 40c per doeen. Poultry Chickens, dressed, 38 40c lb. Fish Salmon, 30 50c lb.; halibut, 30c lb.; Columbia river smelt, 3 pounds for 25c." Flour Best local patent. $2.75 3.00 per sack 40 lbs. Potatoes Eurbacka, $1.25 1.75 per sack. Onions 2c lb. Maximum prices on the Portland public mar ket: Cabbage, 2e lb.; cauliflower, 20c head; carrots,. 2c lb.; celery, 13c head; celery hearts. 15c; onions, 2c lb.; parsnips, 2c lb.; squash, 2c lb.; turnips, 3c found; potatoes, l4c lb.; dry beans, 7c lb.; prunes. 12 He lb.; comb honey, 40c lb.: bulk honey, quart, 90c; pint. 4 7c; ducks, 60c lb.; geese. 4 5c lb.; cottage cheese, JJOc lb.; hens, 33 W 35c lb.: fryers, 36c lb ; eggs 35o dozen; butteT, 60c lb.; milk, 13c quart. WEDNESDAY WHEAT MARKET ( Rid. Loss Hard white $1.56 - l.iS l.JS 1.45 Xorthern spring- 1.45 Red Walla 1.40 PRICE STATIONARY . INLOCALALLEYS Hojr. Portland fll.SO e Chicago l-25 C j Omaha t.49 J ! Denver 9.85 " i Kansas City 9.55 5C Steer. Lambs. i 8.25 s.o 18.65 8.S5 6.75 9.00 8.7 8.15 7. SO 8.00 Rush to Sell at Start Forces a Lower Quotation Chicago.. Feb. 16. L N. a) Wheat closed weak and sharply lower In the lead of other grains. The market was a nervous affair all day and fluctuations were wide and rapid. Provisions closed lower. Resting prices for March wheat were at declines of 4 cents, and May dropped 34 to 3lA. May corn declined lhi and July lfe to 1 oft. May and July oats were 1 lower. NORTIIYVEST GRAIN RECEIPTS (Reported by Portland Merchants Exchange.) Cars ! Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland. Wed . . 3 9 1 7 Year aio . . . . 33 ... 13 1 8 Season to. date.H4l IS-' '..".4 375 1640 Year aeo 605 169 2875 404 1320 Trom, Tuesday 1 'I ... 3 1 Year aso 33 3 1" ; - - Season to date. 3374 47 6S 94 S2 Year ago ... 5112 71 19H3 140 657 Seattle. Tuesday. 11 ... 2 1 1 Year ago .... 41 ... 1 ... 1 Season to date. 3655 1RI 267 312 1091 Year ago 440S 227 542 502 1048 Astoria, to date. . blH 2 56 23 53 Year ago .... 805 5 ... ( 7 4 6 PORTLAND LIVKSTOCR KT'X Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Cars. Wednesday 221 Week ago 1773 Two weeks ago. . 20 Four weeks ago . . 1 90 Year ago 119 Two years ago... 442 Three years aso. 270 Four years ago.. 147 90 4 2 ... 558 18 125 2 121 3 140 6 544 10 143 6 72 1 . . . 196 3 86 7 ERRATIC PRICES FOR COTTON SHOW2T IS NEW YORK . New York, Feb. 16. (L N. 8.) The cot ton market waa irregular at the start today at 12 points advance to 17 points decline. Spot houses were the principal sellers at the opening, while Wail street commission and wire "houses were fair buyers. Liverpool sold. There was considerable selling for profit by recent pur chasers, but this cotton was scon absorbed and the list held steady later on the basis of $14.50 for May. Private messages again reported bet ter business at Manchester. Continued strength in foreign exchange was one of the bullish in fluences. The cnarket showed a weak tone In the late dealings but the close was steady at a net loss of 22 us 30 points. Spot cotton was quiet 30 points lower at u.iu. iso sales Open. High. Low. Close. January 1522 1532 1515 1515 .March 1395 1410 1362 1362 May 1455 1459 1410 1412 July 1480 1492 1445 1445 October 1510 1523 14H3 14S6 December ... 1523 1540 1503 1510 These are prices retailers pay wholesalers, ex cept as otherwise noted: Dairy Products BCTTER Selling price, box lots: Cream ery, extra, parchment wrapper, B3c per lb. Jobbing prices: Cubes, extras, 47c per pound; uairy, buying price, 20c per lb. Bl'TTKHFAT Portland delivery basis. No 1 grade. 51c; No. 2. 4Sc; country stations. 46 & 47c per lb. C1JEF.SE Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Oregon fancy triplets, 36c per Tb. ; Young Ames ic.s, 37c lb. Prices to jobbers, f. o. b. Tilla mook: Triplets 33c: Young Americas. 34c; riellitur price: Block Swiss, 3H(d40c; limburger, 36(i3Se lb.: cream brick, 86 38c per lb. K';:8 BnTing prices: Current receipts. ,2729c per doren ; caudled, selling price. 31 (82Sc rer dozen; select, 35c per dozen. I.1VF. I-orl.TKY Selling price: Heavy bens. 2SC per lb.; light hens, 25c lb.; priwrs. hens, 3 On lb.; heavy, 27c per lb.; old roosters, 14c per lb.; turkeys. 40e per db. : dressed, 40 0 55c per lb ; chicks. S540o per lb. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit FTtESH FRT'IT Oranges, $2.50 4.30 box; hananaa, lid 12c per lb.; lemons. $4 00 fa 4 75 -ase; grapefruit, Florida, $6.50 9.00. APPLES SI . Ml 3.25. PRIED FRUITS Dates. Dromedaries. $6.85 (fr7 00; Farda. $3.50 s 3.73 per box; figj. $3.754 00. I ONIONS Selling price to retailers: Local, $1.25; garlick, 15c; green onions, 40c per dozen bunches. POTATOES Selling price: Oregon fancy, $1.00 C 1.23; sweets.- Tenn., $3.50 hamper. BERRIES Cranberries, local. $6.0i6.25 per box: eastern, $19.00 hb" VEGETABLES Turnips. $2.50 per sack; carrots. $1.50; beets. $2.00; lettuce, $3.50 8.75 per crate; egg plant,. 3 5e; broccoli, $1.85 2 25: bell peprers, 25c lb.; celery, $1.00 1.25 dozen; Hubbard squash, 22Hc lb.; rhu barb, hothouse, 20c lb.; Mexico tomatoes, $5.00 (4 5.50 lug. Meats and Provisions COrNTRT MEATS Selling price: Country hogs, 1 S 6 1 5 c Ier lh. for top blockers, about 125 t 150 lbs., heavy stuff lower; veal, top, 80 to 110 lbs.. 19c. heavy stuff Vsa. SMOTtED MEATS Hams, 3033e per lb.; breakfast bacon. 20Mc. I4AKD Kettle rendered. 21 Ho lb.; tierce basis, compound, 134 c Fish and Shellfish FRESH FISH Stcelhead. 26 27c per pound: chinook. 28 S 30c: haiibut. fresh. 18 23c: sturgeon, f ); black cod. llS12e; kip pered salmon. $1.30 per 10-lb. basket; kippered cod, fl.HH; razor clams. ( ) ; crabs, $2.75(9 3.75 dozen; ling "cod, 6 7o lb.; Columbia MQflt. 4c pe.r lb. OYSTERS Eastern, per gallon, $5.00; ClymiHa, $5.50. sQ rofH s$3 RFRATt Refinery basis: Cube, $10.50 : fruit ami berry. $8.75; D yellow. J8.15: beet granulated. $3.65; extra C. $7.53; Golden C, 8 25. HONEY Per case, $7.75 0 8.00; bulk, ISc per lb. RIC'F Japan stjle. No. 1, 5H5e; Blue Rose. 7 H s'8c rer lb.; New Orleans head. 10c. COFFEE Boasted. 19 31c;, in aacks or drums. 8AET Coarse, half ground. 100s, $17.25 per ton: 50s, $17.83; table dairy. 50s. $27. 25 bales, $3.504.00; fancy table and dairy. $34.50: lump rock, jh.mj per ton. BEANS Sales by jobbers: Small white, 5 He lb. : large white. 5 He: pink. 7ic per lb.; limas, 8 " c ; bayou, 1 1 H c : reds, 7 k c ; Oregon beans, buying prices nominal. CANNED MILK Carnation, $6.00; Borden. $6 no; Astor, $5.90; Eagle, $11.30; Libby, $5.9t: Mount Vernon, $5.90 per ease. SODA CRACKERS sVln bulk, 17c per lb. NUTS Walnuts, 2S2o rr lb.; almonds, 27C28e; filberts. 32c in sack lots; peanuts, 14H(&15c; pecans. 25c: Brazils, 85c Chicago Dairy Prodoce Chicago. Feb. 16. (I. N. S.) Butter Re ' ceipts,- 4339 tnbs. Creamery, extra, 45Hc; first.s, 37i43Hc; packing- stork. 14lSc Ecs-lte-eipu. 12.317 cases. Miscellan eous, 29(.'31c; oniinary first. 2829c; firsts. 31H.y32c; checks, 27(S28c; dirties, 28c29c. fhecse Twins, new. 244'24He: daisies, . 24 H eSc: Voung Americas. 23 H tf 26c; loixa horns, 26HW27c: bnck, 02OHc Live l'oultry turkeys. 43c; chickens, 81c; wirings, 3lc; rooster, c; ceese. tc; ducks, 3 So. SnEEPMEW APPREHENSIVE BECAUSE OF SNOWSTORMS Brownsville, Or., Feb. 10. The Calapooia river valley is still in the grip of. the blizzard which struck it Sunday afternoon, and has had two ; rate snowstorms since that time. Sun day's storm of about two inches had scarcely melted away when the clouds gathered again on Tuesday night and laid another two inch mantle on the valley floor. Stockmen, espe cially sheepmen, are apprehensive, for the storm is evidently not fet broken, and they stand to lose great numbers of lambs. A farmer up the river phoned in that he had 24 head of cattle and .no feed for them, and a cattle buyer went up to buy the stock and thus save it from perishing. AMERICAN LIYESTOCK PRICES Chicago Hogs $1 0.25 Chicago. Feb. 16. (L N. S.) Hoes Receipts 20.000: 10 25c lower. Bulk. $9.00 g9.75; top, $10.25; heavyweight, $9.00s 9.30; medium weight, $9. 1 0 ( U.95 ; lightweight, $9.609l0.20; light lights. $9.85 10.30s heavy packing sows, smooth, $7.35 8.75; packing sows, rough. $7.83 8.85; pigs, $9.00 (9 1O.10. Cattle Receipts 6000; strong to 25c Higher. Beef steers Choice and prime, $9.0O 10.65; medium and good, $8.40 9.90: good and choice, $9.00 010.25; common and medium. $7.25 g 9.00: butcher cattle, heifers, $5.00 As 9 00: cows. $4 00r7.80; bulls, $4.25$ 6.00; canners and cutters, cows and heifers, $2.50 f 3.75; oanner steers, $3 50 & 5.00; veal calves (light and handy weight). $9.00 9 12.00: feeder steers. $6.75 9.75; stock rr steers, $5.50 0 8.00; stocker cows and heifers, $3.75 6.00. Sheep Receipts 17,000: generally steady. Lambs (84 lbs. down), $7,006 8.75; lambs (84 lbs. up), 6.008.50; culls and common, 15 50 (a-6.51): yearling wethers, $5.00 6.25; ewes, $3.25 4.85; culls and common, $2.00 Iff 3.00; feeder iambs, $6.00 0 7.25. Omaha Hogs $9.40 South Omaha. Feb. 16. (L N. S.) Hogs Receipts 19.000; steady to 15c lower. Bulk. $8.25 9.25; tP. $9.40. Cattle Receipts 5500: beef steers 15 25c higher; top, $8.65: she stock steady to 25c higher, bulls and veals steadq, stackers and feeders steady to strong. Sheep Receipts 5000; killers 25 50c higher. Bulk handyweight lambs. $7.25 (J, 3.00; top to shippers, $8.15; early top ewes. $4.63; few feeders included. Denver Hogs $9.35 Denver, Colo., Feb. 16. (U. P.) Cattle Receipts, 600; weak. Steers, $5.50 6.75; com and heifers, $4.40 6.00; stock ers and feeders, $5.506.50; calves, $8.00 S 11 00. Hogs Receipts, 1600; strong. Tops, $9.35; bulk. $8.33 fe 9.25. Sheep Receipts? 2200; strong. Lambs, $5.50 7.50; ewes. $2.75 ( 3.75. Kansas City Hogs $9.65 Kansas City. Mo.. Feb. 16. L N. R.) tattle lleceipt. 4oOO; active. Steers. S7.00 9.00; cows and heifers, 1 5.50 (a-8.00 : stack ers and feeders, X 6.00 ( 8.60; calves. $7.00 & 11.O0. Hogs Receipts, 11,000: slow. Bulk of sales $8.50 r 9.20; top, $9.55; heavies. $8.50 ( 9. OK; lights, $9.25 ,9.35; mediums, $9.10 & 9.50. (sheep Receipts, 6500. Lambs. $7.50 ( 8 00; sheep market steady. Ewes, $4.00 4.50. There is at rear mystery in the wheat" trade at thistime. A special advice from The PaJles says that representa tives of Portland export and milling branches as well as milling interests of The Dalles were a unit in declaring that $1.05 was the extreme price available there for wheat. This is flatly denied by all Portland grain houses that have branch buying establishments at The Dalles. Max H. Hooser. president of the Portland j Flouring Mills company and head o toe 1 a cific tjrain company, says the report is too absurd ; to consider at ail, because the prices re ported 11 the extreme at The Dalies are far below all reason. Joseph Oanong of Kerr-Gifford Co., says that evidently some mistake has been made by The Dallea buyers, because no such low price si $1.05 per bushel is even thought of. The Portland prioe' of wheat Tuesday was $1.00 for blueste-m on the Portland Merchants' exchange, but actual bids in the country were made on the basis of $1.62 per bushel. The freight rate from The Ladies is close to lOo per bushel. Portland exporters are keenly seeking wheat at the price basis quoted and the only difference between the price at various country points and this city is the freight and warehouse charge. The wire that ereated all the dispute follows: "The Dalles, Feb. 15. According to advices received here, exporters can pay no more than $1.25 for No. 1 export grade wheat. This means from $1 to $1.05 for best grade of wheat to the interior growers. Portland 'is now bought op on its export requirements into March, it is said, and no wheat is wanted by them. And they have instructed buyers that if any is to be bought, it is on the understanding that it is for requirements after March, and not more than $1.25 will be paid. Argentine conditions are responsible for thia "Buyers here say Portland exchange prices are offers for spot, present emergencies, small lots, and do not indicate the regular market at alL" FLOUR Selling price, mill door: Patent, $9.80; Montana spring wheat, $9 59; Willamette valley brands, $8.55; local straight. $8 30; bakers' local. $9.00; graham. $8.00: whole wheat, $8.20. Price for city deliveries, 15c under: suburban, 20c extra HAY Buying price, nominal. Willamette timothy, fancy, $25 027 per ton; clover, $19; straw. 13(3H4: alfalfa. $202l per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta 10c; domestic. 11c. in car lots; less amounts higher. M1LLSTCFFS Mill run at mill, sacked, ton lots, $34; carloads, $33. OATS Per ton, buying price: Feed, $33 34. BARLEY -Buying price: Feed. $31 32; milling, $33 SEED Buying price, nominal; no demand. Red clover, recleaned ( ) per lb.; aisike. t ): vetch ( ). FEEDSTUFFS F. O. B. mills: Rolled barley $41; whole barley. $38; alfalfa meal, $30; cocoanut meal, $30; cracked corn, $43; whole com $39 ton; scratch feed, $58; soy bean meal. $50; linseed meal. $32; whole oats, $40; roUed oats, $42 per ton. ROUJ5D OATS Selling price. $10 barrel. Merchants Exchange bids : WHEAT Feb. 150 . 153 . 153 . 145 145 . 140 FEED OATS . . 8500 3475 . 3250 3230 BARLEY 3100 8100 . . 3000 . 8000 CORN - 3 eastern (bulk) . . 3200 3250 Four loads formed total arrivals for the Wednesday trade at North Portland. A week ago there was a big bunch of hogs in from the East for local packers to swell arrivals. All lines showed prac tically unchanged prices. In the hog alleys there was a steady tone for the Wednesday trade at North Portland. Ar- vais were ot umiteo: volume ana prices snowea correction in no changes whatever, except rough heavy nogs. General hog market range: Prime lhjht Smooth heavy Rough heavy ........... Fat pigs Feeder pigs 10.00 1100 Cattle Continue Nominal There was practically nothing at all doing in the cattle market at North Portland Wednesday. Not a single carload came forward and former prices were considered steady. Oeneral cattie market range: Choice ateers Medium to good steers. ...... r air to good steers . . . Common to fair steers ....... Choice cows and heifers ...... Medium to good cows and heifers Fair to medium cows and heifers Common cows and heifers Canners Bulls Choice feeders Fair to good feeders Choice dairy calves Prime light calves Medium light calves ......... Poor calves Sheep Hold Steady With only a small supply reported in for (he day, sheep and lamb market was considered about steady Wednesday at North Portland. General heep market range; Ewt of mountain lambs S 7.50 8.00 Willamette valley lambs 6.60 7.00 Heavy lambs 6.50 7.00 Feeder lambs 6.50 6.50 Light yearlings 6.50 7.00 Havy yearlings 5.60(ie 6.0O Wethers 5.00 8.00 Cull lambs 4.00 5.00 Ewes 1.00 4.00 Tuesday Afternoon Sales COWS .$10.50 11 00 . 10.00 ( 10.60 . 6.50 9.00 1 0.00 i 11.00 .$,7.50 8.23 . 6.75 7.50 6.00 6.75 5.00 6.00 COO 6.75 5.50 6.00 5 00 5.50 4 00 6.00 2.00 4.00 4.50(9 5.O0 6.00 ( 6.50 5.00 6.00 12.00 13.00 11.00 12.00 9.00 10.00 6.00 7.50 Range of Chicago prices as furnished by the United Press: WHEAT Open. High. Txtw. Close. March 173 174 170H 171 H May , 164 H lOS'i 160 161 H CORN May ....... 72 724 71H 71 July ....... 74 V 74 H 73 71 OATS May 46 . 46 43 T4 48 July 46T 47t 46H 46H RYE May 146 147 145 145 July 130 H 130H 128 129 H BARLEY May ....... 67 67 H 67 67 H PORK May 2165 2190 2150 2150 LARD May 1240 IMa 1225 1225 July 1277 1277 1260 1262 ; RIBS May 1150 1155 1130 1132 July 1185 11S5 1167 116T SHORT TERM NOTES -Quotations furnished br Clark. Kendall Co.. Inc.: Security Maturity. Am. Cotton Oil 6s... 9-2-24 Am. T. & T. 6s. . . . .10-1-23 . Am. T. & T. 6s. . . . . 2-1-24 Am. Tob. 7 ... 11-1-23 k Anglo Am. Oil 7 Hs. . 4-1-25 Armour Coav. 7s.. 7-15-30 Belgian Gov. 7 Ha..., 6-1-45 Bele-ian Gov. 6s..... 1-1-25 Beth. Steel 7s. 7-15-23 Beth, Steel 7a T.15.22 British Govt. 5 H .... 11-1-2 1 British gov. a Ha. 11-1-22 Canadian Gov. 5 H s . . 8 1-21 Canadian Gov. 5Hs., 8-7-29 Oudahy Packing 7s.. 7-15-23 Inter. It T. 7s 9-1-21 Japanese Gov. 4Hs. 7-10-25 Kennecott Cop. 7s... 2-1-30 Ligg. Myers Tob. 6s. . 12-1.-2 1 Nor. Pae. E'p 7s... 5-15-22 Pacific Gas 7s. 5-1-25 Swift 6s 8-15-21 U. 8. Rubber 7s 12-1-2 Bid. Asked. SO 92 964 994 95 H " S 9H 100U 99 ; J00 -.-. 7 7 '7 , 0H 91 96 97 4 98 99 99 99 94 95 99 H 89 91 91 97" 98 67 9 81 82 B0 02 98 99 100 . . . 87 98 98 97 98 Sew York Butter and Ergs New York. Feh. 16. (I. N. 8.) Butter Msrfcet active, firmer. Creamery extras ( salted and unsalted), 4648H; do firsts (salted and unsalted), 4347; do higher than extras (salt ed and unsalted), 46H49H; state dairy tubs. 28 45. Cheese Market irregular. State Whole milk specials, 23H27; do fancy, 2225H; do lower grades, 1221H. Wisconsin Whole milk. fancyoung Americas, 27 29. State Skims, speciaiiv 1 7 H 1 9 ; do choice, 13 16 : do fairro good, 11 12; do lower grades, 810. Eggs Market weak; nearby white, fancy, f0c; do brown, fancy, 39 40c; extra, 38c; firsts, 33 36c. Bard white . . . Soft white .... W hite club . . . Hard winter . . . Northern spring Red Walla No. 2 white. . . No. 2 gray . . . Brewing ...... Feed March. lo 6 105 155 145 145 140 April. 156 153 135 145 145 140 34 75 3250 3100 3000 No. Ave. lbs. Price. I No. Ave. lbs. Price. 1 900 $ 5.00 I 1 890 $ 2.25 , 1.... 460 8.00 4 807 5.75 CALVES 2.... 255 $ 6.50 I BULLS 1 1630 $ 5.00 1 1....1460 $ 4.00 1 1090 3.00 I HOCS 17 181 $11.00 49.... IBS $11.00 1..,. 630 9.0O 5 174 11.00 1 200 8.75 1.... 190 11.00 10.... 78 11.00 24 110 11.00 15.... 73 11.00 11 70 11.50 47.... 97 11.00 2 125 9.00 3 243 8.00 6 . 226 9.00 2.... 125 10.75 11.... 171 11.10 6.... 210 11.00 1.... 290 11.00 8.... 155 11.00 4. ....195 11.00 1 250 10.00 1.... 310 8.50 1.... 420 8.00 8.... 197 10.50 4 200 10.85 6 168 10.85 1.... 140 10.O0 1.... 160 10.50 1 180 11.00 7.... 164 11.00 1 390 9.00 3.... 290 10.00 8 266 11.00 22.... 234 10.75 LAMBS 284.... 83 $ 8.00 67.... 63 $ 6.00 143 67 5.00 25.... 60 5.00 199.... 71 6.00 198.... 69 6.00 257.... 66 7.00 201.... 89 7.40 BUCKS 21. . . . 180 $ 3.00 I MIXED 21. . . . 135 S 5.60 1 Wednesday Morning Sales HOGS No. Ave. lbs. Price. I No. Ave. lbs. Price. 21 71 $10.50 I 9 172 $10.00 No. 3250 3250 3250 8250 No. 3 local (bulk) . Sales: 100 tons No. 2 white feed oats, April delivery, at $35.00; 200 tons No. 2 white feed pate, April delivery, il.oU DAIRY PRODUCTS OF THE COAST San 'Francisco Market San Francisco, Feb. 16. iUP.) Butter Extras 52 c. Eggs Extras 32 He; extra firsts 32c: firsts 31 He; first extra pullets, 30 He; undersized pullets 30c Cheese California flats fancy 24c. Los Angeles Market Los Angeles, Feb. 16. lL N. S.) But ter 54c. Eggs Extras, 34e; case count, 33c; ' pul lets. 32c Poultry Hens, 33 34c; broilers, 4055c; fryers, 53 c. Seattle Market Seattle, Feb. 16. (U. P.) Eggs Fresh ranch. 38e; pullets. 30 32c Butter Local creamery cubes, 52c; bricks, 53c Standard Oil Stocks POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market Seattle. Feb. 16. (U. P.) Potatoes Takima Gems, $35: locals. $17(22. San Francitoo Market San Francisco, Feb. 16. ML". P.) Potatoes River white, $1.50 $2.00; sweets, $4.50 5.65. Onions Australian brown. 75c $1.00. Los Angeles Market Los Angeles. Feb. 16. (L N. S.) Potatoes Stockton Burbanks, poor, $1.75 2.00; best, $2.25 2.50; Idaho Russets, -rhostly $1.85 2.00; local White Row. 80 90c per lug; $2.25 2.50 per sack. Bid. Ask. Anglo 18 18 Borne Scrysmer .. 394 410 Buckeve" 83 85 Cheeseb rough 174 200 Chefflebrough pfd. 10O 105 Continental 110 115 Crescent 31 33 Cumberland 130 140 Eureka 95 100 Galena, com 43 46 ! Galena Old pfd 93 97 Galena New pfd 94 98 Illinois Pipe , 163 1S Indiana Pipe 84 87 Natl Transit 27 29 N. Y. Transit 157 163 Northern Pipe 95 98 Ohio Oil 2S4 287 Inter'l Pete 15 16 Peiin. Mex 33 30 Prairie Oil 485 505 Prairie Pipe 195 20, Solar Refg 3w0 390 Southern Pipe 105 110 South 1'enn Oil 36 40 S. W; Penn Oil 70 73 S. O. Cal 300 305 S. O. Ind 69 70 S. O. Kansas 5S5 600 S. O. Kentucky 400 420 S. O N. Y 350 355 S. O'. Ohio 3 50 37 5 S. o. Ohio pfd -. 107 109 Swan ec Finch ............ 45 5 5 1'nion Tank JOS 112 Union Tank pfd 95 100 Vacuum 315 325 Washington 2S 3 2 K. O. Nebraska 395 405 Imperial Oil 95 07 Money and Exchange New York. Feb. 16. (I. N. S. ) Call money on the floor of the New York stock exchange to day ruled at 7 per cent; high, 7 per cent; low, 6 per cent. Time money was steady. Rates were 7 7 c per cent. The market for prime mercantile paper was steady. Call money in Ixindon today was 5 per cent. Sterling ex change was steady, with business in bankers' bills at $3.91 for demand. Walla Walla Wheat Market Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 16. Grain agen cies here were operating this morning on yes terday afternoon's Portland quotations of $1.40 for club, $1.40 for bluestem and $1.45 for Turkey red No. 1 grade. A drop in the market occurred before the close of operations today as a result of bearish conditions on the Chicago market. . New York Bond Market , Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., of -Trade building: Bid. Atchison Genl. 4s 78 Bat ec Ohio Gold 4s 68 . Beth. Steel Ref . as 81 Cent Pacific 1st 4s. 72 C. B. it Q. Coi. 4s 90 St. Paul Genl. 4 Ha. 75 Chicago N-W. Genl. 4s. 74 L. & N. Uni. 4s 81 New York Ry. 5s 23 Northern Pac P. L. 4a 76 Reading GenL 4s 83 H I'nion Pac 1st 4s 80 1 S. Steel Bs 94 I'nion Pae. 1st Ref. 76 Southern I'ac. Conv. 5s 90 Southern Pac Conv. 4s...... 77 Penn. Conv. 4s 8S Penn, 1st 4 Hs 79 Ches. & Ohio Conv. 5s 8 1 Oregon Short Line 4s 79 Sugar Crop Estimate Washington, Feb. 15. (L N. S.) The total estimated sugar crop for the United States for 1920 was 2.805,174,000 pounds, the depart ment of agriculture announced today through the bureau of crop estimates. The total production for the year waa 15 per cent above the record sugar production for the United states in 1910. 3Tew York Sngar and Coffee New York. Feb. 16. (U. P.) Sugar un settled, raw 5.77; refined unsettled, granulated 7.25 ( 7.50": Coffee No. 7 Rio spot 6 6 ; No. 4 Santos 9 10. Chirago Potato Market Chicagoi Feb. 16. (L N. 8.) Potato mar ket steady. Nearly whites. $2.00 3.75; Ber mudas, $6.00 9.50. San Francisco Barley Market San Francisco, Feb. 16. (U. P.) Barleys Spot feed, per cental, $1.25 1.35; shipping $1.45 1.55. Naval Stores Market New York, Feb. 16. (I. N. S.) Turpen tine Savannah, 50; New York, 58. Rosin Savannah, 11.00: New York. 7.25. M ikVeOHTN T -but a vast? is ihctnSCtrrc for kfrric, -Place jnourr J in a Salt ' Deposit Bo j and coTKivteai i I 1 I l 1 i OW United States National lianle Slxin and Stax-k Streets. 6 to 8V2 MUNICIPAL BONDS CITY AND FARM MORTGAGES SHORT TERM COMMERCIAL PAPER We Buy and Sell Liberty Bonds Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Ground Floor Board of Trade Brrilding Main 113 80 Fourth St. New York. London Silver Kew York. Feb. 16. tL N. S. ) Domestic bar silver michansad at 99 ; foreign. 34 lower at 69 H . I .etui on, Feb. 16. (I. N. S.) Bar silver was d lower at 34d today. New York Poultry Market New York, Feb. 16. (I. N. 8.) liive Poul try Market quiet. Chickens, 32 50c; fowls, 33 37c: turkeya, 4i(50e; roosters, 22c duck. 45 48c; geese, 28 33c Greece My Boy Wheat Chicago. Feb. 16. It is reported that Greece will buy 1.300,000 brmhels of wheat at -Atlantic and Gulf porta on February 21. It is reported credits are being arranged. r " ' 1 Spokane Wheat Market Spokane, Feb. 16. All. wheat bids bushel. . $1 43 HOTEL HOYT Strictly Fireproof. Near Both Depots and aonvenieat car service to all parts of the cits. Single Rooms Without Bath. SI and up Stneie oomi With- Bath, 02 art urn ELBERT . ROBE Msiiijei Dried Frnlt and Beans New York, Feb. 16. (I. N. S. ) Bean mar ket, quiet. Marrow, choice. $8.50; pea. choice. $4.505.10; red kidney, choice, $9.239.50. Dried fruit Market ouieL Aoriool-s extra choice to fancy, 24 36c; apples, evaporated, prime to fancy, 613c; prunes, SO to 60s, HHWUHe: do 60s to 100s, 6HW10c; peaches, extra' choice to fancy, 1821c; seeded raisins, choice to fancy. 24 25c. New 5"ork Metal Market New York,: Feb. 16. (I. N. S. Copper DulL Soot, February, March and April, offered- 13 ;. Lead Easy, Spot. February.. March and Aprd. offered 4.70. Spelter IHiH. Spot. February, offered 5.00; March and April, offered 6. 0B. Liverpool Cotton Firm Liverpool. Feb. 16. (I. N. S.) Spot cot ton was in moderate demand today. Prices firm. Sales, 5000 bales. Aran, raids, fair, $12.17: good mids., $9.87: full mids.. $9.37; mids.. $8.52: low mids, $7.35; good ordinary, $5.87; ordrbary, $4.87. Futures opened steady. Chicago Potato Market Chieaeo. Feb. 16. (I. N. S.) Potatoes Receints. 33 cars. Northern white, sack and bulk, 90 95c; Minnesota and Red River, Ohio, I sacks, $1.40. j Turpentine Price Is Slumping A severe slump of 25t a gallon fa quoted In turpentine by Irtcal wholesalers at 99c per gallon in drums and $1.14 in 5-gaIlon cans. Foreign Exchange Market New Tork Feb. 16. (U. P.) Foreign ex change opened today with demand sterling $3.92, the highest since July 13, 1920. Francs opened at .0747; lire .0370; marks .0173; Canadian dollars. .0788; kronen, .1848. Foreign exchange closed today with demand starling at $8.90 ; franca. .0747: lire, .0371 mark, .0173; Canadian .1845. i dollars, ,8738; kronen. New York Wool and. Hides New York, Feb. 16. (I. N. 8.) Wool ' Market steady. Donswstie fleece. XX Ohio, 24 45; do pulled, scoured basis, 18 60; do Texas, scoured basis, 40 7 3 ; do territorial, scoured basis, 50 90. Hides Market dull. Native steers, 13 15; branded steers, 11. j , . , . ' MlnneapoliseDnrath Flax Dttluth. Frtx 16. (I, jc. s.) Flax May. $185' Ju,)r 1"8i bck. MjirirteapoHg, Feb. 16. (L N. 8.) Flax May. $1.87; July. $1.91 H; track and arrive, $1-83 1.8$. - - . Sa; Francisco May Barley San Frairueo. Feb. 16. May barley, $1.25 HEttRIN & RHODES, INC. CSstablhhed 186) SEATTLE PORTLAND TAC0MA Fast Private Ou Plex Wira COAST IO COAST. stocks. Bonds, drain. Cotton, Foreign Ks change ALL MARKETABLE SECURITIES Members Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondents . F. Button 4k Csv f. Members : New York Stock Exchange New York Gotten Exchange Orleans Cotton Exchange. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONOS. Headquarters for Baying sod belunc Ail Issues. Leise or Small 'oca, Railway Exchange Bidg. Main 8a. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, -Grain, Etc. CIS tia Board ot Trad -Ball ding Qyerbeck&CpokeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TQ5ALL EXCHANGES Hemkerg Chicago Board of Trad Correspondents of Logan Bryan,, ,J Chimp - New York Municipal Corporation Government BONDS Yielding to CQ30 Only small amounts remain of most of these attractive issues. Issue Copper Export Ass'n 8.... G. Vancouver Sewer Dist. 5. Victoria, B. C, 414 Government of Chili 8.... Astoria 5 Maturity ,1922-25 ...1923 ...1924 1941 . . . . 1922-30 Price 100-994 94.56 90.92 99 Yield S-8.30 8 6.50 LUMBERMEN'S TKUST CQMPAllY BROADWAY AND OAK Board Asked. 78 68 84 72 90 81 75 84 23 76 84 81 05 77 99 78 88 80 81 80 PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT " , Portland Bank Clearing Thia Week, : Tear Ago. Monday' ....$ S.2O7.3S3.90 S 6.957.140.11 Tuesday 6,944.748.74 6,598.305.88 Wednesday V. . 4,483.260.68 5.039,142.92 Tacoma Banks Clearings Wednesday ,....,,..' 533.196.00 Balances Wednesday ......... : 75.468.00 8pokan Banks Clearings Wed nee, lay ..$ 1,520.990.00 Balances Wednesday 563.395.00 Seattle Banks Clearings Wednesday ..$ 4.909.885.00 balances Wednesday 1,031.865.00 Son Francisco Banks Clearings Wednesday $27,300,000.00 Los Angeles Banks -Clearings Wednesday ... ..$16,354,891.00 San Francisco Ponltry Market San Francisco, Feb. 16, (U. P.) Broilers. 270c; large hens, 34(88c; best ducks, SO 35e. FOBEIGX EXCHANGE RATES Corrected daily by the foreign exchange, de partment ot the United States National bank Quotations below, except the pound sterling, are quoted on the basis of 100 units foreign currency. - Opening nominal rates en hank transactions: Draft Cable Par Checks. Transfers. Value. $ 3.9 J $ 8.92 $ 4 SH8 7.4S 7 49 19 30 1,74 1.74 23K1 8.71 S.73 10.3O London Lba sterling. Paris Francs. . Berlin Marks. Ctio Lire.- - Athene - Drachmas. . Copenliagen Kroner . , Chnstisniavar Kroner 75 . Stockholm Kroner . . . , ITonskong- Currency . . , Japan Yen 7.52, 18.60 17.85 22.55 4R.75 48 73 Shanghai Taets Sit. 00 7.62 18.70 17.03 22 63. 49 00 49 23 60.50 19.30 26.70 28.70 26.70 Liberty, Liberty. Liberty, Liberty. liberty. Liberty, I iberty , ictory. Victory, Liberty Bond Sales (Reported by Overbeck A Cooke Co.) High. lxw. Close. 3s 1st 4s 24 4s 1st 4 a 2d 4 s . 3d 4s. 4th 4 s 4s 3 s .. . 9130 9104 8750 X90 9016 S720 9726 0724 8724 8674 9O04 8690 9722 9722 9118 8730 8690 8730 8688 9010 8708 9724 9724 San Francisco Eggs Drop San Francisco. Feb. 16. (U. P.) Eggs dropped 6c here today. The best grade, quoted yesterday at obhc, was aown to Jtc. The Financial Outlook for 1921 SEVENTH YEAB Not an Annual Review, but a comprehensive, conservative and valuable book on what the master minds ot America believe 1921 will unfold. An indispensable guide to the business man and financier alike. Partial Summary of Contents Opportunity The 1921 Outlook A Composite Picture of Financial and Business America as seen through the eyes of 25 American Leaders of in dustry. Stock Market Averages for 1920. Ten year Price Range of Leaning Stocks. Ebb and flow of Price Waves for 95 Years. Trend of Stock Prices During and After the War. Thirty Seasoned Investment and Specula tive Opportunities. , Complete Sales Record af N. Y. Curb Market for 1920. Copy free upon request Edition Limited McCall & Riley Co., Inc. , 20 BROAD STREET NEW YORK 1420 Walnnt Street, Philadelphia Harrlsborar, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. PRIVATE WIRES CONNECTING OFFICES We own and offer the unsold portion of $74,064 $43,500 City of Astona,0F( 6 Bonds DATED August 1, 1920; MATURE Serially. Principal and semi-annual Interest (Feb. 1 and Arte. 1) payable at the office of the City Treasurer, Astoria, Or., or through the offices of Freeman. Smith de Camp Co. Denomination $500 $ 1000 August 1, 1922 4000 " " 1923 9000 " " 1924 8500 '" ' 1925 Yield about 6.71 6.44 6.32 6.27 Yield about 13000 August 1, 1926 6.22' 2000 " " 192 8 6.17 9500 " " 1929 6.15 6500 " " 1930 6.14 These bond ar a general obligation of the city. Population, 120 census, 14,027. Legality approved by Teal, Minor & Winfree, Portland, Or. Exempt from all federal income taxes. Legal investment for Savings Banks and Trust funds and legal security for public funds In Oregon. Price 99 and accrued inter est for any matur ity, to yield about n Til II- r ehown above Income fn Exempt Wire orders "collect" Cash or Partial Payment Flan Ask for circular WJ92. i Freeman, Smith & Camp Co, round floor Lumbermen Buildino fifth and stark , BVWAY B740 A'icTTai a sv-sw.vv Fs9RTLAN BAR FRANCISCO FARM MORTGAGES - r- " , . " - ' i We have ready for immediate delivery farm loans in amounts from $500 to $10,000. To Yield 61. to 71 Farm Mortgages are one of the most conservative of all investments pevereaux Mortgage Company , 87-TH ST. BROAOWAV lO2 ' GROUND FUOOR WELLS FARGO BLDc3. MALAD CITY s C County Seat of neida County) IDAHO Reel valuation .... 1 ... . Assessed valuation 1920 Debt: General purposes Sewer . .$ 6,000 . 28,000 . $2,000,000.00 1,036,034.00 Malad City, situated within one of the most pros perous farming areas of the Intermountain Region, lias issued 7 Sewer Bonds of Sewer District No. 1. of which the boundaries are practically co extensive with the boundaries of the city. Available for immediate delivery at r immediate delivery at I ' J fyf Par to Net f 70 PORTLAND Maturities (Est.) 1922-30 Call for Circular. Phone Broadway 5S00 KEELER BROTHERS f ' Investment Securities5' : ? ' WiTTED STATES NATIONAL BANK ELDC. DENVER $24,000,000 ; Republic of Chile External Loan Twenty-Year Sinking Fund 8 Gold Bonds To Be Dated February 1, 1921. - To Mature February 1, 1941 A sinking fund, more fully described below, will be created sufficient to retire $1,200,000 principal amount of bonds per annum at not exceeding 110 and accrued interest on or before February 1, 1931, and at not exceeding 105 and accrued interest thereafter. If bonds are not pur , chased at these prices sinking fund moneys will be used annually to redeem bonds at such prices by lot. Redeemable as a whole at the option of the Chilean Government, on any interest date on 60 days notice, at 110 and accrued interest on or before - February l, 1931, and at 105 and accrued interest thereafter. ! Interest payable February l and August 1- Principal, premium and interest payable In United States Gold Coin of the present standard of weight and fineness, in New York City at the office of Guarantee Trust Company of New York, without deduction for any Chilean taxes, present or future. Coupon bonds, registrable as to principal only, in denominations of Hi 000 and 1500, not interchangeable. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. SINKING FUND TRUSTEE r In the loan contract under which these bonds are to be issued, the Chilean gov ernment is to covenant that if in the future it shall issue any loan with a lien on any specific reveue or asset, these bonds shall be secured equally and ratably with such loan. The Chilean government is to covenant in the loan contract to pay tp the sink ing fund trustee, beginning May 1, 1921, as a sinking fund, equal quarterly amounts sufficient to retire each year $1,200,000 principal amount of bonds at not exceeding 110 and accrued in ,terest if retired on or before February 1, 1931, and not exceeding 105 and accrued j interest thereafter. , In the cventr that bonds are not so purchased m in amounts sufficient to retire them at the above annual rate the unexpended balance in the sinking fund on Deccm-e ; ber'15 of each year is to be applied to the redemption of bonds on the follow ing February 1 at the current redemp tion price. The amount of interest ac crued on bonds purchased or re deemed is- to be paid by the Chilean government otherwise than out of the sinking fund. '. All bonds not previously retired by the sinking fund are to be paid at maturity at 105 and accrued interest. We arc receiving subscriptions for the above bonds, subject to allotment and l' the issuance of the bonds asv planned, at 99 AND ACCRUED INTEREST to J. P. Morgan & Co. The National City Company Harris Trust & Savings Bank Chicago Dated February 16th, 1921. : Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Guaranty Company o NewYork The First National Bank of Boston i