The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 14, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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WEET, juicy, Sunkist Oranges Cali
fornia's delicious fruits are in plentiful
supply at all first-class stores.
Taste them-see how good they are. Use
them in the several ways described below.
Eat more oranges and less of heavier foods.
Let them help to keep the family well.
Buy a dozen and keep them within reach
in your pantry, in a bowl on your side
board, in a dish in the living room, on a
plate in the bedroom to eat just before
Get the habit of eating at least one orange
daily. Start it now. v
;: : ,,-
j :
Busy - day j Desserts
For Shopping and Sewing Days
Delicious dishes -tempting, Halnty;
and attractive in appearance arc
prepared in a jiffy when you have
oranges at hand.
You simply slice, cut or chop
them, and serve them : plain, or
with cocoanut, bananas or other
fruit or nuts for the greater va
riety. Such food is both salad
and dessert And, best of all, it's
the healthful kind. -You
; don't have to cook these
dainty dishes. Serve them oftea
and save time.
93 Doctors'
Opinions About
Baby's Food
A Man's Breakfast Fruit
Note the men who are al
ways bright-eyed and alert
They are usually the lovers
. of fresh fruit
Oranges are a real man's
breakfast fruit -see that
your . men folks get the
t healthfulsalts and acids of
jhe orange every morning.
HERE are some facts about the
feeding of children that
every mother will be glad to know.
We asked this question of 118
physicians "What fruit is best
for children under three years of
age?" .
One hundred and seven mentioned
oranges as one of the most bene
ficial fruits.
'Ninety-three of the 107, or nearly
87 fer cent, designated oranges
without referring to other fruits.
Oranges (juice) form a valuable article in
the dietary of the infant and child, and one
that is with difficulty replaced by any other
fruit," said one.
"I know of no other fruit that is so ex
cellent for the human being from infancy
to old age," was another's view.
Five -minute Lunches
For Busy Women
You can make a meal of
oranges -a Quick, delicious
meal. There's nothing else
so good, and there's no
cooking, fuss or trouble.
Five minutes, arid you have
a luscious fruit dish, a cup
of tea and bread and butter.
And that's as healthful and
as nourishing a noon repast
as any woman wants on
busy days.
"Some fruit juice should be given to most
healthy children every day. The
best fruit juice is that of the orange, which
should be fresh and sweet." The last is the
belief of one of America's most' renowned
baby specialists.
We could add endless comment But, bet
ter than that, we refer you to your own
physician. Show him these statements. Ask
him what he thinks and be guided by his
The following is quoted from the "Keep
Well Series," circulated by the Govern
ment through the Treasury Department,
United States Public Health Service:
"Bottle-fed babies should have range juice
each day after the first month."
For Easy Entertaining
Orange salads and desserts are the Handiest
dishes of all when entertaining. It is easy to
keep a dozen in the house, and it is easy to
prepare them in different and attractive ways.
Sunkist oranges, being prac-
tically seedless and meaty, slice
easiest and look best in salads
and desserts.
SenH coupon Below "for free
book of "Sunkist Recipes,' by
Alice IRradlev. nrineinal Mi?
' Farmer's School of Cookery, Boston.
'S'-. W : :"v:' -"YM . J---;- '
Send This for FREE Book!
Uniformly Good Oranges V"
Eat more oranges. They arc good, and good for you. Serve them sliced, halved or
extract the juice for breakfast Serve them in salad for lunch and in desserts at dinner.
Let the whole family have the benefit of this, fine fruit in some form every day.
Sunkist oranges are firm, but tender, juicy and sweet. - They slice best and are easiest
to separate and cut AH first-class dealers sell them. Get a delicious dozen now.
' Cautohnia Fruit Growers Exchange
A Non-Prot Co-ooerative Organization of 10,500 Growers - - ' .
- . Deot. N-23. Los Angeles. California'-" --
CAtironmX Faurr Growers Exchangx, :
Dept. N-25, Los Angeles,' Cal4
Please send me, without charge, your book, "Sunkist
Redpes," containing tested and proved recipes br Miss
Alice Bradley, Principal Miss Fanner's School of Cook
ery, Boston.