14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1921. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 1830 DOWN, BAL. STRAIGHT ' MTO. OPEN BET. 2 end 4 P. M. TODAY , P.OSF CITY PARK. 6 Tin. bungalow, one of lh best constructed home la th ellent grade of hardwood floor in living and d.ning room. fireplace, a rn"iiOI!,,0c5 kitchen, cement basement, corner lot. 60x103 It (S K. mr. of 69th and Klickitat u. I rill be at the house from 2 to 4 P. m. today: e fo? Mr. Boon.. Price only $5150, plus 200 street and wH assessment, total monthly pay rnVnt only $45 a month. Why lira In a rented hn tb th. fear each month of getting a notice- to racate when jou can have home on these terms! j WHY RENT . $500 DOWN Artistic 4 rro. colonial bungalow, all built-in features fireplace, cement basement, on pared street. 2 bias, to car. We hare four of these place.: they were built and financed by an in lure?e e company in order that partiee w th lim ited capital may .top paring high rentals. Now liur opoSuMtyrpbona or.caU at the off.ee. Our salesmen will gladly ahow you these places. Yourhoire $4000. and no extra expense; just XSOO down, balance like rent. $500 J U HAKTMAN COMPANY k Chamber of Commerce bids. Main 208. ALBERTA. i BUNGALOW $2625. Very attractive looking bungalow, with sleeping porru and 1 bedroom; on a full lot block from car; thia house is practically new. ha the beat of plumbing and i in a fm neighbor hood; a . small down payment will handle It. ; BIIiRCAREY 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE I1HD AND STARK STS. MAIN 74H7 TH U You Are Going to Build UK FURNISH FREE SKETCHES Plans and wcifi'ations by licenced architects and engineers. Guaranteed Estimates AU- CLASSES Or' BUILDINGS , 8ee n before negotiating elsewhere. AMERICAN CONTRAC TORS ASSOCIATION Broadway 41. 311 Henry Bldg. Ao DOWN. $1.'. MON T HLY Splendid corner, lOOxtOO, in Woodstock, e-onderful garden soil. Urge 2 room shack, JOi24, with cable roof, in very poor condi tion 3 blks. from car. cement walka in and included in the price, which i $1000. Here ia a- chance (or a man able to do bis own repair. f32 Cham, of Com. CSose In$i5(0!O Down Here is positively an exceptional bargain ?n a splendidly constructed 7 room house, in aolnMy perfect condition, on Macadam st. wilh -sever io and all paid for. It's foolish To spend time and money riding on atreetcars when you can lire within walking distance and pay for a charming homo like thia on rentlike term. You con Id also rent a few room here if you da aire. Price $3350. Call 84 K. 8th at., near Stark L'LOSK IN SNA!1. -Five rooms, built leaa than 6 years: ce ment basement, trays, furnace, fireplace, builtin kitchen, bookcases; pam and sewer paid, walking distance to grammar and high schouls; one block to car. Reduced to $4000; half cash Eisner F. Bennett Co. Hiatal Board 'of. Trad. Main 7452, . ONLY $4000 Close in. between 2 earlines. walking distance to high achool; 7 rooms, double set plumhing, a: I rooma light and airy, finished in white enamel: haa 70x100 lot. several fruit trees, on pared street; easy terms. J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO. 1133 N. W. Hank bile. Main S7S7. ! HAWTHORNE BARGAIN . KXTREM1XY WELL' BUILT rooms, in first class condition, beautiful ririM. mm.h1 hujmnt! full Mizetl lot with doable tirs and cement drireway ; all improve ments in nd pairt. Price $4200, Including some furniture; $800 cash. Immediate possession- HKNDEHSOS-BANKUS CO.. 426 fltnry BM?. Bdwy. 4754. Some Opportunity If Jou want a ' comfortable home, also a monthly inoome. yrm had better look this up. A well built double house, 7 rooms apiece, large back yard; number of fine fruit trees; fnmare on one aid.; walking distance from invn. a ,-nn. ail owner. in"r ALBEKTA. 7 runiua aiid'-sleeping porch. $3700; on 100x100 hit. all kinds of fruit, good garage, well built boune; good plumbing, full basement; small down payment, balance like rent. JOIiNSONDODSON CO. II.HS N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. Dandy U room residence, plastered, lot 50x 100, cement basement, bath, toilet, lavatory, chandeliers, near school, store, church, car, fine neighborhood: can't be beat for $3500; $250 cash. bal. $25 month. See J. II. RICHARDS, 30H Mi-Ksv bldg. ONLY $2i00 Dandy little new 3 room bungalow, with best 'plumbing, cement basement, fireplace, all rooms in ivory white, walla tinted, Iiutch kitchen. This is one block south of Catholic church, -I'apitol Hill. Terms $00 cash, balance like Tent Tel. Msr 4-'l or rome and see it- At 'UK itOMJO I own a very fine acre of land, all in culti vation, on E. 40th st. near Powell. 1 will build house on this trart to order aud sell on cuy iieymenta. May divide if desired. W. IL BOSS 1 1 0O Nnrthwe-tem Bank bldg. MODERN e-room house, reception hall. 5 rooms and bath on first floor; 3 large rooms, second floor, rented for $15; full cement baaraneut, furnace, wash trays; comer lot, trees, shrubbery, cement sidewalk; block to car, paved street, and play and city park, near school. Owner, H3f0: term. 7105 57th ave. S. K. BUY THE LOT WE GIVE '0T THE HOUSE 100x100. close in. East Side. A choice lo cation for future improvements, an 6 room bcaue on the prtHerly is now rented for $30. Total price $1200, only $500 cash. - NMITH-WAGONKR CO. STOCK KXT'H i-KcKiil uubbu.s iiOAiii. SJ4UO 8ellwood, llidwell ave.. paved street, years old. good basement, large living and dining room, lovely kitchen. 4 bedrooms. s blk,- car. $1000 cah, no mortgage. T. O. Bird, Mar. 1Q'.'2 Sell S70H. evenings. HAWTHORNE 5 room, bungalow, large bath room, pantry, and closets ; full basement, floored attic, newly tinted and painted, imp in and paid for. $1000 will handle. Will sell furniture if desired. Price and terms reason able. 2SS K. -34th t. ItsAO lift u v. VrtLmo, euHvl room 0Uhaiow, finished in ivory, nice living and dinhig room. oveiy irnicn aiicnen. targe atlle wittl sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace. 1 blwck car, east front; some terms. Owner must Selly Mar 112 Nell. 270 eveninn. I HAWTHORNE BCNGAl.OW HOME from owner, a eor,y 5 rmi icorner, with stairs to large attic, paneled living i and dining rooms, buffet, full cement basement, wash trays and garage, paved streets, imp. in and paid. $3700 less for cash 102 E. Lincoln. T.hn. ctcoi' A UVtl. mitv i'j.iA.T Good 6 rooms and bath, with hot water heat, best plumbing, right on the car nd close in hard surface street, all paid; amall earaze' KIDNEY O. LATHROP. 616 Ahmgton bld! ( Sign of the Horse Shoe) . or Tel. Alar. 485l! WANT IMPROVED 1'Akll Prefer Willamette valley.. Will give splendid suburban home as part pas-. W. H. ROSS 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $6750. terms; rooms,: modern; 2 fireplaces, other conveniences too numerous to mention Juet let us show you. . - I HOVER aV HOLMAN. Realtors. Marshall 8B9S. EQUITY of (700 in tt room house, on car line lasvement and sewer paid; garage lor 3 cars' bal. of $l200 ar zo par month. 2016 East TWO houses on 50x100 ft. lot. Uiil Mu eD-ai-aUly or together. 216 and 218 Morria su 1W, " ' . CTCUUW. A VERY attractive and convenient little h. near vw o mre. , wr l . - scfiow. -.' fruit, berries, nuts ;s mall down payment, bal 6 ROOM bungaiow, truit trees, berry buiheT chicken bouse, s omccs rrora school, a nOTTlC. OI v il'it i.v. num. B;'.'t : FOR SALE 5 'room slung le bungalow, l Urgi pea room , us wuu-.u - mhituivb 2500 Wdln. 8955. I iiLMjA uuuse, luuueni. exctrpc iieai. tuii uase meat, built-uis, sewer, paved street, $3200 4 1 K 72d st. Tahor 1S77. SEE TK1S TO DA k -NtSr. luodern 5-ruom btui gakow. . fireplace. hardwood - floors and all kinds or nuns-ins. - t-iKine owner, vvuin. NEAT little borne, very cheap; bemea and fruit. Small down payment. 8e.lL 2279. REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE HOUSES 404 110 Tenth t. Broadway 110. BEA CTIVTT, WESTOVKH TLKRACLS If it's a distinctire and beautiful . "home" you want, not Just f' house.T then let tta show you the new homes jnt being completed on WE8TOVKR now. V' will build, or help you build - an artistic hcane tor meet yottr desirwv - . Kor bouse numbers or other inforngs- tion, you may phone, 1 call or wmte INTEBNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES 110 Tenth at., Pittock blk. Bdwy. ,110. 3 KjM BCNGAM1VV" Ilnuaer i phutercd. baa electsicity, 4cas, water, iink, two nice chicken houea and rugts; land all in cultivation ; haa wrae berries and , fruit trees. Price t $2500. $200 -ath and $20 per month. HM1TH -WAKONKB . HT('K EXI'H. ACREAGE 40S HNK KOH ( HICKKN. BKltUOiti, KHl.T $2S doan, $12.50 monthly bua a tract oi 2 47 acres, located t , miles trom Portland city limits; splendid creek. vom-ottom land: total price $5S0. We hare 80 orr 40 tracts In the rame , district, some smaller, some larger, some cleared and level. Mime uncleared anu rough. Price to aoit any purse. g 732 Cliamher of Coratnerce OM.Y ao illi,.!i to IfOKILAND Choice acreage, closn to Columbia rirer and highway at Columbia Ci'y, any siite tracts; good rieh aoil, no rock or gravel, ay clearing; good rtiads and water, thriving fanning community ; erery indnccment to scttlerfw low prices, easy tcimv fan accept some m.f. .lolinsmn. Inter state fami ft,.. 24 S ritsrk it Main .r.42!. C'tiOlt.K- 5 1T.- trail on iukley ae., seeded to clover, on macadam street. Bull Bun water itr front of property, level, beautiful view. Price $3000, very easy terms. JOHNSONDODSON CO. H33 N. W. Bsnk bldg Main 877. 10 AIJIlKS, 4 "r, milts 8. i. of tiresham, amall 4-room house, good barn and chicken bouse, large orchard; 8 acres cs eared. Price $320(1. Will sell or exchange foa- city property up to $2200, balance mortgage. tj. Madsen, 339 K. 5ftth t, N., M. V. car. 120 ACKK.H. ( line Co., 22 miles from Port . land: creek, achool, timber. Co. road; $20 per acre, cash and terms.. 1539 K. Taylor. Tabor 21. - lli ACBH in Lincoln. Co.. Or., U miles from R. R. station, 100 tacres easy to clear. 80 acres has been cultivate $16 per acre. Owner. UE'i. T. PARRY can locate you on any size of acreace or farm betaveen Portland and Oregon Mty. fnnne in. siitsmttKie. $90 IX) It 80 acres near Gales creek. 6 acres rnn.1 akw tn r itr .4),., An . . 1. Lessard. 8t. Helens. 7 ACRES, all in mltrration,. close in; good house, bam. good road; $.1000. Write H. J. Rich ter. Amity. Or. FOR SALE t'rom 1 to 3 acres, cultivated, paved road, 2 miles from city limits. By owner. 133 91t St.. Lents. $850 ABIM;T 40 at:re.i on lwi nstr, waLer- front. good bottoan land, on road. K. Lessard, St. lleen. FOR 8ALK Five acres two miles from city limits, $450 an acre. Phone Tabor 5972. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 4500 a WELL-Iiii'RoVliD acres, fruit, ber- riea, room bruse, large barn; a very good place; south from Stanley ata. A.,k for Mr Miller. ' $1600 -ACPE, 3 routn house, bearing fruit. gas. water. mile to Stanley ata. Ask for Miller. ARE you looking for a nome with some acreage around Mirwaukie? Bee tieo. T. Parry. Phone 19. Milwankift FARMS 407 FOR SALE 28 acres, house, well: acre bear ing gooseberries, A. grapes. V4 A. peaches. A. mixecLliome orchard; deep, chocolate soil; will divide. Trice $2000. K. Root, care H. W. Ritchie, Milffo. Or, FOR SALE BY OWNER Improved farm, 140 acres in Willamette valley. Good roads. 25 miles from Portland. 0-666, Journal. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 1KUIGATKI) LANDS We are leaving again Friday night with cn stber psrty for the Ocboco project. Come ta and mate one of the party. Lands sold oa easy terms. Urns 11 payment down, long time oa the balance. The district ia especially adapted tor nujoed farming; asfalfa one of the main crops. Call. write or phone Main 4416. Ochoco Irrigated Lands Co.. If. W. Bank bldg. HOMESTEADS 410 for" a homestead er reiinuuisliment in the (1 O. land grant, aee E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER LANDS 411 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TLM BER General Ind Office. Washington, D. C., Jan. 10. 1921. Notice is hereby given Uuuk, subject to the conditions and limitations of the Acts of June , 1916 (39 Stat., 2181. and June 4. 1920 (41 Stat., 758). and the instructions of the Secretary of the Inferior of September 15, 1917, and June 22. 1920, the timber on the following lands will be sold March 2. 1921, tt 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secre tary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions a)lnt h. deposited at time of sale, money to be returned ii sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed wiuun iv years. Bias win be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger unit- a. c., a. a w., .oec. ii, mi, -54 fir 650 M.. cedar 50 M.. SEU NEU fir Qn u cedar 50 M., hemlock 60 M., Sec, 21 NE u ' NHH. fir 8070 XI.. cedar 325 M.. hemlock 75 M.. NW NEH, fir 2890 M-. cedar. 210 M.. hemlock 180 M.. SE hi SB lu 0500 M.,- cedar 255 M , hemlock, 70 M.. SW -Vi B,iJv,,,7 i6,?,Mt eed" 40 hemlock 50 M . NE4 NVVVi. fir 8720 M., cedar 60 M. KWS KW, fir 2630 M.. cedar 215 U , hemlock 205 M.. SEi, NW . fir 2870 M. ce dar 55 M., hemlock 20 M., SW 14 MW -ta fir 2750 M.. cedar 140 M., hemlock 40 M.. NEK SEtt. fir 2400 M.. cedar 165 M-. hemlock 60 M.. NW14 EE!4, fir 2480 M, cedar 65 M hemlock 40 M., SEM SE4. fir 2600 M ce dar 100 M., hemlock 50 M., BW! SE. fir 2660 M cedar 43 M., NE-ii SW 14 . fir 2100 M., cedar 65 M.. hemlock 115 M.. NWu SVVVl, fir 2510 if., cedar 140 M-. hemlock 190 M.. SEVt SWH. fir 1310 T. ced.r 3 5 M.. SWH SW.. Tit 2630 M., cedar 70 M-; none- of fir to be sold for less than $3.00 per M., none of cedar to be sold for less than $2.00 per M., and none of hemlock to be sold for less man ei.ou per ai. T. 2 S., R. 6 E., Sec 19, SEU NEH. fir 165 if.. 8WW. NU. fir us M IT,? " -Vn M.. none of the fir or cedar to be sold for less than $1.00 per k . SE Vi NW , fir 175 H. SW NW14. fir 285 M.. none of the fir to be soiu i or less man: $1.25 per M. (XAI TALf.MtV Commis-doner General Land Office. ''OR SALE 1000 cords pole oaai $2.50 per Enger, Dayton. Or.. It. 1. i KRAZY KAT NOU'D LIKE. T0 tcon AT ir t S TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 lOR 6AL. Jiy owner, arixxi aairy ntucn. acres, ease of town. 1 aaiie of highway; 4 cash er terms. Will consider some trade, email grocery stork , Ford sedsn or house and lot. Must be close in; or' will rent parties buying personal property. What have year Write full particulars in first letter. Address V. O. Box 310t. Portland. Or. . Phone Kast R333. IF lot have a good residence in Portland or Salem to trade oa good farm let me bear from yon. Submit anything eKe of merit you have to trade. A. E. Htewart, g-.lverton. Or. llKftl' otmr anything worm .200 get loll s improved Canada, subject to about $1200 in cumbrance. B0 Aibina ave. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 TWO CLIENTS WANTING HOMES ' In either Woodswn or Alberta: $2000 or $3000. Terms. SEE J. H. RICHARDS. 308 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. - WANTED-" 1 or 5 room house, MontaviUa or J Hawthorne district preferred: give address and I best cssh price. - Z-4H1. Journal. I WANT 4 or 5 -room bungalow. Mount 'labor. Rose City csr or Montaviiia; $700 first pay. rnent. R-78. Journal. WANTED il-room house north of Broadway C. C Duvau. 542 Mi WUliagas are- Auto-! mstie J1H-04. vaas a i.uu! si,ii city water and au ivcxc or more; be sure aud state price and location. T137. Journal. WANT 6 -room mod. home, MonUaiUa; $1000 fir-it payment. K-801. Journal. ACREAGE 455 WE HAVE two parties looking for 10 to 2(1 acres, improved, within 30 miles of Port land. Can pay mostly cash. Give full par ticulars by ubone or letter. ' STEWART & JOHNSON. ' , S 1 5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANTED Small acreaee uli ZT. E. railway, close in; electricity and water preferred. Write Box 509, Fallbridg-, Wash. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 HAVE imnreTxi. ri? its t one. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. :33 N. W. Itsiik l.lria. Main 3787. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 THE BEST SWEET SHOP ON EAST SIDE ' Carryina stationery and school supplies, drugs sundries, package groceries and an .ice cream parlor in connection; also two large bring rooms and bath and large basement: fountain with carbonator. candy cases and fixtures are of the finest. This shop is doing a fine cash and small credit business and will stand in vestigation. Price $600(1 cash or good negotiable paper. Only those that mean business answer this, giving name and address, also phono. Ad dress P. O. Box 1160, Portland. Or. FOR SALE General merchandise store, 30 miles from Portland, located in rich farming and dairying district: no better location in Ore gon snrf no better paying buineHS for amount of money invested; stork consists of dry good-i, furnisl tings, shoes, groceries snd hardware, in voicing 1.M)((; annual sales last year $90.0t : will make price attractive to anyone interested in a permanent, well ciLahli lini nicnry-tnakme business; invnii-e may be seen st my ffice. , li. H. Mel-tine. fi".4 Pitt nek block. Fori Sale at a Sacrifice LEADING MEN'S CLOTHING AND FPR- NISIUNG STORE IN THRIVING INDUS TRIAL AND FARMING COMMCNITV, 80 MILES SOUTH OF PORTLAND. DOING $45,000 WORTH OF. BISINESS PER YEAR. OR WILL SELL HALF INTEREST IF PURCHASER DOES NOT WISH TO BUY Af.L'BTdM'K. FOR FILL PARTICULARS WRITE OR WIRE JX-319. JOURNAL. "f FOR SALE AN INTEREST IN PAYING NURSERY The owner of this nursery has more unde veloped trees than he haa money to develop. Wilt someone with $5000 or $000 help bim out in return for a half interest! This man has an assured market for bin trees and expects to have $20,000 worth for sale in the fslL Ad dress all inquiries to SX-864, Journal. FOR SALE The only hairdressing and beauty parlors of Bend. A wonderful opportunity for one or two ambitious bumness women. Poor health reason for sale. For further information wnte to Hairdressine Parlors, Bend, Or.. P. O. Box 303. i. GARAGE BUILDING, CONCRETE For sale, 100x100, west side, downtown ; rents for $450 per month, but you can use half of it if yon want to; biggest bargain in town; $10, O0O, part cash, balance easy terms. 0-778, Jonmal. FOR SALE A dandy little eah-and carry grocery, clean stock, good fixtures; two living room-s; deal direct with owner; save agent's fee. 1 2:IO Hawthorne ave. GOME tills w.m.y it you want, to buy a good paying, well established furniture business. Invoice around $7000. A. E. Stewart, Silver ton. Or. I HAVE a hotel lor sale that some one will buy at once. Ton will tmss the best buy in Oregon if yon don't get this one. A. E. Wtewrtrt. Wilverton. or. A GOOD paying, well established business to trade for real estate or motor cars. Call 4 32 Worcester bldg., Portland, Or. At TO paint shop for sale by owner, very cheap; good- and clean, concrete floor. " Cheap rent, full of work. Ant. 313-56 or Wdln. 5305. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co Main 55S1. 192 3d GROCERY store, doing fine ousiness; will sell for invoice and sacrifice fixtures. 718 Dekum ave. Antn. 561-4 5. iOil ftAlsrx t.rocery pto-a slid futures. Phone Sell. K34. Cor. K. 20h snd IVwell sts. MY S'ltiK and busineiw for $450 cash. 1 must ' sell. H-455. Journal. W D.L sell sales contract, Weil sc-uii-tl, on giod house, discount 10 per cent, Kist R957. ifY AUTO ACCESSORY' business and stock; small investment required. G-519, Journal. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 WE BUY AND SELL HOTELS. APARTMENTS AND GROCERIES Henry S. Oura SOI fjibhe bldg Ant S2S-70. 8 ROOM house, all niodem, line loeatien, wusl side, splendid furniture, net income $S0, 3 fine livirg rconu for owner; $1000 will handle. Ant. 517-79 1' YOU wish to buy or stil your hotel, rooming house or business of any kind, also acreage, call Barney Johnson. 170 10th st. Main 31 60. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 WANTED by practical men, garage and repair snap in or out oi city. wnat' have jour Answer by-letter. E. A.. 555 E. Conch. WANTEI To buy or trade for small hotel or pool hall in country town. 5940 92d st . Portland, Or. WANTED To buy a grocery store; will pay ca-sh. L-729. Journal. - FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 BUILDING loans on city naa tuouroan propertyjf money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONET TO LOA.N $$00. &00. $700. "100u. 1500. $2000. en city improved property at 7 per cent. 1. L. Wells Co., 603 Gasco bldg. V Sh in I I T i I II ii wiisi n i in in - - . ' ' $ ' l fffy i -T1'TC.T! ty mr tTt. rtATuwg sgirvicvr. iwc . ' '' mtw - 23. ' FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS MO COMMISSION Oa improved -property er for imprn rseaswt pnrpoaea. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $33.26 per month for S6 montha, or $21.24 per mania for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 munta pay a loan of $1000 end interest. Loans of other amounts ia same proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS sV LOAN ASS'X 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. . I HAVE THE MONEY RL"aXT ' No wailing; several clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a loan in any amount up to tbOOO at 6 per cent and 7 per cent interest, come and aee me sow. while I have the money available,, Fred S. Williams. 50i Panama bldg. $5oo. $1U0U. $laOO. $200U AN l CP NO DELAY OU1CK ACTION Money immediately ready for loans ca Imp. Portland property. V. U. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce. I.ONC, E8TA BI.ISMKD. $300. $400. $5UU. $.v, iio. 1UOO AND up. Lowest rauea. -Quick aetioa. Pay $100 eg tore ny interest date. Gordon Mortgage Ce . 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1870. llOMil to loan. (luU to $5OO0. A. H. HtM, 11 Mulkey bid?. Main 4879. SEE OREGON LNV. z Muui'oage Co.. Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FTTRNrrURE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OB VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IS IOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY L0WS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAI MENTS TO OTHER LOAN -COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAT THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONKT. IF NECESSARY, AND YOU C.' li4UAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMEN1 'J S0IT YOUR CONVENUuNCK LEGAL RATES No DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. ( LICENSED! $06 807 DffTCUM Bl.DG . 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAM ASS'S rtioea Broadway SIS. 894 Stark St.. Near 10th. Loaas rm diamonds, watches, Victrolaa. rnaaaa. kodaks, shotguns, furniture, mtuical lustrum eats and anything nf value. ESTABLISHJiD BT THE PEOPLB OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THIS BORBOWBB. CABBIE' MTERS HERMAN. Manager. SALARY LOAN- Vff T o a v uovaw CHATTEL on short notice to Mlaried or wcrkingiaea on jinr on notes, weeaiy, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly comidendaL NO MORTGAGE no INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan cn household goods, pianos, ete. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED) 21 FAILING BUILDING ' MON El To LOAs On goods placed in storage with na. We eaa save you money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage Transfer v.o. . .oa sin at., comer or nn. WILL LOAN $1200 to $3.-.00; must be gilt edge sce-in-ity. Marshsll 767, evenings. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 MONET TO LOAN On rarplns stocks of merchandise placed tn stor age with us. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage &. Transfer Co.. 53 4th St., corner of Pine. BUSINESS man, experienced attorney, jvill ren der assistance to parties under financial stress or difficulty; money may be had at 7 per cent without commissions on approved security; con fidential B-279. .Tournsl GREAT NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK LOAN r My stock, preferred and common, for me an oner, rmwy. lai, room 3 1 H CAtU ivaid for mortKages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. ii. E. Noble. 3 la Lnmbermen bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 BEE OREGON J.W. .V MORTGAGE CO.. 233 Chamber of Commerce. WANT 300 and will (rive the best of M-ur-rty snd will pay good intereet. X-235. Joumsl HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 FOR SALE A-year-oid bay horse, weichs 1450 mnn ih'"?'1 P'1'. well broke. SI 25; good isoo-lb. bay horse, good condition, $4 5. Rus sell St, yw & Transfer Co.. 351 Russell st. near 1 mnn ave. ' OR SALE -One bay mare, 1 eoo 6 yrs, good worker, sound and gentle; 1 torrei horse. 12 00 lbs, 7 years, pound, pentle singiu or double guaranteed; 3 farm wagons. Mt Kcr.tt. eir. 04 11 Fo-tr rr.s,l I.ent TEAM mare and horse, weight 2600 lbs., 5 2(500 lbs.. $175: all sound and good workers harness and wagons. 4301 7th sL. Mount Scott par.- 16 HEAD of mares and geldings, weighing from 1100 to 1700. ail good workers, single and double harness, wagons and buggies. Woodyaril Stables, corner E. 0th sU and Hawthorne ave. Phon Eat 0106. FOR Ai-i: at a, bargain, 1 span ot bay mares' weight .1350 lbs. This team is one of the pulling t-mnctt,. A ,re9t nsziae JUST off the farm, younc.team. horse and mare' weight 2850 lbs; farm wagcu. harness and ciT-34-n,, C,htMP fr "3h- M- Ba.r. 1-OR SALE 2S00 lb. span of brown mare and gelding, fat, semceably sound and true, aged 7 St till Si VTC fit r V1 fl A A Fab 1 V . riel & Trans. Co.. 351 Russell, near Union ave FOR SALE 12 head, of horses. harn.. .i wagons, from 4 to S years old; weight 800 n 1o(0; all stock sold with a guarantee. 430 Hawthorne ave. 3OO0 Ui. TEAM and 2400 lb. team; also good harness and wagons if wanted;, no further use for them. Atlas Woodyard. 327 Vrrt t-Oii fiAlir. lu html ot horses, weiirht 1 H ,11 to 1S00 lbs.. 5 to 9 years old. E. 9th and Flanders. FOR SALE 16 head of horses, weight 13-.0 to 1800 lbs.. 5 to 9 years old. E 9th and Flanders. , 290O LB. TEAM, good harness. 3H wide tire' farm cheap. Woodyard. corner 50th and Haw thorne. $100 FOR 14 50 lb. black horse, good st ronsT single harness and light, farm wagon. Wood- jani, wiiicr nvm anu nawrnome. TEAM MAKES 1150 lb., each, liarneaa and . larm Hu, iai .Hawthorne ave corner 50th st, TEAM of chunky built young bay mares, weh mated, very gentle and true to work. Price $225. 381 Wnter t. west sMe. SPAN of goo-1 larm mires, weighing about 2700, gentle and good workers, for $200. , 1 , n t. wenr Kmc. TEAM Muail mares, haniesa and farm wagon and 12-inch plow, $115 for all. Best of " -" - . . " ' m wutiiii cicoic car. SEVERAL of my transfer horses for sale cheap. -i , a.uvu wiw8, iiium ecu to make room for more trucks. 1029 E. Yamhill Keystone Stables icrsea lor sale or hire. Btalti for rent. 381 Wster st-. foot Mont. Mar. 3515 DEAD horses and cattle taken promptly. Call day or sight. Ant. 627-64. (Copyright, 1921. f HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 SPKCIAL i BARGAINS IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND FARM MACHINERY 1 10 H. P. Eooa a as engine. mounted ,. 1 2 Vi H. P. Fees gas engine. . . 1 2 H. P. Economy gaa engine. , 1 1 11. V. Fairbanks gas engine. 1 Del-aral Cream Separator..., 1 Banner root cutter (new) . . , 1 Single tub cader mill. ....... 1 Hand waxhrr , 1 2-inch Columbia ram 1 2 horse Iron Age cultivator. . , 1 14-inch high lift sulky plow. , 1 1 2-inch Prairie breaker. . . , . , 1 2 bested hack (like new) . . . , 12 3 one-horse wagon and box . 1 Top buggy 1 Set single buggy harness..,.., 1 Set single express harness..., See the New Magnetic Drag .$250 . 75 . DO . 23 25 . SO . 10 . 10 . 35 05 . S3 . 25 . 100 . 75 . 25 ., 20 . 23 at Saw P. E. ESBENSHADE 300-360 East Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon. I HAVE 100 bead of the best chunks that can be found; also hsve a few second-hand horses that I have taken in exchange. Have 4 spaa good mules, weighing from 1000 to 1200 lbs. each. 1 sell 25 Per cent cheaper than any dealer in town. I buy my horses to work on contract work and logging and am not just depending on profits from sales, I will hire my horses b the day, week or month to responsible people. Will exchange for other horses, mules or cattle. I accept Liberty bonds. I guarantee all my stock as I represent the in. i! Suetter 285 Front St.. Crown Stables. U. S. STABLES " MARES AND HORSES Just arrived, a ahipment of mares and horses, all well broken and ready for work : every one a real, low-down, blocky built chunk , with lots of bone and quality: aces from 4 to 6 years; weight 1300 to 1800 lbs; several well matched teams. If you want satisfaction at right price call and examine this Int. 365 Union ave. S. corner Stevens st. (i. D. Williamson & Glass. For Sale 2.1 head Kai-tem Oregon hor-es and mares, weighing 1200 to 1700 lbs.. 4 to 8 yrars old; some well matched farm team?: 2 teami of good, leggy horses; 6 rets of good breeching harness; 5 3 i farm wagons. This stock can be een and tried to suit buyer at Keystone Feed Stables. eomer Montgomery and Water st. FARMERS. ATTENTION 25 bead of horses and mares from 1200 to 1500 lbs; some , well matched teams, single horses: also waxons, plows, harness, few cows and registered Holstein hulL Will take hank able notes or Liberty bonds; must be sold in 30 days. Can be seen at Olson's Bam, Wster st.. Oregon City. ' FOR SALE A carload of Eastern Oregon horses and mares, ranging from 1300 to 1700; well matched teams; a few cheaper horses, wagons and harness. Every thing sold with a guarantee as represented. This stock will, all be in, the market Monday. J. S. Williamson. 240 K. Rth st. FOR SALE Team of . bay geldings. 5 and 6 jears old: gentle, well broke to work: weight 20OO lbs. This team csme from Eastern Ore gon 2 weeks sgo. They are grain fed. fat, all around with new shoes. Will sell $50 cheaper than you can buy a team of thia kind in Port land. Iet yon have them few days for trial. Kee tnem at 302 Front St.. Portland. Or V ILL arrive Sunday night, cark ud oi horses ihto t.ranu ionae laney, eastern Oregon. These horses are all sound young blocky built firm horses, weight from 1200 to 1800 pound, and sold with a guarantee. Will be ttr.hied at East 2d itud P.dwr. G. K. Howitt. FARMERS. LOOK r Just arrived, a carload of mares and horses weighing from 1300 lbs. to 150O lbs., aged 4 years to 8 years; will sell chesper thin any dealer in the city; guarantee with every horse. 427 E. Clay St.. net. 6tb and 7th sts. '1WO teaini horses and hanie, hay and black. !i and 7 years old. weight about 350,1 lb", price $4T0; renn and brown, 6 and 8 yetrs old. weight about 3300 lbs., price $325. Both teams in good shape and ready to work. 381' Wster st , west side. EXCAVATING jobs wanted, eitner by day work or contract; also plowing. I hire horses by the day, week or month. PhiJ Suetter 285 Front St.. Crown Stsbles. HORSES tor rent, douoi. and single. Front st. 549 LIVESTOCK 701 AUCTION SAI.K In Alto Tark, 1 miles south of Ryau station on Oregon Electric It. R., six miles bou'Ii of Portland tTake Boone ferry and Stevenson roadl. and 2 miles northwest of Oswego. Or. Thursday, February 24. 1 I a. m: 30 extra fine milch cows, mostly HolBteins a few Durham and Jerseys. A lot of large cows, a number of fresh cows, acme springers a splendid herd; 10 Holstcin heifers, from 3 months to years old. All tuberculin tested. If you are in the market for extra fine cows, come to this sale. You will not be disappointed. One 6-year-old 1 500-pound sorrel mare. One 8-year-old 1300-pound gray horse. Machinery, farm wagon, spring wagon, mower, rake, new tedder, new disc, 14-inch plow, harrow, 2 cultivators, cider mill, cream separator. 20 10 callon milk csns, all kinds smUl tools. Co!. W. S. Wood & Sons, Auctioneers JOSEPH WLNlGElt, OWNER. DUEOC JERSEY BRED GILTS and weaned pigs not the cheap kind, but the better kind chesp; also. Holstein bull calf 9 months' old. George De Bok, Oregon City. Or.. 15 FRESH cows, 3 to 8 gallons, some large Holsteins. one Jersey $65. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard, go 1 block north. A NICE hunch of pig', reasonable price; will est. Call Tabor 1822. OR SALE Heavy dairy cow. 163 E. Winchell t. Take Kenton car. FOR SALE Two Macadam st. A-l dairy 34 CALVES wanted. Phone Mar-hall 2178. WAN 1 l-;i- I shor 7832 POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 1 WILL HATCH YOCR EGGS CALL WDLN. 319. WILL SELL, or trade 1 R. I. Ited cockerel or used heater. Phone 317-28. PUREBRED Golden Campiue cockereis, GresUam car to Hell station, tilth house north. FOR SALE 60 egg Buckeye incubator. STl Mississippi ave. East 2080. FOR SALE- 2 pea-comb White Leghorn cock- erels, wain. Ju WHITE LEGHORN hens and pullet for sale. all laying. 465 E. 80th st. N. RHODE ISLAND Red and White Leghorn baby chickens, also breeding cockerels. Tabor 6184. BUCKEYE brooder, 500 chick capacity. Wood lawn 4 502. O. A. C VVtULK Ijeslioru eiilcan, price raou able Pacific Hatchery. Tangent. Or. FOR SALE Registered Himilayan buck, 2 does, 4 young, $15. Aut.. 626-06. lOR SALE 34 Buff lgncru laving hen Some R. I. R. and Buttercups. Main 4 523. FOR SAltJ Rhode Inland roo.xer, 6 months old, from rjdigrr-cd stock. Call Main 1118. 12 BARRED Rock. ' 12 leghonis, O. A. stock, all laying pullets. Tabor 6548. C. FAWN Indian Runner duck eggs for hatching. $1.50 per setting of 11. Phone M. 1640. FOR SALE 36 W. L. year-old hens. T. W. BlacV Reedville. Or. by Internationai Feature Sea-rica. lne-1 POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 Magu ire's Baby Chicks O. A. C. Barred Rocks. : White Lechorns Rhode Island Reds. Brown I .eg horns. All our flocks receive the same intelligent nan dling that haa produced our pens at Nortnwest egg laying contests that are making such enviable records. Our Barred Rock are aired by the sire and brothers of this pen. For January we have a Barred Rock pullet tied for first place with 31 eg?a. Have second and eighth place for highest marketable value of eggs produced by single birds and 3d place for pen. For depends hie . laying stock get our chicks. J R. MAGI' IRE. 7S7 Oregon St. Eat 1805. PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY Hatches Monday and Thursday. fBniv 1000 Lechorns for Feb. 14 and IT. rBlUA j 534 K N , Wdln. 14 85. OREGON branch. National Breeders and Fan clem; association, will hold their big three day V rabbit thow, 17-10, at 111 Broadway, in stead of Grand Ave. and Taylor at. Free admis sion to the imblic. Mary i- Stevens, secretary treasurer. 5.16 E. 51st N. Tabor 7773. INCI HATllU KAI.R 4 Queens, 16 Masters and 2 Ideals. Good hatchers in good condition; some used only one season. We are installing Pioneer electric incu bators and are disrweins ,vf all fmr nil hnrners iat bargain prices. J. it. Maguire. 787 Oregon 'i- r-none riast IHOa I OU SALE Eggs tor listening, from heavy winter laying strains English Tom B 11 run White Leghorn; call for them at my residence. $1 ..per 15. Take Mt. Scott car to 84tli St. S.L.. res. 6201 84th st 8.E., 1 blm-a south from carline. Mrs. H. Koenig, Aut. 618-81. RARV Leghorns, Reds. Rocks. Anconaa. PattlU I Minorcas. Buttercups. Wyaudottes. C H I "V Orpingtons. Best selected stock. vlu Prices reasonable. Order early. Correspondence invited. C. N. Needham. Salem. Oregon. HOSKBL'D strain Rhode Island W hites won three firsts, two seconds and two thirds Portland show; hatching eggs; Newtown Colony brooder, 8O0-1000 chick size, used once. For calc. $25; cost $32.50. George Iiavenimrt. Oak Grove, Or. PUT this in your memo.: Come to 3829 41st st. 8. E.. or call Auto. 213-68. Will sell a few choice B. Minorca setting eggs headed by a blue ribbon and grand champion sweepstakes winner. THOROUGHBRED W. L. baby ducks iruui Heavy laying trapnested stock. PARKVUSW POULTRY FARM. Mllwaukie. Or. It. 2 Box 478. 21H Vjui ia"ilii.i:i, iK...k.,A. us. t. crcd White Leghorn chicks, $20 per 100; cockerels. Psrkrose Hatchery. Portland. Tabor 3822. 20 FCLLBLOOD 8. C. R. I. Red cockerels at reasonable prices; hatching eggs from my heavy laying strain of S. C. Beds. W. V. Loomis, 1P23 Multnomah st. Phone Tabor 8197. Vl I i .1 . .Tr'lulinu U l V. ; , I . 1 . . old cockerels worth $5 for hatching eggs. Need 500. Will pay difference. 1015 East Simpson street. Portland. Or. Woodlawn 1253. O. A. C. Single Comb White I .eg horns. Strong healthy stock. Bred to grow, lay. pay. Every chick well bom. 100 $15. Write for cat alogue. Acme Poultry Farm. Walker. Or. FOR SALE 2 5 Blark Minorca chickens. iS cockerels., hens. $2.25; cockerels, $6; 3 Black Muscovy ducks. Come see for yourself. 839 Ochoco ave., Sellwotnl Gardens lit FF OUPLNG'IONS. THE WINNING KIND--Hatching eggs and limited number baby chicks. Write for particulars. O. C. Dunton, Sher wood. Or. TANCUED White IxRhini bahy chicks, thou sandi for March delivery; f till count guaran teed, parcel post prepaid. Circular free. G. 1.. Wood. 512 Bnehanan bldg WH11E WYANIiOl'TE, WtMid's heaiy layers, eggs $2 per 15: Tancred W. I eggs $1.50 Per 15. U E. ' Wood, Mil waukie. Or. Oak Grove 26-R. FtR SALE Hatching eggs from S. f,. White leghorns, 220 to 300 egg strain, $1.50 ier setting. Special price on incubator lots. Fred Treca-ki-. Corhett. Or. Tel. Corbet 164. F.l itoc 111 ROCK or Eugiiah White Leghorn chicks and hatching eggs from bred to lay stcr. Bertha JorEen.en, HilNboro, Ore. to V. L., B. IL and R. I. 1C, ApriJ layuig pul let: price reasonable. 1918 K. ' Stark sL r1 75th st. MAililmll Black Minorca hens, pullets and cockerels; also some Reck cockerels.- Phone rieltwood 3,118. WHITE LEGHORN chicks, batch off Feb 23" $20 per 100; I trapnest. C F. Berkins. 1337 Burrage. Wdln. H314. I GUARANTEE to pick the layers.- Why feed hens that won't pay you ? Hoganize and save igeq. ism, o-oo. ny rererence. r". Munro, svvi'.v 1 .u.,.nu tv 1 1 . i r w".,... - . . ... 1 , -u .1 , , una cucaerei, $10; also potatoes, $1 sack. 4004 79th st. 8. K. jtOH SALE One small size Newtown colony brooder, with extra parts; also one straw and ctover CTiTter. Phone B19-10. 12 BA1IKEII ROCK cockerels. 12 pullets; 10 years an exhibitor. Portland show. . It. v Krnpke. 1203 .Clinton. Tahor 8814. 75 WHITE LEGHORNS. Barred Hocks. Rhode Island Red. April laying pullets. 1918 E. Stark at 75th st. SIIKl l AilU N Am ina ivikw,-!,, partridge and Columbia Wyandott. Black Minorca cockerels. Two inellhstors. H. Webb, Besvertrm. WHITE W VA.NDO'i' l'b' ttuckereU direct trom H. Ringhouse's beat Etraina. 604 Linn ave. Rellwood 1818. FOR SAl.E White Leghorn pulleU, 1.25 each. 511 Mississippi avenue. Yl&t 20X0. ii. C. kit.U .toca lor sale; eng.., 3 per 15. 04U3 iUH bAiJ. iliuitmghured K. 1. tied cotrkerel, from pri-winfiing stock. 876 Sandv blvd. tun ALr, vvnne l.egnnrn anting egg. Mti. J. Sielicky. 1707 E. 2fith. Sell. Mm; THOROUGHBRED M. I. It. roo-tera. Mar. 217S.' DOGS. BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 703 FINE BINGElta AND FEMALES TABOR 811. 2095 E. STARK. BEAl'TlFUL singers tor saie. Call the studio. K.in Ann SINGERS and females, pure color, fine birds, for sale. Telephone East 4175. ' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 1916 TWIN 6 Packard, 5 cords, all in fine shape: car mechanically O. K.. $2100. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.. 12th and Alder Sts. .Broadway 1130. RADIATOR SERVICE CO. "IT WILL. PAY" you to see us aboot renah-irg that RADIATOR FENDER, or BODY. Expert, guaranteed work st moderate prices. Cor. Union and Hawthorne avenues. East 8498. 1919 BUICK; 7 passenger, fine mechanically: fine cord tires, bumper, wind - deflector, spot light. Will sacrifice for $1550. Phone FRANK SMITH, Broadway 1130. . OREGON-WASHINGTON SALES Buy direct from owner.- We have cars !ited ail ovtr the city. Private cars kept by the owner. Let tis put yow in touch with the car you wanL Yoa buy direct from owner himstl., Termj rringed satisfactorily. 320 Artisans bldg. Bdwv. 387. . HAVE YOU CONSIDERED The Purchase of a Used Ford? See Us First- UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Cor. Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471. 1H17 FORD TOURING. 1817 Ford touring, see it and you will buy it Price $295. Term. Phone East 6373. Call between !30 and 7:80 p.m. OAKLAND 4, spienuid couuiuon, good Lire; sscriXice, cah or terms or trade for lot. N-825i Journal. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 THOROUGHLY REBUILT AND GUARANTEED We aervjea then the same aa nee in, Specials' .THESE CARS FORVB.VLE "AS 13" BUICK ROADSTERS D 44. 1917. $850. ... K 44. 1918, $1125. BUICK S PASS, TOURINGS E 45. 118, $925. H.45. 1919. $1400. K 45. 1920. $1500. K 45. 1920. $1528. BUICK 7 TASS. TOURINGS E 49. 1918. $1100. K 49. 1920, $1400. E 49. 1918. $950. MISCELLANEOUS 1920 6 pass. Paige, run only 2052. miles, Dtsteel- wheels, cords on rear, extra tire, a big snap at $1750. 1917 KisseU touring, vary cheap at 1600. 1915 Dodge touring. $680. 1918 Paige touring, fine ahapa, 1000. Oakland Sedan. $1250. Dodge Sedan; $1850. 1920 Columbia $1500. ALL IN FINE SHAPE Bargains Easy Terms' , No Brokerage Fee Howard; Automobile Co. New Salesroom Twelfth and Alder Phone Broadway 1180. CHEVROLET AND FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $20 f Rear axle overhauled 6.0a Valves ground, carbon removed..,.,... 8 00 Magneto recharged t.Qw We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, eta., which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine srarta bard and the Hghta are dim ia because the 'MAGNETO ia weak. , Hare tt RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR 210 Jefferson 8L Mala 7644. 192ODodge192(0 It will sell as quick as the last one we had. so it disappointed last time, hurry today. Car is like new and has two new cord tires, snare sud U. 8. Nobby tires on rear; 1921 license; bumper, alemite system ot lubrication. Bee ' this DODGE and you'll buy. Price $1200; cash or terms. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 12th and Aider. Broadway 1180. ATTENTION FORD OWNERS GAS SAVER Guaranteed to save 25 per cent to 60 pet cent of your gasoline. Ensblea you to remove all carbon. Disposes of all spark plug trouble. Makes the Ford car a hill climber. 10 Uay' free trial. Price $5. Agents wanted. ' OREGON VAPORIZER. AND DECARBONIZER CO.. ' 627 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland. Oregon. BOB FULTON Broadway 40-41 AUTO PAINTING. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, hands, tanks, repaired and remodeladi auto sheet-metal work, a special 3. 105-107 N. 15th st. . Phone BROADWAY 2299. DELIVERY BODIES ' Tanel and Open Bodies for Fords. i Make Yonr Own Price. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Cor. 'Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471. CHEVOLET, LATE MODEL You will buy this one when you aee it; low price of $475; $175 down. Will give terms on balance. Jake's Used Car Exchange. 2S N. 11th st. Bdwy. 3214. ! KOH SALE BY OWNER. H1 BUICK 4. TV GOOD MECHANICAL. CONDITION; MUST BE SOIJ Ai o-r., A.aan. - i 70TH ST. N. TABOR 6H73. - SWAP one Maiwell touring car. all overhauled. looks good, runs good, is good, for late Ford delivery or chassis; will give or take ti differ ence. JX-lnz, journal. irj x yj ij ... v . . ,j .... , If on do you will buy that used lord be re. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Cor. Grand ave. and K. Yamhill. East 471. HUPMOB1LE One of those cars in good condition and a bargain for quick sale; easy terms. East 66. 34 5 Union N. near Bdwy. Open Sun, and eve. , .... v..iT .- v ii- vitrtai If yon- do, you, will buy that used Ford here. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE T Cor. Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. iKwt 471. 1910 FOUD fjunng, haa ,. been earclully used, practically new tires, shock absorbers, $375 cash; $380 terms E. 3158. By Herriman AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 REBUILT AUTOMOBILES ? I Argent sellers of uJ cars and the leaders In tsirgains and rebuilt automobiles and the reason. Because wa ate salting used eutomi-bHes with a stands rd factory warranty, or are giving 10 days free trial cubjret to their being returned and full credit being given en any other automobile. During the last four year we have rebuilt Hudson automobiles and resold them with a warranty the same as a factory warranty on a 0w car.- It paye for na to sell and yon to buy a used automobile that you can rely upon. 1918 Maxwell, all gone over, rep.iwd ,. and repainted; a fine little car. ...$ 500 1919 Maxwell, like new ear ,.. 2S 1920 Maxwell oemonatrator; a bargain. 1920 Maxwell roadster, a dandy little car.. 800 I Oakland automobiles. fine run ning condition and in good repair.. 675 1917 Bulck Six. cord tires, all good running couJttion 490 1920 Olda light aix, in first class condl- . tion, a decided bargain at 12&0 ESSEX BARGAINS 1919 Essex touring car, all gone over tn our shop, thoroughly overliauled and nneinted; sold with "a warranty the same as given on new automobile; now 1350 1920 I j test model Essex; run only 1100 miles; traded in on a larger car 1450 CHALMERS BARGAINS 1919 Chalmers roadster. In fine condition 1050 1919 Chalmers Light Six, with hot pot, . overhauled and reviintaii. all In fine condition 1260 1920 Chalmers, 5 pa. : a real automo bile and a decided bargain at. . . . 1$ jO HUDSON BARGAINS ' 1917 Hudson Rnper Six, has been re built in oar shop, will be repainted aim sold with a warranty foe 1250 1918 Hudson speedster, rebuilt and win be through the paint shop in a-few days, will look just like new; will all with a factory warranty the same aa given on new automobiles.. 1650 1920 Hudson Super Six. overhauled and refinished like new. sold with factory warranty that wa carry ourselves: great buy 1900 1920 Hudson speedster, - all gone over by ' us to ere that everything is la perfect condition; run only 800O miles, sold with warranty ....... 2100 OUR STORM FOR THESE USED CAR BARGAINS AT 40-44 BKOADWA Y. WHICH IS BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. PHONW BROADWAY 6789. G U BOSS AUTOMOBILK CO. Used Cars at Winter Prices You can buy one of our rebuilt ued cars now for much less money than jmi will hsve to pay later for a car of a similar nulity. We have many makes in all sizes. Here ia a partial list: 1915 Mitchell, ".-passenger ., 1917 Briscoe. 6-passenger 1016 Mitchell. 7-paasenger . , 1918 Ford sedan 1019 Chevrolet, 5 pawnser 350 475 Kill) 6)10 Mill . 70(1 Tflft i i. i if . rrerianq 90. 5 -passenger . , . road..lir. wire wheels, ennt tires 1017 Mitchell, "-passenger. 7-paa-ienger 6 -passenger 850 I I "O .110(1 11T Mitchell. 1918 Mitchell, s.i ? i. ,,,? 1"m Victory mideli Mitchells and one Jordan Silhouette, on which we give factory guarantee and service. DEAL WITH 4 HOUSE op RECOGNIZED STABILITY 88 TEARS IN BUSINESS IN PORTLAND We lU-rulle Our Own Notes snd Do Not Charge for Brokerage - Mitchell, Lcwis-& Stave r Co. Broadway and Everett Kt Phone Broadway 4675. $850 CASH Buys 1918 Chalmers Hotsimt speedster with specisl victoria top and side curtain, fine finUh and condition. This car is worth $1200 of any body money. Call Broadway 5700. or Broad way 304 7. Rad iators, Fe n de rs, Hoods, Bodies, etc. MADE AND REPAIRED BURNERS AUTO WORKS 12TH AND EVERETT STS. 1920 COLUMBIA touring car, in good oormi tino; Iota of extras; for riuick sale will take $15(10. Call Knox, Broadway 1130. 1920 BI'ICK touring car, fine mechanically : looks liku new; fine tires, 2 brand new. Car mU't be sold at oni-e, $14."i0: teriul. Phono FRANK . SMITH, Broadway J 130. 2'1 BI'ICK ill TK 6 cord tires, double tire carrier, bumper, safety lock and other accessories; 1000 tnile.. exactly like new and in perfect condition; if you want a high-grade well-equipped sr, see tlits. Tabor 9844. ALII O.ST NEW 490 Chevrolet hiiii wire wheel , cord tires snd other eitrss. Wit) take older csr in trade, terms. Photi. 691 Gr ham, or wre !. K. Obnrn. PORTLAND IIEAIhjI Alii EKS toll IKED FORDS UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Cor. Grand ave, and E. Yamhill, Eet 471. blEl'ilKSS rosdnter. jut iiew. Ounu- wnl sarriflis and give terms. See this classy Job today. Broadw.y 36(15. MY lUlti OAKLAND, in fine nie listiieal rondi tion. will sell on terms or- trade for vacant lot. Owner. Main 3026. 1917 FOUD touring, good urea anu in A-l ir.n ditioa, $265, esy terms.. East 56. 345 Union ave. N. near Bdwy. Open Mnn. and eve. WK PUT Stel leelD ia your old liywo..., rrankshaft turning. H B Black, taachiae shop. 534 Aide t.. Bmsdwsy gf-MI. $1100 Bl YS Hudson Siiier ; runs snd looks like new. Will take light car ui trade. East 17. FORD 1-ton triug wito bcly nearly new, run - only S mouths, pneumatic tires; bargain. ....... t3 ., W . It . I. m,J: ' 'jiyif,.',, '.,,, i ' ' -, .tu .wa iisuion. FORD touring car aiul ruadsters r.paititeii. $lfi; old paint removed from body. Robinson fsmitb Co., 6tb snd Madison. AliiO WKECKINo, ail pans fur aU cars? PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO., Pdrm ave.. near Hswthnme EAST 7866. SACRIFICE 1915 Overland car, good tires, g?od lights, good looking car. 1921 license; price $15. IIOO Frsnets ave. FOKD chawi. xi tire aid u good cvndiLion: euy terms. Ea.it 56. 84 5 Union are. N. near Brnedway. tipen Sunday ar- evenings. 1U2M Hl'l'l touring, by owner, fine conduioa, new rubber. Amnmstic 62011 LAi K liUilKh Ford with self tetter, spbUlsiil nd speedrrnfer. S4 75.. Mar. 871. L,1GH1 l-iieni auto, rurw gi.oii, sacrifi-e HO. Main 2HH3. 5-l'ASHk.NGEtt , ., gooj cjiiditmu. $150. Mstn 233. 1917 MA X U ELL. must be aoui at once, $17a. Slain zjsa. CHEVROLET deiiveiy, late ui.xiel. cueaii. ttooinson-nmirn ia., otn ami Msilison. 2-lON, 4 wheel trailer, in perfect oindition, st a aacrifiee. Bdsrv. f3. 14tll snd Morrison. O-.O 5 as-. for sale eheup. UO0T MJd S. t Continued on Fellewme Page)