SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON TOWN TOPICS Travelers to all pofoU of tb United State of broad ahonld take adnata of experienced in- -tnmmtiam mwut unina nltmrmA (tinh Th. Olw- on Journal InfonsaUow, and Travel Bnresn in 'personal chare of Dome B. Smith. Baslroad ucaets ana Kjuuaip dookiqcs trnwea. "zl cua exchange taxied. Inlormatiou S3n retard ing passports. COMINO EVEfTS First liwul Oion Stat Cora etow. Port land, ea display onui Wab.-ary ST. 1SS1. - -, Paeiiio Coaat Smaety ot Ortbodocueta. Fsorn sry IS to 18. Brotherhood of American Teamen, state soar clave. Eocene. April. - . ' A. O. U. W. cnad feds. April. tblrJ T foresters of America, crasd court, Porjland, Uay 22 and 23. Military Order of the Xyal Legion. Portland. May 10. KnibU of Columbus. tte council. PorUaad, Cay SO. WEATHER FORECASTS ' Portland - and Vicinity bundajr occasional ratn; southwesterly wind. Oregon and Waahisa-tonclundAy rain west portion, cloudy cast trtion ; moderate south westerly wind. , ' . -WEATHEK C0SDITI058 Moderately liisb pressure extends from the Pacific states to the Unsiasiptri valley and Oulf of Mexico, the highest, reading beinc in Texas. Over the remainder ot the United States and orer most of Alaska and Canada the pressure Is low. tbe lowest reading being in northern Ksakatchewsn. Ireeijrtation ha occurred in Western Oregon anj Washington, Southwestern rlntiah Columbia and northwestern. , Montana, and from Iowa and MiKtrari to the north. At' iantifi states. Tbe following heavy precipita tion ia reported : North Head, Wash., J. 28; Neattle, Wash.. I.IO; T aroma. Wash., t.04. The weather ia much milder in the extreme northern Itocky mountain - region, and is much colder in New York and in part of Washington and British Columbia. The temperature is above normal except, ia tbe extreme South and extreme llelative humidity at Portland: Noon yester day, 75 per cent; S .p. m. eaterday, t'i per cent; S a. ra. today. . per cent. PteriDitation since January 1 Total. 11.81 im has; . normal.' V.OH inches: excess. 2.55 inches cuvtAiUJ u.niiuwj. OBHfcK VATIONH TEMP. STATION'S l B 42 48 3 30 54 3 o2 38 70 S 60 78 48 32 48 .82 68 B2 80 62 42 no 60 78 34 67 34 62 68 38 32 66 6 66 64 54 82 50 64 48 62 42 60 66 48 64 60 JJ "82 28 28 18 26 32 36 30 46 60 48 32 "32" oO 46 43 44 52 28 38 32 44 26 46 26 46 60 34 2 38 46 48 38 30 "ii" 40 40 42 28 38 48 32 32 a! 3 Maker, Or. .......... Boise, Idaho Rnstnn, Mass , . . Huffalo. N. T. . . . . i . l algary,' Alberta . . . . , Chicago, III. .......... I tenter, Colo. ........ Ies Moines, Iowa . . . . Kresno. Cai. dalTcston, Texas . . . . . Helena, Mont Honolulu. T. H.V Huron, 8. X. ....... Juneau, Alaska ...... Kansas City, Mo. . . . I.oa Angeles, Cai. . . . Mamhiirld, Or. Medford. Or. ....... Memphis, Tenn. ...... New Orleans. la. . . , . New York, N. iT. . N orth Ilcad. W ash. . . . Oklahoma. City, Osla. . Phoenix, Aril. . . Pittsburg. Pa. Portland. Or Prince - Albert, baak. , . ltosetrarg. Or Nacrsmento, Cai. ..... Ht. Ixmis, Mo. . Ht.. Paul. Minn Salt Ike City, Utah. . . Nan Ihego. Cai. . . -. . Han I'ranctsro, CaL '. . . Neattle, Wash..... riheridan, W'yo. ...... .Sitae, Alaska ....... ttpokane. Wash.. ...... Tscoma, Wash. ...... Tatoosh Island, Wash. . Tonoiiali, Nev ....... j Triangle Island, B. C -. Vancouver. B. C. ...'. Walla Walla. Wash. W aithinEton, l. C. . . . W innemucca, Ner. .,. . 0 0 .84 .28 o o o .16 o o o 0 o .24 O O .06 0 n o .16 1.28 0 0 .10 .29 0 0 o .06 - o . i , o o 1.10 0 .08 o 1.04 .04 0 0 .06 o o o o j. . . 'Afternoon report l preceding day Recreation Book Oat "In the Open," is the title to a recreation book just published by the United States forest service -which deals -with, the national forests of Washington. Material for the book, which is handsomely Illustrated, was prepared, in a great measure, by men from the Portland office of the forest service, assisted by supervisors of the forest. The book Is similar to a previous publication on Oregon national forests, entitled "Vacation Land in Ore gon." . Shepherd's Auto Bus Uses Portland-St- Helens division Leave Portland 7:30 a, m. (Monday only). 10 a. m. 1 :30 p. m.", 4 p. m. ; arrive at St. Helens 9 a. m., 11:30 a. rtw, 3 p. m.. 5 :30 p. m. Ieave St. Helens - 7 :30 a. m., 10 a. m. (Monday only), 1 :30, 3 p. m., S :30 p. m. : arrive Portland 9 a, m., 11:30 a. m. (Mon day tenly), 3 p. m 7 p. m. Saturday and Sunday, leave St. Helens 6 p. m. ; leave Portland 11:15 p. m. . Buses leave St. Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. Phone Marshall 4381. Adv. Shepherd's As. to Bos Lines Portland Falls diylslos Leare Port land 9:30 a. m., 10:30 a. m., 4 p. m. ; arrive Multnomah 11:15 a. m... 12:15 p. m., 5:45 p. rn. Leave Multnomah 8 a. m., 12:50 p. m., 3 :50 p. m. ; arrive Port land 9:30 a, m., 2:45 p. m., 6 p. m. Sat urday and Sunday, leave Multnomah 8 p. m., leave Portland 11:15 a. m. Buses leave St. Charles hotel. Front and Mor rison sts. Phone Marshall 4381. Adv. Plctsrea on -Wild Life The Muz am as. in a joint program -with the Audubon society, will exhibit some unusual and interesting- motion .pictures at Central Library hail tonight at 8 o'ekxrk. The movies are those made by the last ex pedition of the National Geographic so ciety to the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes and Katmai volcano in Alaska. R. Bruce Horsfall will give an Illus trated address on '"Wild Life. Along Kagle Creek Trail.". , ' Men's Resort Program-y-Hev, F.'-H. Mixsell, pastor of Annabel Presbyterian church, will be the speaker; at the Men's resort meeting, Sunday at 4 p. m. Miss Onetta Webb will be soloist. Singing will be led by R. "Desmond. At 7:30 the Rev. Levi Johnson will continue his Bible lectures. Wednesday night at 8 o'clock the young - people from - First United Brethren church will hold their monthly meeting. Shepherd's Auto Bas Lines Portland Astoria and Seaside division Leave Portland 10 a. m., 1 :30 p. m. : arrive Astoria 3:30 p. m., 7 p. m. " - Leave As toria 10 a. m.. 1 :30 p. m. ; arrive Port land 3 :30 p. in., 7 p. m. Buses leave St Charles hotet, Front and Morrison. Telephone Marshal 4381. Adv. Fined lies; Had Seer Meat Fletcher Decker of Keno Klamath county, was arrested early this week at the Keno power plant by H. D. Stout, deputy game warden, for having deer in his posses sion during closed season, and following a hearing at Klamath Falls was fined 1100, according to a report filed with, the state game commission. Chief Yeoman Going Away Chief Yeoman K., K. Sanders was- detached from the Portland navy recruiting sta tion by orders received from the navy. 4 jvOrT----":7-VVi department this morning. He has been assigned to duty at the training station, Gulf port. Miss, f O. A.C. Debaters Challenge Reed Women Oregon Agricultural college women have challenged the women of Reed college to a debate, the time, place and subject of which la now being de cided between the two colleges. This will be the first time Reed college women have ever participated in Inter collegiate debates. Ethel Cooper, a senior, is debate manager for Reed. jfaral i Films, to be Shown Films de picting the work of building naval in struments at the General Electric plant at Schenectady will be shown by the United states navy recruiting station in the windows of the Noiseless Typewriter company, at Fourth and Oak streets, for the week beginning Monday.. The pic tures will be shown .each night at 8 o'clock. ':'.Jc:''. '- Shepherd's Auto Bas Lines Portland Hood River division Leave Portland 9:30 a. m., 2:43 p. m-i arrive Hood River 12 :30 p. m.. S p.m. ; leave Hood River- 9:30 a. m - 2 :20 p. m. ; arrive Portland 12:30 p. m., 6:45 p. m. Buses leave St Charles hotel. Front and Mor rison. Phone Marshall 4381. Adv. Boy Scosts Get Parade Flags Boy Scout troops 40 and 67 were presented with parade flags last Sunday at Sun nyuide Congregational church. The flags were given by the Will P.. Dickenson relief corps 30. ; and the presentation made by Cora M. Davis. The proper number to rail Is East 388 when you need the Salvation Army truck to come for castoff clothing, magazines, newspapers, et.! Address 24-26 Uuion ave. MaJ. John Bree, district officer. Ad. Chicago Man te Speak Dr. Herbert L. Wiltet of Chicago will address the mid day service at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday on .-The Twentieth Century Man and His Opportunities." r ' Socialists Meet Sanday O. ,H. New man will Bpeak; at the Socialist party open : forum Sunday evening ' In the Alisky hall. Third and Morrison streets, on "Unionism and Socialism." Portland -.Nwberf Bases Leave Fosrth and Alder daily,! 8 :30. 9 :30 11 a. m. and 1. 2 :30. 4 :15, 5 :30, :30 p. m. : Saturday and Sunday, 11 p. m. Phone Main 3314. Adv. Salem -.Mill City Stage Line Connects O. E. No. 5 for Mill City ; connects O. E. No. 9 (to Stayton only). Jos. Ham man. Salem phone 44. Adv. Steamer IraJda, for - St Helens and Rainier, daily at 2:30 p. m., foot of Alder street Sundays. St Helens ony, at 1:30 p. m. Adv. Frederick 31. Bempsey has opened of fices for the general practice of law at 826 Northwestern Bank building. Main 974. Adv. - ; . . - . Fortland-Salem Stage Leaves Seward hotel, Tenth and Alder, every hour, from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Fare 11.75. Adv. Leatherllfe He has his -headquarters at 310 Oak street' He is made In Ore gon. He is a .husky youngster. Adv.: Dr. W. D. McMillan, dentist Oregonian bujldmg. Adv. ; Soloist for the Apollo Club Concert Tonight Is Metropolitan Star Anna Case, soprano of the Metropolitan Opera company, arrived in Portland Friday night, and registered at the Ben-" son. . " - ' Mies Case r is to appear tonight as soloist at the Apollo club concert In The Auditorium. This will be her second concert appearance in Portland, as she was presented t In recital about three years ago at the Heilig under the direc tion of Steers & ' Com an. Miss Case is one of the foremost American --sopranos and has scored big successes everywhere. Her remarkable voice and musical talent w'as first- dis covered by. Mme. Ohrstrom-Renard, for mer member of the Royal Opera of Stockholm, now a vocal teacher in New. York, and under ' her direction she ad vanced until she attracted tbe attention of the Metropolitan director. , In addition to her successes in the United States, Miss Case has; also won laurels in the big music centers of Europe? The program, to be . presented tonight Includes groups by the distinguished soloist and several excellent chorus num bers by the club, conducted by William H. Boyer. Doctor Says Many Diphtheria - Deaths In City Avoidable Several deaths from' diphtheria have occurred in recent months in Portland becaase of delay In applying the anti toxin treatment, i declared City Health Officer Parrifh. who appealed to physi cians to apply the anti-toxin immediate ly upon recognizing the symptoms. - "Heretofore doctors have been send ing cultures to the health bureau and waiting 18 hours to learn whether or not diphtheria symptoms were indicated. In the meantime.' In many instances, the patient has died," Dr. Parrteh said. I am trying to impress upon all doctors the importance of applying the anti-toxin at once. It Is perfectly harmless and could do no one Injury, even though there was no diphtheria." Mrs. K. H. Lers, 27, died at her home, 781 Pettygroye street Thursday 'eve ning. She is survived by three Bmall children, aged five weeks, 18 . months and 5 years, and her husband. Lead Nickles Being I Circulated Here; Police Get Handful b " Evidence that a gang of counterfeiters is operating in Portland was discovered this morning when several lead nickels were brought to police headquarters. The counterfeit coins were bo cleverly fash ioned, it was Imposible to tell them from, genuine nickles, unless they were dropped on a hard surface. The dye for making the tlmtation coins was modeled from a buffalo nickles The victim who brought the coin to the polk , station stated that it was given him in change, and that he did not know It : was ; worthless until t he dropped a handful of coins.: and noticed thta htis one did not bounce and failed to "ring true. ; . s'- v-.c.-t;? v.,- f ID ((lit Wi Si t f . 1 1 Kf SERVICES WILL HONOR -LINCOLN'S MEMORY (Continued from Page Fourteen) council will meet Monday night at o'clock In the vcttry. St. Michaels and 11 Angela Episcopal ebarch. tbe Her. V. T. Bo wen vicar, baa announced a series of Sunday morning Lenten sermons on some great bymna of tbe .church.' (Sunday morning tbe sermon will be on Jobs Henry Newman's hymn, "Lead. Kindly Light." Tbe Xounx Peonie s society will be addressed at 8:30 p. m. by Kdward Kittee. - Others who will take pert in the serriee are Rose Itoberta, Mildred Meleill and Marvin Buechel. During Lest aemcea wul be beld aa follows: Holy com munion on Wednesday at 10 a. m.. devotions and address on Thursdays at 8:43 p. m., and mission study class on Thursdays at 2:30 p. m-, with Mrs. George W. i'errias as leader. The birthday of Abraham Lincoln will be celebrated Sunday night by tbe young people of St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral in a special service. Tbe reaular monthly meeting ot the I'ro-Cathe- dral ehapter wul be held ia the parish bouse at s oetock. The Men's club of Crace Memorial Episcopal ebarch held ft monthly meeting Wednesday etenlng and elected the following officers: President W. H. Ondinweyer: Tics-president E. K. C. Toyer secretary treasurer. J. W. Clark; trustees, Harold Bajley. I.. I. Roberta, Charles Winn; membership committee. E. H. C. Toyer; social committee. Harold Bajley; pub licity committee. George M. Post. Tbe Men's club stands behind tbe church and its minister, the Rev. Oswald Taylor, and is working (or increased interest in cburcb affairs. A minstrel show is contemplated after Lent. Sunday at 7 :30 a. m. a corporate cem mu ni on will be held for the girls' Friendly society of- Sfh Davida Episcopal church, after which breakfast will be served in the parish house. At the meeting ef the society next Wednesday mil linery instruction will be given.. EVANGELICAL The lumberjack evangelist. Iave HU1, .will commence a two i weeks' series of special meetings in the First Evangeli cal church on Sunday.- Services will be held each week night !..'. At :H0 Sunday night J. C. Luckei, ' a member of the commission for 'the reunion of the Evangelical association anrf of the United Evangelical association, will, speak to the Young People's alliance of the Clay Street Evangelical cburcb of impressions be gained on bis recent trip to Chicago. - - FREE METHODIST A missionary rally will be held Sun day at 2 :30 p. m. at the First Free Meth odist church. Dr. A. L. Grinnei. medical missionary from China, who has charge of the hospital at Ki H&ien Honan, will speak. He will tell ot conditions -4n Central China. LCTHERAX For the next six Sundays the Rev. C H. Bernhard will preach Lenten ser mons at Grace Lutheran church. The texts wlU deal with Christ's last days on earth. Lenten services will be held each Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in Bethany Hanisb Lutheran church. Tbe youg people will meet Eriday nights at 8 o'clock. The Indies' Aid society will meet Wednesday with Mrs. M. Crusoe, 111 ltooserclt street. i . The Sunday morning services at St Pauls Lutheran church will be in German and the evening service in English. At lo a. u. the Rev. A. Krauze will preach a confessional sermon and at 10.30 will celebrate holy communion. A devotional service and Bible study is held at 5 p. m. Lenten services will be held Wednes days and Fridays at 8 p. rn. Rose Hesgard will lead the Luther league and Bible atudy class at Our .Saviors Lutheran cburcb on Sunday night. METHODIST At the First Methodist church on Sun day morning Dr. Joshua Stansfield will speak , on stewardship! At night under the auspices of the churctt federation, Dr. Herbert L. Wiilett of Chicago will be the speaker. Dr. Wiilett ia a member of the faculty of the University of Chi cago' and also Western l eprt-aentative of the Federal Council of Churches. First church now bas an intermediate and senior Epworth league. Both chapters, meet at 6:30 p. m. - Next Friday night at tbe com munity picture show in the church the educa tional film "Sherry" will be shown. Last Sim day tbe church raised $1100 for the China famine fund. Six weeks ago the church gave 1266 for European and Near East relief. -The -Willamette University Glee club will he heard in its only concert in Portland this year. next Thursday evening at Centenary-Wilbur Meth odist church. :- This will be a citywide gathering. ; Tbe concert is given under the direction ot the Epwortb league of tbe church. Sunday morn ing Dr. Frank L. Wemett will preach and at nighty the W. C. T. Vi will hold a rally. Mrs. Mary Msllett, state president, will preside and Mrs. Asa Sleeth will conduct the devotions. Tbe speakers will be Mrs. W. I jvingston, national I superintendent of Christian citizenship, and Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins, national , superintendent of child welfare. . Dr. Thomas M. Gallagher, pastor ot sunny aide Methodist church, believes in making good use of , Lincoln Sunday. He baa arranged for five young men and women from the Epwortb league to appear as contestants in a discussion of - phases of tbe life of Lincoln. Prizes will be offered to the two best speakers. The church will be decorated for tbe occasion and patriotic music rendered. the Sunday evening ' meeting at the First Norwegian Danish M. E. church will be dis continued this Sunday, as the congregation is uniting with the Swedish Methodist church in a series of gospel services. The chorus - choir of Epworth Methodist church will furnish special music for tbe Abra ham Lincoln celebration on Sunday night. An address will be given by Mrs. E. E. Cannaday. associate editor of "Tbe Advocate," ' on the changing condition ot the American negro. Lincoln Sunday will be observed Sunday morning at CUnton Kelly Methodist cburcb. - A committee has been - appointed at Rose City Park Methodist church to raise funds with which to secure new song books for the Sunday school. . - The Methodist board of Sunday schools re ports that its receipta up to January 20 for the children of Central Europe and Armenia exceed $400,000 and. that the money is still coming in. Checks for. $6000 came from. Meth odist Sunday schools in Sweden. Tbe board of foreign missions bas reeei vetl $100,000 in re sponse to its appeal for the North China famine sufferers. . " ' PBESBVX ERIAS Sam'Htgginbottom, one oj the world's great missionaries, will be in Portland over Sunday. In the morning he will occupy the pulpit of Westminster Pres byterian church and at night will preach at the First Presbyterian church. - Sunday morning at First i church the : Rev. L. Myroa ' Boozer, student pastor at O. A. C, will preach. Preceding the evening service, . E. , Cbunen will give a 15 nunnts organ recital.' ' ' Dr. Edward H. Pence win fin bia pulpit at Westminster church Sunday night On Tues day evening the men of . the church will give a dinner, to the women. A jolly, time ia antici pated. ' ' . 1 . The Bar. W. W. MacHenry will celebrate bis fourth anniversary aa pastor of Mount Tabor Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. I rar ing tbe past - four years the church haa received 256 new members, tbe Sunday school baa more than doubled its attendance and the large debt on tbe new cburcb fully subscribed. Wrthin another year tbe church expects to burn ita mortgage. The Sunday evening .service will feature a plat form meeting of the school of missions in which five classes will' participate. Sunday morning a father and son service will, be observed with special music by tbe male Quartet. Tbe West minster Guild will meet next Friday night at tbe borne of Mrs. G. C. Blobm. Mrs. ' Fletcher Linn will present the national movement. A ' series of sermons on "The Family" will be started Sunday might at Rose City Park Presbyterian church by tbe Rev. Donald M. MacCluer. The sermon this Sunday will deal with the .choice of a wife and next week with the training of a husband. The Man's club dinner will be Monday at- 6:30 p. m. District Attorney Walter Evans will give the principal address and Walter Jenkins will lead tbe singing. Next Friday - evening - at - Mispah Vresby terian church a Scotch concert will be given by the senior high school class of tbe church for tbe benefit -of the Near East relief. -. This- class is supporting a child in Armenia. ' The Misses Helen and Jean Harper are arranging tbe program.- Refreshments will be furnished by tbe Scotch members of the church. The missionary - pageant, i "Sunlight and Candlelight," by Helen L. Wilcox, will be given by tbe Christian ' Endeavor society of Kenil worth Presbyterian . church at 7 :30 ,, o'clock Sunday night. ..-..., , , - Officers of 'the Warren - Bible' and - Warren Tesper classes of the First Presbyterian cburcb are planning to bold s joint entertainment. At the vesper class Sunday at 4:15 p. m-. John 1. T rename, tenor soloist, win aing and -then tell why tbe W elsh people are good singers. Assistant Judge Lyon of tbe Lebanon Big Brother farm will preach Sunday morning and evening at Arbor Lodge ' Presbyterian church. Tbe evening; service wul be ia the interest of the Boy Scout movement The Rev. K. D. Everett of Centraba. Wash.. is expected in tbe eity during tbe coming week to assume the . position ot - state Presbyterian Sunday school missionary. He succeeds Dr. Charles Hays, who resigned February 1 to be come the representative of tbe general board of education in Oregon, in which capacity ha will have direct supervision of tbe campaign to raise a $000,000 endowment fond for Albany college. . ', - "... ' UNITED BRETHREN Echo: singing is employed in tbe Sun day evening services at the First United V ... Social Hygiene Worker Will - Give Talk By Yells Wiener " SOCIAL hygiene workers are especially Interested m the visit of Dr. Valeria It Parker, chairman of the social : hy giene committee of the National League of'Women Voters, who Is here with the W. C. T. U. delegation and- who will be the principal speaker at a public meeting sponsored by the Oregon section of the league, of which - Mrs. Dallas Bache Is president The meeting will be held this evening in the auditoruim of the Y..M. C. A. An additional speaker will be H. M. Grant secretary of the Oregon Social Hygiene society. Mrs. Kate McGuire will preside. The addresses will be fol lowed by an open discussion. Anyone interested in this topic will be welcome. . Following the regular business meeT lng of the Portland Woman's club Friday, C. L Lewis of the Oregon Prune Growers' association spoke to the women - apropos of "Prune Grow ers' Week." Beginning the afternoon's program. Mrs. Petronella Connelly Peets Sang "Forever and a Day" and 'Awake My , Heart to Gladness." ac companied by Mrs. May Van Dyke Hardwick. Professor Fazel. through his interpreter, Mirza Akmad Sohrab. addressed the club on "The Old and the new Persia." At the close of the address. Professor Sohrab, by request chanted In Persian. Announcement was made: that the literature rli-ruirtment will meet In , the tea garden- of the Multnomah hotel at 2 :30 o'clock on Friday, February 18. Mrs. JfTank McCrillis will speak on Carlisle. Ockley Green Parent-Teacher associ ation entertained : the . graduating class and their parents recently with an evening party. A program being ar ranged, Mr. Dixon, the principal, gave a talk to the parents, emphasizing parents' responsibility. Mrs. C. A. Williams, president of Parent-Teachers, thanked the parents for the Interest they had taken, manifested by the large number in attendance. Dancing occupied the remainder of the eve ning, . punch and light refreshments being served. The regular meeting of Ockley Green Parent-Teachers will be held Wednes day afternoon' at 2:30 o'clock in the school sewing room.. AH mothers in the community are Invited to meet with us. A meeting of the Tri L society of Franklin high school was held Thurs day. Officers for the new term were elected as follows : President Martha Billiter ; vice . president Lois Potter ; secretary, Elizabeth Rouch ; treasurer, Marjorier Brown .and sergeant-at-arms, Helen Bartholemew. The club is mak ing plans for a Tri L banquet, which will be held on Saturday evening, March 12. The Kerns Parent-Teacher associ ation will give a dance this evening at the Kerns school. The patronesses will be Mrs. H. K. Brown. Mrs. Tom Swennes and Mrs. Theo Tollsfon and Mrs. C. A. Marsh. Mrs. Emil Nelson, Mrs. J. Roice, Mrs. Frank Smith and Mrs. J. Halt Brethren church Old' church hymns are used. The variety of talent in the choir makes this service possible. The Rev. Da Hawley, pastor of Second United Brethren church, will speak on Lincoln, Sunday morning. In the evening the Rev. E. O. Shepherd will conduct an evangelistic service, culminating a week a campaign. The evenins service at Third United Brethren church will be in charge of John Davidson. The pastor, the Rev. E. O. Shepherd, vrul preach in tbe morning. Special music will be rendered at each service. The Rev. Miss Leila Lnckes will direct both services Sunday at the Fourth United Brethren church. Montavilla Church Wins Montavilla Christian Church Interme diate Christian Kndeavor society and Kern Park Christian Church Senior En deavor society won the two banners at the citywide Endeavor rally in West minster Presbyterian church Monday night This week-end a large number of Portland "Endeavorers" are attend ing the annual state convention at Cor vallls. Bible Studies Popular Interest In Bible subjects presented by Dr. F. W. Thompson Tuesday evenings in the church parlors of the White tem ple, is steadily increasing. The subject to be presented next Tuesday Is, "God, the Holy Spirit." All are welcome. To Talk Through Interpreter Professor " Jenable Fazel of Teheran, Persia, will speak through his Interpre ter Sunday at 11. a. m. in the First Divine Scjence church, 816 East Clay street His interpreter, is Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. Fazel is professor of philosophy, and law at -Shah's school, Teheran. His subject will be, "The Universal Consciousness of Christ." The Rev. T. M. Minard, pastor, will preside. ? Da Pont Motor Braiding Razed Wilmington. Del.. Feb. 12. (L NV S.) Fire wrecked one of the plants of the Du Pont Motors company here today, causing $40,000- loss. . ' . , . . UNITED STATES ' 8HIPP1NO - BOA RD , EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORA ? TION, WASHINGTON, D. C. , Offers for Sale by Sealed Bids , Approximately 110,000 Tons Surplus Ship Steel . Hoe Island, Pennsylvania. ' i i ? Sealed bids will be received ; for the ' above msterial in tbe offices of -the United States Shipping Board Emer gency Fleet Corporation, 1S19 P street, N. V, Washington, D. C, on or before 11 A. M.. March 2, 1921. at which time f bida will be opened by tbe chairman. 1 Each bid must be accompanied by a cer , tilled check in the amount of 10 per cent of tbe - bid. - Further information 1 and proposal forms will be ftlrnished on . reVjuet by the Emergency Fleet t Cornor J ation - aupply and sales division office, 5th and B streets,. Wasbinton.- 1. C. 140 North Broad -street. Philadelphia. Pa..-nnd 45 Broadway. , New .Tork city. Tbe board reserves the right' to reject my - or sll bids.- Bids should be ad-'- dressed to the Secretary of the United , States - Shipping ' board. .Washington, D. C. and indorsed "Sealed bids for . surplus snip -.steel. Hog Island. Pa., and do not open.' Whether a trip In this country orabroad. you get the benefit- of experienced and unbiased information by securing your reservations and steamship tickets from sur r t, - -ajj ISfl Bdwy. -tsi ' Mar. i$J nomey b. smrtn. Mgr. j FOBTLAJID, OSEGOS ' fl."'" . :V3 . Vr Peter Goes to Look By Thornton W. Bargess , Seven people, fast asleep. All the long cold weather through ! Think of all the fun they miss! That for me would never do. Peter- Rabbit. "TV0, SIR continued Peter Rabbit ll talking to himself. "No, sir, I never could stand that. Winter is a hard time, and goodness knows it sometimes Is hard work to get enough to eat, bu.t I wouldn't miss it for anything. 1 don't understand how anybody can sleep like that ; I've visited Johnny. Chuck' and Jimrny Skunk and know, just how they epend the winter. "- Now I would like to see soma of these other, sleepers. . It. ia no use to look for Striped Chipmunk, or Nimbleheels the Jumping Mouse. I don't know where their homes are and I wouldn't be any better off if I did, for 1 couldn't get -inside; they are too smalt I know where Bobby Coon lives. I won der if he is as sound asleep as Johnny Chuck. I would like to see Bobby Coon. He miht be awake. Anyway, it won't do any harm to run over. to his house and find out" - ' , So Peter started for the Green For est, lipperty-lipperty-lip He was so busy thinking about what he had learned that he quite forgot that there could be any danger. ' Suddenly a fierce, terri ble voice rang ithrough the Green For est from a point just ahead of him. Peter cut a long hop short right In the middle and stopped right where he was, while chills ran all over him. After a while he very softly crawled under a tjhick hem lock branch and sat down. "Gracious !" thought Peter, "that was a narrow escape ! Hooty the Owl must have been sitting on the top of that tall dead tree just ahead. If he hadn't hooted just when he did I would have hopped right Into his claws. I must be more carefuL I certainly must be more careful." Just then Hooty's terrible voice rang out, again, l "Yes. sir," ccuitinued Peter to himself, "that is just.iwhere he is. That is one of his watch towers. I had forgotten all about it. Hello! There's the voice of Mrs. Hooty ! I guess the Green Forest Isn't a healthy place for a Rabbit to be roaming about in tonight. I think I'll stay right where I am untiL daylight. A little sleep won't do me any harm,," So Peter made himself comfortable and in two winks was asleep. Several times he was awakened by Hooty's ter rible voice, for it was a moonlight night and Hooty and Mrs.' Hooty could see to hunt all night Each time Peter shivered and was glad he remained right there. Then he had gone to sleep again. FRATERNAL Portland Aerie of Eagles was host Fri day night 'to the officers and a score of members of Columbia Aerie of Vancou ver. Wash. The work of the initiatory ceremony was given by officers of the Vancnnw, apri led bv Dr. L. Schlen- lein. president and George Hausch acting past president Kerresnmenxs were serveu after the ceremonies. R. M. Burley, president of Portland aerie, was toast- master. see The district convention of the Re bekahs, I. O. O. F., Is being held today f Saturday) at the Odd Fellows temple, with morning, afternoon -and evening sessions. T.-i.u.nt.tni. rrt,TU KaMirlrv Rpnftfit r.u ILpavt liv .......... ., - association. Friday night occupied Swiss hall with a masked assemblage having a good time. Card tables were placed In the spacious gallery and all went merry A Prescription For Financial Good Health 9 1 I f I I I ' . I Physicians prescribe for your bodily health, let us prescribe for your financial : 1. Set for yourself aN definite object - something worth getting and go after it .hard. , 2. Put yourself on a rigid spending diet. ' - ' -. 3. Make good with your savings account. Deposit your money regularly with this bank. . This prescription 'has never failed. There " is only; one-result success. , $1 will open an account. BANK OF : -CMlFORNIA. KA -' A NATIONAL BANK ' . Member Federal Reserve System ' Third at Stark Streets PORTLAND ' OREOOM . . for Another Sleeper 1 He didn't venture out of his hiding place until it was so light that he was sure Hooty and Mrs. Hooty had retired for the day. Then he moved very cau tiously, listening and watching. Hooty and Mrs. Hooty might have retired, but there were others Just starting out to hunt others who would enjoy a dinner of Rabbit quite as much as would Hooty the Owl. ,. - .-"; 1 Nothing happened, and presently Peter came to Bobby Coon's house. At least it used to be Bobby Coon's house. Peter supposed that It still was, but he could not be .. sure. : There were no signs of Bobby: There were no signs that he had been out of that house ail winter. Peter knew that Bobby had lived there all through the fall,, and until this minute K HCb. Hooty and Mrs. Hooty could see to hunt all night. :5 it hadn't occurred to him that Bobby might have . chosen another house in which to sleep through the winter. The worst of it was Peter had no means of finding out You see, that house of Bobby Coon was In a bl; hollow tree and the doorway was a long,, long way above Peter's head. As Peter couldn't climb, there was no way for him to even peek inside. Ail he could do was to sit at the foot of that tree and feel very, very foolish as he stared up at that doorway and thought how silly It was to have expected to find out any thing about Bobby Coon or that he might come out in the middle of winter. (Copyright, 1921. by T. W." Burgess.) The next story: "Peter Spies Happy Jack Squirrel." as a marriage bell. A number of valu able prizes were distributed f or . those showing original, magnificent and char acter costumes. ' Hassalo lodge, I. O. O. F., exemplified the first degree Friday night at tbe tem ple in the presence of a large assemblage of visitors and members. Hassalo lodge is the strongest in the state and is work ing hard to assist in the coming erection of a new L, O. O. F. building. ;:- - Canton Portland-and Ellison encamp ment patriarchs, will visit their Odd Fel low brethren this (Saturday) evening at Salem. ' Webfoot Camp, - Woodmen of the World, was in social closed session Fri day night Twelve applications for mem bership were received. A short address was made by L. D. Mahone. The plain Quaker hat originated In the seventeenth century. ' I I I I A- I I I I 4 -J " . u ,n2lwaw ' A HO? 1 tlrAT9:: ". Where? 1 VAUDETILLB ' PANT AGES Broadway st Alder. High class . vandevtlle and photoplay' featurea. - Afternoon - and evening. . Program changes Monday after noon. t ; . . ' LOEW'S HIPPODROME Broadway st Tsra , hiil. Direction Aekerman'efc siarrit. Vgude ' vuie. Afternoon gnd night - i - ;.-- stock: r-'v BAKER Morrison at Eleventh. Baker Stock . company in "Fair and Warmer." Matinee Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday, 3:80; eve nings. 8:20. -LYRIC Broadway and Morrison. Lyric Musical Travesty company in "The New Guards." Matinee daily, 2:30; evening. SJO. PHOTOPLAYS .---.' :'. J' HEILIG Broadway at Taylor." Gerald ne Far- rar tn "sine Kiddle; Women. 1 to II p. m. COLUMBIA Sixth st Stark. Lionel Barry , mere, in , "The Deri! 'a Garden." 11 a. m. to .11. p. m. , LIBERTY Broadway at Park. Wesley Berry, n "Dinty." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m, R1VOLI Washington at Park. -Unseen Forces." 1 1 s. m. to 1 1 p. m. MAJESTIC Washington at Park. "The Truth About Hnnbands." 11 a. m. to II p. m. PEOPLES West Park at Aiders Anita Stewart, in "Harriet and tit piper," li a. m. to It p. m. . . - STAR Washington at Park. "OM Dad." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. CIRCLE Fourth near Washington. Jack W don's, "The Sea Wolf." 0 a. m. to 4 o'elouk the next morning. Four More - Youths Suspected of Auto Stripping Arrested Four more youth, alleged to be im plicated In the supposed operations of a gang of automobile accessory thieves arrested Thursday, were taken into cus tody Friday night by patrolmen under the direction of Lieutenant Harvey Thatcher of the automobile theft squad. They are Charles Love, 18; Leatls Love. 16, brothers living at 1508 East Sixth street north ; Roy Williams, 19, and Jack Fowler, 26, all held for investigation. The gang is alleged to have stolen 82 automobiles, which were stripped . of all accessories and left, deserted on the out skirts of the cky. A quantity of the alleged loot ha8 been recovered. Hot Lake Arrivals . t Hot Lake, Feb. IS. Arrivals at Hot Lake sanatorium Wednesday j were :v P. D. Hoog, Spokane; Mrs. S. A. Ingerson, Kamela ; John, M. Downs and M. J. Luby, Spokane ; Will Kiessenback, Burns; Lou Kllpatrlck, Portland ; Mrs. H. Hukey and mother, Kamela. Ar rivals Tuesday were: Mrs. A. M. Hall, Caldwell, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bradshaw, Telocaset; Harriett McDon ald, La Grande; J. B. Gastln, Wallowa; Dick Hammock, Lostlne Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox. Greenhorn; Mrs. 8. L. Jef ferson, Weiser. Idaho;; Felix H. Simon, Henry Feltraan and Leon Wilkinson, La Grande ; A. A. Hoffman, Portland. . Take Your Friend to - HOY SUN LOW OLD CHINA TOWN S. W. COR. 2D and OAK UPSTAIRS Where Genuine rfaincae Dishes Are Served. We Recommend Our CHOW BY GOOD Spars Ribs) x - AND 1 FOO VUNQ HAR (Shrimp Omelet) ' ' : ALSO CHOP SUtV AND NOODLE. OPKX CNTIL 1 A. M. -NO DANCINQ NO FANOY SR0KS Order several have it handy for cooliirk. k l T AA. V thankyou I always use Resind "I never fall to look for th'e blue box with the opal jai Inside., arid nothing else will do as I am con vinced that Resinol Ointment cannot be excelled for rashes and similar ir ritations." This - is the Attitude of hundreds of people who know that Resinol's gentle medication rarely fails to tstop irritation and burning at once and restore skin health. . All druggists sell It in twe siies never in bulk. Hasten the healing. AMUSEMENTS HI - "ML V ' TOOAV ia Csoellent Numtoars . .TOWIOMT "The OaneMe; Ssrensderi'.'i Blaneha Snast "Her- Unwilling Husband." . KIDDIES'- ALLOON. MATINEE SATURDAY PA. NTAGE Tints usikr i:ao Eurens's tsnsUst Seniatlon "THE SORtlNT TROUPE" . The Starllne. Relllne Olcbs EnuHHtelsU and avmnast In a Serie ef Amazina Divert is. m.nta. 'OTHER Ria ACTSV 4 Thrss tnews Sail Right Curtain 7 ns "XLrVf lSj 1 Mir VJ 'I IrJIJ v hOTia J AMUSEMENTS LAST OPPORTUNITY TODAT TOXIC! II T CnntlSBous, 1 to 11 P. M. IJITII' Broadway at Taylor -Aa-AVJl Pboas Main 1 TODAY, TONIGHT I TO II P, I.!. wonti) FAMors opf.iiatio 8'1'AH A1 tJCKEEN AK11ST GERALDINE MOST CORfitOlTSLT (SOWN ED WO WAX OX 1 UK STA(;K IX "r THK BRILLIANT 1IUAMA 'The RIDDLE: WOMAN' B1HECTKM BY KDWAHD JOSE TOGETHEK WITH PATHE REVIEW . AM) CURRENT EVENTS IXTEltXATIOX.VL SEH ft HEUVICE HEILIG ORCHESTRA POPULAR PRICES Including War Tax KLOOR Iflt BALC'O.MY ,.tiv ItKMKMBKR, f'O.MF AXYTIWE co vr I. Mot i to ii r. .w.. AUDITORIUM L TONIGHT I SOPRANO METROPOLITAN OPERA wim lEfje aipoUo Clulj 60 MALE VOICES . PRICEffi. :.0O, 1JI, 11.00, 75c, iOr NO TAX: SEATS NOW SELLING Seat Sals until 6 p. m. at Sherman, Clay & Co. After 7 p. m. st Audi torium. ' " .t - PUBLIC AUDITORIUM WEEK OF FEB. 14 MATS. WED. AND SAT. sAf CARLO Twenty World-Famous Stars, Includlnf ANNA FITZIU, ALICE OENTLE, '- ' duett Artist LUCIA LAMMERMOOR, Monday MME, BUTTERFLY, Tuesday MARTHA. Wed. Mat. CARMEN. Wed. Eve. THAIS. Thursday FAUST, Friday TOSCA, Sat. Mat. TROVATORE. Sat. Eve. SEATS HOY SELLING I Hherman, Clay it Co. I . Sixth and Morrison htreets f PRICES (WAR TAX INCLUDED) I Nlshla Main njor, IS rnwi 2.20, If rows 18ft; dress circle, ernur t'1.20. side IL10; balmnjr, renter H5c, sides OSn. Matinee Main floor, 18 row $105, 15 rows $1.10; dress eirr-le, eenUr $1.SS. lint ot house ssma as night prices. I a WATS ttt Cmi. as . CMViUuwCAXCUaJ La Msts.1Sts78s RIhts1SstoS1.a ANNETTE KELLERMAN istittts riTiim uirmss iltsn t uin FLO ONOOLLIE WALTERS STUARTI VOK BARN ESl and I ES DON TUSCANO BROTHERS Tmc RAMSDELLSsmo DEYO JANET OF FRANCE and CHARLES W. DAMP ujzi i.lj ir.i i DANCE WITH US ! HEALTH, PLEASURE, ROMANCE " ' AWAIT VOU BROADWAY HALL PROADWAV AND MAIN ST. Rvcry Week Msht. With Flrramlnc's rsason Danes frcbestrs. Novelty Prua Dance Erery - Wednesday and Ttjundiy. Lou ml run for AIL COTILLION HALL . (vary Wednesday and Saturday ne OANOINQ TAUOHT L sad In IchMt - Beth Halls, MONTROSE RINQLER. Manaees iv 1 Lts Lmmd STOCK COMPANY V " . now ptavisja A PLAV OF TtSSFeSISSieNT AND TEMPERATURE FAIR and WAR 4. na i-r-a aiwVS FHIR WSSTMS") WHEN OOOO FELLOWS OtT TOUETKI R mm