12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1921. 1 REAJJ ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 KEN TON KEV . 3 -ROOM BUNGALOW $300 DOWS ThU new bungalow !i on t fall lot, two block from csrhne. c fau two good sized bedrooms, living room, dining mora, kitchen. Beit of plumbing. ga and electricity. ThU ha very good buy, the price being only $3100.-. Bihr-Carey' ' ' 211 Railway Excliange bldg. - - Stark and Third streets Main 7487. or Kit ti UN DAT. WALKING distance iu Upper Aloiua, 2 fine modern 0 room bouses, better than some of the ue one. Price $2000 ewcb. terms. A bene ad income beats paring rent WILGU8 D. SMITH, 690 William Are. Phone F.Mt 1268. ACREAGE 405 UM.V 30 MUES TO PORTLAND Choice acreage, close to Columbia river and highway at Columbia, City; any size tract; good nih soil, no rock or gravel; easy clearing; good roads and water; thriving farming community; every Inducement! to settlers; low price ; easy terms. Can accept come trade. Johnson, INTER hTATB LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. . Wain 5429. ft ACRES at Asbdale nation on Oregon" City electric line. Will aetl in "Vs. 1 or acre tract. Price reasonable, ferine liberal. U- W. Knight, owner, Hubbard, Or. lUK acre tract, in iliij City, il acre in , high state of cultivation, balance clear; good 4 room house; for information write Box 2O0. Pwn, Or. - "J-.iGMT acrea. lucated lJ mile south o Port- land on highway all in cultivation, 8000 ttsawberry plants, will bear first time this sum mer; $Z5UO cash. H-44, Journal. 1K SALE Cottage witu -is of acre, modern except heat. What la your otferr With or w'thnut furniture. 4H.V8 9fith ft, K. K. i'UK bALK 4 acre 1 mile north of Centralis. adjoining school grounds. Write to owner, Vahr Waunrh, S, Willamette st. Eugene. Or. A WUVJHV HUMK, clue in; will make your living while you work in town; easy payment. Owner. 1 So 14 1 1th Kt. . FOR SALEIO acres. 45 acres cleared. barbed wire fence, on county rroad. Fries $10OO. Phone Main 725. 1 OR SALE -lBiirocd 5 acre irrigated tract, excellent opportunity for man of small means. Wot SQ3, Hgrniirtc.ii. Or. ioK SA LE Improved beaverdam. with or with out building!. D. II. liegross. R. 9, Salem. Or. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 j B.g Bargain '. CoSonnibla liighway .Cascade Ick bargain. Over H acre. 2 good" liouses, one 7, and one 9 rooma; modern plumb ing, elec., large bearing fruit trees; garage. Co lumbia hictay. $4000. Caah and terms. EASTERN EXCHANGE, "4 Waanmeton OliAB this snap lrom owner. 2 acrea best land. ft -room modern house, porches, pantry, closet, bath, toilet, gs. ' fmita, berries,, flowers; good outbuildings: blocks south Huber station; $S300. tj cs!i. .See J. A. Darin on place. ill l.i NO.M All For bet !n. 'aid acrw. easy term: ..-me 10 w down, $10 montli;.can help you build t.. nif, See Mn ItTgti. Main 425M. -RHiil house, barn, fruit, X hk acre,- 1700. auto road, school; country home for garden, chicken, row. 319 Railway Exchange . TIMBER LANDS 411 JCOTTCE OP SALE OF (GOVERNMENT TIM BER General Land Office, Washington. D. C, Jan. 10, 1021. Notice is hereby given that, subject to the conditions and limitations ef the Acts of June 9. 1016 (39 Stat. 21S). snd June 4, 1020 (41 Stat., 758). and the instructions of the Recretsry of the Interior of September 13, 1917, and June 22. 1920. the timber on the following lands will be sold March 2, 1021, at 10 o'clock a. m. . at public auction at the Unites States lsnd office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subiect to Ihe approval of the Secre tary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, naust be deposited st time of sale, money to be returned if sale is net approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must- be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such, citizens and corporationa organized under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qiraiified purchaser, the timber on any legal atibdivMon will be offered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger unit: T. 4 R. 3 W., Sec. 17. NE NEK, r 3U At., cedar ou M., Br. Ii. fir V30 M , cedar SO M.. hemlock 60 M., Sec. 21, NEK. NEK, fir 807" M.. cedar 825 M., hemlock 75 M., NWK NEK. fir 2890 M., cedar. 210 M., hemlock ISO M.," SE K NE K. fir 25QO M., cedar 2S3 SI . hemlock, 70 M.. 8W K , NEK. fir 240 M.. cedar 40 M.. hemlock f0 11 . NEK 'NWK. fir 3720 M., cedar 60 M., NWK NWK. fir 2630 M.. cjdar 215 M.. hemlock 205 M.. SEK NWK. fir 2870 M.. ce dar S3 M , hemlock -o M., gw K NWK. fir 1750 M.. cedar 140 M.. hemlock 40 M., NEK SEK, fir 2400 M.. cedar 1 3 M.. hemlock 60 M.. NWK kK K . fir 2480 M., cedar 65 M., hemlock 40 M.. SEK SEK.'fir 26O0 M., ce dar 100 M., hemhx k 60 M., SW K SE K , fir 2660 M., cedai 45 M., NEK SW K , fir 2100 M.. cedar. BS.M., hemlock 115 M.. NWK SW K . fir 2510 M , cedar 140 M., hemloc k 190 M.. SE K. SWK, fir 1310 M,. cedar 35 M.. SWK 8WK, fir 2630 M.. cedar 70 M. ; none of fir to be sold for less than $3.00 per M., none of cedar to be sold for less than $2.00 ler id., and none of hemlock to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. , T. 3 8.. R. 6 E. Scc. 19. SEK NEK, fir 165 M.. SWK NEK. ffr 145 M. , cedar 20 M.. none of the fix or. cedar to be sold for less than $100 per M.. SEK NWK. fir 175 M.. SWK NWK. fir 285 M.. none of the fir to be sold for less titan $1.25 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, . CommiMioner General- Iiand Office. FARMS 407 V lli.i.i. A. ui: iihA 1 J tim BUY $ YOU CAN'T 333 acres of a stork ranch lying only Si miles from Lebanon and H, miles from a Mapping- station, on good graveled road, with R. F. D. and milk route, with fair improvements: food sized stream flows through ' place asanring ample water. Tlie-land lies almost level without . rock or gravel of any consequence. If this ap leals to you coiue running aa this will be snapped up. PTice $11,000, about half cash, balance lone time. , C. I. LEAVENGOOD o lliaiKm, Or. HERE IS THE BEST BUY, FOR THE MONEY YOU HAVE HAD OFFERED 94 acres, located within 2 miles of Lebanon. This Ls only partially improved, without build ings, but well fenced and lies just slightly roll ing, with over 3000 cords ot wood, and the land ia first class for fruit or anything after it is cleared. Price $3500. Only $500 cash re quired, balance can be paid out of the wood sales. C. I, LEAVENGOOD LEBANON. OR. - I HAVE a 735 acre stock and wheat ranch, ail fenced and cro-si fenced; 300 acres in culti vation. 200 acres no in fall wheat; S miles from lailroad town; a Is, have an 8 room house, barn and other buildinss together with one block of t round n town that g'les with the ranch. I will trade this-,, property for a good apartment house, business property or hotel well located. I will give gotid terms on balance if any If you are interested in getting a ranch with the crop already growing don't fail to answer. Box- 143. Mallows. Or - JUST A LITTLE FARM 10 acres located 3 miles west of Lebanon . with small house and fair-izd barn. ?ierly all level land, all tillable, without rock, all for $1500. This rs on soud county load and only k mile te school, - . C I. LEAVENGOOD . . , . Lebanon, Or. . Stock Farm Bargain 1148 acres. 2 SO in cult, 2 V a, young or thard; apnngs and small creeks; 200 a heavy timber, red fir; 8 room house, 3 large barns, i mile to school, 3 miles to P. O.: and station Kings valley. All stocked, horses, cows. abeeD etc.. $40,t0. For further information i r-iv f ALIlA .N ij, 1-.. 227 K W ashington. A DANDY FARM HOME CHEAP SO acres. 15 miles from Portland. 2 miles off laved highway; 21 acres in hhsk state of cultiva tion, balance in pasture; all tillable: modern 10 room house, with plumbing and water under pres--eure; good bams aud outbuildings: $1500 worth . of at w k and equipment goes with, place. Price $8300. Terms can be arranged. Write or call 922 30th st N. Portland, phone Wdln. 8536. FOR. sale or trade; lol acres near Yamhill, Or ; 13 acrea of prunes, family orchard, berries ,. and ' grapes, 7 -room house, large new barn, spring water piped to house and barn, bathroom and sink: all under cultivation except 12 acres o uv. , ... , . .a iui i oruaaa home, income projssuy or would consider stock of groceries. Setlwood '1335. . ALBERTA FARM FOB SALE ' 160 acres, southwest of Edmonton. 25 acres under cultivation, small house, barn, granary and cood well. 1 K miles to good school; near P. O. Plenty wood for fuel. Price $1600; will give easy terms. K. P. McHenry. general delivery. Portland. Or. - FOR SALE 120 acres, 6 milea from Marsb- .- field. Or., f 20. rr aere and on good easy .terms. irt. j. w. weicn, jsuverton, ur. GOOD farm tor sale or trade. Phoue . Tabor . HOI xi. ou at A., REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 25 ACRES ATI in cultivation, beat of soil, fronting on pavevnent, 7 -room house, family orchard, only ft miles west of Multnomah county courthouse; bargain; terms, Automatic SI 4-71. FOR RENT FARMS 40S FOR RENT 22 acrea good laud. 3 acrea in cultivation,' 3 miles from Ridgefield, Wash.; 22 miles ,tmn Portland; free wood, free use of cow, I bone, chickens; 8 -room furnished bouse; $2.1 quarterly in advance. : 8e Mansters, John Ferguson. Gerlmger- bids. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 IRRIGATED LANDS We are leaving again Friday night wi:b an other party for the Ocboco project. Come in and make one of the party. Lands aold oa easy terms. Small payment down, long time on the balance. The district is especially adapted for mixed farming; alfalfa one of the amain crops. , Call.- writ or phone Main 4416. Ochoco Irrigated Lands Co.. N . W. Bank bldg. HOMESTEADS 410 I OK a homestead or relinquisuuient in the O. & C. land grant, see E. W. Helm. 31S Board of Trade bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 GOOD 40 ACRE WELL EQUIPPED RANCH IN TUALATIN DISTRICT, la MILES t FROM PORTLAND 20 acres In cultivation. 9 acres rich onion land, grow anything. 3. seres raspberries, straw berries and loganberries, family orchard, 2 good cows, ,1 heifer, good team mares, brood sow, t) goats, 80 chiokens, 2 wagons, disc, 2 plows, harrow, seeder, 2 cultivator, root cutter. cre.:tu separator, stump puller and small tools; 6 room liouse, barn, chicken house, machine shed; ex change for $8500 Portland home, easy terms cn balance: price $8500. See Bam Mewey at J. I.. Hartman Co.. 8 hftmber of Commerce. COMFORTABLE home. 4 rooms, bath. Kelly at., 8. Portland, 'near Gibbs; rented $0 per month and baL ' of contract of $1 000 netting $20 month and 8 per cent interest on subur ban home .of 7 rooins and hath, for larger place. Weit sile. Broadway 24 H7. . lOOiloo with 6-room house in 75th near E. Htark at., $2500 on monthly payments, or will take bonds, securities, part or full. T-858, Jonrnsl. FOR .EylTTY er tirst payment on houre, 2o acres timbtr -and near Trout Lake, Wash. N-222. Jrnrnal - Vv lil. exchange improved, irrigated ranch fur email Willametta) valley farm. Address Box 3Q3. Hermi'toii. Or.- ' $3500 MORTGAGE tor Portland or Seattle house. D-106. Journal. EUHTV $1250 K-room Hawthorne bungalow, modern. What, have you? K-B43. Jmimn 1. FOR' SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or exchange, 640 acres burned over land, easy to clear, fine stock proposition; some good saw timber (alder), plenty of water; this property cost and ia worth $6400, my price $5000. Would take residence up to $3500; any old time on balance at 7 . This section is 6 miles from the 1 Columbia river, near Carolls. Wah. Address ' M. Edee. Cextlerock. Wash. 7T WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WE -HATE cash customers for best -priced 5 room bungalow we can get cn paved street. Must have it this week. 93500 to $5000. RALPH HARRIS CO. 816 Chamber Yif Commerce. Main 5624. WE HAVE a big demand for homes with small payment down. Phone us . yonrs. RALPH HARRIS CO. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. LlSi your property with me; will inspect and appraise; if price and terms are right can sell it for you. C. F,.. Adams, 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 19S3. WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER 5-room bungalow, with fireplace, Dutch kitchen and hardwood floors. . Will pay cash i iru-g ih ngtir. I'ftni, journal. WANT cheapest modern home 1 can get near i-MKiie, mwi do iow to tne sidewalk and at feast a full lot. . Give price and house in first letter. P. Q.. bo 617. Portland FROM owner, 5 to 6 room house no over $3000 or $3300; $700 cash, balance $40 monthly, at once. J. R. WOLFF, 41 Henry bldg WANTED Small hou.te. with K to 1 acre near car. Can pay $50 down and good monthly payment. State price and location. K-5 1 ti. Journal, UA.Nifc.ti T buy a bungalow trom owner. aoout t.ii'ii'i cann, K-JI19. Journal. Ziii" LrJL"rVWa,,JUt 1'"r" or l'"dmont. Woodlawn 106. . 1 UAVr. t" bny '"come property close in. T 853. Journal. - ACREAGE 455 5 PASS. Buick, 1920 -model, some cash or BJi?- ,or .c"-e; what have you? Owner, 84 8 Mipsonri ave. ' FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 FARMS WANTED TO LEASE As we specialize in farm leases, we can nut a renter on your farm in short tame- just dron us a line and we will do the rest u r. crniv HITTER-LOWE fc CO 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED To rent as small fruit Janm, or a ioh nn nne: I havat h.H K v. - : . . - - r . 1 n leiire ana can give references; married and have 1 baby 1 year old.- Stephen D. Porter ,1250 Jeffer son at. Corvallis, Or. ener TO BUY or ient, small cottage,. near E 20th V BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES J SI ORES. ETC. 500 WANTED Active man with aemeea k... hah infrest ill oivul 1 .' ... . . S".r,.i'eht. trUfk- caah ot part time; salary and 50-50 of profits. Call afternoons, 2 to 4 OR RENT --The Dalles, Or., l-tory corner urn. . Diuiuini, sin La me lor warehouse auto renair . shon or lanndrv oniv .... - i .. - citV ' R..7 afii " Foil SALE Poiicorn wagon and stock of con- fectionerv in ml Insatinn rinin. - . . , , , . - , . m a--eas iness; selling because of illness. Apply 974 Wil lamette st, Eogene. Or. CASH and carry grocery; about $2700; will sell at invoice or luiuu. Fifoae Jnn- Oregon, v'-,'- - . A GOOD laying business, a money maker at Vancouver, Wash. ; $300 will handle. Come Bans! StanaB lta at 5 TarAW S. I aaw ...s sj Toa. it tin-tmcF Lt r nius- A KXJOU t-ayinff btnunew, a. money maker at fiaslaa a 4flA :il I a, " ns. 432 Worcester bldg. Printins: for Less Rytler Fn wring Co. Main B53S). 192 X GOOD j aying business, a money maker at Astoria. Or.; $300 will h.nrll. iL J " w - r -r --- - - - Hwua. WVUiaa aa ini . 432 Worcester bldg. , BARBER SHOP. $350. 3 chairs and all fix- lure: rv-t hh .lieil - rli.;.. l i , In. rttr. E;f4170. -. EQUU'PED bakery, large living room in connection : rood onmrtnnit. - wife. 7 76 Williams ave. GROCERY--! Oiio Alhina ave.; 2 living rooms: Nn phone1 calls. l9-SRI',Kiri!',o!luom nd "oIt drmk Plata." KRAZY KAT t 400192 By Herriman l F p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 ; For Bargains In r Acreage and farms, barber shops, . Bootblack stands. f , Orocery atores. Garages. I'ool halls. Koominf houses, . . Restaurant. . See us Eastern Exchange 227 Washington. BOOTBLACK tUnd, 8 chairs, also hat- cleaner and counter, good location, only $800. Shoe repair shop, good location on east side doing good business. 400. EASTERN EXCHANGJS ; 227 Washington at. MEAT MARKET FOR SaLE Market slaughter house. 20 acres raw land, everything in first class shape, good thriving town, lots of improvement work going on; only market in town; good business. Inquire "Durkee I at Bon, Stanfield. Or. ' ; APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 APARTMENT houe at beach, fine business, easy terms. E. Hershner, 5906 SOth st. 8. E. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES N FOR SALE 502 WE BUY AND SELL HOTELS. APARTMENTS A NT GROCERIES Henry S.Oura 0t Lebbe bids Atrf 62S-T0 REAL ClSSY 9 room house, furniture first class, furnace heat.: net profit $80 a month. Price $1600, terms. r" ' ; KEE MRS. HAt'G, ' 51 2 -Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5487, 42 ROOMS, nicely turnirheU. centrally located, very good profJU. always full. See this tpiick if y,iu want acmetbins good. r Eastern Exchange' 227 Wanliingtoti W'AiTEl Rooming and apartment huurM9, eall Hizes. Main 3'.. Garland. 201 8d. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 $440 GROCERY FIXTURES FOR $200. Owner. Sacrifice for quick sale. Stock at invoice. BRECK. THE LOGANBERRY MAN. 384 : E. 4 2d N. Taimr 2678 except Sunday. ACREAGE near good Michigan Umu. Value $4000. Exchange fr grofery or general atore in Oregon or Washinirtpu. Owner, 4120 64th st. 8 E. ANTED Small rooming or apt. house, have from $1000 to $1500 cash to purchaser good rooming house on west side. Deal with owner only. 0-550, Journal. W AN TED Patrner in tirst-clasa plumbing and beating business, or will sell; close investiga tion; best location in Portland. 0-62. Journal. MALL wanted, lOCiilull or better, to lea.se for term of 5 years, for meeting and dance pur poses. Km tern Exchange, 27 Washington. GROCERY SllOi Waiiu a couutiy stole, ur nut 'in too Urge a city. Chris Nelson, Myrtle Point. Or. i . FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 ' CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $33.26 per month for 36 months, or , $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a Joan of $1000 aDd interest Loans of other amounts m same proportiotv , Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOANASa Jt. 22 Stark St fortlami. Oc. 50l, $1000, $1500, $2000 A.Vu UP NO DELAY QUICK ACTION Money immediately ready for loans on imp. Portland property. F. H. Desbon. 615 Chamber of Commerce. LONG ESTABLISHED. $300. $400. $50U. Cv.v, X1UOO AND up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or more any interest date. Gordon Morurage Ce.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. BUILDING loans on city nad auouroan property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY TO LOAN $300, 600. $700. sluuo. $1500. $2000. on city improved property at 7 per cent Wells Co.. oOS Gasco bldg. MONEY to loan. $10o to $5000. A. H. xtelT 11 Mnlkey bldg. Main 4379. SEE OREGON IN V. A MORTGAGE CO.. 223 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON i AUTOMOBILES FTTRrfrTTTRE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD OOODS REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT YOUR POSSESSION. . .ALSO SALARY XOiNS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. . IF TOI'R ia t. MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR jx rtn.u ike uk AUXOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YO MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IS SMALL MONTHLY1 PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LO-AN CO. (LICENSED) $06-307 DFKUM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. SALARY LOANS CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or wcrkingmen on their own notes Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly coniidentiaL KU MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household goods, pianos, eta. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BUn.DINO PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'.T . rbone Broadway 910. Stark St. Near 10th. Ioeos on diamonds, watches, Victroiaa. pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. j CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN, ; ; Manager. - - MONEY TO LOA On goods placed in storage with oa. We can aave yon money. Lew interest rates. Phons Broadway 3716. Security Storage aV Transfer Co.. 63 4th at., corner of Pine. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 , . . 1 MONET TO LOAN On arplna stocks of merchandise placed tvTator sge with ns. Phons Broadway 3 7 1 5. - Security Storage ft Transfer Co.. 63 4th st, corner of Pine. .... CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate m Washington or Oregon. U. g. Noble. 8 IB Lumbermen bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 EX-SERVICE man must have loan of $1000 on real estate security or lose property. X-223. Journal. $750 SELLER'S equity. 6 per cent, .15 per mm, uikcouhl , iv-oxa. Journal. . FINANCIAL MONEY WANTED 651 GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS. JOHN BAIN. 607 Spalding Bldg.., Portland. 8 PER CENT $tSUO-wanted. 4 room house, garage, lot 40xlOO; has electric light, gas. I block south Axleta station; property easily worth $1500. 4804 5th st. B. K. bhfc uktouA tv. s iiuuiiiaus ui., m Chamber of Commerce. - HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 I HAVE 100 bead of the best chunks that can be found: also have a few second -tiand horses that I have taken in exchange. Have 4 span good mules, weighing from 1000 to 1200 lbs. each. Have one good Shetland pony, weighs 350 lbs., 5 years old, gentle for any children. Have an awful good saddle mare. I sell 25 per cent cheaper than any dealer in town.- I buy my horses to - work on contract work and logging and am not just depending on profits from sales. 1 will hire my horses by the day, week or month to responsible people. Will exchange for otlier horses, mules or cattle. 1 accept Liberty bonds. I guarantee all my stock as I represent them. .-'Phil Seetter , 285 Front St..eown Stables. U. S. STABLES . -MARKS AND HORSES We carry a large supply of the very best horses and mares that money can buy. It will be to your advantage to' come and look our stock over and get our price before yon buy. All horses guaranteed as represented or money refunded; 10 days' free trial. 3 65 Union ave.S., cor. of Stevens st. G. D. Williamson efc Glass, TEAM sorrel horses weighing 2600 lbs., best of workers, quiet and gentle, $175; also harness and farm wagon: 1600-lb. 7-year-old bay horse, sound; also black Percheron mare weighing 130O lbs., coming 5 years old. sound and true worker. blocky built:.- will sell the above reasonable, as I have no further use for them. 4301 7th st. : Mt. Scott car. I . Have rented my place and have team 7 and e yvara- clti, weigUL vOUU lua.. extra khju lana team ; also heavy set of double work harness vhich I will sell very cheap. Take Oregon City car to Arlington Station, come up 'iver to salon nr-due. orow. T-lim To ferr. Tir"T nmi. EXCAVATING jobs wanted, either by day work or contract; also plowing. I hire horses by the day. week or mouth il Saietter 285 Front St.. Crown Stables. FOR SALE Harnesses of ail kinds, stock sad- dlea, Kirstin horse power stump puller. Hurst spraying machine, grading tools. il Suetter 285 Front St.. Crown Stables. CRESTOX Feed it Fuel Co. s teams are for aale; are to be replaced by trucks; are good young, sound work stock; weight from 2500 to 3200; also harness and one good camelback wagon. 6009 Powell Valley. Mt Scott car to door. 1 AT BARGAIN Two teams, one 2800 lbs., the other 2400 lbs., with harness and farm wagons. Also a few farm tools. Take Oregon City car 'to Milwaukie. Barn on Hsrrison St.. between Front and Main. FOR SALE Arnsud station, Edtacada Hue. 1 small young team-, good harness and a good 1 fon spring wagon; 1 1200-lb. horse, $40. and harness; 1 good 1000-lb. Jersey cow for sale cn-an: 3 hone outfit, one 2 seated buggy- FOR SALE Span chunky built bay mares weighing about 2500 lbs., well mated. . very gentle and true, with nearly new breeching har ness; $275. Inquire Feed Bam, 881 WaUr st., wet side. FOR SALE Team geldings, weight 3200, fat. . sound and A-1 workers, extra good set of hnuwhinff h.m.ni nne I ..ni l.ir... . n . 1 mare, weight 31O0, 6 and 8 years old. new set ot nreeclitng Harness. 9di. 4dU Hawthorne. FOR SAi.E at bargain, gotsj chunky team, weiyul about 2700, 7 years old ; good harness and nearly new Studebaker wagon. Have moved in from farm, no more use for team, will sell cheap. Call 233 Oihbs. Mr". Walker. Hn. Portland car. FOR SALE at a bargain, 1 tatt of bay mares. weight 3350 lbs. This teanf ia one of th best pulling teams in the city. A great logging team. 100 E. 9th st. N. SEVERAL of my transfer horses for sale cheap. They are all young, good horses; must sell to make room for nfore trucks. 1029 E. Yam hill. ONE team ponies, good workers, single and dou ble,' and their somen, $65; one Wm, gelding and mare, 4 and 6 years old, weight 400, $225 430 Hawthorne ave. TEAM small farm mares, .harness and farm wagon. $110 for outfit Good all around workers and plow team. Also 12-inch plow, al most, new. 401O 67th st. Mt Scott car SPAN of chunky built mares, weighing 2900 lbs., in good shape and trie workers, price $190. Inquire Mr. Kay, Feett Stable, 381 v ater st. , west siae. 0 BARGAINS Horses, harness and wagons; no further use for them. Atlas Woodyard. 327 Front st. i $10O BUY'S team bay mares, well mated, weigh ing 2200 lbs., gentle and well broke. 381 Water St., west side. 10 HEAD of horses. 4 to 7 years old. 1200 to 1800 lbs., and some well matched teams. Inquire 564 Nortjirup st. $70 BUI'S brown chunky built mare, weighing about 1200 lbs., fat and. true to work. 3hl Water st., west side. FOR SALE 1 team. 1' mare, 1 gelding b yrs. old. Guaranteed sound, gentle, good haulers 94 11 Foster Road, Ints. 2DOO J.B. 1KA.V1. 1 and 8 year. oid. good Har ness and 3 H in. farm wagon cheap. 1394 Hawthorne, cor. 50th. FOR SALE. 12 head ot horses, weight 1 30(1 to 1800 lbs., 5 to il years old. E. 9Ui and Flanders. ' TEAM of mules, well matched, 0 and 7, 24 00 pounds; horse, 1200; team, 2800; harness and 3 farm wagons. 344 17th st. near Market Keystone Stables Horse for sal. or hire. Stalls for rent 381 Water st. foot Mont Mar. 8515 320O-LB. team, harness and waun ; lat and sound, true to pull. $325 ta-kes the outlit. 387 Water. Blue Front. $ll iAKES young bay. weiguuig about 140O lbs., in gwid shape and broke to-work. 381 Water st.. west side. ALL kinds of wagons, buggies and iiursea, cheap. T 11'... I J I . . - . .is I ii uri , k.iwc; c-iiii. DEAii oorsea and cattle taken proxnpux. Gail MoKSES tor iui. OuuoTa sad single. 640 Front st. - GOOD 1300-lb. bay horse $45 for quick sale 351 RnsseM LIVESTOCK 701 20 FRESH cows, 3 to 8 gal.; 55 springers. Sell 'or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard, go 1 block north. DAIRY FOR SALE 10 cows, 3, horses, auto del. and all tools. J. R. Rchmeer, 47th at Alberta, Woodlawn 561 1. NICE family cow,- gentle for children, giving about 3 gala., very cheap. 387 Water, Blue Front. . BLACK Hol-tein cow; will iresheti soou : heavy milker. Must sell at once. 252 E. 26? st N. near Bcvry FOR SAJjE Fresn cow, rich milker and gentle for anybody to handle. For information write to Oswego. It. 1, Box 63. MY $10O0 equity in $2200 home to trade for small dairy. K-529. Journal. - 1 HEIFER calf, 3 young pigs, about 75 . lbs. each. Main 15 0 5 , FOR SALE One female milch goat fresh with . kid. 47 3d st. N. GOOD Ladd Jersey cow for saie cheap. Tabor 8914. FOR MALE-: 5 tree.lt 5 and O gallon dairy cows. 17 E. Stark st., cor. 78th. LARGE fresh Holstein. Durham and Jersey cows; some . heavy milkers. 753 East Ash. WAN'l Kl Beet, veal and hogs. Tabor ?82 CALVES WANTED PhonJ Marshal! 21 JS 701 DC ROC JERSEY BRED (JILTS and weaned punt not the cheap kind, but the berter kind cheap; also, Hoiatein bull calf 9 months' old. tieorge lie Hok. Oregon City. Or. FOR SALIC 9 high-grade Holstein cows (heavy milkers) and one reg. Holstein bu)iT Weaver Dalme. Hillsboro. Or., R. 3. Box 1H WANTED Any kind calvn. Woodlawn 2424. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY , Hoganized trapnested W. Leghorns. It. L Reds. Barred Rock. Order C IHf H V early. Prices reasonable. vaaaa-a, 1534 E. 12th N Wdln. 1485; ; Magy ire's Day01d ' ' Chicks R. I. 'Beds Brown Iaegliorns. O. A. C. Barred Rocks and White Ieghorns. For dependable laying stock get chicks or hatching egg front J. K. MAOUIRE. 787 Oregon st. PortUndJ H1TE LEGHORN DAY-OLD CHICKS j From trapnested and pedigreed stock having egg records in excess of 250 for five.- or mure, successive generations. j Book yonr order now for sprinu' delivery. 1 QUALITY POULTRY FARM, ! Base Line Road. 4 Milea East of Portland. Mail ldre Gre-'rmm. Or. Tshnr 7821.' BARRED HO'K eggs, incubator lots specialty, cockerels, Thompson and Hall strain?. Buff Minorca eggs. Golden Seabright bantams and eggs. Bronze torn. Evans lisle . Poultry ' Farm, 3t5 'Eat Lombard, corner Union. Woodlawn 1656. i Onr last season's customers are our best customers this season. Orders flH IV re coming in fast DON'T PUT vUllA it OFF. Write today for . our free catalogue' giving varieties and prices. C N. Needham, Salem, Or. ! BABY chicks from the famous O. A. C. strain cess from 221-egg hens mated to cockerels from 30O-egg hens; first hatch February 13 and hatch every week thereafter until June 15. Place your order now. Portland Seed Co.t 188 Front st. j S. C. WHITE Leghorn cockerels, from Tancred hens, bargain $3 each; White Mammoth Pe kin drakes. $5 each. G. H. I.ewu, Sherwood. Or., R. 3. 1 mile south of 'Corners. New burg hiehway. , i S. C. WHITE LEGHORN HATCHING EGGS Special hatching egzs from pens headed by males with . records of 292-30? eggs a year. A. T. McCaulev. 600 E. Davis St.. Portland. Or. O. A. C. White leghorn hatching eggs trom heavy laying strain, selected from trapnested and prize winning stock, $1.25 per 15, $6 per 100. C Heinz, Multnomah, Or. Main 8168. S. C. WHITE' LEGHORN baby chicks and hatching eggs from pens flock average of 200 221 eggs a year. A. T. McCauiey. 600 E. Davis st.. Portland, Or. THOROUGHBRED W. L. baby chicks from heavy laying trapnested stock. i PARKVIEW POULTRY FARM. . f Milwaukie. Or B, 2, Box 478. W ILL aacritioe breeding pen, 9 Barred Rock hens and 200-egg tj-pe cockerel, $23: need room for baby chicks', also Barrel Rock and R I. Red hatching egus. 1873 Fiske st. S. C. RED eecs from dependable laying stock. $3 and $5 per- 15. two fine cockerels. In ternational Hover, 150 chick size. J, T. Emert, Hillsdale, r FOU SALE 36 crackerjack B. P. Itock pullets. one fine B. P. cockerel and one very fine B. P. Kock cock lrd. Thomrmon strain, these are for the man who cannot raise birds to win. Wdln. 433. FOR SALE 1 Black Minorca. 1 Plymouth Rock rooster. 1 year old. $5 each; or trade fancy stock for White Leghorn rdbster. Phone Columbia 1310. TANCRED W. I-eehorn eses, $1.50 per 15; heavy laying W. Wyandotte eggs, ti per 15. L. E Wood, Milwaukie, Or. Phone Oak ;rove 2IR BABY CHICKS Don't delay if you want Tan cred chicks. This season world's record lay ers. Circular free. G. I.. Wood, 512 Buchanan hide. ! PUREBRED silver laced Wyandotte Cockerels, $3. SO to $7.50. hatching ezz-. 15 $2.50. Wi F. Ludburn. Wahkiaciiin, Wasii. ' THOROUGHBRED Blue Andalusian roo-fters; very ftne stock, best there is in Portland. Ant? 610-76.- TANCRED W. L. chicks $2(1 per 100; incu bators. Tabor 3822. Parkrose Hatchery. Portland. i FIVE White Crested Black Polish cockerels, $5 each-; all are beauties. Frank Howling, Oregon City, Or. . 43 TANCRED White Leghorn pullets, Hogan ized, 11 months old and 0 2-year-old roosters for sale. Woodlawn I2..t. i. 1:1 ... T it.. ... 45 to pick ttoin. 11 E, 52d st, corner Ash. Tabor 7106 MAMMOTH bronze turkey Tom; a fine large young bird: $16. V. Ualley. R. F. D. No. 4., Beaverton. Or. 1 ;UARANTEE to pick the layers. Why feed heua that won't iy you? Humanize and save feed. Ant. 2 26-30. City reference, F. Munro... FOR SALE Blue Andalusian pullets and Buff Orpingtorr-hatching etgi. 107 East 96th. Tabot 5017. ' BREEDER ot 1-urtieaiing Black and While Clieckered Giants. Trio. 10 Mra Bell. ;.'is Fberlain ave., Klamath Falls. Or. . It'llt SALE Utility and Himalayan rubbits. 5 pullets and Leghorn cockerels. $7. Auto C26 66. FLEMISH Giant rabbit. Tailored White Leg horn and Rhode 1-land Red roosters and I'pkin ducss. au, Bia-12. lid WllliK LM.lloitN iens and pullets, ail layinir, $1.50 each if all taken together. Tabor 5927. FOLK Barred Rock cockerels, hatched, in May; weigh about 8 lbs., for sale, from $3 to $. 1100 Steel ave. Auto. 215 16. MAMMOTH Black Minoica hens, pulieti and cockerels; also some Rock pullets. . Sell- WOOfl , 1 S. LAYING young W. L. hens. $1.50 each. J. ; R. .viagiure. i uregr.n st-. near jitn. FOR SALE Seams liens. R. I. Red.- .Tabor 612. , , THREE Moskowy ducks, cood layers. 839 Ochoco ave.. Sellwood garden. FINE It! L R. cckerei, sale or trade vVir . B. Leghorn. ' Wdln. 2614. i CHOICE Wliite Wyandotte cockerels, Ruig , house jitrsin. 64 Lynn ave. Sell. 1X1 H. NEW poultry house, 12x14, can be moved. Call Tabor 451. 1 WILL HATCH YOUR EGGS i CALL WDLN. 319. W ILL SELL, or -trade 1 R. I. Red cockerel for used heater. Phone 317-28. ANCONA hatching eggs, from good laying strain,. ei-'' lirr gruiiiK- mmif .nn MAMMOTH Pekin drake and Rhode Island Red cockerels. Main 8(IQ. FOR SALE 30 Tancred W. L. laying bens cneap. s. vs. .ersen. nyan t-iace, Mam 40J4. S. l!. llliODE ISLAND Red rooster, I year Liu. wooaiawn sa. Cleveland ave. I RHODE ISLAND Red aud White leghorn bby chickens, also breeding cockerels. Tabor 6134. PLYMOUTH Bock setting hens. Scllwood 2457. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 703 AIREDALE puppies, Irish terrier puppies, pedi greed, registered parents; choice specimens; males $25. females $15. Speedway Kennels, labor ouks PEDIGREED English bull puipies. male; fine aiuca. i - i o.u ai, cufoer asu.. xaoor 7106. , :. SPITZ iiui;y, female, 2 months old, $5. (Call c. i i . . n 1 1 i fsuiKiay only. - nusseii Si. ANOREASBl IU! rollers tor .sale or trade . i - . .. i , . . . i ... , i BEAUTIFUL singers for sale. Call the studio. Main 468. - - AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 1920 KING 8. runs and looks like new. Will sacrifice. 'This is certainly a bargain. Broad way Auto Inn, E. Thud and Broadway, LIVESTOCK AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 REBUILT AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED CARS BARGAINS AT THESE PRICES AND THE REASONS WHY THEY AJtE BARGAINS. j Because we are selling used antomooues witn a aianuara xaciory warranty, or are giving xts days' free trial subject to their being returned and full credit being""' given on any other automobile, During the last four years we have rebuilt Hudson automobiles and resold them with - a warranty the aame aa a factory warranty on a . new car. It pays for us to sell and you to buy a used automobile that yon can rely upon. 1917 Maxwell, good running condition. . $ 385 1918 Maxwell, all gone over, repaired and, repainted; a fine little car.. t . 1919' Maxwell, like new car ...... .. . . . 1920 Maxwell demonstrator; a bargain. Oakland ' automobiles, fine run ning condition and in good repair.. . Overland chummy, model ' 90, in ; fine condition, wire wheels, good tirea ... 1917 Buick Six. cord tires, all good running condition .............. 1920 Hupmoblle, an in first-class (con dition . . 1920 OMs light six, in first class condi tion, a decided bargain at...... ESSEX BARGAINS' 600 625 675 625 600 1206 1250 ' : 1 9 19 Essex tounng car, all gone over In ' our shop, thoroughly overhauled and repainted; told with warranty the v same as given on new automobile; ' now . ..... 1350 1920 Latest model Essex: run only 1100 miles; traded in on a larger car 1450 . CHALMERS BARGAINS 1919 Chalmers roadster, hi fine condition 1050 1919 Chalmers Light Six, with hot spot, overhauled and repainted, all in tin. condition .................... 1250 1920 7 pass. Chalmers; great buy . .... 1850 HUDSON BARGAINS J917 Hudson Super Six. has been re- ouiit in our anop, will be repainted aud sold with a warranty for . . . . . 1250 ' ' i 1918' Hudson speedster, rebuilt and will p be through the paint shop in 10 days, will look just like new; will sell with a factory warranty the juma as given on new automobiles. . 1650 1920 Hudson Super Six. overhauled and refinished like new, sold with factory warranty that we earry ourselves: treat buy ...1900 1920 Hudson speedster, all gone over ky us to see that everything is in perfect condition; run only 3000 miles, ioli with warranty ....... 2100 OUR 'STORE FOR THESE USED CAR BARGAINS AT 40-46 BROADWAY, i WHICH IS BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. IPHONE BROADWAY 5739. C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO." NEW Baby Grand Chevrolet, $200 less than new price. Model 90 Overland. $450. Ford bug, top, fenders and motori in Al condition. $350. - , 1919 Ford touring.. 10-18 Ford touring. 191.7 Ford touring. 188 Grand Ave. - Phone East 6563. , 1919 HAYNES LIGHT SIX 5 new cord tires, Victoria curtains and rain shield; refinished very attractive color; lall worn parts renewed; price was $2000, now $1750. Broadway 1014. 531 Washington st ii' MR. STAGE OPERATOR. !. ! h." 6-pylinder 7 -passenger Reo; has good cord tires- and priced right. Broadway 1614. 631 Washington st. ' j FORDS KOUDS FfvRDS OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST OUR TERMS ARE BEST '. UNIVERSAL 'Alt EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand, ave. and E. Yamhill.. Main 471. HUPMOBILE ' i ' GOOD SHAPE l - Good tires and good running condition-, bar gain.: $550. 315 Union ave. Ji., near Broad way. : East 56. Open Sundays and eveninrs. WOULD Vol: PATRONIZE A SPECIALIST! We Speclialize on Used Fordst UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, . Cor Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. Slain 471. IF YOU want to pick ill" a snap in automobile See a 1920 Buick little 6 at Francis Motor Car Co.Grand ave. ami Hawthorne. East 3770. FORD- Not much to look at but good mechanical condition, bamnin st $185. 233 E. 3!tth st. 1920 PAIGE. 5-pass., run only 8Oi0 miles line conuiuoil eveiy waj, uiiKMiai . 11TI1SI1, nearly new; sacrifice $1550; terms. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. - lai JVASH TOURING Itnn '3O00 miles; consider 1918 Buick or late model car as part payment Call 487 E. 33d st.. after 4 p. m. LATE 1918 Studebaker 4 roadster, fine con dition every way. Sacrifice for $675. Need $225 cash, balance terms, Mr. A rgo, Broad way 3281 I.ATE 1917 Hudson super six. thoroughly over hauled; new paint; just the car for a stage run; terms to suit. Broadway Auto Inn. E. Jrliird and Broadway. - ; i.tki.G tor a bargain? $575 buys my model 0O 1918 Overland, fine condition every way; need $200 cash; terms on balance., Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. ' , 1920 NASH 7-pass.. run 3000 miles; would Ac cept a Dodge as part payment, terms on bal- , -1 ! f M CASE sedan, 7-pass., in perfect condition; would accept' an open car as part payment, terms on balance. Broadway. 3605. - WE PUT Steel teeth in your old flywneel; crankshaft turning. H. B. .Black, macblna shop. 534 Aldev t.. Broadway 2681. FORD DELIVERIES 2.1 TO CHOOSE FROM UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand avejend E. YamhilL slain 471 'AIGE SACRIFICE Beautiful 7 passenger, late model; not s scrstvh on it; mni eli. $1100 E"t 7"-".' HAVE 7 passenger Paige 0. perfect condition; eood as new; will trade for roads ts or coupe. Bdwy. 1.641 1917 FORD in good condition, good tir.s. bar gain. $275.' 345 Union ave. N., near Broad way. - East no. rinnqays ana evening-, FOltD bug. s beauty, nicely equipped, bargain, terms. Fields Meter Car Co.. East fide branch, Grand ave. and E. Burnside. .ast 4 90. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 BUY -YOUR USED-CAR From - THE HOUSE OK QUALITY ' . SERVICE. RELIABILITY, , REPUTATION. Fields Motor Car Co. . EAST SIIE CHEVROLET BRANCH , Grand ave. and E. Burnside. East 490. Open Sundays. Portable Garages - $54 ... F. O. B FACTORY ASK ABOUT ilEADY CUT AND PORTABLE! HOMES MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION eO. Foot nf Williams Ave W-wilawn 2418. 1919 HUDSON Super Six, in Al condi tion ; absolutely new body and top, run less than 5000 miles; $1850. 1919 FORD Tonrtnr with starter block, in good shape; tires fair, some extras; $365. 1919 FORD Tourin:; Just been overhaul ed. $335. - Are you satisfied with the way your re pairs are being' done; if not give us a trial. We are experts at the business. WEB X. L. GARAGE Comer Ea-t Yamhill and Water -Streets. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies', hoods. i:;::f;3 1 tanks, repaired and remod.Md; S-iSir'-J I auto fheet-mtal work a epacial- armtiu3a? I SOS-IAT SI IMh: m Phone BROADWAY 2299 SPECIAL BARGAIN n x- tnoA aThl4.a,.s.l. CI isr K ttast bumper, spotlifflit and 19J1 license; ail ready to go ; run oui nuies. vij auuw wu", 670rt.br Bdwy, 8047. 1919 Velie-This car baa A -1 tire and la to " 1918 Reo, 5 cord tirea. runs like new, good mechanical shape. - 1918 Overland, looks like new; some buy or the money-. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58-60 N. ,2.1d st. Msm 786. Hudsoira 1 .92H udson SA"E $950 on this one, run only 2000 miles; 5 cord tires, bumper, gpoiiigni, ii license, tili have HO iay of factory warranty snd service. Call Bdwy. utl. - . BOB FULTON Broadway 4041 A0TO PAINTING. ' . 1921 4-90 CHEVROLET DEMONSTRATOR tRnn 500 miles, 5 McLean cord tires; bnnga in. enrtainu jtll mien and -Isliut wit h doors. other -extras. This Is a fine opportunity to buy a better than new . car at a great aaMng. See Mr nana. Fields Motor tar Co., 14 th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 24. - - ' f 00 RUICK touring cst. fine mechanically. looks like new. fine tires. 2 brand newt car most be so .1. at once: (1 o. terms. i iione Frank Smith, Broadway 1130. RADIATOR SERVICE CO. "IT WILL PAY" you to see ns sbont repairing your RADIATOR, TENDER, or BODY. Expert, guaranteed work at moderate prices. Cor. Union sad Hawthorne avenues. East 8498. 1919 BUICK, 7-passenger, fine mechanically ; in . tires hnmner wind deflector, spot- lizht, will sacrifice for $1550. Phone Frank SMITH. Broadway nan. - 1918 HAYNES LIGHT SIX ' 5 good cord tires, Victoria curtains, rain shield, spotlight and bumper: refinished and enecltanlcally peneei, ; i-oo, inuw. Broadway 1614. 631 Washington at " 1921 CHEVROLET DEMONSTRATOR . i - JWldeen cord tires, bun rtuTi ' 1 " in . i. -. .. ... - . . . gaiow curtains, all, open except Oie doors, other extras. This is a fine opportunity to buy a better than n;w car at a " " Dana, with the Fields Motor Car Lo., st 14th and AMer. Bdwy. 240. . THR FENDER MAN i K, DURHAM, who take the kinks out while yon wait; also repairs radiators and bodies. Broadway 3214. 30 N. 11th st. nawr Born.id. rhanical condition, equipped with good tires and has just been repainted. East 56. 845 Union ave-. N.. near Broadway. Open evenings snd SnnvTsys. " likLtv'ERV BoIilES W'e have (lie kind you want at your own price. ' I MVERSAI. CAR EXCHANtSE. Cor Grand ave. snd K. lamlnll. Main 471. -i Trade for good bkaoi lot Rorkaway. Seaside or Cannon Beach; 7 iaa. Studebaker six : good rubber, paint, and new top. Value amm. n-u PORTLAND 1IE.U8JUARTER8 FOR Mini's UNIVERSAL CAR EICHANGF, i:r.nil five . snd K. Yamhill. Main 471 '. .... , l.u.k. lia nmm haa -acuiA tires. and ithe pries, on this car a $700 less than a new one: A oargain, casn oi woui. uu. L-i.vii FORDS FORlinl ruuuisi LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Cor firaml ave. and K. Yamhill. East 471 A .a. np bs-covsruang and repainni AtltO lOpS st tessonsbls prices. $ Aslmon at., between th and Broadway. .vt- ntiiHebaker truck for aal. cheap, or tradi "for Ford. "National Laundry Stables. . 9th mn-i Hawthorne ave. WILL sacrifice late 1920 Chalmers for $1200; $400 cash; or will consider light car in trade, - . . . , - rr-1 1 . w, . Broadway - AUTO inn, r,. i mm iim ortyauwy 1920 Oasinobi touring car. Little Six, just like new. b good tirea. Dumper ana spotngm a big bargain. Will give terms. Tshor 8004. FORD'l tou truck for sale at a bargain; uJ only 4 months. Robinson-Smith Co., 6 Lb snd Madison. IF YOU want quick, action bring your suto to the Broadway Auto Inn. E. Third and Broad way, LATE Chevrolet, panel delivery; will sacrifice and give- terms. Broadway Auto Inn, East Third and Broadway. - aux all! HELIN ply Utss. $20. Woes better. Ws know bow to repair Urea, Vol es n' TifS shop. Grand a vs. st Pins. E. 489. -I AUTOMOBILES- FOR SALE 800 THOROUGHLY ItKBI'lI.T AND GUARANTEED Ws service tliem the -same as new in. Specials 1920 S paas. Paige, run only 2052 miles, Diateel wheels, corils on rear, extra lire, a big snap at $1750. 1917 Kissrll touring, very cheap at $600, 1(115 Dodge touring. $050. 1918 Paige touring, fins ahapa, $1000. . 7-pasa. B'uick, 1920. $1400. 1020 K 45 Buick six touring, looks like new, good tires, repainted, $1100. 1918 Buick six touring, original flaV ish, 5 cord Ures. $1100. . All 'in fine shape. " BARGAINS EASY TERMS - No Brokerage Fee. Howard Autonraolbile Co. , New Salesroom Twelfth and Alder Phons Broadway 1130. 1019 OAKUND sedan, in finf mechani cal condition, g'Kid finish, ' upholstery like new; a snap buy. mist he sild at once, $1250. I'hone Frank Smith, Bdwy. 1130. 16.000 carried la stock. Our sprlnsw' snVt sritb written guarantee. Ws give you sarvioa. 84 N. 15TII ST. exceptional Value Haynea SO light 6. 5 passenger; refinished; new tires: $85o, term- Broadway 1614. ,631 Washington st 1920 COLUMBIA TOUBI-NG CAR In good condition; lots of eifrjs; for unit k sale will take $1500. Ed Knoi, Broadway II. HI WHIAVER T1UE OtiMi'AN FEDERAL TIIIES ' OREGON VULCANIZING CO . TIRE REPAIIUNQ 888-8S3 Bnmaide at Brnidwat. -iioVING East immediately; must ascrifi'-e up to the minute siarmon. In perfect rnmlition; s most beautiful tyie; if your social, business or, professional position enables you to own a real' motor car, combining beauty, comfort, class, di. tinction and economy, this Is ymir eiutnre. Com municate with owner, Jenkins. Phone Broadway 1 180 or Main 54 17. LATE 1910 7 PASSENGER TOURING Ijooks and runs like new: excellent cor-l tire enuiiimentj will demonstrate any time. 1'hona East 1615. E. If. CHAMBERS Maxwell Specialist ALL WORK GUAM VTK.KI.D SELL. 8755. DIVISION AT 23D. LATE MUM Ixington, in fTne eondil ion, for sale by owner; sacrifice for $925; worth $12110; need $325. cash, balance terms. Mr. Bowman. Particiilara. Mr. Areo, Broadway S'JMl - l20 4 90 -CIIEV I tOLTfr" This car is in good ahape in every wav. Terms lo right party. 854 E. 8th N. Wdin. 4984. SPORT MODEL I'Ai.r! That elassy Irchmont model, like new; sac rifice $2O0O; cost $2780. Mr. Argo. Broad way 8281 . $325 CHEVROLET TOURING $3'i5 J. In perfect sha.-, 191S model, must be sold at once. 345 Union; ave. t S., near Broadway. ,rvasi nn, ' kl'.l iUtt'.ltlAf. Ford r-hassis. all lumlels. from $150 up. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave, and E. Yamhill. Main 471 HERE is a dandy littl. car, lo good "shsoe,"' tires hke new, good top and will go anywhere; late Chevrolet, will take $150 down, balance $.'ll per month. 528 Aider st. Bdwy. 8411. MITCHELL 7-l-ass. Big all, in good condiut.n, for $250. We are selling this car for the balance due on it. Cook & Gill Co. Ask for sir. Argo. WILL sell niy privately. owned Chevrolet, model 1918, tdtiring car at a bargain price; will gtv. term a to right party; inquire W. It. Nil, Cor bet t. Or. AUiO VVUKl avlNG. ail farm fur all cars. - PORTLAND AUTO WRECK I.VIJ ct.. Union av.. near Hawthorn. EAST T866 $350 CASH or terms takes a model 79 Over land roadatctt: runs and looks like new. Broad way Auto Inn. K. Third and Broadway. $1250 TAKES 1920 Libert. in first lass , dition; all new r'nbber. Broadway Auto Inn, R. Third and Broadway. FOR HALE-r-Ford roaiTsler. 1920 model; M most new. In fin. condition, 917 Union ave. north. phone Auto. 83 1-14. ; CAMll paid tor old cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Thompson at Kelly 448 Flanders, near 11th. Bdwy 3503. LAI E 1919 Disie Flyer. 'Hilt is a fial car . Cah it terms. Bioadway Auto Inn, K. 3d and Broadway soo cta ikIU 1.111.11. .J, ruiM and iui like new; new tires; easy Urioa. plume owner. East 17H, LA I E 191 Oakland; win saenrue and spi liberal terms. Broadway Auto Ii n, K. 3d and Urosdwav. FOR SALE 5 pass Reo, firtt class aim pa; big bargain. I(H. woodlawn flH'Jl. FIVE pawweltger Case, good tires. A-l cuiiiiiUfo! $195. Main 2383. 742 W. Gllsan. MAKE sue oficr on rarUter; just Uj. car for any purpose. Main 2oH4. NEW Chevrol rl Til? sale at a bargain, guiua aale at $K50. Main 5399. lb19- kOKD touring, iwriect ciruilinon; sol tire: term-. Phcne Eflt 31 5H. lA'l'H 1919 Cs touring, with cor.l tir, i extras; mnA sell, terms. -.at 6552. LIVE and dead atorage lor cars. Cad murium or evenlnta, 87 N. 12th 1918 lOlGE Uurntg car, firt class ooditjiya, ' SHOO easb. HeHwood 401. H7l E. Kelly. aaODEL M Hupmobile. A-l aliape, fully auuipped; bargain. kfain 8905, call' evenings." MAXWELL 1920 road.uer. iierict condition, aC i price ar.d term' Plume 313-92 MAX W EI. I. IHO Krfid'ler, l-erlecl ( irf.ml hi pne: tskje Ford tra-le I'hone w 1 a oa. hi - - 1920 FORD toUFlng. good shape ami good tires,. $400'- i cash, bal. $25 month. 1'il K it.)i. $000 BUYS 1918 7 pas. Ke six, in g'rod conJ ditlon. cr will rrane ior iignt car. r.a-i i i v LATE modal Msiwell. at a great bargain. Don t miss seeing this. Marshall .--. STEPHENS roadster, just new; owner shU sa;' riflce and give terms. r.ast 'i'i. 1919 FORD, $375; 1915 bug. $225. Marshall 8471. 1911 MAXWELL touring, fin. condition, $175, Main 233. 742 W. CHn, k SlAXWEI.L rosiL-ter, $250. Marshall 27t tCsninusd on renewing Pos