FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 13 107 . .,.,. g fimtmam Accra touertl .AWGKST rtFTATT, FTOR1HT IN; PORTLAND And rkrt 11 Aa t. Larg Motbeuaea, N branch -tore. : 2ft Year w Morrison s btlstto 4th and 6tJ Tff Mshv 7709 Smith's Flower Shop "Portland' rtogresaivw iTorWr Flower for sll occataas. Mfn 7215 T C. LUKE. Mgr. th nd AM. GEO. BETZ & SON "Vsm FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS and U eecaaiona. 697 William gv. Just asB Wmliiiii 1112. Joseph Bets. Msnacer. ' MAii'llN A MJHBEs CO., 'lot-Is. 854 We- .-aloe. Main 269. A-l 268. ft eeeasions artistically arranged. NUB HILL FLORISTS (Estate Alfred Burfcbardtl Cor. 234 ami fittmn. Main 188m. e S S49 iVkf M-halI 6921 Chappell's "H. W. bank Ulla. Main 11 Morrtwwi sa. LOST AND FOUND 10& THE following article w. founu on the ears of th Portland Railway. Light Power Co.. Fete 2 1021: 15 umbrella. 4 lunch boxes, 1 purses, bunch key. 2 uite, 1 bfad PZ pain . nnij,: " - . ....,. uiit. 7 nick asm. raasa-ines. over-eT r i.,.ei ihnmM bottle, lantern, file pieces Iron, born- Owner obtain same i upon proper mouui nuw ... ietreet station; ': ' ' " f THE following articles were found on Ue car ! of the Portland Railway. Light Power Co.. I Feb. .1, 1921: 7 umbrella. 2 lunch boxes, .3 ! pane. 8 suitcases, 2 handbag. 4 glow. 3 i j,. i ,-., 1 hook nf ticket. 1 crochet I lioit. 1 Bietnre bracket. 1ft package, 1 bundle I ... t mumxin 1 rubber cot. 2 keys. Own er, maj obtain same upon proper identifieav- (ton at nrt!ana AHier st rt no ( LOST RetTUKenn ave., on Willamette blvd. n,.nnh V,.l,t dub. at Oak, wire wheel and tire lor Ford machine, tinder plea pbon Columbia 04. fter . .- LuST Bumlh ol kea and iwarl bandied pootM knife at fiiid and Sandy bird., -rueaoay aiwr- bk.ii, F. R.i TBompiwn. Automatic 'lour1 i nmiat nid. Thursdai alteraouu, on Prk nd Washington or Wast f ark and Rtark. Call Mtn 7010. Kewaro, i )roi' N l I'ocsetbuok couiainiiig aorao money, i, trwner ma bara by proring property. M-674, JnnmaJ. ijiu-r Will ri whn jfoiind uackaae of under wear call Miller. Calhoun-Johnson Co. 2 Broad- wa "H'A. Iteward jbnt ioid writ watch, with gold r'Jfbon braoelet; t reward. nuuiw Multnomah hotel. ijucI mv,n Jan 31. a 6 mo. Collie dog R.ti.m in 412 Vi Jackson U for reward. 1AS T Hilrer mean bag with money and paper. Keward. "all Sell. 4UW or r.asi. a. LOH't Coral cameo aeuing ot dinner ring. ward. Kajt 544B. - 1 i ijr i m ,iii,li market, blue silk umbrella. Finder please return 10 aon ainer. UlS'l' New 8tell birifole, rnder pleaae eail Broadway 1727. Initial TJ. K Ltttj'f iiiWeir bar pin, aet with brilliant; re- aard. Woodlawn 4243 Los'I1 :o bill, downtown diatrict. Finder call Marshall 0191. ljMT (iolds Klgin wrtot watch. Finder plea&e rail TahortS74K. Reward. . LOST Gray Peiaian cat; reward. Vt din. 5089. 1311 Kerb?, BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 AYlATIOIf nr Ton WANT TO FLT. WTVLL, MAKK TOO A PILOT unr mernooa mrai fldene from tb atart. Ton know you are fly. with the moat skilled inatroetor and. th beat equipment from th aifast 1 la k- that m on er can buy. Our er g atadent will qualify far th International Pilofa Limn after T boar in th air. Tha roat i based on th fim it take to qualify with safety. f. a. 4c O. AIRLINES, LNO, SIT Main St. Vancouver. Waakv SAVE 323 For limited time only we are offering out regular 3100 AUTOMOBILE and TRACTOa cours fnr $75. Our regular auto and tractor course include instruction on repairing. ovr lnuling, driving, ignition, starting and lighting systems, etc You can't afford to mis this offer which ts good for a short time only. PAT and EV ENlNtr classes. Write or csll for -information and free catalogue. To Oregon ex-service men onr couts is absolutely free. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR i SCHOOLcl 707 Hawthorne ava., Portland. Or. Operating the largest system of practical auto and tractor schools in th world. SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICS Prepare for a busi ness, of your own; be your own boas and make big money. Bias the trail into A new profession. If you want something new with nvwl naw and cleah. fascinating work, write or call for our new catalog. Thi .big book will give you a clear insight into what is doing in the avia tion world. Oregon x-ee ice men: The state -will pay a part of your tuition. , AUDREY AIRCRAFT CORPORATION. 105-7 N. 11th t .MEN. 8PEN0 WOril wTSTIE ETENINOM T OTTR .1 tWfS&3gt" ' at arkJI Bis I j.-. Automobil and tractor cn.nn,' Mbtna . . -. ,U,UWM. batter at Work. Vnlcanixine and ntnMiii,, HKafPHTLL'S TRAU1C SCHOOLS 107 Hawthorn av., cot. itOU Terma If tesfred. AUTOMOTrVE SCHOOtT Ton want nothing but the be,t ix.ra t (. Standardised ith schools in 60 other cities; best laboratories, best shop quument and in tructors. Actual shop practice given oa real repair Joba. Reaulta absolutely guaranteed. The tiaae for you to go to school is while basinets is quiet. Prepare now for big- buatnes openings in few months. Inquire Oregon Institute of Technology. ' Main street at Sixth. Cbp thi ad and send it in for beautiful 48 p. catalogue. West's Largest Busioe CoUagw. EVERY tGRADUATB A POSITTOS AO business conn, including comptometer training. Enron any time day school. Bight school. .Writ for free catalogue. 4th at, svaar Morrison phone Main 500. 7 A Position for Each Graduat ' ALlSatY BU1LDINU HOW would you lik to be an advertising man gert . The field for trained advertising man ager ts unlimited. A few dollars invasted-in a night das of adre ruling , will start you on the right road. I n vet i ate our low introductory rates for A com rile te course, tinflu SkhMi Advertising. 60t-610 Panamla bldg. Third and aui.a,U BAltBKU CoLXJCGlt wul teacli yoa tb trad in weeks; receive some pjr while iearnuig; position, aecuradr es-eervie mas r eeiee state aid. Writa ot call (or cataJaaw-. 244 Burmdde t. WliY PAY1 Ahe For 350 w will give you an unlimited prae eal shop repair course in automobile and ea : tseai snop repair course in automobile and gas Nfjiwwiiit. mm,wuv awe acuooi. xsaw .. trwrne ave. - . kwaaT aUXin; COiailKwclAA. sUiUuii. "" Miss Heglna Bucket private echool; individual ItwtrnctioB. I22H Grand av. kvast 437. AiavN. , wAUb-H, .earn baruer trade; wag wou leaniBg: peaiUon guaranteed. Mgr., 33 yean expernto'e Oreenn Barter College. 283 Madlaoay LhvlKM aELkAiUAsfak ttaUway' l'eiegraiia le' Kiisis, e nauway jueuaag naog, Might iiO b;T MOUM'AIN TEACH tilCS' AGENCY - EosoU Are. Frank &.. Welle, former assist, eat state onr . Msr N-W fnlr bid Main 2T. WAMtls AT OSCfc, 3 S1EN TO UAKN AITOMOBH.E REPAIR IN O AND OAS EN f'lVFKIHNO. CALL 4)12 HAWTHORNE AVE. AN AUTOMORM E school coup fer 3100; - nnw wrvrth 3175. Csll Fst 6183. WAN i . i aonablc. -Pupils to be:'in Spanish, term rea Cail Main 2552. FLORISTS .-o BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 ATTO BTTOENTS ' GIVEN i'Hlii: TRIAL Attend our Auto School four week too money In advance), if we prove to you in that time that w hare th best eonipped school west of th Rockies and graduate th largest pereentai of student who actually make good then and then only pay your, tuition fee. We hare just pnousned a large catalog coating u i per ropy, that fully explains our four week' FREK TRIAL offer, which w will mail absolutely free to any- address. Just drop u a card or call at the arhnol. Ask for Book No. 4. The stata py yon 321 per month while at tending school, which paya over half of your tuition fne. , ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATIOX SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. HOW would you like to be an advertising man ager? The field for trained' advertising man agers is unlimited. A few dollar invested in a night clan ol advertising wiu start you on in ngnc roaa, inveatigaie gut iu, uiirujuc tory rate for a complet course. ParHfic School of Advertising. 600-610 Panama, bid.. Third and Alder. . ? - .' HELP WANTED MALE 201 FifityBoys.Wafltefi Big: Profits and ; 5 Prizes - differed school hoy to sell The Ladies Home Journal ' Call at ; my office today after school, R H, BAY . 270 Fourth St. Opposite City Hall WANTED Thoroughly experienced, drapery and upholstery salesman ; must have had long ex perience and furnish best of references. Perma nent position if satisfactory. Answer c o., X 220, Journal. LARCE storage battery firm desires the service of an ouirte salesman. One w'U own car and some knowledge of storage batteries preferred. Answer in own, handwriting, stating age, experi ence and reference!. P-28. Journal. Him K. UASUN. building drykilus of tiling, big mill cowipany. 3. 8 hr,; hotel room and board; fare paid one way.: Portland Labor Agency, 1 1 N. 2d st. ' WANTKli Man to list and work real estate on commission basis. Kose City Realty Co., 8KS Sandy blvd. East 661 or Tabor 442 OPERATOR wanted on custom QmU. Apply Un.wnsnlle Woolen -fills. , 3d and Morrison, 4th floor. Lii.fjl.NG ramp bUckxnitlt and machinist, must be married man. 222 Couch at- Phone rWadwuv .1248. " WANT man to care for orchard: equipment fur nished. Handy Bros., 831 Chamber ot Com merce, Portland. - bALKSMEN who think they can sell advertising. call at 317 X. W. Bank bldg., Saturday, be- tween 3 and 4 p. m. VANTBi Carpenter to bid on labor oa bun galow. Tabor 48&7. SHALL piece land or small lot tor carpenter and mason wogk., N-872, Journal. - SALESMEN WANTED 202 WANTED Salesmen. Mu.-t be ex-service -men; prefer Legion members ; must be neat and re fined in appearance, attherwise do not apply. Must be a hustler and wide awake. We are very particular because "I have, a money making proposition. Apply American Legion headauarters, 3 1 1 pine. London R. Hall. SALESMEN Just opening a branch for well known household line, used by everybody, every day, everywhere. Can ns few eleartcut. successful specialty men. See G. Hougen, Port land hoteL Room 6B9, 4 to 7 p. m. Sl'kA.'lALTY salesmen wanted on eoruaikttUOTj basis. Every auto owner a prospect for our auto accessories. For particulars call or writ the Jao,bson- Distributing company, 49 Union ave, N. Phone East ".474.- SALESMAN to sell Knrd cars, trucks and trac tors; must hsv Ford csr as demonstrator; will, sell .you car on easy terms. You get the prospects arid our sales manager will help you close them., big money for th right man. L-7 ltt, Journal. ----- ' ------ '" ' AUTOMOBILE saletJXiap wanted to, sell kord I, cars, truck and tractors. Experienc - not necessary, but must own Ford car. Robioson Bmith Co.. 6th at Madison. W ANTED- Man wittll heavy car to deinom strate and take .orders for an to accessor! , 487 E. 88d t-, corner Division St.. city. WANTED An experienced furniture salesman; must have A-l references, Kennard V Adam. 539 Williams ave. WANTED Live salesmen. A household neeea- sity. Sella itoelf. Commerce Apply 41b Chamber of UAUwiMAN to sell lioyai Electric vacuum clan era; call mornings between 9 and 10. The Electric Maid Whop. 183 10th st. WANTED Salesmsa with car to sell houses and lots. H. W. Garland, 201 3d. AGENTS WANTED 2Q3 WE START kOti in the canuy suvsna at bouw. small room, or anywhere; ererytUing furnished; earn 330 wkly. up; men women ; experience unnecessary; advertise candy. Send self ad dressed, stamped envelop for free particular. CndvTnkers Cel., 18th st. Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 WANTED Experienced biiler one who. is fairly accurate cm typewrite Must have had some experience in bookkeeping. Good steady position. Apply in person Troy Laundry Co.. E. 10th and Pine at, j , . - . alita. 1. v. sCOTT. formerly director ot am ployment for "women with tb federal govern ment, will assist women to secure employment hi all line. Office, 829 ilency bid,, eor. 4U at Oak. Broadway 4587. " " - WANTED A middle aged woman to keej-house for young man and 3 children, agar 3, f and 10 years old. ' Call at 489 Lexington st, or phone Sellwood S408. ' ANY GIRL in need ot a fne no. apply to tb Salvation Army Reacoe Home. Mavfair and Alexander t. Plton Main 8450. D-M ear. EJtPERlENCEl millinery raakvi and trim mers wanted for city and out of town po ritiom. Muller cfc Rass Co. WANTED A nurse tor institutional work; must thoroughly. - understand obstetrics. M-678, jonrnsl. WANTED Experienced seamstress by east side dressmaker : steady position; good wages. 497 K. 40th st. N. Tabor 661. EXPERIENCED maid for, family of. three; good home and good wges. - Tabor 561. HOME tor the care of .children, day or night. Phone Tabor 424. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 LOCOMOTIVE engineer with 14 year' experi ence, -wants Mead position of tny kind; can do carpentry, general repairing and drive any make of car; will go any place ; Al references. 7730,65th sve. Southeast. . r DRIVER all makes cars, desires position: able to repair and make adjustments, N-874. Journal. i WANTED Situation in genera, merchandise store, small town. Permanent position if sat isfactory. PX-21, Journal. TREE PRUNING " Alt kinds of ahrubbery and gardes work done. Phone Woodlawn 5175. POSITION as night watchman in city by real dent cf city; best of reference. S-856. Jour nal - WANTED-By young man, a poaition as cleark in , electrical or music More; can furnish the best of references. N-878, Journal. : HOUSE painting, papering, kalsomining, day or contract; all Work guaranteed. Ea-t 1911. JAPANESE school boy wanu work. Call between IP and 6 p. m. Phone Broadway 1770. TASTY tinting, papering and painting. Satisfy- ing service for jess. Inquire Tabor 7828. PAINTING, papering ana kaisomimng. guaranteed. East 6835. Work KiilNGLERS Wbea you want your resbingiing or patching done csll Wdln. 520fi. PAINTING, paper hanging and decorating. I O Neil, 1909 K. Burnside. Ant. 220-13. PiASTEKLNG brick and cement work, repairing and remodeling. Ant. 311-73. PAINTING, papering and tinting by day or eon tract. Pbone East 2512. PLASTERING, chimney and cement work. X09 E. 46th st. Tabor 2658, EXl'KKIENCEU worker oa cesspool, sewer coBnectibns, drain tile. Tabor 8008. CARPENTER and .contracccr, jobbing; anything in tbe building line. Phone Rast 8956. CEMENT work, ail kinds, tirst-clasa only. Seil- wooa win. i3, 14 tLN TING, kalsomining, papering, paint ing; enameling, reasonable and good. Bdv. 852S PLUMbLMi doue very reaMjuahiy by lit job or by the bone, Aut. 649-17. w, PL7TWTNG to do, all k.nds of team work. Woofliawn 888. . . . ,- EavI'LUT pruning in lone and trees; walnut grafting a specialitg Main 6859. CARP EN 1 Lit Eki klif 1 City or cuuntry. Aut. 041 55. situations wanted male 251 fAi.MiX. tuMUui and papermg reaaunabiei all work guaranteed. Woddlawa 3J. E. iX I'Al'KUINU and tinting for room. P-23, JournaJ. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 A RKL1ABLK girl of 14 wiabe to b of ajausu a nee to aome mother with maU child. In part payment for borne for fun month, near Fens wood rchool. Auto. 821-28. L Ckl, CitlM A.NU MAKULlStiTfe; C UK LIKE TALXo. DRAPERIES. DONE UP SEW. I WILL ('ALL. EAST 8S1 CLLIAULK woman will care for children in own home every day except Saturday and Snnday. and will give them np at 12 p: m. 47 E. Sth t. DRESSMAKING 256 MOIJ1STE Caiiability, excellency. 1 at your son ice. I specialise on aitemoon and eve ning gowns; also general dressmaking. For pioropt attention, call Tabor 8012. Rich vnond Fh1o- Prion. 120 TMri'ion. YE BICHMONU FASHION SHOP Cordially invite you Ui vistt its home of good workmanship. New 'fashions for spring, dresses, suits, coats, blouses and under garments. Prices reasonable. Tabor Awl 2. 112H revision - kavly, cMtauing. prwaiipg. ateaainaaing. re modeling, relining. alterations, pleating; rea- aooabl price. Tha Cabinet Clner ak Oyaxt 4 24 Mnrri-n. near 11th Miw 1323. UK ESis MAKING, also ready-to-wear houae dreM oa sale. Mrs. 8. A, Smith. 104. Urand ava. Tt Phone Woodlgwn 1187: ' Ai'l k.HA llONti. refitting ana making at ladies' laments; reasonsble price; work guaranteed. I Renbin. Ldles TiKnr. 4 Bush 4k Lan Hldf . HKMSTITCHINO at 8c a yard. We do dreae makiog, 20 Aliskeyf bldg.;, cor 3d and Mor- .rn. 'r- ' " WANTED Plain sewing- phone Mar. 395 for itartK-ulsrs. i ! 1-l.AlN dewing to Ou at home, or will go out. Sell. 26. HOUSE aprons, infanta' wear: lingerie made, embroidgry, linen hemmed. Sell. 2957, DKK8.SMAKISG Reasonable, work iiuwiwi HI I Ctitrnl bldg.. IfltH st Alder Main 340H. witocrc - 1T NL'KSE takes maternity cases tn her home, best r t - m f . oao of care. COMPETENT graduate nurse will Lake patient of any kind, phone Sell.; 762. NURSE;, will take materniiy hc-es at her home; r..,,,u Phcrte Wdin J R32B PRACTICAL nurse. Phone E.-st 7211. T FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 LARGE BOOM WITH PHONE. Also i one room downstair i suitable for 2 men and one smaller room, horn privilege; break! as t if desired. Main 4254. NICELY furnished front room, 790 Lovejoy St., half block from 23d st, , car: also room on third floor, reasonable. Phome Main 60. PRINCESS hotel. S49 few Burn las ; heated rooms with bath, by day or week. Get away from th high priced vent. -' - THE ALEXANDER, 131V 10th; neat, ciaau rooms; transient. 75c and up. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 VACANT February 1 , cosy front room in mod ern home, suitable for 'i gentlemen; with gri close in. Eat 70ft( - ONE unfurnished room, light, bath. $ month. CoL 473, .- ' ! - , BEAUTIFULLY furniebed room in s pleausm home for one or more gentlemen, reason able. Pleasant wirronrtrlings. 738 East Burn side. Phone East. 4477. TWO newly furnished pleasant rooms, one suit able for 2 young men. One single room: bath and use of phone; near Steel bridge. 301 Holla- dy averme, Eat 1836. SLEEI'ING rooms, 3 blks. from Savier st.. oar barn and Montgomery-Ward Co. S90 Savier st. Main 7854. ! , FURNISHED room for rent in private family, 32.50 per week. 605 6th st. Phone Main .,!. I LIGHT, pleasant, warm room, one block Irons 1 Hth and Hawthorne on Ladd ave. Refereneea. Ka-t 6BQ9 i ROOM with bath and kitchen privileges, m mod ern Portland Heights home, to one or 2 young womena reasonsble. Main 1844. LARGE pleasant front bedroom, 2 blocks from Broad way bridge. East 4914 and East 7297. RQpM.i good board, modern convenience, hot and cold wi-ter, walking distsnce. Main 9325. 2 NICK furnished rooms in private family. Ta bor 602 1185 E. Taylor. - ROOMS AND j BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 LARGE front room suitable for 2 or S men with board ; bath and telephone ; clean bed and plenty to eat. Auto. 225-74. No, 3 E. 14 th st. No. ; : ' LADY having large, handsomely furnished home, with all modern conveniences, would like one or two i business people to room and board. Woodlawn S031 ffll'PY LAND collage board children by dsy. . , u. c- 1 1 . a A K A 1 A n weea or monin; rouuiiuiie, oou. i 52d sti . E. T1LL board children near Shattuck school, rea sonable; very fond of children; good home; best reference. Phone 324-85. ; ROOM and board 335 a month and up; a good home and excellent table. Mar. 8374. BOARD and room, steam heat. 390 Savier at. Main 7854, Suitable for two. ROOM and board lor wen. west side. Broad way 3764. ' j . . ROOM and board with private, family in Irving- ton. East 2899. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED f 304 H. K. ROOMS, single and in' suites; gas heat; electric lights; free phone; aegond floor. 143 1 1th st. Room 2. and 290 Vt 16th St. N. ONE room and kitchenette, well furnished; also 2 -room apartment; all clean and comfortable: for rent, reasonable; close in. 550 Conch at. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ' 306 THREE, 4 or 6 room, furnished, suitable for employed people; adult only; walking dis-tsr-o; clenn. 546 E. Aklcr.i bet. 12th and 13th TWO FURNISHED h. k. room with us of parlor; 830 month, gas, light, phone and heat; furnished; choice location, auto, zii-oi. 3 FURNISHED, housekeeping rooms, suitable for man and wife7 without children. 441 E. 12th St.. cor. Shennan. ; TWO front housekeeping rooms, furnished, water in apartment; furnace heat; walking distance. 95 East 12th. i LARGE sleeping or light housekeeping rooms; men only. 521 Johnson st APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 THREE room apartment,- running water, lights and gas; 2 room apartment for one or two people. 1578 W E. Olisan. Tabor 7025. ' CLEAN 2; 3 and 4 room apartments, gas, elec tricity and garag. 854 Finrt street south. FURNUailED apt. in nice residence; phone, piano, garage, excellent car service. East 2583. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 IONIAN COURT, lhtb and Co'ich. 4 room modern unfurnished front spU. 337.50. Adult- Ref. Bdwy. 8701. ! FLATS FURNISHED 309 5 ROOM lurnuhed flat, modern, 1 block from csr; lower flat. 620 6th St. ' .1 BOOM furnished flat. 33. W-iodlawn 1958. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Kitchen privileges, walking distance, no ob jection to children. 67 Trinity Plao. 3 ROOMS and bath, porch and yard. 266 Grand av. north. Phon East 2570. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 HVK suattmenu of 3 and: 5 'rooms; work shop and garage; in Lower Albina; rent 850 to responsible party. A. Robinson. Vancouver. Wash., route 6, box 181. i Owner. - i eCALL BROADWAY 3v KORTTTWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANT. WASFIXOTOV AT .TRVTW STREKT W EST T SIDK Modern 7 room houae with or witbont far, sre. 246 N. 12 1st st. ilA iuAAetktt At H1URAGK CO. Fnrniturv) moved for le, "RToadwsy 2443. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FURNISHED fiat for rent or furniture for sale. 452 hi K. Market st. - - STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR deairabl , spec ib fireproof warehouse, phone Bdwy. 3715. 'Security Stores at Trans, i Co.. 53 4th St.. epp. Hotel Unit an man. ,HAIt. waliuJ. 100x100 or better, to ieaa for term; of 6 years, for meeting and dance pur- pines. I Eastern Exchange, i 227 4 W'aehingron. FOR SAiE or rent. Urge dance hall. cut. Wtl liamt are. and Rtnwll st East 415. BARBER shop space for rust, 222 Murruua at, ;iiili!tntriMIi!tniiiiiiti!li;t)iiilHIHItiiiBiiiiHtH:iintniiitint!iliiIiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiilHiiiiiMMitiitiiiiiiitui(riuiir Extra Special Offer This Saturday Only KING'S DEHYDRATED Pears and Cherries Free - i For the benefit of those who were unable to come Thursday or Friday, The Journal will con tinue its offer of a package of King's Dehy drated Pears or Cherries free to Sunday, Journal "Dime a Line" Cash Want Ad users this Satur day only. If you could not get in with" your cash want ad Thursday of Friday come tomorrow and get ydtir present just the same. Btt - " 7llMl!tllll:llMliilaiMlilllllili!ullnlHI!ilitl!iliiiiitiiiMlliiil'iliinii!:iiiliiniiiin!iH!iii;l';llllllll:lttlilul FOR RENT OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with telephone and stenographic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. Security K tor age A Transfer Co.. 63 Fourth., opposite Mult nomah hotel. MR. SMALL BUSINESS MAN Complete office equipment at your service for s very small charge. Adding machine, typewriter, mimeograph, etc. Phone Broadway 4770. Or 1; iCE &i.ace on ground lloor; light, telephone. heat included. Inquire 230 Stark. SUMMER RESORTS 316 LONG REACH, Wash. 2 H acres, plain xut n ihed house, ltasoaable to good tenant. Fin location for chiakens, garden for summer vis itor at beach. Mr. 4440. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 GEN'ILEMAN desires room and board, private family; prefer Sunnyside or Hawthorne ave. State locatian and charge. 0728, Journal. HOUSES 361 WANTED 10 to 15-room uuae in. East 727. houaa, ; modern. WANTED to rent, modern 3 or 4 room house before ' Feb. 15, mu&t be reasonable; can giva I K Journal. 1 reference. R-70 APARTMENTS 357 WAN TED 2 or & ruom flat or apt., furnished or unfurnished: miut be in desirable locality and reasonable, not too far out. P-27, JournaJ. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 CHOICE income brick business block, priced 311,000 for few day; rents for 3135 month. Phone Tabor 886, or 385 evenings. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 5 ROOMS AND GABACE 83150 $050 CASH WILL HANDLE This is a good buy, all modern conveniences, full size basement, 8 bearing fruit trees, good garage, 1 block to Monta villa car, near 6 2d St. i. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. 4 ' Main 208. . 23-ROOM apartment house for sale: income better than 5200; expense light; 3800 cash will handle this, balance monthly. Call Auto. 528-20. LOTS 403 LAURELHURST LOTS. Now Is Your Opportunity Auction Prices and Lea' Soma as low as 8600. Some beautiea for $1000,- all improvements in and paid. Come Out Today. Office on the property. Take Monta villa car to E. 39th and Glisan, or phone Tabor 3433. Evenings E. 7788. LOT 29th and Division, 850; down, balanos terms. A bargain. For sale or trade, lot, between Ook and Plus, on Union ave., 86500. EASTERN EXCHANGE. 227 V, Washineton. YOUR OPPORTUNITY LaureThurst lots while they last at extremely lew prices. See J. A. McCarty, 270 Vk Stark st. Main 1 7Q0, eve. Tabor 5057. , LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS Se J. A. McCarty; 270 Vi Sirk. Main 1700, ere. Tabor 5057. LAI REl.HLliST lota at these prices. See J. A. McCarty. 270 Vt Stark st. Main" 1700, era. e.k KAKT ROSE CITY, corner Alameda and 56th, 73x 100. Improvements paid; 31800. Tabor 6441. ALAMEDA PARK, corner 27th and Mason sta.; streets paved, paid. 81150. Tabor 6441. LAURELHURST BARGAIN Choice large cor ner lot for ssle. Tabor 6559.' KOSE CITY PARK lot. 3425, corner 55th- Tillamook. Tor 6441. IRVINGTON 8 BEST. 20 choice home sites. ' Owner. Kast 8225, BARGAIN in Walnut park lot. Phon Wdln. 851, BEAUTIFUL Walnut Park lot. Phon Wdln. 951. T HOUSES 404 $500 CashPrice S42S This beautiful 5 room bungalow is located in Hawthorne. Of course it is modern with haru wood floors, fireplace., built-in bookoasea,- buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, paved st. If you knew how hard it is to find a modern bungalow oa a payment of only 3500 cash, you'd hurry to see this one. COMTE k KOHLMAN Main flSSfl. 208 Chamber of Com. Tldg. ROSE CITY PARK Nifty C room bungalow with rood garage, im provements in and paid; near 43d and Sandy. Price only ItiOOO; some terms. Ait quick. C. S. WAGNER CO. - -230 Stark st. RICHMOND 5 ROOM BUNGALOW OWNER GOING EAST MUST SELL. - 33500 Nice large rooms, fireplace, beautiful buffet, handy Dutch kitchen, full basement, large atuc , i years old, real bargain, a 1 uou cash. T. O. Bird. 828 Cham, of Com. Mar. 1022. 17 : .. . . ,. BtdJj NOVv ""I Sum us for designs and estimate free; get . boncalow book ef 10O dengna 31; established 10 year; satisfaction assured. L. B. BAILEY CO., 924 S W Bank Bldg. CLOSE TO 28TH-SAND liLVb. B room modern bungalow, all on one floor, all f urniahed complete; can move in today ; all imps, in and paid. Price 85500, 31000 down, bat, to suit East 8088, , . ;k:i I AVium BPNGAIOVV tann Fiiiii x a,cu eb., 7M inut, vjkvcuriji. lucaiiori, no mortgage, 82850, easy tonus. Mar. 1022 or ti . , l ; Wi i , , . i.-, , i n a.- ne attOik tt i .. . v. , . . uuu u, w ,wu uiiiiiw ujat carune; paved st- And sewer paid; balance 81200 at 83Q a month. 2016 E. Gliaan. Ant. 231-43. 5 ROOMS, bath, eiectricitj-, gas. i.iUO. ilei roont and 34th. Tabor 1819. SEVEN room house, sleeping porcn. on lit, ' Tabor earline. Tabor 7747. : FOR SALE Neat little home, very cheap; ber- nes and fruit Small down payment Sell. 2279. FOR SALE Modern home, $500 down. baX like rent Auto. 626-6i. $loOO $200 DOWN. 4 room home, with plumbing; 180 ft from-car. Auto. 831-18. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 850 DOWN. 815 MONTHLY Splendid corner. lOOxlOOJ in Woodstock: wonderful gsrden soil, large 2 room shack. 20x 24, with gable roof, in very poor condition 8 blks. from car, cement walks in and included in the price, 51090. Here is a chance for a sua able to do his own repairs. ! RtALTORt 732 Chamber of Commerce R. M. GATE WOOD AV CO. 5 - room strictly modern bungalow. Beat and clean, in first class condition; lot 80x123 feet. Price 83700, 3875 cash, balance monthly. Hits is tn extraordinary bargain and a nice home. i SUNNYSIDE ! 6-room modern house, furnace, fireplace, nice buildings, cement basement, newly tinted, tn good condition. East Taylor st.. near 27th. Price 84700. 31000 cash, bat! monthly. Good discount for csh R M. fiATKWOOn AV CO.. 165 4th St. - FOR MR. HANDYMAN A 4 .room unfinished bungalow, on splendid corner lot,- 50x100; Rose; City park line; 2 rooms and closet finished, roof: all on, shingled all over utide, 5 bearing fruit trees, some grapes, good garage. Price 31750, plus bonded st. assessments; ilv cash, szu montmy. s ktAtToa 732 Chamber of Commerce HERE is a perfect gem tn a little 4 room bunga low; it ha every modern convenience that you could desire in a small bungalow ; hardwood floors, fireplace, radian If ire. gas grate, gas water heater and exceptionally convenient kitchen with breakfast nook. The lot is 100x100 and the soil is very fine. This bungalow is brand new and the owner, the builder, has spared no pains in either detail or construction. Price 53250, easy terms. Take Woodstock car to 66th ave., walk 5 blocks east to No. 4602. Marsh!! 746. 0 ROOM BUNGALOWGARAGE - 83300 TERMS Modem 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors la 4 rooms, Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, full cement basement, lanndry trays, soxiuv lot. fine garage, bearing fruit; located 4 blocks from union ave. This home is in first-class condi tion and a real buy. HENDERSON-BANKCS CO. 436 Henry Bldg. Bdwyw. 4754. ROiE CITY PARK NEW . NIFTY BUNGALOW 84850 3500 cash will handle. Folks, here is your opportunity to get a thoroughly well built, dou ble constructed bungalow. Five large rooms, and breakfast nook. Hardwood floors, fireplace. buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, raring and sewer paid- tet us anow you. A. G. TEEPE, CO. 270 Star st.. Near 4th. Main 8092. A REAL BARGAIN Just think of this: 5 room bungalow type, adjoining Irrington, close in on eth and Tula monk. Living and dining room, 2 nice bed rooms, with roomy closets, large Dutch kitchens, full cement basement, furnace, stationary wash trays, lot 33x125; sewer and street improvements in. Price- 33500. 5100" down. Owner. E1ELY te GUSTAFSON, 905 Yeon Blag. 6 Room House, Albina Near Mississippi car; public and Catholic school and church, we have a dandy home of 6 rooms and bath, sleeping porch, 2 toilets, good basement, wash trays, garages The price is only 34200. If you can par 81000 down, see this today. Gomte k Kohlman. Main 653U. .08 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIPUL HAWTHORNE BUNGAXOW 8 rooms and sleeping porch, located in finest part' of Hawthorne. Large living room, fire place, bookcase, dining room, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, sewing room, den or library, 2 bed rooms, both on first floor, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, lull lot, , COOVER 4k HOI-MAN" 822 Failing bldg. Marshall 8993. ' CHICKENS W1X.L PAY THE PAYMENTS Half acre and 3 room plastered house: ha electric, gas. water, telephone, only z blocks from macadam road at Bell . elation; ehirken house all ready for business. price 32500 3200 cash, balance 320 per month and interest. Might avccFpttFord: car or cheap lot as first pay ment- - SMlTH-WAGOJTETt CO., STOCK EXCHANfJIt ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 5 ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAG B 84250 ' :Exeptynany treO built bungalrvw of 5 room and lance attic: tnorougniy double eonstructea; fireplace, buffet, cement basement, wash trays. etc. You'll be... store than pleasea, ; A. d. TEEPE CO. 270 Stark St.. Near 4th. I Main 3092. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH OVERLOOKING ..CITY BEAUTIFUL HOME Corner Lincoln and E. 54 th south, on Haw. thorns car. $5850. Terms. Brand new 7 rooms, hardwood floors, well built borne for datcrimt. Bating people; ' beautiful view or eralL First time to be shown Friday; assessments all paid. Owner at the house, 886 E. 54th south. RENTAL TERMS. LARGE 8 ROOM BUNGALOW A small payment down, balance like rent, rata you in possession of this large strictly mod ern home. It is not s question of us selling it to you, It is la question of us- letting you buy it. It is a sure enougn snap. COOVER A liOLMAN 822-28-24 Fairing bldg Marsbsil 8998. ARTISTIC ' S room modern bungalow, almost new. hard- wood floors, lawn, shrubbery, 4 tots, good soil: an ideal home; move in at once; bargain;' Haw thorne ear. E. 76th and Division. Owner. Auto. 827-80. BEAUTIFUL 5 BOOM BUNGALOW Westmoreland, 1 block ear, east front, almost new; owner must se)L Finished in ivory, fur nace, fireplace, lovely kitchen, excellent loca tion, 85000; some terbu. See it T. O. Bird, Msrshsll 1022. FOR SALE. BY OWNER Xerf attractiTe 6 room bungalow in Beanmont on 45th st Call 697 E. 4 5th N., or phone Tbor 327. b U. BUNG. ; - nice place, newly remodeled, in cream ' enamel, tapestry Pper ; liens paid; $3400, $600 cash; wiU take auto in. Sell. 458. 36th and Hawthorne. iiiub ROOM houne. lot 40x100, in good district, near earline; $550. better than rent Address. 770 Tibbeta St. v it BUNGALOW. $4300; furnace, fireplace, bdwd floors, all built ins; a cosy little home. Phone 228-71. $3000 5-ROOM house and furniture, let 50x 150. Call between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.. 84 East 29th. Terms. ; . DANDY view bungalow on north lop Mt Tabor. 'Call owner. Tabor 8904. ' , - VvEST SIDE factory site' on waterfront, with trackage. 1421 N. W. Bank bidg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 40-4 Undisputed JNational ! Record ! ! For Home Selling ! ! Largest Home Sellers on the Pacific Coast 11 (Ml Photographs ef Home foi Sale. THE GREATEST, MOST COMPLETE HOMK PIC TURE I DISPLAY ROOM IN THE ENTIRE WEST. Hundred of WONDER UL BAR GAINS. . If necessary; w U help ' you make your down payment OPEN all day and evening Sunday. 4, Open Every Evening until 9. 23 Courteom Sale-men t Yonr Service. I TOO CAN'T BEAT TniSONE ! 81990-4-8300 down! IN THE "PINK OF I CONDITION," attractive neat 6-room cottage, close in! , White enamel I plumbing; eleetricitsl NO LIENS TO PAY! Minueaota are. . LOOK AC . 1 THIS! I ! MT. SCOTT HOMES 1 31990 EAST TERMS! Good 8-room modern I Home close to ear, white enamel plumb i inc. electricity, gas, garage; 48th, I 1 PENINSULA HOMES I 32709 3500 down! Large 12 -ROOM cora- i lortabie Peninsula home; I ire place; ! white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; . Mvrscnse at. - 32825$500 . down! 4-BOOM COY modern j bungalow; lOOtlOO; GARDEN TIME . i IS ALMOST HERE! E. Clav st. 825004-8500 down! RIGHT ON CAR; -room j neat comfortable bungalow cottage; I white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; Clinton St. 31990-i-w50f down! Comfortable 7 room SUN - 1 NYKIDE home on E. 35U1, close to , i car and school. ! II ALBERTA HOMES OF MERIT It 185004-rNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE 9 room 1 ALBERTA BUNGALOW on Sumner st. I EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! 34250-i ARTISTIC Dutch COIjONIAL 5 -room ROSE CITY BUNGALOW with larg 1 living room; fireplace, built-ins; E. ' 65th. EAST TERMS. THIS IS i REAL VALUE. 323004 4 -room neat ALBERTA COTTAGE; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas: I 80x100; E 30th st. YOU'LL GO THE WAY OF HUNDREDS OF PORTLAND'S CONTENTED HAPPY, HOMESKEKERS when you see FRANK L. M.CQUI RE- - TO BUT YOUB HOME Abinrton Bnilding. Main 1068. 1 3d St. Bet Wash.' and Stark. ' I SEIX,WOOD'S BEST BUT 17 BOOMS 3700 DOWN . . It is seldom that one cornea across a house like this; unusually well built, very attractive and well arranged; 3 bedroom, i 2 of them up stairs; I music : room, breakfast nook, sleeping porch, j built-in buffet, Dutch i kitchen, ivory woodwork, newly painted, moat exceUeBt anir- roundings. aear City park, pavement and sewer in ana pain; line new; tne price la.only 539 10 I BihrCarey ; 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDO.. THIRD AND STARK STS. - MAIN 7487. I NEW BUNGALOW HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 84SOO You j would never believe it possible to buy such a home as tins for so little money. FOL LOW EVERY WORD OF THIS AD. We can not impress upon you too strongly tbe real value of .this property: junt think of being able to buy a modern 5 room bungalow with hardwood floors. fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, plumbing such a on would find in a 310.000 bungalow, wltn tile floor, shower bath, recessed tub. also cement basement and wash trays; th first person show ing us a better buy will be given 310; you will be surprised at the remarkable easy payment. I-ct us show you- you will be under no obliga tions poKiaveiy. i A. O. TEEPE CO. I'" 2701 Stark st. Near 4th. Main 8092. HOLM A V NEAR SEVENTEENTH 5 ROOMS, MODERN 25 DOWN This store and half honae has 3 Bed rooms. 2 of them upstairs; all built-in features, best of plumbing, excellent neighborhood; this is a very attractive house and in A-l condition. The price is only $2250. ' BihrCarey 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG., THIRD AND STARK-STS.. MAIN 748T.' If You Are Going to Build WE FURNISH ' FREE SKETCHES. Plans and specifications by licensed architects and engineer. Guaranteed Estimates ALL, CLASSES OF BUILDINGS. Ve us before negotiating elsewhere. AMERICAN CONTRAC TORS ASSOCIATION Broedwey S4S8S. 84ft Sherlock bldg. LAURELHURST BNAP v Beautiful 6 room bungalow; hardwood floor throughout; furnace, fireplace floored attic, full basement; 3 bedrooms, double garag; improve ment in and paid. Price $8250. C. G. WAGNER CO.. 280 Stark. ' JEFFERSON HIOH SCHOOL DI8T. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE 83500 8650 CASH Double constructed, modern 6 room bunga low, fireplace, full cement basement, 60x100 iotr garage, 1 block to ear, 4 to high echool. - HENDWISON-BAXKUS CO. 426 Henry Bldg. Bdwyw. 4754. - ALBERTA EAST 18TH NORTH Ke 5 room bungalow, large living room and dining room, breakfast nook, fireplace, buffets siaronoua hoot., caoirtet aitcnen, cement oaae ment. trays, at only $4300, 31000 cash. Elmer F. Bennett Co. 818-321 Board of Trade. Main 74S2. WORK1NGMAN '8 BARGAIN . Seven room house and bath. . Full lot; some fruit Two blocks of car. Price 31850, 8300 emah, balance 825 a month, including interest, 6 per cent C. E. ADAMS. 608 Chamber of Commerce, Main 1963.' Evenings, Wdln. 8483. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW 82300 K. 47th near Holcajte, 6 nice rooms, modern, full basement, electricity, gaa; $500 cash and terms like rent - Elmer F. Bennett Co. 818-821 Board bf Trade. Main 7482. SELLWOOD 8 ROOMS $2800 "" Pved at, small Bring and dining room, Dutch kitchen, nice large bedrooms, bath, full cement basement - wash trays, double constructed. 3 blks. care non-resident owner, must sell. $750 rash. Balance easy. No mortgage. T. O. Bird Marshall 1022. WILL take auto as part payment on 6 ruom house, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, ga rage, 83000. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787.- FOR SALE 3 robin plastered house, double constructed, barn, woodshed, lot 60x100. fruit, berries, good place to keep cow and chick ens: Price $1000; terms. Take St Johns car. 917 E. Mohawk. Otto Hansen. FO It, SALE or rent 6 room house, water and lights in house: 2 lot, an fenced, chicken house and barn; fruit and berries. Inquire at 804 N J at ; phone White 9022. McMmnviue, Or. " ROSE CITY DISTRICT ' " 4 room plastered bouse, bath, Dutch kitchen, gas, electricity, new finish, corner lot: $210v, 5350 cash. Michael, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark-st. Telephone Main 6429. . ; ! - J. W. McFADIEN BUM. tx., ; BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES 83 NOW ITSDEB CONSTRUCTION 268 8TARK ST. MARSHALL 12. WILL SELL my 5 room houme, modern in every way. very easy tarni; cheap $3250: look at it 983 Cleveland. See T. C. Shaw. 79 W; Wine hell st . 7-K. HOLSE; alljiice large rooms, lurnace. fire . place; also lot of fruit; a real buy at $4800: ' $500 cash, baianc to suit Pbont 223-71. WEST SU)E, 84 500; 7 rooms, bath, gas. elec tricity, 2 fireplaces; ' cement basement full lot. Owner.- 467 10th. FO It RENT, 3 acre land, with soma fruit and 4 room house. Wfll lease by year. 508 Co Iwnrbia . blvd. . or call Wdln. 135, after 8 p. ra. FOR. SALE, by owner, 6 room modern house. in Central Albina; price $4200, half eaab. Irmnire, 772 Borthwiek t , AM selling my own homes in Portland reason able, H down. Phone Woodlawn 2798, or see W. Manlcy Cook, 1473 Fern t. ' - & R. HOUSE, on 100x100 lot: :!-nty of fruit nof berries: a real bargain. $2800. . Phone 223-71. , , . ss REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 J. A. Wickman Co. , "Shortest Way Home - Year of study of local condition, a thorough knowledge ef districts, familiarity-. with value and. a ajilendid organisation enable us to giv you the maximum service in HOME BUYING, , SEE OUR PHOTOS Salesmen With Autos at Your Service. -3500 CASH DOWN 82750 New. nifty bungalow home of 4 room , and breakfast nook; full cement bsse . anent, wash trays, built-in ; fruit; 50x 100 lot. near Alberta ear. 82800 A nice 4 room bungalow home, con . venient to S. F. shoi. only 60 feet from paved street: fireplace, built-lns. full cement - basemeat, double con structed: terms. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME -82850 Buy 4 rooms and bath down, 2 room up; full basement, cement floor, wash trays: sewer In and paid. Thhouse alon could not b duplicated at this - price. Terms. NEAR IRVINGTON CAR $2950 Neat -and clean, newly decorated and -painted throughout; full cement base ment; 6 rooms and bath; full lot; paved street and sewer in and paid. - ONLY 8500 CASH 1 " 83150 3 room and bath, double constructed. full cement basement, wash trays; if ire pise; on Woodstock car, close in. f 84T50 Let us show you this remarkably good buy in a strictly modern home of 6 rooms and bath, full cement base ment, waab trays, furnace, hardwood fleors. fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen; 100x100 lot with fruit, chicken house, - - garage ; sewer in and paid. Only en block to car. . 1 tllVlVTflV niVlVHTAV 810,000 Here ' is a beautiful home in the neart oi true qeatraoi msinci. uving room, dining room, nnroom and kitchen, also b-reakfast room firttt floor, 3 fine bedrooms, also tiled bath, up; ' lattice fence -Around lot;, fin larg I caraae : imnrovements nald. 1 his noma "Is perfectly planned a bom to be proud ot. - 'KENTON'S BEST HOME VALUE i $8500 Beautiful Colonial bom of 0 room - and sleeping porcn, large living room, also exceptionally large bedrooms, bdwd. floor, fireplace, bwjfet. lutch kitchen with breakfast nook; full cement base ment. wash trays, furnace. This ha every convenience desired, includ n garage to match house; imp. including im-er in and naid. Terma Remember, if yoo owo lot, w can build for Jfow is the fame, while materials are cheap, to hue bnild that new home. we can show you -modern new home which we duplicate as low aa 83800. C4S00 Will buv l 5 room and attic, double ranatrarterl. with full cement . base ment, wb trayt. hdwd. floor, built-in buffet, Iutch kitchen, tiled bath with recess tub. tiled drainboard in. kitchen "and a real fireplace. It will pay to see our new Home Dept. before buying. . . J. A. Wickman Co.. ' "Shortest Way Horn." " 214 Stsrk St Main 10i4 ndS83. LISTEN, LARGE FAMILY, ' And you hU her ofom bargains: plenty of rooms and lots of ground for garden; fruit trees, too: when "you have inspected them you are sure to wave a glad farewell to th rent collector. , UNIVERSITY rAHK ' 9 rooms; not strictly modern but coraforf sble and home like: lot 133x110: close to car and schools; price $4 500; easy tonus. 8 rooms and sleeping porch ; full attic and full basement: 4 bedrooms; corner lot: 1 fruit trees; 1 block-from car, 2 from school; and in the pink of condition; $3660; $800 down. 10 rooms; 14 fruit trees: lot 100x110; 1 block! to car; paved street; fine lawn; price $42O0;asy terms. rooms: 100x110 lot; T fruit trees: 8 block from car; fine condition, and only $27 00; $600 down. C0E A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 4th st. Msin 4523. '708 W. Lombard st Columbia 1274. 850 IsOWN $17.50 MONTHLY Beautiful lot 60x1 00 and Urge 8 roam shack with extra large sleeping porch, electric- light, eas "and natent toilet: 12 or 14 large assorted bearing fruit trees. All kinds of berries and flower, ornamental shrubbery: 1 ty blocks from Ockley Green school. Price 81375, rlus bonded assessment. Here is your chance to gt a start and to get out of paying high rent 782 Chsmber of Com mem. 77TH ST., S. E: 5 BOOM BUNGALOW $2 00 DOWN Rnbstantial bungalow with 2 gondslsed bed rooms, living room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen; lot ia 84x100; price only $1475. BihrCarey m 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDO,, THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487. $110(nuDOWNx$fl00 2 room houe. eemrnt cellar and foundation. or merit sidewalks, lot 60x115, on hard surface st Price $1100; terms, $lO0 cash, bai. $15 per month. - , . r " tj. KENNKDT, 9218 6tltn AVe. O. ti. Antomstlc 617-32. I10O0 WILL HANDLE New Alberta bungalow, hardwood floor, buf fet fireplace, breakfast nook, built-in kitchen, cement basement double eossfxueted, east front full Int. Only $4200. JohnsonDodson Co. . 838 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 8787. ACREAGE 405 THREE ..acre and s room house ia heart of Milwalkie, fin sail, lot of fruit tree; .all kinds of berries; chicken houses, barns, tct Best buy w bar to offer. $6700, Payment down, bat terras, n $650 One acre Prune orchard: $650. Fine eon; year old prune trees; cannot be . beat (a snap) ; good road, close in, GEO. T. PARRY. Phone It Muwsuki. - . FINK FOR CHICKENS, BERRIES. FRUIT $25 down, $12.50 monthly, buy a splendid tract of 2.47 acre, located 1 Vk mile from Portland city limits, splendid creek, aome bot tom land; total price $550. 782 Chamber of Commerce ABSOLUTELY1 AS REPitESENTfeb " 10 acres, all clear, lesa than H. mile R TL Sta., on graveled road level land, 3 mile fine new creamery, 1 mile echool, fine neighbor hood; no rock or gravel; 100 yards to store; all fine vegetable and berry bind, best part of Willamette valley; only $1800. terms; location is Meal; can't be beat Call and ace me. . - , J. H- RICHARDS, 308 McKay bldg , 3d and Stark t . i ACRES OF BERRIES I A -acres, on pared road, 25 miles South Portland, 1 mil to station and high school, 2 acre loganberries,- 1 V acres strawberries. AU land can b cultivated. 6-room cottage. Other buildings. Price $4600, $2509 cash; In spected by Brooks. John Ferguson, Gerlingef bldg.- Over BOO small places Beer Portland. Get onr elstfted printed list. 1 ACRE. 10 anile south of Portland, , mile from electric station. All under culti vation. IS young bearing fruit tree. Good 5 room bungalow with Dutch kitchen, $500 barn,' chicken house, garage. Included with place i $800 wortri of oak furniture and brae beds. Price $220, $1000 cash. Over 600 small place near Portland. Get onr classified ' liat. John Ferguson, Oerling bMg. . BEE GEO. T. PARRY FOB ACREAGE between Portland gad Oregon City. - We bay what you are looking for in the way of acreage. Phone 19. Milwaukie. 19 ACRES, aU in crop, eU tor 82850; 1 ail to Gaston ; paved, road be finished next an to me r; will take a lot aa part payment if located between Alberta, Russell. Missiseippi and 20tb sts. 874 E. 11th st. north, Portland. Or. RlH SAIJE 2 acre tract in Mill City. 1 acre in high etate of cultivation, balance clear ; gooa room noaae; tor uimuuoa write Jo ox 209, Powara, Or. ACREAGE, near good Michigan town. Value $4000. Exchange for grocery or general stor ia Oregon or vvaamngtqn. owner 4120 64th St. B. LlGll'f acres, lotated f2 mile south of Port land oa highway, all in cultivation. 80 DO rtrawocTTr plants, will bear first time this auu. mer; $2500 cash. H-442, Journal. FOR SALE 4 acre 1 mil north of Central!; adjoining echool ground. Write to owner, Walter Wonfh. S. Willamette st, igene. Or, IV ACHES under high slate ot cultivation. 30 - miles from Portland. ' For. particular call Tabor 4429. 16 ACHES, also house movtng outfit 61$1 - 824 st. S B. Tbome Allen. Portland Or ACRE on bed and Schuyler ti. term. Owner, 890 . 73d t X or REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 403 $2250 BUYS 8 acres, all under rulM vstlon; 1 cr of strawberries; 6 room bous. 2 blocks from electric sta tion, on pavad highway, in' Clark county: $500 cash, bai like rent- Se John Brown & Co. 322 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Mat. 8331. SUBURBAN HOMES 408 STOCK AND KULIPMENT 8 acnes. $t mil frosn electric station: 3 14 acre' under eultivsticn; all can b cultivated; balance arubbed and in pasture: good young bear ing orchard; good 4 room attractive cottage; small barn, chicken bouse for 9vef SOU rtucsena, gaa ia house, city "water can be had: 15 miles from eonrthouae, low commutation - far. ' Included with place: 1 cow, 1 hog, 60 -chickens, 1 stand bees, feed cutter, etc. Price $3000. 81450 cash. Inspected - by Maritera, John Ferguson, Getlinger bldg. Over 500 small place near Portland. Get onr clificd printed H 8 ROOM house, lot ?5x 1 1 1 ;. good barn. cbtckn house, lot ef fruit ; on paved highway. lust eutsid city limits, west aid. Price 13500; $3 ii cash, baL bke rent. ! John Brown & Co. 822 By. Es. Bldg. Uar.c 3331. , SNAP SUBlllBAN HOME "SNAP Nine mile .from posuiffice, I have 5 acre, 4 tn cultivation, H room bous, barn, chicken and brooder bous. new g rage. 2 cows, 7 5 chickens, 3 bee hives, Urge kitchen range, heating stove, separator, all for $4500, $1500 uown: lX mil to Ore. Electric station. On food auto road. . ' - f R1ELY GUSTAFSON. 805 Yenn bldg. " ' HEAL ACREAGE BARGAIN 44 acre, 8 block from city limits; lot of -bearing fruit trees, soma berries; 4 room plas tered bungalow, complete white enamel plumbing, cement - basement- fireplace: fine garag with cement floor; " chicken house. Price $2500, $1095 eaab. Weil worth $3500. In-peeled br Malon. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg Over 600 small place near Portland. Ask for eur extensive c'asalfied trt, ' ' 1 ACRE bl'bl RBAN. HOMK $2900 $10I0 CASH New 6-room . bungalow with cement basement. Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcase, French doors, beautiful fireplace, 20 fruit trees, large garage; located 4 mile east of city 'limits; 2 block to car. Better burry if you want this one. . llESDERSON-BANKt'S CO., 48 Henry bl.lg. ' 4 ROOM, plastered houae. on hard county road. Bull Run water, gaa. electricity available,. 4 block, from Shahapte station. O. JE. Ry., the station wet of Multnomah, 9s eomutatlnn tare. Price $1700, $500 cash, balance terms; also good t arc tracts from $250 to $500, terms, WM. BORSCH, OWNER. Phen Main 2182. Maplewooil, Or. $24t CASH, ' balance easy, lik acrea, near Medford, adjoining Central Toint tr Ba ri le tt pears and Tokay grapes, small shark on place. Total price $600; might consider good used car in exchange. Pbone Tabor- 76U0 even- ine, or address owner. 482 Msrmerile ire,, clly. IMPROVED acre at Garden Hume on Oregon Electrie B- It Look It ovr, W. o. tuiler fnn. owner. - - FARMS 407. RAISE CHICKENS AND LOG A N il K li 111 KS 15 acre in th. loganberry district of the , Willamette valley, of rich valley bind, all under cultivation; A 8 room house; a neat little place; bam. chicken house; soma fruit' trees; about 2 acre loganberries; 6 acrea seeded to winter oats ; all fenced. This will b a money, maker tor the right man: only H mil from th ictrio station, post-office, stores: 14 mile from rhool and only a little over one hour from Portland on. electric line. You should see this place b for youbny.- Pric 84r76A,$3O00 caeh. A FINE LITTLE FARM. AND COUNTRY HOME fS acres of rich eaUey land, "etna to Wood burn and en highway ; in the great loganberry belt; 80 . arres under cultivation, 8 , acre ' in wood and psaturei a very fine 4 room bungalow 8 years old, modern in every respect, cement basement, furnace beat pressure tank, -elect net pump and light; good barn and chicken bouses for son rhickeiui or more: concrete walka and runway to garage. Will" sell place with or with out stock and furniture. - . 27 ACRES, STORE AND POMTii It r 27 acre, all node cultivation and fenced with woven wire; 2 dwelling houses, barn, bog hou. chicken houae and. other bldg... store bldg. and stock of aTvjoeri; family orchard and some strawberries and lnganbcries close to arbonl and church; good business proposition for some one. Price 3480O. 82000 eaab, balance ana 4 years, per. cent -V- 1 PABRISH With Coover Holmsn, 832 Failing bldg.. Portland, Or. "VbU felLE 166 .At'Rl!S ' - On aonmina of nnor health, will sell 1 AO-err : dairy ranch thi i on ef the best hill diry ranch tn TUlemoog county; armut inn ! J il . lrA . I .mull in gFaa mu bhwww , - branch running through th place, 'beside v eral good springs on place; about 40 acre in vine-maple and alder land; family orchard: this place will carry 45 cows, when all improved; fair house, barn and butbuitcunsa, spring water. hot and cold water piped tto house; plenty m g bay to last till spring; farm machinery and rleaatoHr acea in' with th place, including I Hinman milking machine, good team, 24 cows, 4 2 year-olds. 2 yearling, 1 registered Jersey bull,, bogs and ebtckanar this place i shout 1H mile from main road. Good bill. road through piace. About 3 mile from tore, post- olfice. cheese jaetory ana scnooi; an iw io.y" $4000 or mor down, bai. oa time; thu place ia paying good. ' ' W. W. VAtSljrv, niySlRim. GOOD RAM 11 WELL LOCATED " 85 seres, located 15 mile from center of rortland, on fine macadanrixed road, 1 mile from electric station, t mil to school; fin oil, no gravel; 25 acre under cultivation; all can be cultivated, th balance being in fir Umber; good, attractive, plastered bungalow, with cement base ment; bearing family orchard; barn 30x0, chick en bouse, amok beuss, begBouge. Included with the place: 1 team, 1 cow, aome chickens and geese, 1 plow, 1 harrow. 1 wagon. 1 buggy. t of barn, etc. ' Pric $7000 for everything. Very small payment down and easy terms, or win consider clear home in Portland to 84O0U, John Ferguson, Ueriingsr bldg. - Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our axtenaiv classi fied lists.- 1 HAVE a 785 sere stock and wheat ranch, all fenced and eros fenced: 600 acre tn culti vation. 200 acre now ia fall wheat: 3 mile Iron railroad town; lo have aa 8 room bouse, barn and other buildings together with one block of ground n town that gee with th ranch. I will trade this property for a good apartment bouse, business . property or hotel well lormted. I will gjve good terras oa balance if ny. If you are interested in getting a ranch with the crop already growing gVa t fail to answer. Bos 143. Wallow, Or. ' BEST OF LOGANBERRY LAND -97 acres, north of Balem, 1 mile from Oregon Electric sutioa ; 40 mile aouth Portland ; on main macadamixed road; all under cultivation and fenced with woven wire. Good orchard and low of berries; 5 room house, new bam: chicken bou; fruit cellar mile to school. Price $125 acre, half eaab. Nice shade trees round build ing. . Nelson, with John Ferguson, rtier bldg. Over 606 small piaoes aear Portland. Get oer classified printed list. si ACKKa, 22 rails from Portland; p"i road for 18 mile and 8 mile gravel; 25 acre In cultivation, 15 acre easily cleared, 16 acre good bottom land, baianc timber; 6 min ute' walk to electric station. Small bouse, good barn and outbuildings. Feed, stock snd machin ery ail goes at $85 per acre. Good terma. IS. HERRO, 288 mark St, Auto. 624-58. A DAS'liV r'ARtl mUZTllF-iPl 8ft acrea, 15 mile from Portland, 2 mile off paved highway; 21 acrea in high. stat of cultiva tion, balance In pasture; all tillable; 'modern 10 room bouse, with plumbing and water under pre cur; good bam and outbuildings; $1500 worth of tock and equtpsnent goes with place. I'n. a $8500. Term can be arranged. Write or call 922 80th st. N. Portland. . Phon Wdln. 853fi, FOR SALE J.oud atotk run-in I ulfl Or gon. 6000 acre; about 200 head ofi cattle; $27,000 bandies this, terms oa baianc a long a wanted. V. Bsmholdt. Tvowtdale. Or. ARK YOU looking for a good fartnt Call owner. phone Tabor 4 647. 8M7 E. 59th at- Ns. I FOR RENT FARMS 408 FOR BENT, sale or trade. 85 seres, near V taeada, en good rock road, all good tillable land; 7 8 acre cultivated. 1 acre bearing orchard, spring water; good bouse, large barn and out buildings; some stock and implement go. with place; owner win sell for $ll,Ouo, $3i00 down: will trad for alfalfa land or stock ranch east of th mountains, or will rent place for $40O per year, cash rent Ralph Ackley. 627 Corbett bklg. - IRRIGATED LANDS 403 ,. . IRItlUATr I AsANDS -We r lesnng agsm Friday Bigbt with an other parte for tbe Ocborw project Corn in and east on of the party Land oid ea eesy terma email payment down, kmg tie o tbe balno. Tb district 1 especiaLy adapted for Bvlxed firming; sifalfa on of the ,i eron. ' Call, write or phone Main 44 1. Scboro Irrigated Lend Co.. N. W. Bank HI,. HOMESTEADS 410 IiOSiLAO, no tw, v.ui.g ana ,-i ir..K esition st edge ef good town, main hne 8. I : some garden land; location $200. S'Jl tJorbett bllg " koK in,ue tcad or ie.m'uiinni.l in lui o. A C. I'd grant e W'. lirlin. 818 bwni of Trade bkU.