r FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. I PORTLAND, OREGON 13 ALL BUSINESS STOPS IN THE WHEAT TRADE HERE MOTOR SHARES DROP AT.ONO WITH THF. OTT, OR HTTP CALIFORNIA TRADE IN BUTTER HURTS , The downfall of California batter gtlcf during the last few days baa startled the local trade, recovering as It ii from the effect of the previous de pression that bad bit the entire Pacific Northwest market. , There has dnrlng th last few day heen an anHiiany firm, tana in the butter trad with pr-ms vpacftationa of an danoe in th price. This hitter hit ba completely qct by the action of th &u Francisco mark, although . the trad aara wonld M voorn for what tha California trade vffl do within tha next 24 boon, ao rratie baa it acted at am. Aetna! sales of eoba extras ara shown in tha Jooai tnula at 8o a pound. Thia appears to ba tha atnu limit of tha market t th moment. Local creameries ha tivKro an actual short ac ( atoeka and th California. decline eosnea a a ahock to moat of them, (torn of the cream er! with branch elsewhere fast Jieen eotn pvilad to draw upon them for their actual ra onirexaanta. ' The desiring special information regarding ny market ahould write th Market KdUtor, Ore oa Journal, enclosing atamp for reply. GO SITCATIOX IS ABOUT STEADY With a verr actiT local call for asgs, th m 1.. ntnirtMi har. t. -fr,.lrf. rH at.adv MOOl aWimind ta now unusually good. . o, b. buy ers ax freely offering S5o a doxen for eaneDt receipt. . CHEESE KCABCITT IS SEVERE - iV 1. (A DutUii than fn many months past. It ia impossible to seruns 'Tillamook stock at all. and offerings from other aecuona are being held firmer ia riuw of tha prospective advaoc at Tillamook. HEAVY HESS IS LIMITED CALI. Very limited call ia abowinc for bear bans akm tha Mreat at 27o a pound, bat ther Sa suite a good call for lightweight atock at pce- Drsiiea turkey ara now eaja. MO BE SPIXAJZH IS STOW COMCTG rreah spinach ia now arriving from- both Wall Walia and from Los Angeles, in addition to the hunts grown atock. none of tb latter be ing offend on tha local wholaeai trade. Walla Wall ia offering at 31-80 generally. HEAT MARKETS HOLDISO STEADY No general change waa shown in th market for country killed meata during the day. Veal an Id at 18 e generally, with nominal bosineaa at 18c. while th bulk of ui Deal nog suiu . 15t180 and nominal business at 10c " BRIEF IfOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Bio market beginning to ad ranee. . l'otatoea and onions almost stagnant. Itmawl sprout have adreoced to 20c pound. tisaelt are scarce and higher at 6 e 7c pound. arload or florid. grapefruit unloaded; aam price ' Hoasburg broccoli otTerlng at 1.85 e5 2.25 V HOLES AXE PRICES IJT PORTT.ASD Tbeaa are prices -retailers pay wholesalers, ex cept as otherwise noted: Dairy Products BUTTER Belling price, bog lota: Cream ery. xtra. parchment wrapped, 45o per lb. Jobbing price: Cubes, extras. 39c per lb. ; dairy, buying prtce, 20c per lb. , BtJTTEKFAT pnlaud delirery basis, No. 1 grade, 43c; No 2. tie; country stations. 87 0 Be per lb. . . . CHKKHK Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Oregon fancy ttriplet. 33e per lb.; Young Amer icas. S4e lb. Prices to jobbers, f. o. b. Tilla mook: i Triplets, 80c; Young Americas, S 10. Belling ipric: Block Swiss. 88 40c; hmburgar, SoSSo .lb.; cream brick. 36S8o lb. EtiO- Buying price: Current receipfa tig per dosen; candled, selling prica, 88 8&o per doaen; sele t. 40 41c per doaen. LIVE POULT BT Selling price: Heary hens. 2w27o lb.; light hens, 24e lb.; springs, light. 80o lb.; bMTy. 27e per lb.; old rooelers. le fer in.; turseya, eoc per iu. , i ' Oc par lb.; ducks. 85(9 4 Oo lb. Freh Veotbte and Fruit - 1-TtESH FBUTT Oranges. 2.754.B0 borf bananaa, 12 h 8 ISn per lb. : lemons, 84.009 4.7fi a crate; gramfruit. Florida, $-Ma8.00; California. 83. 2 5. i ARPLS 81. 508.25. , I'KXED FBUITS Dmm, TtrmaeAartm. SS.85; Fardu, 83.78 per box; figs. 83.60 8.7S. OVIONS Selling price to retailers: Local. 81.28; garlic, l&c; green oniona. . BOo par, doaen bunches. PTATOES Selling price: Oregon fancy. $1.R5( I. ISO; sweet. Tenn., 83.80 hamper. BERRIES Cranberries local, 86.00 .2 per box; eatrn, 819-00 rbU VEGETABLES Turnipn. $2.50 per seek; carrots, 81.80; beats. 82 00; lettuce, 83 f0 83.25 per crate: gg plant, 3Ae: broccoli, 81.83 92.28; ball peppsra. 85 40c lb.; celery, 81 00 per. dosen; Hubbard squash. 22V0 lb.; rhu barb, hothouse. 20c lb. . - - MaaU and Provlilona COrTTTRT MBATS ReJUng price: Country hogs, 18316o per lb. for top blockers, about 128 to ISO lb.; heavy etuff lower: real. top. 80 to 110 Iba.. IS1 ?10c; heaey stnff lea. : pWOKED MEATS Hams. 3U83c per lb.; break fix t bacon, 26t49c LARD Kettle rendered, 21 Ha lb.; tierce buu, compound, 13 He I I rish and Slwllflsh !FRE8H FISH BteelhMd. 2c per lb f re sen chinook. 80e; halibut, fresh, 28c; sttu geon, ( ); black cod, 11 12c; kippered sal mon. 82.80 per 10 lb. basket; kippered cod. 82 85; raaor clams. ); crane, 82.75 8.75 per dozen: ling cod.xOSo per lb.; Columbia smelt. To per lb. : i OYSTERS Esjitem, per ; gallon. (5.00; OlympiA, $5.60. STJGAB Befinery basis. Cube, $9.78; trait and berry. $8.00; D yellow, 87.40; granu lated, 8. 00; extra C, $A.80; golden C. 87. R0. I HANKY Per case, 87.75 ft 8.00; bulk. 18o per lb. RICB Japan style. No. 1, 4t4.S!.e: Blue WH V 1 lO Ik ICa rtwlaau 1. - .1 JhUtm, I WOt: a i-fvw ri avravasa 8ACU( : COFFES Boasted. 19 & 31c. ia sacxs or drama. I 8 ALB Coarse, half ground. 100s, $17.28 per ton; 50, $17.85; table dairy, 60s. $27.25; bales. 83 60 9 4.00; fancy table and dairy, $34. AO; lump rock, $26.50 per ton. 1 . KP.1VS AalMi hi lobbera: Small whl B He lb.: large white, 6Hc: pink. 7 He per lb.; lima. 8 He; bayou, 11 He; teds. Tiie; Oregon beans, buving prices, nominal. CANNED MILK Carnation. $6.0; Borden. $6.00; Astnr, $5.96; Kagle, $11.50; Libby. 85 90;-Mount Vernon. 85.90 per cas. SODA CRACKER! In bulk, 17o per lb. NUTS Walnuts. 2326o per lb.; almonds. S7H2Sc; filberts, 82c in sack lota; peanut, life 15c; pescsns, 25e; Brsxils. 85c Rope, Paints, Oils BOPE Sisal, dark. 14c; white. 16c per lb.; standard Manila. 20 He. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla.. 9,o gaX: ket tle poiiea. DDLs., ii.vi; raw, rue. Sl.lt: boiled.' caaee. 31.16 per gallon. COA LOIL Pearl or water whit, in drams er iron berrsla, IT He gallon; cue. $0o per gallon. t. A SO LINE Iron barrels. 29c; case. 41HO, . W HITF L HAD Ton lota. 12 He; 800 lbs.. 18c per -lb. TUitPEN TIN E- Tank, 81-24: caaaa. $1.39; 10 caa lots, le leea. Hops, kVooi end Hid HOPS Nominal, 1920 crop, 2t)fa)22He. HIDES Calftkin. 10 12c; kip. 8 08c; green hides, B j 6o per lb. ; . MOltAIR Long. 2 5e: short. 15c. TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. 5c; JJ. 2, 4c. a CASCABA BARK New. 8c lb. WOOL Coaras. lOe; madiuia, 20c; fin. S5c per lb. Dried Frnlt and Beans ; New York.. Feb. 4. (L N. S.) Bean mar- !?,,,l'' Marrow choice, 000; pea choice. 4 50 i 5 10; red, kidney choice, 25950. Dried i fruit market dull. ApricoU, ektra ehoic to fancy, 28 & 86 ; apples, eraporated, r"S;! 'nry' Prune. 80s to 60s, l'l'i prune. 60s to 100s, 6H 6104 - cooice- to lancy, 18 021 - pi. d raisins, extra choic to fancy, 24 25. Saval Store Market New Tork Fab. 4 (I. N. S.)--Turpentine. Barannah, 92 H. no sales: New York. 64 Boain BTnjh. n.QQ; xew Tol:k e'8 FOR SALE! Onions, fancy, cwt -.8J1.10 Potatoes, rood cookers, cwt. S1.3B Wlnesap Apples, choice, box K2.00 Cooatos Apples, box... $t.G5 All orders must be accompanied by P. O. order cr check. ST. O. B. Port land. . SHERIDAN-BECKLEY CO. !11 WASHISGT05 STREET PORTLASD, OREGOS Spealal Prices ea Carload Lets LARGE APPLES AT LIBERAL PREMIUIV1 All over the country there continues a gtioiitf demand for Targ-e size apples bat stocks of such offerings are nominal at all points. Prices reflect both the in creased demand and limited supplies. Locally as high a $8.25 is reported in. -eery Bmited way for extra fancy SpUxonbercs of largo at a bat there an ao few of thst use available that th market is nominal at tbe best. Eastern market reported a steady tone gen erally tor boxed apple. New York reported enppUea liberal. Demand food for extra fancy krge stocks Morement modeiat. . Market steady. Sprltzenburo, extra fancy, lsrs mostly, $4 50(94.75; medium. $4.00e4.25; small. $3.ftO 8.79. ? Rome, extra fancy Urge. $8.75 H 4.00; medium. 38 25 f 8.B0 ; null, $2,500 8.00; fancy targe. $3.50 e 3.75; roedinm. $3-00 08.75; Kihell. $2.2502.75. Jonatbana, ear ran, med-nm to btrge, $2.00 0 2.50, mostly $2.29. A action price Monday 1 Oregon, . 2 Washington sold. Oregon 69.9 boxes Spitsen burgn, extra fancy large. $2.65 02.85; medium. $2.15 0 2.55; fancy largeV $2.85 0 2.60; n dinra. $1.8002.10. i Waabington 755 boxes. Mcintosh. C, grade medium, $2.40 0 2.70; small, $2.80 02 60. 690 boxes Jonathans. C grade, null to medium. $1.55 0 3.00, mostly $1,75 0 1.90. Auction price Tuesday I Washington. 1 Idaho told Wafaington-?-7 4 5 bozos Jona thans, extra fancy, medium to Urge, $1,10 0 1.50; fancy medium. $1.1501. 85. Idabo-T-755 boxes Jonathans, extra fancy, medium to Urge. $1.60 02.05;; fancy, medium to Urge. $1.5501.75. Tb American a-riei$ttural trade comic fend cmer at London reports th selling prices of apples on ISritiah markets for the week ending January 31, conversion being nude according to rate of eix crange prevailing January 81 when a shilling was worth ,192875. as follows: London - W anhi njrUm-OreTm SottaenbunM a-anged $8.28 0 8.38 per box; fancy sold, 33.09 rao.1; (j grade, gz.siez.oP. Winesapa brongh 88.28 0 8-38 for extra fancy; fancy. $2.93 08.28 per boa Oregon Newtowns, extra fancy, ranged $3.09 0 8.66; fancy. 82.70 0 8.09; O grade, 82.5102.89. Virginia Tork Im Periala. all grade, moatly poor pack, brought 84.24 07.72. New Tork Ben Darw. U grade, $6.94 0 7.72. Rhode Island Greenings, all grade. $7.7208.87. Baldwins, all grades, $7.72 0 8.68 per barreL i Liverpool Virtrinm York Imperials, all grades, brought $6.73 07.72: eom poor condition aoid $1.6404.82 per barrel. New Tork Rhoaa ItUnd Greenings, 2H. ranged $5.79 0 9.26. Baldwin. 2 H e, broocbt $5.79 0 8.29 per bar rel Orxm-Washington. i bores, Newtowns. extra fancy, brought $8.38 04.05; fancy. $8,18 0 8.78. Wineeaps. fancy.leold $2.1203.09 per box. Staymana, all grade, brought $2.81 0 2.70. Gams, all grades. $2.31 e 2.89. Ben Darin, extra fancy, bronght $2.1202.61. Cali fornia Newtowns, all grades, ranged $3.09 0 8.18 per box. , Manchester York Imperials ranged $8,860 5.79 per barrel. Oregon, boxes, Newtowns. an grai. sold $3 00 04.24. Glasgow York' Imperial ranged $4,24 0 5.40. New York Rhoda bUnd Greenings, a it grade, brought $6.04 0 9.84. Baldwins, i all grade. $8.94 07.72-per barreL Newtowns sold $2.99 0 3.28 per box. During the week 44.000 barrel and 66.000 boxes of apple were afloat for the United King dom as compared with 79,000 barrels and 73, 000 boxes for the . week ending January 24 ; 105,000 barrels ana 109.000 bore for the week ending January 17, and 81.000 barrels and 85,0 boxes for week ending January I. DAIRY PRODUCTS OF THE COAST San Francisco Market -San. Francisco, Feb. 4. (L P.) Extras. 40 Ht: prime firsts. 30 He. Kbe Extras, 40o; extra firsts. 39He; extra pnUet. 37 He; undersized pullets, 36 He Choose California flat, fancy, 25c Loe Angeles Market Log Angeles, Feb. 4. (L N. S.) Butter. tJff Extra. 40c; case count, 33c; poUeta, Poultry Hens. 3 4c; broilers. 40 0 53c; fry ers, 40c Seattle. Feb. 4. (V. P.) - Eggs Fresh ranch 42c; pullets 38 0 38a. Butter 44 0 4 6c. POTATOES COAST AtOSO THE saattl Mart Seattle, Feb. 4. (U. P.) Potatoes Taldma Gems. $36; locals. $24 0 26. . an Francisco Market - San , Francisco Feb, 4. (TJ. P. Potato River white. $1.6001.76; Salinas. $3.50: sweets, $8.40 0 5.65. .Onions Australian brown, 75c 0 $1.00. Los An sole Market IO. Angeles. Feb. 4. ( L N. S.) Potatoes - Stockton Burbanks, mostly, $2.00 0 2.50; Idaho Russets, mostly. $1.90 0 2.10; local, y ju Rose, mostly,. 80 09Oo per lug, $2,00 0 Kew York Batter send Errs New Tork, Feb. 4. (L N. B.) Butter Market esxy. Creamery extras (salted and na sal ted) , 46048He; creamery firsts (salted and anaalted). 41047c; creamery higher than extras (salted and unaalted), 46H049He; tate dairy tubs 80 0 45a - Cheese Market easy, IrremUr. State Whole milk specials, 23 H 0 29c; whole milk fancy, 22 0 25 He; whole milk lower grade. 15&21HC Wwconsin Whole milk, fancy Young American. 28 H 0 29 He. State Skims, specials. 17 H 0 20c; skims, choice, 15 017 He; skims, fair to good, 12 014 He; skims, lower grades, 10c . . Eggs Market easy, irregular. Nearby white, fancy, 6O0 61r; nearby brown. 6g)e; extra, 88c; firsts, 88 0 576. Chleag-o Dairy Prodoce Chicago. Feb. .--( L N. S.) Butter: Re ceipts 8276 tubs. Creamery, extra, 4Se; first. 38 44c; packing stork. 14018c - -Egg Receipts, 10.865 cases. Miscellaneous, 42 0 44c: ordinary firsts, 42 043c; firsts, 45c; checks, 89040c; dirties, 41042c. Cheese Twin, new.. 23 H 024c; daisieer 33ie; xoung Americas, 24f4 025e; Longhorns. 2H2Hc; brick. 20 0 20 He Lire poultry Turkeys. 3c; chickens, 27 H 0 28c; springs. 29 He; roosters, 2ic; geese,' 20 0 26c; duck. 85c - , Skooknm Apple Growers Isoorporste Wen tehee. Wash.. Feb. 4. With a capital atock of $10,000 divided into 400 shares of $25 par value the Wens tehee Skooknm Growers ha been incorporated with O. T. Clawson. H. iX Jacky. O. K. Koehler. OtU MoNelly and W. U Bobbins as the incorporators. Under the ar ticles of incorporation which have been filed with the county auditor the company has authority to own orchards, to grow fruit, to buy, sell, hnd)L tor, ship and market same, to construct and operate cold storage plants, to build and operate sawmills and box factories. "New Tork Wool and' Hide New Tork, Feb. 4. (L N. S.) Wool Mar ket unsettled; domestic ' fleece XX Ohio, 23 0 45c: domeouc pulled scoured basis. 18 0 60c; domnaUo Texas scoured basis. 40 (g 75o; domestic territory staple scoured, SO 0 85c ' Hide- Market dull. native steers, 13 0 14e; branded steers. 11c w Tork Poultry Market New York. Feb. 4 (L N. 8,) Live poultry Market firm. Chickens. 8O045e; fowls. 81 43ta; turkeys, 4R b 5Gc; roosters, 20c: ducks. 45 0 48c; geese. 27g)33c Chleairo Potato Market Chicago; Feb. 4. L N. S.) Potatoes: Ra ceipts. 84 cars. Minnesota, Michigan and Wis consin, round whites. 81.0001.50; bulk. $1.10 01.23; Wisconsin Kings, sacks, $1.00 01.05. : Kew York Patato Market New Tork. Feb. 4. (L N. 8.) Potato market steady. Nearby white, 2 0375; Bermu das 6 010. t 'San F ran eisco Barley Market San Francisco, Feb. 4. (U. P.) Barlay. spot feed, per cental, $1.15 01.2$; shipping. $1.30 01.-40. San Francisco Poultry Market San Francisco, Feb 4. -U. P.) Broilers. 56 0 60c; large bens 34 038c; best ducks. 30 0 35c ' ; : San Franeiace Barley " Option a San iVancisco, Feb. 4. Barley closed. May 114 bid. 117 H asked: December 113 bid. Calcutta bag Spot 6 H bid. Mlnneapolis-DnlBtb Flax reb- L 1. S.) Flax May. W.78: July $1.81 H ; track and eirn $ Minneapoua, Feb. 4. (L N. S.) Flax $1.T5 0 l.TeT '""I 1-80; U Sew York Metal Market roel Jortt JFb'' L N- 8.) Copper DuJU Spot, tebruary and March, offered, 18. .LJ1:fy-.. 8po o"rd, 500; February, offered. 41a: Mansa. offered. 490. wvs,y. Spelter Easy. Spot and Febcanzsv .-f -,i $00; March. b0l. -cimmO. NO SALES VHEAT NOW BEING MADE FRIDAY WHEAT MARKET -, . Bid. I .--.r$L46 Hard whits . Soft whits - Whits tisb . Hard winter Sorthern gprlar Red Walla i tUi ........... U X.4B . . .....- US us ..4 f Gain le to , .to Is le Is Barley. Fir. Oats. Hay. ..) 1 : 1 ; . . . . . I 4 . . 1 1821 529 857 1582 1691 2740 ; 393 1245 . . ! .2 ,1 I 80 .. 7 3255 47 648 88 846 4835 68 1851 140 633 6 . . 2 1 26 1 2 2 2 3503 178 34 807 1074 4863 234 605 646 999 NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Reported by Portland Merchant exchange. I Wheat. Portland. Friday 14 Tear ago 28 Season to date . lO.fi&a Year ago 6802 Tmeoma, Than. 16 Year ago. . . . ... Season to data. Year asn . . Seattle, Tbius.. rear ago. ..... Season to date.. Year ago.. . General lack of export demand is shown for wheat here at the moment. Leading export firms report their in ability to interest Europe in supplies. No sales are shown either here or at primary points of tha Pacific Northwest. Whil thar continues a very liberal move ment of wheat to tidewater ports of th Pacific Northwest and especially to Portland, practically all of this bnaineBS waa don on previous short sales to Europe Mo late pure bases of moment are shown in the country, although hers and there some small lots ar being taken in. Chicago wheat speculators continue their bear ish tactics, aided by the pnsss bureau of the inter national clique, which is violating th rating of th exchanges ia sendins out bearish Argontin information. . Flour market ia axUesuely weak at the mo ment, with Indications of s further price loss. FLOUR Selling price, mill door: Patent, $9.80; Montana spring wheat. 89.60; Wil lamette bailey brands. 88.55; local straight, $8.80; bakers' local. $9.00; graham. $8.00; whole wheat, $8.20. Price foe city deliveries 16c extra; suburban, 20e extra. HAY j-Bnying price. ' nominal. Willamette timothy .fancy, $25 0 27 per ton; clover, $19; straw. $13014; alfalfa. $20021 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No 1 Calcutta, 10c; domestic, lie, in car lota; lass amount higher, i , MILLS TUFF Mill ran at miH. sacked, ton lots, $36; carloads, $36. OATS4 Per ton. baying price: Feed, $38 0 34. BARLEY Buying price: Feed, $81 0 82; milling, $33. BKELM Buying price, nominal; no demand. Bed clover, recleaned ( ) per lb. ; alsike. ( : vetch. ). FEEDSTUFF'S F. O. B. mills: Rolled bar ley. $41P43; whole barley. $41; alfalfa meal. $30; coconut meal. $30; cracked corn, $45; whole cam, $42 ton; scratch feed; $60; aoy bean meal. $50; linseed meal. $62; whole oats, $42; rolled oats. $44 per ton. ROLLED OATS SeiUng price. $10 bbL Merchants Exebang bids: I WHEAT Hard white ... Soft white . . . . White club . . . . Hard winter Northern Spring Red Walla Feb. 146 145 145 138 in 136 No. No. 2 white . . . 2 Spring . , No bids. FEED OATS ' BARLEY CORN . . 3250 . .No bids. March. 146 145 145 138 138 136 3250 No. 3 Eastern ftmlk) . . . . No. 3 local (bulk) . .. 3000 . . . -2900 2975 2950 Wheat Is Higher At Opening, but Losses Are Later Chicajro, Feb. 4. (L K. S.) Early de clines In grain were more than wiped out during the last hour of the session when an oversold condition developed and ehorts bid prices up rapidly in tak ing1 profits. Provisions were lower. Closing prices for March wheat were at gains of VtC May advanced lc May corn rose and July He May oats ad vanced 'A to and July to He higher. Chicago, Feb. 4. (I. N. 8.) Wheat was featured principalLy by light ecferings and a lit tle scattered abort coverings. March was 1 to 1 H e higher and May wa up H to lc Corn opened steady to H lower for May and H to H higher for July. Offerings were light. After the opening th market ssssd off on scat tered selling by locals. Trade in oats was very light. Tbe market was ateady to H higher. Provisions opened full and lower. Chicago range by United Press I WHEAT Open. High. March . May .. May . July . Msy July . May . July . May . 153 H 144 64 H 66 41 H 42 H 131 110H 694 May ..J 2205 Msy May 1312 1200 153H 145 CORN 67 OATS 41 42 H ' RYE - 131 112 BAR LET 60 PORK : 2225 LARD i 13.15 i RIBS 1205 Low. 148H 1404 68 65 H. 404 41?4 128H 1094 69 2205 1300 1197 Close. 162H 144 65 67 4lli . .42 1304 112 60 2225 1305 1200 Cash wheat: No. 2 red. $1.78 01.80. COTTOS OFESS WITH SLIGHT ADVASCE; TOSE FEVERISH New York. Feb. 4. (L N. S.) Th cotton market opened active and feverish today at slight advance of 4 011 points. Wall street and New Orleans were among tb best purchasers early. The south and spot houses sold. Liver pool sold May and bought July. At the end of th first 20 minutes the list was heavy, with prices off .to last night s close Re Using sales eased prices slightly in the Ute dealings, but th market showed a steady undertone The close was : 22 0 80 points net higher. Spot cotton wa quiet today. 25 points higher st 1385; no sales. .. Furnisbed by Overbeck of Trade building Month- January ... March .... April .. . . . Msy ..... June .. . , July August .. . September , October .. . November . December . a Cook Co.. Board Open. High, Low, Close. .... .... 1480 1325 1366 1810 1840 .... j. 1860 1370 1396 1350 1880 .... ; 1403 1405 1433 1390 1420 ) 1423 1438 1430 1462 1420 1452 . . - . a 1465 1450 1468 1450 1468 Xlrerpool Cotton Steady Liverpool, Feb. 4. L N. S.) -Cotton opened in moderate demand. Prices were steady. Sales, 4000 balea Receipts. 10.200. Good tniririii-is, 9.85; full mids.. 9-20; mid.. 8.85; low mids.. 7.20; good ordinary. 6.79; ordinary, 4.70. Futures opened Quiet. . Grata Trade Kotes ' San Francisco Receipts ! from Oregon for month of .January By water., flour 66,336 qr. sacks, wheat r 17,000 centals; oats, 863 cental?; feed, 608 sacks; middlings. 600 sacks; by rail, flour 12,000 Q.UTB.; wheat, 8200 centals. From Washingtoa Via water, flour. 226.531 ar. sacks; wheat, 47.032 centals; oats, 8888 een- tus: snorts,, isvv sscss; oran. ZfoO aacks; feed. 2307 sacks; barley, barley, 30 centals; via rail, floor 3000 Qr.; wheat, 4SOO cental. London Germany bought: 100.00O ton Aus tralian wheat st qul to 12 cents under Ameri can. Royal commission resell! g their Argentine wheat, prewimably to Germany, -H-iHt un der American. ' . - , Omaha Understood that ! exporters ar com ing her after wheat: basis half bettor. Chicago Reported 1 20,000 boshes. f.nK-s wneat xuen I or export. Bradstreets Exports this week from North America Wheat and flour,1 8,509,000 bushels. Sew York-London saver ' New Tork, Feb. 4. (L N. S.) Commercial domeMe bar silver unchanged as 99 He; for ttum. tA a low ax. fin.. r-nsvtnr.. T ar XimA lower tods at Sftm S. LAMB MAR ET S FEELING ATTACK FRIDAY HOQ MARKET Tons. Portland ...... Chicago Omaha City . Denver Top. ..Sic lower $11-89 .16e lower ItM ..le lower 9.70 ..Light . UM 2 lower . PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hogs. Cattle. Cslvee Sheep. Care Friday ....... 344 48 1 202 Week ago ..... None 2 weeks ago.... 216 29 ... 4 weeks ago.... 163 Tear ago ...... 138 190 S 2 years ago. ...1082 165 ... 3 yean ago.... 590 626 37 4 years agc. . 937 83 ... 13 85 T71 8 200 16 LIVESTOCK PRICES COMPARED Friday Same 1920 Same 1919 Same 1918 Sams 1917 1918 Hogs. $11.25 ...... 16.35 ...... 16.50 ...... 16.50 ...... 12.00 7.55 Steers. $ 9.00 12.50 14.00 11.00 9.20 7.75 Lambe $10.50 - 17.50 13.00 15.50 '12.50 8.75 Further weakness 'Was shown in the hog alleys at North Portland for the day. Cattle were nominal while sheep and lambs were lower. Sheep and lambs showed a weak tone with losses of 25 to 60e noted in prices. Justa whst forced this reaction in values is one of those mysteries of North Portland thst only the big packers can explain, and then th explanation appears to be unsatisfactory to any except tbe ni sei vec It appears that losses of 25 to 50c are shown principally in lambs and yearlings in the face of very limited arrivals, while the dressed product has shown extreme prices folly con tinued. A General sheep market range; Fast of mountain lambs ...... .$9.80 010.60 Willamette ralley Heavy lambs ......... Feeder lambs ........ Light yearlings ....... Heavy yearlings ...... Wtlli9S . 4 Cull lambs Ewes 8.00 0 7.00 0 6.00 0 7.25 0 6.50 0 6.50 0 5.00 0 1.00 0 9 00 7.50 7.00 8.00 7.25 T.00 6.00 6.00 Cattle Market Nominal , Only a nominal tone was shown at North Port land in the cattle alleys for the Friday trade There wa a small supply available and prices reflected no changes. General eattla market range: Cheic steers $ 8.25 0 9.00 Medium to good steers ...... 7.60(9 8.00 Fair to medium steers 7.00 0 7.56' Common to fair steers 6.00 0 7.00 Choic cows snd heifers 6.50 0 7.25 Medium to good oows snd heifers 6-00 0 6.60 Fair to medium cows snd heifers 5.00 0 6.00 Common cow and heifers .... 4.00 0 6.00 Canners 2.00 0 4.00 Bulls 4.500 5.50 Choic feeders 6.50 0 7-00 Best light calve 10.00011.00 Medium light calve 9.O0 010.00 Choice feeders . 6.6O0 7.25 Fair to good feeders 6.15 0 6.75 Hog Weakness Continued Packers appear more determined than ever to force still lower prices on hogs at North Port land. They took the limited stocks for the day and paid less money, but it is noted that the big fellows are scarcely patronizing the local market. General hog market range: Prime light, $10.50 011.00 Smooth heavy 10.00 010.50 Rough heavy 7.00 0 9.00 Fat pigs 10.00 011.00 Feeder pigs 10.00 011.00 Thursday Afternoon Sals COWS No Ave Tbe Price I No. Ave. lbs. Price 1....1090 $ 4.00 I 1....1070 $ 6.25 CALVES 1.... 140 $11.50 I BULLS ' T : 1 1080 $5.00 I . 1....1S30 $ 5.00 - HOGS 1.... 270 $irr.5o i;. .. 520 $ 9.00 9 . 190 ll.OO 3 493 9.60 7. ..,'207 11.25 1.... 270 ,.10.60 2.... 260 10.50 6 253 0.50 1,... 460 ' 9.00 9.... 126. JLl-00 LAMBS J1 6.... 83 $ .25 11.... sri 6 7.30 - 27.... 85 8.00 14 95 8.00 191.... 85 8.00 I EWES 1. ... 180 $ 3.50 ) WETHERS 4.... 150 $ 4.50 . MIXED 82.... 118 $ 4.50 Friday Morning Bales OOWS No. Arc lbs. Pric I No, Ave, lbs. Price 1.... 870 $ 6.00 I 1.... 900 $ 5.25 CALVES l4.- 210 $13.00 ! W. - m PRICES AMERICAS LIVESTOCK Chicago Hogs SI 0.35 Chicago. Feb. 4. (L N. S Hogs Re ceipt, 43,000; 10c lower. Bulk, $9,200 10.00; top. $10.85; hessyweicbt, $9,20 0 9.50; medium weight. $9.40 010.30; light weight, $9.80 010.30; light bents. $9,90 0 10.35; heavy packing sows, smooth, .$8,25 0 8.90; parking sows, rough, $8.00 08.25; pigs, $9.00 010.25. Cattle Receipts, 4000; strong and 2!Se higher. Beef Steers Choice and prime. 88.75 0 9.75; 'medium and good. $7.6008.75: good and choice $8.15 0 9.50; common and medium. $6.50 0 8.15. Butcher Cattle Heifers, $5.00 08.00: cows. $4. 257. 00; bulls. $4,500 6.65. Canners and Cutters Cows and heifers. $2.8504.25; eanner steers. $3.5005.00: veal calves ( liirht and handy weight). $9.50(312.00 feeder steers. $6.00 0 8.00; stacker steers, $4.75 (a) 7.65: stocker cows snd neilers, J3.7D w .73 Sheep Receipts. 9000; generally 60c higher. Lambs. (84 lbs. down), $8.50 0 10.10; lambs (85 lbs. bp). $7.2509.50; lambs (culls and common). $o. 25 ( 7. so ; -yearling wethers. $6.00 07.50; ewes, $3.50 r 5.00 ; ewes (culls snd common), $2.00 03.25; feeder lambs. $7.25 0 8.50. Omaha Hogs $9.70 South Omaha, Feb. 4. (I. N. S.) Hoes Receipt 12,000; steady to 15c lower. Bulk, $8.80 0 9.50; top, $9.70. Cattle Receipts 1000; beef steers and butch ers sctive and strong to 25c higher. , Veals, steady ; stockers snd feeders, quiet. Sheep Receipts 2800; steady. Top lambe $0.20; yearlings, $6.25; wethers, $5; ewe. $4.40. Kansas City Hogs $10.05 KAnsas City, Mo.. Feb. 4. (L N. S.) Cat tle Receipts, 700; active. Steers $8,00 0 9.00; cows snd heifers, $8.00 0 8.00; calve, $8.00011.00. Hogs Receipts, 2500: light. Bulk sales, S9.OO09.85; top. $10.05; heavies, $9,00 0 0.60: light. $9.25010.05. Sheep Receipts, 1800. Medium, $9,15 0 9.75; Iambi, $8.50 09.00. Market alow. - Denver Hogs $9.10 . Denver, Feb. 4 (U. P.) Cattle Receipts 1000, steady. Steers $6.00 0 7.25: cows and heifers. $4.50 0 6-00 ; stockers snd feeders. $5.50 0 7.00; calves. $8.00012.00. Hogs Receipts 625, 25e lower. Top, $9.50; bulk, $8.75 0 9.25. Sheep Receipts 2200, steady. Lambs $7.00 0 8.25; ewes, $3.00 0 4.60; feeders, . $8.00 0 8.50. MOTOR AND OIL . SHARES DECLINE New York. Feb. 4. (T, N. E. The stock . market closed i steady today. United . States Steel sold up to 82, but then fell back to 814. Crucible con tinued in good demand, closing at ?1H. a gain of nearly four points from the early low. Baldwin ' Locomotive rose to 87H, and -General Asphalt rose to above Sears-Roebuck waa In good demand, selling up nearly 3 points to 88. Mexi can Petroleum rose over 2 points to above los, and Studebaker sold up one point to 56. The Reading Issues were active and strong,- the common making a gain of two points to 82. while the first preferred roso nearly four points to 53H. Government bonds unchanged ; rail road and other bonds steady. Total sales of stocks today were 570, 000 shares; bonds $10,502,000, New York, , Feb. 4. TJ. P.) Motors and oils were under pressure during tbe morning trading on the Stock Exchange here today. Prices of most leading in dustrials were also fractionally lower at the opening. ; ' Studebaker was quoted at 55 H : Rails, with the exception of Northern Pacific, which opened at 844, unchanged, went generally lower; Read ing, with s sals of 1000 shares at 80. being off H, and Union Pacific off H at 118. United States Steel at 81 H was the same as at yesterday's close Early trading was duXL Call mooey, both cissies, opened at 8 per cant, - I Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co., Board Liberty, 3 s ...... Liberty. 1st 4s ..... Liberty, 2d 4s ...... Liberty. 1st 4 H s .. . Liberty. 2d 4Hs ... Liberty. 3d 4Hs ... Liberty, 4th 4 H Victory, 44s ...... Victory. 34s ...... Liberty Bond Sales High. Low. Close 9200 9182 9190 . . 8680 ,. 8718 8676 ,. 8654 8650 860O 8646 8585 8990 8936 8700 8640 8988 8636 8694 8702 8722 976 9716 9714 9708 8714 An extensive plant has been built in North Carolina for the production of cheap fertilizer by a recently discovered process which lowers the melting point of common feldspar; Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain. Ete. Sl - tn ' Board ef Trad BmRdlng Overbeckfe Cooke Co. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO iMJL EXCHANGES .. Members Chieago Board of Trade . CorresBondeata of I0raa A Bryan, ' Ckleag York ' ' SHORT TERM "NOTES furnished by CUrk. Kendall V.v-div. a rwr t Ex-div. 1 H per cent, Sx-diT. 14 percent, In these days kings reflect sadly that coronation is crimly suggestive) of coro ner. " 1 '- "' - ' HERRI. & RHODES, INC. ' (Xstsbhsbad 1896) lUTTtl rWrFlAMD TAOOstUk Fast Mrs) Om Flea WWw COAST TO COAST. Stocks, Bonds. Oettoo. Fere K ohsnos ALL MAKKKTABLB KCURmEw Members Chicago Board of Trade Correspondents E. F. Huttoa Cc sjw Tor Stock Kscnaws Jew Yrk C(toi Kssnasigs Wsw .Ortesns Cottssi Csohsnee LIBERTY AMD VICTORY BONDS, nsadqn rears for Buying sad bsattnc AS Onomtlona Co., Inc. Maturity. Am. cotton ou os... -a-Z4 A. M. T, A T. 6. . . .10-1-22 -A. M. T. A T. 6. . . . 2-1-24 Am, Thread 6a. 12-1-2 Am. Too. 7s... ....11-1-20 Am. , Too. 7s.. .....11-1-21 Am, . Ton. 7s..... ..11-1-2 Am. Tub. 7s ...11-1-23 Angio Am. OU TtsiSa. 4-1-25 Armour Con v. 7s . ,.7-15-S Bslgiaa Gov. 7Hs... 6-1-45 Belgian Got. ..... 1-1-21 Belgian Got. 6s 1-1-26 Bethlehem Steel Ts ..7-15-22 Bethlehem Btoi 7s . .7-15-23 British Got. 5 Ms... .1 1-1-21 British Got. Bi. . .11-9-22 Canadiaa Giv. 5 M s. . 8-1-21 Canadian Got. 6 Ms.. 8-1-29 Cndahy Packing 7s... 7-15-23 Inter. R. T. 7s. .... 9-1-2 1 JapaaesaGoT. 4 Ms. .7-10-25 Kennecotj Cop. 7s... 2-1-80 Ligg. Myers Tob. 6s. .12-1-21 Mohn Plow 7s. ... . 9-1-2 1 Monn Plow 7s..... 9-1-22 Moline Plow. 7s..... 9-1-23 Mohne Plow 7s..,.. 9-1-24 Nor. Fac Equip. 7s.. 6-15-22 Pacific Gas 7s 6-1-25 Swift 6s ......... .8-15-21 U. S. Rubber 7s 12-1-23 Bid, 97 ' 95 M : 93 M 994 100 M 100 M 100 M 100 M 96 M 96 M 92 M 91M 99 97 M 99 94 99 M 02 M 97 68M 81M 92M 984 88 92 92 88 96M 95 98 974 s Asked, 92 97 M 96 M 96 100 1004 1004 100 H 1004 97 964 924 92 994 98 M 99 M 94 M 994 98 M 98 Vk 70 93 M 99 M 97 994 98 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES - Corrected daily by tha foreign xehsng de partment of the United States National bank. Quotations below, except the pound sterling, ar quoted on the basis of 100 units lormiga currency. t Opening nominal rates on bank .transactions: Draft Check. $ 8.84 M 7.04 M : 1.68 M 3.63 M Lond, lbe sterling Paris Franca Berlin Marka . Ueno- Lir. . . Athens Drachams .. T.12 Copenhagen- Kroner .... 19.80 GhriaUani Kroner 18.50 Stockholm Kroner..... 22.00 Hongkong Currency.... 49.50 Japan Yen ... 48.75 Shanghai Tsele 65.60 Cahl. Transfers. . $ 8.85 7.05 1.68, 6.64 7.22 19.40 18.60 - 22.10 50.00' 49.25 66.00 Par Value $ 4.866 19.80k 23.81 19.80 19.S0 28.70 , 16-TO 26,70 2S.T0 STOCK 1 kight Low I , Alaska Gold I U . . . -1 !i" Alaska Junesa ......... 1 Allis-Chalmers 844 834 34 Am. Beet Sugar 42 41 M 42 M Am. Csn Co 29 M 284 -29 4 Am. Car A Fdy.. 1214 120 M 121 Am. Cot Oil i. ..... 21 Am. Drug Synd. . . . , .... 6 '64 64 Allied Chem. M. 48 47 474 Am. H. a Leather 84 9M 9H Am. Ice 42 M Am. InU. Corp. 44 M 424 43 V. Am. Linseed 67 M 66 M 57 M Am. Loco. 81 M 81 M 81 M Am. Ship A Com 10M 10M 10 Am. Smelter . 42 404 414 Am. Snuff 93 Am. Steel Fdy 29 294 294 Am. Sugar 92 M 90 M 914 Am. Sumatra 79 76 78 M Am. Tel. A Tel..... 99 994 994 Am. Tobacco 117 Am. Wool 66 14 64 4 65 Am. Zinc 8M 8tt 8 Anaconda 884 38 M 88 Associated Oil 99 98 97 M Atchison 81 M 81 81 At, Gulf A W. I.. 644 61 63 Baldwin Locomotive 87 86 87 Baltimore A Ohio 82 82 32 Beth. Steel "B" . . . . 56 54 55 B. R. T 13 13 13 ; Butte A Superior 13 Caddo Oil 14 13 14 . Canadian Pacifio 115 (114 119 Central Leather . . .- 40 89 40 Cerro be Pasco 28 27 27 Chicago A Northwestern. . . 67 67 67 Chicago Gt, West.. 8 Chile Cop I 12 11 11 Chino 22 C. M. ASt,P 26 26 26 C. AO..... ..M.. 58 57 57 Colo. F. A L -- 27 Col. Gas A Else 60 59 69 Con. Gas ......-..-- T8 Corn Prod -J.. 9 68 69 Cosden Oil 29 28 28 C. B. L A P.....t 25 25 25 Crucible 92 87 91 Dome Mines . - 12 12 12 ,D. A R. G v 2 Endicott Johnson 61 60 61 Erie 13 13 18 Fed. Mining A Smelting. ........... 8 Gaston Wms. 3 3 8 Gen. Cigars.,.. 69 i Gee Electric 127 125 126 Gen. Motor 14 14 14; T Goodrich 39 38 39 : Granby 22 G. Nor. Ore 28 G. Northern pfdi.. ...... T6 75 T6 Greene Cananea 21 Gulf S. Steel 82 Hask Barker 67 Houston OU ........... TO 68 69 JUL Cent.... 88 Inspiration ............ $4 84 84 Int. Agr. Corp, e. do p(d. - 49 .Interboro 5 5 5 Int. Callahan 6 5 5 Int. Harvester 95 94 -94 Int. Merc Marin 14 13 14 Int. Nickel 15 15 ' 15 Int. Paper 57 55 67 Invincible Oil - 24 26 23 Island Oil ............ 4 4 4 K. a Southern 18 18 18 Kennecott 19 18 18 Lthh8VAlley".":".Ii; '51 "5i 51 Mexf Pet . . .......... 155 153 155 Miami 18 Middle States Oil 13 13 18 Midvalo Steel 80 M K. A T. . . 2 Mo. Pac 18 18 18 Nev'adaCon. " I f I 'ii 10 11 New Haven ... ...... 19 18 19 Norfolk A W..f 98 98 98 No" Pscifio .1 ,83 83 83 Nova Scotia Steel ,. 84 N. Y. Air Brake. 78 N. Y. Central 71 70 70 Oklahoma Prod. Ref...... 3 Ontario A Western. ..... 17 . Otis Steel ::i 14 Pscifio Oil 84 83 84 Pscifio Gas A Electric. . . 47 46 46 Pan-American Petroleum . 73 71 78 Pennsylvania 40 39 40 People Gss .......... 36 36 36 Pure Ofl 34 M 84 Pierce Arrow 24 24 24 Pierce Oil 10 Pittsburg A West Virginia 28 28 28 Pressed Steel Oar 2 90 97 Pullman 106 105 10 Ray Cone 13 13 18 Resdisg 82 80 I 81 Rsplogle Steel ,. 1 32 Republic Iron A Steal 65) 63 6A Royal Dutch Oil. 61 (69 60 Railway Steel Springs.... 84 Bhsttuck, Aria, ......... 6 5 6 , Shell T. AT 141 40 41 Sinclair 23 22 22 Sloes Shef . . - - - 48 Southern Pactfio 6 95 96 Southern Ry 21 21 21 St L. A S. F 20 Studebaker .J?4 Swift A Co 101J Tenn. Cop. A Chem.... Tex. Oil . 42 42 42 Texaa Pacific C. A O - - - - 82 81 32 Third Ave 18 17 17 Tob. Products 62 62 62 Trsn. Oontl OU 9 9 9 Union Oil Del.. 9 9 21 Union Pacific 118 118 118 IT. S. Ind. AlcoboL, 67 67 67 U. S. Rub 9 67 68 V. S. Smelting 84 83 834 V. 3. Steel 82 81 81 Utah Copper 6$ 55 55 Virginia Chem. - - 86 Vanadium Steel 85 86 Vivandou 6 Wabash ' Western Pacific i -. 24 Western Union 85 Westing house E. AM.... 44 44 44 West Md. 9 94 9 Willys-Overland ........ 7 1 . 7 I W. A L. E. ; 9 PACIFIC COAST BAK STATEME3TT Portland Banks Clearings This Week. Monday $ 4,640.240.30 Tuesday .... 4.422,845.78 Wednesday... 5.098.800.68 Thursday.... 4.709.218.75 Friday 4.411.143.63 Tear Age $ 7.050.971.98 8.464.677.16 5,696.282.24 4,565,292.00 ; 4.801,821.75 Anokan Banks Clearincs Friday $ 1,670.106.00 Balances Friday 649.734.00 Taooma Banks r Cleertngs Friday $ 894.030.00 Balances Friday 26.795.00 Seattle Bank Clearings Friday t 4.423,751.00 Balances Friday 1.111.543.00 an Francisco Banks Clearings Friday ....$20,600,000.00 Log Ang4s Banks Clearings Friday $12,601,773.00 Honey " Md Exchange New York. Feb. 4. (L N. S.) Call money on tha floor of the New Tork stock exchange today ruled st 8 per cent; high, 8 per cent; low. 8 per cent. : Tim money was steady. Bates were 7 0 7 per cent. The market for prima mercantile paper was steady. Call money in London today was 6 per cent. Sterling ex change was steady with business In bankers' bills at $3.84 for demand. Foreign Exchange Market New Tork. Feb. 4. (0. P.) Foreign ehsnge opened firm today with demand sterling. $3.88; francs, .0702; lire. .0363; maris. .0158: Canadian aoUan. .840: kronen. .1810 Foreign exchange closed with demand sterling $3.83; francs .0700; lire .03.62; marks .0158; Canadian dollars .8887, and kronen .lDlO. . Don't Sacrifice your Liberty OUIIU5 We wffl purchase your bonds out- right a prlos ksasw on the New York market. We rsoaive the New York market wire quotations daily. Call or 'pbxmo Freeman, Smith ' ssjlsw odouno rt.oot uii FsFTM AND sTYABB 7AO CAMP CO Kew York Bond Market -Fumishad by Overbeck A Cooke Cc Ateblspa Gent 4a.......... Bal A Ohio Gold 4s........ Beth. Stee Ref. 8s......... Cant. Pacific 1st 4a. ........ O. B. A Q. Col St. Paul GenL 4 V4s Cbi N. W. OesU. 4s ... U A N. Cni. 4s New Tork Ry, 6s. ... Northern Pac F. L. 4c . . . . Reading GenL 4i .......... Union Pac 1st 4s. . u. s. steel 5s.. .. rrrr Union Pac 1st Ref. 6s...... Southern Pac Cony. 6a...... Southern Pac Con v. 4s.;.... i-von. va?nv. S . . PaniU. la. XIX. ch a oaioconv Ore Short Lin 4s...... Bid- Ask. .. 774 .78 66 67 83 88 77 , 78 97 07 77 -79 73 75 80 83 20 .23 77 77 - 81 81 81 83 94 95 76 . 77 90 89 90 89 0 79 80 81 , 82 78 . 80 Company Forced to Quit Spokane, Wash., -Feb. A It was an nounced Monday at the offices of the company that the Day A Hansen Secur ity company had decided to go into vol untary liquidation. At the request of the officers and trustees of tha company Judge Rudkln of the federal court ap pointed . it. .Rogers receiver. It is understood that the proceedings is of a friendlye&ature and is brought ttoout by ad versa agricultural and livestock condi tions In the districts in which tha com pany is largely interested. ? Two Directors Added At the adjourned stockholders' meeting Standard Oil 8toeka i Anglo Borne Serysmer Backer ...... Cheebrougb t . do pf A . . Continental .. i . Crssosnt . . . Cumber sand .. .. Eureka ... Galansv C . . - . Galena Old, pfL Galena. New. pf A Illinois Pip ... Indiana Pip ... National Transit New York Transit Northern -Pip . . . Ohio Oil ...... International, Pete. Peon, Mex. . . . . . Prairie Oil ...... Prairie Pips . . . . Solar Ref c. . . . . Southern Pips . . South Penn, Oil , A W. Penn. OU . S. O. Californii . S. O. Indiana ... S. O. Kansas .... 8. O, Kentucky . S. O. New Tort . A O. Ohio . .... do pfd. ..... Swan A Finch . . Union Tank . . . . do pfd. ..... Vacuum ........ Washington . . . . . A O. Nebraska .. Imperial Oil . . .-. . .... ....... Bid. AKked. 18 18 S94 410 83 .- 85 175 -195 100 108 110 115 80 33 . 213 2SO 9J 96 43 . 49 93 97 94 98 J 173 176 84 87 27 29 . 16 165 , 94 07 277 282 , 18 16 83 86 470 480 190 200 863 876 10$ 108 230 240 68 73 290 295 67 570 690 416. 430 840 345 880 , 400 108 HO 46 - 63 HO 115 100 103 313 ' 345 80 85 . 380 400 96 100 were of the Troutdale State bank, held on E. Bloyd, cashier. January 31, two more directors added to the board, namely A. D. Ken dall and "W. I?, Knight The present board consists of O. J. Hawkenson, Lv' VC Cleek. H. E. Bloyd, A. . Kendall and W. R. Knight The officers were all reelected as follows: O. J, Hawkenson. president ; U M. Cleek. vice president ; 1L These Bonds Priced to Yield.;:::::: O vo Greater Vancouver Sewer-District 5 Bonds Due March. 1923 ; ' This great district h$ a 3,000,000 bonded debt , -". ' against property assessed it over l22l,23i,ooo. Doe YleU City of Burnaby, 6 bonds. .... .Dec. 1924 8 South Vancouver 6 Bonds.. . . . .Mar., 1922 8 ff nTtrmrTfg r!u yfitrnt p Broadway and Oak UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII I New Issue II1II1JX1IIIII11UIIIUIIIUIIIIIUIKI1X1XII.15 $9000 BLAC&FOOT IDAHO 7 Paving Bonds o ' Maturities Estimated 1922-27 At Par to Yield -7rV o Keeler Brothers Investment Secwritles X Denver: ' T Portland TJlflTED STATES WATIOJTAL BASK BTJILDINO , . Broadway 6800 , 6 to Vz MUNICIPAL BONDS CITY AND FARM MORTGAGES SHORT TERM COMMERCIAL PAPER . We Buy and Sell Liberty Bonds - Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Main 113 80 Fourth St. We offer our partlcrpatlOxl of - - $100,000 Portland Gas y& GoKe Company FIRST LIEN AND GENERAL MORTGAGE 7 COLD BONDS Dated January I, 1921 Dve Janoary 1. 1940 Redeemable at premiums op to 107 j, accordlne to maturity. PRICE 95 AND INTEREST, yielding We recommend these bonds fof tuesLLuent ' For detailA can, phone or write. Clark, Kendall 6? Co., Inc. rOBTJ-AJTD, OBKOOTT FITTH AJSD 8TABK BTBBETS iiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiniMiiMiiiiiiMMiniiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiinnniiMirx lTna4 HVnS"iT TiTfT? !Sas-nil iiuii - - I sixty-one years of continuous service as a financial institution means anything to you as a bond buyer; then the Ladd & Tilton bank recommends itself to the careful investor. We offer for Investment our Allotment in a new local tssoe est i " , $800,000- Portland Gas & Coke Co. 7 Per Cent Gold Bonds Dated January 1, 1921 Due January 1, 1940 Denominations $1000 The bonds are secured by a general lien on .all proper ty of the company and. additionally secured by the derxait with -the Trustees of an equal principal amount of the company's first and refunding mortgage b bonds. These bonds present an exceptional Investment orrporto 1 nity in one of our most essential utilities. The Portland Oas A Coke "Co. is a permanently established and growing con - corn, and we recommend these securities as a conservative and attractive Investment - Full details on request PRICE 95 AND INTEREST i IKl ii in ii ii i agsnaii i. -Okfcsfmthe Northwest WASHINGTON AT THIRD