The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 02, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Trading Stamps GiveixjOn Charge Accounts If Paid in Full Qn or Before the IQffiVcdE-achMontli
. folding forth , promise of exten
sive Aid to the export trade of Ore
gon, the 'state com,mltte of the new
. $100,000,000 foreign trade financing
'corporation formed under the Edge
act, had been appointed and Is pre
paring. to act under the provisions bf
.the corporation Jaws. , t
; The executive , committee, headed bH
John McHu&h, sent notice ' of the ap-
pointment of an Oregon committee for
the organization Monday, and H la be
lieved from this that immediate action
may be anticipated. Members of the
committee are : A. L. Mills, preeident
of the First National bank, chairman ;
William D. Wheelwright, president of
the Pacific Export Lumber company,
general business, and E. E. Faville.
publisher of the - Western Farmer, ag
ricultural interests. :
Formation of the corporation is be
lleved to be a vital ' Btep in the -safe
guarding of American Industry." Under
authority granted by the Edge bill it can
, extend long and short term Credits, In
vest in securities, purehaee bills of ex
change,. eng&ge in foreign banking and
in every lawful way aid in financing for
. . etgit trade. .;.
The organization may tasue and sell to
. - the investing public, with the approval
of the federal board. Us own notes and
- debentures to an aggregate of 10 times
Its paid up capital and surplus. The act
permits national banks tJ subscribe to
the-capital In amounts not exceeding 19
per cent of thelr'capttal and surplus,
.Special assistance to any one country
under this plan is not being considered,
it is eald, a the object Is to ettcourag
American foreign trade, as a whole.
Mills has not a received information of
the amount of " the capital -stock -that
will be allotted Oregon. The Organiza
tion will aid the export trade of the
BtSte. ar It" wilt afford- eredit a
i business convenience which is demanded
among business men abroad as well as
in this country. Credits with European
rations must be of longer term than
barks can legitimately carry.
- ' . , 4 I
Editor Will Discuss
i Foreign Obligations
; At City Club Dinner
r Ud ward T. Devine, associate editor of
the "Purvey." will deliver the Erst of a
series of three dinner lectures before the
members of the Portland City club the
" night of February 23 at the Benson hotel.
The subject of his lecture will be "Our
Foreign Obligations," . ....
: Devine has been active in social eco
nomics for 20 years and took a promi
nenr part In relief work during the war.
Prior to the entry of the United States
as a combatant Devine wee- special
agent attached to the Russian Embassy
at Petrograd, and during the war served
as chief of the Bureau of Relief and
Refugees,, of the American Red Cross in
The City club Is giving the dinner lee-
- tures so the members who are unable to
attend the regular luncheons may have
the benefit of the club work.
Kidnaped Eich Man's
Son' Held for Ransom
Is Found by Accident
Tacoma, Feb. 2. (U. P.) H. Arthur
Rust, young son of W. It. Rust, mlllion
rt smelter man and capitalist, was
kidnaped by unknown men Tuesday
Young Rust wu found by accident
shortly after noon In the garage of
the Puget Sound Iron & Steel works,
on the tide flats. A blanket covered his
form. His hands and feet were tied with
rone Employes of the steel works hap
pened by during the noon hour and found
- The kidnapers had sent a note to the
senior Rust's office by a' messenger, de
manding $25,000 fer the return of his, eon.
The police were notified, and are search
ing for the perpetrators this afternoon.
IfiA .II'
Insure the Whole Family
New 20 Pay Life and Whale' Life Plan
:. - Assets Nearly 9 1.600.000. 00 . .
- AxUtaaa Blue, JSrofcd way. aad Oak St.
Uala mt
I Musical
Instruments J
1 Sacrificed I
raca LESSONS aivca
SMcDougall Music Co. 1
Policeman's Search.
Leads to Socks, When
"Lo! A Whole Pint
Fashions have changed, wool socks are
In vogue, and conies now to replace the
ancient order of 'bootleggers' the Very
latest thing the Very neatest thing In
the "speak easy" line the "socklegger."
David Vernarecci, 27 , North First
street, was feetnAV searched, for a bottle
of whiskey. Patrolmen Harms , and
Nutter told Muntcipar "Judge Rossman
Monday afternoon they had just about
given up hope of finding the bottle, when
one of them ran a hand down Ver
narecci's leg. Yes, It was In his wool
sock, a pint bottle. Vernarecci paid the
city 40 for patent right.
i 1 'i '
FOR $5,000,000
Chicago, FeU, 2V (I. N. 8.) Mor
ris Gest, theatrical producer, t6day
la. preparing to press vigorously his
$5,000,000 libel suit against Henry
Ford. ; - t " '
"111 make 'Peace Ship Henry pay
dearly for what he has said," Qest de
clared. "I'll make him eat hi Words.
He has cast aspersions upon- my origin,
my honor, and my productions. . I'll
spend the last dollar I have and the last
drop of blood to punish the perpetrators
of these vile slanders." : -
Oest'e suit is based upon en article
published on January 4 in the, Dearborn
Independent, Ford's , newspaper. . The
article discussed Gest's productions
"Aphrodite" and "Mecca," referring to
them' as "the most 'salacious spectacles
ever shown In America."
Gest also contends that statements in
the article referred to Gears early act
ivities and tohla parents were slan
derous, j
The Dearborn Publishing company, C.
J. Cameron, Edsel Ford and C. J. Ford
are cO-defendants in the suit,
Store Has Seoond
Annual Burglary; .
Bandit Takes $25
, v - r - !' 1 1 4
"Put up your hands." commanded the
young man in the brown, suit, briefly.
Mrs. J. C. Ransom, alone in the Ran
som grocery store at 87 West Killings
worth avenue, at 1 p. m., . Tuesday,
smiled pleasantly The young man's face
waa hidden by a handkerchief, but she
thought she recognised one of the
neighborhood boys. When the command
was repeated a second time; however,
her hands went into the air. The young
man In the brown suit ransacked the
Cash register, took (29 In small change
and departed.
Commenting on the holdup, police Offi
cers recounted a similar-holdup pf the
Ransom store a year ago. Russell Deck
got the drop on J. C." Ransom, but jyas
pursued by the latter and shot. . He later
confessed, to the holdup and served., a
term in the state penitentiary.
Youth Visits Girls; T
J aiait 6r Kicks ; Words ;
PayjfSl,J Saysourt
' Austin B.l Mclntyre, 16-year-old stu
dent at Lincoln high school, went call
ing on the girls - at Jefferson high.
Sara M. Kenna, the Janitor at Jeffer
son, took exception to Mclntyre's Call
ing hours- and . the lad resented ' -the
Janitor's interference.
- An -order to vacate and warm, words
are said "to have been followed by the
youth's - forcible retreat. .Tuesday In
the municipal court Kenna was tried
on a Charge of assault and battery.
"Discipline is a good thing,", said
Judge Rossman. Tne youth had no
excuse r for intruding without the per
mission of the principal, but the jani
tor apparently had no authority to em
ploy such effective measures. - Kenna,
pay a fine of $1."
Eotaryl Club Told
Of Plans Laid for
Oregon Prune Week
Extensive preparations for the observ
ance of Oregon prune week, ( beginning
February 13, are being made by the Ore
gon Cooperative Fruitgrowers' associa
tion, according, to Vernon R Churchill,
representative, - who spoke before the
luncheon of the Rotary club, at noon
Churchill said that hotels, dining rooms
and railroad restaurant .cars were all co
operating in the campaign for prune week.
He said that Governor Olcott would
issue a proclamation for the week.
to the. Northwest Rotary conference at1
Seattle, March 14 and 15, were dis-'
cussed at the meeting. A special train
is to be obtained for, the Portland dele
gates. About 200 are expected to attend
from this oity. : '
Benefit Movie at
Ashland Brings in
$100 for Starving
Ashland, Feb. 2. The first contribu
tion towards Ashland's quota for the re
lief fund for Europe's starving children
was raised with a benefit movie at the
Vining theatre. High schopl students
sold tickets and the theatre -management
gave the picture program, by which $100
was ralaedV
The Brotherhood of Railway Carmen
is making elaborate preparations for
its third annual ball to be given In the
Armory building February 8.
Cottage Grove Man
Fined $250 by U. S.
A petition Signed by virtually every
business man in Cottage Grove, includ
ing the BISVOP. WA a nMOAntktt a
Judge Bean Ttfisday on behalf of J.
X T - - . . .
m"""ui requesung ue court not to
ImDOse a" mn
Violating the natinna) nrhMMtUn
Lemons pleaded guilty to having a EtUt
in umiauun in nis nome on January 24
when the town marshal arrested him.
He was fined isno in .
Cottage Grove and $250 this morning by
Judge Bean, Assistant United States
Attorney Maguire recommended leniency.
OWK Coffee 35c Lb.
3 Lbs. fosSl.OO
-No deliveries 'except with bthejr'purchases
made In the Grocery .Department Fourth Floor.
Tree--Tea,' English Breakfasts oc Cey- IQ
Ion 60c grade jpciaJ atr . pound, only fx I
ft - 4 . ''Sk --.- V'
Keltable Merchandise Keltqble Methods
Entire Block rrispn, JWcsParkt ASJdrjnth Street. -
Every Express Froi?a ,
the Eaist.
brings new SpHntt?ttftn."dXe to. Olds Wort
maff'"pT"KlttK'."! If you woji.1it.see.the.
think s first, pay. a visit : to this great store.
.. , in ! I ' n i i i '
, . ; t . -
ft tr
v 1
Featuring Spring Apparel
In the Garment Store :
-Tkt spirit of Springtime is reflected in these advance, models tod' you will want
to see theni 'at ypUr earliest opportunity. Our gafment buyer, tior ifi' NW YOrJt,
has sent us Some wonderful new creations in Women's-Suits, Coats, Dresses'1 and
Waists 4hat will appeal to all women. The-new season's styles are the most attractive
seen in years. Take a few moments1 time and view these new arrivals Second Floor."
New Spring
Second Floor Checked Velour, Serge,
Covert and Tricotine Suits in the very
newest Spring shades. Straightline,
belted and blouse effects. Some are em
broidered or beaded others are trim
med with braids ot pfpings. Sites t6 to
14. Priced from $28.50 to $150.00
New Spring
Second - Floof Georgette Crepe, Fiber
Silk and Crpe de Chine Waists in many
beautiful new Spring models-- to- wear
with the new suits. Flesh, tan. Jade,
apricot, gray and many other shades.
Beads, and embroidery form the princi
pal trimming. From $5.95 to $18.50
New Spring Dresses $27.50 to $67.50
'TVnp l1nr Th price of every article in; the house Is based upon present market conditions, and all new goods
J- 1 UC V 0.114G' arriving will be marked at, the very lowest possible price consistent with legitimate merchandising. Make
your selection at this store with, full confidence of getting TRUE -VALUE.- No tricks lib deceptions no subterfuges. Put
your faith in this "Store tfid you wilt never be disappointed. .
Wool Sweaters'
Second FIor Sweaters in this lot
which were formerly- priced to- sell
at 10. Light and medium weifht
wool, plain or fancy wave. Styled
with tuxedo .collafl, belts, tie lashes
and pockets. Excellent as6rtniertt
of desirable colors, fQset(- OuQK
piftk, red, jete.; fric4-hHW$
Angora Scarfs
e. A tl.i, Wimit' m mi1 Mimk',-
Artiorm,"Scrfs in tan, brown; p1hk
redi, navy blue and turwWA
few of these have beltr and poclttts.
Some are trimmed with frirife and
fancy borders. At,$695 to $795
House Dresses
Center Circle, First Floor Special
assortment of Women's House
Dresses and Aprons offered at. re
duced price. Plaid ginghams and
fancy percales. Several J-f Q
different stales. Special PXeQ
11:1.. J I ! mm
: ii in i I I i
mm i
v - - 1
$2.75, to $3.50 Curtains
- 1 1 inira. rwr-rturmiy oe -i vuua kiiu otinu
i N J Curtains at saving of i.-oo to Il.TS i pair; It
wiU pay you ta anticipate your Spring needs and
' ie-.I buy. c enerously. -r White, (ttttiv and ecru Voile and
Scrim Curtaina edgd with pretty .taces. C" rrp
.ff.TS 1tt;;W'.'Cjur,tJ4ns4 fPjfifU p,alr 9Xe i t)
$25 Auto Robes
; At $17.65
tUdding Dept. TntrT Flodr---FiriCy plaid all-wool
Auto Robes at a special low prjee Friday and Satur
day Good large sixe with deep fringe edges. Beau
tiful hew plaids iif the latest colors. (1 r7
Regular f 25.00 obes specially priced I Ot)
Pillow Cases
Basement Bleached Pillow Cases,
size 42x36 inches.' These are of
excellentgftquality. Buy all you want
of them in the Basement OKp
Store tomorrow at, .each
81-In. Sheeting
49c Yard
Basement- Bleached Sheeting in one
of the best standard makes. Not
more than 12 yards to a customer.
Full 8t inches wide, r On AQA
sale Thursday, special, yard TkeC
Towels 12c
Basement Plain white Towels in
nice size for hotel and home use.
Don't fall to get a good supply of
these, for they are remarkable val
ues. On sale in the Base- 1 OXf
ment Thursday, special, eac!X2 1
Women's $14 Oxfords $9.95
Shoe DeptM 1st Floor
Women's Laced Oxfords of black buck with
welted soles and military hetlsr 'Srtart,"Tttessy
shoe for street wear. Full frange of siies and
widths. Oxfords of our regular $ 14.00 flf CVC-
W i
quality on special sale Thursday at pair
Women's $13.50 Oxfords
Special $9.95
Main Floor Women's Laced Oxfords of black kid,
with welt sole, narrow potntedtoe, medium vamps
with tip. . Cuban heel. Selling hereto-. (PQ Qff
for at 13.50 the pair. Special now, pair $7cI
Patent Oxfords with welt sole and military heeh
One of our best standard makes. Vari- flQ QC
ety of widths. Regular $13. 50 grades wUwiJtJ,
Women's $18 Lace Boots $10.00
Mala Floor Women's Laced Boots of
cocoa brown vici kid. with leather Cuban
Louis heels and - welted soles. Neat
pointed . .toe last without tip. A
Regular 17.00 Boots, special )XJ
Main Floor Laced Boots of all-black
suede. Welt soles, Cuban heels, narrow
plain : toe. . An exceptionally soft and
comfortable boot for tender C" A
feet. - Formerly priced at 18 DXU
$16 Dark Brown Calf Lace Boots $10
Women's Undemear
at lHalf Price 1
Barram Cirele. MaMtl.rloo Women'--Winter - Weight Kn
Underwear in Carter -and -Honor makes, on sale at price.
Part wool, cotton and silk and wool. Odd tinea arid-Irregulars.
All styles in Union Suits" included In this special showing,
$3.75 Union Suite $1.88
- ; $7.00 Grade $i50'
-Woijien's. 4 4.50
Union suits, sbecial
Women's Joo- frA
Unbn Suits,' special DeJU J
Women's ,3.K fi0 fTR
Union Suits, special tDie I J
Women's , 6.00
. Union Suits, special !
Women's ; 4.3 QO-"i O
, Unten Suits. -snecUl aDOe AO
union Suits, soeclal PtJJ
Quality Georgette
Crepes Greatly Reduced
Special 3-Day Reduction. Sale, of deorgette Crepes from .our own regular stock.
These are Of dependable quality the-kind, that -wear, It isn't likely Crepes of this
quality will be offered ajain at such low prices, therefore it Is to your advantage
to buy now for Spring and Summer wearables- while this special 3-Day sale is on.
$2.25, $2.50
LOT t 3eorgette Crepes in a. large
selection of desirable colors Regular
f 2.2S and 2.50 grades now ei 1 O
on special sale at,- the yard JLeJLy
Crepes $1.19
LOT a Reghlar 2.95 Q- 4Q
Georgette Crepe at, theyard OAs'!
LOT 3 -Regutar 3.50 CI ACT
Georgette Cfepe at, the yardfAetJ
Lace Department, Main Floor
February Sale of China, Glassware, Lamps, Kitchen Needs
(1. One of the year's most important merchandising events Our Annual February Sale of J
wif can afford to Overlook. Read every item and take advantage of the special low prices.
$1.75 O'Cedar Mops
Special $1.19
Third Floors-Genuine O'Cedar Polish Mop, unex
celled . for polishing floors, woodwork, linoleum,
etc. Every home should have at least one fl?" "t A
of these splendid mops." 1.75 size atDJ-eAi7
25c Wall Cleaner
Special 19c
3d FloorThis Is the famous "Climax" Wall Clean
er you have heard so much about. Cleans all kinds'
of wall papers, window shades, etc. - The - Qn
regular 25c size in February Sale at only J-IU
Kitchen Stools Special $1.69
$5 . Clothes Wringers $3.48
3d Floor Folding Step Ladder' and
Kitchen Stool combined. A very handy
article to have about the house. Well
made and nicely finished. (PI JQ
Priced for the February Sale OAeUy
Regular $5
Carpet Sweepers
3d Floor The well known "Majestic"
Carpet Sweepers. Good quality bris
tles, brush and nickel-plated trimmings.
Former selling price' 5:OOt VQQ QK
Priced for the February Sale tDOelltl
i Brooms 90c 4
3d Floor Portland 'made Brooms of
rood quality. Just the right weight.
Soecial lot nurcbased for the Fh
rSale.-. f Extraordinary Values HA-
priced for this ' sale ' at onlv 7Uis
C ...... a ... .
Steel frame Clothes Wrinier with Jap an
ed finish. Equipped with 10 inch white
rubber rollers. : These have sold here
tofore in -the regular stock at flJQ IQ
5.00 priced sijecial at only toOefiO,
Clotheis Lines 65c
3d.. Floor Extra strong wire center,
water-proof clothes lines. 50-foot length.
Regular 85c grade. Priced for
our February Sale a only J ..DeJC
Clothes Baskets
3rd Floor Hardwood Splint Clothes
Baskets light in 'weigatv but very
.durable. Round shape with rood.
strong handles. Baskets selling here
tofore at 85. priced-for Q-i oof
our February Sale at only tDAaO
Electric Irons .
$5.95 f
3rd. Floor Strictly high-grade Elec
tric Irons in standard size. The heat
ing element is fully warranted and
we believe this iron equal to any On
the market regardless of Q QC.
price. , Prfc'ed special at wOmVtJ
Garbage Pails
3rd Floor Galvanized' Garbage. Pails
with bait handle and close-fitting cover.
Apartment house tze These are
splendid 2.00 values. Place yottf r4"
der early as possible."; Feb- Q" AO
ruary Sale special at only tTAofarQ.
Ironing Boards4
A GREAT SPECIAL not the ordinary,- unsteady board, but the well-known
"Springer," jahich is. strong and rigid. Made, right here in Oregon. Sold all
over the country at loo. Be sure ana get one of these good boards.
February Sale, special .. . ........ . . . . . .
1 .d
February Sale - of Dinnerware
Save 20 to 50
Our February Sale of China is always of great interest to the thrifty housewife,
for there are never too many dishes in the house. We are now better prepared than
ever before to supply your Dinner Sets and separate pieces at substantial savings. The
February Sale includes the following lines: ; "
White Havtland Chin a
Decorated Havljand
A China :
Fancy Haviland China
Nippon China Dinjier-
White Porcelain Dishes
Decorated. Porcelain
Earthenware Tea Pots
Table Glasaware .
'Silk Lamp Shades
Mahogany Floor Lamps
Polychrome Novelties of
all kinds
'French Brbnzes
Rich Cut Glass
Fine English China .
Discontinued patterns in Menton, Copeland and Royal' Worcester Service Plates,
Salad Plates, Cups and Saucers, Tea Sets, etc. Limited quantity of each article, but
large variety to- select from.' Buy now at savings: ranging from 20 to 5o
$7 Wash Boilers
3rd Floor Best grad tin Wash Boilers
-give much belter service thanj light
weight ' copper bollet. J Keg- OA AfT
iilar 7.oo value. ' Special at mVO
?0c WasH Boards 69c
Medium size . Wash' Boards' with good
rubbing surface and protector top. The
grade we sell in the regular '.way tQg
at 90c. February Sate at only DaU
White Combinettes
3rd Floor White Enameled Combinettes.
Seamless body, roll edge. Enameled
cover, wood grip handle. OO
February Sale price, at. only OjU I'D
Jewel Floor Wax
J ; Special 59c
3rd Floor Produces-a hard dry finlsh'ori
floors, woodwork and linoleums. PQp
February Sale speiial at onlyOal