w . --...'. J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON MONDAY, f JANUARY 31,' 1921. 12 REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Kerb is a real bargain 7 Roome-F.n District $300 Down. Thia wonderful looking bungalow type house has 4 bedroom, two of them np- Lai re. All built-in features, full- cement baMment. grm. Full modem plumbing. Excellent surroundings, . cur walking dis tance to Reed college, fi'iwt improvements , - vln end paid. How in fine condition. .? . Trie price to only $3909. Let u show it ? to -yon. ' BifarCaiey 211 Railway Exrhwnge Bldg. Stark end 3rd lit-. Maia 7487, Open, evening.' , LOOK! LOOK! . NOW'S YOUR CHANCE fiwner leaving' city, Mrs seHtnday; tlOOO; $4(10 down, boixruo $15 e month, inclndfng 6i bit S-nxB hotiM in excellent condition, right on herd surfacd street, not too hr.fr cer; ha u, elect n light, water, inside toilet, pantry, food porches, garece. chicken house, etc.; lot 601 10; furniture worth at leant' $400;ome wood end 10 chickens sstl included at thia prim. A genuine ana p. Better harry; it'll go ruiirk. Cell at n29 724 at S. K. Phone Aut. 613-33. CABLE 'REALTY CO.' ELEVENTH near DEKT'M 7 IUioine-Modern $500 town. Thie house ia easily worth $1000 .more than we are eakmg for it. It ta double constructed, baa large porches, 4 good-' eised upetaira bedroom, gleaned in - ran porch. Fine district. Seat of plumbing. Near ear. The price is lanly $2800. It ia easily worth $3800. ' BihrGarey 211 Railway ExcttaMge Bldg. and 3rd Htn. . f "Main 7487. OPEN EVENINGS , - Htark If You Are Going to Build WB FVRXISI' FREE SKETCHES. f Plana and apecif wtiona by Itcenstd arcliitects and enginoern. Guaranteed Estaniates au, cr.AsKS of p.rii.riN:s. See r hefore negotiating elsewhere. .AMERICAN CONTRAC TORS ASSOCIATION ' Rmadway 5533. 40 Sherlock bldg NEW COIjONTAI, BTTNOAliOW etSOO CA8U BAL. $25 PER ilO. AND INT. $4000 -New 6 rnu bnrtgmlow. on pared street, ' 8 blocks from car; built-in buffet, 1 ireplaee, Jrutch kitche, cement basement; lot 45x95 tt; east front; immediate possession. 1. 1. HARTMAN COAtPANT . 4 Chamber o Commerce bldg. Main 208. ' $350 DOWN liHANIi AVE. NORTH ! On Orand are., near Mason; we hate sjfi room borne with 3 -rooms down and :3 bedrootos and bath on the upper floor; full basement, fiox 100 lot;. -pared street snd sewer in and paid. The price is only $3150. . Pay only .$350 down and this home ia your. If you knew stow hard it la to find a good 8 room home on a pared street on a 3350 down payment you'd hurry to see it at once. C'omte 4V Kohlman, Main 6550. 208 Ohsmber-of t'ommerce- bWlg. $3450 HAWTHORNE ;$3450. . Say, don't orerlook this good buy. A really beauti ful 1 H story bungalow with 11 ring room, an eled dining room and large -Dutch kitchen down and 3 bedrooms and bath on the upper, floor; full man. hflmnf mh tlra. mini Klnvt. You'll be 'Surprised wbea you see this bungalow. . You'd expect to pay orer $4000 for a place a good. ' Owner will take H(I0 cash. -Curnte & I Kohlman. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Com- nim hMl - JUST OCTSIDE CITT LIMITS tNearly 1 acre, containing 7 full lots, , good am all building, easily conrerted into a small bouse: chicken bouse and runs; -some fine natire trees, all fenced and facing E. "' 8 2d at; pared street, about 6 blocks from csr; price-$1100;' $400 isjJi, balance to. suit 'at. 0 Elmer F. Bennett Co.-, 31R-321 Board of Trade.. Main 74 52. , 11AWX HOUSE BUY . We offer today one of the beat built 6 room houses on East 87th near Lincoln for $4000; very desirable and modern; garage, street paved -and raid; about bail cash, and easy terms. Act .quickly on this. . : Elmer F. Bennett Co. i 31H-321 Board" of Trade. Main 74 52. OWNER leering 'city, must sell modern, 6, room house, 447 Marguerite ave. ; cement basement, I furnace, gaa, electric lights, fireplace, built-in buffet, wash trays, bath and toilet, hot water piped -to bath, .furnace- and range; lot 50x140, family orchard, air improvements in and paid: $4 500, terms to suit purchaser. Call or phone Tabor 180. KELLY ST. BCNCiALOW ' This coxy little borne commends a wonderful .view of the east side snd Mount Hood; newly renoTsted inside and ont; nothing like it on the west side tor the price we . aak; terms to re sponsible party. t'OOVER A HOI.MA.V, Marshall 3993. 3!223-24 Failing bldg. ' A.N lAVESTME.vr 8 -room modern bungalow, priced at $525Q. down payment of $500. payments 350 a month including interest the rental value is S3; 5 a month; make the initial payment, and lef tit her feilpw pay for it. COOVER & H0LMAN. S22 Failingeblilg. . . Marshall 3993. S ELL CO.NSTUL'CTED HAWTtlORNK HOMK 6 ronuta; some furniture, good condition in side and out: 50x100 lot: fruit trees and shrub bery; double garage, streets paved and sewer in and paid; 2 blocks to Hawthorne car. $4250, easy terms; HENDERSON -BANKCS CO. 4?o Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. FOR A LARGE FAMILY . $500 DOWN Artistic 8 room bungalow, large living and dining rooms, large I Hitch kitchen, 5 bedrooms. 2 sets - of fine plumbing, full lot", garage, near high school and Groveland park. ' COOVER & HOLMAN,- -R22-23 24 Failing . bldg. Marshall 3993. . WEST SIDE BUNGALOW $3300 $500'-DOWN Combination . living and ; dining room with fireplace, fin Dutch kitchen. 2 large bedrooms, bath, white enamel plumbing; in fine shape in sula and out; full basement; improved sts., X Mock to car. "Marshall 8993. SLLLWOOD BARGAIN ft roams, double constructed, about 6 years old: Dutch kitchen, oversized lot: garage. $2100, $800 eash. balance $25 per month, including int. Ho mtfe. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 426 Henry bldg.. . Bdwy.: 4754. LALRELHtRST 5 room bangalow. large rooms, hardwood floors throughout, UJe bathi garage, solid driveway; just being completed. N. O. EKLCND, Owner and Builder. Tabor 680. MIC HANDY MAN -, . 5 r. scottage on 1 2th st. near Irvington ear. F-OilOO ft. lot: paved. A little fixing up can sell for UO; only 2000 asked; will take a cheap car as part, Mar. 3352. Eve. Tabor 3090. J. B. ROCK. LITTLE -CITY FARM , - Nifty 6-voom bungalow, acre of ground, large hving room across the front, fireplace, bm It -ins. Dutch kitchen, full cement basemmit. laundry trays, large sunny rooms: a real, home ann a nice risce lor tne sidrties. Msrshall 3193 UlU'TlillUMi: RI'VlllliiU. , Nifty 5-room bungalow, cement basement, furnace, fruit trees, garage, all st- improvements in. Marshall 8993. I'OK SALE or exchauge fon city property, 6 room bouse, t acre of ground, 'chicken house, voosVshed. full basement, 35 fruit trees, variety vf small fruit; must dispose of to settle an estate. Main 8595. . 4 , SNAP, 2sou . Modern bungalow. 5 targe, light, clean rooms, nine lawn, fruit snd flowers. 2 blocks from St Johns ear. Between Gay and Delaware, 116 W. r.meraovt. ry owner, fearing town. 1 OR SALE Good houae. and 6 lots- without buildings, and chicken run; small barn, $2100, 3600 cash, balance like rent. Good cow for hale. Phone Sellwood 3101.' STRICTLY modern tt roum. hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, furnace, den. breakfast nook: on 43d at. Rose City Park. Price $6250 295- Montgomery. Ant. 514-71. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW Hare is a little doll, house, located among -the cool firs of Portland Heights. Just bke new; price $4950. terms if desired. Marshall 8993. 2-FAMtLY BCnCaLsTw" block from Hawthorne earl me, 2 sets of plumbing, gsrage; price $6700; very easy terms. Marshall 3993. ..-.-.'. ' .. ' 'NEW buhgaiuw, Alanteia Park. Fireplace, ieep - ing porch and garage. Phone 626-."3. ' . ACREAGE 405 "ilAVK 5 acros, mUes ' from , v?wierg'. nck a . . w nw, uura iroia .scwoerg, rocK road. in cultivation, $4900. Hesgard, 842 ham bra st, AutotnatJc 312-97. Alha Tula tf aerea, good", level land for 'house and lot. See owner at 5804 69th St.. S. K. MS car. 14 ACKLS, also bouse moving outfit. 61$1 t2d M. s. . Thomas Allen. Portland, Or. ESTATE- FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 OR .'fHH'KKNS. KEKUIKS FRUIT $25 down, tR'.5( monthly, buys a splendid tract of 2.47 arrea, Iocs test 1 miles from Portland crty. limits, srilrndid creek, some bot tom land ; total price $020. 732 Chamber of Commerce 19 ifllKR. sD in crop, sell for $2850; 1 mile to Gaston; pared Joed be finished next sum mer; will take e kt a part ' payment f loreted between Alberta. jKrmsetl.. M issisiitppt and 20th St.. Tt K. 11th: at. north. Prt!and. Or. At nrjnif near go jiiumcin town. taiuo $4009. . Exchange for grocery or general store in Oregon1 or Washington. Oanet 4120 6 4 til at. 8. K. ' . ii r.- . i r ' . ... . t .. $io ABOUT 40 ai-rea, Lewis river good bot- torn land ; creek ; ran be irrigated; doesn't everf low. K. I r'l. St. Helens. 80 Ai IU-..S at lux-1 iu.r, nr.. vaiued 34UOO; will take Iod;e touring car as part payment. Phone rVtat 753. i OUIil.H.N KLKCTltH- - acre, 1,2000 ; creea ; 2 block car: wootl; furniture. TaborlBOO. H AiUik; on 64.1 and. bchuyier U. CaoU or terms. Owner. 6tt E. 78d at. N. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 IMI'KO Kit acre at iarlen Home on Oregon Klectrie It. 1C Ik it orer. VV. 8. Fuller ton, owner. M i FARMS 407 b5 AI K1-..N, 2 iiiilea iroin I'ortland j paned .road for 16 miles and 6 miles - gravel; 25 acres in cultivation, 1ft acres easily clesred.. 15 seres -good bottom landj balance timber; 5 min utes' walk to etccirir? station. Small house, good bam and oiltbutl lingn. Feed, stock and machin ery all goes at $5 per acre., Uood terms. r- fX HERRON. i I . 283 Stark St, ' Auto. 524-53. IXJII.SALE "OO m-rw ut level land in Wyo. ' mine, all under fence; 5 room house, barn. outbuiMfngK, farming implements, stock and rrop, 35O.000. Will consider about $10,000 in exchange for Portland fir vicinity property. For further information phone Ant. 523-21, or call 131 .12r1i. st. i IX)K SAI.E 280 ares land. miles from bta ition; 35 acres b ttunt land, balance bench and bill land: 20 seres cultivated: house and barn, ilo. -etc.; good fences; 25 miles to New port; a barifsin at $5000; no trade. J. A. Hodges. Klk City. Or. - iil;AI TlKi'l. farm homo. 35 or 69.6 acrea, mile soth of Oresh&m. vHpring', good build ings, variety cf fruit. - Ideal for berries and poultry. $20O per acre. Complete) equipment svailable R T. Wslfer. Orenham. 20 ACRHtt, a room house, heavy team horses, wagon, etc , 2 miles from Winlock, Waah.. 1 mile from N. P. . R. R. Price $1500. A. Campbell, 84 W. Ainjororth ave. U'dln. 4431. IpH riAJ.K OR TRADE 40 acres,. 20 acres cleared, 5 room jiouse, brn and other buildings, 12 miles Vancouver. Woodlnwn 11402. 41?. FOR 8AI.M- -20 acres, partly cleared; 4 room house and barn, fruit trees; .price $1500, part cah. c. v. Molmquist. fSseton Or. 5l AClfki apple oroliafd ior sale or trade. Main 0474 jfgnr- - FORi RENT FARMS 403 FARM FOR RENT 197 aero farm,' 4 miles from Lebanon, Crir , Linn county: W under plow, fine paeturer .Kpring water -in pasture and tiped to bouse; fair buildingi; gravel, road: R. F. I. snd cream route. Good soil. Cows, horses, implements, feed and grain for sale, amownting to about $2500. 1 Rent $.o0. ArMre owtfer. Box 44. Ix-banon.'Or. 1159 ACRES About .100 in. cultivation;- stock and impleVf ments lor sale; rn 1 1 -k from car line. 22 miles from Portland, in. fine farming community. 8. O. DILLMAN. 7th St., Orecon City. Or.. Near 8. P. Depot 58 At KK.S. 30 id cultivation, hoUKe, barn. spring water, some fruit, 2 cows, 3 heifers,'" 3 brood -now?, feed and Prt of implements for sal R. F. Waitorv Gresham. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 IRRIGATED LANDS We ere leaving agsui Fridsy night with an other, party for the Otboco project. Come in and make one -of the party. Lands sold , on essy terms. Small payment down, long time on the balance. The district is 'especially adapted for mixed .farming; alfalfa one of the main crops. Call, write or phone Main 4416. Ochoco Irrigated -Iinds. Co.. N. W. Bank bldg. HOMESTEADS 410 HOMESTEAD, damly tie. -piiing and aood yrop osition st -edge ot good town, main line S. P. ; some garden land on it; location $200., 301 Corhett bldg. ioll a hometrail or TeliruiiiLslim- nt in the O. & C. land crit.t. see K. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade hWe. . . 5 TIMBER LANDS 411 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TI.M BER General Land Office. Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, 1921.-r-Notice is hereby given tliaf. subject to the conditions arid limitations of the Acts -of June , 1916 (39 Stat.. 2191, and June 4. 1920 41 Stat.. 758), and the instructions of the Secretary of the . Interior of September IS, ' 1917, and June 224 1920. the timber on the following lands will be sold March 2, 1921. at 10 o'clock a.m., at public auction at the United States land office -at Portland, Oreeon. to the highest bidder at not less, than the aripraised value a? shown by this . notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secre tary cf the Interior. The inh-chase rnc I with an additional sum . of one fifth of 1 per-! cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at 1 time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not, approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be- removed witniH 10 years. Hids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and .corporations orgsnized under the laws of the C n i ted States or any state, ter ritory or -district thereof only. Upon explica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision vri be, offered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger unit: T. 4 N.. R. 3 W.. -Sec. 17. NE H'"KE. fir 650 M-, cedar 50 M". SE NE'i, fir 930 M-, cedar 50 M.,1hemlork 50 M Spi- ' RU 1IB4. fir SOO M.. cedar 325 M.. hemlock 75. M., NWH-NEVi, fir 2890 M., cedar, 210 M.. hemlock 180 M.. SE 4 NE- 4 . fir 2500 Mj, cedar 2."5 M.,i-hemlock, 70 M SW 4 , NEli. fir 266Q. M., icedar 40 M., hemlock 50 M.. NE 4 NW '.i . "fir 3720 M., cedar 60 M-, NW4 SITS', "fir 2630 M , cedar 215 M-. hemlo. 205 M., aKVi NWV. fir 2870 M., ce dar 53 M., hemlock 20 M , SW 4 SWii, fir 2750 M.. cedar 140 M., hemlock 40 M., NE SEVi, fir 2400 IL. cedar 165 M., hemlock 60 M.. SW!4 SE, fir 2480 M., cedar 65 M.. hemlock 40 M., BE JA SE 4 , fir 2600 M., ce dar 100 Jf.. hemlock 50 M.. SWi, 8E , fir. 2660 si 4" cedar 45 M . NB!4'S', fir 2100 SI., cedar 65 M.. hemlock 115 M.. NWta SW , fir 2510 M , .cedar 140 M.. hemlock 1J0 -M., tir 1310 M.. cedar 35 M.. SWS SW1: fir .2630 M.. cedar 7( ,M - none, of fir to- be sold for less than $3.00 per at., zrooe 01 ccuir 10 oe soia ior jess tnsn s.uo per M., snd none of hemlock to be sold for less than $1.50 per M T. 2 S-, R. 6 E.. Sec. 19. SEi NEH, fir 165 M., SW4 NEH.-fir 145 M., cedar 20 M.. none uf the fur or cedar to be sold for leas then- $1.00 per 11 . SE4 NW H , fir 175 M, SWVi NWH.-fir 285 M. none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.25 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner General Land Office. T. FOR SALE '- Approximately 1.5,000.000j feet of fine fir timber with mill site on ereek, 1 mile from R. E station and town; $2000 will handle. For par ticulars write' to the Buxton Commercial dub, Buxton, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 SMALL house in Yantvnver, 10on, or about 3400 cash, fcr m;Lli hlioiinm Half n KAl., -r.. taox j-i-, s ancouver, vasn NICK LtKl' in Vamxtuver, H. C What have ju- . vcs watt st. KRAZY KAT iajTh Aunts! Tyay The VocTm op REAL EVpt vJftOTT v4is cAKtove-tlerTefti M15ECEJ ORDA) A BUlCK f TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 N'F.AU JlIIHTIlIin'Vl SflUOO Lot 25x100. on Third at., small store build ing and old 4 room bouse, clear of! incumbrance: will exchange' for SOilOO or lOOxSOO on Union are., north of Broadway ' or veryi good outride business district; nwt hate tor building on it, S- Mr. Strptiens. ';: j .'( ' i ' 732 Cliamber of fommirce CHOICE. WHEAT FARM 480 arrea in beat pert of Ontnl Alberta: 25 sores ceady for crop; pretAi wkett dis trict; no failure for 10 years i owner proteaaional man and will take part exchange, part crop pay ment. Price only $40 per acre) 2 Vi miles front elerator. i , K. HERRON. j ? . 23 -Stark. Allto. S24-53. lU.Sk5 ITY 1ISTIUT 5, rooms, -breakfast nook finijhed on iirst floor, apses far 3 room anil storage on second floor. 3 blocks to, car; 50x100 lot; street pared, sewer in; baiR and for sale by i owner; price taaoO; will accept small boose or lot as part pay- ment or land- from 20 to 40 seres -close to Portland. J. J. Strxctecta, $54 test 44tu st. w. ..sen - i 20 ACKL-S tine land, 2 miles from Yamhill. weU imirroved; will exchange tof well located Portland residence" up to $'.00. j . K. HERRON, J , ' 283 Stark. .; ' i Auto. 524-53 M IO ACRES, (14, miles out. facing pn the Tuala tin river, finest kind land.' 7 in cultivation. 2 room shack, small bam, trade, jfirst payment 0 or 7-rooiin house- near Laurelhp-rst.". 840 E. Ash. F.a-tXH70. ' 1 .. WANTED -A rooming house or apartment bouxe on a long leew in either Hood Itiver, The Dalles or Portland: or would trade property lo cated in Redmond. Or.. Mrs. il. S. Elliott, Redmond. Or. 1 FOR EXCHANGE Good 200 a.j farm in the Willamette valley for Portland property, apart ment house preferred.. Phone East 9325. apt. 3. Address East Ankeny 935. W. H. Hogan. owner. FOR KXCHANGE. good 2O0 - a. j farm in- the - Willamette valley for Irortiand property, apart ment house preferred. Phone East ! 523, apt. 3. Address Hast Ankeny 935. W. II. Hogan, owner. INCOME bearing residence proirty in small town: Sacramento valley, exchanged Ior f ort land suburban home and some cjiah. Owner. R-71, Journal J HAVL equity in 6 room house ami big lot, on West Side, to: exchange for light) ear of cash; balance on place to be paid 32jj per month. I'hone Mar-hall 1612. i WANTED REAL ESTATE - CITY PROPERTt ' 450 J. HARTMAN COMPANY wants homes to sell XV can . sell your home quick if price is reasonable. Call us up, we will: be right out, apprajse your home and take pirfcare of same. 8 Chamber, ot. Commerce bldg. - Main 208. Wlf.L -pay $400 down and $25 per month on , small house. A-l reference; prefer 2 bed moms, must have bath and toilet; not over $2250. Give address and street car I can come out on. 0-54 7, Journal. .' WANT CHEAP LOTS; SUBMIT WHAT YOU WAVE WE ARE SELLING SOME VACANT LOTS "SEE THE YELLOW SRSN" SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCHANGE WANTED A roomimt house or apartment house on a long lease, in either HooH River; .The Dalle or Portland; or would trade property lo cated in . Redmond. Or. Mrs. M- S. Elliott, Redmond, Or. MODEL S3- Overland iu good -shape; will trade in on lot vr house and lot kicated in any good district of city. If intereatedl call at 4S5 Union, or phone East 31169. f LIST four property with me; will inspect and appraise; if price and terms are right can tell it for you. C. Adams. 609 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1963. j WANTED '"i acre or more with! buildings, on Sandy or Columbia highway.. 274 Wash ington st.. room 302-. j WANTED 5 room modern bungalow, $600 down payment; on paved street 0-727. Journal. " WANTED: A lot 50x100 within ilO blocks of E. Ankeny car barn. -State price, location. V-r.39, Journal. WANTED Five or eix room house, two lota preferred. Give price and location first let ter. 1224. Journal. ' FIVE room bungalow, modern, in -good district. yUl pay $500 down. Give price and loca tion. r-HO, Journal, WANT 5 room modern "bungalow ; $500 first payment. o-, joamai. W ANT Ei Four or. 5 room bouse! I"finCton ot Rose Citjr. A-4 16, Journal. .1 WA.VTE1 Ruikimgi lot, Irringipn or Uoue City. B-852. Joirrnal. - .WANT mshtty lot in good district, must be bargain; esh v-;41. Journal FIVE to 7 room house. C. C. ljuvall, 542 'i Williams ave.. Auto. 310-04. ; WILL PAY cash for good lot, Switon or Fair port addition. 164 5 Miss." ave. iWdln. 3878. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 HAVE you a nice tract of land, from 2 to 5 ? acres, with fruit, modern buildngs, close to car and pavement. 8 to 10 miles out- Will ;pay cash, not over $4500. ' Wirite me full description. Hesgard. 842 Alhambra st. Phone :Ahto 312-97. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , STORES, ETC. j .500 AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS Want business man or hard woTber to buy interest in the best paying and equipped r&pair shop on West Side, $5000; must hate at least $4000 cash, balance terms. We de a cash busi ness, and have all the work we can do all the time. You are sure of success, because you will be in with the best mechanic in the city, with a large- following. : You need not b an automo bile man. If you are the man I want, I will teach-you the., business. Please db not answer unless you can put your time and hard work to the business. J-300. Journal j GARAGE BUILDING, CONCRETE -; For sale, 100x100, west side, downtown; rente for $4 50 per month, hut you can hue half of it if you want to. Biceest bargain ii towru $10, 000, part cash, balance easy terms. No 0-774, Journal. '- Tf BARBER SHOP ' Four chsirs, located iu a good college town, 7000 population: paying $150 per week; must be sold at once. Price $1300. i HUGHSON & TAYLOR ' 132 S. 2d St.. CorvaUis, Oregon. Printing for Less Ryder Printing, ' Co Mum 6536. j 192 3d ' v. FOR SALE At viotl paying business. Will stand the closest investigation, i $500 will handle. -432 Worcester bldg. j " A GOOD paying business that will ' iterest you. Will stand closest investigation, j $1000 will handle.- A-417, Journal. ' GRU.lh4Y for salK 744 Vi Lombard st. See owner,' 0 fo. 71 :0 a. m. ; Sundayj 8 to 5 p. m. APARTMENTS FOR . SALE 01 r. W EST SIDE IN-15TH HT. I ' ' PRICE $850O -CASH- 36500 45 rooms, all . furnished, nearly all 2 room suites'; lease for $300. for 3 years. includes heat and water: net $500 a month., Marshall 3352; evenings, Tabor 3090. i j; B. ROCK. i 1 403 Couch Bldg. ! ' HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE j 502 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, rigrlt downtown: i. electricity, 4 ginks, newly papered! and paintad; $-1400. terms. 54 N. 9th st. S - . - . 10-RCKMS. housekeejiing. good furniture, run ning water in apartments, walking distance, $900 cash; $950 terms, $600 down.- East 6582. 1 suaer mft 4Aib wt a Ai a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES i FOR SALE 502 , 42 ROOM HOTEL BRICK This is a dandy little place, fine loca tion :blg money; only a few minutes walk from center of city. This place wilf clear, net, oVer $500 every saonth. -IV'"" cash will handle. Small balance, easy terms. 3 year lease. ...:, ; . . .BRICK HOTEI. ' " V This is a nice small hotel nf 33 mom, rent 3275,, lease to 1923; neta over 3500. Price to handle, - $5750. 25 ROOMS 11 single rooms. 7 2 room housekeeping suite, walking distance. Price only $2300, SI out) cash will handle. -This will clesr over $200 per month. . 11 ROOMS This is a very nice Utile place; private baths, nicely furnished, good money maker, lease, and rent only $50. Price to handle, $1000; bai. $500, $40 per month. SMALL APT. HOUSE One of the nicest small apartment houses in the city, the best of furniture; mostly all new; hardwood floors and in A-l con dition; goad money maker. Price $3000; cah to handle, $2000. Bent only $100; lease, MR, -FREEMAN, irCarey 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDO. . 3D. AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487. - WE BUY .AND SELL HOTELS. APARTMENTS AND GROCERIES oenry S. Oura 301 Labbe Wdg Aut. 523-70. FOR - SALE- 2: 10-room houses, housekeeping rooms, on terms or cash. 291 3d st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ! WANTED 550 DO VOL WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? IT'S SOLD IF LISTED WITH US We are dsilv in touch with HUNDREDS Of? LIVE -BUYERS for everything in the business line Rooming houses, restaurants, barber shops, garages, grocery stores, etc YOU'LL save and make money' by calling F. O. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE - 205 Abmgtorf bldg. Main 1068. APARTMENT" HOUSES AND HOTELS We have a waiting list ef customers with cash (or apartment houses and hotels from 12 to SO rooms. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE 805 Abington Mdg. Main 1068. FINANCIAL' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. - : The best .and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, .or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Lioana of other amounts in same proportioxv Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & 'LOAN ASS N. . 242 Stark St.. Portland, Or. $50O, $10UO, $1500, $200o AN 1) CP NO DELAY QUICK ACTION Money immediately ready for loana on Imp. Portland property. F. H.- Deshon. 615 Chamber of V.TnmT-e LONO ESTABLISHED 33U0. $4UU, 5oO, Him. iiU. iluuu A.N1J up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co , 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. BUILDING loans on city nad sUDuroan property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg Main 3407. MONEY TO LOAN -Sauu, auu, (luu, tluuu. $1500, $2000, on city improved property at 7 per cent. J. L. Wells Co.. 603 Gasco bldg. MONEY to loan, real estate, 7 per cent. W. ii. Ward, 407 Spalding bldg. - MONEY to loan. $100 to $5000. A. H. HelT 11 Mnlkey bldg. Main 4379. SEE OREGON LN V. ic MOUTUaUE Co.. iiz Chamber of Commerce. 4th snd Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES mRNTTURE. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. - SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY -LOsANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. .IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES' OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WU.L PAY THEM CP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY. IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOsAN CO. 806-30 DEKTTM Bl.DO.. 3D. AND WASH. SALARY LOANS CHATTEL 1VF TOAV ifnwv ! m .1- . ...I.nul 1 -1-'-'. - uytr." mia.n.i u . .I.1K1U1U1CQ OD their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly conlideotiat. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE f ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household goods, pianos. et& CALL AND INVESTIGATE ' ' COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. fLICENSED) ' 1 218 FAILING BUILDING PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN Itiotut Broadway 910. 894 Stark SL, Near 10th. Loans en diamonds, watches. Vidro las, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. Manager. ; MONEY TO LOAN On goods plsced in storage with us. We can save you money. Low interest rate. Phone BroaUway 3715., Security Storage As Transfer Co., 53 4th st , corner of Pine. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 tf YOU are, a dilly-dallier, peker, egotist, know 11, back sighted, miser, small rut player, you vritl know and it is a cinch you hsve never made any big clean money. If anyone ha dollars to cooperate with a strong, successful concern that has a safe super-investment, this is the time to come out of the sublime Oregon business slumber. Thousands of Oregonians had a chance to acquire an' interest a year ago but were asleep and thus lost an investment that has netted around 400 per cent profit up to this time. Greatest possibilities are now at hand. The least you can do in justice to your self is to investigate at my expense. Make an appointment. P. O. Box 675, Portland, Or. MONEY TO LOAN On surplus -stocks of merchandise placed ta stor age with us. Phone Broadwsy 3715. Security Storage as Transfer Co.. . 53 4th st, corner of fine. CASH paid for mortgages and . sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. IL E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen bldg. (Copyright, ' t V A l - J m Sv L i (D 651 a.125 DISCOUNT Have sold modern 8 room ? residence, ckwe in, on paved street. :in. perfect repair? S4500, first mortgage $2300; will sell second $ 8 SO ' mortgage, payable $90 quarterly and 7 per centsint., for $725. N. W. corner E. 26tb and Ash. Marshall 746, bfcK OREGON 1NV. tt MOitTGAGK CU.. 22 J C hamber off Commerce. $500 -Six mmtlia, on or be-fore, security valued at SSOOO. F-892. Journal.--, HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 HORSESHORSES W have ISO M ns hand from llOO to 1 800, young and broke. 1 guaretntee them as r prcstuted. , Can give ydf references to peo ple that have bought. . I am here to stay and have more hors-ea to pick from 'than all the sle barns in I'ortland. arid 25 per cent cheaper. Hire by the day, work or njontu.'. Will ex ciiange frr mules, cst'Je or horses.'1 Will ac cept Liberty lond. - Have wagons, and haxpessee. PSiil Suetter- 25 Front St. Crown StaMe. U.S.STABLES MARES AND HORSES We carry a large supply of the very 'best horses and mares that money can. buy. It will be to your advantage to come and look our stock over snd get our , price before you buy. All horses guaranteed as represented or money refunded; 10 days free trial. 365 Union ave. 8., cor, of Steven st. ii. " D. Williamson Glass. FOR SALE Team Ferchmi licrses. 5 years old; weight about 2800 lbs. 8; an of chunky. bui!t young Bolcian mares, weiKht about 2ihl. Pair of young bay- mares, weight about 2400. 5-year-old Percheron mare, in foal, weight about 1300. This stock all well broke. Price reason able, to save feed bill, Keystone Stable, cor. siontgomery and Water sts HAVE a Hurst Bpraying machine, stump puller, 2 and 4 horsor Fresnoes. 3 road plows as good as new. Phil Suetter 285 Front St. Crown Stables. NOTICE. 2 teams of young blocky 'bnilt mares, good heavy boned. 1 span, wt. 2800, and 1. span, 2900. All four good workers and gentle. 2 sets heavy bcecciihig ham" e to -tie sola cheap if taken at once. 240 E. Stli St.", cor. Main st. J. S. Williamson. NOTICE One gray imported Percheron tTIir,n. 8 years old. wt-f between 2000 and 2100 lbs. Will sell or trade for other stock. Sound and gentle for anybody to handle. Can be seen at 240 E. 8th st.lVorner of Main. FOR SALE- 1 span dapple gray mares, 5 and 6 yean old, weighing 3000. sound and true ypuUers. Abo 1 black Percheron mare. 5 .years old. weighs 1600. 'Several other good cheap Losses. Also 3 Mitchell farm wagon, aim oat rew. 4 20 Hawthorne ave. ' TEAM l'ercheron.1, weighing abut 230O ls. , coming 4 and: 5 years old,' full sisters, kind. gentle and sound, $200. Team sorrel horses weighing 2600 lbs., sound good workers, $175: also wagons and harness. 4301 67th st. Mt. Scott csr. FOR SALE 1 team brown mares 4 and 5 years old, weight 2700; eLso heavy harness: have no more use for ,theni. Call at blacksmith shop, 268 E. 7th and. Msdisoii. Wli.i. arrive eb. 1 ,arkaul horse and snares, . weighing Ji-om 1200 to 1600 lbs., from Baker, Or. Can be seen at ' . KEYSTONE STABLES, Cnr. Mont-ffi'inerv a-nd Water t'. FOR SALE J mare, weicht 1300 lbs., 1 MnaU tcaiw and liame.ss, weiuht 2J(0lb. ; must sell.- . Call . at TO K. 7th st. between Hawthorne and Madison. $l$5f Bl'ys iair ot geldine, 8 and 10 yra. in good condition, guaranteed good workers; har ness and 3-I- ' farm waon; weighth 2500 lbs. 6715 57th, ave. S. E. M. Si' .car to Nashville, 4 blacks went'. Hi JlLAll ot luares and geldings. "weigHiiug from 1100 t3 17tM. all ' good workers, single and double harness, wagons and buggies. Woodyard Stables, corner IC. 'Jth &t. and Hawthorne ave. Phone East tilOli. - FOR SALE at bargain, good" young team, weight about 2700; good 3 wagon and harness; as have moved to Portland from farm will sell cheap. 233 Gibbs. Mrs. Walker. FOR SALE Team of 4-year-old marea, weight 2800, sound and gentle, with foal. $330. Creston Wasehouse. 50th and Powell Valley. ML Scott car. FOR SALE -Teaiu, auigon and heavy worg har ness; horses 4 and 5 years old; sold cheap if taken at once. 795 S. 1st St.. JRoom 20, Port land, Or. FOR SALE at a bargain, 1. span of bay mare, weight 3350 lbs. This team ts one of the best pulling teams in .the city. A great logging team. 1 OO E. 9th ct N. SEVE11AL of tuv iranaier norae ior &ale, cheap; they are all young, good horses; we must sell t. make room for more trucks. 1029 E. Yam hill st- Key stone Stables tVS Lfor rent 381 Water at., foot Mont, Mar. 85 Is TEAM of mules', well matched. 6 and 7. 2400 pounds: horse, 1200; team 2800; harness and 3 farm wagon. :m l itnyt near atarxet. , ' T 2800-LB. TEAM. 7 and 9 jaars old harness and farm wagon, cheap. 1394 Hawthorne cor. sum. CHESTNUT sorn-1 Belgian jrrart. 5 yeari. old, weight about 1 20O lt. Well broke and gentle. 70 TAKES brown hor?e, weight aiKAii 1300 11., very gentle and tnie to work,'3Sl Water st. We-t side. , 10o BUYS team of percheron mares, weight about 2900 lb. In good work shape, true nnd ccntte. sl Water t. rtt aide. . $135 BUYS farm o lUit, torn 22(mi io-,, har ness and light wagrtn. 4010 67th st. ML Scott car. : ' ' " FOR -SALE 12 head of horses, weight 1350 to 1800 lbs.. 5 to 9 e8rs old. Also 1 good cow. E. 9th and Flanders sts. CiiCNti.V hilllt u-aui oi uiartss, uge 4 and 5, to be sold cheap at ous-e. Rusteil St. Fuel & Tran"fer. 351 KnllS . $40 i;OUU 1300 lb.- hoTSe. RusseU St. Fuel & Transfer Co., 851 Russell st HORSES loir rent, double and single. - 640 Front st FINE drivinir mare, weight 1J.50, for larger horre. 1210 Macrum ave., E. St. Johns. HORSES, harness and: wagons; no further Use for tnem. Atlas Woodyard, 327 FronL DEAD norses and cattle taken prumptly. Call day or night Ant. 627-64. LIVESTOCK 701 15 FRESH cows, 55, aiinnger. some large Holsteins. Ihirbams and Jerseys. -3 to 8 gal lons. Sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Van couver car to Coluniuia boulevard, go one block north. $300 WILL,buy yearling registered Jersey bull; close up to Poppy Dortha. champion 3-year-old -St. Mawes . Jersey cow. Credit to respon sible parties. mix ni. Asmann. ur. GOING out of business, will, liave 7 good dairy -ows and dairy equipment, and also 2 borses, milk wagon. Will take- first reasonable offer. 632 E. 24th. Woodstock car. ' FOR TRADE A hornless billy and an oak dining table almost new. for a cow. 5303 5 8th ave S. E., Woodstock car. : HJX TRADE some good milk cows for rate model Ford in good condition. S. P. Lind, 2 miles east of Ore sham. COOPER FARM. North Park Rose. 1 Chester White boar, 2 years old. Ruby stock. Pigs of all ages. ' BIG YOUNG freh dairy cows, beavy milkers. family cow. $5Q. 753 E. Ash, WANTED tteet. veal. 1iok. slleep; cail " days. Tabor 2720: evenings. Tabor 2073. WANTEl--Beet, veal and hoar Tahor 1Hl POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 110 EtiG incubator: ; in fine condition; for $10. C. F. Minray. 1446 E. Everett st. I WILL HATCH YOUR EGGS CALL WDLN. -319. 1921, by lnterctUouai J" nature Service, Inc.) , f MONEY WANTED -v- - . . ("TrVAT WAS 5L0U- I ST UK. , - POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 OREGON branch National Breeders' and Fan cier' assn., will bold, a three-day rabbit show, Feb. 17, 18, 19. Entry blanks are now ready. Those .desiring information will please write to reeretary. Premium list will soon be ready. There will be premiums that wilt - be worth coo4ting for. This show ia under national rules wit a two-judge system used," Entries open to the world. There will be a class for utility stock which will Weiwv before the public xlie commercial value lurrrs1. rabbit for table, use; as well as the fancy show stork. . Entry lees within the reach cf ail breeders. Mary U Sivens. trees.. 636 5th at. N. Tabor 7778. MAG US RE'S DAY OLD CHICKS: : R. I. Reds, Brown Leghorns.. O. A. C, Barred Racks and White Leghorn. Onr pen in Northwest laying .contest at Puyallup laid 132 eggs for December, an average of 26 2-5 eggs per bird. For dependable laying stock get chicks or liatchlne eggs from J R. MAOUIRE. "87 Oregon st., Portland. PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY R ADV Hoganized trapnested W. Leghorns. a-fcaJ X r. v. Beds. Barred Rocks. Order HI n Y " early. Prices reasonable. E. 12th N. Wdln. 1489. WHITE. LEGHORN DAY-OLD CHICKS . From trepnested and pedigreed stock baring egg records in excess of 250 for five, or more, successive generation- Book yonr order now for spring delivery. QUALITY POPLTRY FARM. Base Line Road. $ Miles East of Portland. Mail ddr- Grehnm. r. Tabor 7H21. DO YOU want to start In the chicken business t I have a rented place with buildings enough to hsndle 900 laying hens. 1 brooder house and 1 incubator house on seven acres land. Buildings are new and modern. See this: immediately. This is on Columbia blvd. near Kenton. Fred Leo, 1753 Denver ave. Take Kenton car. 1f A K J Our last season's customers are our HJiiL B best customers this seaatin. Order (flHIlfV comiug in fast., 'DON'T PCT illlUy. it OFF. Write today for our free catalogue giving varieties and prices. C. N. Needhsm, Salem. Or. 20 FULLBLOOD 8. C. R. I. Red cockerels for ssle at reasonable price: 'setting egca from my heavy laying strain of Retts, 7 pens to select- trora. w. v. Loomis. 1923 Multnomah sL, cor. 70th. Phone Tabor 3197. - VHITE LEt.liOLN baby chi $20 per hundred, from O. A. C. stock: eggs $8 per hundred, 360 per thousand; can furnish large orders. E. G. Zimmerman, Vancouver, Wash., Route 2. Bo 167. Phone 19-F2.- I HAVE only a few settings of eggs to spare from my grand pen of Partridge Plymouth Rocks, the beauty breed. Book now. Agent for the Porter . soft heat incubator. Phone Colum bia 983. BARRED Bock eggs, incubator lota specialty. Cocks and cockerels. - Golden Beabrigbt ban tams. Two 120-egg incubators, Mrs.' Evans, 365 East Iximbard sL Wood lawn 1656. S. O. WHITE - LEGHORN baby chicks and hatching eggs from pen flock average of 200 221 eggs a year. A.;.T, McCauley, 600 E. vavi ar. , rortisna, ".jr. , 'THOROUGHBRED W. L. baby chicks from heavy laying trapnested stock. PARKVUSW POULTRY 'FARM. Milwaukie. Or. R. 2. Box 478. MARSHALL strawberry plants. 31.25 per 100 prepaid. $7 per 1000. Also Buff Leirhorn macs .uioorc - ana sncont eocaereis. f . Ijiw, East Stsnwood. W;ash. ' FOR ALE One of the best Partridge Wyan dotte brood cocks in the Northwest; mated with two fine hens. Price 3 15,- cock alone worth more monev 956 K. 39th st. Phone Sell. 824. Foil SALE lO bretdiug cocaerel, $5 each. Selected from flock of 500 S. C. Whit Leg horns. 'George Pool try Farm. Bel rose a La., Gate road and Foster road. WHITE LEGHORN hens and pnlleta. take one or lOO. Special prices ot..- lOO lota. Mt. Scott Poultry Yards. Aut. 621-54. 6348 84th st. S. E. - ..- S. C. WHITE LEGHORN HATCHING EGGS Special hatching eggs f ronr pens beaded by males with-' record 'of 292 :407 eees a. Tear. A. T. McCaulev. 600 E. Davis-fst.. Portland. Or. BUFF ORPINGTON aiid White Wyandotte roosters, cockerels and. pullets ; also bstching e7c from prize winning stock. Anna Bowen, 02O0 41t st. S. E. TUOROCGHBRKD W. L. baby chicks, Tancrea and Hollywood heavy laying atraina. AngeU Poultry Farm. Rt 1. Bot 170. Oregon City FOR SALE Utility -and Himalayan rabbits cheap. Leghorns and Wyandotte cheap. Auto. 626-68. !. TA.NCKLD White ibhorn chicka. $20 per lOO. Incubators. 1 'ark rose Hatchery, Portland, Or. Tabor 3 82. 1 GUARANTEE to pick the layers. Wby feed ben ttiat wont pay your tlogamze ana save feed. Aut 226-30. F. Monro. FOR SALti -100 White I-eghorn hen. Tancred strain, 2 years old in June. Price $ L each. Wdln. 4332. ' 1 S. C. BROWN LEGHORN cockerel that will make good. Price right. Hatching eggs. K. H Rosensrans. olfax, tfrih. FIFTY laying hens or lea,. $-L,50 each ; some Buff Leghorn, others mixen. yafl CoL 936. FOR SAI.E 3 Buff Orpington roosters. ,844 N. Kellocg. RHODE ISLAND Red and White Leghorn baby chicken. nlo breeding cockerels Tabor 6184. HATCHING esgs from thoroughbred White Wy andtte. Wdlm62Sl. 1 1 85 K. 26th st- N. FOR SALE One Barred Rock rooster for breeding, 8 months old. Call East 5504. EGG MASH ECIPni teed Wheat, Oats. Scratch, 33.25, IP lUiQlLP Woodlawn 4344. 2 FINE eokerei. Thompson Ringlet strain, also linnet sinfter. Aut. 622-18. K. I. R- and 1 White Leghorn cockerel for sale, also om rabbits. Call Marsh. 3727. NLVE Ancona pilleu, 3 cockerels,' Sheperd strain. Woodlawn 4479. I H1MAIAYAN rabbits, 2. Tabor 2159. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 703 FINE SINGERS AND FEMALES TABOR 811. t 2095' E. STARK. FOUR Singers, 1 doz. female, at reasonable .price. Tabor 7368. '!) BEAUTIFUL SINGERS for tale. Call Uie studio. Main 468, I FOrl"SAfJk- Pointer" Puppy.' ' - ,, mouth' "old, cheap. -Woodlawn 6114. 11 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 BOB FULTON Broadway 40-41 AUTO PAIN TIN O. j lilt BCICR. 7 passenger., fine mechanically fine cord tires, bumper, wind deflector, spot light; will sacrifice for $1550. Phone Frank Smith. Broadway IK".- i RADIATOR SERVICE CO. "IT WILL PAY" you to see us about repairing your RADIATOR. TENDER, or BODY. Expert, guaranteed work at moderate prices. Cor. Union and Hawthorne avenues.- . East &498. SU-NOMSTV OVERLAND 4 - This is a light late model ear, ha practically all hew tire. Will take as low as, $100 down and give 10 months to pay balanci. If this i not what you want we Jiave many! other - light cer. Prices very reasonable. JakeV Used Car F.Trhance. 28 N. 11th. Bdwy. 3214 f f WE ARE di-sposiiig of two 1920 Stephens' demon tratoTS. These cars hate been overhauled and refinished. This is your chance to get one of these popular cars at a great saving. - Cash, terms or trade. Phohf Bdwy. 3606 for, demon 1 1 . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 REBUILT AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED CARS Bargains at these prices and the reason why they are bargains Because we are selling used automobile with a standard ' factory warranty, or ar giving , I O days' free trial subject to their being returned end- jrU credit being given on . any other automobile. . During the hat four years v?e: Save rebuilt Hudson automobiles and resold them with A warranty the same aa factory warranty on a new car. It pays for us to sell and you to buy a used automobile that you can rely upon. 1917 Maxwell, good running condition. .$ $& 1918 Maxwell, all (one over., repaired, and repainted; a fine little car.. BOO 1919 .Maxwell, like new car . . . 02 1920 Maxwell demonstrator; a bargain. . j One Oakland automobile, fine run ning condition and in good repair . . - - Overland chummy, model 90. in fine" condition, wire fjlieels, good Urea ........................ 1817 Buick Six, cord tires, all food running condition 1920 Hupmobile, all in first -class con dition ............ 7$ 523 600 1200 ESSEX BARGAINS 1919. Essex touring ear, all gone over In our shop, thoroughly overhauled and repainted; sold with a, warranty the saaae as given on now automobiles; ' now . . .1. ......... . 1278 1920 Essex model, like new ; and witn i warranty; great buy ........... 1350 1920 Latest model Essex, run only 1100 ' miles, traded in on a larger car - . . 1450 CHALMERS BARGAINS 1919 Chalmers roadster, in fine condition 1050 - -. ' - . - 1919 Chalmers Light Six. with bot spot. - overhauled and repainted, ail in fine condition ...... 1250 1S50 1260 1920 7 pass. Chalmers; great buy .... . 1917 Hudson Super Six, now being re built in our abop. will be repainted and sold with a warranty for , . . . . 191 S Hudson speedster, rebuilt and will , be through the paint shop in 10 'days, will look just like rnew ; will sell with a ' factory warranty th ' ame aa given on new automobiles . . 1920 Hudson Super Six, overhauled and refiniahed like new, sold with factory warranty that we carrjr ourselves; great buy . . ..'. ............ i 1650 1900 920 Hudson speedster, all gone over by us to see that everything in in perfect condition; run only 3000 miles, sold with warranty ...... . 2100 OTJR STORB FOR THESE USED CAR BARGAINS' AT 40-46 BROADWAY. WHICH 1M BKUAUWSY A.U UULUil. SI 14. t'U-0 BROADWAY 5739. . .. C U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO, OUR MOTTO: "SATISFIED CUSTOMERS' WE KNOW WE CAN PLEASE YOU THKEK DAYS' FREE TRIAL YOU BE THE JUDGE 1919f-'Welie touring .. .$1250 1918 Vetlie touring 1025 1919 A pass. Velie 1050 1917 Velie touring ............... .750 1918 Oldamobile 8 ,....1173 Model 85-4 Overland 640 Model 75-4 Overlaud ............ . . . . 350 Cole i t ..... .';'. !?500 IA C. WARREN MOTOR CAST CO.."- f 5S-60 No. 23d st. Main 789. REMEMBER. "WE CHARGE NO . BROKERAGE. ALMOST SOMKTHI.VG -FOR NOTHTNO TiLlT IS WHAT EVERYBODY IS LOOKING FOR - " I will pay from $25 to $75 for prospect leading to a sale of an automobile. I have new and used standard automobiles ranging in price from $300 to $4500. Everyone has a friend or relative in the market for an "automobile. If you have, mail, your address to - G-607, Journal, and I will cret in touch with yon personally. Your confidence will be respected in every way. " 11 r- . 7 Passenger Buicks ,. We have several, all in good shape, with plenty of extras: an ideal family car can be se lected from thee at the rignt price. Ceil Broad way 1130 or see them at oar new salesroom Twelfth and Alder. 'HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. Radlators.Fenders, Hoods, Bodies, etc. MADE AND REPAIRED BURNESS AUTO WORKS, 12TH AND EVERETT STS. . : Essexiu920Essex SPECIAL BinLT ItOADSTER, FIVE WIRE WHEELS." FIVE NEW CORD TIRES, A-l MECHANICAL CONDITION- AND REFIN ISHED. THIS IS SOME CAR. $1450. SPECIAL ESSEX RACER $1100. CALL BDWY. 3947. OAKLAND. 3 passenger, practically new; ts in wonderful condition and has lots of extras. See this car at Howard. Auto Company's sales room at 12th, and Alder. -. AUTO ACCESSORY DEALERS, ATTENTION. The Jacobson Distributing Company, distribu tors for the B. A B. tire and rim tools, now lo cated at 49 Union ave. N. You taw the demon stration,' at the show. Call or write for deal ers' Quotations. Phone r-at 8474 WEAVER TIRE COMPANY , FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING" CO, TIRE REPAIRING $33-836 Burnside at Broadway. OVERLAND 9o,. good Urea, new paint, good mechanical condition, for sale cheap or trade for Ford. Telephone Main 623 or call at 280 Front aL 1918 STUDEBAEER. light-6 touring, in splen did condition; used as fsmity car; tire good. For sale by owner. $550; a snap. Phone Wood lawn 3073 STORAGE room to rent for live ears or dead -cars, reasonable. For Information, call Broad way 4811 or Brrwdway 607. between 12 1 o clock each day. .-. . FOR SALE Late Chevrolet touring. 4 tire. nearly new, look good, runs fine. I need money badly. $150 down, balance $23 month. Call Bdwy, 3083. o -dealers. MODEL 83 Overland in good shape; will trade in on lot' or house and lot located in any good district of city. If interested, call at 4 85 Union, or phone East 3969. ' By Herriman AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE fiOO Prices Down, Quality Up Never strrre we have been in the a iitr mobile busiitea hav we own able to otfer uchv eeptienal values in used .car aa we have c. our floor at the rvesent time. Nearly all of our rare were good buys to start with and aftcf putting them thTough oilr own sl'icfi, reintir whn necessary, many cf them are-like nt. Compare our prices and you will find that, quality consH-red. they ars'tha luwoat is the city: , 1317 1913 1917 1916 1918 1919 1920 1918 H1 1918 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1921 MAXWELL roadster MITCHELL, & puwiirr .. BRISCOE, ft passenger . ; . . MITCHELL, 7 passenger.. Fned sedan ... Chevrolet . & pesaenirer. .... Chevrol(t, ' 6 passenger , . . EI;iN. 6 passenger, ...i. , B R 1 8COE. 5 -iraaeenger . Elgin. 5 pft-Hseoeer . MITCHELL. 5 passencer. . . MITCHELL, 7 passenger. MITCHELL. 5 passenger Mitchell, 7 paseriger. ...... Mitchell Roadster ......... Olds "8," sport model . . . , KM S50 471 rvoa.. MD i'MMl , 7 753 -To . filirt 85 1109 , 1 100 1 2O0 750 ; 2000 And we also have a few Victory model Mitch- ells and 1 Jordan Silhouette, on which we give factory guarantees and service. Ieal with a house of recognlred stability. 8- years in business in Portland. We handle our own note snd do not charge car brokerage. Mitchell,' Lewis & ; Staver Co., , BROADWAY AND'EVEUETT ST. Phone Broadway' 4673. ELECTROLYTIC CHARCER CHAHGES BATTERY FROM FORD MAGNETO . Easily attached, gives steadier spark, ; helps magneUi, better headlights, hundreds in use. Price $10.. Send money order. Ford owners, . salesmen, repair shops, ac cessory dealers, get this quick sejler and agency at once. Wizard Specialty Mfg. . Co., 210-212 Jefferson, Portland, Otv AND FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled Rear axle overhauled . . . . . . 6.00 Valve ground, carben removed. ....... 8 - Magneto recharged . . 6.00 We hand lap pistons, srrspe bearing, etc., which insure a perfect marling motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard snd the light are dim is because the MAGNETO ia weak. Have it RECHARGED by KXPEHTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR. 210 Jefferson St. Main 764 . Portable: Garages ' , 554 r. o b FACTORY f Ark about ready cut AND . PORT ABLE HOMES MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. Foot of William Are. ' - WYidlawn 24 IS Look We have a Kfcl.. 100" point six, in fine shape: owner watiu-d 3650. . this iirice'waA A snap, bat he want hi new Biii'-k now, will take . $000 to make quirk sale.- Ho hurrv to HOWARD AUTOMOBILE C1MPHNY Twelfth ami Alder. ' - "1 - rhone Broadway 1130. 16.000' carried in stock. Oar sprint sold with written guarantee. We give yon service. 84 N. )6TH ST. , B. IFISCH Radiitors, teoders. bodies, h-rods. H.'32-l 1 tanks, repaired and remodeled. auto sheet-metal work a special ar 106-107 N. 15th t. - Phon. BROADWAY 2299. - - - ! - '"'. H 45 BUICK. 1919, 5 PASSENGER. - Has had the best of car. Tbe best, t.ur- in Portland today for $11 SO. See it at our tr room. ltn alia ,nier. nnwti.if I iou. - HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. HARRY STUTK SPECIAL CAN'T BE TOLD FROM NEW CAR Hnn 8000 miles. 6 cord tire, special paint job, tine' covers, etc. Cost, 'including extra tires. $3800 Will rori'ider any -reasontible offer. all Auto. 811-41 Sundays from 12 to 2 ot week days call Kaj,t 74 4 5. Mr. Adcox. 1918 BUICK touring car, with cord tires; fin. mechanically; onginai fuah,- h new: a snap at $1100; terms. Phone Frank Smith, Broadway 1130. . 102O COLUMBIA TOURING CAR In good condition, lots Tif etrs: for O'lirk sale will tak $1500. Ed Knox, Bdwy. 1130. L. ii. CHAMBERS . Maxwell Specialist Af.fj AVOTtK 'GUARANTLl-TV BELL. 8755. DIVISION ATT7 WU.L A Hilar, iie i iw s im'i' , i" $1200; 3400 cash; or will consider lignt car i in trade. Broadway Auto Inn, East Third and Broadway 1917 E1A.1N toiiriug. g'xxi tirtrs aiuV in -,ol condition, 3575.. - Open Sunday and -. nlnga 34S Iniou trs. N., near BruadwaV, Eaat.56. '. ' .. ... WILL contract "r. vriljlisul by the hour. Have a 8-ton 4ruc; 1 , ROBT. F. FOY. " 1572 E. Everett at. Tshor 959 f. , WILL SACRIFiCK" 1919 Cob) b" and gne tenns. This is .the test buy in tojT. BnjaUway Auio Inn. It 3d and Broadway. - ' LATE 1918 Studtbskrr 4 ioaihtU-r, fine con dition every way. Sacrifice for $o75. Nd $225 cash, bal. term. Mr. Argof iviwy. 321! LATE 1918 Saxon, food condition; baa Conti, - neutal motor. viortn ouu.-racrirw-e ior 3450. Need 1 50. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 321. 1920 KIMi s, runs and look like new. Will aacrifice. Thi is certainly a bargain. : Broad way Auto Hin, l-just ad ami uroadway. 1911, t HEVRliLE'i. esceiient -condition, n cord tires; wire wneris ; a oargain at o--u. Call and 'inspect cas at MuitAomah liotni ni. A . ir,wi- Re-aiverinng and rapa.ro AlltO I OPS .t reaaon.bl. prices. 32 Salmon et.. betweMi 6th and Broadway S YiiL are interested - it a l,iin in a lS 1918 Maxwell. e have it; ; Price !.".. Broadway Anto Inn, r'.ast Third and Bva'ad-'ay, OLfiS-MOBILF- 8 paomaker. otrriiauifld and re- ' finisbed. Wbn!4 accetjt a Ford or Iodze as rysrt navment. Bdwv. 8605. f- kux to AllCUKLLX 6 ply tirca. 32o. N.,n. better. We know bow Id repair tire. Vot es n Tire ahnp. strand ave. at Pin. K 49. S12."i TAKES l'JO Liberty, in first ditton; ail new robber. Broadway Auto Inn. F.at Third and Broadway. ; mmm V AUTO WRECKING, all m tor ill car. PORTLAND AUTO. WRECKING CO., 2kt9 f Union? ave.,' near Hawthorne. F.A8T 7866. ' 1917 m.'D un4".u. pnr. ct for ?yinU wi Ik. Oiieti .TntM onMiitiii, tHai4i mlay and rwmiigi. 345 I-riiot ave N., tu-ar Pro . I way I a-t WEPUT Steel teeth in . your old C'irwheel; crankshaft turning. H. B. Black, niacins hop. 5vI4 Alder t.. BradwT 2681. 1918 FORD roadster, fine condition, I- terms. By owner, Mr. 7"'1etl- I'articu.sra, call Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3281. FORI- touring. - 1 920 m1-l, worth tujsinf.' Pbone Jensen, Broadway 3 21. ' t Continued en Following Page!