THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1921. 18 .BEAT. ESTATE FOR SALE -HOV8ES 1 . J. A. Wickman Co. " "Shortest Way Home" ' lti ratmber. no matter what kind of a horn .you may desire w. ran show you one that will Hum yon: our malcnracn specialise in different kind of borne.. Tell u frankly the kind of a home you ant and' we will send yoa oat with a man who handles that kind of home and know most .of the place for sale at your price. See Our Pboto. $3250 Hero is a fine home; lot 100x100. with lot of fruit: earace. chicken boose: S rooms with bath ; also fine inclosed sleeping porch. In perfect condition. Otiiy 1500 Cash Down 13100 S roofns and sleeping porch; fireplace; full cement basement. wash trays, 50 x.100 lot; only $50"down. Only $2S0 Cash $2750 rLet us show you this 5 room horn on '. Micedara street; with sewer in and paid; in perfect condition; near Jeffer son high. Hawthorne Bungalow 3f00 .1 . rovmi and bath, with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet; Dutch kibe-hen: , full cement basement; wash trays; street improvement in and paid. Terms. , IfUs implicate This One 14 500 We can build this for you with only $500 cash down: full cement basement under entire house; 5 Poo nut and bath; hardwood floor". fireplace; buffet; . dutch kitchen; tiled bath with one piece built-in tub, shower: tiled, drainboard in kitchen: paved street, paid; Haw thorne district. W e hate some . homes In all sections at all prices and on terms to suit. Let us show you. It places you under no ob ligation!!. . J. A.-Wfickman Co. "Shortest Way Home" 264 Stark street Main 1004. ATTENTION Rose Cnty Park Buyers U K II.4YK ANY NUMBER OF GXD HCTS IN THIS POPULAR DISTRICT. IV ADDITION TO OUR DOWNTOWN liKf'ICK, WE MAINTAIN A BRANCH . nmcE AT 50TH AMI SANDY BI,VI. MOST OF OUR . HALESMKN I.1VK THKKE: WE KNOW THE HISTORY OK NEARLY E EKY HOUSE IN THE I ilSTRH T.- WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SERVE YOU BEST. TV YOU WANT Til BUY IN THIS POPULAR DIS TRICT. SEE US. SOME TERMS AS I.ITTUC AS 500 DOWN. LET IS SHOW YOf. A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 Stark'St.. ner 4th. Main 3092. -Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Close Jn32 11 0 5 rov.m plastered house on Kerby st., nsr Russell. Not a new bouse, but mud em. All improvements in and paid. 3 car walking di'tuee of west side. $500 ca-ili, balance i-ma.ll monthly payments. SeI!wood22iG!0 5 rooms, all plastered, modern, 3 blocks to school. 2 blocks to 2 carlines. All improvements in and paid. Close in. $500 cash, A good place for the money. Otto & Harkson 4 13 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398. PENINSULA fl ROOMS $500 IOWN On Rnrrage St.. near Portland blvd., a good looking very well constructed i room house with 3 bedrooms. 2 of them being upstairs: built-in buffet, I Hitch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, 7 bearing fruit trees, full lot. 1 Mock Irom car; a very excellent duj. 5hrCarey n "11 RAILWAY KXrHASllKBLlHI. 3D AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487. BOSK CITY PARK RUNGAT.OW " S ROOMS AND SLEEPING POUCH $350 DOWN BALANCE $43 PER MO.. INCLUDING INT. This is one of the niftiest little bungalows in the park, is close to the Rose, City carlihs a i school, has furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitch en hardwood floor, etc. Price only 5450. J. 1 HARTMAN COMPANY, b Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 208. FOR MR. HANDYMAN A 4 room unfinished bungalow on splendid romer lot 60x100; Rose City Park line; 2 rooms and closet finished; roof all on, shingled all over outside; 6 bearing fruit trees, some grapes, good fa race. Price $1700 plus bonded st. assessments, li0 caan, a.u ouiy. RCALTOP8 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5 ROOM BITNtJATvOW - S4tl00 $200 DOWN Substantial "5 room bungalow with 2 large bedrooms; the pnee is only $1470. which makes it a real snap.- - B5hrCarey Corporation 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. 3D AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487. WEST MT. TABOR HOME . Modern 0 room home, large living room, 1 with fireplace, dining room and kitchen with built ins and breakfast room, 3 bed rooms and bathroom upstairs. Full base ment, lot 100x100. fine lawn, all kinds fruit, berries and abundance of finest rosea, all improvements paid. 200 E. o6tb U $7500; terms. Tj. E. STEINMKTZ 408 Gerlinger Building Main 6091 or Tabor 3224 6 ROOM BUNGALOW East front, fireplace, nice light kitchen, 3 bedrooms, usual plumbing, gas and electricity; eorner lot. Price only $3000; very reasonable terms. " JolhnsonDodson Co. M3 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. A Good Home On K. 2 1st at, Ladd's addition 6 larse rooms, lars bath room, furnace, fruit and walnut trees, large lot ; $3?00 for quick sale, good terms. Roblbans Realty Co. -400 Hawthorne Ave., Near Grand. HAWTHORNE SNAP ONLY $500 DOWN ? room bungalow, all large sunny rooms, fire place, builtins, Dutch kitchen, beautiful white enamel plumbing, full cement basement, fun nsee and laundry- trays, full lot, paved streets, garage, half block to car. Marshall 3993. IRY1NGTON New attractive bungalow, 0 rooms and break- fast nook, hardwood floors throughout, ivory finish tile bath. 579 E. 25th st. S., near Knott. Herman Nelson, owner. HOME BUILDERS Will build you home on your lota or ours and finance on payments like rent. . Fabricated Construction Co.. 01S McKay bldg. FOR SAtE IOT8 1$ RvrKPTtnvii. tit niDi'iTvo $300 $30 eaih, $6 month, Kenton dist. $500 $50 cash, $10 month, near Peninsula park: $675 Alameda Park, streets paid: terms. $ 1(V00 Rose City corner, streets paid; terms. w a r n ajioimnsonj'Oflion o. 633 N. W. Bank bldg Main 3787. BEAUTIFUL lot on. 8 1st and KiUingsworth, 100x100; splendid building site; shade trees, half block to Alberta car; paved street. Price $650: some assessments to assume. This is the best buy that we know of in this district; for further information' call C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 STARK ST. 1 V ACRES, Will make 7 lots 48x156 ft;" 3 blocks Peninsula school. Price $2150. Terms. Must sell at once, am leaving city. Owner Bdwy. 12. Res.. Wdln. 4588. ALAMEDA PARK, corner 27th and Mason sta." streets paved, paid.- $1150. Tabor 6441. JeORNINGSJDE lot. east view, hard street V-631. Journal. ACREAGE WANT ONE. TWO OR THREE ACRES OV "OREGON CITY LINE: MUST BE REASON ABLE. A-410. JOURNAU - " ' FOR SALE 2 acre home, all in strawberries and other fruit; small house; close to station. A. O. WE3TGATE. Wilsonville. Or. 6 ACRES, right at station, on eleetno car Thi ' acres in cult., amail house. Snap. $1300 Terms $650 cash. Garland. 201-3d. , FOR SALE By owner, equity in 2 -acre tract'. some improvements; close to Oregon Electric station and hard surface road. P-311, JournaL 16 ACRES, also house movmg outfit e is i 9 2d st. S. E. Thomas Alien. Portland. Or. 160 ACRES. 13 miles west of Portland- 50 . acres in cultivation. East 1335. RE Alt ESTATE ACREAGE 7 100 DOWN $15 MONTHLY Splendid 20 acre tract of fine soil. 1 acre un der cultivation, another acre cleared around stumps; good creek and well, aback bouse 18x24. shed barn; 6 miles from, Hillaboro. Total price coeo. , . CLTOB 732 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKENS. BERRIES AND FRUIT $25 down. $ 12.50 monthly, buys a splendid tract of 2.4 7 acres, located 1 hi miles from Portland city limits; splendid creek, some bot tom land. Total price $550. g auto e G 732 Chamber of Commerce NEARLY an acre, lots of berries, 4 room plas tered cottage, cement foundation, city water, gas, good garage, chicken house, barn, some plumbing in, balance piped for plumbing In cluded with place is winter's wood and fine bunch of chickens. City car line. Price $2650, $950 cash. Inspected by Brooks. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. Over 600 Small Places Near Portlsnd. r 6 "ACRE SNAP Tualatin rives, bottom, only a few rods from Tualatin river, small clearing and 200 cord of wood that will sell for $5 per cord cut on the land:' 13 miles from Portland, near Newberg highway. Price K",0. A. W. ESTES 903 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CAPITOL HILL Nearly. 2 acres, ' mile from stati in : 1 acre under cultivation, balance pasture along creek; 15 young bearing fruit trees, 3 room house, large storeroom, 2 chicken bouses, city water and gas in house. Price $ 1 600, $650 cash, balance $13 per month, 6 per lent. In spected by Malone, with John Ferguson. Ger liirger bldg. FIVE ACRES AT METZGER Has comfortable 8 room house, newly papered, best of water, lots of fruit and berries; whole tract under cultivation: 9c carfare; $42O0. Elmer F. Bennett Co. 318-321 Boa rdof Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $800i BUYS 2.0 ayreshiehly improvedwith W 8 room bungalow, all bldg. first-class, just 2 hi miles from center of Newberg. Some terms. Geo. F. (Vow. 703 hi Mississippi are. Phone Wood lawn 1201 or residence. Wood lawn 2785. BACK TO THE SOIL Three acres of excellent land three fourths mile from carline. near city limits; ail under cultiva tion: large orchard : on cixxl road; $2150. Elmier F. Bennett Co. 318-321 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 74ol 40 ACRES. ONLY $200 $25 CASH. $10 PER MONTH. BRl'SH LAND 10 MILES FROM KAI.AMA. WASH. A. W. ESTES 905 CHAMBEK OF COMMERCE. NOTICE TO THri Pt BLIC " If yoo wih to purchase real estate at the right price consult me. I: handle both city property and acreage. Can be seen Saturdays only at 309 lath st.. Portland. Permanent resi dence 203 3d st.. Newberg. Or. Harry Wilson. 8 H ACRES. 3 miles from Oreaon City, shout i acres cleared, grapes, some fruit tjees. about 200 cord wood. 1 room shack, -bam. land level: $1150 cash. $ 1 550 ' terms. Paul Bammin, 141 Grand are. N. 3 14 ACRES at Tigard, all in cultivation, good onion or berry land; fine buildings; 'i mile from paved bichway, 8 minutes' walk from na tion. Price $3500; mieht consiler trade for Portland property up to $200O. C 503. Journal. 22 ACRES. 14 under cultivation. U room house. large barn, l acre orchard, rood condition. mile to Oregon City. $700(1, $2000 cash, long time on balance. Fisher, with Interstate Land Co. Main 5429. 9ACRES. Vt m Je fmmhishwayrimile Park Rose station, all under cultivation; fenced. $600 per acre, $1000 cash, long time on balance. Interstate I And Co. Main 5429. 248 Stark' st- FOR SALE-by owner, on paved highway, 6 miles to .enter of city; 1 acre of land. 7 room house, garage, all modern: every city convenience. Call 625-22.J ' 6 ACRES. level black garden land." Y mTles of Vancouverf close to P. o., school, church. Stores, R. R; sta, prune dryen. l"rice $120(1. Address C. Ketchum, 146 E. 4 5th St., I'ortland. 20 ACRES.; $7507Torl"off " land,"-close-to school and good town, 40 miles from Port land, on highway to Seaside; easy terms. A. H. Akerson, 420 Henry bldg. SCBITRBATT HOMES 79 ,A FULL ACRE for $700 on the west side, .. in the "ity of Portland, in Capitol Hill, on 2 carline the Red line and Oreson Electric, Whu wo say on tJie carlines wo don't mean M mile away, neither do we mean a block away, we mean the land runs to the railroad track. Two stations clone by. You drive to it over the paved boule vards from Third and Washington sta., in 17 min. -The land across the street from this acre sold for $350 per lot or about, $2000 per, acre. This is the finest and richest kind of garden land in or around Portland. You can Imve city water if you - wish as the water mains are right there. City school a few blinks away, in fact all of the city conveniences are now there. We have only 7 of these acre tracts, you can cct one inside of city boundary or just ouuide. u the boundary runs throueh this lajld. We are closing out the tract, nothing like this has ever before been of fered for the price and you cannot buy any thing around it for three times that price. $700 buys and pays in full for a full acre of this land. BUT IT MCST BE ALL CASH. No trade or partial payment con sidered. I M. J. CLOSHESST, ABINGTON BLDG. $175 CASH Full lot, Orrgon City Hue: lots of bearing fruit; macadamized road in front of property; 3 blocks to station; Portland gas; attractive 4 room cottage; garage; rabbit hatches; good $60 gas range included with place. Price $1375, $175 cash, balance $20 month, 7 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. Over 500 Small Places Near I'ortland. HALF ACRE, all under cultivation, 60 bearing young fruiti trees; lots of berries, woven wire Imiim. . . . fi . .J . 1 .. . . v" iwis, iji iwu puutbereu uunga- low, cement basement, gas, city water; small oarn ana cnicaen nouse; nice suniDDery. price $2100. $1200 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. "Tcr oMF oman t-iaces jsear roruuid. ONE acre, high state cultivation, fruit, berries, near car and school, large 5 room bungalow, not finished inside; full cement basement, city water, gas, electricity, $3350, $1000 cash, easy terms on balance. Interstate Land Co. Main 5429. 248 Stark st. FOR SALE FARMS 17 NEARLY 21 j acres in small town, right at elec tric station and on a graveled street; 18 acres under cultivation: best of sod; 20 miles east of Portland; 8 miles from Gresham:. 6 room house, barn. 2 chicken bouses. Included with place: Good cow. 2 heifers, 20 chickens, complete -line of machinery. Price $7000; $1500 cash, bal ance easy term. . JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 113 Acres All level, 600 cords of wood, good spring and roads, $1000, $400 cash, 40 cords cut on same place for $110. A. J. Bockhold with A. C. How land. v o-o main su, uregon t lty. Or.. FOR SALE Good alfalfa ranch near town, close to railroad;; 285 acres; good buildings, electric lights and running water jin house; price $17,000; iw vi ms. ox i . jrpneviiie. or. 40 ACRES lrteged-off land 3 miles from town " .-ouoL iroau; price IOUU, $300 cash, balance 1 terms; spring on land. Address Anton Sadilekj Box 55 li. Rainier. Or. 140 ACRES 4 mi. from! Newberu. on good rock road, well fenced, good buildings, fine water system, hay and ensilagel on place. T. I Rob inson, 520 E. i 12th N. 1 East 7076 KRAZY KAT ; ; iCoM 10ITUo ' ' " By Herriman srwd x UvPfe Ba tesK-V $7 i v. v ii n r i r "M? o i i f: 'irr? i i - jm i s o -r- -- 1 jQ : II 1 i; II sll,,.t,.,ti...., II - lL, : ' - . ' ii I' I i REAL F.STATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 0. ACRES ; MUST BE SOLD Owner is east, is an old man and has to have the money at once. All in cultivation, A-l soil, good 7 room plastered house with fire place, 3 big chicken houses, room for 600 hens or more. Good woodbonse and storehouse, large barn, but barn only fair; 1 sere of. all kinds of fruit: 2 good wells of water. This place is 2 H miles from Oregon City. One time this place sold for $55O0. Will take. $3500 for it today. Owner wants all rash, but will make terms for a buyer about $2500 down. The house is now vacant and can move right in. Must be sold this week. Let us bear from you at once. E. V. Elliott Sc Son, 7th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. DOWN "NEAR THE OCEAN 88 acres. 26 in cultivation, small creek-, 2 wells, orchard of 200 asssorted bearing fruit trees, good 8 room pestered bouse, ceiled, papered, in gcod condition, chicken house, cow stable, wagon shed, 'A of a mile off the Columbia highway, 2 cows, 2 beifers, 1 horse, mower, disc barrow, cultivator, plow, wagon, buggy, cream separator and steel farm wagon. Sje fare to Astoria. Total price, toOOO; $2500 cash, bal. to suit. 8 i rr'rTT 732 hamber of Commerce BEAUTIFUL fruit and chicken ranch, 5 acres, 4 a, in large trees, cherries, pears, apptes, 2 a. in prunes, new poultry fencing; pruned ready to plow. Good, common house, outbuildings. Good roads. Electric sta. at the door ; nice and level ; 3c fare from Vancouver, Wash. Take Sifton car at Van., get off at Beem crossing, go north, 2d hoe tainted white; you will find owner on plRce. Price $2200, half cash, bal.i can be laid at $200 per year. 6 "5 . The fniit would make two such payments. I might consider part trade for my equity. OLD MAN MUST SELL 1 2 Vj acres, 7 acres cultivation. 1 acre straw berries, balance timber and pasture; 5 room bun calow; splendidly furnished, with piano a 2 base ments: good bam. outbuildings; 2 live springs all fenctsd; 1 horse, cow. earning fresh; 20 chickens: farm implements: Ford touring car all wood cut for winter; 75 sacks potatoes: all kinds of canned fruit and vegetables: $150 chest of carpenter tools: 5 miles from Clatskanie. $2750. Terms. C. W. Millership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. 14 ACRES 22 miles south of Portland 2 miles from Red Electric station, near Sherwood, 7 acies under cultivation; all can be cultivated; stravibrrries, raspberries, loganberries, (currants, gooseberries, grapes, etc.; 2 room house. I Included with place: Wagon, harness, hack, plows, har rows, cultivator, feedcurtr-r and drag saw. Some wood nn place. Price $2500, $ 1 500 bash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BiJXi. Over T.I10 Small Place Near Portland. 10 ACRES. $250 CASH k mile from Kalania, Wash., good! road. room house, 1 tins cleared, fine soil; small creek and enough timber to pay for the Ian- Some household good- and tools. A bargain. Price $4050. A. W. ESTES 905 CHAMBER OF COMMEKf gTkD'FARM for sale or reftt. 387 st. N. Phone Tabor 464 7. IK. E. 69 th FA KM S WASTED RENT OR BCY IS WANT LAND FOR SUBlimSlrfN Within 50. miles of Portland. Washington or Oregon; SO acres or more within 1 mile of R. R. town; 160 acres up not more than miles from town. A. W. ESTES SO.l CHAMHKtt OK COMMERCE HAVK buyer for moderate prirwl jjartaally im proved farms m asningtnn and Oregon. . A. W. ESTES J05 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WANTED 5 to 20 acres, within 20 irtiles city. No big price considered. Claude Cole. 4 26 Lumbermen bldg. TIMBER 28 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER j General Land Office, Washington, I D. O.. December 14, 1920. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9. 1816 (39 But, 21S), and the instructions of the secretary of the in terior of September 15 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold February 1, 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Roseburg. Or., to th. highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice; sale , to he subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an ad- : ditional sum of one tth of one per cent thereof, I V ir(V nm m i c inn tin 4 - tnncf Vk r) m rw: i r "! m 4 . time of sale money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will bo received from citizens of the United States, association of Mchj citizens and corporations organized under the ' laws of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before be ing included in any offer of a larger suit. T. 18 S.. R. 0 W.. Sec. 3, NE4 NW . fir 375 M. ; NWIi NW, fir 390 M. ; 8F. "4 NW14. fir 375 M.r SW . NWVi. fir 460 M-: none of which timber shall be sold : for leu than $2.00 per IS. T. 21 S.. R. 6 W., Sec. 3, NE hi SE 4 , fir 975 M.. cedar 50 M. ; NW14 SE hi j fir 800 M. ; SW "4 SEW. fir 950 M., cedar 25 M ; none of the fir or cedar timber to be sold : for less than $1.60 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner, General Ind Office. IRRIGATED LAXP8 4S IRRIGATED LANDS We are leaving agsity Friday night with an other party for the Ochoco project. .Come m and make one of the party. Lands sold on easy terms. Bmall payment down, long time on the balance. The district is especially adapted for mixed farming: alfalfa one of the main rrops. Call, write or phone Main 4416. Ochoco Irrigated Lands Co., N. W,- Bank bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 FOR a homestead or relinquishment in the O. & C. land grant, see E. W. Helm, 316 Board of Trade bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 14 WANT PORTLAND HOME IN EXCHANGE FUR 90-acre farm in Sutlierlin valiey, near Rose burg; 5 acres in commercial apple orchard, sfne young prune orchard, some timber, about 30 acres in cultivation, 5 -room house, barn and outhouses, 2 wells, good fences. This is a very pleasant place to live and an ideal place for turkey and chicken raising. Owners coming to Portland to lire and will be at 332 E. 21st st. N. Phone E. 3274 for about one week. WELL located acreage near Reedville for well located house in Portland. Acreage in high state of cultivation, no buildings. Will give mortgage back or accept mortgage for even property. PETERSON, 319 Failing Bldg. TON TRUCK for equity in small house, or diam ond or piano .part. Sellwood -3652. 617 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 2342. BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, modern, $3500; ex change for acreage. Apply direct to owner. Claude Cole, 428 Lumhermens bldg." MOUNINGSIDE lot for late model car; Fords. V-630, Journal. no CLEAR beach lota for jour bouse or lot equity. 420 Henry bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 LIST your property with me; will inspect and appraise; if price and terms are right can sell it for you. C. E. Adams, 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1963. WANT vacant lots with fruit trees, all cash if a bargain. Not less than two or more than 4 lots joining. A. W. ESTES, 905 Chamber of Commerce WAN TED 5 r. mod. bung. ; reasonable terms. Write full particulars first letter. D-Wti, Jour nal. WANTED Corner lot in Alameda add. be cheap for cash. Marshall 22 IS. Must I W ANT 5 room bungalow in Montanlla; $o00 I , . . . V LI A V,l REAL ESTATE WASTED REAL ESTATE AN OFFICE THAT GETS RESULTS We want your farm listings, small or large. We have customers for farms from 1 tore up. If priced right we can sell them. Coma in and give us your listings. C. L. PARRISH. MGR. FARM DEPT. COOVER ft HOLM AN, 322 Failing bldg.. Portland. I WANT a 5 room home on paved, or hard surface attreet; have $500 first payment, about $30 per month. Answer soon. V-80. JournaL WANTED To rent or buy small farm near Portland. X-l 79, Journal. BOOMING HOrsES. APABTMEXTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE 63 WORK ING MEN'S HOTEL 84 rooms, lobby and office upstairs, good furniture, beds, etc. Good l-ase and fine net income, $7000' eaxh or $74 00 terms. This must go soon or price will be advanced. Mrs. Albaugb, win John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder st. Main 8529. 15 ROOMS, sleeping, everything in best of condition, good furniture and rugs; a clean, attractive home for particular people. Good apiea ranee outside as well as inside. Furnishes a net income of $150. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. BEAUTIFUL place on east side, fine location. large, imposing residence .occupying one half Hock. Ideal place for boarders, as there is great demand. Rooms are light and spacious and ele gantly furnished. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 5G ROOM workingman's h-tl. in good transient district: frame, stove heat, clean, good fur niture and beds; nets $550. More than 2 year lease. Some terms. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger .bldg. COUNTRY-hotel. 22rooms, modern, fine fur niture; snap; $1200. Garland, 201 3d. 12 ROOMS of elegant furniture, west side. Sacrifice price. Call Mar. 3093. 10 3-room ajartments, easy to take care; of. Price is reasonable. Mar. 3993. ! SIX ROOMS, h. k. inc. $100 mo., rent $30; $225 down. 22 7 hi Wash, st. R.302. j TWO 10-room housekeeping rooms for sale, icat or on terms. See 211 od st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SO DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? IT S SOLD IF LISTED WITH US ! We are daily in touch with HUNDREDS OF LIVE BUYERS for everything in the business line rooming houses, restaurants, barber shops, garages, grocery stores, etc. YOU'LL save j and make money by calling F. Marshsli. witk FRANK L. McQUIRE Abingtnu Bldg. Main 1068. 3d st.. betwef-n Wa-hincton and Stark. ; ' SHOE REPAIR "SHOP. j Established business, doing $20 daily: ' one man Crowe nailer. Landis stitcher and finisher. Singer patching machine, all other tools, fiittircs. repairing stock. Owner has bought larger shop and will sell this for $1500; terms. i . Elmier F. Beramett Co. 3IR-321 Board of Trade Bide. Main 7452. GOOD OPPORTUNITY Well located "cash and carry" store. Invoices about $25K; dninj $4O0O a month. Rest of reason for selling. Se & Hash. 249 Vamhill si-. I'ortland; ESTABLISHED GARAGE $1250 will buy a well-established, fully eoujpped garage, in good location ; 2 men clear ing from $KO to $100 per week. See Fh C. Mar-hall, with FRANK L. McQUIRE Abinton Bids Main 10H8. TRUCKING BUSINESS Established 9 years. 3 good trucks . with hoists. Good paying proposition, no competition, ding steady haul ing for 5 large firms; owners have bought fargc ranch. Terms. Keipper, with Interstate Land Co.. 24 S Stark St. . SEE THIS HOTEL $3500 witl handle up to date 4 4-room hoteL Clears 500 a month. See F. C. .Mar-hail, with FRANK L. McQUIRE Anirigton Bldg. Main l$- GROCERY and -confectionery, west side, good location, living rooms with furniture; ideal place for man and wife; $600 for furniture and fixtures, invoice struck. Keipper, with Inter state I-and Co., 248 Stark st. $4000 BEST grocery store in Portland for the money. Main traveled street, close in and a transfer point; has cleared $000 in last IN months. Mr. Gray. Tabor 7221, or Broad way 4 7 5K 410 Henry bldg. CASH grocery and confectionery, transfer corner; big school trade; always busy; you cannot beat this tor the price; rent $40; 5 nice living rooms. Phone Woodlawn 24 4 8. RESTAURANT, west side, good location and business. , Just the place for man and wife, low rent; $775. Smiihpeter, with Interstate Land Co 248 Stark st. THERE IS a good chance for another butcher shop in Sherwood, Or., as there is only: one there and meat is sold nearly higher on an average than Portland prices. POOL HALL, choice location, doing good busi ness, 5 pool tables and two snookers, fine place for two parties; snap for $3500. Smith peter, with Interstate Land Co., 24 8 Stark t. FOR SALE C?real and feed mill in city, separ ate or with building and ground; good loca tion for. feed business; low price, Aerina. Call or address Owner, 192 Morri st. GRf iCERY.-aiid confectionery, good corner loca tion, weslp-side; fixtures $600, invoice stca; living roornr' low rent, doing good business. Keipper. withInterstaCe Land Co., 248 Stark st. Printing for Less- R yder Printingca Main 5 536. 192 3d t FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing business; good location and good business. Call 104 9 Union ave. SHOE REPAIR SHOP, well equipped with stock and machinery, bargain. See Keipper, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. $120T) POSITION, auto business, experienced or not- 518 Ch. Com., Portland. Swank. BAKERY FOR SALE Apply 770 Williams Ave. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION I 'On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or i $15.17 per month for 9tt months pars a loan of $1000 and interest Loans of other amounts in seme proportion. Repayment Privileges. i EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark Su, Portia nd. Or. i $500. $1000, $1500. $2000 AND UP NO DELAY QUICK ACTION Money immediately ready for loans on Imp. Portland property. F. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce. LONG ESTABLISHED. i $300. $400. $500. ceu. $750. $1000 AND up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or more-ny interest date. Gordon Mortgage Ue , 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. BUILDING loans on city nad suburoan property, money advanced as work progresses. V. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Mala 3407. MONEY TO LOAN $300. $500. $7067Tlw007 $1500. $2000. on city improved property at 7 per cent. J. L. Wells Co.. 603 Gasco bldg. MONEY to loan, real estate, 7 Per cent. W. S. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. j MONEY to loan. $100 to $5000. A. H. B.11 11 Mulkey bldg. Main 4379. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 223 Chamber of Commerce, 4 th and Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS ' SALARIES j 67 MONEY TO LOAN I On goods placed in storage with ua. We ' can save you money. Low interest rate. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage A Transfer tv., wo viu .i., corner oi rim. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS . SALARIES 7 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? LOANS ADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, HEAL ESTATE, BONDS OB ANYTHING OP VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IM YOUR POSSESSION. , AL30 SALARY LOANS to SALABn:r people on their notes WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPAXIIS OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM VP. ADVANCE YOUMORE MONEY, IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US in small monthly payments 1u huit yoctr convenience legal Rates no delay PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-307 DEKCM BLDG.. 3D t AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N rhona Broadway 910. f 894 Stark St, Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches.-. Vkstrolaa, plana, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, mosieal instruments nd anything M vaJue. ESTABLISUtD BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT TfcUK BORROWER. CARRIE MYERS HERMAN. Manager. A SALARY LOANS CHATTEL WE LOAN MONET . on short notice to -salaried or werkingmen on their own notes Weekly, semi monthly or monthly paynieuta. Each transaction strictly eonfidenciaf. NO MORTGAGE NO TNDORSEB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BUILDING LOANS WANTED SO HAVE sold modern 8 room residence $4500. first mortgage $2300; will sell second morv gage $850, payatle $90 quarterly at 7 per cent interest, for $750; house in perfect condition, on paved street, clone in. Mar. 74 0. $T400 WANTEDT" 7 per cent. 5 room splendiifiy constructed hsuse, W 40x130; just sold for $2850; good moral risk. 478 E. Killingsworth. Marshall 74. $1100 ON $3000 residence property; 5 loom bungalow and 100x100 ground. Herman Moeller. 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1480. WANT $2000 on 6-family flat bldg. for 5 yrs., ti. Claude Cole, 4-t I-Aimbermena bldg. BEE OR EGO ?T IN V7 MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. FINANCIAL 61 MONEY TO LOAN On surplus stocks of merchandise placed rd stor age with us. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage Transfer Co.. f3 4th st-. corner of Pine. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 3 1fi Lumbermen bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 1? 50 HEAD young - chunks, weighing from 1300 !hs. to 1 S0O lbs. ; one span dapple grays, 5 5.Brs old, that vrtjl weigh 1900 each, and bay horse that weighs 1900; some good orchard chunks, mnstiy m ..rea. This stock is for tale, hire or exchange. Hare 125 head to pick from. Harnesses and wagons of all kinds. This stock is all well broke and guaranteed as repre sented. Phil Slaetter CROWN STABLES. 285 FROM 1ST. 30 HEAD .f horses and mares from 4 to 8 yrs old. 12oo to 1700 lbs. wet.; all in good shape and ready to work. Must be sold to save further feed expense. i Keystone Stables 3S1 Water st. Cor. Montgomrfy FOR" SALE. exT-hange or hireT 100 bead of as good horses as can be found. Also have some second-hand horses! we have taken in exchange that are suitable for ranch work: have a few tean of good mules. Come and look them over before buying. Have them from $100 a ppan up. i Phil Smetter ' 2f5 Front St Crown Stable. il TEAM of ma re?i weight 2.800, 4 and 5 years I old: 1 pan mures, 2700, 7. and 8 years old;' I span mares, 300, age 6 and 7 years old; 4 span 'mhie wetcl 22(0. 3 and 4 years old. These marcs are heavy boned and good workers fny place you put them: blocky build; everything sold wilh a guarantee ju-t as represented. Have a few sood old horses. 24" E. Sth! st. SPAN of dark gtuy mares, 5 and 6 yrs. old. gt. about 2600; low and blocky built pair of chunks. An ideal tarm or orchard team, in first class sliape. : See these before you buy. Keystone Stables 381 Water st. Cor. Montgomery. SPAN of horses, bay and black, age 6 and 8 years, weighin; 2700 lbs. Both sound and dead true to puli. Good condition. V til in clude their harness complete. $183 takes the whole outfit : also good wood wagon, cheap. 351 Ru-scll st, near Union ave. Foil SALE- Team "ofmares5 "and" "!ryearsolC black snd bay, weighs 2835; sound, gentle and true, blocky built, heavy boned. Price $385; free trial allowed. See them at Colum bia tables. 302 Front St. FOR SALE at bargain, team of mares, 6 years oid. weighing 2500; good harness and farm wagon. Have come from farm and have no more use for tbem. Mrs. Walker, 233 Gibbs St. South Portland. aTTEAM, weight 36O0 lbs., 6 andeanTold: guaranteed true workers and gentle; also 6 extra good young cows, at your own price. Take Woodstock car to Powell st-, 3 blocks east to 896, corner of 2flth st. TEAM of mules, well matched. 6 and 7, 2400 pounds. Horse, 1200. Team, 2800. Har ness and 3 farm wagons. 344 17th sU, near Martet. FOR. SALE cheap, good, young team, weight 280O lbs., heavy harness and good 3 .wagon; will sell separate ; no. reasonable offer will be re fused. 782 Second st.. South Portland. GRAY-i gelding,"-7 Yn. oldT wgt. about l500'. good work horse. Can be had at a bargain for first reasonable cash offer. 881 Water St., cor. Montgomery st. I HAVE just few more of my young transfer horses for sale for less money than you csn buy elsewhere. Trucks are taking their places. Fulmer Coal & Transfer Co., 1009 E. Belmont. FOR SALE: At a bargain. 14 head of horses. weighing from : 1300 to 1800 lbs.. 4 to 8 years old. Call at Helser TrCbsfer stables. E. th and Flanders. ; KeystoneStaMes VJ,rV,09i for rent381 Vster at. foot Mont.. Mar. 3516. TEAM weighing-;2500 lbs., harness and farm wagon: gentle and good workers; $145 fotj all. 5410 54th St., Woodstock car. ' ', FOR-S ALE -2 5 00-lb. team, mare and gelding, young gentle wurk team. Price $190. ji381 Water St. cor. Montgomery. W. S. FOR SLE Carload of valley horses ': snd mares, weighing from 1000 to 1 ton each; also harness and wagons. 420 Hawthorne; ave. 10 HEADof horses"4to 7 years old. 120)0" to 1800 lbs., and some well matched team- Inquire 564 Northrup st. HORSES for rent, doubl. and single. 540 Front st. 1100 LB. bay horse, fat. good, all around work- ; cr, $35. 34 8 ; Rusfell st. ' HORSES "for sal Helper Bros. Transfer Co., 40 N. Firt- Bdwy.. 3067. FOR HIRE heavy team-i and wagons; do all kind of work. . 1 05 I Kerby. Woodlawn 883. DEAD horsei and cattle taken promptly. Call day or night Aut. 627-64. LIVESTOCK GENTLE family cow, fresh March 22. W. .1. I rson, Muitnoman sta. Main ooei. LTTESTOCK EIGHT cows and milk route, horse and wagon, bottles, etc Will accept first reasonable of fer. Bant 20. - Horn Gtr J - H. Sawyer. . - . j TWO young Jersey cows, 1- fresh 3 month the other just fresh. Section Line road and (Tay lor ave . east of Buckley school. 6 EXTRA good you-ng cows, also heavy oung team of horses; ' bargain if taken at pnee. Corner of 29th and Powell Valley road. FOR SALE Good family cow. gentle, fresh; at Gilbert station. 1 mile east of Lents. 1$. M. Calkins. R. D. 3.' box 476, Portland. Or. 4 FOR SALE Hasaalo at. ood family cow, cheap. J804 WANTED Beef, veal, hogs, abf0: call rweek- day. Tabor 2720; eremngs. Tabor 20 13. LASTED Beef. Teal and hogs. Teborjjsga. Pori.T-HY AND RABBITS IT PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY! P T A jrj Tr Hoganized trapnested W. Leghorns, OO B R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks. ,iOrder vuiv early. Prices reasonable. ,i 11 1534 k. 12th N. ' Wdln. 1483. r i v rr i t 1 1 1 if a i From trapnested and pedigreed stock an egg records in excesa ol i'au ror rive, ori nor., successive generations. Our pen won the! egg' laying contest in the Western Winter Sho. QUALITY POULTRY FARM. !'! Base Line Road. 4 Miles East of Portland. Tabor 7821. KRUPKE'B RARRKD ROCKS WON. 8 nrixes Portland show. 10 vears exhibitor, 25 cockerels, 30 pullets, 10 hens, 2 cocks for ssle at right prices for good stock. 16 W. Krupke. 1203 Clinton St. Tabor 881 4 J 50 FULL-BLOODED single comb RhodeTsTand Red cockerels at reasonable price; also jjkillets and laying hens. Setting eggs from my iieavy laying strain of single comb Rhode 'Island Reds. Seven iens to select from. W. V. Loom is. 1923 Multnomah. Phone Tabor 3197. i WE HAVE on hand some good cockerefe for breeders. White leghorn. Buff Leahorn; Black Minorca;' White Wyandotte, Rhode Is land Red. Barred Rock; also 2 Black I-angsbang pullets and a cockerel. . Prices reasonable. Port- land Seed Co.; 180 Front st. Main, 4049. RAlRlV Leghorns. Reds, Hocks. Minrcas. J0 II Anconas. Buttercups. Best stock. OH IX ?rics rnODab1- Write today tor O. N.PNEDHAM. Salem. Or. 1 . ' j " FOR SALE Cockerels. Put your order iri now for O. A. C. and Tancred strain baby chicks, and eggs for hatching from trapnested stocji. K. H. uBtts. Tabor 4S08. Route 3, Box 132, Kendell station. J TIIR EE Barred-Bock-roosters-for sale or itrde on account of relationship. See P. J- eClay bourne, c o. Honeyman Hardware Co., 4 tb and Alder., - BARRED ROCK eggs, incubator lots specialty. Orders taken now for baby chickens, brown turkeys. Golden Seabright Bantams. Mrs. vans. 365 East Lombard. Woodlawn 1656.' THOnOI'CHBRKD W. L. baby chicks, Taincred and Hollywood heavy laying strains. Aagelia Poultry Farm. Rt. 1, Box 170. Oregon City. FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs, extra strong layvs. R. Vance, i Fail ing St., Park Rose, or Route A. Portia tid. FOR SAI.E- S. C. Rhode Icland Red rosters. Phone Wdln. 585. Wheat, Oats. Scratch $3.25 FEED Egg Mash $3.23 Woodlawn 4344. FINE Barred Rock cock. I hi years oldi also one B. RCockerel. Woodlawn 4060. 1 FOR-SALE Two fine Buff Orpington Trusters. 1029 E. 15th st. N. Phone Wdln. 292. WANTED Incubator and brooder for cabinet phonograph. 454 Umatilla ave. SellwoojL THOMPSONitrngieT Barred Rock P-ulleia. I 442 Marguerite ave. Aut. 226-67. I GUARANTEE to pick layers. Hoganiz and save feed. Auto. 226-30. 1Q27 E. 39J S. BHODEis LAND Red and White Leghorn; baby chicken, also breeding cockerels. Tabor 134. . DOJJSBrRT!EjrS1TTC. j 4$ AIREDALE pirpines. registered stock; grangsired by Tintem Tip Top. American champiori dog. Malee, $35; females, $25. Call after 4 b. m. 277 Peerless' Place. Tabor 8512. j IRISH setter puppies (registered) front the very best field strain; whelped Dec 8. jC. J. Spooner. Aut. 328 49. J ST. ANDREASBURG rollers for sale, trained singers, $10 and up; females $2. 108U E. 24th st. N. A Iberta car g FOR KAI.F, Great Dane puppies, brindle Color, price $50; father's weight 235, mother175. 1214 E 15th N Woodlawn 3670. BEAUTIFUd, canary Woodlawn 3883. birds, singers 3.50. SIN;ERS for mating. $8 up: for sale in a ted pairs. Phone East 4175. j FOR SALE cheap, wood 3790. Airedale dog. Call ? Sell- 8 A Ti TOM O BILES AM ACCESSORIES 44 OVERLAND touring, model 81, gxd nibber, new battery; good mechanical shape; $315. Will take Ford in trade. See Hampton. TALBOT & CASEY, INC. East 8118. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeriy st, I .Tops '.Em All TOPS RE-COVERED. $25 and Upl Oregon Auto Ton Co. 14th and Coach Sta. Bdwy. 440S. $ New Ford Touramvgj Bodies For Sale TALBOT & CASEY, INC. East 8118. Grand Ave, and E. Ankenjj Sts. SACRIFICED TO MEET DEBT 1920 Model Bell of the Road, completely equipped, mechanically perfect, full of "pep." If my price isn't right I'll make it rights and give terms. . Aut. 627-76. Call for a demon stration, see for yourself. 1918 MAXWELL TOURING ! I have a fine little car and has been? well taken care of ; all tires are practically newd and has just been reenameled; $525 buys this snap. A-l Auto Works, 522 Alder st. -J 1918 PAIGE First class condition : good tires with new (extra tire; new battery. See it at our new salesroom. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 12th and Alder. Phone Broadway 1130. J LEAVING CITY 1920 Bell 5 passenger, in perfect condition; good tires, new extras and lota of extra equip ment: cost $1700: sell for $1175 spot castu Will give factory guarantee. W'dln. 5102. j MUST SELL my 1919 Overland90, account sickness; $390. cash or part down, balance to suit; act quick. This is a real bargain. Phone East 815. e LATE 1920 4-90 Chevrolet touring, over-size tires, with extras, vacuum feed; large spotlight. This cat looks aud runs like new. Call owner, Tabor5868 - jj HUPMOBILE, one of those mighty fours; priced right. Weller Motor Co., Washington at 15th. ' , OVERLAND roadster. $100 cash take; it Some bargain 1 Weller Motor Co., Washing- ton at 15th. BY OWNER. Oldamobile 6. 1920: new tires looks and runs like new: extras included. Cheap for cah. Will demonstrate. Wdln. 2E553. HUDSON Super Six. looks and runs like Sew1; many extras. Will sacrifice for $1000 fwith terms or trade for small car. Owner. East jl 7 8. j 1 OOOOLDSMOBILE, private car, good 3 con dition ; . new pistons and rings. Mr. Gra, Tabor 7221 or Broadway 4751. g ACTO WECING, all parts for aU acara. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO.. 29 Union ave., near Hawthorne. EAST' 7860. f 1919 FORD sedan for sale cheap; owner leav ing city. Phone Marshall 1151 bet. 10 and 12:30 a. m., 5 and 7 p. rn . I -yw.1, Mill J- AUTOMOBILES ANT ACCESSORIES 44 Prices Down, Quality Up Never since we have been in the automobile business have we been able to offer such ex ceptional Values in used cars aa we " have on our floor at the present time. Nearly all of our. cars were good buys to start with and after putting them through our own shop, repainting when necessary,' many of them are like new. Compare our prices and you will find that, quality considered, they are the lowest in th city: 1915 MITCHELL, 5 passenger. ....... t 350 1919 BRISCOE. 5-passenger 1917 BRISCOE, S passenger ......... 473 1918 MITCHELL. 7 passenger'. ....... 50ft 1918 FORD sedan S5 1918 ELGIN, 6 passenger 750 1920 CHEVROLET, 5 passenger...... 75 1917 DODGE, 5 passenger 850 1917 MITCHELL, 6 passenger 850 WILLYS KNIGHT.- 5 passenger ........ 775 1917 ' MITCHELL. 7 pawenger . . . . . . 1100 1918 MITCHELL. 5 passenger........ 1100 1921 OLDS 8, 5 passenger 2100 And we also have a few Victory model Mitch ells and two Jordan Silhouettes, on which ws give factory guarantees and service. " . i ' Deal with a house of recognised stability. 3 8 years in business In Portland. We handle our own notes and do not charge for brokerage. r i MITCHELL. LEWIS KTAVER CO.. Broadway at Everett. Phone Broadway 4 67 5. Slaghtly Used Buicks We have recently adofited the policy of tak ing in as part payment on the purchase of -a nw Buick car used Buicks that are in -first class mechanical .condition. : We are. putting thee cars out under a guarantee and betor. offering to Mr 11 we are running them through our shop, replacing all worn parts, repainting when ever npcessary. It is our desire to have every Buick runnins assist in maintaining the present Buick high standard. We have several of these cars in various styles and models at most any price you wish to pay. In addition to these we have two or three 1920 demonstrators that are sold under the regular factory guarantee; they are almost aa good as new tar and at a much lower' price. See them at our new sales room. Howard Autorsioballe Co. : 12TH AND ALt'DEIt. . Phone Bdwy. 1130. CHEVROLET FORD OWNERS' FORD overhauled $20 00 Rear axle overhauled 6.00 Valves ground, carbon removed. ....... 8 00 Magneto recharged 5.00 ' We hand lap pistons, scrape bearing, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts ' only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Uav. it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL ALTO REPAIR 210. Jefferson St. Main 7844. 1 . REAL BARGAINS 1919 Chevrolet touring ... J918 Chevrolet touring ... 1918 Chevrolet delivery .. Model 90 Overland Model 83 Overland Model 83 Overland roadster J918 Maxwell 1917 Maxwell Oldsmobile ' Eight $550 $475 $370 $550 $395 $.175 $4 50 $375 . . $650 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY i Phone East 3770. Hawthorne at Grand- OUR MOTTO: "SAT1SKIKD CUSTOMERS" WE KNOW WE CAN PLEA HE YOU i THREE DAYS' FREE TRIAL , YOU BE THE JUDGE . Model 85-4 Overland ...............$ 850 Model 75 Overland .. 8SO I lodge .touring f.. fiOtl iildsoiobile H ........ t 1175 D C! WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 58 0. N. 23d t. Main 780. REMEMBER WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE. THINK of jit! 1918 Maxwell touring, new Hres. new batjtery, good mechanical shape, $375; terms if desired, or will take in your Ford. I TALBOT A CASEY. INC. East 8118. Grand Ave. and K. Ankenjr ct 1 8,000 carried in stock. . Our springs mnlf with a written guarantee. We give yoa sarvkm. 34 N. 15TH ST. OVERLAND touring. modVI 81, good liihher, Will take a Ford in trade. See Hampton, TALBOT &. CASEY. INC. East; 8118.' Grand Aja. and E. Anteny. Sta. Radiators.Fenders, ooods. tSodies. etc. MADE AND REPAIRED BURNES8 AT7TO WORKS 12TH AND EVERETT STS. " THINK OK TTl 1918 Maxwell tonring: new tires, new battery, good mechanical shape; $375. Terms if desired, or Will take in your Ford. ' TALBOT & CASEY, INC. ' East 8118, Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny Sta. 1917 CHEVROLET - - : 1917 Chevrolet touring, in finest condition; tires good; price $296; terms; must be -sold by Saturday. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Grand and Hawthorne. East 3770. BLICK 6,; 5 pas... like new; run 8000 miles: . Gypsy curtains, .plate glass, new spare tire. etc. A snap: saenfie. fer $1300. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 32 81J - MITCHELL 7 P Big Six. in good condition, for $250. We are selling this car for the balance due cn it. Cook 4c GUI Co. Ask for Mr. Argo, ; .. - ' ONE MAXWELL touring car for $325; will take $100 down and balance to suit. Call Bdwy. 3814. YOU WANT a carl Wellhere it ia. Scrinr. Booth roailster, fine condition, at Weller Motor Co..; Washington at 1 5th - j- 0x3 hi UICHELIN ft ply ares. (20. Nont ! better. ' We know bow to repair. Urea. Vq ran Tire shop. Grand are, at Pine. E. 4 896. OYE1U.AND 90 model for safe br owner. Al ! condition: $425 cash. Call Auto. 521-55, or u . loin. r i FORD Bt.'( for sale, in excellent -condition, ne mcuntabile rims, electric lights and top. Aa dress f95 filisan. Phone Broadway 1803. ELGIN SIX. Don't pass it np if you want I1.Z9 worm or car lor every si yoa pay. See it at Waller Motor Co., Washington at 15th. AtTTOMORILES AT A CCESSO III F.S 41 SACRIFICING: ' Automobiles. Trucks Motorcycles," Accessories .Jr.Ur PfPortuJlty to .take advantage of our loss. w, must .unload-- our slo.k .nd in oraer to do n prices are being cut from 2.1 PF ". -50 per cent of Idoay'a market value. Glance orer these wonderful bargains: M.I;t,iiWrfi;1' n,m inP' "I"1 '"". Pngef at $345 1l,un"4- euarantecd fine 'hai. now .Win ton. Ha sis totirina ..ear itb new tlrr-..1lrl. 'or stage lure; has air starter ,. o, itiu-c Kl, .,1U. "nd. ,'". I''t-' " Reading Standard, electrically equipied Dioturvclo at $3 4 5. Winton limousine, great car for stage or for lure. lu first diss condition, sacrificed at $500. - 1 . ton Republic Iru.-k. etires and ' .JJ1. t'1 co'dition. Hornier price' $1250, ROW f 1 O , fnl ti T r.-unn.H. !. . ... lluOO. Will urrficR .iiar. !IT' fc'mMl 'ubbcr. wa priced flAuol uuw I! imnHrl .tin. r. ! .. i . . . , . top K.srpI Kr iKrrfrrt 1nr4-hnui.10ml.ti0n. ft P FiTH in mt 1 Ttlk oik r. - " ow uw . g, 1 i -Tun hr.n,l 1 . j , ... . rrv t - , -iiv-w, I-trn U'"1" , 1111111011(1 I. f",rk eu)mr price 5ri. ill rU t K.i:,'rr, r- '"""'' or motorcvclc iar.intred in irt clas me.tianic.l condition Win ait. 4s rum a nti .inw,t.. j i a ... . . IM It VI Tft-1 - - - mi in Motor: .Car Co. Inc. vnn V, . ,HrY A 1-'KI FORD 1914 Ford flouring . 1914 Ford Tnuntig "" 1915 Ford Light driitery ." 1915 Fori Hon.lM. r -.'- 191 Ford Tounng ' 1917 Ford Light delirerv . '. 1017 Ford Knadster, 'delivery boi'.''l!' 1017 Ford Touring J. ..... V . . 1918 Ford l ight dciirrry .' 1IH Ford H.,.d1eri ' 10 I 8 Foni nra trwck ha.Hi! 101 0 Kord R.iadKtee ...'.!..!" 1910 Ford Touring, star.terLrlc Jo'.l! L'"r1 Tnrm lmck-"PrtM body". !X 1 9-'0 h ord .Roadster, sUi'trr. etc . 1920. Ford touring, si.rtsr, etc 1919 Ford Redan, starter, etc I91!0 Ford Coupe, utarter etc lOl'O Ford Sedan, etc.. . . . " " V " Several Ford Rugs, i'.'SO to'$4 75-' ' EASY TERMS, t NIVEAsAI, - CAR KXCIUNGK. I SED -FORDS EXCLUSIVELY, rand Ave. and. Eait Yamhill. .1150 . 185 . 105 . 1 l 5 . IMS , 1H5 . 195 . :ms . i(i$ . 1-7 5 . 4ol . :t'.'5 . 4 S . 45 . ft J.i . 5 50 . 5 735 . 825 STILL THF.T GO NOV CARS AT MORTGAGE PRICES Several peoplu ftved tliemelrM hundreds of dolan at our --Cars at Mortgage Pncee" sale tins week; more will save lint iiHt. New Morn dUkrU uliceU New Dixies. New Premier. Ucd rar lc,t of thrm ' AND .OCR MIDDLE NAME IS TERMS. -We can atify. yr,u. - . Call and ce the big display on Suiii.les do-k at the foot of Rrlmont st. Near the eat end of MorrtMin bridir I'hnn, ! sail AMERICAN WAREHOUSE & SALES CO. I SED -CAR BARGAINS Overland roadster, $126. Peerless touring. $200. Buick 4, $250. 3 Ford touring, $275 to $S50. 3 Ford hugs, $350 to $4 00. 2 Overlands, $'OQ and $350. 1 Maxwell, $350. . 1 Buick light six. $850: ' Money, to loan on so ton. liONci KII.VA - , - 42 Hawthorn. BOB FUETON Broadway 4041. AOTO PAINTING. FA. B: FISCfl . Radiators, fenders, bodies, hrwli, tanks, repairs) and remodeled; auto beet-met.l work a sp:laj ty. 105-107 N. 15th at. Phon. BftOADWAY 2299. 1920 0LDSM0B1LE TtOADST:R. . 4 GOOD' TIRES. REPAINTED, IN A t CONDITION ; A REAL -BARGAIN IN AN I "P-TO-DATE REAL CAR. I1IIWV. 3U4J OK BDWY 5700. - ' ! 192(1 j wllxjE.' U-unng.-- like-new flnem chanicaMy, c6rd l.ire in rear, falirin in front, extra tire iuhe and tire 'cover, bultiprr, 8-day dock, rear view mirror, xpecial heel plate, gear lock, 1921 license.; a snap buy at 12(M; trM to responsible party. Phone Frank Smith, Broadway 1 130. - DODGE Al shape, bumpers front and rear, .spotlight, mirror anubbers front and rear, shock alMtnrben, new top, curtains. all around, ojicn, -with door. cut out. extra tire; speci.l seat in front. 1118 E. Market t. Price $1050. Tabor '6298. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCAN1ZINO CO., TIRE REPAIRWO 833 836 Burruid. al Broadway. LATE 1918 Paige light 4. fine condition; runs like new; baa been thoroughly overhauled and high grade paint Job. Sacrific. $1050. atve terms. Dr. Browning. For particulars call Mr. . Argo. Bdwy. 8281. - - " THE .FENDER MAN J. EL DURHAM, who takes the kinkt out while yoa wait; alao repairs radiators and bodias. Broadway 8314. 30 N. tlth st.. near Bnm.ld.. WE CARRY" a fiili una of auto aoeewonw, t!r tubes. Ford parts, light gloooa. .to. 'Alao de towing. Opeo day nd night, . LONG SILVA Phone Eaut 6840. 462 Hawthorn, ave, OAKLAND 6 passenger, practically new; is in wonderful condition and hai lots of extra See this car at Howard Auto pomiany's, salesroom at 1 2th and Alder. , - - - LATE model Max.cll - Uiunng. Jut refinislied. like new; all good tires and mechanically right : $350 buys this snap. A l Auto Worns, 622. A lder st. '. - ! . . .. COMPLETELY overhauled Forl runac-Hit, extra delivery body. Sell for bet offer. . AuLamttio 320 -22. : . .. FOR SALE Overland delivery truck. . snap. Good as new. Call Main- 1687, or see it at 250 Taylor st, . . FOR SALE Meweil touring car, 1918 model. new tires, in g'x-d rtiel: $4 iO. 't ca.n. bl.w terms, Pboneilsin 3604, after fl p. ro C A f I LL A i i 8 . 1918. 7-paiseDgf "r; look like. new: absolutely fiirt cta. fine 35x5 cord tires, seat rove. jH5f t t.rtii. Bdwy. 80, lBH- PAIGE light fl. lnA-I condition $'6rJ.' wilb trruw. William L. Hughson Co Bddry. 321 ; ;- . . OAKLAND SIX good indition, only $4 75, See It at Weller Motor . Washington at 1 6th. $100 BUYS an Overland roadxter. M-ime buy I Weller MotorCo.. Wahinirtori at 15Ui. 1818 BUICK, blgC;.footi aliape; I cord tires, $800. East 4376. 1918 MAXWELL . truck, J5st condition, witfi large furnitnre body; must sell. Main 57S0. WILL iy $400 caeli for" 1920 F"ord. iouriat. 150- Union av. East 437 6. .. . BUH'K road'd.i-r, A-l shape; sacrifice $1561 74 2 W. Glisan st. , FORD bug, repa'irrted's gtxxl sliap., 27o East 4 7 fl. J .iu i nion, 1917 GRANT 6 touring; '21 licen, J25. Will take Ford -in trade. Hast 4376. 1918 OVERLAND 90 touring; repainted; good shape. $425. Kat,437H. 150 tarm, 1 DODGE delivery csi. sncl body, good condi tion. Phone Wdln. 634.- 1913 VEL1E touring; "good shape, $100. 10 Cnion. Eat 4376. FORD 1-ton truck ; slake b'xly and cab; govd sliane, $350. East 4378. 150 L'nion tn. 1917 FORD touring7newtires; new Urp. $335 East 4376. 150 Union. I BUILD coupe bug bodiee ; call and 'tea sam ple.. 291 BnsseU st- Eaft 8522, ' NEVV'eFord road-ter body. $75; oed touring body, $35. 150 Union. East' 4 376. 1918 FORD touring, fine condition, for sale by owner, $300. ' East 8158. 1920 FORD coupe, good shape. .Will take roadster in trade. East 4378. , 150 Union. 1918 CHEVROLET, in excellent condition, will sacrifice for $350. Terms. Eat .17 8. GOOD running light 5 pu. car, $80. sin 2383. - - - . (jipUi (Ccntinued on FeHowina !)