THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL, "PORTLAND, OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1921. INDIAN WHEAT CROP SITUATION IS. MOST SERIOUS LOWER TENDENCY SHOWN IN STOCKS AT OPENING 16 HUGE LIGHT HENS ARE IN BEST DEMAND KGG PRICE! EXCITElV I.ate la the day bid for current re eelpt eggs were a high a iSe a dozen for Friday and Saturday delivery her bat It wa Intimated that not above 490e wonld be available for Monday arrival because of, a bad break' else where. l ; Chicken market 16 today showing a very unusual feature. For many months the demand has been centered almost exclusively into the heavy weight stock while little of thia stock was available. Now the situation is just reversed. . Instead of heavy.' hen showing an extreme rail and an unfilled demand at sharp premiums In tli price, the trade now prefers the light weight stock at the differential. r The extreme price that a heavyweight hen must bring in the reUil market baa suited the detusnd for such 1 offering to a .very considerable extent and a further los of 1 2c a pound to 31 32c is noted in the price, while lightweight stock is in excellent call and sales are being made around 2ttc and a sprinkling of business, at a fracUun highntr. . . . Keason for the changed conditiona is glren by 'reason of the increased of fenngs of heavy weight utock and the more limited stock of lightweight, due to the Jaywf eon of the Utter. Those desiring special information regarding "any market should wnte the Market Editor, Oregon Journal, inclosing stamp for reply. MlGAIt MARKET IS IIOWN AGAIN A drop of 35c per hundred pounda wa an nounced in the wholesale price of sugar by local handlers daring the day as a result of refinery change along the coast. The new list, on granu lated $8.63 per hundred pound. BCTTEIi .DECHSK IS IX EFFECT As atated in a previous heme of The Jourmu. butter prices in Portland dropped 2c a pound effective Friday morning. The new list on extra in parchment wrappers ie 45c a pound. Butter fat also lost 2u at 43o for No. I and 41c lor No. 2 grade. ECO PRICES COJfTlXt E MIXED It appears that the extreme- price now being quoted for egg is more the result of the attempt of one buyer to give other high bidders their fill of advanced prices, than any actual strength in the trade. In fact relatively speaking the 'market situation is weaker. GOOD ' POTATOES VERY SCARCE Good quality potatoes are very scarce. Ac cording to buyers few of the cars examined are good enough to ship to Kan Francisco. There is much junk stork tliat is not finding bids abore 83c a sack in the country. MEAT MARKETS lV GOOD SHAPE Market for country killed meats continues 'in quite good shape for the day. Veals are still moving ont well at the extreme pofht for No. 1 light weight stock while hog values are main tained generally. HfllEF NOTES OF PRODCCE TRADE Local cabbazo market moving better at low prices. Apple trade is just about stationary at tor" ' raw prices. Markets crowded with fresh smelt at low prices. Rains expected to stimul&te potato planting in California. Inquiries again reported for hops but no prices a re named. .1 WHOLESALE PRICES IX PORTLAND These are prices retailers pay wholesalers, ex cept as otherwise noted : Dairy Products BCTTKK Selling price, box lots: Creanv ery. extras, parchment wrapped. 45o per lb. Jobbing prices: Cubes, extras, 40u per lb.; dairy, buying price, 20c per lb. B t" TTE ItEA T-r Portland delivery basis. Not 1 grade, 43c; No. 2, 41c; country stations. 37 3Uc per lb. - - CHEESE Selling price: Tillamook, fresh " Oregon fancy triplets, 33c per lb.; x'oung Amer icas, 34c lb. Prcrs to jobbers, f. o. b. Tilla mook: Triplets, 30c; Young Americas, 81c Selling price: Block Swiss, 3 8 4 0c ; iimburger, 30 &b 38c lb. ; cream brick. 30 0 38c lb. EGGS buying prioe: Current receipts. 51 (9 53c dozen; candied, selling price, 55c .dozen; select. 57c per dozen. LJVB POLLTKt Selling price: Heavy hens. 3 1(3 32a lb.; light hens, 26 19 27c lb.; springs, light. 32c per lb. ; heavy. 28 s 30c per lb.; old rooster", 15c per lb.; turkeys, live. 4 5c per lb.; dressed. 55 60c per lb.; ducks, 85 & 42c lb. Freeh Vegetables and Fruit FRESH FKUl V Oranges, 4 00s 5.00 box; bananas, 1 2 13 c lb. ; lemons. $4.00 4.75 a crate: grapefruit. Florida, tl.ftOWB.ou; California, $4U; (wars, $1.602.50. APPLES $i 50(ff3 25. DRIED KTtClTS lates, Dromedaries. 7.00; Fsrds. $4.00 per box: figs. $3.75 4.00. UNIONS Selling price to retailers: Local, $1.25&1.60; garlic. 15c; green onions, 40c dozen bunches. POTATOES Selling price: Oregon fancy. $125w 1.50; sweets, 6$7c per lb. BERRIES Cranberries, local. $6.00 6.23 per box; eastern. $19.00 bbL VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.50 per seek; carrot. $1.50; beets. $1.50; lettuce, $3.50& 3.75 per -crate; egg plant, 15 020c: broccoli. $1.75; bell peppers, 20 19 25c lb.; celery, $1.25 -per dozen; Hubbard squash, 2 2 He lb. Meats and Provisions COUNTRY MEATS Selling price: Country lines, 15 & 1 6c per lb. for top blockers, about -125 to 150 lbs.; heavy stuff lower; veal, top, bO to 110 lbs.. ITS IS 18c; heavy stuff lees. S&OKED MEATS Ham. 20 33c per lb.; breakfast bacon. 2a & 47c. LAltD Kettle rendered. 22 hie lb.; tierce basis, compound, 13 He. Fish and Shellfish FRESH FISH Bteelhead, 23 25o lb.; frozen chinook, 20c: halibut, fresh, ( ) ; stur geon, ( (; black cod, 11 4f 12c; kippered sal mon, $2.50 per 10 lb. basket; kippered cod, $2.85; razor clams. ( ); crabs, $2.75 rf 3.75 per dozen ; ling cod. 6 & So per lb. ; Columbia smelt. 4 ( So per lb. OVSTEKS Eastern. per gallon. $5.00; Olvuipm. $5.50. i Grocer! Kl'GATt Refinery basis: Cube, $10.40; fruit and berry, $8.85; l yellow, $8.05; gran ulated, $8.65; extra C. $7.45; golden C, $8.15.- IrONEY I'er case. $8.00; bulk. 18c per lb. RICE Japan style. No. 1. 6c; Blue Rose. So. per h. ; New Orleans head, 11c. . COFFEE Roasted.' IV 31c. in sacks or drums.- SALT Coarse, half ground. 100s, $17.25 per ton; 60s. $18.75; Uble dairy. 50s, $27.25; bales $3.50 & 4.00; fancy uble and dairy. $34.50; lump rock, $26.50 per ton. BEANS Sales by jobbers: Small . whit. ( Sho lb.;' large white. 5 He; pink. T c per lb. ; limas, DHc; bayou. lHic; reds, 7e; Oregon . beans, buying prices. nominal. CANNED MILK Carnation. $6.00; Borden. $6 00; Astor. $5.90; Eagle, $12.50; Libby. $3.90; Mount Vernon. $5.90 per case. SODA CKACKEUS In bulk. 17e per lb. ' NUTS Walnuts. 23 (s 2 Be per lb.; almonds. TRANSPORTATION Matson Navigation Co. U. S. S. B. STEAMER HOLLYWOOD Loadingfreight at PORT OF ASTORIA. January 31. for HON OLULU. KAHULU1 and HlLO. Fof rates and- further particulars, apply to Traffic Manager, Port of Astoria. i J AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via Tshtto arte) Raretoneas Mall and Passenger Service from San Francisco every ZS Day. UNION S. S. CO. ,OF NEW ZEALAND. 230 California SU. San Francisco. Or' Local Steamship and Railroad Agenda. STEAMER ' For- SAN FRANOISCO. LOS ANQELES AND SAN DIEGO, Sailing 2:30 P. M. ' Saturday. CHEAP RATES M. BOLLAM. Agent. 122 Third Street Phone Main 26 CARLOAD OF HONEY COMING TO CITY A carload of comb honey, the first and only one of the season to be shipped to Portland-, Js flue to arrive here during the next day qr no. The shipment will consist; of 845 Jcasea of water white al falfa stock. The ' supplies come from Nyssa, i Or. . There nas of late been an extreme scarcity of comb honey in the local trade. The result has been that prices have held unusually high in face of the sugar weakness. The carload now rolling to this city will "be handled through the Anderson Brokerage com pany and is not only the first carload shipped to Portland from Eastern Oregon this season but is said to be the last, as the shipment will practically clean up all offerings in the Nyssa district, i Reports indicate that the carload will be placed on sale here to retailers at $8 a case but that of the supply coming, Seattle, Ta coma and other points are asking for their share. PREMIUM PAD FORWHEA T DAIRT PRODUCTS OF THE COAST ! Seattle Market Seattle, Jan. 1 21. (U. P.) Eggs Fresh ranch, 55 57c. Butter City creamery, bricks. 45c; cubes. 44c I T i San Francisco Market Ran Francisco, Jan. 21. (U. P.) Butter Extras, 45c. Eggs--Extras, B6e; extra firsts, 65 c; ex tra pulletst. 54c; undersized pulletst. No. 1, 43c. Cheese California flaw, fancy, 25c. Los Angeles Market Lc Angeles, Jsn. 21. (I. N. S.) Butter. 4Se. Ejgs Extras, 56c; Que count, 53c; pul lets, 54c Poultry Hens, 35 (ft 36c; broilers, 40 47c; fryers, 4 Oc POTATOE COAST ALONG THE 8eattr Market Seattle, Jan. 21. U. P.) Potatoes $25 40, Lo Angeles, Jan. 21. (L N. 8 ) .Pota toes Stockton Burbanks. $2:00 2.25; Idaho Russetts. mostly . $2.00 2.25; local, mostly 85 (3 95c per lug. i San Francisco Market San- Francisco, Jan. 21. (tj. P.) River White, ' $1.60 1.65; Salinas. $3.50; sweets. $3.00-0 5.25. Onions Yellow and white, $1.50 01.75; Australian brown, 60 ($ 90c. New Tork Batter and Eg? New York, Jan. 21. (L N. S. Batter Market barely steady. Creamery extras (salted and unsalted). 50H&'54c; creamery firsts (salted and unsalted). 43n53c; creamery, higher than extras (salted and unsalted), 51 Vj 4b55c; state dairy, tubs, 30 50c Cheese Market firm. Whole milk ' specials, 24H20c; whole milk, fancy, 23g25V4c: whole milk, lower grades. 2022c. Wiscon sin, whole milk, fancy Young Americas. 28 hi 20 4c; state, skims, specials, 17 20c; skims. choice, 15 17c; skans, fair, 12 & 14 Vic; skims, j lower grades, loe. Eggs Market easier. Nearby white, fancy, 75 gi 78c; nearby brown, fancy, 75 ( 75c; extra, 72 73c; firsts, 64, 67c. FRIDAY WHEAT MARKET Bid. Loss. $!.; Se l.S . 2e 1.53 Se 1.4J Se 10 ,1.48 6c Hard white Soft white ..... White rial) Hard winter "Northern spring; bed WaUa .... NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Reported by Portland Merchants exchange: -t ars Portland. Frf . . . . 5 Year ago ...... 3 Season to date.. 97X9 Tear ago ...... 5557 Tscotna. Thurs. . 1 Y'ear ago 24 Season to date.. 31 67 Year ago ..... .4433 Seattle. Thurs. , . 2 1 Year ago ...... 23 Season to date-. 3285 Year ago 4208 Wheat. Barley. Flour. OaU. Hay. 3 1 24 176 49R 156 2518 " 8 47 61 1 68 1722 " 7 2 177 225 212 472 1 1 ' . . . 19 SOO 1373 385 1116 3 2 1 4 82 607 135 U06 3 4 298 1050 502 019 Dried Fruit and Beans New Tork, Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Bean mar ket steady. Marrow, choice, $9.00; pea, choice, $4.60 (s 5.00; red kidney, choice, $9.25 9.50. j. Dried fruits market Prunes strong; apricots, extra choice to fancy, 26(p36ct apples, 'evap orated, prime to fancy, 6 1 0 hi c ; Prunes, 30s to 60S. ll17c; prunes. 60s to 100s, 6 Oic: peaches, extra choice to fancy, 21 Vie; seeded raisins, choice to fancy, 24 26c. Chicago Dairy Produce Chicago, Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Butter Re ceipts, 3313 tubs. Creamery extra, 46c; firsts, 45c: packing stock,: 15 18c. Eggs Receipts, 6297 cases. Mi-ceUaneous, 67(60c: ordinary firsts, 3658c: firsts, 61 He; checks, 50 Is 55c; dirties, 54 58c. Cheese Twins, new, 24 24 He; daisies, 2414 611250: Young Americas. 27 27 c; Long horns. 27 C 27 He: brick, 20c. Live Poultrjr Turkeys, 43c; chickens, 28 He'; springs, 27 He; roosters, 20e; geese, 26o; ducks, 31o per ib. By Hyman H. Cohen While wheat prices were sharply higher In the option markets, as might have been expected in the manipulative exchanges, values here during the last few days have been somewhat out of line with the prices asked at Pacific Northwest primary points Reports of intense damage to crop prospects in India as a result of the prolonged drought are now reaching thia country. The situation there is said to be unusually desperate, in fact so much- so that fears are exprensed that India will be practical ly removed as a competitor in the World's trade this season and that it may be necessary to purchase actual requirements elsewhere.' With export bids rather liberal at this time and as high as 21 Ha a bushel premium being paid for cash stuff over the March delivery at eastern shipping centers, the market situation has ' assumed unusual strength in the face of preceding weakness and sharply lowered v sines. Of special interest to the trade is that de spit the strong tone in wheat, mills tnff prices are held stationary. A general lowering of other feedstuff value is shown in the accompanying price list. Flour market is quiet, although foreign in terests are said to be again nibbling. FIX)UR Selling price, mill door: Patent. $10.20; Montana spring wheat. $9.50; Wil lsmette valley brands, $8.55; local strsight, $8.30; bakers' local. $9.00; graham. $8.40: whole wheat, $8.60. Price for city deliveries 15c extra; suburban. 20c extra. HAY Buying price, nominal. Willamette timothy, fsncy, 29. 00 IS 80.00 per ton: clover, X2' in- i-hut $23.00: straw. $13.00 s 14.00; grain, $25.00; alfalfa, $22.00 fe 23.00 per ton. U11A1A bAtso nominal. iw. lftc: domestic, lie in car lots; lea amounts hJcher. MILLSTTJFFS Mill run st mill, sacked, ton lots. $36.00; carloads, $35.00. OATS Per ton, buying price; Feed, $35.00 36.0. BARLEY Buving price: FeeU, $33.00; mill ing, 34.00 34. 50. SEED Buying price, nominal: no demand. Red clover, recleaned. ( ) per lb.; alaike, I ) ; vetch. ( ) . FEEDSTCFFS F. O. B. mills: Rolled bar lev, $43.0Oi45.OO: whole barley, $41.00; alfalfa meal. $3)0.00; coconut meal, $30.00; cracked com, $45.00; whole com, $42.00 ton; scratch feed. $59.00; soy bean meal. $52.00; linseed meal, $62 00; whole oaU. $42.00; rolled oats. $44.00 pier ton. ROLLED OATS Soiling price. $10.00 bbL Merchants Exchange bids: WHEAT Jan. Hard white 3 56 Soft white 155 White club 153 Hard winter 145 Northern Murine 150 HOGS RULING WEAK WEAKN AT NORTH PORTLAND FRIDAY HOG MARKET Tone Top Portland Weak $ll.i0 Chicago Si40e lower t.00 Omaha l2ic lower .1S Kansas City ........ Slow t.18 Dearer 16c higher 1.58 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCN Friday . . . Week ago Two weeks ago . Four weeks ago Y'ear ago- . . . . Two years ago . Three years ago Four years ago Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Car. :i 390 3 204 320 3 S3. 363 941 29 57 9 242 556 1-3 85 . . 283 902 1 4 5 1610 3 4 9 25 28 fclVESTOCK PRICES COMPARED I Hogs. Steers. Imbs. Friday $11.50 $ 9.25 $10 50 rear ago 16.00 12.00 16.00 Two years ago . . . 17.00 13.50 14.23 New Tork Potato Market New Tork. Jan.! 21. (I. N. S. ) Potato market, steady. Nearby white. $2.50 4. 00; Bermudas. $6.00 10.50. New York Poultry Market New Tork, Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Live Poul try Market firm.' Chickens. 2;45c: fowls. 31 37c: turkeys. 45 65c: roosters. 16c: ducks. 42 40c; geese, 25 36c. New Tork Metal Market New Tork. Jsn. 21. (I. N. S.) Copper Dnll;' spot, January, February. March, offered, 13 "4. Lead- Dull; spot and February, offered, 5 "4 . -Spelter Dull; sit and January, offered, 5H; March and April, offered. 5.55. New York Wool, and Hides -New Tork, Jsn. 21. (I. N. S.) Wool Market .weak. Domestic fleece. XX Ohio, 22 4 5c: domestic, scoured bais, 18(6 60c domestic Texas, scoured basis, 40 (g. 75c; Dum. Ter. staple, scoured, 50 (g 85c, -Hide Market fair demand. Native steers, nominal; branded steers, 12c. New York-London Silver New York. Jin. i 21. (I. S.) Comme cisl bar silver was today quoted as follows: Do mestic, unchanged at -ill) He lower at 66 c. London, Jan.- 2t. L N. S.) was Sd lower at 40d. Red 'WaUa No. 2 white No. 2 gTay . Brewing Feed ...... 142 FEED OATS 34 50 8O00 BARLEY 3300 ...... 3 1 00 CORN No. 3 eastern (bulk) . . 3000 No. 3 local (bulk . . . . Sales-$34.50. Feb. Mch. 1 56 1 r 153 155 155 155 145 145 1 5lt 1 50 142 142 3400 3425 3100 3100 3200 3200 3000 3000 3000 3000 -No Bids Only four loads of livestock were re ported in the North Portland alleys at the opening .Friday but several moire loads of cattle were due later in the day. Hogs were weak and other lines nominal ly Hteady. I "lirtheTIepTwaioDwaiiMJtedTn for hogs at North Portland Fridayt although but two loads put in appearance here for the day. . I Gatherlng weakness was shown again in the Eastern alleys and further price losses were forced. i General hog market range: I Prime mixed $11.0011.30 Smooth heavy 10.50 11.00 Rough heavy 7.00 9.50 Fat pigs . 10.00 11.00 Feeder pigs 9.00 10.00 Cutis Are Nominal Nominally steady tone was reported at North Portland for the Friday morning trade. Only a load was reported on the market bnt four more loads were due to come forward at a later hour. . General cattle range: Choice steers Good to choice steers........ Fair, to good steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers Good to choice cows and heifers. Medium to good cows and heifers Fair to medium cows and heifers Common cows and heifers ...... Canners Bulls . . Choice dairy calves...... Best light calves Best light calve Choice feeders Fair to good feeders Medium light calves Sheep Trade Quiet .With but a handful &f Btuff in the alleys, the North Portland market for sharp and lambs continues quiet and on a nominally steady basis. General iTt..r tnarlra. v.. East of mountain lambs Willamette valley lambs. Cull lam ox Feeders lambs ........ Wethers . Yearlings Ewes Thursday Afternoon COWS 8.50 0 8.00 6.50 C.50 7.00 6.25 5.50, 5.00 4.00 .. 2.50 . . 4.50 . . 12.00 13.0O . . 10.00 11.0O . ..10.00 11.D0 . 6.50 7.25 , . B.75 6.75 . 9.00 10. 0U 9.25 8.50 7.60 6.50 7.60 7.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 3.50 5.60 ESS GENERAL IN SHARE. MARKET New York, Jan, 21. (I. N. S.) The stock market closed weak today. The filing increased as the session neared the close and many Issues touched the lowest levels of' the day. Mexican Pe troleum was under the severest pressure and from a high of above;163 dropped to 156. Steel common: dropped. 1 point to 81 and Baldwin yielded over 2 points to 88. Crucible Steel yielded over 3 points to 92 and Bethlehem B was off 3 points to 54. The rails were also In supply, Readiifg- declining: nearly 2 points to 83 while Southern Pacific fell U to 98. Chandler Motors fell from 71 to 681. and Studebaker broke 2 to 53. General Asphalt closed 34 lower at 663. Government bonds unchanged ; railway and other bonds steady. Total sales of stocks today were 745, 900 shares ; bonds, $9,991,000. .$ 9.50 10.50 . 9.00 9.50 6.00 cb 6.00 6.50 . 7.00 . 1.00 sale e.oo 7.00 7.00 8.25 4.30 -200 tons Montana white feed oats. Sharp Rise in Wheat After a Lower Opening Chicago, Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Follow ing an early bulge in wheat on a report that Portugal was in the market for about 10,000,000 bushels, some of which was for immediate shipment, prices col lapsed and dropped 8c from the high point of the day. Corn and oats followed and registered new low marks on the crop. Provisions closed higher. Resting prices for .March wheat were at declines of 44Vc and May dropped bl'tQoc. May corn was llic lower and July llc off. May oats declined 1 & l4c and July 1& lc No. Ave. lbs. Price. No. Ave. lbs. Price. 1.... 4rt $ 4. 50 3....-S60 $ tt.OO 1.... K50 5.50 1.,.. 950 6.0-0 1 . . . . 810 7.0O CALVES 1.. . . 170 $13.00 BULLS 1. .. .1540 $ 6.00 1 HOCJS I 270 $10.50 10 225 $11.50 J.... 610 9.00 6.... 90 11.25 4 137 11.50 1 170 10.50 1.... 410 7.25 10 . 204 11.50 2.... 225 11.50 4 165 11.75 I.... 100 11.00 7 212 11.50 H. ... 316 10.5O 2. 165 11.00 7.... 222 11.50 1.... 350 9.50 in....' 215 11.75 10.... 204 1 1.50 I. ... 300 0.50 1.... 320 10.50 10.... 231 11.25 5 200 , 11.0O 1 . . . . 240 11.00 LAMBS 3 78 $ 9.23 9 66 $ 7.50 EWES 7. 107 $ 3.50 Friday Morning Sales HOGS V 54. 1 o. At. lb. Price. . 183 $11.50 90 11.00 No. 6 . . 1 . . Av. lbs. Price. . 105 Ml. 00 . 290 9.50 New York. Jan. 21. (U.' P.) In dustrial stocks manifested weakrtess in' early trading on the New York stock exchange today. Steel common dropped J,i at 82, Crucible was down - at 95 and later sagged to 94. There wa big interest in the movements of General Asphalt. It opened at 67. unchanged, but sold off quickly to 65 U . which is a de cline of nearly 6 point from Thursday's high. The weakness extended to oils also. Mexican Petroleum, opening up S at 163. " knmeaiateiy lost ' a point.. International I'aper and Texas laeifie were strong points in the list, both being quoted at more than a point above the previous close. Baltimore & Ohio was up H at 35 H . Southern Pacific, however, was down H at 97 H. Coppers were firm in the early trading. The market continued irregular through the forenoon session with oils suffering the greatest reaction because of a cut in Pennsylvania crude oil price.- Motors were off but Studebaker re covered a point after dipping below 53. Bears attacked Bethlehem B. on the strength of Charles M. Schwab's appearance before the shipping board committee to deny- charges that his personal! expenses when he was head of the Emergency Fleet corporation had been charged to the government. Bethlehem B. at its low was off 2 H The bears were worried at the strength of Studebaker, which, after reacting to around 54. rose again to above 55 H. The afternoon session was dull. After the morning recession the market firmed for the most part. Oils were steady, with the excep tion of Mexican Petroleum, which was off 7 points from' yesterday's high at 160. New lows for ' the day were made in the last hour of trading. Mexican Petroleum sold down to 158, off: 9 from Thursday's high. Baldwin Locomotive dropped below 89. and Bethlehem B below d.". . Other bteels sold off a point or more. An exception to the General trend was a re covery in Kelly-Springfield 8 per cent preferred, which made: 91, Up 6 from lie las previous sale. The market was dull all day and apparently reflected the sentiment of Thursday's close when a feeling developed that the recent advances had been Uo rapid to last. & Cooke Co., Board Portland Credit ; Men Talk Shop at Monthly Banquet The Portland Association ! of Credit Men, held ita monthly banquet lasf, evej nitig in the crystal dining room of th Benson hotel. A strong delegation! was present and a number of matters ;qf irnj portance were taken up. H. jJ. Powers, chairman of the association- acted as toastm aster. , Charles H. Hill of the legislative com mittee told of the work thati body had done at Salem. He urged that i,je very member write to th varloixs senators and representatives gathered khere: rela tive to the passage of the association's proposed legislation. A. R. Morris, :hair man of the convention committee, spoke of the convention of the (Northwest Credit Men to La held In Seattle) and 'urged a large attendance from the: local chapter. ! " 1 ,1 The necessity of each meriberi workj ing to increase the associatikm's jnemi bersjiip was brought out b' Orin M. Pierce, chairman of the rjiembrship committee. B. V. Wagner, rlcei chair man of the national association, upoke of the bankruptcy act- as it .ffects the work of the individual creditl man. . Walter Jenkins led the g4tnelii,S songs which wijll be sung bj the Port land delegation ' at the Seattle cohvenr tion. Miss Marion Young, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Youney, rendered tw solos during the banquet. Annual Elections .Are Conducted by Pendleton Banks Pendleton. Jan. 21. Annual elections of officers and directors for the First j National bank and Inland Empire bank in this city, resulted as follows : First National bank Levi Ankeny. president ; G. M. Rice, vice president ; G. A. Hartman, cashier; L. G. Rice and Edwin Winter, assistant cashiers: di rectors, Levi Ankeny, G. M. Rice, G. A. Hartman. Dan Smythe and 'Fred Laats. Inland Kinplre bank J. W. Maloney, president; W. H. Bennett, vice president and cashier; L. L. Rogers, second vice president ; directors, J. W. Maloney, W. II. Bennett. U U Rogers. Alfred Schnelter. William Blakeley. H. J. Tay lor, A. W. Rugg, Frank Grllman and Manuel Pedro. L. L. Rogers prominent farmer, was elected in place of Douglas Belts, who haa taken residence in California, and W. H. Bennett, formerly state superin tendent of banks, replaces C K. Wailes as vice president and cashier. Wailes is retiring on account of his family's health. I Stock Mmket k. Topics SHORT TERM NOTES Quotation furnished by Clark. Kendall Co.. Inc : Maturity. - 2-24 10- 1-22 2- 1-24 12- 1 28 1 1 1 1-11-11- 4 New York and Chicago bankers un-j-derstood to have agreed to underwrite Goodyear Tire refinancing plan calling for $25,000,000 8 per cent bonds, $25,000,4 000 8 per cent debentures and! $15,000,OOQ notes. Present preferred atocfk probably wiH be exchanged for new IsSue of pre ferred. Burlington's stockholders ajpprove re-j financing plan. 1 Manufacturers institute sujt for dis solution of clothing workers? union in Vur Vnrlr start i ! American Zinc, Lead & Smelting com- pany passes dividend on preferred. I Furnished) by Overbeck of T.rado budiding : foreign, 1 c Bar silver MinneapoUsDnlath Flax Duluth, Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Flax Jan uary, $1.91: May, $2.01; July, $2.04; track and arrive. $1.93. Minneapolis, Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Flax Track and arrive, $1.89 LOO. Chicago Potato Market Chicago; Jan. 21. II. N. S.) Potatoes Receipts, 48 cars. . Norfnern white, sacks, $1.20 1.30; bulk. $1.30 1.40. Chicago. Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Wheat opened ' c to c lower for March and ur cliangtd to 4c cheaper for May. The market ran into commission house buying on the break and' had a prompt rally. Trade was quiet. Fairly general buying featured corn, but of ferings were light. May opened He lower to i c higher, and July was unchanged to ?c higher. . , Oats started steady to He lower, with locals buying after the start because of the streugth in other grains. Provisions started lower, reflecting a hog decline. Jfew Tork Sugar and Coffee New York. Jan. 21. (U. F.) Sugar, steady; raw, 3 39; refined, steady; granulated, 7.75. Coffee No. 7 Kib. 6H 6?ic; No. 4 Santos, 9 U 9 i c. Sugar Refinery Cuts San Francisco, Jan. 21. (TJ. P.) The wholesale price of sugar dropped today from $8 per 100 pound to $7.65. Naval Stores Market New Tork. Jan. -i 21. (I. N. S.) Turpen tine Savannah, 93 H . no hales; New Ylrk, 75. Rosio Savannah, 1 1 ; New Tork. 9. Bneno Arres Wheat Buenos Ay res, Argentine, . Jail. 21. steady, 2 H c higher. ; -Wheat, 27 i 28c;. filbert, 32e in sack lots; peanut. 14H15c; pecans, 23c; Braziis, 35c Rope, Paints, Oil ROPE Sis 1. dark, 14c; white. 16c per lb.; standard Manila, 20 He. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbls.. $1.01 gal; ket tle boiled, bbla., $1.03; raw, cases, $1.16; boiled, cases. $1.18 per gallon. COAL OIL Pearl or water white, in drums or iron barrels, 17 Ho gallon; cases, 30c per gallon. : 0 GASOLINE Iron barrels, 29c; eases. 41 He. i WHITE lAD -Ton lota. 12 He; 500 lbs., 12e per lb. TURPENTINE Tanks, $1.21; cases. $1.36; 10- case lota, 1 less. Mops, Woov and Hide HOPS -Nominal, 1920 crop, 25 2 Sc. HIDES i Calfskin. 10 lie; kips, 69e; green hides, 5 6c per lb. MOHAIR Long. 25c; short, 1 Sc. TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. 6c; No. 2. 4c. CASCARA BARK New, Be lb, WOOL Coarse. 10c; medium. 20c; fine, 25j pet lb Stocks, I Bonds, Cotton, Grata, Etc. Jl - 117 Board of Trade Building " ! ; ' ' ' Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board or Trade Correspondent of Logan b Bryan, Chicago ; , ,. Kcw York ! Chicago range by United Press: WHEAT Open. High. Low. Close. March 168. 171 H 364 165 May 160H 162H 154 H 15 CORN f S Mav 6S4 674 i 674 July 70 70 68 H ; 8H OATS May 44 i 45 i 43 H 43 H July ...... 44 'Si 45 H 93 s 43 H RYE May 147 "4 149 i 145 4 14r July 130H 132 128 128t BARLET May 68 H C8 H liC 66 Bid. PORK "January .... -. . 2350 May 2325 2335 2320 2335 LARD January ,...12!2 1292 May 1360 3172 1353 1305 RIBS January M.v 1240 1?.V7 i-.n Cash wheat: No. 3 red, $1.86: No. 2 hard, $1:75 H ; No. 3 spring. $1.72 1.73. 118: 1250 SO COSF1DESCE IS COTTOX MARKET; VALUES SLIDING New York. Jan. 21. (I N. S.) The cotton market opened barely steady today with prices unchanged to 15 points lower. Liverpool, the South and Wall street were leading sellers at the start, while the trade and room shorts bought moderately. After the opening the list dropped about 23 points ' under yesterday's close ana then rallied a few points but ; showed no evi dence of an outside buying confidence. ; About 75 notice wer issued this morning. There was a moderate recovery 1st in the day on a demand from shorts but the tone re mained unsettled and cloiing prices were 65 85 points net lower. tpot cotton waa quiet today, 70 points lower, at $16.65. No sales. ' Furnished by Overbeck St Cook Co., Board f Trade building; open. High. ... 1710 1710 . .. 1550 1550 . .. 1540 1540 . . 1555 1553 January , March . . May . . . . July September October . November December . . 1560 .1 1560 1563 1560 Low. Close. 1640 1641 1464 1465 3474 1475 1500. 1500 . ... 1510 1307 1510 1505 1525 1500 Liverpool Cotton Easier Liverpool, Jan. 21. L N. 8.) Spot cot ton opened quiet. Prices were easier: Kales for the day were 2000 bales. American middlings. 13. 4M: good middling. 10.25: mirlitlinm o I low middlings, 8.10; good ordinary, 6.60; ordi 1 nary, 5.85. Futures opened quiet. . , AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago Hogs S9.60 Chicago, Jan, 21. I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts, 56,000; 35 (a 40c lower. Bulk. $9.00 n.2.": tops. tO.HO; heavyweight, $8.05 9. 1 5 : medium weight, $9.00 (o 9.30 ; lightweight, $9.2 9.60; light lights, $9.25 9.60; heavy pack ing sows, smooth, $8.25 8.75; packing sows, rough. $8.00 8.25; pigs. $9.25 9.60. Cattle Receipts. 7000; slow and lower; most ly 25c lower. Beef steers, choice and psime. $9.6010.7; medium and good, $8.259.60; light weight, good and choice, -X. 75 10.25 ; common, and medium. $7.00 8.75; hutche cattle, heifers. $5. 25 9.00; cows. $4.50 (n 5.75; bulls. $3.23 7.50; canners and cutters, rows and heifers, 3 254.50; canner tteers, $4.005.50: veal calves (light and handv weight, $10.50 12.50: feeder steers, $0.50 (t 8.75; stocker steers, $.V258.00; stacker cows and heifers, $4.25 6.00. SI leep Receipts, 9000; steady rfo strong. Lambs, 84 lbs down $9.25 11.00; lambs. 85 lbs. up, $8.50 10.50; lambs, cnlls and com mon, ' $7.50 8.75 : yearling wethers, $7.50 9.25; ewes, $3.75 6.00; ewes, culls and com mon, $2.003.50; feeder lambs, $8.2510.23 Omaha Hogs $9.1 S Omaha, Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts. 15,000; active, 1 0c to 25c lower. Bulk, $8.759.10; top. $9.15. ' Cattle Receipts. 2700; beef and butcher stock dull, 25c lower. Very little done. Veals, steady; storkers and feeders, weak. Sheep Receipts, 2000. Sheep and limbs, 15c to 25c higher. Top lambs, $10.50; beat 120-lb. ewes, $5.00; feeders, steady. Seattle Hogs $11.66 Seattle. Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts 1-43, lower. Prime lights, $11.00 11.65; rough heavies, $8.00 8.50; smooth heavies. $1 0.00 1 1.00 ; pigs, $9.00 11.00. tattle Receipts 78. weak. Prime steers. $8.SOif 9.00: common to good. $6.O0 (m 6.50 : medium to choice, $7.00 8.00; best cows and heifers, $6.25 6.75; common to good. S3. 50 6.00; medium to choice, $5.00 6.00; calves, prime lights, $ 1 1.00 12.50 ; heavy calves, $6.00 7.00. Sheep Receipts none. Kansas City Hogs S9.10 Kansas City, Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Cattle Receipts, 700; dull. Steers, $7.50 10.00; cows and heifers, $5.00 8.50; stockers and feeders, $5.00 9.00; calves, $7.00 11.00. Hogs Receipts, 5500; slow. Bulk. $8.75 0.OO; top, $9.10 : .light. $8.85 9.00. Sheep lteeeipts. 2500. Mediums. $8.SO Dcnver Hogs $9.60 .Denver. Jan. 21. (U. P.) Cattle -Receipt, 200: steady. Steers, $7.00 9.00: cows and heifers, $4.b06.50; stockers and feeders. $6.50 8.00; calves. $7.O0 10.00. Hogs - Receipts. 300; 10c 'higher. Top, $9.50: bulk, $9.25 9.30. Sheep - Receipts, 800: steadv. Lambs, $8.759.75; ewes, $3.75 4.75; feeders, $8.759.25.. t Clearings PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT Portland Bank This Week. 5.504,953.03 5.169,909.58 4,584.447.07 4,338,975.24 Monday Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday Friday . . Tear Ago. 6,390,231.95 4.708.452.62 5.260,261.31 6.433,304.10 ,4. 727. 126.59 Spokane Bank Clearings Friday ;.$ 1,624,919.00 Balances Friday 589,412.00 Seattle Bank Balances Friday 1,198,156 00 Clearings Friday $ 4,45,6,219.00 Tacoma Banks Clearings Friday $ 413,319.00 Balances Friday 48,400.00 San Francisco Bank Clearings Friday $21,100,000.00 Lo Angeles Bank Clearing Friday . ... ..414,860,209.00 San Franelsro Barley Market San - Francisco, Jan. 1 21. (U. P.) -Spot feed per cental, $1.42 1.47 H ; shipping. $1.60 1.93. . t . - San Francisco Poultry Market Ran Francisco, Jan. 21. I U. P.) Broiler,' 555So; large hens, 37 38c; best duck, 30 35c Chem . . . Alaska Gold Alaska Juneau Allis-Chatuiers , Am. Beet Sugar ...... Am. Can. Co Am. Car o Fdy Am. Cot Oil. Allied Chem Am. Hifle- & Leath . . . Am. Intl. Corp A m. Linseed Am. Loco . . Am. Ship A- Com . . . . . Am. Steel Fdy Am. Smelter Am, Sugar - ' Am. Sumatra Am. TeL & TeL Am. Tobacco do "B" Am. Wool .......... Am. '.iuc Anaconda Associated Oil Atchison . Atlantic Coest Line... Atl. Gulf A; W. 1 Baldwin Ivoeonioitye - Baltimore & Ohio . . . . Beth. Steel "B" ..... B R. V. . : Butte C. 6a Z. Butte Sz. Sup Caddo Oil Canadian Pacific Central leather Chicago & N. W Chicago lit. V. ...... Chile Copper t'hino C. M. & SC P. C. & O Colo. Fuel & Iron Coio. Southern Cons. Ga$ . . . Corn Prod. Co-den Oil C. It. I." & P Crucible Dome Mines Denver &. It. G Endicott-' Johnson ...... Erie - Erie --t pfd led. Mine. Smelt. . . . I .aston W ms. . . -' Gem. Cigars Gen. Electric Gtn. Motors 1. en. Asphalt Goodyear . ; Goodrich Granby . Great Nor. -Ore Great Nor, pfd ....... Greene Cananca tiask Barker Houston Oil ' Illinois Central Inspiration Interboro . . .' Interstate Callahan Int. Harv Int. Mer. Marine Int. Nickel Int. ,Paier Invincible Oil . Ivland Oil . . . K. C. Southern". Kennecott ........ . . . Lack. 'Steel Lehigh Valley L A N. Mex. Pet. .'. , Miami Mid. States' Oil Midvale Steel M. K. & T Mo. Pac. Mont. Ward . M. St. P.-Jt S. S. M. . M. & St. L. Nar Biscuit ......... Nat. Enamel ........ Nat. Lead NeAda Con. ........ New Haven ......... Norfolk & W. ... Nor. Pac. N. Y. Airbrake N. Y. Central Okla. Prod, ref Ontario &. Western Otis Steel , . ...... Pacific Dev.. ......... Pacific Gas A Elec. . . . Pacific Oil . Pan -Am. Pet. -. Penna. . . Peoples Gas Pure Oil Pierce Oil . . Pitta. Coal Pitts. & West. Va Pressed Steel Car Pullman .... . . Ray Cons 1. . ......... Reading Replogle Steel Republic K A. S Royal Dutch Oil- Railway Steel Spring . . Shattuck, Aris Shell T. A T Sinclair ............ Southern Pacific Southern Railway Studebaker Swift A Co. Tenn. Cop. & Chem. . . . Teais Oil Tex. Pacific, C. AO... Tobacco Product . . . . Trans. Cony. Oil . Union Oil Del. Cnion Pacific . . . . . . . U. S. Ind, Alcohol TJ. S. Rubber IT. S. Smelting ....... V. S. Steel Utah Copper ......... Virginia Chem. Vanadium ...... Wabash Wells Fargo . . Western Pac . . Western I'mon .... ; . Westirurhouse E. V M. . W'ttlys-Overland . ... Vt'. 4b Lv av. ..,.. High. 57 Ts 1 H '36 H 48 as H 124 23 52 OH 4 9 57 U 83 H 12 30 H 39 94 go 90 T 119 115 i 67 1 -Low. 54 1 V 35 H 45 H 27 122H 22 49 H H 47 55 H H2 1 1 30 H 37 r 92 H I S I 99 il 1 1 6 H i 1 1 6 114 hk 1114 65 H 9 Bid. '55H 1 1 H 35 H 45 27 122 H 21 H 4it i !H 47 55 81 'i 1 1 -a 30 H 37 H 92 hi. 7 7 H WW H 65 H '38" " 82 i .39HI 1 83 I ., . . .1 72 9 1 'i 3 5 57 13 U 1 14 I 1 3 hi 18HI HS 1 1 6 '4 1 1 1 5 "s 4 1 I 40 H 69 69 88 ! 34 54 H 12 H 8 H 1 '-' 29 H 60 78 71 31 H 27 95 11 H 6 i H 1 4 20 i 08 8H 12 H 22 H 28 H I 59 H 77 H ! "ri 30 20 92 H 11 60 hi 13 H 19 4 I 4 H 128 ! 14 -.j 67 H i I 76 i 120 . 14 6 H 46' 57 78 35 5 H 6 ? 95 15 15H 62 H 28 H 4 H in 20 103 "13 31 ' iH 17 H ' i 2 ' ' .' 6 i " " "ii H 21 'si" 81 H 72 H 18H 36 76 H 41 35 35 11 30 86 UO 1 4 85 67 H 68 44 H 24 97 23 55 '4 "' 44 36 55 H 10 ,23 119 68 H 70 '82 67 H 37 any, 8 71 27 45H 8 9 l 2 29 7 6 H 56 H 7 4 hi 35 4 8 94 14 15 59 23 4 19 20 53 H 32 if.i" ' " ii 31 ' i 16 , 11 ' 66 hi ii' 20 '81' 81 H 71 18 86 H 74 H 41 35 35 11 '29 4 106 H 13 H 83 H. 64 63 43 23 H 96 H 22 52 ' '8H 43 33 54 10 23 110 7 68 "81 65 36 37 8 70 27 '44 7 9 38 tn 82 84 69 88 34 54 12 5 13 17 115 40 68 8 1 2 22 2S.H 59 28 29 77 69 31 26 92 Jl 1 60 13 19 8 4H 61 125 14 63 41) 23 2!t 76 21 56 H 74 80 hi 35 4 94" 14 15 59. 23 4 19 20 53 52 98 157 18 12 31 2H 18 16 70 1 1 105 60 74 11 20 09 81 80 71 3 18 14 18 47 36 H 74 H 41 35 35 11 59 29 84 106H 13. 83 35 64 65 84 6 42 23 H 6 23 53 101 8 43 34 54 10 23 119 67 68 34 81 65 36 3T 8 70 26 6T 44 . 7 President Alexander of National j Bank of Commerce says year 1921 offers prom ise of a slow revival of business Ion a sound basis and that there is wow aj better foundation for true prosperity! than has existed at any tim) since the outbreak " of the Kuropean war. j President Grace of Bethlehem , Steel denies that improper payments have beert maderby shipping board to ! Bethlehem; shipbuilding interests. ; j Security Am. Cotton Oil 6s.. . Am. T. AT. 6c. . . . Am. T. AT. 6s.. . . . Am. Thread 6s Am. Tob. 7s Am. Tob. 7s Am. Tob. 7s Am Tob. 7s Aifilo Am. Oil 7 Hs. Armour Conv. 7s ... Belgian ( iov. 7 s. . . Belgian Gov. As,.... Belgian Gov 6s. . . . . Bethlehem Steel 7s.. Bethlehem Steel 7s.. British Gov. 6 Hs. 1 . British Gov. 5 Hs. . . Canadian ov. 5 Hs. Canadian Gov. 6s. Cndahy Packing 7. . Inter. R. T. 7a ... . Japanese Gov. 4 H Kennecott Cop. 7a. Ligg. Meyers Tob. Moline Plow 7s. . Moline Plow 7s. . Moline Plow 7s. . Moline Plow 7s. . Nor. Pac' E'p. "7s Pacific Gss 7a... Swift 6s ........ U. 8. Rubber 7s.. 7 6 1 1 7 7 1 1-11- 8 1-20 l-2t 1-22 1-23 1-25 15-30 1-43 1-21 1-25 IS 22 15-23 1-21 1-22 1-21 8- 1-29 7-16-23 9- 1-21 7-10-23 1-30 1 -2 1 1-21 9- 1-22 9- 1-23 9- 1-24 5-15-22 7- 1-25 8- 15-21 12- 1-23 Os.12- Bid. 88 90 93 02 99, 1O0 100 1 00 1 00 97 l8 . 02 91 97 08. 97 96 99 92 96 69 76 91 99 - 93 94 93 99 99 95 99 95 Asked. 91 97 95 93 100 10O 100 100 100 98 98 0i 92 98 97 98 95 99 93 98 71 77 93 9 99 97 99 98 Money and Exchange New Tork. Jan. 21. (I. N. S.) Call money on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange today ruled at 7 ier cent: high, 7 -per cent; low, 7 ler cent. -Time money was steady. Rates were 6 (pi lshi per cent. The market for prime meroanule laper was stead. Call money 1n London today was 5 per cent.' Sterling exchange was steady with business in bankers' bills at $4.77 for demand. i Chairman A. B. Hepburn of Chase National, bank says this is inopportune time for general revision upward of tariff and that such change at this time would be inexcusable blunder. I i FOREIGN EXCHASGE RATES Corrected daily by th foreign exchange de partment of the United States National; bank.: Quotations below, except the pound sterling, are quoted on the basis of 100 unit foreign ...rrenev Opening nominal rates on bank transactions: Draft Cable London Checks. Transfer. Lbs. sterling. a. 7 TV a. in .; H u.r8 1.63 1.03 3.53 3.33 Paris Francs. Berlin Marks . Genoa Lire . Athens Drachmas . Copenhagen Kroner ... Christiani K roner . . ". Stockholm Kroner . . . Hongkong Currency Japan Yen . Shanghai Taels 19.80 19.75 21.60 r.n.oo 48.50 7.65 19.85 19.80 21.65 . 56.50 49.00 jFar Value, $ 14.869 19.30 23.81 19.30 I 9.30 36.70 qe.70 30.70 Standard Oil Storks -Cloaing- .,... . Scrysmer pfd. pfd. Anglo Berne Buckeye Cheesebrough do pfd. . . OonWhental . Crescent . . . Cumberland Eureka Galena com. . Galena Old. Galena New, Illinois lie . . . Indiana Ii;ie ' . . National Transit N. Y. Transit . . N'crilietn Pipe . . Ohio Oil International Pete. Pcnn. Mex. Prairie Oil .... Prairie Pips Solar Refg. . . : Southern Pipe . . South Penn. Oil 8. W. Penn. Oil . S. O. California . S. O. Indiana . S. O. Kansas . . S. O. Kentucky . 8. O. N. Y 8. O. Ohio .... do pfd Swan A Finch . . Union Tank . . . do pfd. Vacuum Washington ... S. O. Nebraska . Bid. ..19 ..390 .. 84 ..172 ..108 I ..114 ' . . 30 ; . . 120 . . 98 . . 48 . . 93 . . 94 ..175 . . 87 . . 27 ..160 . . 96 ..284" , .. 1 . .. 38 . .475 . . 193 . .375 . ..118 . .245 , . 70 , . .310 , .. 72 . .375 . .413 . .350 . .395 . . in . . 35 . . 11 . .102 . .303 . . 30 . .390 A'k. 20 1 10 f 86 190 r18 ! 94 130 lot f 50 f 98 I 09 - J8 I 90 I 29 165 6 1st i 17 I 40 4 83 . 197 B85 118 L'50 ! 74 . 315 f 73 600 430 $55 405 113 f 50 ! 17 105 310 135 fit DETROIT MICHIGAN 6 Per Cent Bonds Due 1927 TO NET 75 Free From Federal Income Tax Gold Production in U. S. Falls Slightly During Last Year Gold production In the United States during 1919 was less by "$10,157.90 than the 1918 output, according to the state ment issued rt'eentry l,y the bureau of the mint. In 1919 thprp were 2,829,39f" fine ouncea of gold, valued at $58,488,300, produced in the country. California led in gold' production with $40,768 ounces, Colorado was'Tixt with 470,908 ounces and Alaska third with 437,131. Silver production 11 1919 amounted t 55.285,196 ounces, valued ut $til.96K,412. representing a reduction of 12.524.943 ounces compared with the 191S output. Montana led with 14,940,027 ounces. Utah second, with 11,906,152, and Nevada third, with 7.312,454. Kelso Barrw ILrclPtts Kelso, Wash., Jan. 21. AH o.f fleers of the Kelso State bank were reelected for . the ennuing yeaf at the annual Block holders' meeting. They are: President. F. "M. Carothers ; vice president, Oeorge L. Marsh ; .cashier, F. L. Stewart ; as sistant cashier, George F. I'hfmondon ; directors. F. M. Carothers, Fat : Baxter. James Wallace, F, L, Stewart" a'ml George L. Marsh. The last year ha-i been a very prosperous one for the bank. .Sew Tork Bond ( Furnished by Overbeck &. Market Cooke jrompan?) ' Mid. Ask. ' ! Atchison general 4s . 78 79 Baltimore A Ohio gold 4s. .... 69 69 Beth. Steel ref. 5s ..... ... . . 84 86 Central Pacific st 4s ' ...... 74 74 C. B. A J. col. 4s. .-. ....... 97 - 98 St Paul genl. 4 Hs ........ . 78 . 79 Chicago N. W. genl. 4s ....... 77 78 S L. A N. unl. 4s . . ..!. ....... . 83 84 New York Ry. 5 ........ 18 20 Northern Pacific P. L. ..,. 78 78 Reading gent. 4a .......... 81 83 Union Pacific 1st 4s ....... 84 84 V: S.. Steel 6s 05' 95 Union Pacific 1st ref. ft.... 84 84 Southern lacific conv. 6s . . . . 90 ,91 Southern Pacific conv.' 4s ... 78 78 Pennsylvania conv. 4a . . 88 H - 89 H Pennsylvania 1st 4a 81 82 Chesapeake A Ohio conv. 5s.. 84 86 Oregon Short Line 4s 80 - 61 Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty, Liberty, Liberty. Victory, Vrfrv, Low. 8210 V Liberty Bond Sales (Reported by Overbeck A Cooke Co.) High. 3 ... . . . . . 9236 1st 4s. . . . . . . . 2d 4 ........ . . . 1st 4 a . . ... . 8H.1fl 2d. 4 s 8820 3d 4 s . ..... 91 10 4th 4 S ...... 8860 4 s ......... 9726 8 0722 8 8788 9090 8822 97 18 1718 Closv. 92 I 4 878'i 8780 880 i 879t oon 8820 9720 971 8 II II Port of (Including Clatsop county) 6 Bonds Dated . Due July l, 1920 ' July.-l, 1930 Denotn. $1000; . Price) 98.23. Yielding ' '6.25 (Income Tak Exempt) R L Devereaux Scjto Ralph Schneeloch Co law "W , aa at ,'il'lil I! t INVESTMENT BONOS 87 SIXTH SJflCET - WCLLB fasoo Bloo. ROADWAY 101 PORTLAND, OREGON 1 BlavnBiavnBSavx-4l II . MUNICIPAl AND CORPORATION fTHANCE j Foreign Exchange Market y New Yotk. Jan. 21. U. P.) Foreign ex cltange opened firm. Sterling, was at $3.76 francs. .0661; lire. .0356; marks. .0163; Ca nadian dollars, .8775; kronen, .1930. ' The market closed firm. Sterling waa $3.77 : francs. .0678; lire. .0037; marks. .0165; I Canadian dollars. .88; kronen, .1943. j I We sell bonds of principal foreign governments and municipalities j at current rates and offer attractive j in stallment terms on certain issues. Call, write or wire for quotations. dates or maturity, etc H. E. WILLS COMPANY Foreign Government and Bonds. Municipal Phone Broadway 1$11." 800-8 Henry Bldg. Portland, Or. HERRIN & RHODES, INC.! (Established 1896) SEATTLE PORTLAHD TACOMA " Fact Private Du Ptg wire COAST JO COAST. Stock, Bonds, drain, Oatloo, Ferelgii Eg. cnanee ALL MARKETABLE SECURITIES Member Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondent E. F. Huttoo 4k Co. Member: New Vark Stock Ixchno Mew York Cotton Ex Jiang Mew Ortan Cotton Exchano. :. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDSj Hedauarter tor Buying and SeUlna j AH issues. Lar? or Small lota. I Railway Exchang Bio. Main 283 ' The Portland Vegetable Oil Hills Co, by its directors offers an additional $100,000.00 of its capital stock of one million dollars, to the investine public. $500,000.00 was subscribed prior to Incorporation, f 200,000.00 was the. amount or a previous public offering. The stock, ii offered direct from the company to the sub&riber at a promotion cost not to exceed 5 of the capitalization. . : . PROSPECTIVE PROFITS . Based upon the actual results of the Palmoiive Company's Port land plant in pressing copri in the year 1919, it can be estimated that the proposed mill of the PorlJand Vegetable Oil Mills Company, having a capacity of 100 tons of copra per day, and operating 25 days per month for to months per year, making a total of 25,000 tons of copra pressed, will earn a net profit of f 420,595. 00, which is nearly 100 of the estimated cost of the plant of 42 of the company's authorized Capital Stock of $1,000,000.00, . From the foregoing itTcan be reasonably expected that substan tial dividends will be paid upon the stock now offered Dividends can only be paid from profits earned. -Profits" can only be earned .as the result of successful and experienced manage ment. - . . The management of the Portland Vegetable Oil Mills Company is composed of successful and experienced -men. We invite subscriptions to this offering. tO with subscription and 15 per month for six months during plant construction, on call of the directors. . - ' Z Full information upon request. .' Portland Vegetable Oil Mills Co. DIRECTORS: C A. Painton C. A. Kd wards B. C. Ball M. S. Hirsch S. L. Kddy H- H. Ward F. W. W atson 80-887 WILCOX BlILDISO . . PORTLAND, OREGON ' ' Phone Marshall 88 H. H. WARD. T)lrerter In Charge of , Plnaaclng , ;. We offer the remaining bonds of KIMBERLY, IDAHO) TO YIELD 7.5' ; KEELER BROTHERS Portland Investment Securities Denver UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING . Broadway 5800 f , i