THE OREGON; SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLANP, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY .16, 1921. EE A l. ESTATE FARMS WTXTF.I) BEST OR BUY t WE ar in nei of farm llstingv Have many inquiries for 20 to 80 ten. vicinity of HUls- boro. Nwberg. fontt Grove and Canby. Writ u full description.' location and price. . : HKSOARD. - COE A. McKKNNA A CO. 82 4tn L VTlI,L buy (arm clot Portland, 20 to 60 acre. M-658. Journal. I FRC1T lATtpgj FOIt gAtE 46 Hi ACRES. 10-year-old appl orchard with 123 apricot tree a filer; all In food con- dKJon: Bull nan water, aat Portland on Buckley root A. Portland. Pric S4500: 7 mil. ave, a, C. Oliphent. -RRIGATED LANDS 48 IRRIGATED LANDS ' W ar tearing acin Friday night with an other party for th Ochoeo project. Com in and make on of th party. Lands sold' on easy terma Small payment down, ton tim on th balance. ' Th district is especially adapted for mixed farming; alfalfa. on of the main crop. Call, writ or phone Main 4416. Ochoeo Irrigated Lands Co., N. W. Bank -bldg. IRRIGATED yAK.IM.i vAX.LET LANDS Government ditch: diversified farming; rich soil; ideal climate; food Iroeds, schools, markets. l.ow prune. 818 Piatt bldg.. Portland. HOMESTEADS 47 HAVE JUST returned ito Portland from my homestead la Northern Douglss county to tell people a bant th splendid opportunity to obtain very desirable land valuable timbered libmestetds In my district. I hare cruised tim ber fronv California to 'the Columbia put. four : years and know th 'country and wher to go. Am 1 oca tin a every men whoe foes witb me from ' experienced logg erg and Woodsmen to office men on these valuable O. A C. timber homesteads, on or bear food roads. l to 6 miles from rail way town, in big - body of ' timber, making it desirable for bif mill oi small portable outfits. Mills ra ruling now nci new ones going in. Timber is going sky higli. Remember th past in logged over states. Make your stake now while you can. Un on th place seven months each eumner during fine weather and make good wages tapping thej Douglas fir and ship-, ping pitch to Portland .refinery. Cash weekly. Big demand. No - experiment Many making good. One man mad (IB per day for weeks. Work for yourself and ! geet deed from Uncle Bam to this valuable property. Inspect and file now before th spring rneh. Bee me any aft ernoon or evening this week", or write for particu lars. O. 8. Khie, 1471 Macadam road. Phone Mar. 274 2. Take Fulton car, 2d and Morrison, to cor. Idaho and Virginia: 1 Jblk east. Ttrj-AMOOlT" COUNTY HOMESTEAD 160 acres, good cabin, stable, stump puller. ramp furniture, running 6 miles, $400 or good 'c water: Stat mgnway. brd. 120 E. 81st K- N. . FOR ' a homestead or relinquishment In the O. A C. land grant, see E. W. Helm, 816 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER WANTED Timber for hewn ties, preferably on I O-W. Jin from Portland to Seattle, but will consider close in to Portland locations. What have you t offer! Address, Box 146 Hillsboro, -Or.' Phone 2371. ' SMALL logging, milling! or cordwood proposition, ' . hard road, railroad.! near Llnnton; terms; part trade Parker, 707 Flanders. TIMBER BARGAINS-!-5 "million fin fir. one mile R. it. ;. 4 million V, mil R. K. Venard, 920 Chamber of Commerce. IOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 8S FOR SALE OR TRADE BY OWNER rRAi 640 acres. ready for cropping, stocked and quipped. Situated in Southern Alberta, Canada. On account of heart trouble, must go to a lower altitude, and am forced to sacrifice by sale or trad my 1 ana. 1921 drop can be put in at very little expense. 800 acrea summer fallow. Fine quality of drouth resisting wheat land. Joining the world famous Noble wheat farm. . World s second I prix was awarded by International Dry Farming i congress to wheat grown in this neighborhood. Good crop in. 1920, despite-droughty summer. ' A money making proposition. - This fsrm has two never .failing, shallow, soft water Wells, fur- Bathing abundantly at all times. Hog wire, with tlire strands of barbed wir above, incloses th place. House, barn, fir portable granaries, poultry house, hogbous and shop constitute the buildings. The buildings are not! fancy, but posses alt the merits of utility. The equipment consists of: On 18-36 h. p. oil and gas tractor; On 5 bottom plow, equipped with power lift, breaker and stubble bottoms; one Avery separator, IS. icch; all tools snd acces- eoriea. This entire outfit is in good shape. One Chevrolet touring car (490) in good shape, re placements recently made. Nine head of good .Work horses; seven set of harness; six head of cattle; four wagons; threw binders; on 12 inch gang plow, stubble arid breaker bottoms; two U tick foot eultivstors; an 1 H b. p.- engine: on riwer washer; cream separator ; fanning mill; two 0 foot double disc drills; two 4 section drsg harrows; tea 60' gallon steel drums: on potato digger-; all household effect and numerous other Useful article. . ' All foes for th lowjpric of $34.70 pef acr. Terms. No agent. Will soon be tim for spring . work. In market for I a abort time only. For further information address owner, E. N. Bellus, R. R. No. 8. Aurora, Or., of H. G. Kreis. FOR SALE OR TRADE 7 Vs acres, all in bearing, apple orchard in on of the finest irrigated districts In Idaho. Four miles . from city, on I bard surfaced pavement. ; Near school, church and store. Value $4000. Will sell on easy terms or trad for Portland prarerty. U-4SU, Journal. FOR SALE' Exchange considered, 1148 acrea grain and stock ranch, Willamette valley, near ': Corvallia, $35 per acre, improved. Also 1H 1 lots, 2 block rar line, Portland. Also modem house, best residence; district Corvallia. Am owner. 64 Park - Terrace. CorvsJUs. Oregon. EXCHANGE-4-REAL ESTATE 24 92 ACRES, 4 nnlea southeast Oregon City. 60 acres under high stjata of cultivation, all can be cultivated. Balance) in heavy fir timber, over 8000 cords wood, 8 acres orchard, good 7 room house with bath, city water, barn. oQx70 gran ary, other buildings, (nam hiabway in front of place. 1 mile from electric station. Included with place 0 cows, 1 bull,) 3 horses, near Ford trac tor, with plows; etanplete line of machinery. Drag-saw aud citel Saw, food chopper. Owner will consider flaAs, apartments, or houses in Portland for full amount of ranch. Inspected by jonn Ferguson. Mernnfer oiqg, 80 ACRES, 35 in cultivation, rest in grass ex cept sbout 8- acres big timber, fenced with woven wire, black loan soil, watered by well and spring ; family orchard, berries, 4-room house, woodshed, hog house, ftrith house, shop, chicken house, barn 40x44, Ihip roof. 60-ton silo, good neighborhood. mile t school. 4 miles to Lebanon on gravel road. Wish to trad the place for large farm ta WQlamett valley a first payment. Giv full description and price, where located in Iirst letter. W. 1 Crowley, Lebanon, r., Kt. a WANT HOUSE IN BOOTH POHTUND 7 Va acres, on graveled road. 12 miles frfoan center ot Portland, lj mile from electric station, good 7 room house, bsru 85x43, chicken house, smoke house, woOdUheu. bearing family orchard. Included with place, I good cow, idosen chickens and farm tools. . Pric $5000 clear. Consider good house on 2 orj mora lots in South Port land, same vahie. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Over 600 small place near Portland. 8 Vt ACRES, 6' toous house, 1 H acre of fruit, all under cultivation, half - mile from electric line station, good road; pric $3000. Want ' good 6 room house j NUU 1UU IIHU Sib Ui KllJ about asm value. See JOHN BROWN & CO.; 822 Railway Etc hang Bldg, Marshall 8381. elettrio 4 ROOM house, electrie light and gaa, street improvements all in and paved, clear incum- brance. Want small acres re; prefer onion land. Se JOHN! BROWS- CO.. 322 Railway Exchange Bldg. Marshall 3331. TRADE acnes, with house S rooms.. bath and sleeping porch, Bull Run and well water, apple, cherry, pear and peach trees, on Oregon Electric railway, 25, minutes, from town, fio tartar, for clos in Portland 7 or 8 room nous and 100s 100 near school in good neighborhood, value about $4000. 0-633. Journal SELL, OR EXCHyNGE 10 acre on GresaasB-Boring road, mostly in clover. 1 acre bearing orchard, new barn, small house: $3200. Consider house in city.-, S. P. upuni, o i o aiea,sy oiog. YH-i exebana rooming house, 22 hoasekeep ing rooms, vahtat $1550, ia heart of west aide, paying bUr than 60 per cent oa invest ment. in heart of west aid 1 lks. from publin market, for small horn of qua value. Call Main 4842 Sunday-nt m. er evenings. FOR EXCHANGEACREAGE "Madsen Acres," 15 acres 3 6-acre tracta). wonderful soil at edge of Beaverton. Washington county, for sal or exchange for .Denver. Cokx. property. Write owner. C C .Madsen. Denver WILX, trad new modern 4 room sab-bungalow - and garaaw with 1 acre of good land, lo cated at Oswego Lake, with some cash aa first Payment on good modern rooming bouse or apt. housA. C P. J, Jin ria tfiiMn - , f "7R i " 1 " $3500 200 ACRE wlw.t . Oregon. 100 in crop. $1000 down," balance within five yiars at 6 per cent, Will consider clear, residence er small ranch to $2500. Call or address 6226 39th ave. S. K., city. 12 ACR1SS. improved. $6200. KQ1 take -tnodera Portland j property up to $2900. A. Jk,, Huteboro l6r- R- 2. Phone Hillsboro aSoKo I at --- ' 4 MILES TOWN '' 7 ""able. 8 cleared, fenced, no rock, wood. VViU tak auto. Pric $175. Box 87. WILL. or tod say equity of $220(5 ia modern, 6 room bungalow, with garage. (Tat Bt rast lWaaar KasiMaw su w.1 a- n . . -v art payment, aalaace cash. 46a Jarrett rt. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE- 14 Headquarters for Exchanges'. : 10 A. apples, 8 years old, in on of th best diet, in Oregon. ; Want city property or larger acreage. , 1 40 A. stump land. Want auto or Iota. , 7-Roora nous in Rosa City diit - Want 2 to 6 A. with good buildings. r s-Boom, house, price $2500. Want small acreage. Would take onion land. 8-Room house, pric $6600. Want farm near 8ilverton or Woodbum. SOS A. 110 a. in cultivation, 140 a. mora can he. 3 miles 2-wire fence. Rous 16x24. barn 40x24. 12x20 chicken house,' good well of soft water, all stock and machinery, also house hold goods. This is a good Mgnlana farm. Wsnt 5 to 10 a. with good improvement. See John Brown & Co., 822 RAILWAY EXCHANGE' BLDG. MAR. 8331. ixclaagc "for. City -. Property 80 acre, all in cultivation, all level, fine soil, extra fia modem buildings, pressure water and - electric Meats, com plete equipment, stack, etc; 10 miles from .Vancouver. 4 . , 97 seres, 85 t acre fa cultivation, buildings, complete equipment, which in cludes -about 60 bead of cattle; 7 miles from Vancouver. THE R, 8. THOMPSON CO. 410 Washington St. Vancouver, Wash. . 21 ACRES, on main macadamized road, 1 Vt miles from Hillsboro, with fine high school, acre fir Umber, 8 acrea pasture, no wast land, 17 acres in grain and clover, creek on boundary line. Fin at Wive bom of 6 rooms, with lata ooreh. fii: fscfno- 1 .... r iwin(n. . apples, cherries and other fruit. Barn full of nay, otner buildings, A fine piece of well drained land, with a gentle slope to creek. Cou plet equipment, feed, crops, chickens, 4 fine cows. The residenc has fin grounds with nice lawn and shade tree. Large cash payment; or consider smaller place near Portland or New berg. ; Inspected by John Fergtuon, Uerlinger bldg.. 2nd and Alder st - 1 ACRE BUNGALOW HOME Neat little 5 room plastered bungalow with bath and toilet. 28 Urge bearing assorted Iruit trees, raspberries, blackberries, loganberries and black caps; good rabbit house and woodshed: between Mt Scott and Hawthorne ave. carline. Price $3500: $100. cash, or will take small acreage doe to--car, up . to $2000. See Mr. Stephens, i" RtsLTpaS 732 Chamber of Commerce ACREAGE I have a splendid 10 acre tract about 8 miles from Oregon City, all under cultivation ; fruu and berries In commercial quantities ; nice 5 room cottage, porches: aaraae. ban. henhonsea- a splendid cow, fine horse, chickens, plenty of feed. This Place is half mile from school, town and carline, is on main auto road. Will trade i or Portland property. . O. E. FREYTAG. Gladstone, Or. Oregon City Carline. Phone Oregon CRy 269-J. GROCERY STORE FOR TRArm. A going i grocery : and feed store, on psved road, at edge of city, with well-established busi ness. Fixtures and delivery car will amount to $2200. the stock about $6400. Rent $35 month, 4 year lease. Will consider mortgage or good bungalow. Brooks, with John Ferguson. Gerlin ger bldg. " WANTS PLACE NEAR PORTLAND 480 acres wheat land in Sherman county, 400 acres rummer fallow, ready to seed. Pric $40 per acre. Owner wants suburban home near Portland with good improvements to $15,000. - LCEDDEMANN COMPANS, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 300 ACRES, , under irrigation, 150 acres n apples. 150 acres grain sand-; modern buildings, complete farm equipment. Cash price $70,000, rata. $20,000. Will exchange for income prop erty or hotel or apartment home furniture and lease. Claude Cola, 4 26 Lnmbennens bldg. 33 ACKK3 unimproved river bottom land. 30 miles south of Portland, one mile to eleetrio line and store, on good graveled road. Value $2600, to exchange for good house in Portland; will assume to $1500. SX-401, Jour- liai, 198 ACRE farm. 60 acres in cultivation, part cash price. Will consider grocery, pool hall or feed store to about $3500, in country town. A. K. HILL. 428 Lumbermen bldg.. Portland. 12 ACRES. H mil from highway and street i ai rwi Kmlrl;... eN . a. r . s,wwa ruMVii, M UUU lUVaVm, 9 OOWB, 1 heiier, hone, wagon, 32 ehickena, 8 ducks, 3 turkeys, for house ; or mort) &creaee. IniproTed MODERN 9 room house, near Jefferson "hirh a.hul . , o n n . , ... . . . . . . -. ino - 7 minion it. oia grosrtn timber claim, LJncoln county. $4000. for good farm about same value. Owner. 118 E. Emer son t HAVE 160 acres good wheat land, close to town anq rauroaa, t isorth Dakota, and some cash for eqnity in suburban home or small farm. To- tal Value not to exceed $5000. lr 9 55, Journal. YOUR REAL. ESTATE BOND " r File your bond before making a sale. ANYTHING IN THE BONDING IJNB Oti A 11 WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. TRADE your car for a home; will exchange $1000 equity in $3100 home for a $10OO ear, balance on good terms. Phon Bell. 2993. ONE 1 ton truck, one S pass, car; will trade for TWsl . 1, f , . in . . lnl. n it .. Glisan st. WHAT have you to trade for Southern Idaho irrigated farms? Describe, and address Box 470. Huoert. Idaho. GARDEN TRACT at Electric station, Spokane, snd cash, for small acreage home near Port- 1a-,f C . tt t A 1. 1 . . . . i.". ouai-wn, ii ADincum DlQg 160 ACRE wheat ranch in Eastern Washington for intn ftr wtt.1 )i . .n.. 1 r u i one, o. l - 15 ACRES good land in Tillamook Co. to trade for good piano, or anything I can use. 1139 E. 24th st. N. - WILL trade 160 acres, close to R. R., between Albany and Newport, for modern home, Pon- isou. nox itoeeourg, ur. THREE lots near Peninsula park, unimproved. for 1 acr or what hav youf Worth $700. 8-414, JournalX - - f FIVE acres, improved, to trad for Car, truck or anything of value Alain 8109. 483 Rail- w atj XJ iv uaii(s IM PllOVED city acr foe sale or trade for bungalow or 100x100- lot on paved streets. GOOD farm near city to exchange for Portland ui,njci nun, Tsjue eovv to euvv. B. W. Green, with Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. 20 ACRES on Columbia highway ; will take a ir a ym.i paymens. aaua ootb St. 8. E. SMALL, home, St.- Johns, $1750 consider gro- - 1 j aiarsnsu 4 1 a . 160 ACRES to Polk county to trade for real eei-at in or near Portland, Tabor 2986. "WANTED-f-BTgAL ESTATE ti WANT 6 to 10-acre tracts on good road and close in, with or-without improvements, j HENRY W. GODDARD. 74 3 Stark St. FROM owner only, best 5 room modern bunge--fw. nar carline. that $3500 cash will buy. a , a tmi uai. VVTAU tA K,.w . a "I "" ' i "' -wt i " - w nAw uguH. xiaTe u acres timbet land in Montana with which I . ii a we iiiTt payment Atar. ohou I WANT to buy 1 to ft acre on easy terma, from the owner. , Give description. X-178, .vui an WANT corner lot in Alameda or Hoi la day park. Give lot and block and price for cash, X-464, BUILDING lot. Ixvingtoa district preferred. Jio incumbrances. $500 or $600 cash, Pri- 'm p-rutT. s-.-oio. journal. 4 TO 6 ROOM modern, house or good building site for well known industrial stock. Vill susnme. ma mi is 11 evenings, YVdul. 2977. WANTED Two good building lota in Irrington or Rose City Park. Must be bargain. 690 East, 25th st, N. 10 TO 80 acres not over 80 mile oat, Stat price, location, improvements and terma. X- WANTED From owner, 50x100 ft.- lot. with improvements in and paid, in Rose City Park vr . tiitw j srs. isu wain, loal WAN's LOT, small acreage or partly modern house as parti payment oa new modern bua- I HAVE $250 -cash and can snake good monthly payments on . home. I am not aa a sent. WANTED 5 and 6 room bungalow or house. oemr eiiersoa nigu. tnum most be right. V VWllria Jg. IV. 8UMK tsaah and vaoant lot in Boa City district aa first pajinent on modern house. Girt da sVss lis - 7 o aTi -v i a WtWs O 47 , f PU rsss&X. WILL trade 6-cyL Franklin and cash for equity aaa . w v rwna nowe. Lall J5awy. 1 1 uv. I WANT acreage on Base Lone road, - What have yont Phono evenings. Auto. 028-24. WANT -to buy home in Irving ton. Piedmont er uuiriuurai. j t-oaj, journal. HAVE new eaxi will take good lot on paved at. aVjst Tsatra navrnanr D s, Oa A IV i T t"llP Oil "Vie WANTEU Lot, in Laurelbunt or IrTinatonT -" a stn X tlWlfJ xuasi T3V O i $500 BONI w first parment on small house tugrwhisre. Addrsas 6313 70th st. & . - REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 OREGON Cm LINE If yon have s horn on this line, se me at once, all prices, email and large places. Have customers waiting; have on customer for a place about $3000 with all cash; also desire a listing of a modern house and improved grounds on River road. See or address F. D. MoQuOkin, with J. L. Hartman company. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. 5 TO 10 ACRE TRACTS We have continuous calls for small acreage tracts, condition of buildings no object; we have six keen salesmen at your service and will giver you action. 8 at alto w s 732 Chamber of Commerce XOUR BEST CHANCE to sell your good home (especially $5000 to $10,000 in Irrington. Lsuirelhurst, Alameda, Rosa City Park), is a R. T. Street's Irrington headquarters. Bayers with money naturally look here; we spend mora money advertising this class of property than any agent in Portland. "We offer you real realty service in this special line. Ten years' successful operation, phone us to see yous home. Exclu sive or non-exclusive basis, R. T. STREET, Good Homes Realtor. RYAN PLACE DISTRICT 4 OR 5 RM. BUNGALOW Cash if desired, prefer to pay part cash and assume mortgage; desire the best money will buy; price about $2000; give full details and directions how to find place. Y-878. Journal. 10 ACRES or more, don't care much about buildings as long aa baa bearing orchard and water, some cleared, not too far from good road and electric line: this aid of Hillsboro; have in exchange nifty little 5 room house, good district. St. Johns, short distance P. O. A-190, Journal. v i- u'ivt iA nJfc""tv FARMS AND ACREAGE If yon want to sell it costs nothing to let ns know. Personal inspection and individual atten tion. - J. C, CORBTN CO., 805-6-7 Lewis bldg. WANT house in Irving-ton between 17th and 24th. N. of Hancock, up to $10,000 or $12,000. HENRY W. GODDARD. 248 Stark St. REAL ESTATE WANTED I want to buy direct from owner modern house not to exceed $4500. State price, loca tion and terms. Y-723. Journal. WANT good house N. bf Jefferson and W. of 4 th street with gaxag preferred. HENRY W. OOliDAKl). 243 Stark St. LLST your property with me; will inspect and appraise; if price and term are right can sell it for you. C. E. Adams. 609 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1963. WANTED 5 room modem bungalow with at - tio at about $2500, either from owner or real estate agent. Prefer Alberta district. A-411, Journal. WANTED Vacant lot between Shsver and Kil lingsworth and west of Union ave. Must be cheap for cash. Address F. W., 105 E. 30th st south. I HAVE a buyer for old properties in any con dition and in any part of the city. Must be cheap. Submit your offers to E. Herron, 283 Stark st. I WANT a bargain in a fractional lot. with or without house, south of Montgomery street, between 6th and 20th sts. H-78, Journal ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE $S , . A REAL BARGAIN BnliinHMlv lociaterl wt AsiAtt i.n m . rooms apt. house of '21 rooms, h. and c water all apts.. newly decorated and papered from top to bottom, full all th time with by-the- month guests; am leaving the city, can give good terms; see my agent, T WEST SIDE REALTY CO., 164 West Park street. EAST SIDE CLOSE N 22 rooms, all housekeeping, very low rent; mostly 2 room suites; stove heat, elec., gas. Price $2750, about $2250 handles. Nets $200 per mo. Better grab this. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK 111 Rooos$89S 1 block from Washington st, in heart, of West Side, a place where rooms are always full; well furnished. Your own terma PETERS. OF COURSE, 15 N. BTH ST. BEAUTIFUL place on east side, fine location; large, imposing residence occupying one half block. Ideal place for boarder as there is great demand. Rooms are light and spacious and ele gantly furnished. Mrs. Alba ugh, with John Fer gnson, Gerlinger bldg. REAL CLASSY 12 room bouse, swell furnished, nice piano goes with it. Lovely home, with income, close in. $1800 cash. See MRS. HAUO' B12 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 54 87 0IoomsI0 In heart of city: mode, clean and heat, all full, a money maker; all for $945, terms. PETERS, 15 N. 5TH ST. NORTHWESTERN HEAT 30 rooms, rent $240, with 2 year leas: well furnished throughout; riebt downtown lo cation. Net $700 a month. $6500 cash. Se MRS. HAUG 512 nnry bide. Bdwy. 5487 A lliv.1, v 1-4' Furniture in apt. hone of 23 apactmenrs, located on West Side, lease; very best of fur niture. ' Owner has reduced price from $20,000 for quick sale to $17,500: $10,000 cash, bal ance terms. See Rock at 403 Couch bldg. TY Ti LTit-l'Ti 30 RooinnisRent $40 All light outside rooms, every room rented, clears $135 per month; all for $1395, terms. PETERS. 15 N. 5TH ST. SEE ME FOR GOOD BUYS LIST WITH ME FOR RESULTS READ MY BULLETIN BOARDS THEY ARE CHANGED DAILY J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK $1000 NET PROFIT - 4 2 room modern brick building with private baths and phones, completely furnished, wonder ful downtown location. $8000 cash will handle. See MRS. HAUG 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 54 87 MODERN 3 room flat, close in. west side; aicely furnished, disappeariing bed, private bath, cozy, .clean; only $350. Move right in; it's all ready. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK GOOD hotel. 45 rooms, reasonable rent, excellent furniture. Net $500. Never a vacant room. S8O00 cash, balance easy. Will pay for itself in short time. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Fetgu son, Gerlinger bldg. HAVE good 1919 model S pass. auto, good rub ber, new battery, everything first class; 1921 license. Will trade for rooming house, most any location. ) J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK HIGH daw hotel, mors than 40 rooms, many private baths, running water in rooms, good furniture, new mattresses and plenty of linen; good lease; fine net income. $6000 will handle. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. SAY. do yon want to make $200 to $300 profit f If so buy this 1 0 room place and fix it up. Rent $32. Price $950, only $550 down. J; EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W, PARK SMALL boarding house on east side, good house, fin location snd splendid income. Well equipped dining room sod kitchen but would be a good paying proposition without boarding. Mrs. Albaugh. with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 22 ROOM apt., in 1 and 2 room suites, all full.' close in. lease. Rent only $40. Ex penses light Nets owner $175 per mow beside owner' apt. $2200. G. Y. Edwards A Co.. 610 Henry bldg. 19 ROOMS 2 KITCHENETTES ? Near Auditorium, all h. k.. good furniture: well arranged: owner has nice two room suite; net income $125; fair rent; price' $1800, only $1200 down. See this. It's a dandy. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK TOUR REAL ESTATE BOND File your bond before making a sale. ANYTHING IN THE BONDING LINE ' SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH NICE 5 room flat, furnishad. low rent; will sell for $750, only $560 down; good little income, and home. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK 60 ROOMS, eart aide, housekeeping, gaa, elec- - r, w et, mremeiy sow rent. x ex income $300; always fulT. $3000 will handle. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 18 ROOMS. 2 room housekeeping suites, 2 baths, modern and attractive, everything in fine con dition. Net income over $150. $2500 handles. an Aipanaa, wiia j nna rerguson. uerlinger bldg. 7 ROOMS, west side, solendid furniture. nic yard, good furnace. 5 room rented bring in. neat ntue income aoov all expenses. . Mrs. aipangn, vrunger DlQg.. with John Fcrgnsqn. IF YOU want to sell your rooming houses, se H- W. Garland. 201 3d St., Main 8669. Oldest established, reliable firm in city. 10 ROOMS, housekeeping, good furniture, "ran ning water in apartments; furnace heat; $900 cash, $950 terms; $600 down. East 5582. BEAUTIFUL HOME, GOOD1COME "" $1200 will put you in possession. Call Mar- snau aa.a. Bunoaj. between 1 and 4 p. m 11 H. K ROOMS, close in west side, good fur . niture, elect., gas, neat, clean aa wax; net HTOag e i o ; iiqwi. o . tn. st. TWO 10-room housekeeping room for sal, cash - tyrmn. oe oa SI. WANT ED From owner. 8 er 10 housekeeping rooms, close in. reasonable. D-89, Journal. BOOMING HorsES, APABTME2ST8 AND HOTELS FOB SALE it HOTEL! MEN ATTENTION Here is one of the best commercial hotels in the city, nearly 200 rooms, beautiful lobby, furniture and carpets are the very best, strictly modern and up to data, ' doing a capacity business, - 9 year lease and can b bandied with $50,000. If interested call at office for full particulars. , 95 ROOM HOTEL I Here is the most modern j and best furnished hotel in Portland; long lease, at reasonable rent, good for $1800 per month over all expenses, $28,000 re quired. I STRICTLY TRANSIENT Fine corner brick bldg., large lobby, one of the best transient streets in th city; good. leas; can b handled with $12,000. 42 ROOM BRICK Now if yon want a well furnished, modern hotel with a good lease at $225 per mo., get $7000 and com and see me. APARTMENT HOUSE The best money maker in Portland, nearly 40 apts.; good lease, strictly modern snd nets $1200 per mo. Re quired $17,000. $20,000 APT. HOUSE Over 50 apts., steam heat. 8 year lease, close in on west side, call at office and I will send you direct to the owner of the bid.. Buy from him and get your lease from him. ROOMING HOUSES I have several of all price and lo cations. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF IN i SURANCE F. R1ERDON. RTTTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Pacific Agency, Inc. 511420 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 8989 er Marshall 1265. j Apartment Houses j Modern, i up - to - the - minute apartment house. absolutely fireproof, nearly 50 apartments,: clearing over $1200 a month; fine location. , Price $28,000. Terms, i I 1 $2000 for a 25 room house, 16 sleeping, balance housekeeping. Brick building, close in, always full. Soma terms. j 82 room house, west side, close in; 19 sleeping, 1 3 housekeeping ; rent $ 1 50. Clearing $350 to $400 a month. Price $3250. Bom terms. 10 room house, east side, good build ing, nice yard. Price $9oU. Terms. Pacific Agency, Inc. 51420 Swetland Bldg: Marshall 8989 or Marshall 1265. HOTEL' Fifty-five (55) rooms paying a fin income, on west side, leased for 2 years at $175 per month, brick building; can sell lease and furniture for $5500; $3000 to handle. See Hodson. j Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 4th st. i ANOTHER ONE 106 rooms, all with private bath, automatic elevator, rent $600 with 3 year lease, comer brick building, net profit $800 month.. $12,000 cash. i ' j See MRS. HAUG 512 Henry b.ldg. Bdwy. 5487 Nob Hill district, furnace heat, running wa ter most rooms, dandy furniture, all full and people on waiting list; income $200. rent $60; all for $2195 on your own terms. i PETERS. 15 N. 5TH ST. I i A COZY ONE 84 rooms, 24 apts., all with private bath, well furnished throughout, wonderful downtown location, fine corner bldg. A. snap for $12,000; $6000 cash. a See MRS. HAUG 512 Henry bldg. . Bdwy. 54 87 90 ROOMS, family hotel; steam heat, hot and cold water in each room ; lease, low rent. Must sell, cn account of sickness. Price $6500. Phone Broadway 1646. WANTED About 15 H. K. rooms, stove heX at once. 170 17th st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES fi DONNYBROOK FAIR AMUSEMENT i CO. are about to erect a permanent amusement park and dance hall at Seaside, Or., the com ing resort of the Northwest. Anyone interested ss an investor or in erecting their own conces sions communicate at once. Only high srade. lastest, popular novelties wanted. Immense profits to small investors. DONNYBROOK FAIR AMUSEMENT CO., 810 Board of Trade Bldg.. City. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capa ble men to open branch office and manage salesmen: $300 to $2000 necessary; handle your own money. Exclusive rights; patented article; money making possibilities unlimited. Will pay expense to Baltimore if you qualify. Address Mr. Clemmer, salesmsDager, 603 N. Eutaw it, Baltimore, Md. ' Grocery Store Neat clean stock, ca h and carry, in apart ment house district; rent $20, including heat; brick bldg., well furnished living rooms, all for $1195. PETERS. 15 N. 5TH ST, WANTED! DOST PASS THIS UPI 75 PER CENT PROFIT ' Partner to invest in an absolutely 75 per cent profit business. Investigate NOW. C-586, Journal. FOR SALE General mdse. biz. in Willamette Valley, Oreg. -Million dollar mill Just com pleted. Only store in town. Big payroll On good anto and Ry. roads. Might accept some trade. Best of reasons for seliinc. AX-195, Journal. . PARTNER wanted in woodworking plant, equipped for furniture making and job work; prefer man who will devote whole time to busi ness; $3000 to $4000 required. Address 0-571. JournaL MAN with small sawmill and good prospect for business wants party with $1000 to take part interest in business and aid in running mill. Newell-Van Alstine Co., 831 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE properly organize- you, prepare bond issues. negotijt loans, write prospectuses, furnish stock salesmen or list of satisfied investors. Booklet and information free. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION CO., 123 Madison s, Chicago. ESTABLISHED suto dealer needs partner in order to handle additional territory; must hav business ability, some capital and good reference. Give name and address in amnscr ing. V-412. JournaL FOR SALE Corner grocery store on one of the busiest t corners in Portland. 4 1 living moms upstairs and good cement basement. Rent $35 a month. Price $2500 or will invoice. Call at 1225 Gladstone ave. W. S. car. FOR SALE cheap, grocery store building, in cluding 5 rooms and basement, lot 40x100, stock and business, by owner. C. F. Maguire, 1063 E. 26th St. N. Auto. 332-37. WIDOW wants respectable man, not over 40, partner in real estate; have my own car. T 738, JournaL I LIVE WIRE apartment house manager wants able partner with mechanical ability. We'll invest $5000 each. C-591. JournaL I POOL HALL,. 4 tables, showcases, etc., good lo cation, $1250. No trades, 6252 Foster Road. Mt. Scott car. POOL ROOM, confectionery and ranch for sale cheap by owner. 2031 E. Stark. 1 J. M. Ryan. j ON ACCOUNT of aickness, will sell my bakery and dairy, on Yamhill at. Call Monday. Tabor 2389. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 6536. 192 1 3d UP-TO-DATE cash and carry grocery, i a live proposition. Invoice about $3000 with fix tores. Call Main 2200 for appointment, i WISH to purchase working interest in i estab lished coffee home business, reliable ; party, state particulars. J-294, Journal. , IF YOU WANT to sell or trade your merchan dise stock, describe and address Box, 476. Rupert, Idaho. j GARAGE. 100x50. west side, fully equipped; storage more than rent; will sell for invoice. 101 N. 11th st. cor. Fiaadera. WILL, TRADE $4000 interest in ! grow ing business for home. H-884. Journal. NEAT young man partner ; good proposition ; w Avj a srrigs requ ireo. -, journal. TWts stores, lodg hall above, income over $100 per noma, tor sale cneap. Wdln. 5938. FOR SALE cheap, billiard parlor fixtures, com . plete. 286 Grand ave. BAKERY FOR SALE : Apply 776 Williams Ave. j GARAGE for rent on a reasonable basis : desir able location. Call at 1841 Corbett st. GROCERY store, splendid West Sid location. Call Sell wood 988. 12 BOOMS furniture, including, piano; fine locauon, sacrifice pnee. Marshall - 3998. SMAI.I. business suitable for man and wife, preferably confectionery. Z-960. JournaL i FOOL, room, soft drinks, etc, 272 Uuruaid si. BUSINESS OFPOBTTTJCITIES St Pacific Agencyi Inc. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. - Comer 5th and Washington. Buskness Opportunities .Grocery i 8 living rooms, modern; corner location; rent $20. 'Price $2500. Grocery & Confectionery corner location; z uving rooms; rent $35. Price $1650. Cafeteria West side, 224 seating capacity; 6 year lease. -Price $7500. , Restaurant $3000, west side; table and counter trade averages $150. Pacific Agency, .Inc. 5 II 4-20 Swetland Bldg. Corner 5th and Washington. GENERAL. STORE). About $2500 stock, no fixtures for sale as they rent with the building, 2 year lease at t30 per mo. The busi ness' is running $50 per dry, estab lished about 12 years. Will invoice stock. RESTAURANT. One of the high class restaurants of Portland, doing first class business, good location, lease, requires $5000 to handle same. CAFETERIA. Here is your chance, one of the neateH businesses in the down town district, long lease, doing a gitd busi ness and will invoice all that is asked for it. Call and get iarticu!ar. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. F. RIEROON RTTTER. IXHVE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE GARAGE BUILDING 100x100, west side. 50x100 leased, other 50x100 to be vacant soon; entire building bringing in $450 rent monthly. A snap at $10.000, some terms. G-72. Journal. ATTENTION. I have a poolroom, confections, and smokers' supplies, light groceries, etc. ' Building and lot in a Central .Oregon town. Thi u the only place of its kind in the town. Will sell st in voice or bulk it all off at $4000. If ycu do not want building will give you lease. Ito not ar.wer if you have not $2500 cash. BX-100, Journal ,1'OCR REAL ESTATE BOND File your bond before making a sale. ANYTHINi IN THE BONDING DINE RMITH-WAftONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 3 WANTED to start or buy motion picture show in town of 1000 to 3000 population. Gilbert Shaw, box 524. North BendOr; WISH to purchase established night watch heat, al-in 3018. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.28 per month for 3o months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for Uti months pay a loan of $1000 and interest. I .nana of other amount in suns proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland,. Or. HERMAN MOELLER 1025 Gasco Bldg. Main 1480. $750 to $7500 On Improved Portland Real Estate In Amounts to Suit. LOWEST RATES. QUICK ACTION. HERMAN MOELLER - 1025 Gasco Bldg. Main 1480. $500, $1000. $1500. $200fF AND-UP NO DELAY QUICK ACTION Money immediately ready for loans on imp. Portland property. F. Ii. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce. LONG ESTABLISHED $300. $400. $500. $6u0, $750, $1000 AND up. Lowest rate, quick sction. Pay $100 or more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage C, 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. $300, $400. $500, $750, $1000 AND up a lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Gar man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUILDING loans on city nad suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg Main 3407. MONEY TO LOAN $30O, $500. $700. $1000. $1500, $2000, on city improved property at 7 per cent. J. L. Wells Co., 603 Gasco bldg. MONEY to loan, real estate, 7 per cent. W. S. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan. $100 to $500u. 11 Mulkey bide. Main 437 9. A. H. Ball. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 223 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES , 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT LV YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARD3D PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAI THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY. IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US L SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO 8U1T YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-307 DEKUM BLDG., 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N hon Broadway 910. 394 Stark St., Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, Victrolaav pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISiLfcD BY THE PEOPLK OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. Manager. SALARY LOANS CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or wcrkingmen on their own V notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment-. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BUILDING MONEY TO LOAN On goods placed in storage with na We can ssve you money. Low interest rate. Phon Broadway 3715. Security Storage e Transfer Co., 53 4th st., corner of Pine. LOANS WANTED sa $8000 for 5 yean at 7 per cent on gilt edge se curity. This is business property and paying 9 per cent uttxra $14,000 valuation. Address Box 432. Newberg. Or. I WANT $2000 immediately on $3500 resi dence., Give terms. Address, and phone rnmbcr TX-466, Journal. 2 GILTEDGB $1000 real estate contracts. $20 mo. and 7 per cent interest. Will discount lO per cent. G-598. JournaL $1500 FARM mortgage, discount $200 and ' guarantee payment. Phone Bdwy. 421. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. FINANCIAL 41 MONEY TO LOAN On snrphu stocks of merchandise placed fa stor age with ua. Phone Broadway 3716. Security Storage A Transfer Co.. 53 4th at,, corner of Pine. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers -contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon, ii. XT SJnKl. -1 T I . 1 I a-wa7, l J linuclll DlQg. 2 GILTEDGB $1000 real estate contracts. $20 per month and T per cent interest , Will discount 18 per cent. C-597. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES-. ETC. 18 team and harness. Weti days, 348 MWVu. AWAAO, HT, IS U. S. STABLES Just received, 2 carloads' of Eastern Oregon horses snd manes from 4 to 8 years old; heavy boned.blocky built: some well matched teams. If is the market for a good horse, call and- examine this stockfbefore buying. All horses guaranteed as represented or money refunded. 365 Union ave. .. cor. Stevens St. G. D. Williamson & Glass FOR SALE, exchange or hire. 100 head of ss good horses ss can be found. Also have some second-hand horses w have taken in exchange that are suitable for ranch work; hav a few teams of good mules. Com and look them over before buying. Have them from $100 a spaa up,' PhilSuetter 285 Front St. Crown Stablea. NOTICE A carload of Eastern Oregon horses and mares, weight from 1200 to 1600, ages from 5 to 7 years old: matched teams; all well broke and guaranteed good workers; free trial allowed; sev eral sets of heavy breeching harness. A few wagon and some cheaper horses. 240, E. 8th st YOUNG l'erthtron horse, weight sbout 1300 lbs., sound and true, in good work shape. Must sell to stop feed bill. Keystone Stables I COR. MONTGOMERY ANn WATER STS. : YOUNG MARES -Have Just arrived frccn my ranch with a ear load of good young mares and geldings. I want to sell them and get back home. Size from 1100 to 1600 lbs. Comer of 50th and Powell Valley road. Mt. Scott car. WANTED To rent big tea'in of horse, .weigh ing 8600 or 3800, and harness: will use about a month or more. If young horses snd true, may consider buying later. Want team to haul cordwood with. Address 571,Thurniao st. Broadway 5600. WILL arrive Jan. 1 7. carload Grande Ronde valley horses and mares, weighting 1 200 to 1600 lbs. Can be seen and tried to suit buyer at KEYSTONE FEED BARN. cor. Montgomery and Water sts. BARGAIN 1 pair of mules, 2500 lbs., har ness and nearly new farm wagon complete. This is a No. 1 farm team. Also 1 family Jer sey cow, giving about 3 gallons of rich milk a day. $65. 1967 E. Stark Bt.. cor. 78th. FOR SKhB T horses, all sizes, 1200 to 1300 pounds, will sell cheap for cash at 270 E. 7th St., be tween Hawthorne and Madison. IF YOU are looking for valley chunks I hav them weighing from 1200 to 1900 lbs.; 4 to A years old; everything sold with a guarantee; also jcheap horses and mules, wagons and har nesses. 430 Hawthorn ave. 16 HEAD of mares and geldings, weighing from 1100 to 1700. all rood workers, single and double harness, wagons and buggies. Woodysrd wuub, cor. .. v Lai sx. ana navuwnM 3 Phone East 6106. MUST be sold cheap: 3 mares, weighing 125' 1S50, 1500. in good flesh; also 3 V extra heavy Studebaker wagon, with woodrack, nearly new. 851 Russell at. 25 HEAD or horses from 900 to 1500 lbs., from $20 up. All kinds of wagons, buggies and harness. Will take cattle or diamonds in ex change, 802 Front st. 8TUDEBAKER SIX touring car in fin condi tion, new rubber. Will sell cheap or trade for heavy team, harness and wagon. Call at 630 E. 24th st. Sell. 717. 34 00 Lit. team and harness, right out of work. Sell cheap to save feed bilL iDquir Mr. Ray. KEYSTONE FEED BARN. eor. Montgom ery and Water sts. FOR SALE A few mora of our transfer horses at most any price; come quick if you want a good young horse; trucks are taking their place. 1029 E. Yamhill. FOR SALE At a bargain, ft head of horses, weighing from 1300 to 1800 lbs., 4 to 8 years old. Call at Helser Transfer stables, E. 0th and Flanders. 2500 LB. TEAM, young, and work single or double. Good harness and light farm wagon. Sell cheap. Owner out of work. 2,63 Russell t. near Williams ave. TEAM weighing 2400 libs., harness and farm wagon; gentle snd good workers, $145. Woodstock oar to 64th st, 5 blocks north to white house in fir trees. GENTLE riding and driving mare, sound; two carts, light hack, buggy, single and double harness: make offer. 1913 East Stark and 75th st. TEAil of mules, well matched, 6 snd 7. 2400 pounds. Horse 1200. Team 2800. Har ness and 3 farm wagons. 844 17th st, near Market. PAIR of geldings, weight 2500 lbs., good heavy harness, with farm wagon with box seat; guaranteed good workers, $185. 6715 57th ave. S. E. Mount Scott car. I i - 10 HEAD of horses 4 to 7 years old. 1200 to 1800 lbs., and some well matched teams. Inquire 564 Northrup st. Keystone Stables orJ0 for rent. 381 Wster St., foot Mont. Mar. 8515. 2500-LB. team, harness and 3 -in. wide tir farm wagon, $175. 134 Hawthorn ave.. oor. 50th st. . TWO teams young mares, weighing 2500 to 2600 lbs., harness and wagons; sell reason able. 4301 67th St., Mt. Scott car. TEAM weighing about 100 lbs.; good harness and fa Scott car. TEAM of mares, weight 2200 lbs., harness and wagon; in sru i-1 it:, vj . wiu- iut ww. jt r . i. .. yii..,. WILL TRADE 10 head of good young fresh cows for horse or automobile. Call at 896 Powell Valley road. cor. 29th t. ARNACD STATION. EST AC A DA On team, 2600 lbs., $75; one truck, $40; one 3-horse outfit. TOP wagon, 1 little sow. 1 brown mare, double set harness. Will sell for feed bia $4 6 Front st. ' ' $140 BUYS team chunky built mares, weigh ing about 2400 lbs. Young, gentle and well broke. 81 Water St., west side. YOUNG ' saddle pony, wttl trade for chickens, pigs or anything useful, or sell cheap. Auto matic, Lents 4 312. HORSES for rent, double and aingl.- 643 Front St. DEAD HORSES taken quiokly. Cash for dead cows. Phone 627-64. FOR SALE Team, wagon and bamesa, 339 Sacramento yt. LIVESTOCK ! Si WILL take livestock or implements for first payment en 7 room house, close in. Terms on balance. T. L Robinson, 520 E. 12th at. N. Phone East 7076. 1 ' EIGHT cows and milk route, bone and wagon. bottles, etc Will accept first ctssonabl of fer. Barn 20. Ros City speedway. J. i B. Sawyer. ' ' . . NINE good young cows. 2 of them just fresh. with young calf. Others to freshen from 2 to 4 weeks. Price from $55 up. Call at 630 E. 24th st. 8. Take Woodstock car. 12 FRESH COWS, sell or trade for beef cat- tie. Take Vancouver ear to Columbia bird., go 1 block north. THREE cows fresh within 3 weeks; 1 full blood Holstein. 7 gallons. Take Woodstock car to 632 E. 24th st. ?OR SALE By owner, 4 9 milch cows, 1 bull, 10 heifers, 3 horses and all machinery, hay and green feed. Price $9000 F-265, Journal. SEVERAL good frt-ib. family and -dairy cows, $65 and up. E. Bauman. Gresham. j Or., Cleveland ave. sn roweu vaiiey roaq MILK goats for aale, coming fresh in about a month; also Nubian buck, from heavy .milk strain. Inquire at 1320 E. 6th N. i ; FOR service, a hornles billy Saanan-Toczenberg, heavy milk strain, $3.60. 5303 68th- ave. S. K, Woodstock car. i i HAVE on hand 9 head Holstein and i Jersey cows, fresh or to freshen soon. See MrJ Bruce at Portland Union Stockyards. N. Portland. 30 HEAD of young ewe for sale. Will lamb right away. $8 per head. Inquire Dj Moar, Burlington. I.lnntnn road. I TWO good fresh cows, give from S to 5 gallon good milk. Call at 88 Powell Valley, cor. 32d and Powell: take Woodstock ear. ; TWO large Hoktcins, 1 roan Durtia a ; fresh, 4 0 to 50 lb. milkers. Vancouver car to Co lumbia blvd. , west to first house. i FRESH milch goat for sale, $70. Also young does to kid in 4 weeks. L. E. Wornom, 87th and R sts., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 26F25. GOING away. Sell good young cow and calf on time. 619 E. John. M - COW for sale, Durham and Jersey. Bout A. boa 830, Parkrose. Tabor 3556. i JERSEY cow for aale. $40. 24 W. Buffalo s, Kenton carline. i BARGAIN $65 take No. 1 family Jersey cow. 1867 E. Stark st. eor.' 78th. ! FOR SALE 4-year-old cow. She ia a good one. At 2048 Multnomah st Ii WANTED Beef. veaL . hogs, sheep; call week days. Tabor 2720; evenings. Tsbor 2078. FOR SALE 5 fresh cows, $65, $75. h $100. Foot of Taylor st. West Side. FINE young pony, broke to rid or drive; light weight 4319 Woodstock ave. Sellwd. i 1 257. GENTLE mule, harness and rig, $30 or. trade. Marshall 1692. H TWO registered Jersey breed heifers, 2.- years old. Menold Bros,, Cornelias, Or. FOR SALE Large fat cow. 685 Saratoga at. Wood lawn 4292. FINE, tnuh Jersey; will take beef in exchange. 970 E. Alder. S-S. ear. FRESH JERSEY cow and calf, easy milker; gentle.' 923 Behnont. Sonnyside car. JERSEY cow for sale. 321 E. 63d st N. WANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 7832. WANTED Any kind of calves. Woodlawn 2424. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. IS AUCTION SALE 1 tntl northwest of Gre-hsm. Or., Tuesday, Jan. 18. ll L a: 11 milch cows, a nnmber fresh; 3 2-year-old springer heiftrs. . 3 yearling heifers. 1 3-months-ol.l heifer, 3 veal calves, 2 1200-ib. mares, 2- 950 lb. horses, 5 registered Hampshire brood sows, u pure bred Hampshire aboats. 1 Duroc Jersey brood sow. 10 pigs. 2 wagons, 2 sets harness, single harness, nearly new disc, harrow, mower, 2 cultivators, aaddle. milk cans, cream separator, platform scale and other articles. " MARION JOHNSON and M. B. SPLAWN. Owners. COL. W. S. WOOD A SONS, . . Auctioneers. FOR SALE Toggenburg milk goat $50. Billia goat $10; 1 O. A..C. B. R. cockerel. 1 O. A. C. W. L. cockerel, each $5; 6 B. R. pullets $12. 695-Lexington ave., Sellwood. - FOR SALE, reasonable, -1- . registered Guernsey bull, 8 yn. old. J. Kosmalnki, Beaverton. Or.. R D. 1. 1 mil south of Whitford station on O. E. railway. Forest Grove line. WANTED 5 or 6 gsL cow. Phono Wdln. 6329. POULTRY AND RABBITS 87 WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS Chicks from special mated : pins -of high egg record breeders. We breed only from old stork and do not force our breeders for egg, therefore w can guarantee good strong, sturdy chicks. Stock is limited, so. order early. Chicks $25 per 100. Hatching eggs $12 per 100. ScnNELLER'8 POULTRY FARM. 1540 E- 18th st N. Portland. Or. Phone Woodlawn lt9t . BABY CHICKS O. A. C. and Tanrred strains White Leghorns our specialty. Breeders carefully selected for type, size and laying qualities. Special low prices in 500 and 1000 lots. Also have finest selected stock of Reds. Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Anconaa. Buttercups, White Wyando-.tes and Buff Orpingtons. "Our chicks make friends wherever they go." . Orders should be booked early. Write today for tree circular. C. N. Needham, Salem. Or. . . r BABY -CHICKS : Orders now taken." from heavy laying Tancred S C. White Leghorns, $2500 worth of eggs sold in six months from 550 hem. Also eggs tor hstching. Wdln. 4919. 13 E. Wlnchel st. city. WE WANT reliable people to raise furbearing rabbits for us in their backyard spare time. W furnish stock and pay $3.60 to $7.50 each for all you raise. . SUNSET FUR COMPANY. 506-7-8 Lankarshim- bldg.. Los Angeles, CaL FOR SALE Baby chicks, -White I-eghorna. from stock direct from the yards of D. Tancred; Barred Plymouth Rocks from, Pryden'a O. A. C. pedigreed layers; 20C for W. Li, 25e for B. It. a. F. C. Griffin, Gresham, Or. Jenne station. BABY CHICKrJ Place your order now, as our entire output will sooa be sold. Our chicks are from the finest lsylng- strains selected from O. A. C. stock: eggs from 221-egg hens mated to cockerels from 300-egg hens. Portland Seed LO., io front at PhoneMain404O; ARISTOCRAT BARHEB PLTMOUTH ROCKS pure bred Hoganised, great layers.. Cockerels. $5; hens, $3. Phone Oak. Grove 29J; 1 Mi blocks east of Courtney station, Oregon City car line. Address Milwaukie, Route 1, Box 139. Lewis E. Reese. WHITE Rocks, ribbon cockerels, $15; other master birds $10 and $5. laying puUU. $3; pens, trios, eggs, $3, 15; 8, 60; $15. 100. C Custafson, R. 1, Milwaukie, Ore. Location. Con cord, Oregon City car. BUTLER POULTRY FARM Whit Leghorn and Barred Rock' baby- chicks and breeding cockerels; order also taken for pullets; stock, trapnested and pedigreed. R. , E. Butler, Jen nings Lodge, Or. McRAE'S trapnested Rhode Island Red cock erels, trapnested continuously since-1915. Take Oregon City oar to Gladstone. JJcRae Poultry Farm, Milwaukie, Or. I WHITE WYANDOTTES, John S. Martin Regal Dorcas line of high egg producers, 2 cocker els, 1 yearling cock bird, 5 pullets. Woodlawn 3547, F. A. Palmer, 104 Emerson St. BEAUTIFUL pen of. White Orpington Isying pullets, $2.50 each r also Whit Orpington cockerels and Light Brahma cock. $3.50 to $5.. Lambert Florin, rout - 6, ' Vancouver, Wash. THE Porter soft-heat - incubator, hatches more and atronger chicks; greatest incubator dis covery in years, phone' Columbia 883 for par ticulars. WHITE WYANDOTTE, and Buff Orpington cockerels and roosters, thoroughbred, prize winning stock. Address Anna Bo wen, 620U vist st. ej. ai. AN UK LOS Single Comb Rhode Island Reds; the Western winner. I hav 20 cockerels for sale. These birds will put th dark rich red color in any flock. 780 Milwaukie. Sell. 8425. FOR SALE A few choice A neon roosters. Shepherd strain. $5 each. Any day except nunaay. Airs, jonn Lennox, Lent, ur.. Box 804, Ramapo Station. FOR SALE 3 Queen incubators. 2 600-ea $90 each; 1 400 egg for $50; all trsed one season. tan nau x.. tu st 1'hon Aut 218-96. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Rock cock erel for 87 each: also es for set tin. - $ Charles Hyle. phone Tabor 1864. 235 K. 81st st., corner iioiianay. - FORSALE-PSO yeerllngYhits Leghorn hens, from heavy laying strain, $1 each. 176 E. 60th st. N. THOROUGHBRED W. L. baby chicks. Tancred and Hollywood heavy laying strains. Angelis Poultry harm. Kt 1, bm 17Q. Oregon City. FOR 8 ALE B'. 5 White. Leghorn hatching eggs, extra strong ' layers. R. Vance, Fail ing st. Park Rose, or Route A, Portland. FOR SALE 3 Barred Rock bens and on cockerel; also two White Leghorn cockerels. Call Tabor 5911. a SIX Black Minorca cockerels for sale; dandy big fellows,, $5 each. Com and see them. Fred Tregaskis, Corbett, Or. 400 THOROUGHBRED S. C. White Leghorn yearling laying hens, O. A. C strain. 600 E. Davis il Phone East 404. 400 THOROUGHBRED S. C. White Leghorn laying pullets, O. A. O strain; now laying 65 per cent 600 E. Davis st. Phone East 404. ' FOR SALE White Leghorn cockerels from fine laying strain. 685 Saratoga st Woodlawn 4292. 65 WHITE LEGHORN. Barred Rock, March and April laying pullet; need room. I am building. 1918 East Stark st FOR SALE 2 thoroughbred Cainpin cockerels, $1.60 each. Call Woodlawn 1478. 100 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, O. A. C. and Tom Barron, starting to lay. A. Wallace, 1 blk. south, 1 blk. cast, Kendall sta. Estacada car. FOUR Wyandotte cock birds; Griffin' priz winning strain, : Eugene, for sale. Phon 623-36. - THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn cockerels, R. L 1 texts ; reasonable- 6S20 E. 44th at. Woodstock. . - FOR SALE Blue Andalusian cockerels, from prize winning stock. 6003 62d ave, S. E. Automatic 614-20. FOR 4SALE Queen incubator, 375-egg. use once, $45. W. M. Luce, Waluga. Phone Uswego 4. BARRED ROCKS, Al cockerels and pullet tor sale. J. U. Murray, 1005 E. 14th st N. Phone Woodlawn 6378. FOIt SALE: Rabbits, New Zealand buck and does. 626 Jefferson st TEN Rhode bland Red laying hens, $1.75 each. 711 Water st; near Hooker. BROWN LEGHORN pullet and Buff Leghorn ' hens, laying. 6430 63d st. 8. E. - THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca cockerels, also setting nen. automatic i'la ju. WANTED To buy rabbit for meat - 885 E. 37th st SelL 505. FOR SALE 50 -egg incubator,. $2.50. 6323 61t 8. E. . -. - . " RELIABLE .Standard blue-flame . oil brooder, 1000-chick, $15. E. R. Aahby, Oak Grove FLEMISH GIANTS Old and young; must go. Fiske and Princeton, St John car. THOROUGH BRED Barred Rock hatching eggs, $2 for 15; incubator lots. Tabor 6559. WHITE i ROCKS. White Leghorn egga. MarcE 1 settings. $1. 5033 62d ave. BARRED ROCK cockerels, from celebrated ' 111-a-Hee flock. R. E. Butler, Jennings Lodge, Or. Wheat, Oats, Cfl3iPT EggMa$3:2 Scratch $3.25 iH.l Woodlawn 4844. FOR SALE S. C Rhode Island- Red xoostera Phon Woodlawn 685. - I GUARANTEE to pick layers. Hoganis and save feed. Anto. 226-SO. 1027 K. 39th 8. 17 WHITE LEGHORN hens, 1 yr. old; port- di cniccen i nouse; isoor -4373. RHODE ISLAND Red and Walt Leghorn baby wcnicken, also Breeding, eocjtereis. labor 6134. FOR SALE Light Brahma and -Tom Baron rooster. 6221 46th st. H. E. MUST. SELL fine Jersey milk cow aa am leav ing city. Call 122 Idaho at QUEEN INCUBATOR.. used one.. 180 capacity, new $55. ray price $40. Main 7811. WHITE LEGHORN batching eggs. Incubators and family cow. .labor bz. TWO fin B, L Red roosters,' reasonable. CoL 433. 1 VELVET R. I. Red cockerel. Mead strain, also ,1, . Ul . la . a HATCHING egg. Patterson White Wyandotte. 1185 E. 2th N. Wdln. 6281. , TWO fine young full blooded Plymouth Rock cockerels, wain, j onit. TWO Partndg Wyandotte roosters, fine birds, 1767 Division at Phone Tabor 181. RABBITS fif sale cheap. Flemish White nd Oray. 902 Thsnnsn st. Mar. 3727. - HALF dozen elucken, good layexai 692 Front LIVESTOCK ' J'eVr' POULTRY AND RABBITS 7 PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY Order Feb. and March BABY CHICKS bow, secure. Hog a ill led. tray use ted Reds. Rock and Whit Leghorns. 1534 E. 12 TH ST. N.. Woelawn 1488. DAY-OLD CHICKS From trapnested and pedigreed stock having egg records in excess of 250 for five, or more, successi re generation. Our pen won th egg laying contest in the Western Winter Show. '.-- .QUALITY POULTRY- FARM, Base Lin Road. 4 Miles East of Portland, labor 7fi2l. MEAD'S DARK VELVET REDS Win 4 fint out of a possible six st Western Winter show; first cockerel was "Grand Champion" bird of en tire allow. Peru are mated now for our egg trade, Are you intcrtjted in the best in th we-t Phone 641-2;) or write W U. Mead, 6023 101st st S. E-. Portland. Or. RARV Leghorns, Reds. Hock. Minorca, a-PJ-.a 1 ; Anoonaa. Buttercups. Best stock.' CHI Iflijf I,rica reasouabl. Writ today for price list. C. N; NEEDHAM. Salem, Or. eVHITE LEGHORN baby chirka from heavy Ut ing Hpganixed stock. Safe arrival of full count live, strong chicks guarsnteed. Pric- list and interestin; literature on application. Th Jr.Ratchejj,4 48ixtli bJajurna. Cal. . THREE purebred F'.euiisli Giant does, one Bel gian buck for sal or trade for. a good incu bator, 120 egg size. Also one good guitsr for sale or will trade for incubator. Mrs. Dodge, R. R. No. 8, Oregon City. Box 23. . BABY CHICKS S. C. W, Leghorns, winners, producers. Or ders must be hooked Immediately for earlv de livery. Lone Fir Poultry farm, J. B. Whalley, proprietor. Box 11 if. Route 2, Vancouver, Wash. S."C. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicka from heavy laying strain, -mated to trapnested cockerels from one of the bet pwiltry farms In the Northwest A few settings eggs, W, 1L Fuller Poultry Isnn, Portland, Or., R. R. 2. phone Main 2750. MAOUIRK'S DAY-HID CHICKS R. I.- Reds, O. A. C. Bsrred Rocks, White Leghorn an1 Brown leghorns, fruio th re-t laying stock, moderate prices. J. R Maguire. 187 Oregon st . Portland. O. A. C. White Leghorn cockerels, ilocanixed. bred to lay stock. White leghorn pullets for aat; also 120 egg Chatham incubator. Call Mrs. J: J fluber. Tabor 3213- R. I. BED cockerels. Rees has th big boys; rich dark, red, no cotton or smut; bred for th show bench, also laying purposes; J. F. Re, 219 Portland blvd.. West St. Johns car. READY-lO-IAY White Leghorn pi-lieu. 1 . 75 each; laying hens. $1.60 each; Barred Rook pullets, $2 and up. J. R. Maguire. 767 Oregon St.. Portland. . 15 LARGE thoroughbred Barred Rock pulleta, some laying. $2.50 each. L.'H. Boyd. 710 8, Edison t, Bt Johns. ; - NEW ZEALAND and white English rshbits", cheap; all sixes. Tshor 1815. 1081 L. Madison. - i THOROUGHBRED.- White I .eg nun. cockerel. 250 egg laying strain. $2.50. or exchange for hen. Call East 3890. i WANTED One- 600 ess Iluckev A 100t chick Buckeye brooder. 329 Dekum ave. See Leiner. Wdln.- 2435 - ORDER your S. C. Rhode Inland Ri baby chicks for February and March now. Call Wdln. 585. 1439 Cleveland ave. SELL or trade cheap. Checker Giants, fur-' bearing rabbit. 2 does, .1 ; buck. 0515 43d ve COCKS and y;oc.kereisI Madison Garden prise winners. D. M. Young strain.- These birds will add 60' to any flock. Phone Mar. 2585. FOR SALE T wo choic ThomiMon ringlet B. It cockerels $3 each. 164 K. 87Ui- st NY M. V. Depot car. ' i A FEW fine Black Minorca cockerel. Maromouth strain. One mile east' Twelv Mile House, Base Lin Rod. Tom IJowing, Rt A, Portland. S. C. RHODE ISLAND RED cockerels, ch.m pion tock, and calf for .sale. Phon Ms in 8556. . i WANTED To buy in Rosa City rrk, 5 or 0 room bnncalow; giv full prticulr In your letter. K-904, Journal. FOR SALE 2 young Barred Rock ttusUt, O. A, C. strain. 4628 .25th ave. 8. E. Phone J anor I liu f . e 14 CHOICE Rhode Island Red pullete. 623. 229 K. 49th at near Hal Tbors 6 'MASTEn.S" from our tfhrv tT! " v'v C11 x norm ooiJ wn 4 A 4 4. COAL burning brooder. 1000 chick ftire. I'lion rri . - a ao"r J v rr W"ITE ROCK and Ancon cockerels for sale". S. C. HEDS, stock and egg for sale. 6403 90th at. K., Lenta, Or. T. Willbanks. - 200 WHITE LEG HO RNTbena and pulleta ?841 4lPur tt. Scott car. FOlTSALE 13 Rhode Inland Red hens' and Buf fet. Phone Sellwood 2303. FOR SALE Laying I-rghoru hens. McKenna strain. I'hcne East 1041. FOR SALE Wilt Minorca cockerels. Wlr 2178. '806 Montana sve. T"WHITE LEGHORN' hens, 35 WInTls7 ing. Columbia 878. j 16 L'NO. Rood Islsnd Red Isying chicken uw-r i ir oreeoing. .'n Kugene st O. A. C. Barred Hock pur blood rooster for ale. Phone Tabpr 7329.1 SINGLE COMB Ii. I. llWff'n for" Wdln, 6148. I FOIt SALE Thoroughbred White pullete. Tabor 6367. WHITE LEGHORN hens , and pulleta, At 621-64. 6348 84th st. ' &! FOR SALE Thoroughbred i dark Cornish cock vrei. -none vtooaiawn 3!t. TOR SALE Two incubators. Tabor 6874. DOG!. BITIBB, FKTS, ETC. ; 46 ROSE C FT Y CATTERY - . .' AAA. Js& eWiWv "" ftfr- Canaries For Sajle .r Fin singing canaries, roller.' Over 100 - bird to select from.'' $5 and up. i - Lulo goldfish. i ' 1 IRVINGTON PARK FLORIST . 4th and VsmhUL Main 7307" PET STOCK and supplies. We r headquarter N. W. for bird and cages, doga, cats, rabbits, ca vies, te. Food, remedies, etc Call r writaPet stock catalogue on request Rout- ' jMge Hee-cTvA; Floral Co.. 145 2d ,u. Portland.- XJ'ii'iFi-X'EJ O"" t stud. C unt Moling No" 46363 and Pohacho Jr No. 31468. V " . .,.' " WHITESIDE. Main 6569. HindK Or , WHY INTERBREED when you cabrel to champion priz Persian, for me price! Su rer, red or black; all eastern cats. Portland Cattery. Phone 614-64. i HAItTZ Mountain Roller canary, night singer- guaranteed. $25. 8816 67th at S. E. bet' glthaDd4 0th a ve. t;ll forenoon. CANARY BIRD SHOP, cbin?ttrTgd ' roller. BEAUTIFUL- yellow 8t Andreasbrg Toilers and TanoT'oT6 '' 1105 Choton, CHESAPEAKE BAY retrs-ver 'pup, registered - T? pfd'rewt . Maguire, 787 Oregon at, Portland. - - CANARY singer and cage for sale.- Call Sun- ' Apt 7 r reDiDg' M"ln 8125 410 6tb st WANTED- A small binidogi must L good waU-h dog, and reasonable. Kast 8 7 55 FOR SALE Pedigreed ATdal pI: T. "JfllTnCity. Or. .lAJLI edigreedAirik pu;iie, Tabor 3 149. WILL exchange - choic Cainpin poultry for . Scotch terrier pup. Tabor 890. FOR HALF 2 trmroughbdFerin cat. Very cheap. SelL 2279. . ST. ANDREASBEUGS, good values. Mrs. Mol rlave. 140 5th st Tshor 73tt8. BEAUTIFUL SINGERS jiiiZ Cf"i5 etudio. Main 468. I -r ONE Flemish buck rabbit for ' sal or Uada. Wdln.. 4162. j WHITE LEVViIORN cockerel, SO. Flemi.h rabbits. Ill Portland bird. W. Willn 1028. BEAUTIFUL birds, ainger and femaW; also2 Barred Rock cockerel. Aut 622-18. POMERANIAN Spits puppy, vry reaaonahj to good heme. Bdwy. 1995. CHOICE .FKMALE8 FOR SALE Main 468 ST. ANDREAS BURG ROLLERS for asi or trade. Brodwy 2483. ; WILL give good home to young milt cat Phone ' East 1041. - . 1 FOR SALE 2 Persian kilt-ns, one 8 rnotitiia old and on 2 months old. Wdln. XU2i. ST. ANDREASBERG aingers and female resdy for mating. Tabor 67S2. 6-WEEKS-6LD puppy for sal cheap. 848 Rus- aeU st. BIRDS for sal or trade. 488 Union are. g.