THE OREGON DAI EY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY, JANUARY ! 15, 1921 POPTT.AND. OREGON. Portland V- : ' ' t' ' : r-" : ; .? . . : . : 1 :;' : : : t r . . ;. - ., ! v., .v. .' i .- . ., : RELIGIOUS COURSE EXTENDED 10 TAKE IN LARGER FIELD The Portland Training School for Church Workers will start -its sec ond semester for this school year next Wednesday night at the First Methodist church. The scope of the echool has been broadened this term and in addition to Sunday school courses. Viil include classes -for church and young people's workers. "Hie echool Is conducted under the Joiit direction of the Multnomah County Surfday School association and the Tort lahd Federation of Churches. " It will neet each Wednesday night for the next 12 weeks, from 7:30 to 9 :p0. A. F. Bitt ner is. dean and Miss Winifred Bassett, registrar. ' A three year courtse-lead tag to an In ternational Sunday School association di ploma : haat been arranged. The school will be arranged in two periods, four classes meeting from 7:30 to 8:25 p. m. and three classes from .8 :30 to 9 :25 p. m. . An outline of the courses follows: First period-;0) Outlines of old testa ment history ; text. 'Readers in Israel" (Robinson); leader. Rev. Ward Willis Unif. ('If Pre-reformation church his tory; text. "Ijandmarks of Church His ttry to the Reformation" (Cowan); leader. Rev. Edward Constant. (3) The psychology of: the child; text, "The Pu pil" (Weigrlei: leader. Miss Cleorpria Parker. 4 What is the Christian view of work and ! wealth? Text,- same as rourse title: leader. Ij- V. Mahone. Second periol (1). The. life of Christ; text. "The Bible" ; leader, Mrs. Clara c;. Kson. 2) The young people's soci ety: organisation and methods ; leader. Miss Kaye Steinmetz. (3) Special Prob lems, of the Sunday School; leader, A. F. Kiltnrr. i - I . Dr. Tliompson ! At the .Bible Study league Held In the church parlor at White Temple Tuesday evenings at 7 :45 o'clock, Ir. D. A. Thompson will speak on some correc tions Introduced in the revised version of the Bible, j SUNNYSIDE METHODIST 3BTH AND, EAST YAMHILL POPULAR SUNDAY EVENING Dr. Gallagher Speaker Th Seven Big- Sins of Today" ' .1 ' SECOND IN THIS SERIES Dr. W. T. McELVEEN - CONOUCTS QUESTION AND ANSWER 'SERVICE SUNDAY EVENING, 7:30- O'CLOCK FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND MADISON STREETS Broadway and I. J. Cars to Block of Church QUESTIONS ANSWERED: 1. Reniy to Blgeiow't Oritlctsm and Wall StrtM Journal's attack on trie Inter church Steal Report. t. Shall Wive Go on Hunger Strikes to Force. Their Husbands to Be Rellalous? 3. Shall Harry Orchard Become a Mission. 11 A. M. "Doing More Than Other." SPECIAL PUBLIC LECTURES j., bt Dr. Woodruff Sheppard of ros ajgei,i:s,.catj. I SUNDAY Reincarnation a Scien tific Necessity. MONDAY Chri tian Teachings. TUESDAY Humanity's Dilemma. . WEDNESDAY T Theoaophic Life. ALL LECTTJKES AT 8 P. M. Theosophical Hall SSI CE?(TRAt BIDG, "The New Dark Age Period" A most earnest announce ment concerning God's last warning message LOUIS K.DICKS0N ETAXGEUST SUNDAY NIGHT, JAN. 1 6 AT 7iii O'CLOCK WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT : I HAUL ' Corser Tenth sad Taylor Tern. "Wlli FuJot Singing- the jTew and Old Gospel Songs ' . Led ly jPBOF. I. C. COLCORD MALE . QUARTET AHD SOLOISTS PUBLIC UTTITEB- BRFWO A FRIEICD VY Tlarriage souvenir 3fn Booklet Sliape 01 a s terV C r e at ion i Under the title,, "Our Marriage," the Rev. II. IL Griffis of the First Christian church, has recently had published over his own copyright a special booklet to be used as a wedding: souvenir. The printing and binding was done by a Portland press. The booklet contains the wedding service f-the pastor's own composition, with ; certificate of mar riage, the whole forming an appropriate souvenir, to be presented to those couples whose marriage the author shall have the privilege of solemnizing. Charles j F. Barber Reelected President Preceded by a cafeteria dinner in the Y. M. C. A., the Portland Society of the New Christian church '(Swedenborgian) held its thirty-seventh annual' meeting last Wednesday evening. Charles V. Barber was reelected president; C. B. Wintler, secretary Conrad Stark, treas urer; and Joseph L. Carter, trustee. The society reports the most prosperous con dition in recent years, and is flourishing in attendance in its new quarters in the Portland , hotel assembly room. Kight new members were received January 2. A feature of the Sunday morning serv ice, which is proving popular to both children and adults, is a special sermon by the pastor for the boys and girls, based on some fact of nature as a text and a life lesson drawn therefrom. f Opens Morning Assembly Congregational Beth Israel has insti tuted a Sunday inorning assembly to begin- this Sunday, according to an an nouncement made by' Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. This Is for both Jews and Uen-tjles.- and will not be ritualistic in char acter. The regular services will be con tinuel as usual, the new service being instituted for the benefit of those who cannot attend church on Friday night or Saturday. Evangelist Will Speak Kvangclist Louis K. Dickson will speak in Women of Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor streets, Sunday night a 7 :4o o'clock, on the subject, "The New Dark Age Period." Special music will be rendered under the direction of Pro fessor I. C. Colcord, assisted by male quartet and soloists. The public Is in vited. Keats are free. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH TWELFTH AT TAVLOR Public Worship 10:30 A. m. and 7:4B P. M JOSHUA STANSFIELD, D. D. I MINISTER J Will Preach on Christian Fundamentals What Are They? The Purpose of Probation SUNDAY SCHOOL, 12:16 NOOtl EPWORTH LEAGUE 6:30 P. M. COMMUNITY. NIGHT FRIDAY EVE. NINO, 7:45 Granny of the Hills" A TWO-ACT DRAMA BY THE QUEEN ESTHERS . FREE. OFFERING RECEIVED The Church of the Glad Hand and Wartm Welcome. Within 'walking distance of Hotels. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EAST i3TH AND PINE i 11 A The Good RMON and the Bad in the Church I . 8:48 SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:49 EVENING SERVICE SERMON: "The Peril of Running Away! From Divinely Allotted WorkjV EXCELLENT MUSIO BY CHORUS YOU WILL BE MADE WELCOME. WALTER HENRY NUGENT. D. D., Minister TRINITY CHURCH 19TH AND EVERETT ST. SERVICES:' 9 AND 11 A. M.. ! p. M. MORNING SUBJECT: . Disarmament" EVENING: J "Christian Socialism" DR. MORRISON WILL PREACH EVERYBODY WELCOME , St. Davids Church j EAST TH AND BELMONT (E. Morrison or Hawthorne Can) SERVICE 7;30.J 9:30. 11 and 7:30. SCHOOL AT 9:30 SERMONS: . "ChristV Attitude Toward . 'Blue Laws " "God and the Beautiful" REV. THOMAS JENKINS, Rector Y. RfSe'C. A. Meeting for Men ST72CDAY AJTEBSOOX, 3:30 P. iff. I ISPEAKER BISHOP WALTER T. SUMNER D. D. strject "A GREA NATIONAL NEED" SPECIAL MFSIC BY PORTLAND j LADIES' QUARTET. f ALL ME5 WELCOME Smportant jSew Sunday school Christmas offerings are still being received at Near East Relief headquarters in the Stock Exchange building. Among those of' the past week are the following Portland schools; Rose City Park Methodist, $125; Sunnyside Metho dist, $292.58; Arleta Baptist, $60; Grace Baptist, $180; Third Baptist, $120; Reformed Presbyterian, $60. Outside of Portland, Sheridan Meth odist, $100; Fairmount Christian of Eugene, $69; Salem Christian, $52.72; Garibaldi Union, $40; On tario Baptist, $40. Newberg high school pupils have pledged to adopt 20 Armenian orphans for one year. BAPTIST The Woman's American Baptist For eign Mission society plans to open the first girls' Christian commial school ever known in the Orient in Tokyo, within the next year, Miss Elizabeth F. Sargent, an official of the society, an nounced. Becauss of the influx of girls into tha busi ness world in Japan, and ths low moral condi tion they encounter there, the society is en deavoring to raise $75,000 with which to re model the Sarah Curtis Home school in the heart of the business district of . Tokyo, into a first-class Christian commercial school for girls, with dormitories tor business women. "Within the last few years the -number of girls in in dustrial work in Japan has crown from prac- Ucaliy none to more than 1,250,000," Miss Sargent declared. Itev. Gabriel Reed Macuire, pastor of the First Baptist church, Vancouver, B. C, -will preach at the First Baptist church (White Tem ple) at both serrices Sunday. The Temple quartet will furnish music. Tb Senior B. Y. P. V. meeting wUl be led 'by Miss Dorothea Clinton, with the subject, 'Self Control; How to ;et It: Its Rewards.'' Special music by Miss Elsie Moon. "That Chum of Tours" will be the topic ef the Sunday evening: sermon at the Third Bap tist church. This is the third address in a series of Sunday renins talks which Kev. B. E. Close is delivering to young people. The ordi nance of baptism will be administered at the opening of the evening service. At the morning service at tbs Arleta Bap tist church, Kev. Mahlon H. Day, the American representative of Canton Christian college, will speak. The Rev. Mr. Day is an uncle of the pastor of the Arleta church. He recently trav eled extensively in the Orient and is informed on the religious and political situation there. At 7:30 the pastor will preach. The chorus choir will sing at both serrices. At the B. Y. I. 17. at 0:15 p. m. there will be a debate on the subject, "Resolved, that a person can live as good a Christian life outside the church DIRECTORY Second Sunday After Epiphany Uniform Sunday School Ivesson "Our All for tha Kingdom." Matt. 19:16 26. Golden Teit "Thou sbalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Matt. 1:18. Young People's Topics Baptist Union "Self-contml : How to Get Tt; Ita Rewards." I Cor. 9:24-27. Christian Endeavor "Pelf -control : Hqw to Get It: Its Rewards." I Cor. 9:24-27. Epworth Icnr "The Perils of Material ism." I John 2:15-17. Baptist First White Temple, 12th and Taylor, rreachin by Rrv. G. K. Maguire of Vancouver, B. C. at 1 1 and 7 :45. Kast Side E. 20th and Salmon. Rev. W. B. Hinvm. Preaching by Professor L. S. Shumaker, MoMinnville college. 11. "In the IJkenesw of His Resurrection" ; 7:30, "The .Development of Christian Character." . Third Vancouver an .-inott. Rev. R. E. Close. 11. "Courageous Disciples"; 7:30, "That Chum of Tours." Arleta 4 sth ave. and 4th st- S. E. Rev. Owen T. Day. 11, preaching by Rev. Mahlon H. Day of Canton. China; 7:30, "Modern Lep rosy. Its Source and Cure." by the pastor. Calvary E. Sth and Grant. Rev. J. E. Thomas. 11. "A Look Into Heaven"; 7:4 5, illustrated sermon. Glencoe E.T3th and Main. Rev. W. B. Stewart. 11, 7:30. Sellwood Bethany Rev. V. N. Penis. 11, 7:30. Grace E. 76th nad Ash. Rer. W. H. Tol- liver. 11, 7:30. Swedish 1 Sth and Hoyt. Rev. T. G. Sjolan- der. 10:30, 7:30. St. Johns Chicago and Leonard. 11, 7:30. Highland H th and Alberta. Rev. Walter L. Riley. 11, 7:30. t'nivfnitv Park Drew and Fiki.. 11. 7:30. Mt. Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett. Rev. J. W. Anderson. 11, 8." Elim Swedish E. 6th and Alberta. Bev. August Olson. 2:30. Lents 88th st. and 60th ve. Bev. E. A. Smith. 11, 7:30. Second (German) Rodney and Morris. Bev. F. Hoffman. 11. 7:30. CathoJIs Pro-Cathedrai 15th anii Davis. 6, 7:15. 8:80. 9:45. 11. i St. Petera Lenta Rev. J. P. O'Flynn. 8, lO:30. 7:30. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman. Rav. J. C Hughes. 6. 8:30, 10:30, 7:30. St Krancia E. 12 th and Pin, Rer. L E. McNamee. 6. 8. 9:15, 11, 7:45. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton. Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8, 9, 11. 7.30. Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas, Rer. E. S. Olson. 6, 7. 8. 9. 11, 7:30. St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda. Rer. J. O Karrell. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 9 th and Alberta. BeT. J. Kieman. 8, 10:30, 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24 th and Siskiyou. BeT. George F.- Thompson. 7:30. 9, 11. Ascension E. 76th and Yam hill. Franciscan Fathers. 8, 10:30. 7;30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena. Bev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin. Bev. C Ray mond. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Ignatius 3220 43d st. 3. E. -Jesuit Fathers. 6:30. 8. 10:30, 7. St. Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor. Bev. Warren A. Waitt. 6, 8:30, 10:30, 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Van couver ave. Rev. William J. Devine. . 6, 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Philip Neri (Paulist Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory. Rev. M. U Ferry. 7 :30, 9, 10:80. 7:30. St, Clrmenta S. Smith ave. and Newtots, Servite Fathers. 6. 8, 10:30, 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center. Rev. F. Gregory. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Agatha E. 15th and N'ehalem. Bev. J. Commisky. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail ing. Bev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Joseph (German) 15th and Conch. Bev. Frouin Eppea. 8, 10:80. 7:30. St. Michael (Italian) 4th and MUL Bar. M. Balestra, 8:30, 10:30, 7:30. St Claires Capitol HilL Father Aloysraa. 0. F. M. 7:30. 9:20. St Charles E. 33d and Alberta.- Rev. M. Wallace. 8. 10:30. All Saints E. 39th and Glisaa. Rev. Father William Cronin. 8, 10:30 St Patrick 19th and Savier. Rev. Charles M. Smith. Massej, 6:30, 8, 9:15. 10:80. 7:43. Christian -First Park and Columbia. Rev. Harold H. Griffis. 11, "The Power of Words"; 7:45, "Stumbling Blocks Removed. Eaet Side E. 12th and Taylor. Rev. K. BL oawjw. 11, 9. , Church of Chrit Rodney and Knott (teml porary location) Kev. Joseph D. Boyd. 11. "Tlie Meaning of the Christian Xift": 7:30, "Faith." t , M on t villa E. 76th and Glisan. Kev. Car roll C. Roberts. 11, 7:30. Kern Park Rev. F. H. Ghormlev. 11, "The Revival That Bevives"; 7:30. "The TJnity of the Church Described in the New Testament as a Bais of. Christian Unity in tha Twentieth Century." St Johns Central and Oswego. 11. 7:30. Tabernacle E. 28th and Alberta. Rev. B, Tibbs Mazey. 11. 7:30. Christian Scleras ' ' Lesson subject: '"Life." First l:b and Everett. 11. 8. j Second E. 6th and llolladay. 11. 8. j Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. ' Fourth Vancouver and Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth 62d and 4 2d ave. S. E. It. Sixth Masonic temple. 368 Yamhill. 11 8. Seventh Smith ave. and New York. 1L.- Ail churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Congregational First Park nd Msdiscn. Dr. W. ; T. McEl veen. 11. "Doing Mors Than Othera"; 7:45. question and answer aerrice. Sunnyyide li. 32d and" Taylor. Bev. 3. 3. Staub.- 11. "The living Stones of the Eternal Temple"; 7:45, "With Back to the Palace and Face Toward tha Desert" Atkinson Mesaonal E. 29th and Everett Bev. E. E. Flint 11. "The Likeness of God": 7:30. "Overcoming Difficulties." . Highland E. 6th and Preecott, Bev. Edward of Portlands Churcbes and fjoung as within it." Ralph Belmore will make use of chemical analysis in illustrating the Christian life. A mixed quartet will sing. Plans for the building of a $20,000 build ing to house the congregation of the Mount Olivet Baptist church, colored, were announced this week by Rev, J. W. Anderson, who is both pastor of the church and corresponding secretary and general missionary of the Afro-American Baptist district of Oregon. "The location of the new church will be somewhat to the west of our present site .on lower Broadway." said the Rev. Mr. Anderson. "We hope1 to occupy the building by next summer. The larger part of the building fund will come from the mem bers of the church, but we are also receiving very encouraging ; support from a number of local business men. We have 165 members, but the attendance at bur church services aver ages about -7j." COSGBEUATIOVAX A new kind of church service is to be tried at the First Congregational church on .Sunday night. It is a question and answer service. Four of the six questions , that Dr. W. T. McKIveen will answer are: What reolv should be made to the .criticism of the Inter-! church steel report made by the Rev. E. Victor Bigelow? (2)- What reply should , be made to the attack of the Wall Street i Journal on the Interchurch steel report? (3- What kind of religion prompts a wife to go on a hunger strike to force her husband to join the church ? ( 4 ) -Should Harry Orchard, a self-confessed murderer, be made a missionary because he has repented of his crime 1 On Wednesday morning the Women's associa tion will hold a luncheon meeting and on Wednes day afternoon the Women' Missionary society will hoi a meeting at which Mrs. W. K. Royal. Mrs. W. H. and Miss Marthine Grimsby will be the speaker. On Friday evening the community interests committee will hold a neighborhood sociable at which there will be a motie, games and contests. Dr. J.- J. Staub of the Sunnyside Congre gational church will be in his puipit at both services Sunday. Appropriate selections will be rendered by the chorus choir and soloists. Rev. Elbert E. Flint, pastor of the Atkinson Memorial Congregational church has prepared a community type of service for Sunday night. With one of the finest moving picture equip ments for churches the evening sermon is illus trated. Sunday night the two reel film "Queen of the Waves" will be shown. Sunday night at the Highland Congregational church Rev. Edward Constant gives another of his monthly talks on 1'Famous Hymns and Their Authors," which are proving to be of great in terest. The hymn for the evening will be "Rock of Ages." The Rev. John W. ThrelfaU, pastor of the St Johns Congregational church, was taken with a sudden attack of appendicitis la-st Sunday and was rushed to the Derr sanitarium, where an operation was performed. He has survived the operation and is expected to bo back in his pulpit within six weeks. Dr. E. 1 Borden, former Baptist minister but now a dentist in St, Johns, has offered to supply the puipit without charge OF CHURCH Constant 11, "The Soul of the Church"; 7;30, "Rock of Ages" and its author. Wavrleigh Heights E. 32d and Woodward. Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11, 7:30, "Health tnd Power." Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th st S. E. Mrs. Alice M. Haudxaker. 11, 7:30. Pilgrim - - Missouri and Snaver.' Professor Hardld S. Tuttle of Forest Grove, supply. 11. "Can Prayer Change God?" University Park Haven and Lombard. Bev. C H. Johnston. 10:30, 7:30. Finnish Mason and Albina. Rev. A. A. Harju. e and 8 p. m St. Johns S. ivaniio and Richmond. Bev. John W Threlfall. Preaching by Dr. E. P. Borden.' 11, "A Great Problem"; 7:30, "The Bet Is Yet to Be." Danish-Norweaian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ola TorjMrfn. 11, 7:30. First (itraiiD E. 7th and Stanton Bev. George Zocher. 11, 7:30. Second German -E. Sth and Skidmore Rer. Henry Hagelganz. 11, 7:30. Zion German R. 9th and Fremont Rer. J. H. Hopp, 11, 7:30. Dunkard Church of the Brethren Borthwirk and Brai nard. Rev. George C, Carl. 11, 7. Episcopal Pro-Cathedral of St Stephens rl 3th and Clay. RtReVi Walter Taylor .Sumner, bishop; Very Rev. T. T. Hicks, dean. 11, 7:4 5. Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor rison, rector. 8, 11, 8. St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont Bev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7 :3t, 9:30. 11, "The Christian: Attitude Toward So-called Blue Laws"; 7 :80. "The Sin of Excluding Beauty From the Church." St Marks 21rt and Marshall. Rev. J. G. Hatton. rector. Daily. 7:30 a. m.; Sunday. 7:3. 11. 7:45. St. Philips 24 2 Russell. 10, 11. St Andrews Hereford st, Portsmouth. Bev. John D. Rice. 8, 11. 7:30. Grace Memorial East 17th and Weidler. Rev. O. W. Taylor. 11.8. St Michael and All Angela E. 43d and Broadway. Rev. F. T. Bowen. vicar. 8. 11. 6:30. Church of Our fcavios 60th ave. and 41st st S. E. Rev. John B. McC-ormick. 8, com munion; 11, morning prayer and sermon; 7:30, evening prayer and sermon. . Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital. Rev. F. K. Howard. 7 and 9:30 a. m. St Pauls, W'oodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Savier. Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 10 and 11. St Johns Memorial 15th and Harney, Sell wood. Rev. John B. McCormick. 11. holy communion and sermon; 5:00, vespers with sermon. St Matthews Corbet and Bancroft Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 10 and 1L Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham. Rev. John Dawson, rector. 7:30, 9:45, 11, 7:30. Mission at St Johns Bickner's hall. Rer. John D. Rice, vicar. 2, school; 3, preaching. St Peters Chapel 1960 E. Stark. 10. St James Chapel E. 7 2d st and 37th ave. 10. Cnapel of the Transfiguration E. . 60th and Division. 3 p. rn EvangsKcal First E. 6tb and Market Rev. Ezra Maurer. 11. preaching by Rev. J. W. Heininger. 7:30. Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob fitocker. 10:45, "The Church of Laodecea"; 7:30, "What Has the Bible to Say on the Subject of Sin?" Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisan. Bev. J. C. Lrfjdin. 11, 7:30. Lents F. B. Culver. 11, 7:30 St Pauls E 8th and Filling. Rer. J. Her gert 9:30, 11, 6:30, 7.30. West Portland Bertha station. BeT. P. M. Fisher. 12. 7 :30. Free Methodist iiPirat E. 9th and Mill Bev. W. J. Johnston, Central E. 65 th and Flanders. Bev.' 8. O. Boper. Preaching by Bishop W. A Selhrw ll" 7:30. Alberta E. 30th and Wygant. Rev. 8. L. Bums. 11. 7:45. St Johns E. Bichmond and Hudson. Bev. E. D. Blackman. II. 7:30. Lents Ker. O. N. Blair. 11, 7:30. Friends First E. 35th and Main. Bev. Homer t Cox. 11, 7:45. ' Second E. 9 2d and 61st ave. Bev, Lorana Terrell. 11; 7:30. West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey. Rev. Carey Jessup. 11. 8. Jewish -Congregation Beth Israel (Reformed) 12th and Main. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Office 716 Cliamber of Commerce bids. Sabbath services Friday t 8 p. m. and Saturday at 10:30 a. m. School. Sundays, at 10 a, m. Assembly, 11. Congregation Ahavai Sholom Park and Clay sts. Rabbi B. Abrahamson. Friday. 8 n m -Saturday, 8:30 a. m Congregation Novao Zedek Talmud Torah 6th and HalL Bev. Abraham I. Rosencrantz. Friday. 8 p. m. Saturday. 9 a. n. Sunday 10 a. m. Religious school. ' Latter Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madison. Herbert C Iverson, mission president 10, 6:30. Reorganized Church E. 76th and Irving. Elder C. E. Jones. 11, 7:45. i Lutheran St James W. park and Jefferson Rev. William E. Brinkman, 9:45, 11. 7:45. St Paul E. 12th and Clinton. Rev. A Krause. 10:30 (German). "Domeatic Happi ness in the Presence of Jesua"; union ternce at St Johns Lutheran church. i Trinity (Mission Synod) Rodney and Ivjt Rev. J. A. Rimbsch. 9:15. srhnnl- in-iit German service; j 7 :30 (English), holy eom- mun it ,11. . Church tot Deaf Rodney and Ivy Rev A. C- Beyer.! 2:30. ' Our saviour E. loth and Grant Rer. :M A. Christensen. 11, "Courtship and Marriage": 6:30, Luther League, led by Albert HoffarU Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis KaV H. J. Thorpe. 11. 8. Bethel Kvans-eUsaU Norwegian (Free) Wy gant and R wine y Rev. A. A. Borrevik. H. 7:45.. ..... I ... -3 . - ... ..... ........ I , to the congregation, whije the put or is absent. The Rev. Harold 8. Tuttle of sparest Orove college will supply the Pilgrim Congregational pulpit on Sunday. Special musio will be given by the quartet and Mrs. Jessie O. i Steckle will sing "UTarry With Me at the morning service. Miat Helen Barlow has bueu secured aa or ganist. T , I ' CHRlaTIAN' i" The theme of the Rev. Harold II. Grif fis on Sunday morning, at !the First Christian church will be a discussion of the "unnecessary and unprofitable con troversies which arise in, politics, busi ness and religion because: people will al low themselves to be bullied by" a word." In the evening at 7 :45 the chtlrch Quar tet, under the direction ef Mrs. FredH ts. rsewton, win give a special song service, including the contnalto . and baritone duet, "O Divine Redeemer" fUounod). by Miss Beatrice Palmer and Guy Mannan. Following the musical program the pastor will speakJ DCXKARD The Church of the Brethren will hold revival meeting on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Klder O. C. Carl, ait evange list, will preach and Mr. Pratt will have charge of the singing. Stewards Paul Younger and Leslie Cullen will greet strangers at the door. r episcopal' j On M6nday night the annual parish meeting presented Dean K. T.f T. Hicks with a "well-lined purse" as a (testimony to his good work. All the activities of the Pro-Cathedral report progress. The income of the parish has tripled in the last few. years .and the attendance doubled. Members of the chapter1 were elected as follows : J. N. Dezpndorf, A. ,T. Browning, W. A. Moore, John W. Lethaby, F. S. Merritt, Paul Hender son, T. L. Emory, J. R. Holman and Bert C. Ball. Delegates elecSed to the diocesan convention are : J. N. Dezen dorf, John W. Lethaby and William A. Moore. Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner congratulated the parish on the progress made. The Young People's society of St. Stephens (Episcopal) pro-cathedral will hold its regular weekly meeting at 6 :30 p. m. Sunday, in the parish house. Miss Doris Wildman will lead. The Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector, will be the preacher at both services Sunday at St, Davids Episcopal church. In the evening be will dis cuss "the evil" of excluding beauty from the church. Monday night there will be a men's smoker in the community club house to which all men in the community are invited. The second annual dinner was given January 8 by the Men's club of Orace Memorial Episcopal church. The club was organized a year ako and, under the leadership of A- Findley, has done much to further the usefulness of the church. The success of the dinner was added to by the presence of Bishop and : Mrs. Walter Taylor Sumner. Another feature was the songs SERVICES IN Grace (English) E. 24th and Broadway Rev. C. H. Bernard. 11, "Doers iof the Vord and Not Hearers Only"; 7:30. i Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. L. P. KjoUer. 11. 7:30. St Johns Peninsula and Kilpatriek Bev. L." Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. . Swedish Angustana- Stanton and Rodney Bev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:45. Immanuei 19th and Irving Ber. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Rer. 8. C. B. Knutsen. 11, 7:30. " Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Rev. H. H. Koppelmann. 9:15, JOTlSt 7:45. Imraahuel , (Missouri Synod) I. 15th and Io Rev. H. C. Ebeling. D:30, 10:30, Ger man, i 5 Evahgelical Church of ths Redeemer 15th and Wygant 10. 11. Finnish 179 Fargo. Bev. A. Salminen. 10; Sunday school, 7. 4 " St Marks (Wisconsin Synod )-f-MalloTy and Skidmore Bev. V. Hinderer. IQt - Methodist Episcopal ' Centenary-Wilbur E. 9th and Pine Bev. Frank I.. Wemett 11, "A Surprising Answer to Prayer"; 7:30, "Living the While Life in Babylon." f . Central Vancouver and Fargoi Bev. XA. B. Maclean. 11. 7:30. Clinton-Kelly E. 40th and Powell. Rer. E. S. Maca. 11. "The Christian's Saeramentum." Epworth 26th and Savier. Rev. Frank L. Moore. 11, "Some Ueart Cbsering, Vision of the Worlds Work"; 7:30, "Why Men Go to Pieces at Forty." First 12th and Taylor. Bev. Joshua Staruv neld. 10:30. "Christian Fundamentals"; 7:45, "The Purpose of Probation." First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt. Bev. C. A Peterson. 11. 7.45, "Th Dane With Death or the Wages of Sin." German Rodney and Stanton. Bev. F. A. Schumann. 10:45,8. Lsurelwood tS. 63d and Foster. Bev. E. E. Finley. 11, 7:30. Lents 86th and 68th a-vs. : Rer. F. R. Sibley. 11, 7:45. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. Bev. W. N. Byara. 11. "A oearch For Truth"; 7:30, "A Study in Religious Beform," Montavilla E. 80th and Pin. Rer. P. A Ginn. 11, 7:30. Sit. Tabor E. 61st and Stark.' Bov. D. L. Fields. 11. 8. Patton Alberta and Michigan, j Rev. George H. Bennett 11, 'Thoughts on: Hell"; 7:30, "The Mistakes of Jesus." f Rose City Park E. 58th and Alameda. Rev, S. W. Huett 11, "The Book and ths Person"; 7:30, "A Vital Question." Sellwood K. 15th and Tacoma, Rev. W. R. Gordon.' 11, preaching by pastori Evangelistia services at 2 :30 and 7 :30. Sunnyside E. 35th and YambilL Rev. T. H. Gallagher. 11, 7:45. - ? St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse. Rev. W. E. Kloster. 11, 7:30. 1 . Swedish Beech and Borthwick.' Bev. 8. Moody.' 11, 8. i University Park risks' and Lombard. Rev. H. T. Atkinson. 11. 7:30. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danish Skidmore and Vancouver.' Rev. Gustavo Storaker. 11. Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway. Bev. E. S. Mace. 10. 11. 7:30. W oodstock 44 th and Woodstock S. E. Bev. L. C. Poor. 11. 7:30. - Woodlawn E. 10th, near Durham ave. Rev. J. H. Irvine. 11. "Is the Puipit Becoming Obsolete 7:30, "A Lincoln-like Faith in the People." African Zion 417 Williams are. Hot. L A Moore. li. 7:80. Distriot superintendent, Kev. William Wallace Youngson, 691 E. 62d st N. ; Tabor 2790. M. E. South First Cnion and Multnomah., Bev. J. B. Harrii. II, "Jesus' First Text";; 7:45, "Ths Over-comers." Naxarsns ' First E. 10th and Weidler. ; Bowes. 1 1. 7:45. Sellwood E. 9th and SpokaM. Belt 11. 7:30. Rev. A. U. Bev. Henry Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th st Rev. C. U. Fowler. 11. 7:30. i. Highland Park E. 14 th andiJarrett Rsv. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8. Scandinavian 948 Garfield. Rev. Daniel Ballstrom. 11. 7:30. Prssbytsrisn 1 r First 12th and Alder. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman. 10:30, "The Gift of,Peace"; 7:15, "Bells and Pomegranates." Wsstminstei' East 17th and Schuyler. Rer. Edward H. Pence. 10:30. "When Love Grows Lsvi&h" and communion; 7:30, "When Men Usurp God's Throne." Central E. 13th and Pine.! Rev. .Walter Henry -Nugent. 11. "The Good and Bad in the Church"; 7:45, "The Peril of Kunning Away From Divinely Allotted Work." Calvary 11th and Clay. Est. L. Bo wring Quick. 11, "The Second Coming; of Our Lord".; 7:30, "Minding Our Own Business." Mt Tsbor E. 55th and Belmont. Rev. Ward MacHenry. 11, "Modern Evangelism and the Great Commission"; 7:30, assembly of ths School of Missions and illustrated lecture on "Syria." Vernon 19th and Wygant. i Rev. J. C. Mergler. 11, 7:30. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Rev: 3. Francis Morgan. 11. 7:30. Fourth First and Gibbs. - Kiev. Monroe G. Everett 10:30, "The Third . Commandment" ; 7 :30, "The Claom of Christ Upoav the Lite of a Kenfiworth E. 34th and Gladstone. Bev. L. K. Grimes. 11. "The Greatest Gift"; 7:30, "The Story of the Thief." Hope 78th and Everett. Rer. H. E. Giles. 11, 7:45. ? . , Rose City Bev. Ponald VY.I M. McCluer. 11. "The Sheep in the- Hand of God"; 7:45, "The Second Great Silence of ;Jeus." Forbes- Graham and Gantenbein. Bev. Ward Willis Long. 11. "The Cross! of Christ in Christian 'Experience"; 7:30, "A Military Genius, But s Leper; or. Moral Leprosy."; Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. Bev. John D. McLennan. 11.. 7 J0. - A nabel -Rsv. r. H. Mixsell. i 11. 7 :3ff. Millard Ansae 65th a. and 73d at Rev. Henry Whits. -11, 7:30. Marshall Street 17th and Marshall. Rsv. peoples Societies by J. B. Richard. At the close of the dinner .the annual meeting of the parish was held. Re ports were given by the treasurer ana secretaries of the various guilds, showing all in A anost prosperous condition. The Women's guild started the new year with $2000 in the treasury. The officer for the coming year are: President, Mrs. W. P. Jenkins: vice presidents, Mra. J. H. Bagley and Mrs. W. J. Zimmerman: treasurer, Mrs. O. 11. Waldstrom; secretary. Mrs. J. P. Keating, with Mrs. Frances Drake and Mrs. Charles Wynne as advisory committee. The Women's auxiliary will have as officers "for the coming year: Mrs. H. P. Dutton. presi dent; Mrs. E. . Farill and Mrs. W. E. Dennis, vice prej-identts: Mrs. J O. Urady. treasurer, and Mrs. J. H. Bagley, secretary. After the reports . were read the following vestrymen were elected: G. F. Anderson, Joseph Peter. H. E. Lounsbury, Dudley Blodgett. A. B. Cutler, U. B. ' McLeod", Charles Wynne, Francis Drake and W. E. Bliss. . J. H. Gallagher, chairman of the building committee, gave his report and it was voesd to begin the foundation for the . new church at once. - KV AS lie L1C A I. ' Rev. J. W. i Heininger, executive sec retary of the Forward Movement of the Evangelical church , with headquarters at Cleveland,' Ohio." will speak at the First Kvangelical church Sunday at 11 a. m. A pastors' and workers' confer ence has been arranged for Tuesday, at 2 p. m. and a mass meeting at 8 p. m. at the same church. The revival serv ices will be continued next week. Revival services will be held each night next week at the Clay Street Evangelical I church at 7:45 o'clock by the Rev. Joseph Stoeker. pastor. Sunday night he will discuss the question, "What Haa the Bible to Say About 8int, LTJTHKRA Sunday afternoon at 4 -.45 o'clock the young people' of St. Pauls Uuthertin church will gather at . their church and go in a body to the St. Johns Lutheran church for ,a union service. The Rev. L. Ludwig of St. Johns tdiurch will de liver a lecture. There will be no eve ning service at St- Pauls church. Open house and a t.uther league meeting will be held at 6:30 p. m. Sunday by the young people of Our Saviors j" Lutheran church. Albert, Uoffard will preside. ijM ETHO DIST At the First Methodist church on Sun day morning Dr. Joshua Starjsfield is tp preach on "Christian funaamentais, and will seek ' to present fundamentals only. In the evening at 1 :4a the special sermon will : be on "The Purpose of Probation," and will show that proba tion is not so much a time test as- a character test. The Epworth league meeting will; be in the Sunday school temple at 6;30 p. m. There will be (Concluded on Page Five, Column Four) PORTLAND A. J. Hanna. II. Mil pah E. 19th and Division. Bev. D. A. Thompson. 11, "Bepentance"; 7:45, "A liv- ing or a Life. Unity E. 71st and Sandy Rev. S.s W. Sea man, li. "The Christian Religion": 7:30. "Who Is a Christian" Arbor Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Bev. Alex snder R. EvansT 11. 7:30.. Holt Chinese 133 First Rev. Gee Sing Hoy. 7 P. m.. school; 8, preaching. Reformed Evangelical First 12 th and Clay. Kev. G. Hafner. 10:45, 7:30. Reformed Prssbyterisn a First Minnesota and Aim worth. Rev. P. D. Fraier. 11, 7:30. Seventh Day Advavrtlsu Note Regular services ot this denomination are held on, Saturday. Central, E. 11th and Everett. L. K. Dick son, pastor. 10, 11:15. Tabernacle Cth and Montgomery. E. J. Hibbard, minister. 10. 11. MoDUvilla E. 80th and Everett. J. A Ger hart. 10, 11. T Lenta 94 th sL and J8th ave. WJ D. Hunt ington. 1,0, Hi' t St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston. A. R Folkenberg. 10, 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory. Elder John Isaac 10. 11. : Sssvatlon Army Corps No. 1 243 Abh st Adjutant Henry R. Cogens. 11, 3:15. 8. Corps 5io. 4 1284 1st Ensign Jessie Mills! and Envoy Mrs. L. Upton. 3, 8 p. m. i SplHtuallrt Fir-t Spiritualist E. 7th and Hassalo. 3. 8. First 'Spiritual Science 80 Vj 5th st Rer. Max Hoffman. Addresses by Rev. Max Hoffman and L. E. Philips. 3. 8, ''Truth, tha Pathway to Freedom." Church of Modem Spiritualism 409 Alder. W. W. Aber, pastor. 3. 8. Scientific (.nnstian Spiritualist Aliaky . hall. Bev. R. M. Singleton. 3. 8. Spiritualist ClKirch of ISternal Light 1840 Division. . Rev. May A. Price. 8. Independent Bible Spiritualistic 441 E. 12th Rev. Ida M. SchorL 7:30. "Soul Culture." tel. Rev. William H. Reece. 11. "Environ ment: The Creature of Man.'' ! 8wdSTtborolin ! New Christian Assembly room Portland ho tel. Bev. William H. Reece. 11, "The In finity and Eternity of God In Man." i ' Unitarian . Cbnrch of Our Father Broadway and Yam Kev. William G. Eihot Jr., pastor, n, "Mao's race in ,a Glass. United Brsthrsn ! Conference superintendent Rev. g! E. Mc Donald. First E. 15th and Morrison. Bev. Byron J. Clark. 11. "Divine Guidance"; 8, "Experi ment or Experience." " Second Ej 27th and Sumner. Rer. Ira Hawley. ,11. "Soma More Seals Opened"; 7:ao evangel buc service. Third 67th at and 32d ave. 8. E. Bev. E. O. Shepherd. ; 11. "Seeking the Win of God"; 7:4 5, preaching by Rev. Ira, Hawley. . i Fourth Tremontr Kevr 'Leila Iuekey. 11, "Tha Krya to the "Windows, of Heaven"; 8, evangeliauo service. UnKsd Evangelical : First E. 10th and Poplar. Bev. J. A Goods. 11. 7:so. revival aervtoes. Otkley Green Willamette blvd. and Ga Bev. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7:30. St Johns Rev. C P. Gates. 11, 7:80. United PrssbyUrlsn First E. 37th and Hawthorne. Eev. H. F. Given. 11, 7:30, : Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco. Bev. S. Earl Do Bois. 10:30. "A Lover i of the Cbnrch"; 7:80, "Memory of the Just Versus Name of the Wicked." j Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Rer. Carl Scott Dunn. 11, 7:30. i , Mlulont Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clay. Rev. John E. Fee. 11, 7:30. i Peniet Mission ,109H Second. 3. 8; daily. 8. Portland Commons Front and Burnside. Rev. Myra 11. h'mith, supt 3, 8. i . Pentecostal First and Washington. Rev. Will C. Trotter- 11. 8. 7:30; daily 7:30.' i Apostolic Faijth Front and Humude. Bev. Florence Crawford and K. It Crawford. Sunday. 10:30. 2:30, 7:30. Daily. 7:45. Saturday, i :sa, an nations meuog. 1'eutecosital E. 7th" and Couch. Rev. O, Myers. 2:30, 7:30. Glad Tidings Pentecostal) 24 6 H First 3. 7 :30. Penti-rotal 147V4 First George It, Far row 3.8. i Cnristian Assembly E. 20th and Ankeoy. Pastor A. W. Smith. 11, 2:45, 7:45. I Volunteeis of America 224 Bumcida, Ete- T I:i5 nings exoept Monday, 8 Sunday, 3, 8. Gospel Mission 9 Vi Union ave. S. 8 7:45. Gospel Hall E. 28th and Stark. 10 JO. 7:80. ' i Bible' Standard Mission 2nd and Morrison. itev. rrea uornsnun. iu:3V, 2:30, 8. MltoaltanaotnT T. M. C A. 6th and Taylor. CsmrcB of God 263 Failing. Nest. 11. 7:43. Rev. Harry Hesitation League 148 13th. Rev. IL Ed ward Mills. 1 1, "The Central Thing in New xnougnt ; i :iu. ciasr at 727 Uorbeu building, in "Bibie lnterpretatioB According to New Thought" - - l i Divine- Science 816 E. Clay Rev. T. M. Minard. 11, Light" ' i Church of Divine Troth 412 Central bldg. Nattia Taylor Kloh. - 1 1 , lecture by Nettia Tay lor Klofa; 8. lecture by Dr. Carey. ! Theosophical Society 301 Central bid. 18, "RecincarnationJ a Scientific Necessity." by Dr. Woodruft Shenpsrd of -Los Angeles. 1 Universal Messianic 318 Abington bldg. 11, . ; ; - International : Bible Students association W. O. W. temple. 3. 7:30. First Church of Psychic Science 11th and Alder. W. W. Aber. ' 8 p. m. The Psychical Research Center Portland ho tel assembly room. 7:43, "The Power i of Thought." lectors and 'demonstrations by Robert Schmua. M lymoutliiBrethren WiiW )oU Annual ession Sanuary 20 The) twenty-third annual conference) ot the Plymouth Brethren of Oregon will be held January 20 to 25 in, the Cos pel hall. East. Twenty-eighth and Stark streets. , The conference- will open -Thursday pight at 8 o'clock with a prayer serv ice, Friday and Saturday special praise and prayer services will be conducted at 2 :30 and 7 :30 m. On the. closins day. Sunday.- there;' will' be breaking of bread at 10:30 a. m. ; prayer, praisewand ministry of the word at 3 p. m. ; and a gospel meeting at 1 :30 p. m. ' i The printed program contains an in;? vltation "to Christians everywhere" .to attend the conference. Arrangements are In charge of William Hurl, 149 Kast Twenty-third , street north. ; . ' Sellwood Services Draw Big Crowds m . 1 1 1 The union' evangelistic meeting at the" Sellwood Methodist 'fJeTTrch continues with a good attendance and interests The pastor, W. S. Gordon, will occupy the pulpit Sunday at 11 o'clock, and Kvangelist Fred Suffield will haVe charge in a service at 2:30 and one at 7 :30. He is assisted by . local pastors, visiting ministers and a large- union choir, in charge of Mrs. Suffield. All -the cooperating churches will hold their .morning services and .Sunday schools' as usual. A union young peo ple's meeting will be held at 6 :15 In the auditorium of the church. 4 'Eliot to Preach The Rev. W. G. Kliot will preach, Sun day morning at the Church of Our Father-and also give the third of his- five minute sermon-story series before the church school at 9 :45 a. m. ; The regular sewing meeting Of the women's alliance, has been set ftfr January. 19. Much in terest is reported in the questionnaire sent out to the congregation by the local chapter of the Laymen's league. -::'- C. C. Young to Speak C. C. Young,', representing the Ameri can Federation of Labor, -will the speaker Sunday night at the Central library at the forum ' conducted by the Portland Federation of Chugches. His subject is: "Hours and Wages In a No-Conference' Industry." ' First Presbyterian Church PORTLAND. OREQcA Alder Street at 12th . THE PASTOR HAROLD LEONARD I BOWMAN wtlf preach at both service SUBJECTS 10:30 A: M. "THE OIPT OP ' PEACE." ' 7:30 !M.- . "BELLS AND POME GRAN ATE S,"' This Church Is in walk ing ' distance of the down-town hotels. : WESTMINSTER A awwri . ' ' ' E. H. Pen.ce, D. D. " Pastor - . Communion Service "WHEN LOVE GROWS -LAVISH" ! lll-"WHES M "ETV TJSTJBP GOB'S " THEOSE" Evening Service ETaogelistle :8 Toong People's Society Hi 1 Men's Clnb and Bible School -WILBUR METHODIST EAST NINTH AND PINE ' "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" REV. "RANK L. WEMETT, Ph.D., Pastor i. 11:00 A. M. "A Strange Answer., to Prayer" "The White Life in Babylon" A disclosure of the fierce temptations assail! inc jouna people at the present time, and a. clear statement of ths -was of escape. Be sure to hear this sermon young man! 1 CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN : CHURCH 11TH AND CLAY f REV. Li BOWRIMQ QUICK, Mlnlstse 11:0O A. . S MINUTE TALK TO BOYS . AND OlftLS. - -- SERMON; ---lv .' "THE SEOONO OOMINO Of OUR LORD" J 7:30 P. M. "MINDINa OUR OWN BUSI NCSS." - -JUNIOR CNOCAVOR 2:30 . ft.. ONRISTIAN ENDEAVOR S'SO P. St. BIBLE SCHOOL 10:00 A. SI. " I sil " i i i li li -. 2rkil iljr!i-H. Jf . . -awassw-- BL CENTENARY CHURCHES TO SET AS D E FEB. 6 AS DAY FOR CHINESE February 6 has becn'.designnted as "Chinese Famine Relief Sunday" In the nation. Bishop T. Sumner, Grant Phegley and llabert M. Tut tle, famine fund committee of the Portland Federation ef Churches, addressed a letter Friday to every Portland -clergyman, urgrinpr the ob servance 'of this special! day. The request of the Portland Federa tion of Churches Is in. keeping with Ihe national- appeal sent out by lr. Kolert E. Speer, . president of the Federated Council of Churches, to the 32 cm munlons cooperatlmr in the council. i Thomas W. Lamont of New York has been appointed chairman of the na tional committee by President Wilson, The Portland members of the national committee are A. L. Mills and Kdgar H. Piper. .'. In asking these. mn to accept mem- . berehlp on the committee.- the president ; said : . "A famine, alarming in propor- " tions,, today holds in its grip neverl 1 Important provinces in Chiiia. The crop failure is complete. Under the circum stances relief, to be effective. ,houid be granted quickly. I realize that "this call, added to those for the underfed of Kast ern Europe and the afflicted people of the Near Kaet,, and to the needs of our own country, makes heavy the demand upon the bounty of the pat Ion. I am confident, however, that all these pleas will be answered In generous Spirit." The American minister in Taking has cabJed that $1 a month will take care of a person. . -----.i. lr. Sheppard to Tincture Tr; Woodruff Sheppard: of ls An geles will deliver a special course of public lectures under the auspUvs of. tha Theosophical society as follows: Sun day,. "Reincarnation a Scientific Neces sity" : Monday, "Christian Teachings"; Tuesday, "H u m a n i t y's Dilemma" ; Wednesday, "The Theosophic Life." All lectures will be at 8 p. m. nt Theosoph ical hall, 301 Central building. Millions Now Living Will Never Die The earth anldeth foreTer. Ood created it to he inhabited and In doe time promised to make It plor- ' lOBs. TOU SHOCLu HEAR .-1 T. H. THORNTON OF BROOKLTX, 3T. T. , Tfow'tosring VYeslern cities, under the asspirrs of the Internotlonal Bible Stadents Association. SUNDAY, 7:30 P. M. ( Ybv cannot afford to mis this oppffrtunity to hear "the truth on this important subject, as stated by a deep Bible -scholar and noted lec turer at W. O. W. TEMPLE llth St. Bet. Washington and Alder Thousands at Ne' York to hear this lecture ;were unable to get in auditorium. EVERYONE WELCOME SEATS FREE SO COLLECTION First Spiritualist ! CHURCH EAST SEVENTH AND HASSALO Services Every Sunday at 3 and cTp. fd. SHORT ADDRESS AND MESSAGES BY Mr. C. W. Shaw - SOLOS BY -Mrs. Schneider and Miss Flthburn. PUBLIO CORDIALLY .INVITED Apostolic Faith; COR. FBOST AHDBfJRJfSIIE ' Meetings held at 10:30. 2:30 and 7:J0 every Sunday. 7:4a every night In the week. All nations meeting Sat urday nighL . ALL WEECOME SO COLLECTION t THE GOSPEL SPREAD BT AIRPLANE i; hi Mission