WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1921.! J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON A TARIFF RATES ON VEGETABLE OILS BRING PROTESTS Washington, Jan. 12. (WASH INGTON BUREAU OF THE JOUR NAL) Seattle commercial interests forwarded strong protests against the -proposed vegetable .oil rates in the Fordney tariff bill, alleging that the duties named are practically prohibitory, and will': result' in tying tip many steamers because of diffi culty in. securing return cargo from, the Orient, Congressman John F Miller of Seattle offered an j amendment to reduce the rates on peanut, cottonseed, coconut and soya bean oils, but It wan defeated without a. record vote. He read tele : graphic protests from the Seattle Cham ber of Commerce, the . importers and K porters association of' Seattle, the China club iof Seattle, the Foreign Com merce Association of the Pacific Coast and B. Hoy Anderson. The statement of Anderson summarised the matter thus : WILL STOP TttADE "Such drastic measure will,- in my Judgment, based one. personal experience as a, custom-hoy se broker during the operation- of i the" IMngley tariff of 1837, entirely eliminate such trade to this coast, except inconsequential shipments for, local Japanese and Chinese consump tion. The attitude.of my firm can hardly be considered as selfish when the ques- . tion Involves one where Seattle's fine terminals - and storage facilities are likely to be empty. "Today j six American ocean-going steamers are tied up in Smith's cove for lack of either outward or inbound car goes, and the question of whether special , tariff legislation is going to improve certain difficult conditions prevailing at this time is too doubtful and important to pass without exhaustive hearings from both, sides to show that the cot tonseed people of the South and the rice, beans and peanut people are not making a reasonable profit. The north west comer of the United States is so sparsely populated that our future de pends upon water-borne trade." TO PBOTECT INVESTORS 'Miller's plea received no comforting response from ' Chairman Fordney. who retorted that while tfie people Sf Seattle are much interested. In the exclusion of Japanese, they are asking for the ad mission of products of Japanese labor. There have been imports of 600,000 tons of vegetable oils from the Orient in the last year, he said. VI have been covered up by tele grams," added Fordney, "and the Se attle Chamber of Commerce sent a man hea to see me to induce me to withdraw my objection to these oils coming into this country so that the docks of Seattle . and the men who -have money invested in those docks can make money out of the foreign Importations coming Into the country to destroy American capital and American (labor. There is nothing to the proposition beyond that." Rev. E. R. Prichard, Former Pastor of ' Albany , I s Dead ! 1 Seattle,? Wash.. Jan. 12. (I. N. S.) The Rev. (Evan K.. Prichard, 71, veteran Presbytterian minister, is dead here today as a result of barns t received when he ; stood tooi close to an overheated stove ! and his night clothing caught fire. - He j was a pioneer minister in the North-! west," having served i in Oregon, and 'Washington 35 years. I For a number of years he i was pastor of the Albany, Or., Presby terian church. ; j The Rev. E. R. Prlehard, whose death occurred; in Seattle Tuesday, was the father of George A Prichard, a mem-t ber of the Oregonian staff, f Employes Balk at Return to Homes . reoria; 111., Jan. 12. (I. X. S.) Sev eral hundred workmen, who found notice posted the Holt Manufacturing com pany, manufacturers of farm imple ments, when they arrived I at the plant today, refused to accept the reduction of a 2 Or per cent reduction in wages and returned to their homes.-. Holt em ployes, according tO; cominy officials, have been averaging from 75 cents to $1.25 art hour." Business depression is given as the reason for the wage cut in the company's notice. . - . M 11 fje pregott (&riil . BttOADWAT AT STARK ' J ' - "- i ' j " ' - A dinner at "Ye Oregon" Is a de light yoVH love to share with your family and your friends. Dine here, today, or any day this week, and enjoy the best at a mod derate price. , , j s i - Noon Lunches -j.. Dinners -.. After-Theatre Suppers I - - - ' V j ' 5 Only a step from the street, yet re- . mote from Its. noise a distin- ' ,'guished. dining place patronised . by the best people. j Music and Dancng DTfRIXG, DIXSKR and StJPPEB . ' . ' . HOURS Geerge Ol sea's Orchestra . Ssnday Service F. M. Only Parcels Pott Packages Prepaid on $5.00 Purchases JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Only Contract Goods Excepted The -Store That Undersells Because It Sells For Cash Agents for Butterick Patterns and the Delineator Everything at a Reduced Price! iJiL Only Contract Goods Excepted In Addition to Thousands of Clearance Sale Reductions Which Abound Throughout Every Section of This Great Store Thursday We Offer the Following : ?f Dollar Bill" Bargains 0W, 99 Says "Dollar Bill" "Look WHat I've Got For You' Nothing Is So Satisfactory as to Know That You Gin Purchase Worthy, Seasonable Merchandise for the Home or Person AND SAVE MONEtYWe Want You to Know Dollar Bill Is a Big Boy Now! j V For fjve years "Dollar Bill" has struggled along against a steadily rising tide of high prices. No wonder he's fagged outthe wonder is that he's done as well as he has! But the last few weeks have seen the tide turn in "Dollar Bill's" lavor. The market has dropped, and "Dollar Bill" is getting stronger every minute! And he's taken off his hat, rolled xip his sleeves and with a grin on his face promises you real value again. "Dollar Bill" will get in his best licks for you here in thisistore too. For not only is our Great January Clearance Sale in full force throughout every section of every department of our store but expecting this drop in the market we cleared away for it, bought an abundance of goods at the new prices and stand ready to give you quality merchandise at wonderful reductions. , j See How Husky "Dollar Bill" Is Now Put Him r r . Sensational Values in This Sale J of Broken Lines of VYomen's and Children's KID GLOVES One artd Two-Clasp Styles in Kid, Cape(lJ ff and Washable Kid Leathers -at, PairiD AoVfVf i i. , i ' This is the sale at which prudent shoppers will provide for both present and future needs. You can purchase as many pairs as you wish as long as any remain, but nonejwill be exchanged, sent C. O. D., and no refunds. Each sale will be final and you ire to mAe your own selections. We know selling will be sensational and we advise an early visit. ' ' I Included are all broken and discontinued lines all odd lots in kid, washable kid and cape' leathers in one and two-button styles for women and children. Most all' colors, in- the ajsortment. While Any Remain You Hare Choice (J" AA Thursday at, pair, j 5-LUU Women's Mercerized LISLE HOSE 3 PAIRS For $1.00 One-Half Former Price These fine wearing, splendid appear- ing mercerized usie nose come n seamed back and seamless foot and seamless styles with reinforced heel, and toe and wide garter hem. M All sizes in bjack, white, .navy,' tpearl grey. medium grey, cordovan -and champagne THREE 1 PAIRS FOR $1.00. Women's Famous Shawknit SILK HOSE $1.00 Pair : All Colors and Black A Silk Hose that is both perfect fitting and durable the famous Shawknit Silk Hose with seamless back and foot reinforced lisle heel and toe and lisle top. All sizes in colors cordovan,; grey, Pan ama, white and,, black. L An unmatch able offering fof Thursday's J- ffl Sale at, pair. . . . DXUl Meet "Dollar Bill," Thursday In Our Woolen Dress Good i . Section You'll agree with us Dollar Bill is right your dollar has grown immense ly yOU can purchase desirable Woolen Dress Goods at this sale far below for mer figures. All in the following list go on sale ( Thursday at j $1.00 a Yard ) New All Wool Challies in neat designs SO In Auto ware 42 Inch Mohair 42 Inch Storm Serges 44 Inch Nunsveiling 44 Inch Shepherd Checks 40 Inch French Serges 44 to 50 Inch Black and White Stripe Fabrics 42 Inch Black Ottoman Cords 50 Inch Black Bedford Cords 44 to 50 Inch Black iovelty Fabrics. Broken lines, odd bolts, surplus lots. etc.. all to be closed out regardless of cost at one price $1.00 7rd. j - The Critital Moment Has Arrived Anticipate and Participate in Thiese Six Astonishing. Offerings at $1.00 Values Beyond Comparison Outing Flannel Gowns Outing Flannel Petticoats Children's Outing Sleepers Corsets of Guaranteed Makes Children's Gingham Aprons Women's Bungalow Aprons A Sale Mighty in Its Swing Im portance! Demonstrating to You the Increased Purchasing Power of Your Dbllar. at This Store. ; I - I ONE-THIRD REGULAR Women's Scotch Flannel and Outing C1 QQ J- Gowns just 10 dozen in jgood styles on special sale Thursday at P-V" 2 HALF PRICE Women's French'and Windsor Heavy On ting Flannel (PI AA Petticoats white, fancy stripe and Bluebird patterns Thursday at P--.UU 2 HALF PRICE Children's Amoskeag and Government Flannel Sleep- P1 Afl ers in styles with or without Feet Sizes 2 to 9 years Thursday at PA'UU 4 HALF AND LESS Children's fine Gingham Dresses, Peg-top Romp- AM A A -Dozens of styles in Sizes 2 to 6 Years Choice Thursday at y W ers- C HALF PRICE Women's Corsets in guaranteed makes in Sport and M j A A "Average Models Sizes 19 to 26 Thursday at. ..... . . .PA.Ul Zf VALUES TO DOUBLE Women's Riverside Gingham end Scout j AA : cale Fancy Apron Dresses in Checks, Stripes, Plaids and Plain Colors. P J-.vJvJ ! A limited number. Formerly sold to double Thursday's Price. ! , No Phone or Mail Orders None Sent C. O. D. and None Elxch&nged. Positively None Sold to Dealers. . Right to Wort For ou! . , : r : FVTn A I THINK OF IT! A l rVTli JUST 300 PAIRS Women's Shoes and Pumps In Thursday's Sale at S1.Q0 Those Who Attended Our Last- Great Sale of This Character Will Be Here When Our Doors Open 9 Aj M. Wc Advise Others to Do Likewise. ! ' .':' ! It 1$ a final clearance of all broken lines, consisting of the season's popular styles in Mack ana Drown Kia. ana aii a Kin learners, tnth huttnn and lace Shoes and popular stvle Pumps, with high or low heel, Goodyear welt or McKay soles. All sizes in the lot. Come and look for yours. Pay Only $1.00 Pr. I7YTR A f "li Special for "DOLLAR DAY" - Women's Initial Handkerchiefs 6 for i $1.00 Both pure Linen and fine sheer Lawn a Handkerchiefs with 'initial em broidered in. white or colors. EXTRA! Special lor DOLLAR DAY ,- i omen's Embroidered Handkerchiefs 5 for $1.00 Irish hand embroidered! Handker chiefs in dainty white or iolored de signs.. 36 to 44 Inch Widths in Voile, Organdie and Net Flouncings At $1.00 Yard Lines Formerly Sold to 5 Times This Price! - The most astonishing Embroidery Values ever offered to the Womenjof this city Without regard o cost or former selling price, we offer the entire assortment of these beautiful high-grade-3 6 to 44 Iich Flouncings at one price. Included ane: j Ruffled Flouncings of fine imported Organdie in all desirable colors White embroidered Net Flouncings in handsome patterns; also fine Voile Flouncings in beautiful white embroidered patterns all at $1.00 yard. j Ml , Special Thursday "Dollar Day" WOMEN'S Voile Waists At $1.00 Sizes 36 to 44 crisp, clean Voile Waists in broken assort ment to close this sale: at this bargain price. Special Thursday "Dollar Day" Women's and Misses' Middy Blouses At $1.00 Sizes 1.6 to 42 regulation style Middy Blouses of fine white Jean. One day only at t h i s special price. Special Thursday "Dollar Day" COTTON Flowered Petticoats At $1.00 ' O Well made neat bot ton Petticoats nh a variety of pretty flow-J ered patterns. While any remain at the above price. ". ; Special Thursday - "Dollar Day" 4 Men's Dress : Shirts i At $1:00 Q fine custom made Dress Shirt? of stan dard Percale, made coat style with double Trench ; cuffs and star(?he?l neckV band. AH sizes 1 4-, to " 17 'm ; neat f patterns. Special Thursday "Dollar Day" Men's Socks - 4 Pairs For $1.00 O for this sale only we offer Men's fine black Cotton Socks in Styles with white sole or all white foot no seam at toe all sizes. One Day Only at 4 for. ;:$i.oo 7 Special Thursday "Dollar Day" Men's Work -Shirts At $1.00 .O Regulation style with flat collar and faced sleeves. They come in ' grey j arid j in dark and .light blue, and in sizes 14J to 17 in the as sortment.J 1 J" AA Day Only at Ol.UU THURSDAY 'DOLLAR DAY" Beautiful 6 to 10 Inch NOVELTY RIBBONS , At $1.00 Yard Formerly Selling to More Than Twice This Amount! Yes almost three times, this sale price. High-grade Novelty Ribbons in '6 to 10 inch widths especially adapted for bagjs, vestees, girdles, -camisoles, etc. They come in stripes, plaids, light and dark jacquards, etc. All are in This Sale at $1.00 yard. i THURSDAY DOLLAR DA Y' Most Desirable Styles in WOMEN'S NECKWEAR At $1.00 Sets, Collars and Vestees 1-3 to 1-2 Off! At this surprising price reduction -'you have choice from up-to-the-minute istyles in Collars, Sets and Vestees in fine Laces, Organdie, Georgette, Crepe and Satin. Broken assortments in this season's best styles. All at one price . Thursday at $1;00.. Dollar Bill Says: See How Big I Havej Grown In the Domestic ; v- Section j . The way he's stepped into our popu lar Domestic Section and set to work is'a wonder ! Here's a list of aifew. of the J offerings that show art amazing growth in value-saving so, come Thursday and profit extraordinarily! Huck Towels 7 for $1.00 Fine all wTiite Huck 4 Inches. Honeycomb Towels 3 for $1.00 Large, dur able Honey -comb Towels, 20x40 inches. Pillow Slips 4 for . $1.00 Well made bleached Pil low Slips, 42 x36 inches. CI AH l?U For Choice From- While 'Any Remain BABY BLANKETS 30x40 in.; they come in pink, and blue styles and all white. JAP. LUNCH CLOTHS 42 in. sq., dainty Japanese Lunch Cloths in several designs. BLEACHED SHEETS 72x90 in. full bleachedj seamless, neatly trimmed Sheets. LONG CLOTH 4 YARDS FOR $1.00 Fine soft finish Nainsook finish Long Cloth of standard quality. CRASH TOWELING r 5 YARDS FOR$1.00 . Durable part linen unbleached Crash Toweling in i6 inch width. Our EiUire Stock of FINE CRETONNES and TERRY DRAPERIES Thursday at $1 Yd. Our Store Now&fy Opens at 9 A. M. Store Closes tit 5:30 P. M. Saturday 6 P. M. THE MOST IN VALUE- THE BEST IN QUALITY EL. "Dollar Day" In Our Basement 9ft Large V Bars of White Wonder Laundry Soap At $1.00 Yes -20 -bars for t.00 while any re main. No phone orders and none sold to deal ers.. None delivered ex cept with other goods. 1 THURSDAY "Dollar Day" At Notion Counter . - ' - i - Ebony Back Hair Brushes With White Bristles At $1.00 O Good weight Hal r Brushes with Ebony back and fine white bristles. Just about 1 00 to sell at this sale. ! THURSDAY "Dollar Day" At Notion Counter Red Rubber Water Bottles 2-Qt Sise .At $1.00 About 40 guaranteed , red rubber Water Bottles in two-quart size to close !at the above low price, j.