WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1820. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 23 nt ATTENTION! CAE OWNERS Ws can save you nootj on your work. W arwcializ on Ignition and all electrical work. Wa can overhaul your ear and save yon dol Ian. All work under the superviniosi ol petent men and absolutely guaranteed. Work don on a flat contract basis, Wa can beat everybody's Price in town on battery work and on ivulcanialng " nd retreading. Get otir price, they will surpriaa you. All retread guaranteed for 4000 miles. Hemphill' aato achboU TOT Hawthorn v. Telephone East 8068 FORD OWNERS" mrtD overhauled . . . 7X19 Bear axle overhauled ................$ 6 Valve (round, carboa remored. ......... 8 Mairneto recharged .......... ......... I We hand-Jap pistons, srrap bearing, etc, which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Cord carta only used. All work guaranteed. - GUARANTEE ATJTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St, Corner Jefferaom. WHEELER ST. GARAGE. $55 Wheeler St., Near E. Broadway. Phone East 8083. Cenerat auto repairing. Bring In your Ford and har them repaired by expert mechanic ; tO day' guarantee. Towing any part of city. Gieun W. Hollister and Frank L. Barker, Formerly With Ruhligbt A Penney. At TO PAlNilMi oil l In. i faction guaranteed. 851 E. Oak. lonin , it Kent H877. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES Si NO. 4 UNION ball-bearing akstes 12.35 per pair; bicyclea guaranteed for 1 year, $20 to $51. Other wheel toys at light price. Phone Bdwv. 8060. Krening Repair Shop. 840 X. 23d at. Open it a. m. to 8, p. m. Sunday 9 a m. to- 1, p. m, - - - I "" INDIAN World's fastest and best motorcycle, for si la. INDIAN HUTUUi;il,I.I BltU LB 1X1., Ifaia 6139 204 Third St. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS. ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-46, Grand Are. YANTED Late Cleveland motorcycle. Bwrley, 11X13 E. 5,5th t N. B. S. (200 IX)T to trade for Barley or Indian. E. 26th st. N. 1103 LAUNCHES ATTP BOATS 64 WANTED Gasoline launch for towing and work boat: will ney cash. Albert Lane. 140 E. Lombard St., city. MACHINERY 81 GENERAL h. p. three phase motor, $45; can be seen at 6345 Foster road. PIANOS ORGANS, MUSICAL LNSTRTTMENTS 14 HAZELTON upright, brand new, but slightly shopworn. In fine dark man. case; can be bought for $640 on reasonable termal We knew of nothing to equal this offering. Really fin piano. : Lipman, -Wolfe & Co.: 7th Floor Piano Sale ALL rSED PIANOS HAVE BEEN BE- THU'F.n TO A FIGURE YOU CANNOT COM- PARE -ELSEWHERE. SHOP A ROUND, THEN REE OUR BARGAINS. BONDS AT FULL VALUE. . HOWARD, fine oak. case ....,$285 KIMBALL, a snsp $250 EARNER A SON, plain msh. case. ...... $275 BAREMORE. small late style $365 (M.K SON. cabinet grand, a nan $285 KCHMER, almost new, man. case. ....... $475 MASON A--HAMLIN, cannot be told from new . s . . . . $600 and others. Terms siren. SEIBERLLNG-LTJCAS MUSIC CO., 125-127 4th st. bet Wssh. and Alder sts. ITERS POND upright, mahogany art finish I ease, slightly marred on front panel, but other- Wise perfect Only $610 on payments. Lip man, Wolfe & Co. 7th Floor ' TJ8.ED PIANOS NOW AT SPECIAL TERMS,! $400 Rimes A Sons, closing out. ...$225 $600 Everett refinisbed; closing out.. 205 $650 Kimball, walnut; closing out.. 450 $.175 Richmond, oak, closing out.... 423 $600 Frederick, like new, closing out. 450 $475 Hoffman,, plain case, closing out 875 Foley & Van Dyke 100 fifth at. Just below Washington. WTTEELOCK upright man. ease, tin tone and light action. varnish is checked but other wise good. A splendid piano for A beginner on very easy terms. Price $265. Lipman, .Wolfe &Co .7th Floor Knahe Piano Beautiful walnut ease. Ilk. new, for lees than en. half the price of a new one. An opportunity of a life time for a lorer of muaio to secure such : an Instrument at such A price. ; Soule Bros." 166 10th St. bat Morrison and Yamhill. 80 R quick sale we offer two beautiful new Ham- mond uprights tn real man., either engbt or ' . satin finish, for $472 each, on liberal payments. These piano are lata model of classic design and of very fin ton quality. Lipman, Wolfe & Co.. 7th -Floor :' . . ' SAVE $50 Columbio Grafonola. nearly new, large cabinet aire, not a scrstch on the cabinet; has auto stop and all the latest. Will take Liberty bond at sr. Kenwood 1845. FREE I FREE! FKKKl $2& worth ol genuine l- . V, 1M...11. 1 ion. with the mirnhaM nf anv Pathe nhminmntl. -Mnmt .in- tm nnl. R.n. lit lllth .t pear Morrison. USED pianos, splendid condition, very special, 2V3, 3in. 3ho; piayer pianoa oo. . U. - JUll.NHON PIANO CO. l th. A1F.I.ODY "C"- saxophone, cornet, trombone, mu- sicai gooas oi di sinu.. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 140 6th. HAVE a phonograph in your house for Xma. W are giving 100 value tor I10U: late model, standard make machine; terms. Soul Brosiee 10thjierMorrison. $550 WINDSOR piino.'platn mahogany, almost brand r.ew, $250. Easy terms. 311 Wor- eeter bldg. t'SED Columbia phonograph outfit: oak cabinet. double faced records. $100 value, only 865; I terms. Soule Bro.. 166 10th st near Morrison. ' HIGHEST prices paid for pianos. Iiiioncgraphv record, musical instrument; schange and re- pair. 254 Market t. Main 6012. . GOOD -pianos are eoid cheap at 3li Vorceir bidg. . t'ompare them and f md out for your elf. Hundnl have already. $925 SOHMER PIANO, nothing better made. - a wond rful pianc, just like new, less than half - price; tenns. $11 Worcester bldg. $650 JACOB DOLL piano, plain walnut and bench, only $290; term. 811 Worcester : brag. . 8700 LUDWIG. almost brand new; very latest oiiiy$300. including bench; easy term. .311 jeorefcwer pmg. PR ic F.a nriiiTi-iri. j "Piano nd phonographs. Remaining stock. , HAROLD 8. GILBERT, 8S4 Yamhill t $600 McCAMON upright piano, $125. 311 woreemvr Dug. :$600 PIANO nd bench. Hardman make, only OKA V.h .a- . 4 , ... . ... v.'v. I...; irimi. iii voroeter Dtug. $550 J, V. 11SHEK piano, only $150. given. - $11 Worcester bidg. terms C EMERSON piano, mahogany case, good lines, ' cheap for cash? leaving city. 880 K. 27th N. S875 WELLINGTON, plain oak. $1757 Worcester bldg. 311 $150 VICTROLA. only $100. with record : "mat like new. 811 Woroester bldg. WANTED Used piano from private pwuer at unw. Aiar'iiiaii oioir. $650 SMITH-BARNES piano and bench; plaiil oak ; $290, terms. 811 Worcester bldg. f300 COLUMBIA Grafonola outfit, latest mdel used 2 months. 1'hune Main 1969. eveninsa. ATJTO REPAIR RHOPS PIAXOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL IXSTRCWEWTS 31 SPECIAL XMAS OFFER $25 Worth of Records j Free The Bent Cabinet Phonograph on Earth. , Absolutely - Without Exception -;':TiHE 'PATHE - t . . - - Play any disc record without change of at tachment better than any other machine. The rerouting records played with the Pitha sapphire pall never teem to deteriorat like) others played with a teel needle. 011 nd bear it Play.i No compulsion to buy, . . Very wnoi, yii cnsrge no interest. jniHiri - The Big Store AH Cnder One Poof. No. Branch Stores. -fS5 1st St. Rem etriher, 2 Doors from Yamhill Useti Phonographs . At Bargain Prices - 3 75 Manidel, sale price.. . .$ 65.00 $100 Munola. cabinet size, sal price . .1 fto.00 $125 PatHe. sale price 95.00 $125 Mandel. oak... 76.00 $150 PaUte, like new, sale price.. 125.00 $175 Mandel, plays ail records, sale urn . 4 . ou $200 Stradivara, fine tone, sale price j -150.00 $225 Vic tiro la, used oak, sale price 185.00 I ALL SOLO ON REASONABLE TERMS J ALA, li U Ait A TEED Fofley & Van Dyke 106 Fifth St. Just Below Washington. THERE IS ONE SAFE PLACE TO BUY YOTJK i PU0 OR rHONOGKAPH. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 7TH FLOOR. FACTOR?; REBUILT AND UMCD 1'lA.Noi $600 Krstlch & Bach, golden oak $365 $700, golden oak $313 $000 Rteiawar A Sons, rammd I:44S $1800 Eolian orchesUeUe. $305 lean ninarr. maiulre colonial. $433 $850 Ebersole, modern mahogany. .... . $865 awau i aompson player 05 $950 Thompson player, poL mahogany.. $495 Mallet Dans, rosewood $195 $250 Collard as Collard, walnut $85 3275 H. Bord. rosewood. $75 $405 Newt) Jc Inn .ln loos $1750 Benywood Orchestrion......... $53 $1000 N. Y. Pianoforte, con. gr. . . . . $205 19 lo li0 cash. $6. $10 to $15 Monthly Parlor organs 125. $3fl, $45. $58 to $75 atnwi.ii piano CO. I Downstairs Store 101 lpth Bt at Wash, and Park Sts. GARNER & SON upright in dsrk msh. case. colonial design, will be sold for 8205. This remarkable yalue as the piano is in excellent con dition and can be turned in later at full price on uie purcuase price oi a new piano. Convenient rms. Lipman,: Wolfe & Co. 1 7th Floor FINE PIANOS $125 UP Sobmer, like brand new. I.ndwia bnnW i style, latest moaei, Mcuamoo, Jacob Doll plain wainut; uiawK, nui sue, plain dull -mahoganv; Windsor. Wellington, Kohler & Chase, Smith & iiarnea. J.r tj. r iscner. Kimtisl . ami Hani. man make, others, easy terms. Sara timr mrm.i you may keed it later; buy at 811 WorcesU-r niag. BLENHEIM upright rarnlsh checked but other wise good in tone and setinn. A fin n),n. lu' mouB,mMI m jjo. Xerms or cash. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 7th Floor EITHER Brooks or Hawthorne Phonoeranhs. in different dew ens. to be sold at a sacrifice thi wee oy us. Hovenden Piano Co. 146 Pirk St. bet Morrison . and Alder. $1000 PLATER piano, combination bench and ou roils III u Air . almost hr. rid nffw 11U.I plete; nwd 3 months; greatest bargain in Port- lana. rjtsy terms. - JSrakerue t'.. 81 1-1 2.1 3 a v orcester Diag. $15 TO $25 CASH buys new 1820 model up "fn 8875 piano in oak or mahogany for - ' " . Diuun SIZ montniV. lntlr -t r-a rih oia piano, or organ taken as if rat payment. """o i-iano jo.. iui iutn su, near Washing i ion. ana ctiara sis. TOY PIANOS only $8; musical toys from 15c 65c up to Frisco whisUes at $3.50; music uag. nunc sranas. U. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO ' 140 6th FULL CASH VAIXK Pam bvio Phonographs & Records ' NJCWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. Ii8 First St Main 4495. Tabor 6794 FOR NEW and slightly used phonographs, Co- luuiuiu ana niner sxytes, rail on WILLIAM GADSRY & SONS. First and Washington. ! Your credit is good here ,lLHa POND new upright piano at $573 aiso ljaTenpon iiacey player, which has I been USed, St $375. 1 I HOYENDON PIANO CCl 146 ark St, bet Morrison and Alder. t-TRADK !U your old piano for a new talking ' p""n"arapn. i.ioerai allowance. I M Ufl.MIU.1 s'lANO CO. I ; n ntn I ACCtiMDIONS. guiurs. banjos, mandolins, vio- i -- - JOHNSON TUNO CO. I 149 6th. ' $3I'(' EDISON phono, witn over 100 Vict or ktirt I r-uiran nroiuj; wiu 11 for 1300 cash nr I r,,1e ior nt- Call Sellwood 2367 between I ana a- . I MARTIN; Melody "C" saxophones, corneU, trom- bones,! are the het G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO t 141) 6th. BRINGING UP FATHER T " T " MOW OAReY A 'aJ-w-. a ) .1 S ' - fti WE AVS ME Ijjli V s P MAGGIE S VOUVELL I CDOM MERCY ' H S' pELL PL PELL. RIGHT f"Hf.- ( THE. lAlC IS V W' AsWriTl 1 AT ME? rVS LCTJEP OM WMAT'S ( r,r S&r 1 M FRONT I I if , I OH THE TOP Eg:: C0ME HEREL- WHAT DO I YOUR BROTHER - J HAPPENED fffcBi Io " ' (7ii --THE HOSPTTAL 1 P?H j OOR Fv I J vou Jtt, HE SAYS HE'S To 4iM v c3 V -TOP FLOOR I JjU ' i V--- i ; 'j' ' jy . -I j TPSaf " ' ttr tt Vt tin PtAWM ; , ' - - 1 PIAKOS. OROAft. MChlCAL ISSTB.rMF.TS 84 CHRISTMAS VALUES IN PHONOGRAPHS $35.08 Columbia, used, only .$20.00 .$25.00 .$35.00 gao.oo pathe, lik new $60.00 Cremona, used . $110 Teletone. new . . . $175 New Corafut, used $200 Columbia, used .. $200 .Edison, like new . ....... ".yv ..... ,$185.00 $130.00 $145.00 . . . . $22 Cremona, new .1187.00 Our Very Best Value The Natural Tone VaSuphone For Only $122 EASY TERMS Open Evening Perry Music Co. 427 Wahinirton -t BALDWIN upright in a fine walnut . case, new. art rimsii truly a masterpiece ol the, i,m.iiu uiu. t-'.ii. hki or sow ai a reuucuun i v. " " C . . iiu. iusuuihcui W1U Ul. R108I exacting musician. We in rite your most critical comparison. Weber upright, walnut case, specially priced $365. Term Lipman, Wolfe & Co. , 7th Floor ; ece rapiiis At i5 Cents on the Dollar $250 Masterpiece, gold trimmed phonograph, now ..,.........$125.00 $200 Masterpiece phonograph now. 100.00 $130 Masterpiece phonograph, now. 75.00 $125 Masterpiece phonograph, now. 67.50 $100 Masterpiece phonograph, now. 50.00 See tiie-ie in our third floor salesroom; we are celling for a creditor. Dxf not con fuse with our regular stock. These prices are rssh. Foley & Van Dyke 106 Fifth St. just below Washington, u LKlll slOHACk, CO., ciwing out: Small. UPTiglU piano S 65 and 8 75 Modern upright pianoa ,..$105 to $345 Modern player pianna .. , $385 to $695 Parlor organs ...$20. $25, $38, $45 and $ 68 Pianos stored for 75c monthly 103 TENTH ST., COR. STARK. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WANTED 84 WANTED Second-hand cabinet talking ma- chine: must be chesD for cash. Prof John 71 N. Cth st WANTED Snap in 2d hand piano. Consider good payer. Mam 4424. week days. HOUSgHOLTr GOOPS FOR SALE BIG REDUCTIONS IN ALL LINES OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. COOKING UTENSILS AND KITCHEN 'HARDWARE; ALL KINDS OF COOK STOVES W00O. COAL OR GAS; WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SLIGHTLY USED HEATERS. FURNITURE William and Mary dining room tableau finished -in wasnut, regular .price $70, apecial at only $29.00 Oak rocker, genuine leather seat with springs cost $22.50. special sale ....$11.75 William and Mary solid oak genuine leather seats, errt $14.50; now selling for $7.60 to ..$ 8.50 Oak genuine leather seat dar enport, cost $67.50, now sell ing for .. ...$49.00 Dark oak cases . . , 3 - sectional book- .$21.00 SPECIAL THIS WEEK WE ARE OFFERING A COMI'LETK LINE OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR BOTH GROWNUPS AND CHILDREN. TOYS AD USEFUL GUr'TS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Old Fiiriitaire Co. 209-211 SECOND STREET. Bet Taylor and Salmon. COAL and wood range. ..... .$15.00 n Cook stoves ............. 10.00 up Gss stoves 10.00 ' np Gss water beater 9.00 up Floor-coverings, yard .75 up Kitchen queens 8.00 UP Kitchen cabinet ............ 12.00 up Dining room extension table . . 7.00 up Dining room chairs 1.60 up Living room rockers........... 4.00 up Library tables 8.00 up Simmons beds 12.00 up Cotton fett mattresses 8.00 up Steel springs 6.00 up Coil springs 8.00 up Dressers 9.00 up PORTLAND FURNrrUIIE.EXCHANG. 208-210 First St USED : ROLL TOP DESK . A very handsome and massive 66-inch desk, in full choice quarter-sawed oak. Wax finish. This is a Leopold desk and with it is a very fine swivel chair with high back and seat nr holstered in first grade genuine black leather. Just like new and would cost at least $275. The two for $130. KaT terms if desired. 185 First St. Near Yamhill st WE RECEIVED a lare assortment of brass beds, and we like to dispose of them before' Christmas. The price ia more than reasonable; also springs and mattresses. Buy your wife a beau tiful brass bed for a Christmas present. While the selections are large call and get one. Fddsf dn Foraitore 174 First St N. E. Cor. Yamhill. HIGH-GRADE custom mads overstuffed daven port in mohair pluh, brand new, at a bar gain. ISO Union ave. HO"8EHOLT GOODS FOR SALE 1 .CHRISTMAS' THERE IS ONE SAFE PLACE TO BUY YOCR ' PIANO OR PHONOGRAPH. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. , 7TH FLOOR. VK ar manufacturers of high grade davenports and chairs. W are closing out our sample lines direct to the trade st manufacturer's prices for cash. MichaeUon Bros. Phone 238-15. Ere. Tsbor 6787. OtAiK new and ud tunntuit. rangeis, heater, rug, carpets, lowest prices. Juelsoa Furni ture Co., 11$ Orand are East 605' GOLDEN oak china closet and buf fet. chairs an0rable: aU like new. a-table; all like new. C60 E. 53d st. N. Ant M'M-tIM NEW mahogany dateniiort, table. East 324. TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL makes' sold. rented and eichsneed- Terms if desired. Send for retail price. Whole sale Typewriter Co.. S21 Washington at. N. W. corner . 6th. ALL MAKES of . tyixwriters Tented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th st Main 8668. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GREAT SALE Antique articles of every description at a sac rifice by owner at 633 Washington St., cor. loth. Articles such as candlesticks, raoe. stat uary, furniture, etc Splendid opportunity for Christmas gifts. GEO. DRUMMOND. Owner. Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGE rash registers, showcases, fountains, scales, a t o r fixture. 1. BOXER. Msr. 2438. 113 2d at WE SAVE YOU lluNal Bouse wiring, fighting fix tures, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Electa Store. 224 Third street, near Salmon. Maia 5055. FOUR drop head Domestic machines. $30; 8 Arm haul New Homes, like new. $47.50: 1 drop head White Rotary. $30; 8 drop head. Stencils, $15; 1 white notary can met, ao.i. Sewing machines, rented snd repaired- E. R. Steen, 152 Grsnd tc. riast 2a. INDIAN BICYCLES Are the. best in the world. Get on for your boy fo Christmas, and stop his troubles. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE 4 BICYCLE CO.. Main 6139. 204 Third St SAFES Fire and- our alar proof safes, new and second hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms it aesirea. NORRIS SAFE V AAX.'K CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2045. jr Bouaht. sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 418 Bum- aid, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. CANDY Broken chocolates for sale. 30c ner lb in 5 lb boxes. Also fine line of fancy boxes parked with high grsde choeoHtes. , Apply at 470 Haw thorne it., between 8rh and Hth sts. biNUJCK. Whit.. New Home, in fact, al moat every make and style. $15 to $35. All latest, new Singers easb or (time. Rentals. $8 per month. Singer Store. Moore bldg., 193 4th. Main 6088 DRESSED POULTRY FOR CHRISTMAS DIRECT FROM THE FARM Turkeys, ducks, geese and chickens. Call Dec. 21 to 24. 600 E. Daris. Roue City carline. PRUNES! PRUNES! Italian, tome split 16 lbs., $1. 100 lbs., $4.95. Bargain. Bearer Grocery, 287 Yam hill st AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A lareg listing will be found under thes different classi fications. ELECTRIC fixtures wholesale: electric heaters, $8.50; Hot Point electric irons. $6.95; Xmas tree lights. $2.95 set. Reliable Electric. Union ve. and Rnssel st. East 3686. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roofv We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 0.16O. FOR SALE Brooms at factory prices for a few days only. Usual $1.25 value. 73c; prompt delivery. Order now. Aut 525.42. POT A TOES -American Wonder and-Burba nk, $1.90 sack, five sacks $1.K0; small potatoes. $1, delivered. Phone Sell. 2587. HANPV Warranted unadiilterated. light a a -v a mild. strained quart 80c. onsntity less. East 1416. ATTRACTIVE style.i in ladies' slightly worn coats, suits, gowns, hats and furs. 1647 Tl.nrraan t Main 9567. aGIltS&&.ry 851 Washington 8t Without Psin.- Infest Nerve Blocking Method. BRAND NEW, never been worn, exceptionally fine, wolverine fur, just half price. Private party. hone Woodlawn 742. FOR HALE Holly wreath; 50c and 75c. Compare with downtown prices. 194 E. 33 J st Phone Aut. 237-16. WINTER POTATOES AND ONIONS Burbank potatoes. Yellow Danvar onions, deliver. Phone East 404. ' We FIRST-CLASS shoe repairing, workmanship reasonable price. Modern Elec guaranteed tric Shoe Shop, 352 3d st So. of Auditorium. eiflHTh BUSINESS CARD8 fft S(K SWiJ) ROSE CITY PRINTERY Pll.Kl' - Yon must bring this ad. 120 6th at. LADIES, ATTENTION Slightly ' used veering apparel at Vogue Ap parel ETelisnire. 403 Alixky bldg Main 31R2. GENTILE CLOTHES BUYERS pay mor for worn used clothes. East 1676. 115 Grand ave. POTATOES $1.50 to $L75 delivered; also beans, squash snd popcorn. E. 6703. WEST SIDE house sells ladies' slightly, used apparel; big bargains. Mar. 8215. ONE mechanical train and Phon Wdln. 1364. 1 electric train. FOR SALE--Nearly new wicker doll buggy; New Home sewing machine. 208 N. 22d st FOR SALE Trombone, mandolin, guitar, flute, (bicycle-engine). 916 E. Yamhill. VACUUM CLEANERS rented, 85c per day; with bose attachments, $1. Woodlawn 5753. REBUILT CASH REGISTERS AND COMPUT ING SCALES. 226 STARK ST. REBUILT hearers, good as new, at half price; trade in your old stoves. East 6560. FERTILIZER Cow or riofe manure 4el'TTl Tabnr 2704. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired", e changed, bought Ray Bentley. Main 4907. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24 hour dsv. 85c; delivered. Woodlswn 1259. VACUUM CLEANERS, rent $1 per dy. De lirercd. .Tsbor 5786 eves.. Bdwy. 2872 days. STOVES repaired, heaters relined; stoves, gas ap pliances bought; condition no object E. 6560. TORSALK Ch register, sat, adding ma? chine, showcase. 43 First st, near Ash. A GOOD steel range for sale. $10. ave. S. E. PI)one Aut 224-97. 5426" 4 Stb GARDEN manure, plowing. Aut. 642-41. (Copyright. 1920, by Service. FOR SALE msCELLATIEOrS. 1 Leading Wreckers of the Pacific Coast - Ctractto Co.: "- Cor. East 8th and Belmont Sta, U. S. Government Building Material For Sale : SASH. DOORS. WINDOWS We hat on hand an enormous amount of the finest kind of dimension lumber for just hi the price of new. We also hire several thousand new window sash and -doors, as well a slight ly used ones, at an exceptional offer. You can also consult ; us for lowest prices on th following: Flooring. Shiplap. Ceiling. ' 1-ineh Sheathing (rough and dressed) . Window Sash. Doors. Inside Finish. Shingles. Roofing Paper. Plumbing Fixtures. Pipe and Fittings. Electrics 1 Material. Plow Steel Wire Cable. U'rrora. Special .Offer . 1.000.000 feet of 4x6. 4x8. 4x12, 10x13 and 12x12 $19 per 1000 feet ETerything in th building Lin Bought and,! Sold. anWreddng &. 460 Belmont St Corner East 8th. Phone E. 6110. Sewing Machine New and 26 band machine sold for less; no age&i employed. Com- lete line of parti for all make, lachine repaired tk rented. 119 Third st. FURS AT AFTER XMAS PRICES Everythinj must bs sold regardless of price. THE FUR 8HOP. 606 SweUand bldg.. 6th and Washington. GENTJINK NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES Sold for Leas. No Agents Employed. SEWING MACHINE EMPORItfM 190 Third St., near Taylor. Main 8431. SINGER ET.ECTRIC SEWING MACHTNXS. We take your machine in exchaw. balance cash or esy pyment. Pbon for 4onstr tion. Machines rented. Expert repairiag. any make. MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE, 882 Morrison. MsrshaU 721. WHITE flour sacks, 1001b. sire,, neatly washed and laundered. $1.80 per dozen ; msil orders promptly attndd to. Modes Bros.. 290 Union are., near Hswthorne. BABY CARRIAGE REPAIR SHOP W re-tire, repaint and repair and upholster; work called for snd delivered promptly. Call Wdln. 2069. 845 Williams ave. LICENSED independent electrician, wire 8 rooms for 812, 5 rooms, $20. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to pass xnspecuon. Wdln. 8791. FOR SALE- All size floor ca.os, counter arte, wall eases, electric coffee mill, meat sheer, register, gas range, cheese cutter, half price. 242 Salmon. - x SOLDIERS' overcoats altered into civilian style. dyed bin or black, new buttons, complete, $7.50. Regal Cleaners, tailors, 127 N. 6th St., Portland. Or. HOT WATER TANKS SO-gaL. $t; 40-gal..$9' Tested and guaranteed stove and furnace coil Gas heaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st E. 8516. ONE baby carriage. $8: one 8x10 Seneca view camera and accessories, $20. Phone Main 1920. : FILREKT trees, strawberries, ra-pbernan, black caps, goodseberries, currant. Woodstock Nursery. Sell. 2.332. FOR SALE Kallich's Giant cherry .trees for sale. Inquire I. Kallich. 1460 Madrona st, Woodlawn. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE USED APPAREL Coats, suits, dresses, furs, hats shoes. 1132 E. Glisan, near 39th. Tabor 2825. RU:s washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer. Also vacuum cltaning done. East 4045. NEW set Harvard classics. Junior, $10; good Columbia bicycle, 22-inch frame. $80: Sell- wood 184 7 . , , AGATE jewelry for Xmas gifts. The plsee to buy direct from manufacturers. Van Dusen's, 453 Wash., cor. 13th. . LET IB wash your rugs with the Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer wtihout reraov rn from the floor. Woodlswn 1259. SAFES, new snd focondliind, some with burglsr chest, st reasonable prices. s-eitie nai as 8tiPDly Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy 1966. FIRST growth wood; special prices tor eliise-ln diMiveries: 2 cord lots. $21.50;. S'A-cord lots, 886.50. Call F.a-t 6563. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Gent's gimuine coonskin fur coat Value $500. Will sell at A bargain. Sell. 1244 FOR SALE Cheap. Imported Gabardine rain coat, never worn, coat $65. Call East 6482, after 6. FOR SALE Registers, showcases, wall cases. Cash or credit, 242 Salmon. ; . . jAFFCrffic safe, also1 filing safe; bargains. M-64 9, Journal. HOLLY" tree for sale, 50 cent per foot 1198 E. Kelly st. ; MISTLETOE for sale. Willamett Valley Trans fer Co., 408. -Flanders st .. WANTED Second hand equipment for small bakery. Col. 313. FERTILIZER , Rotted cow or horse manure. Tabor 2704. BICYCLE like Mar. 5186. new, bargain. 474 Yamuiii. FOR 8ALE 9567. -A misses coat fur raincoat Ml BOYS' TOYS For sale cheap. E. 8652 $15 BUYS adding machine; add 7 figurtar 5 18 Corbett bldg. Msr 6 57. VACUUM cleaners fni rent. SI a day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. . - POTATOES, apples, onions: wholal. 153 Front St., near Morrt-cm bridge. prices. WALNUT trees, loganberry planU, cherry, peach, prune, pears, Woodstock Nursery. Sell. 2832. XMVs-TREEs7"m7sUetoe and wild holly. Will deliver. Phone East 8233. , A LOVELY" Christmas gift, beautiful hand carved music bag. Et 7839. TAILOK-M A1E suit leit on nnd at half price. Modern Tailors, 89 N. 6th at. GAS runs- snd water heater. 836. Tahor 7368. FIRST growih fir cordwood. Phone Wdln. 6233. International Featur Inc.) MAIN 9481 FOR RALE M1SCELLA!EOS 19 Factory Samples Retail WE BUY AND SELL SAMPLES Dinner sets. 42-pc. dee. ; $10 ra'-ne. . . . . .$9.95 Aluminum 8-cud percolator. 82.75 ralue.. 1.85 Cup and saucers, decorated; 8 5c rahie. . .25 vasseroie in irame, 8-in. oren glass; tre mendous values. $4 1.83 Guaranteed electric, toaster stoves, 1 $5.50 value .......... S25 Imported baraionicas. $1.50, 82.60 and $3 ... half off Aluminum tea kettles, $5 . ..$3.00 imn engraved tumblers. Oe eet . .BO Thin star-cut tumblers, $1.20 act 90 Hand painted vases to $7.50 value.. 2.2J Silk lamp shades, beaded handbag, neck Dead, dolls, electric bulbs, special 25e; cut glass, hand painted china and numerous 'ether bargains. Mail orders, cash, tent by - express. L. W. Jones Co. Open Evenings Until Christmas. Room 617 Worcester. Bid. ' CHRISTMAS THERE IS ONE SAFE TLACE TO BUY YOUR PIANO OR FHONOGRAPIL Lipman, Wolfe Co. 7TH FLOOR. Price Back to Normal in Christmas Toys Of All Kinds. Fresh Meats and Groceries, on Short Notice. Poultry Dressed So Mo & 40th Ave. and 52d St. 3. E. 5((5SiightSy Used5 Sewing Machines Will be sold at greatly reduced prices to mske room for the New White Phonograph. All lesding makes. Will take Liberty bonds, at face value on all new machine and phonographs. . S. S. Sigel & Son 382 WASHINGTON STREET. . CEDAR CHESTS Direct from fsetorv. to vour home. Tennewee and Port Orford cear; solid copper trimmings, latest design Order now for Christmas, Ope) venings, Sundaya Write for eatslogue. . J. W. HKiGINS SON, 1912-16-18 K. GI.ISAN TABOR 808. ONE 3 BV 7 4 -ft clothing floor case, oiid plate glass top; one 10-ft floor case, solid plate glass top and shelf; 2 5 ft. floor ease, plate gtass top, front and lidee; one 7-ft hat case; one plate glass collar ease, holds 36 col lars: two nickel plated tie racks and other fur nishing equipment, 148 4th st . FACTORY SAMPLES Wholesale and retail. Less than cost CROCKERY. GLASS, ALUMINUM. CUTLEBY. ELECTRICAL GOODS. Etc. 617 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Osk. Sewing -Machines We bsve th largest stick of used Sewing Mscbines hi the city. Com pere prices. We rent and repair. 172 8d. near TamhflL OFFICE FURNITURE-" We save you money on new or used furniture for your office. File, aafea, typewriters, adding machines, desks, etc. See us before you buy any thing for your office. D. C. Wax, 31 N. 5 th. Bdwy. 2739. BUY. SELL. BENT OR TRADE Shotguns and Rifles NEWMAN'S GUN STOItE. 128 First sr. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. Independent Printers W are still doing promptly "printing for leas" t 11 N. 6th at. Commonwealth bldg. Smith, printers. Broadway 2986. HOT WATER tanka for saie. 30 and 40 gals.. $5; cracked water jackets, scored cylinder, welded; heavy welding and outsld Job a pe nalty. Independent Welding Shop. Water and E. Washington at. East 2782. FOR SALE Parlor heating stove, 14 inch fire box, nicely nickeled, good condition, $15 cash, or will exchange for part groceries and some toys. N-343. Journal. CAMERA 5x7 Korona, excellent lens, like new, $30, include sole leather carrying cas. and tripod; alv beautiful large opal gold ring, $30. 1300 E. Taylor st Automatic 284-14. UNCALLED FOR tailor made suits, $12.50 up. Taylor, the tsilor. 289 H Bumswl. st. FURNITURE WANTED 74 Owl Furniture Co. NEAR MORRISON We want your used furniture, rtove, carpet and risne: wa pay the highest cash price. 166 and 168 Ffrt t - Can Main 462T. SPOT CA.HH FOR ISKIi f-I RNlTUUE ' Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORB ; 173 FIRST STREET. WE BUT used furniture, stoves, rugs, etc Re hab). Furniture Co. 203-205 2d. Main 7306. SWAPS 4U WILL trade nice bug with wire wheels, top and shield, for Victrola. 1200 E. Orant GOOD X motorcycle and ide car to trade for Ford truck. 4 8 3 Hawthorn ave. WASTED MISCELLANEOUS SI 2.50 to $25 - FOR SECONDHAND SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER, THE TAILOR PAYS MORE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES W call day or evening anywhere in the etty. Call Mar. 1229 or 253 Madlaw st. near Sd st WE MUST have 500 men's .used suit and top coats to snip out or town; w r in Dig de mand for men's used clothing. Call ioldbsum the Tailor, 167 1st at. near Morrisuat. Main 738. WANTED furniture crating, ' general household packing, general packing; all holiday package carefully packed. Sellwood 2669. WANT SHOWCASE. CASH REGISTER. OFFICE DESK. COUNTER. TYPEWRITER. MAIN 4495. AUTOMATIC 627-46. WANTED Worn and discarded Underwood typewriter. Office hours, 12 to 0 a m. 304 Ry. Exchange bid. ' - WANTED USED HOUSF.HOLD GOODS, TOOLS AND JUNK, EAST SIDE SECOND HAND STORE. 271 RUSSELL. EAST8387. SET or part set of carpenter tools. Must be jn good condition nd chesp; alw blacksmith or machinist's vise. East 6962, WANTED Second hadn equipment for small bakery. Phone Columbia 313. WA.NTEI Rifles, shotguns, cameras, lenses, HochfTeld, 85 3d. Phon Main 8581. SAFE Wilt py cash for good second-hand of fica safe. L-943, JournaL WATEI MIRCELI.AXEOTTH WANTED Peopl of Portland to know that I pay I be kaghest cash pnew for eood-Uand bousehold foods. - No amount tow large at to small. Prompt .ttentiow. ' 1 - N. U. SEATA2. I Phone East 2208. 143 RnsseQ sr. PERSONAL ft SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. mole, wart removed by 10 needle method; trial free. Jotia Finlsy: 814 Bo-ti aV lane bldg Main 8868. ; flTONUT sweat bath for colds, lw a. mJ to 8 a m.. daily. 450 Mnrgsn htdg, - Msln 7579. CONSULT Lit K. P. CAKTfclt. dntglena ph V. -ian, free. 817-18 SweUand bMg. Main 6 CONSULT Hit K P. CARTER, drwgleaa phy sioan, free. 61 7-1 S SweUand bldg. Main 68. alASSAGE. baths. Dr. Eima 6or.ns-n. to4 Panama bldg. Main 5086. Druglea physician ...... Consultatioa FREE. A t"WJCJ a13 Selling tatdg. Maia PMFESSIONAl 1 AM) f BARBERS' SUPPLIES I LEWIS 6TENGEB Barber Supply Co.. UHk and Morrison sts. Th place to buy barbet chairs and supplies. Stock of furniture always en . nd st right price. 1 BLANK BOOK MAKERS I - DAVIS HOLMAN. INC.. 109 2d St. bfegj book manufacturer. A-318S. Maui IB. CARPENTER AND BUILDER WE DESIGN AND BUILD HOM ES Repair work promptly attended to. Estimate furnished. Col 848. Call evenings from ittl. CAT AND DOB HOSPITAL ' ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, lne." E. 7th and Grant: both phones; day aa nigh service; tors veterinarians CHIROPRACTORS Dr. McMahon's Chiropractic ." Portland. Eleventh year. An adjustment 8 day keeps- diseas away. Phones. 1 . CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and man. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Marshall 8187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. Open evening. ! CEMENT WORK ALL classes cement work, general building and repair work. Bate reasonable, ynone ;tw. CLEANING AND DYEINO ! REGAL Clean rs. Tailor nd Hatters- Cleaning and dyeing a speciaiiyj mini-wwi mail order given prompt 127 N. 6th St., Portland, Or. 1 . ' OOAL AND WOOD .PEOPLES FUEL CO. Dr Clordwood... $10.80 per Jord Drt 16-in. wood $ 9.00 per load Plank wood, 8x12. 16-in. long . .$ 7.50 per load Extra good Sxl2 plank for sale. Reasonable 261 Fremont at. Aut 827-61. - BOXWOOD Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood O, 1261 Macadam. Pbon Main 4173. n r WRECKING WOOD FOR SALE Cut to stove length, for Immediate delivery, $7 per load. Main 0042. Tabor 7818. El- era th Steel, iron ex vtrccaing jq., iic ClJRDWTl()D $9.50, 2 cords $18; l lnehord $11.50; .hort and 4 ft alabwood. Jensen A Co. Col. 1$. ; , GOOD 16 in stabwood. $4.50, $5.50. $6.50, $7.75: heavy country slap. $8; f. gain; delivered nywher. Call m. 911. .Jljg; FIR old growth, 12 or 16 Inch, by hied or any quantity : also green 1 6 ' inch slab and block. mired. Phone Woodlswn 2182. 15 IN WKD. old growth fir; single load. $8: donMe 14 $15. Ready to bnrn. Call vc..Cot 1183. .. , j ,-. iv .1? c ii P 1 'orHworvo Art slab and ' 1 6-inch block and slab mixed. wain, ojii Biker p. ra. DRY WOOD. prompt delivery, cordwood eoun ti slab -and block wood in abort length. Autrauatie 235-21. FOR SALE, dry 16 inch inside nd lb wood .vri- .lw blocks, dry or green. 1 Phon mixed : slan block, Woodlawn 3387, 'Frinnwnctn nRST GROWTH $10.80 per cord.. Alberta Fuel Co. GOOD eordwood, $.. Piedmont. WoorfT 50 per cord, delivered ra wn and iLencon. ! mow Woodlawn 2829. FlitS T tiliOWlH wood; pc.J pracu. lor elosfrin deliveries; 2-eord lots, 821.50; 8H- cord tots $36.50, Call East 6563. lip? M.rriBood. first errtwth fir. 2 s oprds. $27.50; 1 cords, $17; delivered East Side rn ntfww.nt. Phone East 814 8. LIGHT WOOD for sale, $5.60 per load; also other wood. Phone woouiswn loan.- DRY wreckage wood cheap. TABOR 8643. DRY BOX WOOD, 86 a load. Phon Wood lawn 5004. 1188 Montana ave. BLOCK AND SLAB MIXED In 16-in. length, in, nni.1 ri.liv.rv pall Tabor 7664. aTnO. 1 COUNTRY CORDWOOD FOR SALE. CALL SELLWOOD 2387. CORDWOOlS Sreen, A No., 1, 2 cord loU or more, $10. $1080 cord. Sell. 64$. " N0"."1FTRRT GROWTH CORDWOOD Prompt Delivery. Broadway 881. FOR beat price an cdrdwood. alabwood coal can Ktt 245.. , . ' BLOCK and slsb wood. Special pries In 2 load tot. Orgon ruel Co. wain. 4 iuz. BLOCK nd slab In 2 "load lots; apwsUl ptios. EaH 2041 National Fuel Co. I FIRST growth fir, 4 ft. wood. $10.80 a ori: delivered (west side. 2 cords. Tabor 985. FOR NO. 1 fXJRDWOOD call Tabor 9467 COLLECTIONS N'ETH A CO., Worcester bldg. Mala 1796. M collections, bo charge. Ktblied 1900. CUTLERY SHARPENINQ RAZORS, .shears, knives, safety blades, etc., harpenecIV Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th. ' DENTISTS I "DR. B. E. WRIdHT 3d floor Baleigh bldg.. cor. CUi and Washington Sts. Main 2119. A. 2119. Dr. E. C. Rosssmn PLATE SPECIALIST 1 Replace old teeth with better lone. Min 7974. Jonml Bldg. r,A:.l. . DIt HARRY SEMLEK. ICIIl.3a.M JT Bridge, 85 up; Crowns. $5 and up; extraction. $1 and up. 204 Alisky bldg., 3d snd Mtirtvon sts. Msin 6578. t - - Dentistry .tfgt Without Pain. Latest ' NeTve-blocking Method. DOCTOR OF VETiRINARV MEDICINE DH. CHAS. M. ANDERSON, veterinary and surgeon; day and night servic. IBS Kflpat rick st Phone Woodlawn 6324. ' DOLL REPAIRING DOLL HOSPTfATT 464 Washington st Phon. Broadway. 4463. EDUCATIONAL SPANISH and shorthand taught by lady. 418 Piatt bldg. Dictation in Spanish t English. Main 2202. i BANCINO PROF. WM. A. JaCkSON'B Academy, bailroom, stage, fancy dancing, (fry style. Prixe weltimg Unght Open for -ggement for exhibitioa dancing. Claaa Thurs day evenings, 8:30. Phon Woodlawn 1201. 795 MissiHsippi ave. 1 SUMMERS' Dancing Academy Prlvt letaom, day and evening. All latest step bowa. Dane, evary Tuesday and Saturday evening, Manchester ball. 85 6th, near Stark. Broad way 3580. J By George McManus 23 GLASSES st a savin. I solicit your patron oa th basis of capable service. Thousands f satisfied pa tron. Cbaa W. Oondmaa. optometrist, 209 Morrison sy Mstn 1124. DR. GEORGE BCBENSTEIN, th vetersa optk-ian, is an expert in fitting yegtossw., and charge a very reasonable. Broken lenas atilckly duplicated. 226 Morrison st 81 GETS both feet fixed up st Dr. Eaton's the chiropodist and akch wn doesn't hurt you; 8 yra here. Exam fre. Glob Theatre bMg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 282 4. KOTICE.H I 26 TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN ;! That th firm called Stern Salvage Co., 583 Washington &t lis been sold t Geo. K. Drurauiond of th Est Side Furniture Ho-prUt All debts of former owner ant be presented by January 1, 1921. GEO. DRUMMOND. 1 BUSINESS BMCTORY DANCINB ' : THE DANCE STUDiqTBOO Dekum bldg., Wa.h. lngtoa at Third. Privst hour or half hour teasoB; day. evening, 9;8 a. Ut. to 9 p. m, Coura lessons sjwcially priced. ! Class" Monday, Friday. 7:80 p. m. Mia Ireland. - THE PATTERSON-lMiWNEY . DANCING ACADEMY 36 H Wash, st, over Haaolwoed. Former instructor Cotillion halL Privst leswns duly; elas. Wed. and Sat evenings, Phnn Main 558. MISS DOfiOTHY"RAMrSSEN faTlroom snj awtbetk) dancincr 610 Eilera bU.. Wash ington between 4th and Stb sta Msla 1128. WU9IO 6CHOOL8 AND TEACHERS Paul t. sTt CKETSiis- . Piaao. Harmony. 646 Montgomery drive. Marshall 831?. PROFESSOR T. E. LA WSON Twenty years' experience; piano lesson at your horn. $t. Phone Aut. 648-18. L. CARROLL DAY, tachr of voic and plane. 148 18th at Broadway 8586 ELEOTRICAL 1 FURNACES 5?fl)lf1sifk' Means more brat for less moaev. VtM,v' liundreda of Portland peopl testify to it economy and f ficiency. Th RADIO P1PELESS Is Portland mad. Ut'l keep the home fire bnrTiing." ASSOCIATED ENGINEER INO CORP. i Washington and First St. Phon Main 623. rURNAOK CLEANINO, REPAIRINO, ETC. EXPERT furnace cleaning and repairing, gutters cleaned, repaired. Ant. 826 51. Call Irmar.. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING Broadway Upholstery' The lnre of D Liu Uphaisterj , . I1EPAIK1NU ' DESIGNING EAST 2475 676 E. BROADWAY aRANITl AND MB, WORKI OTTO SCHCMAN G7r."ni(' rd gaarbir Workl East 3d and Pin, East 748. NT OUIHM8I AMD DVIStS . HATS' cleaned, blocked. ded reasonable ni saiisfaetory Royal Hat Worts, i28 ll fc MEN'S CLOTHfNB OVERCOATS; used BtUer for iairbrg elctin, low priced. 35$ Stark at 1 OPTOMETRIST 0011 w EYES scientifically tested with aaod rn instrumants; glasses- fiitad at a f saving; satisfsction guaranteed. A. B. HURWITZ, Optrtntrit. 225 1st St. PATENT ATTORNE Y GOLDBERK. 620 Worceater bMg Main 2521 ?i!LTJ? "-IL1!!"'"" ?ianbino OL CLIFTON, painting, rperlng.tintlng. 1 . N. 17th at. Broadway 4414. WoodrtWn 2120 PAINTS AND WALL PAER Wall Paper, Paints.' Etc. 22, 28 HKcoNii sTisui r; 1JHL BROS., INC. PIANO TUNISIA ; THOROUGH French and musicul cur... fession! piano tuning. F. u Miller. To. 2016 PLA8TERINO JAY THE JOBBER, plastering.' brick, Bt -" Anunuim SU-iS lsrERIMi And brickwork don by tent workmn. phone Srllwood 2488 eompw PLASTER WALL BOARD COLUMBIA PI8TKUWATiBOAlfilJrTre: exeelled. Portland m.d. i l... iwsll or .brink. Olwfeldt. 410 Hetirv hid. a: v. r - --I.-.- : ' 1MB OHIGINAI. I'EUFUCXIoN p,Ur wall board; fmnM . nA k. Timnu. Cr Co.. 184 2d . PLUMBINQ AND STEAM FITTINB Piumbinir "S; w- numbm srvi. 1 " w do not cluu-go for th time gntng or coming. Our auto go any plac ntgl or day. 14tb and Rurnaid. .'?. Phn-Ba,y- 1804. NightJMiMi Tabor 2206. , PlumbinouitBikI ' i ot: price reasonable, v. a, Mitiis, lis K. 6 id . ff. Auto. 211-97. WARD. OUi.iu.NK UU.-Plu-.blna . wiiuwie ana retail.; vut Sd. Main 44. .-.v..,. .mna-miH W., 199 4tA t PW'WTINaNOJtlNa. BINBINB Printing LTffi3? . . jnfwwuniotitidti coMPA.vf; 387 Wasliington. Broadway 484, A-1J5 AN8LEY PRINTING CO. Quality Senrte! Union .hop. 2.12 Wanh, t- Main 471. ROO REAIRINO WE REPAIR and faint rool clean tniu7Z and wall, brick or conerefcs. Prion reaaonabi. work cuaranteed. knr a-ii. t 7 Board of Trade bldg.' Main $71 or' Main' 864. BOOFS repaired t ny tins, rain or ahlnaTaU work gTirnteed; paper, tin. grrl or itungl &60FS marvel aealed eipertlvi ..r.'i.l proof; 14 year' iptricnc; highest city rf mo: price moderate. J U 1i.. AT Inc. 240 Salmon at. Pbon Main 811 , " "A?.d2.r-r,7!li idle'aTwidj- ,eg07 BMOE CLEANINO 8HOE8J dd. shitted j bat cleaned, blocked m.Xi'. YaTZTi "or, nnteen. &,m t, bet. Wssh. and Alder. SHOE REPAIRINO. PRE-WAR price on sho repsfring.' Mo's oak tan half int.. 11 in i.i 7. . . . beela 50c. Model ghu'w? U'1..I. DO" BTOVE REPAIRINO Why Buy a New Stove? furUEaMl "( - "d TRANSFER AND tTORAQE WHO MOVES YOU IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS WHERE YOU MOVE .. Can Broadway 1281 or Ant tio n... track and easeful men are at jour nervic. 'nw,u,l 'IHMSrKK CO., Office and Storage 474 Oihan. ' BECURITT STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. ' - I ---- -i- - .- Packing Moving Storage Bwlsrwd Freight Bat. Honey Loaned on Warehou. Receipt " IN THE HEART OF THE CITY $8 4TH ST., CORNER OF PINE PHONK BROADWAY 8715. PERSONAL do ALWAYS PICK THE EesT HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing. ' hipping and moving; nor and tut Tin; iw ' cial rates to all point. ; - , C O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. d Pin. Sts. Brosdwsy 696. A-1998. Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. I2TH AND GLISAN. BROADWAY 3478. " ' CfcTrREIf;HT"RATEf . " Oa household good shipped east and - couth. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co., 9lb and Hon. Phone Broadway 708. ELK T1XN8FEB A 8 TOR AG Jt C6. ' " . Piano and fumitur moving, crating and to . wg. Bdwy. 2445. J . . t -; - , .-- ALBINA TRANSFER STORAGE COT! 12 Miasuuppi ve. WeodlawB 1973. LAUGK ENCLOSED AUTO TRICKS. per h r. WB HAUL ANYTHING. B-1207. UMBRELLAS BEPAIKRD AND RECOVERED Wbll you shop. f The SURETY Shop, ' 8001 Alder st