WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22, 19w. oo THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.. OREGON. REAL ESTATE MlK NAl.t IMM TT YOU'LL BE GLAD Tour heart' dnr will be met whim you ee my pretty burnt. Its on a corner with, ill vnt provement in and paid. The room. are a.l exceptionally bright nd cheerful, lovely hard ' wood floor, a splendid Fox furnace; cement basement, Dutch kitchen, laundry IriJ. -Its tints In. It .niy 1 block ta the best and meet popular raillne in the city M-V. It in iierfect condition in every way. French door, lead to porches nd between liv;ng and dming room. - f ber. r 8 rooms but the price wotwd l law If there were only roonn. 4SP- your own term. C'll today. 15 t. 26tn st- hone 235-S1). $4150- .iKiN.i'IKiVTTrERISC once A new Kwmm ,w c-tean. whr not bur & new home tltat a elean u a pin, with sunny room' 5 of them Dutch kitch rn and dainty breakfast not, to boot; 1 block to Hawthorne cr . flood " ire J, gunshot to -Division freet. and line interne lit ; under peculiar circura etanre. we cannot explain them here, must all; you will seek no further; no trouble to take yu "'it: be rare, to " Me us, Sundays, call Ant. 824-14. . J. A. .Wickman Co. , "Shortest Way Home." 54 STARK JIT. MALN 583 and 1094. A Marvelous Offering ' . It 50 IK)VX $25 monthly, plua I i cent 0 roomi. big front room, extra light dming room with built-in buffet, dandy kitchen. ta of built-in; 3 fine bedroom up-tsirs: f.OxlOO corner lot: cement side walks: 8 blocks from car; foil basement: will rent for 40.' Price $3500. Wood- RALPH HARRIS CO. a 10 Chamber of Commerce. ; Alain t24. Rose City Park NEW & ROOM i;.V.AUtW-i-$4000 $3.'i CASH BALANfE EASx ' Here, folk, i your omrtunity. J on would never expe-t to buy a double conntructed bun slow In thi auiierior location for no. little money on uch eaiiy term, fee It today. rhu i a tccial sale to. induce buying before C&nat- A. G. Teepe; Co. 20 Stark St., near 4tb. Main 302. ranrh(lffi50jhandand TWO atonrV liirow from popular I-eurelhuret; now. lfrten! S)30. and $500 wilt turn the trick and you wiil not object to our terms on the reit; nice, neat rooms; not large, but clean and dainty; 'i block to car and one of the finest utreel of the eart ide ; built-in, to be wire. Tou'll nay:' "Show me a house of that kind for $3100." Never buy without aee ln un. Sunday, call Aut. 31'4-H, . J. A. Wackstiaini Co. "Shortest Way Home." 24 TAI(K"T. ' MAIN SS3 and 1094. r " "SI 00 DOWN Little White Bungalow A BHITABLE GIFT KOU 1IKK k - . . 1. ... a t In r7ortland"i moat popular district Alameda Park; i hardwood floor, fireplace, beautiful bml': BlU'nen. - large oruiwif, iu- . aJeeping porch, garage, cement driveway, 60x100 lot. tiaved street. 'ixtVER at HOfcMAN., REALTORS. 822 Failing JBld.-. . IarahaU3993. Buy Her a Home forXmas -' in. 'Rose City Park 25 bungalow bargain, listed In this popular district, 10 axe new. You ruay elect your own decoration; easy Urmi if desired. Why waate jtntiy time hunting a auitable home I Phone Vlarthail 80H3 and one- of our salesmen will rail. Two hour will be sufficient to tee all the deairable house in this district. COUVER A HOI. MAN. REALTORS. 322 FilingBlde. 5 Rooms$350 Cash A good home, inexpensively priced. Sewer in arid; paid. IkKHi plumbing and house tn good condition throughout. Iot OOilOO with garage. 3 blocks to Sellwoixl car. On pvd st. Price lSO. . RALPH HARRIS CO. ' " 810 Chamber of Commerce. Main 00 '.'4. TidM fTfor niToiJrroiM.&''i i SiT 8 room and bath, toilet, electric lighu and res, splendid dutrict; No. 1H W. Ememon st.; $300 wb. $20 monthly. Will sell about $600 worth of furniture now in the property for $300 additional. g 732 rhmhr of Commrr. E. S4th St. MODERN 5 ROOM BUNlJALOW Finislied tn white; lis furnace. Price $3300, terms. Phone Tabor 5198. lRVlNtlTON HOME 7 room colonial houxe. with center hall and' music room, 2 fire-, place, all hardwood flooTa. nice yard, cement drive to garage; for quirk sale see owner, 678 K. 15lb u N. Bmall payment down, balance long terms. ' - ' NORTH OF PIEDMONT $3100 EASY TERMS Typical ft room bungalow. An opportunity . to resell at a nice profit. t'OOVER A 1IOLMAN, REALTORS. 822 Failing Bldg. - Maraliall 3993. ARTTsTIC west aid. bungalow on tb. Heights; atrirtiy modern, 7 rooms, hardwood floors, S fireplace, gaa heat, garage, unobstructed view entire city. 634 Hoffman road. Price SAV30, $1000 rash, balance rental term. Pbon. Main 5638. PENINSI LA FARK 5 ronm new bungalow, 4oi. eonst., firepUre, built-in. Wdln. 1518. FOR SALE LOTS" 1i A CHRISTMAS PRESENT WORTH WHILE A place for a home, chickens, garden, 4 lots, comer Klickitat and 80th. Gregory Heights, 8500. R. P. Adams. Aberdeen, Wa-h., cor. Cherry and Maple, - , COR.NEirTot738tii and Flanders, for half what it cost J 740, Journal. ALAMEDA PARK lot $000. Mason. 28th; street raved, paict Tabor 6441 GREAT REDUCTION, 160x100 S. W COR. 12TH-HAI.L. OWNER. 1543 E HOYT. ACHE AGE 57 Advance Sale 2, 3 and 5; Acre Tracts 3 gniles from city on Barr road. Good, rich toil Finest kind for chickens and berriea. Every tract will face the main . Toad. This land is to be placed on the market as soon - as platted and recorded. Tracta reserved now. at $450 per acre. Selling price when tract fat opened in (Janu ary will be $500 per acre, Select your, piece now and save $50 per acre. Only a small derJosH required, Very easy terms. For particulars, call, or phone Main 2587. Strong & Co. 634 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. . VCR E AGE! ACREAGE! ACREAGE! S3 acrw, $2145, near Molino, unimproved, , 25 acres level, brush and small fir, creek; $500 cash. 110 monthly. , 40 acres. $1500. near Kalama, 4 room house, barn. som. cleared, on Kalama river; $250 cash. 5 years on balance. 40 acres, $1230, near Colton. unimproved, easy cleared, aU tillable, creek; $00 cuh. $15 monthly. 40 acres, $3200, near Oregon City, 7H aeres in cultivation? shack buildings, some cord . Wood, spring, sll fenced. $500 rah. good terms. FRED W" GERMAN CO. - . 7 32 Cham, of Com. C ACRES, located S mile from nillshora. on dirt roea. ah -unoer cultivation; acre strawberries, log an, rasp, and blackberries ; "4 anile to grade schools 6 room house, barn. chicken house, woodshed with 8 cords of wood. -- With tba place go 60 pullet, 24 hens. 1 cow, .1 horse. 2 hogs, 2 tons bay. small tools, culti y vator and $150 worth of lumber. Price 82675. $1550 cash, balance $75 year at 6 per cent. Brooks, witn Jonn rerguson. t.emnger blldg. "Greshatat District 10 acres, mostly in clover, on good road, good land and lays good; 1 .acre' orchard, new bam. 4 room bouse, good berry tend; $3200. or will exchange for house in city. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg. 11-ACRE PRCNE ORCHARD On paved road, S3 minute from Portland, rigbt at electric station, near anccuver; good tmud lngs; part strawberries; $3450; terms. Main 127. East 1364. FOR SALE 1 1 acres, ha ring 180 foot water frontage, with marine ways; 91 room modern houso. fine garden suet and fruit: $2500 cash liberty bonda accepted. Root F. Graham Jr.', Prenectt. Or.. Box 805. ' CASH Will pay spot eaeh for from one to three arrea. Improved or u nun proved, between Mil waukie and Oregon City. - Must be a bargain and near cexlin. Write fufl particular. A-lb3. Jcsirnal.' - ' ' . 10 ACRES BEARING PRUNES On, paved road and electric station, near Van couver, 8 IK 5. $6 SO , cash; bargain. Jacob Haas. Main B-12T. East 1304. iioilfc-ai aUl", luu acres, 1 miia u 1. U.. I . -1... ...I. . ! . ouna ... . . ... .,,, ii i .a n . au. ut .mm in RE AX ESTATE ! ACREAGE it 5 ACREti; weatiOf Garden Home; 4 acre under cultivation; all can be cultivated; fine rocked road in front f property; bearing orchard 8 year old; good 7 room plastered bungalow, story and half;! smsll basement, barn, garage. ciuraen uouse. p n .. .... ..-..... m - con, 00 laying puileta, 8 atands of beea. etc.; $1500 cash; 8 I mi lea from center of I'ortland; , rt Kl.k tn B.-hnnl7 A HIHlHIUiaiMf m , " , V.1....V. . .. InanwtMi hv Nelson. . John Ferguson,' Oerlinger bldg. -'- SUB UBB A5 HOM E8 a n'dm "2 miles east citr limits. Fine ma cadamized road. All under cultivation; IS cherry treea, H i acre strawberries. New 4 -room bungalow, wit bathroom,- complete) white enamel plumbing, cement basement. Garage, lamber on ground for large chicken hotue, 2 block to statioa, J 5c fare. Fine aoil, no rock or gravel. Prire 4000, $1500 cash. Well worth $5500. j Inspected by Brocks, with John Ferrntin. Gcrlinger bldg. - ' 1 ACKK, 4 block from Metzger station, under cultivation. - jtiood houae. 4 rooms plastered below, room fori2 or 3 room", upstair; 3 block to achool, 6'ii fare. Double chicken bou-e ; bwrn Kxeeptiqnally fine toil. Price $1600, 700 eauh. John Fergnvm. Oerlinger bldg. - EX'EI.I.EXlj LAND AT $30 PER ACRE Jolh nsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Baik Bids. Main 3787. H ACRE, located at Jennings T-odite. U mile from utionj all under, cultivation. Some berriea. Uraveled road. . 4-room hou, barn, chicken home, woodahed. The place ia furnished. Price al lSO. all cash. . John Ferguson, GerUngcr bldg FOB SALE FARMS 17 MODERN COCNTBT HOME . 30 acres, all; tillable, 2 1 acre in high tat of cultivation, J.8 aores seeded to meadow, tim ber for domestic use, all fenced and cross fenced, excellent water, family orchard of as sorted fruits and berries of all kinds; good 10 room houe witli bath and hot and cold water throughout the) house; brick basement, built-in effects, fireplace, fair barn, all necessary out buildings; $1000 pressure water syttera, con crete watering trough at barn, 3 good dairy cows, 1 heiferj team, new waaon. harness, mower, rake, 3 plows, harrow, cultivator, grain drill, cream separator, ateam engine, wood saw. An ideal country home adjoining highly improved farm, close to School, 2 mile to electric car line with all rural advantages; 7 miles from Vancouver, pared to within 2 V4 miles. Price $H00O, $50001 cah, balance to suit. Photo graphs at rmr office, THOMPSON.' SWAN A LEE. 3d and Main t., Vancouver, Wash. Cf0SK IN FARM SNAP An improved! farm, within 15 miles. r,' Port land, for $100i per acre. On macadam road, 1 mile from pavement, 35 acre of rich black aoil. in cultivtion. jsbout 50 acre of smalt fir tim ber, abont sl2j acre of brush. 6 room house, electric lights, old barn and other buildings, ' mile from elecfjrie station, $1000 cash will han dle it. Itcmembrr we said $100 per acre. Where can youj beat itf W C ALTQ11S 732 icharober of Commerce. A iflGH CLASS PLACE 4 1 acres, located on main highway, 2 '4 miles from good town in Clackamas county: 80 acres under cultivation; ail can be cultivated: fine spring, 100 bearing prune trees, 4 acre straw berries, some loganberries and fine family or chard; good 5 room house, barn, garage, chicken house, granary.) Morehouse. With the place are: 2 cow. 1 heifsir. chickens, hog and complete line of machinery jfeed. etc. Price $S000, $3000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. A vary wjjl im proved place, i Personally inspected by Aelson, with JOHN FKBvrsrtX, OERLINGER BLDG. fiver; 2000 Farms For Kale. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT" 40 acres. Ij5 acres in grass. .b acre in garden, eaongh timber to pay for place: 2 milesi to store and postoffice, 4 mile . to school 4-room house, barn, outbuild ings,' 2 horses, buggy, stump puller, 30, 0OO capacity shingle mill; good water and springs; enough feed for winter; close to lillboro, on good road: bar - gain. CJ W. Millership. Alder hotel. Main 527.5; 02 ACRES, 4! miles southeast Oregon City; 60 acres under; high state cultivation, all can be cultivated, balance in heavy fir timber, over 3000 cords wood; 3 jcres orchard, good 7 room bouse, with bsth, city; water, barn 50x70, granary, other buildings; main highway in front of property; 1 mile from electric station. Included with place: 8 cows, 1 bull! 3 horses, new Ford tractor, with plows; complete line of good machinery, drag saw and circular saw, feed chopper. Owner will consider fiats, i apartment or house in Portland for fult amount of ranch. Inspected by JOHN FERGUSON. GF.KLINGER BLDG. FARMERS, ATTENTION! What's the (use to psy big prices for lsnd? I have 4 0 acre good land as ever farmed for $2600; 16 acres' in cultivation: fenced and cross-fenced; good barn, orchard: lies good $800 down. 20 acres. 7! cleared; 2 houses, barn, orchard; dandy location), level, free from rock. $3200: $1000 down. 7 I have berr ranches, big stock farms. Write, phone East- 6.1 or come out. GEO BEERS. Sandy, Oregon. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY INtfOME DAIRY RANCH 40 acres. s mile from psvement, on fine macadamized noad; 30 acres under cultivation 37 acres ran, be cultivated, balance in pasture; rood buildings new eilo, H mile to achool: 4 acre mixed oryhard: (everal springs. Included with place: 14 good grade rows, 3 horses, chirk ens, complete line of machinery, feed and crops. Price $9500, iwith equipment; $7500 without $5000 cash with equipment, $3500 without. ' In spected by Brooks, with JOHN FF.Rs.USON. GERLTNGF.R BLDG. FOR SALE 130 acre turn), all under guod fences, 20 (acres cleared, family orchard, S room house, Isnte barn, tool house and good spring water Ptied to buildings. Two miles from Rainier on rock road, close to achool.- I need money; am leaving for school in Idaho, so act quirk. My price is $4000 $1850 cash, good terms on balance. John L. Mclntire, Rainier. Or. HATE YOU CONSIDERED . That we can place a good renter on your place that will insure you an income from lease and pay cash on fersonal property f If not. aee us at once, aa we) specialise slong these lines. F. L. EDDY, HITTER. U H E A m 20jJL3:TJoardofrde Bldg 10 ACRES, $00; 9 miles on gravel road from St. Helens: has 3 houses besides Tvtr.rri. n- land; all renttd;. telephone, school close, spring nsirr iiiru. jiemy won neamy. a iso 20 acres in same vicinity, 2 houses, one rented; telephone, hay, cows, ciieam aeparator. Ford car. Price aiiiLni. terms on both tracts. Claude Cole. 420 Lumbermen bldg. . (CAN'T TOU SELL!" ' . ' it '-'not sh, Mf sail ........ . 1 . -- , -- -, " - jminuuBi properly and lease your farmf tV'e have many clients with cash for persona property and cash rent. r . r. u r.iiut, RirTTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8i5-7 Board of Trade 'Bldg. 22-ACRE FARM BARGAIN Wfll imnrnaMt. fvar ftw4 4 a --- ' - " - auu niuiiJUieill ID rinned. Lsoctted close to lower Columbia ritrt htffhWBT. KawIVf Mntr asla a .eswtl. gaW Ait - - -.--......., ' mi m$j l.iUU. w-i-org n. t. inn, iimirmgr.8 Mrtg. 1920 FORD soaring; starter, demountable rim. hock absorbers, spedometer, etc; 2 new tire, good condition. $450 ; caah. Telephone WSI1I l'OS. IRRIGATED land with paid up water right, any sire tract. ih mow productive section in West. $100 to $200) per acre; good terras; defies com de Cole. 426 Lumbermen bldg. petition. Cla u UL)i T of ill health, owner is forced sell his 114-scr ranch t u,nf,M jou per acre): 3 mile from Portland, on paved ' uom auwicsi iv, s. i . I'arrv. FOR RENT FARMS 14 50 ACRES 23 in cultivation, close in. eood road and buildings, rent $300; stock, feed and equipment $1325. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. 104 ACRES 50 in CIltHvaHn Wkmmm f .. W , ville. good ! buildings; rent $400; stock, feed and equipment MUDur r. Jouno, Henry bldg. KRAZY KAT REAL ESTATE FARMS WASTED REST OK BU 88 WANT-to rent or bny a email' place that t rood to raise pot toe on, 2 or 10 acre, about 5 miles from I'ortland and 2 room shark on it- Write full particulars to Win. Grant, Box 3104.- Portland. Or. IK ToU have a farm to rent, lease, to transfer. personal property to aril, send description to Wilbnr F. Jouno, Henry Jldg. ' FRCTT I,A5BS FOR SALE ii IMPQCA VALLEY, "The Sunn, Italy of America." Ten-year-old orchard, apples and pear;. 8200 an acre. Owner, 033 Last 24th Btreet north. $200 PER ACRE, normalcy price; large bear ing pear and apple orchard; improvements and equipment; will consider trade. Portland property. Owner 633 E. 24th at. N. IRRIGATED LANPS . IRRIGATED LANDS In Central Oregon, close to schools: eonntv seat; rural mail; telephone and power lines; rail road through the project: lands cleared, fenced and ready for next year's crop; buy from the owner. Anything from, 10 to 40 acres. Make a small payment down, the eond payment in 5 years, balance as you can up to -O year. Call, write or phane Main 4416. Northwestern Bank building, Portland. Or. OCHOCO IRRIGATED LAND CO. HOMESTEADS CAN locate yon on a good homestead, Port land or Boseburg district, farming or timber tracts. Also have some good relinquishments. E. W. Helm. 317 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER TIMBER for cord wood for sale, stumpage cheap, 4 miles from railway on good rock road. P. Rteiner. Motail. Or. 20 ACRES, $3000, Park Pbice. Timber pays for land. Best soil. SeUwood 2163. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE U ACREAGE. HOMES AND FARMS 6 acres. 3 miles from Sycamore, Estacada line; all in cultivation: good 5 room bungalow, new barn, outbuildings,, .good "creek; price $3500. Will exchange for 5 or 6 room bungalow in Port land up to $5000. 10 acres, 1 block from end of Mt. Tabor car line; all in cultivation; 9 room house, 5 of which are finished; family orchard, grapes, berries, all kindi Price $10,000. Will exchange for city property to $7000 If priced right. ' 50 acres, all in cultivation: 0 room house, good plumbing, ait kinds of outbuildings, team, hogs, chickens and all tool: S li miles from Es tacada; price $14,000. Will exchange for city property to $6000. 400 acres, wheat ranch; 300 aeres tillable, 200 acres in cultivation, 2 springs, 2 wells, small family orchard, old hnue; 5 miles from railroad. Price $14,000. Will exchange for Portland residence, flat or apartment up to $10,000. 1200 acres, 1000 acres in cultivation; irri gated with artesian well; 7 room house, barn and several outbuildines: 3 miles from North Powder. A splendid stock ranch. Will exchange lor flat or apartment house to $50,000. SEE MR. STEPHENS ff EALTQPt 732 Chamber of Commerce. ltitt ACRE tarm adjoining tne city of Medicine' Hart, Alberta; ail under p'ow, level; good buildings, 8 welle, fenced with woven wire. Owner in Portland claims he threshed 15,000 bushels oats off place in 1915. Place is rented now to dairyman, who claims be is banking $1000 per month. Owner says he was offered $25,000 for place at one time by gas and cement company. Will take $50 per acre and exchange for city or country property here. Claude Cole, 426 Lumbermen bldir. li-itK t.t acre farm O niiit-s from Corva'lis; rich soil, running creek, fruit; 53 under plow, few minutes to school arid church; 1H of elec tric station in .highly developed section. Will ex change. See owner. Claude Cole, 426 Lumber men bldg. LARGE ' bearing pear and apple orcha rd in Southern Oregon, $200 an acre; will con sider trade, Portland property. Owner, 633 E. 24th street north. TRADE- 14 room apt. hou.-e. 11. K. rooms, 60x 100 lot, for smaller property or sell. Call Main 1790. " WANTED REAL ESTATE I. WANT apartments, flats, good residence or othef income city property. Sale or exchange. See us if you mean business and want quick re sults. A. K Hill Co.. 426 Lumbermen bldg. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE TO BUILD SEE E. B. GOOD COMPANY. Complete Building Service 210 Stock Exchange Building. Marshall 2310. WANT lot. small acreage, or partly modern hou-e as part ra;rncnt on new modern home. Owner Tabor 3825. WANTED 8 or 10-room; residence in Monta villa. ML Tabor or Mt Scott district Give full particulars and phone. C-890. Journal. W.ANTED 1 or more lota or rough ground; St. Johns direction. 11-591 Journal. 4 OR 5 ROOM house, good location, full lot. not over $1000; $300caah. J-737. Journal. WANTED-Flrst growth timber for cord wood, ' available to good road. J-739, Journal. BOOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE 5S SUBURBAN HOTELS More than 50 rooms, in good industrial center, good furniture, stemm heat, well equipped kitch en and dining room, good lease. This is offered very reasonably, with winter fuel Included; $2000 will handle. 27 rooms in housekeeping suites, no boarding, also offered at extremely low price; $700 will handle. Mrs. Albaugh, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. - SNAP 25 room apartment house. $3200, on terms. This does not mesn a leane, but to sell out right house and 8 lota, if you want a good thing investigate this. WILBUR F. JOUNO, HENRY BLDG. 8 ROOMS, close in on eaat side, Hollsday addi tion; furnace or stove heat, gaa, electricity, good and clean, reasonable, rent and income to more than pay all. expenses. 9 rooms, on East Side, easy walking distance; good residence dsitrict ; income pays all ex penses; nice yard with shrubbery .and fruit treea; No terms given, but price includes rent for two two or three months and winter's fuel. Mrs. Al baugh, with JOHN FERGUSON, Oerlinger Bldg. BOARDING HOUSE Splendidly located email residential hotel, will accommodate 20 to 25 boarders; corner building, attractive appearance and tully furnished, full all the time, rent reasonable and makes tine in come. Mrs. Albaugh, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 11 ROOMS, near Morrison t.: very good fur nishings, much of it is new : fitted- for house keeping and everything in good condition. Mrs. Albaugh. with JOHN FERGUSON, Oerlinger Bldg. - 1 2 ROOM housekeeping, ' fine modern piece, choice location, large yard, fine furnishings, clear $90 month; snap, $1100. Garland, 201 3d st , WANTED Rooming house, not over $1500; $1000 cash. J-738. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 88 $850.00 $850.00 $850.00 Small, cafeteria in industrial district, serving 1 meal per day; good business with good living for man and wife. An opportunity for increase in business; living room with furniture in con nection: 2 year lease. Total rent $20. E. 5402. bJu ALL grocery, confectionery, etc; good caah trade; on corner; modern living rooms in rear: $2000 for stock, building and two lota, reasonable terms; good reason for selling. Call 6UQ4 57th ave. S. E.. cor. 60th at., owner.' . BAKERY AND LIGHT GROCERY for aale 2 ovens 2 showcases, soda fountain and back bar, all baking utensils; living rooms; $40 month rent; good location; $1200, with stock: terms. Comer E. 39th and Lincoln. Tabor 6195. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 5536. 192 Sd st 0 YOU TAIQ4Y Notice to Advertisers The Journal Business Office Will Be Closed at Noon Saturday, Dec 25th, Christmas Day to allow employes to enjoy the Christmas holiday. All classified ad vertisine intended for The Sunday Journal of December 26 must be in before that time. Please get your copy in on Friday, December 24th, if possible. BCRIXESK OPPORTUNITIES 80 RESTAURANT With 83 sats, long lease, cheap rent; business $150 to f200 per day. Call Main 5844 be tween' 12 m. and 12 p. m. BI'S1SCSS OPPORTUNITIES WASTED AM a first clasa auto mechanic. Would like to meet a partner with the object of buying a repair shop. G-73, Journal. MQ3TEY TO LOA REAL ESTATE 87 j CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement pniposea. ' . The best and easiest "method . of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 86 month, or $21.24 per month for 60 inontha, or. $15.17 par month for 96 month pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privilegea. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. I HAVE THE MONEY READY No waiting; several clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a loan in any amount up to $6000 at 6 and 7 in terest, come and aee me now, while I have the money available. Fred 8. William. 506 Pan ama bldg. NO DELAY NO DELAY $1000 $1500 $2000 $3000 AND UP We Loan Our Money on Real Estate. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. $300. $400. $500. $600, $750 $1000 AND . up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or more any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 681 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370 $300. $400, $500, $750. $1000 and up at loweat rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce bUg. BUILDING loan on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. U. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY TO LOAN $300, $500, $700, $1000, $1500. $2000. oh city improved property at 7 per cent. 1. L- W.lls Co.. 608 fiasco bide. MONEY to loan. $100 to $5000. A. H. 11 Mulkey bldg. Main 4379. Bell. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., Chamber of Commerce, 4 th and Stark. 222 MOSEt TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES ; FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY. IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MOMWTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. LICENSED) 806-307 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N Phone Broadway 910. 894 Stark St., Near 10th. Loan on diamonds, watches. Vietrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER CARRIE MYERS HERMAN. Manager. SALARY LOANS WE LOAN MONEY CHATTEL on short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly, payments. Each transaction strictly eonfidentisl. NO MORTGAGE NO TNDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household good, pianos, etc CAIX AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, f LICENSED 218 FAILING BUILDING . . MONET TO LOAN On goods placed in storage with u. We ess save you money. Low interest rstes. Phone Broadway 8715. Security Storsge A Transfer Co.. 53 4th St.. corner of Pine. LOANS WANTED $0 WANTED $1600 at 7 per cent on 5 room house in Hawthorne district. Call 417 Cham ber of Commerce. $1500 farm mtg.. discount cent interest. Claude Cole, to draw 10 per 426 Lumbermen bldg. Phone. Bdwy. 421. BEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., Chamber of Commerce. FINANCIAL 81 MONEY TO LOAN On surplus stocks of merchandise plseed tn stor age with us. Phone Brosdway 8715. Security Storage A Transfer Co.. 53 4th at., corner at Pine. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers conti.. .. on real, estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg. HORSES. TEHICLF.S. ETC. 18 MUST SELL TN ONE WEEK 2 teams of mules, one. team weighs 2400, fat and good workers: price $200; also one pair, weight 2600, fat and good workers; price $225; also one team horses, weigh 2200, for $75; one good pony for $35. Can be seen at 270 E. 7th St., between' Hawthorne and Madison. U. S. Stables Horses and harness of all kinds. Horses weighing 1S00 to 1800 lbs., 5 to 7 years old. 366 Union ave., cor. Stephens. G. D. Wil liamson A Glass. FOR SALE Team, weight 290O. and : their harness, just off the farm, sound and true workers, $250; 1 tram, weitrht 2400. harness and 3 -in. wide tire wagon, $200; one 8-year-old mare, weight 1250. gentle, aingle and double. $125. 4 3Q Hawthorne ave. TEAM of chunks. 250L harness and wagon, $165; 12 head of other good hones about 1100 ta 1600: wagons of all kinds; harness, singles and double. Woodyard atable. cor. of East 9th, Hswtborne ave. Eaat 6106. TWO very fine gooseneck delivery wagons to be closed out; price $165 and $90. See Oregon Filers Music House, delivery department, Eilers Music Houe. entrance 287 Washington, between 4th and 6th. FOR SALE At a bargain. 10 head of horses. weighing from 1300 to 1800 lbs.. 4 to 8 years old. Call at Reiser Transfer stables, E. 9th and Flanders. DEAD horses tsken quickly. Call for dead cows. Phone 827-64. HORSES for rent, double and single. 540 Front. KEYSTONE STABLES, horses for sale or hire. 881 Water st. foot Montgomery. Mar. 3515. t Copy right, 1920. by International Feature) Service. Inc.) I 1 0 ; 3 HORSES. TEHICLF.S. ETC. 18 WILL trade a good Ford car and an Overland delivery for a good heavy young team, har ness and wagon. Call at 630 K. 24th at S. Phone Sell. 717. LIVESTOCK 85 HAVE five cows; left aU to be fre?h in 2 or 3 weeks, also 1 fresh Jersey giving 5 gallons per day. 1 team of horses weight 3500 lbs.', 5 and 6 years old; harness and wagon: 1 bay mare, weichs J10O lbs. 8 years old. blocky and well built: hflrnr and butrcv very cheat. If you want this snap call quick. Mut be sold before Saturday. Call at H96 Powell Valley road. FIRE SALE ON SHEEP A.iy breea, any number, either grade e registered. Box 61. North Portland. Or. FINE gentle young cow and calf, heavy milker, no scrub. 619 E. John St.. near Charlston, St. Johns. 18 REGISTERED Couwold ewes, coming 2-year-old. $15 per head. Box 51. North Portland. Oregon FOR SALB: A few good milch cows, pretty soon fresh. Oscar Sporri, R. 1, Box 408, Milwaukie, Or. ,' FOR SALE One pair pet Aut 210-54, after 9:30, goals cheap, evening. Call MILK-FEED geese, dutks. chickens. Douglas Farm, mile south of Troutdsle. FINEhornless Toggenburg buck for service. 2040 Clarendon, near E. St. Johns depot. FOR SALE Young cow, Call 100 E. 8th St. N. coming fresh soon. FOR SALE 3 milch goats, N. 3d st. fresh soon. 47 his DURHAM, Swiss, Jersey, fresh cow, side, call SeUwood 1581, or 502 calf by her K. 25th S. WANTED Beef, veal and hw. 'labor iaS2 POULTRY. AND RABHITS 37 PROGRESSIVE Order Feb. snd March BABY CHICKS now, to aecure Hoganized, trapnested lleds. Rocks and White Leghorns. 1534 E. 12TH ST. N., WoodUwn 1485. BABY" Six varieties; best stock. Prices reasonable. C N. NEEDHAM. Salem, Or. FLEMISH Giants, 8 does and 1 buck, half . grown, $2 each. G. Richardson. Skidmore St.. near Richardson road. PaVk Rose car. ILLMISH Giaut rabbits for sale. Phone Sell wood 591. WHITE LEGHORN pullets for sale. 390 E. 1st st., N. 1 H blocks from Broadway. FOR SALE FAT, YOUNG DUCKS'' AND GEESE. 221, 46TH ST. S. E. ;H0 FEED sritATCH Woodlawn 4344. DOGS. RIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 ROSE CITY CATTERY REG. STUDS SERVICE. $5. AT A N Y O NE - HAVING PERSIAN MALE KIT TENS FOR S A.I, E, CALL TABOR 7274. CHRISTMAS rupples for sale. Cocker Spaniel puppies, pedigreed, bred in the purple, sired by a champion dog; eligible for registration in Uie American Kennel club. Address. 244 East 5Dt st. S.. Phone Tabor 8631. CHRISTMAS GIFT ' 3 male pedigreed Airdalos, 1 year old See Matt Portland Seed Co.-. Front A Yamhill sU. Portland. Or. BUY THE BOY A REAL PRESENT Two silver grey squirrels $7.50 each, ope rage 4 fe-t square, 6 feet high. $15. 127 E 3rd N REGISTERED, fralll?e mule .... ..hi one nan orange female and one silver, reasonable. Main 5450. Hill-dsle. Or. Boi ! 1.UL.HJ!. lot,. full grown, excellent watch dog fine guard to children high-class pnppies from imported stock. Speedway kennels. Tabor 5088. ST. ANDREASBERG singers lor sa'le. $8 up: Good sintters. femsles. Ea--t 4175. PEDIGREED Airedale pups for sla reaMMtable. iws nam st. FOR SALE -St Andreasburg rollers $10 bor 7388. Ta- FOR SALE Singers ents. Tsbor 3770. beautiful Christmas pres- Bf INVALID lady Fine stock beautiful plum-"e'-... "f18. ndJe5jb?m- J84 Union are. N. COC,K,R, "Paniel pups. 5. Come get thTm while they last. 212 E. 85th st. Tab. 8887. FINE canary singers tor sale. Tsbor 811. AUTOMORILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 ' 1920 BUICK TOURING This car runs and looks as good xcrius. OrUN SUNDAYS AND Prrvtvuo 345 UNION AVE. NEAR BDWY. EAST B6. MUST MAKE QUICK SALE 1916 MAXWELL TOURING CAR $150 CASH INQUIRE OWNER AT WHITE GARAGE 386 COUCH ST. PHONE BROADWAY 30. 1919 FORD roadster in A-l mechWraUeoiT dttion and equipped with good tires and a de livery box. Bargain; ' OPEN SUNDATS AND EVENINGS 345 t"NIONAVE. NEAR BDWY. EAST 56. OVERLANitouring. finetires. se!f-starter,baU tery snd generator; good running condition. I'nce Bl'o asli. Also Studebaker touring. 75 if taken at once, car. 540 Mason St.; take lrvingtoo 1920 FORD sedan, in A-l condition, equipped with shock absorbers, oversize steering wheel, speedometer, extra tire, etc.; terma if desired. Phone East 4041. 1920 FORD "coupe just like new; run three months; will trade for Ford touring, balance terms. East 5552; ; 1917 HUP sedani new tires, repainted; used privately; will take small car in trade. Eaat 4376. - . , WE PUT Steel teeth In your old fiywncel; crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, machine ahon, 834 Alder st. Broadway 2681. tSNAPt 1817 Maxwell for aale cheap, lawn 2385, Phone Wood- 8ox3 H AIICHELIN 8 ply Urea. $20. Non. better. We know how to repair tires.- Vul can Tiiih(Tp, Grand ave. at Pine. E. 4896. LATE model Ford touring, good condition, sac rifice. $250. Main 2383. EIGHT-CYLINDER CADILLAC ' Part Jrade. Fraaier. 40 Front st. TIKES Slightly nsed. 8 " to"$15"eacku - pert tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOR SALE Studebaker 6, seven-pas., in good condition, cheap. Phone Main 5837. 1919 OLDS rix. mechanically t-erfect, all cord tires, lots of extras. Tabor 6422. 1917 FORD roadster, perfect condition, in stor age. $265: terms. Call Main 2383. 1920 FORD tonring. starter, A-l condition; new urea. $540. Aut, 217-66. t I1 CUPW WliJL HOT ( f) 4X asira. WwmTtf jKwrvtd. rwe. A TJTQMO BILES A 5D ACCESSORIES 44 "bargains n PRICES SAFETY ' SATISFACTION ALL BECAUSE We are telling ned automobiles with a stand ard factory warranty, or are giving ten dsys' free trial subject to their being returned and full credit given ou any other used automobile. During the last four years we have Unci son automobiles and resold them with a warranty the ssme as a factory warraaty on a new 'car. It pays for us to selV and you to buy a u.ied automobile that you can leiy upon. We have onenerl a new store for the sale of i used cars at 40-40 N. Broadway, which is open utitil 8 p. m. . lOr7 rawlf atitomnhiles fine condi tion, good tires, repainted ... $400 and $450 3 191R Maxwell automobiles (to select - from), all in lst-cuua condition, $550, 1919 Maxwell, like new Model 00 Overland chummy roadHer, all in fine condition, wire wheel, good tires 575 650 600 Oakland Six . fine condition Model 90 Overland sedan, very 700 800 525 ood . ai ton. with good tires Ford truck, good condition. ESSEX BARGAINS 1919 Essex touring car, all "ne over in our shop, thoroughly ovrt-l and re painted; sold with a warns. the same as given on new automobile , , Late Essex model, like new and with war ranty; great buy 1275 1350 525 1919 Ford truck, good condition...... CHALMERS BARGAINS 1910 Chalmers Uon roadster, in fine condi- 1100 1250 1919 Chalmers light six, with hot spot, overhauled and repainted; all in fine condition 1920 Buick roadster, almost new....... 1400 CbandWr chummy, in fine condition, like a new car, has been repainted., 1050 Chandler sedan, overhauled and repainted; a very good buy 1500 HUDSON BARGAINS 191 Hudson super six. has been rebuilt is being repainted; will -look snd run like new. Will sell with a warranty the same as given on new automobile. .... 1200 1920 Hudson super aix. overhauled and now being refinished; will he hard to tell it from the latent new car. Will sell with a warranty same as given on new automobiles 1950 Hudson sedsn, has been rebuilt by u, now, in the paint shop; will be like new and sold with warianty the same as given on new automobiles. Best sedan buy in the town - 1750 OUR STORE FOR THESE USED CAR BAR GAINS AT 40-46 BROADWAY, WHICH IS BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. C. U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. Christmas i Spirit See one of our beautiful closed cars. We have sedans and coupes, new and used with prices that will force you to buy. See them first. Cash, term or trade. HAMILTON AUTO CO., Bdwy. 8606. . BUICK TOURING LIGHT FOUR. This is the latest '18 model and this one is in the finest shape a car could be in: it has been refinished and runs and looks just as new; we have gone over it and will show you a fine Buick. Come and try it 16th and Alder ata. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. .Tops'EmA.l TOPS RE-COVERED. 323 and Up. Oreron Auto Ton Co. 14tb and Couch Sta. Bdwy. 4408. FORD TOURING, '18. This one has been refinished and looks and runs as fine aa you would ask a Ford to run; extra gooa tires ana set seat covers : low pnee ana taxe si.iu aown, Dl. easy. 'late Victory bonds at full value, at 514 Alder. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. PAIGE BARGAIN " Owner must raise money quickly; $990 for late 1918 Paige Light Six; overhauled aid paint ed: must have $330 cah, balance terms. This car is worth $1350. For particulars see Mr. Argo. Rmadwsy 32R1. . I NEED THE MONEY aiusi sacrifice Islington, fine con- amon meciianicauy; tires nearly new, cords on rear, new bsttery. Car is worth $1300. Will sell for $925. Need $325 cash, bat terms. See Mr. Argo. Broadway 8281. 1910 DODGE roadster in A-l mechanical condi tion. Must sell. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS 343 UNION AVE. NEAR BDWY. EAST 56. SERIES 8 Franklin touring car, thoroughly over hauled and repainted. $12110; liberal terma. BRALY AUTO COMPANY, Bdwy. 901. 60., Burnside St 4 -PASS. Frank an, thoroughly overhauled and , repainted; run ana looks like new. BKALY '-AUTO COMPANY, Bdwy. 901. 501 Bnrraude St. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parta for all makes of ears. Oregon Ante Exchange, 448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy. 8503. Auto Tops Re-covering and repairing at reasonable pricea. 825 Salmon sr.. between nth and Broadway. 1920HCHWBOLET. $675" This car i in first class condition and looks like new. Phcne Marshall 8256. AUTO OWNERS' SALES ROOM Yon wish to sell your car Can get quick action at 168 King st. Main 184. AUTO WRECKING, all parts for til care, PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO., 290 Union ave.. near Hawthorne. EAST 7868. FOR SALE 1918 model 4 -passenger Ford car. East 4091. Bit; with smsil wire wheels, kip and ahfeid, $100. 1200 E. Grant fsSo-BUYS 1919 Cbe-rolet; runs and looks like new: terms. East 178. 1920 FORD coupe, 4378. new, discount $100. Eaat 1919 OAKLAND East 4376 6 touring, like new, $800. $100 BUYS Stoddard-Dayton Phnna TsSne OtOtt bug. i'iSi Iron st. FOR SALE HupmobUe, te i. Service garage. $375 cash, $400 1st and Mill st HAVE Cole eight, 7 pass., to trade for 7 aedan in good condition. Wdln. 5 Ml. IeODGE TOURING CAR, good condition. $800. 1013 E. Irving st. Tabor 2903. Price DODGE, first-class condition. $750. Ringler. 225 Henry bldg. Charles I l 'III I VlD'AX Vcu ' j l HAk THAT f 44 I AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES When Is a Used Car a Bargain? A used car, 'regardless of purchase price, ia a bargain only when it proves that it is capable of rendering the kind of service the buyer expects of it. We realize that this is the true angle as regards used earn and our policy is to put the used cars which we take in trade in gosxl serviceable, con dition, overhauling them in our own shops and repainting when necessary. Here is a partial list of cars at remarkably low price, quality considered : 1916 Briscoe, 5-paengtr ....... $ 400 1920 Briscoe 1100 1915 Mitchell 5 passenger 350 Willys-Knight, 5-pasaenger . MOO 1917 Dodge, 5 passenger ....... XftO 1917 Mitchell, 5-passenger 850 1917 Mitchell, 7-pasenger 700 1918 Mitchell. 5 passenger 1100 Arid we also have a few Victory Model Mitchells and two Jordan Silhouettes on which we give factory guarantae-'fcnd serric.. Ileal with a hoti'e ef recognised stability, v 38 years in business in Portland, We handle, our own notes and do not charge for brokerace. Mitchell, Lewis & Stave r Broadway at Everett Phone Bdwy. 4075 TEAR END BARGAINS,, USED CARS OF MERIT. All cars guaranteed snd will be sac rificed before our inventory Jan. 1. Pierce-Arrows. $3000 to C600O. Premiers,. $1500 to $40110. Locomobiles, $500 to $3000. Cadillacs. $1000 to $2U00. Liberty, $800 to $1300. Dodges, $HO0 to $1000. Buicka, $1250 to $1800. Oakland, $400 to $1300. Many others st sll prices. Whatever you want, we have it, from nearly new or new cars to stripiied chassis. Cash or terms. OPEN NIGHTS WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., 100 N. Broadway. Phdtie Broadway 4184. CHEVROLET ; FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ..$20.00 Rear exle overhauled J 00 Valves ground, carbon removed.. .... . 8.00 Magneto recharged 5.00 W. hand-Ian nistona. scrsne besrings, , etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used, ah wora guarauieeu. ' THE REASON the Ford engine atarts hnrd and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO ia weak. Uare it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR 210 Jefferson St. Main 7844. SLIGHTLY - USED OAKLAND TOURING AND ROADSTER. GOOD AS NEW. WILL BE SOLD AT LARGE SAVING. ROADSTER HAS WIRE WHEEV S AND IT'LL LIST OF ACCESSORIES. NEW CAR SKLI.S FOR $1025 PLUS $100 FOR WIRE WHEELS. EITHER OF THESE CARS WILL BE SOLD AT LEAST $300 UNDER NEW PRICE. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., BROADWAY AT FLANDERS. BROADWAY 4184. USED CARS 1915 Hudson 6-40. good running order; a bargain. Overland 90. a fine car for little money.. 1917 Mitchell. Overland roadster, $250. Cole 8. 7-passenger; real buy. We Will Take Your Old Car as Part Pay ment and Give Easy Termi on Balance. , 0 HAMILTON AUTO CO. Broadway 3606. 6th at Everett st. 1917 HUDSON, wire wheels ..$1100 1920 Old-mobile, like new 1150 19U8 Studebaker. 7- pasa. .. 400 1919 liberty, a real buy ........ 1155 Pierce 36. 5 pass 100 Model D55 Buick. 7 pas 700 1912 Packard 7-pass 800 1918 Buick roadster, 6 tires 900 We are st-ying these cars at the light price. Come in and look them over. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 10th and Burnside. Broadway 621. SAXON SIX. -'17 model and thia touring car can be bought cheap. It has good tires and tubes, one evtra, and the general condition of the car is first-, class in every way. It has been gone over and will speak for it-self. Come and try it, we a', at 16th- and Alder st. Take $200 down, bal ance monthly. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Ford Sedan Brand new. never been used, for quick aale will sell for $50 discount. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th snd Burnside uta. liberty roadster. io model. This one is lust new and it has some extra and is ready for delivery n . Come ahd look it over, our price is sow ana we win give iioeri terms and take Victory bonds at full value. 16th and Alder streets. . MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. THE-FENDER MAN 1. E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks out while you wsit: also repairs radiators and bodies. Brosdway 8214. 80 N. 11th at, near - Burnside. WEAVER TIBR COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OBEGON VULCANIZING CO.. TIRE REPAIRING 888-885 Burnside at Brosdway. WE CARRY a full line of, auto accessories, tires, tubes. Ford parts, lignt globes, etc. . Also d towing Open day and 'night. LONG A' SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne Ave FRANKLIN touring car, taken in exchange on new Franklin. Thia car is 'latest model and run like new car. BRALY AUTO COMPANY, -Bdwy. 901. 501 Burrutid. SL fiRttrruv r- ao'c .' 1918 Studebaker, swell panel body; good tires perfect running order, electric lights and starter 47 N, th st. ELOIN touring car in A-l mechanical condition, JThia car must be sold at once. 3 V;V? V.E NKAR BUWT. EAST 66. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS 191 8 CHANDLER. A-l mechanical condition; . good paint and tire. Liberal term. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. Bdvry; Jf01.- 601 Burnside St..- FORD roadster, equipped with light T delivery , Bargain, $190. OPEN St .NDATS AND EVENINGS 343 UNION AVE. NEAR BDWY. EAST 56. FOR SALE An Oakland sedsn; will tske Ford touring in trader Rose City Garage, 52d and Randy bird. Tabor 8002. SERIES 9 B Franklin touring car: 1 owner wsnts to sell at once. Phone Ka-t 3270. FOR SALli Trailer, light and strong, wir wheels. 41 Grand ave. East 4896. BY PRIVATE owner. 19lt Chrvroiet touring, mechanically good; reasonable. Broadway 901. By Herriman AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 ' " You Want a Car ' j At the Right Price j, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A I BETTER CHANCE TlUN NOW, Buick light six only!...,.. Oakland six. only.......... Hudon super six. only.,. ..t. Chandler six, only Elgin six chummy, only..... Overland, model po. only,... Maxwell touring, only.-. . , . . . Chevrolet touring, only...... l'ord tourina, only .$ 850 . D50 1050 1100 .. 1 1 50 J 600 . 450 41)11 . 300 Seven days' free trial on any of then. ' . i WELLE it MOTOR COMPANY Washinston at 13th Street BUY A USED FORD 1914 Fnrd .'Win! 1914 Ford Ll:ht Delivery ..... J 1915 Ford,Itnsdter lielivery . . . .i 1-91 5 Ford Road-ter 1916 Ford' Light Delivery 1916 Fo.-d Touring .... .. 1917 Ford Light Dellrery i. 1917 Ford Roadster lielivery ... 1917 Ford Touring ............ 1917 Ford Roadster . .'. .! .$l-0 . 175 . 1VI . its' . 175 , . 23 . i.v .195 . 28 -. . 28V . 1SS . 275 . S5't . 290 . 82 . 421 i 490 . 27 . 485 . 490 . . 49V . 52 5 . 5SO . 6K3 1918 Ford Light Delivery ...... 1918 Ford itHsdster ..',..; . j. 1918 Ford Touring ........... 1919 Ford Touring j,, ... 1019 Ford Roadster .......... 1919 Ford Tonrinj . . . 1919 Ford Tounns. Starter, etc.. 1919 Ford Ctiassi 1919 Ford Woim Truck. Exprev Body 1920 Ford Worm truck with Cab..... 1 920 Ford Touring j 1020 Ford Roadster, Starter, etc) 1920 Ford Touring. Starter, etc....... 1920 Ford Com.' Starter, etc. . . j . . . . . EASY TERMS UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively Grand Ave. and East Yamhill l.artfe Stork Genuine Ford Part Portable Oarage . $54 ACK ABOUT OUR Portable' Houses' MH.LMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. P O. BOX 244 WOODLAWN 2418 REAL BARGAINS , 1917 Msxwell touring 1915 Maxwell touring 1919 Chevrolet touring . . V 1920 Chevrolet touring 1919 Chevrolet roadster ........ 1916 Buick little six . 191 Chevrolet delivery Overlsnd 83 toiirin. Overlsnd 83 roadster , Old'mohile eight .$395 . 425 . 4.-.0 . 695 . 4 50 . 675 . 325 . 295 . 375 600 You will be 'surprised st the big values when you see them. Terms if desired, FRANCIS MOTOR CAR I CO.. Esst 3770. Grsnd Ave. snd Hswtborne. MJ B. FISCH , i : Radiators, fendVre, bodies, hoods, tanks, repaired 'and remodetad. Auto sheet metal work a apa cialty. 105-107 N. 15th aU Phone Broadway 2299. BOB FULTON Broadway 4041 AUTO FAINTINQ. '18 BUICK ROADSTER LIGHT FOUR Here is the kind they aU want and thia one 1-ss been refinished and .re-topped, re-tired snd all gone over: i just a i. wa the dav It left the showroom when new and we .wilt give most liberal terms and take $325 down, balance easy. .1 16th and Alder' streets. ; i ! MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. , . : i- f v'sJAJirAUTO SPRING 1 5,000 carried in -stock Our spring sola with a written guarantee We give you service. $4 North Fifteenth St. GASOLINE 28c- per gallo.iT oil and gres-e-Ptoneer Paint Co., 186 First St. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS TRUCKS! TRUCKS! ALT, SIZES AND MARKS THE FOLLOWING ARE TYPICAL Ok4 OUR STOCK v . ' 1 1 ! Olds Economy speed wagon, Tat body. suitable for general hauling ........ $1150 $ 675 -ton Republic, overhauled and guar I auted '2-ton GMC. in fine shspe, aniUble tor wood haul i-j-v 2-ton Traffic, as good s new. Beit buy in the eity . '50 1-ton Republic A bargain ... .$ 850 These sre only pert of ur stock. W have a truck for every possible purpose. It will pa you to investigate before buying. -r GranRing.'& Treece 642 Alder St.. cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. IT WILL PAY TOU TO INVESTIGATE THE USED TRUCK BARGAINS t . , WE ARE OFFERING TWO TON WHITE Overhauled in our shop; new Urea and good paint job and ready for real hard work. TON GMC. ; Completely overhauled motor, runs like new; better look it over. The price i right. . TON REPUBLIC Splendid mechsnical condition ; express) body,, with top and windshield. ONE TON REPUBLIC - Goodyear cushion Urea, a real snap If taken at once. - TON TRUCK With Ccntinetttal motor, Timlen rear axle; a good truck to do hurry-up hauling at the farm. IKiDGE DELIVERY MAKE I S AN OFFER. TERMS THE WHITE COMPANY Park and Couch, Portland, Or. 4-TON G. M. .$ 750 2-ton G. M. C 2250 As-ton Buick ..................... 740 3 "4 -ton G. M. C...... $250 White light del., no mag , 223 Rep light deL. solid rear tires. ..... . . . . 179 Republic 1 ton, new tirea, ........... .1250 WENTWORTH A IRWIN, INC., '". -200 2d at., cor, Taylor.., li-'foN truck atuchment, will, attach to ar,y make car; no reaaonabla off er j refused. 853 E. 10th st. AUTOMOBILES i WAKTED WE WANT small automobiles; drive in and wats ! out with the caah. Columbia Auto Salsa Co.. 845 Union ave. N. Phone East 66 BRINt; your cara to Jake's Uaed Car Exchange - end get quick action., 28 N. lltb at Bdwy. 2 14. opposite Weinhard Brewtns WANT car a irt payment on pretty new bungalow. Owner, Tabor 8825. AUTOS FOR HIRE AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS ' New 1 920 Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING A ROB IN ETT CITY CARAUB 182 Hth at., bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 849 ' NEW AUTOS WITHOUTTDRIVERS OTERLANDS i HUDSON'S LOWNSDALK CARAGK nRfUDWAY 2508. 15TH AND WASH. jL'?B HIRE 'WfTH ORW"rTHOUt DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN, FASHION A- BAGK. MAR. 212. 10th at YaaahuX A-1236. . ALTHOF ft BENNETT, C.AR9 FOR "HIHsl WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GABAUl. THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN ..HIV k ft 78 0 V '