WEDNESDAY, : DECEMBER 22, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON. 21 MARRIAGE LICENSE RUSH IN PROGRESS Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 22. Not only, have the butcher, .baker and candlestick maker literally, been as busy as could be here thia week, but the county auditor's office has been swamped with a holiday mar riage rush. Although only 168 licenses have been Issued so far this month, compared with a total of 200 issued durlngr this period last year, the majority of these has been -issued during the past few days. - During the first days of the month an average of four licenses were issued -daily. In the past week, practically triple this number has been issued each day. The number of licenses issued this year so far is much lower than the total Issued last year, but it is believed that the deficiency will be made, up during the holiday season. Licenses were issued Tuesday to Jo seph Ledine. 39, and Neno Kennedy, 22, Portland; Robert' B. Pulver, 37, and Helen Bastian, 25, Portland ; Gilbert Gil kison, leffal, Madsen, N. D., and Ella D. Kelley, Wheeling, W. V. ; Alonso B. Henderson, 33. Paris, Canada, and Louisa Hackley. 43, Surrey, Eng. ; Joe Joy Craig, 35, and Ambie June Home, 20, Portland ; Jess B. Davis, 43, and Pearl Burke, 29, Portland; Cecil J. Temple, 26, and Klizabeth Ann Bishop. 33, Portland ; Edward Charles Cook, 28, Vancouver, and Esther M. Young. 24, Ellsworth ; .Michael Nagle, legal, and Nora Anne Manchester, ' legal. , San Francisco ; Thomas Frederick Tryon, 21, and Hazel M. Fox, Springfield, Or.; Themdon M. Wolf, 32. Portland and Barbara Rick, 23, Gresham. Heavy ! Demand. for Municipal Bonds Found on' Market Homo and Room Robbed Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 22. The home of E. L. Tritt, 1003 West Twelfth street, was entered Friday night and several articles stolen. Discovery of the burglary was not made by Tritt until Tuesday night. A room in the Interstate Bridge "hotel was robbed of several articles of clothing Tuesday afternoon. Mrs.- IveClaire Asks Divorce Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 22. "He told me that any time I wanted. to leave, the door w-ould be open," declared Hope Le tire. In a petition for a divorce from Kdward LaClaire. whom she married in 1919. She further alleged that her hus band said her meals were not "fit to be eaten." Mary Ella Bates Arrives Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 22. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bates are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a daughter, Mary Klla, at St.. Joseph's hospital Mon Exchange Sale of Bond? in November ; Less Than in 1919 Sales of bonds on the New York Stock exchange in November, 1920. amounted to $318,6,000. compared with $327,575, 000 in October and 8361,967.000 in No vember, 1319. Dally average sales were: Miscellaneous 84.702,083, Liberty issues 38.558.417, all bonds 813,261.000, and all bonds. November, 191V, 815,737,696. Activity in Liberty Loan issues in creased over the preceding four months with a turnover of $205,402,000, against $201,231,000 in October and 3284.842.000 in November. 1919. Leading issues, with Amounts, were: Fourth 4U $70,221,000, Second 44s $39,017,000, Victory 4?s $29,308,000, Third 44s $26,132,000, Victory 3a $19,554,000 and First 3Vs $15,180,000. The outstanding feature of the' invest ment jnarktt at the present time is the large demand for municipal bonds. Mu nicipalities are taking full advantage of this, as is evidenced by the sale of state, city and county bonds during the last two monthsj All the issues have en countered good demand. Municipals! have maintained a steady upward movement in the' bond market, due to deflation ; in commodities and heavy buying by large investors, who are attracted to them by their tax ex emption feature. At the present time ITI.r.a. n-i a , . I. m . - ' ... . v..ll.iLUL IU U1Q lilO.II V. . II1CA11D 11IAB- much as they are being sold to yield ex ceptional returns, according to the class of security, I and at the same time are free from all taxation. heavier than the corresponding week in 1918. Payments show an improvement over the week before, but are not so good as the corresponding weeks of the past two years. SEWTODAT. FIGHT ON GARBAGE SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS (Wl Call and Deliver) Old Run and Woolen Ctothlr We Make Rvnlbl, Hand-Warm FLUFF RUGS 9x10 ft. Fluff Rut ..$17.10 3 ft. Fluff Ru 4,2S R9 Rut Woven, all iu Clcth Ctsanln ana Ctjein (tans. Mail Orders. 6n4 for Booklet MaMr , fUnavatod, Mad Over, Mad to Ones FuUwt Ronmaud CARPET CLEANINQ, REFITTINO, Eta. tartest and Finest Eaulppod Carpel Claming and RafiUInf Work in the State of Oroeon. Si1Z Rug uamad Oteaned, $1.50. WESTERN FLUFF RUQ OO. 4-0 Unh:: A. R. East 6616 MEETIJIO IfOTICE 41 PORTLAND TENT . 1, The Maccabees, will giva a card r-srty and dance) at tbeir hali in Benmg-Htaeh building. 886 s BERTHS A5D Fl7-fKRALS So JOHNSON December 22. at b Ute residence, S90 North Twentieth street, Andrew Johnson, aced 44 rears- behoved husband of Nina Junon and father ef Myrtle and Brydon Johnson, brother Washington ' at. on 'Thuraray I Mnu Aaron Peterson, Skamokawa Wash. evening. Doc. 28. All Macca beas and their friends invited. There will be good prises and evening's pleasure. Admission frets. - MAURICH HILL, Commander. GEORGE I. BAKER, Record Kaeper. CONTRACT IN VIEW I i 1 - r Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 22. That the awarding of an exclusive contract for the hauling of Vancouver's gar bage' has not finally settled the long contended j question, Is indicated in a statement madeTuesday by George M. Davison, attorney. Although the contract was entered ijito Monday night between the council and Sherman Drew, Davison has served notice that; he will seek a restraining order to prevent the contract from being carried out on the grounds that the terms of the contract do not agree with the bid submitted by Drew. That Drew is willing to comply , with any changes desired by the city is the opinion ot the garbage committee. Opposition to the awarding of the con tract has also been voiced by . E. N. Livermore, j attorney for other garbage men in thej city. The contract with Drew provides for the hjvy ot 11 a month for the hauling of garbage! in the residence districts and for a 25-cent levy" for daily calls in the business districts. Persons hauling their own garbage must use Drew's dump and pay f 1 fori the work. Portland Rug Co. UXD-B KEW MANAGEMENT i We Have Cut Our Prices , fop a Limited Time . ONE txli FT. FLUFF 50 ONE 8x18 FT. FLUFF gQ All Other Work at ZwTe DUcoast Fluff Bogs Blade From Old Carpets BAG RIGS A SPECIALTY GIVE US A TRIAL We Call and Deliver 1(72.1174 E. 1JTH ST. SELL. SSSS Buying Still Light But Improvement Is Seen for Week New York, Dec 21. The Credit Clear ing house jweekly report of merchandis ing activities by wholesalers and manu facturers, for the week ending December 17, shows ery light buyJng, bu. a ll,ttle improvement over last Vveek 'fin-pdt-ments. j ! In the Pacific Coast section purchases show less activity than the previous week or the corresponding weeks for the past two years. Indebtedness is less than the week be fore and tjhe same week last year, but NEW TODAY T. J.-Humbird Reelected Spokane. Wash.. Dec 20. T. J. Hum bird. . president of the Weyerhaeuser Sales company, was reelected to the .presidency for the ensuing year at the annual stockholders' meeting and elec tion of officers and "trustees, held in the company's offices here. Stores Are Crowded Oregon City, Dec. 22. Oregon City stores are crowded to capacity. Buying thia year has equaled If not 'excelled pre-war --Christmas seasons, and activity along Main street has- increased daily. Of British invention is electrical ap paratus which shows in the pilot house of a steamship the angle of the vessel's rudder at. all times. Ladle Save your old carpets, rues and wool en cloth Ina. Let ui make now rug for you. 18S E; 8th St. Phono Eart 36S0 WE CALL AND DELIVER The oldTKt and bert equipped factory In the Northwest. Fluff and rt run ' woTen ail ixcs. jirpeU cleaned, eta. FOR MAIL ORDERS SEND FOR BOOKLET PEDTMADF, HOUSES AND BARAOES Ibds ot tUDdardised, built, 4-foot aaettoaa, Keady and (as to erect Sh'ppcd. anywhere. Oat Caialoeua. REDtMADK RUILDINO CO PORTLAND, OSEQON. I. 11th and Markat, or SOS Lewi Bld Fhontti Em 114, or BdWf. 48S5 IVANHOE honertead ?fa. 503S, B. A T. Re . lr dance and card party Wednesday. Decem ber 22. Women of Woodcraft ball, 10th ind T.Mlr2r-!fto- D"lrtn t 10 oclockffard v:3? A'"nl Ynletida mascuerado D eemBeT J9. Four pnue. Itoat mi- it Coiaa and brln your friendf. Bi rnrprtoa. - iPEARf, OWENS, Correspondent. 212 Bail Exchanae Bldtf.. rhone iIinP67 DANCING at Moose hall eery Tneeday. Thur .1st and Sat urday evening. fcirll dne Friday eeninf (Christ ma ere). Come and hear Milton A. Eutterficld, the orisioal dance aineer. Pap Prasp'a Moose orchestra. UA&HLVUTO.N lAJlM.K So. 46, A. V. and A. M. Special communi- cutton tomorrow Thunda j I , ere- ning, 7:30, Kast Eighth and Burn ride. Annual memorial eerrice and inotallation of officer. Viaiton wel- ccrac By order of W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, SecreUry. LENTS LODGE No. 156. A. F. and A. M. Stated ootnmunica tion Thursday evening, 7:30. Klcot tion of officer. All members espe cially" requestod to be present. By order of the V M. C. 8. OGSBt'RT. Secretary. WAVERLY LOLMiE. U. D.. A. F. AND A. M. Special communica tion will be beld at Warerly ball. E. 26th and Clinton, 7:30 p. m., Thunday. Dee. -23d. F. C. de gree. Vjiiiting breihren welcome. By order W. M. H. E. MIIXER. Sec. DORIC IiODGE NO. 132. A. F. AND A. M. Special communica tion thia (Wednesday) evening at 7 o'clock. Masonic hall. St. John. Work ta M. M. degree. Victors welcome. A. W. DA VIA, Sec LIBERTY ASSEMBLY. l A., bi-weekly dance, W. O. W. hall, Eut Sixth and Alder streets, December 22; UeiUemper'a Artisan orchestra. Adminftion 35c. Funeral irrrim will be conducted Friday. D camber 24. at 2 p., m., from the Methdditt Epis copal church at Skamokawa, VaK Frienda in vited. Jtiveaaed waa a member of Cojj Scandia No. 7, Forenter of America. The remains are at Pearaon'a Undertaking parlon, Ruaaell at Union avenue. . MILLER At the residenc-. 285 Rom ft.. Dec. ill. 1920. Edith Stilee Miller, aged 4S yrara, beloved wife of John E. Miller, inter of Mrs. Milton 3. Jones and R. M. McCalley of Port land, Or.; Henry C. Utile of Pomeroy. Wah. ; H. A. Stiles of Loa Angeles, Cal.. and Charles Tv' Stile of St. IauL Minn. Reclaim, at Ha inan's funeral parlon, 3d and Salmon sta. Notice of funeral later. REID At Multnomah station, Dec 2t, 1920 Ells Reid, aged 73 yearn, beloved mother of Mrs. George M. DiUsrd. Friends invited to at tend the luneral services at the Portland Crema torium. 14th and Bybee fti., at 2 p m. tomor row (Thursday). Dec. 23, 1920. Reraaina at Holman's funeral parlors, 3d and Salmon Jits. DONNELLY Funeral servicea of the late . Henry DonneHy, sged 7 years, will bo con ducted tr morrow (Thursday) , at 9 a. m.. in 8t Lawrence church. Third and Sherman. Friaoda invited. Interment at Mount Calvary cemetery. The remains are at the funeral psr lars of A. D. Kenworthy Jk Co., 5S02-5804 Ninety-second street southeast, in Lenta. GREGG In this city. Dec 21, Carl Gregg. aged 20 yean. Remains are st the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy St Co., S802-04 2d t 8. E in Lents. . MEETIXO ISOTICE8 41 REtiI'LAR meeting tomorrow (Thursday) evening. 7:30, Thiel hail. 104 hi Killings worth, near Albina ava. Third degree. VWtors alwavs welcome. E, C. BROTHERS, N. G. V. E. WILSON. Secy. STATED com aunication of Victory chapter No. 130. O. E. 8. Thursday, Dee 23, 8 p. m.. Archer Place hall. Mount Scott car. De grees. By order W. M. GRACE POWELL, Sec'y. HAJR-MONV MEETS every Wednesday night st 8 o'clock. 912 H Wllism are. Visiting broth ers welcome. ; T. DYMKNT. K. O.. C. P TRACEY. Sec. be appreciated. corned S. A. 8TARR, Sec'y. OREGON COMMANDERY NO. , K. T. Special conclave Thursday, December 23, at 7 :80 p. m. Order of the temple. Your attendance will C. F. WIEG AND. Becord-r.. R E 4 I' L A' R meeting this (Wednesday) evening, De cember 22. 1920. at 8 o'clock. Becond degree. Vis iting brothers cordially Wel ti. C. VAN NATTA. N. G. Vital statistics Tnrriagcs. Births. Deaths: KOVACIVICk Joseph S. Kovacivick. St, Vin cent hoepitaL December 20, S3 years; men inrftis. . STEVENS Ellen Stevens,' 208 East Thirty- fourth., December 20, 21 years; tubercular peritonitis. - HAFNER Gottlieb Hafner, , 628 Eat Alder, Docember 19. 87 years; aortic insufficiency. TAPPENDORFK Anna Tappendprff, Good Sa maritan, hospital, December 19, 54 yean chronic heart. NASH Jennie P. Nash. 923 East Burniide, Iiecember 20. 52 years: carnnoms. COOP Marcus M. Coop, Emanuel hospital, De cember 19, 43 years; lobar pneumonia. TtrRijrrss awti trade schools . Learn Welding Get in line and leant a trade that Pays" big wages. Thia is your op portunity. ,Tha demand tor expert oxy-acetylena. weldera has never been greater. The steel industry demands the services of men who are pro ficient in, thia line of Work, the wages paid are - the best of all tin metal trades. . WHY WORK for amkll Irages, when we cad teach oti to become an expert oxy-aretyleno welder by our method of individual instruction under experienced teachersf . WE WILL TEACH YOU WKLDINtf OF ALL METALS and mora thor oughly and in less time than it can be dous in any other place. i CASTUtON BL'RNINfJ seating the things considered tmpos sfM by welders, and taught in our regular courses, is the burning of east Iron WITHOUT SPECIAL EQUIP MENT, which offers no difficulty whatever to our students. Not a makeshift job, but better, cleaner cut ting titan is done by demonstrators of special caatiron torches. COME NOW ' to the COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING if you have had no ex perienee. We can teach you thia apten did paying trade la a short time. Students who have completed our courses are today earning big money for our method of teaching makes them rspable of doing any kind of work that they may be called upon to do. Apply Day or Evening 4C7 E. 9th St.. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING . ITV ATIOITR HI At.E EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Books audited, tangled accounts quickly reconciled. , Get ready for income tax reports before the rush period. Rates reasonable. Main 2178. EXPERT tree pruning now, grafting in season if arranged for very soon. Phone Mr. Den-. nett, Wdln. 6568. j . HIGH SCHOOL boy willing to do any kind of work for board and too in, would like small wages. Main 7771. - REGISTERED rharmarist. just here from south, open for position first of year, young man. 10 yeaiV experience. J-7 8 6, Journal. CARf ENTER and contractor. ioMtig; anything in the building line. Bast 8658. WANTED Kacavatin. Stllwood 3088 . grneial team work. UTrATTO" FEMALE REAL ESTATE t'OR HAI.K HOI !F.M ONE DOU AU IMiWX I "' ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY Thesa terms will purchase, a oy of the fol lowing: V -,. .- . ; 60x100, on 60th, near 45th ave.. price 631 phis bonded assewmintu, amounting to 140.60. : 100x100 on T4th tj near l(6s City Irlt apeedway. Total price 18 SO. IBOiSl, 160 font frontage on macadamiaeel at; 65th ave., near Weodmere school. Total price $550. - - These are all excentlnnal bargains and ws s4 vba , your prompt inquiry. . FC5EKA1, DIRECTORS EDW. HOLMAN & SON Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS , Main 607. A-1311 Lady Aimtint i MARRIAGE LICENSES John P. O'Connor 20, 714 E. 7th at, and Vrlma Hoelsel. 17, 243 Grahams ave. Emil A. Helmeeke, legal, Tacoma. Wash., and Katherine Harris, legal, city. Joseph Hawkins, legal. 6329 Eighty-ninth street southeast, and Panthers Vaughn, legal 6329 Eighty-ninth street aoutheast. Merl I. Dowing, legal, Vancouver, Wash., and Hattie Blosser, leal. city. Herbert U. Beaurais, legal. 210 Market street, and Olive B. Batchelor, Jcgal, 1171 Denver avenue. Harry Enkrlea. 20, 550 Second street, and Mollie Mozosoky, 23. 294 Caruthers street. Frank D. Wert, legal, Manzauola, Cat, and Alice P. Jones, legal, 453 Beech street. Frank L. Adkiiu. 21, 307 Eleventh street, and Vera Rice, 21, 660 East Fifty-fint street. Lingi Reskeotta, 31, 403 East Tenth atreet, and Esther Farro, 24, 1795 Ferawick atreet. Paul G. Fleming, 24. Vancouver. Wash., and Marguerite Low. 20, 669 Insley avenue. East Side Funeral Directors FORMERLY F. 8. DCNNINO. ISO. "The Family Sets tha Price." 414E. Alder st Phone East 62 BIRTHS alatredsaa IVatt Park aad YsaaalB At 10 A. M. Tomorrow COI.CMBU LODGE NO. 114, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. Labor in the M. M. , degree. Visiting brethren always welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OION. Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2, I. O. l . u 11'- A.m Varv" .venina st & o'clock. Odd Fellows' temple. 226 Alder atreet. Visiting brothers al ways welcome. GEO. E. SCLLIVAN, N. f. J ESSE T. JON ES. Secretary. ONEONTA TRIBE NO. 2, IMP'D0. R. M. Regular council tomorrow (Thursday) eve ning at 8 o'clock, at W. O. W. hall. East 6th and East Alder at. Warrior's . and Chief's de grees. Xmas tree for tha children on the 30th. Members attend. Visiting brothers welcome; L. B. SMITH, C. of R. KENTON LODGE No. 145. A. F. and A. M. -Special communica tion Thursday, December 23. Work in the E. A. degree. Visitors wel come. By order of XV. M. . R- B. HEADLET, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERY NO. 1, K. T. Drill corps please be equipped and ready for drill at 7 p. m. aharp Thursday; De cember 23. C. F. WIEGAND. Sec'y. J EMBLEM JEW ELR7 a specialty, buttons, pins. - - -1 ' lei-idi a in ss. SEALOFF To Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sealoff. Linnton, Or., Dec. 2U, a daughter. SITTNER To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Sittner, 844. E. 6th. Dec. 17, a daughter. WADS WORTH To Mr. and Mra. D. A. Wads worth, 523 Couch, Dec. 16, a son. SWENKE To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swenkt. 204 53d, Dec. 8, a' son. VAX HOOME.S8IN To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Van Hoomeasin, 34 E. 61st, Dec 16, a daughter. BENTZEN To Mr. and Mra. IL W. Bentaen. 332 E. 42d. Dec 9, a son. McNAMARA To Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Me- Namara, 889 E. 25th, Dec. 10, a daughter. WATLKUOL'BE To Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Water house, Gee rh art, Dec 11, a son. W1TCHER To Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Witcher, 660 GUran. Dec. 12. a son. WILSON To Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilson. 63 E. 62d, Dec. 10, a son. MARSHALL To Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall. 880 E. Pine, Dec 15. a son. THOMAS To Mr. and Mra. J. M. Thomas, 87 Gibbs, Dec 19, a daughter. ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Ander- aon, 211 Clackamas. Dec. 10, a son. SULLIVAN To Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sullivan, t56H Gantenbein. Dec. 11, a daughter REED -To Mr. and Mrs. A. Reed. 1078 Francis, Dtc. 16, a daughter. HOEKER To Mr. and Mra. E. G. Hoefer, 171 Green, Dec. 11, a son. DOUGLAS To Mr. snd Mrs. L. V. Douglas, ISA Failing. Dec. 14, a ?on. ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson. 246 Beech. Dec 18. a daughter. McCENDl.ESS To Mr. and Mra. E. N. Mc- Cendleaa. 767 Kerby, Dec. 14. a daughter BAT '.HELLER To Mr. and Mrs. L W. Batch- eller, 882 E. Everett, Dec. 17, a daughter. WIKK To Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wiek, Linnton, Or., Dec 16, a daughter. YA BO To Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Yabo, 763 Ta coma, Dec. 20, a son. FTSLEY To Mr. and Mrs.' O. B, Finly, 68 Beech, Dec. 12, a daughter. SCOTT To Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Scott, T35 E. 85th, Dec. 15, a daughter. D1EMERT To Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Diemert. 623 Linn, Dec. if. a daughter. SIITA To Mr. and Mrs. P. Siita, 707 V Com mercial, Nov. 28, a son. SOUTH fTo Mr. and Mrs. C. South. 499 E. 27th. Dee. 11, a daughter. ALLEN To Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Allen, 677 E. 15th, Dee. 16, a son. . P. HHLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS Main 9 MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AT HAWTHORNS PHONB EAST 781 CHAMBERS CO.. Funeral Directors. ATI the Conveniences of a Bom. Woodlawn 8806. 248-250 Killincsworth Ave R.T.BYRNES SLWtS. Williams ave. Woodlawn 220. , A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 6802-6804 92D 8T. & E.. LENTS Phone Tabor 6267. Home Phone D-61. MILLER A TRACEY, independent-funeral dl- rectors. Prices aa low as $20. $40, $60. Washington at Ella. Main 2691. A-7885. DOW'NINO sf'NEMAR A nomeVKs place! Moderata in prices, lrvingtoa district. Phone East 64. MEN Learn tha automobile and tractor business In America's large-it and finest systems of prar. tical auto schools. THE HEMPHILL SCHOOLS TURN OCT MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADU ATES every year than most all other achoola put together. Expert instructors, the best In tha business, are employed to teach the dif ferent trades wa offer. We hsve just installed a large-quantity of NEW ELECTRICAL fcUUlf VIE. NT, the last word in up-to-date and modern ignition and starting and lichtlna avstema Wa specialize on ignition and all electrical work. Our crursea are more reasonable in price and more complete in detail than most schools, and the interests of our students are foremost ia our minds at all times. You take the tools in your hands and get tha actual practical shop experience. We have also fntallrd a brand new VULCANIZING DEPARTMENT for teach ing all branches of tire work, and an inspection of this department will prove that we have procured the most modern equipment available. Pick out one of the following trades, tha one in which you are interested, and writs or call for further information and catalogue. Auto mobile and Tractor Mechanical court., Special Battery and Ignition course. Tire Repairing and Retreading, Welding and Bra ting. State aid to Oregon ex-service men. Better enroll early aa our school is filling up rapidly. Day and even ing classes. Our downtown office is' conveni ently located at 831 Oak street near Broadway. School at 707 Hawthorne ave. IUBMPHILL'9 AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOL. PORTLAND. OB. WANTING WORE Mending, sewing. Quitting. light housework, taking care of children, run ning elevator, light nursing, and bt companion. N 844, Journal. La fc. SCIUM AM MAHUt IS, t I E ( I K- TAINS, DHAPEHIES. BLANKETS. DONE UP LIKE NEW, WILL CAIX. EAST 851S. DRESSMAKING DYEING, cleaning, pressing, dressmaking, r mcdelinc, relimng. alterations, pleating; rea sonable prices. 'The Cabinet Cleaners 4t Dyers. 424 Morriaoa Bear 11th. Main 1826. COATS, suits a nd dresses, made and" altered"! Prices reasonable. Mra. Kelly. 753 Vancou ver ave. Aut. 16-06. ALTERATIONS, retttung and making or ladiev garments. reansW prices,; work guaranteed. J. Reubm. Ladies' Tailor. 408 Rush A Lane bldg. NTJRSE8 60 PRACTICAL NURSK. Phone Eaft 7211. FVR-ISHET TtOOMS NORTON 1 A HOTEL, Portland's downt.wn high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasons bis rates. -: W'HT pay downtown prices f Clean rooms, well heated lobby, $1.50 to $2.60 per week. Transients 60c and 75c 412 N. 19th at- FIR5ISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 76 TWO nicely furnished rooms, wslking distance; phone, light, heat, piano. .120 E. 15th. East 7714. . LARGE front rooms for employed couple or gentlemen : walking distance ; free heat, light. bath and phone. 861 14th at. Aut. 521-64. . Hucns 732 fhnmSr nf Oommfrcf The Cream 'off ' Today's Ads . Without a doubt this splendid 6 room home on paved at., has no superior at the price of at. 00. It ia within 6 minutes' walk of T.eed college, surrounded by lovely homes. Has full basement, furnace; rooms large and well proportioned; excellent buiit ins. Lot is 100x100, with tine fruit tree. J block to W. 8. ear. . tW thin early. RALPH HARRIS CO.- -816 Chamber of Commerce; Main 6624.' M EN TEE A EILER8. funeral parlors with ell the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett eta. rhonea Broadway 2133, Home A-2133. Breeze&Snook To125 A.R.ZeSlerCo. tt QIL-os-sroo UNDERTAKINGT (X). Main 4 1 52 a3CWCSA-2J21. Corner Third and Clay. JIOSOIEST8 Portland MarbSe Works -266 4th at.. Op. City Hall, "en Bros. LEARN AVIATION EARN $75 TO $300 WEEKLY Complete course, fn mechanics and flying. Aero; club license on graduation. All ' eoursea free to federal vocational training men. The tats of Ore gon allows $25 per month for ducational pur poses to Oregon ex-service men. First and only exclusive Aeronautical schooi in the Northwest. A SCHOOL WHICH HAS OVER 2000 PER CENT MORE PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL IS THIS TERUITURI. No bond required. Catalogue on requeet. DUDREY ALBOKn COMPANY. Portland. 824 MotaM PVlg. Oregoa. KEN. SPEND YOUR WINTER EVENINGS AT OUR ' I ftDLAtSlNG GRAMITE Cp ftJW 2B7r3ffO ST AT MADiSOM ft FLORISTS 1X MORRISON PORTLAND HOTS. a. MAR.7.3 Accrs soucrrao ata morrisoi SRCMowoer a MaK, MA0..19T DEATHS A:ND FCSERALS "tIIGEO. BETZ & SON ? SOULE The funeral service for the late James j. nouie wiu oe new inuixisy. Dec. 23, at 2:30 p. m., at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service Lone Fir cemetery. A ONE-PINT BRICK OF Mazelwood Ice Don't Fail 1.: . V With'Sunday Journal "Dime a Line" Want Ads Tomorrow and FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 and 24. to Get Your Brick of This Delicious Food Each person who brings In a 'jDime a Line" Want Ad for the big Sunday Journal of December 26 on Thursday or Friday, December 23 and 24, and pays for it at time of insertion will receive an order, good at any place that sells Hazelwood Ice Cream, for a one pint brick of Hazelwood Ice Cream made by the Hazelwood Ice Cream Co. free of charge. ' - - - I ; : ' : . , . Only 1000 Orders to Give Away. Be Here Early You can buy your "Dime a Line" Journal Want Ad at any of the Jdliowing Journal Want Ad Service Stations and get your order for a one pint brick of Hazelwood Ice Cream just the same as . 'though you came to The Journal office. . V THE OWL DRUG CO. SpTORE MATTHIEU DRUG STORE, Broadway and Washington Russell and Williams Avenue FREDERICK C. FORBES DRUG CO., KILLINGSWORTH DRUG CO.. Urand Avenue and East Morrison ' KiIlin?sworth nnd Alhina ST. JOHNS PHARMACY, St. Johns ST. is ALDaR. SP0AY f 1 -o UP , 529-17 And Floral Designs. 25 Large Hothouses, No Branch Stores. 20 Tear on aiorrisoa St., bet 4th and 5th. Telephoae Main 77 0. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland"! Progrssive Floriss." Fkiwera for All Occasions. Main 7215. T. U, LUKE, Mgr.. 6th andAMet. Since- 88- . FRESH FLOWERS FOR Fl'N ERALS and all occasions. 67 Williams see. Just caD Woodlawn 151 'i. Joseph Beta. Manager. MARTIN Af6RBES CCiriioriita. S54 Waan ington. Uain 269. A-1269. - Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. HENRY PFE1FFER, 5TH AND XAMHILX. AU kinds of cut flow era. plants and bollv wreathe. Specials. Dnn-lp'e FLORAL 8BOP JreOpie S 245 AMer. , Marshall 8922. ChappeU's l7; ,B,r N. W. Bank bldg. Maio atornson as. LOST A-D FOOD SI THE following articles were found on ears of the P. R., LAP. Co. Dee, 20: pnrses. S keys, 1 pm, pe'fi top, 4 sal. gloves, muff. 2 books, mop, 6 lmckages. 8 lr. rubbers. 3 suit cases, 10 umbrellas. Owners may obtain prop erty at First and Alder ata. LOST Saturday evening, a badger neckpiece, either on Broadway from Williams ave. to Larrabee. or Lambee to Halsey St. 27 4 Hsi- sey or call East 2083; reward. LOST Saturday afternoon in shopping district, purple silk umbrella with crooked handle. Re ward Call Marshall 6100 or Marshall 141 after a m. LOST Traveling casa containing , insurance papers; initials j. B. V. on case. Please re turn to S47 Market, or call Marshall 3138. Reward. LOST Idy'a purse with $22 in currency and small change in the vicinity of E. 6th and Paris. Please return tn the Kerrigan Apt., No. 2, and receive reward. Phone E. 1180. LOST Will the party tira picked up package of beads, ball, top at Roberts Bros., please leave at accommodation deak- or phone Sell. 870 ? Reward. SfiJF-i mm 5 IHliVai IS. Automobile and tractor engineerin:, welaing and bronsing. Special ignition, battery and electrical work. Vulcanizing and retreading. HEMPHILL'S TRAOE SCHOOLS 707 Hawthorne Ave. Cor 20tb Terms If Desired. ; Wert's Laraes. Buinees College. Aaro res EVERT GRADUATE A POS'TIO All buu uness courses, including comptometef training. Enroll anytime day acbool. night school. Write for free talogua. Fourth near Morrison. Phone Main 500. A Pnsttion for Eaeb Graduata ALISKT BL1I.D1NG MEN who want steady, interesting work at big pay can learn the automobile and tractor business in short time in our big, practical shops. umy stanaara automotive training. Position assured when finished. Earn part expenses wmie learning. Catalogue FREE. National Automotive School. 804 8. Figueroa, ixi Angeies, isl MOLER UAKBEK COLLEGE will teaca sua the trade ia 8 weeks, receive some pay while learning. Positions secured. x-service men rw eeeve aiate aid. Wnta or call lor catalogue S4 liurn.-Me st. , LEARN TELEGRAPH! Railway Telegraph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Might claases. MEN. WOMEN learn barber trade; wages white learnmx: ooeitions cusranteed. Msr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Regina Buckel'a private acbool; individual fnatrnctJnn. 122 H Urand ave. East 427. OREGON Us school. AlUky bldg.. 2d and Mow rises eta W. B. Richsrdson. see. Main 671. HELP VTAjrrEXr MALE t WANT experienced car repair man capa ble of doing all kinds of freight ear repairs and building and repairing locomotive -.rooden cabs. Don't apply if you have not followed this class of work Railway Equipment Co., stars sr. ADV1.K i 1SING Mtletman o, iileh class eatabliahed publications; ability and neat appearance con. aidered; 350 to $100 weekly to those who qualify. 704 Bpauling bldg. WANTED Team of lioraes, 1400 or over; must be in good shape. Will be able to uae them 2 or 3 month. Call 071 Balmon it. or phone uawy. oouu. HATE whole bousa for myself, would like to rent some rooms to honest men ia exchange I or iignt wora. oa jjavenport at. MAN wanted oa farm. Sea ma at MolaDa, Or., or pnona r. sterner. $10 UEWAU1 for return of black iui, lost Sun day near 36th and Hawthorne ave. Mrs. James Wilson. 291 36th at. Tabor 44 71. i'A RTY who picked up gold bracelet It B nai B'rith bldg. Sunday night call Marshall S691. Reward. . .OH I Purse and book of car tickets with name, J. Bennett. Courtney, da car or between Water and K. Hth on Clay. East 4 94. LOST 30x3 Vi Keaton tire on rim. between Wah. st. and Multnomah station. Reward $8. Wdln. 6193. LOST Four keya on chain, probably at Co lumbia par-' Sunday. I 'lease call Mr. Hughea, Eaat 7200. LOST Last Saturday, an amber necklace some where ia ahoprnng district. Finder please call Marshall 4690. Reward. WILL party who took umbrella from 525 Conrtliowse p tease call Tabor 4437? Owner. LOST 1 $10 and 2 $5 bill Tuei alter- norm. Reward. Call Marshall 6025. LEATHER mitt, loot between Seliwuod and city. Call 682 Harney st. 8. LOST Man's fur clove Miller. on Milwaukie. Finder call Ant 216-69. sear LOST Striped auto robe, on- Lombard at.; i ward. 1008 Kerby at. LOST A crescent pin, sapphires and pearls, in Irvington. Monday afternoon. Eat 7065. FoLNIi Dug, black and white pointer. Call 2169 Willamette blvd. . LOST Fox terrier; answer to nam of Bud! Reward. East 1875.- FOUN'D Dog; black and white pointer. 2169 Willamette blvd. Call at Hl'SIJS ESS AS1 TltADE SCHOOLS f PORTLANU Barber College teaches tha barber trade in eight weeks; psys while learning; good set ef tools given; position secured; tui tion reduced ' 8H N. eVcon. KOCKT MOUNTAIN Teachers' Asv-cy. tnr free Frank K. Welle!", former asi-Unt state gapL. Mar.. M-W.b-nk bida. Phone Maia 827C SALESMEN WASTED 88 SALESUAN To eell high class advertising cal endars and fans in Portland and tarrnunding territory; highest commission paid promptly; selling season commences Jan. 1. GEO. H. JL CO.. Cincinnati, Ohio, rKFJjRXISHET) ROOMS 19 for rent at reasonable AN unfurnished room price. 149H First su ROOMS AD BOARD li THE MARTHA WASHINGTON 880 loth st. For business girl, and stu- dents; reasonable rates, , Marshall 281. ROOMS ABiD BOARD PRIVATE FAMI Jt HAPPY LAND Cottage boards children by day. week or month: reasonable. Sellwood 1660, 4740 B2d st. 8 E. THREE 475. modem hou .eeping rooms. Tabor HALF A BLOCK TO CAR Bose City district, 5 rooms and Ireiing porch: hardwood floor, fireplace, all built-iiu; full e ment baHement, waihtrrs; lot 60x100. Prira $3750, 31500 down, baisnce like rent. ROSE CITX BUNOALOW Beautiful 8 room mndem bungalow, has bard wood floors, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, excellent basement. Fox furnace; has all late bullt-tiu; corner lot, 50x100, eat front; all Improvements in and paid; winter 'a fuel and linoleum; all goes for $a250, $1230 down, balance to suiL Phone Est 661orEt 8088. I i IS IT A GOOD BUY YOU WANT?- We have nothing else. IxKk ! $3000. only $1000 down, buys a ha ndsome and good 8-ronia modern bungalow, plastered and kalsomined. nicely arranged; a perfect borne: Only 1 block to car and in an excellent district has cement basement, lot SOxlOO, and beairtifu). Can you beat it T If tha one doe not luit your require ments we have the one that ' does. Call at 5829 72d at. 8. E. Phona 618 33. Cable Realty Co. Ma, juUll.h 1 ACRE HUi 12400 ; - ' Neat little 3 room cottage, with city water, 38 young fruit trees, strawberries and grapes, good chicken house and woodshed, : between Mount Scott and Hawthorn avenue carlioes; $800 cash. $20 monthly. t - : 782 Chsmher nf Commerce. HOrtsEKEEPlSO ROOMS s F rRTfl SHKD AXD IX FCRyiSHED ONE 2 room spt., with steam heat: ready Fri day. 203 Stanton. Wdln. 4086. HOISEKEEPI5G BOOMS FCRSISHKD AND UNFl'RJilSHED PRIVATE TAMIL V 73 3 ROAM auite H. K. rooms; 2 room suit H. K. rooms: weU furniahed. 168 N. 18Ut at. Phone Bdwy. 174 9. FOR RETfT HOUSES li" FURNISHED STORAOB 11 COMMERPTAL AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. - MOVINO, PACKING, SHIPPING. Reduced freight rata. . For expert Mrrir rail Broadway 703. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co. 500 120 FOR RENT House 6 rooms and bath. Commercial st. A. W. Lambert A Son. (rand ave. Plione East 64u. CALL BROADWAY 580 NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY. WASHINGTON AT TENTH 8TREET. 916 E, YAMHILL Unfurnished house. S nice large rooms, with piano. . 3 ROOM cottage for rent. 841 Garfield ave. Phone. Wdln. 3042. 1 FOR RENT Private garage at 781 Overlook blvd. Call Bdwy. 4073, Mr. Home. HOUSES FOR RES T F URN ITCH E FOB SALE 83 FOR SALE Furniture of clean 6 room house. including Vlctrola, canned fruit, etc ; furnare heat, close in: rent 830: will sacrifice for $52 5. immediate possession. 223 E. Broadway. Last 244 9. , 3 ROOM house for rent, $22.50; furniture for ssle, $450. 168 N. 18th. Bdwy. 1749. Peninsula District 8 room plastered horn, about 4 years old and in good condition; nice wath. I hi ten ; kitchen, full basement; 3 blks. from 1'tnln- i "l1. .rnol n? block from car. Frio $2250; $400 Vanti. 1 RALPH HARRIS CO. 8 16.' Chamber of Commerca. Main 6624. i BEATTIFt'L ALAMEDA BirNGAIXJW ; $8i00 $2500 down, balance lika rent; 7 beautiful rooms in ivory1 finish, eseh room is very artistic in design. All of ' the conveniences yon csn imsjine. dining .room is perfect, attractive kitchen, full basement, antomaric water beater just in stalled. Don't hesitate. j Jofansofii'Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. j Main 8787. A CHRISTMAS GIFT $260 CASH PRICK $2950 Clone in on 25th at. We hav a good home of 6 room and bath; full cement basement, wash trays. 50x100 lot. same fruit trees; street paved, eerier in and paid; block to car and 2 blocks to acbool; a little paint would mak this hum worth $3500. You 11 be mighty lucky if )ou get It. COMTE A K0HLMAN. M. 208 Chamber of Commerce bid. '. . NIFTY BCNOAUW"i;r$2250 " 5 room, nearly new, concrete foundation, full basement, modrrn plumbing, clone to school, $600 cash. $25 monthly. A rear find. N--- r v 7.12 Chsmhrr of Commerce. FCRSISHED HOUSES 38 FURNISHED, except bedding and dishes. 8 room hone, close in; furnished for 2 is mi lies: rent $60; upstairs rents for $40. E. 8981. FOR RENT Modern furnished home, inrlud ing plsyer piano: rent $30 per month. 6027 59thM.S. E. Aut. 612-80. - 1 FOR RENT Modern 5 room cottage, complete ly furnished. 824 E. Stark at. FURNISHED FLATS $9 SMALL furnii bed flat, congenial and pleasant, near carline; adult only. 6141 45th at. S. E. rooms and bath, -gas Inquire at 668 E. MOUKKN upper fiat, 5 fireplace and furnace. Everett at. - 4 ROOM flat, counla employed; 'no children. Sell. 2412. APABTMESTS FOR BEST 43 Beautiful Alameda Park $3000 TERMS Claasy new bungalow, 8 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful built' ina, old ivory finish, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry traya. 60x100 lot; all fm provements paid. Yea, it has a garaga. Mar shall 3998. $3500 FrRNISHED, reasonable down pav ment, baisnce Ilk vent; 5, rooms and bath, good furniture, fireplace, fuel, near car and paved street. . JohnsonDodson Co. ' 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' Main 8737. "Walnut Park District " $2700 $500 DOWN Uirasuslly good value in thia - little bungs low, 5 room first floor; sleejinij porth sod attio upstairs: 1 block to car. COOVER A HOLMAN. REALTORS, 322 Failing Bldg. . Marshsll 8998. FTHMTtRE tor sale, 4 rooms; flat for rent. $18 month; walking d tanca to west- side. East 4419. 6 ROOMS, lower floor, with garaga; 4 room house. Tabor 426. STORES AS D OFFICES 11 . FOR RENT One or to floors in a modern brick building. Space 50x100, large freight elevator. Suitable for an upstair ma chin shop or first-class storage room. 209 Front St. DESK room, with telephone and stenographic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. Security Storage A Transfer Co., 63 Fourth, opposita Mult nomah hotel. FoK desirable space in firsproof warehouse, pbon Bdwy. 8715, Security Storage A Trans. Co., 68 Fonrth st., opposita Hotel Multnomah. WASTF.D TO BEST WANT-D TO-RENT 19 OR55" 8 or 4 room furnished and unfurnished apart ment; individual apartment: individual ten ants, for occupancy Jan. 1. No children; (tat rentals. Address U-450. Journal YOUNG coupl denr 6 or 6-room furnished bungalow; prefer Sunnyaide or Hswtliorn dta e trtct Best of references. Eaat 6834. WANTED By sdulta, 3 to 6 unfurnished or partly furniahed rooms, befoi Jan. 1. Msin 4737. WANTED Salesmen to handle Mexican be eta. matting and ruga as aid line to start after the hoi id va. For particular address J. Armrn gol, Laredo, Texaa. HELP WASTED FEMALE TUB MEIER A FRANK COMPANY require the services of experienced candy salesgirl end packers. Apply Employment Bureau, a.xlh floor, Meier A Itaiik company. WANTED A good, responsible girl or woman to . car for 3 children and keep np suisi! apt; must go home nights st present; $20 a month. Call at Apt. 30..New York Apia. Com prepared to work jit a. m. at 8 :30. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of env ployxaewt for women with the federal gov eminent, will sist women to secure employ ment in all line. Office. 829 Henry bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak. Bdwy. 4537. WANTED Furniahed room, walking distance, west aide; hot water; ga heat preferred; per manent. K-834, Journal. LARGE huua or building, li to 30 rounw, electric and g. J-780, Journal. i WANTED To rent small, clean, furniabeil bouse, near Sejlwood ear. Sell. 1863. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOI SES $1 6 ROOM 8 AND BLEEPING PORCH 1 block to ctt, ha all the late-t built-Ins; ex cellent basement and furnace, all improvrmenta in and paid; carpet go with place at $4600, and only ou. "t i or rt bojik. a ll.SK IS' 9 room corner house, tot 60x50; can rent rooms very easy; all improvement in and paid. Price $3500; $700 down, .balance to suit. ast Oo4 or wmmh euoo. ANY GIRL in nurd of a friend apply to fS Sal vation Army Rescue Home, MayfaU and Alexander st. Pbon Main 8450. DM. ear. GIRL for eecond work. VWi ave. Apply mornings, 254 ' StTTATI OSS MALE ' X CARVENTEniNC. REPAIRING and REMOTE KIJNG. TABOR 234. PLASTERING, chimney snd cement work. K. 46th st Tab-jr 2658. , 109 PAINTING AND TINTING. WOyLAWN 8326. REASONABLE. ROOKS reshingled a specialty. East 1201. T. BeauehamB, PLUMBING don very rsshnably by Ut Ju r bv the honr Ant. 640-17 JAPANESE men. want nous cleaning; day ITU. .11 il . I U , . .) . UO FS When you want abingiinj dim. cau Wdin. 28S6. EEWEIi coniMctiona. Call CoL 311. $23 A MONTH, including intrreiit. buys 6 room plastered house, with gas, electricity and bath; garage. The price ia $1990, with a email jiayment down. Wdin. 4852. Jefferson H igh Bun galow $26!0 Terms, 1 block to car; krt COilOO; pvea street.. siarsuait 7 ROOM liouse at Columbia park; chicken bouse and yards; 4 blocks car; for sale or trsd tor smaller nowsa or smau larm, vaai Bsd ava. S. E.. Portlsnd, On SC.VNYSIDE BlNGAI0W $2500 $5WO down, 6 rooms, ll on one floor, fin condition; good plumbing, paved streets; mwm w x-ai, near srmtoi. a r. stfs. OWNER leaving city, muat sell our bmeT; $3C00. terms, 80S Grand ava. N. Pbon Est 209S. - WILL sell my 5 -room modern boose, $250 down; will also sell my equiry In furniture, chean: leaving town. Call Woodlawn 5176. $2250 $500 down, balance Ilk rent, for 5 room and 'bath, Not and cold siUr, electricity nd gas, near achool and ear; good atreet. : ' ",j Jtolhnson-Dodson Co. 633 N, W. Bank Bldg. - Main 37$T. $100 CASH. MOD. BfNG. $287l Vacant Cloea in. Main 4803. J. C. GOLIiENBETWt. Abington bdg. "88 Tra in PorUaad.' 50 YARDS TO ROSE Clf tAft " 8 rooms snd sleeping porch; has fireplace, hardwood floor, all the 1st built-in, fall ce ment baaetnent with wash trays, full floored attic, beautiful lot 30x100.1 Thia is a little beauty. I'r.c $8790. $1300 down, balance to auit East 661 or East 8038. HERE'S YOfll HOME."" "T1 Attractive, modern . litu bungalow, just ngtit for couple. De sirable clote-ln location; comer ground; pvd street. Priced below prevailing value for qukk deal. $1000 cash required, balance easy. Call owner after 10 a. m. Broadway 421. ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE A btautiful 6 room -modern bungalow, all furnished with Al furniture,' including a beau tiful piro; 8 block to Bos City car: all fne for $4200 rash; party Waving city. But tL ot East 8088. - ' BUILD NOW Re oa for design and tlmt free; get bungalow book of 100 design $1; established 19 years; tatiaf action aarared. L. B. BAILEY CO., 924 KW, Bank Blda. 6 ROOM modern bouse, furnished, good loca tion, nar tcnooi ana car . an ; pomes on at one. If you want thl yon will hav to act quick, $2990; terms. Wilbur 9. Jouno. Henry bldg. Heart of Alameda 4 room CoAsnlal. modem, up to Um mitral noma; rtnlly selling $2500 below tbe Ml value. Phone Mar. 3993 for appointment EASY TO BUY NEW MODERN HOME FROM OWNER I will taka lot, soisil tr partly modern house, cst or bond a psrt payment Of flea Tabor S828. T2450 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 6 looms, double constructed, fireplace, halt, gas furnace, built-ina. complete plumbing, elec tricity, Dutch kitchen, fruit trees, shrubbery ; ea ' terms, quick rowslon. Tsbor 6539. - COINIAL BUNGALOW - $2500 $500 DOWK A room, nearly new; fireplsr. btiilt-ln: blocks to cr. near achooL Marshall 8998. - IRVINCTO" " " Two new bom, on. Dutch colon fsl sad on bungalow, modern la every way. 67$ E. 3$ia st near Anott v ain.os 1. NEW 6 room bungalow, Alsnv-da Park; garage, modern ; sacrific price ; $ 1 5U0 will handle, Marshall 8993. $3.10 1. BLK. R. C. PARK CAR Nk-e 60x190. As-ts. paid. Tabor 6359. FOR SALE By owner, modern 4-ruoia fur . B-hed boui. Tabor 6422,, rtrfiOSE-IJi-SACRIFICE"- T-" , 6 room, furnished bungalow, 3 block to ear; treat in nd ri- Total jprle only $280;. terms. Msrshall 3903. ; $30006 BOOMS, DuUb kltchan. bath, gas electricity, abundance of fruit; around 100 s 100 garden, rhh-ken faonse and- garage; $1000 down; 1 block from Woodlawn car. f4$3 Fern. $2ni0d400 CA"fSi4 room aaw bungelow' bh, W. E. kitclien, cement basement, af connected, cement walk; bargain. Lawsoa. Co. Msin R67. ; - : ' v' WIlXAMEtTE BOULETAItD . Nifty 6 room bungalow, 2 sleeping perch garsge, corner lot. la"d -street; unobstructed ew; high elas 1 tesidenca diMrict Msr. $993. XFYOU hv a bome to ell or if you want to buy a horn nail Zvt 661 or East 803$. Ws are getting gKKljresult. $85n"CASH $2373 ' - 8 r. mod., 50x1 0. Paved Ms; 3 alka Irv. ear. Main 4808. . .. S (CnUnud an fallwifi$ tigt