MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON. 11 FARMERS TO HOLD MEET NG TUESDAY AT Hermiston. Dec. IS. -There will e a big meeting of the local farm bureau at the mblie library Tuesday at 2 .o'clock. A report of the year' work will be read and the program for 1921 will be planned. PYemd ' Benton. rountv aaent. will be present ana win lead in the discussion of the continuation of the rabbit cam paign, boy?" and girls' club work. sul phur demonstrations, crop rotation and the most profitable type of farming for this community.. The bureau is advo cating the "Buy a Barrel of Flour" for ewb.famiJy. such a movement would stimulate the price of wheat and other farm prMucts. The Columbia Basin Alfalfa Growers' association will hold a meeting at the public library December II. when J. Price or Toppenlsh, Wash-, manager of the Washington Hay Growers' associa tion, will be the speaker. About January the local alfalfa association plans to secure, in cooperation with the farm bu rea .. at least two well informed men of the Northweat to apeak to farmers here on stock feeding. Many local growers plan to feed a large part of next year's hay crop and some are planning to build silos and raise corn - and ' sunflowers as a complement to alfalfa. . It la believed that stocv men will be more In terested In buying hay where they can also spcui1 silaje. realizing , that stock can be fattened more advantageously by a combination of the two kinds of feed. The Kermlston Masonic lodge elected the following officers for the new terms Tim tl7..B. 1. !.... A viii .igifiiuii wui Diuiuut fliamci . Au gust Beisae. worshipful warden : Frank Worster. Junior warden : C. W. Kellogg, secretary ; Frank Swayze, treasurer. American Legion in Eaymond Conducts Its Annual Election Raymond, Wash., Dec. IS. Raymond post, American Legion, elected Harry I Ratrs commander; Ryland Sixer, vice commander ; A. J. Wlndsheimer, adju tant finance officer. The-new trustees Include M. A. Desmond. A. W. Schuls and Raymond Lewis. H. Weathers, R. H. MacWorter and A. J. Wlndsheimer were appointed to the employment com mtttee, and will make an effort to place all applicants. Miss Eva Wood, for years employed in the city clerk's office, resigned and left for her home in Mc Clary. Miss Gladys Eva void succeeds her. Church Steeple Is Plmrm Off' StiV.lrQ Ud Through Roof A W " Toledo. Or., Dec. 13. The high wind of Friday evening blew down the telephone anI t.l.eri'nh llnl lpfirline tn the vnllev. cutting Lincoln county off from all com. munication with the outside world. To ledo and Newport were both in darkness Friday night, the power lines blowing down about 7, o'clock, when the storm was at Its height. Part of the roof was blown off the huge d.ry shed at the gov ernment spruce mill here, and the cross rn tnn' rtf the steerila nf the Rnlnmnal church blew off and stuck through the roof. All damage reported was of a minor nature. National Purchase Of Wheat Output Is Asked by Farmers Washington. Dec. 13. I. N. 8) Reg ulation of ba. ing companies by jthe municipal authorities Working in 'Con junction with a national grain corpora tion empowered to purch .se the. wheat crop ana control elevators ana .mining companies, was vocated by Beni C Marsh, secretary of the Farmers' National council, today before the sen ate and house arrtculture committer Invastliratl.iK the agricultural situation. March favored cutting in half of the army and navy appropriations so one-half eould be used to finance the export of surplus agricultural producu , - y - David Lamar, Called Wall Street Wolf, Loses Court Appeal Washington. Dec. 11. (I. N. S.) David Lamar, "the wolf of Wall street," and Henry J. Martin of New York to, day lost in the supreme court of the United States their petition to have dis missed the cases pending against them for conspiring to violate the Sherman act in seeking to restrain shipments of mu nitions of war from this country" to Great Britain, France, "Italy and other countries at war with. Germany. They have been convicted of the offense In the lower federal court. - .', Mrs. Esther Fenton Dies Freewater. Or., Dec. 1$. Funeral serv ices tor Mrs. Esther F. Fenton of Crock ett station on the Interurban, were held Saturday. Mrs. Fenton was born in 1830. She leaves one .daughter, Mrs. John Brown, with whom she has made her home since the death of her husband about 40 years ago, "i , TRANSPORTATION TOYO KISEN KAISHA FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Portland to Japan and China. For Yokohama, Kobe. Mo J! and ' a Hongkong. IS. ASTO M ABU, It. 000 teas. Loadiag January IS, 1121. For rates, fares, space and Informa tion address OBEGOX.PACIFIt COMPANY General Agents Wlleog Bldg. Mala i&6. . ASTORIA AND WAV POINTS . STR. GEORGIAN A ' ' suie Trip Dally Kxeaat Friday). Laswes Portland 7:10 a. m Alder St, Dock LEAVES ASTORIA t:00 f. fti. PL AW EL DOCK PARK Sa.00 BACH WAV Direct Ooonectlon for South Beecnas. Hlrnm BeaA Dally. S e. m. Cery Day Except Sunday stain i48z, Mi-aa HERMISTON U. of 0. Man Says He Foiled Bobber And Saved 9 Cents University of Oregon, Eugene, Dec. 13. Considerable excitement . was caused this week by the announcement that a real holdup had been staged on the uni versity campus. Lyle McCroskey, a renior in the law school and a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, waa the victim. The affair happened near the, presi dent's home on Thirteenth street, about midnight Thursday. McCroskey was ordered to stop by a masked man. he says, but by some fast foot work escaped with his nine cents. The young lawyer says that two shots were fired at him and that the first one passed him and he passed the second one. , - The fact that McCroskey is connected with the law sohool and that the moot court needs cases may throw some light on the situation If an investigation is held, according to campus critics. By Jack Royle Marion, Ohio. Dec. 18, (I. N. S.) Another brief in .the case to set tle definitely the international pol icy of the United States was pre sented to Senator Harding today. Blihu Root brought to the president elect his conclusions as to world. con ditions gathered at first hand .from the dominating minds of Europe. Unlike the arguments made by Herb ert Hoover, Senator Root, while It is understood he also advocated the pres ent league with certain sweeping changes as a groundwork for American foreign relationship, dealt almost en tirely with the .legal, diplomatic and po litical angles of the situation. ' OUTLINES LABOR SITUATION ; Mr. ifoover, he himself announced, went mere deeply into economic, finan cial and industrial conditions of America and Europe than into political range of discussion. Concerning the functioning of the present league, its formation, its provis ions and the' processes by which they were reached, probably none Is better qualified to speak than Senator Root. On the invitation of the league he acted as one of the council which outlined the scope, organization and procedure if the International tribunal. Mr. Hoover in his Interview with Sen ator Harding, it became known today, brought to the latter accurate conclu sions as to the stand of labor in the present industrial crisis and the attitude of the employers. BRINGS BOTH TIEWS It Is known. that the executive council of the American Federation of Labor out lined to Mr. Hoover recently its determi nation to fight desperately any reduction of wages or extension of hours. It sought his help to work out a plan whereby, through increased efficiency, production might be speeded up and plants kept open, thus avoiding danger of unemployment. Mr. Hoover, it is un derstood, has sounded out employers on this subject has brought their views also to Senator Harding's attention. The intimate relationship of Mr. Hoover with both employers and em ployes has caused increased speculation here as to the possibility of his ap pointment as secretary of labor in the lrdin- cabinet. -; PASTOR TO CALL The proponents of an amended or re constructel .league are a viae their day In court at Marion Just now and will continue to be represented throughout the week. Colonel George Harvey, stur dy opponent of the league, continues, however, to remain at the Harding- home, where he has been a guest since thi ar rival of Charles Evans Hugheu last Friday. The Rev. John Wesley Hill, former pastor of . prominent New York church, : expected to visit Senator Hardii.? to day. ' . . Fred W. Richter, Well Known Among Musicians, Is Dead Frederick W. Richter, 54, well known musician, died suddenly Sunday afternoon at his ihome, 322 Failing street, following a hemorrhage. . Richter had been m poor health, but filled ' engagements with the Columbia theatre orchestra until the night before his death. Richter came to Portland from Minne apolis 22 years ago, and had been en gaged since that time as a music teacher and an orchestra player. He was a mem ber of the Portland Symphony orchestra. Those surviving are the wife, a son, Francis Richter. blind pianist, and a sister, Mrs. Johanna Spiel of Germany. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 1 o'clock, from the Byrnes undertaking chapel, 901 Williams avenue. Interment will be at Riverview cemetery. John P. Kelson Dies John P Nelson died Saturday even ing at his residence, 1201 Rodney avenuev at the are of 631 He had resided in Portland since 1880, coming; from Tren ton, Mo., and nearly all of that time in the Piedmont section, where he was well known and highly respected by hl neigh bors and many friends. Nelson retired some years ago. For over SO years he was one of the firm of the Poll vka Tail oring company. He is survived by a widow, Mrs. Ingre Nelson, and.. two sons. C. A. Nelson of Portland and Arthur O. Nelson of the First National bank of Los Funeral announcement will be made later. The Holman company has charge of funeral arrangements. Toledo W. E. C. Picks Its List of Officers Toledo. Wash., Dec 13. The following officers were elected by the local W. R. C. : President, Mrs. Clara Carpenter; senior vice president, Mrs. Lottie Lyon ; junior vice president. Mrs. J. R Kimes; treasurer. Miss Maruscha Croop; chap lain, Mrs. R, , L. Calvin ; conductor, Mrs. Ann Layton. Mrs. Pearl Moore and Mrs. W. T. Boone, alternate delegate, were chosen to attend the department conven tion at Olympia In June. A past presi dent's badge will be presented to Mrs. Ann Taylor, only charter member re maining, on her birthday. . Mrs. Mary Shurtliff Dies - Baker, Dec 11. Mary Shurtliff, wife or v. m. isnuruirt, died at the St. Eliza beth hospital at 5 o'clock Wednesday morning aa a result of pneumonia. Mrs. KhurtUff was born in Wisconsin." April a a . . i. iota, ana movea to caicer 28 years ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. HalberL . .. HOOVER OUTLINES LABOR TO HARD NG HEGARDT SENDS MESSAGE TELLING OF TERMINALS G. B. Hegardt. engineer of the dock commission, will forward to New York tonight a message to be read at the meeting of the New York chapter of American engineers to be held December 15.- The text of the- message that Hegardt" will send' is on the subject of the best type of terminals for combined rail and water deliveries. On request of W. J. Wllgus. president of the New Tor" chapter of engineers. Hegardt has prepared the message which wui be read ft the annual meeting. B. F. Cresson. consulting engineer of the port of New York, will read the paper, and It was throu. h tl e publicity given to the Portland terminals by shipping men and masters of -essels which have berthed there that Portland has been given the recognition. According to Engineer Hegardt. the elevators ,-nd terminals at Portland are equal to any n the world. Facilities for handling any class of cargo in or out, including bulk oil, bulk and sack grain, with rail connections, are among the ad vantages '.hat will be set out in the message sent by Engineer Hegardt. - LOW RATE CHARTER FOR WHEAT CARGO TO EUROPE Refusal of farmers to let go on wheat, the fluctuations on charters, delay of the shipping board to meet the rates of for eign owners and the sudden termination of demand on the continent for grain has practically ended the export business from the Pacific side as well as from Atlantic ports. Houser interests recently announced the charter of the Norwegian motorship Theodore Roosevelt. 4500 tons, to. load wheat at Portland for the United King dom. The announcement was made "pri vate terms." The rate at which the Roosevelt was taken was 87 shillings 6d, which on the present rate of exchange means $14.76. An option on the charter for Mediterranean ports was 92s d. The rate set Is $3.25 under that re cently established by the shipping board. Grain offerings nave been so slow on the Atlantic side that foreign . bottoms have teen offering for coal at $5.75 for Rotter dam. Positions of Vessels Radio reports from North Head give the positions of the following vessels at 8 p. m., December 12: Oleum, Port San Luis for Portland,1 barbound off Columbia river. Hattie Luekenbach. Seattle for San Francisco, 20 miles ; north of Cape Bianco. Providencla. Santa Rosa for Tacoma, 305 miles north of San Francisco. Alaska. Portland for San Francisco, 35 miles north of Cape Blanco. Queen, San Francisco for Seattle, 353 miles north of San Francisco. Prtondo. Raymond for San Francisco, barbound inside Wills pa harbor. Avaion, San Francisco for Grays Har bor, outside Grays Haibor. WW Kedron. San Francisco for Port land. 85 miles south of Columbia river lightship. - Willamette, Portland for San Fran cisco, stormbound in outer harbor of Astoria. News of the Port Arrivals, December 13 Bose City. American steamer, from San Fran cisco, passengers and general freight. Oleum. American steamer, from Port San Luis, oil. Departures, December 13 Renthaw, . destroyer, for Bremerton. AEI51 ALMAS AC ' Weather at River's Mouth North Head. Wash.. Dec 13. Condition at the mouth of the river at . noon : Sea rough ; wind northwest 20 miles; weather partly cloudy. Portland Humidity 80. ' V Tides at Astoria Tuesday High Water. Low Water. 8:31 A M . 7.7 feet I . :28 A M . 8 9 feet 2:44 P. M.. 8.4 feet I 9: :50 P. M., 8 8 feet DAILY RIYER READINGS 8 a. ra.. Pacific Time. c? -f ,2 Fff? W ? Si"! r I 45 L3.8 j'o.i i.6 10 7.8 -2.0 0,21 20 18.0 "1.7 0.29 20 18. 'l.O 0.8 12 10.7 1.1 0.84 15 6 0. 0.24 STATIONS T'maUlla . . Eugene . . . Albany . . . Balem .... Oretnn City Portland . . () Rise. -) Fall. RIYER FORECAST The Willamette river t Portland win rem. In nearly stationary Tuesday and fall Wednesday. AT XEIGHBORL5G PORTS Astoria, Dec. 13. Arrived at 9:40 a. m. Steamer West Kedron. from Saa Francises. Ar rived at 10:10 a. m. titeamcr Oleum, from run on Lua San Francisco. Dec 13. Ssiled at 3 a. m Steamer Daisy, for Columbia river. Fort Angeles, Use. 13. Sailed Steamer Elk. INDOOR SPORTS I OrOjJrvKV sVOCTlOK toy-rrT-AU- toOW ON IT, VE'P VU $1? rVTirWCArJ feNO rVPeJ -AJO QMS TO Pt-fSS XfJlTH " I VrdOWT- ptrVr VrTH rVo soy PttvrGTVte Dunk amo io n- &ota - I Tvtvr Apreit -bvive L.ervc-Ai Bcio?e VrirtisT" moeooirrvw TVWr THreUarT N0w OF OuR. horn. Ina Colombia river, for United Kingdom. Astoria, Dae. 13. Sailed a midnight Steam er Aiaaka, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 2 p. m. -Steamer Johaa Poalaea and Destroyer IV n' haw. ....... Gariote, Dec. 12 Sailed Steamer F.- H. Buck, for Portland. Seattle. Dae. 12. Arrived Steamer Moer dyk, from Portland, for Rotterdam : steamer Dnkrnfietd. from New York, for Portland. Saa Pdn, Dee. 11. Sailed Steamer Steri Voyager, from Me York, for Saa Francisco and Portia ad. - San Francisco, Dec. 12. Sailed at 7 a, m Steamer Celilo, tor Columbia river: steamer Tiv erton, for Portland. Sailed Steamer Ora COBian, for New Yoik. Seattle, Dec. 13. (L N. S.) ArriTed: La Touch, from Southwestern via Southeastern Alaska and Point Wells; Norwood, from Ts m, 0:30 era. bailed 13: Manila Mara, for Hongkong via Victoria. 10:30 a. m. Arrired 12 : Hawaii Mara, from Hongkong Tia Victoria, 1 p. m. ; Admiral Watson, from Southwestern via Southeastern Aiaaka. S a. ra. : Rskentfteld, from Boston v.a Baltimore and San Franeiaeo. 8 a. m. ; West HirUand, from Nor folk ria Balboa aad Honolulu. 3 D. m. : Vic toria, from Comox. 1 :80 a. m. ; motorship Santa r lavia, from west, coast, vta Tacoma, je:atl p. m. ; Admiral Kvans, , f ran San Disco via Saa Francisco, 3:10 p. tn. ; Moerdyk, from Rotterdam via London, San Francbeo and Portland, 6:45 a. m.; schooner Aiaaka, from Siberian cruise in tow tut LiUieo No. 20. SaUffi 12: Prince Georse. for Prince Ba- pert. 11:30 p. m. V sides. Dec . 12. Sailed: North western. westbound, 3 a. m. Petersburg. Dec 1 1. Sailed : Jefferson, northbound, 2:80 p, m. Honolulu, Dec. 12. B turned. West ' Jena, from sea, leaking. . San Diego, Dec 2. ArriTed: Ryder Hamfy from Port Gambia. Sailed: Ererett. from Putet Sound.' Ban Fedro, Dee. 12. ArriTed: Admiral Sahley. from Seattle: Phyllis, from Tacoma. Sailed: President, for Seattle Tia San Fran cisco. - Dee. 11 arrived : JSudbnry. from New York via porta; Mukilteo, frcsn Ererett. Sailed: Steel Vomer, for Seattle Tia San Francisco; Captain A. F. Lucas, towing barge 83, for Seattle; Vaidea, for Puget Sound. ArriTed 11: Forest X. Baxter, from Seattle; Endioott. frcsn Tacoma. FaraUones. Deo. 11. Passed: Boobysila, from Tslara for 8sn Franciseo. Victoria, Dec 18. ArriTed: Won. from Manila, at outer wharf. 9 :SO a. ra. Dec 12: Passed out, Mattawa, for Hongkong. T p. m. Fraxer Birer, B. C. Dee. 18. Arrived: Har den, from Lisbon Tia San Francisco. Anyoz. Dec 11. ArriTed: Amur, from vancouTer, e a. m. Union Bay. Dee. 11. ArriTed: Tartar, from Ocean Falls, 1:80 n. m. Bellingham, Dec 13. ArriTed; Schooner Vigilant, from Honolulu, thence No. 18 in tow tug Tree. B a. m. Dec 12 sn-ired: Hlkhorn, from Vancouver Tia Port Angeles. Port Townsend. Dee. 18. Pswed in: Wheat land Montana, (or Seattle, 0:20 a. m. Ari- viwmA Jin. Q...1. V.SA - foreed to return for fuel oil oa ' account of southerly gale. Mukilteo, Dec 12. ArriTed: Teucer. from Vancouver. Tacoma, Dee. 18. Ssiled.: Admiral Good rich, for Seattle; Fulton, for British Columbia Tia Seattle. Dec 12 arrived: Silverado, from West Coast. San Francieo. -Dec. 13. (I. N. 8.) Ar riTed, December 12, Caspar, from Caspar, T:8S a. m. ; Nile, from Hong Kong, at 7:40 a. m.; Agamemnon, , from New York, at- 8:40 a. m.; numooiat, iron, Los Angeles, at 8:60 a. m. Margaret, from Monterey, at 9:48 a m. ; Che huLii. from Grays Harbor, at 11:30 a. nv; Fair haven, from Puerto Ana elan, at 11:20 a. uv Admiral Wainwright. from Redondo. at 7:30 p. ra.; AUas. from Point WeUs. at 2:20 p. m. Georgina Rolph. from Tacoma. at 7 P. ra.; Ad' miral Dewey, from 8attle,.at 8:15 p. m.; West Ira, from Manils. st 8:43 r. m. Sailed, Decem ber 12. Pert Saunders, for cruise, at 6:40 a. m.: Ceiilc. for Portland, at 6:60 a. m.: Tiverton for Portland, at 7:10 a. m. ; Kl Sagnndo, for Beatue. at 1 too a. m. : waaulngton, for Eureka, at 8 a, m.: Frederick Luckenbach. for New York. at 8 a. m. ; Prank D. Stout, for Brookings, at 8:30 a. ra.; San Jacinto, for Grays Harbor, at 7:40 a. m Charlie Wateoo, at 10:15 a. m. ; losemite. for seatuc, st ii :3 a. m. : Hartwoods. for Grsya Harbor, at 11:80 a..m.: Phoenix, for Greenwood, at 11:60 a. , ro.; Oregonian, for New York, at 12:10 p. m.; Sea Foam, for Men docino, at 3:10 p. m. ; Caspar, for Caxpar, at a -iv p. m. ; xsaiay, tor rortiana, at z:iu p. m. ArriTed, December 13, British steamer Tachee, irom fiagasajci, at iz:oo p. ra.; Japanese steam er Mandasan Maru, from Yokohama, at 8 a. tn. ; President, from Los Angeles, st 10 a, m. Sailed, December 13, Durango, for Balboa, at 7:15 a. m. : Sea Eaele and bam Simla, for Port San Luis, at 7:30 a. m.: Sea King and Phelps, for fort san Luis, at T :s cm., unttsh motomhip uon .urane. for vanning uuano, at s:su a. m. i.H. READY FOR WATER - Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 13. The W. II. Libby 12,000-ton oil tanker, constructed by the G. M. Standifer corporation for the Standard oil company, will be launched from the yaids at noor. Wednesday. Miss Madge Libby, granddaughter of W. H. Libby. Standard Oil official, for whom the ship Is named, will act as sponsor. Miss Libby . and her party ar rived in Portland Sunday evening, from New" York city, and will remain at the Benson hotel for a few days. , Included In the launching party are Mrs. Frances Tickers, mother of Mies Libby; Miss Mercedes Libby, Mrs. Ar thur Peqniman, Miss Clara Elliott and Mies Florence Martin. Captain and Mrs. 11. E. Mitchell of San ancisco will also be In Vancouver for the launching. Captain Mitchell Is in charge of the Standard Oil branch of California. Bread Price Drops Cent in Milwaukee Milwaukee. Wis.. Dec. 18. (U. p.) Bread took a 1-cent drop here today, A Inams nnw Pell in AT for 15 I rm v . ' - cents, and pound loaves at 10 cents. (Copyrisht, 190. by Serriea, TANKER V, LIBBY -0M 5Af MR PUMP CHOiTT a.irf r I'kir'ttL TrdJV OFCOUdJE MC CArrJ BflOCrt.. V tlrV UlCH r- j a egr .1 1 WA I .... I . . n 1 r s ..... Tn .t- r- uiui'.jiiiieivirriii j i -w s.- - t i - i - t t i - i ' ' .TrP . ------- - ....... - - -ataaw ulmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJ t - BURLESON REPORT SHOWS INCREASE IN POSTAL INCOME Washington, Dec. It. The report of Postmaster General Burleson for the fiscal year ended June SO, 120, shows that revenues of the postal service for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1920. including the revenues from money order and postal savings bus iness, amounted to $437,150,212.33. During the preceding fiscal year the receipts were $136,239,126.20, which, how ever, included collections of $71,392,000 as a war tax derived from increased postage on first class mail, the ordinary postal receipts ' for 1919 having been $364,847,126.20. For comparative pur poses, therefore, it may be stated that the postal income for 1920 shows an In crease of $72,303,086.13 over the preced ing year war tax 'excluded the ratio of increase being 19.81 per cent. The audited expenditures for the year were $454,822,609.21, an Increase over the preceding year of $91,824,973.62, or 29.33 per cent The audited expend! tares for the fiscal year were therefore in excess of the revenues tn the sum of $17,172 396.88. After deducting losses of postal funds by fire, burglary, and other causes amounting to $98,085.84, the total audit ed deficiency In postal revenues for the fiscal year Is $17,270,482.72. The expenditures include approximate ly $32,202,600 additional paid as a war bonus to postal employes in excess df the regular baste salaries authorised by section 2 of the act making appropria tions lor the service of the poetoffice department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1920. and for other purposes; and $35,698,400 authorized by special act of congress in Joint resolution Ne. 15L granting them an increased compensa tion zor the year, and making a total Increase in salaries of approximately ss.aui.vou. Miss Alice Collier And F. Heilman to ' Marry in New York Portland friends of Miss Alice H. Col lier, sister of Mrs. U H- Bowlby, 460 East Fifty-third street north, will be in terested to learn of her recent appoint ment as head of the Ohio and West Vir ginia division of the Toung Woman's Christian Association, also of her forth coming marrtage on Saturday of this week to Frank W. Heilman. also well known In Portland. The wedding will take place at the Little Church Around the Corner, New York city, and included among the guests will be Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Geis ler, formerly of Portland.' After a short wedding trip the bride will take up her work in Ohio and West Virginia. Later they will make their home in New York, where Mr. Heilman's business Interests center. '. - Miss Collier, who is a native of Port land, is a graduate of Stanford univer sity, two years ago she left for the East to take up war work for the Y. W. C. A. ! After a four . weeks intensive training course in New York she was sent out to Idaho to conduct a financial campaign, which she did with .success, i jrouowtng tnat ah waa placed In charge of the Y. W. work in Long: Island City. New York, where she was for eight or nine months. The conduct of financial campaigns followed. At the opening of the political campaign Misa Collier left the Y; W. C. A. and became the head of the woman's division of the Wood cam paign. In October she returned to the work of the association. Paper Company of Spokane to Enlarge Spokane. Wash., Dec IS. -Announcement of additions to the plant and equipment of the Inland Empire Paper company, td cost between $85,000 and $100,000, was made by W. A. Brazeau, secretary and manarer. The capacity of the plant will be increased 25 per cent, to produce daily 90 tons of sulphide or wood pulp. Ford Plans Tractor For German Fields Berlin, Dec. IS. A German Ford trac tor, built In German factories, by Ger man workmen, under German direction, but with capital and "specifications" supplied by Henry Ford Of America, may soon be at work m the fields of the cen tral empires if Ford can overcome cer tain obstacles that have cropped up since the announcement of his plans. , lniernauooal Isaton lac.) fAOTWGrV- 1 toutD A Vm"COU-T fllwttTH m C ss L I . .a i V W 14 1 l II ,. i ,1 'M I . W I BUILDIXQ PERMITS Overs laei Costlne 81100 er More Electric Steel Founder?, erect trmmforvner !ewe, 818 fort et. between 24th and 25th rts.; builder same, 11500. Jos. Faautow m tail elevator. IBS firsud see.. between Ysmhil and Taylor Its, ; builder Portland rJerstT u., aiso. J. tiorbor. reuair readdence. 871 llamblett. be tween 28th and 29th sta.; buiMtr same, $6000. HEW TODAY ADDITION :One of Portland's fine homes in this desirable, close In district, is offered by owner at much be low present value and on most favorable terms. Grey stone first story, pleasing architecture, and a class of materials and workmanship rarely found in even the best homes built these days. Four bedrooms, two fire places, hardwood floors and plate glass windows throuuhout. En tirely refinished inside, new lur nace. A lovely home, a rea! in vestment. LADD ESTATE COMPANY Marshall 5454 246 Stark St. s SEND US r0U OLD CARPtTS (We Call ana Pejirer) Old Rum and Mreeten Ofotnlne W Make Rsrersible, Hane-Wovea FLUFF RUGS S10 ft. Fluff Ru .........S1T.S0 Si ft. Fluff ). , Ul Sat Ruga Wow. AH Sites Clothes Olsanlnf and 0emf Dept. stall Oreeea, Send far Reaalet Mattresies generated, saaee Ore, ajade se Ore Feathers Reexrette) Carpet Cleaning. RetnUna, UL Sit a Rue Steamed Oleaned, S1.S0 WSSTtRSI FLUFF RU0J CO. 'sa-o union Ave. N. Cast SSIt HOUSES AND GARAGES Made of standardised, built. 4-foot seettoa Beady aad easy to erect Shipped anywhere. Get Catalogue, RE Dim A DC BUILDING CO.. PORTLAND, OREGON. E. 11th and Market, er SOS Lewis Bids, Pheneet East S114, er Bdwy. 4SSS Portland Rag Co. CXDEB HEW KA9AGEMVXT ' We Hare Cut Our Prtose : for a Limited Time ONE txlS FT. FLUFF tfnn (-rs BUG aa5a5eOJ. 05B txw ft. rtvrr 017 er RTJO ................ wlliOv; AU Other Werk at !& Dlaeeaett Flaff Keirs Made Frons "d Carpet. RAG RUGS A SFKCTALTT GITK US A TELAL We Call aad Deliver I:Slt74 . 17TH ST. SELL. SIS! Ladles Save your aid earpets, rues and -seal ea evethlna. Lea as maM "osy ruga fee yew- ilKilTtfMi) 1SS E. Sth it. J'norve .East SBSv y WE OA Li, AND DELIVER The oMeet and nest equipped factory ra tae MorthweaL Fluff sad rag fogs woees All atses. - Carpets eleaned. eta. rOR SAAruORDBRSSEBJDPOR BOOKLET 100x200 WEST SIDE TRACKACE. CLOSE FOCR-STORY BRICK BUILDIKG OS QUARTER BLOCK. WITH E00M FOR ABPITI05. . BIG SAVIHG ON BL'ILDIWG COST BT PURCHASE OF THIS PROPERTY. - R. J. O'NEIL 117 BOARD OF TRADE -BCILDIXG. By Tad vUJr P-vH - 1" f - to i!ewf?eewwwe.eseaewe3eaeweerejsejii ..fV i "11 1 r ', rrtl ygw TOPAT A Beautiful Home in Eastmoreland 68x100 corner, facing golf links. Improved with. the most at tractive English Colonial bunga lows In Portland. Five lovely rooms first floor and ample space upstairs for two more if wanted. Designed and constructed with many exclusive conveniences and features to meet the . require ments of those demanding the -best but offered on terms to fit your income. G a r a e, Iwn, shrubbery, all improvements in and included in'the price. Enjoy a real Christmas by your own fireside and among the most de sirable surroundings. Call own er today for appointment. LADD ESTATE COMPANY Marshall 8454 246 Stark St. BAleireeaii treat far aad YaatblB At 10 A. M. Tomorrow j MKETISO NOTICES 41 lVAXHOfe-Homestead. No. s, B. A. I. Recular abort business meetins on Wednee dsy, Dec. IS. 1820, at W. O. W. hall. 10th and Taylor streets. Meeting at S o'clock sharp, followed by refreshment and a good social time. Don't forget the annual Taletide masquerade of Dee, 29. Doa't miss this big eveot. Peart Owens, correspondent. 213 Ball way Exchange. Main tT. Wn.LAMETTE TRIBB BO. t. Improved Order at Bed Men. sseeu toslght (Monday) at Aa drtorinm halt. SOa ia Third at, VislUws Welcome. B, U UeDOVkVD. C ef R "NORtd PORTLAND L0IX.E NO. 280. L O. O. F.. will at Kenton. - After a abort business session will go to Woodlawn In a body. Will work in first degree. VbiUng brothers, we extend to yon a hearty welcome. WILLIAM HODSON, B. O S. O. Blair. Chairman of Committee. WA'VteftLT LODOErTJ. D.. A. AND A. M. Speeial communica tion wiU be bald at .Wsveriy bsll. E. Jtb and Clinton, at 7:80 a. m, Tuesday, Dec 14. Work in M. il. degree. Visiting brethren wel- Order W. M. H. E. MILLER, See, fliftMON'Y LObGB NOTTS, A. V. AND A. M. Stated eommnnie atloa this (Monday) eve. at T:80 o'clock. Election and installation of officers. Does should be paid at this meeting. VHitiog bretAreit W. M. DB LIN. See. srS'kf StDE tftbCH' n6.' isa. a: F. AND A. U. Special eommu aleatien Mon.. Dee. IS. A0 p. m., tagapie. E, Sth aad Hsw thorne. . Werk tu E. ' A. degree. By order W. M. WQlcOfBCe JAMES B UAT JK.. BSC THE Serriee circle No. 880 decided to hold what is called a country store, ea its regular meet Ing aight, Monday evening. Dee. 18. At this time, articles of toed, wearing am eel and lunch will be sold. There will be fortune telling and free dancing. Woodcraft hell . at 10th and' Taylor. SELLW666-LfitxlE Ud. iii. a." r. a A. as speetat meeung this (Monday) ereoing at T :S0 o'eloca. Work la M. M. degree. Visitors wslcomt. By erdrr W, II. J. H. BUTLER. SecreUry. C p.. meets every Tuesday night at L a a'alnt Mfrh ftiu PMhUa knIM. 8fl) ing, (S8 Tamhili street Work in Knight rank. All Pythisns weloorae. KLMER L. ENOLIHH. C. C. EMRLEM JEWKIJJ a speeislty. bnttons. pins, ehsrms. Jseger Bros., 181-188 Sth st. Jito! Statistics ttlarrigcs. Birtbs. DcafftX MARRIAGE LICENSES Elmer Cockier, 38. 384 E. 1st sL, and Vera McKenna, 1. 284 E. 1st st. Sydney Prairie, 23. SnS Jennett st,, and Ethel M. MUls, 30. 1183 Belmont st. B. E Brugermaa, legal, Lee Angeles, Oal., and Dora M. Anderm, Ugal, 87 Sherret are, Hubert Hasan. 37, 41 K. 8Sd St., and Lethe M. Hall. 37. 42 E. 8 8d. Ray L. Morimett. 24, cil and Fsrn Welsh, 18, A40 Ellis are. A John Beaks. 87, 120 4. 48d St., and Jese phine F'tchner. 27 740 Oorbett st. Donovan Palmer. 23. S84 Windle at., gad Alice E. Swarti, 21. 1901 Bertley are. W. Arthur Rev. 30. 44 Market, and Mary Compton. 18, 444 Market st. BIRTHS VAXrERWALL To Mr. and Mrs. Jo Vsnder wU, 618 Oswego, Dee. , a son. - HEIMAN Te Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heiman. Lenta, Or.. Dee. 6. a daughter. MARSH To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marsh. T84 H Irt, Dec 8, a eon. CTJTTlNi; To Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. Cutting, 1034 E. Alder, Dee. 8. a son. COX To Mr. and Mm. F. Coa, 80 W. Emer son, Not. 28. a daughter. WRlCHT-jTe Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wright Jr.. 1 E. Buntslde, Dee. 8, a daughter. KNIPP To Mr. and Mrs. James B. Knlpp, 140 E. Davis Dee. t, a eon. OALLOWAT To Mr. aad Mrs. J, Galloway. 1141 Ploral, Dee. 7, a son. - DEATHS Ayp FTJITERALS H DOWN ET At Tacoma, Wash., December 12. Isadora Downey; beloved mother of John Dow ney of Portland Tsnd Alfred Downey ef Lee An geles, CaL; Mr. Blanche Senner of Taeoma. Wash., and Mrs. E-ther, Battrell of Chicago. IU. Punera) service will be bald Tnenday, December 14. at 8 p. m., at the chapel of Miller A Traeey. Interment at Multnomah Park Cemetery. i S8TE8 At the reetdenre, 48 E. 80th at. N?. December 18. Mary EUzabetb Betes, aged M years, beloved mother of John Bate of waver snd Prank Este snd . Mrs, A. Alexander of Portland; grandmotlier nf Carroll Alexander, also of this city. Funeral notice later. Re main at the reajdenttal parlors ef Miller j A Tracer. ' ; - . - - ROBBEBSON December 10.' at her lata resi- dence. th Patton home. Almira Jsns Itob berson, sged 74 yesrs. survived by Mrs, Brace Sproat and Ladle Robbersoa of Calfsry. Al berta, Canada. The funeral serrlce will be held Tuesday. December 14, at 10 a. m., at Pinley'a, Montgouery at Fifth. Friends invited. Con cluding service, Mt. Scott cemetery. ' HOKE-7-Ia this city. Dee. 13. Edwsrd Samort Hoke, aged 6 years, beloeea son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hcke of S4th st. and Foster road watbeast. Th funeral t-ervices will be eon. ducted Wednesday, Dee. 18. at 10 a. to. in the mortuary chapel of A. .D Kenworthy A Co.. 8803-4 2d S H, in Int Friends in vited. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. NELSON At the family residence, 1201 Rod ney arnue. December 11, 1820, John Peter Nelson, (red 08 years, beloved hnsbsnd ef Insri Nelson." lather of Clisrles A Nelson of thi city and Arthur O. Ntlson ef Lee Angeles, CaL Remain at Holman 's funeral parlors. Third aad Selmon streets Notice ei funeral later. HTDLBSON At the" lata readerice.ofR; Salmon street. December 11. Leon C. Pndle aon, aged 84 years. Funeral services wJl be held- Tuesday. December 14. at S D. m.. at the Portland enmarortam. Bcmain at the parlor M Du... a- u ni -. ...w . . , ' p. m. ' Friends invited. :;- - - NASH IathU city," Sunday, rormbe712. lUrrw- aaed 80 rear,' son ef Mr. Ella Naab, 488 WUlamerta boulevard. - The body la at the parfers at Chamber company, 48 Kil hngswonb svsnue. Funeral, announcement will be made later. AfXlSCtN r-eoetJiber 12, at - the family reei - denee, 1588 at Davis street, llsnd ArHon, aged 4B years. The remain sr st Flnley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral here- after. '"' i PA RAD Y At his late residence. 4817 6"fd street soatheaat. Cortes A. Psrady, aged 47 year. Remain st P. L. Lerch funeral per- lor. E. 11th and Clay streets. Funeral notice m ILVA deaths ai rryrKALU 11 EIJ.T8 aFbar liome. 105 Tremoot street,' Pe camber 12. Mrs. Kreneea Kilt, widow of the late Joasna Kills, mother of Joseph J Freak A.. Virtor K.. William J. - and Olina Frances Kills and fra. Olieer M. Htfkejr. aU of this city. The fitneral serrtres will he-held at ths eoiwerTStorr ' eheiiei of the Rest Side Funeral Directors. 414 feast Alder street, at 1 n m.. U'eriimdar. Da- member IS. meads invited. IsteriaenL Bose- Uty cemetery. , - itiCmER Dec. 12, 1930. at tire fimlly reu- denee, 33 railins st., rrederirk WUliam Richter. aaed 84 jrears, 1 montha, . I dan, ba loved husband of I ana Riohur aed father of KraacH Hichter, The funeral will be held Tuess . dajr. lec. i, at 1 p. m. from R. T. BytW pari, rs 601 WilUam ire. at Mason st lnUS mnt Bivervlew ce meter jr. t'nends tavited te attend. - ; ; "- HOUiKN-ta tbU eit. hecemher 13. Alfred HnWen. aced SC yean, beloved brother of Mrs. Fred Lenhsrt of Portland sad Ltdia Sehnl leBbere of Portland; Henry Holtlen of riorenee, ' Or.j Krwia of CarrolU, Wash., and C A. Haldee. i of Uresham, Or. ruaerar- services will be held Wednesday, December 5i' at V a. oi., at the rhapel of Miller A Traeey. Interment, Rose City cemetery. .- FBT 3nn Fry. 4 Ceaxmenial. Dee. 8. ST years; lobar pneumonia. Ml'.UO John Siirito. Sdlwond hosptul, De. . 6? yean; eslviiler heart dleae, MBKKS Wtllism B. Chambers. T0 Bur- nsmn, imp, t v, -years; lobar pneumonia. Frx thai. Directors Funeral Directors TUlUil ANU SALMON STUKU1S Msib oOT. A-1BU ; : . I.sIt AerrMant. i ! v East Side-; : y . Funerall Directors ' FORMERLY F. S. DUNNING. INC. im .','JTb Faf 8 Price." 414R. Alder st Thone East It FUNERAL DIRECTORS tstn MfSNTOOMKWT AT nrTW Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AT HAWTHOB.VB PHONK EAST TS1 ri!AMBER8350.. , ' Puneret I M rectors. ' ATI the CoaTcniences of a Rome Woodlswn 8806. 4gj0 KlUiDgvwortk Asa. P. T. RVONIP.Q raoTwX tahUshaieat, 0t wtillsms in. Weodlawn ISO A. D. Kenworthy & Co. ;, e B52J -B.. LRtTS 'Phone Tabor 627. Rome Pboae D-SI. MILLER A TRACKt. imUpsod7aTufis7ard rectors. Price as low as 880, 840. 840. Washington at EUa. Msla 21. AT888. DOWNING Si M 'N EM A R-'HSinTWsa-pTseel Uoderste is pricaa, Irringtsg dtttriol Paess sSt 64. R. W. CABLE CO . .... Sef,on' ,0 w- H. Hamilttm. ItTS E. OUsaa. rbone Tsbcr 481. s-entesi a zmvTin-or the privacy of borne, ltttb and Everetl eta. Phone Broadway 2188. Bom A I188. A D T&llpfCn BB2 WUiema avenue. .IeXClICrVvO. ph(m. East SllfesjirisaONnEgfATtfNO CO, Msln 4Tj YVC3A.2l2i Cemer Third and Clay. ' MOHTJMENTB ' ''"- ' '- -x rortiana maroie worses ft M m A L a T r ea u ska . i aww V -.. VAV eUSliS. KBU eVTUSJ. 7,-Igo yr ; at; H Afxyor FLORISTS aas MORgfisoM tvOPrTLAMO WOTRL aWaiSkm. (t-m '.I'i'SM Accra eeuerrS STOrrES iSAi.. 17" K0AYS Aw UP J JfflATlC, AAOfO. Aad Ploral ttastgaa, . S5 Lome Hothouses. Ne Breach Sterea. SO Tears ea Morrteoa it., bet 40) and 5th. . Tempheae Mala 770S. QEO. BETZ.& SON Sinae . 184. FRESH FLOWEBS FOR FUN I BALE and U oceion. 897 WUliam see. Just aafl Woodlswn 16fi. Joseph Beis, Msnsgee. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland Pmgmiv Ftertst." Flower for All Oceaaiona. -Main 7215. T. C LUKE. Mgr., th and Aide. HENRY PFEIFTER'8TH AND TAMHTU All ainde of out flowers, i plants and holly wreath. 8 pert la. ..', . 1 afXRtfN A FORRlCS CO..' floriste," 384 Wash faagtoa. Main 288, A-1388. ; Fmwer for all occasions artistically srrswged. DAnrtings'CI KLOHAL n.f ' : rGOpW S 148 Alder. MarahaU SV33. Chappell's jfhf N. W. Bsnk Hdalialn 831 Momsoa e. '. LOST AND rOP.,D II IXST Liberal reward. Diamond broach, TV era day n. m. en street between Trinity Place and downtown shopping district; In white stone set in-cirri e. sia of quarter. ; Calf Tabor 4488. Mrs. w site. IX)ST Oa Great Northern train.) teeiowt hand portfolio, marked "B, R. Byrum." ' aemar left it oa bat rack en train . pwhall No. 27. Train due Portland 7:43 iTa Prtda. Kindly return and rcir reasrti for contests of portfolio, which baa no same eseept te owner. Ne questions eed. Address Uynua, room 818. Beauie n'rtei, neauie. LOST Male Boston bull dag. Brindle with white glrcak on face, whit collar, breast snd forelegs Ears and tail not eut.l Fie years eld. Z3 rewaro. (Uau Automatl 3Z8.8S of gM1- LOST Vonng Englidi bulldog; . body, whit chest gad foreleg, and brown ipot on top of fomhaad. dark brindle two black ys Tabor 0081. Reward LOST err Park st.. Friday evening, lady' b!oe ilk bag, containing money cnu paper; re- ward. HoUl Seward, room 8117) - LOST Small black pure with Change, stamps and cameo ring. Fioder call! Wdla. 18 and receive reward, 8W"REWARD. n eueetioa asked.' Yor" return of dark brindle English baUdogj feaule. blsek faee. undershot, Msia 8231. LOST Black moire silk parse containing f erty bond eonrma, mdat. etder.i are all amount morwiy. etc. inward. JT8 5 Fjaeder. Mais 7081. LOST Bieg of keys, near 14ta1aad tttUmAi t'leaae call Main zsse. . BrBITfKBB ABP TRADE SCHOOLS MEJi. spen1T'iocTwWtXS' iSrlNTJJui AstomubU and t rector engineering, wsiding aad broaaing. Speeial ignition, battery aad alee tries I wnrk. Vulcanising and retreading. HBMPHn.L'S TBADB SCHOOLS 707 Hewtbom Are., Cor 30tb Terms If Desired. I A l'raltlon for Each Graduate ALIBET Bt'H.DfN(i MOLER SAKBER COU-Kfik wii) tea yoeTSe trade in 8 week, receive seme pay whue kersuDa Positions aeanred, Jts eervio ataa re eerre sute aid. Write eg eatt. lag eauiogoa, 884 Bnrneide L . ', fCirtTi,ND Barber College teach the barbae trade to eight weak) pay, wail leaning; good set f tool given; posiUoa aseandi tui tion red wed 88 N. Second. LEARlT" TELSSRlPift taU-ay " faletraa lnstitat. 484 Railway Aaebaose bldg. Might clasee. ' - ' MEN, WOMEN kesna barber trade; wage while learning ; positions guaranteed. ( Mgr. 33 years expertenc. Oregon Berber College, 288 Madsoav lOCET MOUNTAIN lascbem' free. Prank K. Weils, (turner asewtaat stats gnpt.. Mgr.. N-W. bank bidg. Paone Maia 8378. , EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL" Miss Refine Bucael private aeboot; liiillildsel tnatrrctlon. 128 V Grand are. Beat 437. OBEOON law sebooL llieky Mdg.. 3d aad l7ee eieoa eta. VI. R Bichaedson. see. Mata . IF TQC want to learn the to to nt sing rmsiaesa. Call IBS E. Broadway. ' IIV--s iHIliliii late (OenUnued ea feilawlni