THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, 4 1920. 7 (TATE FOB, 8ALH-FARM8 17 MARION OOUlTX FARMS ' r Nail A Ml farm of 178 aires, 110 una in big state at cultivation, no fetter toil in the state; 5 acres fins sandy lout river bottom soil, 12 ere bes,verdam, veil tiki. IS meres bench land in cultivation; nice etreii on farm. This land will prcxincs a heavy crf of anything you plant. All fenced and cross feted; barn 45x60. thre. alio, mom house, hot and cold water, electric lighted. This farm fnlts on Willamette river; boat transportation, of mile to electric sta tion. It mile to towi on food graveled road. Owner wants to sell, t will consider a . trade for a well trnr.rved fatra from 10 to 80 aerea as part payment, nearan Evangelical Lutheran hnrch, near Salem, 3mitor. Woodborn, Sheri dan. Blooming-. Cornel or Sbefflin. Price for this farm 160 per lire, $14,000 cash, bs 0 yean 6 per cent, or consider vpall farm a bore mentioned on 1 rut pajmecj? fa. 2 A CHANCE.JoF A LIFETIME . 184 acres 1 milefrom Donald, 40 acres -In cultivation, balance rsttering timber and brush, partly slashed, abunfince pasture, 2 seres logan berries, nice creek f on east line. This ranch would be fine foe dairying or (rain; a few mall buildings. T'is la a money maker at $85 per acre, $5000 oih. bal. 5 years 6 per cent. 7 No. 3. A fins farm of 61 acres, SO seres in high stats of cultlvstidi. bal timber; running water on place ; 1 1 rotm house, food barn and out buildings: 1 mllejrotn railroad atation and town, on eram rouW This farm i blessed with good drainage 1 is a bargain, at $0500, in eluding machinery. $4500 cash, bal. 5 years o per cent. I . , - Ko. 4. 42 acres, ZA soil, 13 acres In cultivation, . S irrni heiverdam. creek, food large hop house, 8 room house, only 2 hi miles from Ion aid. $00 per acre, term. I . No. S, A mm. 64 acre CO acres cood soil, finest building site in Marion county, 10 acres in cultivation, 10 acres once farm, now wed for can Lure. 20 farm fruit trees. 8 acres river bot tom sou. This tract is 2 14 miles from Donald cm good (raveled road. Only $50 per acre. $1000 cash, bal. 5 yean 0 per cent. No.' 6. A dandy 40 acre farm, all In cultivation bat 4 acres, wmcn u luie timoer. creoc tnrougn timber, fine drsinasre. family orchard, cood 10- room house, geod barn, granary, machine shed, chicken house and tool house, all the machinery and 1 cow for $7000, half caah, bal. 5 years o per cent. - These farms ail personally inspected. J. L. GROFF, Donald, ttregon. '.Farm Near Portland 62 Acres." 60 IN CULTIVATION NEAR PAT ED ROAD BEST SOIL IN ORECON FAIK BrHDING8-AND FENCES THIS HIGH CLASS PIACK FOR 8AJLK NOW AT $15,000.00 BEST FARM OFFERED TODAY WE CAN TAKE TOD AND SHOW YOU THE PLACE AND HAVE YOU BACK IN . PORTLAND IN LESS THAN ' 2 HOURS " THINK OF IT1 A 62 ACRE FARM ONLY " A FEW MINUTES DRIVE BY AUTO FROM TUB BUSINESS CENTER OF PORTLAND DON'T DELAY IT WILL, SELL TO THE FIRST MAN WHO KNOWS VALUES. ' $ir,.000 IS THE PRICE . Neilan & ParkhaS! SlrXnmbermens Bld(., th and Stark Sta. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS Your Last Opportunity In Central Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lanrU- open prune ready lor tire plow, interspersed with trees, which afford excellent shelter for stock. Here grain (rowing, dairying and livestock rais ing are being carried on successfully. The country is ideal for ' raized farming. The Canadian Pacific railway is offering a large area of these fertile lands in Lloydminster and Battle- ford districts. This fertile land will become the home of thousands of properous farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler , grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lloyrlrninster the world s jmr," oats have been grown, and butter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon become independent on a farm in this district- . . These lands can be bought now at an avenge of about $18 per acre. You pay down 10ft, no further payment of principal until end of fourth year,- then 16 annual payments. Interest h 6. M. E. THORNTON. Supt of Colonization. Canadian Pacific Railway, 120 Ninth ave. E., Calgary, Alberta. $500 CASH. $500 YEARLY A splendid tract of 42 acres in Marion county, 13 miles from Salem. 5 miles from Jefferson, (nod black loam soil, splendid spring, 18 acres in cultivation, 24 acres of oak timber, 6 -acres o( prima, which nave been neglected; a 3 room box house, with sleeping porch, in fair con d'eion; good barn, 26x10.; hi mile from rail road. of a mile from school. 75 miles from Portland. Do not forget we said Man on coun ty, that wonderful fruit district. The total price of this place is $1200, and 'we claim it u a tjecKt'Kt snap. 732 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID 20 ACRES. 14 MILKS OCT Juit 14 miles out, in Washington county; foci hard road all the way; milk and mail rmioes right by the door; all in cultivation; per fect lying land; 4 -room old house, splendid barn on concrete blocks; outbuildings, orchard. Per sonal: 4 splendid Holstein cows, 2 heifer calves, team,, haruoss. wseon, buggy, chickens, mower, - rwkeM disc, harrow, plow, cultivator, about 20 tons of hay, some oats; all goes for $0300. H caah, bal 4 Vi years-at 6 per cent int. Must be sold today. Geo, K: Crow, 703 pMiasis sirrd are. 1'hoiie .Wdln, 1201 or residence Wdln. 2785. ' CONSIDER GARAGE EQUIPMENT. .30 acres, all under cultivation; fenced with woven wire. All ployed, part seeded. All ru ral conveniences. Telephone. Good 0-room house, 'largo barn, 2 chicken houses, granary, silo, fine family orchard. Located on main highway, be tween Newberc snd Salem, 1 mils to ninth grade school. Inrluded with place are 8 cows, 1 sow and pigs. 70 chickens, all necessary farm equip ment, including new Fonlson tractor, feed and seed. Price $0000. $6000 cash. Consider - .clear Portland house ui to $3000 or garace equipment to $4000. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. . . i 1000 ACRE STOCK RANCH 1000 ACRES, with 300 a. under plow. 100 a. of which is bottom land, 350 a. open pas ture, 350 a. saw timber, about 4 or 5 M feet, plenty outranre, 5 or 6 a., orchard, only 'i mile xo station, iu room nouse and bath. 2 large barns, workshop, too house, place all fenced, fine soil, well watered, an exceptionally good stock ranch; priced right, only $50,000; good terms, F. L. EDDY. RITfER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE--BY OWNER . 167 acres. 14 miles from Portland hotel. 3 miles off of paved highway, which will be bard sun seed, 1 mile from good school, 170 acres in cultivation," 27 acres .in timber, deep rich soil, all tiled and drained, 2 good barns, some stock snd implements.- write K-48 Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 3 WANT TO LEASE 3 clients Jfrom East wanting to lease ' with notion nf mirrhftsf' rfflm fftrmi of AT-nnnrt . , 100 acres, partly under plow. Will purchase personal property for cash. Quirk action if prices are right In fact, if you hsve a farm you want to lease, either with br without personal property, we can soon place a client ou your place. We specialise on farm leases and therefore have the largest and best number of clients to assure jou quickest turn of yaur place, i F. L. EDDY, BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. Have several clients wanting farms of about - 40 acres, with some under cultivation; cheap buildings and some equipment. Cheap places, with small payment down we can sure sell. JU11.1 IMiUlClUA, HLiDU. IF TOUR FARM is for sale or. exchange, subj utii cuipiria urutiis to us lor- quica results. A. K. Hill Co.. 426 Lumbermen's Bids. LON! ESTABLISHED RELIABLE 8ERYICK WANTED 10 to 20 acres, bearing orchard and memum ' size arm. Claude Cole, 426 Lum bermen s blrtg. i IF YOU have a farm to rent, lease or transfer and equipment to sell, send description to v uour r. jouno. zzz nenrv Bids. WANTED To bear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. k. 3mu. Minneapolis, aiinn. WANTED 10 to 20 acre orchard. Claude Cole, i - mmiifnpfM mas. WANT to lease small farm with, cows. W-5B1. UUI U&J. IRRIGATED LANDS 49 IRRIGATED LANDS In Central Oregon, dose to chool; county eat; rural mail; telephone and power lines; reil rcsd through the project: lands cleared, fenced and ready for next year's crops buy from ths owner Anything from 10 to 40 acres. - Make smau payment down, the second payment in 6 years, balance as you can up to 20 years. Call; write or phone Mam 4416. Northwest Bank puiuimtr. I'nrtiand, or. OCHOCO IRRIGATED LAVDg CO. FOR RENT FARMS 14 80 ACRES. 30 in cultivation, near Oreron City, rent $680. modem dairy stock, feed and equipment. $4500. liberal terms, Wilbur Jouno. 223 Henry bldg. HEAT, "B REAL ESTATE IOR KENT FARMS 14 - '- FOR BENT GENERAL FARMS , . , 1 KO mm wirli l on imm nnder nlow. Dal. pasture, family orchard, ft room house, lare ham, silo, binder, -plows, harrows, disc sH farm tools, 8 tons bay, 380 bushels (rain, horses, rows hogs, chickens 15 acres seeded. Price only 210 acres with 4f acres under plow, paved road to door, family orchard, berries, good house, running water, barn with 18 stanchions, milk house, wacon. plow, all farm tools, 1 1 cows, hortea, pies and chickens, hay, 8 seres ksle, turnips, carrots, etc. Tins is a small dairy proposition priced rieht at only $3000. $2000 cash. 1H term with 40 acre nnder plow S teres strawberries, 60 fruit trees, good soil, B room house, 2 barns, all farming implements, 4 cows, 7 calves, hogs, chickens, household furniture, 20 tons of hay, root crop, 2 year lease. Pries $1600 cash. 40 ACRES 40 seres, 17 nnder plow, on tins road, only 1 mile- to electric line; farming implements and stock, lease for 3 years fully paid up. With this go 2 20-acrs places, making SO acres in alL Over 41 acres In (rain now. Pries $1800 caah. v 88 ACRXS Located closa to Portland on fins road, 8 No. 1 dairy cows, team, wagon and harness. 20 tons hay. straw, 1 tons mill feed, 250 sacks spuds, 5 acres seeded fall oats, 13 acres seeded to clover, food bearing orchard, many other things go with this plase. Over 3 years lease. Pries $3800, $2500 cash. 865 ACRES - 865 acres with shout 150 acres nnder plow. Place has all been in clover, being now about 60 acres 1 year old, bal 2 and 3 years old. This is an A-l farming proposition as the land is of the best swsle soil, located doss to Portland. Kent reasonable. 748 ACRES Eastern Oregon wheat ranch consisting of 748 acres. 400 acres broke, more can be, 200 seres bottom land, located only mils from sta tion and Columbia highway. Place well watered by springs and river. Kent $ 1 500. 4000 ACRES ' - Of which 8200 seres are nnder plow.' 1600 seres seeded to wheat. This is a (oin( Eastern Oregon wheat proposition ready to step into. About $16,000 of personal propertf snd crop. Kent, one third crop. i TiATTtT 173 acres, fully equipped dairy ranch. Family orchard, 7 room house, 2 barns, 80 ton silo, blacksmith shop, 89 milch cows besides other stock; IS seres alfalfa, 3 acres cow kale, 80 tons hay, ailo full. Soma crop seeded. 4 year lease. A goin dairy lor only iiz.duv. souuv cash. ' ' WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. F. L. EDDY, KITTER, LOWE CO., - 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bld(. nitRT for. RALE imnlements. delivery car. 12 cows, well established route. This is a rood nlaea. Bare sin hunters keep away. lake Estacada car to Ardenwald sta., walk hi southeast to Floss' place. 80 A. improved fasm, 8 miles from Hosier, for rent for 5 years. slHO year casn, rent PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 14 N. Second St 780 ACRES, 400 in cultivation, hear Pendle ton; rent $1500. terms. Wilbur F, Jouno. Henry bids. 66 ACRES, all in cultivation, near Trontdals, rent $550, feed, stock and equipment saovu. Wiibur F. Jouno, 223 Henry Oltlg. 68 ACRES Cltivstion, near Troutdale, rent $550; feed, stock and equipment, siouu. Wilbur f. Jouno, Henry bids'. TO LEASE to experienced orehardiat, 31 acre prune and walnut larm, t rnic vauey. Vancou ver. Broadway 4737. 628 Flanders st. 740 ACRES 100 in cultivation, near Pen dleton; rent $1500; terms. wudut : Jouno, 222 Henry Bldg. ' 66 ACRES Cultivation, near Troutdale, rent $660; cows, feed and equipment at a bar gain. Wllbnr F. Jouno. Henry blrtg. TO BJ5NT 40 seres close in. shares or cash rent 1008 Kirby St. HOMESTEADS 47 CAN LOCATE von on s good homestead. Port land or Roseburg district, farming or timber tracts. Also' have some good relinquishments. E. W. Helm, 317 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER 28 WE NEED large acreage of small second- growth timber; average 1 inches. Two 'East ern lumbermen are looking for timber, with or without railroads. Will . consider rnills and equipment. - Cordwood stumpag. needed. Number of buyers in every day. Tell us what you have. Now is the time and this 1 the place to snore cordwood. STTJBM-KEFER CO.. 2 14 Fifth st. Opposite Court Home CEDAR poles, 150, 6 to 9-inch, 25 to 50 feet, peeled and seasoned, 0 cents foot cash where they layr 2 miles Esteeads; rood truck road. Hamlet. 6657 82d st. Phone 617-40. 28l ACRES Good farm land. Some improve ments 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 fine timber. In farm ralley near R R. Venard, 929 Cham ber Commerce. WANTED Timber for cedar piling and poles. Atlas Woodjsrd. 327 Front-st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. REAL ESTATE 85 FOR RALE OR TRADE i-room bungalow; white enamel plumbing ; Dntch kitchen, fire place, heating stove connected to hot water: gas water heater; linoleum on kitchen floor; wood in basement: newly painted and tinted. Will take lot with small house up to $1100, or small payment down. Tabor 8302. FOR ffALE or trade 640 acre stock ranch; pries $7000; $3000 caah, balance long time, ot will trade for small farm. Write 841 E. 12th N. 2 HOI'SES. well located. Will take car as part payment. Wilbur r. jouno, 221 iienry Bldg. WILL accept lot for first payment on my enity fi room modern bungalow, it. u., oaiance nse rent 612 E. 46th st N. FOR SALE or trade, 1 acre at Metsger, for Ford coupe. Fhone well, ed. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE :4 FARMS FOR TRADE. 40 a. U bottom, creek. 6 mi. from MolaHa, no - buildings. $1000 piling timber on place, $1500 Trade for other improved property. K(i A.. 14 mi. from Hood River, sell or trade. well improved, good bldgs. Orchard, etc. $3500. 80 A. 8 hi mi. from fcurene. 20 a. cuiuvauwi. 6 r. house, barn 50x50, $5000. Trade up to $3000, : 320 A. Oneida county. Idaho. 135 a. in wheat, 1 room house. Price $8000. Will trade for city property or small valley farm. 820 A. dry farming tract in Central Oregon. Good for stock. Trade for residence, rooming or apartment house. iiHruiiiiCM uusrisi 14 N. Second Bt BUNOALOW AND FIVE LOTS $7O0?5 CWr of all incumbrance, m Montavilla, will exchange for acreage home to- $10,000. 'See Mr. Stephens. 732 Chamber of OommetT. WANT VALLEY- FARM EXCHANGE EA8T SIDE ' INCOME Double store building. 3 flats above, also cood 4 fist building, rented, income over $200 per month. Vslue $17,700. Street liens pskL Morteage $60O0. at per cent, w ant vauey im proved farm for tie equity. j. c timmji tju., ao-n-r uewa oiog. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 170-sere farm; 27 acres under cultivation: 4 miles from state highway; house, bam, ailo and all neces sary farm iitplementa.- Will exchange for Port land Jiotel or apartment house property. Price S35.000 . See Mrs. Brown, with M. E. Lent Co., 524 N. W. Bank Bldg.; phone Main 8560 for appointment. SEATTLE FOR PORTLAND Inside residence nronerty paring about 14 on $18,000 price asked. Will exchange for Portland property. Kooertson jswtng, zuj Northwestern Bank bldg. SALE CONTRACT FOR $42,000 On bis wheat farm, payable out of crop; will exchange for Portland property or good val ley farm. . LFEDPEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. . BUNGALOW FOR FARM Modem 5-room bunealow, 100x100 grounds, M blocks to car, $4000; clear; som. cash. Trade for improved farm. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Abinrton bids. 155 ACRES in Lincoln county. Or.; new bouse. barn, sheds, orchard and fenced; 6 miles from R. R. station. Will exchange for house or small place. Price $20 acre. Owner, 803 2nd st. Cor. Gibbs. SALE OR EXCHANGE 80 acre, Clarke county, with stock, feed and machinery, 2 Va miles from N.P. Ry. Consider improved acre ace, r Owner, r-603. Journal. - WILL give 4 lots in Waverley Heights Addition and 1919 Overland delivery first payment on 5 or 6 mora house or acreage, close in. Call at 630 E. 24U) St. Phone Bell. 717. DRUG STORE in or near Portland in exchange for attractive" Willamette lielchts home, r-. stricted district. Phone East 8234. A. W. Elrod. 281 E. 14th N Portland, Or. 10 ACRES, Columbia river apple belt, free and elear. Also Belgrade addition lot for im proved acreage and assume scene. Price right Stnttnn, 217 Abington Bids. 160 ACRES, improved, rented. North Dakota, clear, for 10 acres or more, improved, near Portland. 932 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILL EXCHANGE 3 LOTS IN PRINEVfLLE, Oregon, near school, for auto. Am leafing tot California, act 242 Salmon, ' PORTLAND income city property, exchange for . farm. Claude Cole, 426 Lumbermen's Bids. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 14 FARMS FOR CITY $50.000 Farm for Portland income property; 1S7 seres. 120 reel bottom land. lo in cultivation, family orchard, tine modern house, running water, bath, electric lights, telephone, farnaee. 2 large bams, granary, tod house, etc. This place is located 25 miles from Portland, paved roads, near R. R., school, etc.; clear of debt: will exchange for income property, pre fer anartment bid. $23,000 Farm for Portland Income property. 1BU seres, 115 nnder oultsvattoa. I acres prunes, 8 acres mixed orchard, plenty water, good bnikiings. fully stocked mad equipped; 30 muss from Portland. Will exchange foe Port land - inflnms nrimftv. $78,000 Improved farm for income property. Buildings: folly stocked and equipped 1100 acres, 200 alfalfa land. 70 acres in alfalfa, bal. wheat land; good buildinfa, Will exchange for Port land property. -$18,000 Deschutes farm for Portland prop erty, 2Q5 acres, 200 under cultiva tion and Irrigated; good buildings Mortgage $4500. Will exchange for nnmertv in or nestr Portlasui! $79,000 Improved farm for income xnupsrty. livu acres, 200 ail alia una, I a seres in alfalfa, balance wheat land; good buildings. Will exchange for Pert land property. - R JITTER, LOWS as CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 160 ACRE STOCK RANCH $4000 9 miles from Wiilamina: from 80 to 10O cleared; shack house, rood sized barn, young orensro, large erees.; WU1 take Douse tip to $2000 im part payment. See Mr. Stephens. 732 Chamber ef Commerce. FOR TRADE 4-r. house. 2 lots, basement. built-in fix., toilet and wash room, to trade for 10 a. farm or more. Will assume some. 5-R. house, good condition, paved, sidewalks in, price $8000. Want 30 to 40-acr farm, part in cultivation. Small cottage in Lents to trade for 2 or 8 acre chicken farm. Not over 8 or 10 miles from Portland. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY '14 N. Second St. 7 Rooms For Exchange Close in, 1 block from car, bard sur faced streets, dose in, concrete garage, close to school. Will exchange for house and two acres. NeiSan & Parkhill 210 Lumbermen! Bldg., 5th and Stark Sta. FOR SALE or trade for property In or near roruano. xoa acres nest sandy loam soil: a room bungalow, furnished; big barn, good fences, located in Oregon's best sheep and stock dis trict. Western Lake Co.; 800 days sunshine. Great opportunity for one who wishes to expand; no limit to excellent range, homestead relinauish- ment joining, included good hunting and fishing; vaiuea ssuuu; nome evenings ana Bunaays, v-uio. Journal. AT TIGARD uaaaye w m a v SSMs SBa 1U I.U1U v outsu, siVHsvo. bam. chicken houses, orchard, well, spring and creek; on good auto road, just the place you wouia iixe lor a suburban nome. rrice soouu. Take city residence to $3500; balance to suit. J. K. WOLFF. 410 HENRY BLDG-. WANTS PLACE NEAR PORTLAND 480 seres whest land in Sherman Co.. 400 seres -seeded; price $40 per acre. Owner wants suburban home near Portland with good im provements. LCEDDEMAN COMPANY. 813 Chamber of Commerce. ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN 8 rooms end sleeping porch, basement, lights, gas, bath, toilet, built-ins, double constructed; $2400 $850. Will take small ear to about $400; balance $25 per month. 1070 E. 14tn St, Si. SUBURBAN HOME FOR HOUSE 3 acres, all in high state of cultivation, ber ries, fruit, good buildings. Everything- for com. tort. Mesr uregon city, uiear. ior saauu house in Portland. East 8407. IMPROVED FARMS TO TRADE I have several cood improved farms, some stocked and equipped, to trad, for all or part city property. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Abington bldg.. 160 ACRES 6 miles north of Halkirk. Alberta. Canada; cood land: small bouse, fenced on two sides! will trade for land or house. Nelson. 245 Washington at, room 1H. from 3 to 6:80 p. m ' EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS We have a number of properties for exchange, city and farms. If you will see us we may be able to make you a cood deal. See Mr. Brown with Harper ft Morris, 410 By. Exch. bldg. YOUR REAL ESTATE BOND Send in your application so that it can be taken care of right away. ANYTHING IN THE BONDING LINE SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH WANT 30 TO 160 ACRES. Oregon or Wash ington tributary to Portland. Have for ex change workingman's country hotel building in Columbia river town. Submit complete details to A. K. Hill, Lumbermen's Bld(., Portland. Or. WOULD you trade $500 per month, net of yonr income property for mine, $100,000 worth, elear, unimproved, but great future in sight I Main 4551. BEAUTIFUL 5-ACRE HOME" Close in, to trade for improved farm, Western Oregon or Washington; $5000 to $20,000. R. F. KEHSTEK, 417 Abington bldg. OWNER UNABLE to csre for good Hood River bearing orchard. Fair buildings. Will ex chsnce for city or acreage on Oregon City line. L-952. Journal. WILL exchange fine apartment house sitef Nob Hill district present income $62 a month, for modern home in good neighborhood; will take or give cash difference. Tabor 1901. CITY HOME, large grounds, fruit berries, beau tiful location, for ranch within 15 miles Port land. T-4 86. Portland. $3500 5 acres com. apples for city property. 518 Oh. Com. bldg. Swank. LATE MODEL BUICK roadster for improved acreage close in. r.ast 130. RICH Canadian farms, sale, exchange. Claude Cole, 420 Lumbermen's Bldg. LAURELHURST buyers. see Good's Adv., New Today column. SELL OR TRADE real estate anywhere. 223 unamner ct iximmeree bldg. WANTETJ REAL ESTATE SI WantedDairy Farm Will purchase stock of, 20 or 30 head and equipment and rent place. Want to run dairy on larger scsle. Must be ac cessible to good market for milk. If you hav. a good dairy and will rej farm and sell itock communicate with Otto &-Harkson 418 Chamber of Commerce HOUSES ON LARGE LOTS OR ACRE TRACTS Hsve clients wanting cheap places, on twe or mora lots, at edge of city, or acre tracts out side city limits for small payment down and large monthly payments. JUHJi FEKGCSON, GERLINGER BLDG. WE BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE city im - proved property, any size; also farms or large holdings. See us for quick results. A. K. Hill Co. .'426 Lumbermen's Bldg. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE COTTAGE OR BUNGALOW WANTED Spot cash and quick deal for clean, attractive home in paved district CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. S06-8 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 4754. WANTED 7 or S-room modern house with at least 1 bedroom and bath on first floor: Rose City preferred; will to up to $5500 for good value; nave cash, Phon. alter 6 p. Sell. 1115. CAN POSITIVELY SELL YOUR HOME IF PRICED RIGHT IN GOOD LOCATION Q. C. GOLDENBERG ABINGTON BLDG. "85 TRS. IN PORTLAND' FARMS WANTED I want several good farms. Have buyers. also city property to trade. . R. F. ' FEEMSTER, 417 Abington bldg. $2500 AND -GOOD, dear vacant city property as part payment on modern house In good district uwners only; no inflation. js-svo, Journal. NOTICE We buy, sell or exchange dty propt erty, any - size ; also isrms or Urge tracts. A.'K. Hill Co.. 426 Lnmbermens bide. Realtors. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SEBVICK I WANT s bargain in a fractional lot, with or without house, south of Montgomery street. between 6th snd 20th at. - H-7. Journal- WANTED To buy from owner 6 or roomed bouse, not over $2300, on terms. XX-131. Journal. FROM OWNER B-6 room bouse. 50x100 lot; not 'ever $4000, E-48S. Journal. - ' WANT 5-room bouse: win give $600 lot in La Grande, Or., and $200 in rash on first payment, bat sill per month. K-4B4, journal. WANTED Good 5-room house, between $2500 and $3000; balance $30 per month; must be a good buy. v-ouz. journal. WANTED Small cottage, not to cost in excess of $1600, Rose City park or Mt Tabor dis tricts preferred. G-48Q, JoomsL WANT LOT. small acreage or house Beedinc re pairs, as part payment on fine, new bungalow. uwner, isoor sszo. WANTED Cheap farm or tract of land with buildings: terms. W-&93, Journal. LAURELHURST, see New Today column. Good's . Adv. REAL E STATU WANTED RE AIj ESTATE SI ; We Sell Homes! OVER 1200 HOMES SOLD TO DATE THIS YEAR! 82 TO DATE THIS MONTH Ia your home for salef ITS SOLD IP LISTED WITH USt We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are in touch with HUNDREDS Ok , LITE, EARNEST BOMB BUYERS 1 We inspect, appraise and photograph your boose within 24 hours after list ing; 25 .salesmen to work on its sale. No charge except the standard com mission of 5 per eent ia the event of satisfactory sale. Call or write FRANK L. McQUII?E To Sell Your Home. Abinxton Bttg. Main 1068. WASTED, CITY PROPERTY 87 WANT the best house on the west side that $10,000 to $12,000 cash will buy. V-325. Journal. " HAVE $3000. I want to buy a good, up-to-date bungalow in Rose City Park or vicinity. 7-324. Journal. - boomyno hottres. apartmekts and hotels for sale 5$ PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 5142 Swetland Bldg. CORNER 5TH AND WAS3TNGTON Apartment House West aide, close in, very neat, 10 rcetss. Bent $35; net inocme $80. Price $1060. Apartment House : West side: rent $45, with lease; 11 rooms; net income $85. Price $1400. Apartment House West side: rent $85. Furnace heat: hot snd eold water. 10 rooms. Net income $70. Pries $1625. ' Apartment House West side. This is well furnished; dose in; net income $95. 10 rooms. Price $1800. Apartment House i West side; brick bnildinc well furnished; 26 rooms. .Rent $115; net income $206; Price $5400. Terms $4000 cash. Apartment House - East side. Splendid 14 -room apartment bouse; best location; only $1500. terms. It is possible to make this place dear over $100 a month. Apartment House 22 rooms, all hnnsekeepinc business center. Bent $60. Price $2750. " Hotel Brick hotel on Hawthorne, 25 rooms. Rent $60.00. $1000 will handle. : Apartment House Fourth street, west side; 22 rooms, all house keeping. $1600, terms. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 511420 Swetland Bldg. CORNER 5TH AND WASHINGTON WE HAVE several good places that can be bought on terms: 28 rooms can be handled for $1000 cash; 10 rooms, for $600 cash; 27 rooms, for $700 cash; 17 rooms, $400 cash; 24 rooms, $1000 cash 15 rooms, $1000; 18 rooms, $2500. We will give you all particulars sbout these plsces. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 117 ROOMS - 17 Nob Hill district, close to Wash, st, running water in rooms, furnace heat" swell furniture. full, people on waiting list; clears $150 above expenses, it solo mis wees;, easy terms. ftriUKS, 10 a. oih or. NOB HILL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL 40 rooms, clean and well furnished, large lobby, hot and cold water in all rooms. Rent $250 with S-year lease; clears saou montn. Price $14,000: $8000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUQ 612 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5487 REAL CLASSY 0 room house, furniture first class, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace heat, net profit $80 month. $1200. Keep s rooms lor own use. , SEE MRS. HAUG, 612 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 8487. A COZY ONE 4 . -I T an.m.nfu -TV witS nnt. bath; clean and well furnished; wonderful down town location; fine brick building. Price $S500; $4500 rash. 612 Henry Bldg. . Bdwy. 5487 REAL CLASSY 44 rooms, splendid, modern, white pressed brick comer building, west side: clearing over an expenses $500 a montn. A snap lor iiv.uvv; $6000 cash. j 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 6487 THESE places! sre all bargains for caah; 7 rooms. near Montgomery-Ward. SNOO. 7 rooms, ex- eeotionallv rood. S10QO. 12 rooms, not mod ern but good income, SIUUO. 10 rooms, eas side' rood location. $800. 10 rooms, unusually neat and attractive, $1750. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Oerluiger bldg. $200 HANDLES one small roominc house. $350 nannies anotner l a.. $400 handles another; price $896. $500 handles another; price $950. Other small ones: easy terms. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. HIGH CLASS t f1,t vrmrl furnltiirit lnvMv Knm with income; right downtown. Price $1050, $500 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 612 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 6487. BARGAIN 1 1 rooms, all H K.. heart, of west side. Moarinv tso ahnvw all expenses. Low rent Run ning wator some rooms. eat ana cieen. ill iot 174S. lou will nave to nurry 10 get una, van Monday, room 8, 268 5th st SUBURBAN HOTEL KO mama in busv factory center, good furni ture, steam heat, well equipped dining room and kitchen, around floor lobby, etc Winter's fud already in. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson; Gerlinger bldg. 1ROO OWNER has 4 rooms for sale, close in, west side.' waising Distance, newiy imicu and papered, new drapes, cood furniture; all light rooms; cheap rent; electric lights. Plsce for machine. Consider terms; no agents. Broadway 1046. WHEN YOUR INSURANCE EXPIRES LET ME RENEW IT. 1 Al.SU WKi ir. iu IM MOBILE INSURANCE. STANDARD BATES. MAIN 2590. ... ... J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 w. f-Atuv. 10 ROOMS;' RENT $20 Fair furniture: heart of west side; one floor, all for $495. $200 will handle. FETEKS, 10 M. urn si. A GOOD BUY 81 rooms. 10 apartments: fine brick building, clean and well furnished. Price $5800. Terms. SEE MRS. HAUG, 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 6437 YOTTIt REAL ESTATE BOND Rend in your application so that it can be taken care of right away. - ANYTHING IN THH BOKl'lKO lE SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. ANOTHER ONE 34 room, modern hotel, brick building. 2- year lease; net $400. Price $6500, $4500 cash. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 6487. II ROOMS II. K.. rent $35: clears $100 and over; lec. light, cood furniture; $1650; fine for family. SlOuO handles. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. FINE HOTEL 48 rooms, while brick building, corner, ele- Tator, good furniture, lease, call Slain 7991 res.. East 3100. APARTMENT. LARGE ONE. EAST SIDE $1200. NETS $550; CLEAN; LEASE, $7000 DOWN ; CLASSI WHITE UK.Cn.. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 60 ROOM hotel and boarding house; low rant big income; industrial location; $3200, terms easy J. ELTGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. start- HIT1E HOTEL 25 rooms, brick buildina. very low rent clears better than $150 per month. Price flbou. Terms to suit. 4U0 Broadway Bldg., Auto. 622-57. 10 ROOM, elassily furnished home, very best res, see., west Bine; easy terms; isnae; some thing different J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. $1800 CHATTEL mortgage, payable $73 per, mo., mt 7 per cent ana isuu casn as pan on rooming nouse. will assume szuuu. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 60 ROOM hotel and light housekeeping, long lease, low rent brick bklg-; terms or smaller place in exchange. .- CHAS. RINGLER. CO., 25 Henry bldg. 25 ROOM, b, $1900; lease $50; clear $207, Holman.41 Cham, of com. Main B6- FOR SALE 1 5-room hotel, all new furniture win sell it reasonable. 485 Commercial st. Astoria, Or. . ' - - 10 ROOMS, part H. K., north, of Wash, st, $600 bandies. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. NICE little apartment house, close in. east aide; brick building. $2000 will handle; very pretty. .1, El,'GE.E HEDGES. 201 W. fAKh. NINE housekeeping rooms, dose in; electricity, gas, heat, cheap rent ; cood moneymaker lliuu; terms, zzs Harrison. 30 ROOM hotel, steam heat rent $120. price ssssu. uau stain si, res., cjuc axuw. ROOMTNO HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOK HALE TRY-US REALTY CO. - 160 W. PARK 10 rooms, good west aide location, nice furniture and as clean as can be; clearing $150 above all expenses, for $2000;. s-iovo 85-room, Cor. Basset, brick hotel elear inc $700 month, for $11,500; $7000 cash, - 26-roota" brick spartmects, west side ' location, steam neat; good 3 years' lease; elearin( $175 above all expenses, for $3000. s 10 rooms, mostly' single H. K. ; good furniture, nest snd dean and clearing $75 per month; good west aid location; for ale for $800. 11 rooms, extra, good , furniture, good west aids location, clearing $70 above all expenses, for $1300; $100 cash. 22 rooms, all H. K.; good furniture, electric rights, etc; clearing $0 a month, for $1050. 4 4 -room eorcer brick hotel. 8 years , lease, stessa heat, electric lights, good fur niture, and clearing $450 per, . month. Price $6500: $3500 cash. ' SS-roem brick (hotel, dose in, downtown location, netting $300 a month, for $3800; $2000 cash. 11 rooms, right down town, good furni tnre, electrie lights, netting $75 above all expenses, for $1200; $1000 cash. TryUs Realty Co. 160 W. PARK $6000 HOTEL $6000 6 story brick bide., steam heat, hot and eold water, large lobby, 140 mas., no wrunning to fullest capacity and netting $600 per mo. over all ex penses. Call and see it 72 ROOMS 72 This ia a strictly transHnt hotel, fine corner brick bldg., large lobby, elevator, good furniture and carpets; lease; this place nets over $1000 per mo. $15,000 required. i COMMERCIAL HOTEL , s One of the leading hotels ot Port bind, over 150 rooms end beautiful lobby, fully equipped and furnished with ths very best of everything; 11 year lease, fair rent; it requires about $40,000 to do business. 40 ROOMS 40 Here is a neat and strictly modern hotel, downtown location, lease at $225 per mot. Price $7500. 85 ROOMS 85 Strictly modern, comer brick bldg , elevator, 3 yr. lease. This place is net ting $800 over all expenses. Can be handled with $7000. 8 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Rent $30; all very nicely furnished. Can be sold for $900 if taken soon. P. RLERDON RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE FOR SALEHOTEL 140-room workingmen's hotel, dose in. Bee Hod son. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth st 22 ROOMS -'22 AH on one Moor. Rent $30. lease: on west siae. in inu. clean; over $100 mo. Lease. If sola at once, siuua. Your own terms. PETERS. 15 N. 5TH ST. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 80 For Sale at a Bargain 3 greenhouses. 24x100 ft. steel constmcUnn. built about six years; full of plants, value $2000; large tubular boiler. 7000 feet of radia tion; situated on 2 large lots in the center of town: lots 132x104 ft Good business. Hales last year $6000. Also $500 worth of nursery stock at less than cost Would cost $15,000 to build today. Owner getting too old to run the place. Terms. Call 607 hi Main st. Oregon tity. ask lor sirs. Askew. - FOR 8ALE at a bargain 3 greenhouses. 24x 100 feet, steel construction, built sbout 6 years; full plants, value $2000. Large tubular boiler. ,7000 feet-of radiation, situated on two large lots in the center of town, lots 132x104 feet: good business, sales last year $6000; also auu wortn ot nursery stock st less than cost Would cost $15,000 to build today. Owner getting too old to run the place. Terms. Call eui Main street Uregon City. Ask for Mrs. Askew. Confectionery; Light Groceries Nice clean stock, cood fixtures, livinr rooms. rent -$26; will sell at Invoice; cood northeast side location: old age reason for selling. Geo. F. Crow, 793 H Mississippi $ve. Phone Wdln, 1201 or res.. Wdln. 2785. IF THERE'S a man in Portland with $3000 that will put in uo on a real business oroo- position snd handle yourself, want to meet you. If you are yellow don t answer. W ant a real man for a real Job. . Nothing better ever offered you. This proposition will be closed Monday night 8-378, Journal. - BAKERY AND LIGHT GROCERY for sale 2 ovens, 2 showcases, sods fountain snd back- bar, 'all baking utensils. Living rooms $40 month rent Good location. $1200 with stock. Terms. Cor. E. 39th snd Lincoln; Tabor 6195. WANTED Cut out mill to move to timber tract Must be reasonable in once. 15.000 ft capac ity or better. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 14 N. Second 8t FOR SALE Half interest in up-to-date meat market and ice plant 7 ton Fnck machine: enclosed brine system ; most up-to-date small plant in state. Address, H. O. Fawcett, Pres cott. Wash. A BIG BARGAIN $485 buys notions, toys, book and stationery store; 2 living rooms; cheap rent . 8KB UKU Wis at BIDDLE 324 Railway Ex. Bldg., 3d and 8tark. FOR SALE Will sell lease on store room in one of the best locations in Salem. Or. Store suitable for confectionery, cigars, ' clothing, etc. ; fine display window. Kent reasonable. Address 331 State st, Sslem, Or.; phone 677 FOR SALE Gun, locksmith and general repair shop, best equipped in the state; sU work 2 men csn do; doing strictly cash business; will lump or invoice. Look Jiis up. Writ? 571 rsona St., Asiona, sjr. - FOR SALE Small grocery and confectionery store, with 4 living rooms, practically mod em; on corner lot 80x120, for sale on reason able terms. Call today. 9 to 2, room 212 I,abbe, 2d and Washington. Easy terms. MUJv ROUTE for sale, Oldsmobile truck, bot tles and crates, route bnnginc in $1000 per month. Boiler, washinc vat everything to start if you hare the milk, or will sell any part Van couver 83F2 WELL located grocery and confectionery; large back room can be connected into pool or card room. Half block from workmcmen club, witn nearly 1000 members. Will sell chesp to cash buyer. Aut 522-57. 408 Broadway bide. I HAVE a good piece of timber; I will cut into cordwood; want some one to buy wood on car, or in woods, or yarded out on county road; good trucking proposition. Phone Main 1405. LADY or gentleman, are you interested in business of your own. Have a cood line of table goodies to mfc. Will work for you or on a basis. T-721, Journal. GROCERY for sale. If yon are .wanting a good grocery store, old established, in very good locality, call East 660, after 7 o'clock p. m. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 5536.- 192 3d st DENTIST hss good downtown location for adver tising dental office; need partner. O-I86, Journal. ESTABLISHED tire and accessory businessui central part ot dty. Doing good bttsi ess, Q-765. Journal. FOR SALE Good established retail men's fur nishing business; best location. . 169 First st near Yamhill, Portlsnd. Or. GROCERY and confectionery stork and fixture, for $1200;-must sell on account of other business. Call today. Main 8330. DELTVllED 250 Xmaa trees, 8 to 10 ft high. Price $60. Trees will bring an aver age of $1. W. Garrow. Clackamas, Or. WANTED man with donkey to take interest in good cordwood and logging proposition. Z-155 Journal, AUTO paint shop, doing nice business. Air brush outfit, and all necessary tools. Will sell at inventory. Tabor ibio. ADVERTISE Rate book mauedFBEE. Stand ard Advertising Agency, 89 Victoria, St Louis. FOR SALE Good paying business for man or woman. 401, Bornside. GROCERY store for sale or trade by owner. Automatic 218-68. FOR SALE Bakery and grocery. Price $700, invoice stock. 69 E. 80th st, Montavilla, GOOD paying gasoline filling station; plenty room for other business. East 8428. SNAP, restaurant, W'ashington st Price $3500. Main 7931, res., East 3100. . SNAP. GROCERY, $1500 CaU Mala 7931. res, Ernst 8100. BusryEsa opportunities to PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 5 1420 Swetland. Bldg. CORNER 6TH AND WASHINGTON BUNESS- , OPPORTUNITI ES : Cigars & Confectionery Choice west aids faction, if you really want svmethiiur good come in and look this over. Price $7000. Rent $105. with lease. Confectionery and Lunch East ode; 2 nice nrinf rooms; located on a choice comae. This is a eery attractive place. race sisvu. Kent fso.eo, Cigar Stand West ede: -located on a very busy street, ltsnt $60. with lease. If taken this week. $1865. Confectionery West side; rood corner; buQdinc and all (or at $2500. This is a moneymaker. Shoe Shine Stand r B chairs: : rent $35: located on busy street If you have $550 cash ws would like to show you this. j Shoe Shine Stand This b one of the most or-to-dato stands on the west side. Bent $165, long lease. $0000 ash takes this; if you hsve the cash come in, PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 51420 Swetland Bldg. CORNER 6TH AND WASHINGTON - GROCERY STORE ' Small stock of about $750; fixtures belong with bldg, ; S nice: living rooms in rear; rent only $18. 'Some buy. RESTAURANT One of the high class restaurants of the dty; requires $5000 to do bust- mnnirn cnoo ' 4 chair shop in center of business district, cheap rent and 2 yr. lease; place is doing good business and can be bought with $1200. $1,500 GROCERY STORE One of the best east aide locations, cash business, no deliver! ; established many years; will invoice if you wish. WE WRITE ALL KINS Oj? INSURANCE; P. RIERDON. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOANS WANTED 25 PER CENT OF TIL $750. first mtg., 7 per cent, 3 years, acre tract ana cottage. ; $1250, first rote, 7 per eent, 3 years, lOOz luu, new bungalow. Both of the above loans i are exceptionally good value snd must bo secured immedistely. uuaranteed uitle company policy. See Mr. Hick man, with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 8 unamoer ot commerce blcK. Main 208. , Rare Opportunity - Out-of-town picture show located in a town of sbout 9000, population: daily receipts $100; Bcturday and Sunday $150 to ' $175. If you sre a picture show man and have the cash come in and I will go into detail , with you. Price 7000: $1600 can be arrengrd. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 52420 Swetland Bldg. CORNER 5TH AND WASHINGTON YOUR REAL ESTATE BOND Send in yeur application so , that it can be taken care of -right aw. v. ANYTHING IN THE BONDING LINE SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE REAL estate -established business for sale; large listings, maps, desk, etc U-4 56. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORtTJNlTIES WANTED 6S liAKAGB AND STORE LOCATIONS We have on hand a number of applications for garages snywhers in the' city. Also store locations. LEASE DEPARTMENT SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE HAVE party .-looking for email business chance where cash - investment of $500 will be con sidered, i PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 14 N. Second St AN experienced motion picture exhibitor will invest $10,000, all or- part, in good paying theatre; consider " partnership. Address P-285, Journal ! WANTED Place to rent for candy kitchen. Must be close in. ' PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 14 N. Second St WAN T E li Ladies' apparel shop. Good lease, established business. Cash .for bargain. Aut 522-57. 406 Bdwy. bids. WANTED man. with $500 to $1000. to take interest in good logging proposition. X-156 JonrnaL WILL pay to $3Q00 cash for. grocery in N. W. end of city, i Aut 622-57..- 4UQ 1W iwy. 'bldg. MONET TO. LOAN REAL ESTATE 17 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. Ths best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $3226 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 06 months pays loan of $1000! and interest.' Loans of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N, 242 Stark St, Portland. Or. I HAVB THE MONEY READY No waiting; several clients after me to place tbeir money for them. If you want a loan in any amount up to $6000 at 6 and 1 in terest, come and see me now, while I hsve the money available, . Fred 8. Williams, 60S Pan ama bldg. NO DELAY NO DELAY $1000 $1500 $2000 -- $3000 AND CP W. Loan fjur Money on near Kstate. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. $300. $400, $600, $600, $750, $1000 AND n i i,.b ,mi.n t.w 1 nr. jnore any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., USA unamoer ot uommeree mac. Mam 14 iu $300. $400, $500. $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates ; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUILDING losns on city andsuburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. U. Beck, 215 snd 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. J. 1 l J lAlAfl-OUU, SUUtS, IUV, 11UUU, $1500. $2000, on city improved property at T per cent J. L. Wells Co.. 603 Gasco bldg. MONEY to loan. $100 to $.1000. A. EL Bell, 11 Mulkey bldg. Main 4379. SEE OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS. . SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEED -MONEY? LOANS MADE! ON z .', AUTOMOB1LESI: FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THE1B NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN- COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE". WE WILL PAY .11 V i V7l inv 1 vpi" vrirf rvTS unvvv IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MOMMTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL RATES 1 NO DELAY PORTHLAND LOAN CO. T , I.' C E" T I ! I. i -1 DI, 1806-307 DEKTJM BLDG., SD AND WASH. CHRISTMAS MONEY WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and working man; on their personal notes. 1 NO MORTGAGE J NO ENDORSER NO PUBLICITY ABSOLUTELY NO SECTTRTTT We also loan on household furniture, pianos. etc. wmiouc removal. CALL AND RTCE TTst TODAY Investigate our modern money landing meth ods, it win cost you no more now than u yon wait unui a lew days Deiore I CHRISTMAS COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, , (LieensedV 218 FAILING BlfvLDING, 8. E. Corner 3d snd Washington sta. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ABSTf Phone Broadway 910.' 894 Stark St.. Near lOtb. Loans en diamonds, watches. Victrolas. vAaaoa, kodaks, shotguns , furniture, musical instruxeesta snd snytnlng or vslue. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER, ' CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN, Manager. I MONEY TO LOAN Oti goods placed in storage .with ns. W can save you money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 8715. Security Storage Transfer Co., 63 4tn St., corner of pine. LOAHS WAlTTBIt 6WNES of fine wsnU loan of $2000. From private party preferred. Three years at 7 par cent No. Com. Will psy Interest Quarterly if desired. TJX-146, Journal. FOR CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Km A K WTTJ. 42H lanhermaH Bids. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE1 SERVICE. FROM pis rate party. $300, one year, oa vacant iota, on canine. l-liv, journal. SEE OREGON INT." MORTGAGE CO.. 222 A nam Mr of Commerce. FINANCIAL SI vrivyrr w maw Oa ssxrphx stocks of merchsndise placed t ster age witn us. roon. Broadway BT15. Becnrtty Storage st Transfer Ce it 4th st, comer of Pine. CASH paid for mortesces snd sailers' eoDUacT on real estate in Waahiajgton or Ore; on. H. K. Noble. 316 Lumbermen bids. STOCKS AND BOJfDS (8 HOSNER Y HOSNER. INVESTMENT DEALERS. - OFFER . 18 shares of Cremona Phnnocraoh stnok. T per eent preferred. Bid. 20 share Pactflo States Firs Bid. 100 shares Stewart Proof Tiro Bid. Wanted. U. 8. Oil eV Has Co. stock offer. Main 4888. 608 McKay Hide JjORSESVEHICLBS, ETC. 18 JUST ARRIVED 63 heaofnf "horsee off a rail' road Job, doing the hardest kind of work, all young, weighing from 1300 to 1700 lbs. Have in all 150 head, soma of the best snd some of the cheapest These horses are all for sale or will exchange for bones, cattl. or mules. Will take automobiles or Liberty bonds. They are all guaranteed as represented. . Have them from $25 up. Saddle, delivery and logging norses. . -i nis stock naa seen working on one iob since April 10. Rain and snow hav. driven us out Three pairs of good young mules, sU kinds of grading tools, plows, harrows, wagons and harnesses. K era ten stump puller, nearly new. Will hire by the day. week or month to responsible parties. Phil Suettar. 283 Front st. ONE team, mare and gelding, black and bay, weight 8200 lbs,, 6 and 8 years old. $200. One team, mare and (elding, weight 2600, n ana I years old. S.'OU. Team sor rel geldings, weight 2400 lbs.. 6 i and 7 years, old. $150. One brown mare; weight rouu ids., o years old, $160. One sorrel (elding weight 1450 lbs., 6 yean old, $150. One black pony gentle for children. 8 rears old. 830. One team black mares, 0 and 7 years old, weight 2700 lbs., $800. These horses have been re placed by a tractor and are all well broke to do any kind of farm work. Wfll tak. car in trade. Inquire at Feed Store, Tigard, Or. 1 2 SEATED hack with pole and brake. new .$160 12 seated nacx witn pole - and brake. usea 1 0(1 1 Skeleton road oart, new 1 Top buggy, slightly used. Top buggy . ,. P. E. Eshenshade 360-366 E. Morrison at 1 6n E reentered Percheron atallicn. 4 veara old. with license and all papers required for full blooded horse, sound in every respect and a typical chunk, weight about 1680 lbs., well broke to work. sur. foal getter. Price $700, Will trade for livestock of any kind or automo biles or sell on terms. This is fins youn( stal lion for anyone who wishes to raise some good norses. inquire ot reed store, Tigard, 'r. THREE teams with harness and wagon. Span of reldinga, weight 8500 lbs. Span of well matched bay mares, weiirht 2500 lbs. Iron gray and brown, weight 2600 lbs. Price $175 Gray hone, weight 1200 lbs., price $35. Will guarantee these horses sound, true workers and gentle. Free trial to suit buyer. Call at 896 Powell valley road. Woodstock car. 1 REAL "BARGAIN for someone needing horses Younc team weichina about 1400 lbs. each, well built and without blemishes. Party has no mora need for them ana no place to keep them $150 cash buys them to cave expense. First come first served. See Mrs. Baumer, 34$ ttuaseu at. near l;nion are. FOR SALE Team of geldings! weight 2800 ' lbs., 7 and 8 years old. well mated, bloeky built, very gentle, singl. or double, extra fine farm team: cood set of heavy work harness rented my farm and have this team left Quick sal. $280 for all. 365 Union an. S. i Ask for Koyer s tesm. TEAM bsy mares weighing 2400 lbs, 4 years old, well broke, $200; team mares weighing Z5S0 Ids., bloeky built 5 and 7 years old. $250 team black mares weighing 2350 lbs.. $175 Bold ranch and must dispose of stock. 4301 C7tn st. Mt. Bcott car.. U.S. STABLES Horses snd harness of all- kinds.' Harass weighing 1300 to 1600 lbs., B to 7 years old. SAS. llnlnn . --. H Mn- M...n. Ill H UNI- 385 Union sve. 8. cor, Stevens. liamson Glass. FOR SALE At a bargain, a cood blockr team weighing about 2400, 8 and 9 years old, in good condition and nearly new heavy harness; have , Just moved to town and if taken soon will take $185 for alL Mrs. Walker, 782 2d at., Houtn I'oruana. PAIR OF MARKS, weight 2400. 6 and 7 years old. sound and tru. workers, aincle and dou ble, and their harness; $125 for all. $45 takes 1200 lb. horse, sound, Works single and double. $15 takes genus pony for child ran. 420 Haw tnorne ave. TEAM brown Belgians, home and mare, age and 6 years, weight- 2BOO lbs., sound and true. Well mated, very gentle. A good farm team. For tale by the owner, Inaulrs for Mr. Tomlinson. 621 E. 11th st B. GOOD logging team, weight 8500 lbs., 5 and 7 years old. sound, tru. workers and gentle. Heavy set of harness and 8 wide tire Mitchell wngon. Wilt sell the outfit for 1025, CaU at 630 E. 24th st Take Woodstock ear. i TEAM of Chunks. 2500. hsrness snd wscon, $165: 12 head of others cood horses sbout 1100 to 1600: wagons ot an kinds 1 Harness, singls and double. Woodyard atable, cor. of East 9th, Hawthorne ave. least OlOB. YOUNG TEAM. 2500 lbs.. harness, farm wacon. $175: 8000-lb. team, harness and 8 farm was on. .0: also 8 cood 8 14 -in farm wacons. vtooa yard, corner svu ana Hawthorne. FOR SALE At' a bargain. 10 bead of horses weighing from 1300 to 1800 lbs., 4 to n years old. Call at Uelser Transfer stables, . E. 9th and Flanders. $150 BUYS a 3400 lb. team and harness Jut off a loczioc iob. Call at one if you want s bargain. Also 6 other horses and mares, cheap. 284 Front st ALL kinds of horses from 900 to 1800 lbs. from $23 ud: all kinds of wacons. buggies. carts and harness; will exchange (or csttle, dia monds or anything that I ean use. 802 Front St. ONE big young team and harness, 8800 lbs.; 1 bloeky msre. 1500 lbs; x - mare, izoo ids. Will let you try them. Left at 6tb : st barn. Oregon City. Corns see them. Geo. Smith. WILL PAY cash, 2 wagons 3 hi and 3 si, 2 ,li.i. v. . " t r V. , UAII uuuuii uaiuiw. uuim wwiiuua vvv. v- 668, Journal. i TEN head of horses, 4 to 7 years old,. 1200 to 1800 lbs.; well matched teams 664 North rup at A NO. 1 tesm. 2800 lbs. Harness and good wagon for sale or trade for freab cows. Auto- m atic 215-18. ' ' . ; - FOR SALE Teem of horses, weighing 8600, 6 snd 7 years old. with harness. Price $375. 420 Hawthorne ave. 3-YEAR-OLD Belgian mare, weight about 1200 lbs.; gentle and in good shapes Keystone Stable, cor. Montgomery and Water. . $70 BUYS young bay mare, weight about 1200 lbs. Very centle. - single or double, in fine condition; 881 Wster st W. S. - , - TEAM Percheron geldings, ycung, sound snd true, weiirhkog about BOOO lbs. Inquire' Mr. Kay. Keystone Stables, cor. Montgomery snd Water. $190 BUYS tesm youAg chunky built Belgian mii u rA trim ,r f la w4liifi about 2500 lbs; Trial allowed. 881 Water st FARM outfit: team weighing 25.10 lbs., cood harness and 3H larm wagon 3215. 6647 65th st. Woodstock car. HORSES for- rent double and single, 640 Front. ' KEYSTONE STABLES, horses for sals or hin. 881 Wster st, foot Montgomery, Mar. 8616. FOR SALE Two ton truck; will take hiavy team on same. Call Main 1403 DEADVorses taken quickly. Ca U for dead cows. Phone 827-64. : $83 SmaU teem and" harness. Guaranteed! Atlas Woodyard, $27 Front LIT1CMTOCK 86 L8 REGISTERED Cotawold ewes, coming 2-yeer-old, $15 per bead. Bog 61, North: Portland, Oregon - I-- WANTED 100 Angora goats on shares or on payments; good pasture. What have you to offer! W. R. McCown, Seattle, Wash, IX)R SALE, cheapJeney heifer, 16 months oid, Idd's stock. 3644 60th it I. E. Tabor 08. 2 blocks south Powell Valley road. WELL BRED J.rsey cow. registered, tuberculin texted, $73; can nse heifers or young bens, priced ipgnt. a. 1. waiters, uresoam. or. TWO fiteah Holsteia cows for sals, each giving 6 gallons, tstn ave. ana exa st. Ant. 617,4 4. FBESH-Jersey cow 6 years old; 9 hi gals, per d' 8B' E- C, McKenpy, 629 Columbia blvd. FOR 8 ALE 2 good Jersey cows, very reason able. 428 E. Main at - FOR feALE Young eow, coming freahi soon. CaH 100 E. 9th st N. FOR SALE or trade, milch goat for pics, ehick- ens or raooita. fbone Ant Lents 6211. GOOD family Jersey eow $73. Phone Sell wood 1714. Mi ller, Stanley station. BARGAIN Fresh Jersey cow and caff. 1967 E. Stark st. cor. 78th. Also too buggy. RElffSTERED Jersey bull calf. 2 mo. oid, solid color. Fine stock. Felts, 1701 Delaware. FOR SALE Full blood Jeney eow. rich milk, good for any family, 72 Cook averts. . 8$ FIRE SALE ON SHEEP Any breed, any number, either gram eg registered. Box 51, North Portia nd. Or. 10 FRESH ton. i In 7 Mllona; one rasnatered . Hoktein, one Holsteln-Jersey $60, Sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver oar to Colusa- ' bis bird., go one block north. - J 10 FRESH oows, 3 to t gals.; 1 . registered - trad for beef cattle. Take Vac oou vsv car te Columbia bird., go 1 block north. FOB SALE Gentl. family eow. Hosstein-Jasv sey, years old. 1539 Maosdam at, sur. imoroia. star, is vs. FOR HALjB Two pairs of fine Angora, goaSC -perfect pets, suitable for children, Cell phone Oak Grove 174M. ' FOR SALE S Torenburg goats : mint be sold at once, aios esd st; S. E. Trios right Phone automatio 225-33. WANTKll Beef, veal and lion. Tabor 7 ASS. POULTRY AND RABBIT PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY . ' 18S4 . 12TH N. I WDLN. 1481, Demand will be greater than erar tot BABY CHICKS this spring: order for Feb. snd Msreb NOW. so as to secure some ot our Hnganised. trap nested Red', Kocki and Leghorns. PACIFIC) PWLTRYMAN,i a wsstern poultry paper adapted to your needs. Tells how to feed and rare for your poultry the modern way. Four months' trial subscription 25o; 75. a year, three years $1.50. : THE PACIFIO POuLTRTMAN, . Poison bldg.. Seattle. Wash. - GOING away, eold lOiTof my O. A. C. WnTte Leghorn young b.ns advertised last Sunday for $1,60 each. Have 80 left Just ss nice for $1.35 each to close out; Mrs. Williams, est Buckley ave., few blocks north ot Gilbert (as, '' Route 3. Box 680. Portlsnd. Or. OREGON- branch. NationaPRreed.ra' snd Fan ciers' sasocistion will hold their monthly busi ness meeting Tuesday, Deo. 14, 8 p.m., in room K. Central pubUo library. All members are requested to be present Mary L. Stevana, secretary-treasurer, 636 E, 51st stN. ' 100HEAD year old White Leghorn bens, 11 iiarred itock pullets. 1 extra good uarrea Rock cock. 1 pen young Wbite Wysndottes, ex tra, quality. High class, heavy weight Flsmish giants rabbits. Must reduce stock. Bend Jot price list ('lark, 1100 Henry ave. , , 100 WHITE Leghorn millsts. soma laying, $1.50 each. 400 esrc Jubilee Inenbator. 340. 6uo ecg Queen, new, $75; 400 .eg Cyphers, $40 1 250 egg Cyphers, $20. Tom Morgan , Beafertoa, Oregon. t 1 - 1 '.' ' BABY CHIOKl Orders now taken from heavy laying Tenured S. O. White Leghorns, $2000 worth of eggs sold in six mouths from 650 hens. Phone Wood lawn 4919. 18 Ev Winchel at.rCity. . WHITELEGn6RN baby chicks from near W ing Hoganised stock. Safe arrival of full count live, strong chicks guaranteed. Price list and interesting literature on application. id. Pioneer Hatchery. 443 Sixth st. Petal unie. CaU UAGUIRE'S day old ehicka. Better than ever. For the beet Bsrred Hooks, K. 1. ttetls. erown Lea-horns and White Lsghorns get Manure's, Or der now for 1921. J, K, Maguire, 787 Oregoa at. Portland. Or, 1 . ' - - SETTING EGGS, heavy laying TanorM strain.- S. O. W. Irfshnrna. nock averages 201 ecg for pen of 62. Order now for February and March delivery. Louis M. Costaer, Portland, Or. Route 3. box 640. ) 1 i FINE BIG ready-to-lay pullets and breeding cock- . re la from 220-240 ecg record trap nested White Leghorns. Watteraom Pullst Farm, The Dslles. Or. j - - : . FOll SALE Fine young Rhode Island Red and White Lechorn cockerels for breeding. Tatt ered strain; also two pair beautiful canaries. Aut 210-57. 800 EXCELLENT White Let horn yearling nev Hoganised, 81.25 each. Book Reds and W. Leghorn pullets. J. It st-gui. 787 Oregoa at. at K. 24th. t ' RABBITS 7 N. Z. Red does, 9 with 'young I 1 good buck. 1 Flemish doe. Will sell ebaap as I am moving, , Call at 689 Lea sve., Vi block Sellwood car. U L RED cockerels. Reos has the big boy Dark, rich red. no cotton or smut Bred for . -the ahoW bench. alsA lavtne mmsM. J' F. iiees, 219 Portland blva., wset. Bt. Jorma ear. . ITNE R. I. R. cockerels, bred from the winner of the Portland win tor 'show 1919, sod trap nested bens for sale, reasonable. Bragg, Garden Home. Main 6483. FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn shirk aTT old: sbout 80 of them millets: going out at business- 8 blocks west of River road oa Courtney road. Box 64, Oak Grove, , fv5R"SAXE6ni WhltTRock rooster." 1 U W old, from fine stock. $6; also 1 hen at $1760. -Call 6014 Powell, near 60th. Tabor 7808. TUR.EE fins Voting geese, weight 13 te i5 lbs, $6 each. Base Line mad to Ventura Park FLEMISH GIANTS, 3 does. 1 buck, 4 half grown. Also splendid butch; bargain. East 2978. . i ' - - - . ' WILL deliver Kmden or Toulouse gesss, ducks. pure bred White Leghorn hens, at poultry show. Douglas farm, 1 mile south Troutdale. .. MASTKrTlncubstor, egf rapacity 240; 0. $. Rhode Island Red cockerels and i geek. Woodlawn 685. ! 1 FOR SALE R. L R. rooster, and will trade , some chickens for sewing machine or big . wooditove. U-446, Journal, " $16.50 FOR 11 laying bans and a eockerei CaU soon. Colder, i mil. south of Lenta. West of 92d-st 8. K. j - ' FOR . SALE 8 good mflk sows, 1 fresh, Wav F. Oetken, 1 Va mile east of Concord staUoa on Oregon City line; P.O., Milwsuki.. WANTED Fawn InoTian Runner dyak. and ducks. Sellwood 1 185; 913 Division st. eity. 12 BUFF LEGHORN ban. $1 each. 0430 - 63d st. S. E. ji - I - - : YEAR-OLD bans for sale. $1 each. 6627 601 ave. B. E.; phone 6elLll480. TWO Cv thoroughbred Rhode Islaa4 Ra4 cockerels. Woodlawn 1ST. CHICKENS 80s lb. Tabor 7926, Come and get th. am. Wheat, oats jcnRrV egg mash SCRATCH $3.60 ITCluLr' Woodlswn 4844. 25 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, now laying,-for sale. 4524 E. 78th st S. E. 2LEMISH GIANT does and 'ens buck fet $10." ,Aut 619-89. , - 1 i - fXnGrVWhtt leghorns; Rocks, reed, wire, ' etc' Tsbor 1768. a j ; - ".- - 1. tEKIN dncks and New ! Eealaa d ' rabbits for el- . fbone Sell. 1746. . THREE fuilblood R. I. Red roosters to exchange for hens. Call Marshall 1048. . FOR BALK Mammoth Black Minorca, eock erels. 608 East Pine at, FOR SALF Fine B. Miaoros. oockereL ffc Wdln. 2971. V HITS ROCK and Anoona eockerels for gale. 194 Cook ave. ; :j -j i 1 ; YOUNG laying bens, pkat your choice,. DeUrsred. Tabor 8065. 11 ; 7 WHITVyandotte heavy layers, 1 rear c 81.75. 867 Williams are. . , FOR SALE Three thoroughbred Barred Rock roosters. Mar. 8277. 1 REDS Cockerels $O0. Puets-Tsbor 3t6. ' WHITE Leghorn bens. $1 each. Tab. 491 sT" POOH. BIRD. PETS, ETC. 4t ST. ANDREABCRG Boilers, male and female; no better raised in U. S. Call Sunday 467-lt, weekdays 816. Oregon City. 1 YOUNG HARTZ mounUln birds in (end song, $5 and $6; eUo females. 394 Simpsoa; phone Wdjn. 3482. i ; FOR SALE Bant eansries, linnets and St Anareeterg. , 600 rt, blocks from end of 28d st ear. TOY black and tan puppies. Chihuahua puppiaa, 3 miles east. Bearer Creek road -J. It. Lew, Toy Kennels. , R. 8, B. 162, Oregon City; W0 orange Persian kittens for sale, reasonable. Can Tabor 8750 Sunday gad Monday in forenoon. " I ' CHOICE German wariiler rollers for sale, reason able, at 216 W. Richmond. Phon. Col. 854. UARTZ mountain, good young singer and cage, $10. Wdln. 6430. 1 t 2 YELLOW eansries with cage, good singers, $15 takes sll. Main 7882. BEAufrrriL singeks studio. Main 468. for gale. Call ths CANARY birds, beautiful siegers, beet of stock. J I t St. or ceil Mar. 4357. ' PITPPIES forae cheap; : smail type and m& marked 827 Front i ! 1 $7 COLLI , female . cauoths old Mais 4483. THOROUGHBTeD fog terrieri pup. beau-iwl canaries, reasonable. ' Woodlawn 2012. 1 SCfCH OOUJE puns, males 810, one fs- male $7.80. 8. w. v ray, neavenon. BEAUTIFUL, whistling, guaranteed sin gars, ideal Xmss presents. 294 Jefferson. raiiNKDSt :Andreasberg rollers, $10 and uo. East 660. I - ; - - ' IUOHOUgIIBRED St. Andreasberg roUer sing- sn end femsles. Main 6471,. 827 Mill at BEAL'TIFt'L stneer, Wlef stock, $5 and up.-j Main 4664. 80S Be st. 1 - fUISH terriers snd St Bernard . puppies. Hpeedway Kennels, Tabor 5088. T&e WANT a good borne for A tip bulldog. Tabor 9827. ST. ANDREAABURG roller canary, swset sir ers. cages, 227 H Washington st Main 6221. SMALL parrot, cheap. A. S. Biowsra, Kendall sta.. at E. 82nd st fl. - AIRDaLE pupies cheap. Main 4 488. 2-YEAR-OLD" fine singers for sale. ' MsrT806O. BIRDS for sale or trade. , 447 E. Bth St S. BLRDS for sals at $5 each. 448 Union ave. g. -TVESTOCK