The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 08, 1920, Page 15, Image 15

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"Battling" Levinsky and Boy McGormfck Ready to Face Each Other in Milwaukie Ring
Wednesday, December 8, 1920.
To Try for a
K. O. Victory
' By Bob . t
other atronuoua afternoon of train
ing Tuesday, and after the workout de
clared hlmielf fit for a hard battle. Mc
cormick was eatlafted with hia form and
rested throughout the day. Today will
be "one of complete rest for both fighters
until the goni? calls them together at Mil
waukie tonight.
McCormlck is bent on scoring a knock
out over Levinsky, he declared. He would
like to repeat Carpentier's feat of four
rounds or less, he says. To do this he
will have to force the fighting, and his
plan of battle calls for crowding Le
vinsky at all times.
McCormlck's punching power has In
creased tremendously since the Meehan
scrap, and he feels that ha can knock
the 'Battler" out with either hand, pro
vided he lands. Whether he land or not
is a matter between him and Levinsky.
One wallop from McCormlck sent Frank
Farmer to dreamland a year ago, and he
pictures Levinsky as Just aa vulnerable
as Farmer, even If cleverer.
Levinsky, with his Vecord of 860 bat
tles behind him, is every bit as confi
dent as McCormlck. Ha expects to win
from McCormlck by a decisive margin.
Lewinsky la known as one of the best de
tvnaiv richer In the world, and with
McCormlck rushing him, ha will likely i
find things to his liking, v V
Harlan Bunker, the elongated heavy
weight who will met the old warhorse,
Joe Bonds, in the seml-windup, la tak
ing the eyes of the fans. They seem to
ilka Banker's willing style, and if he
makes good against Bonds, he will come
into high favor. .
Frankie Murphy appears to have
drawn a hard hitter in Lloyd Madden of
Seattle, and if Madden la the aggressive
fighter he la said to bo. ha and tba
plunging and tearing Murphy are down
to provide alow thrills.
Jack ( Allison, who showed the best
form in the elimination trials among lo
cal heavyweights, will meet Bert Taylor
in the curtain raiser.
George Eagles and Roy Sutherland,
who fought a warm encounter at a pre
vious "Milwaukie smoker, are, due for a
nix round tussle.
Plenty of Swimmers .
The London (Eng.) Schools Swimming
"V association has granted over 12,000 first-
class certificates to boya and. girls for
swimming 100 yards and 50 yards. It
atso issued 3000 llfesaving eertlflcatea
as a result of recent campaigns to popu
larize the sport there.
Martin Howard -Named
. Captain
Of Oregon Team
University of Oregon, Eugene, Or
Dec. 8. Martin Howard of Portland,
who has played left end on the Ore
gon varsity football team daring the
past two t eatons, was elected captain
at the lift sqnadAt tan aannal baa
qnt Tnesday night.- ,'
Before registering at Oregon, How
ard played with the Jefferson high
school football team of Portland. He
screeds BIU Steers as captain.
t nil
o d
;.! Put one in your
Cupid Halts Bout
t i r'n at - .
Mat Card Changed
CUPID has forced a change in the
wrestling program to be held in
the Armory Friday sight.
Bay Leaker, who was matched to
meet Basta Slpgh in one of the pre
llmlnartea, is to be married next
week and hi bride-to-be objected to
his wrestllag before the ceremony.
John Vldboff has been sabstltated
for Lather. - -
Dr. Earl Smith will examine the
mat performers Thursday afternoon.
Ted Taye and Gvy Raymond, who
are to meet In the main boat, pro
nosaeed themselves fit after a bard
workont Tnesday.
It Is probable that Herbert Green
land will referee the contests.
JERSEY CITY. N. J Dec. g.-i(I.N. S.)
Mickey Shannon of Newark, a
heavyweight boxer, died in a ho.HDltal
here at 5 ;30 o'clock today following his
knockout at the Arena A. C. last night
by AI Roberts, the Staten Island heavy
weight. Shannon was knocked out by a ter
rific blow to the jaw in the sixth round
of a scheduled 10-round bout. As he fell
hi head struck the floor, adding to the
effect of the blow. . Physicians worked
over Shannon for nearly an hour before
he was removed to the hospital, without
regaining consciousness.
It was declared at the hospital that
he sustained a fractured skull.
The bout was witnessed by Governor
Edwards and Mayor Hague of Jersey
Roberta was placed under arrest as
soon as Shannon's condition became
known. He is charged with atrocious
assault. Billy Gibson: Roberts' mana
ger; Ernest Heldlcr of Jersey City, and
John. Rippity, Newark, who " promoted
the bout, were also placed under arrest
as "disorderly persons."
Basketball Teams
Of Eastern Oregon
To Hay .for Title
Baker, Or., Dec 8. A basketball tour
nament to determine the 1920-21 high
school championship of Eastern Oregon
as well as to select the quintet to repre
sent the section of the state in the an
nual state lnterscholastic tourney at Sa
lem, will be staged soon after March 6.
This much was agreed at-a meeting of
the Eastern Oregon Principals' club held
at La Grande Saturday. G. R. Mclntyre
and George G. "Ad" Dewey represented
Baker. . ?
All the teams will assemble in La
Grande, Baker or Pendleton, the exact
place to be named later. The Eastern
Oregon league will be ; composed of
Haines, union. La Grande, Pendleton,
Baker. North Powder, Wallowa, Joseph,
Enterprise and Lostine. Coach Dewey
announced the following schedule for
Baker high school on his arrival here
January ,. 7, Baker at North Powder
January 8, North Powder at Baker ;
January 14, Baier. at-Union January
15, Baker at North Powder ; January II
22, Pendleton -at Baker; January 2f,
Haines at Baker ; February 4. La Grande
at Baker: February 12, Baker atLa
Grande ; February 25-26, Baker at Pen
dleton ; March 3, Union at Baker.
.: I
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Guy Raymond, claimant of the mid dlewdght wrestling championship of
Canada, and Ted Tbye (Insert.), American middleweight champion,
vrho meet next Friday night in a catch-ae-catch-can wrestling con
test at the Armory. i
Big Leaguers
Are Preparing
For Pow-Wow
By Jack Yeloek
lntemtionl Newt Serriee Sports Editor.
NEW YORK, Dec. 8. Baseball men
will begin arriving here Friday for
the big pow-wow in which the game is
to be presented with a brand new form
of government. " v-
; Judge K. M. Landis, baseball's newly
appointed high commissioner, is slated
to preside at the meeting of the Joint
major and minor league committee and
is expected to offer some valuable advice
to the delegates. ... t.
- Meanwhile club ow.ner"s of the two
major leagues and numerous minor
league owners and managers will camp
on the fringe of the committee meeting
and It is not unlikely that some trades
and sales, which interest the public far
more than the political side of the game,
will be effected.
Manager John McGraw of the Giants
Is hurrying north from Havana to at
tend the meeting. The Giants are in
the field, for playing talent, as are sev
eral other major league ' Clubs. The
White Sox wrecked by the dropping of
eight players, are ready to buy a num
ber of players and from all indications
It looks like an old time winter for the
hot stove fans.
Spring training plans of a number of
clubs are due to be announced here dur
ing the coming week. The Yankees, it
is now believed certain, will train at
Shreveport, Iowa, Brooklyn may select
New Orleans or' Baton Rouge.
'President Baker of the Phillies may
announce the name of a new manager
during the coming week. Bill Donovan,
who managed Jersey City last season, is
the latest man mentioned for the berth.
The two major leagues will hold meet
ings Tuesday or Wednesday to ratify
the new national agreement whenever
the joint committee is ready to present
it Later the major leagues may hold a
Joint meeting for the purpose of concerted-action
looking -toward the stamp
ing out of gambling.
Aggie Soccerites
Preparing for Tilt
With Canadians
Oregon Agricultural College, Corrallla,
Dec. 8. Oregon Aggie soccer players are
being put through some hard practice
under the supervision of "Scotty" Wilt
shire, coach. In preparation for a game
with the Canadian "Vets" of Portland
next Saturday. -The game will be played
On the Corvallis campus and ia expected
to be fast aa the Portland team is the
winner of the city championship among
the teams of that city. . The Aggies have
played two games this season, both of
them tie affairs, against the University
of Oregon team.
The Aggie lineup will probably be un
changed from that which met Oregon
last Taturday with the exception of Cap
tain Herbert Davis, who was taken
from the game with a badly injured
knee. Other Aggies will be Sweeney,
goal ; Marlfield and Bryant, backs ;
Perry, Angle and Jones, halves; Snook,
outside left; Cifee, Inside left; Tennessee,
center; Borgeson and Poole, outside and
inside -rights. . - ,
Basketball Teams
To Draw Schedule
Centralis, Dec 8. Representatives
from Southwest Washington high school
basketball teams will meet here Satur
day morning to outline a series of
league games to determine the champion
ship of this section of the state. The
same schools which belonged to the re
cent football league will be included,
with the possible addition of South 3end,
Elma and Winlock. ,
Centralia high school will also enter
a "midget" team this year. This team
has already received challenges fmm
Portland and - Tacoma - high school
"midget teams" . ,
THE Duniway Park Midgets trimmed
the Jackson Park football team 44
to 2 Sunday. Jacobson scored the first
touchdown for Coach Pander's eleven In
the first five minutes of play, and after
that it was nothing . but 'Duniway.
Schatz, Caghman and Jachetta also made
large gains through the Jackson line,
while "Toots" Scheeland and "Goof
Freddo were the mainstays on the line.
The Midgets claim, the 115 pound foot
ball championship of Portland for 1920,
and any manager contesting this right
is requested to call "Bullet" Schata at
Automatic 624-20.
Baker, Or. s Dec 8. George G. "Ad"
Dewey, former coach of the Lincoln
high. Franklin high and Columbia unl
versity teams of Portland, is coaching
Baker high athletics this season, and he
is desirous of securing a couple. of bas
ketball games against Portland school
squads. He has several open atea,
Princeton, N. J Deo, 8. James S.
Keck will lead the 1921 Princeton uni
versity football sqc .d..
Stayton, Or., Dec.' 1 Stay ton high
school's basketball team defeated the
Junction City athletes 88 to 12 in tha
first game of the 1920-21 season here.
The contest was harder fought than the
score would indicate.
The Gilbert Station quintet won from
the Lang & Company Midgets S3 to 8 at
Gilbert Station Tuesday night and a re
turn contest is slated for the Washing
ton high gymnasium Thursday night
The Portlanders were outweighed more
than 40 bounds to the man. renorta the
manager, but they fought hard through
out Mix Grlder and Fred La Mear were
the atara for the winners while Gatt-
sacker and Kennedy tried to feature for
the losers. .
Hubert A. Goode was named captain
of the 1920-21 Honeyman Hardware com
pany basketball team. . Manager-Coach
Louis Gallo is having considerable trou
ble securing games for the former Mult
nomah Guard athletes.
It is the South Parkway second team
that la battling for the championship of
the Portland-Basketball association and
not the first string aa some are wont to
believe. The South Parkway first squad
plans on playing Independent teams of
Portland as well as out of town engage
ments for the 1920-21 title of Oregon. -
Aggie Junior Has
Jaw Bone Broken
In Interclass Game
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis,
Dec S. "Curly Noonan, Los Angeles,
Cal., junior in agriculture, is nursing a
fractured jaw today as the result of in
jury received in an inter-class football
game .between the senior and junior
classes. Noonan was injured in the first
minute of play but continued through
the entire game on grit, none; of his
teammates realizing that he had been
The game waa won by the seniors by a
score of 8 to 0, a touchdown vbelng made
by the upper classmen lit the final quar
ter of the game when under cover of
darkness "Spec" Keene. student body
prexy and shifty quarter of the seniors,
pulled the famous Doble "hidden ball"
play. Brigga, formerly Air pilot in the
service., of tha United States army,! re
ceived the ball and raced 75 yards for a
The seniors will meet the winner of
the- freshman-sophomore contest In a
game which will decide the inter-clasa
championship of tha school.
Benny May Be Soldier
Benny Boy n ton. quarterback on Will
lams college football team, may enter
West Point next fall. Boy n ton ia lead,
ing scorer with 143 points, the result of
22 touchdowns and 11 resultant goals
from touchdown this season, .
: Monuments Mark "Coarse
A permanent cross-country- course,
marked off by monuments or by some
other appropriate markings, will be in
stalled on the Van Cortlandt Park. New
York city, course, according to a plan
under consideraUon.
Promises of Help Forgotten
t H H t, t8t H H at 6
Comiskey PayingHigh f orMen
By Henry X Farrell
TTnitwt Proa Suff Corresitenduit.
NEW YORK. Dec, 8. (U. P.) Some
how baseball magnates will alia a
mental cog once in a while.
Their memory, It seems, has refused
to function in the case of Charles Co
miskey, the "grand old Roman" and the
martyr of clean baseball.
Going around the final bend of the
1920 race, Comiskey broke up the White
Sox, ' considered the greatest team In
baseball, when he learned they had
fallen for the lure of easy money.
He had left but the skeleton of a
club, a mere shell of a once great or
ganization. Then the moguls, altruistic to the core,
condoled with the old Roman. The
White Sox would rebuild from material
furnished by the other more fortunate
owners, they aald. '
They rushed with proffered gift to
the exponent of high Ideals.
That was three months -ago.
But Comlakey Is still holding the same
fragments, remnants of the wreck. He
has added a few more recruits, but he
got them for. cash In the open market
and he had to outbid his fellow mag
nates. Hoppe Has High Run
Of 179 in Cue Match
. New York, Dec. 8. (I. N. a) WHUe
Hoppe, 18.2 balk line billard champion
for 15 -years, today maintains his un
broken string of victories. Hoppe met
Jake. Schaefer Jr. in the second night's
play of the annual : national billiard
tourney at 18.2 title and defeated the son
of the one-time wizard with ease, win
ning 400 to 178. Hoppe's high run of
179 topped Schaefer's total score, though
Schaefer made a high run of - 101. In
the afternoon game Schaefer defeated
Welkar Cochran 400 to 207. Hoppe
meets Schaefer this afternoon and Coch
ran in the final matches. '
Glpp's Condition Imprdvcd
OUULil DCnU. AlllA., t3V. O. il. I'M. O. J
Slight : improvement was noted today,
attending physicians said. In-the condi
tion of George Glpp, Notre Dame grid
iron star, who is dangerously ill here.
Blood transfusion, for which 125 Notre
Dame Btudents had offered themselves,
was found to be unnecessary at present.
Let him indulge his own individual preferences : . .' -
in clothes by giving him one of these attractive , ,'
4 ? " - . " '
Christmas Gift Certificates
I aT
699 J
With handsome hammered
silver buckles, beautifully
monogrammed. Black and
tan leather in all sizes.
$1.50 grade now. .$1.15
$2.50 grade now. .$1.90
Silk Neckwear
Or 3 for $3
: Beautiful silks and satins
in rich colors and patterns.
Slip-easy bands. These
Ties are our regular high
grade stock and are not the
inferior grade bought for
special "sales" purposes.
$3, $4, $5 and $6 Neck
wear Reduced 25
Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland
.... , - x j-, r-..Vi. j-v'S.-M';
Of course, Comiskey refused gifts. He
has money and he insisted upon using
it to get new club together.
But money and all, he's hiving a
bard task,
Comiskey Is' not .howling. He's not
that kind. He promised the -Chicago
bugs that he would get them a team
and probably will have one when the
1921 season gets under way. But he
will have to pay and pay high for it.
The New York Yankees, clan mates of
Comiskey in opposition to Ban Johnson,
offered him any part of their team to
fmieh the season. Probably that wan as
far aa they figured their beneficiaries
should go, just to help him to the end
of the season. Recently the notion
spread that Joey Dugan would be sold
by Connie Mack and the Sox wanted
him badly. j
But the Yankees went wildly after
him. -i : V
They offered Mack money and five or
six players, but Mack wouldn't take it.
Perhaps Comiskey will get him yet, but
he will have to come . high for him.
Three months isn't a long while, but it
seems plenty long to forget
Oregon Will Hold
Interclass Boxing
University of Oregon, Eugene, Dec.
8. One of the I many activities spon
sored by the physical training depart
ment of the university Is the Inter-class
boxing tournament, which will start
Friday of this week. Charlie Dawsort.
boxing Instructor, will be In charge and
will work with Shy Huntington and Bill
Hayward to make the affair a success.
Men of nearly every standard weight,
between 185 and 165 pounds, will be
matched, according to Dawson.
Inter-fraternity boxing will come later
in the season and a varsity boxing meet
will be staged with O. A. C. later in the
Columbus, Ohio. Dec. 8. Coach Wllce
of the Ohio State university football
team announced that the squad would
start for Pasadena December 18. Prac
tices will be staged at Denver December
20 and at Palo Alto December 23, the
day before the arrival of the squad at
Pasadena. . - :
Christmas Shop for Men
A Gift Certificate
V L which entitles the bearer to such merchandise
as may be selected amounting to
Presented with the best wishes of
4 C&ltL&ZLcC-
Ntt a e mwIsm
Morrison at
Portent Umiint tfitdmnj itolhinu mnijnv)lj hay prifmttwtv
At our present 25 reduction every dollar
value will buy $1.25 in Clothing, Furnishings,
Silk knitted, wool and mix
tures. $3.50 to $14 Grades
Now $2.65 to $10.50
Your Christmas Shopping Early!
We : ewe specialists in pleasing men.
JERSEY CITY, Dec. I. (L.N. S.)
Following are the results of Tues
day night's card: .
Jersey City- Mel Coogan, Brooklyn,
outpointed Eddie Wallace. New York, in
Itf rounds. Al Roberts knocked out
Mickey Shannon In the sixth round of h
scheduled 10 round bout Jack Sullivan.
Montreal, knocked out Red Lyons, Jer
sey City, in the second round. 8am
Mossberg outpointed Frank Casldy In a
10-round bout Both - are from New
York. Gena Tunney, New York, out
pointed Leo Houck, Lancaster. Pa., In
10 rounds. . ,
Boston, Dec. 8.-ML N. S.) Jimmy
Fruxetti, Brockton, won a decision over
Benny Valgar in 10 rounds Tuesday
bight 1
S Akron. Ohio, ; Dec, g. (I. N. 8.)
Danny Frunh knocked out Artie Koot,
Cleveland, in the ninth round of a sched
uled 18 round bout Tuesday night
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec I. (U. I.)
Billy McCann, Cleveland lightweight,
and Phil Salvadore fought a nlashing
four-round draw in the main event at
Vernon last night Toe to toe milling
featured the fight and the honors were
about even. They fought another draw
two weeks ago. Joe Fisher outpointed
Henry Gastlne. Johnny Cllne won over
Fred Young.' Sailor Kramer bested
Harry ; Hen nessy. Teddie Frenchle and
Frank Dolan fought , a -draw. Eddie
Burke whipped Louie Garcia, and Jack
Spar and Al Biddle drew.
Fresno, Cat, Dec. 8. The American
Legion, which has been fostering boxing
here, voted last night to discontinue the
sport -
Sacramento, Cal., Dec. ' 8. Boxing in
Sacramento is doomed as the result of
the ourrages committed In San Fran
cisco. Commlsslonef Bliss plans to con
fer with Chief of Police Sydenham re
garding the future of the" sport
Taeoma. Wash., Dec 8. Archie Stoy
of Aberdeen has been matched to box
Young Sam Langford here December 18.
Sam Langford, colored heavyweight,
departed for Aberdeen, Wash., Wednes
day morning, where he will meet Terry
Keller in a alx round bout Thursday
. . t -
- Made Good froflt
Montreal Amateur Athletic association
has made a profit of 82800 through Its
football teams' games in the Interpro
vlncial Rugby union .thla season. The
championship was won by University of
Toronto. '
t 35.00
on its face
Shoes, Hats.
, Bath Robes
Smoking Jackets
Lounging Robes
$12.50 to $25 Grades
- Now $9.38 to $18.75
Beacon Robes, Woolen
"Robes; Velvets, Silk and
Silk Mixture Brocades. At
tractive patterns, hand
some colorings.
$ 2.50 grade reduced to $1.90
I 3.00 gride reduced to $2.25
3. So grade reduced to $2.62
4.00 grade reduced to $3.0O
$ S.oo grade reduced to $3.75
$ 6.00 grade reduced to $4.50
$ 7.50 grade reduced to $5160
t 9.50 grade reduced to $6.35
110.00 grade reduced to $7.50
112.50 grade reduced to $9.35
US grade reduced to $11.25
pHARLES B. PRESTON was elected
president of the Portland Gun Iub
at the annual meettng of the members -Tuesday
night in the Imperial: hotel
The othe officers elected fallows-A.
A. Hoover, vice president ; H, R. Ever-.
ding, secretary: and J." C. Braly and
J. C. Crane, dltettor. The retiring
board consisted f It, B. Newtand. presi
dent; E. IL Keller, secretary. J. C.
Morris and Frank TempletOn; directors.
The members-voted Ex-President New
land a life membership. 1 --Application
for the annual tourna
ment of the Sportsmen's association of
the Northwest win be made by the dub.
It waa also decided to Increase the price
of targets from 8 cents to 3 cents. -
January 18 has been net aa the data
of the formal opening' of the new club
house. , Applications - for the registra
tion of a 100-blrd' event has been Med
with the American Trapshootlng asso
ciation. Tha 25-bird handicaps will be
staged in addition to tha 100-blrd race.
Washington to Hold
Sportsmen's Meeting
Olympia, Dec. 8.: The Washington
State Sportsmen's association will bold
Its annual meeting in this city on De
cember 18 and' 14." ' Headquarters will
be at the Hotel Olympia and the sessions
w 111 be held In the assembly hall of tha
Chamber of Commerce. At least too
sportsmen representatlng county organi
sations are expected to attend and help
to lay out a line of campaign for tha
legislature for tha further protection of
game ana fish. .1 . i
"I do a great deal of driv
ing in all kinds of weather,
and find 1 have no use what
ever for chains or other non
skid, protection since , using:
Keaton Non-Skid tires."
County Board of Relief,
j I Portland, Or.
Sixth knd Main jStreeta
Portland, Oregon
Friday, Dec. 10th
till P, M. --'.'i-
A. E. McClain
(, Or-171 Tntit
Jean O'Connor
Vneoarr, B. C-17 Poind
Oa rail Mlnatxi Limit to 4
Ted THyev
Guy Raymond
Mlddlawaiaat Chanaloa of
Beit Two Oat of Taroo fall,
Deeltloa at. tba Zad of I Kaart
John Vitahof
Hi Foaadi I
; TS. - !
Basahta Singh
i U roaadi .
Oao Fait or I MlaaUt Limit U
A Deeltloa or Pall la Ertrr
MaUk i
Ktitnt, ILM Rlavild.. It.N
Aad Tax
Stata on salt - at Klch'a Cigar
Store, Rlxth and Waahlngtoir:
fitiller'a, Broadway and Stark gta.
Give Them a Bicycle
for Christmas
Tou can't Hflnd anything" for your
lildren that will rnak them aa hap
py, that will do thrir growing bodtea
mora rood than a Bicycle,
Lartra stock to ehoota from. L.t at
how yo oar raaay attraetlTO m4lt
all alc.a and atylet.
Ballou & Wright
ZJ Keaton
rjrC Non-skid