r COUHTY ROAD W BUDGET TOTALS ABOUT,000 The Multnomah county road budg et for 1921 as tentatively prepared by the board of county com m lesion -era, calla for approx.mately58o,000, a slight Increase over the budget of 1820; which was $558,639. To the improvement of Montgomery drive. IJ9.000 is allotted. The amount expended on this - road, during the cur rent year will be 189,000. For Fairmount boulevard' 115.000 has been set aside In next year'a budget. Other main proj ects provided for in the budget are the grading and paving of the Foster road within the city limits. $85.000 ; the pave ment of the Fairvtew road from the Base Line to the .Sandy roa.1.4g,000 ; rebuild- i .i . . L J'l . 5 AAA . I mg me nuriingion uriuKc, e'v.wv - "-proving- Colum)ia boulevard 4 miles, from Sandy road Junction to the pres ent pavement, $25.000 ; paving Kellogg street, $20,000. J - No provision is made for the pave ment or the Base Une extension to the Automobile club house or for the pave ment of the St Johns, or Greeley street, road recently constructed. : This im provement is being urged , by the dock commission and others interested in the industrial district.' which is served. - The new grade has been macadamised but it is said that the cost of mainte nance will Justify pavement now, at least of 8000 lineal feet where the grade is stable. The cost of thia would approxi mate, .according to the estimate, 860,000 or $70,000. In the machinery i equipment the budget makes provision for trading in a gasoline shovel for a new one at a cost of $15,000. The present shovel was purchased two years ago. budget will' Include approximately $100. 000 which the county will draw from the state market road appropriation out of Its $300,000 contribution and $175,000 from th Btate motor vehicle license fund. 43 Days Are Passed Without Death Due To Auto Collision Portland is again on the way to a rec ord of deathless days from automobile accidents. Not since Octo"ber 21, when little. Peter Kuhn was ground down un- dtr the wheels of a heavy truck, has ' there been a fatal accident in Portland. The record of deathless days haa now reached 43, and November Is the first ; month since January in which there has been no killing. Only twice during the last two years has Portland gone for 43 days without an automobile death. The record was set during December, January and Feb- Tuary. w i leu 01 udja .ii-7. ,iw,v fatal collision. . ; 'The record of traffic accidents during November is by far the best In recent months.; There were no killings, the number of Injuries dropped from 150 In , October to 117 last month, and collision's decreased by more than 100. bf the 1079 smashups, 230 resulted from failure of drivers to give right of . m - Aft way, so were results ot cut corners, 14 'were caused by lack of control of the machine and If by . failure to signal,. There-were 13 accidents 'from reckiesa driving, 12 from, operating on the wrong side of the street and eight from speed ing. Other forms of carelessness Were responsible, the traffic report Indicates, tor 683 smashups. .Of those injured. 76 were pedestrians. Funeral Services For Mrs. White Held -At Grace Memorial l The funeral of Mrs. Samuel s "White, wile or Major w nue. was neia ai ma Grace Memorial church this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The services were con ducted by the Rev. O. W. Taylor and the burial was in Rivervlew cemetery. - Mrs. White died at the Letterman Gen eral hospital at San Francisco Novem ber. 30, after, six . weeks' illness, bne was the daughter of Albert H. Brown, -a Pioneer 01 uRtr county.. j She is survived ' by her husband and two children, Mrs. J. B. Manley of Cas- cadero. CaW and Herbert wisdom of . Cleveland, Ohio. , - -V" - , Kansas Bank Robbed Gun Fight Follows Kansas City. 1 Dec. 2.-(1. XVS.) The .Twin City. State bank Was .held up at noon today by four masked -bandits. They escaped with $500 In cash after engaging 1n a running gun fight with officials of, the bank. ; . TRANSPORTATIOX HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE : North Pacific Coasl Line (Joint service of Hotlena tmrici Line and Royal Mall racket Co.) ' between - - Vancouver, B. C Puget Sound, Portland, San Ftancisco and f- : Los Angeles rarbor. . - and iv"; Rotterdam, Antwerp, London, Liv erpool, Hamburg, Havre. freight Only Sailings will tats place a fellowt: . 8. S. "MOERDYK" (12.000 ton d. w.) loading Not ember 29 to, December S And regularly thereafter. . Steamer are apeMally fitted with large cool room i and refrigerator (or the transportation of fresh fruit, fun, etc. . . . For Freight Bate and Particulars Apply to OREGON-PACIFIC COMPANY SOS Mntcoa Bulldlne. "hone Mats 4Mt AUSTRALIA NIW ZKLND AND SOUTH SEAS v via Tahiti and Raratanea. .', Mall and Pastenaar Service from tan Franoisoa Every ia Dart. UNION 8.8. CO. OP NEW ZEALAND . . 230 California St., San Francisco. -Or Local Steamship and Railroad Aiencte. ASTORIA AND WAT POINTS STR. GEORGIAN A . . Round Trip Dally (E leapt Friday) Ltavtt Portland T:10 a. m.. Alder it. Dock LEAVfS ASTORIA 8:00 R. M. FLAVEL DOCK FARE S2.00 EACH WAV Direct Connection for South Reachee. Nloht Boat Dally. S p. m. Every Day Eaoapt Sunday Main 1422. 641-22 T . NEW TODAY ALAMEDA jmimiiiiiiuiiii 100x100 cornclr on car line, very reasonable. jiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii H.L.HambIef&Co. 443 Stark Broadway 1288 A DIFFERENT HOME! Of bungalow "type, with liv ing; room 16x31, off which is sunroom with French doors; also dining; room with coloring in blue and black; large, light, sunny, kitchen; t bedroom 1st floor, 3 on second floor; bath room equipped with set-in fub, pedestal lavatdry,. etc. Full cement basement, good garage. Excellent location, in heart of lrvington district. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER Eatt 7976 - Small Home Architect took a prise Jn House and Garden for the beauty of Us architecture ; central hall, large living ' room with mantle so charming in detail ; fine sun porch and dining room, com- -r plete kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath and - glass-inclosed sleeping porch ; pretty war garden. Price 16500. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER Hi E. I18T ST. If. : IAST 7(71 SEND OS VOUR OLD CARPETS - (We Call and Deliver! Old Rua and Woolen Clothing We Maaa Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS 8x10 ft Fluff Rug $17.80 Si 6 ft. Fluff Ruf 4.26 Rat Ruga Woven, All Size Cloth. Cleaning - and Dyeing Dept. Mall Orders, Sand for Booklet Matti-easet Renovated, Made vw. Made to Order Feather RimnM Carpet Cleaning, Rotrtlng, Eta. Sxl Rugi teamed Cleaned, SI .SO - WESTERN FLUFF RUO CO. 64-60 Union Ave. N. EaU S51 fv. ' Ladle Save your aid carpets, rut andltaot an alothlng. Let ua make new ruga tar, you. mm wmmmm t 188 E. Sth it. Phone East S6U ' WE CALL AND DELIVER - Th eldest and nest equipped faetory la tha Northwest. Fluff and rag rugs wovea A 14 alzaa. Carpets cleaned, eta. FOR MAIL ORDER8SEND FOR BOOKLET Portland Rug Col . C-TDEB If E W MA5AGEME5T We Have Cut Our Prlcea for a Limited Time) - 1 7.50 AU Other Work at Slteeaatt Flaff Enr Made From a Carpet BAG RrG8 A SPECTALTT- . GITK ITS A TRIAL . Tf a Call aad Deliver . -1CTS-1374 E. 1JTH ST. SELL. 8St if. HOUSES AND -AHA-fcS Made of standardized, built, 4-foot sections. Ready and eaay to erect. i fX' Shipped anywltar. ' Get Catalogue. .: -' REOIIvlADE RUILDmO CO PORTLAND, ORSOON. I, 11th and Mar el, or 803 Lawh) Bids. Rhone: Eaat 6114, or Bdwy. 4338 - AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS DECEMBER 1 0, 1 920 , AT M SECOND STREET All atorage accounts 4' months ' past due. Goods subject to sale on tbia date. C. O. PICE TRANSFER A, STORAGE Oregon Fluff Rug Co. FeemaHy Mentawtlla Rua Oa. . Fluff Rua Jlae Prom Old' Carpets Mat Mus Wovm All aire Carpet Cteenlna, . Si rim, Rnutlna V CaH and Delivw I382-1M4 K. Stark St. Tabor 781 PARK $8250 Lovely -ya-U-fe'i j-TT-jr ZS 41 All KaPER SHRINE BAND - annual formal danca. Chria, tenaen'a hall. Friday, Dewn : ber S. Ticket. $2.20, at Brdy Olirer'e cifr Und. xon bide.: Kaaaick'i Song (hop and - Saadj'a. All laaauna welcome. SCNSTSIDE LODGE NO. 165, A. F. NU A. M. Special com mnnieauon Satnrday, ecember 4, temple. a8fh and Hawthorne. Ex amination K. A. degree. 1:8 p. m. : work in F. C. deiree. 2 P- upper. 6.30 p. m.:U. M. degreo. I p. a Viwtort welcome. By order W. M. JAMES 8. GAY JR.. Bee'y. BCNTfTSIDE CHAPTER. No.- 42. R. A. M.. E. 38th and Ha tbornoStatad convocation thia ere Binc, Doe. 8, 1 :3l p. m. Election of officer. Visitors weleome. Or der E. H. P. - W. J. BRECKEU Sec WASHINGTON CHAPTER No. 18. R. A. M. Called conTocation Sat urday afternoon and evening, Eat Eight and Burnaide atreets. at 2:30 and 7:30 o'clock. R. A. degree. Via Itovy weWme. Bv wrier K. H. P. HOT .UACKENBUBH, Seeretary. Mtrr.TSOMAH CAMP No. TT. W. O. W.. East Sixth and Alder. Irga claM Initiation Friday night, December 3. Visiting neighbor! welwrne. J. O. WILSON, Clerk. O. F. Temple, Mrst and' Alder ktreeta. Work in tha Third- de- rt n bf gree. . vuiung Drouwia wut.uis. R. R. SIBLET, Noble Grand. W I. 8COTT, Recording Secretary. I. O. O. E., ArleU No. 21 Regular meeting tonight. Fri Aw X Work in tha first degree. C. -T. Salle, captain. Com. out and help our .growing attendance. Mt. Scott ear. Foster road and 86th ttreet B. C. tfOtl.INGS. N. G. A J. OEDER. Hue. 1L W. A. Attention Oregon Fir Camp requeata all member to be J night, Friday, December 3. Election r nhr hiilnefia. Fare- well viit of 8tU Deputy A. P. Martin. Visitor apecially invited. ..T,.fr. n.rk . S. r . Dll IV v s.rm OREUON LODGE No. 101. A. F. and A. M. Stated communica tion, Saturday, at 8 p. m. Annual election of officer and payment ol dues. Visiting brethren cordially UV Titer!. By order of the W. M. . LESLIE 8. PARKER. Secretary COLUMBIA LODGE No. 114. A. F and A. M.- Special communi cation tomorrow (Saturday) eve ning, at 7 o'clock. Labor rn the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren al wayv vrelemne. By order W. M. IRF.D U OI-SON, Secretary. BAST GATE LOIXiE No. 155. A. F and A. M. Eaat Eightieth and, Slisan atreeta. Special commumca Oon Saturday. 2 n. Wo;k..Jln the M. M. Megreo. uuting breth ren welcome. By order of W. M. EAGLES Portland Aerie No. 4 will give lta aecond annual danca Fndny evening. December 3. Pacifie SUtea ball, lltb and Alder. DORIC LODGE No. 132. A. F. and A. M. Special communication this ' Friday evening. 7 o'clock, at Maaonlo hall. St. John. Work in M. M. degree. Visitor welcome. A. W. DAVia. peci-ceiTy MOLNT HOOD LODGE No. 157, A. F. and A. M.-Special com mnnicaUon thi evening . 7 o'clock. Work in M. M. degree. Visitor welcome. By order of W. M. F. W. EN KB. Secretary. BIG hard time dance at William and Russell. given by th Good Fellovmhip club. Six big prze offered. Pane every Saturday jughL Two good floor prues. RCSSELLV1LLE GRANGE Free entertain ment and Chriitma bazaar Saturaay mgot, December 4. Grange hall, Craig road and Baseline. WOODCRAFT Home bazaar, auspices Officers' association, N. O. W.. Dee. 2 and 3. after noon .and evening; neighbor and friend invited. ;M BLEMJEWELR a apeclal'y. buttons, pin. charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-133 6th tt. JIitfi) statistics marriages. Birtbs. Dcalbx MARRIAGE MCESBE8 Harry W. Smith. legaL 388 Hoyt street, and ;ir,a Cummin, legal, 688 Hoyt st. Ouodrich P. Daly, legal, 249 Adams t, and S:, Palmer, legal. 116 River ttreet. BIRTHS j S S ELL To Mr. and Mrs. William. Russell, 708 E. 16th, Nov. 21, a son. DDT To Mr, aad Mr. D. Eddy, 838 E. B4th, Nov. 25. a son. HCENEGARD To Mr. and Mr. B. Hnener- gard. 859 E. Slat, 'Nov. 27. a Km . LATOCRETTE: To Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Latour- ette. 444 E. 18th, Nov. 26, a daughter. HAIir To Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hall. 231 E. 72nd, Nov. 24, a son. PATERSON To Mr. and Mr. E. J. Paterson, 728 E 36th, Nov. 28, a son. McCREART To Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McCreary, 421 Beech, Dec. 1, a son. HOFFMAN To Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Hoffman, 808 Marguerite. Nov. 26, a daughter. SUNDBY To Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sundby. 678 E. 11th, Nov. 28, a son. DAVIDSON To Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Davidson, 1020 Glenn In., Nov. 28, a daughter. SCHURMAN To Mr. and Mr. F. C. Schurman, La Centre. Wash., Nov, 29. a too. DEATHS AAD FUNERALS e OREGON LODGE No. 101, A. F V A. M. Special communlca tirm Saturday at 1 p. m to conduct the funeral aervice of Brother Howard William Gardiner, late a member of St. Andrews lodes No. 38 of Riverside. Rhode Island. Services at Chamber undertaking parlors, , 248 Killings- worth av.. at 2 p. m. 'Interment at Rose City c-metery. nrotuerv riiee nruig anto. By or der of W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER. See. EDLL'ND Dec 1, Mrs. Agnes EHiabeth Ed- luna, age X4 years, beloved wife of Erick Edlund of 652 E. 78th at. N., mother of Vivian Edlund, sister of Mrs. Carl Anderson nd Arvid Burman of this city, Willi Barman, Marshfleld. Or., Iver Burman, Chicago, 111. Fu neral service will be conducted Saturday, Dee. 4, at 8 pw m., at Peanoa' undertaking parlors, Russell at. at Enion .ava. Friends invited.. Da ceased was a member of Vasa Order of America Lodge Noble No. 184. Interment Rosa City Park cemetery. . GARDINER In thi city. Wednesday. Decem ber 1, Howard W. Gardiner, aged 45 years; beloved bnaband of Mrs. Capitola Gardiner of 1471 Eerby (treat. He was a member of 8t Andrews lodge No. 39. A. F. "and A. M in Riv erside, Rhode Island, the Scottish Rite and At Kader temple of Portland. Friends are invited to attend the funeral service at 2 p. m.. Sat urday, December 4, at the chapel of Chambers company, 248-230 Killingsworta avenue, near Williams, ' Interment at Rone City cemetery. Providence (Rhode Island) paper please copy. ENGLISH At Ionian court, December-., Jane - English, aged 90 years; wife of John Enelih and mother of Lopa, John and James English, Mr. A. N. Wallace and Mrs. Jamea N. Walker. Funeral will be held from Mr to tee A Kiler' parlors. Sixteenth and Everett streets, Saturday, December 4. at :45 a. m.. thence to the Cathe dral. Fifteenth and Davis streets, at 10 a. m.. where requHem mass will' be offered. Friends luTii j. inrermrBt at aiount v:aivry cemetery. LOTI8SO In this city. November 30. 1820 Tessie Lotiseo. aaed 1 9 veara. Funer-1 mr. tege wiU leave Holmaa'i funeral parkr Third and Salmon streets, at 8 :3 a. . m. tomorrow 1 Saturday! . December 4. 1920. then .tn St. Uary' cathedral, 13th and Davis streets, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 a. as. Re mains will be forwarded to England, where in- iw r lent wui ue place. McCORD December 3, at the family rel dence. 803 Sandy bird., Jessie June Mc l ora. agea oa years, daugbter of Mrs. H. L. Palmer. iater of idrn V it if,h nt u.t.i. Wash. ; Mrs. P. B. Jinff of Tacoma. W ash., and J. S. McCord of . Portland. The remains art' at tiniey. Hontgoaaery at Filth. Notice of f neral hereafter. DOTSOX The funeral service for the late Charles A. Dotaoa of 1800 Druid street, will be held Saturday. December 4, at 1 . m., at the University. Park M. E. church, Fisk and Lombard street. - Friends invited. Concluding service. Rose City cemetery. J. P. Fiaiey sun, directors. BLOSICK At her late, residence. Garden Home, Dec. a, Margaret Blosick, aged 48 years. Fn neral services will b held at P. L. Lerch ua deruking parlor. East 11th at Hawthorne. Sat- uruay,' at p. m. rnenoa invit-a. .. FORBES Th funeral aervice for - the late. Jane Forbea of Linneman Junction wil b held Saturday. December 4. at 2:30 p. .. at Kinly', Monteomery at Fifth. Friends iw vitea, - Lonciuding service. Multnomah cemetery. MEETtNO NOTICES MASS mm It Happens Everybody B cue fits From Reading Journal "Dime-a-Line" Want Ads TTiere," said I to my husband, as the carpenter finished picking up his toola preparatory to leaving, having finished our bulltin kitchen ; "now that we no longer need it, where shall we put the kitchen cabinet?" "Well," aaid he, "it is In excellent condition, and we might sell It and -use the money to replace some of our wornout kitchen utensils." - "But," I said, "second hand stores pay very little for used furniture, even though it is like new.' "Well, we'll act it In art out-of-the-way corner somewhere and see what we cfcn do later," he answered, aa he eat down to look over the evening paper. "What's, in The Journal Want Ads tonight V I said, looking over his shoulder as he 'turned the pages. Glancing down the columna, my ,eyes fell upon thia ad in the Wanted-Miscellaneous : "Wanted 4 kitchen cabi net. Phone," etc. "Let'a call 'em up and see what they want." said my husband. . He did so. and came back to the kitchen smiling. "The lady will be out to see your kltcherv cabinet tomorrow .and if it suits her she will pay you a reasonable price for il" he announced. , f The following evening found the corner where our kitchen cabinet had set for seven years, vacant, and a certain satisfied little lady out In Sell wood somewhere, arranging her kitchep utensils, spices, extracts, etc., on the shelves of her newly acquired purchase,, while my husband and I planned what the purchase price received by us would buy for our new kitchen. Very truly yours, MRS. VERA MEAD. . - Tabor 336S. 6023 101st St., Portland. Or. The Jonrnal want more letters telling of experiences resetting from read ing Joarnal "Dime a tine" want ads. One dollar will be paid for eaeh letter aed. Address yoar letters to the "Classified Advertising Manager," OrV goa Joarnal, Portland, Or. ' . - DEATHS ASD KIT?? ERALS 7i WARNER In thi city. Dee. 3, Edward N. Warner, husband of Belle Wamer of Med ford. Or. Remains at Finley's, Montgomery and Fifth. Notice of funeral hereaiter! BOHL Irene Bohl76352 89thNov. 30, 19 years; endocarditis. WEBBER Amelia Webber. 749 Umatilla. Nov. 29. 73 years; angina pectoris. IILSTON Samuel B. Huston, post office, Nov. 30, 62 yean; coronary disease. FFSKRAt DIRECTORS EDW. HOLMAN SON Funeral Directors ! THIRD AND SALMON STREETS Main R07. A-1S11 Ijldy Amri'tant J. P. HNIEY S FUNERAL DIRECTORS zuam IF. SlOM ,(IKRV AT ITPTU EAST SIDE FTTVEWTt. rim-ecnntr F. S. DUNNING. INC. "T1- Famtlv Rmtm K. T,i , wv ,v rrm 414 E. Alder. Phone Kmtt R5 Lerch. Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AT HAWTHdBNB PHONE EAST 781 CJtAMRttRa nn Funeral Directors' AU the Convenience of a Home. Woodlawn 3306. 248-250 -KUlintawnrtt, - R.T.BYRNES ,inln e- 901 uuams ave. Woodlawn 220 A. D. Kenworthy Co. Ron, row! no. n n . . w . . . Phone Tabor 8267. Home Phone D-61. MILLER TRACET. Independent funeral di- ic iuis. rni- low s a.ll. gU, g(JU. Washington at Ella. Main 2691, A-7885. DOWNING M-NEMAR A homelik. pUee. ..v ,,ijSlub uutiruiu a'none East 64. ' R. W. GABLE A CO., . Successors to W. H. Hamiltcn. 1973 E. GHsan. Phone Tabor 4318. M "EN TEE A EILERS. funersfia7lr;riwTth "all tnM nri ranw" nf K-. - itk -a n . . Phon Broadway 2133, Home A.2133. 1047 1 I-Imnnf f A.R.ZeSIerCo. Phone Esst 108S. IfP WPS rN"E8TA(5Toriutii 4132 -A S Corner Third and Clay. MO?itTMENT8 Portland Marl&le Works 266 4th St.. Op. City HalL Ken Bros. IUtSlNG GRAhiTE Co , FLORISTS WOEATMr 11 UP ixa Monniaost ' PORTLAND MOTBt, MAa.753 " um accrk toucrris . a4 MonaitOM ' swim w Q rwws STOBKt MAR. 47 And Floral Designs. 2 .V Lsrg Hothouses; No Branch Stores. 20 Teara on Morrison at., bet. 4th and Sth. Telephone Main 7709. GEO. BETZ &'SON ?8B8C8' FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS and all-occasions, 697 Williams ave. Just call Woodlawn 1512. Joseph Beta. Manager. : Smith's Flower Shop Portland' Progrssive Florist.". Flowers for All Occasions, Main 7215. T. c LUKE, Mgr.. 6th and Aldar. MARTIN" A FORBES CO." florists. 354 Wash inzton. Math 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. rt.tr, FLORAL SHOP c s 245 Alder. Marshall S922. J N. W. Bank bid. A. S 6116. 331 Morrison LOST ASP FOITXP 1 THE following article were found on cars of the P. It... I. A P. Co. Dec. 1: 1 purse, fountain pen tie Hasp, pin, bank statements. 2 books, pair gloves, 3 single glovea, savings bank, hat, lunch box, 6 packages, 4 suitcases. 15 Umbrel las. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Al der sts. - 08T On Dec 1, 335 in currency in a bill book either on a Broadway car between Cnion and Williams ave. or St. Johns at Broadway and Williams, about 5 p. m. ; reward. Call or write, 395 E. Broadway. LOST Brindie and white bull terrier, whlto on feet, chest and face, collar with blue lets. Re ward. Information will b greatly appreciated. 1 none oeuwoou oioo. . . OST Sunday. Nov. 28, a string of graduated pearl beads with engraved silver clasp. Finder please leave at 601 Pittock block. Phone Broad way 1530 ' XOST OR STOLEN Child-, pet and only pro tection, male Airedale, black, and tan, answers to name of."Tiin"; 119 bcen'e on collar, 2778. Reward. Tabor 4735, or 1421 E. Ktarkjfe LOST A Japanese cross fox fur, between 50th and Hawthorne and Harrison, Friday eve ning about 5:30. Finder pleas call Tabor 892; Reward. . . STRAY Bay horn weighing 1200 lbs. Brand on left shoulder.' Peta Ummens, Milwauki. Or. Phone Sell. 2873. LOST Brown velvet purse, downtown district, currency, check and keys. Reward. Police station, 2d and Oak. -: J LOST Silver matrh eafe, shape of elk's tooth. Owner's name and lodge No. Return to 218 P. O. building. Reward. LOST Wednesday afternoon in M. F. atbre. black purse containing -money, papctss and email aey. itewara. &m -eo-. LOST Marquise ring, pearl inrdfb in turquoise vetting. Pleaae return to 210 Cherry ft. Reward. - , LOST -A garnet breastpin, old gold, between Broadway and Washington on Hawthorne car or In downtown district. Reward. Auto. 2 lS-Tl. LOST Sunday eve., black, fur muff , Vicinity of East Stark and 3L Reward. pUt 2548. LOST Black gauntlet driving glove Wed. e ' ning. on Taylor or Broadway. ; East 918. LOST KeTring with knife and T keys.-. T-iWT. Journal. LOST Saturday night, brown kid glove for right hand. Reward. Sellwdod 2507.- LOST Small gray silk crocheted pur.-e. Beaded fringe alpng ttw -bottom. Tabor 77 6.- LOST 350 Lerry.bond. Call Mrs. Huffaaan. Tabor 469. Reward. MI RINESS A.ND- TRADE SCHOOLS MEN. WOMEN learn barber trade ; wages while learning; positions guaranteed. ,. Mgr. 22 years experience. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison. PORTLAND Barber College U aches the bArbtr trad in eight weeks; pays while learning; goad set of tool given; position secured: tui tion reduced. 38 N. Second. Every Day BrSIXESS ASD TRADE SCHOOLS 99 FOR BIG PAT Get Into the Auto or Aviation Business You're right! No other lino of work offers the employment opportunities and big pay that the automobile and aviation business does. The quick and satisfactory way to learn thia business and get into it is through the help of that man "Adcox." whose' school bold th World's record for graduating the largest percentage of stu denta who make good in a. big, commanding way. Today, scores and scores of men, who less than a year ago, knew absolutely nothing about automobiles ire earning, aa expert "gas engineers," double to treble what they ever be fore made. Adcox trained them in 12 to 16 weeks: Tou may be skeptical ay it can't be done but if ACTUALLY 18 BEING DONE; andif yon will give "Adcox" a chance to talk with yon a few minute or write or call for a free copy of hi big, dollar book, describing hie school and methods, you will quickly be con vinced as hundreds of men and young men be fore yon have been. To prove th value ot his course to you, he will let you attend his school four week FREE, and, if you find any. thing misrepresented, be will pay you 60c for each hour in attendance at his school. He even will go further! . If after visiting his school or carefully going through his catalog, you truth fully can aay that anywhere in the West you hsve seen another auto school with aa much equipment who graduate aa large a percentage of successful students or give you a much for your money, he will make you a present ABSOLUTELY FREE of his complete Auto, Battery and Electrical course, valued at 3290. If the training he offers were Just the ordinary kind, this offer would be suicidal would put him out of businers in less . than three months. Just the dy thi announcement was written, a prospective student said: "Adcox, I thought you were bluffing with your free trial and other offers, but you win! I have .visited some half dozen other auto schools and yours make them all look like a RUSTY DIME." Only a DIF FERENT UNQUESTIONABLY SUPERIOR school could make such offers as "Adcox" does. There is no red tap to his offers, either he is willing to depend entirely upon the honesty and good judgment of any ambitious fellow. You're aa good a man as th next fellow prove it go after, the big anoney awaiting you in tha automobile and aviation business it' one line where there is NO AGE LIMIT, and no ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS are required of those entering the Adcox School. Simply go there If you half try, you can't help but make good. Tear out thia announcement right now see "Adcox" or get a copy of hi book Number 4 at once. The addresa Is. ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL. Portland. Or. LEARN AVIATION EARN 7 TO 3300 WEEKLY Complete eoune In- mechanic and flying. Aero club license en graduation. All courses free to federal vocational training men. Th state of Ore gon allows 825. per month for edncaUonal par poses to Oregon ex-service men. First and only exclusive Aeronautical school In the Northwest. A SCHOOL WHICH HAS OVER 3000 PER CENT MORE PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL IN THIS TERRITORY. No bond required. Catalogue on requeat. DUDKEY AIRCRAFT COMPANY. Portland. 824 Morgan Bldg. Oregon. LEARN automobile and tractor repairing and driving in America s largest and finest system of trade schools. We also teach all branches of ignition, electrical and battery work, vulcanizing and re-treading, weldine and braaine and instruc tion on all types of marina and stationary en gines and farm lighting plants. You take tha tool in your hands and get th actual practical hop experience. The Hemphill schools, turn out thousands of successful graduates avery year. Do you want to join this class of well trained and high paid ment State aid to former aervice men. Information and cataloa noon aeonest. Day and evening classes. Hemphill Trad School, Inc., TOT Hawtborn ave., cor. 20th. BE a certified automotive or auto-electrical expert and earn a big aalarr. A few weeks' training in our big, practical shops qualifies you for good position aa automobile or igni . tion expert, tire repairman, tractor engineer. machinist or storage battery expert. Mea of any age eligible. No previous experience re quired. Splendid working conditions. Earn board and room while learning. Unusual op portunities to locata in California. Ideal cli mate. 20 years' experience and the most modern equipment and expert graduate in structors. - No other training will qualify you as quickly or thoroughly. FREE employment service. Write TODAY and get 72 Daae U lustrated catalog telling how you can earn big money in this business. Book costs II, but ia aent FREE on request to men inter ested; National Automotive School, 804 S. rigueroa, L.o Angeles, tsaL MEN. SPEND YOUR WINTER EVENINGS AT OUR Automobile and tractor engineering, welding and bronaing. Special ignition, battery and electrical work. Vulcanixing and retreading. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS 707 Hawthorne Ave.. Cor 20th Terms If Desired. " ; ' T ; KEW NIGHT CLASS Begin December 8, at the AdcoC An to school. Union ave. and Waeco It. Classes Mon day,. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 7 to 9 p. m. Class runs to June 1. State pys Oregon ex-service men $25 per month while attending KhooL School open for Inspection from 7 to 8 p. m. 88 page catalog FREE. West' Large Business College. Assnre EVERY GRADUATE A POSITION All buainea course, including com ptomet-r training. Enroll anytime -day school, night school. Write for free ctalogu . Fourth near Morrison. PbonMain 590. A Prilion for Each Graduate ALISKY Bl.'ILDINO MEN , who want steady, interesting work at big pay can learn th automobile and tractor business in short time in our big, practical shops. Only standard automotive training. ; Position assured when finished. Earn part expense while learning. Catalogue FREE. National Automotive School, 804 S. Figueroa, Los Angele. Cal. MOLER BARBER CO LEUA wiU teach yoa the trad in 8 weeks, receive some pay while leam:nC' Positions secured. Exervic mea re ceive tat aid. -Writ or caii for catalcsTua, 234 Bunuide st - - LEARN TELE-RAPHY Young men and women wanted; call 434 Railway Exchange bldg.; splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Railway Tele graph Institute. Night closes. CLLKKS, ever 17, for postal mail service. $125 month; experience unnecessary. For -free par ticulars of -examination, write J. 'Leonard (former civil service examiner), 998 Equitable bldg.. Washington. D. C - ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Ajv.K-y. Enroll - free. Frank K. Welles, former assistant Stat. upt,. Mgr., N-W. bank bldg. Phon M ain 8276. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOTT" Mus Kegma Bucket's private school; individual instruction. 122 Onind are. - East 427. BCAlJfESR N TJ TRADE ftCHOOI.M 88 OREGON lis echaot, Aluky bidg., 2d and Uoc rlson ts. W. K Richardson. ee. Main 877. HELP WASTED MAlIt WILLIAMS' PERSONAL SERVlCB Leading office and clerical employment specialists of the Northwest. 504 Spalding nldg. Sea tu for nign claaa office and technical positions. WANTED Nightninaa. combinaUon work; no loaircs neeaed nere, must be nat and nusrx. Toung man preferred at one. PiUsbury't Ba- ery, mil v. rark t. WANTED Experienced automobile washer; none other peed apply. 449 Burnside. ' WANTED at once, man to learn vulcanising WASTED AGENTS AGENTS -Ladies or men for fat seller, big money to right party: call on business only: all you pay i sample, 97,80. Call room 203 nro-qway notel. - SALESMEN WANTED 8 WANTED- 2 salesmen covering Washington and Oregon to sell butter aa aid line. Write t call Columbia Dairy Products company, Van couver, Wash. Private exchange 10O. KELP WANTED FEMALE ; L1PMAN, WOLFE CO. FORMER SALESPEOPLE AND CASH IERS OF LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. not new engaged, who wish to work part or full time through the holidays, arc invited to report at tk employment bureaa before 10:80 a. aa.; LIPMAN. WOLFE CO. 4 AMBITIOUS women to begin work January 1, who value their er-ic from $30 to $50 per week. Irmaoent position. If interested call Saturday, December 4, at 253 6th s at White hall. Apartment 8. . A WELL educated woman "for" educational wel fare work. Must be resourceful and posse Initiative Excellent salary to start with and splendid ormortunitv for advancement. M-653. Journal. I MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director ' of em ployment for women with the federal gov ernment, will assist women to cure employ ment in all lines. Office, 829 Henry bidg., our. 4th and Oak. Bdwy. 4537. WILLIAMS' PERSONAL 8ERVICB: Leading office and clerical eniolovment aoecialista of the Northwest, 504 Spalding bldg. Sea ua for ki-k n, , , .1 . : I WANTED Kxperieuced biller; one who under' tend doubl entry work: good steady position. Apply in person, Troy Laundry Co., E. 1 0th ami Pine nn. HIGH SCHOOL girl to help with housework and helpear for two children. Inquire 400 Clay. cor. 10th. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to fhe Sal- ration Army Rescue Home, MayfaV i and Alexander it. Phon Main 3450. DM. car. Vv ANTED Experienced bookk eper, one i wiio understands double entry. Apply Troy Laun dry Co.. E. 10th and Pine tv WANTED1 Housekeeper r full charge; am wid dower. Peter Zollner, Mt. Angel, Or. j KIND lady to care for and be cignpanion to middle-aged invalid lady. Tabor 5163. WANTED A housekeeper, hill cor. Park at Inquire 223 Tani- RITUATIONS MALE STENOGRAPHER First claa man, age 30. 8 years' experience private secretary. E-B33. Journal. I EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN, FAST TTP1ST AND INSIDE SALESMAN. RESIDENT OF PORTLAND. BDWY. 2900. , YOUNG MAN wanU work with motorcycle. Thoroughly familiar with city, l'lioue Mar-i-haJl 824. WANTED Wood cutting? contract; big timber; good ground only. Woodlawn 1901'. E-a5, Journal. ! CARPENTER Repairing, job work, garages, by day or contract; price reasonable. Sell Wood 3758. . PAINTING, paperhanging and decorating; your old hardwood floors refinished like nw. 220- 13 Automatic. L. P'NeO. EXPERIENCED grocery an want position.. Au tomatic 831-18. STEADY man will work for board and room. X-164, Journal. i PAINTING and tinting; I cover all bad , rain spota. Bellwood 2775 ' CAPABLE, ambitious --man 26 wan La any 'kind of work. Phone Tabor 5168. - CARPENTER and contractor, Jobbing; anything in tb building line. East 8656. WANTED Excavatina. SaUwood 3088. general tna work. FOR remodeling. Jobbing. Main 6790. carpenter work., call PLASTERING. cnimnay and oaruect work. Toi K. 4 6th at. Tabor 3658. ; BOY 16 would Ilk to learn a good trade Phone Woodlawn 2326. EXPERIENCED man want work on farm or dairy. 83 E. 80th st N, EXPERIENCED oil fireman wanU poaitio Call Tabor 5343, bin. 6 and 7 p, m. ' WANTED Position by experienced middleaged ' - ; . . i. . . i am H JU1T Vt IWIUI -. J p- TRAFFIC MAN OR ASSISTANT; FAST BILL , OR ORDER CLKKK. 8UWI. MOW. CARPENTERING, repairing remodeling, bullt in fixture e specialty. Call Automatic 817-37. SITUATIONS FEMALE A YOUNG lady with 2 children wishes work in house wher she can keep children; fully ex perienced; some wage desired. Mrs. Werthen, Ostrander, Wash., care C. K. Bailey, YOUNG lady would like bedroom slippers to cro chet; or children to take care of at home or at their borne. Automatic Z1T-05. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE CCR TAINS. DRAPERIES, BLANKETS; DONE CP LI&E NEW ; WILL CALL, EAST 8518- TYPIST wants work. Call Mondaya or evenings a tor j o'clock. Eatt 5364. It- No. 1. WOULD lik to ear for children, especially at hotels; furnish reference, sell wood iss.c CURTAINS borne laundered at 446 E. Anke: Call East 3085.. j EXPERIENCED tarty want whole or part, day work. Tabor 8677. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Phone Mar- nau a I . DESIRE half day poaitioa, either stenographic or clerical. -V40, Joarnal. DRESSMAKING 49 COATS, suits and drease mad and altered; expert worxmansnip. Our ready mad PE-EAT house dress are made from the latest smart tyle. V a no os colors and style to choose from Mr. Kelly. 752 Vancouver ave. Ant. 316-06. DYEING, cleaning, pressing, dressmaking, re modeling, relining, alterations, pleating; rea sonable puce. The Cabinet Cleaner A Dyer. 4Z4: Morrison near llln. Mam 182a ALTERATIONS, refitting and making ot ladies' garment, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. 3. Renbin. Ladies' Tailor, 408 Bush A Lane bldg. DRESS making and children' clothe. , 581 Lombard. Columbia 498. RELIABLE dreaamaker and tail or. . Engag ment by day. Tabor 3643. DRESSMAKING, alterations, tailoring; prices reasonable. Main 8422. 344 Salmon st SCALLOPING and fancy hemstitching. So per yard. 206 Aliaky bldg., 3d and Morrison. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring. Phone Main 1778, Apt. 4. Dreasn, ailita, coats. -- MRS. MAE PATTERSON, doll dreaamaker. 662 E. Salmon. Phon 215-87. NURSES 60 PRACTICAL nura desire day- or night work. Practical nurse desires position in doctor' office or aa matron. E at 7211. ; , NURSE going to California would care for In valid or children eo route. , RefT given. V 401, Journal. 1 EXPERIENCED aura, best reference. Phon Min 1072. PRACTICAL NURSING. COLUMBIA 668. FURNISHED ROOMS HOTEL OHIO, 266 FRONT. COR. MADISON - Housekeeping and transient rooms, ateam heat, not and cold water, automatic elevator, rate 60 a day np;weekly rate. ' - ; . PRINCES HOTEL. 34 E. BnrnseTTeated room with baih, by day -or week. Oev away from the high priced rent. WHY pay downtown price! Clean rooma 31 to 32.50 per wk. ; transient, 50c; aew man agement. 412 . lto at. NEWROf AL HOTEL . 108 hi 4th. Rooma by day or week, steam heat Rates per day 75c np FURNISHED ROOMS PEIVATE - FAMILY Tt COMFORTABLE front room for congenial man; clo to Multnomah club; - evenings. Phoo Marshall 8295. LARGE front room, close in on eat aid; furnace beat, home privilege, with or with out board. East 8006. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, close Aa 23d at car and Good Samaritan hospital, far 1 or 2. 70 Lovejoy at, Mala 606. NEATLY- furnished room In modern- hom; heat, walking distance, reasonable. .426 K. Harmon, rnone . 970 NEWLY (urnbed room, privato borne, west aide, modern conveniences. Maia 5046. LARGE frvnt rooms, heat and hath; near ear. Gentlemen preferred; near garage. Tabor 2274. FU RMS II ED or anfumfhed mom. with or without board. 1 blk. Kenton ear. Wil, 4706. w FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY : DESIRABLE more ia first class m-heatd apartment, walking dtatanc. for lady em ployed; ref. Mar. 2402. NiCECY furnithed tunny room for gentleman; reference; excellent bed. plenty of.hett and hot water; tcL; walking distance. East 839H. COZY room in comfortable borne, girl .em ployed. Phone Marshall 2524. NICELY furnished room in private ham on Irving h. near 23d. Main J"- UNFURNISHED ROOMS 18 110 PER MONTH 8 basement fooms, walking distance. Call evening. 637 Montgomery L BOOMS AND BOARD It THE MARTHA WASHINGTON 880 10th it For bnsinea girls and t tenia; reasonable rates. . Marshall 881. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY Tf WIDOW will board children in own bom: plenty ef milk, ear and fruit. Isrge yard and rlft'e to chool. Phone Sellwood 1665. 4740 f2d rt S. K. BOARD and mom in modern home for men; walking datance. 330 Halsey at. rnone East 5560. Nlf'E large front room, suitable for man and wif, both working, and on room auiubla fur 2 men. E.it 4127. FRtVATE tamily. $10 per week or $4 per momn. icn K. intn st. mone r.a zazz. TAKE care of child under 3 years, best of care. Seflwood 1352. MIDDLE aged, motherly woman wiahe chil dren to board. Auto 233 28. Mr. ah. ROOM and board, west side; men preferred. tsrocawiy 8 7 a. FURNISHED room with board. 558 ETConeh t. Phon E. 8099. Roae City ear to 12th. NURSE WILL JCARE FOR PATIENT IN HER OWN HOME. TABOR 6733. BOY or girl to room and board. Tabbr 6446. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FViRNISHED AND UNFURNISHED WELL furnished sunny, clean, 8 -room apart ment; heat, light and teltphrme furnished. AriulU. 441 E. 13th t- N, lrvington car to Tillamook, or Broadway car to E. 13th. E. 8425: ' - . NICE large comfortable furnished front H. room, close in, rent reasonable. Eaat 8716. HOUBKKEEPINO ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIT ATE FAMILY FURNISHED ILK. rooms, in pri rat family" Tabor 8644. FOR RENT HOUSES It UNFUB5ISHEn FINE larg houxe, Eaat Bide, close In, neat 8 earlines, partly carpeted and with window hides, H block gremnds suitabl for reaidene. school, saniurium, amtll boarding or rooming house. Wakefield. Fries Co., 88 4th at, of telephone Marshall 2474 before 1 :30 p. m. STORAGE COMMERCIAL AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. MOVING. PACKING, SHirPlNO. Reduced freight rates. For expert aervic rtll Broadway 708. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co. BEAUTIFUL 1 H atory modem 7 room bung- low near Alameda, in Rote City; place will be open between 6 and 7 p. m. or 9 and 10 a. m. Marshall 3993. CALL BROADWAT 680 NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY. WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ' FOR SALE FURNITURE of 9 room flat far sale; flat tor rent, Marshall 954. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 5-ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW FOR RENT Completely furnished, 5 rooms and bath, nice and clean, electric light, gaa. shade tree, etc.. on 70th , near 45th ave. Call at once for particulars. Call 507 70th at. S. E. ML Scott ear. WUI be vacant Dec 16. 6 ROOM cottage, furnisKed, piano, bath, gas. electric Itgnf. 7 Michigan ave., l blk. to car. FOR RENT Furnished bouae. Call ' Tabor UU3. FURNISHED FLATS 30 A SMALL furnished flat with bath, gag and elec- trieity. Convenient and rlewtnt . Adulti only jiar, car line. 6141 43th ave. 8. E. i DESIRABLE famished romt, 2 adulU. 655 Yamhill. Main 4416. APARTMENTS FOR RENT- 41 WHY PAY. HIGH RENT When you can bug firM-cl furnishmn of a modern 7 room flat at a bargain? Cosy home with .T5 income, .wnlcn can be increeaed, with nice apt, for tell; swell location, W. 8., earner. Aut. 516-54. 6-ROOM unfnraiahed new apartment, hardwood floor. French door, fireplace; only $50; wiuiin waixm ig distance; lam at ceueg. Auto. WANTED Young lady to abar small fur nished house with employed young lady. For interview rau at room zoy city nau. Mar. 4100, local 103. FURStSHED. 3 room. 3d floor, light, water, hot and eokl, bath, ga for washing, $25 per montn. uor. zzn ana tluimby.- STORES AND OFFICES " ' 11 FOR DESIRABLE apace la fireproof war boaa phon Bdwy. 3713. Security Storage iranier v.a, os etn c, cor. rnn. DESK room with telephone and stenograph! service. Phone Bdwy. 8716, Security eUor- age ,a l rangier vo., o eta .. eor. line. WANTED TO RENT wivrsn . o - a lM . ". must be iteam heated and preferably out of tne ousmees secaon. call M tun. lis. WAN TED To rent apace in garage for mlcaa- ixing nop. N-B4T, Journal. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 48 SOMEfHING FOR NOTHING Two nice Seaside lot. 8895. or sell one for 8200; 8 block from depot; good for residence, hotel or tent city. Am leaving and mutt aell quietly, f none tart 29:1, BUSINESS PROPERTY 88 BUSINESS building in Albany $40,000: term. Hunaays ana evenuiga, 22(1-22. . Week day Main 8720. X FOR SALE HOUSES 61 S3 100, Terms $300"T)own 7-BOOM MODERN HOME 2 LOTS 40x125 EACH Bearing fruit trees, eement idwalka, 3 blks. to car. I'Don Tabor aiva. 85230: ALAMEDA: TERMS Beautiful new bungalow, rooma and sleep ing porch, all th biilt-ln. fireolsee. Dutch kitchen, white enameled plumbing, cement base ment, laundry trays, 80x100 lot. paved (tract. gara-e. ar. owno. s Qroveland Park 6 room and attic, fireplace, . bnilt-ina, oak floor, cement baarmant near ear. $4800. 6750 i eaay term. Marshall 8362, eveniaa laoor no. A REAL BARGAIN1 IN iUNNYSIDE -Modern 6 room cottage, bath, toilet, else trie lights, corner lot. street paved and paid. ' If yoa are looking for a coxy home, let aa how yoa this. Price $3600: term. TAGGA RT BROS. , 1102 Spalding bldg $4 500; HA WTHOHS E; TERMS S mom strictly modern bungalow, living room with fireplace, boocaa; dining ro.m. built-in buffet; hardwood floors, Dutch, kitchen, two large bedroom, floored attic, lull cement base ment, furnace and laundry trays. Mr, 8993; "Sy owner"" CLOSE IN .-.-. ' . 5 -room bungalow wi;h garage. 1 V, blocks from grammar nebool. 6 from Jefferson birb, first class condition, fuH basement, wash trays, terms. Phone Woodlawn 1804. . FROM OWNER If yoa have $1300 to pay ea'h for home ef $4600 bed rock price, in A-l condition and excellent property, on pavtd t and axc.i nt view, write AV-9, Joarnal.' BKACTIFI'L LAI K;i.Hf K8f , On of Iiurelhurst'k mmt iciu-i homes. S room, - with every conceivable modern cou venienre, the but word in modern Dome,' Price $12,500. Some term. Mar. 8f3. FOR SALE-r-Svea room bouae with eieetiia light, city water and bath room; on mala pavedtreet 4 block from depot and 2 block from tat paved highway,-: Will- be told vary cheap. FX-263, Jorunal. a ROOMS, Du'tcbkitchen, built-in buffet, mod ern except furnace; ground 100x100; abund ance of fruit and"erria; i bloc- from Wood lawn car, $3060; $1350 dawn. 1453 Fir a at IF YOU WISH A H0MF7H0TEL OR ROOtf IN HOirSE. ANY PRICK. PHONE MAR SHALL 634. MRS. BERRY. 5 ROOM modem bungalow. Hawthorne du.t, clo to car; $3250,. $500 down, bat easy monthly payments. 1646 Division at &-R. MODERN bungalow, clo to FrankHe high -choo). w. floors, French doom, etc Auto. 223-71. ' FOB SALE TT T $3800 9 -room house, full lot; term. Owner leaving city. 308 Grand av. N. Eatt 2093. EDGE "OF LArRELHITRST v $3000 4 fooaa bnngakvw, eemetit haaement, lanndry tray, near ear and arheoi. Mar. 39S8. FlS"E7room bouse and twolPU at Newporu Or., for sale at one-ha If the eot to build. Beautiful location. Address WX-699. Journal. L ESTATE FOR AL HOUSES 1 $500 and Less. Homeseekers! LARGEST HOME SEM.EK9 ON THE PACIFIC COAST 1100 PHOTOGRAPHS Or HOMES FOR HALF. Every home listed with our office la person ally Inspected and appraised by our expert ap praiser. If necessary w will help you make your down payment 25 auto at your service. Open all day Sunday. . Open every evening j until t. - ' a ' mm mm' - v . wome in i wis aavenlnjf Rose City $500 Down! S500 Down! 93850 $500 down! SACRIFICE. ROHK CITT, . n room very attractive bungalow type, with extra large; living roam; firepisre; solid paneled dining room; eoay initch kitchen j full baaement with fumaea. E. 74th atreet JUST LOOK AT TMUli ert! . SSOO Down! $500 Down! J830 $500 down! LARGE 8 mora UtIOD i VALUE ALBERT A HOUR; 6S1IM: - - - white Dutch kitchen; plumbing t eles- trieity; gaa; Vernon avenue. S this! SellS wood? Seflfwnrid? 1 $3500 $500 qownl Hr REAL VALUE ! in a r.u.ooo HOMh of reorast very cooifortabl and homelike; whit : - . enamel i plumbing; electricity; gaa; gar N age; 88x100 grounds with abundanre ' of fruit, flowers; cAlcken bouse nd . run; cprner; cine to car on Harold - avenue.1 OWNER FORCED'TO BELLI . Only $609 down, --j ,-i Penirisilla! Peninsula! ; $500 Down! $500 Down!. .uuu ooo down! FORCED SALE! At- . tractive room PENINSULA BUN-' GALOW. Emerson street Only $500 downl Balance easier than rentl SEA THIS TODATI J . . Mt.-Scottl 'Mt: Scot t f 1 ! $454 Downl $454 Down! 1NW0 THIS IB UNDU PLICATED VALUE I Pretty I 6 room modern bungalow; Ilv lng room with fireplace; dining room with fireplace; eoay whlto Dutch Uteh-i en; 1 bedroom down. 1 up; white- look' at 'thm?'' 'cUic't,! NOTICE!, ' ...T.h.ft trf i!,ut. J'w ' hnndreda of "SMALL PAYMENT DOWN" HOMES, we hsve i,n.i1ln M the city. REMEMBER, EMENCEJ take edUnUcw ef the- splendid Term's 'Saw'! 4 ""f 00 8UCH BA8r FRANK L. MeQUIRE To Buy Tour Horn.. j Ablnrtoa KuIMIn- 5 Rooms and Qarasje '! -: i $4500 ' un-l vrith hardwood floor, fireplace, ; Dutch kitchen, buffet, e-mmt ka B.mpel 'owner X "0n c - .-'.' A. p.;Teepe Co.''.j- 270 Burt sj , near 4 Ui. Main 808J. ' Branch Office ;60th andBandy. Open Sunday. Nice 7-Room House FULL CEMENT BASEMENT ' . UONCRETE OARAGE . , ON HARD SURFACED STREETS j O.NB BIXICK FROM CAB, . - "WILL EXCHANGE Nv.: FOR A HOUSE AND 2 'ACRES I - I CLfJHB IN ,-. '-i NEAR GOOD SCHOOL Neilan & Parkhill -19 Lnmbermw ldg., 6tli and Btark ata e" fASH. , PER CENT INTEREST I tin IAikiai -. . . iri . ... . ale a fin 7 room home, with bath, full basement, paved ttreet, 60l700 lot, cherry, apple, peach tma and all kind. ot brrl-, Th rnceot thia good home ia only $3808 ; fLf 8 5S J!u' ba'nc at 6 per cent in- - JT'tV -d 11 nl aa auto to i take yew out 'one m. SPUVB EOTfLMAN. SOS Chamber ot Com. Bide. Mala 6539. CORBETT BT.. BOOTH PORTLAND to Show you thi 6 room buagalnw 2?.wfb,t.t H. ?, . CalUomU bungalow with fitepljcej fuU basement, paved t, acvnd lj?'c? D'ch.. Tb price u only $2600. with $609 down. If yoa are looking lor Place in South Portland, eve thi at once. FOR BALE i-SKAl tf TAKEN SOav Bl room hoase with full cement Wemeat and laundry, tub. I good Ua. kitchen, dining ream, parlor and reception hall, three bedrooan , and bath and full attic, oa block from ear. on. r "'- -Mwi, tun w oarmai acbool; all aaemnu la god paid te dau:s some terms, i $3 Alberta st. . RENTER V Why pay tent when you can hoy a B reora house with bath, toilet, light, with S lota, for 82O00t $20 caab, bat $2Aa month iDcludiea interest " - I ' . . . , . - . ' - J a E. KENNEDY, r- V ... B31S 80th Ave. S.E. Tabor 48T1. Th IRVINOTON XCLCSIVE HOUR! I .' - v T real rooms, oak floor uo and down mm. atruirtion beat; very convenient airaagmat: locaUon ldel: $12,000. - ' C M. DERR, , ,. .-- I ' COB A. McKENNA A CO J 32 Fourth at Main 4621. VACANT I DEC. IS 6 RO0M"H0CrBE"T" On 80x100 lot, all Improvement . in and paid; 1 block to Wllllama av. car. Owner winta anick action and put hi price 14000 : $600 caab, balance to nit. - UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRCBT CO., 24 Oak Bt ! , Broadway 948. 7.K.Tw)AAU lVrvSe,r - v nwa aisua.iL.v ai,ni,aijiiw - Beautiful 6 room modern bungalow; ha hardwood floor, fireplace and furnace, all bniltua and a-dandy garage; lot 501 Oo, u larprov mant in and paid; furniture eaa be bought if wantea rncaa reaaaaaaveia, . ivaat n e 6038. - I - On Hawthorne Car 7 room modarn, fntl lot; owner eaorifaw for $8200; eoald not build lor $460; only $0( down. ea.y torms.' Marahall 3853, evening Tsbor 800.t I BUILD NOW H flee na for deaign and eatfnutrs fee.; geb bungalow book ot 100 design $1; tablUhd It years; asti.ftt-tion amnred. , i , .- L. R. BAILEY CO., 924 NW. Bank Bldg. j OK THE HEIGHTS f - Cory little 5 room eottag. command a won- . derful view of the city sad mountain, in fine ' condition fruit and flower. A snap at 82300. Mar. 893. - - ... I ' T" $1800 7 .., . : ' Will take a Ford as part payment ea a dandy 8 room house, 1 block to ear line vn! school. Owner must sell tbia- week. For appointment call Wdtn. 4820. 7 - y - , FOR SAf-E-t-ify "new T-rooro bangahrw, up to dato in every respect: aurste; half block Iureihurst park. Let m tell yoa about tt Tabor 2574. $1350 $ ROOJlH5lBB " "' J 2H block to Mt Tabor ear. Will accept autow a pert payment Lot $0x190. Phone Tabor 6196 . . - - RAWT1KRNE room furnished bungalow,' pevtd street, good location, only $800 down, Tbia ia leas than th furniture worth., liar. LElViSO it7"Dec. t. aa'airt sell at a sacrifice my modern 2 -story benraiow at 249.E., 61t it - Lot ha two trt frorjta fill at once and make offer; terms. Tabor 4147.. - F6ft""8ALE By owner, hoaae and luratar. ! eo each Kaieped. Will aeeept other aecartty a frrvt paymenu - Addrea 236 Glaoa ar. Ca.l Tabor 7022. - ' - - :- $4500 WEST side, 7 room: gas,!' bath, Te? - trieity, 2 firepUcei,. gtaaent bament. tog 100. Owner. 467-10. .-.'"' ' . MODERN . 8 room .bungalow. Mo U villa," row " bu kes, fruit and berrlea; fki aliape, no in enmbrancea; $2750, terms. 224-40, owner. $25008500 "iowa. Nearly Bew 6 iaomiiltr aid bneg)i!nw. I block to car, store and ' aebooL Mar. 8888. - IE A MODERN 6 -room bangalow eomplevly fu nished. walking dlatgnct; arlc $5660, half eafh. 71$ E. Madiaon tt. Phon Et 7021. Continued Fallowing ) f' r