"ABSENCE OF SHIPPING BUSINESS IN POTATOES SOUTHERN PACIFIC SHARES ARE UNDER PRESSURE DEMORALIZED T ONE IN EGG MARKETS AND MARKET HOLDS MASS OF WEAKNESS IV, it . - : " : - r: : Ejrff market continues in a demoral- Jzed state. It Is impossible for the Front street commission firma to clean up I without forcing additionally lower prices i" and the movement Is therefore restricted. i Practically nons of tba I. a. b. houses were ,mrt with snr bid for ths Fridsy trade despits the fact that moat of them- thought thtj were (fine to name the price at 85c lor current re ceipt. The sharp drop hi California price Thurs . day, a decline influenced bj the enormous sup plies sent in that direction . by Paget Sound, , ' has taken the epirit .out of the buying trade here. Mint of the f. o. b. buyers were accept ing egg only on consignment during the morn v ing. ' , . , , Th r1. U inninhit dlrided in ita opin- , ions regarding the immediate future of values. I Tk. ..inH.nf .trw-k. would indicate v th.t .. rtwilninir ivrini was about to subside ,i but the liberal increase m offerings of ' pullets recently, has giieu the market a surplus. rt. , One of the growers' organizations shipped a . carload to New Tork a couple of days ago and the trade is anxious to see how this shipment will be received. - Those desiring special information regarding . any market should write the Market iditor j On-goo. Journal. eucloauig stamp tor reply. ?sBCTTEB 31AKKET HOLDS STEADY Market for butter ia holding steady here and i elsewhers throughout the faciiic Sorties. Prices wore unchanged for. the day. The .de ttauil -wee about eqaal W oUermgs good uualliy. .-. ' ; , e HEX PRICES ABE LOnjsit ! . . LIGHT Kiirth.r i,u of 1c a. Bound is shown in some I the sales of kght weight hens along the street i '.at 17c a pound although as high as loc is suli e' reported. Mo change tor other lowls. ?,r. , " i . e in.. BED APPLES AKE MOVING OCT According to John. Sheridan of the Sbridan I Ileckley company, who has just returned from , Columbia nw aeeUous, red apples are moving I J out so lreely that liule remains at those point, tiood Bpitsenberg ars especiaUy icarue aliiiough entire apple trade price is low. WIDE HAJ.GK FOR CRANBERRIES Very wide range both in Quality and prion is shown for local cranberries. Sales are shown along the street at 3.60 to to.oo generally al - though some are asking ltt.00. EaaUrn stock - is muring well at llb.50 per. barrel. ' . , i . if: MEAT MARKETS SHOW "WEAKNESS With liberally increased i offerings, the . mar- ket lor country killed meals was inclined to sag .'. somewhat r'riaay. liug arrivals were especially liberal and retailers were inclined to take full ladrautage of that fact. In fact front street has for. some time been getting mora for hog than the local packers Quoted. , j ONLY HOGS ARRIVE POTATO MARKET A WHEAT DIDS ARE rriday Week ago . . 2 weeks ago. 4- weeks ago. Tear ago . . 2 years ago. 8 years ago. years ago. PORTLAND LTTE8TOCK BUN Hoc. Cattle. Calves, Sheep. Cars. 155 ,.. 238 , .. 653 . . 335 . .. 6S8 ... 58 ... 757 ..1770 17 35 82 411 100 180 20 2 144 " 20 474 162 117 20 72 Only hors came forward to North Portland for the Friday trade and prices were unchanged in all lines. In the hog alleys the fresh arrivals for Fri day consisted of but two cars. These were told with the former top at $12.25 continued. The market was somewhat steadier at the price. General hog market range: Prime mixed . . .12 .00 9 12 .25 Smooth heavy 1125 f llll Kough hear, ,S22f Fat pigs .' 10.25 11.25 Feeder pigs ....... I .00 9.60 Cattle Nominally Steady No freh arrivals were shown in the cattle alleys at North Portland Friday, but some hold over stuff was sold. Even the stale arrivals 'were quoted steady and prices reflected no change. General cattle, ataraei range Choice eteers Good to choice steers ...... Medium to good steer ,. ... Fsir to good steers . Common to fair steers ..... Choice cows and .heifers . . . Good to choice eows-heifers. . Medium to good cows-heifers Fair to medium cows-heifers. Common cows and heifers. . . Cermets Bulls , . . Choice dairy, calves ....... Heavy calves Best light calves ......... Medium light calves ....... Choice feeders Fair to good feeders heap Are Absent No business at all passed in the mutton and lamb alleys at North Portland Friday morning. No arrivals were shown. Generally speaking the market was considered steady. General sheep maret range -F.ast of mountain lambs. . . . Willamette valley lambs . . . Feeder Iambs Heavy lambs (Jull lsmu ............... Yearlings ................. Wethers . . . . Ewes ........... - Thursday Afternoon STEERS BRIEF SOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Local yellow soaps are 11,50 per hundred v, cakes lower. ' 1 hit: Jap oranges selling slowly at $3.00 per bundle. ' Onion market dragging at $1.00 for beat lie country. Reduction in local coffee prices expected with- ' in day or so. - ' . Prerh salmon is scarce and frozen stock taking - ita place. WHOLESALE PRICES IK PORTLAND These are prices retailers pay wholesalers, ex cept aa otherwise noted: Dairy Products -m- ; BUTTE E Selling price, box lots: Cream vr ery, txtraa, parchment wrapped, 56c per, lb. .Jobbing prices: Cubes, extras, 5051o lb.; dairy, buying price, 85c per lb. BUTTEKFAT Portland delivery basis, 63ft, 54c, brut grade; country stations 475Qo. CHEESE - Selling price: - Tillamook, freih , ' Oregon fancy triplets, 83c per lb.; Young Amer- Iran, 3c lb. Prices to, jobbers, f. 9. b. Tilla mook: . Triplets, 30c;. Young Americas, 81c Belling price: Block Swiss, 48 049c; limburger, 40e)42o per lb. f ' EGGS Buying price: Current receipts, 55 g 57o dox.; candled, selling price, 03064c do.; select. 64 65crer doaen. LITS POULtHI-1 Selling iprioe: Heavy hens, 26e oer nound: Ihtbt hena. 17 018c per pound: spring light, 28 30c j heavy. 2021c; old mostera. 12 914c per lb.; turkeys, live. 35c; dressed. 40c; ducks. 28 30c; geese, 22025a. 1 resh VegeUbles and Fruit ' FRESH FK0IT Oranges, $8.80 7.50 . box: baaanas, 12 13c lb.; lemons, $4.75 5.00 a crate; grapefruit, Florida, $8,00 9 $0.00; California, $3.00; pears. $2.502.75; - Tokay grapes, 1 io per lb.; Jap oranges, $3.00 bundle. ' 1 APPLES New, $1.0008 50. ' ' LfUED FRUITS Itatea. Dromedaries. $6.85: 1 Fard'i. $3.60 -per-box: fias. $2.00 w 4.00. - ONIONS Selling price to retailers: Local, $1.50 ($1.75; association selling price, per cental, $1.00; garlic, 1218e; green onions, 40c docen bunrhm. w . : POTATOES Selling price: Oregon fancy, $1.75; sweets. 44Hc per lb. i - ' BERRIES Huckleberries, 18s lb.; eran- berries, local, $3.60 6.00 per box; eastern. h.-. $18.60 bbL VEGETABLES Turnips, $2.00 per sack; f carrots. $1.50; beets, $1.75; lettuce. $3,25 0 t i 50 per crate; cucumbers, I) .-tomatoes. -aj :slift rnia, $3.0098.50 per rag; egg plant,-15 20: broccoli. $1:7502.00; bell peppers, 15 T017tte lb.; eelery; 85ts $1.00 doe.; Hubbard - V' sqoasb, 2 0 2toe per lb. Meats and Piovisjohs COUNTRT - MEATS Selling price: Country ' Jiotn. 1 Kr cer lb. for top blockers: heavy. 13 "'15c; veal, 18e per lb.; heavy veal, 12 013c '"'per lb. - - - i - SMOKED MEATS Ham, 43 048s per lb.; u breakfast bacon, 83 0 56c; picnics, 27o pear lb.; ottage roll. 85e per lb.' lRB Kettle rendered, 29 He lb.; tierca Mgi, compound, autie. Fish and Sheflflsn FRESH FISH Salmon, steelhead. ( ) per "' lb.; frosen Chinook, 20c; halibut, fresh. 22c; - sturgeon, ( ); black cod, 11012c; kippered : salmon, $2.50 per 10-10. basket; kippered cod, 13 85; razor clams, ( ); crabs. $2.7503.75 per doaen; ling cod. 608c per lb. OYSTERS Eastern, per gallon,. $5.0C; Olympia. $5.59. - - , . jroooriea " SUGAR Refinery basis: Cube, tll.TS; frnit and berry. $10.00; D yellow, $9.40; gran ulated, glu.00; extra C. $8.80; golden CL $.60. . . HONEI New, $7.00 7.60 case; bulk, IBs . per lb. .f - RICE Japan ktjlg. No. 1. T?4c; Bin Rosa. , lOe per lb. ! 'T- SALT Coarse, ' half ground, 100s, 117.25 per ton; 50s, $18.75; table dairy, 60s, $27.25; , bales, $3.60 0 4.00 ; fancy table and dairy, i $34.50; lumpirock, $26.50 per ton. i ' BEANS 1 Sales by jobbers: Small whit-, au'. 6c lb. 1 large wlhite, 6c; pink, Is per lb.; limit, ana lOe; bayou, ' 9 He; reds, 7 Ka; Oregon beans, Vr baying prices, nominal. ri ' CANNED MILK Carnation, $6.00; Borde-3. 5 $6.00; Astor, $5.0j Eagle, $12.50; Libby, . , $5.90; Mount Vernon, $5.90 per case. t COFFEE Boasted. 19 042c in sacks or ... drnma , . SODA CRACKERS In bulk, 1 80 per lb 1 NUTS Walnuts, 23026c pe rib.; almonds. 87 H 028c; filberts, 82a in sack lots; peanmtZ 14 H 015c; pecans, 25c; Braails, 85c Rope, Paint, Olla ' . PP? fl. 16e; white. IBs lb.; a. standard manUa. 2So. ; r - LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla.. BRa nl w. tie boiled, bbls., 98c; raw. casea, $1.11; boiled, . Cases, $1.18 per gallon. ,- .... - COAL OIL Pearl or Water white, in drums T iron barrels, 17Vo gallon; cases, 30o per iGAisOIJNll Iron barrels. ' 29c; W HITE- LEAD Ton lota, lSKc; 500 Ibe., ' -: TL RPENTINE Taoxa. $1.41; cases. $106 v . 10 case lota, lo lass. ?(..' Hops, Wool and Hides : HOPS Nominal 1920 crop, 80 0 32s lb. V ?-lJv!S-T2t' 8 ff 10c! 7 0 8c; . r --- MOJiAIR Long. 25c; short, 13c j TALLOW AND GREASE No. I taBtow. Be No.. 2. 4c CASCASA BARK New He IK - is-: WOOL Coarse, 10c; medium. 20c; ana. 25c $ 8.750 9.25 8250 8.75 7.75 0 8.25 7.00 0 7.75 6.500 7.00 6.75 0 7.25 6.25 0 6.75 6.50 0 6.25 4.75 0 5.50 4.00 0 4.75 2.50 0 4.00 5.00 1 6.00 18.00 014.00 7.00 0 9.00 11.00 018.00 9.00 011.00 6.50 0 7.25 6.75 0 6.75 .$ 8.00 0 8.75 . 7.50 0 8.00 . 6.60 0 7.50 . . 6.00 0 7.50 . 6.00 0 6.00 . 6.00 0 7.50 . 6.00 0 0 00 . 1.00 0 4.60 Bales No. 25. 23. 13. 28. Ave. Ibe. v Price . ; 881 $ 7.00 ..1270 . . 950 , . .1241 .. 941 .. 987 8.60 8.25 8.5 7.50 8.85 No. 2. 16. A ve. lbs. Price COWS 1. . 24., 29.. .1025 .1081 . 920 .1000 .1145 . 980 8.00 8.00 6.50 6.75 8.75 8.85 By Hyman H. Cohen There Is a complete absence of Inquiry for potatoes for Bhipping purposes at country points tributary to Portland and similar news comes regarding other centers of the United States, , With a total potato crop in the United Statea that is believed to have parsed all previous pro duction records, pracut-ailr ai sections have potatoes of their own ana are .not in the market for supplies from other districts - Potatoes arc selling from 90c to $1 per cental at Idaho, and Colorado shipping points for best stock and there is stow demand at that. Both of those, states have , considerable freight rate advantage over this territory and even at the same price it would be impossible to compete tor the limited amount of business available The' only business shown in-this territory is the small lot purchase of Portland wholesalers who are not generally offering above $1 a cental for good quality. Prsmary markets slow: Rochester, N. Y. Hauling! light. Light wire inquiry. Demand and move ekw.. Mar ket dull. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms: U. S. No. Is and No. Is well graded, bulk Round Whites, too- few sales to establish market. Sacked Round Whites, few sales, $1,75 01.80. Presque Isle, axame. Ila tilings very light. Light wire inquiry. Practically . no demand. Market weaker. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms: Bulk Irish Cobblers ' and Green Mountains No. Is, mostly $1.55.- Wholesale cash to growers: Bulk per bushel measure Irish Cobblers and Green Mountains, No. Is and partly graded, $2.00 0 2.50, mostly around $2.25. Grand Rapids, Mich. Light wire inquiry. Demand limited. Market unsettled. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms Cadillac rate: Sacked Round Whites U. S. No. Is, Grand Rapids, $1.5301.68, mostly around $1.60; Cadillac section. $1.63 01.68. mostly $1.60. Whole sale cash to growers. Other Michigan points, haulings very light; bulk Round Whites No. Is, $1.00 01.25, mostly $1.00 01.15. Waupaca, Wis. Practically no wire inquiry or deanand. Market weak. Sacked Round Whites U. S. No. Is. very few sales. $1,60 0 1.55. Wholesale cash to growers: Haulings light account condition of roads. Bulk Rount Whites, U. S. No. Is, at Waupaca, $1.00, r. other Wisconsin points mostly $1.00. Greeley, Colo. Haulings increasing slightly. Light wire inquiry. Demand , slow. Market weak. ' Carloads f. o. t. cash track to growers and wholesale cash to growers. Sacked Pearls and Rurals, U. S. Is and partly graded, 90c 0 $1.00. Idaho Falls, Idaho. Haulings moderate De mand slow. Market dull. Some buyers hold ing off. Wagonloads cash to growers: V. S. No. Is, sacaed Rurals, 90c; sacked Russets, $l.lO01.1o, mostly $1.00. Wagonloads cash to growers at country loading points; U. S. No. Is, sacked Rurals. 80 0 90c; sacked Bussca, $1.00 01.10. , SHARPLY HIGHER HOW WHEAT RULED i DecS. 5or. 26. $1.6$ 11.40 1.$ 1J5 L58 ' 1.4$ I.5S ; Ui LSi" L35 1.50 : UO Hard white Soft white White ' elab .... Hard winter North em Spring Red Walla . .... PRESSOR SENDS NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Reported by Portland Merchants Exchange: . V Cars Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. , Hay. Portland Friday 79 6 5 1 10 Tear ago. ... 7 6 1; ..; Season to date. 7597 134 . 31 261 924 Year ago 752 119 1960 330 856 .Tacoma Thurs. 1 ... 6 . . . : 1 Year ago, ... 19 2 4 Season to date. 2894 41 439 68 474 Year ago. 3395 65 ... Ill 617 Seattle Thurs. 15 ... 1 1 2 Year ago .... 13 I 3 1 Season to date. 2805 I 158 166 206 932 Year ago 3143 139 309 369 709 3.,.. 686 $ 4.70 1.... 820 $ 4.75 1....101O 4.50 20 1058 6.00 2.... 940 6.25 3... .1123 5.00 1.... 900 5.50 2.... 850 4.00 1.... 940 6.00 1....1210 5.00 2.... 760 8.00 20 1071 6.35 28. ...1000 6.75 1.... 970 4.25 1.... 920 2.50 1.... 839 8.00 3.... 1213 6.00 CALVES 1.... 90 $l(5oo 2.... 140 $12.50 1 120 11.00 1.. -. . 250 8.00 - BULLS 1....1780 $7.00 I STAGS 1....1230 $ 6.50 I ' BULLS 1....1530 $ 5.75 1 1....1170 $ 5.25 1....1120 6.00 I 6 1406 5.75 MIXED 6.... 1028 $ 6.00 I HOGS 8.... 810 $11.00 "1 380 $ 9.50 5.... 170 11.75 18 325 10.65 12.... 185 12..23 1 550 9.50 2.... 245 11.50 2.... 305 10.00 1 240 11.75 6 165 11.75 2.... 215 12.00 8.... 403 10.50 2.... 185 12.25 7.... 338 10.25 68.... 198 12.25 15 146 12.00 1.... 170 12.00 11.-... 305 12.25 3.... 430 10.25 10.... 222 12.25 1.... 410 9.00 10 128 11.50 8.... 137 ll;50 3.... 152 11.50 28 207 12.25 , 1.... 400 10.00 2 825 1.25 15.... 208 12.00 2.... 235 10.00 LAMBS 87.... 79 $ 8.50 25 58 $ 7.00 29.... 93 8.00 Friday Morning Sales STEERS No. A v. lbs. Price. No. A v. lbs. Price. 20.... 048 $ 7.75 j CALVES .... 108 $13.00 I 1.... 70 $11.00 1.... 260 $ 8.00 ROLLS 1....1780 $ 7.00 I HOGS 49..:. 200 $12.25 23.... 282 $12 00 65 199 12.25 6 .252 10.25 .13 148 11.25 1. 150 12.25 9 144, 11.00 1 630 11.0Q Wheat Is Down In Early Trading; Selling by East Chicago, Dec. 8. (L N. S.) Wheat closed strong. Prominent commission houses and elevator concerns absorbed the offerings on the early break, and when shorts tried to cover late in the session they held prices up sharply December displayed most strength on better support coming from the sea board. Coarse grains rallied near the close in sympathy with wheat, the de ferred months showing more resistance on the , way . up. Provisions closed sharply lower. : Final prices were gains of l14c for December, while March' was un changed to c lower. December corn advanced 'c, May unchanged, and July MMo lower. December oats rose C May Yc, and July c higher. Chicago, Dec 3. (L N. ' S.) With best selling by houses with Eastern connections wheat opened He to c lower for December and c off for March. The trade was light and mixed. - Corn opened unchanged to - He lower for December nd He to He off for May. Trade was light as in wheat and Eastern commission houses were on the selling side. Oats opened with light buying featuring the early trade. "December was He higher and May started H e lower to H e higher. Scattered selling and lack of support fea tured provisions at the opening. Prices were around 10c lower. . Portland; wheat Dies were 10c a bushel higher for the leading options Friday on the local exchange, a eheer.rise of about 29c since the low point was reached November 26. With many cargoes of wheat sold short here by exporters, there has been a general scramble for supplies in the country and bids are being advanced there above th Portland basis. Germany alone was a buyer of two shiploads of wheat in Portland during the last few days. The German food commissioner asserts that his country will need about 72,000,000 bushels of wheat this season, and it is to this country that the German are looking for their supplies. " No bids were named on oats' or barley during the day. - FLOCR Selling price, mm door: Patent, $9.80; Montana spring wheat, $10.20: Willam ette valley brands, $8.15; local straight, $7.90; bakers', local, $9.2509.60; graham, $8.00; whole wheat, $8.20. Price for city deliveries 15c extra; suburban, 20c extra. HAY Buying price, nominal. Willamette timothy, fancy, $28.00 030.00 per ton; clover, $20.00; cheat, $23.00; straw, $11.00 011.50; grain. $26.00; alfalfa, $24.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta, 10c; domestic, 11c, in car lots; less amounts higher. MILLSTUFFS Mill run at mill, sacked, ton lets, $40.00; carloads. $39.00 per ton. OATS Per ton. buying price: Feed. $41.00 043.00. BARLEY Baying price: Feed, $42.00; mill ing. $48.00. SEED Buying price, nominal; no demand. Red clover, recleaned, ) per lb.; alsike, i ) ; vetch. ( ). . FEED8TCFFS !-F. O. B. mills: Boned bar ley. $53.00; alfalfa' neal, $35.00; cocoanut meal. $39.00; cracked corn, $53.00: whole corn, $50.00 ton; scratch feed, $67; soy bean meal, $63.00; linseed an. $80.00; whole oats. $51.00; rolled oats, $58 i0 per ton. ROLLED OATS Selln.g price: $10.50 bbL Merchants Exchange bids: Merchants Exchange bid: WHEAT Hard white . . . . Soft white White; club .... Hard winter . . . Northern spnng ilea Wail AJtflRICAX PRICES LIVESTOCK Hoes $10.95 Chicago. Dec 3. (L N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts, 29,000; 15025c lower. Bulk, $10.30; top. $10.35; hesvyweight. $10.00010.25; me, drum weight, $10.10 010.30; light weight, $10.00010.25; light lights, $9.90010.15; heavy packing sows, smooth, $9.50 0 9.90; packing sows, rough, $9.25 0 9.50; pigs, $9.50 01OV25. ' Cattle Receipts,- 6000 ; slow. Beef steers, choice and prime $13.25 015.50: medium and good. $8.76 013.25; light weight, ,$10.75 0 15.25; good and choice, $10.75 0 16-25 ; com mon and medium, $6.75 010.75; butcher cat tle, heifers $4.75012.00; cows, $4.65010.25; bulls, $4.35 09.00; canners and cutters, cows and heifers, $3.50 04.60; earner steers. $3.75 0 5.50: veal calves, light and handyweight, $11.00012.00; feeder steers, $6.50012.00; stacker steers, $4.00 0 8.50; stacker cows and heifers. $4.00 0 6.25; stocker calves, $7,50 0 10.75: Western ranee cattle cows and heifers. $5.25 0 9.00. 8heeo Keoeinta. 12.000: 25e lower. Lambs. 84 lbs. down, $11.25 0 12.75; culls and com mon, $8.50011.00; yearling wethers. $8,750 11.00; ewes $4.2505.60; culls and common, $2.5003.50; breeding ewes. $4.50 0 6.00; feeder lambs, $9.50 011.25. omana Hogs sio.16 Omaha. Dec. 3.- (L !. S. ) Hoes Re ceipts, 6500; mostly 10c to 15c higher. Bulk, xv.4uwv.uu; tops, $10.15. Cattle Receipts. 1700: generally steady on all clamea. No choice fed cattle on sale Sheep Receipts. 8500: sheep and yearlings mostly 25c higher, lambs strong, few feeders here. Top lambs, $11.75; bulk, $11,250 11.50; best yearlings, $9.15; ewes, $5.40. Denver Hogt.sio.2Bt Denver. Dec. 8. (U. P. Cattle Re ceipts 1300; steady. Steers, $7.50 0 8.60; cows and heifers, $5.0006.25; stockers and feed ers. $6.50 0 8.25: calves. $7.00 0 9.00. Hogs Receipts, 600; steady. Top, $10.25; bulk. $9.60 010.00. Sheet) Receipts 1400: steady. Lambs. $10.00011.00: ewes. $3.5085.00: feeders. : yw Tor Batter nd Err 'ark. Dee. 8. L N. S. Butter Market steady. Creamer , tru. KTe. fi a. do, firsts. 4S 0 57e; higher scaring, 57 He; state jv'' dairy tubs. 33 0 54c; renovated extras. 44 045c Cheese -Market easy, 25 028 He. State. 7- whole milk specials, 23 H 0 26 H e. Wisconsin, t JL whole milk, fancy Young Americas, 29 030c r-H- oiw, saura, specials, iswjw; ao cDcsce, 150 Esrea Market stead. Nearhv whit f, $1.08; do brown, fancy, 900 9 3e; extra, 860 "New York Metal Market " ;. New .York, Dec 8.L N. 8.) Copper .-- Doll: spot December-January offered 13; Feb .ruary and March offered 14 H . Lead Dull; spot' December . and January. -:. 44 5. , 1 Spelter Dull: spot December, January, Feb ruary ana aiarca euereu o , ?'r . Chfcaro rota to Market Chicago. Dec, S. (I. N. S.) Potatoes - -, xwceipta. 47 cars. Idaho rurals. $2.00 02.10. Chicago Dairy Produce Chicago, Dec. 3. ML N. S.) Batter Re ceipts. 4085 tubs. Creamery, extra, 50c; firsts. uwiici, ncsiin stocK. lseeoc. Eggs Receipts, 1332 cases. Current re ceipts, 66 0 72c: ordinary firsts, 64 0 68c firsts, 75 0 76c; checks, 41 a 48c; dirties, 45 00c. Cheese Twins, new. 252.H4e: daisies. 25H026c; Young Americas, 27e; longhorna, 27c; brick. 23 023 He Live .poultry- Turkeys, 85c; cturkena, 16 0 24He: spring. . 24 He: roosters. 18c: . seeae. 25e; ducks, 27c Dried Fruit and Beana New York. Dec. 3. (L N. S.) Beans Market essy; marrow, choice, $9.00; pea, choice. $5.25 05-.5O; red kidney, choice, $10,250 10 80, Dried Fruits Market aniet: anricocs extra choice- to fancy. 28 0 36c; apples, evaporated, prime to fancy, 6 012 He; prune. 80a to 60s. 14H02OC, prunes. . 6 0s to 100a. peaches, extra choice to fancy, 18 021 He; seeded raisins, chose to fancy, 23 H 0 25. . Chicago range by United Press: WHEAT Dec. . . March May .... Dec .... May .... December May December May Cash barley, January January January Cash hard. $l.y H Open. High. Low. Close. 16SH 172H 166 170H 164 168- 161 165 CORN 71 H 72H 70H . 72H 76 70S 74 76 OATS 47H 47H 48 47H 51 VI 51H 60 51H RYE . 152H 153 151 153 . 136H 138 135 138 BARLEY , 70 70 69 70 74 75 73 73 ', 65 0 94c. PORK 2385 2385 2342 2342 LARD 1535 1535 1490 1490 BIBS 1265 1295 1257 1260 t No. 2 red. $1.92; No. 2 DAIRY PRODUCTS OF THE COAST Ban Francrsoo Market San Francisco, Dec 8. (U. P.) Butter Extras, 53c. Eggs Extras, 84c: extra, firsts, 82c; extra milieu. 68 He: undersized pullets. 66c Cheese California flats, fancy, 31 He; firsts. zoc Seattle Market Seattle. tec 3. (U. P.) Butter City creamery cubes, 54c; bricks, 55c. Eggs Fresh ranch, 65c; pullets, 55c Milk $1.95. Los Angeles Market Los Angeles, CaL, Dec 3. (L N. S.) Butter 57c Eggs Extras, 76c; case count, 71c; pullets, 70c; peeweea, 82c Dec. Jan. 160 160 153 154 157 157 153 : 154 153 154 150 151 E STOCKS DOWN New York,- Dec. . (L N. S.) Tho stock market closed steady today. The entire list steadied after the early weak ness and under the Influence ox a snarp advance . In . the Doheny issues, rallied from the low figures. Mexican; Petroleum waa most prom inent, and from an afternoon low of 166. rallied to 171. Pan-American Petro leum was carried to above 84 and Texas Co. sold up to 60V4. Steel common rallied from bis " 82. Texas Pacific Coal & Oil rose points to 49. The Motors were weak. Studebaker yielded 1 point to 46 and Willys-Overland, preferred, Droao to 42. Southern Pacific, after falling to 104, rose 1 point, and the rights ose to above 22. Reading yielded to 90. Government bonds unchanged ; railway and other -bonds irregular. New York, Dec 3. (I. N. S.) There waa a change , In the character of the trading at the opening of the stock mar ket today,; strength at the start being followed by Twaeure against many issues.' i i " ' Southern Pacific, after rTaeinaT to 106, yielded to 104. Trading te a rights waa transferred from tho curb to the exchange, sales being made at from 21 H to 20. Mntnan Petroleum wsa Kill actively umueu advancing 1 to 168 and then falling- to 167. 1 Thm waa Hear unlltae of Royal Dutch, fn.in v.ot t.k Arm 141 to 68 H . Bald win waa ex-dv. 3H per cent ana was traaeu in at 96 to 95 H, a loss of H. Beading showed pronounced strength and rose 1 to u. Steel common held steaay at 8 a Vn. io vw per issues iwere. fractionaly lower. Anaconda yielding to 38. The feature of the trading in the afternoon was the suddenly developed weakness in Willys Overland preferred, which broke to 42 H, a loss of 5 points. The common stock yielded 1 noint. The weakness in these issues was matched by a, vigorous upturn in Mexican Pe troleum; wnicn rose irom loty to no, i-an-Aanerican Petroleum advanced from 81 to above 84, Pressure was renewed against many stocks dur ing the forenoon, causing losses of from 1 to 3 points. j Southern ; Pari fin was steadily supplied, yield- ina from ah early hich of 106 to 104 H and the impression increased that leading interests have been sellers of that stock. General Mo tors yielded iover 1 point to 15 H. Sears. Roe" buck yielded 2 to 102 H, under unusually large sales, i The copper stocks were also under pressure. Steel common sold down to 81 but quickly recovered this loss. . Baldwin yielded over 1 point. Reading waa an important .exception to the general weakness. being in urgent demand and advancing over J points to 90. . Furnished by Ovcrbeck A Cooks Co.. Board of Trade building: No bids. FEED OATS BARLEY No. No. No bids. CORN 3 Esstern (bulk) . . . 3 local (bulk) 3600 3625 , No Bids SELLING PRESSURE FORCES A LOWER PRICE IN COTTOJ New York. Dec. 8. (I. N. S.) Decided weakness at Liverpool, wim Heavy selling by Liverpool, the South and spot interests here, caused a break of from 25 to 44 points at the opening of the cotton market today. Wall street was the best buyer on decline, but this demand failed to absorb the offerings and at the end of the first 20 minutes the market Was still unsettled. Private cables said that Lancashire mills had gone on 15 per cent short tune and- reported a big break in l-.gyptian cotton. , Wall street firms were among the foreign buyers and the market displayed a very steady undertone. At the close, however, prices eased oil again at a net decline of 23 50 points. Month Open. High. Lojv. Close. Jan 1560 1580 1524 1565 Feb . ., . .... 1575 Meh 1560 1592 1537 1582 April .... 1590 May 1590 1607 1553 1597 June 1600 July 1585 1614 1560 1602 Aug .... ' 1590 Sept. . . . : 1587 Oct. 1580 1590 1535 1575 Dec 1585 1585 1540 1560 Liverpool Cotton Weak Liverpool, Hec. 3. (I. N. S.) Spot cotton opened with more inquiry today. Prices were weak. bales, 4000 bales. American mid. 15.46: good mid.. 12.71: full mid.. 11.86 mid., 10.46; low mid., 7.71; good ordinary. 0.1; ordinary, s.zi. utures opened eay Standard Oil Stocks POTATOES COAST ALONG THE Seattle Market Seattle. Dec 3. (C. p.) Potatoes Yak ima Gems, $42; local. $32035. Lea Angeles Market Los Angeles. CaL. Dec. 3. (I. N. 8.) Potatoes Stockton Burbanks, $2.35 02.50; Idaho russets mostly $2.15 02.35. Xtw York Potato Market New York. Dec 3 (L N. ft. 1- Potato n bulk, barrel or bag) Market strong: nearby white, steady, $2.60 04.50; Southerns, $2,00 0 8.00. Mlnneapolis-Dulath Flax ' Duhrth. Dee. 3. (L N. S.) Flax Janu- Vri2 B:-iU'Ji2. aS'' nber. ,$2.15; track and arrive, $2.16. . Minneapolis Uec 8. (L N. S.) Flax Track, $2.16 02.17; arrivs. $2.18. New York Poultry Market New York. Dec. 8. (t N. 8.) Live poul try Firm. Chickens, 25038c; fowls, 230 81e; turkeys, 4 Sc; roosters, 20c; ducks. 38 1 40c; geese, 80 035c ... Apple Trade Slow Yakima. Wash., Dec 8. Yakima's army of labor employed in the apple packing industry ia about through with the season's work. It is estimated that over 1000 men, women and girls have been employed at wagea ranging from $4 to $8 s day sines early in October. The season generally continues till after the first of the year, but owing to lyisatisfactory prices the present crop is slow in moving, and workers will be laid off. till the demand makes a more active market. It ia estimated that fully 25 per cent of the Winesap crop is being held in storage in loose boxes and will be packed out when the market seems ready to absorb the crop. - In thia way growers and shippers tie up less money and aave on repacking charges in the spring in case the storage has to be held till late. . .-"CLOSING Bid. Asked. Anglo .18 i 19 H Borne Scrysmer .... 400 420 Buckeye 4 i 87 Cheeaebrough . . 195 . 210 Cheesebrough pfd 100 02 Continental 108 112 Crescent 28 : 31 Cumberland 1 25 1 35 Eureka 90 100 Galena com. 50 j 53 Galena Old pfd 90 94 Galena New pfd. 88 !' 92 Illinois Pipe 159 162 Indiana Pipe .85 , 87 National Transit , 25 ; 27 N. Y. Transit .....160 165 Northern Pipe 98 102 Ohio Oil 292 298 International Pete. 16 " 17 Penn. Mn. 40 ;-42 Prairie Oil 610 ;620 Prairie Pipe . 205 210 Solar Befg ,. 860 390 Southern Pipe 98 102 South Penn. Oil 252 - 257 S. W. Penn. Oil 60 " 165 S. O. Calif. 820 i 825 S. O. Ind i. . . . . 720 i 725 S. O. Kansas 600 1 625 . S. O. Kentucky .a...- 430 450 S. O. New York .. 358 362 S. O. Ohio ., 400 415 S. O. Ohio, pfd 102. i-105 Swan & Finch 35 i 36 Union Tank 100 105 - Union Tank pfd. ........... 95 ; 98 Vacuum '310 320 Washington 30 35 S. O. Nebraska....,...i.... 410 430 New "Y6rk Wool and Hides New York, Dec 3. (L N. S.) Wool Mar ket unsettled. Domestic fleece, XX Ohio, 29 0 62c: do pulled, scoured basis. 30 0 80c; do Texas, scoured basis, 6Oc0$l.OO. Hides Market quiet. Native steers, 19 0 20c; branded steers, 14H015Hc Foreign Exchange Market New York. Dec. 8. U. P.) Foreign ex change opened steady. Sterling, $3.48 francs. '.0606; lire, .0362; snaik. .0142: Ca nadian dollars. .8750. -via, Money and Exchange New York, Dec 8. (L N. 8.) Can money on the floor of the New York stock exchange today ruled at 7 per cent; high. 7 per cent; low. 7 per cent. Time money was steady. Rates were 7 07 per cent. The market for prime mercantile paper waa steady.' Call money in London today was 4 per cent. Sterling exchange waa easy, with business in bankers' bills at $3.47 H for demand. New York Bond Market (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooks Co.) Atchison GenL 4s Bal. Sc Ohio Gold 4s...: Beth. Seel Ref . 5s ...... Cent. Pacific 1st 4 s C, B. & Q. CoL 4s. . . . St. Paul Genl. 4 s Chicago N. W. Genl. 4s. , Ia ic N. Vni. 4s New York Ry. 5s. . . . ; . Northern Pac. P. L. Reading GenL 4s... Union Pac. 1st 4s. . U. S. Steel 5s. . . . . Union Pac. 1st Ref. Southern Pac. Coav. Southern Pac Conv. 4s. Penna. Conv. 4 Ha Penna. 1st 4Hs.. Ches. & Ohio Conv. 5s.. 4s. . 5s. 5s. Bid. i Ask. 75 75 68 69 77 78. 72 72 98 H 96 77 j 77 77 77 80 , . 28 76 76 81 81 80 81 91 91 H 73 7$ 105 105 76 76 89 89 79 80 83. 84 H PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT Cles rings Monday ....1 Tnesday .... Wednesday . . Thursday . . . Friday New York-London Silver : ..' New York. Dec 8. (L N. S. ) Commer cial bar silver: Domestic unchanged at 99 ; foreign, c higher at 70c I Hindoo Bar silver was d higher today at New York Sugar and Coffee New York, Dec 8. C. P.) Sugar quiet, raw 6.76; refined Quiet; granulated, $8,75 0 9.00. Coffee No. 7 spot 7c; No. 4 Santos. 10 Portlcnd Banks This Week. 6.811,280.68 4. 794.475. 84-6,038,075.71 5.059,779.71 4.735.470.46 Snokans Banks Clearings Friday ...........$ Balances Friday Tacoma Banks) Clearings Friday ............ Balances Friday Seattle Banks' Clearings Friday ......$ Balancea Friday Sin rmnetBco Banks Clearings Friday $23,900,000.00 Las stnssiss Banks Clearings Friday ......$13,296,025.00 Liberty Bond Sales (Renorted by Overbeck A Cooke Co.) High. Low. Clnae. ....9060 Year-Aeo. 8.971.818.12 6.946.818.12 O.ST7.S4T.4e 5.339,422.77 2,033,275.00 664.183.00 753.629.00 36,884.00 6.415.904 00 1,390.932.00 Liberty. 3Hs . Liberty. 1st 4s. Liberty, 2d 4s.. Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty; Victory, Victory. 1st 4S... 2d 4s. .. 3d 4s. .. 4th 4s.. 4s 3s ..... 8520 ,8618 8548 8820 8584 9562 9564 9026 8510 8600 8526 8808 8662 8548 9546 9026 8550 8510 8600 853 881 8570 548 8548 8TOCK. 800 700 400 100 300 5400 300 1700 2000 200 300 Alaska Gold ..... Alaska Juneau .. . Allis: Chalmers ... Am. ; Beet Sugar . 1100, Am. Can Co Am. Car St. Fdry..; Am. Cotton Oil .. . Am. j Express ..... Am. Hide Sc. L. .. lAm. I Intl. Corp. . . ivujAin.uiueea ..... 400Am. Loco. Am. Ship Sc Com. . Am. l Smelter Abu! Steel Fdry. .. Am. ! Sugar ...... Am. Sumatra .... B00Am.!Tel. & Tel.. . 500iAm. Tobacco .... 6700iAm. Wool 1200 Am. Zino 9600 Anaconda ....... .... Associated Oil . . . 700 Atchison ....... .... Atlantic Coast Line 6300 iAtl. Gulf St W. L. 16001 Baldwin Ixco. . . . 3o00,Bi. & Ohio . . . . Booth Fish IB. B. T. I FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Corrected dally by the rorehrn exchange de partment of the United States National bank. Quotations below, sxeept tns pound sterling. are quoted oa the basis of 100 units foreign surrency. j . i Opening nominal rates on bank transactions: Draft London , Checks. Lbs. storting. 8 8.48 6.00 H Paris Francs. Hamburg-. Marks .... Genoa Lire. . Athens- Drachm, s. Copenhagen- Kroner ... . Christianise Kroner ... . Stockholm Kroner .,. . Honskonc Currency .... 61. OO Japan yen Shanghai Taela ... 1.4S S.64 8.S0 18.80 18.78 19.30 60.50 79.50 Cable Transfers. $ 8 48 6.07 1.43 8.65 8.40 13.90 13.88 19.49 61.50 50.75 80.00 .. Par Value. $ 4.866 19.30 23.81 19.30 ; 39.80 ''26.70 26.70 ; 26T0 48.84 1 I SHORT TERM NOTES Quotations furnished by Clark, Kendall gt Co.. Inc. Security Am. Cot Of! 6s ... . Am. T. at T. 6a . . , Am. T. At T. 6 Am. Thread 6s. . . . Am. Tobacco 7s.... Am. Tobacco 7a. . . . Am. Tobacco 7a.... Am. Tobacco 7s.... Anglo Am. Oil 7s. Armour Conv. 7a . . Belgian Gov. 7s.. Belgian Gov. 6s ... . Belgian Gov 6s... . , Beth. Steel 7s..... Beth. Steel 7s British Gov, 5s., British Gov. 6 Hs. Canadian Gov. 5Hs Canadian Gov. 5Hs Cudahy Packing 7s. Int. B, T. 7s. Japanese Gov. 4 H s Kennecott Cop. 7s . Ligg. Myers Tob. 6s Molina Plow 7s..., Molice Plow 9s. ... Molins Plow 7s..,, Moline Plow 7s. . . , Nor. Pac. Eq. 7s' . . Pacific Gaa 7s. . . , Swift 6s U. S. Rubber 7s. . Msturity. 9-2-24 10,1.22 2-1-24 12-1-28 11-1-20 Jl-1-21 i 1-122 11-1-23 ' 4- 1-25 7.15.30 6.1.4 5 at. 1.21 1.1.25 7.15.23 7- 15-22 11,1.21 . 11.1.22 8,1,21 8.1.29 7.15.23 9-1-21 7.10,85 2.1.30 , 12.1,21 a-1-21 8- 1-22 ft-1-23 9- 1,24 5-15-22 5- 1-25 8- 15-21 , .12,1.23 Bid. : 89 94 93 93 94 9b 99 99 99 99 97 99 91 97 95 97 94 98 90 90 70 74 91 97 ?8 95 94 98 9 96 7 4b 98 ' 101 i Asked. f 91 ! 95 1-93 ; 95 96 100 100 100 H 100 99 98 99 91 98 96 98 95 98 90 93 71 74 92 98 i. ! .... springs irrigation district, Malheur county, Oregon, 6 per cent gold bonds maturing January 1, 1925 to 1926, priced to yield 7 per cenL The 1500,000 Washington Pul p & Paper corporation first mortgage 8 per cent sinking fund gold bonds is a new Issue that is toeing featured by Blyth Witter company- The property is lo cated In Port Angeles, Wash., and con sists of a five-unit 60-ton mechanical pulp mill and a 55ton daily capacity paper mill, together with complete auxil iary equipment, occupying 60 acres of land. The investment in the property to date, exclusive of proceeds of this bond issue, is reported to be $1,500,000. The bonds are secured by a first mort gage on all the property of the corpora tion. The security is being offered at 100 and accrued interest. external sterling bonds of several for eign countries, among which are listed kingdom of Norway, kingdom bf Den- iiiaiiv, Buvernmem oi Argentina Jna the republic of Chile. The bonds are all ex ternal obligations of. the issuing country and are' payable, Interest and principal, in pounds sterling at the current irate of exchang. With, the ariticinated up ward trend jof the pound sterling holders of these -bonds will reap exceptional Interest returns. j 1 . Investment Firm FVjrmod xus i uui mull ii ve niinri l voiuwun Portland, capitalized at $5000, and wi C. A. Bell, William L. Urewsternd Her-" man Moeller as incorporators, filed Its articles of incorporation Wednesday with K. I,.. Devereaux & Co. are Dresenting to the public for subscription blocks of the Multnomah county clerk 98 MNANCIAL, The latest circular issued by the Ralph Schneeloch company shows a number of civic securities in Oregon and Washing ton -which are being offered at ! prices that yield from 6 per cent to 7 per cent Among those listed are : City of Enter prise. Or.. 6 per cent bonds with esti mated maturities from October 1, 1922, to October l.WSOt priced to yield from 6.3 to 6.70 per cent; Skagit county. Washington, 6 per cent road bonds, due serially from 1921 to 1930. yielding 5.75 to 6 per cent ; Grants Pass irrigation dis trict 6 per cent gold bonds, due 1930 to 1938, yielding 6.25 per cent; and Warm- OUR ENTIRE commitment of Edmonton 6 General Obligation Gold Notes Mas been rsold with the exception of ! but $84,000. 100 Butte C. A Z. . . . Butte Sc Sup Caddo Oil Canadian Pac . . . 3000CenJ Leather .... 500Chi. Sc N. W BOO Chicago Gt, W. . . 19000 ChiB Copper 1400 Chino 2400 C.M. & St. P.... 1400 C. & O .... Colo. F. Sc I. . . : 500 Colo. Southern . . 800 Col, Gas Sc Elec. . 2200 Cons. Gaa 2600 Corn Products ... 600 Cosden Oil 2300 C. R. "L Sc P 9000 Crucible 100 Del St Hudson. . . 300 Dome Mines . . . . 100D. Sc IL U. . iSOOIErie . .....Fed. Min. St Smelt. I 7UOGa8ton Wms 400Gen. Cigars . . . . 2500iGen. Electric . . . 82200Gen. Motors .... 200Granby ; . . lOtliGreat Nor. Ore. . HOOOIGreat Nor. pfd... 500 Greene Cananea. . i . . . (Gulf 8.. Steel 500,Houston Oil . . . . 400:Diinois Central... 3800lnspiration . . . . yinx. Agr. Corp, 1200 Interboro 700 Int Ilarv. i 100 Int. Merc. Marine.! 2300Int. Nickel . . . . ilnt. Paper 1600 Invincible Oil 4900lrJUid Oil , 1600'IK. C. Southern.. 6600Kennecott , 500Lack. Steel . SOOjLehieh Valley . . 200 46700 1000 9900 8000 L. St N. Mex. Pet. Miami Middle States Midvale Steel iLK.iT , 1700iMo. Pac. , 900 do pfd. , Mont Ward ..... M. St St. L. 500 Nat. Enamel Nat. Lead 6300 Nevada Con. New Haven ...... Norfolk St W. 8300Nor. Pac 100;N. Y. Air Brake.. 1400N. Y. Central .... 1400Okla. Prod, ref... 400iOnurio St Vf 1900Pac Gaa St Elec... 200jPac Mad , 17400jPan Am. Pet. .... BouuPenn. 40UIPeoooles' Gaa lleOOiPurs Oil , 700Piercs Oil , 1600, Pitta St West Va. . .... iPressed Steel Car. 600 Pullman , 3700;Kay Cons. ...... 43100Keading 700Keplogle Steel ... 2300iKepubbe L St S (BOO.Koyai Dutch Oil .. 100Uy. Steel Springs,.. Z700,.S-an Roebuck .... 200,Hhattuck. Arts. . . . 18o0d .Sinclair 52800 Southern Pacific . . 3500Southern Railway.. 2000,SL L. St S. F 6400Studebaker ...... ISwift Sc Co 900Tean. Cop. St Cbs. . lS300Texaa Oil 14000Texas Pacific...... 4000Tobacco Products. . 240OTraa. Confl.Oil. . . 2900;L"nion Oil Del 8000, Union Pacific 1300U. ft. Ind. Alcohol. 2000, C. S. Rubber. . . . . 100 U. S. Smelting.... 29800 U. & Steel ...... ...... JUtah Copper . . . v . BOOfVa. Cham. , 1300Vivandou . ...... 200 100 2800 800 Wabash Wells Fargo ... Western Pac . Western Union Westingfass E. M.I Willys-Overland W. St L. E. Total sales, stocks, 750,500 shares. lotau sales. Donas, S14.ti81.000. I High Low Bid tisSSSSSSESSSSSEESSFi 1 1 . 1 .. I 'f6" I ' New Issue- 26 25 26 125 1241125 tsarar sr AV 42 42 41 II : 5! II 7 One to Tea-year Serial II e bv eo j 11 II 10 10 10 I 1 1 46 45 45 rfl el TT 1 II EstahlUhed ? 111 Toppemsh, Wash. B 99 98 98 II Ceatury Ip.nU II Improvement Bonds . l r 39 2 1 38 HI 88 El to yield i H I 8"' '83 83 II ' 1 " " "' ' - 1 SH 15 14 15 --wJtoy- H II , 117 116 116 Vk' ' ! II lYl 40 39 39 1 II 111 :j7i 758 " Call or write for detail. II VI 9 8 1 II . 18 17 18 H I Ul . 32 31 31 -i U III IU Jill SMITH M . 80 79 80 Tmf I III . 73 72 73 sS 4V I lAJ . 80 80 29 -5" w.--w I Ml . 31 80 30 OROUNO FCOOSI CAMP I II . 94 92 93 UlNSIISINS BlIILDIMS) I IU1 I! ! I ! ii "!"" CO, ( III I I'll I : swjwvwsv !! :: 'iiw in ' 11 in eHasaHnggvxgvsvxsnu iruii "5i '6 5fN I I ' ,12 128 128 - . I I ' VV I . 16 14 15.-, rjrTaJrr . II . ::::::::::: IS ffSf7 M . 80 79 79 ! figwV I 1 ' ao ' ( I II ! 84 "82 84 I M . 88 88 88 if III - w 3: AWordAbout- H H 15 ii ii 11 - leases t 11 111 14 14 14 111 i III Iftl 26 25 26 I . TF you are planning g II , 6. . S '26 II on ritlnIf x nc IB III is '18 18 if lease on your prop- Ifi Ml 64 53 53 II rtv be sure to keen III 50 49 49 II f"V IB II .... 10 102 102 I ill tne ccildin 110c 111 , iyi 1 iiyii -s '16 lie 'IflS i II taxcs in mind. There fl on:: 1 iSX HI are many other pracl II II"' 31 3IS II tical points to be con, U 07X171 2 1 20 20 sidered also. I I V.I 9J 42 42 42 ill 1 ' IS " It 5 lit iu. U We are In a position I 60 49 49 H to advise with clients 1 "9""8 15 H on such questions , llll lo55 11 H W. manage and da- I 85 84. 8 velop property. f' . TV A. '74 '74 74 In . : I I M , 3 jf! j 11 rr- 1! Hi S5- i Strong 6 lcau4htpri tL 40 40 40 P 't1 "". , I i2 12 12 ' ; ; " aai 81 81 i . . ; , . . j fc . . g3 L awaawasssssssssawawawswaWaWawsswawassssswass i64'i04' 104 11 11 11 ssjssswsssjsssswssswswwsswwa 91 89 90-B I . ft T I lh Ik lh I Heirb& Modes, Inc. I .......... 85 1 lt lUill 1D1 II oS1 o641 J I Fast Private Duplsi Wire J2,L-.',H I CO.T TO COT. ! l oi I X. II . . . n-i- rtmrn. Miaeenane- 1 1 II 1 -m 1 I "111 73 46 45 46 106 8 8 8 50 49 60 20 20 20 54 53 63 9 8 9 23 22 22 119 119 119 71 70 70 1 ov 1 fl 1 y 1 09 1 IZH 81 81 I ' - 1 ss 106 106 Hi 82 IsVsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssw 51 60 51 II ' si. aa i 7Til ill 7 9 9H 8H 47 88 82 82 , . 88 tt 48 41 42 IS... ill We offer subject to prior sale and change, in rrie $84,000 CITY OF 1 EdmoBtoini - PROVINCE OF ALBERTA 6 General Obligation Gold Note ': Yieldlmg Exempt From All Dominion Government Tax Dated September 1, 1920. Due September 1, 1922 Price 95.24. Denomination $1000 In addition to being General Obligation Notes, these art secured by long-time debentures totaling 2,594, 420.00. : Other High Yielding Issues Exempt From All Dominion Gov't Tax Greater Winnipeg Water District, Manitoba $5000. 5 Gold Bonds. Due Aug. 1, 1926. , Price 86.54. Yield &. Denomination $1,060. j Province of Alberta $3000, 5 Gold Bonds. Due Aug.-1, 1922. Price 96.15. Yield 7J49 Denomination $1000. Province of Saskatchewan $100, 5. Gold Bonds. Due Oct. 1, 1525. Price 90.02. Yield 7tf . Denomination $1000. , Principal and semi-annual interest of the above issues payable in . S. Gold Coin in New York City and at the offices of Morris Brothers, Inc. ' Telephone or Telegraph Orders at our. fi perns. - MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. "Tne Premier Maalclpal Bond Honss PORTLAND, OR. MORRIS BLDG. 309-11 STARK BROADWAY 2151 Other Offices at Seattle. Tacoma, Wash., and San Francisco. Cat, Capital Oee Hlllloe Uollarg SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES STaval 8torei Market ' New Tork. Dec 3. (I, ft. B.) Tarpea tine. Savannah. 92; New Tort. 92. Rosin Savannah. 1 11.00; Kew Tork. f 10.50. . Establtshsd 19. : Rallwav Esohsnos Bide, rest Private Ousts Wire - COAST TO COAST. Stocks. Rinds, Grain, Cotton. Miscellane onaSecuritiea and libertj Bonds, booght and sold lor cash or eonservattvs margin. aaiha. Ctileaas Board of Trade. Cwisapdhdsfrts E. F. HuUee A ; vsrm Stock Etehense.1 New Vark CoUM Exehenos. sw Orleans Cotton Exchange. Offless asatUe, PorUand Taeoma, tain 2?t-2S4. Btecks. Bead. Ceftoe, erala. Etc 1 tM Board el Trade BaJldI Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES I , If embers CWeafe Board Tn4 CorresaoadsaU el Lofaa BrymB CbJcace The same sound Judgment which has rulded the affaire of -this, bank for more than three score years guides it today In the election of the bonds it offers you. . , We Offer for Investmsmt PROVINCE OF . BRITISH COLUMBIA 6 Coupon Bonds Dated June 30, 1920 Due Jane 30, 1925. PRICE 94.35 YIELD 7 Denominations $1000 mi Ml iruii inl These bonds ore backed by IfM llll BOND Ut3lAI Hardin, Montana, is oiie of the most carefully financed of our smaller western cities This district "embraces practically the entire city and has taxable properties worth more than $2,300,000, - ' HARDIN, MONT. 6 Iinp. DUt Bonds Due 1925-30 j .Den. $500 Price, All Maturities Yield From 94.SO 6.85 to 7.605 INCOME TAX EXEMPT BROADWAY AND OAK