FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1820. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 STATE GETS ALL IT 00 REVENUES Portland's police department and police courts are doing the state's work of arresting, convicting and collecting fines from state traffic law violators in the city and turn-' ing the gross revenue over to the - state treasurer. Lieutenant Harvey A. Thatcher of the auto theft de partment has advised Mayor Baker and Commissioners Bigelow and Bar bur. . . I Thatcher urges the city council to take stepe toward securing legislation which will give Portland a fair portion of , the revenue from atata cases handled by the city, courts and police department, thus paying the cost of handling the state's ' business. "In the auto-theft department alone we made 174 arrest of state traffiQ-law violators, each resulting in fines Trom ' to to $25. The traffic squad made even tmoro arrests. The entire revenue Trent to the state, although it cost the city thousands of dollars to do that work," Thatcher said. Commissioner Burelow. who will also be acting mayor and commissioner of public safety while Mayor Baiter is, on his southern vacation trip, will confer with , the other commissioners with a view to securing a division of state funds collected through the city's police de partment. ItlVER . STJtKJkrr ENDS MUST BB REPAIRED, IS NEW EDICT The owners of the property between Taylor and Salmon streets, extending from Front street to the river will either c repair the plank toads in those slips leading down to the" water's edge within three days or -I wHl officially barricade , their property from -further use as a 'menace to public ' safety, Commissioner of Public Works Barbur announced to day. " "The ramps, or roadways, leading to the water are rotting away and the city Is liable to damages in the event anyone is hurt there, and I do not pro ' pose to tolerate such a condition any lonrer. Barbur said; Other property owners " along - the water iront have, been given 10 days ' notice to repair their property and un less they carry out the commissioner's Instructions to place it In. a safe con dition within the specified time barri cading proceedings will be eneforced there also, .the commissioner announced ORDINANCE TO ASK REMOVAIj HARRISON FOUNDRY PLANT City Commissioner Barbur announced Thursday he1 would Introduce an ordi nance before the city -council next week declaring the. Harris vfoundry works at Vancouver avenue andFTlllambok streets A health tread with an appealing flavt ENRIGHTS "Alio the Wheat" Bread" Made without fats from a specially milled all wheat flour, Recom '; mended by goverflment health experts. AT YOUR GROCER'S LOG CABIN BAKING CO. a nuisance and providing legal action to compel the removal of the foundry from that section of the city. Residents protested' against the foun dry continuing at its present location early in the present year, at 'which time the department oC public works held a hearing on. the protest. At that time Leach Brothers owned and operated the foundry, and on their promise to seek a new location away from a residence dis trict the Protestants agreed to drop the matter, Barbur said. Instead of keeping their promise to move, the Leach Brothers sold their foundry to the Harris Foundry works, neglecting, so the new owners allege, to inform - the purchaser of the plant s obligation to leave the neighborhood. Residents again asked for rls removal because- of the nuisance of the cinders and ashes from its smokestack, danger of fire, disturbing noises and other ob jectionable features, and It was the sec ond request which prompted the action of the city council in removing it. HEALTH CARDS WILL BE . ISSUED EVERY SIX MONTHS In order to reduce the work of In spection and Issuing health cards to 15,000 restaurants and' other food sell ing concerns throughout the city, the hospital . ordinance governing the ex amination of employes and the payment of hospital fees has been amended to require examination and payments of fees semi-annually instead of quarterly as heretofore. Hundreds of dollars and minv days of service are saved the city in addition to . saving of time to 15.000 employes by the new ordinance, accord ing to City Health Officer Dr. George Parrish. - Marriage Licensee Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 3. Marriage licenses were issued Thursday to George Bailey. 27. and Lulu Williams. 28, Port land ; Marlon More, 42, and Grace Hef ferman, 33, Portland : Albert Brandes, 21. and Ruth Marcy. 19. Portland ; John Moody, 63, and Anna O'Neill, 50, Port land; James Taylor, 41. and Anna Hau ble, 86, Portland: George McGure, 18, and Edith Woodruff. 34, Portland ; Oscar Mltchener, 25and Anna Kowaleswoslci, 18, Portland. SHfSS, SSSSSSBSSSSSSS Safe Milk r Infan!j Invalids NOOOOK3NO Tbm "Pood - Drink" for All Ages, Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and Fountains. AA for HORLIC1CS. tr Avoid Imitations ft Sabstitstei JAVA COFFEE CO. SATURDAY SPECIALS 11 II. TO 12 NOON 1 Lb. M. J. B. Coffee .. . .40c 1 Lit. TO CrSTOMEBT ' 1 Qt. Mazola Oil 48c 1 CA2T TO CUSTOMER , 1 Can Log Cabin Syrup .. . 25c S CAUS 'TO. CUSTOMER 4 Bars Palm Olive Soap 25c 8 BABS TO CUSTOMER Very Best Butter 1 Lb. .. ..... . 56c Roll ....$1.12 FRESH SA LION IS OUT OF MARKETS Fresh salmon of top quality is prac tically out of the market There is. however, a very good supply of fancy frozen Chinook that will take the place of the fresh fish. This Is being sold by retailers from 25c to 30c a pound. ' Eggs continue to tumble in price and it begins to look as If extreme low values will be reached unless the weather turns cold. Chickens are still very low in price ; in fact fowl is. about as cheap as good quality beef and even cheaper than good pork. Oranges are gradually dropping" in price but they are still far too high for the average consumer to participate. Japanese oranges are also offering, but they are likewise out of sight as regards 'price. Apples are still selling far below the cost of production but within a short time red stock will be scarce. It is advisable to buy a box or two of good fruit. The followln nrlecs mind nnmllt In bop for good quality. Some rallies ar. frac tionally higher and nfenor stuff fractionally lower: Butter Bart creamery, 60 962c. Eggs Trash laid. 76o dot a; ordinary,, 70s per dozen. Poultry Chicken, dnved. 8S40o per th. Fih Salmon. 2830o lb.; halibut, SOe POT lb. Flour Best local patent. $2.85 0 8.00 per sack. 40 Iba. k Potatoes Burbankt, 2 He, Onions Oregon, 2 2 H e. Dining Service RCstored Dining ear service is to be established immediately upon O-W. R. N. train No. 11, from Spokane, according to an nouncement made by officials of the passenger department of the O-W. this morning. Train No. 11 has not given ainer service In the past. Here We Are Again Saving You Money on Your Sunday Meats t " Special for Saturday Only CUDAHY'S SUGAR CURED HAMS 30c Lb. CUDAHY'S SUGAR CURED PICNIC SHOULDERS 21c Lb. All Meats Reduced Accordingly QUALITY MARKET 170 Fifth Street, Near Yamhill ALL DAT JAVA COFFEE CO. 291 Yamhill St. . f Rathbiin & Rose 188 THIRD ST. NEXT TO POWERS Specials for Saturday and Monday WALNUTS Cat. Soft Shell No. 2, 3 lbs.. 50c J CRISCO & lbs. . . $1.60 SNOWDRIFT 2 lbs. ,5Sc 4 lbs. .....I.. 98c S lbs. ......$1.96 COTTOLENE 8 lbs. $1.75 ; COFFEE, Royal Club lb- 43c 3 lbs. ..,,.$1.25 5 lbs. $2.05 NAVY BEANS' 5 lbs 35c ' to lbs. ....... .65c 16 lbs. ...... S1.00 JAP RICE 6 lbs. for . . . . -50c 12 lbs. for .:$1.00 VEGETABLES 3 cans Spinach. .50c 3 cans corn . . .50c 3 cans Peas . ..:50c a cans Tomatoes 25c 2 cans Pumpkin 25c 2 cans S. Kraut 25c TREE TEA V lb ...27c i lb.' ....... 50c ' POTATOES 12 lbs. ....... 25c too lbs . ... .$1.80 ONIONS 12 lbs. ....... 25c -loxr lbs. ... .$1.75 BEACON MINCED ' RAZOR CLAMS IS l-i-oz. can. .20c 2-lb. can ..... .38c 1 dozen cans.. $2.25 BISHOP'S COCOA 1 lb. pkf.. . .25c PURE CANE I : SUGAR 5 lbs. . ... .50c to lbs. . . .$1.00 SOAP io bars W. Won. 62c 10 bars Cry. W. 65c .3 bars Palmolive 25c NEW BLACK FIGS 2 lbs. V... 25c 25 lbs. . $3.00 DRIED FRUIT Apples, a lbs.. .25c Prunes, i lbs... 25c Peaches 2 lbs. .55c BUTTER Pound ....... .58c Roll ........ $1.15 GUARANTEED EGGS; Dozen ...... ..65c KERR'S BEST PATENT FLOUR 49-Ib. sack... $2.53 Barrel .....$10.00 Crown and White Mountain, 49-lb. sack ......$2.60 Barrel . . .$10.40 R. Oats, 4 lbs... 25c la- LOG CABIN SYRUP Larjre ....$1.18 BEAVER CASH and CARRY GROCERY In the Beaver Meat Market, 287 Yamhill Street, Between Fourth and Fifth Street THE BIG, CLEAN MARKET ALL IN WHITE T. H. COWLEY, Prop. Provision Department t lbs. Fall Cream Checta. . .XI. 65 S lbs. Cholco Cr'm'ry Butter f l.lO t doz. Guaranteed Egg.,...$i.Z& Xocoa and Gemnnt Oleo, oalj 35 i lb.i S lot f l.OO SPUT PRUNES 8 lbs. for 25I 5-lb. box 82.15 Only a Few Left t pounds Fancy Franes .5Q S ponnd Rice 25 S poaada Loo- Head Blee 50 Early Morning Suggestions 19-lb. can MarshmaUow Synp Large raa log Cabin Synip $ j-io. nine j&aro li-lb. tlaht Karo....... A.. It-lb. Athene Pancake Floor. 1Mb. Kerr's Pancake Flour.. 2 pkgs. Olympic Paneake Fl'r 10-lb. Cornmeal M-lb. Flour .... . . ............ Package Quaker Oats.... 1.13 1.15 .sot 39 5 .15 PRUNES! PRUNES! Xtra line quality. Packed la t-lb. boxes set welf kt S1.85. Beady for malllnf to your (rleadi back East or la foreign eouatiiet. Fol lowing Is list. of eost for mailing pareel poeti let uone, 16ej Bd sone, He; td aoae, Uc 4th, 47e tk, (8c To Eaglaad, Frauee, Germaay, In deed anywhern la this old world, for only 1141. Seeare all yoa want today. 25-lb. Boxes Fancy Prune $4.75 Will mall anywhere ap to (M miles for Met extra IH miles, tie extra. Mall Ja year orders aow. Bay as many as yon waat. Bead If yoa waat 'em. 2 Big Extras for Saturday -os. glass of Jelly 104 te-os. Jar of Strawberry and Apple Jam only 39 a for .7&t CROWN FLOUR- 4t-Poand Sack ....t2.65 BRINCTTHIS AD t bars "Wklte "Wonder Soap at 25 a to a Cnstomer t bars Palm OUto....- .... .25e COFFEE SNAPS lb. can M. J. B SS2.1S t lbs. Goldea West ...$2.15 I lbs. Dependable ........... 1 2. 10 t lbs. Boyal Clab... .$1,30 Snowdrift Shortenin t Poaads -A9t Feands 98 , - 8 Poaads $1.89 t-lb. caa Crlsco. ............ $2.39 BIG EXTRA Canned Peaches, tH-Ib. can 23 for $1.35 Tree Tea, pound 50 Gaalt's Canadian Bias Blbboa Tea, pound .....T5 Bldgways Tea, oaad. T5 THIS IS THE STORE TO PATROTTIIE PB1CE CUTTING, BTT QUALITY CUTTIKG TfEVEB EVERT THING SOLD OS THE MONET-BACK SYSTEM MAIL OBBEBS BECEITE SPECIAL ATTENTION, NONE LESS THAN T fAmt la kmtr U U aranmaW nUun it' I" it & JEl 13 " y. mm Why the flavor doesn't vary It is remarkable that twenty-foar kitch ens can co-operate so closely that the quality of Tillamook Cheese does not vary. The cheese in everj vat is test ed before it1 leaves the kitchens and unless the highest standard is reached, Tillamook; is not placed on the rind. Tillamook is so good in flavor because of its creamy richness. It is high in food value and will reduce the cost of living materially if substituted for meats and eggs on your menus. Fiv quarts of full cream milk are used in making a pound of Tillamook Cheese. Delicious souffles, egg omelettes, pota toes, macaroni and cheese and other every day dishes will be improved by the use Of Tillamook Cheese and melted Tillamook Cheese on toast oh, how good! The best grocers everywhere sell Tillamook Cheese by the slice or in 6 and 14 pound sizes. TILLAMOOK COUNTT CMAMERY ASSOCIATION 24 Cktmi Kitckna Osi mif mttd Opermftd C spwarieeft ijy Tillamook Dmujmtn TXUAMOOK. OKEGON 20tlii CentmiFy Storefe . i These were the first established Cash and Carry Stores in fortland l Total number of store in operation in and out of Portland arm 14 Figures below express the reasons, partly, of the groWth of the 20th Century institutions. It is always worth while to read all of a 20th Century ad, and these ads reflect only a few of the hundreds of price reasons that make these the popular and reliable stores. Small Ivory Soap, per bar St, 10 bare 79S box of 100 bars....... ralm OIrt or Cram Oil Royal Wbito Soap 3 bars 25c 4 bar. 25c .$7.85 Dew Drop Washing- Powder 25c Crisco, 1 lb. 29, JYt lb. 43S 3 lbs. 85, 6 lbs. $1.G5, 9 lbs Karo Com SyrMp, Rod 10s, 97c BIuo 10s, 87ci RJ So New Prune, rood siae, ! Goldea Rod Pancake, per lb. 10c large size 29c 49c Fresh Roested Peanuts, per lib. 15c Log Cabin Syrup, email size 28S medium size 56d large size. New Pack Corn, Extra Standard quality, 3 cans 50c, doa. New Pack Tomatoes, - Aha Brand, No. 1 cans 10c, doa. ,. - , new rack Peas,. Coody Goody or Minnebaha brand. 3 for 50c. doa. . 1.S1.12 $1.80 ..........$1.05 Libby's, Del Monte, Royal Club, Panama Pacific or Sun kin t brands of Sliced Pineapple in large, cans, $1.85 38c each, 2 for Sliced PineappI in large cans, 38c eacb, 2 for. . . . .75c -. '. 75c Lily of The Valley canned good are now in. We have almost a complete assortment of these splendid lorn state canned goods mil priced in the usual 20th Century careful manner. Cane Sugar, either fruit or berry, lb. 10, S" lbs. 49V 10 lbs. OS Do you like yosar Coffee freak roasted 7 If yen do. buy them th same day they are roasted at the 20th Century stores. i Sunset a splendid coppinf coffee, lb. 34c, 3 lbs. . ........... . .$1.00 Peaberry especially strong ; same price as Sunset 5 lb. lots of either SI .60 D. M. Catsup, full pint Preferred 1 Stock. Heints Catsup. botUea 15c fuU pinta 29c large bottle 35c 100 lb,. $9.78 O Joy famous English Custard delicious dessert 7 flavors to select from; 2 pkgs. Peanut Butter, fresh made, per lb. 15c No use to pay more thia is the best. Del Mont Yellow Clins; Peaches just fine in flavor and very heavy syrup No. ...........35c . 1- 2 can for. . . . , ,35c Butter made th day you bay in th best of Creameries, and special at 58c pr lo., 2 Iba .$1.15 Flour No better place to buy than et th 20th Century Vim, White Mountain. Crown or Olympic at, per -io. sacst . . . 52.55 Toilet Paper, large rolls, best quality crepe. Athlete brand, 3 rolls. . . . . .. . 25c There are hundreds of other just as good or better reasons why-it pays to trade at the 20th Century Stores, and they; are conveniently located at 20th Century Grocery Store I AND THEY ARE CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT ; 168 Fifth, between Yamhill and Morrison ................... 1 69 Third, between' Yamhill and Morrison 164-166 Second, between Yamhill and Morrison .Stalls No. 3 and 4 in the Yamhill Sanitary Market First and Alder Streets, in the Alder Market. .410 Montgomery, between 10th and 11th 731 H Washington, near 23rd 67S Williams av.. cor. Fargo 167 S East 13th. cor. Umatilla, Sellwobd 1047 Williams .Corner WUliama and Alberta Here .Comes : -FmiiY.size Tins Mm' - ? 7 " -..w-..r ,ow avamae, . y tt in ? riere VOlTieS Fmmi!y.sizc Tins the, Grocery Man with Snow Flakes Thousands of children are happier and healthier because they can have all th Snow Flakes they need tween meals. And what better than these crisp, satisfyint slithtly salty crackersT i our grocer nas in em. Don't ..k for Crki my 8nw Flak J,, n ... : r Johnson & Wilson Grocery 187 THIRD ST BETWEEN YAMHILL AND TAYLOR BUTTER IS DOWN If you ar looking for quality, try our Butter. Pound 60c. Roll $1.20 Tillamook Cheese, mild or sharp, pound .................. .40c Cottae Cheese. 2 Iba. 25c Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Efts 68c Extraordinary Bargains While They Last ' z Lbt White Fin .......... ...UK Milk. Carnation or Borden'a a Can 60s Sugar. Lb. ....10 t)olden West Cotfee, Lb. ...... 42 Powdered Sugar. Lb. ........ .15a Cube Sugar, Lb. 15 Brown Snrar, Lb. lOet Ghirardelli'a Chocolate Lb. Cana 35 Bulk Cocoa. Lb. 2Ct 2 Lbs. Peanut Butter .........250 1 Qt. Sauer Kraut .....&e X Lb. Black Pepper 35 e Lbs. Salt SOe Instant Postum; Large 45 Qrape Nuts, Pkga......,.....50 Poet 'Toaattsa, Pka;. lOe Olympic Wheat Hearts.. .....Zitf GhlrardelU's) Eagle Sweet Chocolate. Lb. ...... ....... .400 Log Cabin Syrnp. Large.. ..SI. 15 2 Lba. Black Figa .250 17 Bars Crystal Whit Soap 3 Bars Irory Soap 25c ' .......... j Fancy Jap Rice. 13 Lba,....g upui' re, JjO. ...,,...... Green Dried Peas. Lb...... f eari tsariey, jlo. j mpioca, 1A. Saro. Lb. ... 4 Lbs. Best White Beans 3 Lbs. Brown Beans ......... .2Sa 4 Lba. Speckled Beana 25 vw dwki uku, vn, X4C 1 g Cans w.Sl.lO Del Monte Sweet Corn. 2(i 8 fCana Sweat Heart Byrup.-Bottle.. ..25 Yen Camp's Catsup, Pint,s..2i koi lea uats, 19 Lb. Back...... Rolled Oats In Bulk. 4 Lba.... Pancake Flour, Fisher's. 10.. Corn Meal, Fisher's, 10s. ..,..450 Lb. Snowdrift ........ Lb. Crisco...., ....2.3 .. ......... $1.00 I Tory Soap Flak 25c . '. .... : ..... . 3 Pkgs Johnson & Wilson Grocery 187 Third St. r.iKtsjbjtd U. .