The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 01, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Stat highway construction advo
cates have a new, automatic financ
ing? plan under" consideration for
presentation to the legislature in
January, which, it adopted, will give
the highway .commission authority
not only to fix the interest rate on
bonds according to the condition of
the money market from time to
time, but also to Issue- bonds on its
own motion up to the constitutional
4 per cent limitation whenever con;
etructlon demands it and there is!a
gap between the bonds outstanding
and the limitation. ,',--'-"
; .oiaiea in anowier way, it is
to ask the legislature to grant authority
to the highway commission to authorise
and issu-state highway bonds at any
time n any sums within the limita
tion isifinever additional funds are
work and where bonds are available
under the limitation through the retire
ment of previously Issued bonds or
otherwise. - ,:.
WILL 1CEED $lMfl,00
The highway commission will have ex
tended, or will have contracted to ex
pend, all of the proceeds .from the $30,-
000.900 of state highway o bonds so rar
aumonzea or law uy uu cnu ui
At that time it is expected that the
Columbia river highway will have been
-completed from -.The Dalles to Astoria
as wen a mi facmc nisnway irora
Portland to the California-line, on both
the east and.west side routes. -
The commission Is now spending ap
proximately $10,000,000 a year, so that
if it is to continue at its present rate
of construction through 1922 it will be
necessary for the next legislature to
provide an additional $10,000,000 of
bonds, which would run the total Issues
up to the constitutional 4 per cent road
bonding limitation, or nearly so.
Up to the present time the legislature
has provided bond issues. In specific
amounts so that when-one issue -was
exhausted It was necessary to go to
th tarinlatiir for ftnnthAP. . It la has
proposed to change this policy so that
the highway commission can finance fu
ture construction without further re-
Within a short time outstanding bonds
to. be retired. . Every block that may
be retired by. the commission will widen
the gap between the outstanding .totals
and the constitutional limitation, and
make ,it lawfully possible to authorize
and issue' new bonds in an equivalent
amount. To make the picture plain,
it la apparent that if the next legisla
ture authorizes the Issuance of an addi
tional $10,000,000 of highway bonds the
constitutional limitation will have been
reached and no more bends can be law
fully issued. If, however. $10,000,000 of
the now outstanding Issues were to be
retired x by payment to the holders the
banded debt would automatically tu
$1X1,000,000 below the constitutional lim
itation aad It would be lawful to issue
that amount in new bonds.
The new plan fti merely to give the
hlrhwav commission authority to fill
any gap that may be caused by retire-'
ment of old bond issues through the saite
of new Issues and thus keep the total
highway i bonding- credit of the state
working, should the commission deem
It advisable, until such time as the en
tire highway program had been fin
anced and completed in other words,
to maintain the total highway bond
issues up to the 4 per cent limitation
so long as new construction would re
quire it. ?- - .. (
Tied Into this proposal "Is the sug
gestion that the highway commission be
given the authority to designate the in
terest rate on bonds from time to time
to meet ; the current cost of money' bor
rowed. It would fix a maximum inter
est rate up to "which .the commission
could go, and not beyond. This because
of the fact that highway bonds have
been forced below par on sale in the
past, presumably due to the -low interest
rate fixed by existing law.
There is opposition to this," however,
on the theory that past discounts have
' equalised the interest rate or rather
the earning power of the bonds to the
buyer so that it is, in practice, imma
terial to the buyer whether low interest
bonds are sold at a discount or high
Interest bonds at par. - j .
On the other hand, fit is contended
from the viewpoint of maximum con
struction resultant from bond money
that every dollar lost through discount
means a dollar less for road construc
tion,, . .
The entrance of another $10,000,000
road bonding bill in the coming legis
lative program undoubtedly, will tend to
raise the legislative temperature, for
there are members of the assembly who
contend that - the highway program
should 'pause a little with the comple
tion. of the" Columbia river and Pacific
highways until the future construction
.program could ,:be . .more definitely
mapped out than' at present
On the other- hand, there are many
who contend that the future state con
struction program should be put in the
hands of the highway commission with
full power to map out . routes ' and con
struct them. It begins to look as
though the road program would again be
-one of the main storm centers of the
session. 1 .1
' 1
All the New December
Victor Records Out Today
' Especially attractivev is this list of new selections..
. It contains somethidg pleasing for ' every taste..
Come in today or get them by mail.
..Olive Kline
..Olive Kline
The Japanese Sandman
pid Fashioned Garden
.Gems From "Mary" ......Victor Light Opera Company
Gems From "The Night Boat'V--, .Victor Light Opera Company
Whispering ............... ., ...... ... .John Steel
The Love Boat .......... John 8Uel
That Old Irish Mother of Mine.... ...Sterling Trio
Just likea Gypsy ... .'... ........... Sterling Trio
Anytime, Anyday, Anywhere Fox Trot...............''..
Paul Whlteman and his Ambassador Orchestra
Wang-Wang Bluest-Fox Trot .v,.:,.., ........,....
Fair One-Fox Trot ..The Benson Orchestra of Chicago
I I'd Love to Fall Asleep and Wake Up in Mammy's Arms. .........
I . '. . . . .. The. Benson Orchestra, of Chicago
f Chill Bean Fox Trot. ......The Benson Orchestra Of Chicago
I My Little Bimbo One-Step. The Benson Orchestra of Chicago
( Pance-O-Mania. Fox" Trot.. . . . . . .Salvia's Novelty Orchestra'
(Old Man Jaza Fox Trot i.. ,AU Star Trio
(Virginia Judge Second Session Part 1.1........ .Walter C. Kellys,
I Virginia Judge Second Session Part 2..; Walter C. Kelly.
Santa Claus Tells About His Toy Shopj. .....Gilbert Girard
, Santa Claus Gives Away His Toys.t.... .....Gilbert Girard
La Juive-Rachel, quand du Seigneur la grace tutelaire. ........ .....
Enrico Caruso
.....v. ...... Alfred Cortot
Tarantella Chopin)
The Garden of Memory.. .. t .. .
OX-Lana'TOh, Silveryf Moon) ................
At Parting ..
When I Was Seventeen (Swedish Folk Tune)
Symphonie Espagnole Andante
..Emillo De Gogorsa
...Giuseppe de Luca
GeralCIne Farrar
,'. . .Mabel Garrison'
....Jascha Reifets
My Sweet Repose ................. .Mme. Homer-Miss Louise Bonier
When You and I Were Young, Maggie............. John McCormaek
Hungarian Rhapsody. No. 2 (Llsxt ).......... Philadelphia Orchestra
The Home Road (Carpenter).......!. .....Ernestine Schumann-He Ink
85c . ,
74647 "
V Bubble Books for: Kiddies
First Bubble Book and Scond Bubhle -Book contain Mother - Goose
Rhymes. Third Bubble Book has three singing games. - Then there are
Animal Book, Pet Book. Pie Party Book, Happy-Go-Lucky Book. Merry
Midget Book, Funny Froggy Book. . ,
All of the books are handsomely iUustrated in colors j there are stories,
and three little records, plainly recorded, in order that the child may
understand and enjoy them; . -
The Price, $1.50 tacb. Send for Them
Jost check thosa desired 'and send -this list with your
remittance. Our Mail Order Department wHT do the rest
nM2r-B. Allen 6.
Mil jiiiHm. ntT $rW jjtjte;
Portland's Newest Great Store 27th and Vaughn
. . w .
si - m e- ssw s- - -
1 Satisfaction Guaranteea or Vbur Money Back
Takt NS or DM Cars or drive out to
27th and Vaughn street (adjacent to
Forestry building). : j
If it is not convenient for you to
come out to our store, send your order
by maiL .'
Your Christmas Gift Mori
'V r ' Splendid Selection in a Sale jof
Camisoles and Envelope Chemise
Silk Crepe de Chine Hand Embroidered Camisole, combined with latin
and filet lace, front and back, alike. Ribbon run top.' Colors, White
or pink, '
Sizes 34' to 44 inch bust.
Special Price .". . .".I . . . . .... ... . . .
Messaline Camisole, made in tailored top style. .Front daintily j? em
broidered in contrasting colors. Ribbon run top. Will wear!:' ex
ceptionally well: Color, navy blue. ' j!
Sizes 34 :to 44 Inch bust. ?"l QK
Special Price . . ..... . . . . .-. . . . . .. . . .. ........ tBxeJU
Attractiye Slip-Over Camisole of good quality wash satin. Front and
back yoke trimmed with filet lace. Lace shoulder straps. : Colors,
pink or white, . j!
Sizes 34 to 44 inch bust. QQa
Special Price5 ......... ............ . i . . . . :. .... pV
Slip-Over Camisole of good quality wash satin. Charmingly com
bined with lace. Front trimmed with shadow lace medallions, satin
ribbon and buds. Ribbon run at neck. Elastic at waist. Color, pink.
Sizes 34 to 44 in. bust. Cl 1 Sizes 46 to 52 in. bust.
Srecial Price ....... iDJLmOU Special Price
Dainty Camisole of Silk Crepe de Chine with popular new Style
shoulder sections of fine net, front -and back, attractively finished,
with lace intduny design. Net on front of shoulder daintily trimmed
with French knots in contrasting colors. Color, pink. V f. f
Sizes 34 to 4T1nch bust X'
Special Priced , . . i .
!t; S1.69
' l Wash Satin Envelope Chemise
1 Yoke, front and back trimmed with
Georg-ette crepe and Val. lace. Shoul
der sections of satin.. Satin ribbons
and buds in front. Colors, pink or
Sizes 34 to 44 in.
bust. Specially
Sises 46 to 62 in.
bust. . Specially
r?4. $3.45 rt,c?. $3.95
Silk Crepe de Cklae
Envelope chemise of fine Silk crepe de
chine. Made in camisole top style.
Daintily combined with net and ribbon
front and back alike. Finished In front
with silk buds and shirring. Lace
edging at lower edge and button flap.
Color, pinavx Sizes, it to 44
Inch bust. Special Price.
f Silk Crepe de Chine - - '
Hand embroidery hemstitching and
shirring trim this envelope chemise of
silie-crepe de chine. Made in tailored
topj Satin shoulder straps. Ribbon
run at neck. Color, pink or white.
Sises, 84 to 44 inch bust. eQ Of"
Special Price , WUtstU
In a Sale!
At 12.93 :
A big, handsome 8-dayclock,
with t mahogany veneer case,
rubbed by hand to, a -smooth,,
piano finish: The distinct $V
inch dial is set off -ith a pol
ished brass sash and convex
glass. Fitted with an eight-day
brass and tampered steel mve
ment that .keeps accurate, time.
Strikes the hours and half hours
on a mellow toned gong. '
Golden, oak mantel lock.
Height, itA inches; width, t9H
Inches, j Has a $y2 inch dial with
brass sash. The 8-day movement
keeps accurate time! and strikes
the. hours and half hours on a
rich, dee-toned cathedral gong.
At $6.75
Beautiful mahogany finished
shelf or mantel clock.' 'Height
10 inches. Width It inches.
Has 5 -inch white dial. Move
ment runs 8 days with one wind
ing. Strikes the hours on a
cathedral gong; the half hours on
a cup belt A splendid clock that
will make a very desirable Christ
mas gift.-
Novelty Turkish Towels
Special! ,
We, have underpriced a very attractive assortment of Turkish. Bath
Towels,, suggesting them for Xmas giving. Tasteful patterns in blue,
pink and gold border some of them; others are fancy plaids and stripes.
Many are designed with space for a monogram. You more than
pleased to find such towels at this low price. , ' .
Sue 22x54 'inches...: $1.35
Size 21x41, inches. . .$1.15
Sze 19x37 inches. ..
Size 18x36 inches....
Size 15x24 inches ..... 45
Bath Towel Set
Special $129
' This s unusually low-priced set
consists of one large towel, and
two wash cloths; woven of the
splendidly absorbent terry yarns.
Attractively patterned in the col
ors pink and blue.
Turkish Bath Mat
Special $1.45 -
Size. 23x37 Inches
Delightfully soft and thick.
White on plain woven colored
grounds; blue, pink and green. A
very exceptional value. .
We list five splendid
values in Cedar Chests
at five attractive prices.
Needless to ' say, i they
are very specially low-priced we
have priced them to stimulate Christmas buying. You make the
profit on these chests at the temporary low price- v J
Firmly constructed of select Western Cedar: highly polished cherry
.9 ' t r . . J ! ti ' X a '
rea in coior. iizes ana prices luuow: , ,
At $11.95
' 46 inches long, in the Colonial
designs; scroll feet. -
At $14.75
46 inches long; in the CoWnial
design, with two polished copper
hands around center.. . . ;
At $12.35
- t'
46 inches long; polished cop
pet trimraingslon corners, f
. At $14.85
46 inches41ong; trimmed, with
solid polished copper: on corners
and lid. . r 1
: . ... - - T t- .
' At $1655
54 inches long; trimmed as above.
A Xmas Sale
Bedroom Slipp
2000 Pairs Felt Juliets, Pr. $1.65 '
Women's leather soled -and heeled, fur trimmed-felt Juliets in black
and iown. Sizes 3 to 8. Very specially priced.
500Q Paiijs Felt Comfy Slippers, Pr. $1.45
Women'sCcomfort slippers with chrome leather soles; cushion
insoles; in old rose, light blue, gray and artroon. Sizes 3 to 8.
1000 Pairs Boudoir Slipper Pr. $1.75
Women's red or black leather boudoir slippers with leather soles
and heels. :; Sizes 2 14 to; 8. .
Women Pr. $2.65
Black patent stay Juliets; leather soles, cushion insoles and rubber
heels. Sizes lYt to 9. ,
Men's and Women's Everett Style Slippers $125
Felt Everett slippers -with combination leather and felt soles,
underpriced in tbe Montgomery-Ward way.
Women's sizes 3 to 8.
Men's sizes 6 to f2.
Children's Red Felt
Cavalier Boots
Babies' Foot-Form
Shoes,' $125 Pr.
Sizes 12 to 2.......
Sizes 9 to It......
Sizes 5 to ; 8 ...... .
ti se Made on a nsture-shaped last;
I 1.IK! turn l.Kth.p anlM In naf.
$1.10 I nt father, whits. Un, and black
95C I lestber. , Sises to t. ,
. Excellent Savings Now on
Fancy Pillow Cases
All 4x36 Inches All Specially Pricecl
Plain Scalloped Cases, pair. . . . 08
Embroidered Hemstitched Cases, pair. ... 7.?.' , .31.25
Embroidered and Scalloped Cases, pair..., 1.. ....... $1.75
The Sensational Clearance
of Fancy Silks Continues
This sale of beautiful silks, perhaps one of the best single offerings
this store has yet made, attracted hosts of buyers Monday and Tues
day buyers who were very agreeably surprised to find that such super
ior quality could be obtained at the incredibly low prices asked. These
three great lots, while they are rapidly diminishing, are still quite com
plete, offering a wide range of colors and patterns.
Lot 3-$1.45 Yd.
2 to 13 values (n all-silk plaids,
all-silk fancy linings, satin faced lin
ings, etc. " ( fc.
t.25 -to 82.09 values (n
part silk and cotton mate
rials. . i
1 Lot S-$1.45 Yd. . .-
2 to $3 values in all-silk broadcloth shirtings, Japanese shirtings,
satin striped shirtings, etc. - , ,
km 'V;-z
I f ' tV VyC?- S BxSy is lSxSS
ji " - jr wuii. a t-umpii romiiwur wagon.
! bneet steei Douy,
..... nimjul zuv. menu.
Toyland" Opening it on Thursday at this Store where Value-Giving is and always has been Greatest
For the sake: of the "kiddies," if , not ior the sake of economy, make your Christmas gift money go as far as possible.
Our splendid stack of the better class of toys will offer you many suggestions', and you will find that, just as in every
other commodity we sell here, you get complete value 'received for every dollar expended. - k
If you haven't already been here, make it a point to visit our great, new store Thursday .
Combination Game Board,
- $5.50
Croklnole on one side, checker board
and carrotn on the other. ' A trreat
number of other games can be played
on this board.
Educational Blackboard, $6.85
Surface of blackboard is 18xlS Inches. Scroll con
taining 68 charts, tnustratlnf the Modern Means of
Aerial Transportation, - the Panama Canal, the
Morse Tefcgraph Code, and many other Interesting
i '
Pool Table With Stand $16.95
..Ton measures &0x2f inches. Stands 34 Inches high.
Leas can be folded when not in use. . Complete wltb
IS balls, 2 cues, chalk and set-up table.
Fun for the grown-ups as well aa the children.
Boy's Largej Wagon, Two Sizea
! $9 and $10 .
Inches; rearing like that on a rerular farm
Toddle Bike. $2.60
A perfectly safe toy for! the little folks, 2 to i yean.
wooaen wnceia. witn pecuua on In Iront Wheel.
Marmon Automobile Racer, $7.95 -
iengta over all about IS inches; width
Washday Outfit, $2.60
Conslsunr of metal wash tub, is-in.
diameter; glass washboard ; wringer;
clothes Une; and clothes basket.
Solid Oak Rolltop Desk
With Chair, $10.95
Strongly built, and finished in gold
en oak color. A splendid gift for the
school boy or girl.
Velocipedes, Three Sizes,
$7.95, $8.75, $9.95
Btrongiy built velocipede; the best
Sturdy Swinging Horse, '
About II inches long, height IT
Inches. Suitable for children from
S to 7.
Girl's Upholstered Rubber
Tired Tricycle, $13.95
Cnameled in maroon with gold
stripes ; strong, sturdy construction
with a massive appearance.
Hardwood Steering Sled,
Top made of the finest quality bard
wood. Length. SS inches I width 14
inches ; height. inches.
. Ball-Bearing Coaster
Wagon, $7.85 and $8.95
An unusually fine plaything, made
rtrong and sturdy.
Dollies' Vardrobe Trunks,
A very com pis ts trunk, made - of
black waterproof texiderra. 22 inches
high - - v - -.' . :
Toy Trunk, $2.45
With Steeled Leek
The axact duplicate or real trunk.
Quality Calfskin
Head Drums
lt-inch Diameter f2.75
- 14-inch Diameter S3.85 -Head
of genuine calfskin.: bottom et
sheepskin.- Complete with drumsticks.
Complete Tool Chest,
A splendidly constructed chest,
quipped with ' full supply of car
penter's tOelS.
White Enamel Chiffonier
- IIM Inches high. 11 inches wide, 1
Inches deep; has three drawers. ;
White Enameled Dresser
-$3.65 ;
Height It inches, width IS Inrhe.
Sise of mirror UfcslV inches.- Vokr
drawers. . , 1 .
Reed Doll Buggy, $11.95
Handsome ; strongly constructed.
Oenuine reed top; full lined corduroy
seat and hood. .-;.:.
Irish Mail Car, $3.85
Beoommended by physicians for its
exercise-giving properties. Propelled
by the arms. AdJusUblo .for child,
from I to 15 years ol ags.
Sturdy Fiber Rocker, $5.25
Woven of brown twisted fiber that
closely resembles reed, and la more
durable than reed.
Child's Hardwood Rocker
Finished In golden oak er fumed
Heavy Hardwccd Reseller
Built of seasoned hardwood, in the
massive style. Seat is upholstersd la
artificial Spanish leather. -